HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-11-05; City Council; 21415; Presentation Ordinance Banning Sale Dogs and Cats17
To receive a follow up presentation from Police Department and County of San Diego Department of
Animal Services addressing questions from City Council following the adoption of an urgency ordinance
banning the retail sale of dogs and cats in the City of Carisbad.
At the July 16 council workshop, Police Department staff and a representative from the County of San
Diego Department of Animal Services presented Information on pet adoption, animal advocacy, and how
the City of Carisbad can support responsible pet ownership. Staff also presented an overview of
ordinances passed in other California cities banning the retail sale of dogs and cats.
On September 17, staff followed up with a presentation summarizing actions taken to-date with regard
to animal advocacy activities in the city. Staff also presented additional information on the permissible
number of dogs in surrounding San Diego county cities, and additional information regarding ordinances
other cities have passed restricting pet sales. As a result. City Council concluded that the number of dogs
residents would be allowed to own should remain three. City Council instructed staff to draft an
ordinance to ban the retail sale of dogs and cats in the City of Carisbad, including an exemption for
existing stores.
On October 8, staff adopted an urgency ordinance to ban the retail sale of dogs and cats in the City of
Carlsbad, with exceptions for businesses already in existence at the time ofthe ordinance adoption, local
shelters, rescues and humane societies, and local private, small scale breeders who breed on the
premises. An urgency ordinance was adopted immediately, to prohibit new businesses from establishing
themselves in Carisbad. No action was taken on the standard ordinance, pending further research by
The presentation on November 5 will address additional questions from City Council. Specifically, Council
requested information about what federal and state regulations are already in place with regard to retail
sale of dogs and cats. Secondly, City Council requested additional information on the existing pet store in
The urgency ordinance adopted on October 8 remains in effect absent City Council direction to amend or
DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Fiona Everett 760-931-2297 fiona.everett@carlsbadca.gov
On a minute motion, Council approved repealing Urgency Ordinance No. CS-231.
Page 2
Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the
meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment,
or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require
environmental review.
1. Emails to City Council regarding ordinance
Fiona Everett
From: Council Intemet Email
Sent Monday, September 30,2013 2:47 PM
To: Fiona Everett
Cc Morgen Fry
Subject FW: Pet Stores In Carlsbad
Attachments: Pet Shop Guidilnes Humane Soclety.pdf; awa.pdf; USDA APHIS 2011-0003.pdf; Rules
and Regulations.pdl; USDA Retail Pet Rule.pdf: APHIS questions and answers.pdf;
HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 122125-122220.pdli Health and Safety code 2009.pdf;
USDA statementpdf; Council.pdf
This email came Into the Council Internet Email.
From: joe shamore [malito:joeshamore@gmaiLcom]
Sent: Saturday, September 28,2013 8:43 PM
Subject: Pet Stores in Carlsbad
City Of Carlsbad Califomia
Mayor Matt Hall
Mayor Pro Tem Mark Packard
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Farrah Golshan Douglas
Council Member Lorraine Wood
Good Afternoon,
I am writing today because there Is growing concem animal activists are on the prowl to ban pet stores from existing. It
would be a crime to see their movement pass because pets whether it be adopted or purchased are a great part of our lives.
They bring so much joy to children, adults, and seniors. Pets arc also known to be therapeutic for humans, and in some
instance other animals. Banning pet stores would not only be devastating millions of people and animals but would also
be the beginning of extinction of other animals on our planet Furthennore, this Is a billion dollar industry which employ
and in part stimulates our economy. Enforcing current law, regulating breeders and pet dealers should be the solution
Ethical pet stores obtain their pets fi"om govemment regulated breeders. The USDA and other animal societies inspect
these breeders. For years the story was said that the USDA was understaffed and could not regulate all brokers and
breeders. This may have been true in the past century, but it certainly does not hold true this day and age. USDA has
revised and enforced the laws ofthe Animal Welfare Act resulting in the closure of thousands of inhumane breeders last
year alone. To me it says the USDA and APHIS arc doing their job.
Ifthe concem is inhuman puppy mills then the regulation on a pet store should be that they only use USDA regulated
breeders, not close the doors to millions of pet lovers. The USDA and APHIS are the only genuine non bias federal
inspectors in our country. Animal activist claim the USDA supports the inhuman treatment of animals. That clearly is a
direct blow to our Federal Govemment Agency and country itself. The Humane Society is also designed to enforce animal
laws locally and out of state. However, they are not an agency like the USDA or APHIS. If you review the history ofthe
AWA 1966 animal protection act, you will find the USDA has amended the policy wilh animal welfare close to a dozen
times since 1966 so the law would continue to enforce the ethical trcatment of animals.
Again, forcing pet dealers to stop selling puppies is completely unethical and will create the beginning of extinction of
animals on the planet and add to the crunch of our economy. What about the families that want to have unconditional love
from a pet? Let the public not forget animals are also therapeutic to all walks of life. The public shouldn't be stripped of
their God given right to adopt or purchase.
Banning regulated pet stores will reverse federal regulations and encourage unregulated breeders to sell on the net and
newspapers. Wc will then see an Increase of unhealthy animals and overcrowded shelters. There is already an
overwhelming amount unregulated breeding on the net and in newspapers. USDA is now currently working on new
legislation to control the abuse of non regulated breeders.
All breeders, which include show and private breeders, should follow the applicable laws. There is no need to push for an
undiplomatic solution of legislation or ordinance but instead enforce current law and perhaps adding to It. Punishing pet
stores and taking away people's rights to sell, buy, or adopt a pet through a pet store is not the solution to prevent the
overpopulation of animals In shelters. There are more pets going into shelters from the result of unregulated breeders
through the newspaper and online, not from regulated pet stores and breeders.
Last year alone thousands of breeders seized lo exist because they would not or could not adjust to the new USDA
regulations. It sounds to me that the control of inhumane puppy mills have already taken affect on federal level leaving the
public, city and state council to have a peace of mind knowing action is already in place. Punishing good ethical pet
dealers is unfair. Again the only new regulation, if any, a pel store should have is they are only allowed to use USDA
breeders, otherwise known as government regulated breeders. The real banning of the sale of pets should be against
unregulated breeders from newspapers and online sources. In addition, local shelters should be encouraged to work with
local pet stores to help adopt out their pets. It shouldn't be one or the olher, adopt or buy. The people have the righl lo
Another known fact; pet insurance companies know the ralio of sick puppies from pel stores are low because they are seen
by more veterinarians than any other pel organization. Il Is already a state law the pel dealer is responsible for illness
which encourages the pel dealer to only choose regulated breeders or brokers. Backyard and unregulated breeders don't
adhere lo the laws already in place. A responsible pel store should firown on and not contribute lo these practices.
