HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Maerkle Water Storage, Pump & Disinfection; Maerkle Water Storage, Pump & Disinfection; 2007-05-01CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 5950 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92010 (760) 438-2722 P IH P li P EVALUATION REPORT FOR THE MAERKLE WATER STORAGE, PUMP STATION, AND DISINFECTION FACILITIES MAY 2007 Prepared by KRIEGER & STEWART, INCORPORATED 3602 UNIVERSITY AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (951)-684-6900 Signed Dated s/^s/^oo —r—7^ 860-6.1 (REPORTS/860/6P1-ER) (WGH/jmw) m TABLE OF CONTENTS m PAGE m SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 1-1 m ^ SECTION 2 - EXISTING FACILITIES 2-1 ^ 2.1 MAERKLE TANK 2-1 2.2 MAERKLE PUMP STATION 2-3 *• 2.3 UPPER DISINFECTION FACILITY 2-4 2.4 LOWER DISINFECTION FACILITY 2-5 2.5 SUPPORT FACILITIES 2-6 m SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDATIONS 3-1 m m 3.1 MAERKLE TANK 3-1 3.2 PUMP STATION 3-2 I" 3.3 UPPER DISINFECTION FACILITY 3-2 ^ A. Chlorine Dioxide Systems 3-2 B. Chlorine Gas Systems 3-3 ». 3.4 LOWER DISINFECTION FACILITY 3-5 3.5 SUPPORT FACILITIES 3-5 m ^ SECTION 4 - PRIORITY LIST OF RECOMMENDED UPGRADES 4-1 APPENDIX A - EXISTING PUMP FIELD TEST DATA APPENDIX B - CHLORTAINER CHLORINE CONTAINMENT VESSELS APPENDIX C - SIEMENS C30WM CHLORINE DIOXIDE GENERATOR SECTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Maerkle Water Storage, Pump Station, and Disinfection Facilities (storage facilities) include a 200 *" million gallon (MG) reservoir with floating cover (Maerkle Reservoir), a 10 MG buried concrete tank m (Maerkle Tank), a pump station, an upper disinfection facility, a lower disinfection facility, and various ^ support facilities and appurtenances. In the early 1960's, Maerkle Reservoir (and Dam) was constructed to store potable water received from the San Diego County Water Authority Tap 3 Connection (Tap 3) and to deliver potable water to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's main distribution system (System). Maerkle Reservoir was lined and covered as part of a 1998 upgrade of the storage facility. Maerkle Tank was constructed in 1989 and the pump station and the two disinfection facilities were M constructed in 1992. P ll The storage facilities are designed to allow Tap 3 water to be diverted to Maerkle Reservoir, Maerkle ^ Tank, or both. The pump station is designed to pump water from Maerkie Reservoir to Maerkle Tank, ^ and has an auxiliary pump, which is used to maintain reservoir circulation and water quality. At the lower disinfection facility, chloramines are added to the suction side of the pump station. The chloraminated mm water can be either pumped back to Maerkle Reservoir or pumped to Maerkle Tank when Tap 3 water is not available. The upper disinfection facility disinfects the Tap 3 water entering Maerkle Reservoir with mm chlorine dioxide to maintain water quality. During normal operation, Maerkle Tank level is maintained Ifea directly from Tap 3 water to minimize energy consumed by the pump station. Maerkle Reservoir level is ^ also maintained from Tap 3 water and the pump station auxiliary pump is run periodically to recirculate and maintain water quality in Maerkle Reservoir. ^ Since the water storage, pump station, and disinfection facilities are approximately 17 years old and the «w District's operational needs have changed over time, District staff has requested an evaluation of the P existing facilities and preparation of an Evaluation Report. Section 2.0 presents a description of existing ^ facilities and the deficiencies noted during our site evaluations. Section 3.0 presents recommendations m and alternatives for replacing or modifying existing equipment and facilities. Section 4.0 presents a list of ^ recommendations for replacing or modifying existing equipment and facilities. Said list ranks replacement facilities in order of priority (highest to lowest). 1-1 We have also evaluated the Maerkle Reservoir floating cover and rainwater system. Our evaluation of the floating cover and rainwater facilities have been presented in a Technical Memorandum dated April 1, 2007, and is not included in this report. P m m 1-2 m m m SECTION 2.0 EXISTING FACILITIES The following is a description of existing facilities, including their condition and the deficiencies noted during our she evaluations. " 2.1 MAERKLE TANK m m Maerkle Tank is a buried concrete tank with 10 MG total capacity. The tank is rectangular and configured with two separate 5 MG bays. Each bay has 5 concrete interior baffle walls that M provide the necessary chlorine contact time for disinfection. The tank has a sub-grade drainage m system to keep naturally occurring ground water and tank leakage from accumulating outside the ^ tank walls and under the tank floor. The sub-grade drainage system is configured so that in the |g event of a leak, the leaking bay can be determined by inspection of two separate observation manholes. Maerkle Tank has been in service for approximately 17 years. m m Per our discussions with District staff, there was no leakage from the tank prior to 2004. However, starting in 2004, tank leakage was observed. In April 2004, District staff performed Mi field testing on the leaking tank bay to determine the leakage rate from the tank and the leak location. During the test, the tank bay was filled with water to various levels ranging from 0 to to 18.5 feet and the leakage rate was measured from the tank's sub-drain piping. At a water level of ^ approximately 3.5 feet, drainage water was visible from the sub-drain piping. At a water level of 18.5 feet, the maximum leakage rate of 1 gpm was recorded. The precise location of the tank leak was not determined during the field testing. mm «— In December 2006, the leakage flow rate was measured by District staff from the sub-grade drain MM at the observation manhole using the same method that was utilized in 2004. See Chart 2.1 (on ^ the following page) for 2004 and 2006 leakage flow rates. Note that in the 2006 test, the west ^ bay was leaking at approximately 7 to 8 times the 2004 leakage rate. Also, we understand the ^ joint sealant has never been replaced, is approximately 17 years old, and at the end of its expected service life. During our field investigation, a leak was detected in the east bay. The leakage flow rate from the m east bay was also monitored at varying water levels. Although a leak was detected in the east bay, the flow was unchanging and too small to measure at all tank water levels. ^ 2-1 m MAERKLE TANK LEAKAGE DATA P 3 - 2.5 - 2 - a, 1.5 -O 1 - 0,5 - 0 0 Maerkle Tank West Bay Leakage Chart 2.1 10 Tank Level (ft) 15 1 20 Recorded Data February 2004 Tank Level (ft) 4.5 12.6 18.5 Recorded Leakage (gpm) 0 0.26 0,33 December 2006 Tank Level (ft) 12.5 18.5 Recorded Leakage (gpm) 1.25 2.06 2.5 Not Recorded NOTES 1. February 2004 recorded leakage test data, performed by the District staff. 2. December 2006 recorded leakage test data, performed by the District staff. 2-2 p p 2.2 MAERKLE PUMP STATION The pump station consists of three 150 hp electric motor driven vertical turbine pumping units installed in below grade pump cans. A fourth pump can constructed for a future 150 hp pumping unit is currently equipped with a 7.5 hp vertical turbine pump. This pump operates at approximately 500-600 gpm and recirculates chloraminated water back into Maerkle Reservoir to maintain water quality in the reservoir. All four pumping units are located outside. Based on conversations with District staff, we understand the existing pumps have never been rebuilt. The electrical switchgear and controls for the pumping units are located in the electrical equipment room of the lower chlorination building. Each 150 hp pump is equipped with an isolation transformer, VFD, and soft-start bypass. The 7.5 hp pump is equipped with an across-the-Iine motor starter. The District has experienced failures of two VFDs in the last year. Control and monitoring of the water storage, pump station, and disinfection facilities is via a programmable logic controller (PLC) and remote telemetry unit (RTU) which are located in the electrical equipment room. District staff has indicated that the existing PLC and RTU are outdated and not user friendly, and that they would like the PLC and RTU replaced. In addition, District staff has requested that the PLC program be simplified and additional status signals be added to the RTU. The pump station and lower disinfection facilities are equipped with a backup emergency power system. A 600 kW diesel standby electric generator is located in the generator room of the lower chlorination building. An automatic fransfer switch (ATS) is located in the electrical room. The ATS monitors the incoming power, and in the event of a power outage, it automatically starts the standby generator and switches over to the generator. Pump tests were performed on three 150 hp pumping units. Pump tests results are presented in Appendix A. The 7.5 hp pump was not tested because the reservoir level was too low. Also, District staff advised us that testing of the smaller pump was unnecessary. In general, the station electrical controls are in very poor condition. The Disfrict has experienced failures of two of the three VFDs in the last year. We were unable to complete any of the three pump tests attempted because of control problems. The deficiencies of the pump station listed 2-3 below are based on our observations during said tests and conversation with District staff: • The PLC operator interface screen has disintegrated to the extent that it is not visible. • The telemetry system is dated. Also, the PLC and the radio telemetry unit (RTU) are two separate units. New installations in other District pump stations have a common PLC and RTU unit. • Pump No. 1 motor controls - The soft-starter is not working. During the pump test, a "VFD Over-Voltage Fault" occurred. District staff was unable to correct the fault condition. • Pump No. 2 motor controls - The VFD is not working. • Pump No. 3 motor controls - The soft-starter is not working. During the pump test, a "Low Pressure Fault" occurred, which was confrary to conditions created by the test procedure. District staff was unable to correct the fault. • All four pump discharge pipe air valves where removed because of rust inside the body. Air valves are essential to proper pump operation and keep air from accumulating in the highpoints of the piping. 2.3 UPPER DISINFECTION FACILITY The upper disinfection facility includes a block building, liquid caustic type chlorine gas scrubber, one-ton chlorine gas cylinder, chlorine evaporator and pressure chlorine gas system, chlorine gas vacuum feed system, sodium chlorite tank (outside the building), and skid mounted chlorine dioxide generator. Currently, the District uses a two-chemical system which combines chlorine gas with liquid sodium chlorite to generate chlorine dioxide. The chlorine dioxide is used to disinfect the Tap 3 water as it enters Maerkle Reservoir. Based on conversations with District staff, the chlorine demand is approximately 6 pounds per day (ppd). A one-ton chlorine cylinder will last approximately 11 months at the current chlorine demand. 