HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-03-23; City Council; 20165; 2010-2011 Community Development Block Grant Home Investment Partnership ProgramCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 13 AB# MTG. DEPT. 20,165 3/23/10 HRED 2010-2011 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT AND HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM DEPT. HEAD/fyJ^ CITY ATTY. &> CITY MGR. i)j^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hold a public hearing to accept comments on the housing and community development needs of lower income households within the City of Carlsbad. In addition, the City Council may accept comments on the various proposals that have been submitted for funding under the City of Carlsbad's 2010-2011 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Program. ITEM EXPLANATION: Under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, the City of Carlsbad continues to be eligible to receive funding under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) CDBG Program to finance programs that serve the needs of lower income persons. As a participant in the San Diego Urban HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Consortium, the City will also receive federal funds to provide affordable housing opportunities for lower income households. In identifying the needs of lower income persons, federal regulations require that the City Council hold at least two public hearings to obtain the views of citizens on Carlsbad's housing and community development needs. An initial public hearing to invite comments on the City's CBDG/HOME Program Consolidated Funding Plan Strategy was held on November 10, 2009. This second public hearing will provide another opportunity to obtain comments on the Consolidated Funding Plan Strategy (Exhibit 1) and the City's housing and community development needs. In addition, this hearing will provide an opportunity for public comment on the specific proposals submitted for funding through the Carlsbad 2010-2011 CDBG Program. The City Council will consider approval of the proposals and funding levels at a future meeting. The City of Carlsbad is entitled to receive a new CDBG allocation of approximately $508,000 during fiscal year 2010-2011. Approximately $113,880 is also available from CDBG program income and prior year allocations that were not used and are available for the 2010-2011 program year. The total amount of CDBG funds currently available for allocation to eligible projects is estimated to be $621,880. The total amount of 2010-2011 HOME funds available for allocation to eligible projects is anticipated to be approximately $293,000. The City received twenty-three proposals for use of CDBG or HOME funds from various organizations in response to a Request for Proposals distributed in December of 2009. The proposals were reviewed and evaluated by the CDBG/HOME Advisory Committee prior to interviewing representatives from the organizations. The Committee then met to develop the funding recommendations outlined in Exhibit 2. FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEE MINUTES D Council received public commpnh PAGE 2 The chart below summarizes the amount of funding requested and the maximum amount that may be available for allocation in each expenditure category: EXPENDITURE CATEGORY AMOUNT OF REQUESTED FUNDING ($) CDBG Public Services Public Facility Improvements, Affordable Housing & Other Projects Administration and Fair Housing Subtotal 178,060 1,394,973 111,700 1,058,133 HOME Affordable Housing Subtotal TOTAL 1,111,000 1,111,000 2,169,133 AMOUNT OF AVAILABLE FUNDING ($) 76,200 444,080 101,600 621,880 293,000 293,000 914,880 CDBG FUNDS The Committee is recommending that the estimated $76,200 in CDBG funds available for public service activities be allocated to thirteen different organizations in amounts ranging from $5,000 to $7,400, and that $10,100 in funding for Administration be provided to an organization to assist residents with fair housing services. The Committee is also recommending that $150,000 of the CDBG funds available in the Public Facility Improvements and Affordable Housing categories be allocated to Catholic Charities for improvements to the La Posada de Guadalupe Shelter. The Committee is recommending that the remainder of the funds from the Public Facility and Affordable Housing categories, or approximately $294,080, be allocated to Casa de Amparo for development of a facility to serve neglected or abused children. The County of San Diego has issued permits to develop the Casa de Amparo facility in an unincorporated area near the City of San Marcos. Exhibit 2 lists the funding recommendations for all twenty-three proposals. Final funding levels may be adjusted based on the actual allocation amount the City receives from HUD. HOME FUNDS County staff is requesting that the City allocate HOME funds available to the City to a program or programs that will help the Consortium comply with federal guidelines regarding the expenditure of those funds. The Consortium as a whole must meet those commitment requirements or risk losing future funds. The City currently has the all of its HOME funds allocated to its Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance (DPCCA)Program for lower income homebuyers in Carlsbad. The DPCCA Program has been under utilized due in part to the current housing market. As a result, the Committee