HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-12; City Council; 11445; FOURTH AMENDED UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICE AGREEMENTAB# I/, ?qs MTG.~- DEPT. 11112191 TITLE: FOURTH AMENDE11 UNIFIED SAN DiEGO . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I) 9 RESOLUTION NO. 91 -374 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CAUFORNlE APPROVING THE FOURTH AMENDED UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follc WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is a signatory to the Third Amended Unified Sar County Emergency Services Agreement of 1986, first executed in 1961, and WHEREAS, said Agreement established the Unified San Diego County Emergenc Services Organization of which the County and all Cities within the County are sign: and WHEREAS, the governing body of said organization is the Unified Disaster COL which this City is represented, and WHEREAS, the Unified Disaster Council approved the Fourth Amended Agreer September 19, 1991, and recommended the County and all Cities within San Diego ( approve and execute said Fourth Amended Agreement, and WHEREAS, The Fourth Amended Agreement will authorize the Unified Disastc to contract for hazardous material response and other countywide programs which mutually beneficial to all jurisdictions in Sari Diego County, and WHEREAS, the Fourth Amended Agreement contains other amendments intend clarify and improve the functioning of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Ser Organization, and WHEREAS, the recommended Fourth Amended Agreement is in the best inter City and the entire San Diego region; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Carls approves the Fourth Amended Unified San D tego County Emergency Services Agreer recommended by the Unified Disaster Council. /I // L- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * 9 10 11 I.2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 a * BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad be, and is her authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of of Carlsbad, California held on the 19 th -day of Novder by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Nygaard & Stanton Noes: None Absent: None ATTEST t LLm-+$n- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 0 e SUMMARY OF CHANGES FOURTH AMENDED EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT m The draft Fourth Amended Emergency Services Agreelment contains a number of changes recommended by a special Ad Hoc Task Force, and by the Hazardous Materials Incident Respor Team Policy Committee of the Unified Disaster Council. The major proposed amendments to 1 agreement are summarized below. many changes are editorial or for clarification purposes. The more significant changes follow. The references are to pages of the underlined/strikeoul copy of the Fourth Amended Emergency Services Agreement. 1. Authority for the Unified Disaster Council to conlract for services. This item is of particular interest to, and was recommended by the Hazardous Materials Incident Respon Team Policy Committee. Reference page 1, fifth Whereas; and page 3, paragraph A7. 2. Authority for the Unified Disaster Council to authorize non-member agencies to particip in programs of the Disaster Council (such as military services and service organization! Reference page 2, paragraph A4. 3. A number of changes to document that the Emergency Services Organization shall functio under operational area concept. Reference page 1, first Whereas; page 2, paragraphs A and A2; page 3, paragraph B and other areas of the agreement. 4. Authority for the development of an annual work plan which shall guide the efforts of the Unified Disaster Council staff. Reference page 5, paragraph D8; page 8, paragraphs I; and page 9, paragraph 19. 5. Authority for the chairperson to call a vote of the Unified Disaster Council by telephone electronic means on time sensitive issues. Reference page 7, paragraph G8. 6. A new section specifying duties of the chair of the Unified Disaster Council. In the currc agreement, only the duties of the Director of Emergency Services are specified. Reference page 6 and 7, paragraphs G through G8. 7. A new section specifying the duties of the Director and the Officer of Disaster Preparedn Reference page 8 and 9, paragraphs I through 11 1. 0 0 UNDERLINED/SlRIKEOUT COPY 0 F FOURTH AMENDED EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into by and between the Count San Diego, a political subdivisicm of the State of Calif01 hereinafter referred to as the County, and the incorporated cj within the County who are signatory hereto, hereinafter ref€ to as +#kef City or Cities. Nothirig in this Agreement is intc to lessen participating member[s] jurisdictions' authority ove responsibility for events occurrjmg within their jurisdict Nothinq in this Asreement is intended to be a means bv which 5 or federal emerqencv manaqement requirements can be Dassed c member jurisdictions. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County and the Cities - cf ;r& desire to Drovi.de for a unified einergency services organizat in the San Dieso Operational Area; and WHEREAS, -t?€mFj the purpose of the orqanization i5 coordinate and facilitate - ' w regional plans- programs for the preservation and safety of life and property- - to make fhcfj- provisions for the execution of plans, 1 programs, A- ~~-sa-&cr, a jurisdictional * emergencies or disasters; and c- IU ~3 - and mutual & assistance in the event of ~IJ WHEREAS, the parties to th:is agreement far2 - w desire to provide for any unencumbered balances a1 end of the budget- year resulting from either budget savin( revenues fde3~~& Trem-Febrcl or e#e=mdsj-; and WHEREAS, the parties have previously entered into the ft Seewid3 Third Amended Emergency Services Agreement of 1986; i WHEREAS, the parties to said Asreement desire to amend Aqreement to provide the Unified San Dieso County Emerc Sewices Orsanization with the Dower to enter into contract carry out the purposes of the orqanization; and .. WHEREAS, the parties desire further amendments, all of o are incorporated into this Fourth fPkk33 Amended Emerc Services Agreement; UDC 1 0 0 UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICE8 AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual cove contained herein, the parties hereto do herebyqmutually agr follows: A. The Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organiz is hereby created and established to - facil plannina and Dreparedness activities on an Operational level to include the following services: 1. Aid, assist and advise the County and each City i preparation and developrnent of an emergency plan fc County and for each City in the County. 2. Prepare and develop - Operational emergency procedures ami guidelines which may be u: participating members arid which provide for needs a coordination of those needs in the event of a fm~&~&+ disaster or other emergency. Aid, assist and advise the County and the Cities wi training of public employees for the emergency se organization. Provide countywide emergency services programs as determined and aDproved by the San Dieso County U. Disaster Council. hereinafter mentioned and refer as Unified Disaster Council or Council. From time to time special Countywide programs F developed under this Agreement. In those situatior Unified Disaster Council, may establish operation funding requirements for participation and wil: approval of participating members. Where progra not be supported by one or more jurisdictions programs may be executed between agreeing jurisdict Upon approval of the Unified Disaster Council, proqrams may include participation bv non-member au or iurisdictions. 5. Develop and keep current on a countywide ba: inventory of all equipment and supplies available the county for use in the event of an emergency. inventory listing will be made available t participating members. 3. 4. 6. Provide technical assistance in obtaining any fedc UDC 2 e UNIFIED SAW DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT state funds which may become available to the Count the Cities for emergency purposes and-in the acquis by the County and the Cities of surplus propert! emergency services purposes. f;Fs- f4r *s tt-- 0:4-*- -FFrrv bALy, WLLLL tk ,*Et Gf tt= emeYgeffcy 7 +! by st-- 4-7 \-e J - 7. Enter into contracts which are necessary and prop provide the services authorized in Paraqraphs 1 th 6 above, includinq contri3cts for any services necess imp1 ied from those expressed. B. The County and Cities, who are siqnatorv to this agree adoDt the Operational Area concept - Government Cod identified in Chapter 7 Section 8605 of Division 1 of 2 of the California Government Code, and support establ mutual aid aqreements as the basis for multi-iurisdict emergency operations. Duicinq such multi-iurisdict emerqencies, the staff of the orqanization shall assis Operational Area Coordinator in carryins out his 01 responsibilities under these mutual aid aqreements. The County and Cities signatory to this agreement shall 1. Become members of the Unified San Diego County Emer Services Organization. - C. fzs- - 2. Delegate to the Unified Disaster Council hereir mentioned, whatever authority it is lawful for the C and Cities to delegate when such delegation sha deemed necessary by sa:id Council. This delegati authority shall be restricted to whatever expendit1 UDC 3 0 e _. UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT County and City funds and use of County and personnel, equipment and supplies as are made avail by the County and the Cities for emergency sen purposes. - D. In consideration of these mutual promises, it is hc mutually agreed that: 1. The County will pay fifty percent (50%) of the cos establishing and maintaining the Unified San Diego Cc Emergency Services Organization. The Cities signatory hereto will pay fifty percent of the cost of maintaining the Unified San Emergency Services Organization, said fifty percei be apportioned among the cities in accordance wit1 following formula: a) One-half of the 50%, or 25% of the total b shall be apportioned by people units or popul in participating cities. 