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PD 08-06; Carlsbad High School Modernization Project; Drainage Report; 2009-03-17 (2)
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study For Chestnut Avenue Storm Drain BCC Carlsbad, California PD 08-06 Dwg. 462-8 February 6, 2009 Revised: March 17, 2009 JN 081248-05 APPLICANT Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92009 Prepared By: O'DAY CONSULTANTS 2710 Loker Ave West Ste. 100 Carlsbad, CA 92010 Meg Carroll RCE 46935 '"1 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc a. Declaration of Responsible Charge I hereby declare that I am the Engineer of Work for this project, that I have exercised responsible charge over the design of this project as defined in section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code, and that the design is consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications by the City of Carlsbad is confined to a review only and does not relieve me, as the Engineer of Work, of my responsibilities for the project design. O'Day Consultants, Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92010 (760)931-7700 Date: MargareytV. Carroll R.C.E. No.)46935 Exp. 09/30/09 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Table of Contents Section Description Page No. Introduction and Project Description 4 Hydrology 4 Hydraulics 6 Appendix 1 - 100-year Hydrologic Calculations 8 Appendix 2 - Hydraulic Analysis of Existing 42" Storm Drain & 77 Storm Drain BCC Appendix 3 - Hydraulic Analysis of Existing 36" Storm Drain in James Drive 93 Appendix 4 - Hydraulic Analysis of Curb Inlets 98 Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibit I Exhibit J Exhibit K Exhibit L Exhibit M Exhibit N Exhibit O Exhibit P Exhibit Q EXHIBITS Vicinity Map Basin B - Agua Hedionda Creek Soil Group Map Runoff Coefficients (Table 3-1) & Calculated Values Figure 3-1 Intensity-Duration Design Chart Figure 3-3 Overland Areas Time of Flow Nomograph 100-year 6-hour Isopluvial Map 100-year 24-hour Isopluvial Map San Diego Region Hydrologic Boundary Map Hydrologic Map 1994 Master Plan Drainage Areas 2008 Master Plan Drainage Areas Improvement plans for Storm Drain BCC Excerpt from Cornerstone Report dated 2/2/2009 2008 Master Plan Excerpt for Storm Drain BCC Hydraulic Map of 36" Storm Drain BCC Hydraulic Map of Exist. 36" Storm Drain at James Drive G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc A. INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Carlsbad High School is located at the northeasterly corner of the intersection of Chestnut Avenue and Valley Street. As part of its Carlsbad High School Modernization Program, the Carlsbad Unified School District will install storm drain improvements in Chestnut Avenue. The improvements consist of approximately 905 lineal feet of 36" storm drain beginning at the intersection of Chestnut Avenue and Valley Street and extending westerly along the north side of Chestnut Avenue to an existing 42" storm drain. Exhibit A is a Vicinity Map for the project. The City of Carlsbad has identified these needed improvements as Facility/Drainage Project BCC in the drainage master plans listed below: 1. Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan dated March 1994, prepared by Fraser Engineering and Cooper Engineering Associates (Reference 1); and, 2. Final Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 3, 2008 prepared by Brown and Caldwell (Reference 2). The drainage plans show that the improvements lie within Basin 'B', the Agua Hedionda Creek Watershed, as shown on Exhibit B. The facility is needed to minimize localized flooding around the high school at Chestnut Avenue. B. HYDROLOGY Hydrologic calculations were performed utilizing the San Diego County Rational Method as described in the San Diego County Hydrology Manual, June 2003. Pertinent exhibits from the San Diego County Hydrology Manual are enclosed for reference, as follows: Exhibit C - Soil Group Map Exhibit D - Runoff Coefficients (Table 3-1) & Calculated Coefficients Exhibit E - Intensity-Duration Design Chart Exhibit F - Rational Formula-Overland Time of Flow Nomograph Exhibit G - 100-year 6-hour Isopluvial Map Exhibit H - 100-year 24-hour Isopluvial Map Please see Appendix 1 for detailed hydrologic calculations. G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Existing Conditions: The project is located in the Los Monos Hydrologic Subarea (904.31) of the Agua Hedionda Creek Watershed as shown on Exhibit T. This 29 square-mile watershed ultimately drains to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and to the Pacific Ocean and is known as Basin 'B'. Drainage Project BCC is contributory to Basin 'B'. Using City of Carlsbad aerial topographic survey flown in 2005, the limits of the drainage area were delineated as shown on Exhibit T. The total area draining to the existing 42" storm drain is 90.5 acres generating 116.7 cfs as calculated in Appendix 1. Reference 1 shows that the contributory area to the existing 42" storm drain is 101.3 acres generating 115.3 cfs. The difference in area is 10.8 acres and is primarily due to the following items listed below. Exhibit 'K' graphically depicts the difference. 1. Reference 1 shows that Carlsbad Tract No. 85-36 at Lee Court, together with the area upstream, drains to Drainage Project BCC. This area actually drains via 24" storm drain in Monroe Street to Basin 'A' of the master drainage plan. 2. The existing residential development on Skyline Drive drains towards Westhaven Drive. At Westhaven, storm water is conveyed southerly due to a high point in the street. Thus, it does not drain to Drainage Project BCC. Reference 2 shows the tributary area to the upstream end of storm drain BCC as 84.9 acres. A review of Exhibit T shows that 55.7 acres drains to this point, Node 115.1, as follows: 1. North side of Chestnut Avenue: 18.3 acres 2. South side of Chestnut Avenue: 15.8 acres 3. Portion of Carlsbad High School: 21.6 acres Total 55.7 acres. The difference of 29.2 acres is accounted for below. Exhibit L graphically depicts the difference. 1. Reference 2 shows Carlsbad Tract No. 85-36 at Lee Court draining to Drainage Project BCC. As noted above, this drains to Basin 'A' via 24" storm drain; 2. The northwesterly portion of the high school drains to Basswood Avenue and the northeasterly portion of the high school drains to Basin 'A'. 3. A portion of the area southerly of Chestnut Avenue between Monroe Street and Valley Street sheet flows to Valley. There is a high point in Valley near its intersection with Chestnut. Flow will drain southerly towards Brady Circle. G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Proposed Conditions: The project consists of construction of 905 lineal feet of 36" RCP storm drain on the north side of Chestnut Avenue. Two curb inlets east of Valley Street will be constructed to intercept street flows and a 36" private storm drain stub will be provided for Carlsbad High School. See Exhibit M for the improvement plans. The estimated flow rates are as follows: 1. North side of Chestnut Avenue: 24.9 cfs 2. South side of Chestnut Avenue: 21.1 cfs 3. Portion of Carlsbad High School: 70.8 cfs The two 30' curb inlets will provide partial interception of the flows. With partial interception, the peak flow in storm drain BCC is 87.5 cfs. The flow rate for Carlsbad High School was provided by Cornerstone Engineering in report titled Final Drainage Report for Carlsbad High School Modernization dated February, 2, 2009 (Reference 3, see Exhibit N). It should be noted that the two drainage plans cited above show the following peak flows in the 36" storm drain: 1. Reference 1, 1994 plan: 94.6 cfs (Exhibit K) 2. Reference 2,2008 plan: 82.9 cfs (Exhibit O) Average 88.8 cfs The calculated flow rate of 87.5 cfs is within 1% of the average of the two flows. This appears to be purely coincidental since, as noted above, there are discrepancies in drainage areas. However, it does indicate that the estimated pipe size of 36" - 39" for the storm drain is reasonable. C. HYDRAULICS Methodology for Storm Drains Hydraulic calculations were done using the software prepared by Advanced Engineering Software (AES). The software is similar to the Los Angeles County Flood Control Water Surface Profile Gradient program (WSPG). The following description of the computation theory is taken from Los Angeles County Flood Control documentation: "The computational procedure is based on solving Bernoulli's equation for the total energy at each section and Manning's formula for friction loss between the sections in a reach. The open channel flow procedure utilizes the standard step method. Confluences and bridge piers are analyzed using pressure and momentum theory. G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc The program uses basic mathematical and hydraulic principles to calculate all such data as cross sectional area, wetted perimeter, normal depth, critical depth, pressure and momentum." Methodology for Curb Inlets Hydraulic calculations for curb inlets follow the procedure shown in City of Carlsbad Drainage and Storm Drain Standards. For curb inlets on continuous grade, Q = 0.7 L (a + y)3/2 and, y = depth of flow in approach gutter in feet a = depth of depression at inlet L = length of clear opening Q = flow in cfs For curb inlets in a sump condition, designate 2 cfs per lineal foot of opening. Storm Drain BCC: The hydraulic analysis for Storm Drain BCC is included in Appendix 2. Exhibit P is the hydraulic map showing the nodes referenced in the analysis. Exhibit M is the plan and profile for the storm drain. A hydraulic analysis of the existing 42" storm drain downstream of BCC was performed first to determine the hydraulic grade line at the existing inlet on the south side of Chestnut Avenue. This calculation is also in Appendix 2. Existing 36" Storm Drain in James Drive: The James Drive underground extended storm drain was constructed per City of Carlsbad Drawing 273-7 in 1987. Construction included a 36" RCP traversing northerly from Chestnut Avenue to James Drive. Two curb inlets at James Drive, an 'F' catch basin, and two curb inlets at Chestnut Avenue intercept flow that drain to this 36" pipe. There is also an existing curb inlet at the northerly intersection of Basswood and James Drive. Reference 1 shows that 17.39 acres drains to this 36" pipe. However, Exhibit J shows that 26.8 acres will drain to this storm drain. The difference of 9.4 acres stems from the northwesterly portion of the high school. This area drains to Basswood in the existing condition and was not accounted for in Reference 1. The area north of Basswood between Highland and Valley Street also was not accounted for. An analysis of this existing system was performed to verify that with construction of Storm Drain BCC the system remains adequate. Exhibit P is the hydraulic map showing the system. Appendix 3 contains the hydraulic analysis of the system. A review of the hydraulic grade line of the existing system shows that it is adequate. G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc APPENDIX 1 100 yr. Hydrologic Calculations (See Exhibit T) G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Calculated Run-off Coefficients Basin SI S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 Sll S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 Total Area (AC) 2.59 5.89 3.45 3.55 1.80 0.95 21.58 1.74 2.61 2.41 5.87 3.21 12.77 14.00 4.38 3.71 90.51 Acres Dwelling Units 6 11 11 16 Dwelling Units/ Acre 2.32 1.87 3.19 4.51 Use Neighborhood Commercial For Community Center Use 0.87, Mostly Impervious, Chestnut Avenue See Reference 3 4 6 7 21 See Page 2.30 2.30 2.90 3.58 0 for Calculations See Page 10 for Calculations 43 18 12 3.78 4.10 3.23 C Coefficient from Table 3-1 (Exhibit <D') 0.38 0.34 0.41 0.48 0.76 0.87 0.85 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.41 0.51 0.37 0.41 0.41 0.41 All C coefficients used in the hydrologic calculations in Appendix 1 are shown in the above table, unless otherwise noted in the text below. Basin S3 Node #103 to #104 Area=0.60AC 0.32 AC (Impervious) 0.28(C=0.41) [(0.41*0.28)+(0.90*0.32)]/(0.60) = 0.67 Basin S10 Node #111 to #112 Area= 0.17 AC 0.16 AC (Impervious) 0.01 AC( C=0.38) [(0.38*0.01)+(0.90*0.16)/(0.17)]=0.87 Basin Sll Node #112 to #113 Area= 0.29 AC 0.27 AC (Impervious) 0.02 AC( C=0.41) [(0.41 *0.02)+(0.90*0.27)/(0.29)]= 0.87 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Basin S12 3.21 AC sub-basin is mixed, residential with a church and parking lot 2.41 AC (Residential w/ 7 dwelling units)= 2.9 DU/AC Use 0.38 for C coefficient 0.80 AC (Impervious) [(0.38*2.41)+(0.90*0.80)/(3.21)]=0.51 Portion of S12 from Node #113 to #114 Area= 0.65 AC 0.37 AC (Impervious) 0.28 AC( C=0.51) [(0.51*0.28)+(0.90*0.37)/(0.65)]= 0.74 Basin S13 (Portion of School Site) Area= 12.77 3.10 AC (Impervious) 9.67 AC( C=0.20) [(0.20*9.67)+(0.90*3.1)/( 12.77)]= 0.37 10 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software,(c)1991-2006 Version 7.7 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 2003 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 02/09/09 100 Year Hydrology for Existing Conditions up to CUSD Storm Drain Chesnut Avenue Storm Drain Basin BC Revised By NF 2/09/09 JN 081248 ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** Program License Serial Number 6218 Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 English (in-lb) input data Units used Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipitation(inches) = 2.600 24 hour precipitation(inches) = 4.700 P6/P24 = 55.3% San Diego hydrology manual 'C' values used Process from Point/Station 100.000 to Point/Station 100.100 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (2.9 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.250 Sub-Area C Value = 0.380 Initial subarea total flow distance = 90.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 354.100(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 350.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 4.100(Ft.) Slope = 4.556 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 4.352 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 4.35 %, in a development type of 2.9 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 7.94 minutes TC = [1.8*(l.l-C)*distance(Ft.)".5)/(% slopeA(l/3)] 11 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3800)*( 100.000".5)/( 4 . 352A (1/3)] = 7.94 Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.084(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.380 Subarea runoff = 0.483(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.250(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 100.200 to Point/Station 101.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 338.500(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 327.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 370.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 2.482(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.214(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.932(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 5.933(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.93{Ft/s) Travel time = 2.10 min. TC = 10.04 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.369(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (2.9 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.250 Sub-Area C Value = 0.380 Rainfall intensity = 4.369(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.380 CA = 0.984 Subarea runoff = 3.817(CFS) for 2.340(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.300(CFS) Total area = 2.590(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 4.300(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 2.150(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.247(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.313(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 7.601(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 101.000 to Point/Station 102.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** 12 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Upstream point/station elevation = 324.000 (Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 314,700(Ft.) Pipe length = 152.00(Ft.) Slope = 0.0612 Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 4.300(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 12.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 4.300(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 5.92(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 12.00(In.) Critical Depth = 10.46(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 11.15(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.23 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 10.27 min. Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 103.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 314.700(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 288.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 370.