HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-06-13; City Council; 18602 Exhibits 8-15; Precise Development Plan and Desalination PlantThe City of Carlsbad Planning Department EXHIBIT 8 A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. P.C. AGENDA OF: May 3, 2006 Application complete date: February 24, 2005 Project Planner: Scott Donnell Project Engineer: Bob Wojcik SUBJECT: EIR 03-05/PDP QO-02/SP 144(HVDA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05- 04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT - Request for: 1) a recommendation of certification of an Environmental Impact Report; 2) a recommendation of adoption of the Candidate Findings .of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; 3) a recommendation of approval for a Precise Development Plan, Specific Plan Amendment, Development Agreement, and Redevelopment Permit; and 4) approval of a Coastal Development Permit, Special Use Permit (Floodplain), and a Habitat Management Plan Permit for Incidental Take consistent with the City's Habitat Management Plan. The requested actions are for: 1) a Precise Development Plan for the Encina Power Station and the proposed 50 million gallon per day Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant proposed at the Encina Power Station; 2) an amendment to the Encina Specific Plan to incorporate the Precise Development Plan into the Specific Plan; 3) a Redevelopment Permit for the desalination plant and pipelines within the boundaries of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area; 5) a Development Agreement for the desalination plant; and 4) a Special Use Permit (floodplain), Coastal Development Permit, and Habitat Management Plan Permit for pipelines that would convey desalinated water from the desalination plant into various parts of the City of Carlsbad. The project locations are: 1) the Encina Power Station at 4600 Carlsbad Boulevard and west of Interstate 5; 2) the 680-acre Encina Specific Plan, which encompasses the Power Station and all of Agua Hedionda Lagoon; and 3) miscellaneous- locations in Carlsbad, all north of Palomar Airport Road and generally in street rights of way, where desalinated water pipeline alignments are proposed. Additionally, desalination pipeline alignments are proposed in the cities of Oceanside and Vista, primarily in existing street rights of way, and are subject to the review and permitting requirements of those cities. Note that while the project's Environmental Impact Report analyzes all project features regardless of location, the recommended Planning Commission actions will not approve any project development in the adjacent cities. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission 1) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6087 RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION of EIR 03-05 and RECOMMENDING EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SbP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 2 ; ADOPTION of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; 2) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6088, 6089, 6090 and 6091 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of POP 00-02, SP 144(H), DA 05-01, RP 05-12; and 3) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6092, 6093, and 6094 APPROVING CDP 04-41, SUP 05-04 and HMPP 05-08 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant project is a joint submittal by Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LLC, applicant for the development of a 50 million gallon per day (mgd) Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant; and Cabrillo Power I LLC, owner and operator of the Encina Power Station. The Precise Development Plan serves as a necessary permit for both the proposed desalination plant and the existing power station. The power station, originally completed in 1952, covers approximately 95 acres between Carlsbad Boulevard and Interstate 5 and is bordered on the north by Agua Hedionda Lagoon. While the proposed desalination plant is proposed on the power station grounds, the project also features several miles of pipelines that would carry desalinated water from the plant and into the distribution system of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and other water districts. The pipelines would extend into parts of Carlsbad, as well as Vista and Oceanside. Most of these pipelines would be installed in existing or future road rights of way. Once the project is complete, the City of Carlsbad may elect to own these pipelines and other appurtenant facilities. As stated above, staffs recommendation to the Planning Commission would result in approval or a recommendation of approval of the various City of Carlsbad permits and actions necessary for the desalination plant. These permits and actions would only be valid for project components in the City of Carlsbad. The applicant will need to seek separate permits for any project component proposed outside Carlsbad from other agencies. The project environmental impact report, however, analyzes the potential impacts of all project features, regardless of location. Accordingly it can also serve as the environmental document for the cities of Oceanside and Vista, which would issue permits for portions of the project within their boundaries, and for agencies such as the State Lands Commission, which have jurisdiction or permit authority over various project aspects. One necessary project permit is a redevelopment permit. It is required because the desalination plant and a portion of the water conveyance pipelines are within the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area. The Planning Commission acts as the reviewing and recommending body on land use permits proposed within this redevelopment area. The Planning Commission's recommendation on the redevelopment permit will be considered by the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission. All other recommendations will be considered by the City Council. Furthermore, actions taken by the City of Carlsbad are subject to the approval of the California Coastal Commission as the Encina Power Station (and, therefore, the proposed desalination plant) are located in the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan, a segment of the City's coastal zone where the Commission has retained coastal development permit jurisdiction. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SuP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 3 : This project was previously introduced to the Planning Commission at a December 21, 2005, public hearing. At that time, the Planning Commission received background information on the project from staff and the applicant (Poseidon Resources). Public testimony was taken and letters were received. Additional information about the comments received is contained at the end of this report. Because of the complexities of this project, staff has included two exhibits to help illustrate the relationship of the various permits involved, Local Coastal Program boundaries, and pipeline alignments in the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside and Vista. These attachments are included at the end of the report. Plans of the proposed desalination plant and appurtenant facilities at the Encina Power Station are contained in the proposed Precise Development Plan (PDF), a document which is attached. The PDF is also the source for detailed project plans of existing facilities at the Encina Power Station. For information and exhibits about the desalination process, overall pipeline network, and project impacts outside Carlsbad, please refer to the Final Environmental Impact Report, also attached. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND A. Detailed Project Description/Required Permits The project can be broken down into four primary features. These features, and the host of different permits and actions required from the City of Carlsbad and other local, state, and federal agencies, are highlighted below. Primary Project Features • Desalination Plant: On an approximately three-acre site within the Encina Power Station, currently occupied by the southernmost of three large fuel oil storage tanks which are all visible to Carlsbad Boulevard from across Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Poseidon Resources proposes to construct a plant that would turn approximately 100 million gallons perjiay (mgd) of power plant cooling water into approximately 50 mgd of potable water. The source water would be pretreated and filtered through reverse osmosis membranes to produce drinking water. Approximately 50 mgd of concentrated seawater would be the byproduct of the desalination process; at twice the salinity of the incoming seawater, the concentrated seawater would be returned to the Power Station's discharge system and mixed with cooling water from the power generation process before release into the ocean. / The desalination facility would operate every day, 24 hours per day, and would produce water continuously and be staffed at all times. Facility access during construction and operation would be through the main Power Station access on Carlsbad Boulevard. The applicant has in place a 60-year lease with Cabrillo Power that gives the applicant exclusive rights to locate a desalination facility at the current location of fuel oil storage tank and use the intake and outfall apparatus of the power plant. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SuP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 4 : The fuel oil tank currently occupying the desalination plant site is no longer needed for Power Station operations and would be demolished to accommodate the desalination facility. The facility would consist of an enclosed building, 33-feet high and 44,552 square feet. The facility would house thirteen "trains" of reverse osmosis membranes, water treatment chemicals, product water pumps, administrative offices, and other desalination equipment. The "reverse osmosis building" would have a larger footprint than the fuel oil storage tank it would replace, but would not be as high. Prior to entering the reverse osmosis building, seawater would pass through ground level pretreatment filters located in front and west of the reverse osmosis building. Besides these filters and the reverse osmosis building, the desalination plant project would also feature appurtenant facilities, such as pump stations, solids handling building, electrical transformer enclosures, and intake, discharge, and underground product water pipelines (discussed below), proposed both on and off-site of the Encina Power Station. However, due to the small size of the on-site appurtenant facilities and their location on the Encina Power Station grounds, the only desalination facility readily visible to Carlsbad Boulevard and the surrounding area would be the reverse osmosis building. Accordingly, this building has been designed to resemble an office or industrial building typical of one in the City's business parks. The architectural treatment and materials used on the exterior of the building include cast-in-place concrete, and extensive use of metal and translucent panels, glazing, and steel and metal accents. Existing landscaping above the lagoon and west of the proposed building will also complement the building's appearance, particularly when viewed from Carlsbad Boulevard, several hundred feet from the desalination plant site. The desalination plant proposal and the environmental analysis performed for this project assume continued operation and use of the power station and its coolant water discharge. Any changes to this assumption, such as a desalination plant operating independent of the power station, would be subject to entirely separate permitting and environmental review. • Encina Power Station: The project proposes no changes to the Encina Power Station, its operations, or permitted operating capacity other than modifications to accommodate the proposed desalination plant. These modifications include demolition of a fuel oil storage tank and installation of pipelines and accessory facilities on power station property. Future improvements to the power station, if planned, would be processed according to the Precise Development Plan, if approved, and would require separate permits and approvals. Of the eight separate city actions and permits for this project, only two apply directly to the Encina Power Station: the Precise Development Plan, required by the Zoning Ordinance for any use in the Power Station's Public Utilities Zone, and the amendment to Specific Plan 144, required to incorporate the Precise Development Plan into the Specific Plan. The Power Station uses seawater for cooling of its generators, which it draws from the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and discharges into the Pacific Ocean. The power plant owner estimates the Power Station is capable of producing 965 Megawatts of electricity and providing 25% of San Diego County's total energy requirements. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SuP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 PageS Pipelines: From the desalination plant, new product water pipelines would extend into the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside and Vista. With the exception of a small pump station proposed in Oceanside, all appurtenant facilities located offsite of the Encina Power Station consist of underground pipelines. These pipelines would deliver desalinated water to Carlsbad and local water districts for use by homes and businesses. In Carlsbad, connections to existing water systems would be made at Maerkle Reservoir and along Palomar Airport Road east of El Camino Real, enabling the desalination plant to provide water to all portions of the City served by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Offsite pipe diameters would range from 48-inches in the upstream portions of the delivery system to 24-inches in the downstream portions. A number of alignment options have been identified to provide flexibility in alignment selection and to ensure that all potential alignment segments are analyzed in the project's Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Although the EIR includes project level environmental analysis of several potential alignment options (Figure 3-5, Offsite Water Delivery Facilities), only one of the potential alignment options will be constructed as part of the project. This provides for a worst case analysis, in that not all of the segments of pipe that are analyzed for potential impacts will be built. To avoid impacts that could be involved with off-road alignments, most proposed pipelines would be built in existing or future roadways. Cannon Road, College Boulevard, Faraday Avenue, and Melrose Drive are some of the roadways the different proposed alignments follow; however, in the case of roads not yet constructed, such as College Boulevard between Cannon Road and El Camino Real, pipeline installation would not precede roadway construction. In environmentally sensitive areas, freeway crossings and busy intersections, and/or locations congested with utilities, pipelines are proposed to be tunneled under the area of concern rather than installed through typical trench construction. Where off-road alignments are proposed, service roads are not planned; therefore, all pipeline impacts are temporary. The farthest pipeline reach extends to North Santa Fe Avenue in Oceanside, where a connection to City of Oceanside water distribution facilities would be made. It is anticipated that the longest pipeline network would not exceed 16 miles in length. Public Dedications and Enhancements: Through the Precise Development Plan, Cabrillo Power, the Power Station Owner, has offered several acres of dedications to the City for the public's benefit and for marine research. Each dedication, in the form of an easement, title transfer, or deed restriction, would further Coastal Act goals of maximizing public access and recreational opportunities along the^oast. The dedications are described below and shown on Figure 5 of the Precise Development Plan document. • Fishing Beach - An easement for this site, along the shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and next to Carlsbad Boulevard, would be dedicated for public recreational and coastal access use, including public parking. • Bluff Area - The Bluff Area, located on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard and opposite the Power Station, is proposed to be dedicated in fee title to the City for recreational and coastal access uses. ( C EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 6 • Hubbs Site - The Hubbs Site, along the lagoon north shore, consists of the land between the existing Hubbs Seaworld Research Institute and the railroad tracks. The site is proposed to be deed restricted to uses such as a fish hatchery, aquatic research, and trails. • South Power Plant Public Parking Area - An easement for this site, along the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard and near the south entrance to the power plant, would be dedicated for public parking. The City would be responsible for the development of these areas when and if it decides to do so. Development would be subject to separate permits and environmental review. Further, proposed conditions of the PDF recommendation of approval require the installation of landscaping and a decorative screening wall or fencing along the Power Station's Carlsbad Boulevard frontage and dedication of an easement for the Coastal Rail Trail in a location mutually agreeable to the City and Cabrillo Power. City of Carlsbad Permits and Actions • Precise Development Plan PDF 00-02: The Precise Development Plan (PDF) is a Zoning Ordinance requirement for development in the Public Utilities (P-U) Zone, the zoning of the Encina Power Station. While it is the permit necessary for the desalination plant, the PDP also would serve as the required permit and as a planning document for the whole Power Station. Though the Encina Power Station began operation in the 1950s, the requirement for a Precise Development Plan did not exist until the City Council adopted an ordinance for the same in the early 1970s. Without a Precise Development Plan, no entitlements or permits may be issued for a project in the P-U Zone, including the desalination plant or a Power Station improvement. The proposed PDP applies only to the Encina Power Station; pipelines and appurtenant facilities located offsite of the Power Station are outside the scope of the PDP. The PDP also does not apply to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon as it is zoned Open Space nor to the SDG&E maintenance and operations center adjacent to the Power Station. The PDP serves somewhat as a specific or master plan by providing planning areas, basic development standards, and review and amendment procedures for improvements, such as the desalination plant, proposed at the power station. Through text and exhibits, the PDP also provides a comprehensive description of existing power plant uses and facilities so that it provides an effective baseline of current power plant features and operations. , In addition, the PDP serves as the primary permit for proposed conditions that apply beyond the desalination plant (reverse osmosis building) site. • Redevelopment Permit RP 05-12: Sections 600 and 608 of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan state a desalination plant, including its appurtenant facilities, may be permitted in the Redevelopment Plan area only if the Housing and Redevelopment Commission approves a finding that: 1) the desalination plant serves an extraordinary EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SuP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page? . public purpose; 2) a precise development plan which sets forth standards for development -of the desalination plant is first approved by the Housing and Redevelopment Commission; and 3) the Commission has issued a Redevelopment Permit for the project. The Redevelopment Permit serves as the primary permit for proposed conditions that apply specifically to the desalination plant. • Specific Plan Amendment SP 144(H): The Encina Power Station, Agua Hedionda Lagoon east and west of Interstate 5, and adjacent areas are located in the Encina Specific Plan. This Specific Plan includes 680 acres and spans a two-mile distance from the Pacific Ocean to just east of Cannon Road near its intersection with Faraday Avenue. An amendment to this specific plan is necessary to incorporate the PDF into the specific plan. The amendment also restates the specific plan so it contains, in a single, comprehensive document, all requirements set forth by previously approved specific plan amendments and the contents required by state law. Currently, the specific plan consists of a number of individual ordinances adopted over a several year period. Other than the incorporation of the Precise Development Plan, there are no changes proposed to any Specific Plan requirements or to General Plan land use or zoning designations within its boundaries. • Development Agreement DA 05-01: A Development Agreement has been prepared as part of the project review process to provide both the Poseidon Resources and the City with assurances concerning the conditions of development and public benefits related to the desalination plant. This is the first development agreement to be considered by the City since the LEGOLAND development agreement adopted in January, 1996. Many of the terms and conditions of the proposed agreement are intended to preserve for the benefit of the City, Carlsbad Municipal Water District and Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency the property tax revenues that will be paid by the Project. The Agreement establishes a mitigation fee that will be paid by Poseidon Resources, or its successors in interest, in the event that property taxes are not paid by the owners of the desalination plant, because, for example, the plant is moved to another location or acquired by a government agency. The term of the Development Agreement is 40 years. • Coastal Development Permit CDP 04-41 (City): The project is required to obtain a coastal development permit for portions of the proposed pipelines in the Mello II segment of the City's Coastal Zone. The coastal development permit required from the California Coastal Commission is discussed under Other Agency Actions below. • Special Use Permit SUP 05-04 (Floodplain): A segment of a proposed pipeline alignment along Cannon Road between Faraday and College Boulevard crosses the 100- year floodplain. • Habitat Management Plan Permit HMPP 05-08: Installation of proposed pipelines in some locations would result in temporary impacts to sensitive habitat, such as coastal sage scrub. These impacts vary in location from the Encina Power Station to Maerkle Reservoir near the City of Vista border. Temporary habitat impacts are also proposed in EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 8 the City of Oceanside near Leisure Village Ocean Hills; however, HMPP 05-08 would apply only to impacts in the City of Carlsbad. • Environmental Impact Report EIR 03-05: The City has prepared an EIR for this project. While the primary land use approval for the project is the PDP, the primary focus of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is the desalination plant and its related offsite facilities, since they are the only elements of the project that require such an analysis. The EIR considers potential impacts associated with all project components, including marine biological impacts and those project components in the cities of Oceanside and Vista. It can be used by other agencies in their analysis and permitting of the project. The EIR considers project alternatives, such as a project location alternative, reduced project capacity alternative, and seawater intake alternatives. The City released the draft EIR in May 2005 and the final EIR in December 2005. The EIR includes an analysis of potential environmental impacts associated with the following issue areas: • Aesthetics • Biological Resources, marine and terrestrial • Cultural and Paleontological Resources • Geology and Soils • Hazards and Hazardous Materials • Hydrology and Water Quality • Land Use and Planning • Transportation and Traffic • Public Utilities and Service Systems The EIR concludes that the project will result in: • Unavoidable significant cumulative air quality and indirect growth inducing impacts; • Significant aesthetic, biological, air quality, hydrology/water quality, geology/soils, hazards/hazardous materials, archeological and paleontological impacts that can be mitigated to a less than significant impact level; and • Less than significant impacts Section V. Environmental Review, of this report provides a more detailed discussion of the EIR analysis. • Permits for Pipelines: Other than the coastal development permit and redevelopment permit required for some pipeline segments as identified above, construction of all pipelines would be subject to various city actions, such as right of way permits, haul route permits, and improvement plan approvals. The applicant would also need to obtain easements for pipelines that cross private land, such as the alignments proposed in the vicinity of Armada Drive. Subject to obtaining all necessary permits, the Development Agreement contains a provision in which the City agrees to not charge Poseidon Resources for use of rights of way for pipeline installation. Proposed pipelines located outside of the City's Coastal Zone and Redevelopment Plan boundaries are not subject to any of the discretionary permits and actions listed above (with the exception of the ( C EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SJP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 9 : Development Agreement). A condition of approval of the Precise Development Plan notes that these pipelines are subject to the requirements of the City's Municipal Code. California Coastal Commission Action As mentioned earlier, a Coastal Development Permit from the Coastal Commission is needed. This permit is necessary because the Encina Power Station and portions of the offsite pipelines are located in the Agua Hedionda segment of the City of Carlsbad's Local Coastal Program - a segment over which the City does not have permit authority, because jurisdiction has been retained by the California Coastal Commission. The Coastal Commission's review of the project would occur after the Carlsbad City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission take action. Other Agency Actions • A lease for portions of the Project that are state-owned lands under jurisdiction of the California State Lands Commission; • A Domestic Water Supply Permit from the California Department of Health Services; • A separate National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board for the desalination plant; • An Industrial Waste Permit from the Encina Wastewater Authority • Additional review may be provided by Federal, State and regional agencies including, but not limited to: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, CALTRANS, and California Department of Fish and Game; • Land use and development permits from the cities of Oceanside and/or Vista; • Right-of-Way Permit(s) from the Cities of Vista and/or Oceanside; • Encroachment Permit(s) from the Cities of Vista and/or Oceanside; • Easements/Acquisition of Right-of-Way from the Cities of Vista and/or Oceanside; - • Grading Permit(s) from the Cities of Vista and/or Oceanside; • Haul Route Permits from the Cities of Vista and/or Oceanside; and • Permits to connect to facilities of various local water districts.f B. Desalination and Carlsbad The City of Carlsbad has consistently strived to provide its citizens with a high quality of life by planning ahead for growth and change using growth management and economic development strategies that apply the principles of balance, sustainability, environmental protection, self reliance and economic vitality. Using these principles, strategic goals and a 5-year vision statement were put in place to guide staff in the development of projects and infrastructure ( C EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SJP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 10 : necessary to meet the City Council's vision. The City Council's strategic goal on water supply states: Ensure, in the most cost-effective manner, water quality and reliability to the maximum extent practical, to deliver high quality potable -water and reclaimed water incorporating drought resistant community principals. To achieve the City Council's water supply goals the City has pursued a diversification of its water supply portfolio by undertaking significant water conservation efforts, maximizing the availability and use of recycled water, and the pursuit of new potable water supplies. The need for a diverse water portfolio was illustrated by the early 1990's drought, when the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) reduced water supplies to member agencies, including Carlsbad, by 30% and was preparing plans for 50% reductions until the "Miracle March" rains provided enough water to meet demand. Water supply reductions at this level were projected to cause significant negative impacts on the quality of life of Carlsbad's citizens as well as cause economic hardship for area businesses. As the City of Carlsbad has grown in population and expanded its economic base, dramatic reductions in water supply today, like those seen in the early 1990's drought, would again negatively impact quality of life for residents and hurt emerging industries that Carlsbad has worked hard to attract and retain, such as high tech manufacturing and bio-technology businesses. These businesses provide high wage, high skilled jobs to the region, but are very dependent on a reliable water supply for their processes and research. Similarly, visitor related industries rely on a consistent water supply to provide services to tourists. Major cutbacks could severely hurt these industries. Since the early 1990's drought, additional political, environmental, and legal constraints on water supply to the region have emerged. According to the CWA Regional Water Facilities Master Plan (RWFMP), the CWA currently imports nearly 600,000 acre feet (AF) per year from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), but is only legally entitled to approximately 300,000 AF per year. This makes the region's imported water supply highly vulnerable to water shortages and supply disruptions. The Colorado River is a major source of water supply for California, Nevada and Arizona. California has traditionally used more than its allocated 4.4 million acre feet (MAF) per year because Arizona and Nevada have not typically used their full allocations. Arizona and Nevada's increasing water needs have led to .demands that California reduce its usage to its 4.4 MAF allocation. Potential threats to future deliveries of water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay-Delta, such as a severe decline in fish populations, levee instability and a series of adverse court rulings, may also lead to reductions in the amount of water that can be delivered from Northern to Southern California through the State Water Project. These new water supply realities have led the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), through the 2005 California Water Plan, to encourage diversification of water supply options and the development of new water sources that includes a half-million acre feet per year of desalinated water. Although the CWA still provides almost 90% of the City's water supply, Carlsbad has been recognized as a leader in conservation and the use of recycled water. Carlsbad is currently the highest user of recycled water in San Diego County as a percentage of total water supply. Ten percent of the City's current water supply is recycled water and by 2010 more than 20 percent of EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP If4(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/bOP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 11 . the City's water needs will be met with recycled water. Carlsbad has also pursued conservation efforts that have resulted in current savings of 6.7% of total water supply. It is projected that Carlsbad will maintain these conservation savings even as the population grows. Despite conservation and the aggressive use of recycled water, the bulk of the City's water supply is still provided by water purchased from the CWA, which is vulnerable to the factors mentioned above. The need to find a local, reliable water supply is therefore essential to the preservation of the quality of life and economic goals of the City. In 1998 the City began discussions with Poseidon Resources to determine the feasibility of siting a seawater desalination facility in Carlsbad to address the City's goal of creating a reliable, drought-resistant water supply. In July 2000 the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) approved Resolution 1093 authorizing the applicant to proceed with a desalination feasibility study. One year later the applicant submitted the completed feasibility study, which found that a seawater desalination facility producing up to 50 million gallons per day (MGD) of potable water could be constructed adjacent to the Encina Power Station. In May 2002 the CMWD, in conjunction with the CWA and City of Oceanside, completed an additional review of Poseidon Resources' proposal, which concluded that the proposed project was technically viable and the cost of water was reasonable. In January 2004, the CWA Board concluded that it would be in the region's best interest to allow Carlsbad and Poseidon to work on developing a local project rather than to continue direct negotiations with Poseidon and Carlsbad. In February 2004, CWA sent a letter to the City in support of Carlsbad's efforts to develop a local seawater desalination project. During this period, CMWD negotiated a Water Purchase Agreement (see below) with Poseidon Resources that the CMWD Board of Directors approved in September 2004. Meanwhile, on August 12, 2004, the CWA Board of Directors approved a staff recommendation to reopen discussions with Carlsbad and Poseidon, and simultaneously continue independent planning and environmental studies for a CWA-owned and operated regional seawater desalination facility at the Encina Power Station. On that same date, the CWA Board of Directors reaffirmed that successful development of a locally initiated seawater desalination plant at the Encina site would create a regional water reliability benefit, and would therefore continue to support the City's efforts in processing such a facility. Meanwhile, the CWA has continued work on its regional desalination /acility proposal and released its, draft EIR on March 31, 2006. As a regional project, the CWA facility would connect directly via pipelines to the agency's Second Aqueduct in San Marcos, uppn which it could then distribute desalinated water to the region. Poseidon has signed a lease and easement agreement with Cabrillo Power Jhat gives Poseidon the exclusive right to operate a desalination facility on the Encina Power Station property. Therefore only one project can be built at the Encina Power Station. Any project by the CWA would require that the CWA obtain the exclusive rights now held by Poseidon. Moreover, the CWA does not have ownership or other form of control of the land upon which the facility is proposed and is not currently engaged in negotiations with the property owner (Cabrillo) to secure such ownership or control. Though the CWA retains the power of eminent domain to secure control over the site, the CWA Board of Directors authorized staff, as stated in its August 12, 2004, decision, to complete the EIR for the regional seawater desalination project "with the clear EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP l44(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SJP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 12 _ : _ understanding that nothing in this action is intended to authorize or suggest acquisition of Poseidon or Cabrillo's property interests by eminent domain." Therefore, while there may be two agencies processing two separate projects of the same nature in the same location simultaneously, circumstances dictate that only one project will be built. This leads the City of Carlsbad to the reasonable conclusion that successful development of a locally initiated project would not be duplicated by a CWA initiated project at the same location. Therefore this analysis assumes that a single seawater desalination plant would be built and operated, and would consist of the components, capacity, and specifications identified in this report. In October of 2004 the Carlsbad Municipal Water District completed and approved a water purchase agreement (WPA) with the applicant. The stated purpose of the agreement is to "Provide the City of Carlsbad with a certain quantity of high-quality drinking water that is delivered reliably over a 30-year period at a guaranteed price." The WPA will provide the City of Carlsbad with high quality drinking water that meets 1 00% of the City's potable water supply needs at a price no more than the cost of water from the CWA. Carlsbad would maintain its membership at the CWA, allowing it to purchase water from CWA to provide a backup water supply in the event Poseidon Resources were unable to provide the water necessary to meet demand. The WPA is included as Appendix B of the Final EIR. Approval of the land use permits necessary for the construction of the desalination plant will move Carlsbad closer to the implementation of the WPA and statement 10 of the City Council's 5-year vision statement: Carlsbad efficiently and effectively looks ahead and works to anticipate changes that are required now in order to make a better future for its citizens. The development of a seawater desalination facility would provide Carlsbad an entirely new, high quality, reliable and drought-resistant water supply. This supply would not be subject to the uncertainties that plague the City's existing water supplies, which have become the subject of intense statewide and inter-state competition. The approval of this project implements the strategic goals of the Council and the Council's 5-year vision statement by looking ahead to provide a reliable resource necessary for a healthy economic base that protects the social, economic and physical health of the citizens of Carlsbad, and provides a better future for its citizens. . C. The Proposed Desalination Process f Source water for the desalination plant will come from seawater currently used to cool steam turbines at the Encina Power Station. Up to 104 mgd of "once through" cooling water that has passed through the Encina power plant condensers will be diverted from the power plant discharge to the desalination plant. An intake structure consisting of a pump station and a wet well tied in to the power plant discharge channel will pump water through a 72-inch pipeline to be constructed from the power plant to the desalination plant. The 72-inch intake pipe will be constructed in parallel with a 48-inch seawater concentrate discharge pipe. The concentrate discharge pipeline will convey the brine discharge from the desalination plant as a by-product of 6 EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-4I/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 13 : the reverse osmosis filtration process into the existing discharge channel from the power plant at a location that is approximately 850 feet downstream of the desalination intake structure to avoid intermixing of the concentrate discharge with the desalination plant source water. The source water will be pre-treated and filtered through reverse osmosis (RO) membranes to produce drinking water. Two types of pretreatment system technology are considered for implementation at the desalination plant: (1) granular media (sand) filtration; and (2) membrane filtration. Pumps then feed the pretreated seawater to the reverse osmosis membrane treatment trains. Among these pumps are the high pressure reverse osmosis feed pumps, the purpose of which is to deliver the feed water to the membranes at high-enough pressure (typically 800 to 900 psi) in order to complete the water/salt separation process. The reverse osmosis treatment system equipment, arranged in 13 discrete treatment trains, would have a total installed water production capacity of 54 mgd and an average capacity of 50 mgd with 12 trains in operation and one auxiliary train in standby. The product water from the reverse osmosis system would be disinfected with chlorine followed by an ammonia addition for chloramination. Control of biological growth in the transmission pipelines and in the receiving reservoirs in the distribution system will be accomplished by adding ammonia to the chlorinated water to form chloramines. The product water would be stored temporarily in on-site facilities prior to transmission to local and/or regional storage and distribution systems. The product water would also be conditioned using lime and carbon dioxide to provide corrosion control within the existing water delivery system. This is necessary because the RO process removes minerals from the water and creates a condition whereby the water molecules, will attract minerals contained in the water delivery facilities, potentially causing corrosion of the facilities. Concentrated seawater (concentrate) will be produced in the RO membrane separation process. Approximately one gallon of concentrate would be created for every gallon of potable drinking water produced; therefore, for the proposed 50-mgd desalination plant, approximately 50 mgd of concentrate would be generated. The salinity of the concentrate would be 57,000 parts per million (ppm), twice the concentration of the incoming seawater (33,500 ppm). The concentrate would be conveyed to the power plant cooling water discharge canal, using the desalination plant concentrate pipeline as previously described, and then blended with the power plant cooling water prior to discharge into the ocean via the power plant discharge canal. The existing 15-foot wide concrete discharge channel presently conveys the cooling water into an on-site discharge pond by gravity. From there, the cooling water travels through box culverts under Carlsbad Boulevard into a riprap-lined channel leading across the beach and into the Pacific Ocean. Besides the concentrate, the pretreatment and reverse osmosis systems ppoduce waste from the desalination process and/or cleaning requirements that require proper disposal. Some of the material separated from the seawater during the pretreatment process would be returned to the power plant discharge. Settled solids from the pretreatment process would produce both solid and liquid sludge that would require disposal at a landfill or the Encina Wastewater Pollution Control facility via sanitary sewer, as appropriate. Cleaning of the membranes and filters will also produce sludge and chemicals that will require similar disposal methods as appropriate. Finally, a cartridge filter system, used for further removal of fine particles between the 3 £2. f C EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SJP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 14 . pretreatment and reverse osmosis steps, produces spent filters that must be disposed of at a landfill. A flow diagram of the desalination process is provided below. This diagram is also provided as Figure 3-7 in the Final EIR. Since 2002, the applicant has operated a seawater desalination demonstration facility near the Power Station's discharge pond. This temporary plant, which draws and desalinates seawater from the discharge pond, has provided the applicant with important information such as water quality conditions in AguaHHedionda Lagoon following major storms. This data was and continues to be used in the development of the proposed permanent desalination plant. IV. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following regulations and requirements: A. Carlsbad General Plan; B. Encina Specific Plan (Specific Plan 144) C. Title 21 (Zoning) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; D. South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan; E. Development Agreement (Chapter 21.70 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); F. Coastal Development regulations for the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone, Mello II segment, and the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Land Use Plan segment (Chapters EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SbP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 15 j 21.201 and 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan); G. Special Use Permit (Floodplain Management) regulations (Chapter 21.110 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); H. Habitat Management Plan; and I. Growth Management (Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). The recommendations for approval of this project were developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable City regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. A. General Plan The General Plan designates the Encina Power Station for Public Utility (U) uses. The General Plan Land Use Element describes this category of land use as applied to "...areas, both existing and proposed, either being used or which may be considered for use for public or quasi-public functions." The Land Use Element also states that U designation's "primary functions include such things as the generation of electrical energy, treatment of waste water, public agency maintenance storage and operating facilities, or other primary utility functions designed to serve all or a substantial portion of the community." The existing Encina Power Station facilities and operations, as well as the proposed desalination plant, are consistent with this description, particularly in that both are designed to serve most or all of Carlsbad. The various pipelines proposed throughout the City are located in several different land use designations. Installation of pipelines is considered to be consistent with the Land Use Element in that pipelines are allowed in all General Plan land use designations. Further, since they would be placed underground, would be generally located in street right of ways, and would cause only limited, temporary impacts to sensitive native habitats, the proposed pipelines are consistent with General Plan policies requiring development to protect and enhance the City's environment, character, and image. In addition, staff finds the proposed Precise Development Plan and amendment to the Encina Specific Plan are consistent with the General Plan as discussed below: a. The proposed^ documents provide development standards for the Encina Power Station, including the Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant, which is consistent with the Overall Land Use Pattern Goal A.2 that states, "A City which provides for an orderly balance of both public and private land uses within convenient and compatible locations throughout the community and ensures that all such uses, type, amount, design and arrangement serve to protect and enhance the environment, character and image of the City." / b. The establishment of the Precise Development Plan, its regulation of development and uses at the Encina Power Station, and the Owner's offers of public dedications as conditioned therein, achieve compliance with Land Use Element Environmental Policy C.6, which states, "Ensure the preservation and maintenance of the unique environmental resources of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon while providing for a balance of public and private land uses through implementation of the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan." EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SDP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 16 c. The restatement of the Encina Specific Plan 144 provides all specific plan standards in a single, comprehensive document, which helps facilitate the General Plan goal to provide an orderly balance of both public and private land uses. Further, the desalination plant (reverse osmosis building) has a modern office appearance and appropriate screening of equipment and chemical storage areas that complies with the sensitive design objective of Overall Land Use Pattern Policy C.6, which states, "Review the architecture of buildings with the focus on ensuring the quality and integrity of design and enhancement of the character of each neighborhood." Overall, the project is consistent with the General Plan in that it implements goals stated in the land use document's Vision section. The project will provide a high-quality, reliable water supply to the residents of Carlsbad thereby fulfilling the General Plan vision statement, "A City which provides adequate public facilities to preserve the quality of life of its residents." Additionally, a reliable drinking water supply is a major issue for all Southern California jurisdictions and by providing one hundred percent of Carlsbad's drinking water the Project helps to fulfill another General Plan vision statement, "A City which recognizes it role as a participant in the solution of regional issues." Further, the project also helps to fulfill the vision goal of "A City committed to economic growth of progressive commercial and industrial businesses to serve the employment, shopping, recreation, and service needs of its residents." The Project will create new jobs and new economic activity in Carlsbad and provide a reliable water supply that businesses can count on for sustainable economic activity. B. Encina Specific Plan 144 Specific Plan 144 was originally adopted in City of Carlsbad Ordinance 9279 on August 3, 1971. The purpose of the Specific Plan was to provide rules and regulations for the orderly development of 680 acres of land located east of the Pacific Ocean and south of the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and north and east of what is now Cannon Road. Its purpose was also to provide design and development guidelines for the expansion of the power plant, then owned by San Diego Gas & Electric Company. f As originally adopted, the Specific Plan placed 13 conditions of development on the subject property and provided for methods of enforcement. On December 4, 1973, the Carlsbad City Council passed Amendment A to Specific Plan 144 in Ordinance 9372 to allow for the construction of a 400-foot stack and removal of the four existing stacks at the Encina Power Station. This amendment became null and void one year later. On May 4, 1976, Specific Plan 144 was amended again (Amendment B) by the City Council's passage of Ordinance 9456 to permit the construction of a single 400-foot stack at the Encina Power Station to replace the four existing stacks. Amendment B provided a finding that "all conditions of City Council Ordinance 9279 have been complied with and this amendment is consistent with said ordinance and the provisions of the P-U zone." Amendment B to Specific Plan 144 added condition 14 which created design, development, and other requirements for the EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 17 construction of the 400-foot stack, the removal of the existing stacks, and operation of the power station. Amendment B also provided an exemption to the 400-foot stack and duct work and related screening to the 3 5-foot height limit established by Condition Number 5 of Ordinance 9279. Amendment C of Specific Plan 144 was adopted on May 3, 1977, by City Council Ordinance 9481 to allow for the construction of water treatment facilities and a maintenance building at the Encina Power Station. Amendment C added condition 15 regarding the development of the water treatment facilities and the maintenance building and amended the map of the specific plan area. Between 1978 and 1993 three additional amendments to Specific Plan 144 were applied for and withdrawn by SDG&E for changes to the Encina Power Station. Amendment D was proposed to allow connection of unit 5 to the stack, but it was determined that the connection was already allowed and so the amendment was not necessary. Amendment E proposed various improvements to the facility, and Amendment F proposed the addition of a green waste facility. Amendments D, E, and F were all withdrawn and were not incorporated into the Specific Plan 144. On January 16, 1996, as part of its approval of the Carlsbad Ranch project, the Carlsbad City Council adopted Ordinance NS-345, amending Specific Plan 144 (Amendment G) to remove from the Encina Specific Plan 24.2 acres of land adjacent to the intersection of Armada Drive and Cannon Road. The map of the Specific Plan area was revised to reflect the removal of the acreage. Generally, the conditions of Specific Plan 144 have regulated only the Encina Power Station and not other properties within the Specific Plan, save for a few conditions regarding the potential for a future power station east of Interstate 5, leasing of park lands, and infrastructure improvements. In part to address the lack of standards for other specific plan properties, the City Council in 1998 passed Resolution 98-145, declaring its intent to consider land use designation changes at the power station and perform a land use study of the specific plan. The following year, SDG&E sold a significant portion of its holdings within Specific Plan 144 to Cabrillo Power I LLC. Property sold included the Encina Power Station and outer, middle, and inner basins of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. SDG&E retained ownership of much of the property within the Specific Plan, including land east of Interstate 5 along the lagoon's south and east shore, the SDG&E construction and operations center located south of the power station, and property along the lagoon's north shore west of Interstate 5. In 2002, the City Council, in Agenda Bill 16,790, directed that any applicant of a proposed project within the specific plan be required to prepare a comprehensive update of the specific plan. This direction was revised in 2003, when the City Council passed Resolution 2003-208, allowing the Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant project to be processed as an amendment to the Encina Specific Plan 144 rather than through a comprehensive update of the specific plan. As part of the proposed amendment to incorporate the Precise Development Plan into the Encina Specific Plan 144, Poseidon Resources and Cabrillo Power have proposed to restate the specific EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SlJP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 18 : plan so it contains the requirements of all ordinances adopted since 1971 and the contents required of specific plans by California Government Code 65451. This section of state law requires a specific plan to address through text and diagrams: 1) the distribution, location, and extent of land uses and infrastructure within its boundaries, 2) development and conservation standards, 3) implementation measures to carry out the provisions of the specific plan, and 4) the relationship of the specific plan with the general plan. The proposed amendment is consistent with state law and would provide the City with a single comprehensive document that contains the Encina Specific Plan's history, physical setting, conditions of approval, development standards, and general plan relationship. The proposed amendment also addresses infrastructure within the Specific Plan, describing existing facilities and noting that Local Facilities Management Plans for Zones 1,3, and 13 are incorporated to address infrastructure needs and standards. In addition, the proposed amended Specific Plan contains implementation and general plan relationship sections. These sections discuss that the amended Specific Plan authorizes no new development except for that allowed by the proposed Precise Development Plan and that all land uses within the Specific Plan are the same as those designated by the General Plan. In doing so, the Specific Plan maintains consistency with and enables implementation of the goals of the Land Use and Open Space Elements of the Carlsbad General Plan. Finally, Encina Specific Plan 144(H) contains maps depicting Specific Plan boundaries, general plan designations, and zoning. Future development within the Encina Specific Plan, if located within the boundaries of the Precise Development Plan PDF 00-02, will not require an amendment to the Specific Plan unless it is considered a formal amendment as defined by the PDF. Since the Specific Plan contains no standards to address development outside of the PDF, any such development will require an amendment to the Specific Plan. In addition, the Specific Plan notes that its provisions shall not be required of, or applied to, uses regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The proposed desalination plant's compliance with applicable Specific Plan standards and requirements adopted over the years regarding architectural review, building height, exterior lighting, and rooftop mechanical equipment is discussed in detail under the Precise Development Plan analysis. __ C. Zoning Regulations (Carlsbad Municipal Code) Zoning regulations for this project apply primarily to the proposed Precise Development Plan and the desalination plant improvements planned at the Encina Power Station. Proposed water conveyance pipelines proposed offsite of the Power Station are permitted in any City zoning district; they are subject to Zoning Ordinance requirements only where they are proposed in the floodplain and in the Coastal Zone. Analysis of the project pipelines' consistency with the Zoning Ordinance Floodplain Management Regulations (Zoning Ordinance Chapter 21.110) and Coastal Development Permit procedures and standards (Chapters 21.201 and 21.203) are contained in the separate discussions below under the sections on Local Coastal Program and Special Use Permit (Floodplain). EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 19 The Encina Power Station has a Public Utility (P-U) zoning and Public Utility (U) General Plan designation. The P-U Zone, Chapter 21.36 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, implements the corresponding General Plan U land use designation. Section 21.36.020 of the Public Utility Zone lists permitted uses and structures, including the generation and transmission of electrical energy, use and storage of fuel oils, and energy transmission facilities, all of which are existing uses at the Encina Power Station. The processing, use, and storage of domestic and agricultural water supplies are also identified as permitted uses in the P-U Zone. Accordingly, since it entails processing, use and storage of domestic water supplies, the proposed seawater desalination facility is a permitted use in the P-U Zone. Section 21.36.030 of the P-U Zone prevents the issuance of any building permits or entitlements "until a precise development plan has been approved for the property." Consistent with this requirement, PDP 00-02 is proposed. This document is prepared consistent with the requirements of the P-U Zone, and serves as the site's official Precise Development Plan, or PDP, and as the primary entitlement for the proposed desalination facility. A precise development plan is adopted and amended by ordinance. Section 21.36.010 states that the intent and purpose of the P-U zone is to provide for certain public utility and related uses subject to a precise development plan procedure in the following three ways: /. Insure compatibility of the development -with the General Plan and the surrounding developments. The proposed PDP would satisfy this intent by providing': • A baseline of existing conditions and description of surrounding uses • Guidance for building permit and entitlement issuance for allowed uses; • Establishment of planning areas, standards and provisions; • Amendment and implementation procedures, including provisions for administrative approvals and formal amendments requiring City Council approval; and • Linkage to other related regulations, approvals, and documents, including incorporation-of the Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program for the project. The proposed content of the PDP, particularly its development standards, review procedures, and complete listing of applicable regulations, enables the PDP to assist applicants, the public, and the City in determining and ensuring neighborhood and General Plan compatibility. ' 2. Insure that due regard is given to environmental factors. This intent would be satisfied through the proposed certification of the project Environmental Impact Report, which is processed concurrent with the approvals for the desalination facility, as well as this Precise Development Plan. Certification of the project EIR and implementation of the corresponding Mitigation Monitoring and EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 20 Reporting Program (MMRP) would satisfy the above regarding adequate environmental review. 3. Provide for public improvements and other conditions of approval necessitated by the development. This intent would be satisfied through proposed conditions of approval placed on the Precise Development Plan POP 00-02 and Redevelopment Permit RP 05-12. The P-U Zone requirements provide little in the way of development standards for the zone or content requirements for a PDF. Basic standards are provided for minimum lot area, lot coverage, parking and loading area locations, and landscaping. While no building setbacks or height standards are established by the P-U Zone, Section 21.36.050 states the City Council may impose conditions as it determines necessary and consistent with the P-U Zone, General Plan, and the Encina Specific Plan. These conditions may include, but are not limited to, provisions for setbacks, landscaping, fences and walls, special height and bulk of building regulations, and parking. Accordingly, the proposed PDP includes requirements in addition to the basic standards already required by the P-U Zone. A detailed table below provides compliance information with all applicable standards for both the Power Station and proposed desalination plant. Consistent with this and other sections of the P-U Zone, the proposed PDP functions as a specific or master plan to regulate development at the Encina Power Station and contains six major sections: • Precise Development Plan purpose • Physical Setting, including existing uses and the proposed desalination facility • Incorporation of Applicable Regulations and Documents, including the General Plan, Encina Specific Plan, and Redevelopment Plan • Development Standards • Public Improvements • Procedures and Amendments In addition to the text of the above sections, the PDP contains numerous detailed plans, including exhibits of existing power plant features, applicable General Plan and zoning designations, Local Coastal Program land use designations, and the proposed desalination plant. The document also establishes three planning areas for the Power Station, with a listing of uses found in each planning area and development standards and regulations applicable to each. The planning areas are: • Planning Area 1, which incorporates the most recognizable features of the plant, mainly the large power generating facility, 400-foot tall emissions stack, and switch yard. This planning area is 46 acres and includes cooling water discharge pond and aquaculture facility in the northwest corner of the PDP and next to Carlsbad Boulevard. Most of the onsite desalination plant appurtenant facilities, including intake pump station, intake and discharge pipelines, and 72-inch diameter product water pipeline, are proposed in Planning Area 1. • Planning Area 2, which incorporates 34-acres between the railroad tracks and Interstate 5. This planning area is dominated by four large fuel oil storage tanks. The desalination EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 21 plant's sanitary sewer connection and an alternative onsite product water pipeline alignment are located in this planning area. • Planning Area 3, which incorporates the three fuel oil storage tanks closest to and visible from Carlsbad Boulevard, is 14 acres in size. This planning area is also the site of the proposed desalination plant reverse osmosis building and pre-treatment filters. The planning areas are described and shown in PDP Section II, Physical Setting, and Exhibits 9, 10, and 11. Whether existing or proposed, development standards applicable to the Encina Power Station are generally intended to recognize the uniqueness of existing and potentially future Power Station uses and to ensure compatibility of the visible Power Station components with their surroundings. Accordingly, existing and proposed PDP standards: • Recognize and accommodate existing Power Station improvements; • Provide basic parameters to guide the development and siting of minor improvements; significant changes to the Power Station would require a major amendment to the Precise Development Plan; • Recognize that the majority of the Power Station is not readily visible to its surroundings and that application of a development standard may be unnecessary if a project is proposed, for example, near the center of the property; • Acknowledge that because the Power Station contains unique uses that because of governmental regulations or the function, nature, or location of the use, all development standards may not apply or may allow modification, and; • Provide standards oriented toward development and landscaping that might or does occur along the visible perimeters of the Power Station since these areas are most noticeable to the public. The proposed development_jtandards would apply as appropriate to future activity requiring entitlements or building permits. Furthermore, any request for building permit issuance or an entitlement within the Precise Development Plan area would require review for consistency with the Precise Development Plan, the process for which is discussed below. The proposed Precise Development Plan also establishes amendment procedures. Examples of the types of projects or land uses that would require a formal Precise Development Plan amendment (and also an amendment to the Encina Specific Plan) and City Council approval are listed below. The list is not all-inclusive; the intent is to provide examples of the scale and magnitude of development that would mandate formal amendment to the Precise Development Plan. • Construction of a new power generating station and demolition of the existing station and stack. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUH 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 22 • Any expansion of the desalination facility to accommodate more than 50 MGD. • Any proposal for repowering or other technological restructuring of the Encina Power Station or desalination facility. • An amendment initiated by City Council action in order to promote public health safety and welfare relative to operations or uses within the Precise Development Plan jurisdiction. • Any addition, expansion, major modification or change of use to the Encina Power Station or desalination facility, existing power generating station components, or oil storage tanks, that would exceed the amount of change permitted by administrative approval consistent with Carlsbad's Planning Department Policy No. 35 regarding substantial conformance review. Formal amendments to the PDP would be processed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 21.52 and Section 21.36.040 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, which requires City Council approval. Certain improvements, modifications, maintenance activities or other future proposals may be considered minor in nature and found to be consistent with the Precise Development Plan. In these circumstances, no discretionary permits from the City would be required, and building permits could be issued without formal amendment to the Precise Development Plan. The process to determine consistency with the Precise Development Plan would be according to Planning Department Policy No. 35, Discretionary Permit Consistency Determination, as amended from time to time. This policy contains a substantial amount of criteria which a project must meet to be determined consistent with the Precise Development Plan, including that the project would not delete a feature considered to be essential to the project's design, add a new land use not shown on the original permit, create a significant environmental impact, and would not be readily discernible to decision-makers as being substantially different from the project as originally approved. Compliance of the Power Station and the proposed desalination plant with all applicable existing and proposed development standards is provided below. Compliance of Power Station and Desalination Plant with Development Standards EXISTING and PROPOSED STANDARD Permitted Uses SOURCE of REQUIREMENT Municipal Code Section 2 1.36.020; SCCRP Section 601; Proposed PDP Section IV, which references Code and SCCRP and also requires PDP Compliance? Power Station Yes Desalination Plant Yes , COMMENTS • Existing and proposed uses comply, as demonstrated in this report. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 23 | consistency. | | | EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SbP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 24 Compliance of Power Station and Desalination Plant with Development Standards Continued EXISTING and PROPOSED STANDARD Conditional Uses Minimum Lot Area Existing Code Standard: • 7,500 square feet Lot Coverage Existing Code Standard: • All buildings and structures shall cover no more than 50% of the area of the lot. SOURCE of REQUIREMENT Municipal Code Section 21.36.1 10; Proposed PDF Section IV, which references Code and requires PDF consistency. Municipal Code Section 2 1.36.070; Proposed POP Section IV (PDP incorporates Code standard). Municipal Code Section 2 1.36.070; Proposed PDP Section IV (PDP incorporates this standard). Compliance? Power Station Yes* Yes Yes Desalination Plant N/A (no CUP uses proposed) Yes Yes COMMENTS • * Existing CUP uses within PDP, including cellular facilities and aquaculture farm, are presumed to have valid CUPs; • Uses are subject to Municipal Code and PDP standards per Section IV. • Planning Areas 1 and 3 parcel is 60 acres; • Planning Area 3 parcel is 34 acres; • Leasehold parcel for desalination plant (reverse osmosis building and pretreatment filters) is 3.2 acres. • Lot coverage of entire 95- acre PDP area, with proposed desalination plant, is approximately 15%; • Proposed 44,500 square foot reverse osmosis building covers approximately 32% of leasehold parcel. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SLiP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 25 Compliance of Power Station and Desalination Plant with Development Standards Continued EXISTING and PROPOSED STANDARD Parking, Loading, and Refuse Collection Areas Existing Code Standard: • No parking or loading areas in a front, side or rear yard adjoining a street; or within 10' of an interior side or rear property line. Proposed added PDF standards: • Adds refuse collections areas; • Requires screening of all areas with existing fencing and landscaping; • Requires areas to be placed at building rear and sides; • Except for parking, screen areas up to a height of 10- feet as necessary. SOURCE of REQUIREMENT Municipal Code Section 2 1.36.080; Proposed POP Section IV. Compliance? Power Station Yes Desalination Plant Yes COMMENTS • There are no existing yard standards; • Power Station meets existing and proposed standards; • Proposed reverse osmosis building meets existing and proposed standards; • Proposed reverse osmosis building's parking, refuse collection and loading areas are located on building sides and are adequately screened by existing vegetation and uses; • POP setback requirements of25and50-feet(see below) may apply; Planning Director may modify to allow improvements such as parking areas to encroach into these setbacks. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/Slu* 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 26 Compliance of Power Station and Desalination Plant with Development Standards Continued EXISTING and PROPOSED STANDARD Landscaping Existing Code Standard: • Except for approved ways of ingress and egress and parking and loading areas, all required yards shall be irrigated and permanently landscaped with at least one or a combination of more than one of the following: Lawn, shrubs, trees, and flowers; • No walls or fences over four feet in height may be constructed in any area where landscaping is required. t Proposed added PDF standards: • Landscaping shall comply with existing standards; • Where visible to the public, plant sizes shall meet minimums specified in City landscape manual; • Landscaping adjacent to Carlsbad Boulevard and the NCTD railroad corridor shall be consistent with scenic corridor guidelines to enhance the area 's visual character; • Parking visible from Carlsbad Boulevard shall be screened; • Removed, dying, or diseased perimeter trees and shrubs shall be replaced with equivalent material. SOURCE of REQUIREMENT Municipal Code Section 2 1.36.090; Proposed PDF Section IV. *"""" Compliance? Power Station Yes, with existing standard; May not meet all proposed standards. Desalination Plant Yes, with both standards, although most standards do not apply because the desalination plant is not on the perimeter of the Power Station. COMMENTS • There are no existing yard standards; • The proposed POP establishes minimum yard requirements of 50-feet from property lines along Carlsbad Boulevard and Agua Hedionda Lagoon shoreline and 25-feet from Interstate 5. These proposed setbacks establish yards along the north, east, and west PDP boundaries. • Perimeter landscaping is well established along the lagoon and Interstate 5; • Perimeter landscaping is not continuous and is lacking along Carlsbad Boulevard, although existing improvements and topography limit landscaping of some areas; • A landscape plan for Carlsbad Boulevard is a recommended condition of approval; • Existing parking areas are adequately screened; • Landscaping along the NCTD corridor is acceptable. / EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/Sbf 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 27 • Compliance of Power Station and Desalination Plant with Development Standards Continued EXISTING and PROPOSED STANDARD Grading Existing Code Standard: • None, except City may impose special grading instructions per Code section cited Proposed PDF standards: • Grading in visible areas should utilize natural contour grading to preserve and enhance the natural appearance; • Grading shall comply •with all City and Coastal Commission requirements. SOURCE of REQUIREMENT Municipal Code Section 21.36.050(6); Proposed PDF Section IV. Compliance? Power Station N/A Desalination Plant Yes COMMENTS • Compliance of existing Power Station cannot be judged as no Power Station improvement is proposed; • Desalination Plant grading is primarily limited to the inside of the existing containment berm. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SL. 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 28 Compliance of Power Station and Desalination Plant with Development Standards Continued EXISTING and PROPOSED STANDARD Architecture and Building Materials Existing Code Standard: • None, except City may impose special requirements per Code section cited. Existing Encina Specific Plan Standard: • All buildings shall be subject to architectural review to assure a maximum amount of design compatibility with the neighborhood and existing facilities. Proposed PDF standards: • Form and design of any new buildings to be largely determined by visibility from locations surrounding the Power Plant and applicable government requirements; • Building materials and finish should also reflect neighborhood compatibility. • Planning Director may determ ine compliance with standards is unnecessary based on other agency requirements or function, nature, and location of project. SOURCE of REQUIREMENT Municipal Code Section 21.36.050; Encina Specific Plan 144; Proposed POP Section IV. -^=-- Compliance? Power Station Yes*; N/A Desalination Plant Yes COMMENTS • *As a condition placed on the Power Station, staff presumes that at least some Power Station buildings meet the architectural review requirement; • Compliance of Power Station facilities with proposed POP standards cannot be determined as no new Power Station facilities are proposed; • Reverse osmosis building is visible to surrounding areas and incorporates a design, materials, and finish that is compatible with its surroundings. / 317 EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUr 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 29 • Compliance of Power Station and Desalination Plant with Development Standards Continued EXISTING and PROPOSED STANDARD Setbacks Existing Code Standard: • None, except City may impose setbacks, yards, and open space per Code section cited Proposed PDF standards: • Minimum 50-foot setback from Carlsbad Boulevard right of way; • Minimum 50-foot setback from property line along Agua Hedionda Lagoon shoreline; ifblufftop is greater than 50-feetfrom property line, the top of the bluff shall mark the minimum lagoon setback; • Minimum 25-foot setback from Interstate 5 right of way; • No setbacks established from the south Power Station boundaries or from interior property lines; • Planning Director may determine compliance with standards is unnecessary based on other agency requirements or function, nature, and location of project; • Setback requirements do not apply to potential Coastal Rail Trail alignments; desalination facility pipeline alignments; or reasonable modifications or expansions of existing minor structures (e.g., utility poles, guard station) unless determined necessary for public health, safety, and welfare purposes by the Planning Director. SOURCE of REQUIREMENT Municipal Code Section 21.36.050(1); Proposed PDF Section IV. Compliance? Power Station Yes Desalination Plant Yes • COMMENTS • Existing Power Station structures and improvements comply with setback requirements. • Desalination Plant complies with setback requirements; reverse osmosis building is approximately 300-350 feet from Agua Hedionda Lagoon shoreline and about 950-feet from Carlsbad Boulevard. • Desalination appurtenant facilities (pipelines, solids handling building, support structures) are located several hundred feet from subject property lines; pipelines are not subject to setbacks. f ' /» EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUr- 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 30 Compliance of Power Station and Desalination Plant with Development Standards Continued EXISTING and PROPOSED STANDARD Parking Existing Code Standard: • None, except City may impose parking requirements per Code section cited Proposed PDF standards: • Because of unique uses at Power Station, parking needs may require case-by-case analysis based on number of employees, hours of operation, etc; • When applicable, Zoning Ordinance parking standards shall be followed. Building Height Existing .Code Standard: • None, except City may impose height requirements per Code section cited; Existing Encina Specific Plan Standard: • 35-feet; Existing Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan Standard: • 35-feet; Proposed PDF standards: • None. REQUIREMENT Municipal Code Section 21.36.050(11); Proposed PDP Section IV. Municipal Code Section 21.36.050(2); Encina Specific Plan 144; Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan Com Power Station Yes Yes* pliance? Desalination Plant Yes Yes COMMENTS • Based on a 2001 parking study of the Encina Power Station, maximum parking demand is 1 12 spaces and existing parking supply is 174 spaces. • Based on desalination plant employees, visitors, and vendors, the reverse osmosis building features a 13 -space parking lot. • *Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan height standard adopted in 1982, after completion of the Power Plant generating building and 400-foot tall emissions stack. • Specific Plan 144 states: The heights of future power generating buildings and transmission line tower structures shall be of heights and of a configuration similar to existing facilities. All storage tanks shall be screened from view. No /» other structure or building shall exceed thirty five (35') feet in height unless a specific plan is approved at a public hearing. • The reverse osmosis building is 3 3 -feet high. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/Sb. 05-04/HMPP 05-08 PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 31 ' • Compliance of Fewer Station and Desalination Plant with Development Standards Continued EXISTING and PROPOSED STANDARD Equipment and Storage Tank Screening Existing Code Standard: • None, except City may impose screening requirements per Code section cited; Existing Encina Specific Plan Standard: • Roof mounted equipment shall be screened; oil storage tanks shall be recessed and screened. Proposed POP standards: • None. Lighting Existing Code Standard: • None, except City may impose lighting standards per Code section cited; Existing Encina Specific Plan Standard: • Exterior lighting shall be oriented so that adjacent properties shall be screened from glare or a direct light source; all ground lighting shall be arranged to reflect away from adjoining properties and streets. Proposed PDF standards: • None. SOURCE of REQUIREMENT Municipal Code Section 21.36.050; Encina Specific Plan 144; Municipal Code Section 21.36.050; Encina Specific Plan 144; Compliance? Power Station Yes* Yes* Desalination Plant Yes Yes f COMMENTS • The desalination plant is conditioned to have all mechanical equipment screened. • *As a condition placed on the Power Station, and based on limited site observation, staff presumes the Power Station meets this requirement. • Lighting Plan approval prior to building permit issuance • *As a condition placed on the Power Station, and based on limited site observation, staff presumes the Power Station meets this requirement. Note: "SCCRP " stands for South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan The table above notes an existing P-U Zone standard requiring all yards to be landscaped. While no yards requirements currently exist for the Power Station, adoption of the PDP will result in a 50-foot setback or yard requirement along Carlsbad Boulevard. Existing landscaping along the Power Station's Carlsbad Boulevard frontage is not continuous, partly because of topography (a steep slope descends from the street to the Power Station) and existing improvements. Staff believes, however, that opportunities exist to enhance this frontage, and has conditioned the PDP to require installation of plantings, where feasible, and a decorative replacement wall or fence along the entire Power Station frontage. 