2. b) The remaining 25% of the total budget sha: apportioned by the total assessed valuation of and personal propeirty in participating Cities 3. For the purposes of th:k Agreement the total ass valuation of real and personal property in al: participating Cities shall be the amount assessed ! fiscal year prior to the budgeted year, as found j Property Valuation andl Tax Rate--San Diego Cc California, published by the Auditor and Control1 the County of San Diego. 4. If at the end of any fiscal year there remai unencumbered balance derived from budget savin( revenues -- received for emei services purposes, such balance shall be credited 4 participating members at the rate of their contril for that fiscal year, towards the following fiscal for the expenditures of the Unified San Diego ( Emergency Services Organization. 5. In the event a participating member withdraws fro] agreement, such member will receive its refundable of the unencumbered balance for that fiscal year single payment. UDC 4 e UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT 6. In the event a participating member contributes more the formula requires towards maintaining the Unif iec Diego County Emergency Services Organization, contributing member shall determine where the e: contributions will be applied. In the event a non-participating organization or a( contributes funding to the Unified San Diego Cc Emergency Services Orqanization, that contribl organization or agency shall determine where contribution will be applied. If application of contributions received under paraq' D6 or D7 above, affect the completion of tasks ident in an annual workplan, approved by the Unified Dis, Council, acceDtance of such contributions shal subject to Disaster Council approval. 7. - 8. - E. The San Dieqo County Unified Disaster Council is hl established and is the policy making body of the Unifiec Diego County Emergency Services Organization. The Un Disaster Council consists of the following: 1. The Chairperson of the County Board of Supervisor: shall be the Chairperson and who shall represent County. The Coordinator of the Unified San Diego County Emer Services Organization who shall be the Vice-Chairp and who is selected by the Unified Disaster Council among: The Chief Administrative Officer of the C or the City Manager and/or Chief Administrator o participating City. Two additional persons may be selected from the sta the Coordinator or from those specified - in paraqra f+h-+ above to act as first and second alternates i absence or inability of the Coordinator to serve. A representative from ea& fEa&j- member agency who - be designated as a primary representative to the Cou each member agency WP-f shall also designate a and second alternate* if the primary representati unable to attend. 4. Each participating memher jurisdiction shall hav 2. 3. UDC 5 0 UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT vote on the Unified Disaster Council. cr, 7 P--* J- - F. The Unified Disaster Council meets at least quarterly and call of the Chairperson or in his or her absence, or inabi to call such a meeting, upon the call of the Coordinator. is the duty of the Unified Disaster Council and it empowered: -0 - 1. LL b t;To de\ a proposed budget and to recommend a budget and apportionment thereof to the County and all particip; Cities. The County and the participating Cities E not adopt budgets differing from the budget recommf by the Unified Disaster Council without first consu: with the Unified Disaster Council;t;-f To review and approve Operational Area documents \ may include emerqency mutual aid plans, disi preparedness plans, aqreements, and any ordinal resolutions, rules and requlations as may be nece: to implement such plans and aqreements; - 2. - 3. To purchase, lease, own, or dispose of property equipment, and to review and approve contracts t entered into by the Unified San Diego County Emerc Services Organization pursuant to Section 7 of Part this Agreement and to meet all other purposes of Aqreement. - G. The Chairperson of the Unified Disaster Council has followins Dowers and duties: - 1. To call reqular and special rneetinqs of the Un Disaster Council. - 2. To execute, at the direction of the Unified Dis Council, contracts, aqreements and other instru necessary to the timely functionina of the Unifie Dieqo County Emersency Services Orqanization. - 3. To execute contracts, aqreements and other instru necessary to the timely functioninq of the Unifie UDC 6 0 e UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT Dieqo Emerqency Services Orqanization if the Un Disaster Council is not in session, p rovided contracts, aqreements, or other instruments, dc conflict with the annual work plan as may be approv the Unified Disaster Council. To deleqate to the Coordinator of Emerqency