2-4 p In general, the upper disinfection facility is in good working condition. The deficiencies of the upper disinfection facility, listed below, are based on our observations during site visits, H conversations with District staff, and a meeting with the factory representative from Siemens: * • The gas scrubber is currently equipped with a horizontal caustic recirculation pumping unit that is prone to faulty seals due to the harsh liquid pumped. • The gas scrubber is maintenance intensive and requires excessive District manhours to maintain. • The chlorine evaporator and pressure chlorine gas system for chlorine dosing has never been used in the 17 years of service and is unnecessary. • The chlorine dioxide generation unit is an outdated pilot model which is oversized for the application. Also, the skid mounted design is difficult to service and the chlorine dioxide holding tank and pumps are not required for this application. 2.4 LOWER DISINFECTION FACILITY The lower disinfection facility includes a block building, chlorine gas scrubber, chlorine evaporator and pressure chlorine gas system, vacuum chlorine gas feed system, and chlorine and ammonia dosing stations. In general, the lower disinfection facility is in good working condition. The deficiencies of the lower disinfection facility listed below are based on our observations during site visits and conversations with District staff: • The gas scrubber is currently equipped with a horizontal caustic recirculation pumping unit that is prone to faulty seals due to the harsh liquid pumped. • The chlorine evaporator and pressure chlorine gas system for chlorine dosing has never been used in the 17 years of service and is unnecessary. • The ammonia system is not equipped with chillers. Chillers allow the ammonia to be used more efficiently. • The ammonia/monochlorite analyzer (Hach APA 6000) is near the end of its service life and needs replacement. • Currently, there is no way to remotely monitor and control the chloramine dosing. • There is an interlock between chlorine vacuum pressure and pump operation (currently loss of chlorine vacuum causes pump shutdown). 2-5 p m 2.5 SUPPORT FACILITIES In addition to the facilities present above, the reservoir site includes a number of support facilities to allow the District staff to access and operate the facilities. During our site visit we viewed and discussed many of these facilities with the District staff Presented below are the deficiencies we noted during our evaluation. In general, the reservoir site is well maintained and in good condition. Because of the age of the reservoir facilities, there are some support facilities that are nearing the end of their service life. Also, there are some improvements needed to bring the facilities up to current accepted standards. • The wooden bridge leading to the reservoir access road is showing signs of wear and age. • The access road is not adequately lit. • The propeller flow meter near the pump station has failed in the past and is at the end of normal service life. • There is currently no security surveillance for the pump station, tanks, or reservoir. • The lower entrance gate is a manual type gate. 2-6 SECTION 3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Presented below are recommendations and alternatives for replacing or modifying existing equipment and facilities. 3,1 MAERKLE TANK The typically accepted standard for municipal concrete tank leakage is set forth by the American Concrete Institute (ACI). For open or covered concrete tanks, the standard criteria is 0.05% of capacity per day (based on HST-50, ACI Standards Section 350). The ACI allowable for the Maerkle Tank is 1.75 gpm per bay. The 2004 leakage measurements indicate an allowable leakage rate (1 gpm maximum). However, the most recent leakage tests indicate the current leakage (greater than 2.5 gpm at high level) is beyond acceptable ACI limits. We contacted local contractors who have experience repairing concrete tanks. Repair contractors contacted are Goss Construction Company, Surfside Restoration and Water Proofing, and Brownco Construction. The following comments are based on conversations with said contractors: • To locate the leak, a commercial diver will inspect the interior of the tank (bay), which will include a dye test if necessary. This work is not done by the repair contractor. • Repair of the tank (bay) will require the tank to be empty. • For concrete tanks, the typical joint sealant replacement cycle is 10-15 years, which suggests an entire joint sealant replacement should be performed during any empty tank repairs. Even though the east bay of the tank showed evidence of a slight leak, we recommend not taking any corrective measures at this time. It is possible that leakage detected in the east bay is a result of sub-grade wicking from the west bay leak. However, because the west bay leakage flow is beyond the typically acceptable rate, we recommend repairing this tank in the near future. As part of this investigation, we have contacted commercial divers that have experience in concrete tank leak detection. We intended to present scope and fee proposals from commercial divers for locating the leak. However, commercial divers are not willing to provide said proposal. Typically, a commercial diver is hired to locate the leak and charges on a time and materials 3-1 m m basis. Once the leak is located, the required repairs can be determined, joint replacement can be evaluated, and bids can be solicited. We have contacted the following commercial divers who are experienced in locating leaks in potable water concrete tanks: • • North State Diving, Inc. (Scott Smith (530) 882-5000) • Buhl Diving and Salvage (Ted Buhl (510) 5^-3290)4- 'K/(o»^*" • C&W Dive Service (Bill Harju (619) 474-2700 * • Dive Core (Dan Gross (562) 439-8287) Mi 3,2 PUMP STATION Ml P Although the pump tests where not completed due to control deficiencies, based on the partial tests it appears the pumps are in good condition and are operating on their respective pump M curves. We recommend no pump upgrade or rebuilding be performed at this time. However, the PLC and telemetry units need immediate replacement. We recommend using an Opto-22 PLC to ^ match existing District equipment installed at other District pump station facilities. All three VFDs and soft-starters should be replaced. The motor controls should also be replaced. Air valves are required in the discharge piping for proper pump operation; therefore, new air valves should be installed. We understand the existing air valves were removed because of corrosion in the iron valve bodies. We recommend installing new air valves with fusion bonded epoxy coating on the interior of the air valves. ^ 3.3 UPPER DISINFECTION FACILITY m ^ A. Chlorine Dioxide Systems «M There are three types of chlorine dioxide generation systems (one, two, and Hi three-chemical type) used for disinfection of domestic water. Ml ^ One-chemical systems utilize sodium chlorite and an electrolysis generator to produce chlorine dioxide. The one-chemical system process technology is relatively new to m ^ municipal applications and has not been widely used (tested). In addition, the equipmenl is complicated and expensive compared to a two or three-chemical system. 3-2 Two-chemical systems utilize chlorine gas and sodium chlorite to produce chlorine ^ dioxide. A two-chemical system is more efficient and has a higher yield than a three-chemical system. Also, the two-chemical system is less complicated and less ^ expensive than a one-chemical system. P P P Three-chemical systems utilize hydrochloric acid, sodium hypochlorite, and bleach to produce chlorine dioxide. Although a three-chemical system would eliminate the chlorine gas system and the chlorine gas scrubber, there are several disadvantages, as follows: • Chemical reaction is inefficient compared to the one- and two-chemical systems. • Process equipment is more complicated to operate then the two-chemical system because it requires adjustment for the rapid break down of bleach. • More problems associated with creation of byproducts. • Requires frequent bleach turn over. B. Chlorine Gas Systems Presently, chlorine gas is stored in one-ton cylinders and injected using a vacuum system. The chlorine gas (CI2) is mixed with liquid sodium chlorite (NaC102) to form chlorine dioxide (CIO2) as part of a two-chemical system. Per District staffs request, we have investigated an onsite chlorine generation system to eliminate the chlorine gas system and associated scrubber. Chlorine generation systems use salt and water to produce sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) solution. Therefore, an onsite chlorine generation system cannot be used to replace the existing chlorine gas system for a two-chemical chlorine dioxide system because the desired reaction will not occur. However, a chlorine generation system can be used if a three-chemical chlorine dioxide system is selected and the chlorine gas system can be eliminated. At the request of the District staff, we evaluated upgrading the existing liquid caustic gas scrubber. It is possible to convert the liquid caustic system to a dry media system. It is also possible to replace the existing floor mounted horizontal caustic pump with a tank mounted vertical caustic pump (see Section 3.4 for description). However, TGO 3-3 Technologies manufactures chlorine gas containment vessels which replace gas scrubber systems. The containment vessels are very low maintenance because no blowers or pumps are needed. The chlorine gas cylinder is placed in the containment vessel and the airtight vessel door seals the cylinder within. Also, in the event of a chlorine gas cylinder leak, containment vessels allow the complete contents of the chlorine gas cylinder to be dispensed into the normal disinfection process. No gas escapes into the atmosphere. In order to eliminate the chlorine gas scrubber, we recommend installing a chlorine containment vessel. See Appendix B for data sheets, articles, and an existing installations list for the chlorine containment vessels. A one-ton chlorine gas cylinder will last 11 months, a 150 pound cylinder will last for approximately 25 days, and two 150 pound cylinders will last 50 days at the cunent chlorine demand. The District has the choice of m three different containment vessel capacities, one one-ton cylinder, one 150 pound cylinder, or two 150 pound cylinders. Since the existing chlorine dioxide generator is oversized and is an outdated pilot model, the chlorine dioxide generator should be replaced with a new wall mounted unit sized for the current usage. Per meeting with the Siemens representative, the new chlorine dioxide generator should be sized for 3 gallons per hour. See Appendix C for manufacturer data sheet and Figure 2.3 for the proposed Siemens C30WM chlorine dioxide generator. In addition to replacing the chlorine dioxide generator, the following upgrades to the chlorine dioxide generator control system, suggested by the Siemens representative, should be implemented, including installation of a paddlewheel flow meter on the generator feed water line (available as an option with the chlorine dioxide generator) and a chlorine dioxide probe/indicator on the outflow line from the chlorine dioxide generator. Also, a chlorine dioxide/chlorite ion analyzer should be added to the discharge piping from the reservoir. All three of these instruments would be connected to the District's SCADA system to help maintain real time control over the reservoir disinfection process. Since the existing chlorine gas pressure system has not ever been used, the chlorine gas pressure system should also be removed. 