HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-08-03; City Council; 17745; Community Development MSA Strategic PlanAB# 17,745 MTG. 8/3/04 DEPT. CD RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY. CITY MGR TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MAJOR SERVICE AREA STRATEGIC PLAN It is recommended the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. Community Development Strategic Plan as presented. 2004-264 ACCEPTING the ITEM EXPLANATION: Over the last year, Community Development (Planning, Building, Geographic Information Systems, Economic Development, and Housing and Redevelopment) developed a Strategic Plan. The strategic planning process provided an opportunity for Community Development to look at the big picture and to address strategic issues related to the Department’s mission, vision, and values so the Department can continue to improve as a major service area. Some of the benefits of strategic planning include increased effectiveness and efficiency, improved understanding and better learning, and enhanced organizational capabilities. The Community Development Strategic Plan is aligned with the City Council’s Strategic Goals and anticipates the evolution of the City as it approaches build out. The Plan revises the Mission, Vision, and Key Strategic Initiatives to be undertaken to achieve the shift in service demands anticipated to occur in the future. A great deal of input from key stakeholders was gathered, sorted, and prioritized to develop the key initiative areas Community Development will need to address as it moves forward into the future. These focal points include initiatives in the areas of employee productivity, internal processes, fiscal fitness, and customer service. It is anticipated the Department will form Strategic Initiative Teams to develop specific tactics and programs to address these topics in the next few years. The Strategic Plan was developed with the assistance of Sterling Enterprises, input from other Major Service Areas of the City, and key external stakeholders. FISCAL IMPACT: None EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2004-264 2. Community Development Strategic Plan (on ile in the 3. Community Development Strategy Map -Version 2004 (on file in the Community Development Office) ity lerk’s ice) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2004-264 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA ACCEPTING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT’S STRATEGIC PLANS. WHEREAS, the City of Carisbad’s Community Development Department has developed a Strategic Plan; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Strategic Plan is aligned with the Strategic Goals of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to accept the Strategic Plan and the Plan’s Strategic initiatives as a continuing effort in the evolution of Community Development; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. The City Council hereby accepts the Community Development Strategic Plan. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 3rd dayof Auqust , 2004, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: hw OD, City Clerk (SEAL) J. & d Community Development Strategic Plan u t V t 69 2004, Sterling Insights, Inc. AII rights reserved. c. I, Table of Confenfs Table of Contents Table of Contents Participants About Strategic Planning 1 2 3 ~~ ~ ComDev Mission ComDev Vision Historic Perspective & Context for 2004 Strategic Plan Entering a New Era City Manager & ComDev Director's commitment to the Vision & Strategies Internal & External Conditions forming the context for this strategic plan Mandates ComDev Stakeholders Strengths/Weaknesses 2004 Opportu n i ties/Th rea ts 2004 4 5 - 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 Strategic Issues 16 19 Success, Failure, and Flex Factors affecting implementation Strategy Overview Strategy Map Implementation Philosophy 21 22 23 Employee Productivity Strategies Strategic Skills Infra structure Access to Strategic Information Cultivate Core Values Align Employee Goals Progressive Service Development Professional Service Delivery Partnering Fiscal Fitness Civic Innovation Operational Excellence 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ~~ ~ ~ ~ Appendix 2003-2004 Strategic Plan/Chronology of Events 35 36 City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 Project sponsors Overview Sandra Holder Community Development Director Patrick Kelley Cynthia Haas Debbie Fountain Michael Holzmiller Planning Director Karl von Schlieder GIS Manager Don Neu Assistant Planning Director Building and Code Enforcement Manager Economic Development & Real Estate Manager Housing and Redevelopment Director Administrative Support: Barbara Nedros Fac/'l/'tafion This strategic planning process, including the events and documentation were designed, facilitated and produced by Sterling Insights, Inc. Lead facilitator: Joe Sterling (Joe@SterlingInsights.com I 619-659-1234) ~ ~~~~ City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 Strategic Planning Why cultivate a Strategic Plan? 1. 2. Looking ahead and planning is part of our job. We have a duty and an opportunity to shepherd and facilitate the future of Carlsbad. We must prepare for change. There are strategic issues related to our mission, vision, and values that must be addressed by our organization if we are to meet our mandates, deliver on our mission, and uphold our va I ues. We want to continue to improve as a Major Service Area (MSA) and we have set goals to do so. 3. What is a Strategic Plan? Strategic planning is 'a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization (or other entity) is, what it does, and why it does it." (Bryson, 1995) The strategic planning process, which is an interactive process, enhances an organization's ability to think and act strategically, to look at the big picture and over distant time horizons. Some of the benefits include increased effectiveness and efficiency, improved understanding and better learning, and enhanced organizational capabilities. (See the appendix for a description of the process that ComDev used in 2003-2004 to develop this year's ComDev's strategies and related initiatives.) Think of this strategic plan document as a map with plans for a grand adventure toward ComDev's potential. As on any adventure, the actual terrain seldom matches the map exactly, and course corrections are a natural part of the journey. To get the most from this document, use its contents to help sort out competing priorities and goals. Your job is to ask yourself 'How much of the ComDev mission and vision can I make happen today?" and then take action. City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 ComDev Mission Communify Development Mission: We are committed to helping people