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2011-05-24; Municipal Water District; 733; RESCIND DROUGHT RESPONSE LEVEL 2
CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - AGENDA Bl 733 MTG. 05/24/11 DEPT. UTIL DECLARE THE END OF THE DROUGHT IN THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD) SERVICE AREA AND RESCIND THE DROUGHT RESPONSE LEVEL 2 - DROUGHT ALERT CONDITION DEPT. HEAD CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. (Jj/ RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Declare the End of the Drought in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) Service Area and Rescind the Drought Response Level 2 - Drought Alert Condition. 2. Adopt Resolution No. 1418 declaring an end to the drought and rescinding the Drought Response Level 2 - Drought Alert Condition. ITEM EXPLANATION On December 16, 2008, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors adopted CMWD Ordinance No. 44. This water conservation ordinance established behavioral restrictions on the use of water in the event consumer demand reductions were necessary in order to meet expected supplies. The Ordinance closely followed the San Diego County Water Authority's (CWA) Model Drought Ordinance, and improved consistency between the Water Authority member agencies when responding to regional water supply shortages. During its April 23, 2009 meeting, the Board of Directors for the San Diego County Water Authority approved implementing Stage 3 of its Drought Management Plan, which called for regional mandatory cutbacks of 8%, and declared a Level 2 Drought Alert Condition. Declaration of a Level 2 Drought Alert Condition recommended that water agencies in the region respond in kind and implement the appropriate provision of their Model Drought Ordinance. During its May 12, 2009 meeting, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board declared a Drought Response Level 2 - Drought Alert Condition, consistent with Ordinance No. 44, which became effective July 1, 2009. That action allowed for the implementation of conservation behavioral restrictions on the use of water. Some of these restrictions call for limited watering on scheduled days of the week, repairing of leaks within seventy-two (72) hours of notification and ceasing operation of ornamental or decorative fountains unless recycled water was used. Additionally, the Board adopted allocation-based conservation water pricing (tiered rates) during its June 23, 2009 meeting, as a further means to encourage conservation and reduce the inefficient use of water. The rates became effective on August 1, 2009. On March 30, 2011, Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr., Governor of California, declared that he was advised by the appropriate agencies of the State of California that current conditions warrant the termination of Executive Order S-06-08 and the States of Emergency called on June 12, 2008, and DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Glenn Pruim 760-438-2722 Glenn.Pruim@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. BOARD ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D Page 2 February 27, 2009, and that Executive Order S-06-08 and the drought State of Emergency proclamations are terminated. The Governor strongly encourages that all Californians continue to minimize water usage and engage in water conservation efforts. On April 12, 2011 the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Board voted to terminate its water supply allocation plan (restrictions) and its current Condition 3 declaration. On April 28, 2011 the San Diego County Water Authority voted to end mandatory urban and agricultural water supply cutbacks, and to lift the agency's regionwide call for mandatory water use restrictions. Based on these actions, it is recommended that the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors declare an end to the drought and rescind the Level 2 Drought Alert Condition. The current ten (10) restrictions in Section 3.0, Water Waste Prohibitions, would continue to be in effect, shown on the attached Exhibit 3. FISCAL IMPACT: None with this action. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to California Code of Regulations Section 15301 (CEQA Guidelines) and Turlock Irrigation District v. Zanker, adoption of a Drought Response Plan and Water Conservation Ordinance is a project exempt from CEQA because it is considered to be a minor alteration of existing public facilities with no expansion of the existing use. This ordinance governs the delivery of water and the sole purpose for the operation of a water system is the delivery of water. The ordinance involves the operation of existing facilities with only minor alteration of the facilities (the application of this ordinance may result in the installation of meter mechanisms on existing meters) and it does not permit expansion of the previous use. The recommended actions are entirely within the scope of the existing Drought Response Plan and Water Conservation Ordinance. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 1418 of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, Carlsbad, California, declaring an end to the drought and rescinding the Drought Response Level 2 - Drought Alert Condition. 2. Governor Brown Proclamation of March 30, 2011. 