is recommending that the City Council reallocate $525,000 in HOME funds to Solutions for Change to acquire property that will be used as affordable rental housing for graduates of its homeless prevention program. The Advisory Committee is recommending that a condition be placed on the allocation to require that the property be located in the City of Carlsbad. Any funding agreement for such an acquisition of property with HOME funds will require that the property be utilized as affordable housing for at least PAGE 3 thirty years. Adequate funds will remain available in the DPCCA Program for it to continue for a number of years if the $525,000 is approved for the reallocation to acquire property for affordable housing. The City Council may also allocate additional HOME funds in future years if needed to continue the DPCCA Program RECOMMENDATION: It is staff's recommendation that the City Council accept public comments on the needs of low income persons and the proposals submitted for funding under the City's 2010-2011 CDBG/HOME Program to meet those needs. FISCAL IMPACT: Approximately $621,800 is available for allocation through the City's 2010-2011 CDBG Program, and approximately $293,000 is available in HOME funds. The City Council made a previous decision to use the maximum twenty percent (20%) of the new CDBG allocation, or approximately $101,600, for administration of the City's CDBG program. It is anticipated that the City will receive approximately $7,000 from the County Consortium to cover City administrative expenses for the HOME Program. The CDBG/HOME Program has no impact on the General Fund. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The whole of the City Council's actions regarding CDBG and HOME funds, including consideration of proposals and committee recommendations, acceptance of comments as recommended herein, and ultimately the award of CDBG and HOME funds, is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), "...CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA." These activities, or actions, including funding of proposals, would not authorize, permit, or guarantee the construction of any project that would have a significant environmental effect nor commit the City to approve any such project. EXHIBITS: 1. 2010-2011 Consolidated Funding Plan Strategy. 2. Summary of CDBG funding allocation recommendations. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Frank Boensch, (760) 434-2818, fboen@ci.carlsbad.ca.us 3 EXHIBIT 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD CDBG/HOME PROGRAM 2010-2011 FUNDING PLAN CITY OF CARLSBAD 2010-2011 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The City of Carlsbad Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds will be allocated to organizations, agencies, City Departments, or persons to implement programs or develop/improve public facilities which meet the following community development objectives: 1. AFFORDABLE HOUSING: • Provide direct benefit to lower income persons through the provision or retention of affordable housing units in Carlsbad; • Provide shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families which result in an improved situation through employment, permanent or transitional housing, treatment of mental, or substance abuse problems, etc.; and, • Provide direct assistance to lower income households to prevent or eliminate residential Building or Municipal Code violations and/or improve the quality of housing units in Carlsbad through residential (rental and/or owner occupied) rehabilitation programs. 2. SOCIAL SERVICES (GENERAL): • Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who meet the basic needs of lower income Carlsbad residents. Basic needs are defined as those which provide food, shelter, clothing and, in some cases, health care; • Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer counseling and self- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer recreational and/or cultural programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents. 3. SOCIAL SERVICES (CHILDREN & ADULTS): • Provide assistance to organizations which administer programs that directly benefit lower income children living in Carlsbad. The programs must provide one or more of the following activities: day care, after-school care, cultural enrichment, recreation, health care/immunization or self-improvement. The City may also give priority to single-parent assistance programs such as counseling services; and • Provide assistance to organizations which administer programs that directly benefit low income adults living in Carlsbad. The programs must provide one or more of the following activities for adults: employment services, job training, and educational programs. Programs designed for elderly adults only must provide one or more of the following activities: meals, homemaking or personal assistance services, financial assistance services, counseling, transportation, or shared housing or other housing related services. 