build a strong community by guiding and facilitating hQh quality projectsj preserving the environmentj providing for diverse housing and employmentj and maintaining a strong economic base. b I, - City of Carlsbad CornDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 ComDev Vision 2010 Community Development Ision 2010: Integrated 4 Streamlined, Professional & Progressive, Customer Service Oriented & Fiscal& Astute. We are cultivating the future of Carlsbad ComDev in 2010 is: Integrated - ComDev is seamlessly integrated. Functions that once operated in individual departments or divisions are now conducted by project team members with topical expertise and great teaming skills. Streamlined - ComDev functions share administrative services, run flexible teams, conduct regular process improvement efforts, and use technology to be productive and accurate. Professional - ComDev mentors employees to exhibit qualities of professionalism and leadership with high ethical standards. ComDev members interpret the laws, ordinances, and guidelines with stakeholders balancing facilitation and regulation. Progressive - The wisdom from experience, insight from thoughtful dialogue, and the freedom to innovate make ComDev progressive in technique, work environment and culture. Customer Service Oriented - ComDev works diligently to continuously improve and refine our ability to serve our residents, businesses, and developers. Fiscally Astute - Acknowledging the city government’s duty to be good stewards of public funds, ComDev cultivates understanding of fiscal issues and productivity. ComDev gets results from innovative economic development initiatives and facilitation of redevelopment projects to enhance City revenues. City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 History & Context Historic Perspective Context for the 2004 Strategic Plan What is now ComDev originated as a cluster of independent departments and divisions with staffing to serve their own needs. The focus was on designing and regulating the growth of Carlsbad. In recent decades, five major trends have changed the context in which all organizations now must operate: Computing power and connectivity are shrinking the time, space and energy it takes to do nearly everything causing acceleration in innovation and constant change; connected, making old chains of command and linear thinking and planning less effective; Most problems are becoming more complex and inter- t I, More efficiency is demanded by stakeholders; Carlsbad is reaching its physical limits for building large undeveloped properties. Within the next decade these properties will be built out. This will cause a fundamental shift in the role of various departments from development to redevelopment and infill development; funding sources uncertain. State fiscal practices are making traditional local government The mission, vision and strategies expressed here are ComDev’s response to these changing conditions. It brings ComDev into an arrangement consistent with the needs of a 21st Century Carlsbad. City of Carlsbad CornDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 Entering a New Era Carlsbad is going through a natural and fundamen tal shif t from one era to an0 ther. Navigating the transition to the next era is our challenge. Era Design & The emerging era is characterized by: Flexibility: external changes require more flexibility Pa rt ne rs h i ps : co m m u n it y , no n - profits , bus i ness/ i n d us t r i a I Connectivity: enabled by design, architecture and technology Participation: facilitated by cultivating "softscape" processes L Sustainability: awareness of the larger impacts of local 4 action demands that ComDev strive to improve local and reg iona I relationships. t ( Era of Design & Building 1950 - 2004 Incorporating, annexing and setting boundaries. Establishing General Plan/Zoning Ordinances, Growth Management Plan, Habitat Management Plan, master planning, building and growing the physical community, managing revenue from development fees. High standards built an attractive, well appointed "hardscape", desirable quality of life, and high property values that help fund City services. Transition Time 2004 - 2010 Honor and celebrate what got us here. Invent and create the new. Change is upon us (completing last master planning efforts). Will require modifying outmoded rules and crafting new ones. Turbulence will happen. If incumbents are willing to evolve, it can be a time of legacy, rebirth and excitement. Era of Sustainable Quality 2010 - 2050 Infill and redevelopment projects will become the norm. New leaders will need support to keep the best of the traditional methods while cultivating sustainable quality in the future. The economic requirements, and many of the social norms, will evolve too. Therefore, this era will, in many ways, look and feel like no other. City of Carlsbad CornDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 City Manager & ComDev Director3 Commitment to the Wsion 4 Strategies Ray Patchett, City Manager: As ComDev begins the process of Strategic Planning, you must ask yourselves "What is Community Development?" You need to suspend your beliefs and pull up any stakes you have placed. Take a long term view of where you are headed. ComDev has a duty and an opportunity to shepherd and facilitate the future of Carlsbad. You must move beyond building the "hardscape" of the community and move into building the "softscape". Sandy Holder, Director, Community Development: The context for much of what we do is changing. As we approach build out of the community, we will become more involved in community building and collaboration with our stakeholders. Citizens will be more involved because technology has given them the means to organize and respond more quickly. This will open up new ways for us to reach out and partner with the community and stakeholders. ComDev is at a crossroads. We can continue to do things the same ways we have always done them and hope that will carry us into the future successfully. Or, we can be proactive and look around the curve in the road to be better prepared for what the future holds for us. City of Carlsbad CornDev Strategic Plan Version. 