HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-08-26; City Council; 8549-1; CONSULTANT'S FINAL REPORT OF A STRATEGIC PLAN AND SPACE NEEDS STUDY OF CARLSBAD CITY HALL AND LIBRARIESrl 4. X rd *. o h *ri U a, s o a U a, 0 a, '7 E a G td 4 rl p9 n m N n UY d 2 u rn 6" 0 .ri LI a a om .d 4 8. $4 $4N n PZ a Pa F-Im a, -ri Gla 2: JJi %Jl 302 $4 *rl ao Pled a-d G da, GO -2 g! 3u oa, ULI W 00 I W N I 00 .I z 0 5 4 a z =) 0 0 a eu \ ClTwF CARLSBAD - AGENDelLL AB# 8549- I TITLE: CONSULTANT'S FINAL REPORT OF A DEPT. HD MTG. 08/26/86 STRATEGIC PLAN AND SPACE NEEDS STUDY C~TYATT DEPT. MP CITY MGI OF CARLSBAD CITY HALL AND LIBRARIES RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 8775- accepting the Consultant's Fir Report of a Strategic Plan and Space Needs Study of the City Carlsbad City Hall and Libraries and make the followj findings! A. Carlsbad City Hall and Administrative Facilities: 1. Formally approve City Hall Option 4 as the ma appropriate and desirable strategy to address current E future City administrative office needs; 2. Formally approve the study's planning goals and poli actions as the planning basis for the development of future City Hall facility; 3. Formally designate the Carlsbad Public Safety and Servi Center as the site for a new City Hall facility, a alternatively, direct staff to initiate a site selecti study to be returned to the City Council January 1987. B. Carlsbad City Libraries 1. Formally approve Library Option 5 as the most appropria and desirable strategy to address current and future Ci Library needs; 2. Formally approve the study's planning goals and poli actions as the planning basis for the development future City Library facilities; 3. Formally direct staff to initiate a site selection stu to be returned to the City Council January 1, 1987. ITEM EXPLANATION: On March 8, 1986, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 84 approving a consultant agreement with Michael Feerer/Rob Quigl and Associates to perform an analysis of Carlsbad City Hall a Library facilities. The final report is hereby submitted for t City Council's review. The consultant team, with the assistance of staff, conducted intense analysis of the existing City facilities, current a projected staffing and office space needs, organization structure and objectives, public use and ease of access to Ci administrative and library facilities, parking, circulation, a surrounding land use compatibility issues, maintentanc operating, and capital costs, and a variety of other factor The conclusions of the consultant team represent a recommend strategy for the planning and development of current and futu City Hall and Library facilities. 0 0 _. Page Two of Agenda Bill No. g5#9 - / Attached is a copy of the report summary with the recommend planning strategies (Chapter 1 of the final report). Copies the complete final report document have been distributed to t Council and staff and is on file with the City Clerk. T Council at the August 26th meeting. consultant team will make a formal presentation to the Ci FISCAL IMPACT: The consultant report was completed for the previously contract amount of $25,000 as budgeted in the 1985-86 Capital Improveme Program, account No. 140-820-1810-3196. If enacted, the recommendations of the consultant team have fiscal impact at this time. Carlsbad voter approval will 1 required in the future pursuant to Proposition H at the time financial commi ttment to either proposed project . c on t emp 1 at ed . EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 77%- accepting the Final Report of Strategic Plan and Space Needs Study of the City of Carlsb: City Hall and Libraries with the above referenced recommendc findings. 2. Final Report: Recommendation Summary (Chapter 1) 3. Final Report (on file with City Clerk) 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 0 RESOLUTION NO. 8775 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A CONSULTANT'S FINAL REPORT OF A STRATEGIC PLAN AND SPACE NEED5 STUDY OF CARLSBAD CITY HALL AND LIBRARIES WHEREAS/!, he City of Carlsbad has contracted with Michac and Associates to perform an analysis c Feerer/Rob 1\ Quigl 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 / 4. That the City Council formally app oves the study' planning goals and policy actions as the planning basis for th development of a future City Hall facility. 7 5. That the City Council formally designates the Carlsbz Public Safety and Service Center as the site for a new Cit Hall facility, or, alternatively, directs staff to initiate site selection study to be returned to the City Council c January 1, 1987. /// 1 2 3 e 0 6. That the City Council formally approves Library Option 5 as the most appropriate and desirable strategy t address current and future City Library needs. 