3-4 p n p P 3.4 LOWER DISINFECTION FACILITY Mi H We have evaluated three options for upgrading the existing wet type chlorine gas scrubber. The first option is to replace or convert the existing wet type scrubber to a dry type scrubber. We contacted Purafil who converts existing wet type scrubbers to dry type scrubbers. Dry type scrubbers use a bed of chemically impregnated activated alumina based dry pellets in lieu of liquid caustic solution. Per conversations with Purafil, the existing scrubber can be converted to a dry type scrubber. The second option is to keep the existing wet type scrubber and replace the existing horizontal caustic pump, which is prone to leaking pump seals, with a vertical caustic pump. The third option is to remove the existing wet type scrubber and install one-ton chlorine containment vessels. Because of limited space in the existing chlorine room, the containment vessel option is not feasible unless an additional chlorine gas storage facility (indoor or outdoor with awning) is constructed. We recommend removing the chlorine evaporator and pressure chlorine gas system and appurtenances, converting the wet type scrubber to a dry type scrubber, and installing ammonia chillers to ammonia dosing units. Also, the ammonia/monochlorite analyzer (Hach APA 6000) should be replaced with a modem version of same and SCADA control of the chloramine dosing system should be added. 3.5 SUPPORT FACILITIES Because access to the reservoir is vital, the wooden bridge should be replaced with a more durable bridge constructed of concrete or steel. Additional lighting should be added to access road, particularly near the gates and on the lower portion of the road. The fiow meter should be replaced. Surveillance cameras should be added to the entrance gates, reservoir, pump station, and tank. The lower gate should be replaced with an automatic rolling gate with card reader. 3-5 p p ii SECTION 4.0 PRIORITY LIST OF RECOMMENDED UPGRADES Table 4.0 is a list of recommended upgrades to Maerkle Reservoir, Maerkle Tank, Upper and Lower Maerkle Disinfection Facilities, Maerkle Pump Station, and onsite support facilities. The upgrades relating to Maerkle Reservoir cover and rain water system have been presented in an earlier technical memorandum and are not included herein. The recommended upgrades are ranked from the most urgent to least urgent. Priority Items 1 through 5 should be addressed as soon as possible to maintain water quality and usefulness of the existing facilities. 4-1 TABLE 4.0 4 P m m Item Pijority ^-n^S/uQ scripti on Location / l\h-U itReplace controls and^PLQ^or pump station. Pump Station 2 # Replace VFDs and switchgear for pump station. 4— Pump Station Replace/reinstall discharge piping air valves. Pump Station 4 Repair leak in 10 MG tank (west bay). 10 MG Tank 6ci4ii 5 Replace joint sealant in 10 MG tank (west bay). f^p pV\3 -10 MG Tank 6 Replace flowmeter. ^ Pump Station 7 Replace chlorine dioxide generator. o^llf^ojX Upper Disinfection Facility 8 Install SCADA monitoring systems to chlorine dioxide generator system (including reservoir discharge analyzer). upper Disinfection Facility 9 Replace ammonia/monochlorite analyzer. Lower Disinfection Facility 10 ^ Install ammonia chillers. Lower Disinfection Facility Remove existing scrubber and install chlorine containment —/^fJ^i cylinders. I50s ••••i_.dr • -•• - /} / „jm..-,^,„ n..i--|-i^.-ir.r- Upper Disinfection Facility Convert lower gas scrubber to dry type scrubber. •pn.-i^yuL. o/u Lower disinfection ^Pacility Remove chlorine evaporator and pressure chlorine gas system. Upper Disinfection Facility Remove chlorine evaporator and pressure chlorine gas system. Lower Disinfection Facility 15 Replace joint sealant in 10 MG tank (east bay). lOMG Tank 16 Install SCADA control of chloramine dosing system. Lower Disinfection Facility 17 Install security lighting on access road. General Site 18 Install security cameras (connected to SCADA) at gates, pump station, tank, upper and lower disinfection facilities, and reservoir. General Site 19 Replace wooden reservoir access bridge with steel or concrete access bridge. General Site 20 Install automatic rolling gate. General Site GUI 1 4-2 APPENDIX A EXISTING PUMP FIELD TEST DATA KRIEGER & STEWART Incorporated PUMP TEST General Data OWNER: C H PUMP LOCATION: H gAcPtCt-K "^O ^T>^T> PLANT DESIGNATION: PUMP DATA Manufacturer ^^ggfet^FSS Bowl Assembly: Stages: / Bowl 0: Model: S/N: /^/y/ Z^:! Impeller 0: Column^ube/Shaft Ass'y: Length: Column 0: Tube 0: Shaft 0: _ Diameter: Suction Assembly: Length: PE5/£5'0 PC?'WT SOO^S-PK @) y/i=C TON- MOTOR DATA Manufacturer: Rating: ^ Hp, Frame: ., Code: Amperage: ^ K Speed: rpm, Bearing: NEMA Nominal Efficiency: S/N: Class: Voltage: SUCTION PRESSURE fGPM) DISCHARGE PRESSURE {PSD --Auction water surface Discharge water surface POINTS SUCTION PRESSURE fGPM) DISCHARGE PRESSURE {PSD FLOW (GPM) AMPS >'<5CTAGE -Auction water surface Discharge water surface TDH RPM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 y 8 y 9 10 FORMS/pumptest.xis General Data KRIEGER & STEWART Incorporated OWNER: PUMP TEST General Data PUMP LOCATION: MEArg,VCUE ^TATlOf^ PLANT DESIGNATION PUMP DATA Manufacturer. Model S/N Bowl Assembly: Stages: / 6own3:. Impeller 0:, Column/Tube/Shaft Ass'y: Length: Suction Assembly: Length: Column 0: Tube 0: Shaft 0: Diameter: StratrteTT MOTOR DATA Manufacturer: tK fZf/Tgl^ S/N Rating: /^t? Hp, Fr^m^/V/VfA V/^/. Code: ^ r.a.Mw ,^ v... ., , . ^ . Class: , Voltage: Speed: rpm, Rearing: 7?ZZ.-(jf^PE^ NEMA Nominal Efficiency: ' ^ ^OcO^J*. Amperage: SUCTION PRESSURE fSlJ^ISPM) DISCHARGE PRESSURE (PSI) Suctipfi waffer rf^rface Discharge wafer ^rface POINTS SUCTION PRESSURE fSlJ^ISPM) DISCHARGE PRESSURE (PSI) FLOW (GPM) AMPS VOLTAGE Suctipfi waffer rf^rface Discharge wafer ^rface TDH RPM 1 ——* 2 3 62.00 I/JS 4 5 a' 6 7 -77 8 / / • ' f f ll J. '> 9 —Ai4 •?$: 10 ^'^'^ AT l/f*s TihnB FORMS/pumptest.xIs General Data KRIEGER & STEWART incorporated PUMP TEST DATA Vibration Test PUMPING UNIT DATE njoif (3) (4) (1 (2) Instructions: TOP OF MOTOR (TOM) OR TOP OF PUMP (TOP) FREQUENCY (RPM) VIBRATION (MILS) (LOCATION) TOP OF MOTOR (TOM) OR TOP OF PUMP (TOP) FREQUENCY (RPM) TOP OF MOTOR (TOM) OR TOP OF PUMP (TOP) FREQUENCY (RPM) 3 (2) (3) TOM o.ff O.SO TOP O.fO TOM m Q,on TOP O.ntS TOM o,^o TOP TOM TOP Set Amplitude to "100X" Set Selector to "IN" Set Frequency to match Motor RPM Reduce Amplitude until vibration gauge can be read Adjust tuning to maximize Spec: max. vibration = 2.5 mil FORMS/pumptest.xls Vibration PF 6N KRIEGER & STEWART Incorporated PUMP TEST General Data OWNER: CIAWD. PUMP LOCATION: M FrA^Kl.vL 7on^f •^TATf^VO PLANT DESIGNATION Po^/^ 2 PUMP DATA Manufacturer Bowl Assembly: Stages: _/ •em\-&: —L2- ., Model; S/N 9z-6/9 77 Columnn-ube/Shaft Ass'y: Length: Column 0: Tube 0: Shaft 0: Diameter: Stpatneft /•^'^ jf-f^ Suction Assembly: Length: MOTOR DATA y Manufacturer: t. C C^^^T/..^^ S/N: ^ ^ k~ Z Rating:Ci5__ Hp. Pr.mP-VVr t//>» \fPl. Code: , Class: Voltage: ^ ^^'^ Amperage: Speed: A^^^: rpm, Bearing: 73^^-/1 Uef>£i^ NEMA Nominal Efficiency: POINTS SUCTION PRESSURE 10 TO" so.. 30 SO DISCHARGE PRESSURE 3^ FLOW (GPM) AMPS VOLTAGE Suction water surface Discharge water surface TDH 61- RPM lll£_ FORMS/pumptest.xls General Data KRIEGER & STEWART Incorporated PUMP TEST DATA Vibration Test PUMPING UNIT PMIMP DATE C^ll^l 0(> (4) (2) (1) FORMS/pumptest.xis Vibration TOP OF MOTOR (TOM) OR TOP OF PUMP (TOP) FREQUENCY (RPM) VIBRATION (MILS) (LOCATION) TOP OF MOTOR (TOM) OR TOP OF PUMP (TOP) FREQUENCY (RPM) - An**' -tTY TOP OF MOTOR (TOM) OR TOP OF PUMP (TOP) FREQUENCY (RPM) "TTT?— (2) • o /*/ ' (3) o.oz. / TOM TOP 1 /^CHh. L/f f ^ rt .rtO£ TOM TOP TOM TOP TOM TOP Instructions: Set Amplitude to "100X" Set Selector to "IN" Set Frequency to match Motor RPM Reduce Amplitude until vibration gauge can be read Adjust tuning to maximize Spec: max. vibration = 2.5 mil OWNER: C/WU/D KRIEGER & STEWART Incorporated PUMP TEST General Data PUMP LOCATION: MEA^ULE ?Of^P ^TAT/OU PLANT DESIGNATION ^OfnP ^ PUMP DATA Manufacturer Model: SKlL Bowl Assembly: Stages: / Column/Tube/Shaft Ass'y: Length: Suction Assembly: Length: " - -i—t^- S/N Column 0: Diameter: Tube 0: Shaft 0: MOTOR DATA , Rating: /jT^ Hp, Frame: V'/S/PA . Code: ^ , Class: , Voltage: Amperage: Speed/Z^ rpm, Bearing: Vj^Z -/^ 0?P£ ,r-« - '^V/^ ^2/5' J ^0*0ti^ NEMA Nominal Efficiency: x POINTS SUCTION PRESSURE 10 7r^ DISCHARGE PRESSURE (PSI) 75;^ FLOW (GPM) AMPS VOLTAGE Suctipn w^r -^rface TDH RPM 6 PoftTWc^ TF.r.. FORMS/pumptest.xls General Data KRIEGER & STEWART Incorporated PUMP TEST DATA Vibration Test PUMPING UNIT P DATE (4) (2) (3) O^^' Instructions: TOP OF MOTOR (TOM) OR TOP OF PUMP (TOP) FREQUENCY (RPM) VIBRATION (MILS) (LOCATION) TOP OF MOTOR (TOM) OR TOP OF PUMP (TOP) FREQUENCY (RPM) TOP OF MOTOR (TOM) OR TOP OF PUMP (TOP) FREQUENCY (RPM) 3 (2) (3) TOM i/9o .2/ TOP TOM TOP TOM TOP TOM TOP Set Amplitude to "100X" Set Selector to "IN" Set Frequency to match Motor RPM Reduce Amplitude until vibration gauge can be read Adjust tuning to maximize Spec; max. vibration = 2.5 mil FORMS/pumptest.xls Vibration THE INDUSTRIAL CO. 2722 LOKER fiUE SUITE G CPRLSBi^D Cfi 92808 FRESNO. CAUFORNIA DWG. NO.. 92-0t976-Tl TYPE NO. OF STAGES R.P.M 13 FKH ! I 1 65 PUMP SERIAL NO. ^2-31976 OWN. BY SRH DA^E 1 B-May-93 APPENDIX B CHLORTAINER CHLORINE CONTAINMENT VESSELS CHLORTAINER Total Containnnent System For Chlorine Processing 2-Bolt Chain Door for One-Ton Cylinders Safest and Most Dependable Leak Prevention Available 'Zero' Release Technology Provides Passive Mitigation Complies with Article 80 of the Uniform Fire Code 4' - 9 1/2" o 00 0) 2 O CO CN E E E 3 3 3 3 The one-ton cylinders are loaded into the ChlorTainer vessel and sealed for processing. Should the contained cylinder fail, the system continues to process the gas at a normal rate, as the vessels are designed to withstand the maximum anticipated pressure of a release. The passive technology safeguards the operators and the environment against an accidental release. No waste is generated and a scrubber is not required. Loaders can be custom designed to fit individual sites. Includes SCADA compatible weighing system with 12 inch dial. Design Pressure 250 psig @ 300T Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20T @ 250 psig Corrosion Allowance 1/16 inch Radiograph Inspection ASME Code Section V ASME Code Section VIII Hydro test 375 psig per UG-99 Interior Paint 2.5-3.0 Mils OFT Inorganic Zinc Exterior Paint 4-6 Mils DFT Epoxy 2 Mils DFT Polyurethane Welding ASME Code Section IX Vessel Weight 2,500 pounds Materials Used Carbon Steel Vessel, Monel 400 Bossets NOTE: Materials used may vary when designed for Other toxic gases. TGO Technologies, Inc 3450-C Regional Parkway Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707-576-7778 www.tgotech.com sales@tgotech.com 800-543-6603 ro c ^ 9 Co C Q. •SO Q. O O to 0) E w c ro < < O Q. CO OJ C- -I 0) D. OJ CO 13 0)^ ro > Q: Q. §- 5 g-W >• & (0 D CD U-CO o GOO CD 0 CL C C C 2 T- T- T- CVJ O Q > > Z 0) _> ro > o ro < 0 > ro > CO ro ro CO > ro ^ =J Q. ii? W 3 ^ Q) O fir -s^ S o 03 Cl. > LU CD _> ro > CQ _ >> ro Q. Q-LL- Q. Q.