HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-11-18; City Council; 6352-1; Bus Shelter ProgramCITY OF Cl\Rl.SHAD INITIM. AGENDA BILL NO. ~.!S-.Z :_.:!!._~~~~~~=..t__-De pt. II d. _;_J 4-: DATE: November 18, 1980 Cty. Atty.~J:8_ __ _..:.:.:..:..::.:;;~__:__:.:__~.:__ ____________ _ DEPARTMENT: __ P_l_a_n_n_i_n::.g_D_e...:p_a_r_t_m __ e_n_t _______________ C ty. Mgr. R~ SUBJECT: BUS SHELTER PRO GRAM STATEMENT OF THE NATTER As the City Council will recall, this item was contJnued from the September 2, 1980 meeting to allow members of the City Council to monit9r other city bus shelter pro- grams. Attached for your review is a list of various cities which have either approved a bus shelter program or are in the process of reviewing bus shelter programs ~or implementAtion. The main concerns of the Council related to advertising and mainten- ance of the bus shelters. Also, at the Council meeting of September 2, 1980, the City Attorney indicated that an amendment to the zoning ordinance would be required if Council desires to allow the bus shelter advertising sign. Therefore, the two issues for Council's consideration at this time are: l) 2) Does the city wish to allow this type of advertising proposed under this program and is this advertising consistent with city goals and policies? Are the proposed bus shelter locations sufficient to provide convenient access and service without conflicting with other city programs? Since the September 2, 1980 City Council meeting, the North County Transit District has proposed one 'additional bus stop location on the west side of Paseo del Norte in front of the proposed Pea Soup Anderson's restaurant site. If this program is approved, staff would recommend appr~val of th~ new location on Paseo del ·Norte .. EXHIBITS l. Exhibit "X", dated October 23, 1980 2. Agenda Bill, dated September 2, 1980 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Counc i ·l : l) Determine .whether the proposed adverti;ements for the bus shelters are appropriate in the City of Carlsbad, 2) Adopt the recommendation of the Housing and Redeveiopment D~rector to deny the proposed bus shelter program in and around the redevelopment area If the City Council determines to approve the bus shelter program as proposed, then staff should be directed to prepare a Zone Code Amendment to allow the advertising signs on the shelters. AGENDA BILL NO. 6352 -Supplemant #1 Page 2 council Action: ll-18-80 Council approved the program in concept, and directed staff to review the agreement based on concerns expressed by Council. EXHIBIT "X" -BUS SHELTER PROGRAMS IN OTHER CITIES L.A. & ORANGE COUNTY Tustin Anaheim Santa Ana Los Angeles SAN DIEGO COUNTY San Marcos Vista Oceanside Escondido Fallbrook STATUS Program Adopted Program Adopted Program Adopted Program Adopted STATUS Program Adopted Program Adopted Program Adopted (Pending deter- mination of bus shelter location) Planning Commission approval; pending City Council approval. Planning Commission approval; pending Board of Supervisors approval. Source: Eileen Mackin, N.C.T.D., October 23, 1980 CITY OF CARLSBAD INITIAL 1,.-\\ Dept • H d • B1--\ ,,~-! '.Jc/ -----------------------AGENDA lll~L NO. 0 /\TE: Sepl:cm"'b"'""0r"'--'2--'-""1"'9""'8.c.O _________________ Cty. I\ tty . .'v~ DEP/\RTMENT: Planning Cty. Mgr. ~'---------------------- $ U BJ EC T : PROPOSED BUS SHELTER PROGRAM sTATF.MUH OF THE M.L\TTER The Nortl, County Transit District proposes to implement a bus shelter program in the City of Carlsbad. The attached staff report addresses three issues for City Council consideration: The issues associated with the proposed bus shelter program are: 1) Whether the City wishes to allow the type of advertising which is proposed on the bus shelters and whether it is consistent with City goals and policies; 2) Whether the proposed shelter locations ars sufficient to provide convenient access and service without conf} icting with other City programs; and 3) Whether the type of advertising on the shelters are allowed under the provi- sions of .Section 21. 41.100 (Bench Advertising) of the Zoning Ordinance. EXHIBITS 1. E:,hiLi t 'A' , dated August 18, 198 0 2. Section ~),. 41.100 (Bench Adyertising) 3. Letter from NCTD, dated August 11, 1980 4. Memo from Jack Henthurn, dated August 22, 1980 RECOMMisNDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1) Determine whether the proposed advertisements for the bus shelters are appro- priate in the City of Carlsbad, 2) Adopt the recommendation of the Housing and Redevelopment Director to deny the proposed bus shelter program in and around the redm•elopment area, 3) Consider whether b,1s shel tcrs are consistent with the provisions of Section 21. 