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500 (Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = S.OOO(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.277(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.570(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 9.090(Ft.) Flow velocity = 5.57(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.11 min. TC = 11.38 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.031(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (2.0 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.200 Sub-Area C Value = 0.340 Rainfall intensity = 4.031(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.367 CA = 1.392 Subarea runoff = 1.312(CFS) for 1.200(Ac.) "*•"•'' Total runoff = 5.612(CFS) Total area = 3.790 (Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 5.612(CFS) 13 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Half street flow at end of street = 5.612(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.286(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.724(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 9.535(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 103.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 3.790(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.612(CFS) Time of concentration = 11.38 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.031(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 103.100 to Point/Station 103.200 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (2.0 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.200 Sub-Area C Value = 0.340 Initial subarea total flow distance = 220.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 304. 600(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 296.200(Ft.) Elevation difference = 8.400(Ft.) Slope = 3.818 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 4.815 % Bottom of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 4.815 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 4.82 %, in a development type of 2.0 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 8.10 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)*.5)/(% slope*(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3400)*( 100.000*.5)/( 4.815* (1/3)] = 8.10 The initial area total distance of 220.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 120.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 1.00 minutes for a distance of 120.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 4.82 % with an elevation difference of 5.78(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)*3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]*.385 *60(min/hr) 1.002 Minutes Tt=[(ll.9*0.0227*3)/( 5.78)]A.385= 1.00 Total initial area Ti = 8.10 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 1.00 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 9.10 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.654(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.340 Subarea runoff = 0.538(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.340(Ac.) 14 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc '»»*,-' Process from Point/Station 103.200 to Point/Station 103.300 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 296.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 293.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 360.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 1.809(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.232(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.678(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 6.840(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.68(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.58 min. TC = 12.68 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.759(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (2.0 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.200 Sub-Area C Value = 0.340 Rainfall intensity = 3.759(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KClA) is C = 0.340 CA = 0.772 Subarea runoff = 2.363(CFS) for 1.930(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.901(CFS) Total area = 2.270(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 2.901(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 1.45KCFS) Depth of flow = 0.263(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.870(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 8.394(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 103.200 to Point/Station 103.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 293.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 288.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 310.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) 15 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 4.245(CFS) 2.568{Ft/s) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.269(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel Halfstreet flow width = 8. 691(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.57(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.01 min. TC = 14.69 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (2.0 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.200 Sub-Area C Value = 0.340 Rainfall intensity = 3.418(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.340 CA = 1.595 Subarea runoff = 2.550(CFS) for 2.420(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.451(CFS) Total area = 4.690(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 5.451(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 2.725(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.288(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.724(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 9.641(Ft.) 3.418{In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Process from Point/Station 103.200 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 103.000 Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 4.690(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.451(CFS) Time of concentration = 14.69 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.418(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 5.612 2 5.451 Qmax(1) = 1.000 * 11.38 14.69 1.000 * 4.031 3.418 5.612) + G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 16 ****"' Qmax (2) = 1.000 * 0.774 * 5.451) + = 9.833 0.848 * 1.000 * 5.612) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 5.451) + = 10.210 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 5.612 5.451 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 9.833 10.210 Area of streams before confluence: 3.790 4.690 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 10.210(CFS) Time of concentration = 14.691 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 8.480(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 288.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 245.200(Ft.) Length of street segment = 470.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 10.600(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.330(Ft.), Average velocity = 7.283(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 11.765(Ft.) Flow velocity = 7.28(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.08 min. TC = 15.77 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.266(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (24.0 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.650 Sub-Area C Value = 0.660 Rainfall intensity = 3.266(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.373 CA = 3.383 17 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Subarea runoff = 0.838(CFS) for 0.600(Ac.) Total runoff = 11.048(CFS) ' Total area = 9.080(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 11.048(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 11.048(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.334(Ft.), Average velocity = 7.357(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 11.960(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 9.080(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 11.048(CFS) Time of concentration = 15.77 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.266(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 104.100 to Point/Station 104.200 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Initial subarea total flow distance = 430.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 293.600(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 255.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 38.600(Ft.) Slope = 8.977 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 15.000 % Bottom of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 15.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 15.00 %, in a development type of 4.3 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 5.04 minutes TC = [1.8*(l.l-C)*distance(Ft.)*.5)/(% slope*(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.4100) *( 100.000*.5)/( 15 . 000* (1/3)]= 5.04 The initial area total distance of 430.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 330.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 1.41 minutes for a distance of 330.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 15.00 % with an elevation difference of 49.50(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)*3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]*.385 *60(min/hr) 1.409 Minutes Tt=[(11.9*0.0625*3)/( 49.50)]*.385= 1.41 Total initial area Ti = 5.04 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 1.41 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 6.45 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.815(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 18 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Subarea runoff = 2.074(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.870(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 104.200 to Point/Station **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** 104.000 4.19KCFS) 3.660(Ft/s) Top of street segment elevation = 255.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 245.200(Ft.) Length of street segment = 240.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 17.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 15.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 13.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.237(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 7.080(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.66(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.09 min. TC = 7.54 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 5.257(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 CA = 1.168 Subarea runoff = 4.068(CFS) for 1.980(Ac.) Total runoff = 6.142(CFS) Total area = 2.850(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 6.142(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 3.071(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.262(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.996(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 8.351(Ft.) 5.257(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Process from Point/Station 104.200 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 104.000 Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 2.850(Ac.) 19 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Runoff from this stream = 6.142(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.54 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.257(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 11.048 15.77 3.266 2 6.142 7.54 5.257 Qmax(1) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 11.048) + 0.621 * 1.000 * 6.142) + = 14.864 Qmax(2) = 1.000 * 0.478 * 11.048) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 6.142) + = 11.425 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 11.048 6.142 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 14.864 11.425 Area of streams before confluence: 9.080 2.850 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 14.864(CFS) Time of concentration = 15.766 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 11.930(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 105.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 245.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 228.500(Ft.) Length of street segment = 263.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 15.053(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.385(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.921(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 14.504(Ft.) Flow velocity = 6.92(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.63 min. TC = 16.40 min. 20 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.184(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (7.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.400 Sub-Area C Value = 0.480 Rainfall intensity = 3.184(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.385 CA = 4.767 Subarea runoff = 0.315(CFS) for 0.450(Ac.) Total runoff = 15.179(CFS) Total area = 12.380(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 15.179(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 15.179(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.386(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.936(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 14.551(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 105.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 12.380(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 15.179(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.40 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.184(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 105.100 to Point/Station 105.200 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (7.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.400 Sub-Area C Value = 0.480 Initial subarea total flow distance = 125.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 255.400(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 254.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 1.400(Ft.) Slope = 1.120 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 5.600 % Bottom of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 5.600 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 5.60 %, in a development type of 7.3 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 6.28 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopex(l/3)] 21 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.4800)*( 100.000*.5)/( 5.600^(1/3)]= 6.28 The initial area total distance of 125.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 25.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 0.28 minutes for a distance of 25.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 5.60 % with an elevation difference of 1.40(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)A3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]A.385 *60(min/hr) 0.282 Minutes Tt=[(ll.9*0.0047^3)/( 1.40)]A.385= 0.28 Total initial area Ti = 6.28 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 0.28 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 6.57 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.746(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.480 Subarea runoff = 0.910(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.330(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 105.200 to Point/Station 105.300 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 254.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 235.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 285.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 2.114(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.186(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.784{Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 4.561(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.78(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.26 min. TC = 7.82 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.133(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (7.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.400 Sub-Area C Value = 0.480 Rainfall intensity = 5.133(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.480 CA = 0.610 Subarea runoff = 2.219(CFS) for 0.940(Ac.) 22 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Total runoff = 3.129(CFS) Total area = 1.270(Ac. Street flow at end of street = ' 3.129(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 1.564(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.207(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.090(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 5.579(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 105.200 to Point/Station 105.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 233.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 228.500(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 320.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 3.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 0.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 0.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 5.120(CFS) Manning's 'N' =0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 5.120(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.341 (Ft.), Average velocity = 5.003(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 3.000(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 5.00(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.07 min. Time of concentration = 8.89 min. Critical depth = 0.449(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.727(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (7.