HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-03; City Council; 5896; Second Amended Emergency Services Agreement Unified San Diego County Emergency Services OrganizationC!TY OF CARLSBAD 1\•.'iENDA BILL NO --~;;._j,..__.tf:..__.9....,G=--------- DATE: July 3, l, ... 97..,.9.__ _________ _ DEPARTMENT: Personnel ' ( ,, ,, . I. Initiai:~-Dept.Hd. C. Atty. C. Mgr.~ Subject: SECOND AMENDED EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT OF THE UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES ORGANIZATION Statement of the Matter Attached is a fina! copy of the second amended agreement with the Office of Emergency Services which was approved by the Board of Supervisors on May 29, 1979. The significant changes between the First Amended Emergency Services Agreement and the Second Amended Emergency S2rvices Agreement appear in format on Page 1, Introductory Paragraph; Paragraph 2; and Paragraph A on Page L The other significant changes appear on Page 5 under Paragr~ph Fl. Therefore, if the City Council accepts the agreement as amended, it is recommended they adopt the attached resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement on Behalf of the City o·r: Carlsbad. Exhibit Resolution No. Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. $j"Z.$"'. Cotmcil Action: 7-3-79: Council adopted Resolution No. 5825 COUNTY CF SAN DIEGO CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS• 1600 PACIFIC HWY.• ROOM :106 S.\N DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 • (7141 236-2321 RS. PORTER D. CREMANS CLEP.K 01" THE IIOARD OP' SUPl!RVISORS / 1-'San Diego County Ir.corporated Cities June 4, 1979 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOM HAMIL TON First Dl,171Ct LUCILLE V. MOORE Second D11171CI ROGER HEOOECOCK Third Oi1ulct JIM BATES Fourth Ols11lct PAUi.ECKERT Flhh Dlsttl<t CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OF-FICEA t'LIFFoi,o w. Gn 11.ves Attention: City Clerk Re: 5/29/79 (15) The Board of Supervisors on May 29 approved and authorized execution of the First Amended Emergency Services Agreement. The original copy is enclosed for your signature. Please sign tbis copy, check off your City from the list below, and send to the next City listed for signature. The City of Vista, last on the list, will return the original to this office. We will send Xerox copies of the completed signature pages to each City. CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY OF CHULA VISTA CITY OF CORONADO CITY OF DEL MAR -CITY OF EL CAJON -CITY OF ESCONDIDO CITY OF llrPERIAI, BEACH DET:df Enclosure. Yours truly, PORTER D. CREMANS Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By_""""'~~• -=-tfl.~. ~....;._.;;,;.-.- 7i>uty CITY OF LA MESA -CITY OF LEMON GROVE -CITY OF NATIONAL CITY --CITY OF OCEANSIDE -CITY OF SAN DIEGO -CITY OF SAN MARCOS CITY OF VISTA cc: Department of Disaster Preparedness (S25) 1 ~ I I BOARD OF SUl'ERVISORS TOM HAMILTON First District COUNTY CF SAN DIEGO LUCILLE V. MOORE Second District ROGER HEDGECOCK Third District CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS• 1600 PACIFIC HWY,• ROOM 306 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 • (714) 236-2321 JIM BAT!:S Fourtl\ Oloc-lct PAUL llCKERT Fifth Dlmlct MRS, PORTER D, CREMANS Cl.l?R,< OF THI! CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER IIOARD OF SUPERVISORS June 4, 1979 CLIFFORDYl,ORAVES /~ ~TY OF CARLSBAD CITY OF CHULA VISTA CITY OF CORONADO CITY OF DEL MAR CITY OF EL CAJON CITY OF ESCONDIDO CITY OF LA MESA CITY OF LEMON GROVE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY CITY OF OCEANSIDE CITY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF SAN MARCOS CITY OF VISTA 678 + o-;; JUN'\919 c:::, -~ RECE\\JEO. ~ ,....., City ~\er!l.'s ptttc« ~ City of ~(,sb.id CITY OF IMl'ERIAL BEACH Attention: City Clerk Gentlemen: Re: 5/29/79 (15) The Board of Supervisors on May 29 approved the Second Amended Emergency Services Agreement by Resolution 15, copies attached. The original copy of the Amendment is being sent to the City of Carlsbad for signature first. It should th~n be forwarded to the next City on t.he list for signature and passed on until all the Cities have signed. The: last signatory should return the Amendment to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 306, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego 92101. When the completed Amendment is returned, Xerox copies of the signature pages will be sent to each City. DET:df Enclosures Yours truly, PORTER D. CREMANS Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By ___,_,&Jµ;=--===-· --=&~• ~--- ~y cc: Chief Administrative Officer (A6) Department of Disaster Preparedness (S25) Office of Management and Budget (A214) Auditor and Controller (AS) \?; -=¾::e>"2 SECOND AMENDED EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement· is entered into by and between the County of San Diego, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as the County, and the incorporated cities \·Tithin the County signatory hereto, hereinafter referred to as the City or Cities. AH:ls:sj WITNESS ETH: WHEREAS, the County and the Cities are desirous of providing for a unified emergency services organization for the purpose of preparing mutual ?lans for the preservation and safety of life and propertx and making provision for the execution of those plans in the event of a local emergency, state of emergency or state of war emergency, and to provide for mutual assistance in the event of such emergencies; and WHEREAS, the parties to this agreement are desirous of providing for any unencumbered balances at the end of the budgeted year resulting from either budget savings or revenues derived from Federal or other funds; and WHEREAS, the parties have previously entered into the Civil Defense Disaster Agreement, as twice amended, and the First Amended Emergency Services Agreement; and WHEREAS, the parties desire further amendments, all of which are incorporated into this Second Amended Emergency Services Agreement; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereto do hereby mutually agree as follows: A. The Unified San Diego County Emergency Services.Organization is hereby created and established to perform the following services: 1. Aid, assist and advise the County and each City in the preparation and development of an emergency plan for the County and each City in the County. 