41.100 of the Zoning Ordinance, and if so, then refer this '1. tern to the Planning Commission for '"ondi tional approval. If the City Council fe:els the bus shelters are not consistent with Section 21.41.100, then direct staff to prepare a Zone Code Amendment. NOTJ;;: City Attorney believes an amendment to zoning ordinance is required if Council desires to allow the bus shelter advertising sign. STAFF Ri~POR'r Dl~TE: September 2 r 1980 TO: City Council and City .Manager FROM: Planninq Departmel'lt SUBJECT: Proposed Bus Shelter Program The North County Transit District proposes to implement a bus shelter program in the City of Carlsbad. The intent of NC'l'D is to implement a regional wide bus shelter program in North San Diego County. The Conve::.ience and Safety Corpora- tion (CSC) of Los Angeles has been contracted by NCTD to provide and maintain the bus shelters. The proposed bus shelter locations are indicated on the attached letter from NCTD dated August 11, 1980. A total of 18 shelters would be insta,lled through three phases which are based on existing and projected user demand. Representatives from NCTD and CSC will present the program at the City Co1mcil meei.:ing and an actual bus shelter will be on display before the meeting. As proposed, the bus shelters would contain a two faced advertising panel. The issues associated with the proposed bt..s shelter p~ogram are: 1) Whether the City wishes to allow the type of advertising which is proposed on the bus shelters and whether it is consistent. with City goals and policies; 2) Whether the proposed shelter locations are suffi- cient to provide convenient access and service without conflicting with other City programs; and 3) Whether the type of advertising on the shelters are allowed under the provisions of Section 21. 41.100 (Bench Advertising) of the Zoning Ordi- nance. ADVERTISING As proposed, each bus shelter will have a 17.S square feet, double-faced advertisement panel oriented 90 r~grees to the street. The panel wo~ld be highly visible b ~ · ng cars and pedestrians. Representatives from CSC indicu.L.-.;! that revenue generated from the advertising would be partially •used for maintenance of the shelters. The issue is whether allowing this type of off-premise advertising is desirable and whether it is consistent with the City's goals and policies relating to th.c aesthetic and visual environment of Carlsbad. An apparent trc1d.e off fo;r the advertisements is installation and 1r.aint0nancG of the shelters. If the City Council feels that bus shelters arc desired in Carlsbad, but does not wish 'i:.o allow advertisinCJ as a trade off, alternative methods exist to obtain the shelters. For example, assessment districts could be formed 0£ the City Council could allocate money from the General Fund. The Council may even wish to assess the real need fc.,r providing bus shelters in the City given-Carlsbad's climate. BUS SF'ELTER LOCATIONS As mentioned, the proposed bus shelter locations are indi- cated on the attached letter from NCTD. Staff's primary concern is the location of the proposed bus shelters in the redevelopment area of downtown Carlsbad. The Housing and Redevelopment Director has indicated his opposition to the proposed bus shelter program in the redevelopment area as indicated in his attached memorandum. His two primary concerns are the advertising panels and the design of the str_uctures. He feels the proposed method of advertising is not appropriate in the redevelopment area and that the contemporary design is not in keeping with the rust.ic charac- ter envisional for downtown Carlsbad, ZONING ORDINANCE -Section 21. 41. 100 (Bench Advertising) Jf the City Counc~.l agrees with the concept of bus shelter advertisements as proposed by NCTD, then the Council must next determine whether such advertising is allowed under the provisions of Section 21.41.100 of the Zoning Ordinance. This section provides for advertising on public bus benches if certain conditions can be satisfied (see attached Section 21. 41. 100). If the Council feels that the proposed bus shelter advertisements fall under this section, then a conditional approval by the Planning Commission is required. If, however, the Council feels such advertisement does not fall under this section, then a Zone Code Amendment would-be required prior to approval of the program. RECOMMENDA'rION It is recommended that the City Council: 1) Determine whether the proposed advertisements for the bus shelters are appropriate in the City of Carlsbad, 2) Adopt the recommendation of the Housing and Rede- velopment Director to deny the proposed bus shelter program in and around the redevelopment area, -2- 3) Consider whether bus shelters are consistent with the provisjrms of Section 21.41.100 of the Zoning Ordinance, dnd if so, then refer this item to the Planning Commission for conditonal approval. If the City Council feels the bus shelters are not cons:i.stent with Section 21.41.100, then direct staff to prepare a Zone Code Amendment. JCH:JH:ls ROOF TO HOLD IN EXCESS OF 1.5 TON \ STREET NAME 11 E K1+t8.1T 'p;_· 3/8" TEMPER ED GLASS SAFETY GLASS PANELS I ___L----------~ J ILLUM .,JATED ADVERTISEMENT FILM 1M"TEMPEREDSAFETY GLASS ~ ADVERTISEMENT DISPLAY ✓-- PANELS EACH SIDE / I UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL FEED (l () v I BENCH ef TO ACCOMMODATt 5 ADULTS \ \ CONCRETE PAD • • . \ .