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.400 Sub-Area C Value = 0.480 Rainfall intensity = 4.727(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.480 CA = 1.488 Subarea runoff = 3.904(CFS) for 1.830(Ac.) Total runoff = 7.033(CFS) Total area = 3.100(Ac.) Depth of flow = 0.420(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.586(Ft/s) Critical depth = 0.555(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 105.200 to Point/Station 105.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 3.100(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 7.033(CFS) Time of concentration = 8.89 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.727(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: 23 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) ' (In/Hr) 1 15.179 16.40 3.184 2 7.033 8.89 4.727 Qmax(1) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 15.179) + 0.674 * 1.000 * 7.033) + = 19.917 Qmax(2) = 1.000 * 0.542 * 15.179) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 7.033) + = 15.260 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 15.179 7.033 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 19.917 15.260 Area of streams before confluence: 12.380 3.100 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 19.917(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.399 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 15.480(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 105.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 228.500(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 214.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 280.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 20.117(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.433(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.882(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 16.887(Ft.) Flow velocity = 6.88(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.68 min. TC = 17.08 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.102(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 *""*' Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 24 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [COMMERCIAL area type ' ] (Neighborhod Commercial ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.800 Sub-Area C Value = 0.760 Rainfall intensity = 3.102(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.412 CA = 6.529 Subarea runoff = 0.335(CFS) for 0.360(Ac.) Total runoff = 20.252(CFS) Total area = 15.840(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 20.252(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 20.252(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.434(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.894(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 16.931(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 105.000 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 106.000 Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 15.840(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 20.252(CFS) Time of concentration = 17.08 min. Rainfall intensity =3.102(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 106.100 to Point/Station **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** 106 .200 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [COMMERCIAL area type ] (Neighborhod Commercial ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.800 Sub-Area C Value = 0.760 Initial subarea total flow distance = 255.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 228.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 218.300(Ft.) Elevation difference = 9.700(Ft.) Slope = 3.804 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 2.000 % Bottom of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 3.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 75.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.00 %, in a development type of Neighborhod Commercial In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 4.21 minutes TC = [1.8M1.1-C) *distance(Ft.)*.5)/(% slope*(1/3)] TC = [1. 8*(1.1-0. 7600)*( 75.000*.5)/( 2.000*(1/3)]= 4.21 The initial area total distance of 255.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 180.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 1.64 minutes for a distance of 180.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 3.00 % 25 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc with an elevation difference of 5.40(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)*3)/(elevation change(Ft.})]*.385 *60(min/hr) = 1.642 Minutes Tt= [(11.9*0. 0341*3)/( 5.40)]*.385= 1.64 Total initial area Ti = 4.21 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 1.64 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 5.85 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.191(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.760 Subarea runoff = 2.259(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.480(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 106.200 to Point/Station 106.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 218.300(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 214.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 230.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 4.132(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.262(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.700(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 8.330(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.70(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.42 min. TC = 7.27 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.382(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [COMMERCIAL area type ] (Neighborhod Commercial ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.800 Sub-Area C Value = 0.760 Rainfall intensity = 5.382(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.760 CA = 1.094 Subarea runoff = 3.631(CFS) for 0.960(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.890(CFS) Total area = 1.440(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 5.890(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 2.945(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.288(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.935(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 9.655(Ft.) 26 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Process from Point/Station 106.200 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 106.000 Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.440(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.890(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.27 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.382(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 2 20.252 5.890 Qmax(1) = Qmax(2) = 1.000 * 0.576 * 1.000 * 1.000 * 17.08 7.27 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.426 * 1.000 * 3.102 5.382 20.252) + 5.890) + 20.252) + 5.890) + 23.647 14.510 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 20.252 5.890 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 23.647 14.510 Area of streams before confluence: 15.840 1.440 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 23.647(CFS) Time of concentration = 17.077 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 17.280(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** 107.000 Top of street segment elevation = 214.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 181.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 1070.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500 (Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 27 23 .647(CFS) 5.839(Ft/s) 100.0 year storm Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.494(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 19.946(Ft.) Flow velocity = 5.84(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.05 min. TC = 20.13 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.790(In/Hr) for a User specified 'C' value of 0.464 given for subarea The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 21.266(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 23.647(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 2.790(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.441 CA = 7.623 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.000(Ac.) Total runoff = 23.647(CFS) Total area = 17.280(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 23.647(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 23.647(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.494(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.839(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 19.946(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 107.000 Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 17.280(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 23.647(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.13 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.790(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station **** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT **** 107.000 User specified 'C' value of 0.464 given for subarea Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.790(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified values are as follows: TC = 20.13 min. Rain intensity = 2.79(In/Hr) Total area = 0.950(Ac.) Total runoff = 1.220(CFS) Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 107.000 Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.950(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 1.220(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.13 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.790(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: 28 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 1 2 Qmax ( 1 ) 23 1 = 1 1 .647 .220 .000 * .000 * 20 20 1, 1 , .13 .13 . 000 * .000 * 23 1, .647) .220) Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 2.790 2.790 24.867 Qmax(2) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 23.647) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.220) + = 24.865 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 23.647 1.220 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 24.867 24.865 Area of streams before confluence: 17.280 0.950 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 24. 867(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.132 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 18.230(Ac.) BYPASS The flowrate capacity for a 30' Curb Inlet is 15.6 cfs (See Appendix 4), 9.3 cfs will bypass the inlet to enter the curb inlet downstream at Node # 119.3. Assume that 62.6% of the drainage area (15.6/24.9) or 11.4 acres is attributed to 15.6 cfs. Process from Point/Station 107.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 173.500(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 173.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 5.30(Ft.) Slope = 0.0943 Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 15.6 (CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 15.6(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 11.86(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 17.07(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 20.15(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.00 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 20.14 min. Process from Point/Station 107.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 11.4 (Ac.) 29 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Runoff from this stream = 15.6(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.14 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.789(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 Process from Point/Station 109.000 to Point/Station **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** 109.100 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (2.9 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.250 Sub-Area C Value = 0.380 Initial subarea total flow distance = 180.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 318.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 314.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 4.000(Ft.) Slope = 2.222 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 3.159 % Bottom of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 3.159 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 95.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 3.16 %, in a development type of 2.9 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 8.61 minutes TC = [1.8*(l.l-C)*distance(Ft.)".5)/(% slope*(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3800)*( 95.000A.5)/( 3.159A (1/3)]= 8.61 The initial area total distance of 180.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 85.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 0.90 minutes for a distance of 85.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 3.16 % with an elevation difference of 2.69(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)A3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]A.385 *60(min/hr) = 0.903 Minutes Tt=[(11.9*0.0161*3)/( 2.69)]".385= 0.90 Total initial area Ti = 8.61 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 0.90 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 9.51 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.524(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.380 Subarea runoff = 0.636(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.370(Ac.) Process from Point/Station **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + 109.100 to Point/Station SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** 110 . 000 Top of street segment elevation = 314.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 310.300(Ft.) Length of street segment = 195.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000 (Ft.) 30 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 1.749(CFS) 2.241(Ft/s) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.208(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 5.647(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.24(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.45 min. TC = 10.96 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (2.9 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.250 Sub-Area C Value = 0.380 Rainfall intensity = 4.129(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.380 CA = 0.661 Subarea runoff = 2.094(CFS) for 1.370(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.730(CFS) Total area = 1.740(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 2.730(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 1.365(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.234(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.470(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 6.939(Ft.) 4.129(ln/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** 111.000 Top of street segment elevation = 310.300(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 264.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 550.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 31 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 3.500(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.247(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.407(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 7.590(Ft.) Flow velocity = 5.41(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.70 min. TC = 12.66 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.763(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (2.9 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.250 Sub-Area C Value = 0.380 Rainfall intensity = 3.763(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.380 CA = 1.121 Subarea runoff = 1.488(CFS) for 1.210(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.218(CFS) Total area = 2.950(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 4.218(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 4.218(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.259(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.645(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 8.222(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 111.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 2.950(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 4.218(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.66 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.763(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 111.100 to Point/Station 111.200 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (2.9 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.250 Sub-Area C Value = 0.380 Initial subarea total flow distance = 340.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 314.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 270.