These types of facts are pertinent for council and the public lo know before a decision is made to ban the sale of pets
which will sUrt the extinction of other animals on the planet. Regulate instead and enforce cun-ent law. Animals and
people have been friends for as long as history has been recorded. It would make no sense that our Country, Stale, or
Cities would endorse the slaughtering of animals for human consumption rather than allowing government regulated
breeders to breed for unconditional love through pels.
Should there be a tighter regulation on pet stores, yes. Are there laws pel stores need to follow already, yes. Is il ethical lo
ban regulated pet dealers and breeders? No. it makes no sense lo seize an industry lhal is already governed by Human
Society, AWA, USDA, ASPCA, APHIS, Animal Control, Humane Society etc.
I am cleariy asking council lo research the laws already in place for breeders and pel dealers before making a final
decision. They are in compliance with federal and stale laws.
Following my statement are Pel Shop Guidelines, AWA revision 2007 guidelines to breeders and everyone in the
industry, APHIS -2011-0003 RIN 0579-AD57, Rules and Regulations for pet stores, APHIS questions and Answers,
Health Safety Code Section 122125-122220, USDA Retail Pel Rule, Health and Safety Code update 2009, and a written
public statement from the USDA.
Once again, 1 am asking council to consider not banning pel stores from existing but enforce pet stores to only use
Govemment Regulated Breeders and enforce shelters to woric with pet dealers to help adopt out pels too. For years
shelters refuse to link up with full line animal pet stores because of political views. The real focus should be each
organization helping find homes for all pets in our great country and not stripping people of their rights lo adopt or buy a
Thank you for your lime.
Joe Shamore
Joe Shamore
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Fiona Everett
Prom: Coundl Internet Email
Sent Monday. September 30.2013 2:49 PM
To: Fiona Everett
Cc Morgen Fry
Subject FW: We Arre Officially Boycotting The City Of Carlsbad Until Pet Stores Who Sell
Puppies Are Banned!
Another email on pet stores.
From: And Justks 4 All Animals [mallto:andjustk:e4allanlmals(g)gmall.com3
Sent! Sunday, September 29,2013 12:05 PM
To: Council Intemet Enfwli ..^ ^ „ . * » -^i Subject: We Arre Offidally Boycotting The dty Of Carlsbad Until Pet Stores Who Sell Puppies Are Banned!
We Are Offldaily Boycotting The City Of Carlsbad Until Pet Stores Who Sell Puppies From Puppy Mills Are
This Information Has Been Sent To Thousands Of San DIego County Residents And WIII Be Posted All Over
Facebook, Etc.
What Is A Puppy Mill? ^ .
Puppy Mills are FOR PROFIT facilities where millions of dogs are kept In small wire cages 24 hours a day, seven
days a week, without any human companionship and very little veterinary care If any, untli they DIE. The
females are bred continuously 2-3 times per year for approximately 7-8 years and typically only live half of
their normal lifespan. If they do happen to live longer than they are capable of breeding, they are discarded
like trash,..yes, they are killed. http://en.wikir)edia.org/wlkl/Puppv mill
99% Of Puppies Sold In Pet Stores Are From Puppy Mills Even If The Pet Stores Denies it.
10 Million Dogs, Puppies, PURE BRED Dogs, Cats And Kittens Are Killed In America's Shelters Each Year And
Yes, Most Are Heahhy And Adoptable Pets.
Five Cities In San DIego County Have Pet Stores Who Sell Puppies From Puppy Mills Or
Puppies In General For Profit: Oceanside, Carlsbad, Escondido. Santee And National Citv.
Cities In San Diego County With BANS On Pet Stores Who Sell Puppies From Puppy Mills And
Puppies In General For Profit: SAN DIEGO AND CHULA VISTA.
The First State Ban Is In The Works. httpr/Zwww.nbcconnectlcut.com/news/Iocal/State-Conslders-Bannlng-
BOYCOTT The Otles Below. Conduct All Your BUSINESS In Other Cities In San Diego And Let
These City Councllmembers Know. See Complete UST Below.
Oceanside Puppy
1906 Oceanside Blvd. Oceanside, CA 92054
Phone (760) 967-5852
Owner-David Salinas
Pet Stores wiil state that they do not sell puppies from puppy mills when it has been proven that they do. This
Is very common in the Industry. It has been proven that David Salinas sells puppies from puppy mills.
California Pets
Westfield Mall • Coastal Location
2525 Ei Camino Real 264, Carisbad, CA 92008
Phone: 760-730-0377
Phone: 760-741-7387
Pet Stores will state that they do not sell puppies from puppy mills when It has been proven that they do. This
Is very common In the Industry.
PA Puppy Avenue
(Convenientiy located of the 78 8i 15 Fwy - Please Caii for Address.)
Pet Stores will state that they do not sell puppies from puppy mills when It has been proven that they do. This
is very common In the Industry.
California Pets
Westfield Mail - North inland Location
200 E, Via Rancho Pkwy. 363, Escondido, CA 92025
Phone: 760-741-7387
Pet Stores will state that they do not sell puppies from puppy mills when it has been proven that they do. This
is very common in the industry.
Pups & Pets
50 Town Center Parkway, Santee, Ca 92071
(619) 562-0036
http://puppiesforsalesandie^o.cQm/contact/ u -i Tt.i
Pet Stores will state that they do not sell puppies from puppy mills when it has been proven that they do. This
is very common In the industry.
National CItv
Fiesta Pet Shop
1145 Highland Ave, Suite A, National City, CA 91950
Pet Stores will state that they do not sell puppies from puppy mills when It has been proven that they do. This
is very common In the Industry.
Conduct All Your Shopping And Business in The Cities Below;
• Vista
• San Marcos
• Fallbrook
• Leucadia
Solona Beach
Dei Mar
Rancho Bernardo
The City Of San Diego
Many Others In Both East And South San Diego County.
Contact All The Citv Councllmembers Below And inform Them.
1. Oceanside Qty Council councll(S)cl.oceanslde.ca.us
2. Carlsbad Qty Council counclliScarisbadca.gov
3. Escondido City Council http://www.escondldo.org/citv-council-contact-us.aspx
4. Santee City Council http://vww.cl.santee.ca.us/lndex.aspx?page=351
5. National City Qty Council cQuncll(S>nationalcltvca.gov
Fiona Everett
From: Council Intemet Email
Sent Wednesday, October 02.2013 9:14 AM
To: Fiona Everett
Ce: Morgen Fry; Donna Heraty
Subject FW: Puppy Mills
Referring to agenda item.