400 EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUF 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 32 In addition, while the table provides a comprehensive overview of applicable development standards to the PDP, the remaining analysis below focuses on the design and location of the proposed desalination plant and appurtenant facilities. The reverse osmosis building, the largest and most visible feature of the proposed desalination facility, would take the place of the southernmost of the three fuel oil storage tanks nearest to but still several hundred feet from Carlsbad Boulevard. (Four other and larger fuel oil storage tanks are located farther east in PDP Planning Area 2 near Interstate 5.) The three tanks are located north of the main Power Station building and stack; only the tank proposed for removal is no longer needed for storage. Each of the three tanks has a diameter of 140-feet and a height of 38- feet as measured from the tops of the containment berms surrounding each tank. To the extent practical, the mature vegetation that currently provides partial screening of these tanks from Carlsbad Boulevard would be preserved in place. Further, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program requires replacement of any vegetation removed. To accommodate the reverse osmosis building, the existing southernmost tank and related piping would be demolished. The existing containment berm and berm top access road around the tank would remain in place, except for grading to compact the berm and remove its inner wall. This berm is approximately three to twenty feet above the surrounding topography to the west and south. As the reverse osmosis building and pretreatment filters would be located within the existing berm, very little visible grading or alteration of the berm is proposed. Besides the reverse osmosis building, the proposed facility also features several appurtenant features, such as an intake pump station, intake and discharge pipelines, electric duct banks, and pretreatment filters - all of which are proposed at or below grade. Small, above ground, appurtenant features are also proposed, including a solids handling building and three transformer enclosures. All of the appurtenant facilities are proposed south and west of the reverse osmosis building in the vicinity of the main Power Station generating building and emissions stack and in locations well away from or not visible to Carlsbad Boulevard and surrounding properties. Details on all desalination facilities are contained in Precise Development Plan Appendix B. Access to all desalination facilities would be from the main power plant entrance on Carlsbad Boulevard. Existing access- roads to the reverse osmosis building are generally adequate in width, but the existing road that runs east of the building site and parallel with the railroad tracks may need widening. This widening may necessitate the removal of mature eucalyptus trees along the road's east side. The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program requires replacement of any removed trees. Access to the desalination facilities will also require installation of a turnaround (cul de sac) at the north end of the existing road and north of the reverse osmosis building site. ' The reverse osmosis building would be approximately 44,552 square-feet and designed to have a flat roof. The roof would reach a maximum of thirty-three (33) feet above existing grade at its center, excluding parapets. This maximum height is consistent with the 35-foot height maximum stated in the Encina Specific Plan and Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan. Neither plan establishes a limit on the number of stories. In comparison to the proposed 33-foot height, the height of the r EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUf 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 33 _. tank proposed for removal, and the two adjacent tanks that would remain, is 38 feet above existing grade. Most of the building contains equipment related to the desalination process, including a laboratory and workshop space. The west end of the facility also features about 3,500 square feet of second floor office and meeting space. Furthermore, underlying portions of the building are various storage tanks, including a one million gallon product water storage tank. For purposes of height measurement for the existing tanks and proposed building, existing grade is determined to be the elevation of the existing road on top of the existing .berm that would surround the reverse osmosis building. As the building is located in the former tank area and within the berm, the actual lowest floor elevation of the building would be about six feet below the berm top road. Based on a review of the project grading plan in the PDP, the berm appears to have resulted from fill spread out from the east so that the' berm is higher thari land to the south and west but equal or lower in height when compared to topography to the north and east. Since the existing berm is approximately 300 feet from .the lagoon shoreline, the project would easily comply with the proposed Precise Development Plan lagoon setback requirement of 50- feet from the property line along the shoreline. No other setbacks exist or are proposed that would apply to the project. The architectural treatment and materials used on the exterior of the building include cast-in- place concrete, and extensive use of metal and translucent panels, glazing, and steel and metal accents. Exterior colors include grays and greens, and the translucent panels will be illuminated at night by the building's interior lighting. The use of materials and architectural details provides a degree of visual interest so the building is not solely utilitarian in character and instead has the appearance of a modern office or industrial building. The east side of the facility, facing the North County Transit District Railroad corridor would have exterior chemical storage tanks for use in the desalination process that would be enclosed by metal screen panels. Visual simulations of the proposed facility are provided in Figures 4.1-1 through 4.1-5 of EIR 03-05 and in the Precise Development Plaa Because the two fuel oil storage tanks and adjacent vegetation to the north of the project site would remain, the reverse osmosis building would be partially obscured from residential areas alongJhe lagoon's north shore. r Besides the reverse osmosis building, the other above ground structures proposed as part of the desalination facility at the.Encina Power Station are a substation, three transformer enclosures, and a solids handling building (for sludge disposal). The transformer enclosures are essentially tall split-face block walls 15-feet high, 15-feet wide, and 30-feet long which serve to screen transformer equipment. The substation building, also proposed of, split-face block, has dimensions of 10-feet high, 30-feet long, and 24-feet wide. The proposed solids waste handling building is an approximately 2,500 square foot, split-face block structure with a maximum height of 19.5-feet. Due to their small size, other existing Power Station improvements and vegetation, and substantial distance from Carlsbad Boulevard, these appurtenant desalination facilities would likely not be readily visible, if at all, to residents or motorists. As proposed, the project is not considered to have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista, or a substantially damaging effect on scenic resources, because the proposed structure would EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 34 ; represent a visual enhancement over what is currently located on the site. The project EIR includes mitigation measures to ensure facility design and screening are implemented in a manner consistent with approved plans and acceptable to the City of Carlsbad. Project architecture is compliant with the quality design requirement of the Scenic Corridor Guidelines, both from Carlsbad Boulevard and the North County Transit District railroad tracks. Minimal lighting is proposed as part of the project, and most would be primarily for security purposes in and around the reverse osmosis building. The project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) contains a measure limiting exterior project lighting to purposes of operation, security and safety only and to a design that ensures it is shielded from surrounding areas; it also requires Poseidon Resources to submit a lighting plan for all proposed facilities prior to building permit issuance. Thus, the project lighting would be consistent with Encina Specific Plan 144 standards. The MMRP also contains a measure requiring screening of all exterior mechanical equipment, which also ensure compliance with Specific Plan standards. Parking for the proposed reverse osmosis building is provided in a thirteen space parking lot adjacent to the south side and main entrance to the building. Loading and interior equipment access areas are also proposed here and on the building's north side. As noted in the development standards table above, because of the unique uses at the Encina Power Station, including the proposed desalination plant, desalination plant parking needs have been determined based on an analysis of plant employees, visitors, and vendors. Furthermore, as the south side is the primary building entrance, staff has conditioned the Redevelopment Permit to require landscaping of the proposed fill area along the south border of the parking lot and pretreatment filters. D. South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan The South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan (SCCRP), adopted in 2000, establishes a 555- acre redevelopment area that includes the PDF area. The SCCRP is in effect through 2045. The stated goals that are applicable to the project include: • Eliminating blight and environmental deficiencies in the Redevelopment Project Area. • Facilitating the redevelopment of the Encina power generating facility to a smaller, more efficient power generating plant. • Strengthening the economic base of the Project Area and the community by the installation of needed on- and off-site improvements to stimulate new commercial/industrial expansion, employment and economic growth. • Developing new beach and coastal recreational opportunities. • Increasing parking and open space amenities. f SCCRP Section 527 requires all property within the Redevelopment Plan boundaries to be developed, redeveloped, or rehabilitated in conformance with the goals and provisions of the Plan and the requirements and regulations of the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and any other state or local requirements, such as guidelines and specific plans. Further, Section 601 indicates the permitted land uses within the Plan boundaries are those permitted by the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance and all other state and local requirements. M03 EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 35 The SCCRP identifies the existing power plant as a blighting influence; consequently, including the Power Station within the Redevelopment Plan allows the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission to assist the property owner in eliminating this condition. It also allows the Housing and Redevelopment Commission to assist with the possible future decommissioning of the existing power plant and construction of a smaller power generating plant as well as help with other public improvements and redevelopment of the site. Exhibit C of the SCCRP lists proposed projects and infrastructure improvements. Although this list does not include a new power generating station, it does identify "Commercial Rehabilitation and Economic Development Programs", such as the development of modern industrial, commercial, and utility facilities. An amendment to SCCRP Section 601, passed and adopted in November 2005, states that specific uses, including a "desalination plant" and "generation and transmission of electrical energy" may be permitted in the Redevelopment Plan only if the Housing and Redevelopment Commission finds all of the following are satisfied: • The Commission approves a finding that the land use serves an extraordinary public purpose; • That the Commission approves a precise development plan or other appropriate planning permit or regulatory document; and • That the Commission has issued a Redevelopment Permit. The project will achieve key goals of the redevelopment plan including, "developing new beach and coastal recreational opportunities" and "enhancing recreational functions in the Project [SCCRP] Area," through the public access and recreation dedications contemplated in the project and conditioned in the proposed Precise Development Plan. The project will also further the redevelopment plan goal of "strengthening the economic base of the Project Area and the community by installation of needed on- and off-site improvements to stimulate new commercial/industrial expansion, employment and economic growth." Securing a reliable water supply will ensure the economic health of the entire community while serving to attract new water dependent businesses from the high-tech and bio-technology industries. The desalination facility will not hinder the SCCRP goal of "facilitating the redevelopment of the Encina power generating facility to a smaller, more efficient power generating plant." Although any changes in the power plant configuration will require additional environmental review and approval, a siting study was conducted for the desalination plant where five sites within the power station property were reviewed to find a location for the desalination facility that was sensitive to the redevelopment plan goal and would not interfere with any future changes in the location of the power plant. The results of this study, which are summarized and illustrated on pages 4.8-16 - 4.8-18 of the Final EIR's Land Use/Planning Section, concludes that the proposed site of the desalination plant (reverse osmosis building) is off to the side of the existing power station in a portion of the Encina Power Station that is constrained by the location of the railroad, the lagoon and other oil storage tanks. As noted in the Final EIR, this location leaves the majority of the Encina Power Station open for potential redevelopment at some future date, and also creates no significant impacts to the relocation of the power plant to a site to the east of the railroad tracks or to the infrastructure needed to serve a power plant at this location. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SDP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 36 Besides the need for a Redevelopment Permit and Precise Development Plan, the Housing and Redevelopment Commission must also make a finding that the proposed desalination plant use serves an extraordinary public purpose. To this end, the Planning Commission Resolution No. 6091, recommending approval of the Redevelopment Permit, contains an extensive evidence to support making this finding. A brief summary of this evidence is provided below. a. Reliable Water Supply: A reliable water supply is important for quality of life and economic stability in the City of Carlsbad. The project provides the City of Carlsbad with an extraordinary benefit of providing many of its citizens with a reliable water supply that is not subject to the variations of drought or political and legal constraints on water supplies and that is able to supply the Carlsbad Municipal Water District with 100% of its potable water needs. According to the Water Purchase Agreement, the desalination plant will provide a reliable water supply for 30 years with two possible 30-year extensions b. Redundant Water Supply: The project will provide water supply redundancy for the City of Carlsbad, strengthening security and reliability of water supply for residents and businesses. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District will maintain its membership in and right to purchase water at the CWA, while receiving 100% of its potable water supply needs from the Project, thereby creating a redundant supply of water available in the event of catastrophe or unforeseen circumstances. c. Higher Quality Drinking Water: The Project will provide high quality drinking water that will compare favorably with the water supply that can be purchased from the CWA. The project will deliver a drinking water supply to the City of Carlsbad that meets all State and Federal health standards, as well as provide a reduction in the total dissolved solids (TDS) compared to imported water from the Colorado River and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta provided by the CWA. d. Economic Benefits: The project will achieve the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan goal to strengthen the economic base of the Redevelopment Plan Area and the community. The project will provide the City with desalinated water at a predictable and reasonable price through the long-term Water Purchase Agreement, which sets agreed-upon water rates. The stability created by this reliable water source is an extraordinary benefit given the variations of drought or political and legal constraints on water supplies. The project will generate up to $2.4 million per year in increased property tax revenue. Because the project site is located within- the South Carlsbad Redevelopment Project, an estimated $2.0 million per year of the tax revenue will be allocated directly to the Redevelopment Agency. These funds can be used for additional redevelopment activities within the City to benefit residents and visitors. The project will also generate up to $2.9 million per year in increased business tax revenue. e. Positive Economic Impact on Ability to Attract and Retain Business: The project will create a drought-resistant, reliable water supply for the City of EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 37 Carlsbad that will provide the stability necessary to attract and retain high-tech and biotechnology businesses which are dependent on a reliable water supply for their research and manufacturing processes. These businesses provide high skill, high wage jobs in the City of Carlsbad that enhance the overall economy of the community. f. Acquisition of Land for Public Purpose: The project will advance the goals of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan and the California Coastal Act to develop new beach and coastal recreational opportunities. The project is consistent with and includes elements specifically intended to advance the goals of the State of California and the City related to the protection, maintenance, and enhancement of the overall quality of the coastal zone environment, while maximizing public recreational opportunities along the coast. The project will achieve the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan goals to enhance commercial and recreational functions and increase parking and open space amenities in the project area. g. Restore and Enhance the Marine Environment: As a wholesale water supplier regulated by the California Department of Health Services, Poseidon Resources will be subject to the provisions of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act that require restoration, protection and enhancement of watersheds upstream of a source of drinking water supply. As a result, Poseidon has been and will likely remain actively involved in activities aimed at protecting, restoring and enhancing the health and vitality of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, the surrounding 30 square mile watershed upstream of the Lagoon, and the near shore environment. Through board participation, financial contributions, and activity involvement, Poseidon currently supports non-profit organizations that protect the lagoon habitat, including the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation and Hubbs Sea World Research Institute. Additionally, the project proposes to deed restrict approximately 2 acres of vacant land located on the north side of the lagoon between the Hubbs SeaWorld Research Institute and nearby railroad tracks for uses such as marine research and expansion of the Hubbs facility. h. Regional Leadership Role: Creation of a 50 million gallon a day (mgd) desalination facility will enhance the position of the City of Carlsbad as a Statewide and Regional leader in water supply by creating a new supply called for in the State Department of Water Resources 2005 California Water Plan and the CWA's Urban Water Management Plan. / E. Development Agreement To strengthen the public planning process, encourage private participation in comprehensive planning and reduce the economic risk of development, the Legislature of the State of California adopted the Development Agreement Act, California Government Code sections 65864 et seq. The Development Agreement Act authorizes any city to enter into binding development agreements establishing certain development rights in real property with persons having legal or equitable interests in such property. California courts have held that development agreements EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 38 are lawful and legitimate exercises of legislative power that properly deal with complex and recurring land use issues. A development agreement is a contract that binds both the City and the developer, setting forth the applicable terms and conditions under which the project may proceed. So long as the developer is not in default, the City may not change the City's land use rules applicable to the project (except as provided in the development agreement). In return, the developer is obligated to perform its obligations as set forth in the development agreement. Normally, rights for a project vest when a building permit is issued and substantial expenditures are made in reliance on the permit. With a development agreement, however, rights to develop the project for the length (term) of the agreement are vested when the project approvals are given (assuming these approvals include the approval of the proposed development agreement). Pursuant to the authority conferred in the Development Agreement Act, the City has adopted Chapter 21.70 of its Municipal Code, establishing procedures and requirements for the consideration of development agreements. In addition, the City Council has adopted Policy No. 56, establishing a policy regarding the requirements which must be met before the City Council will approve a development agreement. A development agreement has been prepared as part of the project review process to provide both Poseidon Resources and the City with assurances concerning the conditions of development and public benefits related to the project This is the first development agreement to be considered by the City since the LEGOLAND development agreement adopted in January, 1996. Prior to the LEGOLAND development agreement, the City had not entered into any development agreements that were not related to affordable housing projects. In this case, the proposed Development Agreement applies to only that portion of the project, as defined by a leasehold agreement between Cabrillo Power and Poseidon Resources, related to the construction of a desalination facility. The proposed desalination facility is a well-planned, comprehensive development involving more than one building, will require a substantial expenditure by Poseidon of time, predevelopment costs and "holding" costs prior to the approval of permits and other land us£ entitlements, and will require a substantial expenditure by Poseidon to design and construct product water conveyance and other infrastructure facilities that will benefit the community. The proposed Development Agreement would give Poseidon Resources the "vested" right to develop a desalination facility in accordance with the Specific Plan, the Precise Development Plan covering the Cabrillo Power property, all related approvals and the conditions imposed on those approvals in return for certain commitments being made to the City as discussed later in this portion of the staff report. / The proposed Development Agreement was drafted and negotiated by a staff consisting of the City Attorney, outside legal counsel, Administrative Services Director, Public Works Director, Community Development Director and Planning Staff. The Development Agreement is attached to this report. However, the major features or elements of the Agreement are summarized below: EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 39 1. The term of the proposed Agreement is 40 years from the approval of the Agreement. The approval is deemed to have occurred at the later of (i) the date the Development Agreement ordinance becomes effective, (ii) the date the Agreement is fully executed by the parties, (iii) the date the Coastal Commission approves the Agreement, or (iv) the date Cabrillo has consented to the Agreement. 2. The Agreement may be assigned or transferred to any person or entity by Poseidon Resources in a number of instances, with the prior written consent of the City. 3. The City's rights to receive an economic benefit from the project are protected even in the event of the purchase (either through voluntary sale or condemnation) by a governmental body. 4. The use of the property encumbered by the Development Agreement is limited to those uses set forth in the development approvals for the site. 5. The Agreement provides certain vested rights to Poseidon including protection from: a. Subsequent growth control measures; b. Changes in the applicable general or specific plans, zoning, subdivision or building regulations adopted by the City which alter or amend the approvals provided under the EIR, Precise Development Plan, Encina Specific Plan, Coastal Development Permit, Redevelopment Permit, and a number of other actions listed in greater detail in section 1.1.13 of the Development Agreement; and c. Any rules or regulations adopted by the City that are inconsistent with the development approvals related to the project, if those rules or regulations have the effect of preventing or materially affecting the development, financing, construction or operation of a desalination facility that is otherwise in compliance with the development approvals listed in (b) above. The City's emergency powers are not limited by this section. Any actions the City might take to respond to an unforeseeable emergency specifically are exceptions to Poseidon's vested rights. 6. A number of rights are reserved by the City. A complete list can be found in sections 3.2,1, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 of the Agreement, including the right to: a. Apply processing fees that represent the actual cost of processes related to the development applications for the project; b. Apply procedural requirements; c. Apply construction standards; / d. Impose non-discriminatory subsequent development extractions; e. Exercise all statutory police powers; and f. Impose emergency measures related to the health, safety, welfare of the community arising from an emergency declared by the President of the United States, Governor of the State of California, or the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad. 7. The Agreement establishes that, for the proposed desalination project, existing land use regulations shall govern the permitted uses, density and intensity, maximum height and EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 40 size of buildings, and construction standards. However, subsequent development applications shall be subject to the land use regulations and processes in place at the time of the application, provided that such subsequent land use regulations do not conflict with the Development Plan and do not have a material adverse effect on the development of the project. 8. Poseidon retains the right to develop the project at its own order, rate and time; however, the Agreement does not modify the performance requirements found in the Water Purchase Agreement (Appendix B to the Final EIR). 9. If any provision of the Agreement conflicts with future state or federal law, the conflicting section of the Agreement shall be modified or suspended, as may be necessary, to comply with the applicable law. 10. The Agreement requires Poseidon to operate and maintain the project in accordance with all applicable state and federal environmental laws, notwithstanding any exemption that Poseidon may otherwise have under international trade rules. 11. The Agreement does not limit the authority of other public agencies. 12. In recognition of the substantial public benefit provided by the project, Poseidon and its successors in interest agree to pay a mitigation fee to the City equal to the property taxes that the City, Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD), or Redevelopment Agency (RDA) would receive from the construction, ownership, use and occupancy of the project. This fee shall be waived so long as Poseidon or its successors in interest shall pay property taxes (when due), or if any successor in interest has an agreement with the City with respect to payment of the mitigation fee. 13. The City agrees that it will not levy any discriminatory fee against the project. 14. Poseidon's obligations under the Agreement shall be secured by a deed of trust encumbering the project. 15. The City will cooperate with Poseidon in obtaining subsidies, grants or external funding for the project. However, the City has no obligation to use public financing for any portion of the project. 16. The City will provide, without charge, access to public rights of way for Appurtenant Facilities to deliver water to the CMWD. However, this requirement does not apply to the City's municipal golf course property. The Agreement does not require the City to provide public rights of way free of charge to purchasers other than the CMWD who receive Product Water that is transported through the Appurtenant Facilities. 17. If the Plant Facilities are relocated to property not covered by this Agreement, Poseidon shall pay liquidated damages to the City of $15 million. This amount will be reduced by $1 million for each year that Poseidon pays the property taxes or mitigation fees referred to above (Section 4.2.1 of the Agreement). EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 41 The proposed Development Agreement is required to be in compliance with Section 65864 et seq. of the California Government Code and Chapter 21.70 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. It also must be reviewed for consistency with City Council Policy No. 56. As required by Chapter 21.70, the Administrative Services Director (Finance Director), City Attorney, and Planning Director have reviewed the Development Agreement and find that it does conform to all of the applicable state laws, City ordinances and City policies. In addition, the City Attorney has reviewed the Agreement and has determined that it legally conforms to all applicable state laws, City ordinances and City policies. As required by State Law, Chapter 21.70, and Council Policy No. 56, which provide the procedures and standards for a development agreement, the proposed Development Agreement implements and legally references the other project approvals being considered. It does not permit anything that is inconsistent or does not conform to these other approvals. It does not change or modify the zoning, General Plan designations, the Specific Plan regulations or the Precise Development Plan being considered under the other project actions. It will not become effective unless the other project approvals are given. Therefore, it is consistent with the General Plan, the zoning, the applicable Specific Plan and the Precise Development Plan for the Property. It further is in conformity with public convenience, general welfare and good land-use practices and will not be detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the community. The Development Agreement incorporates other project approvals, which have been analyzed and found not to have a negative effect on the general public health, safety, and welfare. Furthermore, the Development Agreement does not prevent the City from imposing emergency measures related to the health, safety, welfare of the community, nor does the agreement limit the authority of other agencies. Finally, the Development Agreement requires the Developer to operate and maintain the project in accordance with all applicable state and federal environmental laws, notwithstanding any exemption the Developer may otherwise have under international trade rules. The Administrative Services Director's analysis of the project and the Development Agreement concluded that the development of the project will have significant impacts on City operations and rights of way, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, and the Redevelopment Agency. The Agreement defines for Poseidon Resources the development standards that will be applied for the project, while defining for the City, CMWD and RDA the economic benefits that will be received from the project. The project is expected to cost $250 million, or more, to construct. Assuming that the assessed value applied to the project reflects the cost of construction, the annual property tax payment will be approximately $2.5 million. Roughly 80% (about $2 million) of the tax revenue from the project will go to the RDA. This revenue will be used to fund projects within the RDA including road improvements, water distribution facilities, sewer facilities, and support of affordable housing programs. These projects are more specifically defined and identified in Exhibit C of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan. Therefore, the proposed project is in the interests of the City. Many of the terms and conditions of the proposed Agreement are intended to preserve for the benefit of the City, CMWD, and RDA the property tax revenues that will be paid by the project. The Agreement establishes a mitigation fee that will be paid by Poseidon, or its successors in interest, in the event that property taxes are not paid by the owners of the project, such as in the 410 EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 42 event of the purchase of the plant (either through voluntary sale or condemnation) by a governmental body. This mitigation fee is sufficient to fund all, or a significant portion, of the most beneficial of the Redevelopment Plan projects to be undertaken. The mitigation fee and property tax revenue have been secured for the City, CMWD and RDA through the proposed Development Agreement, the Water Purchase Agreement between the CMWD and Poseidon (September 2004), and the Agreement Memorializing Certain Understandings and Establishing a framework for Cooperation between the City, CMWD, RDA and San Diego County Water Authority (April 2005). Therefore, the proposed Development Agreement includes legally binding commitments by Poseidon to provide substantial public benefits over and above those which Poseidon otherwise would be obligated to provide as a condition of approval in the absence of the Development Agreement. For all these reasons, staff finds that the Development Agreement, which provides more certainty that the project will be built and which allows the applicant to proceed with the project in accordance with existing policies, rules and regulations and Project conditions, is justified. It is unlikely the proposed project, including the public benefits to be derived therefrom, would occur when and as provided in the proposed Development Agreement in the absence of the vesting assurances incorporated in the proposed Development Agreement. F. Local Coastal Program The project affects two parts of the City's Coastal Zone: the Mello II segment and the Agua Hedionda Lagoon segment. The latter segment encompasses the Encina Power Station, the lagoon, and property around the lagoon. The desalination plant and appurtenant facilities located onsite of the Power Station, as well as some water conveyance pipelines proposed in the vicinity of the lagoon and along Cannon Road, are located in the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan segment. Pipelines proposed in the vicinity of the Flower Fields, near College Boulevard, and north of the developing municipal golf course are in the Mello II segment. Municipal Code Chapter 21.203, Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone, is also applicable to the project since the Overlay applies to all Coastal Zone properties. A map showing the relationship of the project to Coastal Zone boundaries is attached to Resolution No. 6092. While the City has authority^ to issue the necessary coastal development permit for pipelines in the Mello II segment, the Coastal Commission has retained the authority to issue the coastal development permit for pipelines and the desalination facility in the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan segment. Nevertheless, staffs analysis of the project's compliance with the Local Coastal Program includes review of this segment. Overall, staff finds the project is consistent with applicable Local Coastal Program policies as follows: • Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan Segment: EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 43 o The Precise Development Plan regulates uses, including the proposed desalination facility, that are consistent with those uses shown on the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan's Land Use Map. o The dedication of a public access easement for the Fishing Beach is consistent with Plan policies 6.5 and 6.7, which encourage the Encina fishing area on the Outer Lagoon to be maintained and present recreational uses of the lagoon to be expanded where feasible. o The desalination plant reverse osmosis building complies with the Plan's building height maximum of 35-feet. • Mello II Segment o The project complies with Policy 2-6 - City Support of Efficient Agricultural Water Usage, which states: "The City will take measures to reduce the reliance of agricultural users on imported water." This project provides the city and region with an innovative and alternative source of water that does not rely on imported water. While reclaimed water will also serve non-agricultural users, the fact that another source of water will be available to the various water users in the city that is not part of imported water supplies, makes this project consistent with this coastal policy. o The project complies with Policy 3-1 - Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan, which states: "The Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan is a comprehensive, citywide program to identify how the city, in cooperation with federal and state agencies, can preserve the diversity of habitat and protect sensitive biological resources within the city and the Coastal zone". This project is in compliance with the provisions of the HMP, as outlined in EIR 03-05 and also as reflected in the findings for Planning Commission Resolution No. 6094 approving HMPP 05-08. • Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone o The project complies with Municipal Code Section 21.203.040 A. regarding preservation of steep slopes with native vegetation as it does not impact any such features. Instead, pipelines are generally proposed in city rights-of-way, in gently sloping areas without sensitive habitat or via trenchless drilling construction methods which do not disturb slopes or vegetation. o The project complies with Municipal Code Section 21.203.040 B. regarding drainage and erosion as the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program includes mitigation measures to address drainage, erosion control, sediment control and stormwater quality, as set forth in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and other required standards and permits. o The project complies with Municipal Code Section 21/203.040 E. regarding improvements in the floodplain in that only the project's underground pipelines are proposed for installation in Cannon Road where it crosses floodplain boundaries. • Coastal Act o The proposal is in conformity with the public access and recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act in that project pipelines will be installed EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 44 underground and therefore will not impact public access opportunities or recreational resources, o Public dedications in the vicinity of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean are consistent with Coastal Act Policies regarding public access to coastline and recreational features. o The project is subject to the Mitigation and Monitoring Program for EIR 03-05, which provides mitigation to assure consistency with Local Coastal Program policies regarding environmentally sensitive habitats, geology, and water quality. Furthermore, the project has been conditioned to obtain a coastal development permit from the California Coastal Commission. G. Special Use Permit (Floodplain) Projects located within any area of special flood hazards must obtain approval of a Special Use Permit (SUP) by the floodplain administrator (the City Planning Commission). The intent of these regulations is to promote the public health, safety, and welfare and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions. Chapter 21.110 states that "Flood losses are caused by the cumulative effect of obstructions in areas of special flood hazards which increase flood heights and velocities, and when inadequately anchored, damage uses in other areas." A pipeline alignment proposed in the right of way of Cannon Road between Faraday Avenue and College Boulevard is within the 100-year floodplain (an area of land that would be inundated by a flood having a one percent chance of occurring in any given year). A pipeline occurring within the floodplain, however, would not be expected to impede or redirect flows because it would be placed underground. The proposed project would not measurably alter the existing 100-year floodplain boundary and would not require any variance from the Floodplain Regulations. Therefore, the proposed project would be in compliance with the Floodplain Management Regulations. Installation of the pipeline will require the temporary above ground placement of construction equipment, pipes, and excavated earth. Accordingly, a project mitigation measure identified in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) requires pipeline construction within any area the City of Carlsbad identifies as a 100-year flood hazard to occur only during dry months (May 1 - September 30). The measure allows the City to waive this restriction if Poseidon Resources satisfactorily demonstrates, as determined by the City, that construction would not impede or redirect flood flows and would not expose people or structures to flooding. Such demonstration would occur before the City issues grading or other permits to permit construction in the flood hazard area in the wet months and may require the applicant to submit plans and details regarding the type, location, quantities and duration of construction equipment and materials as well as any other information that the City may require. The MMRP is incorporated as a condition of the proposed resolution for the special use permit. H. Habitat Management Plan Permit Ml 3. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 45 In late 2004, the City of Carlsbad's Habitat Management Plan (HMP) was approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game pursuant to the Federal Endangered Species Act and California Natural Community Conservation Planning Act. As a result, the City was granted authorization and issued a permit for the incidental take of species of concern covered by the HMP. These incidental takes of HMP species of concern are processed through an HMPP, the findings and conditions of which are contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 6094 attached. All project impacts to HMP covered species are associated with the project's proposed pipeline alignments. In the City of Carlsbad, impacts primarily affect isolated patches of coastal sage scrub and annual (non-native) grassland. Coastal Zone impacts on native habitat are limited to 0.90 acres of coastal sage scrub. Final EIR Figures 4.3-1 to 4.3-11 consist of aerial photographs overlaid with vegetation information that identifies all vegetation impacts, including those outside Carlsbad. As summarized in the EIR, the project's relationship to HMP standards and the project's habitat impacts in the City of Carlsbad are as follows: • All direct impacts to covered species are temporary and affect isolated patches or strips of native and non-native habitat along roadways or in developed areas • Disturbed native habitat will be revegetated to its pre-construction condition. Mitigation ratios for all impacts are also established in the MMRP and are consistent with the HMP; for mitigation ratios greater than 1:1, the MMRP requires the purchase of mitigation bank credits or habitat acquisition in the project vicinity. • Because of the temporary nature of project impacts and absence of above ground project features that could preclude linkages or movements, no indirect impacts are anticipated on habitat linkages or wildlife corridors. • HMP Hardline preserve areas are crossed by the proposed pipelines only through the use of trenchless drilling construction techniques or in existing or future roadways. For pipeline alignments planned in future roadways, such as College Boulevard between Cannon Road and El Camino Real, pipeline construction would not precede roadway construction. • No HMP Special Resource Areas are impacted. • Project impacts to sensitive plants (San Diego County viguiera) are not considered significant because the project would not result in a substantial reduction of the plant. • The project would—result in the temporary loss of suitable habitat for the coastal California gnatcatcher, a significant impact. Mitigation of the temporary impact to coastal sage scrub requires replacement at a 2:1 ratio and restriction of construction during the breeding season. • Mitigation requires best management practices to limit indirect temporary impacts due to construction (e.g., construction impacts such as dust, noise, erosion). As identified above, the proposed project has avoided and minimized impacts to habitat. With mitigation measures included in the project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, all identified impacts can be shown to be consistent with the HMP and reduced to a level of insignificance. Further, the project is consistent with Municipal Code Chapter 21.210, Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements, and is conditioned consistent with the management, maintenance, and monitoring standards of Section 21.210.14. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 46 I. Growth Management Because the project proposes various pipeline alignments, it crosses several Local Facility Management Zones, including zones 3, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 18. However, the proposed pipelines do not generate any facility plan improvement requirements or funding. Therefore, the project's consistency with the City's Growth Management Program need only be analyzed for the desalination facility itself. The desalination plant is located in Zone 1, as is the majority of the Encina Power Station. The northwest corner of the Power Station, in the vicinity of the cooling water discharge pond and aquaculture facility, is in Zone 3. The zones identified above implement the Local Facilities and Improvements Plan/Local Facilities Management Plans (LFMP) for various geographic areas of Carlsbad. The LFMPs were adopted to ensure that growth occurred in concert with public facilities and service systems. The City's fire, schools, libraries and parks and recreation performance standards were developed assuming population growth occurs through the construction of additional dwelling units. The desalination facility will not directly result in the provision of additional residential units or substantial employment opportunities that could be directly tied to additional growth. Therefore, the project would not conflict with LFMP standards or thresholds for city administrative facilities, fire, schools, libraries and park and recreation facilities. Additionally, while the school performance standard is population based, the project will still pay school fees charged according to the square footage of the desalination plant. Thresholds regarding sewer, wastewater treatment, drainage and water conveyance would be applicable to this project as it would require the use of these services and public facilities. Each of these performance standards state that adequate capacity in local public facilities must be demonstrated and/or provided concurrent with development. The project's impacts on the capacity (and/or planned capacity) of the sewer and wastewater treatment services are identified as significant; however mitigation is proposed to reduce these impacts to less than significant by proposing caps on the amount of combined waste discharge from the desalination facility and by taking steps to ensure desalinated water does not negatively impact total dissolved solids levels at local water recycling facilities. With regards to drainage and water conveyance facilities, the LFMP for Zone 3 (the facilities zone in which the desalination plant is proposed) states that existing Zone-wide facilities are adequate and requires as mitigation the developer to construct necessary drainage improvements and pay appropriate water district fees, for which the project has been conditioned accordingly. Furthermore, the LFMP performance standards for open space and circulation are also applicable to the project. As stated in the Zone 3 LFMP, the open space threshold for Zone 3 has already been met. Regarding circulation, the relevant threshold requires a project's traffic impacts to not cause any road segment or intersection to exceed service level C during off-peak hours and service level D during peak hours. Project traffic impacts are short-term and will occur primarily during construction of the plant and off-site pipelines rather than plant operation. (During operation, the Final EIR calculates that the desalination plant will generate only 120 average daily trips.) These impacts are reduced to a level of insignificance by mitigation measures that require Poseidon Resources throughout construction to comply with traffic control plans and demonstrate required levels of service will be maintained. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 47 • In summary, implementation of the Precise Development Plan, including the desalination facility, is consistent with the Zone 1 and Zone 3 LFMPs and their performance standards; amendment of the Zone 1 and Zone 3 LFMPs is not necessary to implement the Precise Development Plan. Project compliance is summarized below. LFMP Zone 1 and Zone 3 - Performance Standards & Project Compliance Performance Standard Administrative Facilities Library Wastewater Treatment Parks Drainage Circulation Fire Open Space Schools Sewer Water Project Compliance N/A. This standard does not apply to non-residential uses N/A. This standard does not apply to non-residential uses. Effects on wastewater treatment are discussed and mitigated in the EIR and Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program. N/A. This standard does not apply to non-residential uses. Negligible Effect. The Encina, Power Station has a Storm Water Pollution Plan in place. The desalination facility will also implement a SWPP. Negligible effect. The desalination facility will only add 120 Average Daily Trips to the traffic circulation of the area. N/A. This standard does not apply to non-residential uses. No effect on open space compliance. N/A. This standard does not apply to non-residential uses. Effects on sewer capacity are discussed and mitigated in the EIR and Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program. Beneficial effect anticipated. The desalination facility is anticipated to substantially improve the quantity and quality of the water supply available to the City, neighboring water agencies and the region. Desalinated water is required to meet all federal, state, regional and local standards. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for any project that may have a potential to cause a significant impact to the environment. On January 20, 2004 the Carlsbad City Council directed the Planning Department to move forward with the preparation of an EIR for the proposed project and hired Dudek & Associates, Inc. to conduct the independent environmental review. Accordingly, an EIR has been prepared for the project as required by CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines, and the Environmental Protection Procedures (Title 19) of the Municipal Code. The EIR addresses the environmental impacts associated with all applications for the project and analyzes all project components, including the water conveyance facilities located outside Carlsbad in the cities of Oceanside and Vista. The EIR requires review and recommendation by the Planning Commission and subsequent certification by the City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission. EIRs are informational documents "which will inform public agency decision-makers and the public generally of the significant environmental effect of a project, identify possible ways to minimize the significant effects, and describe reasonable alternatives to the project" (Section 15121 of the CEQA Guidelines). The purpose of this EIR is to evaluate the environmental effects of the proposal, specifically the proposed desalination plant and related water conveyance EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 48 facilities that would be located offsite of the Encina Power Station. It is intended for use by both the decision makers and the public. The lead agency for the project is the City of Carlsbad. The environmental review process formally began in April 2004 with the release of a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an EIR followed by a 30-day public comment period and scoping meetings. The NOP was distributed to all responsible and trustee agencies, as well as other agencies and members of the public. The afternoon and evening scoping meetings were held on April 28, 2004, at the City's Faraday Center. Advance notice of the meetings was given in the NOP. At the scoping sessions, the public was invited to comment on the scope and content of the EIR. Oral and written comments were received at the scoping sessions. A copy of the NOP and the written comments received in response to the NOP and public scoping sessions are included in Appendix A to the Final EIR. After the environmental research was compiled, a Draft EIR was released for a 45-day public comment period that began May 16, 2005. A Notice of Completion of the Draft EIR was published in a local newspaper. The Notice included information on locations, including the City's website and libraries in Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista, where the Draft EIR would be available to the public. The public comment period was extended an additional 15 days in response to requests from members of the public. This comprehensive review process afforded by the public comment period produced input from 59 individuals and organizations. The City considered and responded to public comments on the Draft EIR. The City determined that recirculation of the Draft EIR was not required. Responses to comments received on the Draft EIR are included in Volume 2 of the Final EIR. The City released the Final EIR for public review on December 9, 2005. The Final EIR was distributed to all responsible and trustee agencies as well as all agencies and members of the public that submitted written comments on the Draft EIR. The City made public the release of the EIR through an announcement on its website and in a public hearing notice for a December 21, 2005, Planning Commission meeting. The public hearing notice, published in a local newspaper, provided information on locations, including the City's website and libraries in Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista, where the Final EIR would be available to the public. The public hearing notice also provided a description of the Project and the purpose of the Planning Commission meeting, which was to provide the Planning Commission with a Project introduction and overview and offer the public an opportunity to comment on the Project. The EIR includes an analysis of potential environmental impacts associated with the following issue areas: • Aesthetics • Biological Resources, marine and terrestrial • Cultural and Paleontological Resources • Geology and Soils • Hazards and Hazardous Materials • Hydrology and Water Quality • Land Use and Planning • Transportation and Traffic • Public Utilities and Service Systems JrfS-' EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 49 • The EIR concludes that the project will result in: • Unavoidable significant cumulative air quality and indirect growth inducing impacts; • Significant aesthetic, biological, air quality, hydrology/water quality, geology/soils, hazards/hazardous materials, archeological and paleontological impacts that can be mitigated to a less than significant impact level; and • Less than significant impacts Additionally, the EIR includes other substantive sections required by CEQA, such as an executive summary, project description, cumulative effects, effects found not to be significant, growth inducing effects and alternatives. As noted above, the EIR identifies two unavoidable significant impacts: cumulative air quality impacts and indirect growth inducing impacts. With regards to air quality, the EIR notes that because of their long-term nature, emissions from operations of the desalination plant (including all appurtenant facilities) for pollutants for which the San Diego air basin is not in attainment with state and federal standards are considered cumulatively significant. The San Diego air basin is currently in non-attainment for PMio and ozone, and NOX and reactive organic compounds (ROC) are ozone precursors. Long-term operational emissions will largely be caused indirectly through the desalination plant's use of electrical energy, the generation of which causes emissions of pollutants. Given that the electricity the desalination plant uses could come from a variety of sources (including, for example, geothermal or nuclear plants that emit little or no pollutants) and could ultimately be generated outside of the San Diego air basin, it is very difficult to quantify what contribution to a cumulative impact the project will have. However, it is likely that at least part of the mix of electricity that the desalination plant uses will come from pollutant-emitting sources located in the San Diego air basin. In that case, the desalination plant will contribute to a significant cumulative impact to air quality regarding PMio and ozone. There are no feasible mitigation measures that could be implemented on a project-by-project basis that would reduce this cumulative impact to below a level of significance. Therefore, no measures are available to the project that could feasibly avoid or substantially lessen this effect. In addition, the Final EIR identified potentially significant and'immitigable impacts regarding indirect growth inducement. A discussion on these impacts is found in Section 9.0 of the Final EIR and under the Growth Inducement Issue discussion below. • Under CEQA, before a project which is determined to have significant, unmitigated environmental effects can be approved, the public agency must consider and adopt a "Statement of Overriding Considerations" pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15043 and 15093. While the primary purpose of CEQA is to fully inform the decision makers and the public of the environmental effects of a proposed project and to include feasible mitigation measures and alternatives to reduce any such adverse effects below a level of significance, CEQA recognizes and authorizes the approval of projects where not all adverse impacts can be fully lessened or avoided. The Lead Agency must explain and justify its conclusion to approve such a project through the Statement of Overriding Considerations setting forth the project's general social, economic, policy or other public benefits which support the Lead Agency's informed conclusion EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SIjP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 50 to approve the project. The CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations are attached to the Planning Commission Resolution for the EIR. During the Draft EIR public comment period, the following issues generated the most interest. The following is a summary of those issues and an explanation of how they were dealt with and evaluated in the EIR. Issue: Impingement and Entrainment Impingement impacts upon marine organisms occur as a result of organisms being trapped against screens, filters or other mechanisms associated with a seawater intake system, resulting in organism damage or mortality due to the pressure exerted from the flow of water. Entrainment effects occur when small planktonic organisms are drawn through the intake system, and suffer damage or mortality as a result of pressure changes, mechanical damage, temperature increases, or turbulence in the water flow. Will the desalination facility cause an increase in impingement and entrainment mortality of marine organisms? Discussion: The EIR (Biological Resources Section, pages 4.3-34 to 4.3-43) determined that the desalination facility will not cause any increase in impingement mortality and that entrainment mortality of planktonic organisms will not significantly increase above current conditions produced by Encina Power Station operations. The Power Station currently operates a seawater intake system that draws seawater into the facility to cool steam turbines. Water for the desalination plant is taken after the water has been used to cool the turbines and before it is discharged back to the ocean. The Carlsbad Desalination Plant will not have separate direct lagoon or ocean intake and screening facilities, and will only use cooling water that is already screened by the Encina Power Station intake. The EIR found that the desalination plant feedwater intake will not increase the volume, nor the velocity of the power station cooling water intake nor will it increase the number of organisms impinged by the Encina Power Station cooling water intake structure. With regards to entrainment, the EIR concluded that the small proportion of marine organisms lost to entrainment as a result of the desalination plant would not have a substantial effect on the species' ability to sustain their populations because of their widespread distribution and high reproductive potential. The small proportion of organisms lost represents an incremental entrainment effect on larval fishes from the desalination plant operations on the order of between 0.01 and 0.28 percent (page 4.3-42). Therefore, the Carlsbad Desalination Plant will not cause any additional impingement losses or significant entrainment losses to/the marine organisms impinged and entrained by the Encina Power Station. The conclusions in the EIR were reached by Tenera Environmental, recognized by the State Regional Water Quality Control Boards and California Energy Commission as experts in evaluation of entrainment and impingement studies. Issue: Power Plant Operation f ( EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/Sljp 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 51 Three main concerns were raised in comments to the EIR related to Power Plant Operation: 1. What happens to the desalination facility if the Encina Power Station shuts down? 2. Would the intake of seawater to the Encina Power Station change due to the co-location of the desalination facility? 3. How will regulatory constraints on power plants that use ocean water cooling, specifically new regulations related to Clean Water Act Section 316(b) permits, alter the seawater flow to the power plant and the desalination facility? Discussion: 1. What happens if the Encina Power Station shuts down? There are no plans by the owner of Encina Power Station, Cabrillo Power, to initiate changes, reduce the power plant electricity output, or modify the current and historical power plant mode of operation or to discontinue or significantly reduce the use of seawater for cooling purposes. The California Independent System Operation (CALISO) has designated the Encina Power Station as a "reliability-must-run" (RMR) Facility. Therefore it is not reasonably foreseeable that the power plant would ever completely shut down. David Lloyd, Secretary of Cabrillo Power, and its local, in-house legal counsel, provided testimony before the Planning Commission at the December 21, 2005, public hearing. On this subject, Mr. Lloyd noted that Cabrillo Power has made a significant investment of over $60 million in air quality emissions equipment to the Encina Power Station. Mr. Lloyd characterized the power station as unique in that it is one of the few remaining dual-fuel burning power plants and is on a must-run status with the Independent System Operator. He noted that the Encina Power Station is at the end of a "cul-de-sac" with respect to national energy flow, which makes its operating status critical. In response to a Planning Commissioner question about the future operations of the power station, Mr. Lloyd noted the Power Station has at least 20 or 30 more years of useful life without requiring any modifications. The baseline used by the City as lead agency for measuring potential environmental impacts of a project under CEQA is the current physical environment (With Power Plant scenario), including current operating conditionsJHowever, the worst case scenario in the Final EIR analyzed the No Power Plant scenario in order to determine the level of significance in the "historical extreme." The Final EIR contains substantial evidence that shows that the potential impacts from a No Power Plant scenario are the same as the With Power Plant scenario for all of the impact areas. A more detailed discussion of these issues is included in the staff memorandum responding to the California Coastal Commission letter and supplemental comments, all of which are part of Attachment 13 a. / The desalination plant is planned to operate in conjunction with the power plant and to use cooling water flow from the power plant discharge rather than to operate on its own and to take seawater directly from the ocean. The EIR has been prepared based on this assumption. In the event that the project were to require independent operation of the intake and outfall for any reason, the direct connection to the intake structure by the desalination plant would be treated as a separate project and would be subject to applicable CEQA and regulatory agency permit requirements, including the approval of the City of Carlsbad. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 52 2. Would the intake of seawater to the Encina Power Station change due to the co-location of the desalination facility? The Encina Power Station currently operates a seawater intake system that draws seawater into the facility to condense the steam exiting the turbines. Water for the desalination plant is taken after the water has been used to condense the steam, and before it is discharged back to the ocean. The EIR found that the desalination plant feedwater intake will not increase the volume, nor the velocity of the water flowing in the Encina Power Station cooling water intake. Future power plant intake and discharge flows with the desalination facility in operation are not expected to be significantly different from the historic and current range of intake and discharge flows. In addition, the desalination facility will not increase any intake and discharge flows above permitted levels in the existing power plant National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. 3. How will regulatory constraints on power plants that use ocean water cooling, specifically new regulations related to Clean Water Act Section 316(b) permits, alter the seawater flow to the power plant and the desalination facility? Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act requires facilities that, as their primary activity, generate electric power and that employ a cooling water intake structure designed to withdraw 50 million gallons per day (MOD) or more of waters of the United States for cooling purposes, employ the "best technology available" to minimize impacts related to impingement and entrainment of aquatic organisms. In September 2004, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) published new Section 316(b) regulations that apply to existing cooling water intake structures (Phase II Existing Facilities). Phase II Existing Facilities (such as the Encina Power Station) must select and implement one or more alternatives for minimizing adverse environmental impacts at a facility. Facilities may choose to implement a closed-cycle re-circulating cooling system; reduce intake velocity; construct technologies, operational measures, and/or fishery restoration measures; or demonstrate that the cost of compliance outweighs the benefits of the facility. Cabrillo, as the owner and operator of theJ3ncina Power Station, is currently conducting impingement and entrainment studies pursuant to Phase II 316(b) requirements. Cabrillo intends to achieve full compliance with the requirements, but has not as of yet determined the specific measures, or combination of measures that will be implemented to achieve compliance. However, it is reasonably foreseeable that compliance can be achieved without reduction of seawater intake below the threshold levels identified as the "worst case" (historical extreme) scenarios analyzed in the Final EIR. , Since the EIR shows that it is reasonably foreseeable that compliance with Section 316(b) can be achieved without reduction of seawater intake below the threshold levels identified as the "worst case" (historical extreme) scenarios analyzed in the EIR, compliance with Section 316(b) will have no significant impact on the operation of the desalination plant. HZ-/ EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SLP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 53 • Issue: Salinity Levels in Discharge Several comments to the DEIR raised concerns about the effects of increased salinity in the power plant discharge due to the desalination process. Will the increased salinity of water discharged from the desalination plant cause harm to the marine ecosystem? Discussion: The primary issues related to ocean water quality are associated with increased salinity in the discharge from the reverse osmosis process. Operation of the proposed plant would result in the intake of up to 106 mgd of seawater to produce up to 50 mgd of high quality potable drinking water and 50 mgd of discharge water that contains all the salt content of the intake seawater. After completion of the desalination process, the concentrated seawater is mixed with the power plant's cooling water and discharged in the power plant discharge pond at the mouth of the jetty extending under Carlsbad Boulevard to the Pacific Ocean. Potential effects that the discharge of the concentrated seawater could have on the receiving waters is dependent on a number of variables. In order to determine how these variables interact with respect to dispersal of the discharge, a numerical hydrodynamic model was configured by scientists at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography (SIO) to estimate salinity levels under a variety of conditions. SIO scientists also evaluated the impacts of the discharge on the marine environment. In addition salinity tolerance studies were conducted on marine life using aquariums filled with the concentrated seawater from the demonstration plant, which found no significant impacts on the organisms studied. As reported in the EIR (Biological Resources, Section 4.3), the models developed by the SIO scientists showed that by diluting the desalination plant discharge with power plant cooling water, discharge salinities are kept reasonably close to ambient levels. SIO researchers verified that salinity in this region of the ocean is relatively constant, with maximum variation over a 20.5-year period of approximately 10%. In Southern California, the average sea-surface salinity was 33.52 parts per thousand (ppt) and ranged from 31.26 to 34.44 ppt. SIO found that salinity levels in the immediate discharge area would increase to between 34-37 ppt due to desalination plant discharge and would affect a total area of 1.5 acres of soft bottom (sand) habitat. The level of salinity change to be experienced by the kelp beds and other habitats seaward of the discharge channel was found to be very small and would not affect the organisms living there. The EIR determined that elevated salinity levels within the 1.5 acre area affected could result in the replacement of some organisms by those that have a greater tolerance for salinity. Issue: Quality of Desalinated Water Concerns have been expressed as to whether the water produced by desalination will be of high quality, and whether or not the use of seawater would allow for elevated levels of certain chemicals in the product water. Discussion: . f ("' EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-4 I/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 54 Water quality was one of the six principles established by the City Council for WPA negotiations. The WPA requires Poseidon to provide water that meets or exceeds all state and federal drinking water standards. Water produced at the Poseidon demonstration plant, located onsite at the Encina Power Station, has total dissolved solids (TDS) level of 250-350 mg/L compared to imported water that has a TDS of 466-574 mg/L. Concerns were raised that the boron concentration in desalinated water may be harmful to people and or certain types of ornamental plants. The facility will be designed to comply with all state and federal drinking water regulations, including the boron notification level established by the California Department of Health Services of 1 mg/L. Additionally, city staff, consultants and the applicant have been conducting studies aimed at establishing a boron standard to address the requirements of ornamental plants grown within the project service area. The desalination facility will be operated to meet the boron standard established for ornamental plants. If applicable regulations change for this or any other constituent in drinking water, the desalination facility will be upgraded as necessary to meet future water quality standards. Issue: Growth Inducement Will the project result in additional growth beyond projected levels? Discussion: CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.2 (d) requires that an EIR evaluate the growth-inducing impacts of a project (Final EIR, page. 9-1). This evaluation should address the ways in which the Project could encourage economic and population growth, or the construction of additional housing, either directly or indirectly. Typically, the growth-inducing potential of a project is considered significant if it stimulates population growth or a population concentration above what is assumed in local and regional land use plans, or in projections made by regional planning authorities such as the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). Significant growth impacts could also occur if a project provides infrastructure or service capacity to accommodate growth levels beyond those anticipated by local or regional plans and policies. The key issue related to growth inducement for the Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant project is whether or to what extent water supplies provided by the Project would have indirect growth-inducing impacts. Existing water supply issues within the Project's service area must be considered along with water supply in the context of other growth-related constraints. Growth-limiting factors in San Diego County are primarily related to availability of buildable land and adequate infrastructure to support growth in new areas. Therefore, there is no linear relationship between water availability and growth. The Project is being implemented on a local level and represents local implementation of a planned regional water supply component. The CWA wholesales imported water to its member agencies, which in turn deliver the water to individual homes and businesses throughout the county. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District, Valley Center Municipal Water District, Rincon i f EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SuP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 -. PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 55 del Diablo Municipal Water District, and Olivenhain Municipal Water District, all of which are anticipated to be potential purchasers of desalinated seawater from the Project, are member agencies of the CWA. Implementation of the Project at a local level will have the same potential for growth inducement as the CWA's recently adopted Regional Water Facilities Master Plan (RWFMP), which noted that development of a local desalinated water supply may foster additional growth indirectly by removing barriers to growth. The Project contributes to the new supplies identified in the RWFMP and constitutes a portion of the new water supplies that have been considered and analyzed on a regional level. The Project is not anticipated to provide additional supplies over and above what is already contemplated for the San Diego region. Therefore, it is not anticipated that delivery of water from a different supplier other than the CWA will have any effect on planned growth within the service area of the Project. Further, it is not anticipated that the purchase of water from a different supplier by any of the affected water agencies would result in any changes to existing land use plans, growth projections or growth management policies of the local land use authorities within the respective service areas of the districts. Local water agencies purchase and deliver water to retail customers, and do not have direct authority over land use, and cannot approve or disapprove any changes in land use that would directly affect population projections. The agencies with local land use authority within the Project's service area are the cities of Carlsbad, Encinitas, Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, and the County of San Diego. These communities are nearing or close to build out, and the availability of developable land is the primary factor in future growth potential. Desalinated seawater is already considered in regional growth analyses conducted by SANDAG, as contained in its 2004 Regional Comprehensive Plan, and in demand projections by the CWA as contained in its 2003 RWFMP. The Project will not supply water in excess of what is already anticipated to meet future projected needs. The Project will not cause significant direct growth-inducing impacts. However, City recognizes that replacement of imported water supplies with locally produced desalinated water supplies could have the effect of making the imported water supplies that are displaced by the desalinated water supplies available for other use. Determination of the specific potential indirect growth- inducing effects outside of the Project's service area would require speculation that is beyond the scope of the environmental analysis for the Project. Therefore, City considers the possibility of regional growth inducement a potentially significant effect and finds that there is no feasible mitigation for this potential impact. Issue: Plant Ownership and the Effect of International Treaties on Compliance with Environmental Laws ' Would the provisions of international trade agreements allow a private owner with international interests to avoid compliance with environmental regulations? Discussion: Trade agreement provisions would not allow the applicant to circumvent environmental regulations. Even if circumstances would allow such avoidance of regulations, the applicant has ( f - EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SuP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3,2006 Page 56 ; agreed to waive any such rights under these agreements through the Water Purchase Agreement and Development Agreement with the City. VI. December 21,2005, Planning Commission Hearing/EIR Comments In response to the December 21 hearing, the City received three letters which were provided to the Planning Commission. These letters, attached, were received from California Coastal Commission staff, California Coastal Coalition, and Klinedinst, a law firm. The Planning Commission was also provided a summary of the California Coastal Commission report on seawater desalination, which summary was prepared by the City's Administrative Services Director. Each of these letters and the summary is provided for the Planning Commission's information as attachment 13 through 16. In addition to the letters, the Planning Commission also received testimony from several people, including a Joe Geever, Southern California Regional Manager of the Surfrider Foundation. At the hearing, the Planning Commission asked staff to work with Mr. Geever and respond to his comments and to also address the comments contained in the letter from the California Coastal Commission staff, which was authored by Tom Luster. Following is a summary of meetings held with each individual as well as staffs response to the letter received from Klinedinst. California Coastal Commission and Surfrider Foundation comments: As requested by the Planning Commission, and to gain better understanding of their concerns, staff scheduled separate meetings with Mr. Luster and Mr. Geever. Both Mr. Geever and Mr. Luster also provided correspondence to further clarify their comments. All correspondence and staffs detailed responses to the points raised in the correspondence are contained in attachment 13. Coastal Commission staffs general concern about the project, as expressed in their December 21, 2005, letter to the Planning Commission, was that the City had dismissed Coastal Commission comments submitted during the public review of the Precise Development Plan project's notice of preparation of an environmental impact report and its draft EIR. In his January 2006 meeting with_City staff, Mr. Luster conceded that many of his points dealt with Coastal Act issues that were not within the purview of the City of Carlsbad and were not CEQA issues. City staff also noted it disagreed with the statements in the correspondence received from Mr. Luster because in the preparation of the Draft and Final EIR, including the technical studies performed for the EIR and the responses to public comments, the City made every effort to respond in detail to each and every issued raised by the Coastal Commission. / In February 2006, staff also met with Mr. Geever, who was accompanied by Connor Everts of the Southern California Watershed Alliance. At the December 21 Planning Commission meeting, Mr. Geever raised concerns about the adequacy of the project EIR and also expressed reservations about the Encina Power Station's compliance with Clean Water Act Section 316(b) regulations. As expressed in the February meeting and documented in a subsequent e-mail, the concerns of Surfrider and the Watershed Alliance, staff believes, are more centered on policy issues than on specific issues related to the adequacy of the project EIR. Further, the focus of EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SuP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 -. PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 57 their concerns is the impingement and entrainment of marine organisms associated with power plant once-through cooling systems. Klinedinst letter: Staff disagrees with the author's comments. Staffs position on the issues raised in this letter is contained in the attachment 13a. response to the California Coastal Commission letters, the Final EIR, and in the Responses to Comments (Final EIR Volume II). Further, it is not the purpose of CEQA to address matters related to energy costs or the cost for production and sale of desalinated water. However, the Water Purchase Agreement (Final EIR Exhibit B) provides water cost information. In attachment 14, Staff has also provided, for the Planning Commission's information, a March 15, 2004, letter from Mike Chrisman, Secretary for the State of California Resources Agency, expressing the Resource Agency's support of desalination as a component of California's water supply. Other concerns of the Planning Commission as expressed at the December 21 hearing and staffs responses to each are provided below: 1. The effect on the desalination plant and ocean if the Encina Power Station were to discontinue operation. Staff response: The effect of a No Power Plant scenario on the desalination plant is discussed extensively in the response to Tom Luster of the Coastal Commission staff (Attachment 13a). Further, in the event that the power station were to permanently cease operations, and Poseidon Resources were to independently operate the existing EPS seawater intake and outfall for the benefit of the project, such independent operation would require CEQA compliance and permits to operate as required by then- applicable rules and regulations of the City and other relevant agencies. Poseidon Resources would not independently operate the EPS intake and/or outfall unless and until CEQA compliance had been completed and any required permits had been issued. 2. The routes of distribution pipelines in the community. Staff response: Attachment 9b. provides an overall graphic of the entire pipeline network proposed. Further, the Final EIR provides text and map descriptions of the proposed pipeline routes. Please refer to page 3-16 for a textUescription and figures 3-5 and 4.3-1 through 4.3-11 fqr overall and detailed exhibits of pipelines alignments. 3. The effect of the County Water Authority desalination proposal on the Poseidon Resources desalination project. Staff response: A complete discussion on this topic can be found in the "Desalination and Carlsbad" discussion found in jtem B. of Section III, Project Description and Background, of this staff report. 4. Water quality issues related to Boron and the potential for desalinated water to have corrosive effects on distribution pipelines. Staff response: The water purchase agreement approved by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District with Poseidon Resources contains water quality provisions that require completion of studies on the potential for corrosion of household plumbing and appliances as well as municipal distribution pipelines. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District required Poseidon to complete a pilot study to EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 14<t(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SuP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 -. PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 58 compare the potential corrosion impacts on distribution system and household materials from conditioned desalinated seawater versus imported water from the current potable water supply. That study confirmed that the desalinated water is comparable to the City's existing potable water supply and is not likely to trigger new corrosion problems in the Carlsbad distribution system. In addition, a study was conducted to determine if the boron and chloride content of the water produced by the desalination facility is adequate to maintain acceptable appearance of the ornamental plant species most widely used in Carlsbad. The conclusions of the study were that the proposed desalinated water quality (boron 0.8-1.0 mg/L and chloride 180-240 mg/L) is acceptable for irrigation of the majority of the most widely used species of ornamental plants in Carlsbad. Potential changes in the appearance of less tolerant species due to irrigation with water containing the proposed boron and chloride levels would be comparable to that observed in the areas of Carlsbad where reclaimed water is currently used for irrigation. The City also received correspondence in response to the release of the Final EIR, and a late comment on the draft EIR. The draft EIR comment was received from the State Department of Toxic Substances Control and is attached. The final EIR comments were received from County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division and the North County Transit District and are attached. Poseidon Resources has provided the attached email response to the County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division regarding ammonia storage. With regards to the North County Transit District letter, staff maintains its position that based on the operational characteristics of the proposed project, it is not anticipated that the estimated 108 total daily employee/visitor trips associated with the facility would place demand on transit facilities that would warrant the suggested bus stop improvements. Further, an accessible path of travel for persons with disabilities would not be required from the desalination plant to an existing or future bus stop along a street bordering the Encina Power Station, such as Carlsbad Boulevard. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6087 (EIR 03-05) ' 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6088 (POP 00-02) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6089 (SP 144(H)) " 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6090 (DA 05-01) 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6091 (RP 05-12) 6. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6092 (CDP 04-41) ' 7. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6093 (SUP 05-04) 8. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6094 (HMPP 05-08) 9. Location Maps a. Precise Development Plan & Desalination Plant Project - Land Use Plan Relationships b. Proposed Water Delivery Pipelines and Desalination Plant Map 10. Background Data Sheet 11. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 -. PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT May 3, 2006 Page 59 12. Disclosure Statements 13. Staff responses to California Coastal Commission and Surfrider letters and comments a) May 3, 2006, City staff memorandum on Coastal Commission staff letter of December 21, 2005, and supplemental comments of January 10, 2006 (letter and comments provided as attachments to memorandum) b) May 3, 2006, City staff memorandum to March 22, 2006, email from Surfrider, California Watershed Alliance, and the Desal Response Group (email provided as attachment to memorandum) 14. March 15, 2004, letter from Mike Chrisman, Secretary for the state Resources Agency 15. May 4, 2004, memorandum from Jim Elliott, Administrative Services Director, on the California Coastal Commission report on seawater desalination 16. Letters received in response to the December 21, 2005, Planning Commission hearing a. December 19, 2005, California Coastal Coalition letter b. December 20, 2005, letter from Carey Cooper, Klinedinst PC c. December 21, 2005, letter from California Coastal Commission (provided as part of attachment 13) 17. Late comment received in response to the Draft EIR. a. October 14, 2005, letter from Greg Holmes, State Department of Toxic Substances Control 18. Correspondence received in response to the release of the Final EIR 03-05 a. January 25, 2006, letter from Kurt Luhrsen, North County Transit District b. December 16, 2005, email from Mark McCabe, County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division c. February 20, 2006, email from Poseidon Resources in response to County of San Diego email 19. Letter from Patricia Drake on the desalination plant, received April 25, 2006 20. Final Environmental Impact Report EIR 03-05, dated December 2005 21. Precise Development Plan POP 00-02, dated May 3, 2006 22. Specific Plan 144(H), dated May 3, 2006 r BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(HVSUP 05-04/CDP 04-41/DA 05-01/RP 05- 12/HMPP 05-08 CASE NAME: Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant APPLICANT: Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LLC. Cabrillo Power I LLC REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for: 1) certification of an Environmental Impact Report; 2) adoption of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program: 3) approval for a Precise Development Plan. Specific Plan Amendment, Development Agreement, and Redevelopment Permit; and 4) approval of a Special Use Permit (Floodplain). Coastal Development Permit, and a Habitat Management Plan Permit for Incidental Take consistent with the City's Habitat Management Plan. The requested actions are for: 1) a Precise Development Plan for the Encina Power Station and the proposed 50 million gallon per day Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant proposed at the Encina Power Station: 2) an amendment to the Encina Specific Plan to incorporate the Precise Development Plan into the Specific Plan; 3) a Redevelopment Permit for the desalination plant -; and pipelines within the boundaries of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area: 5) a *•* Development Agreement for the desalination plant; and 4) a Special Use Permit (floodplainX Coastal Development Permit and Habitat Management Plan Permit for pipelines that would convey desalinated water from the desalination plant into various parts of the City of Carlsbad. Proposed actions apply only to project components in the City of Carlsbad. The project locations are: 1) the Encina Power Station located at 4600 Carlsbad Boulevard and west of Interstate 5; 2) the 680-acre Encina Specific Plan, which encompasses the Power Station and all of Agua Hedionda Lagoon; and 3) miscellaneous locations in Carlsbad, all north of Palomar Airport Road and generally in street right of ways, where desalinated water pipeline alignments are proposed. Additional desalination pipeline alignments are proposed in the cities of Oceanside and Vista, primarily in existing street rights of way, and are subject to the review and permitting requirements of those cities. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Multiple properties and locations in the cities of Carlsbad. Vista, and Oceanside are involved. APN: Varies Acres: The Precise Development Plan affects the Encina Power Station, which is approximately 95 acres. The Encina Specific Plan, which encompasses the Power Station, affects 680 acres. The acreages of the various pipeline alignments are not known.. Proposed No. of Lots/Units: N/A GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation: Encina Power Station has a Public Utilities designation; other project components have other designations Proposed Land Use Designation: N/A Density Allowed: N/A Density Proposed: N/A Revised 01/06 Existing Zone: Encina Power Station has a Public Utilities zoning: other project components have other zonings • Proposed Zone: N/A Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use (Encina Power Station only): • Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site North South East West P-U 0-S P-U P-U o-s u OS u T-R OS Power Station Open Space (lagoon) Industrial Vacant Open Space (beach) LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM (for portions of project in Carlsbad only) Coastal Zone: IXI Yes I I No Local Coastal Program Segment: Mello II. Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan Within Appeal Jurisdiction: IXI Yes I I No Coastal Development Permit: [X] Yes I I No Local Coastal Program Amendment: | | Yes |XI No Existing LCP Land Use Designation: U* Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: N/A Existing LCP Zone: P-U* Proposed LCP Zone: N/A (* Encina Power Station only) PUBLIC FACILITIES (for portion of project in Carlsbad only) School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): 909 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Categorical Exemption, Negative Declaration,- issued_ Final Environmental Impact Report, dated December 2005 Other, Revised 01/06 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant - EIR 03-05/PDP 00- 02/SP 144rHVSUP 05-04/CDP 04-41/DA 05-Q1/RP 05-12/HMPP 05-08 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONES: 1. 3 - Encina Power Station only; project pipelines are also located in Zones 5, 7, 8,13,14, 15. 16. and 18 GENERAL PLAN: Public Utilities (IT} - Encina Power Station only ZONING: Public Utilities (P-U) - Encina Power Station only DEVELOPER'S NAME: Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LLC and Cabrillo Power I LLC ADDRESS: Poseidon: 501 W. Broadway. Suite 840. San Diego. CA 92101: Cabrillo: 4600 Carlsbad Boulevard. Carlsbad. CA 92008 PHONE NO.: Poseidon: (619) 595-7802: Cabrillo: (760) 268-4000 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 210-010-41 and -43 (Encina Power Station only) QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): Desalination Plant site is approximately 3 acres and features a 44,552 square foot building. ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: 2008 Demand in Square Footage = N/A 18CFS B 120 A. City Administrative Facilities: B. Library: Demand in Square Footage = N/A C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) = 909 EDU max. D. Park: Demand in Acreage = N/A E. Drainage: Demand in CFS = Identify Drainage Basin = (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) F. Circulation: Demand in ADT = (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) , G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = H. Open Space: Acreage Provided = I. Schools: (Demands to be determined by staff) J. Sewer: Demands in EDU Identify Sub Basin = (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) K. Water: Demand in GPD = 1 N/A CUSP 909 EDU max. 3A 10.246* *Project will produce approximately 50 million gallons per day of potable water; thus, no increased water demand results from this project. May 3, 2006 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT PROJECT - RESPONSES TO COASTAL COMMISSION STAFF LETTER & COMMENTS The California Coastal Commission (CCC) staff raised a number of issues in their comments on the Notice of Preparation for the Draft EIR as well as on the Draft EIR itself. In the Final EIR, the City of Carlsbad (City) provided detailed responses to comments received on the Draft EIR. Just prior to the Planning Commission workshop on the Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant proposal on December 21, 2005, CCC staff transmitted an additional comment letter. The general concern that CCC staff stated in the December 21, 2005, comment letter was that they believe that the City had dismissed their earlier comments. City staff does not agree with the statements in the CCC staff letter, because in the preparation of the Draft and Final EIR, including the technical studies performed for the EIR and the responses to public comments, the City made every effort to respond in detail to each and every issue raised by the CCC, as well as all other commenting parties. The responses to the CCC comment letter alone included 36 pages of text in the Final EIR, with complete explanations for all of the issues raised. Both the letter and City staffs complete responses can be found in Final EIR Volume II, Comment No. 4. Nevertheless, in an effort to more fully understand the nature of the CCC staffs concerns, City staff initiated a telephone conference with Tom Luster, the CCC staff member assigned to desalination projects, on January 13, 2006. Mr. Luster is the author of the December 21 letter and supplemental comments dated January 10, 2006, both of which are attached. The purpose of the telephone conference was to specifically pinpoint the CCC stated concerns about the City's application of CEQA to the proposal, and in particular the proposed Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Facility (Project). The two primary issue areas that were discussed during the conference call are summarized below. Following the summary, staff has also provided details and responses to specific issues raised in the CCC staffs December 21 letter and January 10 supplemental comments. First Conference Call Issue: Operation of the Desalination Plant as a stand alone facility - separate from the Encina Power Station CCC's opinion of how a CEQA analysis should be conducted is inconsistent with the City's position on how baseline environmental conditions should be defined under CEQA RESPONSES TO COASTAL COMMISSION STAFF LETTER & COMMENTS May 3, 2006 Page 2 for the Project. Specifically, as explained in detail in the Final EIR and Responses to Comments, the City believes that the continued operation of the Encina Power Station (EPS) within the parameters of historical operating conditions is reasonably foreseeable, and should therefore be the baseline condition. This approach is based on guidance provided in CEQA. Mr. Luster, on behalf of the CCC staff indicated that the City, as Lead Agency on the CEQA document, has the right to make the determination of baseline that is in the Final EIR. Mr. Luster pointed out that a different approach or standard may be applied by CCC staff in its review of the Project under the California Coastal Act. There still appears to be disagreement on what is "reasonable" relative to assumptions for the continued operation of the EPS. CCC staff appears to feel strongly that shut-down of the EPS is relatively certain within the foreseeable future, while the City believes it is reasonably foreseeable that EPS will continue to operate. It should also be noted that, as City staff explained to Mr. Luster, although the analysis of the Project in the Final EIR includes the assumption of continued operation of the EPS, the Final EIR provides information on the environmental effects of operating the f' desalination facility without EPS operating. So despite any disagreement over what is the baseline condition, the Final EIR in fact provides an analysis of the Project under the No Power Plant assumption. Further detail on the analysis is provided below. Closure on the issue of baseline assumptions was not fully reached, but City staff believes that the City and CCC agree that the Coastal Act has certain standards that are different than CEQA standards, and which may be applied during the Coastal Act review process. Second Conference Call Issue: Private vs. Public Ownership of the Desalination Plant The other major issue raised by the CCC staff on the Final EIR analysis centers on the issue of ownership of the desalination facility. The CCC staff comments that the form of ownership could influence the type and magnitude of environmental effects. Specifically, the CCC staff states that foreign ownership or possibly even a "foreign presence" by the company in question could allow the company to circumvent local, state <• and federal environmental protection laws, and result in unregulated business practices. t In the responses to comments in the Final EIR, the City explains how its interpretation of applicable international trade agreements does not lead to the same conclusions as those reached by the CCC staff. The City's responses acknowledge that some people continue to believe that provisions in international trade agreements would allow such regulatory circumvention. International trade agreements are irrelevant to the Project because the Applicant (Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LLC) for this Project has specifically contracted in the Water Purchase Agreement and the Development Agreement to waive any rights it may have to circumvent environmental protection laws and agrees to obtain RESPONSES TO COASTAL COMMISSION STAFF LETTER & COMMENTS May 3, 2006 Page3 and maintain all permits, licenses, approvals, authorizations, consents and entitlements that are required on the local, state and federal level. The requirement to waive any rights may be found in Section 2.8 of the Development Agreement, for example. The provisions of the contractual agreements entered into by the Applicant safeguard against any future attempt to circumvent regulation that could have the potential to cause environmental effects that are beyond those analyzed in the Final EIR. Upon further discussion on this issue, and based on the City's clarification of the contractual provisions applicable to the Project, Mr. Luster acknowledged that such provisions may be sufficient. The CCC staff will independently assess the issue during its review for Coastal Act consistency. RESPONSES TO COASTAL COMMISSION STAFF LETTER & COMMENTS May 3, 2006 Page 4 CITY STAFF RESPONSES TO SPECIFIC ISSUES RAISED IN THE DECEMBER 21, 2005, AND JANUARY 10, 2006, CCC STAFF CORRESPONDENCE CCC Issue: The EIR should review impacts of the desalination plant assuming that the Encina Power Station is not operating City Staff Response: The Lead Agency and the Applicant have analyzed the impacts of the Project with and without the operations of the Encina Power Station (EPS). This information is included in the Final EIR and Appendix E thereto. The resource areas potentially impacted under the No Power Plant scenario are (1) Aesthetics; (2) Air Quality (3) Marine Biology - brine discharge; (4) Marine Biology - entrainment/impingement; and (5) Land Use. The baseline used by the lead agency for measuring potential environmental impacts of a Project under CEQA is the current physical environment ("With Power Plant" scenario), including current operating conditions. However, the worst case scenario in the Final EIR analyzed the "No Power Plant" scenario to determine the level of significance in the "historical extreme." The Final EIR contains substantial evidence that shows that the impacts from a No Power Plant scenario to be the same as the With Power Plant scenario for all of the resource areas impacted, as discussed below. Aesthetics: The significance criteria (section 4.1.3) for Aesthetics in the Final EIR do not take into consideration the surrounding land uses when assessing visual impacts and thus the significance analysis will not change with or without the power plant in operation. Section 4.1.4 - Impacts - states that, "the project is not considered to have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista, or a substantially damaging effect on scenic resources because the proposed structure would represent a visual enhancement over what is currently located on the site (Page 4.1-3)." This enhancement of the area would occur with or without the operation of the EPS. Mitigation measures are proposed so that the Project features are acceptable to the City of Carlsbad and conform to the City's long-term vision for the surrounding property, which includes relocation of the power plant to the back of the property and the transition of-the front of the property to more public uses. r In June of 2002 the Carlsbad City Council, and in October of 2002 the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Agency, adopted six principals to pursue negotiations for the purchase of water from Poseidon: 1. Improved water reliability and quality in both normal and'drought periods at CWA (County Water Authority) water rates. 2. Maximize beach and lagoon access for the public. 3. Maximize open space and recreational opportunities for the public. 4. Redevelop Encina Power Plant to maximize its best public and private uses. 5. Desalination facility protected from power market fluctuations. RESPONSES TO COASTAL COMMISSION STAFF LETTER & COMMENTS May 3,2006 PageS 6. Accrue a positive economic benefit from the increased industrial development of the coastal corridor. These principals were used to evaluate the project in addition to the Strategic Goals and 5-Year Vision Statements approved by the City Council. The project was found to be consistent with goal number 4 shown above (see pages 4.8-16 - 4.8.18 of the Final EIR), and would therefore not interfere with any future change in operation at the EPS. Air Quality: The potential indirect air quality impacts due to emissions from power generation for the desalination facility are analyzed in the Final EIR with and without the EPS as the source of power. See page 4.2-18 of the Final EIR). The Final EIR notes that "the desalination plant will not contain any electrical power generation facilities, and will purchase this electrical power from the local electric utility, or a power generator, broker or seller. At this time no contract has been signed for power purchases from any supplier." Because no supplier of electricity has beeri designated, the Final EIR analyzed the indirect emission impacts from .^ power generation for three different scenarios: (1) if power were purchased from *' EPS; (2) the local utility; (3) or another power provider. The second and third scenario analyzed the No Power Plant impacts studied in the Final EIR, and therefore there would be no change in the Final EIR significance findings if EPS were not operational. Marine Biology - Brine Discharge: The Final EIR for the desalination plant used the "historical extreme" operation and level of salinity to evaluate the impacts to the marine environment. The Final EIR notes that, "the EPS can run with an 'unheated discharge' (i.e., No Power Plant operation)." The Final EIR modeled impacts of unheated "historical extreme" for flow scenarios using a discharge of 254 million gallons per day, which would represent conditions under No Power Plant operation. Therefore the "historical extreme" conditions modeled account for impacts related to operation of the desalination facility without power plant operation and flow rates that would be generated by the desalination plant being operated independently. The Final EIR notes that in the "historical extreme" the "highest bottom salinities were noted with the "unheated" (No Power Plant operation) condition due to its reduced buoyancy." The Final EIR states that, "to determine worst-case conditions, the unheated conditions are examined." Therefore the No Power Plant operation is the worst case condition studied by the Final EIR. The Analysis of Significance - Elevated Salinity Exposure Effects section of the Final EIR (Page 4.3-50) indicates that significant impacts are found at an extended salinity exposure level of 40 ppt. The Final EIR concludes that under the "historical extreme" the end of pipe salinity of 40.1 ppt (parts per thousand) "is diluted across the ZID (zone of initial dilution) to about 38.2 ppt." The Final EIR concludes that "extended exposure to salinity levels above 40 ppt would be avoided under all RESPONSES TO COASTAL COMMISSION STAFF LETTER & COMMENTS May 3, 2006 Page 6 proposed operating conditions (emphasis added)." The Final EIR goes on to conclude that "since the 'historical extreme' scenarios under all operating conditions (emphasis added) would not result in salinity levels exceeding this threshold for an extended period of time, impacts related to elevated salinities would not be significant." Therefore the "no power plant operation "or" unheated discharge" condition has been analyzed in the Final EIR and the impacts from brine discharge in this worst- case scenario were found to be less than significant. Marine Biology - Entrainment. Data presented in Appendix E of the Final EIR supports a finding of no significant impact for entrainment. The referenced study demonstrates that entrainment of marine organisms at the EPS is a function of the volume of water flowing through the intake. If the desalination facility were to operate at 106 million gallons per day (MOD) under the No Power Plant operation, there would be 100% mortality resulting from impingement of the larval fish caught on the screens and filters. As shown in Table 1, the entrainment loss would represent between 0.6% and 11.8% of the EPS source water supply of larvae, depending on the fish group modeled. Assuming an additional 200 MGD was allowed to flow through the intake to the discharge channel for dilution of the concentrated seawater discharge from the desalination facility, there could be additional entrainment losses. The level of impact to the organisms and associated mortality due to the diversion of the dilution water under the No Power Plant operation will be less than the impact had the water been pumped through the condensers as is modeled under the With Power Plant operation scenario. However, lacking data to document actual mortality under the No Power Plant mode of operation, the possible range is 0% to 100% mortality of the larval fish in the dilution water. Under these conditions the minimum larval fish entrainment loss for the desalination facility (106 MGD) and associated dilution water (200 MGD) would be 0.6% to 11.8% and the maximum would be 1.7% to 34.1%, depending on the fish group modeled (Table 1). Table 1 Desalination Facility's Estimated Entrainment Loss . Under No Power Plant Operation Desalinati Dilution Minimum Maximum on Facility Water Combined ' Combined Entrainm Entrainme Entrainment Entrainment „ . _ ent Loss nt LossFish Group Loss Loss RESPONSES TO COASTAL COMMISSION STAFF LETTER & COMMENTS May 3, 2006 Page? 11.8% 0%- n.8% 34.1% CIO gobies 22.3% Combtooth 5.7% 0%- 5.7% 16.5% blennies 10.8% Northern 0.6% 0%- 0.6% 1.7% anchovy 1.1% The loss of larval fish entrained by the EPS cooling water flows, whether the EPS is operating or not, are a small fraction of marine organisms from the abundant and ubiquitous near-shore source water populations. Using standard fisheries models for adult fishes, the loss of larvae (99 percent of which are lost to natural mortality) due to the desalination facility entrainment at 306 MOD would have no effect on the species' ability to sustain their populations, including the gobies at 34.1%. Gobies are not harvested and because of their widespread distribution and high reproductive potential due to spawning several times a year, are able to sustain conditional adult mortality rates of 34% and higher without a decline in population level. This absence of potential population level effects for adult gobies is especially true for the species' early larval stages. The sheer numbers of larvae that are produced by the adult gobies overwhelm population effects of both natural mortality and reasonably high levels of conditional mortality. The most frequently entrained species are very abundant in the area of EPS intake, Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and the Southern California Bight so that the actual ecological effects due to any additional entrainment from the Project at either level of plant operations are insignificant. Species of direct recreational and commercial value constitute a very small fraction (less than 1 percent) of the entrained organisms. Therefore, the operation of the desalination facility does not cause a significant ecological impact. California Department of Fish and Game (2002) in their Nearshore Fishery Management Plan provides for sustainable populations with harvests of up to 60 percent of unfished adult stocks. The incremental entrainment ("harvest") effect of larval fishes from the desalination facilities operations at 106 or 306 MGD is approximately 1 to 34 percent (depending on the species); losses that would have no significant effect on the source water populations to sustain themselves. Additionally, entrainment mortality losses are not harvests in the common sense, because the larval fish are not removed from 'the ocean, but are returned to supply the ocean's food webs - the natural fate of at least 99 percent of larvae whether entrained or not. Generally less than one percent of all fish larvae become reproductive adults. RESPONSES TO COASTAL COMMISSION STAFF LETTER & COMMENTS May 3, 2006 Page 8 Marine Biology — Impingement: The Applicant has calculated the approach velocity of the water flowing through the EPS intake under the No Power Plant scenario and determined that the velocity would not exceed 0.5 feet per second. Under these operating conditions, the intake would meet impingement mortality performance standards established in the revised 316(b) permitting requirements. Land Use: The proposed Project causes no significant impacts to land use and is consistent with existing land use plans with or without the existence and operation of the EPS. The Project is consistent with the Public Utilities (U) land use designation in the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance and is consistent regardless of power plant operations. In addition the Project is consistent with the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan for the area and would continue to be consistent regardless of the operation of the power plant. The Final EIR notes that, "The site of the desalination plant was specifically selected so as not to conflict with two redevelopment plan goals. The first goal relates to facilitating the conversion and possible relocation of the existing power plant to a smaller more efficient facility. The second goal relates to the enhancement of commercial and recreational opportunities in the plan area." Although any changes in the power plant configuration will require additional environmental review and approval, a siting study was conducted for the desalination plant in which five sites within the EPS property were reviewed to find a location for the desalination facility that was sensitive to the redevelopment plan goal and would "create the least amount of constraints on any future conversion of the Encina Power Station." (See pages 4.8-16 - 4.8.18 of the Final EIR for details.) Therefore any future changes to the EPS will not be affected by the siting of the desalination plant. CCC Issue: Age of the Generators at the Encina Power Station - The generators will need to be replaced during the useful life of the desalination plant. Staff Response: As noted in the Responses to Comments that are part of the Final EIR, in the event that the Project were to require independent operation of the intake and outfall for any reason, the direct connection to the intake structure by the desalination plant would be treated as a separate project and would be subject to applicable CEQA and regulatory agency permit requirements, including the approval of the City of Carlsbad. CCC Issue: New 316(b) regulations make it more likely than not that the power plant operations will change RESPONSES TO COASTAL COMMISSION STAFF LETTER & COMMENTS May 3, 2006 Page 9 Staff Response: The Final EIR Responses to Comments provide an extensive discussion on how the Clean Water Act Section 316(b) requirements relative to the power plant seawater intake structure would not change any of the assumptions or analyses presented in the Final EIR. CCC Issue: Reliance on "Reliability Must Run" (RMR) contracts for the power plant is not reasonable Staff Response: The analysis presented in the Final EIR discusses RMR status of the power plant to provide context for the baseline assumptions, not as the primary basis for conclusions. CCC Issue: The EIR needs to assess how the proposed PDF and desalination facility would affect the power plant's ability to conform to the Coastal Act provision regarding allowable expansion of coastal-dependent facilities Staff Response: The site of the desalination plant was specifically selected so as not to conflict with two South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan goals. The first goal relates to facilitating the conversion and possible relocation of the existing power plant to a smaller more efficient facility. The second goal relates to the enhancement of commercial and recreational opportunities in the Plan area. CCC Issue: The EIR needs to assess the terms of the lease between the applicant and Cabrillo Staff Response: The terms of the lease agreement that have a potential to affect the physical environment were analyzed in the Final EIR and are included in Appendix B of the Final EIR. CCC Issue: Entrainment. The 30 to 35 mega-watt (MW) power demand would result in use of roughly 10 to 30 MOD of cooling water Staff Response: As stated in the Final EIR, the power supply for the Desalination Facility will be the EPS or the regional grid. If the EPS is the source of the power, the desalination facility will be able to draw power from either Unit 4 or Unit 5, the two newest and largest independent generating units on site. Under this mode of operation, the desalination facility will use approximately 10% of the generation capacity available from one of the two generating units. An additional 10% load on an individual generating unit does not represent enough demand to cause the EPS to put an additional generating unit on line, or increase the cooling water flow rate. Additionally, if EPS were RESPONSES TO COASTAL COMMISSION STAFF LETTER & COMMENTS May 3, 2006 Page 10 to supply power to the Project, it is not certain that EPS would increase its overall power generation, rather than reduce its power sales to other buyers. The EPS manages its level of power sales and power generation to achieve an optimum state of operation, taking into account a variety of factors, including cost of fuel, maintenance requirements and the performance of its generating units. Typically, once a unit is brought on line, the cooling water system flow rate remains constant. Thus, the EPS would continue to pump the same amount of source seawater for cooling as it does today. The flow rate for Unit 4 and Unit 5 are 304 MOD and 350 MOD, respectively. The existing permit allows the EPS to divert up to 860 MOD. CCC Issue: The proposed desalination facility would likely need to take in additional seawater to cool the power plant discharge to optimum temperature Staff Response: Under typical summertime operating conditions the EPS discharge/proposed desalination facility intake temperature is at or below 87 ° F, which is well within optimum operating range. Even if the Encina power plant were using up to its maximum permitted temperature increment of 20° F, defined in the plants' NPDES permit, during the warmest day of the last 20.5 years, the maximum possible water temperature of EGS discharge/proposed desalination facility intake would have been 77 ° F + 20 ° F = 97 ° F, which is lower than the membrane manufacturer specified threshold of 113° F. Therefore, no seawater diversions will be required that might exceed the monthly average of 104 MOD to 106 MOD evaluated in the Final EIR. The reference to the Applicant's patent cited by the author is relevant to a project in Tampa, Florida where the power plant effluent exceeded 113 ° F in the summer months. Under the Florida normal weather conditions, additional cooling water was required during the summer. The conditions in Carlsbad do not warrant this practice as evidenced by the Applicant's three years of pilot plant operations running strictly on the power plant discharge. Therefore no additional seawater will be required to cool the feedwater beyond the 106 MOD analyzed in the Final EIR. CCC Issue: Alternative forms of ownership. A public agency must consider a wide range of issues in determining how much water to produce while a private entity does not. Staff Response: The Final EIR assumed as the worst case scenario that the Project would be operating at full capacity year round. Under this scenario, no significant unavoidable adverse impacts were identified with the exception of cumulative air quality and indirect growth inducing impacts, which cannot be mitigated to less than significant by the alternative ownership suggested by the comment. Therefore the publicly owned reduced operation scenario suggested by the CCC would not provide mitigation or avoid impacts that cannot be otherwise mitigated. 10 qq RESPONSES TO COASTAL COMMISSION STAFF LETTER & COMMENTS May 3, 2006 Page 11 CCC Issue: The Coastal Commission is concerned because the applicant is proposing to provide water to the public at costs well below the "documented" costs of other similar projects. Staff Response: In May of 2002 the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) in conjunction with the CWA and City of Oceanside, completed a rigorous due diligence review of the Applicant's proposal that concluded that the proposed Project was technically viable and the cost of water was reasonable. The Water Purchase Agreement provides that the City of Carlsbad will never pay more for the desalination product water than it would pay CWA for imported treated water. CCC Issue: Concerned that the applicant will enter into an agreement for lower electrical rates than are available to other users, to the detriment of other rate payers Staff Response: As stated in the Final EIR, the power supply for the Desalination Facility would be from the EPS or the regional grid. In either case, the Applicant has stated that it expects to pay market rates for the electricity. There is no evidence to the contrary to support the evaluation requested by the commentor. CCC Issue: If water from the Project begins serving new or existing development, and the Project proponent is not able to continue operating the facility, a public agency may be burdened with the responsibility of either producing what is likely a high cost water supply or replacing it with other scarce water resources Staff Response: Under the Water Purchase Agreement (Appendix B of the Final EIR) Carlsbad has the right, but not the obligation, to assume operation of the Project if the Applicant is unable to continue operating the facility. Additionally, the City would maintain its membership, in the CWA, allowing it to purchase water from CWA in the event the Applicant were unable to provide the water required to meet demand. Under the second option, the Applicant is required to pay the incremental cost incurred by Carlsbad to acquire the replacement water. 11 -STA.Tj°l!^H.':°*ll^~'rtlgJVg!jg'J^C-'i.^AOENCT AHNOUO SCHWARZBNBOOBB, OpriftfOi, CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION «i nieMOrrr, SUITE zooo SAN MUKC1SCO. CA »»I<«.MI» VOICE AND TOO («*) 904.JJOO FAX (-HJ) 904-HOC December 21,2005 Planning Commission City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 VIA FACSIMILE (760) 602-8559 Dear Commissioners: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on your deliberations regarding the City's Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Precise Development Plan (PDP) and desalination facility being proposed at the Encina power plant. We understand you will be holding an informational briefing and public hearing later today, and we are providing this letter for you to consider as pan of your decision-making process. Coastal Commission staff provided extensive comments on this proposed project during previous stages of the City's EIR process, including a May 2004 comment letter about the City's Notice of Preparation and a June 2005 letter on the Draft EIR. In those letters, we expressed concerns about several key aspects of the proposed project and identified several studies and analyses that would need to be included in the EIR to allow adequate project review under both CEQA and the Coastal Act. However, the City's Final EIR and Response to Comments (Response) issued earlier this month essentially dismiss most of our comments without adequate explanation or justification. Because most of the studies and analyses we requested are needed to ensure compliance with both CEQA and the Coastal Act, the City's dismissal of our comments results in about eighteen months of lost opportunity (from May 2004 to the present) during which these issues could have been properly addressed. Putting off these necessary analyses until Coastal Act review or review by other permitting agencies will require additional time before these agencies can make any permit decisions on this proposed project. Further, by choosing not to perform these necessary studies and analyses, the City has imposed upon itself a significant risk that the eventual findings of those studies will result in the need later to revise and recirculate the EIR (e.g., per CEQA Guidelines Section 15162)^Tbe City's approach thus far with its CEQA review almost certainly guarantees inefficiencies and delays in completing review of the proposed project. We therefore reiterate our request that our comments be fully incorporated into the EDI analyses and that the document be recirculated. Although preparing a proper EIR for recirculation will itself .take additional time, it will almost certainly take less tune overall than putting off the necessary studies to be done under the separate timelines of the agencies that will need them and then revising the EDI later in this process. , It appears that many of the EIR's key inadequacies arise largely from it being based on an inappropriately narrow view of die proposed project and from a number of inadequately supported contentions. As lead agency, the City is clearly able to exercise independent judgment in how to implement its CEQA-related duties; however, for this EIR, it appears that these decisions have resulted in an EIR that does not adequately address the significant environmental Comment letter re: Carlsbad "Response to Comments" for proposed desalination facility December 2J. 2005 Page 2 of2 and social impact associated with what would be the largest coastal desalination facility in the U.S. We recommended, for example, that the EIR include analyses consistent with those described in two recent reports on desalination - the state Desalination Task Force Findings and Recommendations (October 2003) and the Coastal Commission report on Seawater Desalination and the California Coastal Act (March 2004). These reports were developed by representatives of nearly all the state agencies with regulatory jurisdiction over desalination proposals, [and include specific conclusions about facilities such as this one, being proposed to be co-located with a coastal power plant. The Response document, however, states (at Response 4D) that while the Chy "considered extensively" these two reports, it doesn't necessarily agree with, what is in them. Other than stating that the City exercised its independent judgment, it makejs no credible argument about why it chose not to use many of the key recommendations contained in these reports in evaluating the proposed desalination project. The result is an EIR that {eaves out the collective expertise of die agencies and stakeholders in California most familiar with the / environmental, economic, and regulatory issues associated with seawater desalination. This approach creates shortcomings in several key areas of the EIR analyses, including|its review of entrainment effects, discharge effects, alternatives analysis, and others, some of which are described below. Correcting mis error in a recirculated EIR would likely address many of the current document's problems. Additionally, the Task Force and Coastal Commission reports cited above, which represent the most up-to-date and thorough evaluations of applying state regulations to desalination facilities, determined that environmental review of a desalination facility proposing to co-locale with a coastal power plant needs to evaluate the effects of the project both operating alone and operating in conjunction with the power plant. As noted above, the Response states that the recommendations in these reports were considered, but doejs not provide any reasons they were rejected. We again request our comments be fully incorporated into the EIR and the document be recirculated. Without significant revisions, the EIR mischaracterizes the types and degree of potential adverse impacts that would be caused by the proposed facility. It does not adequately conform to CEQA requirements, cannot be used as a basis of our upcoming Coastal Aqt review, and could easily result in significant future delays by having its shortcomings addressed hi future proceedings rather than the proceeding at hand. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding these issues. j Sincerely, Tom Luster Energy and Ocean Resources Unit California Coastal Commission Supplemental Comments from Commission Staff January 10, 2006 KEY CONCERNS WITH THE EIR AND CITY'S RESPONSE TO COMMENTS General concern: An overall concern with the EIR and the Response to Comments (Response) is that it is inconsistent with regulatory agency requirements and guidance. In our comment letter, we recommended that the EIR evaluate the proposed project in a manner consistent with the recommendations in two recent reports on desalination - the state Desalination Task Force Findings and Recommendations (October 2003) and the Coastal Commission report, Seawater Desalination and the California Coastal Act (March 2004). These reports were developed by representatives of nearly all the state agencies with regulatory jurisdiction over desalination proposals, and include specific recommendations about facilities such as this one. Part of the underlying intent of these reports was to provide guidance for project proponents and reviewers to allow better understanding of the type of evaluation that would be necessary and to make the review process more efficient. The City's Response, however, states (at Response 4D) that while the City "considered extensively" these two reports, it doesn't necessarily agree with what is in them. Other than stating that the City exercised its independent judgment, it makes no credible argument about why it chose not to use many of the key recommendations contained in these reports in evaluating the proposed desalination project. The result is an EIR that leaves out the collective expertise of the agencies and stakeholders in California most familiar with the environmental, economic, and regulatory issues associated with seawater desalination, and one that unless revised and recirculated, will likely result in a much longer review process for the proposed facility. We again recommend that the City incorporate the findings and recommendations from these two documents in a revised EIR. Inadequate review for a proposed co-located facility: One of the main issues handled inadequately in the EIR is its lack of the necessary analysis for a proposed co-located desalination facility. As noted in both documents referenced above, review of such proposals should consider the adverse impacts that would be caused by the proposed desalination facility operating both when the power plant is operating and when it is not. By leaving out this review, the EIR falls short in its evaluation of several key areas and potential impacts, including entrainment effects, discharge effects, alternatives analyses, and others, some of which are described below. Recirculating the EIR with evaluations of the proposed facility operating on its own would likely correct several of the key problems with the current document and would bring the document more in line .with the guidelines contained in the Task Force and Coastal Commission reports cited above. The source of this error seems to be the EIR's assumption that the power plant will continue to operate during the life of the proposed desalination facility as it has operated in the past. This assumption is speculative and likely incorrect for several reasons: / • Age of generators: the power plant's generators are from about 30 to 50 years old and are highly inefficient when compared to other power sources serving the region. They will almost certainly need to be replaced at some point during the life of the proposed desalination facility, not only due to their age, but because they will likely not be economic to operate. Preliminary Comments to City of Carlsbad re: desalination EIR/Response to Comments January 10, 2006 Page 2 off • Recent regulatory changes: The federal rules governing cooling water intake structures were changed recently to require in most cases substantial reductions in entrainment and impingement impacts. The Response (at Response #4H) states the ".. .Lead Agency believes it is reasonably foreseeable that compliance [with these new requirements] can be achieved without reduction of sea water intake below the scenarios analyzed...", but does not provide any basis for that bel i ef. Several unresolved issues - such as the upcoming study of the cooling system's effects on Agua Hedionda and a federal court case regarding the applicability of mitigation options to such cooling systems - make it more likely than not that the power plant operations will change. Additionally, a recent decision at the nearby South Bay power plant that will result in it changing from once-through cooling to an alternative cooling system suggests that it is not unlikely to assume the operation at Encina could undergo some level of change during the life of the proposed desalination facility. • Reliance on RMR contracts: The EIR bases part of its assumption on the power plant's existing "Reliability-Must Run" (RMR) contracts and states that those contracts make it not reasonable to expect the power plant to shut down, presumably at any time during the life of the proposed desalination facility. However, the EIR's reliance on any long-term certainty provided by these contracts is misplaced, as these are short-term (generally one-year) contracts only, and are more than likely to change or not be in place sometime during the expected life of the desalination facility. • Need to allow reasonable expansion of existing coastal-dependent industrial facilities: Provisions of the Coastal Act allow for reasonable expansion of coastal-dependent industrial facilities such as the existing power plant. Due in part to the recent EPA rule change noted above, future expansion of the power plant could easily require the use of cooling systems other than the existing once-through system. This is a particularly important issue for this proposal, since the City is not only reviewing the proposed desalination facility, but is considering changes to the Precise Development Plan (PDP) for the power plant. The EIR therefore needs to assess how the proposed PDP and desalination facility would affect the power plant's ability to conform to the Coastal Act provisions regarding allowable expansion of existing coastal-dependent facilities. As part of this evaluation, we recommend that the EIR assess the compliance options contained in the revised federal rule and whether the proposed PDP or desalination facility would forestall any of those options or make them infeasible. • No analysis of the agreement between the power plant and the proposed desalination facility: The EIR needs to assess the terms of the agreement between the two entities and determine what effects these terms could have on the operations of both facilities and the environmental impacts that may result. Without knowing the terms of the agreement, ids unclear whether there are conditions that would affect either facility's operations and whether those conditions would create impacts different than those described in the EIR. We note that this issue is apparently causing some of the delay for a similar proposed project in Huntington Beach, as the City is not able to adequately determine the terms imposed by the landowner (the power plant) on the proposed desalination facility. V '• Preliminary Comments to City of Carlsbad re: desalination EIR/Response to Comments January 10, 2006 Page 3 of 5 Given these and other reasonably foreseeable and likely conditions and changes, it should be expected that all or part of the power plant will shut down for short- or long-term periods during the expected life of the proposed desalination facility- for maintenance, due to market conditions, because of regulatory requirements, or for other reasons. Further, given the dynamic history of California's energy market, the "energy crisis" of the recent past and its associated power plant shutdowns, it is far more reasonable to expect power plant operations to change than it is to expect them to not change. Even without knowing precisely what changes will occur, it is more than reasonable for the EIR to evaluate the effects that would be caused by the desalination facility operating on its own. The EIR needs to describe and analyze the increased entrainment that would be caused by desalination operations: We commented that the power plant cooling system would likely need to take in more seawater due to the presence of the desalination facility; however, the Response dismisses this concern. For at least two reasons, though, it is almost certain that the facility would require additional cooling water, even with the power plant continuing to operate as it does currently, and the EIR needs to address the resulting impacts. • First, it is likely that the desalination facility will draw all or most of its power from the power plant. This 30 to 35 megawatt power demand would result in roughly 10 to 30 mgd of cooling water use by the power plant (based on a range of 15,000 to 40,000 gallons of water needed to produce one megawatt of electricity). Should the demand by users for electricity from Encina decline over the life of the proposed desalination facility- a reasonable assumption, given the age and efficiency issues mentioned above, the likelihood of new transmission lines into the San Diego market, etc. - it will be the desalination facility creating this demand and the resulting impacts. Even if the desalination facility ends up drawing its electricity from elsewhere, it is still a reasonable for the EIR to evaluate as a feasible alternative the effects that would be caused by the facility drawing its electricity from the Encina power plant. If we were certain that the desalination facility had in place measures to prohibit use of electricity from the Encina plant, there would be no need to assess this impact; however, those types of measures are apparently not being contemplated for this proposal. • Second, the proposed desalination facility would likely need to take in additional seawater to cool the power plant discharge to an optimum temperature for the reverse osmosis membranes. This would cause an unknown but possibly significant increase in entrainment beyond what the power plant causes operating on its own. The Response (at Response #4K) dismisses this "concern by stating that the power plant discharge temperatures have always been below the membrane maximum operating temperature. This response does not adequately address the issue. First, the maximum operating temperature is different from the .optimum operating temperature, as membranes generally operate most efficiently at levels somewhat lower than their maximum allowable temperature at a range based on temperature, salinity, types or levels of particulates in the water, and other characteristics of the source water. We refer you to the project proponent's patent from September 2005 that describes how to optimize membrane efficiency by bringing in additional seawater to cool the desalination water supply and optimize the efficiency of the Preliminary Comments to City of Carlsbad re: desalination EIR/Response to Comments January 10, 2006 Page 4 of 5 desalination process.1 This method apparently results in increased energy efficiency (and presumably lower costs), and will likely be incorporated into the design of the proposed desalination facility. In fact, if it does result in increased energy efficiency, its need to be evaluated as part of the EIR (pursuant to CEQA Section 15126.4), along with the additional effects it may cause. At the very least, the EIR needs to determine how much additional seawater would be used with this method and what effects this increased seawater use will have on entrainment, impingement, and discharge characteristics. Alternative forms of ownership: Our comment letter expressed concerns that environmental impacts could likely be different depending on the proposed facility's form of ownership. The Response (at Response #4LL) states that it does not agree, and points out that the facility would have to conform to applicable laws. In at least two ways, the Response did not address our concerns about the impacts that could result from different forms of ownership of a facility creating a water supply to be used by the public: • First, the different range of issues considered in the decision-making process of a public or private entity is likely to result in different types and levels of impacts. The EIR does not include necessary discussions about the different consequences of decisions made by a public entity compared to those made by a private entity. A public water board, for example, must consider a wide range of public values when deciding such things as how much water to produce, how water production may affect other public resources, etc. It must also make these decisions as part of a relatively transparent public process. A private entity, on the other hand, has as the dominant concern hi its decision-making whether or not a proposed activity will be profitable. It is not required to consider the range of public benefits considered by a public entity, and any non-profit related benefits may be only incidental to the main decision. Further, private entity decisions are generally made in a non-public forum, often by individuals far removed from the community affected by the decisions. This is not to say one form of decision-making is better or more appropriate than the other, it is only to point out that the different forms can result in different environmental and social impacts that should be evaluated hi this EIR. This is a particularly important issue, given that the proposed project involves use of a publicly-owned resource subject to a number of legal and regulatory protections. • Second, laws and regulations may apply differently to an entity depending on whether it is public or private. The p'rovisions of several international trade agreements suggest that some private entities with a multinational presence may not be subject to California's state and local regulations if those regulations are found to somehow unreasonably restrain the economic viability of these entities. To date, these provisions are largely untested; however, their existence and their potential applicability to the proposed desalination facility make it imperative for the EIR to address the issue. Therefore, stating in the Response that the proposal would meet all applicable laws is inadequate, since it does not Sddress the underlying question - "which laws would be applicable?" The patent application can be found at this web link: http://patft.uspto4ov/netacgi/nphParser?Sectl=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=l&u=/netahtml/searchbool.html&r=l&f =G&l=50&co 1 =AND&d=ptxt&s 1 =Poseidon.ASNM. &OS=AN/Poseidon&RS=AN/Poseidon LH* Preliminary Comments to City of Carlsbad re: desalination EIR/Response to Comments January 10, 2006 Page 5 of 5 We note that this issue is of sufficient concern here in California that the Legislature's Committee on International Trade Policy and State Legislation is expected to hold a hearing on these issues on January 23rd. We recommend that the City investigate the concerns noted by the Legislature, and we also would be happy to provide further documentation of these concerns for the City to incorporate into its review. When the two above concerns are combined and applied to this proposed facility, it could result in relatively unconstrained water production at the expense of other public resources and values, and vastly different environmental effects than those described in the EIR. By not assessing these issues, the EIR does not adequately address likely or potential impacts and does not conform to CEQA. Costs: The EIR does not address the concerns we raised about needing to know the expected costs to produce the water and the need for those costs to be included in CEQA's assessment of feasible mitigation measures and alternatives analyses. This is particularly important since this facility is proposing to provide water to the public at costs well below the documented costs of other similar proposed projects. The most recent credible costs provided by a seawater desalination proponent in California are those submitted as testimony by the California-American Water Company in its Public Utility Commission proceedings for a proposed desalination facility to be co-located with the Moss Landing power plant. Cal-Am's testimony provides cost estimates showing that produced water from that co-located facility is expected to cost from about $1600 to $1800 per acre-foot. Although the Cal-Am proposal is for a smaller facility (up to about 20 mgd), it is highly unlikely that the efficiencies of scale for the larger Poseidon proposal should be expected to result in the stated, but unsubstantiated, costs of about $860 per acre-foot. Additionally, without knowing the costs and the terms of the agreement between the desalination proponent and the power plant, the City may unknowingly be creating a subsidy for the proposed project- for example, if the desalination facility is expecting to benefit from lower electricity costs than are available to other users, those other ratepayers would need to pay higher costs. Further, if water from the project begins serving new or existing development, and the project proponent is not able to continue operating the facility, a public agency may be burdened with the responsibility of either producing what is likely a high-cost water supply or replacing it with other scarce water resources. All of these issues need to be evaluated in the EIR. May 3,2006 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT PROJECT - RESPONSE TO SURFRIDER COMMENTS The Surfrider Foundation (Surfrider) is one of the multiple authors of an extensive comment letter on the Draft EIR dated July 14, 2005. Comment No. 56 of Final EIR Volume II contains the letter and the City's complete responses to that letter. Subsequent to the issuance of the Final EIR, a representative from Surfrider attended the December 21, 2005, Planning Commission hearing on the Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant project and expressed concerns about the project and the Final EIR. As it did in response to comments from California Coastal Commission staff received just before the December 21 hearing, City staff arranged a meeting with Joe Geever, the Surfrider representative who attended the hearing and who is also the organization's Southern California Regional Manager. The meeting's purpose was to enable staff to better understand Surfrider's issues. That meeting was held on February 13, 2006, and was attended by Mr. Geever, representing Surfrider, and Connor Everts, representing the Southern California Watershed Alliance, another author of Comment No. 56 The concerns expressed by Mr. Geever and Mr. Everts at the meeting were repeated in a March 22, 2006, e-mail, which is attached. As expressed at the meeting and documented in the e-mail, Surfrider's and the Watershed Alliance's concerns relate to policy issues more than to specific issues concerning the adequacy of the EIR. The major concern expressed is the impingement and entrainment of marine organisms associated with once- through cooling water systems. They indicated that Surfrider, along with other environmental organizations, has been leading an effort to eliminate once-through cooling water systems from power plants along the California coast. They are concerned that co-locating seawater desalination facilities with power plants that use once through cooling water technology (such as co-locating the proposed project with the Encina Power Station) may prolong the life span of once-through cooling water operations. As noted in the March 22 e-mail, Surfrider and the Watershed Alliance believe that alternative water supply options, such as reclamation of stormwater and wastewater, should be explored. / City staff believes that all effects on impingement and entrainment of marine organisms associated with the proposed project have been fully evaluated and disclosed in the Final EIR and its related technical studies. Surfrider argues that the continued operation of the EPS is uncertain and that the EIR does not evaluate the impacts that the desalination facility would have on marine and estuarine systems if EPS ceases or reduces its PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT PROJECT - RESPONSE TO SURFRIDER COMMENTS Page 2 operation of once through cooling water. In fact, the EIR provides information on the environmental effects of operating the desalination facility without EPS operating. See the Final EIR and Appendix E thereto for further information. The "worst case" scenario is analyzed in the EIR based upon the "historical extreme". The Final EIR contains substantial evidence that shows that the impacts from the desalination facility operating without the EPS would be the same as impacts for the Proposed Project operating with the EPS. Surfrider's argument that the EIR does not adequately analyze water supply alternatives is unfounded. CEQA requires analysis of a reasonable range of alternatives to a proposed project. The Applicant is a private entity proposing a specific development. The EIR does analyze a reasonable range of alternatives. The City, through the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, has already carefully planned its water supply portfolio. Desalination is part of that portfolio, as is conservation and recycling/reclamation of water. Moreover, the San Diego County Water Authority and the Metropolitan Water District have done studies on and adopted plans that include conservation, recycling, importation of water and desalination (see Response 56 D of the Final EIR). The proposed project is consistent with the findings and water supply plans of the Water Authority and MWD. Surfrider also comments that reliance on desalination is speculative and risky. City Staff disagrees because the Water Purchase Agreement (Exhibit B to the Final EIR) provides for compensation to the City in the event that the project cannot supply the amount of water that is required by the Agreement. Furthermore, the City will remain a member of the San Diego County Water Authority and retain its right to purchase water from the Water Authority just as it does now. The attached email references the "Desal Response Group" as one of the email's senders. City staff has no knowledge of this group and is unaware if Mr. Everts and Mr. Geever are members of it. u Page 1 of3 Scott Donnell - Comments on Poseidon Desal Proposal From: "Joe Geever" <jgeever@surfrider.org> To: "Scott Donnell" <Sdonn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 03/22/2006 11:56 AM Subject: Comments on Poseidon Desal Proposal TO: Scott Donnell, Associate Planner, City of Carlsbad FROM: Joe Geever, Surfrider Foundation and Conner Everts, Southern California Watershed Alliance and the Desal Response Group DATE: March 22, 2006 RE: Poseidon-Carlsbad Desalination Proposal Dear Mr Donnell: We are writing in regards to the upcoming decision-making process for the proposal to co-locate a massive desalination facility at the Encina Power Plant. First we want to thank you for arranging to meet with us and listen to our concerns. We think open discussions can lead to improved understanding - which in turn leads to more informed decisions. As we discussed at our meeting, we believe the current documentation of the environmental impacts is inadequate. Nonetheless, even assuming that the Environmental Impact Report meets the minimum standards of the California Environmental Quality Act, it still fails to give decision-makers important information that is critical to sound public policy. The decision to permit the desalination facility as it is currently planned can have far-reaching ramifications. This project relies on an out-dated and destructive cooling water intake structure at Encina Power Station, and the potential for compulsory changes to cooling technology is looming on the horizon. Therefore, reliance on this desalination facility, and future economic development that is contingent upon that water source, is speculative and risky at best. There are water supply alternatives to desalination, alternative means of collecting source water for an ocean desalination facility, and alternative cooling technologies for coastal generators. All of these variables need to be fully understood before the Planning Commission and the City Council can make a responsible and fully-informed decision. Furthermore, a thorough analysis of this project will be required for future permits from the Coastal Commission and other State agencies. Therefore, it is a prudent expenditure of time and resources to answer the difficult questions from the beginning. / We are highlighting a couple of issues of utmost concern to our organizations. However, there are numerous issues raised in our comment letter on the EIR that should be carefully considered by the City - regardless of the argument that the analysis may go beyond the bare minimum analysis required under CEQA. Water Supply Alternatives file://C:\Documents and Settings\sdonn\Local Settings\Temp\GW}00001 .HTM 04/05/2006 Page 2 of 3 Holistic planning requires a thorough understanding of the benefits and costs of program alternatives. The EIR fails to inform decision-makers of the variables that should be weighed when assessing the multiple alternatives for meeting future water demands. We believe very strongly that prioritizing conservation programs, stormwater retention and wastewater reclamation in your water supply portfolio will simultaneously improve water quality in your coastal watershed and nearshore marine waters. The City should very carefully analyze not only the direct cost savings of these alternatives to meeting future water demand, but also factor in the cost avoidance of Clean Water Act compliance programs. These considerations are not only relevant to the additional cost to rate payers for desalination product water — even if those costs are transferred by subsidies from Metropolitan Water District to ratepayers outside the San Diego County area. Maybe more importantly to local taxpayers and their elected representatives are the potential avoided costs of Clean Water Act compliance from environmentally superior water supply choices. A recent model developed for Southern California with RAND provides us an opportunity to show what is available from water conservation programs and to credit the City for the work they have accomplished with both efficiency and reclamation. This model was demonstrated at Metropolitan Water District last December. There are also studies available that demonstrate dramatic reductions in residential irrigation consumption, and dramatic improvements in runoff volume and pollutant loadings, from simple and readily available irrigation timing devices. These are just a couple examples of alternatives that should be fully documented and explored before first turning to ocean desalination projects that will arguably exacerbate current environmental concerns about coastal and ocean water quality, habitat, and aquatic life. Again, we would like to work with staff to identify tools for documenting these issues and for assisting in a fully-informed decision-making process. To be clear, we do not oppose the implementation of ocean desalination as a component of the total water supply portfolio. Nonetheless, the niche that ocean desalination fills, and the size and technology employed for filling that role, is unclear until the more cost effective and environmentally preferable alternatives are fully explored. Controversy and Current Status of "Once-Through Cooling" The desalination facility, as it is currently designed, is contingent upon the existence and operation of the cooling water intake at the Encina Power Station. These "co-located" designs for ocean desalination raise significant concerns for the environmental community and thrust the City of Carlsbad into a contentious issue that has been litigated and undergone regulatory scrutiny over the course of the last decade or more. The continued use of "once through cooling" at coastal generators creates dramatic impacts on already over-stressed marine ecosystems. These systems are now regulated by the recently promulgated US Environmental Protection Agency's "316(b) rules." These new regulations set "performance standards" to reduce impingement of aquatic organisms by up to 95% and reduce entrainment by up to 90%. The S:1ate^JE£MifQmiari&alsjOj£Hrrently^eviewing those federatrules in atteffortto: amend and strengthen therules to meelrstate standards and policies for protecting ~marine~life. There is also litigation in the federal courts challenging these "Phase 2" rules for existing facilities. The end result from implementing these regulations could very likely be the elimination of once-through cooling, or possibly a dramatic reduction in cooling water intake volumes. Obviously, a dramatic reduction in intake volume, or elimination of the cooling water intake, is a critical consideration. As we have expressed numerous times, it is unclear how the Encina facility intends to comply with these current regulations. Furthermore, it is undocumented what impacts the desalination facility would have on marine and estuarine ecological systems should the power generator cease to utilize their once- file://C:\Documents and Settings\sdonn\Local Settings\Temp\GW} 00001 .HTM 04/05/2006 Page 3 of3 through cooling system. These considerations are critical to making a fully informed decision about permitting the project. Maybe more importantly, the City should be fully informed about the predictable elimination of this cooling system and the foreseeable hurdle to get future permits to withdraw estuarine waters under the authority of the California Coastal Act. As mentioned above, this important consideration is consistent with the spirit of CEQA to fully inform the public and our elected representatives of the foreseeable environmental impacts prior to permitting projects. Even more seriously, it would be irresponsible, and arguably a dereliction of duty, to let other jurisdictions rely on this source of water when the future of the cooling water intake is speculative. The general public, numerous permitting agencies, and other local governments who will plan their economic development contingent upon this source of water are relying on a thorough analysis. This is an awesome duty for the City of Carlsbad and compels a heightened scrutiny on your part. Conclusion In conclusion, we want to once again emphasize that we believe there may well be a demand for ocean desalination in the future. However, we strongly believe that the fiscally prudent and environmentally preferable course of action is to maximize the implementation of other water supply alternatives before racing into the Poseidon proposal. Maximizing these alternatives in your supply portfolio first will help identify alternative ocean desalination technologies that minimize environmental degradation. We are willing to assist the City in documenting the issues raised by this proposal more thoroughly. However, should the City feel compelled to vote on the draft EIR in its current state, we strongly recommend denying certification. Again, thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Joe