HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-07-19; City Council; 7380-1; Public Safety Service Center Master Plan Site DevelopmentCIT 3F CARLSBAD — AGENDA JILL o££ O. 0. O& uz3 Oo AR# y^^To ~ / MTG. 7/19/83 DEPT ITS TITLE: PTTRT TP ^ATTFTY AMT1 cjFRVTr'F r^PMTPR'''***"' rUDJjlL/ oArJjil /MNJJ OJjKViLiij LJjiJlJ-iK MASTER PLAN: SITE DEVELOPMENT DFPT. HD. |i. CITY ATTY P.ITY MGR.-^5*"" RECOMMENDED ACTION: That City Council accept and approve the Master Plan: Site Development for the Public Safety and Service Center. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council, after reviewing eight variations of a site development plan, on May 10, 1983 authorized the Architect, H. Wendell Mounce A.I.A. § Associates, to finalize the plan based on the G prime sketch. After many meetings with department heads and staff of affected departments, the Master Plan dated July 12, 1983 was prepared. The Master Plan contains the Architect's recommendations for the final site development plan, the phasing plan showing the several projects that comprise the Safety Service Center, preliminary schematic building plans and, under separate cover, the construction cost estimates. COST ESTIMATE: The reason for separating the cost estimate from the master plan is due to the time dated nature of the information. The master plan will be a useful document over the many years that it will take to fully develop the Safety and Service Center site. The cost estimate is valid only in the context of 1983 prices. When reviewing the cost estimates, the reader should keep several things in mind: 1. The estimates include a factor for the design cost of each facility (Architect's fee); 2. The estimates include a contingency factor for unknown construction problems; 3. The estimates include factors that reflect a quality of design construction and materials that will result in lower operational and maintenance costs over the decades that the facilities will be in use; 4. The estimates include a factor that reflects doing business as a governmental agency with our restrictive bidding, bonding and reporting regulations as opposed to the freedom exercised by private enterprise. All these items result in higher costs and, therefore, higher estimates. PAGE 2 of AB# 73<TO ~ MASTER PLAN: The Master Plan shows the several projects for the site grouped into two major phases, each of which is subdivided into minor phases. Phase One of the plan includes the following proj ects: - Basic Site Development and Communications Costs. - Police/Fire Administration Building. - Vehicle Maintenance and Fueling. - Yards Offices. - Maintenance Yards and Shops. - Utility Yards and Shops. - Parks and Recreation Yards and Shops. Phase Two of the plan includes: - Fire Station. - Purchasing Warehouse. CITIZENS COMMITTEE: The Citizens Committee appointed by the Council has toured existing city facilities, met with the architectural team, has had several meetings with staff and has met in private. They have indicated that the work to date has been done in a thorough and professional manner. The master plan is efficient and flexible, and keeps the city's options open with regard to future use of the undeveloped portions of the site. A summary of the committee's comments and suggestions is attached. Members of the committee will be in attendance if the Council has any questions. SUMMARY: The Master Plan: Site Development is presented to Council for acceptance. The document includes the site development plan, recommended phasing, a utilities master plan, a landscaping master plan, a conceptual plan for energy conservation and preliminary schematics for the various projects proposed for the site. Council at this time need only approve and accept the plan. However, at a near future meeting, Council must decide