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 44.000(Ft.) Slope = 12.941 % "**""'*"" Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 2.000 % Bottom of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 14.118 % 32 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.00 %, in a development type of 2.9 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 9.48 minutes TC = [1.8*(l.l-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/{% slopeA(l/3)] TC = [1.8* (1.1-0.3800)*( 85.000A.5)/( 2.000A(1/3)]= 9.48 The initial area total distance of 340.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 255.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 1.18 minutes for a distance of 255.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 14.12 % with an elevation difference of 36.00(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)A3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]A.385 *60(min/hr) 1.183 Minutes Tt=[(11.9*0.0483A3)/( 36 . 00)]A . 385 = 1.18 Total initial area Ti = 9.48 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 1.18 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 10.67 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.202(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.380 Subarea runoff = 1.325(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.830(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 111.200 to Point/Station 111.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 270.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 264.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 180.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 17.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 15.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 13.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 1.780(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.197(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.679(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 5.110(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.68(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.12 min. TC = 11.79 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.940(Iii/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] 33 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc (2.9 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.250 Sub-Area C Value = 0.380 Rainfall intensity = 3.940(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.380 CA = 0.532 Subarea runoff = 0.771(CFS) for 0.570(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.096(CFS) Total area = 1.400(Ac. Street flow at end of street = 2.096(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 1.048(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.206(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.770(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 5.542(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 111.200 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 111.000 Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.400(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.096(CFS) Time of concentration = 11.79 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.940(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 2 Qmax(1) = Qmax(2) = 4.218 2.096 1.000 0.955 1.000 1.000 12.66 11.79 3.763 3.940 * * * * 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.931 * 1.000 * 4.218) + 2.096) + 4.218) + 2.096) + 6.220 6.024 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 4.218 2.096 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 6.220 6.024 Area of streams before confluence: 2.950 1.400 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 6.220(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.658 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 4.350(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 111.000 to Point/Station 112.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = End of street segment elevation = 264.700(Ft.) 242 .400(Ft.) 34 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Length of street segment = 260.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0 (In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 6.342(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.289(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.294(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 9.676(Ft.) Flow velocity = 6.29(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.69 min. TC = 13.35 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.637(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type ] (General Industrial ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Rainfall intensity = 3.637(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.398 CA = 1.801 Subarea runoff = 0.329(CFS) for 0.170(Ac.) Total runoff = 6.549(CFS) Total area = 4.520(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 6.549(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 6.549(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.291(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.342(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 9.805(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 111.000 to Point/Station 112.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 4.520(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 6.549(CFS) Time of concentration = 13.35 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.637(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 112.100 to Point/Station 112.200 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 35 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (2.9 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.250 Sub-Area C Value = 0.380 Initial subarea total flow distance = 310.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 248.500(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 244.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 4.500(Ft.) Slope = 1.452 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.45 %, in a development type of 2.9 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 9.58 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slope*(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3800)*( 70.000A.5)/( 1.452^(1/3)]= 9.58 The initial area total distance of 310.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 240.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 2.71 minutes for a distance of 240.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 1.45 % with an elevation difference of 3.48(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)A3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]A.385 *60(min/hr) 2.710 Minutes Tt=[(11.9*0.0455A3)/( 3.48)]A.385= 2.71 Total initial area Ti = 9.58 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 2.71 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 12.29 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.836(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.380 Subarea runoff = 0.816(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.560(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 112.200 to Point/Station 112.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 244.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 242.400(Ft.) Length of street segment = 195.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 1.967(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.239(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.658(Ft/s) 36 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 100.0 year storm Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 7.225(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.66(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.96 min. TC = 14.25 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) =• 3.487(Ih/Hr) for a Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (2.9 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.250 Sub-Area C Value = 0.380 Rainfall intensity = 3.487(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.380 CA = 0.851 Subarea runoff = 2.152(CFS) for 1.680(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.968(CFS) Total area = 2.240(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 2.968(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 1.484(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.267(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.823(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 8. 619(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 112.200 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 112.000 Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 2.240(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.968(CFS) Time of concentration = 14.25 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.487(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 2 Qmax ( 1 ) 6.549 2.968 = 1.000 * 1.000 * 13.35 14.25 1.000 * 0.937 * 3 3 6.549) + 2.968) + Qmax(2) = 0.959 * 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.000 * 3 .637 3.487 6.549) + 2.968) + 9.329 9.247 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 6.549 2.968 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 9.329 9.247 Area of streams before confluence: 4.520 2.240 Results of confluence: 37 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Total flow rate = 9.329(CFS) Time of concentration = 13.346 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 6.760(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 112.000 to Point/Station 113.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 242.400(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 215.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 475.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 9.605(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.344(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.924(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 12.451(Ft.) Flow velocity = 5.92(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.34 min. TC = 14.68 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.419(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type ] (General Industrial ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Rainfall intensity = 3.419(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.412 CA = 2.904 Subarea runoff = 0.602(CFS) for 0.290(Ac.) Total runoff = 9.931(CFS) Total area = 7.050(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 9.93KCFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.93KCFS) Depth of flow = 0.347(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.972(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 12. 617(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 112.000 to Point/Station 113.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 38 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Stream flow area = 7.050(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 9.93KCFS) Time of concentration = 14.68 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.419(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 113.100 to Point/Station 113.200 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Initial subarea total flow distance = 295.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 244.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 224.800(Ft.) Elevation difference = 19.200(Ft.) Slope = 6.508 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 6.51 %, in a development type of 4.3 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 6.65 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)x.5)/(% slope* (1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.4100)*( 100.000A.5)/ ( 6.508A(1/3)]= 6.65 The initial area total distance of 295.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 195.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 1.30 minutes for a distance of 195.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 6.51 % with an elevation difference of 12.69(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)A3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]A.385 *60(min/hr) = 1.296 Minutes Tt=[ (11.9*0.0369*3)/( 12.69)]*.385= 1.30 Total initial area Ti = 6.65 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 1.30 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 7.95 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.080(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 Subarea runoff = 1.770(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.850(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 113.200 to Point/Station 113.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 224.800(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 215.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 700.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 39 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 5.249(CFS) 2.486(Ft/s) Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.293 (Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 9.921(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.49(Ft/s) Travel time = 4.69 min. TC = 12.64 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 3.766(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 CA = 2.288 Subarea runoff = 6.846(CFS) for 4.730(Ac.) Total runoff = 8.616(CFS) Total area = 5.580(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 8.616(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 4.308(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.337(Ft.), Average velocity = 2. 801(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 12.Ill(Ft.) 3.766(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Process from Point/Station 113.200 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 113 .000 Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 5.580(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 8.616(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.64 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.766(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 2 Qmax ( 1 ) 9.931 8.616 = 1.000 * 0.908 * 14.68 12.64 1.000 * 1.000 * Qmax(2) = 3.419 3.766 9.931) + 8.616) + =17.754 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 40 1.000 * 0.861 * 9.931) + "**"*" 1.000 * 1.000 * '8.616) + = 17.167 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 9.931 8.616 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 17.754 17.167 Area of streams before confluence: 7.050 5.580 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 17.754(CFS) Time of concentration = 14.683 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 12.630(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 113.000 to Point/Station 114.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 215.700(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 197.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 530.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 "****' Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 18.018(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.446(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.702(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 17.575(Ft.) Flow velocity = 5.70(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.55 min. TC = 16.23 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.205(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (43.0 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.800 Sub-Area C Value = 0.760 Rainfall intensity = 3.205(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.428 CA = 5.686 "*"** Subarea runoff = 0.471(CFS) for 0.650 (Ac.) Total runoff = 18.226(CFS) Total area = 13.280(Ac.) . 41 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Street flow at end of street = 18.226(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 18.226(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.448(Ft.), Average velocity = 5,718(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 17.653(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 113.000 to Point/Station 114.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 13.280(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 18.226(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.23 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.205(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 114,100 to Point/Station 114.200 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (10.9 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.450 Sub-Area C Value = 0.520 Initial subarea total flow distance = 150.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 204.300(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 199.800(Ft.) Elevation difference = 4.500(Ft.) Slope = 3.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 90.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 3.00 %, in a development type of 10.9 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 6.87 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)*.5)/(% slope*(1/3)] TC = [1.8* (1.1-0.5200)*( 90.000*.5)/( 3.000* (1/3)] = 6.87 The initial area total distance of 150.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 60.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 0.70 minutes for a distance of 60.