Geever Conner Everts Surfrider Foundation Southern California Watershed Alliance Joe Geever Surfrider Foundation Southern California Regional Manager 8117 W. Manchester Ave #297 Playa del Rey, CA 90293 (310)410-2890 Please help restore and protect our coast and ocean by becoming a Surfrider Foundation member at: www.surfrider.org/join file://C:\Documents and Settings\sdonn\Local Settings\Temp\GWJ00001.HTM 04/05/2006 STATE OF CALIFORNIA AKNOiD SCHWARZENEGGER, GtxfffaorMIKE CHRISMAN, Soccetxtyresources March 15, 2004 California Coastal Commissioners 45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000 San Francisco, CA 94105 Dear Commissioners: Your Monterey meeting agenda includes a staff update on your draft Seawater Desalination Report of August 2003. In October 2003 the Department of Water Resources (DWR) produced a report, Water Desalination - Findings and Recommendations, as called for by Assembly Bill 2717. This latter report was prepared with significant input from a Task Force representing a broad set of constituencies and perspectives and was co-chaired by a Coastal Commission representative. The report finds, "although most estimate that desalination will contribute less than 10 percent of the total water supply needs in California, this still represents significant portion of the state's water supply portfolio." I believe it is important for the State of California to send a clear message to the public, communities, water districts, and the desalination industry about the future of desalination. The staff report provides an overview of the Coastal Act issues that may be presented by the siting of desalination facilities along the California Coast. However, I'm concerned that your report, though well intended, may fail to educate and communicate three important points. First, California needs to pursue aggressively a combination of water conservation and water development options to assure our economic and environmental well-being. Our water portfolio will vary by region, as the update of the California Water Plan due this year will show. Desalination, will certainly be an important component of that portfolio for the Central and the South Coast. Second, we should not let the issue of ownership of desalination facilities, public, private, or multinational, discourage us from obtaining the benefits that desalination can provide. Various types of ownership may present different issues, but it is nothing that California has not faced in other sectors. If ownership is shown in any way to reduce the level of cooperation with the State of California, or compliance with any environmental law or regulation, we would of course need to address that issue in the context of any future permit review process.The October Report incli/des three recommendations on this subject: 1416 Ninth Street, Suite 1311, Sacramento, CA 95814 Ph. 916.653.5656 Fax 916.653.8102 httptfresources.ca.gov Ba&uin Hills Conservancy California Bay Beta Authority- California Coastal Commission' California Conservation Corps' CalTomia Tahoe Conservancy Coacnetta Valley Mountains Conservancy Cotoraoo Rner Board of California • Dela Protection Commission • Departmert of Boating & Waterways "Department of Conservation Department of Fish & Game • Department of Forestry & Fire Protection -department of Parl<s & Recreatbn-Oepartment of Water Resources Energy Resources, Conservation 4 Development Commission • Native American Heritage Commission -San Diego Rrver Conservancy 1 San Francisco Bay Conservatbn & Development Commission-San GaOrte/ & Lower Los Angelss Rivers 4 Mountains Conservancy San Joaquin River Conservancy 7 Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy -State Coastal Commission • State Lards Commission • Wittlits Conservation Board 455 Page 2 California Coastal Commissioners March 15, 2004 "(24) Each community should consider the appropriate role, if any, for private companies in a desalination project or proposal. Factors to consider include: • The desired extent of public access and public control; • The extent to which the public is willing to finance the capital costs of the project and bear the risks of project development; • The extent to which a proposed contract between a public and private entity would affect flexibility in operating the facility; • The relevant experience and capabilities of the public or private entity; • The impact of the various public-private configurations on ratepayers. (25) Private desalination projects, and private developers and plant operators, should be required to fully disclose the same information as a publicly owned and operated facility. (26) To avoid potential international trade agreement violations, no legal standard or regulation should discriminate against an applicant based on ties to multi-national corporations." Third, nothing should be clearer to the public and any advocate for a desalination facility on the coast than California's continual insistence on any coastal facility meeting strict state environmental and other standards and being subject to the review of all applicable state and local agencies including the Coastal Commission. I hope you will help convey the above messages as you deliberate this issue on March 18, 2004. California would be well served to soon have several full-scale desalination plants operating on our coast so we can monitor and learn about their environmental, engineering and economic consequences before they become more necessary a few decades hence. Your role in desalination development is important. Please help California make it an important part of our water future. Sincerely, Mike Chrisman Secretary for Resources Page 3 California Coastal Commissioners March 15, 2004 Dr. William A. Burke, Vice-Chair 11110 West Ohio Ave. Suite 100 Los Angeles 90025 Cynthia McClain-Hill McClain Hill Associates 523 West Sixth Street, Suite 1128 Los Angeles, CA 90014 Sara Wan 22350 Carbon Mesa Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 Mary Nichols Director, UCLA Institute of the Environment 435 South Irving Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90020 Pedro Nava P.O. Box 90459 Santa Barbara, CA 93190 Patrick Kruer The Monarch Group 7727 Herschel Ave. La Jolla, California 92037 John Woolley Supervisor Board of Supervisors 825 5th Street Eureka, CA 95501-1153 MiKe Reilly, Chair Supervisor Cdunty of Sonoma 575 Administration Drive, Rm. 1QQ Santa Rosa, CA 95403-2887 '•61 Page 4 California Coastal Commissioners March 15, 2004 Dave Potter Supervisor County of Monterey, District 5 1200 Aguajito Road, Suite 001 Monterey, CA 93940 Toni Iseman Mayor, Laguna Beach 2338 Glenneyre Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Scott H. Peters Councilmember City of San Diego 202 C Street, MS 10-A, San Diego, CA 92101 Steve Westly California State Controller 300 Capital Mall, Suite 1850 Sacramento, CA 95814 Sunne Wright McPeak Secretary Business, Transportation and Housing Agency 980 9th Street, Suite 2450 Sacramento, CA 95814 Peter Douglas California Coastal Commission 45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000 San Francisco, CA 94105 May 4,2004 TO: CITY MANAGER From: Administrative Services Director CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION REPORT ON SEAWATER DESALINATION In March 2004 the California Coastal Commission issued a report titled Seawater Desalination and the California Coastal Act, This lengthy report lays out the Commission's concerns related to the development of seawater desalination facilities along the California coastline, and provides a preview of the processing requirements that may be placed on either a public or private applicant. Until recently, the City Council and staff have been focused on 1) preparing the EIR related to the application for a Precise Development Plan (PDP), and 2) negotiating the terms of agreements between the City and the San Diego County Water Authority and Poseidon Resources that will address the City's concerns related to land use, water and economic issues. However, after reviewing the Commission's report in some detail, it appears that it may be prudent for the City Council to be aware of issues related to seawater desalination being raised by the Commission. The Commission's position is both broad and far- reaching, and may have a significant effect on the future development of a desalination facility in Carlsbad, and on the terms Carlsbad may wish to include in any agreement between itself and the SDCWA or Poseidon. The purpose of this memo is to provide a summary of the Commission's position on seawater desalination, and to give the City Council some foreknowledge of the issues that are likely to shape the Commission's debate on the development of the desalination plant regardless of whether SDCWA or Poseidon is the ultimate developer of the project. Summary The report begins with an acknowledgement that the development of seawater as a source of potable water will occur at some time in the future. However, the Commission has concerns about a number of adverse effects that seawater desalination brings to the coastal zone, each of which deserves further investigation. , The Commission's concerns fall into the following categories: • The coastal act and public policies related to desalination o The Commission has significant concerns about the private use of seawater, a public asset, for the production of profit. "There may be significant differences in determining whether public or private desalination facilities conform to coastal act policies." o Growth inducement - The Commission is concerned that the production of desalinated water in the coastal region may change the potential for both coastal and inland development, "If seawater desalination removes the limits imposed on growth along the coast due to the current limited supply of water, the degradation of coastal resources could increase beyond sustainable levels." • Coastal Act and environmental impacts related to desalination o The Commission is concerned that both the individual and cumulative environmental impacts from seawater desalination facilities (including those collocated with power plants) are not well understood, and will require significant review. Of particular interest are impingement and entrainment of marine life, and discharge of brine and waste streams from desalination facilities. The report suggests that the Commission neither supports nor opposes seawater desalination. Projects will receive a case-by-case review based on the facts related to each specific site. There are currently about a dozen desalination facilities along the California coast. The attached table (Table 1) provides a list of these projects. These facilities range in size from two to 929 acre-feet per year and provide water for both industrial and municipal uses. In addition, the report lists 21 proposed desalination facilities (see Table 2) ranging in size from two to 55,000 acre feet per year (Carlsbad and Huntington Beach are listed as 55,000 acre feet per year plants) that are the cause for the Commission's concern, and the targets of this report. Coastal Dependent Uses Although seawater desalination might be considered a coastal dependent use by most observers, the Commission has determined that, although the intake and discharge pipelines may be coastal dependent uses, the desalination facility itself is not necessarily a coastal dependent use. The Commission's position is an attempt to recognize that there is a limited amount of coastal land in the state, and that the use of this land should be prioritized to assure that the public interest is served. Economic issues and the cost of desalination The Commission is concerned about the economic issues surrounding seawater desalination projects. Their position is that the Coastal Act requires an evaluation of adverse environmental effects of any proposed project, and an evaluation of feasible alternatives that would be less environmentally damaging to the coastal region. For the purposes of this analysis, "feasibility" means that a project is "capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable time, taking into account economic, environmental, social, and technological factors." The cost of desalinated water is one element considered by the Commission in determining which alternatives and mitigation measures are to be included as part of a proposed project. The Commission believes that two aspects of desalination- its relatively high capital and operating costs, and its potential to cause significant adverse environmental impacts - "could make extensive mitigation measures both necessary and feasible." The theory is that the high cost to construct desalination facilities allows for a larger total dollar amount to be directed into environmental mitigation measures, therefore more expensive mitigation measures may be economically feasible. (A $100 million water treatment plant might invest 5% of its total cost in environmental mitigation measures, or about $5 million. However, a $250 million desalination plant occupying the same space could invest the same 5% in mitigation measures (or about $12.5 million) and still be considered "feasible" by the Commission. Public Trust Doctrine The Commission views seawater as part of the public "commons". The report states that a fundamental of the coastal act is the principle "that many coastal resources are imbued with a public interest value that must be vigorously protected for the benefit of current and future generations." In the opinion of the Commission ocean water and its uses "constitute a public trust resource held in common for public use and enjoyment." Although the ocean has been historically used for non-public non-consumptive uses, the Commission believes that "Using seawater as a source of potable water would represent a shift from it being subject to primarily non-consumptive uses to... a consumptive use." This shift from a public to a private resource would be accompanied by significant shifts in how it is perceived and managed, and changes the basis of decision-making about the resource from being guided by non-market social rules to being directed primarily [by] market economic rules." Although the report acknowledges that seawater is a very large resource, the Commission is concerned that a consumptive use of seawater and the industrial processes associated with those uses will result in significant direct or cumulative adverse environmental impacts at the local or regional level. Public or Private Ownership of Water Services J3>ejepj3rLraises_severaLconcerns-related to private versus public ownership of seawater desalination facilities. Although the same Coastal Act provisions apply to both types of projects, the Commission will apply different review standards to the two Jypes of projects. In the Commission's opinion, private ownership of desalination facilities may result in an inherent conflict between the interests of a community in having reliable, affordable water, and the private sector's desire to make a profit and lack of responsibility to the community's well-being. The report suggests that water facilities owned and operated by a public entity are more likely to set prices at levels that are more affordable than private entities. They are more likely to operate in both wet and dry years when-the potential for profit are significantly different. (The assumption is that in a wet year less water would be consumed by the community, thereby reducing the amount of profit a private owner/operator might gain from the project.) In addition, a public owner/operator would continue the delivery of water regardless of profit potential when a private company might be forced into bankruptcy. The Commission has identified a number of areas where the review of public and private projects might differ. These include discussions of the following issues: • Will the water produced by a private plant be provided outside of the existing community service area (growth inducement)? • Will the water be used to support other development that is, or is not, considered a coastal priority (support of preferred coastal uses)? • Will the development of a private source of water conflict with a community's ability to assure that effective water conservation has been implemented in order to protect coastal resources? • Will the expensive water produced by the project compromise the economic viability of a community that depends on me output of the plant? Or, does the public risk having to take over the desalination facility if the private venture fails to provide a dependable source of water? • Should seawater be expropriated by private business for profit? • Is it in the public interest for community-serving water systems to be owned by for-profit corporations? • Does decision-making by non-elected, non-appointed, and non-locai interests contradict the desire of communities to have a local and reliable water supply? • Are there different levels of security concerns related to the protection of public health? • Could international trade agreements be used to override or impair state and local regulation of desalination facilities? (See below for more information on this point.) The Commission will be looking for different assurances from public and private projects in relation to these and many other questions. r Another concern raised by the Commission is that "if corporations are allowed to own, operate and profit from water services, pressure will inevitably be brought to bear on ways to increase profits through means such as expansion of service area/rate increases and higher consumption, which are not necessarily in the public interest." In general, the Commission has taken a dim view of private ownership of Seawater desalination facilities, commodification of seawater, and the shifting of the responsibility for serving water to the community from the typical public agency model to a private ownership model. The result of this view will be different levels of review, or the application of different standards, to public or private projects. In summary, the Coastal Commission believes that it has an important role in the determination of whether proposed desalination projects are consistent with the public policies related to coastal resource protection, as well as the well being of coastal communities that may become dependent on desalinated water as a resource. International Trade Agreements Some of the more interesting concerns raised by the Commission's report are related to the effects of international trade agreements on water services located within the coastal zone. The concern is "that some existing and proposed agreements might limit the ability of the state and local agencies to review and regulate projects for the purpose of environmental protection in cases that involve private entities with multinational ties." In other words, international trade agreements may allow multinational companies to ignore state and local environmental laws (as well as other laws), thereby voiding the Commission's control over the development of these desalination facilities. In the Commission's view, multinational companies could then run roughshod over coastal environmental concerns in pursuit of profit. The trade agreements that are giving the Commission considerable concern include the ?* following: • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) - an agreement first implemented in 1947, and modified in 1994. This agreement, although lacking many enforcement mechanisms, provides the basis for many of the later trade agreements. • World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements - This agreement took effect in 1995. The 142 countries that are parties to the WTO agreements have entered into about 60 additional agreements based on the WTO document. The WTO agreement includes both enforcement and disciplinary powers. • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) — This agreement went into effect in 1994. The agreement seeks to eliminate all trade barriers between Canada, Mexico and the USA. • Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) - This agreement is currently being negotiated between 34 of the 35 nations of North, Central and South America, and is being modeled on NAFTA. • General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) - GATS appears to apply the thinking of NAFTA to trade in services rather than goods. The agreement is —•—--- currently under negotiations, although significant progress has already been made on general framework issues. as a covered trade~under these agreements may be successful. This^ \vould mean that the global consolidation in the water industry would be extended to California, and more particularly to the California coastal zone. This would put the control of a significant public resource in the hands of a few companies that control more than 50% of the world's water market - Vivendi, Suez Lyonnaise and RWE. The push by multinational companies to enter the California water industry is illustrated by the following: • Vivendi, a French firm, owns US Filter, a major proponent of desalination in California. It has also been involved in the purchase of 45,000 acres of farmland in the Imperial Valley to secure access to water rights totaling 250,000 acre feet per year. • California-American Water currently owns several water utilities in the state (Sacramento, Sonoma and Monterey counties, as well as a number of cities (including Imperial Beach in San Diego County). Cal-Am Water is owned (through a number of subsidiaries) by RWE, a German firm. • OMI-Thames, owned by a subsidiary of RWE, operates a water utility in Stockton. The report states, "California should proceed cautiously in reviewing proposals to further privatize water and water services, particularly those involving seawater desalination. Such privatization coupled with uncertainty about the effects of international trade agreements may compromise the ability of state and local governments to effectively protect the environmental quality and integrity of life in natural and human communities along the coast." Other Commission Concerns The report raises additional concerns regarding the effect of desalination facilities on growth inducement, coastal zone priority uses, public access and recreation, marine environments, co-location with existing power plants, and cumulative impacts. • Growth Inducement - The Commission is concerned that development of desalination facilities may remove natural limitations on growth in the coastal zone. This additional growth would have a negative effect on coastal resources. The Commission intends to place a significant amount of effort into the review of growth inducement (perhaps beyond the coastal zone), regional water master plans (such as the SDCWA water master plan), distribution plans, effects of the facility on coastal priority uses, and the projects intent to incorporate public oversight of its operations. • Coastal Priority Uses - The Commission's mission includes a number of priorities for the use of coastal resources: These include lower cost visitor and recreation facilities, visitor serving commercial recreational facilities, aquaculture, upland areas for coastal recreation, beating, fishing, protection of prime agricultural land, and the development of coastal dependent uses. Any application for a desalination facility would be evaluated to determine its effect on any of these uses. In addition, the Commission would look for adverse effects caused by visual, noise, public access, or water quality changes in the coastal zone. A further concern is that the cost of desalinated water will make priority uses less viable. The report suggests that the Commission's position on whether desalination supports or interferes with "priority uses could be affected by whether the water is provided by a public or private facility." The thinking is (at least in part) that a private venture that caters to an exclusive clientele might be able to afford desalinated water, where a similar use that supports a more moderate-income customer base might be precluded from development. If the desalination facility were owned by a public entity there is a greater likelihood that the price for desalinated water would be more affordable, or could be more favorable for the more moderate-income services. • Public Access and Recreation - "Desalination facilities proposing to locate near the coast will likely require assessment of their effects on public access to the shore and their potential impacts on recreation." This concern is focused primarily on those facilities that will not be co-located with existing power plants and will therefore be displacing other potential uses for coastal resources. Their review of these impacts will be less concerned with co-location facilities. • Marine Environments - There will be a significant amount of effort focused on the effects of intakes and outfalls for desalination facilities, including those co- "-- located with existing power plants. The Commission is concerned about the effects of both the kill ratio of marine organisms, and the brine discharge for desalination facilities. Co-location with a power plant will not necessarily make the environmental review from the coastal staff any easier, nor will it provide an automatic approval of intake and outfall plans. • Co-location with Existing Power Plants - The commission is concerned that desalination facilities that co-locate with existing power plants may link providing water supplies with existing out-of-date and environmentally harmful techniques. This will extend the life of these out-of-date power plants and their existing environmentally inefficient intake, outfall, and power generation units. The report acknowledges that there are some advantages to co-location, however the disadvantages are significant, and will require extensive study. • Cumulative Impacts - Although a single desalination facility will likely have few significant environmental impacts on the coastal zone, the Commission is concerned that the cumulative effect of a number of desalination facilities could negatively affect marine biology, ocean water quality, large-scale growth "—• -~ inducement, and create significant demand for power in an already weakened power infrastructure system. Although the report states that the Coastal Commission does not support or oppose desalination of seawater, the weight of the issues raised by the Coastal staff suggest that there is a significant concern on the part of the Commission that will need to be addressed as applications for desalination facilities are prepared. This is particularly true for privately owned desalination facilities. The depth of the studies required and the complexity of the issues raised (such as the links to international trade agreements) suggest that the review process for any facility will be lengthy and very detailed in nature. A full copy of the Coastal Commission's seawater desalination report can be obtained from the agency's web site (www.coastal.ca.gov). TABLE J: EXISTING DESALINATION FACILITIES ALONG THE CALIFORNIA COAST Operator/Location/Purposc/ Public or Private: Chawon/ Gavlota CityofMorroBay City of Santa Barbara Duke Energy/ Morro flay Power Plant Duke Energy/ Moss Landing Power Want Marina Coast Water District Monterey Bay Aquarium PG«B Diablo Canyon Santa Catafina Is/antf U.S. Navy/ Nicholas Island Various offshore oil & gas jilallbrms Total Production: Purpose/ Public or Private: Industrial processing Private Municipal/domestic - PuWic Municipal/domestic - Public Industrial processing Private - Industrial processing Private Municipal/domestic - Public - Aquarium visitor use Non-profit Industrial processing Private Munidpaf/ctomastic Private Municipal/domestic Government Platform uses - Private Maximum Capacity: 410,000 gpd/ 460 AF/yr. 830,000 gpd/ 929AFAT. N/A 430,000 gpd/ 482 AF/yr. 480,000 gpoV 537 AF/yr. 300,000 gpd/ 335 AF/yr. 40.000 gpd/ 45AF/vr. 576,000 gpd/ 645 AF/yr. 132.000 gpd/ 148 AF/yr. 24,000 gpd/ 27AF/Vr. 2,000-30,000 gpd/ 2-33 AF/yr. Status; Active Intermittent use Inactive Nol known Active Active Active Not known Not known Not known Active ~ 3 million gallons per day 13300 acre-feet per year Note: gpd = gallons per day, and AF/yr. = acre-feet per year. There arc approximately 326,000 gallons in an acre-foot, which represents the amount of water it lakes to cover an acre ofland one foot deep. Typically, a household will use one lo two acjc-feet per year. TABLE 2: PROPOSED DESALINATION FACILITIES ALONG CALIFORNIA COAST THE Operator/ Location: Cambria Community Services District Ocean '/lew Plaza/ Monterey Carmal Area Waslewater District City of San Buenaventura City of Sand City Ctty of Santa Cruz East-Wast Ranch/ Cambria Marina Coast Water District/ FortOrd Long Beach Long Beach Los Angeles DapL of Water and Power Monleray Bay Shores Monterey Peninsula Water MgrnL District / Sand City Cal-AnVMoss Landing Power Plant Municipal Water District of Orange County / Dana Point Poseidon Resources / Huntinqton Beach San Diego County Water Authority / San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Sari Dtego County Water Authority / South County San Diego County Water Authority A Poseidon Resources /Carlsbad U.S. Navy /San Diego West Basin Municipal Water District Total Proposed Production; Purpose, and public or private: Municipal/ domestic -' Public - Now development - Private Municipal/ domestic . Public Municipal/ domestic - Public - Municipal/ domestic - Public - Municipal/ domestic - Public - New development Private Municipal/ domestic - Public - Research - Public - Municipal/ domestic - Public - Municipal/ domestic - Pubtic New development Private Municipal/domestic - Public Municipal/domestic Municipal/domestic - Public Various - Private • Municipal/domestic • Public Municipal/domestic - Public - Municipal/domestic Public/private Municipal/domestic Government - Municipal/domestic- Public Maximum Capacity: 500,000 3pd/ 5SOAF/yr. 5.000 gp<l/ 6 AF/yr. Not Known Not fcnwn 27,000gpd/ 30 AF/yr. 2.5 million gptif 2300 AF/yr. Not known 2.68 million gpd/ 3000 AF/yr. 300.000 gpd/ 335 AF/yr, 10 million gpd/ 11 ,000 AF/yr. 10 million gpd/ 11, 000 AF/yr. 20,000 gpdV 22 AF/yr. 7.5 million gpd/ 8.400 AF/yr. 9 milJIon gpcV 10.000 AF/yr. 27 million gpd/ 30.000 AF/vr. 50 million gpd/ 55.000 AF/yr. TBD SO million gpd/ 55,000 AF/yr. 50 million gpd/bb.ooo AF/VC. 70Q.OOO gpd/ 780 AF/yr. 20 million gpd/ 22.000 AF/vr. Status: Planning Planning Not known Not known Planning Planning Withdrawn Planning Design phase Planning Planning Not known Planning Planning Planning Draft SIR completed Planning Planning Planning Not known Planning - 240 million gatfonsper ftey / ?.t>Q,QOO AFIyr. 10 Dec 19 05 10:03a Cai ast Vi BOARD OF CMcPiraSMv-Me*3" DhHct SM ntg> Ccuny ItaOyCiv of $«• CnaiRw. AUBAG) AMWO BEACON SANMO SCAO CoiMyofOmng* Ccu*»olG CMM»«fS CBufiotW Orang* Cogrv SwOOan DM. Print Mv CttralEncMlM CWMMcriMy CJ/otfUnctoPHMV.1* CkyolSaiCfcmta a»<( Sana car California Coastal Coalition 1133 Second Street Suite G Encinitas, CA 92024 STEVEN ACETI,J.D. Executive Director 760.944.3564 let 760.944.7852 fat 5teveaceti@catcoast.org December 19,2005 VIA FAX: (7601602-8559 Jeffrey Segali, Chairman Planning Commission City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: HER. 03-05 Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant Project. Dear Segali: I am writing today on behalf of the California Coastal Coalition. We are a non- profit advocacy group committed to restoring California's coast through sand replenishment, increasing the flow of natural sediment, wetlands recovery and improved water quality. Our membership is comprised of 35 coastal cities (including Carlsbad), five counties, AMBAG, BEACON, SANDAG, SCAG, and numerous business associations and allied groups. Our organization was especially concerned about potential impacts to the coastline during the construction and operation of the desalination plant and examined the section on water quality very thoroughly. Of highest interest were the EIR's Ocean Plan objectives: « Marine communities, including vertebrate, invertebrate, and plant species shall not be degraded. • Waste management systems that discharge to the ocean must be designed and operated in a manner that will maintain the indigenous marine life and a healthy and diverse marine community. • Waste discharged to the ocean must be essentially free of substances that will accumulate to toxic levels in marine waters, sediments or biota. After reviewing the Environmental Impact Report for the proposed desalination plant, we feel confident that a comprehensive review process has been conducted and that very lew negative environmental impacts have been identified. Additionally, the project is required to demonstrate compliance with numerous Ca/Coast is an advocacy organization comprised of coastal communities and Interest gmups •www.calcoast.org Dee 19 05 10;Q4a Ca jast. ' "" ' P-2 agencies' regulations, including the U.S. EPA the Regional Water Quality Control Board and the State Water Resources Control Board, and must implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. The mitigation measures which will be enacted are more than adequate to address the minimal impacts this project will have on marine life and water quality in the most affected areas including the Pacific Ocean, Agua Hedionda Lagoon watershed, and Buena Vista Lagoon watershed. After much review, the California Coastal Coalition is pleased to offer our full support of the desalination project. This project will enable Carlsbad and the San Diego region to have a safe, reliable and cost-effective water supply, which will greatly reduce our region's dependence on imported water. Sincerely, Steve Aceti, JD Executive Director California Coastal Coalition Ca/Coast is an advocacy organization comprised of coastal communities and Merest groups www.calcotst.org Klinedinstl 501 West Broadway, Suite 600 San Diego, California 92101 (619) 239-8131 Ext. 2259ATTORNEYS AT LAW (6i9)238-870?Fax ccoonerfaiklinedinstlavv.com Carey L. Cooper, Esq. - Shareholder lnternet: www.Minefflnsthw.cmn December 20,2005 Mr. Scott Donnell Carlsbad Planning Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) #03-05 for the Proposed Precise Development Plant for Proposed Desalination Facility (SCH #2004041081) File No. 2724-1001 Dear Mr. Donnell: The Alliance for a Cleaner Tomorrow (ACT) submits the following comments for your consideration on the above-referenced document and in preparation for your upcoming December 21,2005 informational hearing: (1) The DEER, fails to disclose the basis for which it chooses to disregard and/or disagree with certain of the potentially adverse impacts and recommendations identified in the California Coastal Commission's March 2004 report on Seawater Desalination and the California Coastal Act. (2) Commentators on the DEIR demonstrate that a reasonably foreseeable potential exists for the use of direct seawater intake into the desalination plant. However, neither the DEIR nor the responses to comments thereon adequately address the issue or respond to these comments. The DEIR does not adequately assess or disclose what potentially adverse impacts would result from operation of the proposed facility in the event the power plant were to shut down, or in the event the proposed facility would otherwise operate independent of the power plant. To this effect, the DEIR, as well as the corresponding responses to comments, improperly defer consideration and potential mitigation in the evpnt subsequent permitting is required. It is improper to defer consideration of impacts and mitigation to a poinTin time which would necessarily be after the project has been operational because the balance of equities at that time, particularly in considering the feasibility of alternatives, will weigh more heavily toward continuing the operation. Los Angeles • Orange County • Sacramento • San Diego Mr. Scott Donnell December 20,2005 Page 2 (3) The DEER discloses the megawatts of electricity the proposed facility would require to operate under expected conditions, but does not adequately disclose or assess the following matters: the cost of such energy; whether the need for such energy would cause the supplier therefore to increase its power generation; the environmental impacts that would result in the event the energy supplier does in fact increase power generation as a result of the proposed project; the impact the energy requirements of the proposed facility would have upon the quantity of cooling water being used by the energy supplier; alternatives and mitigation measures i.n light of the anticipated energy requirements and potential impacts therefrom. Disclosure and analysis of these factors is required by CEQA section 15126.4. (4) By utilizing currently-permitted power plant operations as the basis for determining base-line data, the DEIR does not adequately assess what impact, if any, reasonably foreseeable changes in the power plant's operations would have upon the operation of the desalination plant. In additional to potential permit changes, the DEER, should also disclose the details of the contract terms between. the power plant and the desalination plant owners. (5) The DEIR should disclose in detail the cost for the production and sale of the produced water, as well as the proposed level of production so that project alternatives may be adequately assessed. Thank you for your consideration, and the opportunity to comment on this proposed project Sincerely, KLINEDINSTPC CAREY L. COOPER CLC:tap cc: Carlsbad City Council members 472186.1 H"?2- Department of Toxic Substances Control Alan C. Lloyd, Ph.D. Agency Secretary Cal/EPA 5796 Corporate Avenue Cypress, California 90630 October 14, 2005 Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor «MNING DEPARTMENT CilyOf Mr. Scott Donnell City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-7314 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT PROJECT (EIR 03-05) (SCH# 2004041081) Dear Mr. Donnell: The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has received your submitted draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the above-mentioned project. The following project description is stated in your document: "The project is a proposal to (1) construct and operate a 50 million gallon per day seawater desalination plant and other appurtenant and ancillary water and support facilities to produce potable water, including an offsite water delivery pipeline system; and (2) establish a Precise Development Plan (POP) for the Encina Power Station (EPS). The desalination plant would be located at the Encina Power Station in Carlsbad. The offsite pipeline system would extend into the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista. The POP would serve as the primary City of Carlsbad land use application for the desalination plant and as a document to establish existing land uses at and development land use standards for the EPS. The project does not propose to modify EPS operations or existing facilities, other than discharge channel and electrical connections." Based on the review of the submitted document, DTSC considers it to be complete. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Mr. Joseph Cully, Project Manager, at (714) 484-5473 or emairatjcully@dtsc.ca.gov. Sincerely, Greg Holmes Unit Chief Southern California Cleanup Operations Branch - Cypress Office cc: See next page ® Printed on Recycled Paper Mr. Scott Donnell October 14, 2005 Page 2 cc: Governor's Office of Planning and Research State Clearinghouse P.O. Box 3044 Sacramento, California 95812-3044 Mr. GuentherW. Moskat, Chief Planning and Environmental Analysis Section CEQA Tracking Center Department of Toxic Substances Control P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 CEQA #1160 LflM N C T D January 25, 2006 Mr. Scott Donnell City of Carlsbad Planning Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 RE: Final EIR for the Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant Project (EIR 03 - 05 - SCH# 2004041081) Dear Mr. Donnell: Thank you for the opportunity to review the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the proposed Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant Project, a 50 million gallon a day seawater desalination plant with pipelines to distribute the water, located approximately on the northeast corner of Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road at the site of the existing Encinas Power Station. I previously commented on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for this project in a letter dated June 27, 2005. In that letter, I stated that the desalination plant will be well served by public transit, with Route 101 providing service every 30 minutes up and down Carlsbad Boulevard and Route 321 providing service every 120 minutes along Cannon Road and Carlsbad Boulevard. Both of these bus routes connect to other regional and local transit services at nearby Coaster Stations. In that letter, I requested that the DEIR address the following: 1. Mention should be made in the "Transportation/Traffic" section of existing public transit service and its role in serving the future trips generated by this proposed use. At the very least, mention should be made of the Routes 101 and 321 mentioned above. 2. Pedestrian access and circulation from the desalination plant buildings to the nearest existing and/or future bus stops, inciuding for those people who/use wheelchairs; and 3. Provision of new busjstops along Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road which would serve the principal entrances and or exits of the facility. These new bus stops should include ADA accessible boardings pads, passenger waiting benches, trash cans, and street lighting should be considered. T-he-FE4R-fespense-to-my-req uest stated: "Based on the operational characteristics of the proposed project, it is not anticipated that the estimated 108 total daily employee/visitor trips associated with the facility would place demand on transit facilities that would warrant the suggested improvements. An accessible path of travel for persons with disabilities would not be required from the desalination plant to an existing or future bus stop along a street bordering the Encina Power Station, such as Carlsbad Boulevard." NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT 310 Mission Avenue, Oceontide. CA 92054-2825 760-967-2828 NCTD respectfully disagrees with this determination, based on the principles laid out in Carlsbad's General Plan. In the Alternative Modes of Transportation section of the Carlsbad General Plan Circulation Element, one of the Plan's objectives is: "To provide infrastructure and facilities necessary to accommodate pedestrians, bicycles, and other non-automotive modes of transportation." (Objective B. 1) Furthermore, under "Implementing Policies and Action Programs" in the Alternative Modes of Transportation Section, that Plan dictates that the City of Carlsbad: "Provide for handicapped access to and along public sidewalks." (C.5) Therefore, based on the principles laid out in the Carlsbad General Plan, the bus stop and accessible paths of travel improvements that I requested are indeed warranted, if not required, according to the City's own General Plan. So I respectfully ask again that the FEIR address my comments. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please feel free to contact me at (760) 966-6546 or by email at kluhrsen@nctd.org. Sincerely, Kurt Luhrsen Principal Planner 41 fc Desalinization Plant Final EIR^^. ^ Page 1 of 1 Scott Donnell - Desalinization Plant Final EIR From: "McCabe, Mark" <Mark.McCabe@sdcounty.ca.gov> To: <sdonn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 12/16/2005 10:33 AM Subject: Desalinization Plant Final EIR Hello Scott, I just read the executive summary to the Desalinization plant EIR. There have been some changes sine the version I commented on earlier this year. My main concern is that in the Executive Summary states that aqua ammonia below 20% concentration at below 20,000 gallons is below the regulatory threshold. This is true at the Federal Level for the Clean Air Act Section 112®, but not true for the California Code of Regulations, Title 19. The regulated amount of ammonia in California in 500 Ibs with no concentration limits. A Risk Management Plan (RMP) will be required before the ammonia could be brought onto the site. 3,000 gallons of 10% ammonia is about 2300 Ibs of ammonia which exceeds the 500 Ibs threshold. Feel free to cantct me if you have any questions. Mark G. McCabe, MPH, REHS County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division 1225 Imperial Avenue P.O. Box 129261 San Diego, CA 92112-9261 (619)338-2453 FAX (619) 338-2335 mark.mccabe@sdcounty.ca.gov filp-//r-\T)rtnimf>nt<i anr) SettincrsWrlrmnU r>ral <xpttinoc\Tprrm\<TUAnnnni WTIVT H17 Page 1 of 1 Scott Donnell - FW: EIR Comment From: "Peter MacLaggan" <pmaclaggan@poseidonl .com> To: "Joe Monaco" <Jmonaco@dudek.com>, '"Scott Donnell'" <Sdonn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 02/20/2006 8:53:32 PM Subject: FW: EIR Comment See Nikolay's response to the ammonia comment below. Peter M. MacLaggan Senior Vice President Poseidon Resources 501 W.Broadway #840 San Diego, CA 92101 Ph.619-595-7802 Fax 619-595-7892 pmaclaggan@poseidon 1 .com From: Nikolay Voutchkov [mailto:nvoutchkov@poseidonl.com] Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2006 9:09 AM To: Peter MacLaggan Subject: EIR Comment Hi Peter: In response to EIR comment from Mr. Mark McCabe, Hazardous Materials Division on ammonia storage on site: Comment acknowledged. We recognize that fact that the regulated amount of ammonia in California is 500 Ibs and the amount of ammonia planned to be stored on site is above this limit. The applicant will complete Risk Management Plan before ammonia is brought in on site and plant operation is initiated. Nikolay Voutchkov Senior Vice President - Technical Services Poseidon Resources 1055 Washington Boulevard Stamford, CT 06901 tel. 203-327-7740 fax. 203-327-5563 eel. 203-253-1312 and SettinasWrlonrAT.nral Settina<:\Tpimn\GW\nnOni HTM C<] U^ Page 1 of 1 EXHIBITS Amanda West - Desalinization Plant - Planning Commission Hearing May 3,2006 From: "Dand D2" <dandd2@peoplepc.com> To: "DonNeu" <dneu@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 05/03/2006 9:46:33 AM Subject: Desalinization Plant - Planning Commission Hearing May 3, 2006 CC: "Scott Donnell" <Sdonn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, "David Mayer" <dmayer@dfg.ca.gov>, "David Zoutendyk" <David_Zoutendyk@fws.gov> Mr. Neu Please forward this message to the Planning Commissioners for their consideration at tonight's hearing and include as part of the official record of public comment on this project. Dear Planning Commissioners We have reviewed the responses to comments and are still concerned that the potential adverse impacts from miles of pipeline have not been fully addressed in the EIR for the proposed desalinization plant. There are still several alternative pipeline routes under considerations. Until these are finalized, with the associated method of construction, the details are all subject to considerable change. Given the extent of this construction to numerous neighborhoods, in more than one city, we urge you to add some further conditions to the project: •- extensive community outreach A further public hearing at the time the alignment alternative is finalized is appropriate. Only very general requirements are addressed in the EIR and MMP. Further details should be considered when the alignment and the method of construction is finalized. There also needs to be extensive community outreach as each segment undergoes construction- working with neighborhoods, businesses and local parties of interest about sound, access, temporary traffic control, etc. - HMP consistency review The review in the EIR is again very broad brush- and with many of these huge projects, carried out over years, the devil is in the details. Since the HMP was approved over a year ago the city has been saying projects are consistent- and then later working out the real details of consistency with the wildlife agencies much later- and without any public input or any indication to the public that there were changes made in response to these later negotiations. We would urge you to hold a subsequent hearing when the actual HMP consistency determination is to be made- actually confirming that the city and the wildlife agencies are in agreement that the project is consistent. To our knowledge there has been no such determination by the wildlife agencies at this time. We do not think it makes sense to certify a project as consistent with the HMP until such a determination has actually been made- and it is premature for this project to make such a determination. Thank you very much for considering these comments. Diane Nygaard On behalf of Preserve Calavera file://C:\Documents and Settings\awest\Local Settings\Temp\GW}00002.HTM 05/03/2006 nay uo euuo iu;ionn a a n uiego Duiiaing iraaes i-o A o San Diego County Building & Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO April 28,2006 Mr. Marty Montgomery Planning Commission Chair City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA. 92008 RE; EIR 03-05-PDF 00-02 - Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant Dear Chairman Montgomery, San Diego's labor community believes in a strong economy and protecting the environment These goals can be accomplished by reducing our region's dependence on imported water, which is one of the reasons why we support the Carlsbad Desalination project. The desalination facility will create jobs, generate much needed tax revenue for local governments, improve our water quality and enhance water reliability with a new drought-proof supply. Based on our review, the Environmental Impact Report provides sufficient information to conclude the project could be constructed and operated without significant impacts to marine life and ocean water quality. Construction of the desalination plant will not require any modification of the Encina power plant, which is a must run facility, and the plant is being configured to allow for the future modernization of the power plant. This project will create 2,100 jobs for San Diegans and generate more Aan $170 million in spending during construction, as well as $37 million in annual spending throughout the region once the desalination plant is online. We urge your approval of the EfR, which will bring this region one step closer to a safe, reliable and cost- effective water supply, which will greatly reduce our region's dependence on imported water. Building Trades Council 3737 Camino del Rio So. Suite 202, San Diego, CA 92108 Telephone: (619) 521-2914 Fax (619) 521-2917 May 3, 2006 Mr, Marty Montgomery Chairman Carlsbad Planning Commission 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Carlsbad Desalination Project Dear Chairman Montgomery: For the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce,, securing a reliable and affordable potable water supply is one of our top priorities. In this regard, the Carlsbad desalination plant is the most important water infrastructure project in Carlsbad's history. The plant's developer, Poseidon Resources, will provide the region with a locally-controlled, high quality, affordable water supply that will ensure future growth can be accommodated in Carlsbad and San Diego County. Developing an environmentally responsible solution to the region's water needs is a key component to achieving our goal of water reliability. The ETR provides sufficient information to conclude that the desalination project could be constructed and operated in an environmentally responsible manner and does not identify any significant, and unavoidable impacts related to thirteen different areas studied including the marine environment. The City of Carlsbad's public-private partnership with Poseidon Resources makes an effort to address this critical need by building and operating a desalination plant, at no risk to the city and its taxpayers. This plant will provide enough water to meet the needs of the City of Carlsbad and surrounding communities, while reducing the burden on San Diego's water supply and our dependence on imported water. The Chamber is committed to fostering the growth of our economy and creating jobs for San Diegans. This project will increase economic activity in the form of jobs and spending throughout the region once the desalination plant is operational. We urge your approval of the staff recommendation and applaud the City of Carlsbad for taking an important step towards finding water solutions for the region. Ted Owen President and CEO 5934 Priestly I )rivc • Carlsbad, (^lifornia 92008 Phone: (760) 931-8400 • Fax: (760) 931-9153 • E-mail: ch.-im.ber@tarl.sb-jtl.org • Web: www.carl5bad.orR SANDIEGO™ EMERALD PLAZA 402 West Broadway, Suite 1000 REGIONAL San Djego> California 92101-3585 CHAMBER OF ™MMCD,~c Te 1619.544. 1300 COMMERCE www.sdchamber.org May 1,2006 Mr. Marty Montgomery Planning Commission Chairman 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: EIR 03-05 / PDF 00-02 - Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant Dear Chairman Montgomery: The San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce supports the Carlsbad Desalination project because it addresses the development of our own local supply and presents an environmentally responsible way to increase our water portfolio. In reviewing the EIR, the Chamber believes adequate safeguards are in place to address environmental issues including the impact to marine life which is minimal and no endangered or at risk species are located in waters in the project vicinity. This project achieves its stated objectives in an environmentally and economically acceptable manner. The proposed project implements the desalination element of a comprehensive local and regional water supply strategy that is intended to lessen the reliance on imported water and improve water supply reliability by complementing ongoing water conservation and water recycling efforts. Additionally, the development of infrastructure through a public-private partnership has the benefit of limiting risk to the citizens and taxpayers of California. The Chamber concurs with the EIR's findings that there are no significant impacts that cannot be mitigated. Therefore, on behalf of the Chamber, I urge the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the staff recommendation. Sincerely, Scott D. Alevy Vice President, Public Policy & Communications SDA:av VALLEY CENTER MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT A Public Agency Organized July 12,1954 May 1,2006 VIA U.S. Mail & FACSIMILE (760) 602-8559 Mr. Marty Montgomery Planning Commission Chairman 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: EIR 03-05 - Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant Dear Chairman Montgomery: Formed by local citizens in 1954, the mission of the Valley Center Municipal Water District (VCMWD) was to secure an affordable and reliable source of water to serve the community. Today, VCMWD is a public water agency serving 25,000 residents and 24,000 acres of agricultural land within the unincorporated communities of Valley Center, Jesmond Dene, Hidden Meadows, Circle R and Welk's Village with 40,000 to 50,000 acre feet of imported water annually. 80% of the water we deliver goes to serve a diverse agricultural customer base. In terms of imported water purchases, in most years, we are second only to the city of San Diego. With a 100 square- mile service area, we are the third largest Authority member agency in terms of land area, exceeded only by the City of San Diego and the Otay Water District. Our mission has not changed. To that end, we, along with your city and the Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District, have entered into a 30-year agreement to purchase water from the proposed Poseidon Seawater Desalination Plant. Our agreement calls for the Valley Center Municipal Water District to purchase up to 7,500 acre feet of water annually to be used by our domestic and commercial water users. My Board of Directors was motivated to enter into the purchase agreement for several reasons: 1. Given the onerous political, regulatory and environmental constraints blocking development of new fresh surface water supplies, they believe that the notion of desalting seawater is a good alternative for developing new water supplies. To the extent that entering into the agreement with Poseidon supported that cause, they felt it was the prudent thing to do at this time. Board of Directors Gary A. Broomell President Robert A. Polito Vice President Merle J. Aleshire Director Charles W. Stone, Jr. Director Randy D. Haskell ,_* i Director 03 \& s 29300 Valley Center Road • P.O. Box 67 • Valley Center, CA 92082 (760) 749-1600 • FAX (760) 749-6478 • TDD (760) 749-2665 • www.vcmwd.org • e-mail vcwater@vcmwd.org Mr. Marty Montgomery May 2, 2006 2. By our agreement, water purchased from Poseidon will never be any more expensive than our imported supplies. In the long-term, water purchased under this agreement has the potential of actually being less expensive than future imported supplies. Consequently, through this agreement we get a higher level of price stability over time and the potential for a price advantage compared to our imported sources. 3. With this agreement, we have the potential of securing a secondary source of supply, thus diversifying our portfolio and increasing the overall water reliability for our growing community. The supply reliability advantage of having some level of alternative local supply has been underscored by the policy principles and allocation formula contained in the Draft SDCWA Drought Management Plan, set for adoption by the Authority Board later this month. With the availability of the desalinated water, Valley Center's domestic and commercial customers would be immune from imported water cutbacks until the shortages exceed 50%. This project is important to your city, my agency, and the greater San Diego region. It will provide over 50,000 acre feet of a new, high quality and highly reliable water supply, which will be needed for our growing population and economy for many decades to come. Again, we would urge you to approve the staff recommendation for the Poseidon Resources Seawater Desalination Plant. Sincerely, Gary Arant General Manager Valley Center Municipal Water District GRAND PACIFIC RBORTS '!']»!'«- Away..,Tinif. Toqctha.. May 1, 2006 Mr. Marty Montgomery Planning Commission Chairman 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Approval of the Environmental Impact Report for the Poseidon Resources desalination plant Dear Chairman Montgomery: As Co-President of the Grand Pacific Resorts, securing a reliable and affordable water supply is a priority for the hospitality industry. It is imperative for Grand Pacific to have a steady, uninterrupted, stream of water to maintain our daily operations at our three resorts in the City. As recently as February, we experienced an aqueduct shut down that caused us great alarm and concern. In this competitive marketplace, we cannot afford to disrupt our guests due to a water supply shortage. Water rationing is simply not good for business, and is devastating for the hospitality industry. Tourists have a multitude of choices and destinations, if we are rationing water they will mostly likely go elsewhere. According to a recent survey conducted by the San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau, visitor spending generated more than $5 billion dollars in positive economic impact for San Diego in 2005. The strongest segment that brought the most dollars into the local economy was the hotel stay segment. To that end, securing a drought-proof water supply is important to maintaining and fostering the growth of this lucrative industry. Over the past few years I have had the opportunity to get to know the plant's developer, Poseidon Resources. Our research shows them to be competent, well-financed, with the ability to execute and carry out this important project. We feel that the EIR directed by the City of Carlsbad provides sufficient information to conclude the desalination project could be constructed and operated in an environmentally responsible manner. The public-private partnership between the City of Carlsbad and Poseidon Resources makes an effort to reduce the burden on the region's water supply and our dependence on imported water. Respectfully, we urge the City to certify the EIR and approve the project proposed by Poseidon Resources. Tim Stripe Co-President Grand Pacific Resorts 59OO PASTEUR COURT. SUITE 2OO * CARLSBAD. CA 92OO8 * TELEPHONE 76O-43I-85OO «• FACSIMILE 76O-43I-458O * www.grandpacificresom.com ^^^1(67 Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District j M&uwuf the fyteafei, facawLdo- Valley 4ince 1954 VIA FACSIMILE (760) 602-8559 May 2, 2006 Mr. Marty Montgomery Planning Commission Chairman 1635 Faraday Aven ue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: EIR 03-05 - Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant Dear Chairman Montgomery: The Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District (Rincon) is committed to delivering quality water to meet present and future needs in an environmentally and economically responsible manner, maintaining infrastructure integrity and excellence in service as stewards of a natural resource for the public trust, and fostering conservation. As part of diversifying our water supply in anticipation of future droughts, Rincon recently approved a Water Purchase Agreement with Poseidon Resources (Poseidon). With the availability of the desalinated water, Rincon customers would be far less likely to be impacted by disruptions or shortages in imported water supply. The policy principles and allocation formula contained in the Draft San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) Drought Management Plan (set for adoption by the SDCWA Board later this month) include protections for member agencies that develop local water supplies. With the proposed desalination project in place, Rincon customers would be able to substantially reduce the impact of an imported supply. For example, a 25% shortfall in imported water would translate to a much more manageable 5% reduction in supply available to Rincon customers. This agreement will ensure Rincon will receive 4,000 acre-feet per year of drinking water over a 30-year period, at a price of water not to exceed that which would have been paid for the imported water supply from the SDCWA. The water will meet or exceed all drinking water regulatory standards under the law, and Rincon will never be obligated to accept or pay for water that does not meet the quantity, quality and reliability standards specified in the Agreement. Additionally, Poseidon will be responsible for all costs and risks associated with the financing, development, construction, and operation of the plant. Rincon submits the comments below in response to the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Carlsbad Seawater Desalination facility. 1920 North Iris Lane, Escondido, CA 92026-1399 Phone: (760) 745-5522 Fax: (760) 745-4235 www.rinconwater.org John Hinrlchs Gregory Quist Willis Cornelius Hanno Ix Diana Towne Annette Hubbell Redwlne & Sherrill President Vice President Treasurer Director Director General Manager General Counsel Mr. Marty Montgomery - EIR 03-05 - Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant May 2, 2006 Page 2 • The project EIR has evaluated the unique project-specific conditions and considerations and concluded it would not have a significant impact on the local environment. • The environmental impacts of the proposed project have been found to be less than significant with the added benefit of relieving future pressure on environmentally sensitive imported water systems such as the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay-Delta and the Colorado River. • Co-location with the Encina Power Station provides optimum use of available coastal property. The project achieves the project objectives in an environmentally and economically acceptable manner. • The proposed project implements the desalination element of a comprehensive local and regional water supply strategy that is intended to reduce the reliance on imported water and improve water supply reliability by complementing ongoing water conservation and water recycling efforts. This project would support Rincon's ongoing efforts to secure and protect our water resources, and provide our customers with a drought-proof and affordable water supply. Sincerely, Annette Hubbell General Manager Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District SANDIEGO™ EHE.ALD PLAZA _ 402 West Broadway, Suite 1000 REGIONAL San Diego, California 92101-3585 CHAMBER OF rOMMER<~E Te 1619. 544. 1300 COMMERCE www.sdchamber.org May 1,2006 Mr. Marty Montgomery Planning Commission Chairman 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: EIR 03-05 / PDF 00-02 - Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant Dear Chairman Montgomery: The San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce supports the Carlsbad Desalination project because it addresses the development of our own local supply and presents an environmentally responsible way to increase our water portfolio. In reviewing the EIR, the Chamber believes adequate safeguards are in place to address environmental issues including the impact to marine life which is minimal and no endangered or at risk species are located in waters in the project vicinity. This project achieves its stated objectives in an environmentally and economically acceptable manner. The proposed project implements the desalination element of a comprehensive local and regional water supply strategy that is intended to lessen the reliance on imported water and improve water supply reliability by complementing ongoing water conservation and water recycling efforts. Additionally, the development of infrastructure through a public-private partnership has the benefit of limiting risk to the citizens and taxpayers of California. The Chamber concurs with the EIR's findings that there are no significant impacts that cannot be mitigated. Therefore, on behalf of the Chamber, I urge the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the staff recommendation. Sincere!' . Scott D. Alevy Vice President, Public Policy & Communications SDA:av MAY-DZ-OB 05:3DPM FROM-lnvitrogsn Marketing 760-476-6878 T-717 P.001/001 F-1S8 © invitrogerv May 3,2006 Mr. Marty Montgomery Planning Commission Chairman 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: EIR 03-05 - Predse Development Han and Desalination Plant -. • Dear Chairman Montgomery: Invitrogen Corporation would like to comment on the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the • proposed desalination plant to be built by Poseidon Resources in the1 City of Carlsbad, After careful consideration, Invitrogen believes that this plant is an environmentally sound solution to the region's water needs. This facility will provide Carlsbad residents, businesses, and the greater San Diego region with a reliable and local supply of high-quality water. As a member of both BIOCOM and the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, we are based -in a region which has become a magnet for high tech and biotech businesses. The quality of life, along with city and regional efforts to attract and retain high tech businesses has been impressive. Like many members of BIOCOM and the Carlsbad Chamber, Invitrogen relies upon the availability of high-quality, affordable water to conduct business. The City of Carlsbad has a unique opportunity to secure this water supply through seawater desalination. Such an investment in water supply infrastructure would provide Carlsbad and our region a distinct advantage in its ability to sustain our quality of life and attract and retain employers in our industry, provided that water prices remain affordable. Invitrogen supports this project, not only because it is important for local businesses, but also because it will improve our region's water reliability and quality with no apparent adverse effects to the environment Sincerely, Troy W. Gardner Cristina Amorim Senior Director, Global Facilities Director, Global Environmental, Health, and Safety Invitrogen Corporation Invitrogen Corporation Invttrogon Corporation • 1600 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Pnone: 760 603 7200 • FAX: 760 602 5500 • www.invftrogen.com ISflN DIEGO NORTH Economic Development Council April 28,2006 Mr. Marty Montgomery Planning Commission Chairman 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: EIR 03-05 - Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant Dear Chairman Montgomery: The San Diego North Economic Development Council is a coalition of the private and public sector working together to sustain and carefully grow the economic base of North County. Our goal is to market the area in an effort to retain and attract quality businesses and create additional, higher paying jobs. Additionally, we undertake initiatives to establish North County as a "business-friendly" region and promote a regional approach to marketing North County as "San Diego's Smart Place to Grow" a business... as well as a family. The development of an affordable water supply solution will greatly assist local businesses with maintaining their operations in the San Diego region. The region's excessive dependence on a fragile imported water system has made it increasingly difficult to sustain and grow water reliant industry in this region, which is why we must move forward to create highly reliable supplies of water. After reviewing the EIR and staff report for the proposed Carlsbad Desalination Project, it is clear this project will provide San Diego's residents and businesses with a new source of affordable drinking water in an environmentally responsible manner, while creating significant economic benefit for the employers and employees of the region. The EIR addresses numerous issues surrounding the construction and operation of the desalination plant, and did not identify any significant, unavoidable impacts. We applaud the efforts of the City of Carlsbad to advance the construction of water supply infrastructure in partnership with the private sector. Expanding the water supply in Southern California is important to attracting industry to the North County, and will offer many benefits tp the region. Sincerely, ight 'President & CE< San Diego North Economic Development Council 760.598.9311 fax: 760.598.9311 www.sandiegonorthedc.org 100 N. Rancho Santa Fe Road, Suite 124, San Marcos, CA 92069 INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATION Leaders of Environmental Responsibility May 1, 2006 Mr. Marty Montgomery Planning Commission Chairman 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: EIR 03-05 - Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant Dear Chairman Montgomery: The Industrial Environmental Association promotes environmental responsibility through effective communication and interaction with our members, government, regulatory agencies, business and the community. We use proven technology, scientific methods and common sense to achieve a beneficial relationship between environmental protection, public health and economically sustainable growth. After reviewing the Environmental Impact Report for the desalination facility, IEA believes that the proposed desalination project can be constructed and operated in an environmentally responsible manner. This project has been designed and will be executed with extreme sensitivity to the environment around it. Of the areas studied, including air, soil and water quality, hazardous materials and noise, the EIR does not identify any significant, unmitgatable impacts to the surrounding neighborhoods or coastal region. After thoroughly reviewing this report I feel that there is no environmental impact form this plant that can not be mitigated. IEA wholeheartedly supports the Carlsbad desalination project and urges approval of the staff recommendation. Sincerely, Parti Krebs Executive Director 701 B Street • Suite 1040 • San Diego. CA 92101 • (619) 544-9684 • FAX (619) 544-9514 HI* FARM BUREAU SAN DIEGO COUNTY 1670 East Valley Parkway, Escondido CA 92027-2409 Phone: (760) 745-3023 • Fax: (760) 489-6348 • E-mail: sdcfb@sdfai-mburcau.org May 2,2006 Mr. Marty Montgomery Planning Commission Chair City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 VIA FACSIMILE: (760) 602-8559 Dear Chairman Montgomery: As the 12th largest farm economy among all counties in the nation, the fanners of San Diego County recognize the importance of developing environmentally responsible and affordable water supplies. San Diego is host to more than 5,000 fanners and an agriculture industry that ranks as the fifth, largest industry in San Diego County (after manufacturing, tourism, defense, and biotechnology) producing more than SI.4 billion in crops annually. When all economic factors are considered, including payroll, purchase of goods and transportation, agriculture has a total value to the local economy of $5.1 billion. Due to San Diego's dependence on imported water supplies, our region endures water prices that are among the highest in the nation. For many local formers, the cost of water can determine whether or not thek business survives. With the heavy demand and Jack of local water in this region, we feel it is imperative that San Diego develop new supplies that help ease escalating costs. In the long-run, imported water will be more expensive due to the costs of transportation, storage, and likely economic and environmental mitigation costs for the damage caused by extracting that water from its current use. To that end, we encourage the efforts made by the Chy of Carlsbad and Poseidon Resources to develop locally-controlled, affordable water supplies in an environmentally responsible manner. h is apparent the cost of importing water to this region will continue to rise and desalinated water will be the more affordable source. To maintain agriculture in San Diego, water roust be abundant and affordable. By creating new water supplies through desalination, San Diego's farm economy will continue its important role for years to come. We applaud the efforts of die City of Carlsbad and Poseidon Resources for taking the steps to develop new potable water supplies and urge your approval of the EUSC Si Eric Larson Executive Director Serving San Diego County Agriculture Since 1913 From:SAN DIEGO REG 6192341935 05/02/2006 14:38 #102 P.002/003 San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation 530 8 Street Seventh Floor San Diego CA 92101 Ph: 619-234-8484 Fax:619-234-1935 May 2,2006 Delivered by Facsimile Mr. Marty Montgomery Planning Commission Chairman 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: EIR 03-05 - Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant Dear Chairman Montgomery: On behalf of the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation, I am writing to express our strong support for the Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant proposal submitted by Poseidon Resources. For the past 40 years, the San Diego Regional EDC has worked to develop a diverse, successful and technology-driven economy throughout San Diego County. During that time, several companies that we have worked with have located in the City of Carlsbad. One of the most critical issues that impacts economic development is the price and reliability of water. We are excited that Poseidon Resources has been working with the City of Carlsbad and local water agencies since 1998 on development of the desalination facility — a public-private partnership that will provide San Diego County residents with 50 million gallons of drinking water per day at a guaranteed price, while protecting public agencies and taxpayers from financial risk. The proposal submitted by Poseidon Resources will accommodate future growth and provide valuable economic benefits to the region by reducing the region's dependence on imported water. Besides the impact on water reliability, the Carlsbad desalination project will have significant economic benefit for the region. It is particularly important to the region's emerging high technology and biotechnology cluster that relies on high-quality water for manufacturing. The economic benefits attributable to project construction and operation include an estimated $170 million in spending during construction; 2,100 jobs created during construction; and, once the plant is operating, $37 million in annual spending. Furthermore, an important cluster of companies is emerging in North San Diego involved in desalination technology. Involved in activities like the FromiSAN DIEGO REG 6192341935 05/02/2006 14:38 #102 P.( development of reverse osmosis membranes and the engineering and construction of facilities, these companies can be expected to grow, prosper, and attract other leaders in the industry as desalination technology becomes more and more common. Development of the Poseidon plant will help foster the continued growth of those firms, strengthening North County's economy and increasing the sub-region's prosperity. We respectfully urge you to approve this project as expeditiously as possible and move our region one step closer to an affordable, high quality water supply. Sincerely, W. ErikBruvold Vice President, Public Policy San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation nay uo UD u=i:ooa p. i CalC^ast BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Cham Pam Slater-Price3" District. San Diego Courty Vice Chair. Am KuWHn Mayor Pro Tarn City or Carlsbad Supervisor Tom Wbon5* DIBrloL Orange County Council Member Stephanie OoreyCttyofSanClenwite Supnvlf or Don Knabe4th Dial LA County California Coastal Coalition 1133 Second Street Suite G Encinitas, CA 92024 Member Frank Cobnnaof Long Beach Couid Member. City of Ventura Supervisor Susan RoseJrMJirt. Santa Barbara County Council Member SnilyRailyCity of Sana Crar (Rip AM8AO) AM BAG BEACON SANOAG SCA6 County of Los Angem County of Orange County of Sen Mego County of Santa Banara Coirty of Ventura Orange County Sanitation Dttt CltyolCamoad CityofCarprtBrta CityolCapaota CttyofCoronado CltyofOara Point Ctty 0)0*1 Mar Cltyo(6ndr>taj CilyorHaVMaonBay Ctty of Hermosa Beach City of Hunington Baaeh City of Imperial Seacn City of Laguia Beach Cay of Lang Beach City <X Los Angeku CUyoTMalbu a« ol ManhaUan Baaeh CilyofMorMray CilyofMorroBty City of Newport Beacti CityofOoeanaioB C«yofPadfcGrov« Ci^ of Porno Beech City of Port Hutnsm. Cl V of Raoondo Beach City of Rancro Pate Veroa City of San Clemen It City of Sand City Cfy of San Diego C^ofSanFrancltco Clly of Santa Barbara City or Santa One Cky of Santa Morica Ctty of Seal Beach City of Selena Beach CHyofVanlua STEVEN ACETI, J.D. Executive Director 760.944.3564 tel 760.944.7852 fax steveaceti@ca lcoast.org May 3, 2006 Via Facsimile (760) 602-8559 Mr. Marty Montgomery, Chairman Planning Commission City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Chairman Montgomery: The California Coastal Coalition (CaiCoast) is a non-profit advocacy group comprised of 35 coastal cities; five counties; the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments, the San Diego Association of Area Governments and the Southern California Association of Governments; along with business associations and allied groups committed to restoring California's coast through sand replenishment, increasing the flow of natural sediment, wetlands recovery and improved water quality. As a co-sponsor of the CA Public Beach Restoration Act (AB 64-Ducheny), our organization is especially concerned about any potential impacts to the coastline during the construction and operation of the desalination plant. We have given considerable consideration to Poseidon's proposal and find that the project includes the necessary design protections and mitigation for one to conclude it represents an appropriate use of coastal property and public trust resources. The project impacts on the coastal environment are benign and in many aspects are beneficial, for example: • The dedication of land for increased public access and recreation opportunities; (Please see item f on page 37 of the staff report) • Restore and enhance the marine environment; (Please see item g on page 37 of the staff report) Ca/Coasf Is an advocacy organization comprised of coastal communities and Interest groups www.calcoast.org UD LJO i OOfl I_C1 1 I^UCIS <~ • Generate revenue for South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment plan to be used for enhancement of public infrastructure in the coastal zone. (Please see item d on page 36 of the staff report) It is clear upon reviewing the Environmental Impact Report for the proposed desalination plant, that a comprehensive review process has been conducted and very few negative environmental impacts have been identified. This project would offer many benefits to the citizens of California and the California Coastal Coalition is pleased to offer our full support of the desalination project. Sincerely, Steven Aceti, J.D. Executive Director cc: Planning Commissioners CalCoast Is an advocacy organization comprised of coastal communities and interest groups www.calcoast.org Comments to Encino Desalination Project EIR Carlsbad Planning Commission - May 3,2006 . The EIR professionally addresses many of the environmental issues. However, there are areas of the EIR that warrant further review. I have submitted one concern in comments to the EIR. However, my prime concerns are in two areas: 1. The EIR may address a particular issue, such as toxic waste disposal and maybe how the issue can be tolerated. Missing is a cybernetics or system feedback to analyze upstream options to reduce or avoid the end product issue. hi this vein, present desalt systems are not cost effective. Needed is a modest investment in ideas to reduce the cost of desalination as will temper or delete the multi- billions required to improve and maintain the Sacramento/Imperial Valley water conveyance system. Such investments should be placed on a fast-track process through an apolitical body of technical disciplines to analyze alternatives, conduct risk assessments, and provide funding and support to nurture options that may reduce desalination costs. 