which elements are to be included in the first construction program and how to present the program to the citizens of Carlsbad for approval during the November election. PAGE 3 of AB# ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: An Environmental Impact Report on the total project has been prepared and was certified by the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: Total estimated cost of the program to meet the city's needs at a population level of 100,000 is 15.1 million. The first phase cost estimate is 12.6 million. Funds presently appropriated plus other capital funds available are sufficient to pay for any combination of phase one elements Council may authorize. E}(HIBITS: 1. Master Plan: Site Development (on file in City Engineer's office.) 2. H. Wendell Mounce letter of July 8, 1983. 3. Staff Summary of Citizens Committee comments. H. WENDELL MOUNCE A. LA. a ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS 3436 NORTH VERDUGO ROAD GLEN DALE, CA S12OB [213) S45-1O44 July 8f 1983 Frank Aleshire, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Aleshire: The Public Safety and Service Center is developing into an exciting project of which the City of Carlsbad will be proud. Element I of our contract is now complete. We are submitting the "Master Plan - Site Development" study which documents the recommended guidelines for developing and phasing the project. The study includes the final site development plan, preliminary schematic building plans, and estimated construction costs. The study also documents alternate future development for the site which will guide long range site development after the completion of the first six buildings. We have enjoyed being involved in the master planning of this beautiful site and look forward to beginning the design- development of the project's first phase. If you have any questions regarding the "Master Plan - Site Development" study, please do not hesitate to call. Si H. Wendell Mounce, A.I.A. President H. WENDELL MOUNCE, A.I.A. & ASSOCIATES enc. HWM/ch JULY 14, 1983 TO: CITY COUNCIL VIA: CITY MANAGER FROM: Assistant City Manager/Developmental Services SUMMARY OF SAFETY/SERVICE CENTER CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE'S COMMENTS Site Development Plan: The plan appears to be efficient and appropriately flexible.Compatible uses have been clustered in connection with similar needs for necessary future expansion. If any portion of the site is not needed in the future it could be sold or leased for private development and generate revenues for the city. The potential fire station site south of Faraday Avenue is conceptually sound, provided the appropriate land exchange can be achieved at minimal cost to the city. Project Considerations: The project would be better received by the public if initial construction were shown based on current needs plus a reasonable growth rate. Though there can be financial justification for constructing some of the buildings at maximum size for future needs at today's prices, a real need for the size must be very apparent and can not indicate "overbuilding", nor can it be taken for granted. Sharing of facilities, equipment and personnel, where feasible, is very necessary. Continued and constant scrutiny and analysis of all space needs, to include flexibility of future requirements, must be accomplished. Design Review: Value engineering for all portions of the construction will enhance the chances of getting the most and the best for our money. The use of local professionals to review the design plans will be extremely beneficial. These persons should be available to assist soon after the plans are initially presented. Funding and costs need to be closely scrutinized to assure the project stays well within its initially projected budget. It is appropriate that any savings, either direct or indirect, from having the new facility and potential increases in service vs continued use of current facilities, remodeling these facilities and retaining current levels of services, be thoroughly considered. RONALD A. BECKMAN RAB:JNE:pab to to Ol fM ac C-la O 03> a af ODW JO P3^ 1-3 r1 EC fo >< 2 IT1 M O M 50 C *"ij (^ *2jo a ojo o Mac>M > O M \o O > to C^ (?