HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-11-13; City Council; 19207 Part 3; Part 3- Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan EIR 05-05 GPA 05-04 LCPA 05-01 DI 05-01City CouncilPontoVision Plan GPA 05GPA 05--04/LCPA 0504/LCPA 05--01/DI 0501/DI 05--0101November 13, 2007 What is a Vision Plan?•Provides a guide for development and project design within an area.•Sets forth a balanced and cohesive strategy that can be implemented.•Helps to avoid a piecemeal approach to development•Ensures that the City can be more proactive in the provision of public or community amenities, such as trails, parking and beach access.•Does not approve any specific development project.•Maintains existing zoning and general plan designations. PONTO STUDY AREA Current General Plan DesignationsCurrent General Plan Designations Current ZoningCurrent Zoning PONTO STUDY AREAPONTO STUDY AREA BackgroundCity Council adopted SCCRA Plan in July, 2000.July, 2000 to November, 2002 –Development of land use planning strategy.November, 2002 -Initiated RFP process for consultant for Ponto Vision and Land Use StrategyApril, 2003 -Awarded contract to RBFAugust, 2004 to March, 2005 –Public Presentations Public Hearings May –July 2005Public EIR Scoping Meeting -June 2006Preparation of an EIR June 2006 –May 2007Planning Commission –September, 2007 Vision Plan Goals & ObjectivesEstablish a southern gateway to the CityAccommodate a balanced and economically viable mix of tourist and community serving usesProvide for pedestrian-scaled and high quality architectureCreate bicycle and pedestrian paths and linkagesProvide expanded beach accessUse landscaping that celebrates the horticultural heritage of the CityAssure that public facilities and services meet the Growth Management Plan requirements Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan Character AreasThe Character area site plans are illustrative conceptual development layouts only. Future site plans may differ. No development projects are approved with the Vision Plan; all future projects must be approved following public hearings.The Character area site plans are illustrative conceptual development layouts only. Future site plans may differ. No development projects are approved with the Vision Plan; all future projects must be approved following public hearings. IIlustrative Mixed use center IIlustrative Beachfront resort IIlustrative Townhouse neighborhood Illustrative Village hotel Illustrative Live-work neighborhood Illustrative Garden hotel Vehicular Circulation Vehicular Circulation Carlsbad BoulevardAlternate Alignments•4 alignment alternatives–1-3: same from Ponto Drive south to Beach Way–4: moves alignment east from Ponto Drive south to Beach Way•Alternatives 1-3:–Split at Avenida Encinas to maintain Cypress Trees–Southbound lane moved to east; more area for public improvements on west–Northbound lane moved to west; more area for development or public amenities on east Carlsbad BoulevardAlignments 1-3 Carlsbad BoulevardAlignment 4 Parking•On-street parking –Carlsbad Bld (104 sp)•Surface parking aisles -throughout•Parking garages –public & private•Underground parking –resort & others Livable Streets Pedestrian/Bicycle Circulation Streetscape -Gateways Streetscape -Wayfinding Streetscape Community Amenities•Community Nature & Art Center•Wetland Park •Carlsbad Boulevard Underpass Trail•Community Resort Trail•Pedestrian/Bike Bridge over Railroad•Carlsbad Boulevard Pathways•Linear Park•Public Parking•Pedestrian Plazas & Pathways ImplementationDesign GuidelinesPermitted/Encouraged UsesInfrastructure/Amenities/ ImprovementsDevelopment Process Public Feedback Review and Comment•Coastal Commission Staff•State Parks Department Staff•Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation•Surfrider Foundation•General Public –Residents & Non-Residents General Public Feedback•Mixed responses -support & opposition•Support: Exciting uses; benefit to homeowners; elimination of blight/incompatible uses; increase of public amenities •Opposition: Traffic; height; blocked views; want park instead of development; impact on natural resources Applications General Plan Amendment(GPA 05-04)•Land Use Element of General Plan allows areas in the City to be designated for “Special Planning Considerations”•Proposed GPA would:–Designate Ponto Beachfront Village Area for Special Planning Consideration.–Reference the Vision Plan.–Authorize the City to use the Vision Plan as a development and design guideline for future development proposals. Local Coastal Program Amendment(LCPA 05-01)•Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Area located in 2 segments of City’s local coastal program: Mello II and West Batiquitos Lagoon/Sammis Properties•LCPA proposes to incorporate wording similar to the GPA into the land use plans for both LCP segments. Discussion Item(DI 05-01)•An item to be discussed by the Planning Commission and City Council. A recommendation has been made by the Planning Commission to the City Council regarding contents of the Vision Plan. Environmental Review•Public Scoping Meeting•Modifications made to scope including expanded traffic counts•Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared•45 day public review period•52 comment letters received related to specific concerns associated with the EIR.