From: And Justks 4 Ail Animals [mailto.andjustice4allanlmal5@gmall.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 01,2013 12;30 PM
To: Council Intemet Email
Subject: Re: Thank you.
To Carlsbad Councilmembers,
We were Informed that you are taking steps to ban any additional pet stores who sell puppies from puppy
mills from the City of Carisbad. Thank you for taking the appropriate steps and we will support you in any way
San DIego County Residents Against Animal Abuse And Neglect
From: And Justice 4 Ail Animals fmailtQ!and1u5tlce4allanimals@amail.com1
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 12:05 PM
To: 'councli€>carlsbadca.gov'
Subject: We Arre Officially Boycotting The City Of Carisbad Until Pet Stores Who Sell Puppies Are Banned!
We Are Officially Boycotting The City Of Carisbad Untli Pet Stores Who Sell Puppies From Puppy Mills Are
This Information Has Been Sent To Thousands Of San Diego County Residents And Will Be Posted All Over
Facebook, Etc.
What Is A Puppy Mill?
Puppy Mills are FOR PROFIT facilities where millions of dogs are kept in small wire cages 24 hours a day, seven
days a week, without any human companionship and very little veterinary care If any, until they DIE. The
females are bred continuously 2-3 times per year for approximately 7-8 years and typically only live half of
their normal lifespan. If they do happen to live longer than they are capable of breeding, they are discarded
like trash...Yes, they are killed. http://en.wikipedla.org/wlkl/Puppv mill
99% Of Puppies Sold in Pet Stores Are From Puppy Mills Even if The Pet Stores Denies It.
10 Million Dogs, Puppies, PURE BRED Dogs, Cats And Kittens Are Killed In America's Shelters Each Year And
Yes, Most Are Healthy And Adoptable Pets.
Five atles In San DIego County Have Pet Stores Who Sell Puppies From Puppy Mills Or
Puppies In General For Profit: Oceanside. Carisbad. Escondido. Santee And National Citv.
Cities In San DIego County With BANS On Pet Stores Who Sell Puppies From Puppy Mills And
Puppies In General For Profit: SAN DIEGO AND CHULA VISTA.
The First State Ban Is In The Wori(s. http://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/State>ConslderS'Bannlng-
BOYCOTT The Cities Below. Conduct All Your BUSINESS In Other Cities In San DIego And Let
These City Councllmembers Know. See Complete UST Below.
Oceanside Puppy
1906 Oceanside Blvd. Oceanside, CA 92054
Phone (760) 967-5852
Owner-David Salinas
Pet Stores will state that they do not sell puppies from puppy mills when it has been proven that they do. This
is very common in the industry. It has been proven that David Salinas sells puppies from puppy mills.
California Pets
Westfield Mall - Coastal Location
2525 El Camino Real 264, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Phone: 760-741-7387
Pet Stores will state that they do not sell puppies from puppy mills when It has been proven that they do. This
Is very common In the Industry.
PA Puppy Avenue
(Conveniently located of the 78 & 15 Fwy - Please Call for Address.)
Pet Stores will state that they do not sell puppies from puppy mills when it has been proven that they do. This
Is very common In the industry.
California Pets
Westfield Mall - North Inland Location
200 E. Via Rancho Pkwy. 353, Escondido, CA 92025
Phone: 760-741-7387
Pet Stores will state that they do not sell puppies from puppy mills when It has been proven that they do. This
is very common in the Industry.
Pups 8t Pets
50 Town Center Parkway, Santee, Ca 92071
(619) 562-0036
Pet Stores will state that they do not sell puppies from puppy mills when it has been proven that they do. This
is very common In the industry.
National Citv
Fiesta Pet Shop
1145 Highland Ave, Suite A, National City, CA 91950
http ://www.fiestapetshop .net/home, nxg
Pet Stores will state that they do not sell puppies from puppy mills when It has been proven that they do. This
Is very common in the Industry.
Conduct All Your Shopping And Business In The Cities Below;
• Vista
• San Marcos
• Fallbrook
• Leucadia
• Encinitas
• Cardiff
• Solona Beach
• Del Mar
• Rancho Bernardo
• Poway
• The City Of San Diego
• Many Others In Both East And South San DIego County.
Contact All The Qtv Councllmembers Below And Inform Them.
1. Oceanside City Council cQundl(5)ci.oceanside.ca.us
2. Carlsbad City Council councilg)carlsbadca.gov
3. Escondido City Council http://www.escondldo.orc/citv-councll-contact-us.a$PX
4. Santee Oty Council http://www.d.santee.ca.us/lndex.aspx?paKe=351
5. National City City Coundl coundl(5)nationalcltvca.gov
Fiona Everett
Morgen Fry
Tuesday, October 08,2013 8:28 AM
Fiona Everett
FW: Letter submission for City Coundl Agenda AB#21,394
Let 2 City of Carlsbad.pdf
From: Sheila Fowler [pialltQrbenaals4u(S>sbcQlobal.net1
Sent: Monday, October 07,2013 7:31 PM
To: Qty Clerk
Subject: Letter submission for City Coundl Agenda AB#21,394
Dear Carlsbad City Council,
I am submitting the attached letter in opposition to forcing pet stores to
sell dogs or cats from unregulated sources such as from humane societies,
animal shelters and animal rescue groups. Unintended consequences include
introduction of new diseases from foreign countries via one of the
stipulated sources.
I will try to attend the meeting, but with no prior warning it is hard to
reschedule my calendar in time, but I will make an effort. Please take
the time to read my one page letter to have a broader view on what such an
ordinance tnay do.
I am available as a resource should the Council want to consider
regulating the pet store to guarantee puppies do not come from puppy
John Fowler
San Marcos, CA
(760) 533-3313
6 October 2013
Cityof Cartsbad
Dear Mayor and Council Members.
It is with surprise that I write to you after just today discovering the Carisbad Qty Council is preparing an emergency act
to make into law and ordinance banning pet sales in pet stores without the full vetting from opposing viewpoints.
I am well acquainted with the statements being made by San Diego Humane and San Diego Animal Defense Team. Their
pictures and statements are compelling. And, if those were all factual there would be no need to question any further
action. I attended the discussions of such ordinances in the City of Chula Vista, City of San Diego and the Oty of
Oceanside. It appears that the Information presented may not ever have been vetted.