* 00 wenOO M D CD VD 00U> M CO s §I B I 5 " 5" Hft 3 P i-1 o \o n ew o> 3* a H- ro rt grui 0) in ro o-j- rr n•** rr MI O S C H- Nl h- O EU O C M 3 l-tl h-H- CCu > in< rr ro H10 3 Cuh- C rr o n M D 10— a L/l fDCOtDW O »-0 r-- OM3H- 0) h-3 3*>. cn 3 ra n (o!-• C0 >O rr W O 3 o O P§O rt3 rtc cn coh- Cro h- CU 01 »t 3a rt" cn tn C MH- 3rr nro • "-1 o eo g o " a. E C rt *. o» H- n*»•• r1 om owni O 3 rt n to (— D, O C ^o i-h 3 tnon > n3 < oH- ro 3Oi 3 tnC Cro h->in rrM Cu0 3o rra\ u> h- 3 to 3 D — Z <n cc i-1 nio>< CD rr no cn C M- fDM- n 3 <1 CTiQ H- — I Cu 3 W n Hi CO O 3 (-• »-- tn H-O 0 0Cu < Hi O w a* ra rr»-- 3 (D M C 3H- rt> Hrt ro 3ro n nCO • NJ M ro o 3w 3 in— CL ra c w M to rr*. ro n- 1- 1 OiQ *. fa h- n i-h ft H-O On 31-1 0 0 Cu rt tn rovo roM rt 0 •p 3 tn h- n (DID Man M W t- — CL sro c-j 3 t- 1 i-j BI p O 1 £u \£1 0 -~J C=s,§•r a n •,Hh(rt r> atoc rt rtin ao i-1 cn c\ n Q)w oca 3 E rt O*.ifl ro c Cco ro tn i-i*. t-> rr Cu ITI ro h- «>•• 3" ra o n> 0,^-tn(-• 3 rtH- w ro o»-ti rr ro 30 M n>-( ID (n3 roM- rrCu 0o -J I-1 fD CM « OJ 3 0 n— a ow o aro h- n o•u ro ro (D0- 01 on3 * **£*: m 0 COM CO 3 0 >h" C i ft ro"<: tr1 ^0 D « ro a . 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UQ < 13H- n 13 i-i CO fD 3 CO 3 M rt M fD H- H- 13 CO *0 O 3 ft CO M M 13 ft fD ft fo fa g •-(3 3 fD13 £U 3M rt rt fa H- 3 0 3 tOtOtOMH'H'H'H'^D^JCnCOtOH'H-H-CnCOMVO^JCnCOH1 H- oo Hm 0) r EG 01 01 "J > h3(1> H- K- 0) Qj 3"e portion ofditional propraday useablete to both siite. It is aadquarter Firec^o^rt*"*" W H rt. 3-01 ID /T ffirt 01 0 tr^ ro H-H3 i-h c ' .„O m H- w 3 £ rt ^ Qi >"" 3- D, ra rf* *" n> H- ">H- » 3 01rt M t-.ua 3- w3" M 3 o o^ rr1" * c rV "> S 3 rrJiQ « " - 3-0 SoID 0 ™ 01 « 0t-h QJ n n> n HI"• ,ff m c Faraday Roaild make the, extending tIon at the pisite locat:icient streetOH.B- ao - ._ m T3 0 B ^ S IB Hi H p.^j ^ to 0^ rt X ^MM *< 2. n> - ^ cr rt=m£«> »? P g"^Sgo nn-o c 2:H.O.rt^, •< rt rt „,-3-3-0 Q,01 (is n> HI . rt "3 o n3-01 0 3-0> I-! H (5rt Si 3a "> 012 o, i-i H. ^3-3 rtDJ hj 0 *01 5 H'm rf I-1 01 ro 3-1-O |_, in C0 0"ff o t" rt t3 H-rt Q, O n iv CDo <SS.SJ S?H-^s t;° Q-H "O ~-3 _,. H. cro 53^^ro10 m50 _ >p ff rf~ XIU a O fl"«_j 3 m• ™ rtS iding Impalahe southwestrge into the"OH, |S3|sa ^ i rr Sg» 3^32-o go n ,1t> 0 £to "-^i m *O H. IT"QJ 3 cn Qi*I5 rr & cn iQ HO H- n tr0 rr o ft>fl> ID <• " " rt "I "of- S^o,0 C "< 3 h-.£ 5^™ ?»?&S 01 01men01 rr 01rr H- nHI rtOi c (o 3 MMa H. < N gH-S °Sart * _ ?."^ S ">£ Hm3-301 "> rr H- H h-»atK;niw»sR»t:?-='"-"2^^rr 0 00 3 c -O |± a H = 010 n ,< m H- rt> 3 DJ ,. D>»»„ 00,^§sE< M SS.-0 H- I-1 fl> rt oi33-3rr fl> rt 01 CT H- O *3ro 3 m 3-e Public Safetnter of Carltersection offrom an extesecondary acceESjsS-*H- (Dfi) I-h O **. Qi 3J? § " .a a IOB „Hi H- „, "^§3^3 rS ^ <I> H- III:8W D) J-J H- x-j•<: rr /T,*~" m ?»3 rtn ° a p. m 5 & rn H g at)K will be localtwo blocksalomar Airpo(formerly Lo;rly Golden B" 01 1 "01 rrg »is o a • 2 Si s,!&?:? s?M B rt^ 3 = n(C f oi 4] o >a~^^ HI H01€ C T3H- H- rt 3-rt f-1 tr H-3- H- ro o ;» B> 3 M rr 3 (X =^3QJ'O 01 o o n> 01 D 3-<T3oic3QjrDrr(TiH-t;-nrr- oiam<oira o <n °*< to a ni0 < 1-! 0 - 1-01"oj^otn^niorrH 2 5 ro-a cfcJWK,* rr i- OT o i,- i_,~i-r*rrr-i i_,^^rr S?«fg^MS»?ossg-r;-,ui*s 5|?«^sS a ?J?^I?^|s^a:?o rH-M 3- 01< rt™=••0ID n OO^Q S-oC "1 ao H.«-"n> rt*M O i-sr-sro rj t"3 (B n ort ^ H. IB t» IB rfvi *• i—.