( 21.41.100 Conditions for bench advertising. Any- thing contained in this chapter to the contrary notwith- standing, the placement of benches with advertising messages on them may be conditionally allowed by the plan- ning commissi ·:,.,, and in the event of a dispute by the· city council. Permits for the placement of such benches shall be subject to such conditions as are imposed by the planning commission or connci:. in their sole discretion, and in every case shall be subject to the following conditions arid restrictions: (1) The permit shall allow the placement of such a bench in one specific place within the city and no other; (2) •rhe permi ttee shall furnish proof tha'h the city is named as an additional insured on a policy of liability insurance in the amount of not less than ten -thousand dollars covering liability arising in. connection with such bench or benches; (3) Either the city planning commission or counciJ may demand the immediate removal of such bench or benches at a.ny time, in its sole discretion, w:tthout. liability to the permit.tee; {/,) In the event of such a demand for removal and the failure of permitt.ee to immediately remove, the city m~y itself remove the benches in quesion, without liability to the permi ttee; · ,~• (5) A permit fee of five dollars per bench per year permitted shall be paid to the city. (Ord. 9386 §2(part), 1974; Ord. 922'1 §1 {part), J.969: Ord. 9060 §2609) . 413-1 (Carlsbad 1/15/77) I I Ii August 11, 1980 Mr. Bill Hoffman City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California Dear 'tf.ir. Hoffman: IJ f 11 G1 "19r,", ,\..o •. , ... rj! J CITY O? C/\RLSB:\D Planning Dc:;~:irtment · Upon reviewing passenger colmts and transfer points throughout the Ncp) system, we recoomend installing shelters at the followjng locations in the City of Carlsbad: LOCATION '&and & Washington: SE ·El Camino & Costa Del Mar: SW,NE Tamarack & Pio Pico: SE, NE El Cam:mo & Alga: NE, SW El Camino & Chestnut: NE, SW El Camino & Levante: NE, NW Carlo bad & Cypress: NE, SW Carlsbad & Oak: SE Carlsbad & Ocean: NW Carlsbad & Tamarack: NE, SW NO. OF SBELTERS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 PHASE I I II III II II III III III II '11:iese sites represent all three phases of this program. Depending upon the success of Phase I, the other two phases will be implemented in a longer ti.Ire frarre. Si~cerely, d ~--d/ PAUL W. PRICE Manager of Planning and Marketing PWP/po M E M O R A H D U M DATE: August 22, 1980 f TO: Bill Hofman; Associate Planner ( FR mt: Jack E. Henthorn; Housing and Red eve 1 opment Di rectoc ·· . SUBJ: BUS SHELTERS . As requested the proposed bus shelter project has been reviewed in relation- ship to the Village Design Manual. It is concluded that the ad-panel , shelters are not compatible with the character envisioned in and nea1· the proposed locations. ~pecific areas of concern are addressed below: Physical Design The lexan/anodized metal, contemporary construction of the shelters does not appear compatible with the more rustic character exhibited through out the redevelopment area. Lighting in the shelter ad area does not appear to be effectively shielded to prevent glare from affecting·adjacent uses-cpecially motels and apa~tments. Placement The location chosen for placement of shelters along Carlsbad Boulevard are questionable due to lack of public improvements/adequate right-of-way. Specific problems are noted below: Carlsbad and Cypress NE-No aurb, gutter, sidewalk SW-Right·-of-way too narrow-shelter would block sidetalk Carlsbad and Oak SE-No sidevialk Streetscape Master PlaQ This recently completed document calls for relocation of the transfer point from its current location to the east side of the tracks. $30,000, in Block Grant funding has been set aside'for relocating and improving the main transfer point. · It does not appear as tr.ough the.ad-shelters would be compatible with the overall design for the '1depot" area, which is envisioned as being designed around architecture of the Santa Fe Railroad Depot. In addition, the Carlsbad Boulevard area is envisioned as being improved and upgraded through provision of additional streetscape amenity including landscaping and street furniture. The style of shelters proposed does not appear compatable with this type of effect._ Further, the area in envisioned as serving the tourist trade while recognizing local heritage. Given the existence of Magee Park and the style of the emerging commercial development across the Bouldvard, it does not appear as though the ad-shelter design is appropriat~. \. Conclus·icrn Bus shelters are a desireable feature in the overall streetscape improvement for the Village Area. However, the ad-shelter concept is not compatible with t~e proposed village character. JEH: a 1