4pril 2004 Ray on Planning Ray Putche ti on ComDev Strategic Planning City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 Sandy Holder on ComDev Strategic Planning City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 Conditions Internal Ce External Conditions forming the context for this strategic plan I The following pages define the conditions in which ComDev currently operates: Mandates ComDev Stakeholders Strengths/Weaknesses 2004 Opportunities/Threats 2004 Success, Failure, and Flex Factors affecting implementation City of Carlsbad CornDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 Mandates Carlsbad Community De velopmen f Our Mandates: Federal, State, and local mandates are the basis for the work of Community Development. In the execution of our mission we must comply with, promote, and ensure the public’s compliance with the mandates. Some of these are regulations, others are policies and practices. The major mandates are illustrated below. Econ Dev State relocation Assistance Cal Gov Code Surplus Property requirements Airport Expansion Limit Building CA Bldg. Code - Title 24 Bldg - Energy Plng - Disability Access Elec - Seismic Retrofit Mech State Housing Law City - ordinances & policies County Health MHP Act - T25 GIs Annual Census Updates Street, updates NCJPA Update Thomas Bros. GIs Services to City Planning State Gov Code - Planning Law, Permit Streamlining Act, CEQA, Coastal Act, Subdivision Map Act, General Plan/Housing Element Compliance Municipal Code requirements Growth Management Program CC Policies & CD Internal Policies Palomar Airport Master Plan SANDAG Regional Comprehensive Habitat Management Plan Plan Housing & Redev Housing Element Compliance Redevelopment Law Compliance CDBG & HOME Compliance Rental Assistance Compliance Fair Housing Law Inclusionary Housing Program Village Redevelopment Plan So. Carlsbad Coastal Redev. Plan Fed & State - City & Local Agencies - ~~~~~~~ ~ City of Carlsbad CarnDev Strategic Plan Version Apnl2004 Stakeholders How do you identify the stukeholders? The ComDev planning team organized the various stakeholders according to their degree of influence over ComDev strategy and the degree to which they had an interest or stake in the way things turn out. Source for model: Scenarios, The Art of the Strategic Conversation by Kees Van Der Heijden SUBJECTS 1 SD Economic Development ! Council Corp Associations & Non-Profits 1 Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau; Carlsbad Village Business Assn. B I Contractors Architects/ Designers Other Builders Business Owners Q)" *: m.9 Property Owners \$ xi PLAYERS Advocacy Groups Special Interests Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Other Business Organizations Large Business/Industrial Interests Developers $1 Citizens u! Realtors/Title Companies ri H; d 7 > i j: 1 6 BYSTANDERS I *NCTD Lob by i st ComDev DRB Planning Commission Consu I ta n ts Engineers Housing Commission School Districts & Special Districts RWQCB Wildlife Agencies Coastal Commission SD County Regulations US Army Corp of Engineers State Housing & Community Development SANDAG REFEREES Influence City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 SWOT: 2004 Strengths a a b a a a a a a a a b a a a a a a a a b b a a a b b a a b a b e b b b b a a a Positive feedback from citizens out in the field Outcomes good Process manageable Process is tough Accessible to each other Lack of hierarchy History and knowledge base / experience Adaptability Always been good at this Staff size (Planning) Good communication People / staff More proactive Willing to change Educate for the future Collaboration between mgt and employees is emerging Resources Knowledge / training Adaptability / flexible Authority to make decisions on gray areas Staff Historic knowledge Stable, talent, leadership Citizens want to be involved City’s reputation - image Financial stability Existing development well-planned and well- maintained Political stability Using technology Long-term employees w/ institutional history Loyalty of long-term employees Good economic base Political stability in city manager and CC Citizen Academy type engagement Willingness to change by city staff Good place to work; revenue stability Citizen’s perceptions that Carlsbad is a good city - quality of life, a lot of good programs Skills, abilities, and knowledge of staff Support for future thinking and strategic planning Quality developments Recognized nationally for many planning efforts Good historical planning effort - long term Low crime rate in City of Carlsbad Have infrastructure to support development because of Growth Management Plan Support for affordable housing developments Hire the best! Weaknesses a a b a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b a b b b b a a a Departmental lines (structure) Information / communication with the public needs improvement (not consistent - need more outreach) Not enough venues to get info out. Need a one-stop info center (Functions should be in one location. Too inward-looking - “Carlsbad centric” Not quick enough to embrace change and new ideas M icro- ma nag emen t Limited employee empowerment Mistakes not allowed Risk aversion Attorney’s office influence Upper management out-of-touch day-to-day State fiscal crisis Inter-departmental relations Slow decision-making process Conflicting goals between depts. Fine-tuning technology to be productive rather than creating more work Management goals tied to arbitrary timelines Mgmt. goals done at the expense of day-to-day work No preparation for succession planning Maintenance of infrastructure Growth Management caps create regional conflicts High Housing prices Mix of housing prevents diversity Potential for future political change Difficulty w/ accepting change Com mu nica ti on Uncertainty in revenue stability Elitist attitude Business perception of city working relationship - not helpful Slow decision making Too fat and happy Learning curve is high for new staff More work and population but same staffing levels City of Carlsbad CornDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 SWOT: 2004 e e e 0 0 e e e e e e 0 e e e e e e e 0 e e e e e e 0 0 e e 0 0 e 0 0 e e e e Opportunities . ,r <I., .. - i Threats "- * I L More understandable codes Finding time to do strategic planning ' drying up) Reduction in revenue Unwillingness to hire new people now Reduction in revenues Lack of advanced computer training and a lack of time to train Keeping up with changes and how they impact existing codes , 0 Financial condition worsening Take advantase of opportunity to update technology Gen X and Y expect instant gratification. Don't Doing more with less (State budget and grants 0 Citizen expectations high - City must respond High Public expectations Loss of knowledge due to potential retirements 0 New legislation - unfunded mandates Regionalism 0 Citizen initiated projects - workload 0 Include graphics and visuals I like the rules 0 Clean up gray areas ' I quickly Centralized location /'same vicinity- Quadrant based services and community connections Satellite offices On-line business More outreach Flexible hours Job sharing Educating employees on other city functions - especially for frontline employees Deal effectively with cultural diversity in the community Leadership opportunities for other cultural groups Better inter-departmental cooperation Empower community to solve their issues