Servic to the Director of the Office of Disaster Prepared herein after referred, authority to execute contr aqreements, and other instruments as specifie paraqraphs 2 and 3 above, subject to approval oj Unified Disaster Council. To establish committees and appoint members subiej ratification of the Unified Disaster Council. - 6. To represent the Unified Disaster Council, or appo Council representative, in all dealinqs with pub1 private aqencies on emerqencies or emerqency manaq issues pertaininqtothe EmerqencY Sewices Orqaniza TO represent the interests of the unincorporated ar the County. The Chairperson may desiqnate a pers represent such interests in his or her absence. - 4. - 5. - 7. - 8. To call or cause to be called a vote of the Un Disaster Council members by mail, telephone, elect or other appropriate means on time sensitive issu it is impractical or inappropriate to call a sp meetinq of the Disaster Council. - H. The Coordinator of the Unified San Diego County Emer Services Organization has the following powers and duti 1. To request the City Council or Councils to proclai existence or threatened existence of a local emer if said Council or Councils are in session or to re such proclamation by the City Manager or other authc person if the Council or Councils are not in se subject to ratification by the Council or Councils E earliest practical time. 2. To request the Board of Supervisors to proclail existence or threatened existence of a countywide emergency if the Board of Supervisors is in sessi to reauest +ksw+ such proclamation by the Administrative Officer or other authorized person j Board of Supervisors is not in session, subjec UDC 7 0 e UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT ratification by the Board of Supervisors at the earl practical time. 3. To request the Governor of the State of Califo through the Board of Supervisors or the Council Councils of the affected City or Cities to proclair existence of a state of.. emergency or state of emergency when, in the opinion of the Coordinator, resources of the area or region are inadequate to with the emergency. 4. To serve as the Operational Area Coordinator an( coordinate the mutual aid efforts of the parties to agreement. - To 5 receive and disburse the f of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Sen Organization and -f-&&+j- & be responsible accountable for such funds. 5. - I. There is hereby created an Office of, and Director Disaster Preparedness. The Office, shall be under direction of the Chief Administrative Officer of the Cc of San Dieqo, and the Coordinator of Emerqency Services the Unified San Dieso County Emerqency Services Orqanizal The staff effort directly applicable to Countv of San I functions shall not exceed the level of the finar contribution of that jurisdiction and shall not inconsistent with the workplan as may be approved bv Unified Disaster Council. The Director and staff of the Office of Disaster Prepare1 shall be responsible for emergency manasement duties whic include : - 1. To preDare, develop, coordinate, and inteqrati Operational Area Emerqencv Plan and to respon emerqencies in accordance with emerqencv plans; To aid, assist and advise the Countv and each City i preparation and development of emergency plans: To coordinate and assist in the recruitment and tra of emerqency services personnel; To coordinate and assist in the procurement and inve of emerqencv supplies and eauiDment and in obta - 2. - 3. - 4. UDC 8 0 0 UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT Federal matchinq funds and surplus property; - 5. To develop, maintain and administrate countwide m - as may be determined by the Unified Disaster Counci: To coordinate Operational Area emerqency Dublic educal proqrams ; - 6. - 7. To develoP, maintain and distribute ODerational inventories of vital resources; - 8. To develop and maintain public warnins systems for San Dieso Operational Area: - 9. To develop an annual workplan and budqet for revieh approval by the Unified Disaster Council; 10. To execute and approve all instruments necessary tc day to day operation of the Emerqency Serv Orqanization as specified in the approved budqet, workplan, and approved chanqes there to; 11. To provide administration and coordination of Cc employees functionins as staff to the Unified San I County Emerqency Services Orqanization; J. The Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organizr and the Unified Disaster Council are structured herei accordance with the Emergency Services Ordinance (San J County Code of Regulatory Ordinances, Sec. 31.101). I1 event the organizations are altered materially in Emergency Services Ordinance, any party may offer to the I participating parties an amendment to conform the agre( to the Ordinance. All amendments to the Agreement sha. -in writing and effective upon execution by all parties. - K. The terms "state of war emergencyf1, "state of emergency" "local emergency" used herein shall have the same defin as is