2 of 5 s CITY OF CARLSBAD 2010-2011 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR 2010-2011 PROGRAM YEAR Source of Funds Amount($) New Entitlement Grant 508,000 Program Income and Reallocation of Prior Year Funds 113.880 TOTAL 621,880 Funds Available by Activity Amount ($) Public Service 76,200 Affordable Housing 222,040 Public Facilities, Improvements/Other 222,040 Program Administration/Fair Housing 101,600 Total Available Funds 621,880 3 of 5 (o 2010-2011 HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM STRATEGY The City of Carlsbad, as a member of the San Diego Urban County HOME Consortium, may allocate its HOME Investment Partnership funds to implement the following activities directly, through local housing authorities, or for-profit or non-profit organizations: 1. Property Acquisition/Housing Construction HOME funds may be used for property acquisition and all other eligible costs of providing new affordable housing for lower-income persons and special needs groups. 2. Housing Acquisition/Rehabilitation . HOME funds may be used for acquisition of existing housing units with or without rehabilitation for lower-income persons and special needs groups. 3. Housing Rehabilitation HOME funds may be used for housing rehabilitation costs incurred separately or in connection with the acquisition of existing housing for lower-income persons and special needs groups. 4. Rental Assistance HOME funds may be used for tenant based rental assistance, related residential security deposit assistance programs, and other eligible related costs. 5. Home Buyer Assistance HOME funds may be used for home buyer assistance programs for lower income persons. Such programs may include, but are not limited to, downpayment and closing cost assistance, direct loan to the home buyer, interest subsidy to the lender, or "gap" financing. 6. Administration/Planning A portion of HOME funding may be used for eligible HOME administration and planning costs, including direct administrative and overhead costs, public information, fair housing, and program development costs. Funding Process The City's portion of HOME funds will be awarded to eligible housing activities implemented by the City or by for profit or non-profit organizations on behalf of the City. Staff of the Housing and Redevelopment Department shall evaluate and determine those eligible housing activities to be considered for funding under the HOME Program based upon the housing need priorities established in the City's General Plan Housing Element and the Consolidated Plan. Staff will present the recommendations for project funding to the City Council for consideration and final approval. 4 of 5 1 Leverage In so far as possible, HOME funds will be leveraged with other public and private funding sources to enhance program productivity. Area of Activity HOME funds may be used for housing activities implemented within the City of Carlsbad. CITY OF CARLSBAD HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM SUMMARY OF FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR 2010-2011 PROGRAM YEAR 2010-2011 HOME Funding Allocation for Carlsbad $293,000 5 of 5 EXHIBIT 2 2010-2011 CITY OF CARLSBAD CDBG/HOME PROGRAM LIST OF PROJECT PROPOSALS AND FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS APP. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 AGENCY/PROJECT Boys and Girls Club Teen Scene Program Brother Benno Brother Benno Center Casa de Amparo/Food Program for Neglected and Abused Children Catholic Charities / La Posada de Guadalupe Homeless Shelter City of Carlsbad/Parks and Recreation Opportunity Grants Program Community Resource Center Homeless Prevention and Intervention Fraternity House AIDS Caregiving Program From the Inside Out CROP, AWARE and CAMP Programs Interfaith Community Services Housing and General Assistance Meals on Wheels Meal Delivery Service North County Health Services / Health Screening and Immunizations North County Lifeline After School Program Solutions for Change Homeless Intake and Access Center TERI Inc./La Costa Residential Care Facility Pool Renovation Project Women's Resource Center Alternatives to Abuse Shelter YMCA OZ Youth Shelter Solutions for Change Property Acquistion Casa de Amparo Development of Facility Grid Alternatives/Affordable Housing Solar Retrofit Program Catholic Charities/La Posada de Guadalupe Building Replacement City of Carlsbad Housing Reserve Fund Center for Social Advocacy Fair Housing Program City of Carlsbad/Down Payment and Closing Cost Program TYPE OF PROJECT Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Housing Public Facilities and Housing Public Facilities and Housing Public Facilities and Housing Pub. Facilities and Housing Administration Housing (HOME Only) REQUESTED AMOUNT $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $5,000 $7,500 $7,825 $10,000 $14,500 $7,000 $16,508 $29,727 $5,000 $5,000 $15,000 $5,000 $525,000 HOME $400,000 $26,973 $150,000 $293,000 HOME $231,000 CDBG $10,100 $293,000 HOME RECOMMENDED FUNDING $5,200 $6,400 $6,000 $7,400 $5000 $7,000 $6000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,200 $7,000 $5,000 0 0 $6,000 0 0 $294,080 0 $150,000 0 $10,100 0 City of Carlsbad 2010-2011 Annual Funding Plan for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Program Notice of Public Hearing The citizens of Carlsbad and other interested parties are hereby notified that Carlsbad's City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers located 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive to accept public comments on the needs of lower income persons in Carlsbad for development of the City's CDBG/HOME Program's 2010-2011 Annual Funding Plan. Public comments will also be received on proposals submitted for funding through the City's 2010-2011 CDBG/HOME Program. The City has approximately $621,000 available