1. Brief Summary Of This Entire Report Recommended City Hall Strategy There are four strategies to providing City office space in Carlsbad. Their advantages and disadvantages are summarized below. We recommend Option 4 as the most appropriate, cost effective strategy to respond to the current and future City administrative office space needs of Carisbad. L *- for adrnioismnve 0 0 1.2 , - Brief Summary Of This Entire Report e. Carlsbad City Hall: Recommended Option 4 Centralize all City a dminis tra live o ffices-by CQnSfruCtm3 a new 96,UUU square foot Cify Hall af an o f h er site. 4a. Complete an interim remodel of the existing City Hall buildings. When the Police Department and Community Development departments soon relocate (into the Public Safety Center and the leased Las Palmas facility, respectively), remodel the vacated City Hall area as described in Chapter 6 of this report to provide additional space for other City Hall departments. 4b. Sell or lease the former Parks & Recreation office site (across the street from City Hall on Pi0 Pic0 Drive). This could be accomplished once an interim location for these offices is established. Consider other uses (such as a Chamber of Commerce or small bank) for the small site that take advantage of its high - visibility and small size. 4c. Construct a new %,u~u square foot Cify Hall at anofher sife. A site should be selected that does not require a parking structure for the project (see Criteria for The New City Hall Sjte on page 3.28). Once the new project is completed, move all City administrative departments into the project. If the new site is not in or near downtown, however, retain Redevelopment/Housing at its downtown location. 4d. Convert the existing City Hall complex for other public uses. Allocate one or two trailers as interim space for the Library until additional Library facilities are provided (as described in Chapter 8 of this report). Relocate the remaining trailers to other sites. - Dedicate the permanent facilities to one the following potential needs: a. Other quasi-public office space, such as off ices for the Carlsbad School District. b. Cultural center offices, activity space and community meeting space. c. Long-term use by administrative and support staff of the Library, although this is not recommended (see Chapter 8 for a more detailed discussion of this issue). d. Other public uses for the former City Hall buildings that may be newly identified once this report becomes public. Based on this recommended option, the estimated projecf capital cost is $72,800,000. It is important to note that the estimated project cost does not include costs for site acquisition or development, demolition, landscaping, artwork, financing, City project administrative costs, construction management or any parking structure costs. Once the new City Hall site is selected and a site master plan is developed, these other costs will be able to be accurately estimated. u .w L 1.3 Brief Summary Of This Entire Report Recommended Library Facilities Strategy There are five strategies to providing City Library facilities in Carlsbad. Each strategy represents a fundamentally different approach of providing City Library services to the Carlsbad community. The advantages and disadvantages of each strategy are summarized in the chart below. We recommend Option 5 as the most appropriate, cost effective strategy to respond to the current and future City Library needs of Carlsbad. 3 -I- I a 0 1. -# 1.4 Brief Summary Of This Entire Report c, Carlsbad City Library: Recommended Option 5 RenovatelExpand The Existing Main Library + Build A New 58,000 SF fa Costa Library 5a. Construct a new La Costa Library that would serve the southern portion of Carlsbad. The 58,000 square foot La Costa Library would include public areas as well as Administrative, Technical Services, and related support functions for the Library so that these areas could be vacated from the existing Main Library to create more public use space in that building. Library at its current location (to continue to serve the northern areas of Carlsbad). The 24,600 square foot facility would ., be expanded to approximately 32,000 square feet. 5c. Plan both projects for the possibility of minor future expansion as the community reaches its build-out population beyond the year 2010. ’ Based on this recommended option, the annual operating costs of each library (in 1986 dollars) is projected to be approximately $8 I8,I 00 forthe expanded existing Main Library and $7,779,100 for the new La Costa Library. These cost figures do not include ongoing utilities and maintenance costs of the facilities. The estimated projecf capital costs are $7,974, UOU for the expanded existing Main Library and $8,365,000 for the new La Costa Library. These costs do not include site acquisition or development, demolition, landscaping, financing, City project administrative costs, Library site is selected and a site master plan is developed, these other costs will be able to be accurately estimated. 5b1 Renovate and expand the exisfino Main Carkbad - ’ ’ construction management or any parking structure costs. Once the new -