^ 3 D > CO CO o o o o 0) _> ro > 0 "X X LU LU t_ ro ffi CD 0 •t-l ro 0 < o o 0 X UJ ^ CN T- Csj CO --t < < CQ £0 CQ CQ CHLORTAINER Total Containment System For Chlorine Processing Available for Single or Dual 150-Pound Cylinders Safest and Most Dependable Leak Prevention Available 'Zero' Release Technology Provides Passive Mitigation Complies with Article 80 of the Uniform Fire Code The 150-pound cylinders are loaded into the ChlorTainer vessel and sealed for processing. Should the contained cylinder fail, the system continues to process the gas at a normal rate, as the vessels are designed to withstand the maximum anticipated pressure of a release. The passive technology safeguards the operators and the environment against an accidental release. No waste is generated and a scrubber Is not required. Includes SCADA compatible weighing system with 12 inch dial. 5' - 8 1/2" Overall Design Pressure 285 psig @ 300°F Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20T @ 285 psig Corrosion Allowance 1/16 inch Fabrication Code ASME Section VIII, Div 1 Hydro test 380 psig per UG-99 Interior Paint 2.5-3.0 Mils DFT Inorganic Zinc Exterior Paint 4-6 Mils DFT Epoxy 2 Mils DFT Polyurethane Welding ASME Code Section IX Vessel Weight 1,500 pounds Materials Used Carbon Steel Vessel, Monel 400 Bossets NOTE: Materials used may vary when designed for other toxic gases. TGO Technologies, Inc 3450-C Regional Parkway Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707-576-7778 www. tgotech. com sales@tgotech.com 800-543-6603 SIDE VIEW OF VESSEL Positioned for cylinder loading ^ 5'-3 15/16" CyOnder Shown ^ ^>3J ® i Positioned for cylinder loading SIDE VIEW OF VESSEL Positioned for operating TGO TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 24 Inch Containment Vessel for Dual (2) 150# Cylinders Valve Identification and Location Guide & System Layout Al Pressure Check Valve A2 Vacuum/ Pressure Gauge Valve with optional Pressure Switch Bl Exterior CI2 Supply Valve B2 Alternate Exterior CI2 Supply Valve B3 Alternate Exterior CI2 Ball Valve 84 Exterior CI2 Ball Valve with Failsafe Actuator CI Automatic Pressure Relief Valve Dl Interior Supply Line N Nitrogen Supply with Regulator S Scale Dial V1 Interior Cylinder Supply Valve Not Drawn To Scale TGO Technologies, Inc. • Santa Rosa. CA • (707) 576-7778 • (800)543-6603 • sales@tgotech.com Benefits of ChlorTainer® - Total Containment System Prevents Handling Chlorine While in a Confined Space The containment vessels need only be sheltered from direct sunlight and rain; this allows the operators to be in an open air structure. The cylinders are sealed within the vessel for processing, and a release, should it occur, is contained within the vessel. Containing a leak without confining the operator in the same space with the release provides a safer working environment. Saves Construction and Installation Costs In many instances the containment vessels and loader systems fit into the facility with little or no additional construction required. Therefore, the associated construction cost of incorporating the ChlorTainer® systems is typically low. The containment vessels are set into place and bolted down for seismic restraint. The fixed loader system is a simple "bolt-together" design which is also bolted down. The simplicity of the system requires very little additional engineering, and the staff at TGO Technologies is available to help with the layout design. Enhances Site Security When a cylinder is completely contained, the access to it is restricted. The likelihood of tampering with or the unauthorized manipulation of the cylinder supply valves is greatly reduced. Additional security features can be incorporated into the system, such as: heavy duty door locks with admission tracking memory. Page 1 of 3 TGO Technologies, Inc. • Santa Rosa, CA • (707) 576-7778 • (800) 543-6603 • saIes(a),tgotech.com Easy to Operate The chlorine cylinder is placed on the loader system and then rolled into the vessel. The vacuum regulator is affixed to the top of the vessel, so a simple yoked connection to the cylinder valve is all that is required. The vessel is then sealed for processing. The simphcity of the system makes for easy operation. No scrubber systems, additional fans, pumps, tanks or mechanical devices are needed for the Containment System to function. Less equipment means few repairs, easy maintenance and dependability of operation. Cost Effective Chlorine gas is the most economical fonn of chlorine to use. With ChlorTainer® , should a contained cylinder fail, all of the chlorine is processed. Electronic, electrical, or other sensitive equipment is not contaminated. Scrubbers are not needed. Hazardous waste is not generated. Therefore, high maintenance and disposal costs are eliminated. The minimal maintenance requirements of the system help to keep operating costs low. Fail-Safe Protection The nitrogen powered fail-safe actuator will automatically close the chlorine supply valve in the event of a power loss or a chlorine leak outside the vessel. This fail-safe device ensures that all of chlorine is contained within the vessel until it is safe to resume normal operation. An automatically resetting seismic detection device can also be connected to this system. Total containment is the only method that offers true seismic safety and passive protection. Page 2 of 3 TGO Technologies, Inc. • Santa Rosa, CA • (707) 576-7778 • (800) 543-6603 • sales@tgotech.com Safe, Dependable Operation Once the cylinder is sealed within the ChlorTainer® vessel, any accidental release from the cylinder is contained within the vessel and put back into process at the nornial flow rate through the vacuum regulator. The vessels are built to ASME code and have been designed to withstand the maximum pressure produced by a failed cylinder. The passive design does not rely upon pumps, scrubbers, fans, caustic solution or back-up emergency power to protect the operator, the plant or the environment. industry leaders recognize total containment as the safest technology available for chlorine processing and leak mitigation. Page 3 of 3 TOO Technologies, Inc. • Santa Rosa, CA • (707) 576-7778 • (800) 543-6603 • sales@tgotcch.com SITES ON LINE OR UNDER CONTRACT ARIZONA Lake Havasu. City of - 2002 Contact: John Boone (928) 854-9041 Lake Havasu, Citv of - 2005 Phase 11 Engineers: Burns & McDonnell Drinking Water site Ton Vessels Drinking Water site Ton Vessel Nogales International TP. - 2002 Contact: John Light (520)281-1832 Phoenix, Citv of - Paoaqo - 2004 Contact: David Owens (602) 495-3776 Scottsdale. Citv of - Arsenic Treatment - 2004 Contact; Chuck Hill (602)541-5469 Scottsdale, Citv of - Arsenic Treatment Site 7 - 2005 Contact: Chuck Hill (602) 541-5469 Scottsdale, City of - Arsenic Treatment Site 115 - 2005 Contact: Chuck Hill (602) 541-5469 Scottsdale. Citv of - DC Ranch Zone 7 - 2003 Contact: Chuck Hill (602) 541-5469 Scottsdale, City of - DC Ranch Zone 11 - 2005 Contact: Chuck Hill (602) 541-5469 Scottsdale, Citv of - Desert Mnt. 1 - 2003 Contact: Chuck Hill (602) 541-5469 Scottsdale, Citv of - Desert Mnt 11 - 2003 Contact: Chuck Hill (602) 541-5469 Engineers: In House Wastewater Plant Ton Vessels Engineers: Valentine Engineering Drinking Water Site Single 150 Vessel Engineers: NCS Drinking Water Site Single 150 Vessels Engineers: Stanley Consultants Drinking Water Site Ton & Single 150 Vessels Engineers: CH2M Hill Drinking Water Site Ton & Single 150 Vessels Engineers: HDR Engineering Drinking Water Site Single 150 Vessels Engineers: HDR Engineering Drinking Water Site Single 150 Vessels Engineers: Stanley Consultants Drinking Water Site Single 150 Vessels Engineers: A & N West Drinking Water Site Ton Vessel Scottsdale, Citv of - Zone 12 & Zone 13 - 2004 Contact: Chuck Hill (602) 541-5469 Engineers: Wood Patel Drinking Water Site Single 150 Vessels University of Northern Arizona - 2001 Contact: David Read (928) 523-6326 Engineers: GLHN Architects & Engineers Swimming Pool Ton Vessel ARKANSAS North Little Rock Utilities - 2003 Contact: Dwayne Marrow (501)945-7186 Engineers: In House 2 Wastewater Sites Ton Vessels TGO Technologies, Inc. • Santa Rosa. CA • (707) 576-7778 • (800) 543-6603 • salesfa),teotcch.com SITES ON LINE OR UNDER CONTRACT CALIFORNIA Benicia, Citv of -1999 Contact: Scott Rovanpera (707) 746-4393 Coachella Valley Water District - 2002 Engineers: In House Huntington Beach. Citv of - Phase 1 - 2000 Contact: Jay Kleinheinz (714) 374-1512 Huntington Beach, Citv of - Phase 11 - 2001 Contact: Jay Kleinheinz (714) 374-1512 Huntington Beach, City of - Phase Ml - 2002 Contact: Jay Kleinheinz (714) 374-1512 Huntington Beach. City of - Phase IV - 2003 Contact: Jay Kleinheinz (714)374-1512 Huntington Beach, City of - Phase V - 2004 Contact: Jay Kleinheinz (714) 374-1512 Huntington Beach. City of - Well 12 - 2005 Contact: Jay Kleinheinz (714)374-1512 L.A. County Water Works - Site 1- 2006 Contact: Sam Kabar (626)-300-3339 L.A. County Water Works - Site 2- 2006 Contact: Sam Kabar (626)-300-3339 L.A. County Water Works - Site 5- 2006 Contact: Sam Kabar (626)-300-3339 L.A. County Water Works - Site 10- 2006 Contact: Sam Kabar (626)-300-3339 L.A. County Water Works - Site 11- 2006 Contact: Sam Kabar (626)-300-3339 Engineers: In House Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Well Site Dual 150 vessel Engineers: Black & Veatch 4 Drinking Water Well Sites Ton Vessels Engineers: In House 2 Drinking Water Well Sites Ton & 150 Vessels Engineers: In House 3 Drinking Water Well Sites Single 150 Vessels Engineers: In House Drinking Water Well Sites Single 150 Vessels Engineers: In House Drinking Water Well Sites Ton & 150 Vessels Engineers: RBF Drinking Water Well Sites Ton & 150 Vessels Engineers: Lee & Ro Dnnking Water Sites Ton Vessel Engineers: Lee & Ro Drinking Water Sites Ton Vessel Engineers: Lee & Ro Drinking Water Sites Ton Vessel Engineers: Lee & Ro Drinking Water Sites Ton Vessel Engineers: Lee & Ro Drinking Water Sites Ton Vessel TGO Technologies, Inc. • Santa Rosa, CA • (707) 576-7778 • (800) 543-6603 • sales@tgotcch.com SITES ON LINE OR UNDER CONTRACT L.A. County Water Works - Site 6- 2006 Contact: Sam Kabar (626)-300-3339 Engineers: Lee & Ro Drinking Water Sites Ton Vessels L.A- County Water Works - Site 7- 2006 Contact: Sam Kabar (626)-300-3339 Engineers: Lee & Ro Drinking Water Sites Ton Vessels L.A. County Water Works - Site 12- 2006 Contact: Sam Kabar (626)-300-3339 Engineers: Lee & Ro Drinking Water Sites Ton Vessels L.A. County Water Works - Site 9- Contact: Sam Kabar (626)-300-3339 2006 Engineers: Lee & Ro Drinking Water Sites Ton Vessel L.A. County Waterworks - Site 13- 2006 Contact: Sam Kabar (626)-300-3339 Engineers: Lee & Ro Dnnking Water Sites Ton Vessel L.A. County Water Works - Site 18- 2006 Contact: Sam Kabar (626)-300-3339 Engineers: Lee & Ro Drinking Water Sites Ton Vessels Rancho California Water District - 2006 Contact: Warren Back (951)296-6982 Engineers: Krieger & Stewart Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Redlands, City of - 2003 Contact: Dave Commons (909) 798-7588 Engineers: Black & Veatch Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Santa Cruz, Citv of -1998 Contact: Jim Bentley (831)420-5455 Engineers: In House Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Solano Irrigation District - 1997 Contact Rich Everett (707) 425-4764 Engineers: In House Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels COLORADO Colorado Springs. Citv of -Woodman- 2003 Contact: Allan Conkle (719)668-4728 Engineers: Brown & Caldwell Drinking Water Site Twin 150 Vessels Colorado Springs, Citv of -Briargate- 2004 Contact: Allan Conkle (719)448-4800 Engineers: URS Corporation Drinking Water Site Twin 150 Vessels Colorado Springs, City of -Wolfe Ranch Reservoir- 2005 Engineers: Brown & Caldwell Drinking Water Site Twin 150 Vessels TGO Technologies, Inc. • Santa Rosa. CA • (707) 576-7778 • (800) 543-6603 • sales@tgotech.CQm SITES ON LINE OR UNDER CONTRACT HAWAII Maui, County of - Phase 1 - 2003 Engineers: In House Drinking Water Site Ton Vessel Contact: Wayne Fujiwara (808) 357-0397 Engineers: In House Drinking Water Site Ton Vessel Maui, County of - Phase 11 - 2003 Engineers: in House Drinking Water Site Ton Vessel Contact: Wayne Fujiwara (808) 357-0397 Engineers: in House Drinking Water Site Ton Vessel Maui, County of - Phase 111 - 2006 Engineers: In House Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Contact: Wayne Fujiwara (808) 357-0397 Engineers: In House Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels KANSAS Leavenworth, City of - Phase 1 - 2003 Engineers: Black & Veatch Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Contact: Jeff Arnold (913) 727-1902 Engineers: Black & Veatch Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Leavenworth, Citv of - Phase 11 - 2003 Engineers: Black & Veatch Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Contact: Jeff Arnold (913) 727-1902 Engineers: Black & Veatch Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Ottowa, Citv of - 2004 Contact: Ron Snethen (785) 229-3690 Engineers: In House Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels MINNESOTA Eagan, City of-2004 Engineers : Short, Elliot & Hendrickson LOUISIANA Moraan Citv, Citv of - 2006 Contact: Murphy Arcemont (985) 518-6990 Engineers : In House Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels NEW MEXICO Carlsbad, City of - 2002 Engineers: Molzen-Corbin Assoc. Dnnking Water Site Ton Vessels Contact: Mike Abell (505)885-6313 Engineers: Molzen-Corbin Assoc. Dnnking Water Site Ton Vessels OHIO Springfield, Citv of - 2003 Contact: Ellis Dewelt (937) 525-5880 Engineers: In House Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels TEXAS • El Paso, Citv of - Phase 1 - 2001 Contact: Manny Casillas (915) 594-5416 Engineers: Camp, Dresser & McKee 4- Drinking Water Sites, 1- Wastewater Site Ton Vessels El Paso. Citv of - Phase 11 -2002 Engineers: Camp, Dresser & McKee TGO Technologies, Inc. • Santa Rosa, CA • (707) 576-7778 • (800) 543-6603 • sales@tgotech.com SITES ON LINE OR UNDER CONTRACT Contact: Manny Casillas (915) 594-5416 El Paso, Citv of - Phase 111 - 2002 Contact: Manny Casillas (915) 594-5416 El Paso, City of - Paseo de! Este - 2005 Contact: Manny Casillas (915)594-5416 El Paso, Citv of - Pebble Hills BPS - 2004 Contact: Manny Casillas (915) 594-5416 7- Drinking Water Sites Ton Vessels Engineers: Parkhill Smith & Cooper Drinking Water Site Ton Vessel Engineers: Parkhill Smith & Cooper Drinking Water Site Ton Vessel & Upgrades Engineers: Parkhill Smith & Cooper Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Cinco MUD #1 - East Plant - 2005 Contact: Chuck Hansen (281) 209-2105 Cinco MUD #1 - West Plant - 2005 Contact: Chuck Hansen (281)209-2105 Engineers: TCB Engineenng Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Engineers: TCB Engineering Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels San Antonio, Citv of - Phase 1 - 2001 Contact: Jeff Pollock (210)704-1713 San Antonio, City of - Phase II - 2003 Contact: Jeff Pollock (210)704-1713 Engineers: Earth Tech Engineering Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Engineers: Metcalf & Eddy Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels WASHINGTON Aberdeen. Citv of-2000 Contact: Mike Randich (360) 537-3273 Anacortes, Citv of - 2000 Contact: Willie LaRue (360)428-1598 Department of Energy - 2000 Engineers: Dyn Corp Tri-City Services Hiqhline Water - 2003 Contact: Swede Severson (206) 874-0375 Engineers: E & E S, Inc. Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Engineers: RH2 Dnnking Water Site Ton Vessels Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Engineers: RHZ Engineering Drinking Water Site Dual 150 Vessel Longview. City of - 1999 Contact: Ric Saavedra (360) 442-5680 Engineers: H.D.R, Dnnking Water Site Ton Vessels MEXICO Mexican - 2002 Contact: Fernando Diaz Oil (5255) 506-7000 Engineers: ICA-Fluor Daniel Power Generating Plant Ton Vessels TGO Technologies, Inc. • Santa Rosa, CA • (707) 576-7778 • (800) 543-6603 • sales@tgotech.coni SITES ON LINE OR UNDER CONTRACT PUERTO RICO El Yungue - 2006 Contact: James Badrena (787)-273-7633 Engineers: Badrena & Perez Drinking Water Site Ton Vessels Cmrent Comprehensive Complete Feature Article Securing Industrial Chlorine Supplies Improved fire codes allow use of fail-safe valves, easing storage and use requirements for chlorine gas. by Rudolph S. Caparros Sr. Users of chlorine now regulated by the newly created 2003 International Fire Code and the 2003 Edition ofthe Uniform Fire Code are pleased to find they are no longer required to have a scrubber when storing or using 150-lb cylinders or one-ton containers of liquefied chlorine gas. A scrubbing system usually consists of a scrubbing chemical (typically, caustic soda) and a blower to draw contaminated air through the caustic solution being circulated by use of a pump. For indoor and outdoor storage, the need for a scrubber is eliminated if. .. 1. Chlorine cylinder valve outlets are equipped with gas- tight outlet plugs or caps. 2. Where approved containment vessels or containment systems capable of fully containing or terminating a release are available or that are capable of being transported to the leaking cylinder, container, or tank. For indoor and outdoor use, the need for a scrubber is eliminated if. . . 1. An approved, automatic-closing fail-safe valve is located immediately adjacent to and downstream of the active cylinder valves. The fail-safe must close when gas is detected at the permissible exposure limit (PEL) by a gas detection system monitoring the exhaust system at the point of discharge from gas cabinet, exhausted enclosure, ventilated enclosure, or gas room. 2. Where approved containment vessels or containment systems capable of fully containing or terminating a release are available or that are capable of being transported to the leaking cylinder, container, or tank. Plant operators have found that fail-safe valves and containment vessels require little or no maintenance, repair, or replacement. According to Maui Plant Operator Wayne Fujiwara, "Total containment is easier to use than a scrubber. It does what it says it will do, and we don't have to worry about leaks." A scrubber system may require extensive maintenance, repair, and Sites located within sparsely populated areas may find the cost of installing a replacement, including testing of caustic solution, replacement of caustic, scrubber SVStem instrument calibration, belt adjustments, sheave alignment, scrubbing t t I chemical feed pump adjustments, exhaust air fan adjustments, fan wheel total service, pump seal replacement, and pump rebuilds and replacement. A containment fail-safe valve is typically described as a 1/4 turn ball valve that Is spring System for loaded, always fails in a closed position, and does not rely on any processing electrical power or backup emergency power to close the valve. A valve cylinders or ton that does not have all these characteristics is unsafe by comparison. . . ^ . containers to be Ensuring Operators' and the Public-s Safety Unmanned sites located in densely populated areas are especially in need because of budget of a system to process chlorine from cylinders or ton containers that will constraints. release little or no chlorine gas to the surrounding community. Total containment vessels used for processing chlorine from a cylinder or ton container that Is enclosed within the vessel are the only system that reduces the worst-case off-site release of toxic gas by 97 percent, making it by far the safest method for processing chlorine. " 'Passive' was a selling point to me," said Ellis DeWell, assistant plant superintendent in Springfield, Ohio. "It made a very important difference since we are governed by the EPA rules and regulations." Scrubbers and fail-safe shutdown valves provide no reduction in the off-site area affected when conducting RMP studies to assess the effects of a release to the surrounding community. Consulting engineer George Clifford White, author of the "Handbook of Chlorination and Alternative Disinfections, Fourth Edition," said total containment is the "safest and most cost-effective" treatment system available today. Rick Roll of North Little Rock, Arkansas' water treatment plant chose total containment, as well. "Safety for our operators and the surrounding area was the primary concern," he said. "The locking door adds extra security from prying hands. It seems to be a foolproof system. Simplicity is the best ticket." Sites located within sparsely populated areas may find the cost of installing a scrubber system or total containment system used for the processing of cylinders or ton containers to be out of the question because of budget constraints. The new codes allow these sites to use the less expensive automatic closing fail-safe shutdown valves located immediately adjacent to the cylinder valves. The fail-safe valves must close when a gas detection system detects a release at the permissible exposure limit. All sites storing cylinders or ton containers must have available to them containment vessels or systems capable of fully containing or terminating a release from a leaking cylinder or container. If the emergency containment vessel is not located at the site, it must be capable of being transported to the site of the leaking cylinder. A trailer mounted emergency containment vessel would typically be transported to the site of the leaking cylinder or container by the emergency responder. Options for Communities with Multiple Sites Communities with multiple sites need have only one emergency vessel - available to them to handle leaking cylinders or containers. However, j-i^ total contents locating an emergency vessel at every site will provide added safety. , ..... from the leaking The emergency vessel must be designed to process the entire contents of cylinder or ton the leaking cylinder or container at the treatment site to prevent container can be transporting a leaking cylinder or ton container. Small communities may, put into process at by an association with others, share the cost of a containment vessel fhe site at a safe system, one that is trailer mounted, to allow compliance at a lower cost. controlled rate' Total containment vessels satisfy the definition of a treatment system In the codes because, once contained within the vessel, the total contents from the leaking cylinder or ton container can be put into process at the site at a safe, controlled rate. As in ali cases related to fire codes, consult the local fire department to determine its requirements. Referenced Code Issues 1. 