provided in the California Emergency Services Government Code Section 8558. - L. This Agreement shall become effective upon the executi the agreement by the County Board of Supervisors and b Cities desiring to become signatories hereto. Execution of this agreement supersedes the prior Emei Services Agreement, formerly known as the Civil Defens Disaster Agreement, and all amendments thereto and UDC 9 0 W UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT supersedes the Third fSeemd+ Amended Emergency Ser Agreement of 1986. Any of the Cities within the County of San Diego whic now, or which may hereafter become incorporated may bec party to this agreement by executing an agreement here and filing such executed agreement with the Coordinato in his or her absence, the first or second alte coordinator. This agreement may be terminated as to any of the parti written notice given by such party to all the other pa which notice shall be given at least 120 days prior t commencement of the fiscal year in which the terminati to take effect. For the purposes of such notice a fiscal is defined as July 1 of a calendar year through June 30 c next succeeding calendar year. E- - N. UDC 10 0 0 UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do affix,their signat1 SAN DIEGO COUNTY UNIFIED DISASTER COUNCIL Counci.1 Approval Date: 9/19/91 BY Chairman, Unified Disaster Counc. CITY OF CARLSBAD Council Approval Date : BY CITY OF CHULA VISTA Council Approval Date : BY CITY OF CORONADO Council Approval Date : BY CITY OF DEL MAR Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF EL CAJON Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF ENCINITAS Council Approval Date: BY UDC 11 0 0 UNIFIED S2iN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT CITY OF ESCONDIDO Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF LA MESA Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF LEMON GROVE Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF NATIONAL CITY Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF OCEANSIDE Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF POWAY Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF SAN DIEGO Council Approval Date: BY 12 UDC 0 0 UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT CITY OF SAN MARCOS Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF SANTEE Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF SOLANA BEACH Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF VISTA Council Approval Date : BY COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Board Approval Date: BY Clerk of the Board of Supervisor! UDC 13 * 0 ?. . UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT FOURTH AMENDED EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into by and between the County San Diego, a political subdivision of the State of Californ hereinafter referred to as the County, and the incorporated cit within the County who are signatory hereto, hereinafter refer to as City or Cities. Nothing in this Agreement is intended lessen participating member jurisdictions' authority over responsibility for events occurring within their jurisdicti Nothing in this Agreement is intended to be a means by which st or federal emergency management requirements can be passed on member jurisdictions. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County and the Cities desire to provide fc unified emergency services organization, in the San Dj Operational Area; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the organization is to coordinate facilitate regional plans and programs for the preservation safety of life and property, and to make provisions for execution of plans, programs, and mutual aid assistance in event of multi-jurisdictional emergencies or disasters; and WHEREAS, the parties to this agreement desire to provide any unencumbered balances at the end of the budget year resul from either budget savings or revenues: and WHEREAS, the parties have previously entered into the T Amended Emergency Services Agreement of 1986; and WHEREAS, the parties to said Agreement desire to amend Agreement to provide the Unified San Diego County Emerg Services Organization with the power to enter into contract carry out the purposes of the organization; and WHEREAS, the parties desire further amendments, all of v are incorporated into this Fourth Amended Emergency Sen Agreement; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual Cove1 contained herein, the parties hereto do hereby mutually agrc follows : UDC 1 1 0 0 * UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT 7. Enter into contracts which are necessary and proper provide the services authorized in Paragraphs A1 thro A6 above, including contracts for any servi necessarily implied from those expressed. B. The County and Cities, who are signatory to this agreeme adopt the Operational Area concept as identified in Chay: 7 Section 8605 of Division 1 of Title 2 of the Califor Government Code, and support established mutual aid agreeme as the basis for multi-jurisdictional emergency operatic During such multi-jurisdictional emergencies, the staff of organization shall assist the Operational Area Coordinatoi carrying out his or her responsibilities under these mut aid agreements. C. The County and Cities signatory to this agreement shall: 1. Become members of the Unified San Diego County Emergi Services Organization. 