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 3.00 % with an elevation difference of 1.80(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)*3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]A.385 *60(min/hr) = 0.705 Minutes Tt=[ (11.9*0.0114*3)/( 1.80)]*.385= 0.70 Total initial area Ti = 6.87 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 0.70 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 7.57 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.241(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.520 Subarea runoff = 0.627(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.230(Ac.) 42 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Process from Point/Station 114.200 to Point/Station **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** 114.000 2.079(CFS) 1.662(Ft/s) Top of street segment elevation = 199.800(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 197.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 250.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500 (Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.244(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 7.443(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.66(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.51 min. TC = 10.08 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (10.9 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.450 Sub-Area C Value = 0.520 Rainfall intensity = 4.359(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.520 CA = 0.770 Subarea runoff = 2.728(CFS) for 1.250(Ac.) Total runoff = 3.354(CFS) Total area = 1.480(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 3.354(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 1.677(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.277(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.858(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 9.119(Ft.) 4.359(In/Hr) for a = 1.000 = 0 .000 = 0.000 100.0 year storm Process from Point/Station 114.200 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 114.000 Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.480(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 3.354(CFS) 10.08 min. 4.359(In/Hr) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 43 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 18.226 3.354 Qmax(1) = 1.000 * 0.735 * Qmax(2) = 1.000 * 1 . 000 * 16.23 10.08 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.621 * 1 .000 * 3 .205 4.359 18.226) + 3.354) + 18.226) 3.354) 20.692 14.671 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 18.226 3.354 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 20.692 14.671 Area of streams before confluence: 13.280 1.480 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 20.692(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.232 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 14.760(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 114.000 to Point/Station **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** 115.000 Top of street segment elevation = 197.800(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 182.300(Ft.) Length of street segment = 555.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.481(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel Halfstreet flow width = 19.311(Ft.) Flow velocity = 5.51(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.68 min. TC = 17.91 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.008(In/Hr) for a Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 20.936(CFS) 5.509(Ft/s) 100.0 year storm G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 44 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (10.9 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.450 Sub-Area C Value = 0.520 Rainfall intensity = 3.008(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.443 CA = 7.017 Subarea runoff = 0.416(CFS) for 1.080(Ac.) Total runoff = 21.109(CFS) Total area = 15.840(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 21.109(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 21.109(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.482(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.520(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 19.372(Ft.) BYPASS The flowrate capacity for this 30' curb inlet is 15.7 cfs, 5.4 cfs will by-pass this inlet and enter the downstream curb inlet at Node #121.0. Assume that 74% of the drainage area (15.7/21.1) or 11.7 acres is attributed to 15.7 cfs. Process from Point/Station 115.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 175.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 173.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 43.30(Ft.) Slope = 0.0462 Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 15.7(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 15.7(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 13.80(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 15.22(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 14.52(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.05 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 17.96 min. Process from Point/Station 115.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 11.7(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 15.7(CFS) Time of concentration = 17.96 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.003(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 45 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 1 15.6 20.14 2.789 2 15.7 17.96 ' 3.003 Qmax(1) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 15.6) + 0.929 * 1.000 * 15.7) + = 30.185 Qmax(2) = 1.000 * 0.892 * 15.6) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 15.7) + = 29.615 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 15.6 15.7 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 30.185 29.615 Area of streams before confluence: 11.4 11.7 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 30.185(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.136 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 23.1(Ac.) NOTE: AREA ABOVE EXCLUDES AREA ATTRIBUTABLE TO BYPASS AT TWO INLETS. 46 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software,(c)1991-2006 Version 7.7 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 2003 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 02/09/09 100 Year Hydrology 36" Proposed SD w/ School Flowrate Revised By NF 2/9/09 G:\accts\081248\cusd.out JN 081248 ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** Program License Serial Number 6218 Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 English (in-lb) input data Units used Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipitation(inches) = 2.600 24 hour precipitation(inches) = 4.700 P6/P24 = 55.3% San Diego hydrology manual 'C' values used Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT **** User specified 'C' value of 0.460 given for subarea Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.789(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified values are as follows: TC = 20.14 min. Rain intensity = 2.79(In/Hr) Total area = 23.700(Ac.) Total runoff = 30.185(CFS) Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 115.100 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 173.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 171.200 (Ft.) Pipe length = 62.90(Ft.) Slope = 0.0286 Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 30.185(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 30.185(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 16.08(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 22.57(In.) 47 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Critical Depth = 22.37(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 13.50(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.08 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 20.22 min. Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** 115.100 The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 23.700(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 30.185(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.22 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.782(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 Process from Point/Station 115.100 to Point/Station **** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT **** 115 . 100 User specified 'C' value of 0.850 given for subarea Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.084(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified values are as follows: TC = 11.15 min. Rain intensity = 4.08(In/Hr) Total area = 21.580(Ac.) Total runoff = 70.800(CFS) Process from Point/Station 115.100 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** 115.100 The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 21.580(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 70.800(CFS) Time of concentration = 11.15 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.084(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 30.185 2 70.800 Qmax(1) = 1.000 * 0.681 * Qmax(2) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 20 .22 11.15 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.551 * 1.000 * 2.782 4.084 30.185) + 70.800) + = 30.185) + 70.800) + = 78.416 87.447 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 48 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 30.185 70.800 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 78.416 87.447 Area of streams before confluence: 23.700 21.580 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 87.447(CFS) Time of concentration = 11.150 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 45.280(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 115.100 to Point/Station 116.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 166.470(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 148.500(Ft.) Pipe length = 796.66(Ft.) Slope = 0.0226 Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 87.447(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 36.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 87.447(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 26.04(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 32.21(In.) Critical Depth = 33.95(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 15.97(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.83 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 11.98 min. Process from Point/Station 116.000 to Point/Station 121.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 148.400(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 148.190(Ft.) Pipe length = 40.41(Ft.) Slope = 0.0052 Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 87.447(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 48.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 87.447(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 33.84(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 43.78(In.) Critical Depth = 34.01(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 9.24(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.07 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 12.05 min. End of computations, total study area = 45.280 (Ac.) 49 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software,(c)1991-2006 Version 7.7 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 2003 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 02/09/09 100 Year Hydrology for Offsite Storm Water at James Drive Chesnut Avenue Storm Drain Basin BC Revised By NF 2/4/09 G:\accts\081248\chos.out JN 081248 ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** Program License Serial Number 6218 Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 English (in-lb) input data Units used Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipitation(inches) = 2.600 24 hour precipitation(inches) = 4.700 P6/P24 = 55.3% San Diego hydrology manual 'C1 values used Process from Point/Station 117.100 to Point/Station 117.200 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Initial subarea total flow distance = 390.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 196.300(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 184.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 12.300(Ft.) Slope = 3.154 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 1.000 % Bottom of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 2.214 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.00 %, in a development type of 4.3 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 50 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Initial Area Time of Concentration = 10.39 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(l/3}] TC = [1.8* (1.1-0.4100)*( 70.000x.5)/( 1.000^(1/3)]= 10.39 The initial area total distance of 390.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 320.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 2.88 minutes for a distance of 320.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 2.21 % with an elevation difference of 7.08(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)A3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]A.385 *60(min/hr) = 2 . 875 Minutes Tt=[(11.9*0.0606"3)/( 7.08)]".385= 2.88 Total initial area Ti = 10.39 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 2.88 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 13.27 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.651(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 Subarea runoff = 0.599(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.400(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 117.200 to Point/Station 117.300 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 184.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 168.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 610.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 5.057(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.264(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.223(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 8.446(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.22(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.15 min. TC = 16.42 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.181(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified 'C' value of 0.360 given for subarea Rainfall intensity = 3.181(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.362 CA = 2.932 Subarea runoff = 8.730(CFS) for 7.690(Ac.) Total runoff = 9.329(CFS) Total area = 8.090(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 9.329(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 4.664(CFS) '***' Depth of flow = 0.312 (Ft.), Average velocity = 3.726(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 10.865(Ft.) 51 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Process from Point/Station 117.200 to Point/Station 117.300 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 8.090(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 9.329(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.42 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.181(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 117.400 to Point/Station 117.500 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (7.3 DU/A or Less } Impervious value, Ai = 0.400 Sub-Area C Value = 0.480 Initial subarea total flow distance = 590.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 200.300(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 189. 300(Ft.) Elevation difference = 11.000(Ft.) Slope = 1.864 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 1.000 % Bottom of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 1.638 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 65.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.00 %, in a development type of 7.3 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 9.00 minutes TC = [1.8M1.1-C) *distance(Ft.) A.5) /(% slopeA(l/3)] TC = [1.8* (1 .1-0 .4800)*( 65.000A.5)/( 1.000^(1/3)]= 9.00 The initial area total distance of 590.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 525.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 4.73 minutes for a distance of 525.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 1.64 % with an elevation difference of 8.60(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)*3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]A.385 *60(min/hr) 4.727 Minutes Tt=[(11.9*0.0994*3)/( 8.60)]*.385= 4.73 Total initial area Ti = 9.00 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 4.73 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 13.72 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.572(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.480 Subarea runoff = 1.886(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.100(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 117.500 to Point/Station 117.300 52 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 189.300(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 168.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 730.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft. Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 0.120(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.186(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel Halfstreet flow width = 10.296(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.64(Ft/s) 3.802(CFS) 3.638(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.34 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = User specified 'C' value of TC =17.07 min. 3.103(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm 0.360 given for subarea Rainfall intensity = 3.103(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.388 CA = 1.817 Subarea runoff = 3.752(CFS) for 3.580(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.637(CFS) Total area = 4.680(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 5.637(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 5.637(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.218(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.018(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 11.909(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 117.500 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 117.300 Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 4.680(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.637(CFS) Time of concentration = 17.07 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.103(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 9.329 2 5.637 Qmax(1) = 1.000 * 16.42 17.07 1.000 * 3 .181 3 .103 9.329) + G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 53 1.000 * 0.962 * 5.637) + = 14.752 Qmax(2) = 0.975 * 1.000 * 9.329) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 5.637) + = 14.736 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 9.329 5.637 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 14.752 14.736 Area of streams before confluence: 8.090 4.680 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 14.752(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.421 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 12.770(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 117.300 to Point/Station 118.100 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 168.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 160.200(Ft.) Length of street segment = 450.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 30.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 0.120(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 15.091(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.619(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.413(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 5.93(Ft.) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 10.925(Ft.) Flow velocity = 4.41(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.70 min. TC = 18.12 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.986(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 2.986(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm 54 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.375 CA = ' 5.147 Subarea runoff = 0.614(CFS) for 0.970(Ac.) Total runoff = 15.366(CFS) Total area = 13.740(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 15.366(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 15.366(CPS) Depth of flow = 0.622(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.420(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 6.09(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 11.091(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 118.100 to Point/Station 118.200 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 160.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 159.100(Ft.) Length of street segment = 225.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500 (In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 15.549(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.575(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.766(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 3.77(Ft.) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 18.000(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.77(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.36 min. TC = 19.48 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.850(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 2.850(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.377 CA = 5.491 Subarea runoff = 0.283(CFS) for 0.840(Ac.) Total runoff = 15.649(CFS) Total area = 14.580 (Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 15.649(CFS) 55 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Half street flow at end of street = 15.649(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.577(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.770(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 3.84 (Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 18.000(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 118.100 to Point/Station 118.200 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 14.580(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 15.649(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.48 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.850(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 118.250 to Point/Station 118.300 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Initial subarea total flow distance = 350.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 174.300(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 162.500(Ft.) Elevation difference = 11.800(Ft.) Slope = 3.371 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 95.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 3.37 %, in a development type of 4.3 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 8.07 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slope*(l/3)] TC = [1.8* (1.1-0.4100)*( 95.000A.5)/( 3 . 371A (1/3)]= 8.07 The initial area total distance of 350.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 255.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 2.05 minutes for a distance of 255.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 3.37 % with an elevation difference of 8.60(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)A3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]A.385 *60(min/hr) 2.053 Minutes Tt=[(ll.9*0.0483^3)/( 8.60)P.385 = 2.05 Total initial area Ti = 8.07 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 2.05 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 10.13 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.345(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 Subarea runoff = 2.441(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.370(Ac.) 56 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Process from Point/Station 118.300 to Point/Station 118.200 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 162.500(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 159.100(Ft.) Length of street segment = 270.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 3.129(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.256(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.175(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 8.051(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.17(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.07 min. TC = 12.20 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.854(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 3.854(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 CA = 0.959 Subarea runoff = 1.257(CFS) for 0.970(Ac.) Total runoff = 3.698(CFS) Total area = 2.340(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 3.698(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 1.849(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.268(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.261(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 8.640(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 118.300 to Point/Station 118.200 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 2.340(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 3.698(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.20 min. 57 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) 3 . 854(In/Hr) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 15.649 2 3.698 Qmax ( 1 ) = 1.000 * 0.739 * 19.48 12.20 1.000 * 1.000 * 2 3 15.649) + 3.698) + Qmax(2) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.626 * 1.000 * 2.850 3.854 15.649) + 3.698) + 18.383 13.497 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 15.649 3.698 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 18.383 13.497 Area of streams before confluence: 14.580 2.340 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 18.383(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.477 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 16.920(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 118.200 to Point/Station **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** 118 .400 Top of street segment elevation = 159.100(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 158.500(Ft.) Length of street segment = 120.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500 (Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.482(Ft.), Average velocity = Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel Halfstreet flow width = 18. 000(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.44(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.82 min. TC = 20.30 min. Adding area flow to street 18.506(CFS) 2.438(Ft/s) G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 58 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2,775(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 2.775(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.382 CA = 6.672 Subarea runoff = 0.132(CFS) for 0.540(Ac.) Total runoff = 18.515(CFS) Total area = 17.460(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 18.515(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.257(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.482 (Ft.), Average velocity = 2.438(Ft/s) Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 18.000(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 118.200 to Point/Station 118.400 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 17.460(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 18.515(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.30 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.775(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 115.300 to Point/Station 118.500 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Initial subarea total flow distance = 315.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 176.200(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 168.900(Ft.) Elevation difference = 7.300(Ft.) Slope = 2.317 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 2.667 % Bottom of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 2.667 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 95.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.67 %, in a development type of 4.3 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 '**""' Initial Area Time of Concentration = 8.73 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(l/3)] 59 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc TC = [1.8* (1.1-0.4100)*( 95.000A.5)/( 2 . 667A(1/3)]= 8.73 The initial area total distance of 315.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 220.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 2.01 minutes for a distance of 220.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 2.67 % with an elevation difference of 5.87(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)A3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]A.385 *60(min/hr) = 2.006 Minutes Tt=[(ll.9*0.0417*3)/( 5.87)]A.385= 2.01 Total initial area Ti = 8.73 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 2.01 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 10.73 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.185(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 Subarea runoff = 1.973(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.150(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 118.500 to Point/Station 118.600 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 168.900(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 160.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 430.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 4.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z1 of left channel bank = 20.000 Slope or 'Z1 of right channel bank = 20.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 3.363(CFS) Manning's 'N' =0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 3.363(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.151(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.180(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 10.031(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 3.18(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.25 min. Time of concentration = 12.99 min. Critical depth = 0.201(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.701(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 3.701(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 CA = 1.263 Subarea runoff = 2.700(CFS) for 1.930(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.673(CFS) Total area = 3.080(Ac.) Depth of flow = 0.178(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.482(Ft/s) Critical depth = 0.238(Ft.) 60 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Process from Point/Station 118.600 to Point/Station **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** 118.400 Top of street segment elevation = 160.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 158.500(Ft.) Length of street segment = 120.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft. Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.355(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 12.985(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.87(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.70 min. TC = 13.69 min. Adding area flow to street 5.038(CFS) 2.867(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.578(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 3.578(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 CA = 1.484 Subarea runoff = 0.637(CFS) for 0.540(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.310(CFS) Total area = 3.620(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 5.310(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 5.310(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.360(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.904(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 13.258(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 118.600 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 118.400 '«*•*•' Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 3.620(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.310(CFS) Time of concentration = 13.69 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.578(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: 61 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 2 Qmax ( 1 ) 18, 5, = 1. 0 .515 .310 .000 * .776 * 20 13 1 1 .30 .69 .000 * . 000 * 18. 5. .515) .310) 2.775 3.578 Qmax(2) = 1.000 1.000 0.674 * 1.000 * 18.515) + 5.310) + 22.633 17.795 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 18.515 5.310 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 22.633 17.795 Area of streams before confluence: 17.460 3.620 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 22.633(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.297 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 21.080(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 118.400 to Point/Station 118.700 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 154.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 153.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 40.00(Ft.) Slope = No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow Nearest computed pipe diameter = Calculated individual pipe flow = 0.0200 Manning's N = 0.013 22.633(CFS) 24.00(In.) 22.633(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 14.91(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 23.29(In.) Critical Depth = 20.34(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 11.04(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.06 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 20.36 min. Process from Point/Station 118.400 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 118.700 Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 21.080(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 22.633(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.36 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.770(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 118.800 to Point/Station 118.850 62 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Initial subarea total flow distance = 160.000 (Ft.) Highest elevation = 176.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 172.800(Ft.) Elevation difference = 3.200(Ft.) Slope = 2.000 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 3.129 % Bottom of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 3.129 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 95.