2003 International Fire Code Chapter 37, Highly Toxic and Toxic Materials 2. 2003 Uniform Fire Code Chapter 55, Standard For The Storage, Use And Handling Of Compressed Gases And Cryogenic Fluids In Portable And Stationary Containers, Cylinders And Tanks Definitions IFC: 3702.1, Containment Vessel UFC: 3.3.12, Cylinder Containment Vessel Both read: "A gas-tight recovery vessel designed so that a leaking compressed gas container can be placed within Its confines thereby encapsulating the leaking container." IFC: 3702.1, Containment System UFC:, Cylinder Containment System Both read: "A gas-tight recovery system comprised of equipment or devices which (that) can be placed over a leak in a compressed gas container, thereby stopping or controlling the escape of gas from the leaking container." Treatment System IFC: 3704., Treatment System Design 'Treatment systems shall be capable of diluting, adsorbing, absorbing, containing, neutralizing, burning, or otherwise processing the contents ofthe largest single vessel of compressed gas. Where a total containment system is used, the system shall be designed to handle the maximum anticipated pressure of release to the system when it reaches equilibrium." IFC: 3704., Treatment System Performance 'Treatment systems shall be designated to reduce the maximum allowable discharge concentrations ofthe gas to one-half immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) at the point of discharge to the atmosphere. Where more than one gas is emitted to the treatment system, the treatment system shal! be designated to handle the worse-case release based on the release rate, the quality and the IDLH for all compressed gases stored or used." UFC:, Treatment System Design and Performance 'Treatment systems shall be capable of diluting, adsorbing, absorbing, containing, neutralizing, burning, or otherwise processing stored or used toxic or highly toxic gas, or both. A) Where a total containment system is used, the system shall be designed to handle the maximum anticipated pressure of release to the system when it reaches equilibrium. B) Treatment systems shall be capable of reducing the allowable discharge concentrations to one-half the immediately dangerous to life and health threshold at the point of discharge." Gas Cabinet/Exhausted Enclosure Exception IFC: 3704.2.2.3, Leaking Cylinders and Tanks "One or more gas cabinets or exhausted enclosures shall be provided to handle leaking cylinders containers or tanks. Exceptions: 1. Where cylinders, containers or tanks are located within gas cabinets or exhausted enclosures 2. Where approved containment vessels or containment systems are provided in accordance with all of the following: 2.1 Containment vessels or containment systems shall be capable of fully containing or terminating a release 2.2 Trained personnel shall be available at an approved location. 2.3 Containment vessels or containment systems shall be capable of being transported to the leaking cylinder, container or tank." Treatment System Exceptions IFC: 3704.2.2.7, Treatment Systems "Exceptions: 1. Highly toxic and toxic gases-storage. A Treatment system is not required for cylinders, containers and tanks in storage when all of the following controls are provided: 1.1 Valve outlets are equipped with gas-tight outlet plugs or caps. 1.2 Handwheel-operated valves have handles secured to prevent movement. 1.3 Approved containment vessels or containment systems are provided in accordance with section 3704.2.2.3." UFC:, Storage of Toxic or Highly Toxic Gases 'Treatment system shall not be required for toxic or highly toxic in storage where containers, cylinders, and tanks are provided with the controls specified In 1 through" UFC:, Valve Outlets Protected "Valve outlets shall be equipped with outlet plugs or caps, or both, rated for the container service pressure." UFC:, Handwheel Secured "Where provided, handwheel-operated valves shall be secured to prevent movement." UFC:, Containment Devices Provided "Approved cylinder containment vessels or cylinder containment systems shall be provided at an approved location." Fall-Safe Valve IFC: 3704.2.2.7, Treatment Systems "Exceptions: 2. Toxic gases-use. Treatment systems are not be required for toxic gases supplied by cylinders or portable tanks not exceeding 660 gallons (2,498 liters) liquid capacity when the following are provided: 2.1 A gas detection system with a sensing interval not exceeding 5 minutes. 2.2 An approved automatic-closing fail-safe valve located immediately adjacent to cylinder valves. The fail-safe valve shall close when gas is detected at the permissible exposure limit (PEL) by a gas detection system monitoring the exhaust system at the point of discharge from the gas cabinet, exhausted enclosure, ventilated room or gas room. The gas detection shall comply with Section 3704.2.2.10." UFC:, Fail-Safe Automatic Closing Valve "An approved automatic-closing fall-safe valve shall be located immediately adjacent to and downstream of active container, cylinder, or tank valves. A) The fail-safe valve shall close when gas is detected at the permissible exposure limit, short-term exposure limit (STEL), or ceiling limit by the gas detection system." Comparison of Available Options Fall-Safe Valve Scrubber Total Containment Vessel Requires little or no repair, maintenance or replacement yes no yes Can be used to handle a leaking cylinder no yes yes will handle release from cylinder fuse plug no yes yes Can be used at outdoor site yes no yes Can be considered passive mitigation no no yes Backup emergency power required no yes no Is considered a treatment system no yes yes Acceptable to EPA as mitigation measure to reduce off-site consequences no no yes Will handle a leak from cylinder valve stem no yes yes Will handle a leak from sheared-off cylinder valve no yes yes Encloses operators within toxic environment no yes no Requires the facility to maintain a six-man emergency response team on site no yes no Easy to install yes no yes Generates hazardous waste no yes no This article appears in the April 2005 issue of Occupational Health & Safety. Rudolph S. Caparros, Sr. has nearly 40 years' experience in the chemical industry. He has made technological advances in chlorine plant packaging, transfer, and dispersion technology and is the creator and patent holder of containment vessel systems for chlorine cylinders, ton containers bulk storage tanks, tank trucks, rail tank cars, and barges. He is the founder and CEO of TGO (Toxic Gas Ordinance) Technologies, Inc., a Santa Rosa, Calif, company that sells spring-loaded, fail-safe shutdown systems for chlorine cylinders and also sells containment vessel systems for both emergency handling and processing of chlorine cylinders and ton containers. Caparros is also founder and president of California International Chemical Co., Inc., a company that licenses trade secret and patented chlorine packaging, transfer, and dispersion technology to 57 independently owned licensee chemical companies and 26 licensee chlorine packaging plant facilities located throughout the United States. To reach him, contact TGO at 800-543-6603, www.tgotech com or sales@tgotech.com. • ^ Ar • I r ' ; I j Bin II APPENDIX C SIEMENS C30WM CHLORINE DIOXIDE GENERATOR Water Technologies Wallace 8i Tiernan Millennium iir"^ C-WM Series Manual Chlorine Dioxide Generator Technical Information Tl 85.270-1 UA SIEMENS I The Wallace & Tiernan Millennium 111™ Series generators are the next generation in chlorine dioxide technology combining high performance with durability, simplicity of use and easy maintenance. The Millennium 111™ Series C-WM generators combine a 25% sodium chlorite solution with chlorine gas under vacuum conditions to generate chlorine dioxide safely and efficiently. They are available as a wall-mounted, manual configuration. The Millennium 111™ Series C-WM generators are available in a range of capacities from a few pounds per day to 12,000 pounds per day all utilizing a standard modular design. Key Benefits: • Direct flow path of motive water and chemical precursors provide for minimal pressure losses and improved flexibility. • New injector design improves overall performance. • Rotameters and check valves are designed specifically for their intended uses. • Materials of construction are compatible with chlorine dioxide and chemical precursors. • Same compact footprint for larger capacity units. • The safe generation of chlorine dioxide continues to be a primary design consideration. Generation under vacuum is used to minimize and control the reactions and concentrations. The design ensures safe shut down of the generator during component failure or loss of motive water that drives the injector. • Efficiency and yield is maximized by reaction of chemical reactants in their concentrated form. These reaction conditions favor the immediate formation of chlorine dioxide, thereby minimizing byproduct formation found in other types of generators. Description Typical Specifications Generator: The same basic generator is used for all models, from simple manual units to the most complex automatic model. • Simple design reduces operational difficulties. This two chemical process does not require pH control or excess chlorine addition. This results in lower operating costs, less maintenance, simplified operator control and precise calibration of the feed system. The pH of the chlorine dioxide exiting the generator is typically 7. Reaction Column: The reaction column disperses the chemical reactants allowing for intimate contact and immediate reaction. The reaction column is designed to maximize generator yield of chlorine dioxide. Flowmeters: A metering tube design calibrated for each chemical reactant Is available in units reading in 0-150 mm. All generators are supplied with custom feed rate charts correlating pounds per day of chlorine dioxide with flow meter settings. Injector Requirements: Water passing through the injector generates the vacuum required to pull the two feed chemicals into the reaction column of the chlorine dioxide generator assembly. Water temperature requirements are < ^00°fl 37°C. If high temperature water is used (> lOO^F/ 37''C), injector performance will be impaired due to decreased solubility of the chlorine dioxide gas. Power Requirements: This system does not require electrical control Assembly: Generator comprises of a backboard of PVC construction for easy attachment to a wall. A small footprint allows placement in space constricted areas. • Each valve and flow meter is secured to the frame to minimize vibration and flow related stresses. Piping runs are designed to insure a simple and safe flow path. Components requiring maintenance are easily accessible. Chlorine dioxide feed equipment shall be manufactured by Wallace & Tiernan and shall be comprised of a chlorine dioxide generation process utilizing 25% sodium chlorite solution and chlorine gas based on the following stoichiometric reaction: 2NaCIO, + CI,^2CIO, + 