2. Prepare and develop a countywide emergency plan which shall provide for the needs of the contract- ing cities and of the unincorporated areas of the County and which in addition will take into account and be coordinated with the needs of the county and the cities in the event of a major natural disaster or other emergency. i B. 3. Aid, assist and advise the County and the cities with the training of public employees for the emergency services organization. 4. Prc~ide a countywide emergency services program in each of the following areas: a) coroner b) health c) welfare d) traffic ·control e) medical f) public information g) radiological satety 5. Develop and keep current on a countywide basis an inventory of all equipment and supplies available now in the county for use in the event of an emergency. 6. Provide technical assistance in obtaining any federal or state funds which may become available to the County and the cities for emergency purposes and in the acquisition by the County and the cities of surplus property for emergency services purposes. 7. In the event of an emergency confined to one cil:.y, offer assistance within the limits of its emergency services organization and coordinate assistance furnished by the County and other cities in accordance with mutudl aid agreements. 8. In the event of an emergency within the county affecting an area greater than any one city, offer assistance to the extent of its emergency services establishment and direct and coordinate the assistance furnished by the County and other cities. The County and cities signatory to this agreement shall: 1. Become members of the Unified· San Diego Colmty Emergency Services Organization. 2. Become parties to such mutual aid agreements as shall be deemed necessary by the Unified San Diego County Disaster Council. -2- j I I ' ----------...-------,,-----~ 3. Accept primary responsibility for the development within the Cc.mty and each city of an emergency plan which shall be compatible with and complementary to the countywide emergency plan and organization as provided in paragraph A (2) above. 4. Delegate to the Unified San Diego County Disaster Council hereinafter mentioned, whatever authority it is lawful for the County and cities to delegate when such delegation shall be deemed necessary by said Council: This delegation of authority shall be restricted to whatever expenditure of County and city funds and use of County a;1d city personnel, equipment and supplies as are made available by the County and the cities for emergency services purposes. C. In consideration of these mutual promises, it is hereby mutually agreed that: l. The County will pay fifty percent (50%) of the cost of establishing and maintair.ing the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization. 2. The cities signatory hereto will pay fifty percent (50%) of the cost of maintaining the Unifed San Diego County Emergency Services Organizaticn, said fifty percent to be apportioned among the cities in accordance with the following formula: a) One-half of the 50%, or 25% of the total budget shall be apportioned by people units or population. The total population of all contracting cities is divided into one-fourth of the total budget (of all contracting cities) equaling a factor in cents. The population of each contracting city times the factor in cents equals the share for each city. b) The remaining 25% of the total budget shall be apportioned by value units, meaning the assessed valuation of each city. The total assessed value of real and personal property in all contracting cities is divided into one-fourth of the total budget equaling a factor in mills. The assessed value of each contracting city times the factor in mills equals the share for each city. -3- .......--------r-~----- 1 l i 3. For the purposes of this agreement the total assessed valuation of real and personal property in all the contracting cities shall be the amount assessed in the fiscal year prior to the budgeted year, as found in the Property Valuation and Tax Rate--San Diego County, California, published by the Auditor and Controller of the County of San Diego. 4. If at the end of any fiscal year there remains an unencumbered balance derived from budget savings or revenue from Federal funds received for emergency services purposes, such balance shall be credited to the contracting cities at the rate of their contribution for that fiscal year, towards the following fiscal year for the expenditures of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization. In the event a contrac.:ting city withdraws from this agreement, such city will receive its refundable share of the unencumbered balance for that fiscal year in a single payment. n. The Unified San Diego County Disaster Council is the policy making body of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization. The Council consists of the following: 1. The Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors who shall be the Chairman. 