- £2°^ ^2^ET "3 "^ 50 "IHi QJrn 5 and concepts approved in tCarlsbad Operation's Centerent Program studied the spavarious City departmentspopulation levels of 45,00le Development Program and tressed with the involvement aity Staff, and the Citizen01 3 CTO-Qjlb -&J O 3 tr rt IB - (t facilityutilized§ B 1 inB EG rt EC0 00* g1* r. 1oU 01 01 3 3 h-h H. 01 rt3 s ft n 3- O S- H- IBan "> M 3^m f?HIB p. "< f» I"5J SH- C ^)uirements?character and the individuirements most effectivelyng the project design?cr 01IB H IB 3 1-1 >st efficiently be planned fon 3 33(11 O£*™"OP 3 el-s'IB 01 H-rtIB 0-e best planned to meet futuMIB The "Master Plan - Site DevCenter" establishes the guithe project. The City of Cthe intent of housing selecbe built for today's projsexpansion to Carlsbad's proPlan has three primary goal01 LJ. - » BI a ID"«££wrt m a 01 H-'OID 0, 0-3 ga ". s ^ »t» Ll Qj m 3 '•OCT 01C 0!~<D *< 01m :rvices on it. Facilities wineeds with area reserved fId-out" population. The MastID On n ^. 1°?r the Public Safety and Servithe design and developmentpurchased a 26.3 acre site wirt- rt /-i M 3" Hi ID O D C O H O CO on %ha K-l T Pr°vldes for the fut"" space needs of each facility built^ u e.,sj-.te- Ifc also Provides the opportunity for a distinctive landscaneand bunding plan which will emphasize the natural beauty of the siteuluizer Tne£U The \e 'i"*" °f th' •". Cm bTinter^y'a»Jhi H*- J re<3uired 9reen sPace for each facility has beengathered into one large area in the center. This open area willprovide a contrast to the intensive perimeter use of the siteCity facilities. The southern^n^third ol^ site can cTre-configured, if necessary, to best meet these needs,c. Distinction _ The i™,, ,-~=j ,.a. BeapQnaiy.a -The six City Departments planned for Phase Idevelopment will have site space available to expand to the futurepopulation space needs projection.b. tleilble - Thp lonn rnaH ^^r,~^l- „...,..; j-_ - ,The Development Program's space needs projections studied six CityDepartments and eight City Support functions. The Space Needs werenorTiA ff t°1day'S F"!!d and then Pro^ted to serve theP future Carlsbadpopulation levels of 45,000 pop., 100,000 pop., and 160,000 pop. Apreliminary "Site Needs Overview" calculated that 33 acres would be2vailabl7on°i-ah eWely Slte theS6 fourteen functions; more land than isavailable on the 26.3 acre site. It was decided that the Master Plan willprovide space for the six most urgently needed city facilities and spaceCitv funr?fnerVe«= / adnditional city functions. Selection of additionalof lork funrMn°r devel°Pment on this site will be based on compatability*i work functions and regional needs. The key to future growth isfanned toybe "^^ "*" fOr the PUbliC Safety and Service'center 11^e^C^ °f, Carlsbad is a rapidly growing community. It is anticipatedthat today's population of 39,000 will increase within the next sixteenno'oon0 "A0'000' ^ Pro^ected "build-out" population of the community !s160,000. A principle guideline for the project Master Plan is that CityServices should be able to serve Carlsbad's future needs. Each buildinqwill have site area available to expand to meet Carlsbad's build out needsb. Landscape Material Selections - Drought resistant selections ofnative California plants and very low maintenance landscape desiqnare recommended by the City of Carlsbad. These concepts will beemphasized on this site in order to make the Public Safety andService Center an example of desirable landscape.a. Loop Road - Buildings and parking will be placed on theboundaries of the site, reserving the center for an open landscapeThe land use planned for the Public Safety and Service Center site isintensive. A primary goal is to preserve the existing character of thesite. Openness and natural landscape will be preserved through the use of-The Public Safety and Service Center site is beautiful. The natural,unspoiled landscape, and the open nature of the site is rare in today'surban world. The site has a steep drop-off along the north, east andsoutheast property lines. The bluff edge has plants and vegetation that isGENERAL SITE PLANMASTER PLANen 3-O O < rr n ^ 0 1-3Oi'troBlB'OOJOS' (I> H- 3>T Hi 1-3 3 M0 B- rt- 2 H-.n Q. •- if •" — .» >-u r--JJoraoa,;? 