Part of a vetting process is to verify claims made that may result in laws being generated on the information presented
as facts by various groups. For example, when presented with pictures/videos of dogs or cats living in poor condition,
were you also presented with the name ofthe facility, address ofthe fadlity, name of the owner and phone number
along with the date the picture/video was taken so you could contact those individuals to verify the pictures/videos are
current and correct? If you were not provided that level of information, then the picture/video was not verified and
confirmed to be relevant to the Issues being presented: that those facilities are supplying dogs and cats into Califomia
pet stores TODAY and that those facilities are puppy mills.
Your potential ordinance gives exemption to dogs or cats supplied from Humane Organizations, Rescue Groups and
Animal Control Shelters. None of these sources are regulated. None of the animals they purport to offer for sale come
with genetic screening, known health history or known behavior Issues. There is no certification process for these
sources. Worse is the fact that there are hundreds of animal rescue organizations In California and some of those
receive dogs and cau from out of state and out of country. Are they all gh/en access to this new puppy sale process?
Who Is going to decide which ones are valid and which ones are not? And what are the criteria for accepting one rescue
group over another? This must be taken into consideration before the Council releases a law that allows these sources
full legal priority to be sold In the Oty of Carlsbad's licensed pet store. The city wlB now be libel for all Issues relating to
behavior, health and genetic history coming from uncontrolled and unregulated supply of dogs and cats. The public
must have traceablHty of any health or behavior issue, but such will now be denied by law.
In terms of cats, I have talked with Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) and The International Cat Association (TICA) and not
one breeder knows of any such thing as "Kitten Factories" in the United States. This is a term bandied about by the
various animal rights groups, again with no supporting verifiable evidence that such things exist.
If the Council has pursued the evidence to verify the pictures and videos shown to you in evidence of puppy mills
existing today tn the United States that supply California pet stores with puppies, I would commend you for performing
your due diligence. If not, I would urge you to obtain the Information I have Identified and call the Identified facilities
and verify the pictures or videos are of their fadlity today and not something taken many years ago that may not exist
Finally, I want to agree that selling puppies produced by anyone using unsanitary conditions, no concern for breeding
stock and without proper animal husbandry knowledge and education Is against everything we all hold dear for the care
and condition of animals. But. we must not substitute one failed method with another. Verifying that a pet store is
selling puppy mill supplied puppies is verifiable and must be levied on the owner of such an establishment No
responsible breeder will ever sell a puppy or kitten to a pet store for any reason. All breed organizations have worked
tirelessly to prohibit even the thought of selling to a pet store. I would hope that the City of Carlsbad takes the time to
verify daims made by San Diego Humane, the Animal Defense Team and others before plunging Into a situation where
the city will bear responsibility for bringing In new health Issues due to animals supplied by rescue groups whose animals
come from outside of the United States.
John Fowler
San Marcos, CA
Fiona Everett
From: Morgen Fry
Sent Tuesday, October 08,2013 9:01 AM
To: Fiona Everett
Importance: High
From: Kristine Alesslo rmailto!oattobellog>cox.net1
Sent: Monday, October 07,2013 8:36 PM
To: Coundl Intemet Email
Dear Mayor Hall and Members ofthe Council,
On behalf of the International Cal Association (TICA) and responsible cat breeders throughout the country, I
urge you to vote against the above-referenced ordinance.
Pet stores are not related to pet overpopulation. There is no causal relation to the sales of pedigreed dogs and
cats via pet stores impacting shelter intakes. Legitimate businesses should be allowed to flourish in Califomia
rather than be subject lo something which, factually speaking, is at best a "feel good" ordinance,
I am also the Vice Mayor ofthe City of La Mesa, and I understand the need to weigh issues which affect one's
constituents very carefully and I urge you to vote "no" on this misguided attempt lo protect animals at the cost
of desU-oying economic opportunities for business in Carlsbad.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. But for my ovm Council
meeting tomorrow, I would be at your meeting to address this ordinance in person.
Kristine Christensen Alessio
Kristine C. Alessio,Esq.
Regional Director, TICA Southwest Region
Director, Savannah Rescue www.svrescue.com
Fiona Everett
From: Morgen Fry
Sent Tuesday, October 08,20131:36 PM
To: Fiona Everett
Subject FW: Testimony of the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PUAQ re: Agenda Item 11
(October 8th Carlsbad City Council Meeting)
Attachments: PUAC Testimony on Agenda Item 11-Ordinance No. CS-231.pdf
From: Donna Heraty
Sent: Tuesday, October 08,2013 1:06 PM
To: Morgen Fry
Cc: Sheny Freisinger
Subject: FW: Testimony of the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Coundl (PUAC) re: Agenda Item 11 (October 8th Carisbad
aty coundl Meeting)
Another email for the City Manager's office
From: Donna Heraty On Behalf Of Qty Clerk
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2013 1:05 PM
To: Donna Heraty
Subject: FW: Testimony of the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Coundl (PUAC) re: Agenda Item 11 (October 8th Carisbad
aty Council Meeting)
From: Jeff Plummer [m9lito^leff^P^la<;tOrql
Sent: Tuesday, October 08,2013 12:55 PM
To: aty aerk
Subject: Testimony of the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Coundl (PUAC) re: Agenda Item 11 (October 8th Carisbad City
Coundl Meeting)
Please accept the attached testimony of the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PUAC) in opposition to proposed
Urgency Ordinance #CS-231.
Jeff Plummer
Government Affairs Manager
Pet Industry Joint Advisory Coundl (PUAC)
114619th Street, N.W., Suite 350
Washington, OC 20036
Tel. (202) 452-1525, ext. 1030
Fax (202)452-1516
MMn .^P*^k HBMIk
April 23-24, 2014
Amelia Island, FL
Am^ia Island Plantation
Become a PUAC fan on Facebook at PUAC4p«t5l **
October 9,2013
The Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PUAC) appreciates the opportunity to offer the
Carlsbad City Council our views regarding the proposed ordinance prohibiting the retail
sale of dogs and cats in pet shops. As the country's largest pet trade association,
representing the interests of all segments of the pel industty throughout the United
States, PUAC counts among its members national associations, organizations,
corporations and individuals involved in the commercial pet trade. More specifically,
PUAC represents the Interests of pet stores, distributors, pet supply manufacturers,
breeders, retailers and pet owners throughout the state of Califomia and across the
United States.