2NaCI The reaction of sodium chlorite solution and chlorine gas shall take place under vacuum without the use of a separate mineral acid feed or the excess chlorine method (adding chlorine in excess of the stoichiometric chlorine requirements in order to lower the process pH). Excess chlorine shall be considered as any amount greater than 5% of the chlorine feed that remains in the generator product as unreacted chlorine. The feed system shall be arranged with equipment to suit plant requirements. The generator shall maintain a minimum yield efficiency of 95% chlorine dioxide under normal operating conditions. Yield shall be defined as the ratio of chlorine dioxide generated to the theoretical stoichiometric maximum. The theoretical maximum shall be determined from the feed rates of the chemical reactants. They shall be confirmed by an Amperometric analysis capable of differentiating between chlorine, chlorine dioxide and chlorite ion. Analysis shall be confirmed by the procedure as described in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA-AWWA-WEF, 20th edition 1998, Amperometric Method 11, 4500-CIOjE. www.usfilter.com The information provided in this biochute contains merely geneiai descriplions or characteristics of performance v/hich in case of actual use do nol always appiy as described or Mhkh may change ss a resultof further deveJopmenI ofthe products. An obiigalron lo provide the respective characteristics shaii onJy exist if expiessly agreed in the terms of contract Milfennium III rs a trademark of Basic Chemicals L.i,C. Siemens Water Technologies 1901 West Garden Road Vineland, NJ 08360 www.usfilter.com wtus.water@siemens.com Tl 85.270-1 UA3I06 Tel: 800.628.0897 Tel: 856.507.9000 < Fax: 856.507.4125 Subject to change without prior notice ©Siemens 2006 Water Technologies Wallace & Tiernan Millennium III™ EC Series C-Auto Chlorine Dioxide Generator Technical Information Tl 85.270-9 UA SIEMENS The Wallace & Tiernan Millennium III™ EC Series automatic generators are the foundation for a simple, less costly series of chlorine dioxide systems utilizing state-of-the-art technology combined with functional and durable components. The Millennium III™ EC Series C-Auto generators combine a 25% sodium chlorite solution with chlorine gas under vacuum conditions to generate chlorine dioxide safely and efficiently. They are available as a free-standing configuration with touch screen controls and SCADA interface capabilities. The Millennium III™ EC Series C-Auto generators are available in a range of capacities all utilizing a standard modular design and a smaller installed footprint than other currently available automatic generators. Automatic Control Benefits • State-of-the-art control valves specifically designed for low flow control of sodium chlorite and chlorine gas. Flow controls include PID loops for the liquid chemical precursor, sodium chlorite. • Touch screen interface allows for maximum performance, ease in set up, parameter changes and troubleshooting.. 10 Step chlorine valve linearization program produces accurate chlorine feed in proportion to the sodium chlorite flow. Operator selectable options provide for excellent feed rate flexibility. Equipment Description Generator: The same basic generator is used for all models, from simple manual units to the most complex automatic model. Simple design reduces operational difficulties. Automatic Controls: One process controller performs all functions including generator set point control from local or remote (flow pace) sources, batch tank level control, dosage control (as a flow pace "multiplier", alarm monitoring and more. Control program parameters (for generator sizing, flow meter set-up, etc.) are accessible from easy to access and understand "EZTouch" touch screen displays. Significant program access is achieved utilizing removable memory modules that allow for quick changes and updates. • Flow control valves and flow meters are industry accepted components that provide for trouble-free operation. Traditional chlorine feed control components are industry accepted and compatible with all chemicals involved. Assembly: Ali components are securely mounted on a specially designed stainless steel skid with a small footprint that will allow placement in areas previously not considered. The skid construaion is heavy duty, allowing location in operating areas that are subject to severe service conditions. Each valve and flow meter is secured to the frame to minimize vibration and flow related stresses. Piping runs are designed to insure a simple and safe flow path. • Components requiring maintenance are easily accessible. Typical Specifications Chlorine dioxide feed equipment shall be manufactured by Wallace & Tiernan and shall be comprised of a process or chlorine dioxide generation utilizing 25% sodium chlorite solution and chlorine gas. The feed system shall be arranged with equipment to suit plant requirements. The generator shall maintain a minimum yield efficiency of 95% chlorine dioxide from the reaction of sodium chlorite solution and chlorine gas. The yield efficiency shall be based on the stoichiometric reaction as follows: 2NaC10^ + CI^^2CIO^ + 2Naa The reaction of sodium chlorite solution and chlorine gas shall take place under vacuum without the use of a separate mineral acid feed or the excess chlorine method (adding chlorine in excess of the stoichiometric chlorine requirements in order to lower the process pH). Excess chlorine shall be considered as any amount greater than 5% of the chlorine feed that remains in the generator product as unreacted chlorine. Yield shall be defined as the ratio of chlorine dioxide generated to the theoretical stoichiometric maximum. The theoretical maximum shall be determined from the feed rates of the chemical reactants. They shal! be confirmed by an Amperometric analysis capable of differentiating between chlorine, chlorine dioxide and chlorite ion. Analysis shall be confirmed by the procedure as described in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA-AWWA-WEF, 2ath edition 1998, Amperometric Method II, 4500-CIO^E. PROCESS TREMD Examples of Operator Interface Control (OIC) Screens www.usfilter.com The intormaljon provided in this brochure contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further deveiopmeni ol the aioducis. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract. Millennium III is a trademark of Basic Chemicals L.LC Siemens Water Technologies 1901 West Garden Road Vineland, NJ 08360 w/ww.usfilter.com wtus.water@siemens.com Tl 85.270-9 UA 3/06 Tel: 800.628.0897 Tel: 856.507.9000 Fax: 856.507.41 25 Subject to change without prior notice ©Siemens 2006 As starring chemicals for preparing chlorine dioxide dilute sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid are used. The chemical equation for their reaction is: 5 NaCIO, + 4 MCI = 4 CIO^ + 5 NaCI + 2 H^O Sodium + Hydro- = Chlorine + Sodium + Water chlorite chloric dioxide chloride acid By the reaction of sodium chlorite with hydrochloric acid an aqueous solurion of chlorine dioxide and so- dium chloride (common salt) is generated. Method of operation tn the Wallace & Tiernan generator DIOX-A chlorine dioxide is produced as an aqueous solution of con- stant strength. For the generation, Cedolyt A9 and Nadolyt C7.5 are used. Both reagents are fed at a rate of 3:1 by means of peristaltic pumps directly from commercial carboys into a pressureless reaction tank. The precise feed rate of the peristaltic pumps is constantly monitored by flow totalisers. Any undue deviation of the flow rate or a failure of the opera- ting water supply will automatically shut down the system and set off an alarm signal. The surplus of hydrochloric acid in the reaction tank ensures a high conversion rate of the chlorite into chlorine dioxide. After a defined reaction time, the chlorine dioxide so- lution of approx. 20 g/l is flushed out by water Into an emission-free preparation tank and simultaneous- ly diluted to < 2.5 g/l. At this concentration the solu- tion remains stable over extended periods. From the preparation tank the chlorine dioxide solution flows into the storage tank from where the dilute solution is metered by one or more metering systems. This dual- tank arrangement ensures always a constant dosing strength irrespective ofthe actual feed rate. The gas volume displaced by the filling and emptying of the process tanks is passed and neutralised emis- sion-free through an absorption unit. All electrical functions are interlocked and grouped in an integral electronic control system. Operating condirions and alarms are displayed on a mimic diagram. For the reagent supply tanks optional bunds are available. Applications • Potable water Disinfection, elimination of smelling substances (phenols, algae and their decomposed pollutants) from surface water and filtrates, prevention of THMs, reduced formation of AOX, protection of long distribution mains. • Beverage industry and breweries Disinfection of process water, removal of "wild yeast", prevention of secondary infection, disinfec- tion of bottle wash water, pipelines and tanks. • Process water Disinfection of process water in canneries, dairies, yeast factories and the food industry in general. • Cooling water Fighting of algae and slime forming micro-organisms in sugar factories, closed water circuits in paper mills and power stations. • Waste water Smell removal in effluents, condensate water, abat- toirs and fish-meal factories. Technical data Maximum capacity of the generator: Feed rate Nadolyt C7.5; Feed rate Cedolyt A9: ClOj strength in the storage tank: Required operating water pressure: Power supply: Power consumption: Fuse: Dimensions: Weight: W DIOX-A 3 DIOX-A 10 3g/hCI0; lOg/hCIO, 75 ml/h 250 ml/h 225 ml/h 750 ml/h < 2,5 g/l min. 2 barg 230 V 50 Hz, 1-phase approx. 80 VA max. 16 A 800 x H 1000 xD 300 mm approx. 