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 3.13 %, in a development type of 4.3 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 8.28 minutes TC = [1.8M1.1-C) *distance(Ft.)".5)/(% slope" (1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.4100)*( 95.000A.5)/( 3.129A(1/3)]= 8.28 The initial area total distance of 160.00 (Ft.) entered leaves a remaining distance of 65.00 (Ft.) Using Figure 3-4, the travel time for this distance is 0.74 minutes for a distance of 65.00 (Ft.) and a slope of 3.13 % with an elevation difference of 2.03(Ft.) from the end of the top area Tt = [11.9*length(Mi)A3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]*.385 *60(min/hr) 0.738 Minutes Tt=[ (11.9*0.0123*3)/( 2.03)]x.385= 0.74 Total initial area Ti = 8.28 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus 0.74 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula = 9.01 minutes Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.684(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 Subarea runoff = 0.384(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.200(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 118.850 to Point/Station 118.900 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 172.800(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 159.200(Ft.) Length of street segment = 440.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 '""""•' Gutter width = 1.500 (Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) 63 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 100.0 year storm Manning's N in gutter =0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 1.219(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.213(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.914(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 5. 890 (Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.91(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.52 min. TC = 11.53 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 3.996(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 CA = 0.492 Subarea runoff = 1.582(CFS) for 1.000(Ac.) Total runoff = 1.966(CFS) Total area = 1.200(Ac. Street flow at end of street = 1.966(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 1.966(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.241(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.239(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 7.319(Ft.) 3 .996(In/Hr) for a 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Process from Point/Station **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME 118.900 to Point/Station SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** 118.700 Top of street segment elevation = 159.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 158.500(Ft.) Length of street segment = 165.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.368(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 13.634(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.72(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.60 min. TC = 13.13 min. Adding area flow to street 3.322(CFS) 1.721(Ft/s) G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 64 Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.675(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A =1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 3.675(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 CA = 1.259 Subarea runoff = 2.660(CFS) for 1.870(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.626(CFS) Total area = 3.070(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 4.626(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 4.626(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.405(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.867(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 15.515(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 118.900 to Point/Station 118.700 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 3.070(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 4.626(CFS) Time of concentration = 13.13 rain. Rainfall intensity = 3.675(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 122.100 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Initial subarea total flow distance = 120.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 182.300(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 173.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 9.300(Ft.) Slope = 7.750 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 1.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.00 %, in a development type of 4.3 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 10.39 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)*.5)/(% slope*(1/3)] TC = [1.8* (1.1-0.4100)*( 70.000A.5)/( 1.000^(1/3)]= 10.39 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.274(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm 65 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 Subarea runoff = 0.385(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.220(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 122.100 to Point/Station 122.200 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 173.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 160.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 300.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 2.364(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.279(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.896(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 7.102(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.90(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.28 min. TC = 11.67 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.964(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 3.964(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 CA = 1.074 Subarea runoff = 3.873(CFS) for 2.400(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.258(CFS) Total area = 2.620(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 4.258(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 4.258(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.322(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.443(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 9.252(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 122.200 to Point/Station 118.700 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 155.800(Ft.) 66 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Downstream point/station elevation = Pipe length = 430.00(Ft.) Slope = No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow Nearest computed pipe diameter Calculated individual pipe flow Normal flow depth in pipe = 11.13(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 17.49(In.) Critical Depth = 9.49(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 3.71(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 1.93 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 13.61 min. 153.900(Ft.) 0.0044 Manning's N = 0.015 4.258(CFS) 18.00(In.) 4.258(CFS) Process from Point/Station 122.200 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 118.700 Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 3 Stream flow area = 2.620(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 4.258(CFS) Time of concentration = 13.61 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.591(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 22.633 4.626 4.258 20.36 13.13 13.61 2 .770 3.675 3 .591 Qmax(1) = Qmax(2) = Qmax(3) = 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 .000 .754 .771 .000 .000 .000 .000 .977 .000 * * * * * * * * * 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 .000 .000 .000 .645 .000 .965 .668 .000 .000 * * * * * * * * * 22 4 4 22 4 4 22 4 4 .633) .626) .258) .633) .626) .258) .633) .626) .258) 29 .403 23.330 23 .907 Total of 3 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 22.633 4.626 4.258 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 29.403 23.330 23.907 Area of streams before confluence: 21.080 3.070 2.620 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 29.403(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.358 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 26.770(Ac.) 67 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Process from Point/Station '118.700 to Point/Station 119.300 **** piPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 152.900(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 148.500(Ft.) Pipe length = 325.00(Ft.) Slope = 0.0135 Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 29.403(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 27.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 29.403(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 18.54(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 25.05(In.) Critical Depth = 22.57(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 10.10(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.54 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 20.89 min. Process from Point/Station 118.700 to Point/Station 119.300 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 26.770(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 29.403(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.89 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.724(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 119.100 to Point/Station 119.200 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Initial subarea total flow distance = 125.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 173.800(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 170.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 3.800(Ft.) Slope = 3.040 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 3.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 95.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 3.00 %, in a development type of 4.3 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 8.39 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)*.5)/(% slope^(l/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.4100)*( 95.000x.5)/( 3.000^(1/3)]= 8.39 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.905(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 Subarea runoff = 0.322(CFS) 68 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Total initial stream area = 0.160(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 119.200 to Point/Station 119.300 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 170.100(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 159.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 260.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 1.714(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.225(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.472(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 6.500(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.47 (Ft/s) Travel time = 1.25 min. TC = 9.64 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.485(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 4.485(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 CA = 0.676 Subarea runoff = 2.712(CFS) for 1.490(Ac.) Total runoff = 3.034(CFS) Total area = 1.650(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 3.034(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 3.034(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.262(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.953(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 8.345(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 119.200 to Point/Station 119.300 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.650(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 3.034(CFS) 69 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Time of concentration = 9.64 min. "**"" Rainfall intensity = 4.485(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 107.000 to Point/Station 107.000 **** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT **** User specified 'C1 value of 0.470 given for subarea Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.790(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified values are as follows: TC = 20.13 min. Rain intensity = 2.79(In/Hr) Total area = 6.830(Ac.) Total runoff = 9.300(CFS) Process from Point/Station 107.000 to Point/Station 119.300 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 183.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 159.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 890.000 (Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 10.160(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.391(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.499(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 14.789(Ft.) Flow velocity = 4.50(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.30 min. TC = 23.43 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.530(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 2.530(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.453 CA = 4.329 Subarea runoff = 1.652(CFS) for 2.730(Ac.) Total runoff = 10.952(CFS) Total area = 9.560(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 10.952(CFS) 70 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Half street flow at end of street = 10.952(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.400(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.583(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 15.227(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 120.100 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** 119.300 Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 3 Stream flow area = 9.560(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 10.952(CFS) Time of concentration = 23.43 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.530(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 29 2 3 3 10 Qmax ( 1 ) = 1 0 1 Qmax ( 2 ) = 1 1 1 .403 .034 .952 .000 .607 .000 .000 .000 .000 * * * * * * 20 9 23 1 1 0 0 1 0 .89 .64 .43 .000 .000 .892 .461 .000 .412 * * * * * * 29 3 10 29 3 10 .403) .034) .952) .403) .034) .952) 2.724 4.485 2 .530 Qmax(3) = 0.929 * 0.564 * 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.000 * 29.403) + 3.034) + 10.952) + 41.012 21.110 39.972 Total of 3 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 29.403 3.034 10.952 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 41.012 21.110 39.972 Area of streams before confluence: 26.770 1.650 9.560 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 41.012(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.894 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 37.980(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 119.300 to Point/Station 121.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 148.500(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 148.090(Ft.) Pipe length = 48.60(Ft.) Slope = 0.0084 Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 41.012(CFS) 71 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Nearest computed pipe diameter = 33.00 (In.) Calculated individual pipe flow' = 41.012(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 23.25(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 30.11(In.) Critical Depth = 25.55(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 9.17(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.09 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 20.98 min. Process from Point/Station 119.300 to Point/Station 121.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 37.980(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 41.012(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.98 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.716(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 Process from Point/Station 121.000 to Point/Station 121.000 **** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT **** User specified 'C1 value of 0.494 given for subarea Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.884(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified values are as follows: TC = 12.05 min. Rain intensity = 3.88(In/Hr) Total area = 44.680(Ac.) Total runoff = 87.447(CFS) Process from Point/Station 115.100 to Point/Station 121.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 44.680(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 87.447(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.05 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.884(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 Process from Point/Station 121.100 to Point/Station 121.200 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) 72 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Initial subarea total flow distance = 215.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 176.200(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 170.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 6.200(Ft.) Slope = 2.884 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 2.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 80.