Let me start by saying that nobody cares more about healthy and safe pels than does
PUAC and our members. We have for many years provided a well-respected animal
care certification program that is widely utilized by not only persons in the commercial
pel trade but shelters and humane societies as well. Our association has long been
recognized as the voice for a responsible pet trade, and we routinely advocate legislative
and regulatory proposals establishing governmental mandates where appropriate to
advance the public interest and welfare of pels. PUAC worics closely with USDA to
ensure effective enforcement of the federal Animal Welfare Act, and has since its
inception. We regulariy woric with federal and state agencies as well as local
govemments to advance animal welfare interests.
Even as we have worked to raise standards of care, PUAC has battled misconceptions
about the quality of pet store animals and the source of such animals. The
unsubstantiated assertion that pet store puppies generally come from substandard
breeding facilities is commonly used as a smoke screen to obscure the fact that the
overwhelming majority of pet owners who choose pet stores bring home a happy,
healthy pet and that they remain highly satisfied with their pet store experience.
The reality is that almost all pet store puppies originate from USDA licensed breeders
who are regularly Inspected and found lo comply with appropriate care standards. By
contrast, many of the dogs and cats from olher sources, including rogue Intemet
operators, private breeders, shelters and rescues, did not come from licensed breeders.
What purpose does this proposed ban serve? It doesn't protect consumers, who already
enjoy far more protection in the law for the animals they get from pet stores lhan from
any other source. They would merely be deprived of looking to a pet store as one of
several altematives for acquiring a pet, and in the process lose statutory protections that
they currently enjoy. It doesn't protect the animals themselves. As already noted, pel
store puppies are as healthy as any others and typically receive more frequent veterinary
care than puppies from other sources. As well-intentioned as this proposal may be, it is
unsupported tiy all available facts.
114619* Simet. N.W.. SuHe 350
Washington, PC 2(»36
FM: 202-452-1516
Ken Oh
W F Yowig. Inc. East Unomwdaw, MA
Ml SultwilMd
Mutwt Supply Company. PattanI Way, WA
RoKC Hagan Inc.. Baia D'urfe, Ou«bac
Andy Pom*
UnHad Pat Group. Qndnnaii, OH
Ryw Boyle
The Hunlo Cotporabon, Goodnian, MO
Tha Gounnal Roitanl. Nawberry, R.
Caniral Ganian and Pat, Walnul Craak. CA
Tom Edttng
Paloo Animal Suppiias. San Olago. CA
CMS Flaming
Michaal Palanon
The Pai Group, Carlsbad. CA
Laura *Paach* Raid
Rth Man Inc, Weil Hsvan. CT
Jim Saidawend
PalWortd, Inc.. Rocheslar, NY
Martie WNdianl
PETCO Animiri Supplies Inc, San Oiego. CA
PFX Pal Supply. LLC. W. Sacramento. CA
Sandra Moore (FTFFA)
Segrest Fanns, QbsoMon, FL
WF Young, Inc, East Longmeadow. MA
Jamas Haim
Walnut CrMk, CA
Frank Koch
Pacoima. CA
Atan Levey
SecaiKus. NJ
Mike Canning, Esq.. CAE
The exemption provided in the Carlsbad proposal suggests that the council believes existing retailers are operating
in a responsible manner, which this ordinance seems to suggest is not possible. If the existing retailer is operating
in a responsible manner, why can't future retailers be held to their already high standard?
It should also be noted that breeders who provide animals to retailers are subject to USDA scrutiny and oversight.
Banning the sale of dogs and cats by pet stores that are subject to strict regulation and sourcing transparency will
only drive prospective pet owners to unscrupulous sellers of pets who are not licensed and are unconcerned about
compliance with animal care standards. Thus, in considering an arbitrary and capricious ordinance, Carlsbad
risks enacting a law that will not oniy fail to alleviate the conditions about which it has concerns, but will actually
exacerbate the very problem the ordinance would seek to address.
Animals delivered to pet stores in Califomia are highly regulated:
In the slate of their birth
In the state of their distributor
By the federal government
By Califomia when the animals enter the state
And animal cruelty is a criminal offense everywhere
Some make the claim that by prohibiting the sale of commercially bred dogs, cats and rabbits In pet stores that
will lead to more adoptions of shelter animals. No independently developed data su|^rts this claim. PUAC
knows that animal control facilities and non-profits are often excellent sources for pets for some prospective pet
owners, however, not for everyone. Many shelter animals are relinquished because of socialization or health
issiKS. Adoption may not be an appropriate option for families looking for a certain breed of animal. There are
varied reasons why families choose the animals they do. They should have that choice and not be denied the pet
that best fits their family's requirements.
Furthermore, Califomia has some of the strictest pet warranty laws in the country. People who purchase pets from
pet stores in Califomia have ample opportunity to recover under altemative remedies if the purchase an unfit
animal from a pet store. In obviating this consumer protection provided under state law, the proposal adversely
impacts small businesses and pet owners alike within Carlsbad. Only pet stores provide this warranty - shelters,
breeders and rescue groups do not offer a warranty.
Hyperbole and emotionalism is a poor substitute for rational evaluation of objective information in establishing
public policy. PUAC recognizes that a few substandard facilities supplying pet stores do exist, as do substandard
breeders providing dogs directly to the public and, in fact, substandard shelters as well. And, our efforts to ensure
humane standards of care are met in all of these facilities will continue. However, singling out pet stores for
specious generalizations based on anecdotal evidence will NOT eliminate the existence of substandard
conditions. While this proposal may be a *Teel good" approach It only diverts attention away from efforts to really
accomplish effective solutions and we urge the City Council nol to move forward with the proposal.
PUAC Is highly sympathetic to the concerns motivating this proposed ordinance, but an outright ban on retail pet
sales is unjustified, harmful to the future of the local economy and ultimately will fail to better protect pets. We
respectftilly urge the City Council to reject the ban and not impose excessive restrictions on all pel owners by
preventing legitimate local businesses that are committed to the health, safety and well-being of animals from
becoming a part of the Carlsbad community and economy.
Ifthe purpose of this proposal is to place tighter restrictions on the sources of animals coming into Carisbad's pel
store, PUAC would welcome the opportunity to work with the members of the City Council and other
govemment officials to raise the bar to ensure proper animal sourcing. For instance, common sense solutions
would require:
• Animals come from only USDA licensed breeders
e Breeders sourcing animals dogs in a Carisbad pet store shall not have an entry on their last USDA
inspection report that directly impacts animal health (ihese records are searchable online) - these
Inspection reports could travel with the animal and be made available to the customer
We look would welcome the opportunity to work with the city of Carlsbad to arrive at a meaningful public policy
solulion related to the care of animals. By working together we can make sure the citizenry of Carlsbad continue
to have access to healthy animals to love as pets.