Turnover in staffing will allow for fresh look at existing structure Walk the talk - use all of our Org Dev learnings Treat employees as assets 0 Training & Mentoring Soliciting input Put some fun back in the workplace 0 Other agencies I Environmental 0 Interest groups Traffic increases - diminished quality of life 0 Cost of living Inability to attract new business Lack of diversity in the community External threats 0 State and Federal agencies - Coastal, Wildlife Local political changes 0 State budget crisis 0 Voter initiative process Micro-management Ultra-conservative views of City Attorney's Office Community and environmental groups Fiscal - State taking $$ Over-burdened employees Potential loss of business Inadequate housing Agencies 1 0 Regional forces I 1 Legislative changes 1 Closer to build-out means more opportunity to focus on new things New Opportunities to facilitate rather than regulate Opportunities for promotion by long-term, loyal employees State fiscal crisis means ComDev can re-examine procedures Be proactive - not reactive More citizen education like citizen academy Generate more partnering New staff - new skills Training i More community participation More committees 1 Education enhancements 0 More workshops Empowerment to all employees to make decisions; not just top management Use of property owned by city/ lease if not using 0 Cost of doing business Personnel losses Workload increasing ' 9 Organized volunteer opportunities/resources i 0 Better use of technology : i ~~~ City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version April 2004 c P Strategic Issues Strategic Issues to Manage or Resolve In order to fulfill our mission and mandates and realize our vision, we will need to manage or resolve the following issues. The strategies developed in the next section are our response to these strategic issues. Mission Issues More "Softscape": Anticipating build-out and shifting our focus from almost exclusively "hardscape" or developing out from a physical standpoint into the more "softscape" areas of community building to help people feel connected and informed at the neighborhood and community levels. How can ComDev contribute to increasing the connection of community, place and spirit? Focus on the Proactive: Process to keep strategic thinking/planning/acting robust. New focus on strategies to strengthen neighborhoods. Fiscal Issues State Cash Crisis: Prepare for tighter conditions as the State fiscal crisis reaches our level. Will likely result in reduced revenues unless we become more creative and proactive in revenue generation. Service levels will have to be reassessed and may be reduced. Changing revenue sources: Abundant building-related revenue sources will decline. The need for more revenue will drive changes in land use development plans and related policies (Smart Growth, large format retail, residential-based commerce, local manufacturing, changes brought on by global outsourcing of manufacturing and certain service work) Increasing costs in benefits: PERS, healthcare, etc. costs are rising Infrastructure maintenance and funding of City operations: Needs to be addressed before the revenue stream from building diminishes Contract Employees: May be needed to deal with workload and address fiscal issues. Has implications for organizational culture and knowledge management. 0 Leaislative & Reaional Issues 0 State Legislation: May make program or regulatory changes that alter our mandates without additional funding. Traffic & Transit Use: Increases in use of all transit methods Regional Planning: SANDAG and other regional authorities will increase pressure to plan on a regional basis affecting transportation, density, growth strategies, etc. Certain decision-making may move to a regional level. City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version. April 2004 Strategic Issues Strategic Issues to Manage or Resolve Emdovee ComDetencies/DeveloDment/Trainina Issues New Competencies Needed: Developing our “softscape” skills and services will necessitate organizational learning and structural changes. The attitudinal and behavioral shift from enforcer to engager, from regulator to facilitator is significant and very challenging. Education and mindset adjustments will be needed. New Interpersonal & Collaboration Skills: Expected changes will increase demand for skills in collaboration, process integration, mediation of competing priorities and strategy. 0 0 Private Redevelopment/Infill: More development/rehabilitation of properties will require shifts in policies/procedures, new concepts. Technoloav Issues 0 Technology Adoption: As current and new technologies are applied to reduce costs, increase efficiencies, improve customer service, and increase community involvement, time and effort must be allotted for staff training and the design and implementation of internal process change. Online Plan Check/Response: Digital submission, review, and response of plans will change how planners and builders do business. Potential for increases in speed and responsiveness from all parties. Communication and Engagement: Technology will offer creative tools for communicating and engaging with the public. 0 Wireless Technology: The use of wireless computing devices may afford some ComDev staff opportunities to do their work outside traditional office environments - access to enterprise information, communication with other city staff, external stakeholders, and citizens will save time and increase efficiencies. ( ( ( ( Workforce Transition Issues Future Retirements: Prepare for significant changes in the future that will impact our aggregate organizational knowledge, reporting structures, network of working relationships, etc. Hiring and Training: A succession plan must be developed for key positions so that the process of hiring, training and mentoring can be conducted to yield smooth transitions. Knowledge transfer will be critical so that the new hires don’t have to rediscover proven methods. Timing & Time Management: The upcoming changes will require specific staff to shift priorities to include attention to the training and mentoring of new employees. Self-contentment: Apathy, resistance to change, and complacency borne of sustained success will make adjusting to the future fiscal climate changes painful. May drive some retirements or other personnel changes for individuals not willing to move vigorously into the new reality. City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version, April 2004 Strategic Issues Strategic Issues to Manage or Resolve External Customer Issues 0 Partnering: Customer involvement increases significantly in infill design and decision making (e.g., community committees). Will create more opportunities to share power. ComDev will gradually move from enforcer to