for allocation to eligible CDBG projects and approximately $293,000 for allocation to eligible HOME projects. The City of Carlsbad is committed to using CDBG/HOME funds to finance projects/services that provide direct benefit to lower income residents. To develop a CDBG/HOME program that meets the needs of the low and moderate-income population, the City of Carlsbad requests assistance from members of the community. Citizen participation is critical to the success of the Carlsbad CDBG/HOME program. Therefore, the City invites all community members to consider the needs of lower income persons within Carlsbad, to attend the public meetings, and to provide comments on the housing and community development needs of lower-income persons as part of the development of a 2010-2011 Annual Plan for the program. Public comments are also requested on the various proposals that have been submitted for funding under Carlsbad's 2010-2011 CDBG/HOME Program. Those proposals selected for funding will be identified within the Annual Plan as the activities the City will pursue in the upcoming year to meet the needs of lower income Carlsbad residents. The City has received a total of 23 proposals for CDBG/HOME funding. The application period for 2010-2011 funds has ended. Copies of all proposals are on file in the Housing and Redevelopment Department. Persons who have questions or comments regarding the City of Carlsbad's CDBG/HOME Program or who would like more specific information on the proposals submitted for 2010-2011 CDBG/HOME funding consideration and those being recommended for funding, please contact the City's CDBG/HOME Administration staff at (760) 434-2818. Persons in need of translators or other special services should contact the City Manager's Office at (760) 434-2821. PUBLISH: March 19,2010 CITY OF CARLSBAD Memorandum March 16, 2010 All Receive For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Asst ty Manager To: From: Via Re: Lisa Hildabrand, City Manager Frank Boensch, Sr. Management Analyst /c^2^ Debbie Fountain, Housing and Redevelopment Director^-^^ CDBG Agenda Bill The following information is being provided in response to your questions regarding CDBG and HOME funding recommendations introduced in an agenda bill for a City Council public hearing tentatively scheduled for March 23, 2010. Notebooks containing all of the applications for funding are currently being distributed to your office and to City Council Members Solutions for Change HOME funding is being recommended for allocation to North County Solutions for Change to acquire property in Carlsbad to provide affordable housing for graduates of the organization's homeless prevention program. Solutions for Change was incorporated in 1999 as a nonprofit organization focused on helping homeless families with children find permanent housing through case management and educational programs. The City allocated a total of $537,000 in HOME funds over a span of three years beginning in 2001 to assist the organization in the development of a 32 unit transitional homeless facility in Vista. The County of San Diego and five other North County cities joined Carlsbad in funding that facility, which has been in operation since 2004. Solutions for Change is now seeking to obtain permanent housing in Carlsbad for graduates of their program to rent once they are ready to move out of the transitional shelter facility. The organization has acquired homes in Vista with the assistance of funding from the County of San Diego for graduates of the program. Mr. Chris Megison, Executive Director of Solutions for Change, met with City Council Members from Carlsbad and other North County cities last year to request funding for the permanent housing program and has applied for HOME funds for the program as a result of suggestions from those meetings. City staff supports the CDBG/HOME Advisory Committee's recommendation to allocate $525,000 in HOME funds to Solutions for Change for the acquisition of property in Carlsbad for the permanent housing program. The organization's website at www.solutionsforchange.org includes comprehensive details on their history, programs and other related information. Housing & Neighborhood Services 2965 Roosevelt St., Suite B I Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-434-2810 I 760-720-2037 fax Page 2 Center for Social Advocacy The Center for Social Advocacy is a nonprofit organization with a focus on providing fair housing services. CDBG regulations require that the City provide fair housing services to residents using funds set aside for administrative puposes. Because of this, The Center for Social Advocay does not compete for the same funds that are allocated to other nonprofits for public service programs. The Center has received administrative funds for over ten years from Carlsbad and other cities to provide fair housing services because of the specialized knowledge and skills their staff possess that are needed to provide those services. Although other fair housing providers have applied for those funds in the past, The Center for Social Advocacy was the only organization proposing to provide the City with fair housing services for the coming program year. YMCA Oz The shelter program for youth provided by YMCA Oz is not recommended for funding this year as a result of the low average evaluation score the organization's proposal received compared to others in their