33°rt 1OroQ'H-rriaH>ro't <030 ron. I- 3O O CO roID /S "> V **J f^ Hf rr rtTjro(1)<0)rrH-rr S < 2 o ° 3 ?H- H- 3 rr c rr ro 13 HJ cr m 1-3 rt H- C BJ 3"o 3 H- o ro l-l- ro h-1 H-ro oi a i-1 _o H- H- s rr H- 3 rr OJH- 3 u3 H- 01O Q, ro rt3 H. 3 01 rora n ro - rt• o> o !?S^2 rrS^g•y rt H- ^ ^3 , ss1! •S"3 » s" to nsrn I' aiD grtitit rtit enrr01rrp-o3 ^ 3 5 H-3tfl [Q Qj "lt.2*O ro DJ rr •O 3 h-!?c ro H>i— ro 3°> a ro frr co ra 31 0 " H. *"3 3 H.t-3 Oj 3 c ro o P"H- 01 £M Q, rr ^Q, QJ ro r--1 to QJo 3" rr PC ro 3' 0>rr DJ ro M cr H3C 3-H-ro rr 3 §n rr ro CO 1^H. 0)rr 3ro DJ p. 2.*E:S &01 OJoH3 roi-tro i~hco oro r-i3 ionadentirt t-h 5s s?10 -?M n> CO rt rrro o •eo>Service1 a *ft 01 M a'H- rtrt301aoit COIen tf torrrt0>rrH-o3 OMl Ml H-nit it oa- MH' H-0 oM It It asat itfil 01s- &rt cIt Hi3 n01 ft3 itO rtit m 3 H-a rt x "c >ro a H- S "T) 3 CD 3- CO OJ 01 giS H-J ° MSIrr en 3; H- H- p.g rr M3 ro M cj a o s ro H-"1 °3 o rr 01 QJMrr C PJ rr rr>< 3" omzm 33 C/5 Hm 0)m n5m(D>0 DmI 0 (0m r 0n> 5 (0 Tl (D •ncHC0mDm<mr.0TJ m Z rQn> 5z (D •nD Htn o nhiro3rrM *: cenM 3 U2 K erpi a D>hiroQ> 1-3rr H-en hh01o H-h-J H-rr>< « h-1 h-1 ro tn rrroDi Mlol-t rohhhhH-nh"ro3rr a.ro MH- <ro ^ Dro•O rr3ro3rr Pien tn31 oS 3 h" > C hiro3-o S 'ro HIon H't— * H-rt « 3 >< aH.piiah! HI ^ « H- (-" I—" CT • o H- H- S < rorf ^, 3 H. piH- n, n DJss=° = L'Sss O M3c tr IIlyMih-'i-riO Q.Q) CO O 0? CT'O£U <D I—'^O H- t—' CT'U T3 (D O - It BI rr OJ O 3 ° ^. < H> n> <^ i "> rr P.O_ a" ra ^ 0) O O =C 3 H.D) O O rr ^ ID CO 1^(D 'T] §"So-» re Q-H- ' en 3 g o o & rr o o, o rr *j en 3 3" 0) pi n H- m ro 0 o 3 3 rt^p, * 01 cdevelopmeiudes:foCtr t-1 o ^ H-hh «rr pi 'OPJ rr H Pin- 3- ro o ro ro PI "m •aoalteecesp roadre bui<»3 -3s-s-l CS'a'0 • ro H- pi„ 01 3 h3^^^S-P) 01 h" Shi n o Pi mSS» rr ro orePlthvedefacu3a 3rrre rnativsary fcouldlding.wouldarea shemplacesite.or ophehnessouthThisbesostouths alTheh- 3 O ' O *Z h" M' O" M c ^a°J IT. E" m ro ' ro ro en 3- re o a . hi C "rr 3 3-«>pj PI 01 en h- *a HDJ rr DJ c 3-DJ 01 re cr m l--rr 3 M ff H- rr H. S S' ° H' O O"2 3 hh en-.-•s g1 Q-rtre TJrr O rr i-grr^g re a> m o,^ r, hh 3 n f?^§ro " c en H. M ° " ro ao 3- ro hi <JTJ ni J en 3 tn D, ^ro h.. re £ K 3 3 < " ^3rrtc re «> o>i-, o_o n" m in o' n rr 01 ; re M-I, n, c "i H- M. ui rr pi rr 1-1 re o- re ro ^ ro""1 re ° O h, M 3-i-i ro *< re T| 3)m Dm m m <m o m C7C.JtQ M cr rt £ o rtcn w rt^O O H>rt) 3 C (D fD S"|-. HiOO H- CT fD hh MQJ O I—1 £* ^ &1 1— ' C ft fD n ct ocHJC.LE3rt|_irtrrrrfD ^ fD C Ori^n rt- cr <& n> S" n) [-1 ""* on • m H- fD 3 M t-i^1 Oro -8 £ g p."" 3,; Sag-0.HI ,, ro < ft ,_, ft JJ1 QJ ""• o < CT ,r,trDlf>' rrn>n^rTn3rorr^ ft n. 01 (I)'°(l)'I>-,-'H.0, J;rr>H * £ n _ OO.Z QJ H- n ro Ol ^ £ Ti 311 n "> ir> 0 S £. >-" 01 £ :: m10D1aQj5;it°S:^MS.3gm?;»ajro23H. Q,£> <° -3 c ££= = "<»£» =OjrrJani^^rro^D-. > 3 » rr • nasijOH,*™ JJ «•?.? g 03 „„!?£•« Srr M rr ,-3 rr ° a 3" 3- ^32OH- .-,-a-roMa>i'rDO <o>« T " ^x; o <= £.MgO *< [„ rT ft 3 01 M rr Q, t;iQ m 0 0 » CJ H. P-. H- ro i- n !fl.r Q„ yi DJ-j. 3n n3•n ~^ inH- 'fi sH-11 be given to preserve existing drain•ently flowing west will continue to doncreased flows, caused by reduced sd for according to City codes. In generlize surface sheeting with collectionected to Impala Road. The easternte will rely on 18" to 24" collector litural drainage gully at the southeast eoad is extended across the site, this gutor storm drain may have to be installecthe 18" to 24" on-site collector lineswould provide a dry stream bed initream bed being the collector line toof this concept will be determined by[raphic change required to make the strn>rrrrrr"—|_,Q13Bj ^ i-.