facilitator, from black/white rule-maker to “guide through the gray“. Expectation Management: ComDev will face increasing expectation for speed, efficiency, and flexibility as these attributes become more commonplace in other aspects of commercial and private life. Will demand more of ComDev to proactively communicate, engage, learn from and educate the public, the Council and other MSAs. t b Interdeeartmental/Other Relationshir, Issues 0 Council 81 Leadership: Any future changes in the Council make-up or the staff leadership team will potentially result in philosophical and directional changes. This may occur gradually or rapidly, and changes could be significant. Other MSAs: Greater interdependence and improved internal communication will be required as greater fiscal efficiencies become the norm. Seamless government will be demanded more and more by the public. These will drive the city organization to collaborate more closely within and between MSAs. Flexible Workspace: The forces to improve collaboration and interdependence will drive increased flexibility in the work space furnishings and layouts. This will include making city employees more mobile (laptops vs. desktops, wireless computing vs. wired, “docking work stations”, desks on wheels vs. stationary desks, wireless phone vs. tether to the wall). 0 0 City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 Success or Failure Success Factors We know that the road our strategies will take us along is fraught with difficulties. Developing strategies is far easier than implementing them. The following are what we believe are the most critical strategic issues we will need to address, as well as the failure factors we know we will have to overcome or manage. Further, we know we will need to be flexible in new ways to succeed. Critical strategic issues and most important decisions in sequence: 1. “Buy-in” by ComDev staff 2. Revision of processes and codes to support “partnering” environment 3. Successful management of expectations Define employee skill sets and implement training 4. Actively seek staff who exhibit desired skills and re-orient existing staff Failure Factors Three major mistakes we are likely to make on the way to success: 1. Resting on our laurels 2. Lack of courage 3. Out of touch with community/stakeholders Recovering from these mistakes will take: 1. Building new skill sets 2. Outward focus (implement strategic plan) 3. Building courageous leadership at all levels 4. Adapting our culture Show-stoppers: 1. Negative effects of cynicism 2. Different City Council philosophy that departs from the current community engagement philosophy How we will inoculate for Show-stoppers and failure factors: 1. Strategic plan preparation and implementation 2. Demonstration of value added 3. Community Program to strengthen neighborhoods City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 Flex Factors Familiar Flex Areas we will use: 1. Standards, rules, processes, etc. (between 2004-2009) will be updated to meet stakeholders’ needs 2. Employee attitudes, training, mindset (Very important to build flexibility here) New Flex Areas we will develop: 1. Employees being more open, receptive, and motivated to using technology 2. Resolving/dealing with immediate/short-term issues 3. Less long-range and master planning efforts and more redevelopment/infill strategies x More Adaptive Rules/Policies required: 1. Primarily in Planning and Engineering 2. Zoning Ordinance - more need for clarity and infill development standards 3. More logical way to organize information for easier access by staff and public How to PrepareYLimber-up for Flexibility 1. Must come from the top - leaders must demonstrate that it’s okay to be flexible. Mindset for flexibility starts at the top. 2. Trickle down effect 3. Results in proper training and risk taking/rewards system City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version. April 2004 Strategies Strategies for achieving the vision within the current and foreseeable conditions: The following pages describe a suite of strategies that build on ComDev's long-standing strengths and account for internal weaknesses. Particular strategies address present and emerging opportunities and threats. These strategies are divided into four broad perspectives that make up the whole system. Perspec five: Stra tegies: Customer Civic Innovation Operational Excellence Fi sca I Internal Processes Employee Productivity Partnering Fiscal Fitness Progressive Service Development Professional Service Delivery Develop Strategic Skills Develop Infrastructure Access to Strategic Information Cultivate Core Values Align Employee Goals City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 ComDev Strategy Map Cornbev Strategy Map - Version: 2004 Council’s Strategic Goals Water; Communication; Learning/CuIture/Arts; Environmental Mgmt.; Financial Health; Citizen Connection; Balanced Community Development; Parkslopen-spaceflrails; Transportation/Circulation; Top Quality Services t ComDev Mission ic Innovation grate all ComDev CCPS outreach; Econ. Dev Outreach; progressive major projects; strengthen neighborhoods processes 4 t . Fiscal Fitness Become more fiscally astute throughout ComDev. Increase our Council, partners, NGO’s; and citizens; business attraction & Progressive Service Development Professional Service Delivery I General Plan and G.M.P. implementation I) Project review Quality development & planning projects Building inspection & code enforcement Economic Development services Redevelopment services Plan check services GIS services Real estate acquisition and leasing Citizen surveys and quality follow-up Citizen outreach and collaboration Track changes in mandates Track trends leading to changes in Gen. Plan Major projects: SCCRA, Centre City Gateway, N. State St. redevelopment. Scenario & Strategic planning Goals & Measures processes GIS products & services Facilitation; fiscal Collaboration space; Utilize existing Innovation; involvement; Career portfolio; literacy; mediation; technology tools & technology to full fun; empowerment; succession process improvement; automation; work extent; use of leadership; teamwork; planning; reason/log ic; space redesign wireless tech. ; integrity; learning ; perfo rma n ce development feasibility GIS tools and accou nta bi I i ty ; passion ; data competence; ownership rotation; goals mg m t . ; job City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 Sequencing Implementation Philosophy: This is ourplan. ComDev staff and management developed it together, and will implement it together. You, as a ComDev employee, have an opportunity to help create the organization and results you imagined during the planning sessions. ComDev leadership will support you in forming teams to implement the strategic initiatives. There are leadership and participation opportunities for everyone with the desire to take ComDev to an exciting new place. Review the strategy summary pages. You will notice that there are "legacy programs". These are your traditional work or work that is underway. The "new initiatives" come from our planning sessions to evolve ComDev in ways that support our vision. The description of each initiative is general enough that the teams formed to work them will be able to define the measures, targets, and activities to customize the work plan. This is your opportunity to achieve and be recognized for your contribution to the future of ComDev and the community. City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 ,.