funding category. One reason why it received a low score relative to other proposals is because of the small number of Carlsbad residents served by YMCA Oz compared to other applicants. Advisory Committee Members evaluate each proposal and their scores are averaged, then proposals are ranked in their respective funding categories prior to the Committee developing their funding recommendations. Committee Members are provided with guidance on how to evaluate and score the applications. However, each Committee Member is influenced by prior knowledge of the organizations and how the applicants present their proposals in interviews with the Committee. Representatives from YMCA Oz have mentioned in interviews with the Committee that some clients of the organization are referred to them by Police Department staff. However, I am not positive that this was mentioned in their interview this year. Please let me know if any additional information is needed on the CDBG/HOME Program recommendations and/or proposed projects/programs. Frank Boensch All Receive CITY OF For the Information of the:CITY COUNCIL www.carlsbadca.govity Manager jy -- Memorandum March 22, 2010 To: Lisa Hildabrand, City Manager From: Frank Boensch, Sr. Management Analyst Re: Mistake on Exhibit 2 of CDBG/HOME Agenda Bill An error has been found on Exhibit 2 of the CDBG/HOME item scheduled for a public hearing during the March 23rd City Council Meeting. Exhibit 2 of the item lists funding recommendations for the various proposals and shows that zero funds are being recommended for the Solutions for Change proposal to acquire property for affordable housing. The Advisory Committee is actually recommending that $525,000 be allocated to Solutions for Change for property acquisition in Carlsbad and a corrected version of Exhibit 2 is attached. My previous memo to you from last week regarding the funding recommendations did accurately describe the Solutions for Change funding recommendation and it is also attached. I apologize for any inconvenience this mistake may have caused. Frank Boensch C: City Clerk Attachments Housing & Neighborhood Services 2965 Roosevelt St., Suite B I Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-434-2810 I 760-720-2037 fax EXHIBIT 2 2010-2011 CITY OF CARLSBAD CDBG/HOME PROGRAM LIST OF PROJECT PROPOSALS AND FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS APP. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 AGENCY/PROJECT Boys and Girls Club Teen Scene Program Brother Benno Brother Benno Center Casa de Amparo/Food Program for Neglected and Abused Children Catholic Charities / La Posada de Guadalupe Homeless Shelter City of Carlsbad/Parks and Recreation Opportunity Grants Program Community Resource Center Homeless Prevention and Intervention Fraternity House AIDS Caregiving Program From the Inside Out CROP, AWARE and CAMP Programs Interfaith Community Services Housing and General Assistance Meals on Wheels Meal Delivery Service North County Health Services / Health Screening and Immunizations North County Lifeline After School Program Solutions for Change Homeless Intake and Access Center TERI Inc./La Costa Residential Care Facility Pool Renovation Project Women's Resource Center Alternatives to Abuse Shelter YMCA OZ Youth Shelter Solutions for Change Property Acquistion Casa de Amparo Development of Facility Grid Alternatives/Affordable Housing Solar Retrofit Program Catholic Charities/La Posada de Guadalupe Building Replacement City of Carlsbad Housing Reserve Fund Center for Social Advocacy Fair Housing Program City of Carlsbad/Down Payment and Closing Cost Program TYPE OF PROJECT Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Public Services Housing Public Facilities and Housing Public Facilities and Housing Public Facilities and Housing Pub. Facilities and Housing Administration Housing (HOME Only) REQUESTED AMOUNT $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $5,000 $7,500 $7,825 $10,000 $14,500 $7,000 $16,508 $29,727 $5,000 $5,000 $15,000 $5,000 $525,000 HOME $400,000 $26,973 $150,000 $293,000 HOME $231,000 CDBG $10,100 $293,000 HOME RECOMMENDED FUNDING $5,200 $6,400 $6,000 $7,400 $5000 $7,000 $6000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,200 $7,000 $5,000 0 0 $6,000 0 $525,000 HOME $294,080 0 $150,000 0 $10,100 0 > CITY OF cARLSBAD www.carlsbadca.gov Memorandum v March 16, 2010 To: Lisa Hildabrand, City Manager From: Frank Boensch, Sr. Management Analyst Via Debbie Fountain, Housing and Redevelopment Director Re: CDBG Agenda Bill The following information is being provided in response to your questions regarding CDBG and HOME funding recommendations introduced in an agenda bill for a City Council public hearing tentatively scheduled for March 23,2010. Notebooks containing all of the applications for funding are currently being distributed to your office and to City Council Members Solutions for Change HOME funding is being recommended for allocation to North County Solutions for Change to acquire property in Carlsbad to provide affordable housing for graduates of the organization's homeless prevention program. Solutions for Change was incorporated in 1999 as a nonprofit organization focused on helping homeless families with children find permanent housing through case management and educational programs. The City allocated a total of $537,000 in HOME funds over a span of three years beginning in 2001 to assist the organization in