•Modifications made to EIR text and mitigation measures including the addition of project alternative and new mitigation measures for Biology, Noise, and Traffic Analysis & Studies•Comprehensive Traffic Analysis•Geotechnical Constraints & Opportunities•Biological Resource Survey•Wetland Delineation Report•Cultural Resources Survey•Development Potential•Sewer Study Environmental Review•Potentially significant impacts and Mitigation Measures for:–Air Quality: dust control, vehicle maintenance, standard operations during construction–Biology: offsite creation, enhancement, and/or credit purchase with grading–Cultural Resources: monitor and data recovery during grading–Hazards and Hazardous Materials: inspect, monitor during construction, and remove–Noise: monitor equipment and hours during construction; noise analysis, site planning measures–Traffic: fair share contributions Environmental Review•Less than significant impacts–Visual and grading: Within the existing zoning standards for height and setbacks–Agricultural: No significant farmland onsite –Geology and Soils: Stable soils–Hydrology: No increase in pre and post development runoff–Water Quality: Future project compliance with existing and future Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements–Land Use: No change in land use–Public Utilities and Services: Projected availability of utilities and services Environmental Review•Alternatives–Open Space–No Development–No Project–Increased Residential –Increased Residential/Open Space–Increased Townhome/Single Family–Increased Townhome/Visitor Use–Increased Recreational/Green Space Planning Commission Actions•September 5 & 19, 2007 –Public Hearing•Recommendation to approve the Vision Plan with suggested amendments.•Recommendation to certify the EIR with suggested amendments. PC Amendments –Vision PlanExisting LanguageProposed LanguageTo meet City parking standards, public and private parking is envisioned as a combination of shared surface, structured and on street parking. Potential for underground parking is mentioned; not required. Screen with landscaping and other land uses (i.e., retail).Parking garages shall be underground unless technically and financially infeasible“Green”building techniques not currently discussed in Vision Plan.Buildings shall implement “green”construction techniques and materials to greatest extent feasible.Connection of Pontotrails to regional trail system is currently envisioned within the Plan.Trails within the PontoBeachfront Village shall be linked to the greater Carlsbad citywide trail system. PC Amendments –Vision PlanExisting LanguageProposed LanguageContinue discussions with State Parks to work out additional entry points through the So. Carlsbad State Beach campground to provide more convenient beach access for residents and visitors.Coordination with State Parks to develop physical connections from the Pontoarea through the Carlsbad State Beach campground to the beach is strongly encouraged.Not addressed in Vision Plan. Public parks would follow normal permit process.All parks on public property to be reviewed by either the Parks & RecCommission, Planning Commission and/or City Council as determined by permit necessary for development of the facility.Desired uses include a restaurant. Building orientation should preserve views to the ocean or other scenic areas (i.e., lagoon).Any hotel on southernmost property shall incorporate an ocean view restaurant. PC Amendments –Vision PlanExisting LanguageProposed LanguagePublic trail 10 to 12 feet in width around the perimeter of the Beachfront Resorto ensure community access to views to the lagoon and ocean. Trail to include landscaped edges, interpretive signage, and occasional seating along the path. This is within a 45 foot setback from bluff edge.Revise character areas to reflect the increased recreational amenities/green space alternative from EIR with the buffer/setback from the bluff edge set at 75 feet and restricted to passive public park uses only.Three alternatives for Carlsbad Blvd Alignment; fourth included in EIR. Relocate travel lanes to east or west to obtain additional property for public parking, passive park areas, etc.Alignment Alternative No. 2 selected. This would move southbound lanes to the east to allow for a standard landscaped median and retain northbound lanes in current alignment. This allows for additional land on west side to be used for public parking, public park areas, etc. Additional Staff Recommendations•Add clarification language to Introduction of PontoVision Plan to state the conceptual nature of the site plans within the Vision Plan.•Update cost estimates in T-1 mitigation measure within the EIR for La Costa Avenue Improvements; increase cost estimate from approx. $5.3 million to $7.3 million. Next Steps•Public Hearing before City Council to review Vision Plan and EIR•Coastal Commission application for LCPA.•Future developments will need to submit appropriate permit applications. •Environmental review will need to be completed for each project.•Public Hearings will need to be held on each project before the Planning Commission and/or City Council.•Some properties may need zone or general plan designation changes.•LFMPs may need to be revised depending on scope of final projects. City Council Actions•Accept and consider public testimony.•Discuss the merits of the Vision Plan, Planning Commission recommendation and adequacy of the project’s program EIR.•Take action on City Council Resolution No. 2007-280 to certify EIR 05-05 and approve GPA 05-04/LCPA 05-01/DI 05-01 Setback ModificationThe Character Areas shall be revised to reflect the Increased Recreational Amenities/Green Space Alternative (Figure 6.6) of the PontoBeachfront Village Vision Plan Final Environmental Impact Report with the buffer/setback from the bluff edge generallyat 75 (seventy-five) feet including a 10 to 12 foot public trail, and precisely determined with approval of applicable development permits. (delete: “and restricted to passive public park uses only”.