&':T3-:rH-oih-:l£,ft3OMf'«Srororooin-KrooiaB-. roo Q>£1ro rr o 0-3- HI cIt H-rr MID rf a.X ID H-H- 3tn MuQrr O 01 H- O3 13 cua H.H 1-Jn o h-.h- OJrr QJ cr^ • ro 3 wQJ 03 ft) H- ° H5 S;so> = fai—1 S-H,5 H ft o 01 01 € sH- ro H- 3"rr H i— j ro ro *c i— j HH- ro0 rrro tn T)iy ro ^j1-30, O3- tn m t £ro m ° H H'prj10 < CT 6 " ra M 2, fT n fh-jg-a. ^'ro rrO i~, Oro K M Hi 3 Ql r^ Ft 3 o c roag o 5 01 rn ^^ m ^S-i-5" »n3^.•r31T < ?fDCD•1>• toroCrtn a CD H'3 s will follow the natural slope of the 1, the north and south portions of the sarate lines. The service yards willLne running along the western edge ofe Headquarters Building and all futm a line running along the southern ports will join near Faraday, then run westrr oo 3 C rt H-n cr cr rtfD fD fD fD QJ3Oj Tl OH <o ro•o Hn> s-5s, a rr i-1 O H- 313 roCJ enQJ t-s o§c 53 3ffs0,^0 rt 3 i-l o £D M S Dn•ti i rt< *' Htr fD PIh_.mort1-1 (-'• O Power Lines will run underground fromth to south on the western edge ofnsformers servicing clusters of buildincm ^? tr 03 rr S*fD rr T] .-3 Iff)rr H- 3^ b fD D (D ffl& tiQ, 1— 'lOfD DJw tn w Q H- H- p)ID N g tnD fD p) fD r-1- SCL O 3 ftrti cn H. D" 3C rt s; ^ H- ^T H-h- ' fD (— ' <•a M*H. .Q ^UJ |_j 3 OJ "T3 uj iQ EQ ^™fto O rr- ' §?»£ S-S'^J?»•< &ly looped between Faraday and Impala Ro;lie in the same trench as the water majwill be determined by projected gas use^ 3 DjO fn rn HI f ? O 03HiHIDCH QJrrHO3 H cr « "3 It O DJ OJj3 rr rr Hc 3-n) 0)~. M a ^g£s.|s.»01 -3 3 M^ ^H <*H' on S *" rr3ro 1-^ CTrrJ Ul ft Q) 3 0 !-•a, - 1 oj t^'rr "" »3 5^0rr S M ojro ™ t a 3 „ " 01 ft "^ Hi3 s 0 " H. " ^3 I 01rr(t '• S lj -(- D*"( 21) Dtn H- M — 'cr fD 12" to 16" and will be fully looped betwhe full loop concept will allow the on-sproper flow of water (water will come f11 be less disruption of service dure: There will be no dead-end serv>-"• i-j- ^ i-. O 3 O rrro ua g o roroD 3 hrj H- Hi M O H fD O 3 O 3 O cr fD n ft i-i 3 fDrt o n> vD <a n c & ro ., "SoES^o rJ- --SS2H 3 i_, rt rtfD >-3 0 0) ^ H.^r HI ft QJ ocr M. o g o Dc to (-r /-J oI-1- -r CD ,1 Qi- H m H- ™ » °a. 0 ° rr ^ 01 "i ^- <= M t w ' >0 H 0 0^ -?So S1 m r? ?g5-o2jp ft H. H ° S t C°J 3 ^ ^ 01 o rrr?HiJ=.ties are planned to have these goait" capacity, and future site flexibili.11 follow the loop road and will be silent. Utility routes will not crossor the area between the loop roadeases the flexibility of each land areaSpecific utilities are:0> rr N r- ,_, rr 3 rr ro^ [no QJ (t QJ r •• C H m CO CO Hm CO £• rt b- o <£ S3fDiQCh"n fD3fD nts: High Maintenance - High Water DemandfD < O 01 03 Ooi H- i-i n fD n01 ro 3 fD M 3fD c Q) D (D ni3 o, = 01 O 5rr r~. ^ rri_>. fD p. fD CJ f~? ~* 01 O "^al Areas - These planting areas consist of pis which will provide accent and interest in highch as the courtyards, entrances, plazas, and patial areas will feature annual color displayinteresting plantings. An irrigation systemin this area for plant growth.*^ o C P*H-3 £ CO 3w DJ • CD rt- W(D ^CH-l-lrogm ;nts: Low to Medium Maintenance - Low to MedWater DemandH-cg 1-3 a M 01 01 f asrr n 01 ID fD p. 01H- (D 3 M M M ft05 fit Dj fp fD i_i H«01 "1 O O < oT s S ^ "• o- » H'^3 o ^ *»Ornamental Areas - The plant material in these ara mixture of California native plants and plafor superior growth characteristics. Non-natns will be compatible with the native Califor: image. The irrigation system provided for in th.1 be more extensive as compared to the native artlecessary to achieve proper plant growth.