-. .- .m., r I, Employee Productivity Employee Productivity Strategy - Strategic Skills - Description of this Strategy: ComDev supports the development of new skill sets to meet the future needs of stakesholders, including facilitation/mediation, critical thinking skills, development feasibility analysis, and process improvement to achieve the following: Council Goal: 1. Top Quality Services 2. Balanced Community Development 3. Citizen Connection ComDev Objectives: Key measures and targets for these objectives: Initiatives to reach the targets: 1. Attain new skill sets that produce more efficient and effective performance 1. TBD Lecaacv Proarams:. New Initiatives: 1. Development Review Process Survey, 2004 1. Training to achieve new skill sets 2. ComDev teams will identify additional new initiatives as needed City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 Employee Productivity Employee Productivity Strategy - Infrastructure - Description of this Strategy: ComDev supports collaboration and teamwork through the work space, furnishings, technology and tools to achieve the following: Council Goal: ComDev Objective: 1. Top Quality Service 1. Collaboration and teamwork that produces more creative, effective and efficient performance of ComDev projects and daily work. Key measures and targets for these objectives: 1. TBD Initiatives to reach the targets: Leclacv Proclrams: 1. Current IT infrastructure, design criteria and management 2. Current office layout and furnishings New In it iat ives: 1. Work space redesign to facilitate greater collaboration, teamwork, creativity and effectiveness 2. Increased application of technology and tools in support of this objective 3. ComDev teams will identify additional new initiatives as needed City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 0 I II, Employee Productivity Employee Productivity Strategy - Access to Strategic Information - Description of this Strategy: ComDev is on the forefront of technology and utilizes these technological advances in delivery of service and community connections to achieve the following: Council Goal: 1. Top Quality Services 2. Communication 3. Balanced Community Development ComDev Objectives: 1. Integrate existing systems for efficiency of operations (GIS, Document Management System, PERMITS, Etc). 2. Work is automated where possible and connected to field operations. 3. Existing technology tools are used to the fullest extent possible by all staff. Key measures and targets for these objectives: Initiatives to reach the targets: 1. TBD Leqacv Proarams: 1. GIS program New In it iatives: 1. Use of wireless technology for better internal and external communications 2. Streamline graphics production 3. GIS database is kept up to date. Parcel lines are modified to match correct locations on aerial photos. ~ ~ ~~ City of Carlsbad CornDev Strategic Plan Version April 2004 Employee Productivity ~ll__ll-ll___ll.ll- Employee Productivity Strategy - Cultivate Core Values - Description of this Strategy: ComDev creates and supports a culture of accountability, innovation, and involvement and cultivates ownership in the destiny of the organization to achieve the following: Council Goal: 1. Top Quality Services 2. Learning 3. Balanced Community Development ComDev Objectives: 1. ComDev values guide the MSA in achieving its mission and include: innovation, involvement, empowerment, leadership, integrity, learning, passion, competence, fun, accountability, teamwork, and ownership. Key measures and targets for these objectives: 1. TED Initiatives to reach the targets: Leeacv Proarams: 1. Focus on the Future, 1996 2. Strategic Plan, 2004 New In it iatives: 1. Incorporate core values into daily working environment of the organization. Leadership to initiate incorporation effort. 2. GomDev teams will identify additional new initiatives as needed City of Carlsbad CornDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 k m *- Employee Productivity - Employee Productivity Strategy - Align Employee Goals - Description of this Strategy: ComDev employees are hired, trained, mentored, and supported so that their professional goals are aligned with the goals of the MSA's mission and values. This is done to achieve the following: Council Goal: 1. 2. 3. 4. ComDev 1. 2. 3. Top Quality Services Balanced Community Development Citizen Connection Lea rn i n g Objective: As the business of the MSA is accomplished, employees build career and work life portfolios that reflect their intrinsic motivations. These portfolios become a source of pride and satisfaction. Employee goals are aligned with the MSA Mission and core values of the organization through through portfolios and other tools to assist employees in their endeavors. Employees are attaining new skill sets that produce more efficient and effective perform a n ce Key measures and targets for these objectives: Initiatives to reach the targets: 1. TBD by Strategic Team Leaacv Proarams: 1. Sunnyvale/Chula Vista collaboration event 2. Focus on the Future, 1996 3. Strategic Plan, 2004 4. Development Review Process Survey, 2004 New Initiatives: 1. Career portfolios, succession planning, performance management, job rotation, values evaluation, etc. 2. Training to achieve new skill sets 3. ComDev teams will identify additional new initiatives as needed ~ ~ ~~ City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version April 2004 Service Development Progressive Service Development Description of this Strategy: ComDev will invest resources and energy to continually update its understanding of stakeholders' needs and innovate products and services that address their needs. Additionally, ComDev will collaborate with other MSAs to create and update service delivery mechanisms that fit within the ComDev vision and mission. This strategy intends to achieve the following: Council Goal: 1. 2. 3. 4. ComDev 1. 