2. The Coordinator of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization who shall be the Vice-Chairman and who is selected by the Unified : San Diego County Disaster council from among: the Chief Administrative Officer of the County or the City Manager and/or Chief Administrator of any contracting city. Two additional persons shall be selected from the above group to act as first and second alternates in the absence or inability to serve of the Coordina.tor. 3. A representative from the City Council of each contracting city or an alternate to be designated by each contracting city, shall be the members of the Unified San Diego County Disaster Council. -4- E. !tis the duty of the Unified San Diego County Disaster Council and it is empowered to review and approve emergency mutual aid plans and agreements, disaster preparedness plans, and such ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations as are necessary to implement such plans and agreements. The Unified San Diego County Disaster Council meets at least semi-annually and upon call of the Chairman or in his or her absence from the County, or inability to call such a meeting, upon the call of the Coordinator. The Disaster Council is empowered to develop a proposed budget and to recommend a budget and the apportionment thereof to the county and all contracting cities. The County and the contracting cities shall not adopt budgets differing from the budget recommended by the Di~aster Council without first consulting with the Disaster Council. F. The Coordinator of the Unifed San Diego county Emergency Services Organization has the following powers and duties:· 1. To request the City Council or councils to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency and the determination thereof if the Council or councils are in session or to issue such oroclama- tion if the Council or Councils are not in session, subject to ratification by the Council or Councils at the earliest practical time. ~ 2. To request the Board of Supervisors to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency and the determination thereof if the Board of Supervisors is in session or to issue such proclamation if the Board of Supervisors is not in session, subject to ratification by the Board of Supervisors at the earliest practical time. 3. To request the Governor of the State of California through the Board of Supervisors or the Council or Councils of the affected city or cities to proclaim the existence of a state of emergency or state of war emergency when, in the opinion of the Coordinator, the xas0urces of the area or region are inadequate to cope with the emergency. 4. To coo~dinate the efforts of the parties to this agrP.ement for the accomplishment of its purposes. 5. The Coordinator shall receive and disburse the funds of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization and shall be responsible and accountable for such funds. -5- I G. The Unified Emergency Services Organization and the Unified Disaster Council are structured herein in accordance with the Emergency Services Ordinance (San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances, Sec. 31.101). In the event the organizations are altered materially in the Emergency Services Ordinance, any party may offer to the other contracting parties an amendment to conform the agreement to the Ordinance. All amendments to the Agreement shall be in writing and effective upon execution by all parties. H. The terms "state of war emergency", "state of emergency", and "local emergency" used herein shall have the same definition as is prov~ded in the California Emergency Services Act, Government Code Section 8558. I. This Agreement shall become effective upon the execution of the agreement by the County Board of Supervisors following execution by all cities desiring to become signatories hereto. Execution of this agreement supersedes the prior Emergency Bervices Agreement, formerly known as the Civil Defense and Disaster Agreement, and all amend- ments thereto and also supersedes the First Amended Emergency Services Agreement. J. Any of the cities within the County of San Diego which are now, or which may hereafter become incorporated may become a party to this agreement by executing a contract hereunder and filing such executed contract with the Coordinator or, in his or her absence, the first or second alternate coordinator. K. This agreement may be terminated as to any of the parties by written notice given by such party to all the other parties which notice shall be given at least 120 days-prior· to the commencement of the fiscal year in which the termination is to take effect. For the purposes of such notice a fiscal year is defined as July 1 of a calendar year through June 30 of the next succeeding calendar year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do affix their signatures. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Date By Chairman, Board of Supervisors -6- CITY OF CARLSBAD Date By CITY O? CHULA VISTA Date By CITY OF CORONADO Date By CITY OF DEL MAR Date By --· CITY OF EL CAJON Date By CITY OF ESCONDIDIO Date By CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH Date By CITY OF .UIPERIAt BE}).GH Date By CITY OF LA MESA Date By CITY OF LEMON GROVE Date Dy -7- Date Date Date Date Date /.FF!!';'.':i' .•s :3 r:r.:.1 w:> .re;,urc c~~:1n rn:· .: ·.t CITY OF NATIONAL CITY By CITY OF OCEANSIDE By CITY 01:~ SAN DIEGO By CITY OF SAN MARCCS By CITY OF VISTA By .. j -8- l 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 5825 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE SECOND AMENDED EMERGENCY AGREEMENT OF THE UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES ORGANIZATION AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN SAID AGREEMENT lf·OP.. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad approves the text of the .., ------· ,,-._:. 7 3econd amended Emergency Services agreement, ,8 AND WHEREAS, the City Council aesires to participate under 9 the terms of this agreement as part of the Unified San Diego 10 County Emergency Se~vices Organization, 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 12 City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 13 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 14 2. That the Mayor is authorized to sign the second amended 15 Emergency Services agreement of the Unified San Diego County 16 Emergency Services Organization for the City of Carlsbad. 17 PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Council of the 18 City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held the 3rd :t.9 day of July _______ , 1979, by the following vote to wit. 20 AYES: Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Lewis, Anear and · Councilwoman Casler 21 NOES: None 22 ABSENT: 23 None ~(,C ..R.£,t_ RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor 24 ATTEST: 25 26 27 28 (SEAL)