-" n, 3 H- 3 re m 03 H- < rr ni. fD 0* fD 01 01 ?0fDi£>CH-l-tmSro nts: Low Maintenance - Low Water Demandtfl w n SIft *< fD 0)O 01 01 rt« rr H- H. ?"3 oT m3 ireas - These areas consist primarily of drouCalifornia native plant selections. An irrigatill provide for both fire protection and for piD) i_>.iQ 303-rr 3 rr /o(D£1cH- 1-1 fD3fD nts: Very Low Maintenance - Very Low Water Demana id H. s g SB *"* *"* t— ' rr ft S rr o- H' * rr I-1- ro ^ *"*Areas - These areas are made up of existing pipresently found on the site. Native wildflowseeded annually to add visual interest,in system will be provided for fire protection and; wildflowers.fD Orr > 1-1 3O 3 01 rr O ^l-lpjfp ^(y01 £2 ^TI n p. rr t—> ^ n OfD en [T ^C1 fl) 01Q^&rt^gfDB^jio ^.m' 0 B) Q, fO 1-. g'" g^.flj ^^fl^ Ct£i [u OCH DJ^I-tl >7. m :ter Plan divides all outdoor areas into four balatural. Native, Native & Ornamental, and Ornamen)areas, or those areas left largely untouched, wf face and inside the loop road. Native plantreas with selected California plantings, will ocys and view areas of the site. The Nativeor those areas with selected plantings of superwill occur in the parking lots and other "phe Ornamental areas, or those areas with plantity and color, will occur at entry plazas. Speciise areas are:HI 3 o M- & n H- H- £T 01H-UOOO3C3I— 'fjh1- 0)o m > 0) m33 -D (O ^< 3 BJH-33 M<-)<<iCtfl33 O (D I'd IB rt C C tt6> HO S3 t- D" 3 H- 3 M CD W £* "2 ££! ££ ££ °"U £: 3* M" »« w ££ g>g «?£" Sa 1 ^°o^ ^ n ' Hi C M. l-h ftiH- ID O (D C •< O O (1) W 3 (D C O -O X O O 3 OH- 1- Hil-l M 3 P O nQ,a 1- H- Q, »-• g 1- -Dl MDlOBOCHOO •otuSH- 3 M'toawc*: H- m i-- 3 w I r-- g m i u DJ H- cH- i n in 3 a> 3ia I a H- w a M iffl *< 13w g •0 1 MMM rim UiUiWiUiUiH-r1 111 ' M t" T T T T gi u3 in IQ tn n- i I i i i irti'• ••D'O O I 1 rt rr rr 01 • ...Cui'CTffS-a-trurcr1 rtt-- M • LQ.CCCCCiQC O "dTJTI 0> CTO'D'CrO'WD' (6 <BfD*M !-• o o n C CO 16 ID re 2 tT W crj- C *fl ^ H- 0* 13H. cr tf 3 D trrt fii D) O Cb D*^r en w i-1 w p. (_) M (D 2 M ^ ^ ef rT 1— ' (b O |_j r-1 O 13 *D " CT t" fl> tS w ^ en fl> ^ a> p m ^- o rt H. 3 a 1> O n aroS ^ rr 3 * a> fl> w H- h-» O m rt- rt O '"i H- t~"M a-'O 3 rt DJ C fD ^ (D 3O 3 CL 3 CL H- rt n 3 JS oO H- O rt *^ Oi3 ^ 01 01 ^^O m Q, M C rocr ro « » "n> o f 2tQ Oi 01 01 M 01 « H-3 13 3 t-. 01 Z M Oi H- 1> rt 3 "O iQ ft <•' H- » M™ 0 ,t fj-' 0) 01 C(o ro ^( •-( DJ[0 (D fD H>0) 01 fj) CO 3 3 m CO n ^ cr oi M^ Isl,,! a M H-fO H- rt CO 3Qi 3 O O IQ > D 05 O T)m IE 05m M MF^i-iP^WEO a i saM M M ja~ — SO MOH I/JXO W <0*a:U- _, M ya H w o K w co > fl n w >•« »Ki a:pc M G a w m H S t/i -E_::sg^5s?wi>^Hgf--'g 0>O . _B hi n B-3 O tr IB< trc H-£. >tin> S* °£•« BOE-S:M j"0<"S 2"-!11££B astss§?.asH- |_i rt * - fl> acu'eeB rr <3 o » _Qj rt ft <( fD0 o tr ,1 ac c ,ro co H-tris >-•K w 01 CLhi C H-CT rt>O 3c 3-d^ _h-n> O «M3 M « roa rt rt N. »?."«,&!§»Rn> n o h- 2.33 £8 S0) rt o maa-3 B"Qj fD 01 O. JJ H- • g H.rt Mi or"H-C 32 O ft n B3 C o O ^• h, hi a >n> B fr T3 pi O 9 01rr *D *« g r- C3<3W. -—,--,-.z MunnH>t>]^H ft^oOMHWp 5 -*J Os V.! CLERICAL POOL (SKYL. BRIDGEM Cls >§<m •-*or*w?JM P § S S>HM O•z3£M•-*,no*a«! SEo23 n ** U) roM LIEUTENANTFIELD SERVICES - CA. ADMINISTRATION ASSI. WAITING & DISPLAY AT\ T C> DT A V A D r> A90 W >D M^Ht >> Z M *J ^ | S fe CA MCAH gMPI**1 {?> 6S Mz gta MCAH 5 o££", STAFF TOILETS, STAFF LOUNGE/VENDIN. VERANDA (FUTURE EXP. TECHNICAL SERVICESi g O !>M>*d o n>-9ZX>^-. M ' —Z KSr-t H 0MS ££i '. STAIRWAY/SERVICE -. MECH. /ELECT. ROOM2 t/3 W gClMyo <>H 0pa >^WM. ^Sa^KK^SKM oE£S£K£GE£ E •5<Pj< OHMHMtHMMOH t-|t-|t-'0'>JO^*«l^S: t3HSPI Oaa>2aSfia»i35d MMMt-'M»flHI-tM> r-S o n pa E! 2 < h) H < < <PI >• w td > PJ pa PJ pa pa » M ?t<) 5d > »TJ pi p] pi p] PI pi Pi Z M » » w pa fi w w ft ft H h-t-^nz PJ w w jd a w w K S 5* oN > M p3 2 PJ O 6dHH(?'<Mt-JHHW papaa-^.HH»BpCMa iD > a > fi H H M t-1 H M o z H- K; cpaMpa>zn ?o^o ZOOSMMOO S oSpofiSow !-O^--* O>>O3C >>O ^--..~,t*JBOMZ<:Wh3>O *fl PlHHZ WHHOO TJ^^p^ZWWpdPJWHtOCi HMMpOPJMMCj*tJ OMM l-t Z f> O PiMPJH tfl<3<HOPd<;opO^ M5dOPOZOHt-'Hi>o pa c 50 PJ PI o o < m z H H M M t*i S o 33 M o</!