Thank you greatly for your consideration of our views.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Canning, President
Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council
9094648886 CVMC Radiology 04:17:53 p.m. 10-08-2019 1/2
P.O. box 2341 www lANCASTIR CALIFORNIA •» 3 539
Mayor and CHy Counc8 Members
City of Carlsbad
1200 Carisbad Village Drive
Carlsbad.CA 92008
Fax 760-720-9461
October 8,2013
Dear Mayor Hail and City Coundl Members,
The Qalifomla Fedemtion of Dog Clubs, founded In 1990, represents thousands of dog owners across
our state. We are advocates for animal welfare, fbr promotkjn of responsible dog ownership and for
protecting the rights of responsible dog owners. Our current proiects indude conducting breed
identification workshops for shelter wori<ers, distribution of a dog care and training brochure for new
owners who adopt from shelters, and providing a 1-800 help line fbr pet owners struggling with behavtor
or training problems. We also maintain and administer a relief fund fbr animals affected by disasters such
as earthquakes or fires. We support animal leglslatton that provides positive benefits to society.
The CFoDC is OPPOSED to bans on retail sales of pets, regardless of exemptions. Pet sales bans
encourage the growth of a totally unregulated underground market. A sales ban would only hurt
legitimate businesses and responsible, regulated breeders and do nothing to Improve animal welfare.
Sales bans create a shortage of desirable pets, a black market fbr dogs and cats, and a rise In
Imports from other countries. The demand for shelter dogs In San Diego Counly drives the Importatton
of dogs for the rescue maricet niche. Helen Woodward Humane Sodety imports dogs on a regular basis
trom other states and even from other countries as far away as Romania. San DIego County is already a
magnet Ibr homeless dogs from distant states and even foreign countries where diseases such as rabies
and screwwomi are commonplace. A ban on the sale of regulated dogs would serve to promote the
"rescue" Industry, and exacertjate the spread of disease.
The USDA regulates the care and conditions of dogs and cats that provkle pets via pet stores; Claims
that USDA breeders are unethical are false. USDA rules and standards are very exacting, and ensure the
humane care and treatment of pets In commercial breeding facilities.
Claims of high incidence of illness in pet store puppies are totally unsubstantiated. Pets bred under
USDA rules and regulations receive regular veterinary care. There Is evidence that the pet Industry
provides more veterinary care for puppies than the public at large. DVM/VPl Insurance Group, the largest
provider of animal health Insurance, testified during a hearing In California that "preconceived notions"
conceming pet store puppies "could not have been more wrong." After insuring more than 89,000 pet
store puppies and kittens and handling health daims from a pool of more than 500.000 Insured animals.
9094648886 CVMC Radiology 04:18:16 p.ni. 10-08-2013 2/2
Ihe Insurance company reduced its premiums for pet store puppies and kittens substantially by
as much as 22 percent compared to premiums charged for animals from other sources. Why? Pet
store puppies receive more veterinary attentton during the first 12 weeks of age than any other puppies
and. as a result, have fewer claims.
Califomia law provides consumer protection for pets purchased in pet stores. Shelter and rescue animals
are exempt from health, safety and discbsure requirements and from the consumer protection laws
which are required of tradWonal pet stores and breeders under the Lockyer-Polanco-Fan Pet Proteclkin
Act and the Polanco-Lockyer Pet Breeder Wananty Aa An ordinance banning the sale of dogs In pet
stores would eliminate consumer protectkm and would encourage the prollferatkin of unhealthy pets.
A recent study revealed that less than 5% of dogs sourced from pet shops end up In an animal
shelter. Commercial breeders are a legitimate source for healthy, well-bred animals. Shelter and rescued
animals are a different matter, with unknown health, temperament, parasites and Infectious diseases.
We urge you to reject the proposed ordinance to prohibit the retail sale of pets, and exempting the one
store In your city, creating a monopoly for that storel
Sincerely yours.
Geneva Coats. R.N.
Secretary, CaUfomia Federation of Dog Ckibs
CC: Matt Hall. Mark Packard, Keith Blackbum, Fanrah Gofclshan Douglas, Loralne Wood
Fiona Everett
From: Council Intemet Email
Sent Wednesday, October 09,2013 8:27 AM
To: Fiona Everett
Subject FW: support the ordinance to ban sale of non rescue dogs and cats
From: Jennifer van der Woerd [maiitD:vandenwQerd<S)hotmail.com1
Sent: Tuesday, October 08,2013 7:59 PM
To: Coundl Intemet Email
Subject: support the ordinance to ban sale of non rescue dogs and cats
Dear City Coundl,
I regret not knowing about the city coundl meeting prior and hope that you voted in favor to ban the sales of
non rescue dogs and cats In pet stores. Many cities In California have already moved In favor ofthis which
promotes allowing pets to be rescued and decreases puppy mills. Dogs and cats that aren't sold often times
wind up being sold to research. The whole practice Is unethical and I hope my city has made me proud and
voted In favor to animal rights.
If you haven't made the final decision, I strong urge you to ban the sale of non rescue dogs and cats to pet
Thank you,
Jennifer van Der Woerd
7966 Calle Madrid
Carisbad, Ca 92009
Fiona Everett
From: Council Internet Email
Sent Wednesday, October 09.2013 8:46 AM
To: Fiona Everett
Subject: FW: Thank you for voting to ban dog and cat sales in pet stores.
From: Mindy Schwartz [malltQ;healdivDetchef(3)omail.com1
Sent: Tuesday, October 08,2013 11:26 PM
To: Coundl Intemet En^ll
Subject: Thank you for voting to ban dog and cat sales In pet stores.
Dear Carlsbad City Council,
On behalf of my family, which includes two dogs adopted from a local shelter, I want to thank you for
voting to ban stores that sell dogs and cats. By enacting this ban you will be helping to end the
scourge of puppy mills and kitten factories, and will be encouraging people to adopt their pets from
shelters. Thank you for taking this life-saving action.
Mindy Schwartz
7304 Black Swan Place
Carlsbad, CA 92011
Please consider the environment before printing this email,
Fiona Everett
From: Council Intemet Email
Sent Wednesday, October 09,2013 4:52 PM
To: Fiona Everett
Subject FW: Thank you for passing pet store ordinance!
From: Bryan Pease fmallto:bn/anDease®Qmall.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 3:50 PM
To: Council Intemet Email
Subject: Thank you for passing pet store ordinance!