2. Top Quality Services Citizen Connection < c Communication Balanced Community Development 0 bject ives: Adequate resources to support ComDev outreach, analysis and innovation to keep pace with changing needs Robust learning, collaboration, and innovative processes Key measures and targets for these objectives: Initiatives to reach the targets: 1. TBD Leaacv Proarams: 1. Current procedures and outreach methods 2. Village redevelopment accomplishments 3. Development Review Process Survey (2004) and follow-up goals 4. Strategic Plan, 2004 New Initiatives: 1. Connecting Community, Place, and Spirit (CCPS) 2. SCCRA (2nd Redevelopment Area) Land Use Strategy (All Planning Areas) 3. Centre City Gateway goal 4. N. State Street Revitalization Vision and Implementation Partnership 5. Future planning for the Village Area 6. ComDev teams will identify additional new initiatives as needed ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 V ZI Service Delivery Professional Service Delivery Description of this Strategy: ComDev will continue to focus on delivering and improving its products and services to a quality and efficiency level as good or better than the most professional practices demonstrated anywhere. This strategy intends to achieve the following: Council Goal: 1. Top Quality Services 2. Balanced Community Development 3. Citizen Connection 4. Communication 5. Financial Health Com Dev 0 b ject ives: 1. Meet or exceed benchmarks Key measures and targets for these objectives: Initiatives to reach the targets: 1. TBD Leaacv Proarams: 1. General Plan and GMP implementation 2. Development Review Process Survey, 2004 3. Building inspection, plan check and code enforcement program 4. Economic development and real property asset management services 5. Redevelopment services 6. GIS Services 7. Performance management programs (annual goals process) New In it iat ives: 1. Business Process Review 2. Integration and coordination across disciplines and MSAs 3. Job rotation 4. ComDev teams will identify additional new initiatives as needed City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 Partnering Partner ing Description of this Strategy: ComDev will further its reach and leverage its fiscal resources by building partnerships and trust with residents and businesses. This is done by reaching out and increasing dialogue with the community. Quality businesses are attracted to the community and retained thus improving the overall fiscal health of the city. This strategy intends to achieve the following: Council Goal: 1. Citizen Connection 2. Communication 3. Top Quality Service 4. Financial Health 5. Balanced Community Development ComDev Objectives: 1. Leverage ComDev resources 2. Improve the City’s fiscal health through partnering 3. Produce more collaboration and connectedness between ComDev and the community through engagement and neighborhood strengthening programs Key measures and targets for these objectives: 1. TBD with City Council Initiatives to reach the targets: Leaacv Procrrams: 1. Business retention program 2. CCPS New Initiatives: 1. CCPS 2. Neighborhood service programs (community building) 3. ComDev teams will identify additional new initiatives as needed City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 I I, ._- Fiscal Fitness Fiscal Fitness Description of this Strategy: ComDev will become and remain fiscally astute in support of the city's economic sustainability. This strategy intends to achieve the following: Council Goal: 1. Financial Health 2. Balanced Community Development 3. Top quality services Corn Dev Objectives: 1. Fiscal fitness and economic sustainability are part of everyday awareness and considerations in ComDev decisions and programs. Key measures and targets for these objectives: Initiatives to reach the targets: 1. TBD Leclacv Proclrams: 1. Budget process 2. Large Format Retail analysis 3. General Plan and GMP implementation 4. Economic development and redevelopment programs New In it iat ives: 1. Increased application of fiscal tools and use of technology to improve MSA efficiency and cost effectiveness 2. Investigate using CDBG for more City projects and programs 3. Proactive economic development and redevelopment strategies 4. ComDev teams will identify additional new initiatives as needed City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 Civic Innovation Civic Innovation Description of this Strategy: ComDev will continue to evolve so that stakeholders experience ComDev as reaching out to the community through programs that strengthen neighborhoods and bring progressive projects and programs to the community at large. This strategy intends to achieve the following: Council Goal: 1. Balanced Community Development 2. Citizen Connection 3. Communication 4. Top Quality Services Com Dev Objectives: 1. Stakeholders experience ComDev approaches to built hardscape, and community "softscape", as innovative and manifesting the highest quality of life for citizens and sustainability for the city. These innovations keep pace with changes affecting the city and the region and stakeholders know it. 2. Neighborhood services are delivered in a way that is perceived as more creative, effective, and efficient, especially as pertains to partnerships. Key measures and targets for these objectives: Initiatives to reach the targets: 1. TBD Leuacv Prourams: 1. CCPS (startup) New Initiatives: 1. CCPS ongoing, neighborhood services programs 2. ComDev teams will identify additional new initiatives as needed City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 .. . CI F Ope rat iona I Excellence Operational Excellence Description of this Strategy: ComDev will continue to evolve so that Stakeholders perceive all ComDev processes as adding value, and that decisions are made at the appropriate levels, thus resulting in timely project review, plan checks, and information dissemination. This strategy intends to achieve the following: Council Goal: 1. Top Quality Service 2. Community Connection 3. Communications 4. Balanced Community Development 5. Financial Health Corn Dev Objectives: 1. Stakeholders hold perception of ComDev as highly effective, efficient and reliable in execution of its mission. Key measures and targets for these objectives: Initiatives to reach the targets: 1. TBD Leclacv Procrrams: 1. One-stop counter at Faraday 2. Permits Plus to track projects New In it iat ives: 1. Cross department teams, cross-MSA single line of authority at the counter 2. Resource pooling 3. Business Process Review 4. Job cross-training and rotation 5. ComDev teams will identify additional new initiatives as needed City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 0 A Strategic Plan Chronology of Events Appendix ~~ City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004 '03-'04 Planning Process The following chronicles the general flow of work to develop the ComDev strategic plan and begin a strategic planning process and annual cycle. Facilitation of the process was provided by Sterling