2. Though I am impressed by the Poseidon efforts, I am troubled by the end product. For example, the EIR states the Poseidon desalt plant will provide 3% of San Diego's current water needs while absorbing 6% of the TCU power allocation. Extrapolating that optimistically a few decades from now when, hopefully, more desalt systems come on line, 25% of our San Diego water needs would absorb 50% of the TCU power allocation. That is not acceptable. Even considering this optimistic projection, two thirds of our water needs would be dependent on distant water sources - Sacramento/Imperial Valley - which are subject to ravages of nature, terrorists or unforeseen calamities. We can all hold hands and pray such a calamity will not come to past, but the risk of delay is substantial. In summary, we are playing a game of Russian roulette, one chamber at a time, in hopes there will not be another five year drought over the next decade or so, or a tragedy that severs our water artery. Yet I do not observe the degree of concern for reducing the water risks hi the near term, nor with sound judgment in investments for alternatives to improve cost-effectiveness of desalination systems hi the near term. To this end: A. The EIR should be employed as a tool to identify desalt system alternatives, B. the system of processing technical alternatives should be streamlined, and fortified, and C. recognition of the potential short fuse calamity should be met by risk management toward compressing the time to reach resolution of San Diego secure water needs. H. Lee Fisher Boo Planning Commission Minutes December 21, 2005 CORRECTED Page? EXHIBIT 10 6. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144fHVSUP 05-04/CDP 04-41/DA 05-01/RP/HMP 05-08 - PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT - Information item for the proposed Precise Development Plan for the Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant and Encina Power Station and other related permits. Mr. Neu introduced Item 6 and stated Associate Planner Scott Donnell would make the staff presentation. Chairperson Segall opened the public hearing on the Information Item. Mr. Donnell gave a detailed presentation assisted by other City Staff members and outside consultant representatives. Chairperson Segall opened public testimony on the item. MOTION ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Dominguez, and duly seconded, to extend the meeting past 10:00 p.m. VOTE: 5-0-2 AYES: Chairperson Segall, Commissioners Dominguez, Heineman, Montgomery, and Whitton NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Baker and Cardosa RECESS Chairperson Segall called for a 5-minute recess at 9:55 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Chairperson Segall called the meeting back to order at 10:04 p.m. with all Commissioners present. The following speakers expressed their opinions regarding the Desalination Plant: Kerry Siekman, 5239 El Arbol, Carlsbad Ruth Cans, 4918 Delos Way, Carlsbad Diane Nygaard, 5020 Nighthawk, Oceanside Don Christiansen, 3715 Longview Dr, Carlsbad Joe Geever, 8117 W Manchester Av #297, Playa Del Rey Marcela Escobar-Eck stated that tonight's meeting will be available on video tape. DRAFTPlanning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 JLx|\/"\r | Page 1 Minutes of: PLANNING COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 6:00 P.M. Date of Meeting: May 3, 2006 i - Place of Meeting: COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER Planning Commission Chairperson Montgomery called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Dominguez led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Montgomery, Commissioners Baker, Cardosa, Dominguez, Heineman, Segall, and Whitton Staff Present: Marcela Escobar-Eck, Planning Director Scott Donnell, Associate Planner Paul Edmondson, Deputy City Attorney Jim Elliott, Administrative Services Director Bob Greaney, Deputy Public Works Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Segall asked for corrections to his statement on page 1, paragraph 2, that the Errata Sheet for the April 5, 2006, minutes was not included in the packets and he requested time for review. He asked for "Chairperson Segall" to be changed to "Commissioner Segall" on page 2, paragraph 2; page 9, paragraph 5; and page 17, paragraph 7. MOTION ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Baker, and duly seconded, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 5, 2006, as corrected. VOTE: 7-0 AYES: Chairperson Montgomery, Commissioners Baker, Cardosa, Dominguez, Heineman, Segall, and Whitton NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Chairperson Montgomery directed everyone's attention to the slide on the screen to review the procedures the Commission would be following for that evening's Public Hearing. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA None. PUBLIC HEARING Chairperson Montgomery opened the Public Hearing and asked Planning Director Marcela Escobar-Eck to introduce the first item. 1. EIR 03-05/PDP 00-02/SP 144(H)/DA 05-01/RP 05-12/CDP 04-41/SUP 05-04/HMPP 05-08 - Precise Development Plan and Desalination Plant - Request for the following: (1) a recommendation of certification of an Environmental Impact Report; (2) a recommendation of adoption of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; (3) a recommendation of approval for a Precise Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 2 Development Plan, Specific Plan Amendment, Development Agreement, and Redevelopment Permit; and (4) the approval of a Coastal Development Permit, Special Use Permit (Floodplain), and a Habitat Management Plan Permit for Incidental take consistent with the City's Habitat Management Plan. The requested actions are for the following: (1) a Precise Development Plan for the Encina Power Station and the proposed 50 million gallon per day Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant proposed at the Encina Power Station; (2) an amendment to the Encina Specific Plan to incorporate the Precise Development Plan into the Specific Plan; (3) a Redevelopment Permit for the desalination plant and pipelines within the boundaries of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area; (4) a Development Agreement for the desalination plant; and (5) a Special Use Permit (floodplain), Coastal Development Permit, and Habitat Management Plan Permit for pipelines that would convey desalinated water from the desalination plant into various parts of the City. The project locations are the following: (1) the Encina Power Station at 4600 Carlsbad Boulevard and west of Interstate 5; (2) the 680-acre Encina Specific Plan, which encompasses the Power Station and all of Agua Hedionda Lagoon; and (3) the miscellaneous locations in Carlsbad, all north of Palomar Airport Road and generally in street rights-of-way, where desalinated water pipeline alignments are proposed. Additionally, desalination pipeline alignments are proposed in the cities of Oceanside and Vista, primarily in existing street rights-of-way, and are subject to the review and permitting requirements of those cities. Note that while the project's Environmental Impact Report analyzes all project features regardless of location, the recommended Planning Commission actions will not approve any project development in the adjacent cities. Ms. Escobar-Eck introduced Item 1 and stated Associate Planner Scott Donnell and EIR*C~6hsultant to the City, Joe Monaco, would make the Staff presentation. Chairperson Montgomery opened the Public Hearing on Item 1. Due to a conflict of interest with the location of his primary residence, Commissioner Dominguez recused himself from the meeting and confirmed this with the City of Carlsbad (the City) Attorney's office prior to the Public Hearing. Assistant City Attorney Paul Edmondson declared a letter of continuance had been received and should be addressed before continuing the Public Hearing. Chairperson Montgomery asked if Mr. Lloyd from Cabrillo Power would like to withdraw the letter requesting a continuance of the project. Mr. Lloyd concurred and stated the decision was made after meeting with Staff where substantial progress was made in addressing his concerns. Ms. Escobar-Eck noted the Errata Sheet will be reviewed after Staffs presentation. Mr. Donnell gave a presentation on the significant project details which included the following: review process for the City of Carlsbad (the City) and other agencies, land use regulations, the proposed desalination process, locations and details of the Desalination Plant and pipeline, proposed public dedications/enhancements, permits and approvals, agreements, water quality and reliability, and statistics on Carlsbad future water supply, and the overall project environmental review. Mr. Monaco gave a presentation on the environmental details of the project which included the following: the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), issues and alternatives addressed in the EIR, significant unavoidable effects, growth inducement, marine impingement and entrainment effects, power plant operation, flow rate assumptions, recent actions relative to once-through seawater cooling systems, other primary issues raised in public comment period for the draft EIR, including form of ownership, product water quality, terrestrial biological resources, energy consumption, and letters from California Coastal Commission and Surfrider Foundation. Planning Commission Minutes May 3, 2006 ' Page 3 Mr. Donnell reviewed the recommendations from Staff for Planning Commission approval of the project. He concluded the presentation and stated Staff would be available to answer any questions. u Chairperson Montgomery asked Ms. Escobar-Eck to describe the Errata Sheet for the application. Ms. Escobar-Eck stated that Staff and Cabrillo Power met for several hours to discuss and resolve the issues presented in the continuance letter on the Precise Development Plan. The nature of the concerns was ensuring the distinction of the Desalination Plant obligations versus Cabrillo Power obligations. The changes in the Conditions and the Errata sheet make a distinction of the obligations that are attributable to the Desalination Plant and Poseidon Resources versus those that are part of the baseline assumption that belong to Cabrillo Power and the Encina Power Station. The details are included in two resolutions and also affect the Indemnification Provisions. The provisions did not change the nature of the substance of any of the Conditions but merely clarified the nature of responsibilities. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were any questions. -. Commissioner Segall asked if both the applicant and Encina Power Station are in agreement with the changes. Ms. Escobar-Eck stated yes, but recommended having both parties state this for the record. Commissioner Segall asked if Staff is in agreement with the changes. Ms. Escobar-Eck stated yes. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were any other questions. Seeing none, he noted that there are numerous letters received from organizations and individuals on the proposed project. Chairperson Montgomery explained to the public the order of questions and topics the Planning Commission will ask Staff. They are site issues, processes, connections, and other relatedjssues; water quality; environmental impacts to the ocean; distribution impacts to pipelines, house piping, backcountry connections; and reliability and impacts to the City with/without the plant. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were questions regarding site issues, processes, connections, and other related issues. Commissioner Whitton asked for an explanation of the sale, transfer, or assignment on the Desalination Plant if it is sold in the future. He understands the requirements and restrictions, but recommended adding language that states the City or its municipal partners can have the right of first refusal. Ms. Escobar-Eck recommended Jim Elliott, Administrative Services Director, or Keith Solar, Development Agreement Legal Counsel, to answer the question. Mr. Solar explained the City has the right of first refusal in the Water Purchase Agreement and also has an option to purchase the Desalination Plant under certain circumstances. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were any other questions. Commissioner Whitton asked for an explanation of the circumstances for the purchase. Mr. Solar explained the right of first refusal would be if Poseidon Resources decided to sell the Desalination Plant. This would allow the option to purchase with certain defaults/rules at the end of the expiration of the primary term. Commissioner Baker asked what will happen to the waste water (sludge) that does not go back into the ocean. She also asked what happens when the sludge is released into the sewer system, and whether it will create a problem with the current Reclamation Water Project. Mr. Monaco stated the matter contained in the waste water (sludge) and the total dissolved solids (TDS) due to the seawater backwash constituent (salt) were both addressed in the EIR. He explained the total suspended solids issue is for the Treatment Plant and there is a provision in the EIR that sets a certain capacity that will not be exceeded. The preliminary estimates on total dissolved solids and the effects it will have on water reclamation indicate the content that would enter the Water Reclamation Facility would not exceed acceptable standards. In the event the acceptable standards are exceeded, a project provision states Poseidon Resources will mitigate or pay for any upgrades required to resolve the issue. Chairperson Montgomery asked if the mitigation is allowing a larger stream of water to flow down the sewer line in order to reduce the amount of solids. Mr. Monaco stated the standards do not specify how Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 4 the mitigation is achieved. This allows flexibility in how the mitigation is achieved. This could be a number of different options and Mr. Monaco recommended the applicant to explain the details. 1 r Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were any other questions. He asked if there were any questions on water quality. Seeing none, he asked the Deputy Public Works Director, Bob Greaney, to speak on the water quality of the Desalination Plant and how this compares to what the public currently receives. Mr. Greaney stated the quality of water will be equal to or better than the present imported water provided to a service area. He explained how the total dissolved solids (salt) would be less than what is presently provided in the imported water from the Colorado River. He further explained how TDS in the amount of the imported water is higher than the desalinated water due to the raw water quality of the river. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were any additives or additions to the water stream that will occur at the Desalination Plant. Mr. Greaney stated no; however, carbon dioxide and another chemical are present to inhibit any potential corrosion in the water distribution system. He explained how the constituents of boron and chloride in the water will mostly affect the landscaping plants with tip burn, but is well within or under the guidelines that are specified in the government regulations. The process to determine the susceptibility to corrosion was completed by using water from the proposed Desalination Plant versus the imported water supply. It was concluded there was no difference in deterioration of the pipes or meters during the six-month period. Chairperson Montgomery asked for an explanation of how the water tastes compared to the imported water supply. Mr. Greaney recommended the applicant to answer the question. However, Mr. Greaney's opinion is that the water is typically the same but a little flat due to some constituents being removed from the water. ^ Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were any other questions. Seeing none, he asked if there were any questions on distribution impacts to pipelines, house piping, and backcountry connections. Commissioner Baker asked if there are any public notification requirements and mitigation requirements to lessen public inconvenience during construction since the pipeline alignment is close to several major roads in the City. Mr. Donnell stated businesses in the area would be notified prior to construction. A mitigation measure required by the EIR states the applicant will be responsible to talk to the business owners and find out their concerns to ensure impacts are minimized. Construction associated with the pipeline and roadways would be limited to certain hours (to avoid morning and evening rush hours) and subject to a traffic control plan. Commissioner Baker asked if notification could be placed on the City's website. This would allow the public to view what roads would be affected during the construction for the public. Mr. Donnell stated he would be happy to research adding updates to the website and will discuss this request with the Engineering Department. Commissioner Baker thanked Staff and stated the community would certainly appreciate the notification on the website. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there are any impacts to biologically sensitive areas that should be addressed in addition to what is discussed in the EIR. Mr. Donnell stated the EIR analyzed the worst-case scenario of all pipeline alignments, and that is how the 10 acres of impacts were identified. Any impact to a habitat area is temporary, and the EIR requires those impacts to be restored and be subject to mitigation that required restoration greater than a 1:1 ratio. Mr. Donnell stated that when the pipeline areas were considered, a 40-foot-wide construction area was also looked at to make sure all biological impacts would be considered. The biological impacts in Carlsbad are limited to isolated patches in the off- road pipeline areas associated with the project. The areas where the pipelines will go off the roadway are previously disturbed; for example, near Car Country Carlsbad and Armada Drive. The applicant has proposed to complete a trenchless construction near Cannon Road and Faraday Avenue where the pipeline will go underneath the soil and not disturb the sensitive vegetation or the lagoon. Commissioner Segall asked when the final pipeline route will be determined. Mr. Donnell referred the question to the applicant. Commissioner Segall asked if the affected areas in the adjacent cities are covered in this EIR or would separate Public Hearings be required for each city. Mr. Donnell stated this EIR does not recognize the type of permit or tevel of review required in the adjacent cities, but does acknowledge that right-of-way permits, grading permits, and land use approvals would be required for the applicant on any construction in the respective cities. Commissioner Segall asked if the process for the applicant will be completed at a later date once pipeline routes have been determined. Mr. Donnell stated 565 Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 5 yes and explained the project EIR analyzes the impacts associated within pipeline alignments, and the adjacent cities could use the document as its environmental documentation. Commissioner Segall asked if adjacent cities could use this EIR for permit approvals in their cities. Mr. Donnell stated the adjacent cities could make a determination that the EIR is adequate and use it in their permit issuance. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were any other questions for Staff. Seeing none, he asked if there were any questions on environmental impacts to the ocean. Commissioner Segall asked what monitoring program is used to determine when the extended saline exposure, flowing into the ocean, becomes close to or over the 40 parts per thousand. Mr. Monaco stated a program would need to be established to determine how data would be collected and recorded, and that the details of the monitoring program are still being discussed. Commissioner Segall asked if there will be a measuring device in the ocean. Mr. Monaco state?! samples would be taken at specified locations. Commissioner Segall clarified that the monitoring system would be periodic testing to determine the levels of the extended saline exposure. Mr. Monaco stated this is the anticipated system. Commissioner Heineman asked if the Encina Power Station or the Desalination Plant will complete the testing since they are both involved in the process. Mr. Monaco stated the Desalination Plant would be responsible. Chairperson Montgomery asked for an explanation of the salinity distribution at the discharge jetty. Mr. Monaco stated the model that was developed to predict the salinity levels is complex and involves a number of variables and scenarios. The exhibit (displayed as part of the Powerpoint slides) used in the presentation is an example of the worst-case (historical extreme) scenario. It represents a flow rate at the power plant of 304 million gallons per day and all other conditions representing the worst mixing scenario. It shows the more significant bottom salinity (ocean floor) at the point of discharge, how it is disbursed, and the effect it would have on benthic organisms. The number in the center of the exhibit, area of blue, shows the highest concentration of salt and that the end of pipe salinity, 39 parts per thousand, that disburses to the ambient level of 33.6 parts per thousand. Chairperson Montgomery asked for an explanation of the impact of 40 parts per thousand on the benthic organisms, on other animal life, and the public beach. Mr. Monaco stated the 40 parts per thousand level was based on empirical studies at the pilot facility where mortality or substantial changes in behavior were determined in the local organisms that were considered sensitive to hyper-saline conditions. The study used the discharge from the pilot facility through an aquarium system. He stated there was no "significance threshold" that is established or any published scientific literature on increased salinity. The study for this project was what determined the 40 parts per thousand. Chairperson Montgomery asked how the levels were determined for the public from 33.6 to 39 parts per thousand. Mr. Monaco stated this is the average ambient level, and 40 parts per thousand is at the inside point of the discharge jetty and is not an area where there would be human contact. He noted the effect of 40 parts per thousand would be imperceptible to the human user. Commissioner Baker asked if existing studies completed by the desalination plants listed in the Staff Report were used to determine the effects on the ocean. Mr. Monaco stated some data was incorporated into the technical studies; however, the studies completed for this project were specific to the circumstances of this particular site. The variables differ with each of the studies, as well as how the effect on the environment is specific to each area. The cumulative effects were considered from the proposed plants and the data was incorporated into the Cumulative Analysis Section in the EIR. Commissioner Baker asked if any of the desalination plants listed studied the impacts on the ocean and surrounding beaches. Mr. Monaco stated there are no large-scale desalination facilities in operation and reiterated that specific effects of these smaller plants would be less than one that is the size of this proposed Desalination Plant. Commissioner Segall asked for an explanation of the term "foreseeable" in the Staff Report regarding Section 316 (b) of the Clean Water Act. Mr. Monaco stated there is no specific definition for the term "foreseeable." This is a concept in CEQA that requires for consideration of any "reasonably foreseeable" circumstances and to not go beyond what is reasonable or engage in speculation in terms of analysis of impacts. The City based their determination that continued operation of the proposed Desalination Plant Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 6 is "reasonably foreseeable" when considering time in operation and continued electricity supply to the power grid. Commissioner Segall asked if a new EIR would be required if Section 316 (b) causes the Desalination Plant to change any aspect of operation. Mr. Monaco explained how Section 316 (b) allows for compliance measures that could be achieved with 304 million gallons per day flow rate. If, for any reason, compliance with Section 316 (b) or other reasons causes the power plant to shut down, the desalination plant would be required to have its own permit for intake of ocean water, additional approvals from the City, and an additional EIR would be required. Commissioner Segall asked if there was a grace period when the Desalination Plant can still operate while completing a new EIR. Mr. Monaco stated this was not an issue considered due to the "reasonably foreseeable" circumstance of continued operation; however, there; are provisions in the Water Purchase Agreement that address the availability of water. Commissioner Segall asked if the Desalination Plant would need to shut down to complete a new EIR. Mr. Donnell stated there would be advanced notification before a shutdown occurred and would not be immediate. This would allow sufficient time for the City, the applicant, and the Water Control Board to act and develop a plan. Commissioner Segall asked if the water intake system would continue to work if the required minimum of ocean water intake is not met for the desalination of water. Mr. Monaco stated the flow of ocean water intake can be regulated independent of the power plant operation. This was a scenario that was analyzed (unheated discharge) if the water would not be used to cool the running power plant but would need to continue to move water through the intake system. Commissioner Segall asked if Poseidon Resources could continue to have the water flowing through the intake system if the power plant no longer needed the water for operation. Mr. Monaco stated yes. Mr. Donnell noted that the project assumes power plant operation; however, if the power plant were not in operation, then new permits and a new EIR would be required. Commissioner Segall asked if Poseidon Resources could continue operation on an interim basis if the power plant needed to temporarily shut down. Mr. Monaco stated if there was a short-term shutdown, not related to a compliance issue, the intake pumps could continue to run. Chairperson Montgomery stated that the proposed desalination plant, which would draw water off the warm water outlet of the power plant, is a different project than a plant proposed without the power plant and with different intakes and requirements. Mr. Donnell concurred and noted that this scenario was addressed in a condition that is placed on the Redevelopment Permit that deals specifically with the Desalination Plant. It recognizes that the Desalination Plant operates based on the power plant operating and that any change to this condition would require new project permits and a new EIR. Chairperson Montgomery stated that by combining the Encina Power Plant and the Desalination Plant, it provides a dual benefit in the community for water and electricity and this is a reason why the desalination plant is proposed in its current location. Mr. Donnell concurred. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were any other questions for Staff. Seeing none, he asked if there were questions regarding reliability and impacts to the City with or without the Desalination Plant operation. Commissioner Cardosa asked the lifespan of the membrane system and what will happen when they need to be replaced. Mr. Donnell explained that there is a contingency setup where an additional set of membranes are available when a current set of membranes are not able to operate. This allows the plant to continue operation when a set of membranes need to be replaced. Commissioner Cardosa asked if an earlier statement made in the meeting is correct on how the City will be self-sufficient in 2020 with no need for any outside water authority. Mr. Donnell clarified his statement that the City would be self-sufficient in terms of water supply. Commissioner Cardosa asked if the City would be self-sufficient under the blending process. Mr. Donnell stated the Carlsbad Water Municipal District would be reliant on Desalination in this scenario. Commissioner Cardosa clarified that there would be "no" blending process. Mr. Donnell concurred. Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 7 Commissioner Cardosa asked who would supply the water in the event the Desalination Plant needed to shut down. Mr. Donnell explained that in a catastrophic event the City has the right to fall back on imported water from the San Diego County Water Authority. i - Commissioner Segall asked if there was a certain amount of water the City would be provided under the agreement or if it would be commensurate with what is provided during a drought. Mr. Donnell stated the City would be treated equal to the other cities and districts in the county. Commissioner Segall asked if the City would be required to pay a penalty fee. Mr. Donnell stated he is not able to correctly answer the question. Chairperson Montgomery recommended Mr. Greaney to answer the question. Commissioner Heineman asked the percentage of the recycled water in the desalinated water in the event of an emergency. Mr. Donnell stated there will be 23% recycled water. Commissioner Heineman asked if the other 77% would be provided through the Desalination^Plant. Mr. Donell stated yes. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there will be a penalty for use of the County Water Authority supply during a drought condition or a plant shutdown. Mr. Greaney stated there is a not a fee at this time, but there is no specific guarantee that one will not be imposed in the future. The County Water Authority has developed a Draft Drought Management Plan that uses the experiences during the droughts in the early 1990s and will be presented at a future County Water Authority Board of Directors Meeting. The intended outcome of the draft is to be as fair as possible with all the Member Agencies, to which the City is a member. The County Water Authority has developed a system of credits and formulas. In the event a Member Agency loses its water supply, it will have a credit that is relative to the amount of water it uses in the local water supply and will share with other Member Agencies. If only 70% of the water supply is available, then no one Member Agency will receive below 65%. There would be a 5% difference between the average conservation level, and no one would go below the 5%. All Member Agenciesjvould have to start sharing with one another. Chairperson Montgomery asked if the City will continue to be an Agency Member of the County Water Authority even though its water supply would be received through the Desalination Plant and not the County Water Authority supply. Mr. Greaney stated yes. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there are any issues in the pipeline or facilities in water blending should the City need to receive water from the County Water Authority. Mr. Greaney stated Staff has not completed extensive testing, but there would be no negative impact in blending the waters. If the City needed to temporarily go without desalinated water and imported water was used in the pipeline, then it would be blended at the Maerkle Reservoir. The difference would be negligible. Commissioner Segall asked how the City will benefit from the Desalination Plant, as well as the other communities. Mr. Greaney stated the benefit to everyone will be the increased reliability of the water supply. A local water supply increases reliability during emergency conditions. This will be proven in the adoption of the Drought Management Plan from the County Water Authority where the City will receive credit for having a local supply. The other Member Agencies that share in the desalinated water will also have reliability. Mr. Donnell stated that two letters have been received from Valley Center Water Municipal District and Rimcondel who have agreed to purchase a portion of the Desalination Plant water. Commissioner Segall asked if any will go to the County Water Authority or other entities. Mr. Donnell stated the applicant would be able to answer the question. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were any other questions of Staff. Seeing none, he asked if the applicant would like to make a presentation. Walter Winrow, President of Poseidon Resources, thanked Staff for their time and hard work. He gave the history of the project and discussed the ongoing corporate commitment of Poseidon Resources to ensure the project is implemented in a fashion that fulfills the vision of the City Council and one that creates tangible benefits for the community, as well as one that a community as a whole can be proud of in the future. He stated the changes listed in the Errata Sheet are acceptable, and then introduced Project Manager Peter MacLaggan to continue the presentation. Mr. MacLaggan stated he would like to answer the questions from the Planning Commission before making his presentation. He discussed the taste of the water and stated that Poseidon Resources has been operating a pilot plant for approximately three years at the Encina Power Station. During this time, the public has had the Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 8 opportunity to visit and complete surveys on water taste. Ninety-eight percent (98%) of those who completed the survey were pleased with the water taste. i r- He discussed the selection of the final pipeline routes. There is an obligation under the Water Purchase Agreement to fulfill the allocation of all the water supply from the plant to the various purchasers and establish a distribution regime. This regime will determine how much water is distributed every day of the year and is a critical piece of information needed before selection of the pipeline alignments. Poseidon's objective is to keep all alignments available to maximize the flexibility in delivering to the potential and existing customers. A selection will be made closer to the completion of the process and is anticipated within the next 12 to 24 months. He discussed how the salinity discharge will be monitored. There is real-time and continuous monitoring and periodic site-specific monitoring that will be required underihe Discharge Permit. The real-time monitoring will occur both at the plant and at the end of the pipeline where instruments will continually sample and record the salinity and the discharge leaving the plant and collective facility. The Discharge Permit from the original water Quality Control Board will require quarterly, semi-annual, and annual monitoring out in the ocean environment at specific locations to report what the ocean environment is with salinity increases. He discussed the lifespan of the membranes and the replacements. There is a standby reverse osmosis train that has 8% spare capacity. He stated that San Diego County is the world's leader in the production of reverse osmosis membrane filters and has the largest companies that specialize in seawater filtration with reverse osmosis doing business in Oceanside, Escondido, Vista, and San Diego. Companies would be prequalified to ensure they could produce the full compliment of the plant's membrane requirements in about 1 to 2 months time and keep supplies on hand in certain quantities. The plant woujd have certain spares on site, and the supplier would have certain commitments. He stated the membranes are not replaced all at once, but about 20% of the membranes are replaced each year on a scheduled replacement program. This allows for scheduled maintenance. He discussed who will receive the desalinated water, stating that approximately 60% from the plant is allocated between Carlsbad, Valley Center, and the Rincon Del Diablo Water Municipal Districts. The supply to Valley Center and Rincon would not be physically delivered, but would be delivered to one of the coastal communities adjacent to the pipeline built, who would exchange water with Valley Center and Rincon. He stated that Poseidon is also in the process of finding potential purchasers for the rest of the supply. He concluded the responses and stated he would be happy to answer any questions before making his presentation. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were any questions. Seeing none, he asked the applicant to continue with his presentation. Mr. MacLaggan gave a presentation on the reasons for desalination and costs, desalination principles adopted by City Council, update on the project, marine environmental considerations, product water quality, and water supply reliability. He then asked Consultant Michael Madigan, former Chairman of the California Water Commission, to address the water supply reliability. Mr. Madigan discussed the history of the water reliability issues for Carlsbad and the surrounding areas in California during a drought. He stated desalination is a drought-proof supply for all conceptual and conceivable reasons and will provide inexhaustible supply of water. He stated it is a superior environmental alternative to the status quo and will reduce future allocations and diversions from the county water supply. He stated the reason Carlsbad survived the previous drought is due to the hard work of Mayor Lewis and the kindness of others. He stated that Carlsbad may want to consider an alternative and not rely on kindness for the future. Mr. MacLaggan discussed the activities and commitment to Carlsbad and the public education and outreach. He concluded his presentation and stated he would be available to answer any questions. MEETING RECESS Chairperson Montgomery called for a 10- to 15-minute recess at 8:14 p.m. Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 9 MEETING RECONVENED Chairperson Montgomery called the meeting order at 8:29 p.rtr. He thanked the applicant for the presentation and asked if there were any questions of the applicant. Commissioner Segall asked how Carlsbad places with the County Water Authority EIR. Mr. MacLaggan explained the County Water Authority has interest in a similar-sized Desalination Plant located at the Encina Power Station. They have a Draft EIR completed in April, which is available for public review. The fundamental difference between the two proposed projects is the pipeline distribution system. Poseidon is focused on local distribution to the coastal communities. The County Water Authority is looking at a delivery system using the San Marcos aqueduct to deliver water regionally. County Water Authority staff has informed there will be only one project built, but both County Water Authority and Poseidon are working to merge respective interests. He stated Poseidon is working with Valley Center and Rincon to allocate 60% of output, and 40% is unallocated. The City has certain commitments and rights should the County Water Authority project move forward with Poseidon. Commissioner Segall clarified there will only be one project. Mr. MacLaggan concurred. Chairperson Montgomery asked if the project can operate at 60% capacity based on the current agreements. Mr. MacLaggan stated yes, that the technology used to desalinate the water is modular. Modulars consist of banks producing 5 million gallons per day. At 50 million gallons per day, the plant would use 10 banks and one spare on standby. If the plant were to operate at 60% of capacity or produce 30 MGD, then 6 banks would operate with one on standby. Space would be reserved for expansion in the future. The EIR provides that the project could be built in one or more phases, which provides flexibility. Chairperson Montgomery asked Mr. Lloyd, or another representative of Cabrillo Power, if he would like to make a statement regarding the letter for continuance. Ronald Rouse, Counsel for Cabrillo Power, stated the condition modifications are acceptable and it is the reason the request for continuance was withdrawn. PUBLIC TESTIMONY Chairperson Montgomery opened Public Testimony. He explained that, due to the number of requests to speak, the time limit will be 3 minutes. This is to ensure everyone has an opportunity to make a statement or presentation. Michael Babowal, 5934 Priestly Drive, Carlsbad, is the Director of Government Affairs with Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber). He read a letter from the CEO, Ted Owen, stating support for the project. He asked for members of the audience in agreement with the Chamber's position to stand. The majority of the audience stood in support. Art Luhan, 3737 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego, is the Business Manager of the San Diego Building Trades Council and is representing all the Construction Trade Unions in San Diego County. He stated their support for the project and stressed the importance of water reliability in view of recent natural disasters. They will support and provide a skilled workforce to assist the contractors in completing the project in a timely and effective manner. Kimberly Eades, 2020 Gayle Way, Carlsbad, is a Civil and Wastewater Engineer and stated her support for the project. She thanked everyone for their informative presentations and commented on how this project will support not only the local coastal area residents but the surrounding neighborhood communities as well. Howard Arnold, 932 Lacebark Street, San Marcos, is a Civil Engineer and has worked the past 20 years specializing in water-related projects in San Diego County. He stated his support for the project and the importance of water quality and reliability to the community. He stated this is the type of forward-thinking enterprise that will fend off future water shortages. He stated desalinated water will provide a high quality supply, reliability, and which will have few environmental impacts. Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 10 Steve Aceti, 1258 Plum Tree, Carlsbad, is the Executive Director of California Coastal Coalition, and he gave the history of the organization. After reviewing the EIR for concerns regarding the impact this project may have on the coast, the California Coastal Coalition is convinced the project will be completed in an environmentally safe way. He stated that when taking into account the amount of growth since the 1950s, he considers water reliability and water source as very important and urged the Planning Commission to support the project. Gary Hill, 3289 Donna Drive, Carlsbad, is a Geologist at the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), and he concurs with his fellow speakers in support of the project. He stated the current major water sources will be disrupted in the future by major earthquakes and noted that it would be nice to have the water available locally. He stated that when considering relocation of the GIA Headquarters to the City, long- term water reliability was a major consideration when studying the community. He noted that his support of the project does not signify approval of the alternative pipeline jocation through the campus, and GIA would need to negotiate the final location of the alternative location. Eric Larson, 1355 Forest Avenue, Carlsbad, is the Executive Director of the San Diego County Farm Bureau and is representing the farming community. He also supports the project. He commented that farms will be lost when the cost of imported water rises and becomes uneconomical, and noted the ensuing economic damage to communities when Southern California continues to look to the farms for a replacement water source. The farmers will embrace desalinated water knowing that it will be less expensive than the increasing cost of imported water. He stated that creating a local water supply is a responsibility that the entire community should embrace. Commissioner Segall noted that Mr. Larson was a former member of the City Council and one who had the forward thinking to create a local water supply. . Ed Kimura, 6995 Camino Amero, San Diego, is representing the Sierra Club San Diego Chapter and submitted extensive comments on the EIR. He stated two major concerns with the EIR, that it does not adequately address alternatives or the long-term implications of using the Encina Power Station. He stated there is a report published by Pacific Institute that states California in 2030 can meet water demand without an additional supply. This means using the water efficiently by increasing conservation by 20%. The California Energy Commission has a report that lists the Encina Power Station as one of the aging power plants, and the report discusses the long-term implications of use. Chairperson Montgomery asked if the Sierra Club recognizes any diminishing aspects of the Colorado River resource. Mr. Kimura stated yes. Chairperson Montgomery asked if the conservation estimates included the neighboring states meeting their allocation and how California is over-allocated. Mr. Kimura stated the conservation estimates were from the study by Pacific Institute. He stated the Sierra Club was involved in the water reuse study with the City, and the key aspects were to increase water conservation and reclamation. The Sierra Club recognizes the importance of using different alternatives to maintain the California water supply. Chairperson Montgomery asked if the Sierra Club recognizes that Carlsbad has a higher level of reclamation compared to other cities in the state. Mr. Kimura stated yes and that it is commendable. The Sierra Club's concern is the City's high residential water use with no plan to reduce it, because the impact of this is areawide. Chairperson Montgomery clarified that water conservation is a key point for the Sierra Club. Mr. Kimura concurred. Conner Everts, 5321 Amestoy Avenue, Encino, is representing the Desal Response Group of 22 organizations across the state. He stated that after meeting with utilities and the applicant, there are still more questions than answers. While serving on a local water board during the drought in the early 1990s, two options were considered: desalination or importation of state water. He was a proponent of a third option that he would like the City to consider: maximizing local resources. He stated studies of water use in the future show and in 2030 there will be 30% cost-effective, off-the-shelf water conservation for residential, commercial, and industrial communities. He stated his concerns about the lack of discussion on cost and escalating future energy cost. He urges everyone to question the assurance that water will safely go back into the environment and replenish the deltas and streams and explained how it took Los Angeles 15 years of litigation to replenish Mono Lake. He stated concerns that there is no assurance that water will not be taken from other sources. He stated the basic conservation and reclamation is the cost- effective, drought-proof source and not a new technology. He urged the Planning Commission to take time in considering the Desalination Plant. Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 11 Joe Geever, 9117 West Manchester Avenue, Playa del Rey, is the Southern California Regional Manager for Surfrider Foundation. He states they are not opposed to desalination, but there is a right way and a wrong way to move forward. One concern is the future existence of the cooling water intake at the Encina Power Station, and it was requested that the City analyze the impacts of the Desalination Plant in the absence of the cooling water intake system. He noted in the final EIR that federal and state agencies stated the facility may have significant impact on marine life and requested an analysis as a stand-alone facility. He stated the concerns that the City did not respond to the request or complete the analysis and that the City continues to argue the facility is not required to upgrade the cooling system. According to the EIR, requesting a study of the desalination facility without the cooling water intake and operation is "speculative and not required by CEQA." They believe it is offensive to hide behind this narrow interpretation of CEQA for two reasons. It is not speculative that the generator will be compelled to upgrade their cooling system. There are current regulations on cooling water intakes that have not been accounted for in the EIR. The California Ocean Protection Council and State Lands Commission have passed resolutions that establish positions requiring upgrades. Finally, the State Water Resources Control Board will consider the policies and statements to craft state regulations on cooling water. He stated once-through cooling technology is reaching the end of the dinosaur age and is "reasonably foreseeable" that the life of this desalination facility will extend beyond the life of the cooling water intake and would be speculative to assume otherwise. The more important concern is that hundreds of thousands of people and the economic development in the area will become dependent on this water when the facility is complete. Any public reliance on this product water without full understanding of the reasonably foreseeable future would be irresponsible. He urged the public to question the statement of getting new permits if the cooling water intake goes away. It should not be a problem to document the impact now of the absence of the cooling water intake. They request that the EIR be denied until it adequately documents the reasonably foreseeable future of the facility in the absence of the cooling water intake system. ^ Chairperson Montgomery stated this project is a private/public proposal and not a stand-alone facility. He asked if Mr. Geever understands that if the project were a "stand-alone" that it would need to propose the answers to the concerns of the Surfrider Foundation and similar organizations. Mr. Geever stated yes. However, he does not agree with the City rationale that it is speculative to analyze the project as a "stand- alone" facility in the EIR. He also feels that relying on future permits to address a stand-alone facility could have major impacts on a community that could become reliant on a water supply that could go away if the permits are denied. He noted that once the City stops using the water from the State Water Project, nothing will prohibit another county from using the water. He stated the reasonable and responsible thing to do is to analyze the facility now despite whether it is a CEQA requirement, and all bases will be covered when the cooling water intake systems go away. Finally, Mr. Geever noted Surfrider is not opposed to desalination and he stated that there are preferable ways for desalination that can be done without killing marine life. Patti Krebs, 701 B Street, San Diego, is the Director of the Industrial Environmental Association, and she represents manufacturing technology, research and development, and biotechnical companies. A reliable and uninterruptible regional water resource is critical to their operations. She believes that the Desalination Plant is a technology for the future. It is felt the plant has been designed, constructed, and operated in a way that is sensitive to the environment. They urge approval of the project. Lari Lutar, 110 West C Street, San Diego, is representing the San Diego County Taxpayers Association. They are a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to promoting cost-effective and efficient government. They support the efforts by the City and Poseidon Resources in developing new portable water resources supply at no financial risk to taxpayers. The partnership will also generate revenues for local government during construction and operation. They extend their full support for the project due to the project providing taxpayers a high-quality water supply at a guaranteed price. Ken Alfrey, 4094 Sunnyhill Drive, Carlsbad; is a Board Director and the Vice President of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation. They are a nonprofit corporation dedicated to conserving, restoring, and enhancing the environmental features of the lagoon, as well as promoting balanced recreational and commercial uses. He said the EIR for the project confirms the Desalination Plant can be built and operated in an environmentally responsible manner without significant unmitigated impacts. They believe it is safe for the environment and good for the community, and they urge approval of the project. Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 12 Don Christiansen, 3715 Longview Drive, Carlsbad, stated his support for the project. He thanked Staff for their hard work and foresight in presenting a project that could ensure water reliability during a drought. He stated the City is addicted to imported water and this project-provides the opportunity to break the addiction. Numerous government officials have predicted that the future cause of major wars could be fighting over water resources. People are relocating north because they do not have enough water. The Mexican Government has a list of cities they must depopulate due to an unreliable water resource and the relocation is affecting New Mexico. This could happen to the County of San Diego. He urged everyone to "think globally and act locally." He urged approval of the project. Knox Williams, 3491 Sea Crest Drive, Carlsbad, stated his early experiences in the area on using well water from different sources before receiving the Colorado River water Water was scarce and had a muddy quality. Having been a previous imported water supplier, he feels the project will negatively impact the imported water industry, but he is still in support of the project as his son-in-law now owns the business. Without water, they would not have been in business and water is for the good of all. Water conservation is great, but if there is no water to conserve, then the theory does not work. He urged approval of the project. Ruth Cans, 4918 Delos Way, Oceanside, stated that what is decided in the City on this project will also affect the City of Oceanside. During this meeting, she was surprised to learn the ultimate purchaser of the water will determine the pipeline routes. She wondered how a decision could be made unless there was an agreement to build the plant. There should be one plant and have an agreement between the City and San Diego County for one plant, because the water is needed. The possible expansion is a concern that will affect the residents of Oceanside close to the Maerkle Reservoir and asked if a pumping station will be added. She urged everyone to work together and to approve and complete the project. Tom Siekmann, 5239 El Arbol, Carlsbad, stated he and his wife reside close to the Encina T^ower Station. He stated he is very interested in water conservation and in new water resources. There is a concern that future licensing of the power plant may not allow continued operation of the desalination plant as a stand-alone facility. The power plant is aging and that is a major issue of concern. He urged the City to keep this as a major focus point and strive to have an efficiently run power plant system. Even though only the 3% will be used from the power plant output for the Desalination Plant, it is still significant when considering the past power shortages. He feels the project will be a nice addition to the community. However, he urged the City not to forget the impacts if the licensing change, the power plant is not improved and there is future power shortages. Bailey Noble, 5470 Los Robles Drive, Carlsbad, stated he has been a resident for over 35 years. He has always been proud to live in a city that is ahead of the sister cities in planning progress. He is excited about the project. After studying the project, he has no concerns and is proud of the City for focusing on solutions that make the community more reliant and less dependent on imported water. This is the key for future quality of life. The partnership is successful in making tremendous progress in addressing and providing a locally controlled high-quality water supply for the community. He urged approval of the project. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were other members of the audience who wished to speak on the item. Seeing none, he closed Public Testimony and asked Staff and the applicant to respond. Mr. Donnell addressed Mr. Kimura's concerns regarding advocating more water conservation to achieve water independence or reduce the need for imported water. The City is making efforts to improve water conservation, which is evident through programs available through the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, such as of low-flow shower heads, irrigation controls, and rain sensors. The Desalination Plant fits with the plans of the County Water Authority and of the Metropolitan Water District. The plans recognize conservation as a component, but not as the sole answer. Staff feels that based on the plans, the proposed Desalination Plant offers a solution that is consistent with the documents that address water supply by different agencies. Furthermore, concerns on water conservation lie more with the policy level rather than at the project-specific level. This is evident in the direction by other water agencies that recognize water conservation as a component, but not the only answer to a reliable water supply. He addressed the concerns with the aging power plant. The latest generators came on line in the late 1970s. Staff is operating under the baseline assumption that the power plant will remain as it has Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 13 operated during the past years. While it may be aging, it is still "reasonably foreseeable" that it will continue to operate in the future. i - Chairperson Montgomery asked if the City has established a timeline and if it foresees a reconfiguration in the next 20 years. Mr. Donnell stated Staff is not aware of Cabrillo Power's plans, but Staff has analyzed the baseline condition of continued power plant operation. Mr. Donnell addressed Mr. Everett's concerns regarding water conservation and referred to the comments addressing Mr. Kimura's concerns. In regards to his concerns in the cost-effectiveness of desalination, there are conditions in the Water Purchase Agreement that clearly identify that the water purchased from the Desalination Plant will not exceed the price charged by the County Water Authority. Since this is a private project, it will be the applicant and not the City who will assume all the risk. If the water cannot be delivered at a reasonable price, the City will not be obligated to pay and will still maintain membership in the County Water Authority. Mr. Monaco addressed Mr. Kimura's concern regarding additional runoff. The issue addressed in the final EIR was whether or not the project would result in an additional water runoff. The conclusion is that the project would provide a replacement water supply with no element or component feature that would result in an additional consumption of water resulting in additional urban runoff. Chairperson Montgomery stated Mr. Kimura had concerns that the project alternatives were not appropriately addressed. Mr. Monaco stated the comment was related to the water conservation and was the beginning of his testimony. Staff believes the EIR addresses a reasonable range of alternatives. Conservation was addressed in the EIR, but the discussion was incorporated by reference from the Regional Water Facility Master Plan completed by the County Water Authority. ^ Mr. Donnell addressed Mr. Geever's comment regarding his request to have the EIR analyze the Desalination Plant as a stand-alone facility operating without the power plant. This was not a scenario the EIR analyzed and, if it were to occur, would be subject to separate review and permits. However, there was an alternative studied that looked at the historical extreme example of the Desalination Plant operating without the power plant and based on a minimum flow. It was realized through this determination that there would be no greater impact than the proposed project operating with the power plant. He addressed Mr. Geever's argument that the City needs to analyze the update of the power plant's cooling water system. Staff is aware of the Section 316 (b) regulations as specified in the Clean Water Act that is implemented by the Regional Quality Water Control Board, and Cabrillo Power is making efforts to comply through their National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit. The methods through which the compliance can be achieved are not completely known, and there are methods to achieve compliance, such as habitat restoration that may not drastically alter how the power plant operates. A case can be made that habitat restoration is subject to litigation and may be infeasible in terms of mitigation but that raises the issue that it is speculative to say how compliance with Section 316 (b) can be achieved. He reiterated that Staff completed analysis in the EIR of the historical extreme and operation of the Desalination Plant without the power plant. Mr. Monaco noted that even if it is assumed that the power plant would shut down, it would only change how the proposed project and baseline is described. The conclusions would not change, because the analysis would take into account all the factors that it currently does. Mr. Donnell stated the Staff Report in support of the resolutions passed by the State Lands Commission and recognizes that there may be alternatives to compliance with Section 316 (b). The Clean Water Act provision might require a change from a cooling water system using the ocean to a close cycle system using reclaimed water. The Staff Report for the State Lands Commission recognizes that some power plants may not need to go to this extreme, and things such as mitigation or continued use of the once- through cooling system may be environmentally superior to other types of cooling systems. Staff disagrees with Mr. Geever's comments that the EIR is inadequate. Staff believes the EIR analyzed a reasonable range of alternatives and looked at all reasonable considerations. He addressed Ms. Cans' comments that she would like to see an agreement between the City and the County Water Authority. A completed agreement is already in place recognizing that if the County Water Authority builds a Desalination Plan in the City, there would be certain expectations for both parties Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 14 involved. The City is obligated by State law to review the current application proposed by Poseidon Resources. It is like any other application from a private developer proposal that must be processed through the Planning Commission as well as the City Council. i - He addressed Ms. Cans' concerns regarding Maerkle Reservoir and the addition of a pump station. The Desalination Plant does not require expansion of the reservoir, and that an expansion is not part of the project. However, the City has plans to add a reservoir and pump station through a Capital Improvement Project that may occur in the next 5 to 15 years. The Capital Improvement Project would be subject to a separate review. Staff concluded their response. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were any additional public concerns that should be addressed. Commissioner Baker asked for the approximate percentage of imported water and whether there would be enough water for the local community if there were more efficient water conservation plans. Mr. Greaney stated the City imports 100% of their water. Countywide percentages of imported water are about 85% to 90%, while 10% to 15% of water is developed locally. More can be done with conservation, which is a present topic on the County Water Authority's agenda. The current conservation program is low-flow toilets, energy efficient and water conserving wash machines, and low-flow shower heads. This has been a success with the encouragement of rebates. Forty percent (40%) to fifty percent (50%) of water consumed residentially is for outside irrigation projects. The next step for conservation is to provide rebates and assist in educating residents with the current efforts for outdoor water conservation. Chairperson Montgomery asked if there is an actual target for conservation in residential uses that the County Water Authority would prefer compared to the 40% to 50%. Mr. Greaney stated there is a goal of an additional 10% of what is conserved at present. Any future water demand projections Always include additional conservation figures and are viewed as an additional water supply. Commissioner Baker asked for an explanation of prolonging the life of the once-through cooling system and the life of the power plant in relation to the water quality issue. Mr. Monaco stated the life of the cooling system and power plant are dictated by the actual economics for operation of the power plant and regulations that apply. There was no component or aspect of the project that would prolong the life of the power plant or cause regulatory changes that would allow the power plant to operate longer than it would at present. Commissioner Baker asked for an explanation of desalination without destroying marine life. Mr. Monaco stated he addressed these alternatives briefly and they are detailed in the EIR. There are options for various intake alternatives. Beach wells would require 25 wells that are 10 to 15 feet high, 15 to 30 feet in diameter, and spaced approximately 400 feet apart on the beach. This is technologically feasible, but does have aesthetic and public recreation impacts. Another option is infiltration galleries, which are typically done in areas where beach wells or vertical wells are not feasible. This would require a 30-foot trench along 4 miles of beach area and would likely be infeasible from a technological and aesthetic standpoint. The other option was vertical wells that, based on area hydrology, would require 100 vertical wells and would not be feasible. Commissioner Baker asked for an explanation of the 3% of power plant output to generate the Desalination Plant and the comparison to the price of the water. Mr. Monaco stated the 3% was expressed to give the reader orders of magnitude of what the power consumption is for this plant relative to the Encina Power Station. It has not been determined, as of yet, how the power purchase will work for the project, and three options were identified in the EIR: direct purchase from Encina Power Station, purchase off the grid, or purchase off the grid from a private provider. The EIR also expresses peak power consumption for regional or statewide demand. In terms of reliance, the desalination plant can operate independently of the Encina Power Station with the option to connect to the power grid. Chairperson Montgomery asked if the applicant would like to respond to the concerns. Mr. Maclaggan addressed Mr. Geever's concerns regarding approving the project without analyzing the stand-alone operation and noted the Staff Report has a detailed response to this concern. Although it is not required under CEQA, the EIR, as well as the appendices, took a careful look at the stand-alone operation. It was considered and the five impact areas were analyzed. Mr. Geever's main concern was the marine impact related to the concentrate sea water going back out to the ocean and the entrainment Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 15 and impingement related to the intake. These impacts do shift in how they are analyzed under the stand- alone operation. The discharge of the saline by-product was analyzed in minimum flow and in serving the desalination plant needs exclusively where the water was not -preheated. The worst-case scenario (historical extreme) is without the power plant and was the basis for the insignificant impact conclusion in the EIR. With respect to intake, entrainment, and impingement, these were also analyzed. There are federal standards for impingement that when it drops below a certain velocity, it is no longer considered a problem. This level is 5 feet per second, and when the flow is dropped to serve their needs, it is under the minimum flow standard. This information is included in the EIR and in the appendices. The entrainment was analyzed and is reduced because of pulling less flow through the power plant and is lower than what is occurring today. There is a reduction over baseline and when analyzing the type of impacted species, it is concluded from experts that there is no significant impact. Chairperson Montgomery asked if it is possible there would jbe different criteria for the baseline assumption if the permitting process were to occur in the future. Mr. MacLaggan stated it is not the comparison to the baseline assumption that led to the insignificant findings. It was analyzed on a monthly basis and that the quantity and quality of organisms that were being entrained were compared to the total population in the environment. The experts rendered a conclusion (based on these facts) that there were no significant endangered species, that 85% of the species populating the area of the plant spawn five times a year, and that consideration of the quantity being entrained would not preclude the species from being able to maintain or sustain their population. Mr. MacLaggan addressed Mr. Geever"s concerns regarding approving a project that does not have certainty as to longevity of the permits under which the project will operate. He stated there is no certainty to the longevity of the permits. The intake and discharge are up for renewal every 5 years. As a matter of State Law, when the permits come up for renewal, they are on a clean ^slate and the requirements can be changed at the discretion of the Regional Water Quality Control Board and its interpretation of the law at that point in time. Whether or not the project is stand-alone, the permit may be different in 5 years or thereafter. It is recognized there is an obligation to comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the project. If the intake laws and regulations shift to their responsibility, Poseidon Resources is prepared to comply. Chairperson Montgomery asked if this is considered a risk absorbed by Poseidon Resources as private ownership. Mr. MacLaggan stated yes and is true for any permitted entity. Mr. MacLaggan stated the Coastal Commission has a different set of obligations under the law to ensure compliance with the Coastal Act; CEQA has another set of requirements and standards. The Coastal Commission has made it clear that they are rigorously looking at all the issues pertaining to a stand-alone facility. This why the data was gathered for the purposes of preparing for the process of Coastal Development process and is the reason it was disclosed in the documents. He concluded his responses. Chairperson Montgomery stated Mr. Everett raised concerns regarding other plants having multiple operators over the years. He asked for an explanation of Poseidon Resources' approach, qualification, and ability to move this project forward. Mr. MacLaggan introduced Walter Winrow, President of Poseidon Resources. Mr. Winrow stated numerous desalination facilities have been implemented for the past 10to15 years. There are two elements to consider in modular technology. A small-scale plant produces approximately 5 million gallons per day, which is equivalent to a large-scale facility producing approximately 50 million gallons per day. The "scale up" does not present any technical or performance issues and would only be stacking 10 of the 15 million gallons per day facilities side-by-side. Poseidon Resources is in the midst of a procurement process to contract with an internationally qualified construction consortium. The "short lisf of the bidders on the City's project has been the contractors that have recently completed large-scale projects in the Mediterranean and South East Asia. They are the leaders in this implementation. The contractors that will be hired will have the "historical technical capability" and expertise to construct and commence the startup and operation of the facilities that is unparalleled around the world. Chairperson Montgomery requested a motion and a vote to continue the meeting past 10:00 p.m. Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 16 MOTION i ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Baker, and duly-seconded, to continue the proceedings past 10:00 p.m. VOTE: 6-0 AYES: Chairperson Montgomery, Commissioners Baker, Cardosa, Heineman, Segall, and Whitton NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Dominguez (stepped down due to conflict of interest) Chairperson Montgomery asked if there were any other questions^. Seeing none, he asked for Planning Commission discussion. DISCUSSION Commissioner Whitton stated that he believes that all prudent questions have been answered through the briefings, packets, and the speakers from Staff and Po'seidon Resources. He stated it would be remiss if the Planning Commission did not commend Mayor Lewis, as well as past and present members of the City Council, for their foresight in securing this reliable and sustainable water supply for the population of the City. He commended Staff and Poseidon Resources for working together to bring this project into fruition. He stated this is a superb project for the City and North County area. He supports the project. Commissioner Segall stated the project is brilliant and that it addresses a major concejri in Southern California on providing a reliable water supply to the region. He noted that the EIR, as well as the presentations, suitably mitigated his concerns. He stated that the residents of Carlsbad are fortunate to live in a city that has the ability to propose such a project. Carlsbad is one of the few cities that have the ability to bring water in from the ocean, circulate and treat the water and send it out to the community, and provide water for the community. He is proud to be a resident of a community that has this vision. He commended Poseidon Resources for being an excellent corporate citizen in showing sincere interest and concern for all aspects of the community. If Poseidon Resources continue to move forward with the project in the way they have embraced the community, the City is fortunate. He supports the project Commissioner Heineman concurred with his fellow Commissioners. He stated that the future is upon us, and it is remarkable that the City is alert enough to take advantage of such opportunities. A tremendous amount of credit should go to Mayor Lewis. It is apparent that he is very sensitive to water issues and deserves credit. He supports the project. Commissioner Cardosa concurs with his fellow Commissioners. This project is an important element in the structure of the Southern California farming community, and it took a long time to get to this point. He stated great progress has been made and that this is a great project. He supports the project. Commissioner Baker stated it is a pleasure to be involved in a project that will eventually be the life flow of the community. She thanked Mayor Lewis for having the foresight to push this project. She thanked Staff for their education and hard work on all the aspects of the project. She does not feel this project will be an environment hazard or a risk to the citizens of Carlsbad. Other communities along the Colorado River will be grateful to the City when they will be able to reclaim the water that the City has been using. She stated that the City does have a Growth Management Plan and does not believe that providing reliable water supply will be a growth-inducing issue. She thanked everyone who is involved in the project. She supports the project. Chairperson Montgomery stated how, after deliberating over the project, the leap in technology over the past 10 years astounded him. That in the past it was not foreseeable to allow desalination to occur because of cost. Now, it has become a reality where the cost actually approaches the cost of the imported water. He is hopeful, for the sake of the residents, that the equal amount of technology leaps will also occur in the ability to be a kind neighbor to the oceans, and that the technology could be applied where the impingement and entrainment can be a thing of the past. He believes this may be one of the most significant projects that the Planning Commissioners will hear in their lifetime. He supports the project. Planning Commission Minutes May 3,2006 Page 17 Chairperson Montgomery stated Ms. Escobar-Eck would like to make a comment. U Ms. Escobar-Eck thanked Mr. Donnell for his devotion and hard work over the past five years. This project is in addition to his extremely heavy case load. She commented on his professionalism and attention to detail, and praised his ability to analyze the project and keep it on-task. MOTION ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Baker, and duly seconded, that the Planning Commission (1) adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6087 recommending certification of EIR 03-05 and recommending adoption of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; (2) adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6088, 6089, 6090, and 6091 recommending approval of POP 00-02, SP 144(1-1), DA 05-01, and RP 05-12; and (3) adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6092, 6093, and 6094 approving CDP 04-41, SUP 05-04, and HMPP 05-08 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein, to include the Errata Sheet. VOTE: 6-0 AYES: Chairperson Montgomery, Commissioners Baker, Cardosa, Heineman, Segall, and Whitton NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Dominguez (stepped down due to conflict of interest) Chairperson Montgomery closed the public hearing and thanked Staff for their presentations. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMENTS None. PLANNING DIRECTOR COMMENTS Ms. Escobar-Eck discussed the City Council's comments on the Council Policy 44 proposed modifications. The City Council expressed their concerns and wanted to make sure that Staff had adequately addressed the concerns of the Planning Commission and that the Planning Commission had to adequately review. She stated they voted with a caveat that if there were any concerns on the changes, the City Council would be notified so the concerns can be addressed by Staff. She stated it is felt that Staff did address all the issues of concern. Information pertaining to the comments will be added in the next Planning Commission packets. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS None. ADJOURNMENT MOTION By proper motion, the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of April 5, 2006, was adjourned at 10:19 p.m. MARCELA ESCOBAR-ECK Planning Director Leah Storey Minutes Clerk EXHIBIT 15 POSEIDON RESOURCES May 31,2006 Mr. Scott Donnell Associate Planner City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Donnell: During the May 3rd Planning Commission hearing, the Commissioners asked about our plans for outreach during the construction phase of the desalination project. Poseidon Resources has created a very successful outreach effort to keep the public informed of the project during the permitting phase that has included a well maintained project web site, quarterly project newsletter, speaker's bureau, and tours of our pilot facility. We are committed to maintaining this extensive outreach effort during the construction phase. Poseidon Resources will continue to provide up to date information about project construction and any impacts to local roadways using the following communication vehicles: • Web Site: www.carlsbad-desal.com • Project Newsletter • E-mail Updates • News Releases to Local Media • Paid Advertisements • Presentations to Community Groups In addition, Poseidon Resources plans to set up a Project Hotline that will provide Carlsbad residents the ability to get up to date information and make inquiries and raise issues about construction activities via phone. Poseidon will work with the City to put up signs along pipeline routes to let people to know what, why, how long, and whom to contact with questions or comments. Poseidon Resources takes our responsibility to keep the greater community of Carlsbad updated on construction activities very seriously. We look forward to working with the City of Carlsbad staff throughout the project, and are available if you have suggestions or input on how we can augment our planned communication efforts. Sincerely, Peter M. MacLaggan Senior Vice President Poseidon Resource* Corporation 501 West Broadway, Suite 840, San Diego, CA 92101, USA 619-595-7802 Fax: 619-595-7892 Executive Office: 1055 Washington Boulevard, Stamford, CT 06901 FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DATE CITY ATTORNEYJune 13, 2006 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: City Attorney AGENDA ITEM #10 (PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT PROJECT) Ordinance No. NS-807 approving the development agreement (DA 05-01) needs to be amended to reflect the fact that Cabrillo Power I, LLC , has not yet given its consent. In recognition of this fact, recommended action number 3 should be revised to state: "That the Council INTRODUCE Ordinance Nos. NS-806 and NS-807, APPROVING Precise Development Plan POP 00-02, and Development Agreement DA 05-01 substantially in the form presented subject to obtaining the consent of Cabrillo Power I in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney." The revised Ordinance, NS-807, is attached to this memorandum for your review. RONALD R. BALL City Attorney rmh attachment c: City Clerk City Manager Community Development Director Public Works Director Administrative Services Director Planning Director Associate Planner Donnell Ron Rouse Dick Freeland Keith Solar David Lloyd (with attachment) 1 lECGEO^E" JUN 1 3 2006 _*Y(SHSm 1 v C_C_ PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2010 & 2011C.C.P.) This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Sta STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the Proof of Publication of CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you that the Carlsbad City Council and the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission will hold a joint public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13,2006, to consider a request for the following: PROJECT: PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT APPLICANTS: Cabrillo Power I IXC & Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LLC PERMIT NUMBERS: Environmental Impact Report EIR 03-05, Precise Development Plan POP 00-02, Encina Specific Plan Amendment SP 144(H), Special Use Permit (Floodplain) SUP 05-04, Redevelopment Permit 05-12, Coastal Development Permit CDP 04-41, Development Agreement DA 05-01, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMPP 05-08 DESCRIPTION: The project proposes the construction of an approximately 50 million gallon per day seawater desalination plant and pipelines and other support facilities to convey desalinated water into the cities of Garish Oceanside, and Vista. LOCATION: A location map is provided below. The project area includes: The Encina Power Station, located at 4600 Carlsbad Boulevard. The desalination plant is proposed on the grounds of the Power Station. The Encina Specific Plan, which encompasses approximately 680 acres around Agua Hedionda Lagoon, in- cluding the Encina Power Station. The proposed desalinated water pipeline delivery system, which would extend primarily along roadways in the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista as shown on the attached map. Not all pipeline alignments shown would be built. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project's final environmental impact report (EIR) is available for review at public libraries in the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista, at other public locations in the City of Carlsbad, and online at the Carlsbad website: "http://www.carlsbadca.gov/pdfdoc.html7pids439" http://www.carlsbadca.gQV/pdfdoc.html7pids439 REVIEW PROCESS: The project has required review and recommendation by the Planning Commission, and final approval by the Carlsbad City Council, and, for the Redevelopment Permit, final action by the Carls- bad Housing and Redevelopment Commission. The project also requires review and approval by the California Coastal Commission, which will occur sometime after final City of Carlsbad action. Separate permits and approvals in addition to those listed above also will be required from the cities of Oceans- ide and Vista for project components in those cities. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing and provide the decision makers with any oral or written comments they may have regarding the project. Copies of the staff report wilt be available online at "http://www.ei.carlsbad-ca.us/pdfdoc.html?pid=10rt http://www.ci.carlsbad. ca.iis/pdfdnc-htm)?pid= 101 on or after the Friday prior to the hearing date. If you have any questions, or would like to be notified of the decision, please contact Scott Donnell in the Plan- ning Department at (760) 602-4618, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. APPEALS: The dme within which you may judicially challenge these projects, if approved, is established by state law and/or city ordinance, and is very short. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City Of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. Appeals tn the City Council: Where the decision is appealable to the City Council, appeals must be filed in writing within ten (10) calendar days after a decision by the Planning Commission. Coastal Commission Appealable Project: l?Cl Parts of this project are located within the Coastal/one Appealable jArea. [~l This site is not located within the Coastal Zone Appealable Area. / Where the decision is appealable to the Coastal Commission, appeals must be filed with the Coastal Commis- sion within ten (10) working days after the Coastal Commission has received a Notice of Final Action from the City of Carlsbad. Applicants will be notified by the Coastal Commission of the date that their appeal period will conclude. The San Diego office of the Coastal Commission is located at 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103. San Diego, California 92108-4402. PUBLISH:North County Times - Friday, June 2, 2006 Coast News - Friday, June 2, 2006 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND 1 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION The Coast News Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County. Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to The Coast News, P.O. Box 232-550, Encinitas, CA 92023 (760) 436-9737 Proof of Publicatioi STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of The Coast News, a newspaper printed and pub- lished weekly and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation for the cities of Del Mar, Solana Beach, Encinitas/Cardiff, Carlsbad, Oceanside, San Marcos/Vista and the County Judicial District by the Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego (8/4/94, #677114, B2393, P396); and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in, each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any sup- plement thereof on the following dates, to- wit: June 2nd. 2006 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Encinitas, County of San Diego, State of California on the 2-th day of 3l>*4 2006. Clerk of the Printer D. M - 7 2006 CARLSBAI CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you that the Carlsbad City Council and the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission will hold a joint public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad^ Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13, 2006, to consider a r the following: PROJECT: PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT APPLICANTS: Cabrillo Power I LLC & Poseidon Resources (Channetside) LLC , Rft, Special Use ,..__—^^. -,„- ,. „,-„ ,- _,.,m._I^'^.Oevetopment Agreement DA 05-01. end HaWtat Management PtaftPermit HMPP 05- DESCRIPTION: Tne project proposes the construction of an approximate^ 50 milHcm gallon per day seawater desafcia- tion plant and pipelines and other support facilities to convey desalinated water into the cities of Carlsbad. Oceanside, and Vista. LOCATION: A location map is provided below. Theproject area iwtudes: The Encina Power Station, located at 4600 Carlsbad Boulevard. The desalination plant is proposed on the grounds of the Power Station. The Encina Specific Plan, which encompasses approximately 680 acres around Agua Hedtonda Lagoon, indurJng tie Encina Power Station. The proposed desalinated water pipeline delivery system, which would extend primarily along roadways in the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista as shown on the attached map. Not all pipeline alignments shown would be butt. ' ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project's final environmental impact report (EIR) is available for review at public libraries in the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista, at other public locations in toe City of Carlsbad, and online at the Carlsbad website: httP;tffffTic ' REVIEW PROCESS: The project has required review and recommendation by the Planning Commission, and final approval by the Carlsbad City Council, and, for the Redevelopment Permit, final action by the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission. The project also requires review and approval by the California Coastal Commission, which will occur sometime after final City of Carlsbad action. Separate permits and approvals in addition to those listed above also wK be required from the oties of Oceanside and Vista for project com- ponents in those cities. Those persons wishing to speak on this pro- posal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing and provide the..deciston makers with any oral or written comments they may have regarding the project. Copies of the staff report will be available online at http://www.ci.cans- bad.ca.us/pdfdoc.html7pkfa101 on or after the Friday prior to the hearing date. If you have any questions, or would like to be notified of the decision, please contact Scott Donnell in the Planning Department at (760) 602-4618, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. APPEALS: THE TIME WITHIN WHICH YOU MAY JUDICIALLY CHALLENGE THESE PROJECTS, IF APPROVED, IS ESTAB- LISHED BY STATE LAW AND/OR CITY ORDI- NANCE, AND IS VERY SHORT. IF YOU CHALLENGE THIS PROJECT IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOME- ONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AT OR PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING. Appeals to the City Council: Where the decision is appealable to the City Council, appeals must be filed in writing with- in ten (10) calendar days after a decision by the Planning Commission. Coastal Commission Appealable Project: Parts of this project are located within the Coastal Zone Appealable Area. This site is not located within the Coastal Zone Appealable Area. Where the decision is appealable to the Coastal Commission, appeals must be filed with the Coastal Commission with- in ten (10) working days after the Coastal Commission has received a Notice of Final Action from the City of Carlsbad. Applicants will be notified by the Coastal Commission of the date that their appeal period will conclude. The San Diego office of the Coastal Commission is located at 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, California 92108-4402. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION CN 3164. June 2, 2006 CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you that the Carlsbad City Council and the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission will hold a joint public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13, 2006, to consider a request for the following: PROJECT: PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT APPLICANTS: Cabrillo Power I LLC & Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LLC PERMIT NUMBERS: Environmental Impact Report EIR 03-05, Precise Development Plan POP 00-02, Encina Specific Plan Amendment SP 144(H), Special Use Permit (Floodplain) SUP 05- 04, Redevelopment Permit RP 05-12, Coastal Development Permit CDP 04-41, Development Agreement DA 05-01, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMPP 05-08 DESCRIPTION: The project proposes the construction of an approximately 50 million gallon per day seawater desalination plant and pipelines and other support facilities to convey desalinated water into the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista. LOCATION: A location map is provided below. The project area includes: o The Encina Power Station, located at 4600 Carlsbad Boulevard. The desalination plant is proposed on the grounds of the Power Station. o The Encina Specific Plan, which encompasses approximately 680 acres around Agua Hedionda Lagoon, including the Encina Power Station. o The proposed desalinated water pipeline delivery system, which would extend primarily along roadways in the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista as shown on the attached map. Not all pipeline alignments shown would be built. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project's final environmental impact report (EIR) is available for review at public libraries in the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista, at other public locations in the City of Carlsbad, and online at the Carlsbad website: http://www.carlsbadca.gov/pdfdoc.html?pid=439 REVIEW PROCESS: The project has required review and recommendation by the Planning Commission, and final approval by the Carlsbad City Council, and, for the Redevelopment Permit, final action by the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission. The project also requires review and approval by the California Coastal Commission, which will occur sometime after final City of Carlsbad action. Separate permits and approvals in addition to those listed above also will be required from the cities of Oceanside and Vista for project components in those cities. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing and provide the decision makers with any oral or written comments they may have regarding the project. Copies of the staff report will be available online at http://www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us/pdfdoc.html?pid=101 on or after the Friday prior to the hearing date. SD\520144.1 If you have any questions, or would like to be notified of the decision, please contact Scott Donnell in the Planning Department at (760) 602-4618, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. APPEALS: The time within which you may judicially challenge these projects, if approved, is established by state law and/or city ordinance, and is very short. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City Of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. a Appeals to the City Council: Where the decision is appealable to the City Council, appeals must be filed in writing within ten (10) calendar days after a decision by the Planning Commission. a Coastal Commission Appealable Project: [X] Parts of this project are located within the Coastal Zone Appealable Area. I I This site is not located within the Coastal Zone Appealable Area. Where the decision is appealable to the Coastal Commission, appeals must be filed with the Coastal Commission within ten (10) working days after the Coastal Commission has received a Notice of Final Action from the City of Carlsbad. Applicants will be notified by the Coastal Commission of the date that their appeal period will conclude. The San Diego office of the Coastal Commission is located at 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, California 92108-4402. PUBLISH: North County Times - Friday, June 2, 2006 Coast News - Friday, June 2, 2006 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION SD\520144.1 Proposed Water Delivery Pipelines City of Oceanside City of Carlsbad \ McClellan Palomar Airport CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you that the Carlsbad City Council and the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission will hold a joint public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13, 2006, to consider a request for the following: PROJECT: PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESALINATION PLANT APPLICANTS: Cabrillo Power I LLC & Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LLC PERMIT NUMBERS: Environmental Impact Report EIR 03-05, Precise Development Plan POP 00-02, Encina Specific Plan Amendment SP 144(H), Special Use Permit (Floodplain) SUP 05-04, Redevelopment Permit RP 05-12, Coastal Development Permit CDP 04-41, Development Agreement DA 05-01, and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMPP 05-08 DESCRIPTION: The project proposes the construction of an approximately 50 million gallon per day seawater desalination plant and pipelines and other support facilities to convey desalinated water into the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista. LOCATION: A location map is provided below. The project area includes: o The Encina Power Station, located at 4600 Carlsbad Boulevard. The desalination plant is proposed on the grounds of the Power Station, o The Encina Specific Plan, wh,:h encompasses approximately 680 acres around Agua Hedionda Lagoon, including the Encina Power Station, o The proposed desalinated water pipeline delivery system, which would extend primarily along roadways in the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista as shown on the attached map. Not all pipeline alignments shown would be built. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project's final environmental impact report (EIR) is available for review at public libraries in the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista, at other public locations in the City of Carlsbad, and online at the Carlsbad website: http://www.carlsbadca.gov/pdfdoc.html7pidM39 REVIEW PROCESS: The project has required review and recommendation by the Planning Commission, and final approval by the Carlsbad City Council, and, for the Redevelopment Permit, final action by the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission. The project also requires review and approval by the California Coastal Commission, which will occur sometime after final City of Carlsbad action. Separate permits and approvals in addition to those listed above also will be required from the cities of Oceanside and Vista for project components in those cities. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing and provide the decision makers with any oral or written comments they may have regarding the project. Copies of the staff report will be available online at http://www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us/pdfdoc.htm^pid^l 01 on or after the Friday prior to the hearing date. If you have any questions, or would like to be notified of the decision, please contact Scott Donnell in the Planning Department at (760) 602-4618, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. APPEALS: The time within which you may judicially challenge these projects, if approved, is established by state law and/or city ordinance, and is very short. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. Q Appeals to the City Council: Where the decision is appealable to the City Council, appeals must be filed in writing within ten (10) calendar days after a decision by the Planning Commission. Q Coastal Commission Appealable Project: Parts of this project are located within the Coastal Zone Appealable Area. This site is not located within the Coastal Zone Appealable Area. Where the decision is appealable to the Coastal Commission, appeals must be filed with the Coastal Commission within ten (10) working days after the Coastal Commission has received a Notice of Final Action from the City of Carlsbad. Applicants will be notified by the Coastal Commission of the date that their appeal period will conclude. The San Diego office of the Coastal Commission is located at 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, California 92108-4402. PUBLISH: North County Times - Friday, June 2, 2006 Coast News - Friday, June 2, 2006 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® INVITROGEN CORPORATION 1600 FARAD AY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ^^^" www.avery.com —— 1-800-GO-AVERY IOVINO MICHAEL A&LYNN M 5611 FOXTAIL LOOP CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® IRWIN ROBERT P&TAMARA K 10988 BAROQUE LN SAN DIEGO CA 92124 ISAAC RICHARD A&MARY F 3559 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ISKIN LIVING TRUST 07-19-94 6063 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 IVERS FAMILY TRUST 03-01-02 1870 TIMBER TRL VISTA C A 92081 J&K PARK CENTER PROPERTIES L L C 1395 PARK CENTER DR VISTA C A 92081 JACK KATHLEEN H TRUST 03- 11-97 2152 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 JACKSON FAMILY TRUST 02- 25-97 3638 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 JACKSON GEORGE L&MONALEE A 4953 LAMIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 JAFFE LIVING TRUST 12-10-91 5144 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 JAGERMAN DOUGLAS&MARGARET 4256 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 JAKSIK KATHLEEN S 4594 SALEM PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 JALAMA LAND MANAGEMENT LLC 2122 CRYSTAL COVE WAY SAN MARCOS CA 92078 JARVIS MICHAEL P&BRADY- JARVIS SHANNON C 3844 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 JBM PROPERTIES LLC 2575 PIONEER AVE VISTA CA 92081 JELDEN ALAN W 2052 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 JENKS DAVID W&JUDY D 3562 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JENKS WARREN E&DORIS R TRUST 09-24-90 4548 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JENNINGS ROBERT S F EST OF 3809 SHALE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 JENSEN PAUL C JR&BARBARA J 3706 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 JEROME ELWOOD L REVOCABLE SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 08-14-03 5110 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHNSON BELTON W JR&MERLE M 3472 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JESSUP JAMES W 5230 EL ARBOL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHNSON CANDICE D 4021 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 JOHANSSON FAMILY TRUST 03-19-87 5101 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHNSON DAVID G&RUBY A 2958 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHNSON DOLORES 5302 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHNSON HILARY 2986 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHNSON JOANN 3339 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®09is AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®091S amdej a6eu39S e IB a6e.unocmue uoissaiduii Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® JOHNSON JOSEPH M 3340 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY JOHNSON LOUIS F III 2990 WOODBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® JOHNSON MELINDA LU 2999 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHNSON REVOCABLE FAMILY TRUST 10-20-94 5731 PALMER WAY #D CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHNSON REVOCABLE FAMILY TRUST 10-20-94 5731 PALMER WAY #E CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHNSON TRUST 12-17-04 2182 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 JOHNSTONE KENNETH W 2003 TRUST 05-15-03 ETAL 3312 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JONES FAMILY TRUST 01-12-04 3489 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JONES FAMILY TRUST 04-08-98 2031 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 JONES ROBERT S&VALANE 3508 LEVEE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOYCE PATRICK&STEPHANIE 3742 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOYNER CLEVELAND D&INDIRAY 3736 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 JUDKINS CAROL J 5342 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JUHL CLARENCE A&JUDITH H 5172 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JUHREND GERALD E&CANDACE L 2037 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 JUNEMAN M G REVOCABLE TRUST 10-29-02 1898 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 JUSTINE LEDA EST OF 5419 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KACKSTETTER CY PO BOX 130483 CARLSBADCA92013 KAESLER MICHAEL&BRENDA 1861 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 KAISER DOROTHY L 3457 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KAISER KIPP&MARIANNE E 5068 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KALLINIKOS ANDREAS&JILL 2943 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KALLINIKOS ANDREAS&JILL D 229 WELLINGTON RD BUFFALO NY 14216 KAL-PREM PO BOX 1155 CARLSBADCA92018 KANG HAROLD H&DEWHURST JYHEA 3699 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92010 KAPP HARRY&MARILYN 5077 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 KARAM JAMES J III&KAREN L 3690 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KARCHER JOANN M REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 3464 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KARTZKE PAUL D 2073 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 KASSABIAN RICHARD J&MEDLEY REGINA T 2165 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 AM1AV-O9-008-1 ®091S »ueqe6 e| aBeuaas e ia aBejjnoqiiue uoissajduii Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® KATO FAMILY TRUST 07-31-85 3250 SUNNY CREEK RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 ^^^™ www.avery.com """•™ 1-800-GO-AVERY KATO FAMILY TRUST 07-31-85 3250 SUNNY CREEK RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® KATSUYAMA KEISUKE&KIMIKO 1892 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 KATZ LIVING TRUST 12-09-98 5423 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KAUR SUKHVIR 3677 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KAY GARRY L&MARILYNNE L 5078 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KEBELY PATRICIA S 4537 HARTFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 KEELING EVE M 4003 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KEITEL TODD A&SHERRETT D 5048 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 KELCH DARLEEN E TRUST 03- 31-93 4960 LAMIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KELLER HOWARD J&MARILYN B 3805 SHALE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KELLER MATTHEW A&CATHY E 5048 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KELLEY FAMILY TRUST 09-03- 91 5192 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KELLY KAREN S 2997 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KELLY LAND CO 2020 MAIN ST #305 IRVINE CA 92614 KELLY LAND CO 2020 MAIN ST #305 IRVINE CA 92614 KENDRICK TRUST 02-24-99 3824 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KELLY RANCH HOLDINGS L L C 9811 W CHARLESTON BLVD #2- 372 LASVEGASNV89117 KENESIE SEAN&ALLISON V 4030 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD CA 92010 KEMP RONALD C&LAURIE H 2089 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 KENNEDY BETTY 2729 LA GRAN VIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 KENNEDY BETTY 2729 LA GRAN VIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 KENNEDY JEFFREY A&SUSAN C 3868 STONERJJDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 KENNEDY KEITH M 2980 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 KENT HELEN B TRUST 06-21-95 4137 PINDAR WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KERBER ROBERT L&MARY J FAMILY TRUST 08-21-89 5074 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KHATRI SHAHNAWAZ&SHABANA S 2356 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KIDDER JAMES R HI 1962PINEWOODRD VISTA CA 92081 KIESLING BRIAN&BRANDI 4682 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KJPFMANN HELMUT 1998 CHERRYWOOD ST VISTA C A 92081 AH3AV-O9-008-1 apidej ®091S ja aBounoqitue uojssaidui) Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® KILGORE VIVIAN D JR&NANCY A 3443 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ^^^ www.avery.com —"• 1-800-GO-AVERY KILLEEN JOHN T&PATRICIA 2065 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 AVERY® 5160® KILLION INTER VIVO TRUST 11-20-87 5055 AVENIDA ENCINAS #100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 KILLION INTER-VIVOS TRUST 11-20-87 1380PO1NSETTIAAVE VISTA CA 92081 KILLION INTER-VIVOS TRUST 11-20-87 1380POINSETTIAAVE VISTA CA 92081 KM CHARLES H&DONG O 3714 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KIM DAE HYUN 3597 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KIM DAVID H&CHO SUSAN 3471 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KIM DOUGLAS W&HAE K 55523 OAK HILL LA QUINTA CA 92253 KIM JAE H&KYUNG H 3489 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KIM SHI YOUNG 4658 MEADOW DR CARLSBADCA92010 KIMURA JEFFREY&DIANE 5082 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 KINCAID ALEX&TANYA K 5310ELARBOLDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KINCO BEACH 2251 L L C 4175 BUSINESS CENTER DR FREMONT CA 94538 KING COMMUNITY TRUST 02- 27-96 1520 RANCHO ENCINITAS DR ENCINITAS CA 92024 KING COMMUNITY TRUST 02- 27-96 5120 AVENIDA ENCINAS #A CARLSBAD CA 92008 KING ELEANOR C FAMILY TRUST 03-16-99 3456 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KING ROBERT&KAREN H 2023 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 KINGSLAND ELIZABETH H TR 6020 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KISER KAREN V 2072 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA C A 92081 KIRBY BRUCE 3468 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KLEINBERG FAMILY TRUST 09-25-95 4908 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KIRSTE CHARLES J&MARJORffi A LIVING TRUST 05-03-94 6023 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KLEVEN C WESLEY&SHARON TRUST 06-17-98 7030 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KLINGBEIL ROBERT L&RUTH L 3336 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KNIGHT ROBERT L&NANCY L TRS 5443 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KLOOS CHRISTOPHER&RASCHEL FAMILY TRUST 02-26-05 2301EASTBROOKRD VISTA CA 92081 KNIPPELBERG ROBERT G 3443 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KLUKAS PAUL J&MICHELLE M 3683 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KNOWLAND ADAM P&SUSAN C 5078 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ©cms ©AU3AV AH3AV-OD-008H apidej aBeipas e ja a6ejjnoq;;ue uoissajdui) Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® KNOWLES WILLIAM R SURVIVORS TRUST 02-05-95 5240 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ^^^* www.avery.com — 1-800-GO-AVERY KOCH MICHAEL C&DENISE L 2096 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 AVERY® 5160® KOCHOFF RUTH E 3807 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 KOEGLER PATRICK C&LESLIE J 3701 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KOERNER SCOTT 2366 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA C A 92081 KOHL FAMILY TRUST 07-26-96 3317 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KOHL KAREN M 3414 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KOIVULA JOHN I&KRISTI A 1987 FAMILY TRUST 09-14-87 2102 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 KOLIVAYKO SERGEY&YELENA 1987 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 KOLKER 2000 TRUST 10-19-00 1635 LA PLAZA DR SAN MARCOS CA 92078 KOLLENDA KRISTOPHER J&TONIA J 3627 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 KONCHAN DONALD F 3632 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KOOLHOF FREDERIC J W FAMILY TRUST 04-23-05 3425 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBADCA92010 KOONG LING C&KUEI-SHU 1874 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 KOPLOF FAMILY TRUST 02-19- 01 3457 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KORBACHER MARY J 3649 ESPLANADE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KOSCffiLSKI FAMILY TRUST 03-02-92 3539 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KOTOFF FAMILY TRUST 09-21- 89 1301 VISTA COLINA DR SAN MARCOS CA 92078 KOTOL PAUL F&SANDRA L 5005 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 KOUNS BENNARD M&PATRICIA M TRS 1340 LAS FLORES DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KOWALIK FAMILY TRUST 08- 02-05 5059 ALICANTE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KOWALLEK TIMOTHY J&BEVERLY A 2128 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 KRAHN RAY E&VERNA M 3438 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KREBS FAMILY TRUST 03-09- 98 6067 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KREINICK EUGENE TRUST 02- 03-98 191 CALLEMAGDALENA#270 ENCINITAS CA 92024 KREMER ALEX&ALICE M 21193SMATTOONRD ESTACADA OR 97023 KRffiGER FAMILY TRUST 05- 26-00 4900 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KRIMIAN FAMILY 2002 TRUST 5330 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KRITICOS FRANK 3673 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KROESE EVELYN K 2124 RED WOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 S.091S ®091S $ je 36ejjnoquue uoissaiduii Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® KROPF RENE J&DOROTHY C 5020ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD CA 92008 KUEPPER CLAUDIA 2324 SUMMERWIND PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 KUMAR ALOK&SAHU SUMITA 3439 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY KRUEGER GILBERT S&MARILYN J REVOCABLE TRUST 03-18-96 ETAL 3879 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KUESTER JEFFREY&CARPENTER SANDRA 2986 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 KUNA BRADLEY&METTJA 3727 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® KRUMWffiDE BARRY D JR REVOCABLE TRUST 02-03-04 3676 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KUKLA MARIAN L FAMILY TRUST 03-11-04 1611 S MELROSE DR #A198 VISTA C A 92081 KUNCL DAVID B&KRISTEN A 3555 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KUO PHILIP&TRUDI L 2160REDWOODCRST VISTA C A 92081 KUPEL NANCY K LIVING TRUST 07-07-00 4253 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KURTH FAMILY TRUST 06-18- 93 3366 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KUVER OSCAR H SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 06-01-01 5172DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KW FUND I CARLSBAD 1 L P 9601 WILSHIRE BLVD #220 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 KW FUND I CARLSBAD 1 L P 9601 WILSHIRE BLVD #220 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 L R LOKER L L C 11777 SAN VICENTE BLVD #900 LOS ANGELES CA 90049 L&M PROPERTIES LLC 2640 BUSINESS PARK DR VISTA C A 92081 L&M PROPERTIES LLC 28581 OLD RANCH DR VALLEY CENTER CA 92082 LABAHN THEODORE&ARLINE D 3800 STONERTDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 LABANI MARIO&BEVERLEY REVOCABLE TRUST 03-29-00 5435 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LABY LEONARD F&LISA E TRUST 03-01-91 5082 SIROS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LACHANCE JEAN- MARC&LILLIAN J 4884 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LADY DENNIS M&PRISCILLA L 4238 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LAI WINSTON&TUNG VIVIAN 4028 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBADCA92010 LAIDERMAN JANEANE M 2968 LEXINGTON Cffi. CARLSBAD CA 92008 LAJOYE LIVING TRUST 05-13- 04 7025 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 LAMB BRYAN K&LEESA 1868 TIMBER TRL VISTA C A 92081 LAMBERT DAVID H&KAREN A 1973PINEWOODRD VISTA CA 92081 LAMBERT THOMAS P&CAROLYN F FAMILY TRUST 5452 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LAMPE NATHAN&B ARRETO FELICIANA 2010 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 ®09is AH3AV-O9-008-1 ®09LS a6ei»as e la aBeunocmue uoissajduii Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® LANDES ROBERT P&MARY L 5211 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY LANE DOREEN 1988 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA C A 92081 AVERY® 5160® LANE FAMILY TRUST 03-21-89 4900 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LANG R M D TRUST 07-11-03 5461 LOS ROBLES DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LANGE ROY&ANN H 5090 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LANTKAI PARTNERS II P O BOX 445 SANTA YNEZ CA 93460 LAPORTA RUSSELL V&MEffiR- LAPORTA KIMBERLY 2380 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LARSON INTERVIVOS TRUST 04-08-88 5134 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LARUSSA ROBERT J 2068 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 LASSWELL ELIZABETH L TR 5089 AEGINA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LAUER WILLIAM L&PATRICIA KTRS 3677 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 LAVEILLE JACK G TR 3430 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LAYMAN JAMES A&PATRICIA R 3465 DON PORFIRIO DR #284 CARLSBAD CA 92008 LAYNE BONNIE L LIVING TRUST 09-20-02 3469 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LE ANH N&MADRJD MARGARET G 3631 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEE BRIAN&MELANIE 3634 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEE DAVID V&JANA C 5072 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEE GLORIA A 5216 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEE JAMES W&SANDRA C 3800 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEE JOANMAE H <AKA HUGH- LEE JOANMAEH> 1888 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 LEE KEVIN YITCHENG 3525 COASTVffiW CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEE LENORE E LIVING TRUST 06-24-94 2286 PASEO DEL REY PALM SPRINGS CA 92264 LEE THOMAS&THERESA WU 3693 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEEMON VIVIAN 6052 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS #130 CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEGOLAND ESTATES INC PO BOX 543185 DALLAS TX 75354 LEHAN MAUREEN 2973 RJDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEHMAN TIMOTHY M&CARRffi L 5060 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEIBELT DANIEL G&SHIRLEY 3333 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 LEON LEWIS S&TERRI H 3700 RIDGE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 «091S A«3AV-O9-008-l ®091S »ueqe6 a\ zasi|jin aoidej aBeuaas e la aBejjnocmue uoissajdiui Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® LEONARD LUANNE L LIVING TRUST 09-20-88 36-560 SAQUARO CT RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 ^^^ www.avery.com —— 1-800-GO-AVERY LESS GEOFFREY M&JULIE A 3816CROWNPOINTCT CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® LEVINE BURTON A TRUST 04- 21-94 3390 DON DIABLO DR #26 CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEVINE TRUST 07-13-87 4252 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LEVY JOHN C JR REVOCABLE TRUST 11-04-04 1825 ASTON AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEVY NISSIM&ARLYNE REVOCABLE TRUST 03-13-95 5070 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LEVY VIRGINIA&WALTER 1988 TRUST 09-13-88 6068 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LEWIS DONALD&DARLEEN TRUST 2281 BAXTER CANYON RD VISTA CA 92081 LEWIS DUANE T 6935 CARNATION DR CARLSBAD CA 92009 LEWIS FAMILY TRUST 03-08-01 2975 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEWIS MALVEEN 5094 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LEWIS NORMA J TR 4940 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LI JUN&LIU MEIZHEN 3485 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBADCA92010 LI SHENG&WEI WEI 2075 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 LIAO JIAYU&XIE ZHIYI 5032 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 LIEBERMAN FAMILY 1993 TRUST 3346 DON QUDCOTE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LIN CHIEN-NENG 5056 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 LINDBERG DOLORES J TRUST 10-02-95 44 INDIAN TRL BROOKFIELD CT 06804 LINDEN JOSEPH W 02-06-87 4877 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LINDNER KNUT&INGRJD 4890 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LINDSAY DAVID L&DEKORTE JOYJ 3685 JETTY PT CARLSBADCA92010 LINDSEY JOHN S&MARIANNE R 3827 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 LINDUR TRUST 05-18-04 5261 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 LINK-AU NANCYS 3823 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 LIPSEY FAMILY TRUST 07-16- 97 5094 AEGINA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LIPTON GLADYS 2002 TRUST 5151 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LIU JUDY A 4023 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LIU ZIMIN&MARY 3448 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 LLANO GERMAN 3740 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92010 LLOYD STEVEN R 5350ELARBOLDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®09is AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®091S iueqeB a| zasj|!»n apidej eBeij^s ? je aBejjnoqj^ue uoissaiduui Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® LOCKE FRANK 3684 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY LOCKHART THOMAS R&BOBBIE 5200ELARBOLDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® LODGE JULANN E 3072 COCONUT WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 LOEB ROBERT D&CARLOTA G 2087 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA C A 92081 LOHF TRUST 06-22-92 1425 VIA DEL CORVO SAN MARCOS CA 92078 LOMAZZI MARK T&LAURA L 713 OLD COUNTY RD #C BELMONT CA 94002 LOMBARDI VINCENT&JAN L 3445 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LONG WILLIAM M&JANET J 5058 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 LONGENBAUGH PAUL E&IRMA O NAPOLILLI 5077 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LONGENECKER FAMILY TRUST 10-15-98 124 S ELM DR #3 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90212 LONGFELLOW FAMILY TRUST 04-11-96 5927 BALFOURCT #111 CARLSBAD CA 92008 LOPEZ ANTHONY A&SHELLEY L 2286 HILLYER ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 LOPEZ RAUL A&AUDREY L 4660 MEADOW DR CARLSBADCA92010 LOUGHRAN MICHAEL S&DEBORAH 1988 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 LOWE BETTY El 994 SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 5127 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LOWE LESLIE L 5078 CAESENA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 LUCORE BRYCE PO BOX 1872 CARLSBAD CA 92018 LUJAN RUBEN B 2988 BRANDON CER CARLSBAD CA 92008 LUM JOHN J H&LIZA L Y 19318MOORSHIREDR CERRITOS CA 90703 LUNA DAVID A&MICHELLE Y 3670 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LUND ROBERT W&MICHELE C 2021 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 LUONGO SHERI 2998 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LUSE STEPHEN A&MERRI A 3712 RIDGE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 LUTHER SHARON M 19524 RED WOOD GLN CASTRO VALLEY CA 94546 LYMAN ROBERT H LIVING TRUST 03-08-01 3414DONCOTADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCR6212LLC 1808 ASTON AVE #295 CARLSBAD CA 92008 M K TRUST 03-03-03 5064 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MACBETH PROPERTIES INC 2310 FARAD AY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 MACCONNELL MARJORffi A(AKA COLUCCI)TRUST 05-16- 89 5098 SIROS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MACDONALD MARY REVOCABLE TRUST 04-04-00 5314 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®09is A«3AV-O9-008-l apidej a6eipas e ®091S Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® MACE BRYAN A 3468 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY MACHADO MARY 2169BALFOURCT S AN DIEGO C A 92109 AVERY® 5160® MACK TIMOTHY P 5024 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MAGIDA JOHN&NATALIE TRUST 10-31-89 5074 CAESENA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MAHDAVI SAID 5511 MILL CREEK RD S AN DIEGO CA 92130 MAKER JAMES R&EVA M D 3762 JETTY PT CARLSBADCA92010 MAHI TRUST 02-28-05 2174 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 MAHIN ROBERT T&JOVITA C 3816STONERJJDGERD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MAHRDT WILLIAM F&GLORIA F 5105 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MALCHASKI EDDIE S&PATRICIA K TRUST 04-25-02 5359 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MALEN WALTER TR&MALEN ELEANOR MTR 3470 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MALONE GLENN A 3444 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MALONE MICHAEL D 5615 FOXTAIL LOOP CARLSBAD CA 92008 MALONE STEVE E&JANICE H 4576 CORDOBA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MALTROTTI JOHN S&JEAN T 3447 DON PORFJJUO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MAMMOTH CARLSBAD I LLC 20532 EL TORO RD #302 MISSION VIEJO CA 92692 MANAKTALA THERON K&KRISTINE A 2990 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MANDANA CAL CO PO BOX 18197 IRVINE CA 92623 MANNES LINDA M LIVING TRUST 08-03-05 4591 SALEM PL CARLSBAD CA 92010 MANZOLA HENRY C 2967 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARARISK CARLSBAD LLC 16 W HARRISON ST #201 SEATTLE WA 98119 MARCHESI MARY C 3324 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MARJERISON LORNE A&CHERYL L 5040 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARSDEN JR FAMILY TRUST 01-11-88 5048 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MARSHALL GARY E&ALICE L 3452 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARSHALL HUNTER H&JANA H 3852 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARSHALL JAY D&SUZANNE 3864 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARTELL HELEN L 3348 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARTIN C WESLEY TRUST 11- 22-94 5139 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARTIN C WESLEY TRUST 11- 22-94 5139 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®09is A«3AV-O9-008-l apjdej aBeipas ®091S »ueqe6 a| )a aBejjnoqnue uoissajdui) Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® MARTIN FAMILY TRUST 08-22- 84 3563 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 [^•M www.avery.com —— 1-800-GO-AVERY MARTIN FRANCES&MARLENE G TRUST 11-17-99 4886 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 AVERY® 5160® MARTIN JOHN H&MARBELLA 4662 MEADOW DR CARLSBADCA92010 MARTINET FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST 11-08-04 3931 MAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARTINET JULIE A 3715SANDPOINTCT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARTINEZ JENGIA 3753 JETTY PT CARLSBADCA92010 MARTINEZ JOE B A 5226 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARTOCCIA LIONEL J III&WEBB KATHLEEN M 5059 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MASER KEVIN&NANCffi REVOCABLE TRUST 01-27-05 1875 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 MASHBURN KIRK L 5033 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MASLOW JANICE K TRUST 09- 01-00 4904 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MASON FAMILY TRUST 12-14- 89 5050 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MASON RAYMOND G&KATHLEEN O 3347 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MASTON JOHN K&LOCKE SABRINAM P O BOX 296 CARLSBAD CA 92018 MATHENY ALLEN L&ADELE L 2282 HILLYER ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 MATHEWS TRUST 09-08-93 2036 SEQUOIA CREST VISTA CA 92081 MATSON EDWARD M&KAREN J 3450 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MATTESON FAMILY TRUST 09- 28-04 2257 MASTERS RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MATTHEWS ROBERT&MARY J 5081 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MAUGHAN MERLIN B&CHRISTY 1982 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 MAXVILLE JUNE D LIVING TRUST 06-23-03 3314 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MAYEDA MINORU&SUEME TRUST 12-07-97 4234 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MAYER THOMAS A&BARBARA J 3519 STOCKTON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCALLISTER CONCETTA REVOCABLE TRUST 08-15-00 5310 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCARTHUR RANDAL J&SUSAN J 2344 EASTBROOK RD VISTA CA 92081 MCCALLUM CAROLE A 1611SMELROSEDR#A VISTA CA 92081 MCCART CAROL L 3720 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCCLEAN EDWARD A <LE> BRANN KENNETH E&MARY E 1993 REVOCABLE TRUST 3342 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCCONNELL CAROLE K TRUST 05-04-05 5140ELARBOLDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCCONNELL KAY N 6004 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ®09is A«3AV-O9-008-l aBeuDas e ja aBeunocmue uoissajduii Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® MCCRACKEN-FULLERTON FAMILY TRUST OF 2002 3438 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY MCCULLAH RONALD N&MARIANNE R 3433 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® MCDERMOTT MAVIS L LIVING TRUST 02-07-02 5244 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBADCA92010 MCDONNELL LINDA 4665 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCFADDEN MICHAEL R&HONDA B 3719SANDPOINTCT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCGRANE HUGH J&TERESA M 4560 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCGRAW LLOYD&CONSTANCE REVOCABLE TRUST 07-06-90 5035 ALICANTE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MCKMNEY VIRGINIA D TR 7040 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MCINTYRE VERNA FAMILY TRUST 12-20-94 4247 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MCLEOD FAMILY TRUST 08- 04-03 3475 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCKINNEY DONALD E&MITZIE A REVOCABLE TRUST 06-01-98 3422 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCLEOD FRANK&MARY J REVOCABLE TRUST 04-03-90 3462 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCLOUGHLIN JAMES M 5245 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCMILLAN WENDY A 300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR #108 A CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCMENAMINJOHN W&ADELAIDE G TRUST 10-24- 02 5090 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MCMILLIN MONTARA L L C 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY CA 91950 MCMILIN NATALIE B 6071 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MCMILLIN RAVINIA L L C 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY CA 91950 AM3AV-OD-008-1 009LS iueqe6 a\ a6eu33S e IB sBejjnoanue uoissaidiui Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® MCMULLEN TERESE E 2030 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 MCR FARNSWORTH L L C 1808 ASTON AVE #295 CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCR LANDAU L L C 1808 ASTON AVE #295 CARLSBAD CA 92008 MCWHINNEY FAMILY TRUST 04-28-93 5085 SIROS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MEACHAM ROMY C FAMILY TRUST 08-24-94 5405 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MEEHAN DAVID&DORIS 1891 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 MEHLER/NIELSON FAMILY TRUST 05-21-03 5751 PALMER WAY #D CARLSBAD CA 92008 MEHTA DEVANG K&ARTI D 3828 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MEHTA JAY M&SHITAL J 5059 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MELCHIOR 1990 FAMILY TRUST 07-06-90 942 BEGONIA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 MELLMAN ROBERT A&RONA R LIVING TRUST 08-19-88 4884 ZENOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MELLNER MAX B&VERA FAMILY TRUST 03-29-91 4916 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MENG HSIEN-HWAI& WEI- MING 3735 WHITESANDS CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MENKES CLARK T&EMILY R 324 SKYLINE DR VISTA CA 92084 MENNING FAMILY TRUST 03- 25-91 5431 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MERCEREAU STEVEN F&IVY S 5289 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MERKOW FAMILY TRUST 11- 26-90 4881 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MERRITT GARY D&RAE M 2391 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 MERSON FAMILY TRUST 07- 21-97 5070 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MESZAROS GEORGE&MONKA E 5013ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD CA 92008 METZGER MATTHEW J 3697 JETTY PT CARLSBADCA92010 METZGAR KENNETH J&DOROTHY J REVOCABLE TRUST 08-29-98 853 MORNING SUN DR ENCINITAS CA 92024 METZGER MICHAEL R 3667 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 METZGER CHRISTOPHER W&ANNEC 5090 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MEZEY FAMILY 1999 TRUST 12-01-99 2340 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 MICELI RODGER J LIVING TRUST 1986 3315DONTOMASODR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MICHAEL FAMILY TRUST 04- 30-92 5290 EL ARBOL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MICHEL FAMILY TRUST 09-12- 02 1970 PINEWOOD RD VISTA CA 92081 ®O!HS AM3AV-OD-008-1 epjdej ®09kS »Meqe6 a| js a6ejjnoqi}ue uojssaiduii Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® MICHEL FAMILY TRUST 12-14- 88 4956 LAMIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY MICHIELI MARIA T 5114 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® MICU TOADER&MARGARET L 5094 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MIDDIEN ROBERT N 2290 HILLYER ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 MDDDLETON RAE E TRUST 06- 25-81 4893 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MIDKIFF FAMILY TRUST 06-23- 04 5307 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MfflOLICH AGNES TR 4471COASTLINEAVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 MILES ROBERT A&KATHLEEN A 2156 REDWOOD CREST VISTA CA 92081 MILLER BRIAN F 2375 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MILLER FAMILY TRUST 05-10- 02 3490 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MILLER FAMILY TRUST 06-08- 87 3570 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MILLER FAMILY TRUST 07-10- 88 4246 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MILLER LEO J&BEVERLEY J 2970 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MILLER WILMA TR 3421 DON COTADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MINKLER FAMILY TRUST 11- 01-95 3478 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MINKS VIRGIL L&MARY 5459 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MINTEER JOHN A 2085 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 MIRAMONTES ESTHER 2992 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MIRONOFF GEORGE M&MELINDA 5380 EL ARBOL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MITCHELL JENNIFER L TR 3080 CAMINITO TERCER VERDE DEL MAR CA 92014 MITCHELL JOHN C&ANABEL C 11963WOODHULLRD FORESTPORT NY 13338 ©09 is ®At!3AV A83AV-O9-008-1 apjdej e6eipfs ®09LS }ueqe6 a\ Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® MITCHELL THEODORE J&VERA H FAMILY TRUST 03- 04-02 5082 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MOLLE ROBERT&MARIA REVOCABLE TRUST 03-11-99 3413DONCOTADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® MITHERS JOEL&GLORLA. SURVIVORS TRUST 5090 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MONSEGUR JAMES L 3669 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MOIR JAMES&MARLYS LIVING TRUST 03-05-04 3379 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MONTEZ CYNTHIA 3649 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MONTOYA MILDRED E 5315 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MOONEY DANIEL R 7049 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MOORE BETTY L 2979 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 MOORE DUANE 4014 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MORENO JILL A 3432 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MORGAN GREGG 2395 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 MORGAN J&MARGARET L GREENE TRUST 07-01-81 525 PASEO DEL BOSQUE VISTA CA 92081 MORGAN NANCY K 5090 SIROS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MORGAN VICKIE L FAMILY TRUST 02-22-02 2080 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 MORGAN-ALTON LTD 15375 BARRANCA PKWY #E102 IRVINE CA 92618 MORGOSH LISA F 3622 PROMONTORY PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 MORRISON MARGARITA M TRUST 01-24-90 4900 ZENOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MOSER JEFFERY L&DEE A 2359 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MOSS STEVEN H&JANET E 23679 CALABASAS RD #360 CALABASAS CA 91302 MOUKIZEN 3302 DON QUIXOTE DR #7 CARLSBAD CA 92008 MULLER DAVID E&JEAN 5258 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MULLER DEREK G&MCNEIL- MULLER MELINDA E 2363 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MULLINS FAMILY TRUST 04- 16-90 P O BOX 2327 CARLSBADCA92018 MULVILLE FAMILY TRUST 9-6- 90 5094 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MUNDORFF FAMILY TRUST 08-30-83 4896 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MUNDY CAROLYN REVOCABLE TRUST 11-28-91 2113 TWAIN AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 MUNIER CHRIS 3668 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MUNRATH EARL&ALICE REVOCABLE TRUST 10-03-89 3446 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MURPHEY FAMILY TRUST 07- 20-90 5180 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®09is ®Ad3AV AM3AV-O9-008-1 e6eipss e ja a6e.unoq£ue Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® MURPHEY RICHARD C TR&MURPHEY MARY F TR 4920 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY MURPHY THOMAS A TRUST 08-17-89 7050 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 AVERY® 5160® MURRAY FAMILY TRUST 07- 10-02 3718SANDPOINTCT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MURRAY NORA B LIVING TRUST03-24-00 2082 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 MYRON L L L C 2450 IMP ALA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MURRAY SUZANNE SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 07-18-00 3402 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NAFF GEORGE J 5070 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 MYERS FAMILY TRUST 09-04- 98 3428 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NAGRIKANILAS 3661 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NAIK VIJAY&MADHVI 3463 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NAIMO LIVING TRUST 06-19-00 2070 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 NAJARIAN MOURAD&IRENE A FAMILY TRUST 08-09-77 5164 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NASH THOMAS J&JILL A 2978 W RTDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 NATIONAL ASSN OF MUSIC MERCHANTS INC 5790 ARMADA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NAUTA FAMILY TRUST 09-18- 87 3478 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NEAL CLAUDE L&GAGLIONE DANAM 3443 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 NEAL FAMILY TRUST 06-02-00 3444 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NEILSON DAN&DOLORES TRUST 08-04-00 5089 SIROS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 NELSON JEAN LIVING TRUST 05-15-98 5313 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NELSON PAULA 2148 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 NELSON THOMAS J&ELIZABETH A 5054 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 NERHUS BRADLEY E 2098 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 NESBIT COLETTE 4545 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NEWLAND WILLIAM D JR&VICTORIA S 4023 ALTO ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 NEWMAN BRENT W&HEATHER E 3803 STONERJDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 NEWMAN LIVING TRUST 06- 30-89 4259 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 NEWMAN PAUL J&MINDE 3476 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NEWPORT NATIONAL/CORNERSTONE L L C 1525 FARADAY AVE #100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 NEWTON OSWALD R 3468 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NGUYEN HffiN THANH 9072 WESTVALE RD S AN DIEGO CA 92129 ®09is AH3AV-OD-008-1 UIOrAjBAB'MMM ®091S apidej aSeuaas e la a6ejjnoquue uoissajduii Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® NGUYEN LIEM KHANH&TRAN VICTORIA 3817 SHALE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ^^^ www.avery.com •"•"" 1-800-GO-AVERY NICKEL JOSEPH S REVOCABLE TRUST 11-06-87 3328 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® NICKLIN GERALD&JOAN M 3454 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NICOLAS SAMUEL&CAROL 1997 REVOCABLE INTER VIVOS TRUST 5067 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 NIVASNANDA PONGTHANES&NUANJARAT 4664 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 NIELSEN DANIEL F III&VALENTINE JULIE F 2069 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 NOBLE BARCLAY D&JUDITH L 3884 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 NISHIMOTO NANCY R 1866 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 NOLEN PAUL E TRUST 01-05-93 4026 VISTA CALAVERAS OCEANSIDE CA 92056 NORMANDEAU MARY A REVOCABLE TRUST 12-03-99 23895 CORTE EMERADO MURRIETA CA 92562 NORTH COAST MARKETING L LC 2185 FARADAY AVE #120 CARLSBAD CA 92008 NORTH GEORGE E&RITA M <DVA> 3441 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 NORTON FAMILY TRUST 08-06- 94 5058 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 NOVAK FAMILY TRUST 5077 SIROS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 NOVAK-FINNEY TRUST 06-22- 04 3339 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 OBRYAN EWELL JR FAMILY TRUST 10-08-98 5109 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCEAN HILLS COUNTRY CLUB HOMEOWNERS ASSN 4600 LEISURE VILLAGE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 OCEAN HILLS COUNTRY CLUB HOMEOWNERS ASSN A 470/DEISUREVlLLAaE\WAY / AMIAV-09-008-1 a6eu33s ®091S iueqe6 *\ aBejjnoanue uoissaidwi Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® OCEAN HILLS COUNTRY CLUB HOMEOWNERS ASSN 2424 VISTA WAY #204 OCEANSIDE CA 92054 ODAY JAMES R&CAROL A 5045 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 OHLSEN THOMAS M&LINDA K 5273 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 OKIHIRO MARK S&BARBARA A 1880 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 OLEARY DOUGLAS M&THERESA K 3880 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 OLEARY SHEILA L TR 3657 ESPLANADE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 OLIVER LUCILLE 5108 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 OLSON MAUREEN C P O BOX 339 VISTA CA 92085 OMIDVAR FAMILY TRUST 10- 31-02 26901 HIGHWOOD CIR LAGUNA HILLS CA 92653 OOSTEROM HARRY L&BETTE J 5198 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ORLOFF MAI T 3840 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 OSULLIVAN IVY A TRUST 10- 22-87 6055 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 OSWALD DAVID J REVOCABLE TRUST 10-15-01 1891 AVENIDA MIMOSA ENCINITAS CA 92024 OTT LORA A 5209 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 OUERGHIMOHAMED S&BEATRIZ 3512 LEVEE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 OUIMET SUZANNE M 10880 IVY HILL DR #5 S AN DIEGO C A 92131 ®09is ®Ad3AV A83AV-OD-008-1 apidej e6e.unocmue uoissejduii Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® OVERALL DON B&PATRICIA M 2994 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY OVERLAND JOANNE 5430 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® OWENS MICHAEL R&MARIE A 3669 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 OWENS WILLIAM N&ANNA M 1876 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 P D G CARLSBAD 46 LTD 4330 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR #110 S AN DIEGO C A 92122 P D G CARLSBAD 59 LTD 4330 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR #110 S AN DIEGO C A 92122 PACE FAMILY LIVING TRUST 12-21-91 5157DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PACHECO FAMILY TRUST 5094 CAESENA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PACIFIC RESEARCH CENTER L P 3838 CAMINO DEL RIO N #300 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 PADILLA MOISES&EVA 2377 BROOKHAVENPASS VISTA C A 92081 PAGE THOMAS M&KAREN J 2394 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 PALAMA HUNA L L C 1420 BRISTOL STN #100 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 PALILEO RAYMOND J&CHRISTINE J 3699 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PALMER FAMILY TRUST 5073 AEGINA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PALMER WAY LLC 5741 PALMER WAY #D CARLSBAD CA 92008 PALMER WAY LLC 5741 PALMER WAY #D CARLSBAD CA 92008 PALOMAR FORUM ASSOCIATES LP 1420 BRISTOL ST N #100 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 RALOMAR&CO 5&50 AVENflM ENGINAS &BAp C\W08V__^ PALOMAR&CO 5850 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 92008 *PALOMAR&C PALUMBO PAULA 4888 ZENOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PANTHER CORA M TRUST 04- 19-00 3479 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PAPARISTO GENT&LEE MAL SU 3579 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PAPP JOHN J III&JACALYN M 3657 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PAREJA PABLO E&ADRIANA M 2285 AUDEN PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 PARIZEAU KIMBERLY 5069 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 PARK CHAN IL 3812STONERIDGERD CARLSBAD CA 92008 AMiAV-OD-008-t apidej aSeipas e ia a6ejjnoqiiue uojssaiduii Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® PARK FAMILY TRUST 01-28-03 5262 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY PARK SOO HONG 3726 MYKONOS LN #145 SAN DIEGO CA 92130 AVERY® 5160® PARK YOUNG SUN&AESOON 3708 RIDGE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 PARRISH JEANNE 4597 SALEM PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 PASCUCCI JOSEPH M&VALERIE D TRS 5227 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PASHBY JEFFREY A 3691 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 PATEL FAMILY TRUST 04-09-97 2043 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 PATEL JAYKANT B&TRUPTI J 3689 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PATEL MAHESH 5074 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 PATEL RAMU D&KUSUM R 100 GEORGIA NORTH INDUSTRIAL CIR ADAIRSVILLE GA 30103 PATERSON KENT R&PAMELA R 4749 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PATERSON SCOTT D&JOSEPHINE A 2385 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 PATTERSON JOSEPH M&KARENJ 5044 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 PAUL GERALD&LIS 1992 CHERRYWOOD ST VISTA CA 92081 PAULEK ALBERT&MARY FAMILY TRUST 12-15-93 3474 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PAULSON DENNIS J&LINDA K 1721 ARYANADR ENCINITAS CA 92024 PAYNE JOSEPH D&KRISTI L 126 HARBOUR TOWN CT MONTGOMERY TX 77356 PDG CARLSBAD 47&48 L P 4330 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR #110 S AN DIEGO CA 92122 PDG CARLSBAD 47&4S L P 4330 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR #110 S AN DIEGO C A 92122 PEARN WILLIAM H P O BOX 883 VISTA CA 92085 PEARSON FAMILY TRUST 04- 24-03 2037 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 PEASE KJMBERLEE J 4532 HARTFORD PL CARLSBADCA92010 PECK JOHN&ELIZABETH I 4012 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD CA 92010 PEDERSEN CHRISTOPHER J&LISA M P O BOX 2783 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 PEDROTTA CHARLES H 3442 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PELLETTIERI JILL L 3674 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 PEREIRA TREVOR X&JOAN M 2341 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 PEREZ JUAN J&DEBORAH T 3433 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PERGOLA NEVADA L L C PO BOX 1215 CARLSBADCA92018 PERLMAN AUDREY M SURVIVORS TRUST 11-17-04 5078 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®091S apidei aBeipas e ia aBejjnoquue uoissajduii Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® PERRY JOSEPH&MARJORffi E 5236 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY PESAK EVA 4018 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 AVERY® 5160® PETERSON CYNTHIA G 4565 PURDUE AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98105 PETRACH REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 05-03-90 3547 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PETSAS ANASTASIA N 3643 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 PHAM JULIE 3652 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 PHARES JOE D&SIUULA MARGARET S 2018 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 PHEGLEY REVOCABLE TRUST 01-24-96 3422 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PHELPS LIVING TRUST 05-07- 04 2071 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 PHILLIPS FAMILY TRUST 06- 07-01 11023ELARCODR WHITTIER CA 90604 PHILLIPS JULIAN P&JOY L 5321 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PICCINIDIANNEC 3330 DON QULXOTE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PICHNEY CHARLOTTE L 2001 TRUST 06-11-01 4896 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PICHNEY HAROLD FAMILY TRUST 06-21-99 4868 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PIERCE FAMILY TRUST 12-18- 01 2069 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 PIERCE KEVIN W&CATALINA A 3509 CAY DR CARLSBADCA92010 PIERCE RICHARD L&CHLOE G FAMILY 2004 TRUST 5301 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PINSKE HERBERT A 3449 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PISACANE NANCY C 5120ELARBOLDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PITT PATRICIA A 5121 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PLEICK JOHN C&LENA C 3541 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PLESSNER JOAN LIVING TRUST 10-12-93 3384 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PODRUP TRUST 06-25-96 3460 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PLMS HOLDINGS INC 2304 FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 POLLOCK BRETT H&MARYCARMEN 3807 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 PLOESER DAVID&DEBORAH 2004 REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 04-02-04 2988 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 POLNAU JEFFREY E 2083 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 PONGRATZ PAMELA R 4020 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBADCA92010 POOL JANINE M 5242 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 POPOVICH FAMILY 2005 TRUST 06-27-05 3529 CAY DR CARLSBADCA92010 ®09is <§>AU3AV A«3AW-O9-008-l ®091S »Meqe6 a| zasi|jin e ia s6e.unoqijue uoissaiduit Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® PORTER EDMON LOIN TRUST 10/29/97 3661 ESPLANADE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ^^^ www.avery.com •"•" 1-800-GO-AVERY PORTER MARY H TRUST 03-10- 05 PO BOX 1155 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 AVERY® 5160® POTTER BRIAN C&LISA R 3813 SHALE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 POWELL MICHAEL C&JOANN M 2058 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 POWERS DOUGLAS A&APRIL L 2040 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 PP CARLSBAD INC 3890 W NORTHWEST HWY #400 DALLAS TX 75220 PP CARLSBAD INC 3890 W NORTHWEST HWY #400 DALLAS TX 75220 PRATT FAMILY TRUST 10-22- 03 5422 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ?P CARLSBAD INC 400 PRENTISS PROPERTIES ACQUISITION PARTNERS L P 3890 W NORTHWEST HWY #400 DALLAS TX 75220 PP PAC RIDGE INC 3890 W NORTHWEST HWY #400 DALLAS TX 75220 PRENTISS PROPERTIES ACQUISITION PARTNERS L P 3890 W NORTHWEST HWY #400 DALLAS TX 75220 PRICE FAMILY TRUST 10-19-72 3433 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PRICE TRUST 08-02-94 3311 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PRIGG HARRY D&BARBARA FAMILY TRUST 08-14-92 5208 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PROCHASKA TAMARA 4889 ZENOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PROCSAL FAMILY TRUST 06- 30-05 4242 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PROESEL FAMILY TRUST 04- 21-89 5098 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PROVENZANO AMBER 3809 PLAZA DR #107 OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PRUITT RAYNELI 5136 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PUGLIESE FRANK A 4544 CAMBRIDGE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 PURCELL DONALD E 4007 VISTA CALAVERAS OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PUZIO EDWARD M 3721 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 PUZO JEANNE M TR 3460 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 QUACH CUC 2297 GRAND ALL DR S AN DIEGO C A 92111 QUARRY CREEK SHOPPING CENTERS OWNERS ASSN 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY CA 91950 QUART FAMILY 1990 TRUST 4964 LAMIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 QUIGLEY JOHN D 1966PINEWOODRD VISTA CA 92081 RAM BUILDING OWNERS L L C 5225 AVD ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 92008 RP H INDUSTRIAL L L C P O BOX 4900 SCOTTSDALE AZ 85261 AM3AV-O9-008H amdej aBeinas e la a6e.unoaii.ue uoissajdiui Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® RABADIA ANIRUDDH J&LILAVATI A 2053 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY RADCLIFFE HAROLD S&LORRAINE M 2016 APPLEWOOD LN VISTA CA 92081 AVERY® 5160® RAFFERTY DANIEL J 5081 ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD CA 92008 RAISI KASSRA&KENDYL L 5269 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 RAISNER DEBORAH R 213 E CACHE LA POUDRE ST COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80903 RAJ KANNAN&KANNAN SARASWATHI 3823 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 RANCHO CARLSBAD OWNERS ASSN 5200 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92008 RANKIN SHAUNA L 3652 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD OWNERS RASMUSSEN JANET B TRUST 12-05-03 5354 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RANCHO MILAGRO L L C 1633MECCADR LA JOLLA CA 92037 RATHBONE FAMILY TRUST 03- 04-05 3314 DON QUIXOTE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RAYNER BARBARA D J 3554 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RAYNER STEVE S&LINDA C P 0 BOX 33202 S AN DIEGO C A 92163 READ HEATHER J 4928 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 REAGAN MATTHEW J 3650 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 REALTY ASSOCIASTES FUND VIILP 600 W BROADWAY #3150 SAN DIEGO CA 92101 RECK RICHARD A 4534 HARTFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 REED ROSS E TRUST 04-09-96 5143 DON M ATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 REEDER MARY E TRUST 12-05- 01 9126 HOLIDAY LN PINON HILLS CA 92372 REEVES TIMOTHY J 2190 REDWOOD CRST VISTA C A 92081 REHM WALTER P 2004 TRUST 4108 RHODES WAY OCEAN HILLS CA 92056 REICH DALE&DONNA 5115 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 REINHOLZ BETTY L 3323 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 REITZ EDWARD G&JENE S 3454 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 REKAB PROPERTIES 591 CAMINO DE LA REINA #1100 SANDIEGOCA92108 RESPIMUN ASSCS P 0 BOX 8326 LONGBOAT KEY FL 34228 REWOLDT RONALD J&KAREN L FAMILY TRUST 03-03-03 2721 VANCOUVER ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 REYES GONZALO&MARIA 2988 WOODBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 REYNOLDS LORETTA E 4533 HARTFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 AM1AV-O9-008-1 ®091S iueqe6 a| zesj|jin apidej a6eipes e la a6ejjnoqiiue uoissajdwi Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® REYNOLDS RONALD L&JACQUELINE S FAMILY TRUST 06-21-01 2835 CAMINO DEL RIO S #350 S AN DIEGO CA 92108 RHEE TERESA 3708 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ••MM www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY RHEAD CLAUDE R&KATHERINE C 4016VIADELAPAZ OCEANSIDE CA 92057 RICCI DOROTHY L LIVING TRUST 12-13-04 3457 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® RHEE ANNA 3686 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RICHARDS ANN TRUST 02-07- 96 6035 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 RICHARDSON 1994 TRUST A 02-25-94 6028 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 RICHARDSON RUTH L&WOODWARD FORREST W 5160ELARBOLDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RICHTER FAMILY TRUST 03- 04-87 3464 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RICHTER JESSICA A 2319EASTBROOKRD VISTA C A 92081 RICHTER JULIE A <AKA MULLEN JULIE A> 2958 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 RICKER ANDREA L 2960 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBADCA92010 RICKERT NANCY L TRUST 09- 03-99 5336 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RICKEY FAMILY INTERVIVOS REVOCABLE TRUST 10-27-99 2136 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 RIDGECREST PROPERTIES P O BOX 424 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 RIGGIN RICHARD E&MARIA A 2308 EASTBROOK RD VISTA C A 92081 RIGGINS MIGUEL 5080 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 RILEY MICKIE L&HANSI 277 RANCHEROS DR #303 SAN MARCOS CA 92069 RILLIE EMMA 3665 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 RIND FAMILY TRUST 09-21-95 4936 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 RITTER DON W&BETTY A 5106 DON MAT ADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RITTER FRANCIS D&DIXIE G 5074 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 RJP PARTNERS L L C 9333 RESIDENCIA NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 ROBBINS JOHN M JR&LAURA E FAMILY TRUST 06-01-87 6009 PATMOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ROBERSON FAMILY TRUST 03- 22-94 6013 PATMOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ROBERTS FAMILY TRUST 03- 08-96 5089 CAESENA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ROBERTS FAMILY TRUST 05- 11-90 5078 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ROBERTSON CURTIS A&LORI A 2989 WOODBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROBERTSON FAMILY TRUST 04-19-95 29408 PASO ROBLES RD VALLEY CENTER CA 92082 ROBINSON FAMILY LIVING TRUST 01-23-98 5086 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 9205 6 ®09LS AM3AV-OD-008-1 (8,0915 31V1dlM31 ®A»AV asn aSpnuis pus uier Impression antibourrage et d sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® ROBINSON FAMILY TRUST 06- 01-88 5117 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY ROBINSON MARVIN A 3487 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBADCA92010 AVERY® 5160® ROBLES ALBERT C&MARY P 3488 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROBLES FRANCES T 2000 TRUST 07-11-00 2712 WATERBURY WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROCHAMBEAU FAMILY TRUST 02-23-99 3473 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROCK ALAN&PHYLLIS 5178DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROCKWELL MICHAEL T 3456 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 RODSTROM RICHARD R 11450 VILLAGE RIDGE RD S AN DIEGO C A 92131 ROESCH JOHN W&REGINA L 3821 SHALE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROESTI FAMILY TRUST 03-05- 91 5081 SIROS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ROGERS ALLEN L&TERESA 2066 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA C A 92081 ROHDE FAMILY TRUST 12-16- 97 5039 ALICANTE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ROHNY KAMILL REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 11-05-93 37855 VIA MAJORCA MURRIETA CA 92562 ROJAS ALEJANDRO&ORTIZ- PARRA YOLANDA 5063 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROKNI SHAHRYAR PO BOX 1754 CARLSBADCA92018 ROLL FAMILY TRUST 02-23-96 5026 TIERRA DEL ORO CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROMBOTIS JERRY L&DAISY D TRUST 10-08-98 1730CALAVOCT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROMERO RYAN R&JUSTINA M 3451 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 RONCONE THERESA A TRUST 07-20-98 4552 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROSA VINCENT A JR&JOAN L 4255 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ROSE FAMILY TRUST 01-31-89 4905 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ROSEN DONALD J&SHEILA REVOCABLE TRUST 02-14-97 4948 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ROSSI MARK W&JULIE 3755 CALDERA PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROSENGART WALLACE&GLORIA FAMILY TRUST 09-19-01 3517 LEVEE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROTHENBERG GLORIA 4957 LAMIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ROSS ED J&FAYE B 4953 LERKAS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ROUILLER DEAN&DARLA 5595 FOXTAIL LOOP CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROUSSEL PHILIPPE&LAURIE W 2841 LEV ANTE ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROWLEN WILLIAM T 3479 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 RUBOTTOM BRADLEY G 3710 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®09is AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®091S 31\ndl/\l3J. 6ujiiiHd aaJJ eBpnuis pue wer Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® RUDDY FAMILY TRUST 11-06- 00 4002 ALTO ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ^^^" www.avery.com "•"•"• 1-800-GO-AVERY RUDY CALIFORNIA TRUST NO 105-18-03 1621 LYNNHURST ST WICHITA KS 67212 AVERY® 5160® RUHNAU DAVID F 3775 10TH ST RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RUFfNAU/ENGEL FAMILY TRUST 02-26-91 5602 LOMA VERDE RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 RUNNER FAMILY LIVING TRUST 06-12-97 3433 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RUSSELL FAMILY TRUST 06- 30-04 972 KNOWLES AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 RUSSELL JOHN&MONIQUE 3642 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 RUSSELL SAMUEL&NORMA FAMILY TRUST 12-08-04 5406 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RUTHERFORD ROAD LLC 4350 VON KARMAN AVE #400 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 RYFLE OSCAR A JR&MARILYN A 3349 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RYU REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS LP 5731 PALMER WAY #C CARLSBAD CA 92008 S&S TRUST 04-04-84 5183DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SAAR CHARLES E LIVING TRUST 09-25-92 5415 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SABOURIN WES J 5101 DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SAENZ FRANCES&ROLAND LIVING TRUST 12-04-89 2856 WESTHAM CIR THOUSAND OAKS CA 91362 SAIDENBERG CHARLES L&SHARON L 3456 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SAILER MICHAEL M&NINSUDA C 5256 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SALAZAR CONNIE 2976 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SALGUEIRO JOSEPH A 4028 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD CA 92010 SALIBO FAMILY TRUST 02-16- 04 3444 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SALOUR MICHAEL M LIVING TRUST 09-09-86 2330 FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 SALOUR MICHAEL M LIVING SALSICCIA JENNIFER 1661DOCENARD CARLSBAD CA 92009 SALTZMAN FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST 12-14-93 4954 LERKAS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SALVATION ARMY 2320 5TH AVE SAN DIEGO CA 92101 SAMMON EVELYN L TRUST 09-15-99 2949 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SANCHEZ FERNANDO&LEILA TRUST 09-28-00 5028 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 SANDERS FRED W REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 01- 21-04 5357 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SAN-GAL TRUST THE 550 WEST CST #1820 S AN DIEGO CA 92101 SANTO STANLEY I TRUST 03- 19-99 3836 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 3,0915 § AU3AV AMiAV-OD-008-l ®091S a\ Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® SANZ FREDERICK M&LINDA L 3533 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ^^^ www.avery.com —' 1-800-GO-AVERY SARGENT GREG V&MILISSA A 4661 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 AVERY® 5160® SARRAZOLLA CARL&GRETCHEN S 3803 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 SAVAGE RICHARD D&SANDRA 1977PINEWOODRD VISTA CA 92081 SAWYER BONNIE B 3467 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SAWYER TERRY D&CECILIA A P 0 BOX 2670 CARLSBADCA92018 SCHAAF FAMILY TRUST 09-02- 84 5350 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHAFER FAMILY TRUST 04- 10-97 6031DASSIAWAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SCHAFER