2. Delegate to the Unified Disaster Council hereina mentioned, whatever authority it is lawful for the Co and Cities to delegate when such delegation shall deemed necessary by said Council. This delegatio authority shall be restricted to whatever expenditur County and City funds and use of County and personnel, equipment and supplies as are made avail by the County and the Cities for emergency serv purposes. D. In consideration of these mutual promises, it is he mutually agreed that: 1. The County will pay fifty percent (50%) of the co: establishing and maintaining the Unified San Diego Cc Emergency Services Organization. The Cities signatory hereto will pay fifty percent of the cost of maintaining the Unified San 1 Emergency Services Organization, said fifty percer be apportioned among the cities in accordance wit1 following formula: a) One-half of the 50%, or 25% of the total bl shall be apportioned by people units or popul in participating Cities. 2. UDC 3 0 0 UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT b) The remaining 25% of the total: budget shall 1 apportioned by the total assessed valuation of re and personal property in participating Cities. 3. For the purposes of this Agreement the total assess valuation of real and personal property in all t participating Cities shall be the amount assessed in t fiscal year prior to the budgeted year, as found in t Property Valuation and Tax Rate--San Diego Count California, published by the Auditor and Controller the County of San Diego. 4. If at the end of any fiscal year there remains unencumbered balance derived from budget savings revenues received for emergency services purposes, SI balance shall be credited to the participating membc at the rate of their contribution for that fiscal ye2 towards the following fiscal year for the expenditu~ of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Servic Organization. 5. In the event a participating member withdraws from tl agreement, such member will receive its refundable sh; of the unencumbered balance for that fiscal year ii single payment. In the event a participating member contributes more t the formula requires towards maintaining the Unified Diego County Emergency Services Organization, t contributing member shall determine where the exc contributions will be applied. In the event a non-participating organization or age contributes funding to the Unified San Diego Cou Emergency Services Organization, that contribut organization or agency shall determine where contribution will be applied. If application of contributions received under paragra D6 or D7 above, affect the completion of tasks identil in an annual workplan, approved by the Unified Disa: Council, acceptance of such contributions shall subject to Disaster Council approval. E. The San Diego County Unified Disaster Council is he: established and is the policy making body of the Unified Diego County Emergency Services Organization. The Unifil 6. 7. 8. UDC 4 1 0 m , UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT 3. To purchase, lease, own, or dispose of property equipment, and to review and approve contracts tc entered into by the Unified San Diego County Emergc Services Organization pursuant to Section 7 of Part i this Agreement and to meet all other purposes of 1 Agreement. G. The Chairperson of the Unified Disaster Council has following powers and duties: 1. To call regular and special meetings of the Uni Disaster Council. 2. To execute, at the direction of the Unified Disa: Council, contracts, agreements and other instrumc necessary to the timely functioning of the Unified Diego County Emergency Services Organization. 3. To execute contracts, agreements and other instrum1 necessary to the timely functioning of the Unified Diego Emergency Services Organization if the Uni Disaster Council is not in session, provided contracts, agreements, or other instruments, do conflict with the annual work plan as may be approve the Unified Disaster Council. To delegate to the Coordinator of Emergency Service to the Director of the Office of Disaster Preparedn herein after referred, authority to execute contra agreements, and other instruments as specified varagraphs 2 and 3 above, subject to approval of Unified Disaster Council. 5. To establish committees and appoint members subjec' 4. ratification of the Unified Disaster Council. 6. To represent the Unified Disaster Council, or appoi Council representative, in all dealings with public private agencies on emergencies or emergency manage issues pertaining to the Emergency Services Organizat To represent the interests of the unincorporated are the County. The Chairperson may designate a perso represent such interests in his or her absence. 