50 kg www.wallace-tiernan.de Due to CDntinuo' product development and improvement, cenoin specifications may change without prior announcement. Siemens Water Technologies Wallace & Tiernan GmbH Auf der Weide 10 89312 Gunzburg Germany wtger.water@siemens.com WT. 085.260. DE.P5.0806 <f) Siemens Water Technologies 2006 Water Technologies Wallace & Tiernan Millennium III™ EC Series T-Auto Chlorine Dioxide Generator Technical Information Tl 85.270-10 UA SIEMENS The Wallace & Tiernan Millennium 111™ EC Series automatic generators are the foundation for a simple, less costly series of chlorine dioxide systems utilizing state-of-the-art technology combined with functional and durable components. The Millennium III™ EC Series T-Auto generator produces chlorine dioxide in a two stage process under vacuum conditions to generate chlorine dioxide safely and efficiently. In the first stage, molecular chlorine gas is generated in situ as part of the generation process by the reaction of a 12.5% solution of sodium hypochlorite with a 15% solution of hydrochloric acid. In the second stage the chlorine gas is reacted with a 25% sodium chlorite solution to produce chlorine dioxide. The generators are available as a free-standing configuration with touch screen controls and SCADA interface capabilities. The Millennium III™ EC Series T-Auto generators are available in a range of capacities all utilizing a standard modular design and a smaller installed footprint than other currently available automatic generators. Automatic Control Benefits State-of-the-art control valves specifically designed for low fiow control of sodium chlorite, sodium hypochlorite and hydrochloric acid. Flow controls include PID loops for the liquid chemical precursors, sodium chlorite, sodium hypochlorite and hydrochloric acid. Touch screen interface allows for maximum performance, ease in set up, parameter changes and troubleshooting. Equipment Description Generator: The same basic generator is used for all models, from simple manual units to the most complex automatic model. Simple design reduces operational difficulties. Automatic Controls: • One process controller performs all funrtions including generator set point control from local or remote (flow pace) sources, batch tank level control, dosage control (as a flow pace "multiplier", alarm monitoring and more. Control program parameters (for generator sizing, flow meter set- up, etc.) are accessible from easy to access and understand "EZTouch" touch screen displays. Significant program access is achieved utilizing removable memory modules that allow for quick changes and updates. Flow control valves and fiow meters are industry accepted components that provide for trouble-free operation. Traditional chlorine feed control components are industry accepted and compatible with all chemicals involved. Assembly: • All components are securely mounted on a specially designed stainless steel skid with a small footprint that will allow placement in areas previously not considered. • The skid construction is heavy duty, allowing location in operating areas that are subject to severe service conditions, Each valve and flow meter is secured to the frame to minimize vibration and flow related stresses. Piping runs are designed to insure a simple and safe flow path. Components requiring maintenance are easily accessible. Typical Specifications Chlorine dioxide feed equipment shall be manufactured by Wallace & Tiernan and shall be comprised of a process for chlorine dioxide generation utilizing 25% sodium chlorite solution, 12.5% sodium hypochlorite solution and 15% hydrochloric acid solution from a two stage reaction. The first stage combines the sodium hypochlorite solution with the hydrochloric acid solution under vacuum according to the reaction: The subsequent reaction is between the sodium chlorite solution and chlorine gas under vacuum according to the reaction; 2NaC10j + Cl^^2C10,-F2NaCI The reacrion of sodium chlorite solution and chlorine gas generated in situ from sodium hypochlorite and hydrochloric add shall take place under vacuum without the use of a separate mineral acid feed orthe excess chlorine method (adding chlorine in excess of the stoichiometric chlorine requirements in order to lowerthe process pH). Excess chlorine shall be considered as any amount greater than 5% of the chlorine feed that remains in the generator product as unreacted chlorine. The feed system shall be arranged with equipment to suit plant requirements. The generator shall maintain a minimum yield efficiency of 95% chlorine dioxide under normal operating conditions. Yield shall be defined as the rario of chlorine dioxide generated to the theoretical stoichiometric maximum. The theoretical maximum shall be determined from the feed rates of the chemical reactants. They shall be confirmed by an Amperometric analysis capable of differentiating between chlorine, chlorine dioxide and chlorite ion. Analysis shall be confirmed by the procedure as described in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA-AWWA-WEF, 20th edition 1998, Amperometric Method !l, 4500-CIOjE. Examples of Operator Interface Control (OIC) Screens www.usfilter.com NaOCI + 2HCI Cl^ + NaCI + H^O The inl'ormal/on provided in this brochure contains merely general descriptions or characteristics ol performance which in case of actual use do nol always apply described or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An obligation lo provide the respective characlerrstics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract. Millennium III is a traderrarif of Basic Chemicals LLC. Siemens Water Technologies 1901 West Garden Road Vineland, NJ 08360 www.usfilter.com wtus.water@siemens.com Tl 85.270-10 UA 3/06 Tel: 800.628.0897 Tei: 856.507.9000 Fax: 856.507.4125 Subject to change without prior notice ©Siemens 2006 Water Technologies Wallace & Tiernan DIOX-A 10 Chlorine dioxide generator acid / chlorine process using dilute reagents The chlorine dioxide generator DIOX-A 10 was de- signed for the preparation of small quantities of chlorine dioxide. As starting chemicals for the preparation of chlorine dioxide Cedolyt A9 (di- lute hydrochloric acid, 9 %) and Nadolyt C7.5 (dilute sodium chlorite, 7.5 %) are used. Both so- lutions are fed from standard carboys directly into the reaction tank where the sodium chlorite and the hydrochloric acid are converted Into chlorine dioxide. SIEMENS General Chlorine dioxide is a powerful disinfectant and oxidi- sing agent, excellent at destroying odours. Chlorine dioxide has been,found to be superior to chlorine as a disinfectant. Thiis chemical has a higher oxidising reduction potential than chlorine and can achieve destructiori of, such oiganic substances and virus which are not attacked by chlorine. At identical con- centrations the capability of chlorine dioxide to des- troy spores and virus is higher than that of chlorine. The useof chlorine dioxide eliminates the formation of undesirable or harmful trihalomethanes (haloforms). Chlorine dioxide oxidises unpleasant pollutants such as phenols, algae and produas resulting from their decomposition into neutrally tasting substances., Unlike chlorine the rate of disinfection by chlorine dioxide does not decrease, but remains stable with rising pH. Chlorine dioxide does not react with ammonia or ami- no compounds. This is a substantial difference when compared with chlorine that reacts with ammonia to form chloramines which have a negative influen- ce on treated water. Chlorine dioxide has a very high persistence in water. After the oxidation process, chlorine dioxide Is capable of maintaining an active residual for a long period. Thus long distribution mains and storage tanks are better protected against reinfection. Advantages • Preparation and storage of long-term stable chlorine dioxide solutions • Possibility to generate extremely small quantities of chlorine dioxide solutions • Prevention of chlorites and chlorates by flushing after every generating cycle • No air pad in the reaction tank (no danger of explosion) • Continuous dosing • Facility to meter solution by several metering pumps to multiple points of application " Pre-assembled unit • PLC-controlied unit with mimic diagram Siemens' Chlorine Dioxide Generators Helps Communities Meet Disinfection Byproducts Rule SIEMENS Page 1 of ^ siemens.com About Us Contacts Corporate Information Organization Corporate Biographies Safety Information Investor Relations Water and Wastewater Library Related Sites Careers Siemens eLogo Shop Privacy Policy Terms of Use Sign up tor •N«wst«tt«r Home I Markets | Solutions | Products & Services | Parts & Support | About Us Site Map I Contact Us [Advanced] Home > About Us > Newsroom > 6/11/2006 Siemens' Chlorine Dioxide Generators Helps Communities Meet Disinfection Byproducts Rule Warrendate, Pa., June 11, 2006 - The MjJIenniunvJM.Maes generatp^^^ from Water Technologies, a division of the Siemens Group Industrial Solutions and Services (iSS), boast high performance with durability, simplicity ot use and easy maintenance, as well as compliance with the USEPA's Stage 2 Microbials/Disintection Byproducts fM.OBP) cluster of lules. The Millennium generators combine a 25r<, sodium chlorite solution with chlorine gas (or 12.5% sodium hypochlorite and 15% hydrochloric acid to fotm chlorine in-situ) under vacuum conditions to generate chlorine dioxide safely and efficiently. The generators are capable of consislentfy producing onsite chlorine dioxide with a yield efficiency ot 95%, Efficiency and yield are maximized by reaction of chemical reactants in their concentrated form. These reaction conditions favor trie immediate formation of chlorine dioxide and therefore minimize byproduct formation found in other types of generators. Recognized by the EPA as a primary disinfectant, chlonne dioxide is a powerful disinfectant and oxidizing agent. Chlorine dioxide has proven economical and effective when treating waters high in ammonia, manganese or organic content and in destroying phenoi-based taste and odor-causing compounds, it is effective in controlling a iDroad spectrum of vimses, bacteria and protozoa like Giardta and Cryptosporidium. Chlorine dioxide does not form trihalomethanes (THMs), trihaloacetic acids (THAAs) or other chlorinated organic compounds, nor will it react with many impurities that normally consume chlorine. And as it is essentially unaffected by pH, onsite chlorine dioxide generation is a cost-effective means of treating waters high in pH. Chlorine dioxide is also very effective in controlling biofilms, preventing nitrification and extending Ihe life of chloramines in the distribution system. Furthermore, it does not oxidize bromide to bromate, and can be a waluabfe aid in providing CT (concentration x contact time) credits and in sen/ing as a pre-oxidant applied to raw water to reduce the demand on downstream ozone dosages. Tfie Millennium chlorine dioxide generators can be wall-mounted, cabinet-mounted or stand-alone, and are available in three configu rat ions: manual, flow-pacing batch {for multiple injection points), or state-of-ths-art fully automatic EC series. Provided in various configurations, standard capacities can range from 10 to 25,000 pounds per day with a 10:1 turndown ratio and an infinite turndown when using the flow-pacing batch systems. Two and three chemical versions are available. All use a standard modular design and a small installed footprint suitable for application wtieie space is a premium. Custom-built generation systems ars also available upon request. Get help now -* Contact Key Coniacis Karole Cijlangelo Siemens Water Technolooies 847.706.6947 PR Manager karole.colangelo@siemens.com More Information s Millennium III Series Generators O Siemens 2007 - Water Techrsologies -> Corjjornte Inlormation.' Privacy Policy / Terms of Use ,.ttp://www.usfilter.com/eii/About-i-USFilter/Newsrooni/awwa_mil]enniuin_06112006.htrii 3/2/2007 CHLORINE DIOXIDE LINE CONNECT TO EXIST. PIPING \ EXIST. CHLORINE DIOXIDE TANK VENT ^TO BE REMOVED) . H 11 WALL MOUNT CHLORINE DIOXIDE GENERATOR - CHLORINE DIOXIDE ;' ANALYZER 'A EXIST. RECEPTICLE • TO RESERVOIR INLET PIPING PADDLE FLOW METER _ 1 \ EXIST. PHONE JACKlv/; Tg_BE REMOVED /V T /// ,/ • - FLEXIBLE SODIUM ^ - ^ CHLORITE SUPPLY LINE WATER SUPPLY LINE ' - FLEXIBLE CHLORINE SUPPLY LINE VJ KaiEGEB (STEWART INCORPORATED J5C2 Unite'ijilv Ave • River^ice, CA. 925C' -951 5ei-69JlJ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MAERKLE WATER STORAGE, PlBiP STATION. AND DISINFECTION FACIIJTIES EVALUATION CHLORINE DIOXIDE GENERATOR LAYOUT SCALE: N.T.S. DATE:03/19/07 DRAWN BY:SPK CHECKED BY:WGH W.C: 860-6 FIGURE 2.3