KIMBERLY A 3712 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHELL FAMILY TRUST 10-25- 93 5073 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SCHENK FAMILY TRUST 07-25- 02 3467 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHIMMENTI FAMILY TRUST 03-20-98 6060 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SCHIMPF EMIL&JEAN FAMILY TRUST 09-21-00 3454 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHINHOFEN TIMOTHY H&KILEY MARY-LOUISE 3437 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHLEIF CHRIS S 2052 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 SCHNEIDER DAVID W 2049 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 SCHNEIDER JEFFREY O&ZENAIDA A 5049 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHNEIDER JOAN R 3448 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 SCHNEIDER MARVIN TRUST 05-01-03 3449 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHOLL LILLIAN R TR (TRUST A) 444 N EL CAMINO REAL #119 ENCINITAS CA 92024 SCHNEIDER NANCY M 4663 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHOUWE MARC A SR&CECILIA V 5093 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHNITZENBAUMER FRANCIS X&HELEN M LIVING TRUST 10- 02-00 3698 STRATA DR CARLSBADCA92010 SCHRAMM DONALD L&DAYNA S 4005 VISTA CALAVERAS OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SCHRECK STEFAN G 2057 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 SCHROEDER WILLIAM R&MARIE P 4944 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SCHROPE CHARLES J&JULIE P 2032 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 SCHUMACHER FAMILY TRUST 08-15-02 3439 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHWARTZ RICK E&JENNIFER J 3623 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHWffiBERT WILLIAM H&DAWN C TRUST 06-03-96 16287 OAK CREEK TRL POWAY CA 92064 AH3AV-OD-008-1 ®091S aoidej aBeuaas e ia aBejjnocmue uoissajdiui Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® SCOTELLA FAMILY TRUST 11- 20-89 3420 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ^^^» www.avery.com —— 1-800-GO-AVERY SCOTT MARGUERITE D 1991 LIVING TRUST 2062 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 AVERY® 5160® SCOZZARI FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST 12-27-02 1996 CHERRYWOOD ST VISTA C A 92081 SEA VISTA HOMEOWNERS ASSN 4420 HOTEL CIRCLE CT #345 S AN DIEGO C A 92108 SEBILIAN MARLA M 227 INTERN WAY DURHAM NC 27713 SEEKER DEVELOPMENT L L C PO BOX 1676 RAMONA CA 92065 SEILER 1994 REVOCABLE TRUST 5343 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SEIPP BRAD&TRACY 3444 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 SELINGER JEROME&SYLVIA 1990 FAMILY TRUST 10-17-90 5082 AEGINA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SELKOWITZ DAVID F&EVELYN 3462 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SELLERS LON E&LEELANUCH 2312 EASTBROOK RD VISTA CA 92081 SEVERING JULIE A 2959 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SHABESTARI DAVID&STEPHANIE 2059 SEQUOIA CREST VISTA CA 92081 SHADRICK ROGER C&PEGGY P 5152 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SHAFER JANE M TRUST 12-31- 97 3529 CANNON RD #2B OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SHARP FAMILY LTD PTNSHP 1775ELEVADORD VISTA CA 92084 SHARP FAMILY LTD PTNSHP 1000 CHRYSLER DR AUBURN HILLS MI 48326 SHARP LIETTE C TRUST 03-24- 89 838 OAKWOOD AVE GLENDORACA91741 SHAW CYD L 2985 WOODBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 SHAW HILDA J 5120 DON M ATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SHEA BRIAN D&JULIE A 2245 MASTERS RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 10721 TREENAST#200 SAN DIEGO C A 92131 SHEA HOMES LIMITED 10721 TREENA S#200 SAN^DIEGOCA 92^31" SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 10721 SAN-DIEGO CA 92131 SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP/^ 107240'REJiNASTkoO /"~ S AN DIEGO C A 92131 SHEA HOMES LTD P^LTNERS 1072 SAN ^DlfiGOCA 92131 SHEAHAN LAURIE A 375 N MELROSE DR #G VISTA CA 92083 SHEARER THOMAS J&CHRISTY K 3678 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SHERRER STEVEN&NICOLE 2004 TRUST 09-27-04 5021 ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD CA 92008 SHIPMAN EDWARD A&SHONDA D 5349 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AH1AV-O9-008-1 ®091S iueqeB aoidej a6euaas e ia aBejjnoemue Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® SHORT ROBERT T&JONI D 2086 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 ^^^™ www.avery.xom >^™1 1-800-GO-AVERY SIEGEL CHARLES A TRUST 03- 15-99<DVA> 5136 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® SIEH MURIEL TRUST 05-07-97 3465 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SIELER FAMILY TRUST 02-02- 84 5082 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SIERRA SANTIAGO A&VIRGINIA T 2343MERWINDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SMES RONALD V TRUST 05- 13-03 3491 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SIMMONS FAMILY TRUST 03- 19-90 3473 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SIMON SIDNEY&JEANNE F <DVA> 3479 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SIMPSON DOUGLAS G 5740 FLEET ST #100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 SIMPSON HARDIN T TR 5073 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SIMPSON LORI M 2317SANELIJOAVE CARDIFF CA 92007 SINCLAIR WINIFRED L 3435 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SINGH RABINDRANATH&RADHA 5505 COYOTE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 SINTON SHEILA 5089 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SIOKROBERT&JOAN 1995 REVOCABLE TRUST 4897 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SIRIANI CHRISTOPHER P&STACEY C 3447 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 SIVAK RALPH L 1031 PALMAVE#8 CARLSBAD CA 92008 SKAPIK MARK J&GERALYN M 5327 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBADCA92010 SKEGGS HENRY A&OPAL E 4893 ZENOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SKY MESA RANCH L L C 1670 LA FORCE RD ALPINE CA 91901 SLAPIN ROBERT A&ILENE E 5052 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 SLAUGHTER GRACE E TRUST 04-12-00 3434 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SLAVIN BERNARD TR&SLAVIN MYRNA TR 6064 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SLOAN FAMILY TRUST 07-16- 90 5083 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SMITH BARBARA J TRUST 10- 24-00 3485 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SMITH DALE P&ROBIN F 2066 REDWOOD CREST VISTA CA 92081 SMITH DAWN M 2972 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 SMITH JAY LAWRENCE II&KATHERINE MARIE 3892 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 SMITH KENNETH B&HILDEGARD S REVOCABLE TRUST 12-01-92 5362 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SMITH RICHARD S TR 5047 ALICANTE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ©cms ®AU3AV Aa3AV-O9-008-l ®091S *ueqe6 a) spidej aBeipas ? je a6ejjnoq|jue uoissaiduii impression antiuourrage ex a secnage rapiae Utilisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® SMITH ROBERT V&ALMA S REVOCABLE TRUST 08-04-04 1068MANGROVELN ALAMEDA CA 94502 SMITH SCOTT M 2044 RIDGELINE AVE VISTA CA 92081 SMITH VARRO U FAMILY TRUST 02-05-97 5005 TIERRA DEL ORO CARLSBAD CA 92008 SMITH WILLIAM ALBEKT&CAROLYN/ AT TI 488' SNOWDEN~LAURiEB REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 05- 27-98 5009 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 SONNEN SHIRLEY G TRUST 09- 15-98 5093 AEGINA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SNELSON SIGMUND&ANN E POBOX 1175 EASTSOUND WA 98245 SNYDER LEASING 13502 E VIRGINIA AVE BALDWIN PARK CA 91706 SOX FAMILY TRUST 08-18-95 4932 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SNOW FAMILY TRUST 01-04-01 5310 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SNYDER WILLIAM R&KERRI S 4657 MEADOW DR CARLSBADCA92010 SPADA FREDERICK E 4562 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SPARKS DOROTHY S TRUST 04-20-05 3453 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SPEAKS TRUST 12-04-90 4872 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SPERO JOHN C 2954 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 SPIEGL FAMILY TRUST 05-12- 05 5071DASSIAWAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SPIRON CARL D JR&DEBORAH L 4596 SALEM PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 SPRAGUE TED G&KATHLEEN A 3445 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SPRUNK FAMILY TRUST 05-02- 96 4899 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 STAHL DOUGLAS J&JERRI L 4909 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 STAMPER SANDRA K 2962 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 STANDERFER RITSUYE R 3332 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STANICEK ERWIN&BARBARA REVOCABLE TRUST 01-09-90 4891 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 STANLEY HELEN L 5370 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STANTON FAMILY TRUST 10- 21-98 5065 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 STARKEL THOMAS A&ALEXIS M 2046 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 STARKEY ERNEST JR&INES M 5280 EL ARBOL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STEADMAN HELLEN F 5132DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STEELE DALE A&LYN J 100 SIERRA VISTA RD SANTA BARBARA CA 93108 STEIER KIM 2957 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 AU1AV-O9-008-1 ®091S A«AV asn aSpnuis pue uier impression anviuuuiiaye ei a secnage rapine Utilisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® STEIN JODI L 3694STRATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STELLAR PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 8681 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 PROPERTIES LLC STEPHENS DAVID A&EDITH C 1883 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 STEPHENS SPENCER A 3763 JETTY PT CARLSBADCA92010 STEPHENS TERRY W&BARBARA E 5147 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STEPHENSON LIVING TRUST 04-13-90 5110DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STEPHENSON WADDY E 2985 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STEWART REED A 5308 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STIPP HUGH J&BARBARA I FAMILY TRUST 10-02-92 5168 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STITH HARRY P&NORTRUD 3454 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STOABS FAMILY TRUST 01-27- 95 5184 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 TOABS FAMILY TRUST 01-27-STOABS FAMILY TRUST 01-27- 5U84 D6kRODO#F& DR/^_^ STOCKDALE FAMILY TRUST 05-22-02 3653 ESPLANADE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 STOLMAKER CHARLOTTE TR 5107 DON MATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STONE FAMILY TRUST 3464 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STOREY ELLEN M TRUST 06- 18-97 5097 SIROS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 STORRS CHET C&ANGELA 5075 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 STORTI FAMILY TRUST 10-03- 01 3373 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STOTLER BART&SUSAN 5090ELARBOLDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STOTLER DUSTIN H 3709 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 STOUT BRADEN C&LISA K 2148 COAST AVE SAN MARCOS CA 92078 STRANGE FRANK W&MARILYN J 3367 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STRINGER VIOLET B REVOCABLE TRUST 04-12-02 3475 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STRINZ IVAN&ALENE REVOCABLE TRUST 07-26-83 5366 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STROH LIVING TRUST 06-04-86 6043 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 STROTHER BARBARA A 2990 E RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 STRUNK WAYNE ALLEN TRUST 11-13-92 4892 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SUCHWALA FAMILY TRUST 03-10-94 5151DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®AU3AV AH3AV-O9-008-1 ®091S 6u;iuud afipnuis pue uier iiiipicMiwii an«•"•"-•«""a= BI a aeuiaye i Utilisezlegabarit5160® SUDIN ALBERT&ETHEL B 5055 ALICANTE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY SULLIVAN BRIAN S 1975 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 AVERY® 5160® SULLIVAN FAMILY TRUST 3467 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SULLIVAN FAMILY TRUST 06- 12-95 3480 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SULLIVAN FAMILY TRUST 08- 10-00 7020 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SUMMIT ALLAN R&EVELYN 3455 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SUN PETER S&JULIE 2963 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SUSSMAN KURT REVOCABLE TRUST 04-10-98 6024 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SW BALFOUR LLC 26840 ALISO VIEJO PKY #100 ALISO VIEJO CA 92656 SWB 26840 ALIS0 VI FO LC 100 SW BALFOUR LLC 26840 ATISO VlEJO Y #100 £W BALFOUR LLC 26840 AUSO VffiJG(PK^#100 AMSO VrSJOCA 92656 FOUR LLCW BALFOUR LLC W BALFOUR LLC 26840 ALIS® VIEJ/ffcKY AOSC/VIEJC>eA926f AL SWAIN-BEIER DONA 81 MONTE MARDR SAUSALITO CA 94965 SWANK HELEN L TR 5074 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 SWANSON FAMILY TRUST 12- 09-94 3455 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SWARTHOUT JASON&BRENDA 3474 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SWARTZ RAYMOND P&MARETTA 7043 VIA CANDREJO CARLSBAD CA 92009 SWARTZ RAYMOND SWEARINGEN DAVID R&MARILYN M 3475 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SWEENEY KIM R 1986PINEWOODRD VISTA CA 92081 SYSTEMS MACHINES AUTOMATION COMPONENTS C( 580' CARLSBAD CA 92008 SYSTEM MACHINES AUTOMATION COMPONENTS CORP 5807 VAN ALLEN WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 SZALKIEWICZ JOSEPH T&KYMBERLY A 3513 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SYSTEMS MACHINES ONENTS 'WAY LSBAD CA 92008 TACKER DAVID L&DAWN 2990 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AM3AV-O9-008-1 ®09LS pue uier ...., ....I cuibiuwuuaye ei a ttxnage ropiue Utilisez le gabarit 5160® TAGARIELLO FAMILY TRUST 06-06-00 4592 SALEM PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 TARTER ERIC M&ALLISON L 5241 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 TAYLOR ANN&BILL TRUST 09- 18-00 3438 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ^_^_ www.avery.com "•—• 1-800-GO-AVERY TANCREDI DAVID J&CHRISTY ROBERTA A 3444 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 TARZA MOHAMMAD&MIRSHOJAIE ZEINATOLSADAT 3476 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 TAYLOR EUGENE C TRUST 10- 20-99 3506 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® DAVID&CHRISTY TAUGHER MICHAEL F&CHYRL L 2004 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 TAYLOR THOMAS J&NAN KO 2041 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 TECHBILT CONSTRUCTION CORP 3575 KENYON ST SAN DIEGO CA 92110 TELLEZ ARTHUR R&SUSAN Z 2035 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA C A 92081 TEMPLETON FAMILY TRUST 10-30-85 4950 LERKAS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 TEMPO RESEARCH CORP 1390 ASPEN WAY VISTA C A 92081 TENEYCK SUE M TRUST 04-05- 05 3410 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBADCA92010 TENNANT R WAYNE&CHRISTINA H TRS 5044 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 TERSOLO TRUST 04-13-88 3453 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 TEYMURIAN MEHRDAD 3648 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 THDC LLC 6469 CAMINO DEL PARQUE CARLSBAD CA 92009 THE CAPE AT CALAVERA HILLS HOMEOWNERS ASSN(NONPROFIT CORP) 6992 EL CAMINO REAL #105 CARLSBAD CA 92009 AM3AV-O9-008-1 ®091S 31\ndl/\l31 ®AaaAV Bupuud aaij a6pnuis pue uier Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® THE COPLEY PRESS INC 350 CAMINO DE LA REINA SAN DIEGO CA 92108 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY THEIS JOHN F&MARYANN M 5145 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® THEISS VERA M LIVING TRUST 11-17-94 2974 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 THOMAS JUDITH L 3504 LEVEE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 THOMASHOW GLENN&JACQUIE 2966 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 THOMPSON DAVID G 2980 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 THOMPSON JAMES K&CAROL RTRS POBOX 1699 CARLSBADCA92018 THOMPSON PAUL B&CONSTANCE M 5257 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 THOMPSON WALTER M&LORRAINE V 3438 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 THOMSON BRYAN C&IRENE 5158 DON MAT ADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 THULIN ALDEN L LIVING TRUST 12-03-97 3458 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 THORNBURG MONTE L&LINDA D 3456 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 THULIN GRACE LIVING TRUST 11-24-97 3458 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 THORPE EDWARD A&MCGRATH-THORPE ELLEN H 3358 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 THURMAN BRADLEY A&MICHELE A 4680 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 THURMAN MINNIE M TRUST 09-19-95 3496 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 TIANYAN 1957 PINEWOOD RD VISTA CA 92081 TIFFANY CHRISTOPHER J&RACHAEL 3661 JETTY POINT #B CARLSBAD CA 92008 TIPPETT FAMILY TRUST 2741 WOOLSEY ST BERKELEY CA 94705 TIRONA GREGORY&DEBRA C 2986 WOODBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 TISDALE KIRT D&GAIL L 2023 APPLEWOOD LN VISTA C A 92081 TITONE CARLO&MICHELE 5365 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 TOBIAS MIMI E 2324 EASTBROOK RD VISTA CA 92081 TODD BETTY M TR 5100ELARBOLDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 TOFF AMGISH TRUST 06-25-95 859 VIOLET CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 TOLLACK SANDRA R 2979 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 TORRANCE CROSSROADS INVESTMENTS I L L C 2301 DUPONT DR #100 IRVINE CA 92612 TORRE FRANK M REVOCABLE TRUST 6832 PEAR TREE DR CARLSBAD CA 92009 TOWNSEND BROOKS&JEANNE 3731 WHITESANDS CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 TOWNSEND ROBERT E&MARILYN J TRS 5434 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ©cms ®AU3AV AM3AV-OD-008-1 009LS 31V1dV\l3.L 6upuMd aajd pue uier impression armuuurrage ei a secnage rapioe Utilisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® TRIEU TIN T& VIVIAN 3819 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 TRIMBACH FAMILY TRUST 5051DASSIAWAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 TRIPLE S INVESTMENTS P O BOX 283 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 TRIPP WILLIAM L&BARBARA S 2061 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 TRUONG VIEN VAN 10202 LONE BLUFF DR S AN DIEGO C A 92127 TUNG HUEI-SHENG&JEANNIE S 4013BACKSHORECT CARLSBADCA92010 TURNER LAURIE 3411 DONNA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 TYCOON DEVELOPMENT CORP 2371 FENTON ST CHULA VISTA CA 91914 TYCOON DEVELOPMENT C&RP 23711 FEttTON ST VISTA-CA 91914 ULYATE TRUST 03-16-89 3458 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 T 03-16-89 UMPHREYVILLE WILLIAM N&SANDRA J 3876 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 UTHE DENNIS J&BERNADETTE 5250 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 VALDEZ DANIEL R&SHAREL M 2016 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 VALLETTA CAROL REVOCABLE TRUST 09-22-92 P 0 BOX 3383 OCEANSIDE CA 92051 VALVERDE MICHAEL A&KARENSUE 3729 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 VANDYKE JOHN L&MCCANDLISH BARBARA M 3751 JETTY PT CARLSBADCA92010 VANDERSLICE FAMILY REVOCABLE INTERVIVOS TRUST 09-16-91 5302 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 VANEVERY RICHARD 2977 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 VANDE-ZANDE FAMILY TRUST 04-06-04 3443 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 VANGUARD INDUSTRIES WESTING 2440 IMP ALA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 VANHAMERSVELD ERIC&SUSAN 3003 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 VANHORN KENNETH T&KIERSTEN M 2996 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 VANOEVEREN CORNELIS A J H&CORNELIA J M 3635 PROMONTORY PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 VANSLYKE ROBERT S&JAN B 1765 EVERGREEN AVE JUNEAUAK 99801 VEIDT DAVID J&RATLEDGE PATRICIA J 5055 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 VAUGHAN-CHALDY CAROLYN LIVING TRUST 09- 03-01 5439 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 VERDUGO MARCEL&JULIE C 2974 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 VEALE DONALD M&BARBARA M 5346 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 VESSINY ROBERT R 3551 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®09LS AU3AV-O9-008-1 <S>09LS 31VUW31 <g>AJaAV asn Bui)UMd aajJ efipnuis pue uier Impression antibourrage et & sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® VIERECK JOHN 2378 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 VILLAGGIO PROPERTIES L P 38 REDHAWK IRVINE CA 92604 VIOLI JOSEPH C 3717 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 VOIEN EARL M&MARffi R FAMILY TRUST 08-03-90 5095 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 VOLGAMORE MARILYN E FAMILY 2004 TRUST 3481 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 VOLZ KAREN S 5202 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 VOMEL FAMILY TRUST 03-19- 98 4881DEMETERWAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 VORHIS RANDOLPH S&MARTHA A 4720 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 VU THANH MINH&NGUYEN QUYNH HUONG HOANG 232 MARQUETTE AVE SAN MARCOS CA 92078 VURBEFF SCOTT A&GRETCHEN K 5063 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 WAGNON TIM W&MARY L 3439 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WAGSTAFF CRAIG J&IVY HEATHER L 3525 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WALDEN MALVIN A&ELIZABETH A REVOCABLE TRUST 5232 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WALLER FAMILY TRUST 10-30- 00 5277 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 WALDROP MARIANNE S 851 WHITEHOUSE FORK RD PELETIERNC28584 WALLIG FAMILY TRUST 5356 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WALKER MARNIL 2995 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WALSH KEVIN 3589 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 WALTER VIRGINIA M REVOCABLE TRUST 06-08-94 3424 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WALTRIP JAMES C&NOREEN M FAMILY TRUST 07-17-00 3406 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WANDER BRANDON H PO BOX 1317 LAJOLLACA92038 WANG GUANGYI&LIU TIEFENG 5066 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 WARNER DIANE F 3484 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WARNER MICHAEL M 5367 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WARREN JEAN W TRUST 10-02- 89 5342 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WARREN RICHMOND H&VERONICA K 27521 LIMONES MISSION VIEJO CA 92691 WATKINS FAMILY TRUST 07- 05-97 5051 ALICANTE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 WATSON FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST 05-26-04 5258 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WATSON KENNETH&TIFFENY 3639 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 WATSON TOM&HARRIET M 1989 LIVING TRUST 5160DONRODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AH3AV-OD-008H ®091S 6u|)UMd SSJd aBpnuis pue uier Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® WAY INVESTMENTS L L C 700 BROADWAY #800 DENVER CO 80203 WAYNE JUDITH TRUST 10-30- 98 4912 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ^^^* www.avery.com ••""• 1-800-GO-AVERY WAYMAN FAMILY TRUST 03- 12-91 78530 PLATINUM DR PALM DESERT CA 92211 WEAVER ELLEN K 2041 REDWOOD CRST VISTA C A 92081 AVERY® 5160® AYMAN FAMILY TRUST 03- WEAVER MICHAEL S&STEPHANIE K 3724 WHITESANDS CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 WEBBER MARTHA D TRUST 03-03-05 3499 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WEBER COREY D 2221 RUTHERFORD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 WEINER FAMILY TRUST 4952 LAMIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 WEISS MARIE A REVOCABLE TRUST 06-30-93 4959 LAMIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 WEKSLER DELORES J REVOCABLE TRUST 09-08-04 3545 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WEKSLER DELORES J REVOCABLE TRUST 09-18-04 3545 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WEKSLER DELORES J REVOCABLE TRUST 09-18-04 3545 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WELCH WALTER L&SALLY A 287 MOANA PL PACIFICA CA 94044 WELLS ANNE S REVOCABLE TRUST 03-22-01 5148 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WELTE LORI A 3221 GRAND AVE SAN MARCOS CA 92078 WERNER ROBERT V FAMILY TRUST 07-02-02 3497 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WERNER WOLFGANG G&TREPTE CLAUDIA A 3703 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 WESELOH CHARLES B JR&PATRICIA A 1520 HUNS AKERST OCEANSIDE CA 92054 WESSELS RICHARD S&JANICE M 2353 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 WEST DEVELOPMENT INC 6185 PASEO DEL NORTE #170 CARLSBAD CA 92009 VEST DEVELOPMENT INC 185 PA&EO DELNOl^E #170 WEST DEVELOPMENT INC 6185lPASE<3rBEL NQRTE #170 CARisBAT) CA-£2tf09 ^—^\:/ T DEVELOPMENT INC 618|5 PASEO CARfeSBAD-CA 92009 'EVELOPMENT INC WEST ROBIN J TRUST 09-19-03 5128 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WESTFALL JUDITH D 2987 WOODBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 WESTLAKE TERENCE J&JOAN G 6044 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 WEXLER ROBERT L&BARBARA 2206 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 WEYMAN SYDELLE M 5078 AEGINA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ®09is ®Ad3AV AH3AV-OD-008-1 UI03-AJ3AC-/VUWM ®091S 3iV1dW3i ®AJSAV asp 6ujiuu<JaejJ afipnius pue uier Impression antibourrage et d sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® WHALEN W&E REVOCABLE TRUST 08-01-95 5335 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ^^•» www.avery.com •"~l" 1-800-GO-AVERY WHALEY LINTON E REVOCABLE TRUST 08-12-96 3462 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® WHEAT BENJAMIN P&GEORGANN 5272 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WHEELIHAN FAMILY TRUST 04-06-00 1250MARIPOSARD CARLSBAD CA 92009 WHELAN KEVIN&KRISTIN 4305 ARBOR COVE CIR OCEANSIDE CA 92054 WHERLEY PATRICIA K 5144 DON MAT ADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WHITE BILLY G&PAULINE J 4010 VISTA CALAVERAS OCEANSIDE CA 92056 WHITE CHARLOTTE K 2060 BASSWOOD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 WHITE CHRIS 810 LOS VALLECITOS BLVD #D SAN MARCOS CA 92069 WHITESELL ERIC J&ZIAOWEN CHANG 3537 COASTVIEW CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 WHITTAKER JAMES A&MARIE M 3711SANDPOINTCT CARLSBAD CA 92008 WIIK DECEDENTS TRUST B 5928 BALFOUR CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 WILLIAMS BRIAN 2336EASTBROOKRD VISTA CA 92081 WILLIAMS FAMILY TRUST 12- 27-91 4029 VISTA CALAVERAS OCEANSIDE CA 92056 WILLIAMS CAROL Y REVOCABLE TRUST 03-09-94 5097 AEGINA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 WILLIAMS MARLA S 1998 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 WILLIAMS FAMILY TRUST 02- 14-99 27591 SILVER CREEK DR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CA 92675 WILLIAMS NATHANIEL&KIM S 1878 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 WILLIAMS RAMONA H EST OF 1645 ST JAMES CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 WILLIS RONNIE M&JOAN M 2067 SEQUOIA CREST VISTA CA 92081 WILLSON DONALD&CORRIE TRUST 05-27-99 3427 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBADCA92010 WILSON FAMILY TRUST 04-13- 92 1031 DAISY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009 WILSON RAQUEL C SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 03-09-04 3441 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WILSON WILLIAM H&SUSAN P 3472 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WILTSHIRE BRENT R&S JANE TRS 49 PRENTICE WILLIAMS RD STONINGTON CT 06378 WINTER CAROL A FAMILY TRUST OF 1990 5069 AEGINA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 WINTER FAMILY TRUST 07-02- 04 3719 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 WINTER RAY R&CONSTANCE L M REVOCABLE TRUST 1909 MEADOW RD WALNUT CREEK CA 94595 WINTERS-DEREUS ROSA 3443 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WISEHART GEORGIA B 5097 CAESENA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 @09LS AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®091S 31V1dlAJ31 6ui)uud 38JJ &6pr>ius pue uief Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® WOLFE STEVEN R&DARCY I 2074 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 ^^^B www.avery.com ——' 1-800-GO-AVERY WOLF-RICHARDSON VIOLA 2003 TRUST 04-11-03 3438 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® WONG 2000 FAMILY TRUST 4935 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDECA92056 WONG KENDRICK K&SZETO- WONG FELICE E 3619 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 WONG WILFRED KWOK- CHEUNG&CINDY TSAI-FANG 1965 PINEWOOD RD VISTA CA 92081 WOOD GLADYS H TRUST 11- 30-90 5300ELARBOLDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WOOD JOHN L&ANN D 5238 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 WOOD KATHERINE M TRUST 08-20-90 3459 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WOOD R DANA TRUST 01-26-90 5426 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WOODARD ANNE C 5165 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WOODBURN THOMAS J 5052 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 WOODS MILDRED C TRUST 02- 28-90 5215 DON RICARDO DR #134 CARLSBAD CA 92008 WORSTELL PAULA J P O BOX 1 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 WOSK BERNARD&NUBIA 5053 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 WRIGHT EDITH M 5351 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WRISLEY 1990 FAMILY TRUST (1-31-90) 2080 BASSWOOD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 WYATT ROBERT S&PATRICIA 3443 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WYNSTON FAMILY TRUST 4949 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 YANG JAE YOUNG&KYUNG J KATE 3626 PROMONTORY PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 YATES JEFFREY B 3756 JETTY PT CARLSBADCA92010 YATES SUNNY J 4927 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE C A 9205 6 YAZDANPANAH AMIR A 3804STONERIDGERD CARLSBAD CA 92008 YERMIAN JACKOB 3218 LONE JACK RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 YINYU&KANGLEI 2978 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 YOELIN SHERWIN D&ROCHELLE E 2117 TWAIN AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 YOUNG DOLORES K LIVING TRUST 12-31-01 3639 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 YOUNG GERALD E&ELEANOR C INTER VIVOS TRUST 04-15-94 3529 CANNON RD #2B OCEANSIDE CA 92056 YU LEI&BAO DINGJIU 3682 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 YUKELSON FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 12- 14-84 5070 AEGINA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ZABOORI FAMILY TRUST OS- OS-OS 3712 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®09LS ©AJJ3AV AM3AV-OD-008H IUO3'AJ3AB'MMM ®09LS gujiujJd 93Jj aBpnuis pue uief Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® ZAHAREE DONALD J&ELIZABETH R <AKA LEBARON ELIZABETH> 3471 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ZATORSKI JOHN L&SEDORCHUK CAROL 2265 BAXTER CANYON RD VISTA CA 92081 ^^^m www.avery.com —— 1-800-GO-AVERY ZAMBON PETER A&REGINA 2241 MASTERS RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 ZAVIDNIAK MARTIN P&JULIE K 3600 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® ZARKOS CRAIG&ANNE M 3736 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ZELEDON EDGAR&CALDERON VIRGINIA 3445 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ZEPEDA DON R 2974 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ZERUCHA JOSEPH A&SHAWN M PO BOX 131384 SAN DIEGO CA 92170 ZHENG CHAOJUN&XU LISHUANG 3653 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ZHENG WEIDONG&YU JINGYI 3611 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 ZHU JIANLI&ZHENG HUIPING 3567 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ZHU PENG&WU YAN 3812 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ZIEGMAN CAROLEE P 5157 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ZYSKOWSKI IRENE T INTER VIVOS TRUST 03-29-04 3411 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 Prepared 3/21/06 by City CIS ®09is ®AU3AV A«iAV-OD-008-l zasi|!in a6ei»as e is aBejjnocmiie uoissaidiui Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® OCCUPANT 1 LEGOLAND DR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 1050 AUTO CENTER CT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 1588 CANNON RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 1801 CANNON RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 1809 CANNON RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 2284 AUDENPL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 2288 AUDENPL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 2289 AUDENPL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 2292 AUDENPL 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uier Impression antibourrage et & sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® OCCUPANT 5036 ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5040 ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5044 ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5048 ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5050 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5051 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5051 MILLAYCT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5052 ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5054 MILLAYCT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5055 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5055 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5057 ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5058 MILLAYCT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5060 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5061 ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5062 MILLAYCT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5064 ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5066 MILLAYCT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5068 ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5070 MILLAYCT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5074 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5078 MILLAYCT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5102 WHITMANWY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5106 WHITMANWY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5110 WHITMANWY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5114 WHITMANWY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5115 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5118 WHITMANWY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5120 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5122 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ®09is AU3AV-OD-008-1 ®<ms aividwai ^AJBAV 6uj)uud eaij aBpnuis pue wer Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utiiisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® OCCUPANT 5122 WHITMANWY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5124 CANNON RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5125 PASEO DEL NORTH CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5126 WHITMANWY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5130 WHITMANWY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5132 HEMINGWAY DR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5134 WHITMANWY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5135 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 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Updated 5/23/06 to include 5/3 PC speakers MR. STEVE SHAFFER DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 1220 N. STREET, ROOM A-464 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 ATTN: MADELINE CAVALIERI CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION 100 HOWE AVENUE, SUITE 100-SOUTH SACRAMENTO, CA 95825-8202 ASSEMBLYMAN GEORGE A. PLESCIA SEVENTY-FIFTH DISTRICT ASSEMBLY CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE 9909 MIRA MESA BLVD, SUITE 130 SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 ^^^ www.avery.com ——• 1-800-GO-AVERY MS. VALERIE L. CHAMBERS UNITED STATE DEPT OF COMMERCE NATL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE SOUTHWEST REGION 501 WEST OCEAN BLVD, SUITE 4200 LONG BEACH, CA 90802-4213 MR. MARIO H.ORSO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DISTRICT 11 2829 JUAN STREET P.O. BOX 85406, M.S. 50 SAN DIEGO, CA 92110-2799 MS. CAROL GAUBATZ NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE COMMISSION 915 CAPITOL MALL, ROOM 364 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 SENATOR BILL MORROW THIRTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE 2755 JEFFERSON STREET, SUITE 101 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® MR. BENJAMIN PRATER U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 6010 HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 MR. TOM LUSTER CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION ENERGY AND OCEAN RESOURCES UNIT 45 FREMONT, SUITE 2000 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105-2219 MR. BRIAN BERNADOS, P.E. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DRINKING WATER FIELD OPERATIONS BRANCH 1350 FRONT STREET, ROOM 2050 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 SENATOR CHRISTINE KEHOE THIRTY-NINTH DISTRICT CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE 2445 5™ AVENUE, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 ASSEMBLYMEMBER MARK WYLAND SEVENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT ASSEMBLY CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE 1800 THIBODO ROAD, SUITE 300 VISTA, CA 92081 MS. KATE STONELAKE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT 810 MISSION AVENUE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054-2825 MR. MARK MCCABE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION P.O. BOX 129261 SAN DIEGO, CA 92112-9261 MR. EUGENE MITCHELL SAN DIEGO REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 402 WEST BROADWAY, SUITE 1000 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101-3585 MR. JOSEPH D. PANETTA BIOCOM 4510 EXECUTIVE DRIVE, PLAZA ONE S AN DIEGO, CA 92121 MR. KENNON W. BALDWIN BIOCOM 4510 EXECUTIVE DRIVE, PLAZA ONE SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 ®09is ©AU3AV ASSEMBLYMEMBER LYNN DAUCHER SEVENTY-SECOND DISTRICT ASSEMBLY CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE 210 W. BIRCH STREET, #202 BREA,CA 92821 MR. KURT LUHRSEN PRINCIPAL PLANNER NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT 810 MISSION AVENUE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054-2825 MR. JAMES W. ROYLE, JR. SAN DIEGO COUNTY ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. P.O. BOX 81106 SAN DIEGO, CA 92138-1106 MR. DAVID LLOYD CABRILLO POWER I LLC 4600 CARLSBAD BLVD. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MR. GARY KNIGHT SAN DIEGO NORTH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL 100 N. RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD, SUITE 124 SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 MR. TED OWEN CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 5934 PRIESTLY DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 AH3AV-OD-008-1 __ ASSEMBLYMAN JAY LA SUER SEVENTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT ASSEMBLY CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE 5360 JACKSON DRIVE, SUITE 120 LA MESA, CA 91942 MR. GARY A BROOMELL VALLEY CENTER MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 29300 VALLEY CENTER ROAD P.O. BOX 67 VALLEY CENTER, CA 92082 MR. WARREN FINLEY WADER LLC 1076 SKYLINE DRIVE LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 MR. STEVEN ACETI, J.D. CALIFORNIA COASTAL COALITION 1133 SECOND STREET, SUITE G ENCINITAS, CA 92024 MS. LISA BRIGGS SAN DIEGO COUNTY TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION 625 BROADWAY, SUITE 614 SAN DIEGO, CA 92 1 0 1 -54 1 3 MR. JIM COLCLASER SOUTHWEST CARLSBAD HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION COALITION 1049 GOLDENEYE VIEW CARLSBAD, CA 92009-1225 ®091S afipnuis pue uier Impression antibourrage et d sechage rapide Utilisezlegabarit5160® VIR. BILL ARNOLD ^RESIDENT *ANCHO CARLSBAD OWNERS' \SSOCIATION, INC. 5200 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY MR. WILLIAM BRUINSMA, PE 2882 DARTMOUTH DRIVE DCEANSIDE, CA 92056 MR. GARY S. HILL 3EMOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA 5345 ARMADA DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MS. JONI MIRINGOFF THE FLOWER FIELDS AT CARLSBAD RANCH 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE 100 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MS. DIANE NYGAARD PRESERVE CALAVERA 5020 NIGHTHAWK WAY OCEANSIDE, CA 92056 MS. PATTIKREBS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATION 701 B STREET, SUITE 1040 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 MR. DONALD B. KENT PRESIDENT HUBBS-SEA WORLD RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2595 INGRAHAM STREET SAN DIEGO, CA 92109 MR. ROBERT HAWKINS LAW OFFICES OF ROBERT C. HAWKINS 110 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 200 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 AVERY® 5160® MR. CHARLES LINGENFELTER OCEAN HILLS PROPERTY PROTECTION FUND TRUST OCEAN HILLS COUNTRY CLUB 4610 CYRUS WAY OCEANSIDE, CA 92056 MR. ERIC MUNOZ PRESIDENT AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON FOUNDATION 1580 CANNON ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MS. OFELIA E. ESCOBEDO PARTNER/OWNER LOLA'S MARKET AND DELI 3292 ROOSEVELT ST. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MR. MARK BIRD COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN NEVADA 6375 WEST CHARLESTON, W1D LAS VEGAS, NV 89146 MS. NORMA J. WOLK 2457 LEVANTE ST. CARLSBAD, CA 92009 MS. JULIANNE NYGAARD 3405 SPANISH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 KERRY SIEKMANN 5239 EL ARBOL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MS. HELEN BOURNE 7040 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE 104, PMB 207 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 MR. MATT VANDER SLUIS PLANNING AND CONSERVATION LEAGUE 921 1 1™ STREET, THIRD FLOOR SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 MR. LARRY PURCELL WATER RESOURCES MANAGER SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY 4677 OVERLAND AVENUE SAN DIEGO, CA 92123-1233 MR. DONALD ESTES OCEAN HILLS COUNTRY CLUB HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 4600 LEISURE VILLAGE WAY OCEANSIDE, CA 92056-5101 ASSEMBLYMEMBER MARK WYLAND SEVENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT ASSEMBLY CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE STATE CAPITOL P.O. BOX 942849 SACRAMENTO, CA 94249-0074 ®09is KASEY CINCIARELLI 2727 LYONS CT. CARLSBAD, CA 92010 LESLIE MINTZ LEGISLATIVE DIRECTOR HEAL THE BAY 3220 NEBRASKA AVENUE SANTA MONICA, CA 90404 MR. MARK CHOMYN, AICP LAND PLANNING SUPERVISOR SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC 8315 CENTURY PARK COURT SAN DIEGO, CA 92123-1548 ASSEMBLYMEMBER LYNN DAUCHER SEVENTY-SECOND DISTRICT ASSEMBLY CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE STATE CAPITOL P.O. BOX 942849 SACRAMENTO, CA 94249-0072 ASSEMBLYMAN GEORGE A. PLESCIA SEVENTY-FIFTH DISTRICT ASSEMBLY CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE STATE CAPITOL P.O. BOX 942849 SACRAMENTO, CA 94249-0075 AH3AV-O9-008-1 ««». MS. JACKIE STONE THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF NORTH COAST SAN DIEGO COUNTY P.O. BOX 13 1272 CARLSBAD, CA 92013 RONILEE CLARK SUPERINTENDENT CALIFORNIA STATE PARKS, SAN DIEGO COAST DISTRICT P.O. BOX 880069 SAN DIEGO, CA 92168-0069 MR. MIKE CHRISMAN SECRETARY FOR RESOURCES STATE OF CALIFORNIA RESOURCES AGENCY 1416 NINTH STREET, SUITE 1311 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 SENATOR CHRISTINE KEHOE THIRTY-NINTH SENATE DISTRICT CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE STATE CAPITOL SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 SENATOR BILL MORROW THIRTY-EIGHTH SENATE DISTRICT CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE STATE CAPITOL SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-4900 ®09is sSpnius pue wer Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® JOE GEEVER SURFRIDER FOUNDATION SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL MANAGER S117W MANCHESTER AVE 297 PLAYA DEL REY CA 90293 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WATERSHED ALLIANCE ENVIRONMENT NOW C/O CONNER EVERTS 2515WILSHIREBLVD SANTA MONICA, CA 90403 MR. JAMES PEUGH CONSERVATION CHAIR SAN DIEGO AUDUBON SOCIETY 4891 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, SUITE #112 SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 MS. HEATHER ALLEN POLICY DIRECTOR FRIENDS OF THE SEA OTTER 125 OCEAN VIEW BLVD. #204 PACIFIC GROVE, CA 93950 ^^^m www.avery.com —™" 1-800-GO-AVERY ASSEMBLYMAN JAY LA SUER SEVENTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT ASSEMBLY CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE STATE CAPITOL P.O. BOX 942849 SACRAMENTO, CA 94249-0077 MR. DAVID HOGAN DESERT RIVERS COORDINATOR CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY P.O. BOX 7745 SAN DIEGO, CA 92167 MR. BRUCE REZNIK EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SAN DIEGO BAYKEEPER 2924 EMERSON STREET, SUITE 220 S AN DIEGO, CA 92106 MR. KLAUS KOEPPEL FRIENDS ARTISTS AND NEIGHBORS OF ELKHORN SLOUGH P.O. BOX 180 MOSS LANDING, CA 95039 AVERY® 5160® MS. JANE DELAY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SAVE OUR SHORES 345 LAKE AVE SUITE A SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062 MR. ED KIMURA SIERRA CLUB, SAN DIEGO CHAPTER 6995 CAMINO AMERO SAN DIEGO, CA 92111-7667 MR. GREG HELMS PROGRAM MANAGER THE OCEAN CONSERVANCY SANTA BARBARA FIELD OFFICE 714 BOND AVE. SANTA BARBARA, CA 93103 MR. DON MAY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CALIFORNIA EARTHCORPS 4927 MINTURN AVE. LAKEWOOD, CA 90712 CALIFORNIA COASTAL PROTECTION NETWORK 906 GARDEN STREET SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 SAVE OUR WATERFRONT COMMITTEE: BARBARA BASS EVANS 781 TERRY STREET MONTEREY, CA 93940 ELKHORN SLOUGH COALITION 8145 MESSICK ROAD PRUNEDALE, CA 93903 W. JEFFERY MONCRIEF, P.E. SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER, HDR 9444 FARNHAM STREET, SUITE 300 SAN DIEGO, CA MICHAEL BURGE THE SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE 5130 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TANYA GULESSERIAN ADAMS BROAD WELL JOSEPH & CARDOZO 651 GATEWAY BOULEVARD, SUITE 900 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080 JENNIFER WONG CA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES, SOUTHERN DISTRICT 770 FAIRMONT AVENUE, SUITE 102 GLENDALE, CA 91203 TIMOTHY J STRIPE GRAND PACIFIC RESORTS 5900 PASTEUR COURT STE 200 CARLSBAD CA 92008 JERRY BUONICONTI 4945 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ED FARLEY 4931TILOSWAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ELLEN BAUR 4037 ARCADIA WAY OCEANSIDE, CA 92056 CAREY L. COOPER KLINEDINST PC 501 W. BROADWAY, SUITE 600 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 BARBARA HENRY NORTH COUNTY TIMES 1722 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY OCEANSIDE CA 92049 RBF CONSULTING ATTN: MICHELLE JUNG, MS: 455 14725 ALTON PARKWAY IRVINE, C A 92618 PLANNING DIRECTOR CITY OF OCEANSIDE 300 NORTH COAST HIGHWAY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 JOHN CONLEY PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF VISTA PO BOX 1988 VISTA CA 92085-1988 CAROL MCCONNELL 5140ELARBOL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 RON ROUSE LUCE FORWARD 600 WEST BROADWAY SUITE 2600 S AN DIEGO C A 92101 ®09is ©AU3AV AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®09LS 31Vl<li/Y3± 6u|iUjJd 93JJ e6pnuis pue uier Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide ^^^ www.avery.com r^\ /VV/ERY® 5160® Utilisez le gabarit 5160® — 1-800-GO-AVERY ]£2* STEVE HOFFMANNDON CHRISTIANSEN NRG ENERGY INC KNOX WILLIAMS5715 LONGVIEW DRIVE 4600 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD 3491 SEACREST DRIVE :ARLSBAD CA 92010 CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CA 92008 KIMBERLYEADES 3AILEY NOBEL 2020 GAYLE WAY HOWARD ARNOLD5470 LOS ROBLES DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 932 LACEBARK STREET ZARLSBAD CA 92008 SAN MARCOS, CA 92068 _ .„.=,. AM3AV-OD-008-1 «_ ®091S ®091S ©AclaAV VWJ uiorAjaAewuvuvv ••• 6u!»UMd aaij afipnuis piie uier iiiipiBsaiuii aii«.iu«jwi>ayc ci a >euicige Utilisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® OWNER 2091 RUTHERFORD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 ABBAMONTE SANDRA 3531 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ABESON IRVING&JOANNE FAMILY TRUST 04-19-90 6008 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ABEYTA LESLIE &JENNIFER B 3673 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ABI-SAMRA NICHOLAS&HALA 1145 HOLLY ANN PL SAN JOSE CA 95120 ABRAMSON MYRA H 5097 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ACACIA CREDIT FUND 5-A L L C 400 E VAN BUREN ST #650 PHOENIX AZ 85004 ACACIA CREDIT FUND 5-A L L C 400 E VAN BUREN ST #650 PHOENIX AZ 85004 ADAMS ANN M 3505 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ADAMS ARTHUR D&GLORIA M 4885 ZENOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ADAMS MICHAEL D 7323 BLACK SWAN PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 AEROSTAR PROPERTIES III 5701 BOLSA AVE HUNTINGTON BH CA 92647 AFOLAYAN SAMUEL K 3811 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 AFONSO BARBARA J 1996 REVOCABLE TRUST 07-18-96 5069 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 AGOOT JOHNNY G 8395 RAVEN CREEK PL NW BREMERTON WA 98311 AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON FOUNDATION 1580CANNONRD CARLSBAD CA 92008 AHUMADA LEE E&ANITA M 2382 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 AMCO SUNSET VILLAGE L L C 5550 LBJ FREEWAY MAILBOX 28 DALLAS TX 75240 ALANDT JOHANNA M 2022 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA C A 92081 ALBERTS ROY T&JUDITH I 3437 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBADCA92010 ALBRIGHT FAMILY TRUST 07- 07-94 5246 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 ALCON INVESTMENTS LLC P 0 BOX 7098 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 ALDERETE KATHLEEN A 2960 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBADCA92010 ALDRICH FAMILY TRUST 11- 03-89 5407 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ALEXANDER ISABEL 5265 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 ALEXANDER LOUIS&ELINOR 5093 CAESENA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ®09is ALEXANDER LUTHER A&ALTA M TRUST 06-25-69 3439 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AM3AV-OD-008-L ....... ALIOTTA JOHN&NIHAN 6uj}uud aaij a6pniu$ pue uier impression an iiDourrage ei a secnage rapiae Utilisez le gabarit 5160® ALLARD FAMILY TRUST 08-10- 87 4955 LERKAS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 i^—« www.avery.com —"-~ 1-800-GO-AVERV ALLEN FAMILY TRUST 12-09- 91 3431 DON ARTURODR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® ALLEN LOUIS E TR 5081 AEGINA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ALLEN MARILYN M 3446 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ALLEN ROBERT C&LINDA J 3541 COASTVffiW CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 AL-RAWI FAMILY TRUST 09- 21-87 6056 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ALTAR RAYMOND&REMEDUS L 4951 LAMIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ALUOTTO RUTH C TRUST 10- 11-01 3440 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AMADO JESSE R JR&KATHLEEN A 5267 DON RICARDO DR #128 CARLSBAD CA 92008 AMATO STELLA IRREVOCABLE TRUST 3109 EVENING WAY #A LA JOLLA CA 92037 AMBO STANLEY G&HIROKO TRUST 02-03-99 3751 CALDERAPL CARLSBADCA92010 AMORSOLO FRANZ J 5603 FOXTAIL LOOP CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANDERSON ANTOON&GERRY E 4250 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ANDERSON DAVID N&AZIZEH 2945 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANDERSON DOUGLAS JR 4536 HARTFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANDERSON ERIC T&TARA M 3647 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANDERSON FAMILY TRUST 02- 22-91 5446 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANDERSON LEE A 3432 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANDERSON TRAVIS 3664 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANDOLINA JOHN C&SHANNON M 1981PINEWOODRD VISTA CA 92081 ANNABLE LOUISE K 3470 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANSELL FAMILY LIVING TRUST 03-14-95 3437 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANTOL ERIC C&KARLINA A 3729 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANTOL JOHN D&KARLA O 3429 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ARCE BETSY 3656 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 TONE-SMITH TRDST PANORAMA Cl EWOQZ) CO 8Vl2 00 ARCHSTONE-SMITH OPERATING TRUST 9200 E PANORAMA CIR #400 ENGLEWOOD CO 80112 ARCHSTONE-SMITH OPERATING TRUST 7670 S CHESTER ST #100 ENGLEWOOD CO 80112 )NE-SMITH TRUST ARELLANO JIMMIE&PATRICIA B 2039 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 AH3AV-O9-008-1 pue uief Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® ARENS TRUST 06-22-00 2029 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 ARIZA MOISES 1982PINEWOODRD VISTA CA 92081 ARMEL DANIEL E&JANE W 4951LERKASWAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ARMS EDWARD&SANDRA LIVING TRUST 05-25-01 4320 POINT REYES CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ARMS JOHN D&KATHERINE 5075 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ARMSTRONG CHRISTINA R REVOCABLE TRUST 05-13-03 3452 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ARMSTRONG ROBERT W 3452 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 ARNOLD THOMAS A&SUSAN M 3604 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 ARNOLD WILLIAM G&RUTH E 3432 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ARO PARTNERS 1015 CHESTNUT AVE #A3 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ARRIAGA GILBERT&YSABEL 4031 VISTA CALAVERAS OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ARTINGSTALL FAMILY TRUST 02-13-91 3407 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ASAMEN RONALD K&TERESA A 2090 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 ASH JIMMY D 2177 REDWOOD CREST VISTA C A 92081 ASHBROOK HEMET L P 5145 FARAD AY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ASSMAN DEBORAH A 1971 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 ASTER BRUCE P&DEBORAH L 2030 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 ATILANO ADRIAN J&SARAH 3760 JETTY PT CARLSBAD C A 92010 ATKINS FLORENCE E TRUST 08-06-99 3534 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ATKINSON WILLIAM C&PAMELA J 5202 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ATLAS STEPHEN&INA 5418 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AUER RITA REVOCABLE TRUST 02-20-02 3301 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AUERBACH KEITH&LAUREN 3670 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 AUGLERA-KAUFMAN PAULINE TRUST 10-28-98 3420 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AUSTIN EVELYN F LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST 08-19-98 4025 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 AUSTIN PATRICIA J 117 CANYON CREEK WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92057 AWERMAN MURRAY&BLANCHE B TRS 12965NW18THMNR PEMBROKE PINES FL 33028 BPRMLLC 1609 SANTA MARGARITA DR FALLBROOK CA 92028 BTINVLLC P O BOX 26309 S AN DIEGO C A 92196 BACKER GERALD D&MARIANNA E 2352 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 AH3AV-O9-008-1 <a>09ks 6ui}uu<| aaij e6pnius pue wer Impression antibourrage et a s£chage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® B ACHMAN RHONDA 3659 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ••^M www.avery.com — 1-800-GO-AVERY BACHOFER JOHN L C III&BRENDA J 2277 BAXTER CANYON RD VISTA CA 92081 AVERY® 5160® BADINER KEITH S&MARY R 3464 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBADCA92010 BAGLIEN FAMILY TRUST 01- 12-93 4896 ZENOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BAINE MICHAEL B 4005 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BAKER FAMILY TRUST 12-02- 91 2042 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 BAKER GERALD L&KAREN A 3480 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BAKER PHILIP&S ALLY 5098 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BALDWIN ALAN&MELINDA 2062 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 BALL JO AN M 2966 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BALLANCE FAMILY SURVIVORS TRUST 08-07-81 6048 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BANDEL TODD&KELLY 3479 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BANDIS KIRIAKOS&MARIA G 3736 WHITESANDS CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BANK OF AMERICA TR TRUST NO 66-11-111-5081510 3463 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BANTLE KURT E&JENNIFER L 5070 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BARAJAS FAMILY LIVING TRUST 11-16-01 3644 ESPLANADE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BARBANELL LAURA 4020 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBADCA92010 BARBER TRUST 04-06-90 2416SONORACT CARLSBAD CA 92008 fcARBER TRUST 04-06-90 BARKER N JEAN TRUST 03-18- 93 5135DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BARKER RICHARD&MELINDA FAMILY TRUST 00-05-04 5150DONMATADR CARLSBADCA92010 BARKER RICHARD&INDA BARNETT FAMILY TRUST 10- 23-03 3420 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BARKER RICHARD&MELINDA MMILY TKNST 11-05^045\50 DCW MATA DI CARLSBAD CA"92010 ARNETT FAMILY TRUST 10- BARNARD SCOTT&KRISTINA 3666 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BARNUDY J C&RUTHELLEN FAMILY TRUST 04-26-92 4895 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BAROLDI JOSEPH T 3710 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BARRERA ANDRES P&MISTY C 3598 GRANITE CT CARLSBADCA92010 BARRETT JAMES L&TOSHIKO 5068 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®09is AH3AV-O9-008-1 <g,<ms 6u;uiud a6pnius pue uier Impression antibourrage et h sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® BARRIO ANTHONY R&JUDITH O 2020 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY BARRIOS DION J&ROSIE E 2273 BAXTER CANYON RD VISTA CA 92081 AVERY® 5160® BARTEAUX FAMILY LTD PARTNERSHIP 49130 VISTA ESTRELLA LA QUINTA CA 92253 BARTELME CELLA A 5093 SIROS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BARTELS LIVING TRUST 08-14- 01 3848 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 BARTOSIK FAMILY TRUST 07- 23-99 6032 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BASSETT CHARLES S 2332 EASTBROOK RD VISTA C A 92081 BAUGH GARY D&MONA C 1958 PINE WOOD RD VISTA CA 92081 BATEMAN MARGARET SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 04-01-02 3513 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BAUMEISTER ARTHUR C&GENEVIEVE M <DVA> 3431 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BATSFORD ROBERT H&HELGA C REVOCABLE TRUST 5751 PALMER WAY #G CARLSBAD CA 92008 BEAN FAMILY TRUST 4885 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BEATTY JOHN A&JUDI R 425 LENWOOD DRIVE COSTA MESA CA 92627 BEAULIEU M GERTRUDE 5321 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BECHTLOFF GEORGE&LINDA 5057 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 BECKER FAMILY TRUST 08-18- 92 3446 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BECKMAN COULTER INC 4300 N HARBOR BLVD FULLERTON CA 92835 BECKMAN/CARLSBAD I L L C 6183 PASEO DEL NORTE #280 CARLSBAD CA 92009 BECKMAN/FARADAY L L C P O BOX 846 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 BEEMER JOE R&SHIRLEY A 5194 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BEERY FAMILY LIVING TRUST 07-26-00 5076 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BEHNKE ROBERT A&MARIE A <DVA> 2370 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 BEITH SCOTT D&MONICA C 3615 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 BELGER WILLIAM&ARLENE TRUST 10-09-81 5085 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BELL FAMILY TRUST 04-29-93 4961 LAMIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BELLUCCI MICHAEL A&ARLENE L <DVA> 3455 DON ARTURO DR #303 CARLSBAD CA 92008 BENARDO LINDA E 3547 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BENCHMARK PACIFIC POINSETTIA L P 550LAGUNADR#B CARLSBAD CA 92008 ENCHMARK PACIFIC 92008 BENDER SCOTT W&JENNIFER C 2289 AUDEN PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 AU3AV AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®091S 6u!Hiud aaij eSpnuis pue uuer Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVIRY AVERY® 5160® BENES ROBERT J&LAURIE D 5029 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 BENJAMIN WILLIAM M 9860 LA TORTOLA PL SAN DIEGO CA 92129 BENNER CHARLES A&JULIE L 3466 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBADCA92010 BENNETT PAULINE C 5217 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BENNETTS MIKE M&JIMME S 2077 REDWOOD CREST VISTA C A 92081 BENSON ROBERT P III&SARAH H 3760 JETTY POINT CARLSBADCA92010 BENSON SCOT R&C COLLEEN 3626 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 BENTLEY CORALIE A 3440 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BENJ/feEY CORALIE A 3J454/DON ALBERTO DR /\ CARLSBAD C/9200V-/ \*-^ ^ ^^ BENTLEY MONARCH JOINT VENTURE 4729 E SUNRISE DR TUCSON AZ 85718 BERG TRUST 04-06-89 4962 LAMIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BERGER FRITZ G&HENSCHEN NANCYS 2374 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 BERLOW LEONARD&EMMA C TRS 5093 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BERNHARD MATILDA TRUST 06-03-93 5085 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BERNSTEIN FAMILY TRUST 01-04-91 4213 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BERRY FAMILY TRUST 04-09- 03 3488 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BERRY PATRICIA C REVOCABLE TRUST 05-09-03 5074 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BERRY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 09-10-99 4904 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BERSCHNEIDER ROCKLIN J&RONELL 3318 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BERTOLDI FAMILY TRUST 04- 30-98 2253 MASTERS RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 BERTUSSI GIOVANNI D JR&ANNE T 2265 MASTERS RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 BESON JEREMY A&JENNIFER L 2392 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 BESS RICHARD P III&REBEKA M 3441 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BEST WAYNE A&MARIETTA L 903 WENTWORTH CIR VISTA CA 92081 BEVIS MERLE J&BARBARA S TRUST 08-13-90 3431 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BIBER FAMILY TRUST 05-12-03 2060 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 BILAR JOHN F JR&SASHA S 2371MERWINDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BILTUCCI FAMILY LIVING TRUST 02-28-03 16425 BRONCO LN POWAY CA 92064 BIRD ABBOTT FAMILY TRUST 3640 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BIRDSEYE RYAN J&JENNIFER M 4672 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®09is AM3AV-OD-008-1 lUODVUBAB'MMM ®09tS 31VldlAI31 ®AIBAV 6u!iuu<] aejj d6pnuus pue impression antioourrage et a secnage rapiae Utilisez le gabarit 5160® BISHOP EARLE E 3452 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY BISHOP ELZA D&PATSY J 3349 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 V^ AVERY® 5160® BISHOP RONALD C&KATHRYN J 3505 LEVEE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BLACK ALTON W SR&PATRICIA M 5340 EL ARBOL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BLACK CHESTER A JR 6036 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BLACKBURN/SMULKA TRUST 05-14-03 175ALVARADORD BERKELEY CA 94705 BLACKER HELEN RUTH TRUST 09-26-91 5082 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BLACKMORE COLLEGE CORNER PARTNERS PO BOX 1810 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 BLACKMORE AIRPORT CENTRE P 0 BOX 424 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 BLACKMORE FAMILY TRUST 1995 P 0 BOX 424 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 JLACKMORE AIRPORT CA 92067 BLACKMORE FARADAY PARTNERS P 0 BOX 424 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 BLACKMORE LOT 99 INVESTMENT PO BOX 1810 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 BLACKMORE PARKVIEW ASSOCIATES P 0 BOX 424 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 BLACKMORE SIGNAL HILL P O BOX 424 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 ORE SIGNAL HILL BLAHUT FAMILY TRUST 01-28- 87 1403 E SYCAMORE AVE EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 BtAC POXBO RANG BLAIR MARY A TRUST 11-03-00 3860 RIVIERA DR #202 SAN DIEGO CA 92109 BLACKMORE VAN ALLEN GROUP PO BOX 424 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 BLAKELEY RICHARD E 5140 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BLANCHARD FAMILY TRUST 06-30-93 5427 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BLANCO FAMILY 2004 TRUST 03-11-04 145 RYAN WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 BLANK TROY G&HINKLE- BLANK EVELYN 2360 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BLANKENSHIP PAUL R&CHERYL L TRS 2121 TWAIN AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BLASE VIRGINIA J TRUST 03- 22-97 4889 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BLECHA MATTHEW R&PATRICIA B 3453 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BLOCK OLIVER J 2968 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 BLUE CHARLES JR 5237 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 BOATRIGHT JENNIFER 2397 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA C A 92081 AM3AV-O9-008-1 ®<ms 6ui}uud aaij aSpnius pue uier Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® BOBADILLA JACQUELINE S PO BOX 115 BONITACA91908 BOITANO BEVERLY A SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 08-12-04 3485 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BOOZER ELYSIA LIVING TRUST 11-04-89 5177DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY BOBELE JO ANN S 5078 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 BOLTON JEFFREY&DOMINIQUE 3653 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BORG JOHN TRUST 02-19-03 7247 CARPA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 AVERY® 5160® BOHRER EDWARD E&JOANNA I REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 12-30-81 521 WBOBIERDR VISTA CA 92083 BOOK FAMILY TRUST 02-13-90 5414 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BORGIA RESIDENCE TRUST 5062 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BORK FAMILY TRUST 06-22-05 2378 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BOROWITZ FRANZ 3501 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BORSO HEATHER S 4668 MEADOW DR CARLSBADCA92010 BOTTO ALBENO L&MARY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 3446 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BOURS MIGUEL J TRUST 10-19- 00 3753 CAVERN PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 BOW ROBERT R&BONNIE L 2019 APPLEWOOD LN VISTA CA 92081 BOWENIRMA L TRUST 3476 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BOWEN JAMES T&BONNE L FAMILY TRUST 12-19-96 6011DASSIAWAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BOWEN JAMES&CATHERIN TRUST 05-19-95 5125 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BOWEN WILL A 2026 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 BOWES DARREN S&JENNY M 3689 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BOYD JANET W LIVING TRUST 4230 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BOYD MARK S&TIFFANY L 4007 ALTO ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BOYLE JOYCE F TRUST 08-29- 02 3441 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BRADFIELD BETTY L 5279 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BRADLEY ROBERTA E REVOCABLE TRUST 07-21-93 4024 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BRADY-MCCORMICK LOU I 3479 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BRAXTON FRED J REVOCABLE TRUST 04-27-91 5171DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BRENNAN ALLAN P&MARTHA S 3478 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BREZA TRUST 11-20-90 111 TWINPEAKSDR WALNUT CREEK CA 94595 BRINES BARBARA B 3437 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AM3AV-OD-008-1 UJOD'AjaAB'MMM ®091S 6ujiuu<] aaij afipntus pue uier impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® BRISTOW JOYCE M LIVING TRUST 10-O3-96 5147 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY BRITTON JASON A&ELEANORA 2320 EASTBROOK RD VISTA CA 92081 AVERY® 5160® BRODY RICHARD D&JONES JENNIFER A 2108 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 BROOKING DORIS TR 375 SKYLINE DR VISTA CA 92084 BROOKS LEONA M TRUST 12- 14-00 3505 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BROSE DARYLL H&MARIANNE 2679 CALICO CT MORGAN HILL CA 95037 BROUGHTON ROBERT N&SHARON A 2992 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BROWN ARTHUR&REBECCA REVOCABLE TRUST 07-15-94 5741 PALMER WAY #B CARLSBAD CA 92008 BROWN EVA MARIE LIVING TRUST 09-09-96 2976 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BROWN LYMAN W 5326 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BROWNE JAMES H&SHARON F 2045 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 OWN MICHAEL YNE&RO&E-BR BRYANT HARRY&MONTANA REVOCABLE TRUST 12-20-01 5063 ALICANTE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BROWN RUTH S 3446 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BSHARAH ALFRED A&HARRIET H 5239 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BUCKLEY JOHN J&MARY M 3432 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BUFKJN WILLIAM T II&ANGELIC B 44914 GOLDEN EYE CT CALLAWAY MD 20620 BURCH FRANCIS E&DORIS M 5101 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BURGESS GEORGE T REVOCABLE TRUST 07-25-96 ET AL 6005 PATMOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BURK DANIEL M&ERIN M 2994 BRANDON CIR CARLSBADCA92010 BURGNER FAMILY TRUST 06- 04-98 2110 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 BURKE DAVID T&AUON WALESKA 5062 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BURINSKAS KATHLEEN K 2981 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BURMEISTER FAMILY TRUST 11-09-01 3490 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BURRITT THOMAS M&VICTORJA L 4006 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BURROUGHS NADINE C 5373 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BUSS FAMILY TRUST 06-11-90 5055 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 BUSSE GLENN R&NANCY R 2130 REDWOOD CREST VISTA CA 92081 BUTLER BARNEY L&BARBARA A TRS 3467 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BUTLER CHRISTON C&DONNA A 2014 SEQUOIA CREST VISTA CA 92081 ®09LS AM3AV-O9-008-1 ®091S 31\ndl/\llJ. ®^J3AV asp 6u;iuMd aaij a6pnuis PUB uier Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® BUTTERS BETTE T 5146 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BYRNE HERBERT R&LORINE C 5001 TIERRA DEL ORO CARLSBAD CA 92008 C B RANCH ENTERPRISES 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS #106 CARLSBAD CA 92008 C R C PROJECT ONE L P 475 W BRADLEY AVE EL CAJON CA 92020 C R C PROJECT TWO L P 475 W BRADLEY AVE EL CAJON CA 92020 CABALLERO JORGE L&PURA T 2328 SUMMERWIND PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 CABRERA JOSE L&JUANA 2095 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 CADE INTER VIVOS TRUST 04- 08-87 5318 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CADWALLADER FAMILY TRUST 10-07-98 2064 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 CADWALLADER NEIL K&ELLEN I 2089 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA C A 92081 CAINE JACK M&JOANN E TRUST 04-30-81 5079 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 CAL E 1 L L C 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WAY #200 DEL MARC A 92014 CALAVERA HILLS H HOMEOWNERS ASSN 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY CA 91950 CALAVERA HILLS IIL L C 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY CA 91950 CALAVERA HILLS MASTER ASSN 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY CA 91950 ®09LS ®Ail3AV AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®<ms 6uj)uud aaij eBpnuis pue uier Impression anti courtage et A sechage rapide Utilisezlegabarit5160® CALAVERAWLLC 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WAY #200 DEL MAR CA 92014 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® CALDEIRA PAMILY TRUST 10- 04-84 4899 ZENOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 CALDWELL TERENCE F&DENISE M 1893 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 CALEGARJ NANCY L 2088 SEQUOIA VISTA CA 92081 CALLAHAN SURVIVORS TRUST 04-09-93 3423 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CALLAWAY GOLF CO 2285 RUTHERFORD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 XAWAY GOLF CO 22^85 RUTHERFORD CARLSBAD CALLAWAY GOLF CO 2285mJTHERFORDN CARLSBAD^A 92008 CALLAWAY GOLF CO 2285yRUTH£R>ORD RIX"^^. CARLSBAD CA 92608 CALLAWAY GOLFj ERFO CA/92008 CALLOW LYLE&CHARLOTTE FAMILY TRUST 07-28-99 5075 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 CALWEST INDUSTRIAL HOLDINGS L L C DEPT #207 PO BOX 4900 85261 CAMAISA TED J&RHIZA E 6988 IVANPAH AVE TWENTYNIN PLM CA 92277 CAMERON LAIRD M&CATHERINE A 2056 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 CAMINO CARLSBAD LLC 8294 MIRA MESA BLVD S AN DIEGO C A 92126 CAMPBELL RICHARD F TRUST 02-14-94 630 ENCINITAS BLVD ENCINITAS CA 92024 CANNON ROAD LLC 1745 ROCKY RD FULLERTONCA 92831 CAPE AT CALAVERA HILLS IOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION IE 0q SAN DIEGO CA 92110 CARLSBAD AUTOPARK PROPERTIES LLC 450 W VISTA WAY VISTA CA 92083 CAPE AT CALAVERA HILLS HOMEOWNERS ASSN 3900 HARNEY ST S AN DIEGO C A 92110 CARBONE MARTIN R&GLADYS K 5123 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CANTERBURY ASSN 10721TREENAST#200 S AN DIEGO C A 92131 CAPE AT CALAVERA HILLS IOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION THE 3SK)0 HAKNEY Si SANDIEGOCA92110 CARDENEZ DAVID S 2186 REDWOOD CRST VISTA C A 92081 CARLSBAD CANTERBURY ASSN 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AVENIDA ENCINAS #100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD RANCH COMPANYL\ r\ <v /\SeOO^VE/NIDXENClKAS #400 \ CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD RANCH L P 5770 ARMADA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER OWNERS ASSN 555 W BEECH ST #500 S AN DIEGO C A 92101 ®09is AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®091S e6pnuj$ pue Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® CARLSBAD TECHNOLOGY INC 5923 BALFOUR CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY CARLSBAD TECHNOLOGY INC 5923 BALFOUR CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® CARLSBERG RANCHO LTD 6171 W CENTURY BLVD #100 LOS ANGELES CA 90045 CARMEL OAKS PROPERTIES L LC 7402 W OCEANFRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 CARNEY DEVIN B&PATRICIA M 3804 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARPENTER WILLIAM H TRUST 10-09-01 P O BOX 1662 OCEANSIDECA 92051 CARTER CHARLES R&SHIAO LAN 2988 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARTER DAN C&ARLENE D 184ORIGPL#105 HONOLULU HI 96818 CARTER FAMILY TRUST 08-22- 85 5087 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 CASANADA MICHELLE 3448 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CASE JOHN&VIRGINIA REVOCABLE TRUST 08-04-92 5086 SIROS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 CASHION SURVIVORS TRUST 10-25-91 2378 TERRAZA RIBERA CARLSBAD CA 92009 CASILLAS MARK&NATALIE 2331EASTBROOKRD VISTA CA 92081 CASON JOHN&MELANIE 2978 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CASSAR RICK 4535 HARTFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 CASTER BERT T&DEANNE 2098 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 CASTIGLIONE MICHEAL 2249 MASTERS RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 CAVOLT JAMES A 2383 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CAWLEY PATRICK W 4595 SALEM PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHANDLER KATHLEEN M 2700 GREEN OAK CT LEWISVILLE TX 75077 CHANG HOWARD&DAWN 5273 GREENWILLOW LN SAN DIEGO CA 92130 CHANG WILLIAN&HARAI BRENDA TRUST 12-05-03 5061 ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHATEAU DEL NORTE HOMEOWNERS ASSN 3900 HARNEY ST S AN DIEGO C A 92110 CHAU FAMILY TRUST 2373 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 CHEN FU&JIN YI 3643 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHEN GALLIN 2129 TWAIN AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHENG WINNIE SIU KUEN 2061 SEQUOIA CREST VISTA C A 92081 ®osis ©AU3AV AH3AV-O9-008-1 ®091S aiVldlAiai ®AjaAV esn 6ujiujJ<| aaij a6pnui$ pue impression antioourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® CHESTNUT WILLIAM&HELEN INTERVIVOS TRUST 08-22-97 5271 DONVALDEZDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ^^^" www.avery.com —'—" 1-800-GO-AVERY CHESTNUT WILLiAM&HELEN INTERYlVOS 527U/ON VAL0EZ Dl CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® CHEUNG ALAN W&LIM ROWENA T 3468 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CHI CHEEMING T&SUSANNA C 2025 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 CHILDS FAMILY INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP 432 S BENTLEY AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90049 CHIN DAVID E 3678 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHMIELEWSKI ANDRE O&MARGO 2967 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CHO YUN SOON 5265 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHOCHOLEK EDWARD F LIVING TRUST 10-10-97 1399 SPECIALTY DR VISTA CA 92081 CHOCHOLEK EDWARD F LIVING TRUST 10-10-97 1399 SPECIALTY DR VIST A CA 92081 CHOI INJA 65 W MAGNA VISTA AVE ARCADIACA91007 CHOPRA PHAM 2715 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHOWNING VIRGINIA TRUST 06-09-05 1954 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 CHRISTENSON PAUL S 3529 COASTVIEW CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHRISTIANSEN JANE P 3442 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHRISTLE MARVIN B&LORRAINE F LIVING TRUST 05-07-85 5155 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHRYSLER CORP 1000 CHRYSLER DR AUBURN HILLS MI 48326 CHRISTMAN LORRAINE 4009 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHU IRIS J G 3461 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 CHRISTY KAREN L 3444 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CHURCHILL FAMILY TRUST 07-09-86 5086 AEGINA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 CHURCHILL ROBERT T&KARENJ 26 WRIGHT PL WILBRAHAM MA 01095 CIC CALAVERA LP 725 S COAST HIGHWAY 101 ENCINITAS CA 92024 CINKO JOSEPH A&GERALDINE M 3571 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CIOCCA TERESA S 4531 HARTFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 CISTERNAS RICARDO A&MIRJAM G 5051MILLAYCT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CLARKE FAMILY TRUST 06-19- 97 6019PATMOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 CLEM VALERIE 5358 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBADCA92010 CLEM-YALERIE CARLSBAD-CA 92008 CLEMENTS WILLIAM W TR 3500 E LINCOLN DR #18 PHOENIX AZ 85018 AH3AV-OD-008H ($091.5 3JLVldl/\l3i ®AuaAV asn 6u!iuud aaij eSpnuis pue uier impression ariuoourrage et a secnage rapiae Utilisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVIRY AVERY® 5160® CLEPPER TIMOTHY J 1966 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 CLEWORTH RICKY L&TONI K 1896 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 CLOONAN STEVEN 2989 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CLOWDMTD 1&56V/AVIXCAI E3CONDIDO CT 2026 CLOW DAVID 1956 VIZCAINO CT ESCONDIDO CA 92026 COBB GERALD L&MARY O 5085 AEGINA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 COBRA-BLACKMORE P 0 BOX 424 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 COCITA JOSEPH&JOANNE 2050 SEQUOIA CREST VISTA CA 92081 CODY MICHAEL J&BRANDY T 3494 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 COHEN RICHARD&PAMELA S 3824 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 COHEN SHALEV K&STRAUSS- . COHEN REN A L 2166 REDWOOD CRST VISTA C A 92081 COHN LIVING TRUST 10-07-03 2261 MASTERS RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 COIL FAMILY TRUST 01-31-90 5063 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 COLBERT GARRETT W&JUDY L 5253 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 COLBURN CRAIG B&NANCY J 3355 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 COLE JASON P&JANA O 3732 WHITESANDS CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 COLE REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 11-23-87 3561 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 COLEBROOKE JODIE O 4004 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBADCA92010 COLLAZO DAVID A&DENELLE M 1986 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA C A 92081 COLLINS DANIEL&WILMA F 5062 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 COLLINS WALLACE V&IRENE M 6001 PATMOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 COLON DAVID C <DVA> 3808 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 COLTON SCOTT F 25342 CALLE BECERRA LAGUNA NIGUEL CA 92677 COMAN CHASE H TRUST 06-04- 96 5855 SUNNY CREEK RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 CONDER DUANE A&JENNIFER L 3707 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CONDON SCOTT M&CORINNA K 3331 CORTE DEL CRUCE CARLSBAD CA 92009 CONNORS THOMAS J 2979 WOODBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CONRAD MICHEAL&LAUREN 3815 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CONRAD PAULA R 2049 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 ®09iS ®AU3AV AM3AV-OD-008-1 aaij a6pnui$ pue uier Utilisez le gabarit 5160® ei a teenage rapiae www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® CONWAY NEIL B&MONICA L 3436 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 CONWAY RANDY R&ELAINE M 2381 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 COOK BERTHA W TRUST 02- 02-98 3327 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 COOPER FLORENCE TRUST 11- 14-86 4897 ZENOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 COOPER JAMES E JR&SUSAN A 2012 APPLEWOOD LN VISTA CA 92081 COOPER ROBERT C&CHRISTINA M 3594 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 COOPER WILLIAM J&LISA A 3429 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 COPE JOHN W&MARIASOL B 2365 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 CORAZZA JACQUELINE A 3888 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 COREY BARBARA A 3461 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CORNEJO JUAN &CARMELA T 2012 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 CORPORATION OF THE PRESIDING BISHOP OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF PO BOX 511196 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84151 CORTEZ ABE&LISA 2048 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 CORWIN PAUL J&GERALDINE FAMILY TRUST 3479 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 COURTNEY MARION J REVOCABLE TRUST 02-20-02 3441 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 COSTANTINO BEN&JOAN REVOCABLE TRUST 09-14-98 5009 TIERRA DEL ORO CARLSBAD CA 92008 COURTNEY-MARSTON ARDYTH TRUST 01-28-02 5152 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 COSTANTINO BEN&JOAN REVOCABLE TRUST 09-16-98 5009 TffiRRAJ^EL Q\O ^s CARL3BAD CA 92008 COUSINE AU RONALD L&PATRICIA A 1 MEADOWS CIR WDCOM MI 48393 COX STEFFAN&SHAWNEE 4542 CAMBRIDGE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 CPG CARLSBAD HOLDINGS LLC 105 EISENHOWER PKY ROSELAND NJ 07068 CPT/SC TITLE HOLDING CORP 533 S FREMONT AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90071 CRAIG ARTHUR J IRA NO 60497 3703 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CRAMM GERALD G&KATHLEEN A 3445 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CRAMOND ANDREW &AMEE S 3675 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®09ts A«3AV-OD-008-l ®091S 6u!iujJd eaij eSpnius pue tuef an uuuuuaytj ei a secnage rapiae Utilisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® GRAND ALL ANAMAE B LIVING TRUST 07-08-97 5115DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRIDDLE PERCY N&MARGARET J 1070 MCTAVISH RD NORTH SAANICH BC, CANADA V8L5T4 00000 CROSBY PETER J&ELIZABETH L 3815 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 CRANE DARYL G&TIFFANY D 2083 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 CRIVELLO COMMERCIAL INVESTMENTS L L C 2260 RUTHERFORD RD #110 CARLSBAD CA 92008 CROSS RHONDA K 4019 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 CRAWFORD DAVID W&JEAN E INTERVIVOS TRUST 05-24-83 3430 DON COTADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CROOK ANNE 5229 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CROSS RICHARD G III 2982 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CROSS SCOTT D&NANCY H TRS 2391MERWINDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CROWDER DAVID J&MARY A 2956 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CROWE DAVID 5320 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CROWE EDWARD F&ANGELA A 9520 STOAKES AVE DOWNEY CA 90240 CRUMB AKER BRIAN R&LORRIE L 3513 LEVEE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CRUZ LISA M 3752 JETTY PT CARLSBADCA92010 CRUZ TIMOTHY G&KATHERINE E 2125 TWAIN AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CUNRADI DAVID R&ELLEN V 5128DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CURTIS TRUST 01-08-85 3450 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CURWEN FAMILY TRUST 03- 28-83 5054 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 CUSATIS PAUL N 1864 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 CUSTODERO STEPHEN L&JUDITH 3429 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CYPRESS VALLEY L L C 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY CA 91950 CYPRESS VALLEY L L C NTIONAL CITY DAI LIANG&WU RONG 5591 FOXTAIL LOOP CARLSBAD CA 92008 DANESHFAR ZIAEDIN&MAJIDZADEH ZOHREH 3716STRATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DANIELS CABLEVISION INC 1 N MAIN ST COUDERSPORT PA 16915 DANG JOHNNY 3631 CONTOUR PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 DANZIGER ROBERT B&CAROL N 5223 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DANG XINGLAI&XI XIAOMEI 3537 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DAOUNOUHADE 2967 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®09is ®AU3AV AU3AV-O9-008-1 6ujiuud »ay aBpnius pue uier Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® DAPELLO/KEYES FAMILY TRUST 08-04-04 3451 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY DASTYCK WILLIAM R&MICHELLE W 5099 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® DATTAN HOWARD S 5163 DONRICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DAUBENSPECK DEBORAH FAMILY TRUST 01-15-04 1953 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 DAUGHENBAUGH FAMILY TRUST 03-24-93 5062 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DAUGHERTY JEFFERY S&ANA B 4027 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DAVENPORT DARYL R&FLORENCE P FAMILY SURVIVORS 1991 TRUST 06-24- 91 5077 CAESENA WAY DAVIS ROBERT L&VICTORIA L 3001 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DAVIS CHARLES N&JANICE A LIVING TRUST 05-05-04 3819STONERIDGERD CARLSBAD CA 92008 DAVISON JASON J 4004 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD CA 92010 DAVIS CHARLES W&ELLEN L 2047 SEQUOIA CREST VISTA C A 92081 DAWSON FAMILY SURVIVORS TRUST 3473 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DAWSON NILA 2953 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DEAINZA FAMILY TRUST A 12- 21-87 4878 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DEAN FAMILY TRUST 06-06-00 5190ELARBOLDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DEAN FAMILY TRUST 06-17-87 3468 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DEBORA FAMILY TRUST 11-16- 04 2081 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 DEELEY-BARNARD FAMILY TRUST 09-06-03 5116DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DEGRAW FAMILY TRUST 11- 19-04 2399 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DELAMATA FELIX B&ROSEANNE D 2376 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DEI L L C C/O GREENE PROPERTIES INC P O BOX 1388, VISTA CA 92085 DELANGE CORNELIS&PHYLLIS E 3569 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DELAMATA FELLX B&DIAMOND-DELAMATA ROSEANNE 2376 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DELISEO JAMES A&KRISTEN 2269 BAXTER CANYON RD VISTA CA 92081 DELROSARIO WILLIAM&JENNIFER 1890 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 DELVALLE MAXIMINO J&MICHEL D 3637 ESPLANADE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DEMAREST DAVID&BARBARA P 6051DASSIAWAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DEMPSEY FAMILY TRUST 03- 26-93 3641 ESPLANADE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DENEAU TRUST 10-29-93 3473 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DENNING FAMILY TRUST 09- 23-92 17077 SANMATEO ST #2313 FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA 92708 ©cms ©AU3AV AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®09LS 31V1dlAI31 ®AjeAV esn eaij a6pntus pue uier Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® DENNIS MICHAEL G 3517 CAY DR CARLSBAD. CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-60-AVERY DENSON MARGARET E 2355 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® DEPffiTRO FAMILY TRUST 12- 09-91 5066 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DERGANC STANLEY G&EVELYNN J 1992 TRUST 7029 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DEROSA GEORGEANNE M 3462 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DESAIMAHADEVBHAID 4681 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DESAI PANKAJ A&MINAKSHI P 3455 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 DESHMUKH UDAY V&MUGDHAU 3603 CONTOUR PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 DESIDERIO ANTHONY R TRUST 08-24-94 4892 ZENOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DETHOMAS ROBERT D JR&SUSAN E 2087 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 DEVEZE SANDY 2044 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 DETURI NICHOLAS M&ARLENE A FAMILY 1993 TRUST 02-12-93 1546 AVENIDA DE LAS LILAS ENCINITAS CA 92024 DIANATI ROBERT R&ALAMI- RAD MAHVASH 3462 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DEVANE SUSAN LIVING TRUST 03-19-99 5157DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIAZINES 2046 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 DIAZ MARIA A 3660 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 DICK JASON&KJMBERLY 3645 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 DICKENS JACK A 4717ARAGONDR S AN DIEGO C A 92115 DICKERSON SCOTT I 3682 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIDIO MIKAEL P&MARCI A 3720 RIDGE CT CARLSBAD CA 92010 DffiHLMARKT 2369 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 DIELI SALVATORE&ALICE M 5131 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIETER BRANDON A&CYNTHIA J 3436 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DILLON SCOTT&SHEILA 5060 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIMINNO VINCENZO&JEANNE REVOCABLE TRUST 08-22-89 3468 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DISTEL FAMILY TRUST 09-10- 01 6047 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DINING CHRISTOPHER 3644 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92010 DIXON MARK&NANCY J 2285 HILLYER ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 DINSMORE ROBERT W&DEBORAH M REVOCABLE 2003 TRUST 01-21-03 1541 9THST SANTA MONICA CA 90401 DIZON RAYMOND F&SETSUKO N PO BOX 721386 S AN DIEGO C A 92172 ®09is ©AU3AV AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®09LS 31VldlAI31 6uj}uud aajy e6pnws pue uief Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® DONLEY FAMILY TRUST 07-29- 04 3302 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY DONNELL SCOTT&DEBRA 1961 PINEWOOD RD VISTA CA 92081 AVERY® 5160® DONNELLY JOHN R&LESLIE 3648 ESPLANADE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DONOVAN ALFREDO D&MELINDA L 2965 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DORMAN ROY&MARY J 2027 SEQUOIA CREST VISTA CA 92081 DOOM BRUCE J&TAMARA S 3509 LEVEE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DORSTEN FAMILY TRUST 08- 28-00 4958 LERKAS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DORAISWAMY RAMESH&GOWDER LATHA R M 5607 FOXTAIL LOOP CARLSBAD CA 92008 DORTHICK DARRELL D PO BOX 1851 FREMONT CA 94538 DOTY REBECCA A 3442 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DOWELL FAMILY TRUST 08- 14-89 2073 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 DOYLE GREGORY A&SHARON K 2372 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DRAKE PATRICIA M 3539 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DRAKE SANFORD M&NANCY C 1989 TRUST 09-14-89 1281 CALMA CT VISTA CA 92081 DRAPER W H TRUST 11-06-92 PO BOX 381 OCEANSIDE CA 92049 DREIFUSS RAYMOND H&SAMANTHA L 3808 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 DRESSEL REINHART 3658 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 DREYER STEVEN E&CHERYL 4020 VISTA CALAVERAS OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DRIVER CELESTE M 3343 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DRUCKER ARLENE F 154SPRINGHILLDR MORRIS PLAINS NJ 07950 DRUCKER MARK 3695 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DUARTE FAMILY TRUST 1989 02-19-89 5066 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 DUFFIN GORDON L&LUCILLE H 5128 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DUINO JAMES M&MONICA P 2288 AUDEN PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 DUMONT RANDALL E&STEFANIE M 3728 WHITESANDS CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 DUNAVAN PAMELA S 5460 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DUNCAN BRYAN S&SHEILA 2081 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 DUNGAN FAMILY TRUST 03- 13-03 12528 SORA WAY S AN DIEGO CA 92129 DUNN MICHAEL J&SANDRA J 2049 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 DUNN SHIRLEY M TRUST 09- 17-03 3546 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®09is aividwai ©AJBAV aBpnuis pue uier Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® DUNST KENNETH W&VIRGINIA A FAMILY 2005 TRUST 02-08-05 3636 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 DUTTA FAMILY TRUST 07-07- 97 9704 WREN BLUFF DR SAN DIEGO CA 92127 EAGLE DORIS L RESIDENCE TRUST 06-13-03 5067 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY DUNWIDDIE KENDALL&IRENE 2340EASTBROOKRD VISTA CA 92081 DWELLEY WILLIAM F&MARTHA H FAMILY TRUST 08-06-93 5442 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 EASTIN FAMILY TRUST 10-05- 99 5095 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® DURNAN CHRISTIE L&R EMMETT 4900NEBLINADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 E G L L DEVELOPMENT L L C 5414 OBERLINDR #140 SAN DIEGO C A 92121 EATON HOMER L&NINA B FAMILY TRUST 08-03-95 300 CARLSBAD VLG DR #108A CARLSBAD CA 92008 EBEL TRUST 10-14-83 3308 CORTE CADIZ CARLSBAD CA 92009 ECK WILHELM FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST 5090 CAESENA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 EDELMUTH PETER L 3641 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 EDGEL JENNIFER D 3644 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 EDMUNDS JODIE L 3759 JETTY PT CARLSBADCA92010 EDSON THEODORE D&DEBRA S 3456 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 EDWARDS JOSHUA B&TERRI L REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 5067 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 EHLERT SCOTT A 5055 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 EIFER FAMILY TRUST 04-15-04 3474 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 EDCLOR FAMILY TRUST 04-23- 01 3478 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 EISENBERG WILLIAM&ROSE FAMILY TRUST 1969PINEWOODRD VISTA CA 92081 EISNER JUSTIN&GRETCHEN 4012 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBADCA92010 EL CEDRO LLC 6110 CORTE DEL CEDRO CARLSBAD CA 92009 ELLEBRECHT BERNARD&BARBARA J 2033 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 ELLENSTEIN DAVID&YOUNG DENISE 2986 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ELLESTAD FAMILY TRUST 11- 26-99 2076 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 ELLIS CHRISTOPHER&COURTNEY M 1967 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 ELLMAN ROBERT&MARION 5085 CAESENA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ELSON JOSHUA S 2057 REDWOOD CRST VISTA C A 92081 EMBRY ALBERTO D 2031 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 ENDRES MATTHEW&MIRNA 2024 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA C A 92081 ®09is AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®091S Bujiuud esJJ aBpnuis pue uier impression antioourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® ENGE ROGER&INGA 1959 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 ••^™ www.avery.com "~ 1-800-GO-AVERY ENGELHARD FAMILY TRUST 05-22-96 3484 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 AVERY® 5160® ENGELSMAN CHRIS&KATE 3440 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ENIGENBURG BRUCE P&MICHELLE D 5163DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ENYEDI KURT D&LYNN P 1997 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA C A 92081 EPPS MICHAEL&SHERI 1995 CHERRYWOOD ST VISTA C A 92081 EPSTEIN ROBERT&JACKIE H FAMILY TRUST 08-11-88 5043 ALICANTE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ERICKSON DAVID 3302 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ERICKSON JANE E REVOCABLE TRUST 02-05-03 2006 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 ERIKSON FAMILY TRUST 3607 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 ERLINGER ETHEL M TR 2056 REDWOOD CREST VISTA CA 92081 ERNST MARK R&MARIAN C 5037 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 ERZEN TRUST 04-29-92 263 FUTURITY LN FALLBROOK CA 92028 ESKTOORN TRUST 07-25-95 5155 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ESSERT NEOMA J TRUST 5327 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ESSMAN CHRISTOPHER L&TAHLIA M 5071MILLAYCT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ESTABROOK MARK&LARA 2975 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ESTES DONALD D&PHYLLIS M TRUST 03-17-04 6007 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ETNIRE ROBERT K TESTAMENTARY TRUST A P O BOX 85552 SAN DIEGO CA 92186 EVANS JACK&LORRAINE 3711 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 EVANS PAUL F LIVING TRUST 03-05-02 5281 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 EVANS POINT HOMEOWNERS ASSN 10721TREENAST#200 SAN DIEGO C A 92131 EVANS POINT A&SN 1072 V TRBJ5NX ST #2\00 SANT)IEGOCA9213 MEOWNERS EVERGREEN HEBRON L P PO BOX 1454 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 FAASAMALA FALE T 4019 ALTO ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FAIN FAMILY TRUST 10-14-03 2140 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 FALLON JOE&DIANA 2090 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA C A 92081 FAND IRWIN&BEATRICE REVOCABLE TRUST 4888 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FANNING RITA J 3301 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FARHAT LAWRENCE 1528 VISTA CLUB CIR #303 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 ®09is AH3AV-OD-008-1 009 LS 3iV1dW31 ®AJ9AV esfl 6uj)U(j<] aaij a6pnuis pue uier Impression antidourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® FARKAS FAMILY TRUST 08-31- 88 3514 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ^^^™ www.avery.com •—•—" 1-800-GO-AVERY FARRELL REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 10-30-97 5099 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 AVERY® 5160® FARRELL TIM 4001 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FAUSETT DIANE M 3435 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD CA 92010 FAY LIVING TRUST 11-23-99 1996 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 FELDER JANE TRUST 07-12-93 4901 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FENTON CARLSBAD L L C 7577 MISSION VALLEY RD S AN DIEGO C A 92108 FENTON CARLSBAD L L C 7577 MISSION VALLEY RD S AN DIEGO C A 92108 FENTON CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER L L C 7577 MISSION VALLEY RD S AN DIEGO C A 92108 FENTON H G COMPANY 7577 MISSION VALLEY RD S AN DIEGO CA 92108 FENTON H G COMPANY 757\JyHSSION VALLEY RD SAN DIEGO CA 9>i08\^_^-^\L/ FENTON H G COMPANY 757t MISSION VALLEY RD SAN\pIEGOCA/92Tt)$- -^ FERGUSON MARY B 3642 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 FERGUSON PHILLIP C&ANNETTA L LIVING TRUST 2077 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 FERRIS BARBARA 5201 DON VALDEZDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FIELD ROBERT&RHODA FAMILY TRUST 11-28-94 4955 LAMIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FIELDS LIVING TRUST 03-29-00 5000 APACHE CT ANTIOCHCA 94531 FINCH CHRISTOPHER N&KIMBERLY M 2048 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 FINDLEYJOHNNTR 915BRIARCLIFFDR SANTA MARIA CA 93455 FINK FAMILY 1989 TRUST 10- 09-89 5069 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FINLEY RITA M TR 2020 APPLEWOOD LN VISTA CA 92081 FINN FAMILY TRUST 07-12-02 7004 SHERBOURNE LN S AN DIEGO C A 92129 FINN GEORGE J 4021 CANARIO ST #336 CARLSBAD CA 92008 FIRTH RAYMOND L 2969 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FISCHER WILLIAM M&MARY E REVOCABLE TRUST 06-16-93 5228 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FISHINGER FAMILY TRUST 11- 23-04 2038 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 FISSORI NELLIE J LIVING TRUST 02-08-01 3430 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FLAHERTY ROBERT R&ANN G 3607 CONTOUR PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 FLANAGAN FAMILY TRUST 01-19-93 5098 CAESENA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FLANIGAN LAWRENCE E&NANCY A 3378 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®Q9is AM3AV-OD-008-1 UIODVtieABWVMM ®09is aixndwai aa»J afipnws pue tuef Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® FLEMING JOHN F&ROXANNE E 5254 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 ^^^m www.avery.com "^~ 1-800-GO-AViRY FLETCHER 2002 TRUST 04-05- 02 5030 TffiRRA DEL ORO CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® FLETES EDUARDO&DLANNE FAMILY TRUST 11 -12-00 2094 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 FLEWELLING FAMILY TRUST 06-10-04 5091 DASSIAWAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FLICKINGER FAMILY TRUST 06-21-02 3651BARRANCACT CARLSBAD CA 92008 FLOOD GREGORY A&SUSAN H 1963 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 FOGG PERRY W REVOCABLE TRUST 07-17-90 221 OLD COUNTY RD EAST SANDWICH MA 02537 FOGLIATTI DAVID W&HOLLY R 4659 MEADOW DR CARLSBADCA92010 FOLEY FAMILY TRUST 05-06- 99 5098 AEGINA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FOLEY LEONARD B&CAROLYNA 3458 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FOND JACK&RUTH LIVING TRUST 02-09-78 3466 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FOSTER GARRY L&LAKE JOCELYN L 3553 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBADCA92010 FOSTER SAMUEL R&TERESA A 1055 CANTER WOOD DR MOSCOW ID 83843 FOX FRANCIS T&BARBARA J 3385 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FRANK HARRISON&BARBARA L FAMILY TRUST 03-08-91 4963 LAMIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FRANKLIN FAMILY TRUST 12- 16-94 5129DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FRANKLIN RAYMOND N&PEARL D 2008 APPLEWOOD LN VISTA CA 92081 FRASSANITO REVOCABLE TRUST 01-10-02 1412 STAGECOACH RD SE ALBUQUERQUE NM 87123 FRATANGELO THOMAS M&MARGARET 1008 SILVER RETREAT CT HENDERSON NV 89015 FRAWLEY PATRICK E&MARY E 4593 SALEM PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 FRAZIER DENNIS W 1960 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 FRAZIER-BURTON CAROL A 10259 CORKWOOD CT ALTALOMACA 91737 FREDERICKS JOSEPH A&CAROL A 4009 VISTA CALAVERAS OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FREED CHRISTOPHER&JANET <DVA> 5241 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FREELAND ELIZABETH A TR 4956 LERKAS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FREEMAN GAYLEN 4566 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FREER ELAINE 3454 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 FRIGO G RENO REVOCABLE TRUST 06-02-04 2652 CORONADO PL VISTA CA 92081 FRITCH FAMILY TRUST 05-20- 96 2955 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FRITZ VICCIE F&CRAIG R 4015 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ©091S ©AU3AV AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®09LS 6ui}uud eay e6pnuis pue Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® FROMM HELEN P 3445 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ^^^m www.avery.com —— 1-800-GO-AVERY FRUEH FRANK J TRUST 11-01- 00 3501 LEVEE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® FULLER DENNIS C&JESSICA P 3681 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FUQUA RUTH M 5015 CAPE MAY AVE #102 SAN DIEGO CA 92107 GABRIELSON TRACY A 3718 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 FUTCHER JOHN E&PATRICIA A 15 HANOVER HOUSE ST JOHNS WOOD HIGH STREET, LONDON NWS 7DX UK 00000 GAGE JULES W TR&GAGE HELEN RTR 5163 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GABRIELSON BEVERLY A 3716 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 GAINOR CRAIG D 3648 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 GALLEGOS GREGORY 2393 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 GALLEGOS MARCEL M 1999 TRUST 2008 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA C A 92081 GALLEISKY FAMILY TRUST 05-17-90 4041MIRA VERDE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GALLERY FAMILY TRUST 07- 31-96 3415 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GAMES THOMAS V P O BOX 230850 ENCINITAS CA 92023 GANTZ HARRY P&ELENOR R TRS 5081 CAESENA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GARBER JERALD K&ELIZABETH H 5166DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GARDNER LIVING TRUST 12- 14-01 3674 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GARRETSON GARRY G&JULIE A 2034 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 GARRETT DEBORAH L 2972 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GARRETT TIMOTHY L&GERALDINE I 2036 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 GARRISON DARRYL A 2389 BROOKHAVEN PASS VISTA CA 92081 GASTELUM ROY H JR&HOPE M 3708 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GATES JAMES L 2993 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GAVRILENKO NATALIA LIVING TRUST 2387 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GAW WILLIAM H&ANN R 6003 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GAZDA GREGORY M&RUTH E 13666 ORCHARD GATE RD POWAY CA 92064 GEBLER FRED Z FAMILY TRUST 01-14-89 6015 PATMOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GEHRKE DAVID E&SUSAN C 4508 SALUTO CT SAN DIEGO CA 92130 GEIGER COURT L L C 4421 NORTH LN DEL MARC A 92014 GENESIS CORPORATE CENTRE ASSN 3838 CAMINO DEL RIO N #300 S AN DIEGO C A 92108 ©AfcJSAV AH3AV-OD-008-1 ®09is a6pnui$ pue uief Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® GENSLER CHARLES A&LUCIA G 3301 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY GENSTELBRIANI 2284AUDENPL CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® GEORGE TRUST 09-28-00 1032 BEACONS AY KD CARLSBAD CA 92011 GERARGE RUTH G 1983 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 GERDES RONALD D P O BOX 6385 OCEANSIDE CA 92052 GHASSEMIPARVINDOKHT TRUST 5318 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GIACOMINI FAMILY TRUST 03- 08-88 4880 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GIBBIA HENRY JR&BONAVENTURE M 5451 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GIBSON FAMILY TRUST 5119 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GIBSON JAMES W&MARY C FAMILY TRUST 03-18-88 5124 DON MAT ADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GIBSON RICHARD T 5731 PALMER WAY #B CARLSBAD CA 92008 GILBERT FAMILY TRUST 11- 03-83 3465 CHARTER OAK DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GILBERT LIVING TRUST 02-28- 83 3555 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GILLIAN LIVING TRUST 03-16- 99 7009 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GLADDEN RICHARD&ELLEN TRUST OF 2002 02-12-02 3458 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GLASER HOPE D 3447 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GLAUSER CONSTANCE R 3426 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GLISSON MATTHEW S&ROBERTANM 5065 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 GLOVER PAMELA S 4526 HARTFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 GOLD GEORGE&LUCILLE C TRUST 11-30-83 5077 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GNIBUS TIMOTHY D&MAMIE D 3883 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 GOLD RYAN&CASSANDRA 3425 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GOEDERT PETER A&REYNOLDS-GOEDERT BEVERLY 2753 INVERNESS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GOLDMAN FAMILY TRUST 02- 04-99 6039 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GOLDSTEIN FAMILY TRUST 02-23-99 5135 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GONZALEZ 2004 TRUST 5098 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 GONZALEZ M VENUS LIVING TRUST PO BOX 1822 CARLSBADCA92018 GOODMAN ANNETTE TRUST 10-05-01 3437 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GORDINIER D&S FAMILY TRUST 3472 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GORDON JAY R&CYNTHIA L 4655 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®09LS 3iV1dlAI3i 6u|)uud »a«d aBpnuis pue uier Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® GORDON L GAIL LIVING TRUST 01-21-00 1040 S ORANGE GROVE BLVD #19 PASADENA CA 91105 GRAND PACIFIC PLAZA L L C 5900 PASTEUR CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MMM www.avery.com —— 1-800-GO-AVERY GORSZWICK HEDWIG D <LE> GORSZWICK JOSEPH J&MARIE- THERESE TRS 4245 CLEARVIEW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRANT DANIEL L&KIMBERLEY M 2345 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® GOSSELIN JANET 4554 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRANT JAMES E FAMILY TRUST 12-16-92 5051 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRANT JON C FAMILY TRUST 03-09-83 4869 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GRANT JOSEPH R&YOSHffi K 5089 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GRAY FAMILY TRUST 04-08-91 5067 ALICANTE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GRAY LAURA M 161 CANYON CREEK WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92057 GRAY RUSSELL TRUST 05-28- 98 5118 DON RIC ARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRAY SONDRA W 4885 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GREEN FAMILY TRUST 03-01- 01 2965 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 GREEN JOHN F&DOROTHY E TRUST 05-13-93 5341 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GREEN LENNY&SUE M 5064 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 GREEN MICHAEL G 2269 MASTERS RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 GREEN STEVEN M&THERESA M 3665 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GREENHALGH DALE R&MCMASTER CHRISTINE M 5017ASHBERRYRD CARLSBAD CA 92008 GREENWOOD KRISTON L&ALISON E 4670 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GREER ARTHUR W&CARMEN C 3449 DON JOSE DR #268 CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRffiBLE PEARL N TR 650A ROCKING HORSE RD GARDNERVILLE NV 89410 GRIDER FAMILY TRUST 12-03- 93 4226 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GRIEPP SHERRY L 5301 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRIFFIN DANIEL J&KATHERINE M 1978 PINEWOOD RD VISTA CA 92081 GRIFFITH DAVID W&MICHELLE D 3702 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRIFFITH JEFFREY S 5025 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRILLO VINCENT F&AMANDA 1056 CAPRA WAY FALLBROOK CA 92028 GRITZMAKER TRUST 07-03-90 3446 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRODY PROPERTIES L L C 6211 BEACH BLVD BUENA PARK CA 90621 GROESBECK MARY J TR 3419 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ®09is ©AU3AV AH3AV-OD-008-1 ®09LS 31VldlAJ31 ®AJBAV asn Sujiuud aajj aBpnuis pue uier Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY AVERY® 5160® GROSS FAMILY TRUST 5081 MILOSWAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GROSS STEPHANIE 2993 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GROSSE RUSSELL W&MARY E 5850 SUNNY CREEK RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 GROVE JAY R&VICKI F 2344 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 GROVER SATISH R LIVING TRUST 10-12-01 3704 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GROVER SHAWN S&ANJU T 3832 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRUBAUGH PAUL D&MARY A 2009 APPLEWOOD LN VISTA CA 92081 GRUESU DON&PATRICIA 5264 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRUNEISEN ANITA L TR 5447 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GUBATON DANILO&YOLANDA R 1181 EUCALYPTUS AVE VISTA CA 92084 GUERRE JOHN A&PATRICIA 2347 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GUERRERO GERMAN A&MARY F M 2970 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GUERRERO MARCO A&IRMA B 3722 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 GUESS FAMILY TRUST 06-05- 74 3414 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GULIZIA RICHARD J&SHARON J 3522 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GUNTHER DAVID&MARGARET 5073 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 GUTERSON MORTON&GILDA 4952 LERKAS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 GUTIERREZ FAMILY TRUST 03-11-05 3521 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HAASIS JAMES R 3704 RIDGE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 HACKER JESSICA M 4546 CAMBRIDGE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 HACKETT KEVIN J&JOANNE G 3820 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 HADLEY RONALD D 4678 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HAENLE MARCIA B TRUST 11 - 01-89 5086 MYCENAE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HAINES JANET L PO BOX 235092 ENCINITAS CA 92023 HAINES RANDALL S 4015 ALTO ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HAJDAS LENORA 11016SW71STCIR OCALAFL 34476 HALEY MADELYN M 3443 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HALFON FAMILY TRUST 04-20- 90 6059 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HALL SANDRA J SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 11-25-97 5156 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HALLOCKANNH 3500 UPPERLINE ST NEW ORLEANS LA 70125 AM3AV-OD-008-1 ®09LS 6u|}U)Jd aaij a6pnuis pue uier Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide Utilisez le gabarit 5160® HAMMAN CINDY 1614 BROWN ST CARSON CITY NV 89701 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY HAMMILL GREGORY S&AMANDA L 3500 LEVEE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERY® 5160® HAMPSON RONALD H 5434 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HAN CHANG D&MI SON 5599 FOXTAIL LOOP CARLSBAD CA 92008 HANDELMAN FAMILY 1998 TRUST 3523 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HANLEY TRUST 04-09-92 3502 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HANNAY FAMILY TRUST 08- 03-04 785 LYNWOOD DR ENCINITAS CA 92024 HANSEN ROY&WANDA L 2017 SEQUOIA CREST VISTA CA 92081 HARDY DAVID A&JOANNE F 4802HAMERDR PLACENTIA CA 92870 HARDY FRANK E&CYNTHIA J 2055 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 HARKINS STEVEN 3432 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HARMS FAMILY TRUST 06-10- 92 4876 THEBES WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HARMS J DARLENE REVOCABLE TRUST 09-11-03 4257 LINDOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HARMUTH FAMILY TRUST 07- 05-89 5133 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HARN JAMES&JEANNE O <DVA> 3322 DON QUIXOTE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HARRINGTON JEFFREY J&MARILOU D 2368 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HARRIS ALVIN&JEWELL INTER VIVOS TRUST 03-03-00 5218DONVALDEZDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HARRIS DEANNA 3372 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HARRIS MONICA E TR 3426 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HARRIS REED&ANITA V <DVA> 5268 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HARRISON ANN B 2956 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 HARRISON ELIZABETH REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 10- 20-03 P O BOX 653 CARLSBADCA92018 HARVEY CHRISTINA J 1976 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA C A 92081 HARRISON ELIZABETH ST 10- A92018 HASELHUHN MICHAEL D&ROSEMARY 2395 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HARTZELL FAMILY TRUST 02- 01-88 5410 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HATEFIAZIN 3533 COASTVffiW CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 HATEFI SUZANNE 4000 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD CA 92010 HATTAN KAREN L 739 KNIGHTSBRIDGE CT CARDIFF CA 92007 HAWK CHARLES E&LINDA P 2063 SEQUOIA CREST VISTA C A 92081 ®09ts AM3AV-OD-008-1 6uiiuud aa-iJ a6pniu$ pue uier Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® HAWKNANCYJ 4954 LAMIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ^^^m www.avery.com "^"~ 1-800-GO-AVERY HAYNES LOUIS&ELIZABETH 1990 FAMILY TRUST 09-04-90 5073 CAESENA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 AVERY® 5160® HAYOS FRED&FLORENCE TRUST 03-20-02 7039 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HAYUTIN HARVEY&MINNA TRS 5078 SIROS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HEATHMAN FAMILY TRUST 10-26-99 5186 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ATHMAN FAMILY TRUST JAD CA 92008 HEBERT WALLACE S&LOLA L TRUST 02-13-90 7010 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HEDGECOCK RICHARD D&MARY L 1980 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 KEEP DONALD W DECEDENTS TRUST 12-22-95 3435 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HELFRICH WILLIAM A&JEAN ETRS 5376 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HELIX LAND CO LTD PO BOX 15453 SAN DIEGO CA 92175 HELLSTERN FRITZ&TERESA L 1992 WHITE BIRCH DR VISTA CA 92081 HELMS CLARENCE E&CARISSAM 2947 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HENDERSON BEVERLY J TRUST 09-14-94 6040 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HENDERSON BRUCE B&NANCY G 5176 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HENRIKSON SCOTT A&JENNIFER A 3630 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 HENRY DALE W&DORIS 4873 DEMETER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HEPNER JOEL P 2003 TRUST 03- 24-03 3468 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HERBERT WAYNE I FAMILY TRUST 10-12-93 3338 DON QUIXOTE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HERMAN STEVE&KRISTINE J 3825 SHALE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 HERMES DORIS F TR 3471 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HERNANDEZ MARIA P 3611 CONTOUR PL CARLSBADCA92010 HERNANDEZ ROSA 3603 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 HERON BAY/SPYGLASS HILLS HOMEOWNERS ASSN 10721 TREENA ST #200 SAN DIEGO CA 92131 HERON BAY/SPYGLASS HILLS HOMEOWNERS ASSN 10721 TREENA ST #200 SAN DIEGO C A 92131 ON BAY/SPYGLASS HILLS 131 HERSHMAN FAMILY TRUST 07-22-96 2108 NIBLICK TER OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HESTER DAYL 3515DONCARLOSDR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HESTER FAMILY TRUST 02-14- 89 5188 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBADCA92010 HEWSON/VISTA L L C 4636 E UNIVERSITY DR #265 PHOENIX AZ 85034 AM3AV-O9-008-1 3,0915 tueqeB a\ afipmac p la afipjjnormue uoissajduji Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® MICKEY JAMES F&SUSAN 4012 ALTO ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ^^^" www.avery.com "•"• 1-800-GO-AVERY HIDDEN RIDGE AT CARLSBAD HOMEOWNERS ASSN 15375 BARRANCA PKY #B212 IRVINE CA 92618 AVERY® 5160® HILL BERNICE C REVOCABLE TRUST 04-07-95 2984 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 HILL FAMILY INTERVIVOS REVOCABLE TRUST 12-13-02 2116 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 HILL GEORGE&MARJORffi REVOCABLE TRUST 11-21-89 5348 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HILLIARD FAMILY TRUST 07- 18-94 5140 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HINEBAUGH FAMILY TRUST 08-04-88 6017 PATMOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HINWOOD TRUDY 3460 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOATH ROBERT&JEANNIE 2261 BAXTER CANYON RD VISTA C A 92081 HOBSON DENIS&DOROTHY TRUST 01-16-03 3449 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HODGES FAMILY TRUST 07-02- 96 5126 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOEHN ASSOCIATES L L C P O BOX 789 CARLSBAD CA 92018 HOEHN GROUP L L C 5454 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOEHN GROUP L L C P O BOX 789 CARLSBAD CA 92018 HOFFMAN FAMILY TRUST 03- 26-93 3645 ESPLANADE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HOFFMAN FAMILY TRUST 08- 04-00 131 S RODEO DR #100 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90212 HOFFMAN ROBERT H&LAUREN T 3635 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOFFMAN STEPHEN LIVING TRUST 01-12-05 1494 S COAST HIGHWAY 101 ENCINITAS CA 92024 HOGUE FAMILY TRUST 05-05- 93 2054 SEQUOIA CREST VISTA CA 92081 HOGUE KAREN E FAMILY TRUST 04-21-92 6012 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HOLLAND FAMILY TRUST 08- 14-92 1917 LAKE CREST DR BELLINGHAM WA 98229 HOLLINGSHEAD F ARVIN&NORMA R 5047 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HOLLY SPRINGS LTD P 0 BOX 2484 CARLSBAD CA 92018 PRINGS LTD HOLTERMANN JOHN&VICTORIA 1894 TIMBER TRL VISTA C A 92081 HOLTON TERESA 170 FAIRWAY DR LA GRANGE IL 60525 HOOD GEORGE D&LINDA A 4533 NORWICH PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOOK JACK W&JOY L 3575 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOPE JAMES M&MARILYN J 4558 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOPEWELL HIS AKIM FAMILY TRUST 04-04-05 5098 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 AM3AV-O9-008-1 ®09tS i afioii^ac o ia afioiinnnniio i Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® HICKEY JAMES F&SUSAN 4012 ALTO ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ^^^ www.avery.com ——™ 1-800-GO-AVERY HIDDEN RIDGE AT CARLSBAD HOMEOWNERS ASSN 15375 BARRANCA PKY #B212 IRVINE CA 92618 AVERY® 5160® HILL BERNICE C REVOCABLE TRUST 04-07-95 2984 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 HILL FAMILY INTERVIVOS REVOCABLE TRUST 12-13-02 2116REDWOODCRST VISTA CA 92081 HILL GEORGE&MARJORffi REVOCABLE TRUST 11-21-89 5348 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HILLIARD FAMILY TRUST 07- 18-94 5140 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HINEBAUGH FAMILY TRUST 08-04-88 6017PATMOSWAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HINWOOD TRUDY 3460 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOATH ROBERT&JEANNIE 2261 BAXTER CANYON RD VISTA CA 92081 HOBSON DENIS&DOROTHY TRUST 01-16-03 3449 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HODGES FAMILY TRUST 07-02- 96 5126 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOEHN ASSOCIATES L L C P O BOX 789 CARLSBAD C A 92018 HOEHN GROUP L L C 5454 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOEHN GROUP L L C P O BOX 789 CARLSBADCA92018 HOFFMAN FAMILY TRUST 03- 26-93 3645 ESPLANADE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HOFFMAN FAMILY TRUST 08- 04-00 13 IS RODEO DR #100 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90212 HOFFMAN ROBERT H&LAUREN T 3635 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOFFMAN STEPHEN LIVING TRUST 01-12-05 1494 S COAST HIGHWAY 101 ENCINITAS CA 92024 HOGUE FAMILY TRUST 05-05- 93 2054 SEQUOIA CREST VISTA CA 92081 HOGUE KAREN E FAMILY TRUST 04-21-92 6012 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HOLLAND FAMILY TRUST 08- 14-92 1917 LAKE CREST DR BELLINGHAM WA 98229 HOLLINGSHEAD F ARVIN&NORMA R 5047 DASSIA WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 HOLLY SPRINGS LTD P O BOX 2484 CARLSBAD CA 92018 HOLLY SPRINGS LTD P O BOX 2484 CARLSBADCA92018 HOLTERMANN JOHN&VICTORIA 1894 TIMBER TRL VISTA CA 92081 HOLTON TERESA 170 FAIRWAY DR LA GRANGE IL 60525 HOOD GEORGE D&LINDA A 4533 NORWICH PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOOK JACK W&JOY L 3575 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOPE JAMES M&MARILYN J 4558 CAPE COD OR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOPEWELL HISAKI M FAMILY TRUST 04-04-05 5098 MILOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ®09is AM3AV-O9-008-1 apidej aSeipas ®091S »ueqe6 a| zasi|im *a aBeunoquue uojssajdui) Jam and Smudge Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® HOPPE ERIC C&SHERI L 2975 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY HORBOL TIMOTHY J&PATRICIA A 5036 ASHBERRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 5160® HORNA LOUISE M FAMILY TRUST 08-13-96 3538 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HORNER CLYDE E&LINDA M 2964 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 HSffiH WENHUEI&HSU CHAO HSffiN 2367 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOUTCHENS SCOTT D&JEANENE K REVOCABLE FAMILY LIVING TRUST 2122 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 HUANG LILLY 2051 SEQUOIA CRST VISTA CA 92081 HRACA JOSEPH A&BEATRICE HTRS 3474 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HUBBARD MARC C&ELIZABETH L 3457 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HUDGINS DENNIS E 3657 JETTY PT CARLSBAD CA 92008 HUMPHREY JOHN R IV&MICHELLE A 3593 GRANITE CT CARLSBADCA92010 HULL RICHARD F&MARY JANE REVOCABLE TRUST 12- 12-94 3345 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HUNDSHAMER FRANCIS X&JULIANNEM 5201 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HUMBLET FAMILY TRUST 06- 24-96 629 S RANCHO SANTA FE RD #445 SAN MARCOS CA 92078 HUNSICKER JOHN&SANDRA L 3438 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HURANI MICHAEL T 2074 REDWOOD CRST VISTA CA 92081 HUTCHISON DEREK 3483 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HUTTON KATHLEEN M 2316 EASTBROOK RD VISTA CA 92081 HYMAN LEN LIVING TRUST 08-29-01 3820 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 IBARRA JULIO&TERESA TRUST 08-19-05 1972 SPANISH OAK WAY VISTA CA 92081 IBARRA ROGER&MELISSA 3002 BRANDON CER CARLSBAD CA 92008 IFFLANDER ROBERT A&SUSAN C FAMILY TRUST 03- 24-91 2292 AUDEN PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 IMPALA CARLSBAD PARTNERS LTD 40900 AVENIDA ROS ARIO PALM DESERT CA 92260 INNS OF AMERICA CANNON L L C <LF> CANNON ROAD L L C 755 RAINTREE DR #200 CARLSBAD CA 92009 AM3AV-O9-008-1 11 IfwA 19 AP'AAAA AA ,3,091-5 »ueqe6 a| aoidej aSemas e la aBejjnodiiue uoissajdwi Robert C. Hawkins Suite 200110 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Kerry Siekmann 5239 El Arbol Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tanya Gulesserian, Adams, Broadwell, Joseph, & Cardozo 651 Gateway Boulevard, Suite 900 South San Francisco, CA 94080 Jennifer Wong CA Department of Water Resources Southern District 770 Fairmont Avenue, Suite 102 Glendale, CA 91203 Carey L. Cooper Klinedinst PC 501 W. Broadway, Suite 600 San Diego, CA 92101 Larry Purcell San Diego County Water Authority 4677 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Norma J. Wolk 2457 Levante Street Carlsbad, CA 92009 Ed Farley 4931TilosWay Oceanside, CA 92056 Ellen Baur 4037 Arcadia Way Oceanside, CA 92056 Jerry Buoniconti 4945 Demeter Way Oceanside, CA 92056 RBF Consulting Attn: Michelle Jung, MS: 455 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 Carol McConnell 5140 El Arbol Carlsbad, CA 92008 Timothy J. & Beverly A. Kowallek 2128 Redwood Crest Vista, CA 92081 Carey L. Cooper Klinedinst PC 501 West Broadway, Suite 600 San Diego, CA 92101 1 Precise Development PlanPrecise Development Plan && Desalination PlantDesalination Plant Presentation ContentsPresentation Contents Introduction and project overviewIntroduction and project overview Project detailsProject details ––Land UseLand Use ––Encina Power Station Encina Power Station ––Proposed desalination plantProposed desalination plant ––Proposed pipelinesProposed pipelines ––Public Dedications and EnhancementsPublic Dedications and Enhancements Presentation ContentsPresentation Contents Permits, approvals, and agreementsPermits, approvals, and agreements Water quality, reliability, and conservationWater quality, reliability, and conservation Environmental discussionEnvironmental discussion Staff recommendationsStaff recommendations Presentation SpeakersPresentation Speakers City of CarlsbadCity of Carlsbad ––Scott Donnell, Associate PlannerScott Donnell, Associate Planner ––Joe Monaco, Dudek & Assoc., EIR ConsultantJoe Monaco, Dudek & Assoc., EIR Consultant ––Other staff presentOther staff present Poseidon Resources Poseidon Resources ––ApplicantApplicant ––Applicant team Applicant team IntroductionIntroduction Major Project ComponentsMajor Project Components Carlsbad Seawater Desalination PlantCarlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant Desalinated Water PipelinesDesalinated Water Pipelines Precise Development PlanPrecise Development Plan ––Encina Power StationEncina Power Station ––Desalination PlantDesalination Plant ––Public dedications/enhancementsPublic dedications/enhancements 2 Major Project ComponentsMajor Project Components Encina Specific Plan AmendmentEncina Specific Plan Amendment Development AgreementDevelopment Agreement Environmental Impact ReportEnvironmental Impact Report Project Review ProcessProject Review Process City of CarlsbadCity of Carlsbad ––Environmental Impact ReportEnvironmental Impact Report ––Planning CommissionPlanning Commission December 21, 2005, hearingDecember 21, 2005, hearing May 3, 2006, hearingMay 3, 2006, hearing ––City CouncilCity Council ––Housing and Redevelopment Commission Housing and Redevelopment Commission Other AgenciesOther Agencies Project DetailsProject Details Significant Project DetailsSignificant Project Details The project is a private proposal The project is a private proposal The project is not a County Water Authority The project is not a County Water Authority proposalproposal ––CWA desalination proposal subject to separate CWA desalination proposal subject to separate reviewreview ––Only one desalination plant would be builtOnly one desalination plant would be built The project requires Coastal Commission The project requires Coastal Commission approvalapproval Significant Project DetailsSignificant Project Details The project:The project: ––Proposes no changes to power station operationsProposes no changes to power station operations The desalination plant:The desalination plant: ––Uses the existing cooling water dischargeUses the existing cooling water discharge ––Requires new review and permitting if project Requires new review and permitting if project description changes description changes ––Needs review by other cities/agenciesNeeds review by other cities/agencies Proposed Desalination Plant Site Encina Power StationI-5Pipelines Project LocationProject Location 3 Project Location Project Location I -5Power Station & Desalination Plant Pipelines Land Use RegulationsLand Use Regulations Regulatory documentsRegulatory documents ––General PlanGeneral Plan ––Zoning OrdinanceZoning Ordinance Precise Development PlanPrecise Development Plan ––Encina Specific PlanEncina Specific Plan ––South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment PlanSouth Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan ––Local Coastal ProgramLocal Coastal Program Coastal Commission permit authorityCoastal Commission permit authority Land Use RegulationsLand Use Regulations Land Use/ZoningLand Use/Zoning ––Power StationPower Station ““PP--UU””designation and zonedesignation and zone ––PipelinesPipelines Land use designations and Land use designations and zones vary zones vary ––Proposed uses permittedProposed uses permitted Regulatory documentsRegulatory documents ––General PlanGeneral Plan ––Zoning OrdinanceZoning Ordinance ––Encina Specific PlanEncina Specific Plan ––South Carlsbad Coastal South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment PlanRedevelopment Plan ––Local Coastal ProgramLocal Coastal Program Coastal Commission Coastal Commission permit authoritypermit authority Encina Power StationEncina Power Station Desalination Plant Desalination Plant only only ““changechange”” Precise Development Precise Development Plan provides Plan provides baseline of uses, baseline of uses, structuresstructures Future improvements Future improvements require reviewrequire review Seawater Intake and DischargeSeawater Intake and Discharge Outfall Intake Mouth of Lagoon Proposed Desalination PlantProposed Desalination Plant Replaces storage tankReplaces storage tank 3535--feet highfeet high Modern office building Modern office building designdesign Appurtenant facilitiesAppurtenant facilities Not readily visibleNot readily visible Complies with applicable Complies with applicable standardsstandards 4 Building Building ElevationsElevations From the North From the West Project Project PipelinesPipelines Pipeline RoutesPipeline Routes Cannon Cannon --College College Faraday Ave.Faraday Ave. Melrose Dr.Melrose Dr. Ocean Ocean Hills/Maerkle Hills/Maerkle ReservoirReservoir North Santa Fe North Santa Fe Ave.Ave. PlantPlant 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Public Public Dedications/EnhancementsDedications/Enhancements 1. Fishing Beach 2. Bluff Area 3. South Power Plant 4. Hubbs Site 24 3 1 Public Public Dedications/EnhancementsDedications/Enhancements 4. Hubbs Site 4 Permits, Approvals, and Permits, Approvals, and Agreements (Carlsbad)Agreements (Carlsbad) Permits & ApprovalsPermits & Approvals EIR 03EIR 03--0505 Precise Development Plan PDP 00Precise Development Plan PDP 00--0202 Encina Specific Plan Amendment SP 144(H)Encina Specific Plan Amendment SP 144(H) Redevelopment Permit RP 05Redevelopment Permit RP 05--1212 Coastal Development Permit CDP 04Coastal Development Permit CDP 04--4141 Habitat Management Plan Permit HMPP 05Habitat Management Plan Permit HMPP 05--0808 Special Use Permit (Floodplain) SUP 05Special Use Permit (Floodplain) SUP 05--0404 5 Permits & ApprovalsPermits & Approvals EIR 03EIR 03--0505 ––Analyzes all impacts, regardless of locationAnalyzes all impacts, regardless of location Precise Development Plan PDP 00Precise Development Plan PDP 00--0202 ––Required by Zoning Ordinance for PRequired by Zoning Ordinance for P--U propertyU property ––Enables entitlement issuanceEnables entitlement issuance ––Primary permit for desalination plantPrimary permit for desalination plant ––Documents existing power station usesDocuments existing power station uses ––Establishes basic land use and review standardsEstablishes basic land use and review standards Permits & ApprovalsPermits & Approvals Encina Specific Plan Amendment SP 144(H)Encina Specific Plan Amendment SP 144(H) ––Incorporates Precise Development PlanIncorporates Precise Development Plan ––Restates Specific Plan consistent with state lawRestates Specific Plan consistent with state law ––No provisions changedNo provisions changed Specific Plan Amendment Specific Plan Amendment I -5Precise Development Plan Permits & ApprovalsPermits & Approvals Redevelopment Permit RP 05Redevelopment Permit RP 05--1212 ––Desalination Plant permitted subject to:Desalination Plant permitted subject to: Precise Development PlanPrecise Development Plan Redevelopment PermitRedevelopment Permit Compliance with Redevelopment PlanCompliance with Redevelopment Plan Finding of Finding of ““extraordinary public purposeextraordinary public purpose”” Permits & ApprovalsPermits & Approvals Redevelopment Permit RP 05Redevelopment Permit RP 05--1212 ––Project complies with Redevelopment Plan Project complies with Redevelopment Plan goals:goals: Contributes new public recreation opportunitiesContributes new public recreation opportunities Strengthens economic base of the Plan areaStrengthens economic base of the Plan area Does not hinder Does not hinder repoweringrepowering Permits & ApprovalsPermits & Approvals Redevelopment Permit RP 05Redevelopment Permit RP 05--1212 ––Finding of Finding of ““extraordinary public purposeextraordinary public purpose”” Reliable and redundant water supplyReliable and redundant water supply High quality water supplyHigh quality water supply Economic benefitsEconomic benefits Public access and recreation benefitsPublic access and recreation benefits 6 Permits & ApprovalsPermits & Approvals Coastal Development Permit CDP 04Coastal Development Permit CDP 04--4141 Special Use Permit (Floodplain) SUP 05Special Use Permit (Floodplain) SUP 05--0404 Habitat Management Plan Permit HMPP 05Habitat Management Plan Permit HMPP 05--0808 ––Project complies with these permit requirementsProject complies with these permit requirements ––These permits approved by Planning CommissionThese permits approved by Planning Commission AgreementsAgreements Development AgreementDevelopment Agreement ––Gives Poseidon Gives Poseidon ““vestedvested””right to build desalination plant per right to build desalination plant per required approvalsrequired approvals ––Protects CityProtects City’’s right to receive an economic benefit from s right to receive an economic benefit from projectproject ––Maintains City emergency powersMaintains City emergency powers ––Requires Poseidon to comply with all lawsRequires Poseidon to comply with all laws Water Purchase Agreement (executed 2004)Water Purchase Agreement (executed 2004) ––CMWD agrees to purchase 100% of its supplyCMWD agrees to purchase 100% of its supply ––Standards to ensure water reliability and qualityStandards to ensure water reliability and quality Water Reliability and QualityWater Reliability and Quality Water Quality and ReliabilityWater Quality and Reliability Water Purchase Agreement Terms Water Purchase Agreement Terms ––Amount Amount ––Up to 25 million gallons per dayUp to 25 million gallons per day ––Quality Quality ––Meet state standards or betterMeet state standards or better ––Reliability Reliability ––Local and droughtLocal and drought--proofproof Water Quality and ReliabilityWater Quality and Reliability Water Purchase Agreement TermsWater Purchase Agreement Terms ––Price Price ––Assure that Carlsbad residents are fairly Assure that Carlsbad residents are fairly treatedtreated ––Economic Benefit Economic Benefit ––Secure the appropriate Secure the appropriate economic benefits to the City and South Carlsbad economic benefits to the City and South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment areaCoastal Redevelopment area ––Failure to perform Failure to perform –– Assurances City will receive waterAssurances City will receive water Maintain membership in County Water AuthorityMaintain membership in County Water Authority Water Conservation Water Conservation 7 Conservation / RecyclingConservation / Recycling CMWDCMWD’’s conservation and recycling programs s conservation and recycling programs are designed to work in tandem with proposed are designed to work in tandem with proposed desalination Project to achieve the Citydesalination Project to achieve the City’’s water s water supply reliability goal during a severe drought.supply reliability goal during a severe drought. This goal cannot be met through conservation & This goal cannot be met through conservation & recycling alone.recycling alone. ConservationConservation Implemented by CMWD through strategies identified in Implemented by CMWD through strategies identified in the UWMP.the UWMP. Goal is to reduce demand for water.Goal is to reduce demand for water. CMWD has pledged to implement 14 Urban Water CMWD has pledged to implement 14 Urban Water Conservation Best Management Practices identified by Conservation Best Management Practices identified by the California Urban Conservation Council.the California Urban Conservation Council. Full implementation of Full implementation of BMPBMP’’ss is considered the is considered the ““gold gold standardstandard””in Urban Water Conservation.in Urban Water Conservation. Recycled WaterRecycled Water CMWD has the most aggressive water recycling programs in the CMWD has the most aggressive water recycling programs in the San Diego Region.San Diego Region. Phase II of CMWDPhase II of CMWD’’s recycled water Master Plan completed this s recycled water Master Plan completed this year at an investment of $50 million included the following year at an investment of $50 million included the following elements:elements: ––Construction of a new water recycling facilityConstruction of a new water recycling facility ––Expanded use of supply from 2 existing recycling facilitiesExpanded use of supply from 2 existing recycling facilities ––Construction 49 miles of recycled water distribution mainsConstruction 49 miles of recycled water distribution mains ––Recycled water service to freeways, parks, golf courses, ball fiRecycled water service to freeways, parks, golf courses, ball fields, elds, HOAsHOAs, flower fields and much more, flower fields and much more Recycled Water as a Percent of Recycled Water as a Percent of Total Supply Total Supply --20052005 10.0% 0.2% 2.9% 3.1% 3.6% 1.9% 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00% Percent Recycled Water Carlsbad MWD City of Escondido Olivenhain MWD Otay MWD Padre Dam MWD City of San Diego Carlsbad Water Supply Carlsbad Water Supply ––20202020 Total Total ––28,907 Acre Feet28,907 Acre Feet 72% 21% 7% SDCWA DesalReclaimedConservation Environmental Discussion Environmental Discussion 8 Environmental Impact ReportEnvironmental Impact Report Analyzed all impacts, regardless of locationAnalyzed all impacts, regardless of location NOP/Scoping Meeting: April 2004NOP/Scoping Meeting: April 2004 Draft EIR: May 2005Draft EIR: May 2005 Final EIR: December 2005Final EIR: December 2005 Planning Commission recommendationPlanning Commission recommendation Environmental Impact ReportEnvironmental Impact Report Final EIR contents: Final EIR contents: ––Public commentsPublic comments ––Responses to commentsResponses to comments EIR ResolutionsEIR Resolutions ––Findings of FactFindings of Fact ––Statement of Overriding ConsiderationsStatement of Overriding Considerations ––Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting ProgramMitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program ––Additional responses to commentsAdditional responses to comments Issues Addressed in the EIRIssues Addressed in the EIR AestheticsAesthetics Air QualityAir Quality Biological ResourcesBiological Resources Cultural ResourcesCultural Resources Geology and Soils Geology and Soils Hazards and Hazardous Hazards and Hazardous MaterialsMaterials Hydrology/Water QualityHydrology/Water Quality Land Use/PlanningLand Use/Planning Noise/VibrationNoise/Vibration Traffic/CirculationTraffic/Circulation Utilities and Service Utilities and Service SystemsSystems Cumulative impactsCumulative impacts Growth InducementGrowth Inducement AlternativesAlternatives Project AlternativesProject Alternatives Alternative Site Location Alternative Site Location ––EWPCFEWPCF Modified Intake DesignsModified Intake Designs ––Beach WellsBeach Wells ––Infiltration GalleriesInfiltration Galleries ––Vertical WellsVertical Wells Reduced Project Capacity (25 MGD)Reduced Project Capacity (25 MGD) Project AlternativesProject Alternatives Recycled Water Only Alternative Recycled Water Only Alternative Increased Water Conservation/Recycled Water Increased Water Conservation/Recycled Water Alternative Alternative Significant Unavoidable EffectsSignificant Unavoidable Effects Cumulative Air QualityCumulative Air Quality Indirect Growth InducementIndirect Growth Inducement 9 Primary Issues Raised in Public Primary Issues Raised in Public CommentsComments Effects on Marine EnvironmentEffects on Marine Environment Form of OwnershipForm of Ownership Product Water QualityProduct Water Quality Growth InducementGrowth Inducement Power Plant OperationPower Plant Operation EIR uses EIR uses ““Historical ExtremeHistorical Extreme””Scenario to Scenario to evaluate effects of dispersal and dilution of the evaluate effects of dispersal and dilution of the desalination plant discharge.desalination plant discharge. Power Plant OperationPower Plant Operation Historical Extreme Scenario reflects Historical Extreme Scenario reflects ““worst worst casecase””conditions for mixing and dilution based conditions for mixing and dilution based on 7 factors over a 20.5 year period of power on 7 factors over a 20.5 year period of power plant operation.plant operation. Power Plant OperationPower Plant Operation Concerns were raised that reductions in power Concerns were raised that reductions in power plant flow based on new plant flow based on new ““316 (b)316 (b)””permit permit requirements under federal Clean Water Act requirements under federal Clean Water Act would change analysis assumptions.would change analysis assumptions. Flow Rate AssumptionsFlow Rate Assumptions Flow rates under the new regulatory Flow rates under the new regulatory requirements are anticipated to remain within requirements are anticipated to remain within the range of Historical Extreme events.the range of Historical Extreme events. In the event that the Power Plant In the event that the Power Plant discontinued operation:discontinued operation: The project would need:The project would need: ––Separate permits for seawater intake Separate permits for seawater intake ––Additional environmental analysisAdditional environmental analysis 10 In the event that the Power Plant In the event that the Power Plant discontinued operation:discontinued operation: Regardless of the fact that a new process would Regardless of the fact that a new process would be required to permit the desalination plant be required to permit the desalination plant -- The EIR includes analysis of the No Power Plant The EIR includes analysis of the No Power Plant operating scenario.operating scenario. Form of OwnershipForm of Ownership Would the provisions of international trade Would the provisions of international trade agreements allow a private owner to avoid agreements allow a private owner to avoid compliance with environmental regulations?compliance with environmental regulations? Form of OwnershipForm of Ownership The City does not believe that trade agreement The City does not believe that trade agreement provisions would allow the applicant to provisions would allow the applicant to circumvent environmental regulations.circumvent environmental regulations. Form of OwnershipForm of Ownership Even if circumstances would allow avoidance of Even if circumstances would allow avoidance of regulation, the applicant has agreed to waive regulation, the applicant has agreed to waive their rights under these agreements through the their rights under these agreements through the Water Purchase Agreement and Development Water Purchase Agreement and Development Agreement with the City.Agreement with the City. Product Water QualityProduct Water Quality Would water production from the desalination Would water production from the desalination plant result in increased levels of boron or plant result in increased levels of boron or ““NDMANDMA””in drinking water?in drinking water? Product Water QualityProduct Water Quality The plant will be required to comply with all state The plant will be required to comply with all state and federal drinking water regulations (1 mg/L and federal drinking water regulations (1 mg/L for boron).for boron). Testing of source water and product water Testing of source water and product water indicate absence of NDMA.indicate absence of NDMA. 11 Growth InducementGrowth Inducement Will the project result in additional growth Will the project result in additional growth beyond projected levels?beyond projected levels? Growth InducementGrowth Inducement The project would not have a local or regional The project would not have a local or regional impact in growth inducement, because:impact in growth inducement, because: The project provides an alternative source of The project provides an alternative source of water supply to accommodate already planned water supply to accommodate already planned growthgrowth Local growth control measures limit new growthLocal growth control measures limit new growth Growth InducementGrowth Inducement Reduction in demand for imported water on a Reduction in demand for imported water on a local basis could free existing imported supplies local basis could free existing imported supplies for use in other areas. for use in other areas. Effects outside the region are too speculative to Effects outside the region are too speculative to quantify, but are acknowledged as potentially quantify, but are acknowledged as potentially significant and significant and unmitigableunmitigable.. Additional ResponsesAdditional Responses Several letters containing comments on the Several letters containing comments on the project and EIR were received after the close of project and EIR were received after the close of the public review periodthe public review period The City has made every effort to address The City has made every effort to address concernsconcerns Additional ResponsesAdditional Responses The Additional Responses do not represent The Additional Responses do not represent significant new information and are included in significant new information and are included in the Final EIR in accordance with the provisions the Final EIR in accordance with the provisions of CEQAof CEQA Recirculation of the Draft EIR is therefore not Recirculation of the Draft EIR is therefore not required or necessaryrequired or necessary Staff RecommendationsStaff Recommendations 12 Recommendation to Recommendation to City CouncilCity Council Certify the EIR, as modifiedCertify the EIR, as modified Adopt the:Adopt the: Findings of Fact, as modifiedFindings of Fact, as modified Statement of Overriding ConsiderationsStatement of Overriding Considerations Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting ProgramMitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Recommendation to Recommendation to City CouncilCity Council Approve the:Approve the: Precise Development PlanPrecise Development Plan Specific Plan 144 AmendmentSpecific Plan 144 Amendment Development Agreement, as per modified Development Agreement, as per modified recommendationrecommendation Recommendation to Recommendation to Housing & Redevelopment CommissionHousing & Redevelopment Commission Certify the EIR, as modifiedCertify the EIR, as modified Adopt:Adopt: The Findings of Fact, as modifiedThe Findings of Fact, as modified Statement of Overriding ConsiderationsStatement of Overriding Considerations Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting ProgramMitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Approve the Redevelopment PermitApprove the Redevelopment Permit Approve the Redevelopment PermitApprove the Redevelopment Permit Precise Development PlanPrecise Development Plan && Desalination PlantDesalination Plant 1 Carlsbad Seawater Carlsbad Seawater Desalination ProjectDesalination Project June 13, 2006June 13, 2006 Carlsbad City Council HearingCarlsbad City Council Hearing Desalination Principles Adopted by Desalination Principles Adopted by City Council July 11, 2002City Council July 11, 2002 1.1.Redevelop Encina Power Plant to maximize usesRedevelop Encina Power Plant to maximize uses 2.2.Maximize beach and lagoon access for the publicMaximize beach and lagoon access for the public 3.3.Maximize open space and recreational Maximize open space and recreational opportunities for the publicopportunities for the public 4.4.Improved water reliability and qualityImproved water reliability and quality 5.5.Provide water for City at no additional costProvide water for City at no additional cost 6.6.Accrue a positive economic benefitAccrue a positive economic benefit Project UpdateProject Update ¾¾Water SalesWater Sales zz Valley Center MWDValley Center MWD zz Rincon del Diablo MWDRincon del Diablo MWD ¾¾San Diego County Water AuthoritySan Diego County Water Authority ¾¾PermittingPermitting zz CA Department of Health ServicesCA Department of Health Services zz SD Regional Water Quality Control BoardSD Regional Water Quality Control Board zz CA Coastal CommissionCA Coastal Commission Environmental AssessmentEnvironmental Assessment ¾¾Pilot Plant Studies 2003Pilot Plant Studies 2003--20062006 zz Comprehensive operating experienceComprehensive operating experience zz Extensive waste stream monitoring dataExtensive waste stream monitoring data zz Received the highest award given by American Received the highest award given by American Academy of Environmental Engineers Academy of Environmental Engineers ––2006 Grand 2006 Grand Price for ResearchPrice for Research ¾¾Data Collection 2001Data Collection 2001--20062006 zz Extensive source water monitoring data Extensive source water monitoring data zz Hydrodynamic modeling of concentrate discharge Hydrodynamic modeling of concentrate discharge zz Marine biology and salinity tolerance studiesMarine biology and salinity tolerance studies zz Entrainment and impingement studiesEntrainment and impingement studies Tentative Order R9Tentative Order R9--20062006--00650065 Tentative Order R9Tentative Order R9--20062006--0065 provides for 0065 provides for comprehensive regulation of the proposed comprehensive regulation of the proposed dischargedischarge zz Provisions included:Provisions included: ••Weekly salinity monitoringWeekly salinity monitoring ••Acute and chronic toxicity monitoringAcute and chronic toxicity monitoring ••Receiving water monitoringReceiving water monitoring ••Flow limitationFlow limitation ••ReopenerReopener provisionsprovisions Tentative Order R9Tentative Order R9--20062006--00650065 Revisions Recommend by Regional Board Staff Are Revisions Recommend by Regional Board Staff Are Consistent with FEIR and Proposed Project Consistent with FEIR and Proposed Project Conditions:Conditions: ••More restrictive salinity requirementsMore restrictive salinity requirements zz Continuous salinity monitoringContinuous salinity monitoring zz 40 40 pptppt maximum daily salinity limitmaximum daily salinity limit zz Facility cannot operate if there isnFacility cannot operate if there isn’’t adequate dilution t adequate dilution waterwater ••Additional studies to confirm findingsAdditional studies to confirm findings zz Flow, entrainment and impingement minimization planFlow, entrainment and impingement minimization plan zz Salinity and acute toxicity studySalinity and acute toxicity study zz Receiving water assessment Receiving water assessment 2 Product Water QualityProduct Water Quality ¾¾Water Purchase Agreement Specifications:Water Purchase Agreement Specifications: zz Higher Quality Than Existing SupplyHigher Quality Than Existing Supply zz Meet or Exceed State and Federal RegulationsMeet or Exceed State and Federal Regulations zz City Not Required to Accept or Pay for Water Not City Not Required to Accept or Pay for Water Not Meeting RegulationsMeeting Regulations ¾¾Quality Confirmed by the Three Years of Pilot Plant Quality Confirmed by the Three Years of Pilot Plant OperationsOperations Water Quality ConsiderationsWater Quality Considerations ¾¾Improved Water QualityImproved Water Quality zz Desalinated water TDS 350 mg/LDesalinated water TDS 350 mg/L zz 12,000 Tons per year reduced salt load to groundwater and 12,000 Tons per year reduced salt load to groundwater and storm drainsstorm drains zz Likely to reduce water softener dischargesLikely to reduce water softener discharges zz Higher quality water encourages water recycling and Higher quality water encourages water recycling and conservationconservation ¾¾Department of Health Services ConditionsDepartment of Health Services Conditions zz Federal Safe Drinking Water Act requires restoration, protectionFederal Safe Drinking Water Act requires restoration, protectionand enhancement of watersheds upstream of drinking water and enhancement of watersheds upstream of drinking water supply;supply; zz Poseidon involved in activities aimed at protecting, restoring aPoseidon involved in activities aimed at protecting, restoring and nd enhancing the health and vitality of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and enhancing the health and vitality of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and watershed.watershed. Response to Late CommentResponse to Late Comment Late comment letter urged the City Council deny the Late comment letter urged the City Council deny the Project because the EIR fails to analyze the impacts of Project because the EIR fails to analyze the impacts of Boron.Boron. zz Project will comply with DHS action level for protection of publProject will comply with DHS action level for protection of public ic health;health; zz WHO guidelines not applicable WHO guidelines not applicable and and are expected to be revised are expected to be revised to conform to the DHS standard later this yearto conform to the DHS standard later this year zz CMWD set boron standard at 0.75 mg/L after extensive review of CMWD set boron standard at 0.75 mg/L after extensive review of needs of local landscaping based on advice of experts with needs of local landscaping based on advice of experts with specialized expertise in this area.specialized expertise in this area. zz If applicable regulations change in the future, Poseidon is If applicable regulations change in the future, Poseidon is required to upgrade the project as necessary to comply with required to upgrade the project as necessary to comply with future boron limits.future boron limits. Response to Late CommentResponse to Late Comment Late comment letter urged the City Council deny Late comment letter urged the City Council deny the Project because the EIR fails to analyze the the Project because the EIR fails to analyze the impacts of NDMA.impacts of NDMA. zz Typically seawater is free from NDMATypically seawater is free from NDMA zz Poseidon has conducted extensive source water and Poseidon has conducted extensive source water and product water monitoring for hundreds of pollutants, product water monitoring for hundreds of pollutants, including NDMA;including NDMA; zz Test results show that both the source seawater and Test results show that both the source seawater and the product water are free from NDMA.the product water are free from NDMA. zz If NDMA were detected, Best Available Control If NDMA were detected, Best Available Control Technology is reverse osmosisTechnology is reverse osmosis Water Supply ReliabilityWater Supply Reliability ¾¾Design ConsiderationsDesign Considerations ¾¾Contractual ObligationsContractual Obligations ¾¾Statewide Challenges:Statewide Challenges: zz Michael Madigan, Former CA Water Commission Michael Madigan, Former CA Water Commission ChairmanChairman Public Education & OutreachPublic Education & Outreach ¾¾Poseidon is committed to maintaining an extensive Poseidon is committed to maintaining an extensive outreach effort during the construction phase including outreach effort during the construction phase including up to date information about project construction and up to date information about project construction and any impacts to local roadways using the following any impacts to local roadways using the following communication tools:communication tools: ¾¾Website Website www.carlsbadwww.carlsbad--desal.comdesal.com ¾¾Project NewsletterProject Newsletter ¾¾EE--mail updatesmail updates ¾¾News Releases to local mediaNews Releases to local media ¾¾Paid AdvertisementsPaid Advertisements ¾¾Presentations to Community GroupsPresentations to Community Groups ¾¾Project HotlineProject Hotline 1 Energy Implications of Ocean Desalination Carlsbad City Council Presented by Debbie Cook June 13, 2006 If Ocean Desalination were a car it would be called a Hummer. Recycling Groundwater Pumping GWRS Colorado RiverAqueduct West Branch State WaterProject East Branch State WaterProject Poseidon’s OceanDesalKWh perAcre Foot 5476 3200 2500 2000 1500 500400 Tampa DesalProject 3567 Water supply issues cannot be addressed in isolation of energy demand. Water/Energy Peak demand conflicts Current and future availability of fossil fuels to generate electricity Natural Gas price Implications of energy/fuel disruptions Ageing power plants Reliable water supplies require reliable energy supplies. Water is the largest consumer of Electricity in California “There is no electricity crisis in California the Water Agencies Can’t Solve - Or Make Worse” California Energy Commission: www.energy.ca.gov “The 2005 Energy Report assessment of electricity supply and demand concludes that maintaining adequate electricity reserves will be difficult over the next few years.” California Energy Commission says: 5 “The supply constraint of natural gas is so serious and coming so soon to North America that whichever way the LNG situation is resolved, Americans, Canadians, and Mexicans will be faced with using less natural gas.” Julian Darley 6 Gas supply constraints are coming. 2 The world energy situation no longer affords us the luxury to waste water.Nearly 50% of Electricity in California is generated from burning Natural Gas. ...compare that to 18% for the U.S. Americans consume nearly 25% of the world’s production of natural gas and oil but we make up only 5% of the world’s population. 8 Every 1¢ increase in kWh increases cost of water by $50 per Acre Foot Tampa: 4.5¢ OCWD in 2003: 10 - 11¢/kWh Average SDGE Rate 2006: 13.5¢ Energy is the wild card in ocean desalination. 11 •Energy costs are 4.5¢/KWh •Initial projections were $652/AF ($2/Kgal) •Updated projections are $815/AF ($2.5/Kgal) •Still not producing as promised We can learn a lot from Tampa’s Experiment! •30 desalination facilities (using a thermal process) •Cost $20 billion to build (including $4 billion for O&M) •Cost: $1.10/cubic meter or $1356/AF* (based on Saudi gas prices in 2002 of 75¢/Mcf)12 *Oil & Gas Journal, July 29, 2002 Saudi Arabia is a better source for cost projections 3 GWRS Poseidon Energy Consumption 1500 kWh/AF 5476 kWh/AF Total Disolved Solids 1000 ppm 34,000 ppm Energy Cost only $202/AF $739/AF Public Subsidy $121/AF $250/AF Capacity 70 mgd 50 mgd OCWD has a better alternative. 14 Congressional Budget Office criticizes Subsidies. •“Subsidies for new desalination facilities would most likely not improve the overall economic efficiency of water supply and use because such subsidies would compound the distortion of price signals.” May, 2005 Water Conservation Benefits Everyone. Anything bad here? 15 Reduced Energy consumption Reduced Green House Gas Emissions Reduced costs to treat Urban Runoff Reduced water purchases from MWD Less chemical use for water treatment Eliminate New Capital Facilities Conservation Programs Work! Allocation based Rate Structure (IRWD) Expand recycling/reuse (OCWD) Amend Landscaping/building codes Financial incentives/rebate programs Water audits Water and Energy Wasting is NOT an Option! 16 Conservation and efficiency are the long term solutions to our water and energy needs. 18 Energy Component=$739/AF •Do the Math –According to EIR: Base Load for power is 30 to 35 MegaWatts per day. –Assuming 35 MW as base, multiply 35MW x 24 hours per day = 840 MWh/day –Divide MWh by 50 MGD (production), or 840MWh ÷ 50m = 16.8 KWh per 1000 gallons of water produced. –There are 326,000 gallons per acre foot. Multiply 16.8KWh x 326 = 5476.80 KWh/AF –Edison’s electricity rate averages 16 cents per kWh. Multiply 5476.80 by .135 = $739 per AF