3. Ordinance No. 44, Section 3, Continue to Practice Water Conservation ,"\ EXHIBIT 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1418 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE 3 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DECLARING THE END OF THE DROUGHT IN THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL 4 WATER DISTRICT (CMWD) SERVICE AREA AND RESCINDING THE DROUGHT RESPONSE LEVEL 2 5 CONDITION __ 6 WHEREAS, article 10, section 2 of the California Constitution declares that waters of the 7 State are to be put to beneficial use, that waste, unreasonable use, or unreasonable method of 8 use of water be prevented, and that water be conserved for the public welfare; and g WHEREAS, conservation of current water supplies and minimization of the effects of water supply shortages that are the result of drought are essential to the public health, safety and welfare; and 1 2 WHEREAS, California Water Code sections 375 et seq. authorize water suppliers to 1 3 adopt and enforce a comprehensive water conservation program; and 1 4 WHEREAS, due to the recent actions of the Governor of the State of California, the 1 5 Metropolitan Water District Board, and the San Diego County Water Authority Board to 1 6 terminate their water supply allocation and drought response plans; 1 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad 1 8 Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 19 1 . That the above recitations are true and correct. 20 2. The Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of 21 Carlsbad, California, hereby rescinds the May 12, 2009 declaration of Drought 22 Response Level 2 - Drought Alert Condition, which became effective July 1, 23 2009. That action allowed for the implementation of conservation behavioral 24 restrictions on the use of water. 25 '" 26 '" III28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on the 24th day of May 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Board Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas, Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, President ATTEST: (SEAL) INE M. WOOD, Secretary ©epamnent £tatt of California A PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS on June 4, 2008, Governor Schwarzenegger issued Executive Order S-06- 08, which proclaimed a statewide drought, and ordered executive branch entities to take immediate action to address the water shortage; and, WHEREAS on June 12, 2008, Governor Schwarzenegger proclaimed a State of Emergency for nine Central Valley counties because the drought had caused conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property; and, WHEREAS on February 27, 2009, Governor Schwarzenegger proclaimed a State of Emergency for the entire state as the severe drought conditions continued and the impacts were well beyond the Central Valley; and, WHEREAS the Department of Water Resources today conducted the fourth snow survey of the season and found that water content in California's mountain snowpack is 165 percent of the season average; and, and, WHEREAS a majority of California's major reservoirs are above normal storage levels; WHEREAS Lake Oroville, the State Water Project's principal reservoir, is 104 percent of average, and Lake Shasta, the federal Central Valley Project's largest reservoir, is at 111 percent of average; and, WHEREAS the Department of Water Resources estimates it will be able to deliver 70 percent of the requested State Water Project water this year, and this estimate is likely to be adjusted upward after additional snowpack and runoff readings; and, WHEREAS I am advised by the appropriate agencies of the State of California that current conditions warrant the termination of Executive Order S-06-08 and ending the States of Emergency called on June 12, 2008, and on February 27, 2009. NOW, THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of the State of California, in accordance with the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the statutes of the State of California, do hereby PROCLAIM THE DROUGHT TO BE AT AN END. I FURTHER DIRECT that state and public agencies cease all further activities in reliance on Executive Order S-06-08 and the Stales of Emergency called on June 12, 2008, and February 27, 2009, and that Executive Order S-06-08 and the drought State of Emergency proclamations are terminated. IT IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED that all Californians continue to minimize water usage and engage in water conservation efforts. I FURTHER DIRECT that as soon as hereafter possible, this proclamation be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State and that widespread publicity and notice be given to this proclamation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of California to be affixed this 30lh day of March 2011. EDMUND G*. BROWN JR. Governor of California ATTEST: EBtfA BOWEN Secretary of State EXHIBITS Continue to Practice Water Conservation (Ordinance No. 44, Section 3.0) Do not wash down hard surfaces with water • Water waste resulting from inefficient landscape irrigation, such as runoff, low head drainage, or overspray, etc. is prohibited. Use a hand-held hose equipped with a positive shut-off nozzle or bucket to water landscaped areas • Use re-circulated water to operate ornamental fountains • Wash vehicles using a bucket and a hand-held hose with positive shut-off nozzle Serve and refill water in restaurants only on request Offer guests in hotels, motels, and other commercial lodging establishments the option of not laundering towels and linens daily Use recycled or non-potable water for construction purposes when available Single pass-through cooling systems as part of new water service connections will be prohibited. The excess use, loss or escape of water through breaks, leaks or other malfunctions in the water user's plumbing for any period of time after such escape of water could have reasonably been discovered and corrected. DECLARE THE END OF THE DROUGHTCarlsbad Municipal Water District Board of DirectorsGlenn