8. To call or cause to be called a vote of the Uni Disaster Council members by mail, telephone, electr 7. UDC 6 1 0 e UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT The staff effort directly applicable to County of San functions shall not exceed the level of the fine contribution of that jurisdiction and shall no inconsistent with the workplan as may be approved b Unified Disaster Council. The Director and staff of the Office of Disaster Preparc shall be responsible for emergency management duties whi include : 1. To prepare, develop, coordinate, and integra Operational Area Emergency Plan and to respo emergencies in accordance with emergency plans; To aid, assist and advise the County and each City preparation and development of emergency plans; 2. 3. To coordinate and assist in the recruitment and tr of emergency services personnel; To coordinate and assist in the procurement and inv of emergency supplies and equipment and in obt Federal matching funds and surplus property; 5. To develop, maintain and administrate muntywide 4. as may be determined by the Unified Disaster Cour To coordinate Operational Area emergency public edi programs ; inventories of vital resources; 6. 7. To develop, maintain and distribute Operationa 8. To develop and maintain public warning systems f San Diego Operational Area; approval by the Unified Disaster Council; 9. To develop an annual workplan and budget for rev 10. To execute and approve all instruments necessary day to day operation of the Emergency S Organization as specified in the approved budg workplan, and approved changes there to; 11. To provide administration and coordination of employees functioning as staff to the Unified Sa County Emergency Services Organization; UDC 8 0 e UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT J. The Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organiza and the Unified Disaster Council are structured hereii accordance with the Emergency Services Ordinance (San D County Code of Regulatory Ordinances, Sec. 31.101). In event the organizations are altered materially in Emergency Services Ordinance, any party may offer to the o participating parties an amendment to conform the agree to the Ordinance. All amendments to the Agreement shal in writing and effective upon execution by all parties. K. The terms "state of war emergencyt1, "state of emergency", Itlocal emergency" used herein shall have the same defini as is provided in the California Emergency Services Government Code Section 8558. L. This Agreement shall become effective upon the executic the agreement by the County Board of Supervisors and by Cities desiring to become signatories hereto. Execution of this agreement supersedes the prior Emerc Services Agreement, formerly known as the Civil Defense Disaster Agreement, and all amendments thereto and supersedes the Third Amended Emergency Services Agreemer 1986. M. Any of the Cities within the County of San Diego whick now, or which may hereafter become incorporated may becc party to this agreement by executing an agreement here1 and filing such executed agreement with the Coordinatoi in his or her absence, the first or second altei coordinator, N. This agreement may be terminated as to any of the partif written notice given by such party to all the other pa: which notice shall be given at least 120 days prior tc commencement of the fiscal year in which the termhatic to take effect. For the purposes of such notice a fiscal is defined as July 1 of a calendar year through June 30 o next succeeding calendar year. UDC 9 0 e UNIFIED S24N DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do affix their signatu: SAN DIEGO COUNTY UNIFIED DISASTER COUNCIL Council Approval Date: 9/19/91 BY Chairman, Unified Disaster Counci CITY OF CARLSBAD Council Approval Date: 11/19/91 BY CITY OF CHUM VISTA Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF CORONADO Council Approval Date : BY CITY OF DEL MAR Council Approval c Date : BY CITY OF EL CAJON Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF ENCINITAS Council Approval Date: BY 10 1 UDC 0 0 UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT CITY OF ESCONDIDO Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF LA MESA Council Approval Date : BY CITY OF LEMON GROVE Council Approval Date : BY CITY OF NATIONAL CITY Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF OCEANSIDE Council Approval Date : BY CITY OF POWAY Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF SAN DIEGO Council Approval Date : BY UDC 11 3 0 a J UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT CITY OF SAN MARCOS Council Approval Date : BY CITY OF SANTEE Council Approval .. Date: BY CITY OF SOLANA BEACH Council Approval Date: BY CITY OF VISTA Council Approval Date: BY COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Board Approval Date : BY Clerk of the Board of Supervisors UDC 12 1