Insights, Inc. (www.SterlingInsights.com). In general terms the process was highly collaborative from start to finish. Conceptually, the process began with a SCAN of the environment to assess conditions, readiness for change, and a range of possible strategic choices. From these options, the process lead ComDev to FOCUS upon and negotiate decisions yielding potent strategic choices. Having done that, the process guided ComDev to ACT as participants committed to their vision, strategies and objectives, with momentum toward implementation. August 2003 - Sponsor Session The ComDev leadership team committed to developing a strategic planning process beginning in 2003. It will ultimately become part of the annual cycle of planning and goal setting for ComDev. The strategic planning model presented in the Bryson & Alston book was adopted as a framework for guiding the work. Other models will be brought to bear in support of this overarching approach. The team broadened their thinking about the strategic role that ComDev will play in the future. As Carlsbad becomes built out, and citizen requirements shift toward more "softscape" in addition to "hardscape", the demands on ComDev will change. Through the strategic planning process ComDev can be part of defining that shift and its attendant demands. This first event included beginning analysis of Com Dev strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. September 2003 - Case for Change & Sponsor Consultation During phone consultations and one meeting with the project sponsors, fine-tune the strategic planning process flow and clarify the lead roles (sponsor/Holder & project manager/Kelley) for strategic planning. Support was given to internal and external environment assessments. The Farmers building 3rd floor is set up as a strategic planning "clubhouse" with Sterling Insights' furnishings. October/November 2003 - Internal & External Assessments ComDev leadership teams work internal and external assessment of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Mandates that ComDev must answer for are listed and sorted. Stakeholder listing and analysis was begun. December 2003 - Internal & External Assessments ComDev hosted or participated in three significant events. First in early December, the City Council began its annual planning process using a scenario planning method also facilitated by Sterling Insights and conducted in the same facility set up for ComDev. Results from this event strengthened the ComDev understanding of the Council's position on issues relevant to ComDev's long range planning, particularly economic development and land use issues. Second, was an event for local businesses and business organizations. The participants of this session were asked to share their current concerns for the business environment in Carlsbad and to imagine what business climate may look like in Carlsbad in 2010. The concerns raised by this group gave ComDev some important insights into the needs of several of their most important stakeholder groups. Third, ComDev hosted a similar event for representatives from each of the other Major Service Areas (MSA) in the City government organization. This event highlighted processes where ComDev's work touched that of other MSAs. It also elicited what other MSA's could imagine about the future for Carlsbad in about 6 years. This event opened the dialogue between MSAs about the implications of build- out in Carlsbad which will be increasingly signigicant across the City organization over the next 5-10 years. City of Carlsbad CornDev Strategic Pian Version: April 2004 '03-'04 Planning Process FOCUS -I January 2004 - Strategic Issues & First Iteration of Strategies Event outcomes: 1) synthesized SWOT analysis from internal and external environment assessments; 2) mapped various stakeholder groups; 3) first articulation of strategic issues and initial strategy concepts; and 4) developed broad content of Strategic Plan (basic elements). Success, flex and failure factors were listed to anticipate challenges ComDev will face in designing and implementing strategies. An initial vision is developed for ComDev. February 2004 - Strategy Development & Mapping Two significant tracks were progressing in February. First, CCPS was using a scenario planning approach to develop a layout for future city government infrastructure and amenities in Carlsbad. This process included all the City's Leadership Team and ultimately the Council. The implications for ComDev were significant as the design of various infrastructure used to deliver core ComDev services was being developed (neighborhood service centers, economic development tools like a conference center, etc.) The second major event was a 2-day design session for ComDev staff to bring together all the strategic planning work done to date. This event produced the first real strategy concepts, a vision for ComDev, and refinement of the ComDev mission statement. The strategies addressed the strategic issues with an eye toward systemic improvements across all departments. At the tactical level, some specific process improvements in Planning were proposed. A first pass was made at sequencing implementation of various initiatives taking into account impending retirements, likely cash flow issues, and other foreseeable changes. March, April, May 2004 - Objectives, Measures, Targets, Initiatives During a combination of leadership team meetings and one "all hands" event, ComDev worked out the logic of each strategy. This included developing a strategy map showing the cause-effect relationship of each element building from culture and capability to internal processes and use of funds to customer perception of ComDev and its results. Strong starts were made on detailed implementation plans involving specific objectives, measures, targets for the measures, and initiatives to achieve the targets that indicate progress toward resolution of strategic issues. As the 2004 annual goals process began, some initiatives developed in the strategic planning process were picked up by individuals to drive forward. Others will be integrated into the goals process for 2005. Going Forward - Building on a process and set of templates The strategic planning process and format that was employed for this year's plan development will serve as a foundation for the 2004-2005 cycle. With strategy map and strategy statement templates now in place, the next update of the plan and its components will be much easier and more efficient. Future cycles will be more about course correction and updating than building the various components from scratch (SWOT analysis, stakeholder analysis, Strategic Issues list, Success/Failure/Flex list, Strategy Map template, strategy/objective/measures logics, etc.). City of Carlsbad ComDev Strategic Plan Version: April 2004