<» M pdSfiH W*«4O O^-"*-' MO 50MM WWW OW > PJ M W^-,OpJZ Wi o >ij pJ Pi pa PJ PJ w M jd ^ H w **j ^PJPJ Mpapdo wpdaB OH^J oMWM Z<3<O <3 U POOM >3 hi OHMS i H PJ OJ > PO O ^<> OO O?OW O>PJHPJ Z papJPJ WpJ<c-1 P1OP3 >W W OWW PJ M M O PJ M•-J M o pd-*- w C -* Z g I ^^n |S§S Pi-§ M [> Z PJ ^ PJo pi *5 R w H w tfl S> M 0•-^ PJ H O EC 3 |z 5 S •-» "^ <3! ^ PJp M^J c-P)C? WMW 5s g f55 1 C/lg?1 =S2SSS°f SHARED AREA - WORK, FIRE CHIEF SECRETAR. FIRE CHIEF. SECURITY SCREENPASSENGER ELEVATORSECOND LEVEL LOBBYCT*A yotJA v^§s-s^pao wf 13Sgg.°-^-^.^»J OMOr*zpi *iw • •. CHIEF OF POLICE. POLICE CHIEF SECRET. SHARED AREA - COFFEUAT T T.I A VPJ >P3g^ 5gH MO HM MM aM O£U ^Mw tr1 HP)O C/J»iM 10 CO •r i-1 o g^g-ht(t<»^ _ rt 013 H- ft MIn>B 3 H-n>5 fo atedchanurevsieatcalB (V 01 33*0P. B B (Q O JJ 3* ID Ort m C B B aH-3hi a <tr c H- It y 3 Oj mifi CO-O rt (i hi 3* H-n> ro 3 - 3 H- -sScr"0 o-C rt o H- H- hiM o tna 3H- o>3 tr 3IQI< a wo> aB 3 oS "•-o> §gS£ 3 H* m 3 ua(D g ft "l^ra 3 ? rt ,rt rtH- O s&^ •2 *m 'O•* o 3 &S M,h, rt OO " 01 n M,f§ S « B . O _ 11 3 C H>• CO 01 -o'-o ; 3m o 01 H- ttl 01 ° rtcrSS>< >< (D P O Om om COo m ^> o •D m >o 05 10 ^T\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ fO Ol 3 "3 rr V a i-3H. o cr c n> 3-3 o ro i— en n>H-- H- \-> H-g v-1 en cnQ 3H. i- a> H- 3 p,N rt n 3 p.fD>< < ia ro 3oi H- 3 ft* o tu-o n,rt H. n> a 3- 3^ |_l 1_J. Q| £„0) !-• *< ni 01 3H, o o H- oMI tr £ <i> N reH. ,D a 3 n>o _ rr to orr<« •• m8°^? "g3 rt JT1 CO ni-ti jj- BJ rt o rt- (B 3 H- Qi CUft i-iK 0) C 0-3 a 01 0) c Qj31 ID £. rt O £«!»• Cb H3- H-n> „« (D 3 X "00 n 03 p. B)1-1 (t cr" *• p. H- ^rt tn (5 t"0) 3-"i n> tn 0) g;n> H. rt 3n> 3 rt m Q>01 5 niua " rt>Q O. o _ 5B> TO O Q, fD rrL>* 1-1 H- I=> E; o rr o m| QJ I-1 Mi 3- 01 » O fD1-1 n> »O i-3 QJ 01 (D tu n> « * oo o H- on, < n M 3- o t n>io nM, 01 MO3 • D) H.Mr 01 O |_i(u H. fD ^.0 3 > an-H- rt M i<M ro tn H- •H- 3 O 3rt d) -)-• 3 O 1-3<D O BJ 3 3-01 fD rt ni (D CO O>mzco OmOO75m30**coO5m OOenO OO m2 T] DOCO _k.» i- •nmamzoin aZ ^ ^ « O] ~ 1C ^ _i_i «j O 1 J1 01 ^* a a a « 0> > 1 ro » 1. *. C9 IA ^i <D ro r~nB -< 4 r n — r* ^>^ Q •c COC?5 a--)- ro r 3CTT Is C ro-»l 30 Ci rc c > /I ro<D ro<o ro ro<o O m•c mm z X. T)cm mz mx -i m-<co min-i zo O•a I!?™ O >O r z-i m zO a ma T; a a *i ? a i COmoO OO oo mamzo171 113 ffl 105 102 z 5 o en 5 5 Som " :D 2 m *3 H m aa m OJhohohOhohohohohohoO ^O CO —J CT<OVOOO— JOMJl-p-UJhOo enC GH hjG PIO 70O <70 Mcnh3 O n f n cn cn PIpa c; o e H 3M z z >-a > HS n T) pi M paS po < o~~-PI pa pj HI > PIPI o z en en xH o o O Pi Mi HI g PJ 50O 3 po s:pi o opo PJ o poO i—? 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M m 2. o om oH-rt V rt 3(D rtK 3 n rt W to C3" rt ra H- 19 C< 3ni o H- rac ^n 3 03oim S rty » n rr H-D-O^ a |ro ;o Hi Dlo H- m M h"rt " 13•< O-Dioi to rtrti< ra cro ^ a ra (O COO p COH <D O 31 S > I O 11. CARPEN2 I01 co5z •5 o» CO mm H — *CO 1 1 . J ° CD ri_i 10 -H > S -im 15. SEWERm-4mu en 17. El ECTRIC 10O (D TJ> 71XCO 3}mTJt» 10ro lo CO-a3 z 8? 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T)Xuo 28 331" O<1 O5 0io >MMXOpd>>OM H•z w H PI ;O S5 O/D S » zi Ota 5> Oen p) HH i-<ocn50cn^~,Otf O en M : M M f«? o en o?o Soim cZ PC MH O T3en spo Pi wW 53>TJ ya H> wM hB jaJO > O M Ojo S O M53 >>SO H 25 250t-1 I?- ?0» O OK!•*i W O T) 11 —M > O "1 >*1 wH H S l-l M Ms: a o o oCT ?d M PI ^3r/i O Oen o o3 &en oowr'wSenHjja'xiOePlM>MHGMGgHOWHOOtonO)gnsjasasci-isortrit-1> o>jon>i-Hhai-iznojdo a o H oOK 2 .<o w M MH M 3 W 08 O M2 M en o > z E5O tl 50 H HO se sao o"^ >n•ri M]M MO Om Mso»wojoOi oM rr 0) HET rr 3-(D B> torr"a P- 33H- O ro3 W-o •So,01 »ii 01 rrrr H. (B3.0 «ft 3 m3 (DHI t-iO fl>ri CO Vinai ESf o fl>rh a rr n(D o £ <3 H. IV jrsO rr3 (to* rr H- H- I-1 O I-1 3 f» CO H-1 (I)oo (g 01•e >"o o1-1 3 om rr on:m o m CO •a BJD> a CO CO