Dear Carlsbad City Council:
Thank you for making a responsible and compassionate decision to protect your city firom the unscrupulous
business practice of selling mass produced dogs and cats in pet stores. Responsible breeders do not sell animals
in pet stores.
Please consider removing the exemption for existing pet stores. There is no reason Carlsbad should serve as a
dumping ground for pets from the Utah-based business "CA Pet." When non-rescue animals are purchased in
pet stores as an impulse buy, they are less likely to be altered, and litters from these pets end up in shelters. The
humane model is followed by Petco, which involves partnering with rescues to hold adoption events at their
Some ofthe other cities passing ordinances have included phaseout periods. Something similar could be done
with CA Pet ifthe Council is unwilling lo shut them dovm right away. Even if die phaseout was a year or
longer, it would be better than allowing this hannful business to operate indefinitely, with taxpayers footing the
bill for their irresponsible behavior.
There is really no concession that can be made that would make il acceptable for CA Pet to continue selling
mass produced dogs and cats. I know of no responsible rescue that would partner with a store that is continuing
to sell mass produced animals. Therefore, the best compromise is a phaseout period that allows them to
continue only for a determinate amount of time.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Bryan W. Pease
Attorney at Law (lie: CA & NY)
1901 First Ave., Suite 219
San Diego, CA 92101
p(619) 723-0369
f(6I9) 923-1001
Fiona Everett
From: Coundl Intemet Email
Sent Wednesday. October 09,2013 4:53 PM
To: Fiona Everett
Subject FW: Thank youi
From: Christine Cox rmailto;christlne.m.cox®amail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 4:03 PM
To: Council Intemet Email
Subject: Thank you!
To Whom It May Concern:
I was just made aware that the city of Carlsbad banned the sale of non-rescue dogs and cats in retail stores -
GREAT news!! Thank you very much for voting in favor of the many rescue animals in need of forever homes
in our community.
Please keep up the great work and impose further restrictions on the existing pet stores in Carlsbad that are still
aUowed to sell non-rescue animals under the new ordinance.
Thank you again!
Christine M. Cox
Fiona Everett
Council Internet Email
Wednesday, October 09, 2013 4:53 PM
Fiona Everett
FW: Exemption
—Original Message—
From: Ken Fairlle fmailto:kenfairiieg)cox.netl
Sent: Wednesday, October 09,2013 4:06 PM
To: Coundl Internet Email
Subject: Exemption
Thank you for banning pet stores. Please consider removing the exemption for the existing pet store (puppy mill) at the
Carlsbad Mall.
Fiona Everett
From: Council Internet Email
Sent Wednesday, October 09, 2013 4:54 PM
To: Fiona Everett
Subject FW: Thank You - Passing Pet Store Ordinance
From: Ivars Ozotlns [mallto;lvgrg^999PYghWtCPm1
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 4:07 PM
To: Coundl Internet Email
Subject: Thank You - Passing Pet Store Ordinance
Hello and Good Afternoon,
I understand that yesterday the Carisbad City Council passed a city ordinance that prohibits pet
stores from selling 'puppy mill' dogs and cats in the city of Carisbad. I would like to say, Thank Youi
Your leadership ensures that more rescue animals find suitable homes and fewer dogs and cats
suffer the fate of sitting in pet store cages.
1 also would like to encourage you to revisit and ultimately, strike the exemption for existing stores.
The reason is simple: far too many dogs and cats languish terrible living conditions in these pet stores
and it only encourages the senseless breeding to backfill for the animals.
Again, thank you for doing the right thing!
Ivars Ozolins
Encinitas, CA 92024
Fiona Everett
From: Council Internet Email
Sent Thursday, October 10,2013 8:52 AM
Subject FW: ordinance to ban retail sale of non-rescue dogs and cats in retail stores and
From: Can^l Schumacher fmailto;carol.soulmemorv(g)qmall.com1
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 4:28 PM
To: Coundl Intemet Email
Subject: ordinance to ban retail sale of non-rescue dogs and cats In retail stores and exemption
Dear City Council Members,
I just wanted to drop quick note to say thank you for passing the ordinance to ban the retail sale of non-rescue dogs and cats
In pets stores! This Is just wonderful news to me.
I would appredate It though if you would remove the exemption for all existing stores since otherwise It won't have much of
an immediate effect.
Thank you so much!(II
Carol Scliumachep, Ph.D.
6775 Follette St.
Carisbad, CA 92011
+1 949 228-1492
Fiona Everett
From: Coundl Internet Email
Sent Thursday, October 10,2013 8:52 AM
Subject FW: Thank you for banning sale of non-rescue dogs and cats
From: Maria Shazer fmailto;mshazer®hobnall.com1
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 4:50 PM
To: Council Internet Email
Subject: Thank you for banning sale of non-rescue dogs and cats
Thank you for banning the sale of non-rescue dogs and cats In pet stores. Please remove the exemption for
existing pet stores.
Maria Shazer
Fiona Everett
From: Council Internet Email
Sent Thursday, October 10,2013 8:52 AM
Subject FW: Thank you and Please
From: Beth Johnson [mgilto;mln!Sl:er@y!Ste<uu.Qrq1
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 6:00 PM
To: coundl Intemet Email
Subject; Thank you and Please
Dear Carisbad City Coundl,
Although I am not a resident of Carisbad, the congregation I serve includes many people who reside In Carisbad; on
their behalf and as the president of the Unitarian Unlversalist Animal Ministry, I applaud your compassion and
courage In passing the ordinance banning the sale of non-rescue dogs and cats In pet stores. Good job! This move
brings us ever closer lo the time when cats and dogs are understood as beings In need of our prolectton and care.
Thank you and congratulations on this good thing!
I know that next month you will be taking up the exemption extended toward existing pet shops. As you know, there
are so many cats and dogs who need good homes. 1 urge you to extend the ban of the sale of non-rescue dogs
and cats to all pet stores.
Once again, thank you for your dedsion, and for what 1 know will be another decision on behalf of those whose
voices are not like our own.
Rev. Beth Johnson
Rev, Dr. Beth A. Johnson, CCDC
Palomar Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
1600 Buena Vista Drive
Vista CA 92081
Cell 909.730.0711
minister^vlstauu. ora
Fiona Everett
From: Coundl Intemet Email
Sent Thursday, October 10,2013 8:52 AM
Subject FW: Pet stores
—Original Message—
From: Tina Overland fmailto:overtinag)gmail.coml
Sent: Wednesday, October 09,2013 6:59 PM
To: Council Internet Email
Subject: Pet stores
Thank you for passing the ordinance to stop pet stores from selling cats, dogs and rabbiU. I hope that next you will not
allow existing retail pet stores to stay open.
