HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-01; City Council; 4082; WATERLINE EASEMENT QUITCLAIM - PORTION OF LOT "H", RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, MAP 823 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBADe 1. 4 (- r J- . , li March 1, 1977 - ._ - _- -- -_. - - - . "*, Engineerinq 1 . - 9 -_ - ~. --. .- -- __ - __ - -. __ -- -- WATERLINE EASEMENT QVITCLAIM - PORTION OF LOT ''HI' , RANCHO HEDIONDA, MAP 823 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD -- - " -_ - -I -- I The City of Carlsbad has an 8" waterline in a 20 foot easement of Cannon Road and east of the Santa Fe Railroad through San Di Gas and Electric Company property. (See Exhibit 1). The line only the San Diego Gas and Electric Comrsany and is approximatel 880 feet in length. For reasons outlined in Director of Utilities and Maintenance n randum of September 3, 1976 (See Exhibit 21, the waterline mair and eventual replacement should be the responsibility of the Sz Diego Gas and Electric Co. The San Diego Gas and Electric Co. receptive to this proposal, due to the fact that one large wate could be installed at the Cannon Road property line. This mete eliminate the necessity for several smaller meters in their Enc Plant water system. The new meter was paid for by the Gas and Electric Company and per City specifications. The waterline easement can now be qui Ownership and maintenance of the 8" waterline would then be thc resFonsibility of the San Diego Gas and Electric Company. EXHIBITS: 1. Sketch showing easement 2. Memo from Utilities/Maintenance Department 3. Copy of Quitclaim Deed for information RECOMMENDATION : Approve a motion authorizing the Mayor to execute a Quitclaim 1 for a waterline easement over a portion of Lot "H", Rancho Aguz Hedionda, Map 823, in the City of Carlsbad. cmjc I L ACT ION: 3-7-77 Authorization was given the iayor to execute a Cjui-iclaim De for a waterline easetxent over a portion of Lot Itti", Rancho Hedionda, Map 823, in the City of Carlsbad. 7 * September 3, 1976 14 E M3 P, A N DUM r - ,- 1 -/ TO: City Fr?gir;eer r- - 1, FROM: Director of Uti 1 i ties 8 Maintenance SUBJECT : Abandcnninnt of 8" Kater L.ine; SDG&E Property, north of Cannon Road I The City acquired, as a part of the Terramar kiater Company acquisition, an easement and water line to the then existing SDG&E property. Sub- sequently, SDG&E expanded their holdings to the now existing Cannon Road. This has precluded the origina: possibility of serving other custoiriers off of this line. In essence, we now are maintaining 880 feet of 8" service on private property. This crzates several undesirable consequences: 1. The meter reader has to access through the SDG&E facility to rebd the meter. 2. The city has to maintain a line in an easement which may interfere with or conflict with SDG&E operations. Any changes required by SX&E must be accomplished by city crews (they receive reimbursement as by any other customer requesting accmmodati ons) worki ng under the same ci rcmsiances. 3. 4. Eventual replacenenr would be the responsibility of the city from water imds (yet it \would benefit only one custoiler - SDG&E). LI It is reco-xended, ~c~efore: tnaL the city abzrldon tiiic reach of line and deed it to SDG&E. line (at SDS&E cost) with whatever ocher equipment requirements may be re- quired. This would then bring this installation into consist2ncy with the city policy of serving xciter to cusxorngr-s onjy to the property line. As a ccnseqience, a meter can be insLalled at proper v 2 //LJa4/ & -1 ---- . GREER r of Utiiit-ies & Rainterlance RWG: pag &<4/&7- 2 w k ECCCa?DiI1G R EOU ESTED B .. J. .* - San Diego Gas & Electric Co. , a Corporation AHD WHEN RECORDED HAIL TO rCity Clerk 1 Hcme Streat City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California 92008 Addrsss 1200 Elm Avenue City & _t State L * SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE m 0 ,.+ \ - -- 0 E+.S-9<#Z, 1st. 7- G+//c PJG L C Q”/7CL,9//7 OEL b~47€L‘ LWE E~ -__ ----_ . . . . . ___ --._ ...- __ ~ClT€LC/~&- €AS€&&~7- 70 I-___-_____ _____ m (II SAN Bi FILE NO cm April 28, 1977 Nora K. Gardiner Deputy City Clerk 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Ms. Gardiner: The quitclaim deed for a Carlsbad City waterline easement, 20 feet in xidth on San Diego Gas and Electric Company's Encina powerplant property, east of the AT8cSF railroad right of way, was recorded with the County of San Diego Recorder, Mz,,rch 22, 1977 at file page 77- 104069. Thank you for your consideration. Land Management S upe rvis RKB : meg 1, c 0 * Q 1200 ELM AVEKLJE TELEPk CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 431 Office of the Cdy Clerk Citp of &arls;fiab July 8, 1985 La Costa Land Company Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Quitclaim Deed for sewer easement in Lot 504 CT 72-20 The Carlsbad City Council at its meeting of January 4, 1977 approved the quitclaim deed for the above referenced subdivision. Although the deed was correctly recorded on January 11, 1977, the deed files. We are therefore returning this original to you for your records. Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call this office. original was returned to this offtce and filed in error in our +j$b-Y-gtiq REN R. KUNDTZ Deputy City Clerk KRK/ kdc Enclosure (I) %? - Ki?:ORDING REQUESTED BY 0- City of Carlsbad AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r 1 dame City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue ;rare Zit" B L Carlsbad, California itreet 4ddrers 92008_1 * ILE/PASf i45. 77-glc - EUGp, iIi7i RECORDCD?EEllic'STI;F c AGD~ESFE: 1 '. #Lj $77 ,lata 1 i i:. 2:: qjLi , A ECdi< 9E rt Q -7 f'..? * : 3 .L, J SPACE ABOVE TH!S LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE - w I I;' % f of the corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. .1 P -A //QA 7 I NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIF- \ PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN \ -I'-EZC-f-.C.--- OFFICIAL SEAL NORA K. GARDINER I SAN DIEGG COUNTY SSlON EXPIRES JAN* 29* '980 4 PLAT TO ULUSTRATE 10' S€W€R €AS€M€NT 70 BE VACA7'D RICK ENGINEERING CO PLAmE~TECTS-CIVIL EN6INEERS-U 5620 FIUARS (MA0 SUI OL60, CALIFOR 3088 PI0 PIC0 DRIYE,SUITE tO2,CAMSBl SW WW-(Ti429~070?/ CrrwS~O-(714