the development of a 32 unit transitional homeless facility in Vista. The County of San Diego and five other North County cities joined Carlsbad in funding that facility, which has been in operation since 2004. Solutions for Change is now seeking to obtain permanent housing in Carlsbad for graduates of their program to rent once they are ready to move out of the transitional shelter facility. The organization has acquired homes in Vista with the assistance of funding from the County of San Diego for graduates of the program. Mr. Chris Megison, Executive Director of Solutions for Change, met with City Council Members from Carlsbad and other North County cities last year to request funding for the permanent housing program and has applied for HOME funds for the program as a result of suggestions from those meetings. City staff supports the CDBG/HOME Advisory Committee's recommendation to allocate $525,000 in HOME funds to Solutions for Change for the acquisition of property in Carlsbad for the permanent housing program. The organization's website at www.solutionsforchange.org includes comprehensive details on their history, programs and other related information. Housing & Neighborhood Services 2965 Roosevelt St., Suite B I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2810 I 760-720-2037 fax Page 2 Center for Social Advocacy The Center for Social Advocacy is a nonprofit organization with a focus on providing fair housing services. CDBG regulations require that the City provide fair housing services to residents using funds set aside for administrative puposes. Because of this, The Center for Social Advocay does not compete for the same funds that are allocated to other nonprofits for public service programs. The Center has received administrative funds for over ten years from Carlsbad and other cities to provide fair housing services because of the specialized knowledge and skills their staff possess that are needed to provide those services. Although other fair housing providers have applied for those funds in the past, The Center for Social Advocacy was the only organization proposing to provide the City with fair housing services for the coming program year. YMCA Oz The shelter program for youth provided by YMCA Oz is not recommended for funding this year as a result of the low average evaluation score the organization's proposal received compared to others in their funding category. One reason why it received a low score relative to other proposals is because of the small number of Carlsbad residents served by YMCA Oz compared to other applicants. Advisory Committee Members evaluate each proposal and their scores are averaged, then proposals are ranked in their respective funding categories prior to the Committee developing their funding recommendations. Committee Members are provided with guidance on how to evaluate and score the applications. However, each Committee Member is influenced by prior knowledge of the organizations and how the applicants present their proposals in interviews with the Committee. Representatives from YMCA Oz have mentioned in interviews with the Committee that some clients of the organization are referred to them by Police Department staff. However, I am not positive that this was mentioned in their interview this year. Please let me know if any additional information is needed on the CDBG/HOME Program recommendations and/or proposed projects/programs. Frank Boensch This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2010 & 2011 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of North County Times Formerly known as the Blade-Citizen and The Times- Advocate and which newspapers have been adjudicated newspapers of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of California, for the City of Oceanside and the City of Escondido, Court Decree number 171349, for the County of San Diego, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpariel), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: Proof of Publication of March lgth, 2010 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. NCT 2252304. W18/201O Dated at Escondido, California NORTH COUNTY TIMES Legal Advertising CDBG/HOME PROGRAM 2010-2011 Program Year CDBG/HOME Program •Community Development Block Grant –To help serve the needs of lower income persons –To assist in the development of viable communities •Home Investment Partnership –To provide affordable housing opportunities for lower income persons CDBG/HOME Public Hearing •Receive comments on the needs of lower income residents. •Opportunity to comment on proposals for 2010-11 program year. CDBG/HOME FUNDS Activities Requested Funding Total Funds Available CDBG Public Services 178,060 76,200 Public Facilities and Housing 1,394,973 444,080 Administration and Fair Housing 111,700 101,600 Subtotal 1,058,133 621,180 HOME Affordable Housing 1,111,000 293,000 Subtotal 1,111,000 293,000 TOTAL 2,169,133 914,880 Advisory Committee Planning Commissioner Farrah Douglas Housing Commissioner Bobbie Smith Senior Commissioner Joan Surridge Northwest Quadrant Jim Sweeney Northeast Quadrant Brian Butchco Southwest Quadrant Frank Hutchins Southeast Quadrant Joan Kindle Requested Actions •Accept public comments on the needs of lower income residents and CDBG/HOME Program proposals. •Express Council’s intent to approve final funding allocations at a future meeting. CDBG/HOME PROGRAM 2010-2011 Program Year