Pruim, General ManagerMay 24 2011May 24, 2011 Outline of Discussion♦Background♦Drought Ordinance♦Water Supply Conditions♦Water Supply Conditions♦Board Options What Happened? NatureWhat Happened? Nature•Eight year drought in the Colorado River BasinEight year drought in the Colorado River Basin•2008 Sierra snowpack - driest ever recorded in CaliforniaCalifornia•January 2009 Sierra snowpack - 45% of normal h Si northern Sierras •La Nina conditions announced by Meteorologists - 20093 What Happened? RegulatoryWhat Happened? Regulatory•Federal judge orders Delta pumping cut back out of the Delta –Dec 2007•US Fish & Wildlife issues biological opinion – Dec 2008 –cutting Delta allocation to 50%–cutting Delta allocation to 50%•National Marine Fisheries issue biological opinion calling for permanent water reduction – Jan 2009•DWR announces 15% normal flow from the Delta in 2009!•Metropolitan relies on storage supply–Storage in reservoirs dropped by about 50%–Storage in reservoirs dropped by about 50%–MWD announces water storage will be depleted by 20114 Background -Drought Response Level 2 Background Drought Response Level 2 - Drought Alert Condition•On April 14, 2009 Metropolitan Water District declared mandatory cutbacks to Member AiAgencies•On April 23, 2009 SDCWA called for mandatory cutbacks and declared a Drought mandatory cutbacks and declared a Drought Alert Condition•On May 12, 2009 the CMWD Board declared On May 12, 2009 the CMWD Board declared a Drought Response Level 2 condition: Ordinance No. 44•CMWD Board adopted Ordinance 44 on January 6, 20086, 2008•Behavioral restrictions•Varying Drought Response Levels dependent on Varying Drought Response Levels dependent on regional drought condition•Drought Response Level 2 since July 2009gp Jy•Limits landscape irrigation to no more than 3 days per week (June – Oct) and no more than once per week (Nov – May) Background - Drought Response Level 2 Dh Al Cdii (’d)-Drought Alert Condition (cont’d.)•Limit lawn watering and landscape irrigation Limit lawn watering and landscape irrigation to no more than ten minutes per watering station per assigned daypgy•Water landscaped areas not on an irrigation system by using a bucket and handheld hosesystem by using a bucket and handheld hose•Repair leaks within 72 hoursSt ti t l f t i l •Stop operating ornamental fountains unless recycled water is used What Changed since 2009?•The fifth (and final) snow survey of the season was conducted on May 2, 2011 and found that water content in California’s mountain snowpack is 144 percent of the April 1 full season average.A ji f Clif i’ j i b •A majority of California’s major reservoirs are above normal storage levels.Th D t t f W t R (DWR) ti t •The Department of Water Resources (DWR) estimates it will be able to deliver 80 percent of the requested State Water Project water this yearState Water Project water this year. Reservoir Supply ConditionsReservoir Supply Conditions•January 2009Jy–Oroville 28% of Capacity–San Luis 24% of Capacity9 Reservoir Supply ConditionsReservoir Supply Conditions•May 11, 2011–Oroville 94% of Capacity–San Luis 97% of Capacity10 Local Lake Photo ComparisonLake Hodges in 2002Lake Hodges in 2002 Local Lake Photo ComparisonThe waterline at Lake The waterline at Lake Hodges today Recent Water Supply ActionsRecent Water Supply Actions•Governor declares end of drought on March 30, 2011Governor declares end of drought on March 30, 2011•Metropolitan Water District Board voted to terminate its water supply allocation plan (restrictions) and its pp y p ( )current Condition 3 declaration on April 12, 2011•San Diego County Water Authority voted to end gy ymandatory urban and agricultural water supply cutbacks, and to lift the agency’s regionwide call for d i i il 28 20mandatory water use restrictions on April 28, 2011 Options for Board ConsiderationOptions for Board Consideration•Remain at Drought Level 2Remain at Drought Level 2•Change to Drought Level 1•Rescind Drought Level SettingsRescind Drought Level Settings Continue to Practice Water Conservation (Ordinance No. 44, Section 3.0)•Do not wash down hard surfaces with water •Water waste resulting from inefficient landscape •Water waste resulting from inefficient landscape irrigation, such as runoff, low head drainage, or overspray, etc. is prohibited.•Use a hand-held hose equipped with a positive shut-off nozzle or bucket to water landscaped areas •Use re-circulated water to operate ornamental fountains•Wash vehicles using a bucket and a handheld hose •Wash vehicles using a bucket and a hand-held hose with positive shut-off nozzle Continue to Practice Water Conservation (Ordinance No. 44, Section 3.0) (continued)•Serve and refill water in restaurants only on requestrequest•Offer guests in hotels, motels, and other commercial lodging establishments the option commercial lodging establishments the option of not laundering towels and linens dailyU ld tbl t f •Use recycled or non-potable water for construction purposes when available Continue to Practice Water Conservation (Ordinance No. 44, Section 3.0) (continued)•Single pass-through cooling systems as part of new water service connections will be prohibited.•Repair breaks or leaks in plumbing system as Repair breaks or leaks in plumbing system as soon as possible. Options for Board ConsiderationOptions for Board Consideration•Remain at Drought Level 2Remain at Drought Level 2•Change to Drought Level 1•Rescind Drought Level SettingsRescind Drought Level SettingsStaff recommends rescinding the Drought Level setting Staff recommends rescinding the Drought Level setting and reminding our customers of the restrictions that are always in placeyp QUESTIONS?QUESTIONS?