Tina Overland
Sent from my IPhone
Fiona Everett
From: Council Internet Email
Sent Thursday, October 10,2013 8:53 AM
Subject FW: Retail pet shops
From; Jennie Frost rmailto:1ennlefrost®amail.com1
Sent: Wednesday, October 09,2013 10:43 PM
To: Council Intemet Email
Subject: Retail pet shops
I understand that you have voted to ban retain pet shops but currently have an exemption in place for existing
shops. I urge you to ban all pet shops in the city for public policy reasons as well as economic reasons. Pet
shops buy their animals from mills who keep the adults in deplorable conditions. A friend of mine adopted a
dog that had been rescued firom a puppy mill that routinely sold to pet stores. This dog was debarked (which
means a pipe was shoved dovm her throat to damage her vocal cords) and she was so afraid of humans it look
months for me to touch her because she had never been cared for or loved by a human. Skye's story is just one
of thousands of dogs used for breeding. The second dog my fiicnd rescued was even more afraid than
Skye. This is what I want you to consider. Does Carlsbad really think it is good public policy to allow animals
to be abused so businesses can made a profit? The fact that Carlsbad is banning the shops shows that the City
does not wish to perpetuate this cruelty.
Secondly, consider the economic consequences. The City makes a small amount of money for each sale in the
form of tax, probably averaging $50 per dog. On the flip side, many of these dogs will be bred by "backyard
breeders" Uying to make a quick buck or will get out and either impregnate or get impregnated. These
descendants will eventually end up at the shelter. The $50 you received for the sale of the puppy ends up
costing the City thousands of dollars in unwanted or stray descendants. Pet overpopulation will never be solved
until we lake steps to solve the breeding problem. I volunteer with It's the Pits and Coastal German Shepherd
Rescue. We pull dogs from shelters all the time who are on the euthanasia list. There are hundreds more we
don't have room for because the demand isn't there. You know that, otherwise they wouldn't be on the
euthanasia list
Thank you for voting on the ban. I hope you will lake the next step and end the sale of puppies. There are a lol
of abused dogs counting on you to protect them.
Thank you,
Jennie Frost
Vista, Califomia
Fiona Everett
From: Coundl Intemet Email
Sent Thursday, October 10,2013 8:53 AM
Subject FW: Animals sold in Pet Stores
—Original Message—
From: Elana Cohen fmailto:elana(S)reinvestlnvou.coml
Sent: Thursday, October 10,2013 1:08 AM
To: Council Intemet Email
Subject: Animals sokl In Pet Stores
THANK YOU for passing this Important ordinance to ban the retail sale of non-rescue dogs and cats In pet stores I PLEASE
remove the exemption for existing pet stores!
1 am grateful the City Coundl recognizes the horrific practice of selling breeded ammals (mostly raised in puppy mills)
and becoming one of 19 cities In CA. Now, please enforce that this should not occur at alii All these stores need to STOP
being allowed to sell Ih/e animalsl
Thank you and please support the next action buy removing exemption for existing pet stores!
Elana Cohen
821 Kalpati, Unit B
Carisbad 92008
Fiona Everett
From: Council Intemet Email
Sent Thursday, October 10,2013 8:53 AM
Subject FW: pet stores
From: Ann Scott rmallto;sterllnqsCQtt®rQadrunner.coml
Sent: Thursday, October 10,2013 7:53 AM
To: Council Intemet Email
Subject: pet stores
thank you for being so progressive and having the courage to stand up to people who want to profit from the
inhumane treatment of animals. I only wish Oceanside would learn from you. ann scott
Fiona Everett
Council Internet Email
Friday, October 11,2013 8:48 AM
FW: Pet store ordinance
—Original Message—
From: Patricia White rmaillo:pchrlstinewhiteta)vahoo.coml
Sent: Friday, October 11,2013 6:25 AM
To: Council Internet Email
Subject: Pet store ordinance
Thank you for passing the ban on the sale of non-rescue dogs In pet stores. However, I would urge you to reconsider the
exemption of current pet stores. This type of commerce Is bad business and makes the consumer extremely vulnerable
to purchasing a puppy that comes from a puppy mill. These dogs frequently have significant health issues and can cost
the owner hundreds. If not thousands of dollars to treat Please reconsider this decision.
Timothy 8t Christine White
3459 Pleasant Vale
Carlsbad, Ca 92010
Sent from my IPad
Follow Up:
Ordinance Banning Retail Sale of
Dogs and Cats
November 5, 2013
Questions from City Council
•What federal and state of California
regulations are in place with regard to sale
of dogs and cats?
•California Pets
–Legal actions
Federal Regulations & Enforcement
•US Dept of Agriculture (USDA) Animal Welfare Act
–In place since 1966, and amended through 2008
–Care standards for dealers of animals for commercial
•Animal and Plant Heath Inspection Service (APHIS)
–Administers AWA for USDA
–120 inspectors nationwide
–USDA breeder definition, licensing and regulation
–Enforcement of humane standards of care
•“Dealer” - a person who produces and
buys/sells dogs & cats
•USDA License required if:
–Produce & sell 25 or more dogs/cats per year
–Sell animals wholesale to retail pet stores
•No License required:
–Three or less breeding females, on premises,
selling pups/kittens born & raised on premises
•Pet stores are not considered dealers
Federal Regulations & Enforcement
•Animal Welfare Act (AWA)
–All individuals/businesses dealing with animals
must be licensed or registered with APHIS
–APHIS reviews and investigates violations
–Both civil and criminal penalties
State of CA Regulation & Enforcement
•Lockyer-Polanco-Far Pet Protection Act (H & S
Code 122125-122220)
–Regulates retail sales of dogs and cats
–Transportation & care standards
–Requires store to provide info to purchaser on
breeder, medical care
–Civil and/or criminal penalties for non-compliance
–The sale of dogs is subject to consumer protection
State of CA Regulation & Enforcement
•Pet Store Animal Care Act (SB 986)
–Regulates the care and maintenance of animals in
the custody of pet stores
•Medical care
•Enrichment activities
California Pets
–Sole proprietor, two stores, since 1968
–No citations from Department of Animal Services
•Legal action (from SD Superior Court records, 1997 – present)
–3 civil cases
•Settled for $3,400
•Unknown – details not available
•BBB rating of A+
Action on Ordinance
•Leave existing ordinance as is
•Amend the ordinance, as directed by council
•Repeal the ordinance, as directed by council