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.00 %, in a development type of 4.3 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 8.82 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slope*(1/3)] TC = [1.8* (1.1-0.4100)*( 80.000*.5)/( 2.000^(1/3)]= 8.82 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.751(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 Subarea runoff = 0.429(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.220(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 121.200 to Point/Station 121.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 170.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 159.500(Ft.) Length of street segment = 225.000 (Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0 (In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 1.002(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.191(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.299(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 4.821(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.30(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.14 min. TC = 9.95 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.394(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value =0.410 73 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Rainfall intensity = 4.394(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.410 CA = 0.344 Subarea runoff = 1.085(CFS) for 0.620(Ac.) Total runoff = 1.513(CFS) Total area = 0.840(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 1.513(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = l.513(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.213(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.589(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 5.919(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 121.200 to Point/Station 121.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 0.840(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 1.513(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.95 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.394(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 4 Process from Point/Station 115.000 to Point/Station 115.000 **** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT **** User specified 'C1 value of 0.430 given for subarea Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.008(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified values are as follows: TC = 17.91 min. Rain intensity = 3.01(In/Hr) Total area = 4.140(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.400(CFS) Process from Point/Station 115.000 to Point/Station 121.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 182.300(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 159.500(Ft.) Length of street segment = 890.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 22.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.090 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 6.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 6.683(CFS) Depth of flow = 0,347(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.028(Ft/s) 74 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc C'"™°" 100.0 year storm Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 12.601 (Ft.) Flow velocity = 4.03(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.68 min. TC = 21.59 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.666(In/Hr) for a Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (4.3 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.300 Sub-Area C Value = 0.410 Rainfall intensity = 2.666(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.422 CA = 2.957 Subarea runoff = 2.484(CFS) for 2.870(Ac.) Total runoff = 7.884(CFS) Total area = 7.010(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 7.884(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 7.884(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.364(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.194(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 13.449(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 121.200 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** 121.000 The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 4 Stream flow area = 7.010(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 7.884(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.59 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.666(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 2.716 3 .884 4.394 2.666 Stream No. 1 2 3 4 Qmax ( 1 ) Qmax ( 2 ) Flow rate 41 87 1 7 = 1 0 0 1 = 1 1 0 1 (CFS) .012 .447 .513 .884 .000 * .699 * .618 * .000 * .000 * .000 * .884 * .000 * 20 12 9 21 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 TC (min) .98 .05 .95 .59 .000 * .000 * .000 * .972 * .574 * .000 * .000 * .558 * 41 87 1 7 41 87 1 7 ] .012) .447) .513) .884) .012) .447) .513) .884) Ra 2 3 4 2 + + + + + + + + 110.758 116.738 Qmax(3) = 1.000 *0.474 *41.012) + G:\Accts\08l248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 75 1.000 * 0.826 * 87.447) + 1.000 * 1.000 * '1.513) + 1.000 * 0.461 * 7.884) + = 96.840 Qmax(4) = 0.982 * 1.000 * 41.012) + 0.686 * 1.000 * 87.447) + 0.607 * 1.000 * 1.513) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 7.884) + = 109.092 Total of 4 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 41.012 87.447 1.513 7.884 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 110.758 116.738 96.840 109.092 Area of streams before confluence: 37.980 44.680 0.840 7.010 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 116.738(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.050 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 90.510(Ac.) End of computations, total study area = 90.510 (Ac.) 76 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc APPENDIX 2 Hydraulic Calculations for Storm Drain BCC See Exhibit *P» for Hydraulic Map 77 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc *************************************'****! PIPE-FLOW HYDRAULICS COMPUTER PROGRAM PACKAGE (Reference: LACFCD,LACRD, AND OCEMA HYDRAULICS CRITERION) (c) Copyright 1982-2006 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 13.0 Release Date: 06/01/2006 License ID 1423 Analysis prepared by: O'Day Consultants 2710 Loker Ave. West Ste. 100 Carlsbad, CA 92010 (760) 931-7700 ************************** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY ************************** * HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR EXIST. 42" SD * * JN 081248 Revised By NF 3/17/09 * * G:\ACCTS\081248\AES1000.DAT * ************************************************************************** FILE NAME: AES1000.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 08:17 03/17/2009 ****************************************************************************** GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS FOR PIPE SYSTEM NODAL POINT STATUS TABLE (Note: "*" indicates nodal point data used.) UPSTREAM RUN DOWNSTREAM RUN NODE MODEL PRESSURE PRESSURE+ FLOW PRESSURE+ NUMBER PROCESS HEAD(FT) MOMENTUM(POUNDS) DEPTH(FT) MOMENTUM(POUNDS) 1000 1001 1001 1001 1001 .00 .00 .10 .20 .30 MAXIMUM - } FRICTION - } JUNCTION - } FRICTION - } JUNCTION - NUMBER OF 3 4 6 6 7 .23*Dc .98* .12* .22* .21* ENERGY BALANCES 3734. 4682, 4970 . 5030, 4618, USED IN .98 .43 . 18 .64 .75 EACH 3. 3. 3 . 3 . 2. PROFILE 23*Dc 23 15 15 83 = DC DC DC DC 25 3734 3734 3318 3318 2734 .98 .98 .68 .68 .64 NOTE: STEADY FLOW HYDRAULIC HEAD-LOSS COMPUTATIONS BASED ON THE MOST CONSERVATIVE FORMULAE FROM THE CURRENT LACRD,LACFCD, AND OCEMA DESIGN MANUALS. ****************************************************************************** DOWNSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: NODE NUMBER = 1000.00 FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 145.76 PIPE FLOW = 116.70 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 42.00 INCHES ASSUMED DOWNSTREAM CONTROL HGL = 148.800 FEET *NOTE: ASSUMED DOWNSTREAM CONTROL DEPTH( 3.04 FT.) IS LESS THAN CRITICAL DEPTH( 3.23 FT.) ===> CRITICAL DEPTH IS ASSUMED AS DOWNSTREAM CONTROL DEPTH FOR UPSTREAM RUN ANALYSIS NODE 1000.00 : HGL = < 148.985>;EGL= < 151.446>;FLOWLINE= < 145.760> 78 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc C****************************************l FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1000.00 TO NODE 1001.00 IS CODE = 1 UPSTREAM NODE 1001.00 ELEVATION = 148.09 (FLOW UNSEALS IN REACH) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW = 116.70 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 42.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH = 292.94 FEET MANNING'S N = 0.01300 ===> NORMAL PIPEFLOW IS PRESSURE FLOW NORMAL DEPTH(FT) =3.50 CRITICAL DEPTH(FT)3.23 DOWNSTREAM CONTROL ASSUMED FLOWDEPTH(FT) = 3.23 GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW PROFILE COMPUTED INFORMATION: DISTANCE FROM CONTROL (FT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 15 16 18 20 21 23 ===> FLOW 292 .000 .037 .149 .336 .599 .939 .355 .848 .419 .067 .792 .595 .474 .431 .464 .572 .757 .016 .349 .757 .239 .794 .424 .132 .922 .819 IS UNDER .940 FLOW DEPTH (FT) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .225 .236 .247 .258 .269 .280 .291 .302 .313 .324 .335 .346 .357 .368 .379 .390 .401 .412 .423 .434 .445 .456 .467 .478 .489 .500 VELOCITY (FT/SEC) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 .585 .557 .530 .504 .478 .453 .428 .404 .381 .359 .337 .316 .296 .277 .258 .240 .224 .208 .193 .179 .166 .155 .145 .136 .129 .126 SPECIFIC PRESSURE+ ENERGY (FT) MOMENTUM ( POUNDS ) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .686 .686 .686 .687 .688 . 689 .691 .693 .695 .697 .700 .703 .706 .710 .714 .718 .723 .728 .733 .739 .745 .751 .759 .766 .775 .785 3734 3735 3735 3735 3736 3736 3737 3738 3740 3741 3743 3744 3746 3749 3751 3753 3756 3759 3762 3766 3769 3773 3778 3782 3787 3793 .98 .06 .30 .70 .26 .99 .88 .95 .18 .59 .17 .94 .89 .03 .36 .90 .64 .61 .80 .23 .93 .91 .20 .86 .96 .71 PRESSURE 4 .980 12 .130 7.265 4682 .44 NODE 1001.00 : HGL = < 153.070>;EGL= < 155.355>;FLOWLINE= < 148.090> ****************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 1001.10 1001.00 TO NODE ELEVATION = 1001.10 IS CODE = 5 148.13 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE JUNCTION LOSSES: PIPE FLOW DIAMETER ANGLE FLOWLINE CRITICAL VELOCITY (CFS) (INCHES) (DEGREES) ELEVATION DEPTH(FT.) (FT/SEC) UPSTREAM 107.90 42.00 0.00 148.13 3.15 11.215 DOWNSTREAM 116.70 42.00 - 148.09 3.23 12.129 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 79 LATERAL #1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LATERAL #2 0.00 0.00 ' 0.00 0.00 0.00 Q5 8.80===Q5 EQUALS BASIN INPUT=== 0.000 0.000 LACFCD AND OCEMA FLOW JUNCTION FORMULAE USED: DY=(Q2*V2-Q1*V1*COS(DELTA1)-Q3*V3*COS(DELTAS)- Q4*V4*COS(DELTA4))/((A1+A2)*16.1)+FRICTION LOSSES UPSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0, DOWNSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0, AVERAGED FRICTION SLOPE IN JUNCTION ASSUMED AS 0.01248 JUNCTION LENGTH = 5.00 FEET FRICTION LOSSES = 0.062 FEET ENTRANCE LOSSES = JUNCTION LOSSES = (DY+HV1-HV2)+(ENTRANCE LOSSES) JUNCTION LOSSES = ( 0.394)+( 0.457) = 0.851 01150 01345 0.457 FEET NODE 1001.10 : HGL = < 154.253>;EGL= < 156.206>;FLOWLINE= < 148.130> ************************************************************************ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 1001.20 1001.10 TO NODE ELEVATION = 1001.20 IS CODE = 1 148.22 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW = 107.90 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 42.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH = 16.58 FEET MANNING'S N = 0.01300 SF=(Q/K)**2 = (( 107.90)/( 1006 . 082))**2 = 0.01150 HF=L*SF = ( 16.58)* (0.01150) = 0.191 NODE 1001.20 : HGL = < 154.443>;EGL= < 156.396>;FLOWLINE= < 148.220> ****************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 1001.30 1001.20 TO NODE ELEVATION = 1001.30 IS CODE = 5 148.34 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE JUNCTION LOSSES: PIPE FLOW (CFS) UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM LATERAL #1 LATERAL #2 Q5 87 107 20 0 0 .50 .90 .40 .00 DIAMETER (INCHES) 36 42 36 0 .00===Q5 .00 .00 .00 .00 ANGLE (DEGREES) 36.00 - 0.00 0 . 00 FLOWLINE ELEVATION 148 . 148. 148 . 0 . 34 22 22 00 CRITICAL DEPTH 2 . 3. 1. 0. (FT.) 83 15 45 00 VELOCITY (FT/SEC) 12 11 2 0 .379 .215 .886 .000 EQUALS BASIN INPUT=== LACFCD AND OCEMA FLOW JUNCTION FORMULAE USED: DY=(Q2*V2-Q1*V1*COS(DELTA1)-Q3*V3*COS(DELTAS)- Q4*V4*COS(DELTA4))/((A1+A2)*16.1)+FRICTION LOSSES UPSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0, DOWNSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0. AVERAGED FRICTION SLOPE IN JUNCTION ASSUMED AS 0.01435 JUNCTION LENGTH = 6.00 FEET FRICTION LOSSES = 0.086 FEET ENTRANCE LOSSES = JUNCTION LOSSES = (DY+HV1-HV2)+(ENTRANCE LOSSES) JUNCTION LOSSES = ( 1.536)+( 0.000) = 1.536 01721 01150 0.000 FEET NODE 1001.30 : HGL = < 155.553>;EGL= < 157.932>;FLOWLINE= < 148.340> ****************************************************: UPSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: 80 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc NODE NUMBER = 1001.30 FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 148.34 ASSUMED UPSTREAM CONTROL HGL = 151.17 FOR DOWNSTREAM RUN ANALYSIS END OF GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS 81 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc ****************************************************************************** PIPE-FLOW HYDRAULICS COMPUTER PROGRAM PACKAGE (Reference: LACFCD,LACRD, AND OCEMA HYDRAULICS CRITERION) (c) Copyright 1982-2006 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 13.0 Release Date: 06/01/2006 License ID 1423 Analysis prepared by: O'Day Consultants 2710 Loker Ave. West Ste. 100 Carlsbad, CA 92010 (760) 931-7700 ************************** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY ************************** * HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR 36" STORM DRAIN IN CHESTNUT AVE * * JN 081248 Revised Calcs By NF 3/17/09 * * G:\ACCTS\081248\AES2000.OUT * ************************************************************************** FILE NAME: AES2000B.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 08:23 03/17/2009 ****************************************************************************** GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS FOR PIPE SYSTEM NODAL POINT STATUS TABLE (Note: "*" indicates nodal point data used.) UPSTREAM RUN DOWNSTREAM RUN NODE MODEL PRESSURE PRESSURE+ FLOW PRESSURE+ NUMBER 1001 1001 .30- } .40- PROCESS FRICTION HEAD 7 7 (FT) MOMENTUM ( POUNDS ) .21* .39* 4617 4696 .57 .30 DE PTH ( FT ) MOMENTUM ( POUNDS ) 2. 2. 83 DC 83 DC 2734 2734 .64 .64 } FRICTION+BEND 1001 1002 1003 1003 1004 1004 1005 1005 1005 1005 .50- } .10- } .00- } .10- } .00- } .10- } .00- } .10- } .20- } .30- MAXIMUM JUNCTION FRICTION JUNCTION FRICTION JUNCTION FRICTION JUNCTION FRICTION JUNCTION NUMBER OF 8 7 9 9 9 8 4 4 5 9 .13* .90* . 74* .48* .12* .85* .76* .96* .00* .24* ENERGY BALANCES 5024 4921 5733 5618 5457 5342 3536 3626 3643 4786 USED IN .18 .38 .56 .36 .94 .75 .73 .01 .01 .94 EACH 2. 2. 2 . 2 . 1 . 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. PROFILE 49 83 DC 23 31 82 83 83 DC 68 83 DC 67 DC = 25 2810 2734 2987 2921 3524 3504 2734 2750 2734 1981 .61 .64 .61 .92 .42 .05 .64 .75 .64 .31 82 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc NOTE: STEADY PLOW HYDRAULIC HEAD-LOSS COMPUTATIONS BASED ON THE MOST CONSERVATIVE FORMULAE FROM THE CURRENT LACRD,LACFCD, AND OCEMA DESIGN MANUALS. ***********************************************************j DOWNSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: NODE NUMBER = 1001.30 FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 148.34 PIPE FLOW = 87.50 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 36.00 INCHES ASSUMED DOWNSTREAM CONTROL HGL = 155.550 FEET NODE 1001.30 : HGL = < 155.550>;EGL= < 157.929>;FLOWLINE= < 148.340> ****************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1001.30 TO NODE 1001.40 IS CODE = 1 UPSTREAM NODE 1001.40 ELEVATION = 148.42 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW = 87.50 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 36.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH = 15.02 FEET MANNING'S N = 0.01300 SF=(Q/K)**2 = (( 87.50)/( 666.981))**2 = 0.01721 HF=L*SF = ( 15.02)*(0.01721) = 0.258 NODE 1001.40 : HGL = < 155.809>;EGL= < 158.188>;FLOWLINE= < 148.420> ****************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1001.40 TO NODE 1001.50 IS CODE = 3 UPSTREAM NODE 1001.50 ELEVATION = 148.57 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE PIPE-BEND LOSSES(OCEMA): PIPE FLOW = 87.50 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 36.00 INCHES CENTRAL ANGLE = 37.630 DEGREES MANNING'S N = 0.01300 PIPE LENGTH = 29.56 FEET BEND COEFFICIENT(KB) = 0.16165 FLOW VELOCITY = 12.38 FEET/SEC. VELOCITY HEAD = 2.379 FEET HB=KB*(VELOCITY HEAD) = ( 0.162)*( 2.379) = 0.385 SF=(Q/K)**2 = (( 87.50)/( 666.992))**2 = 0.01721 HF=L*SF = ( 29.56)* (0.01721) = 0.509 TOTAL HEAD LOSSES = HB + HF = ( 0.385)+( 0.509) = 0.893 NODE 1001.50 : HGL = < 156.702>;EGL= < 159.081>;FLOWLINE= < 148.570> *************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1001.50 TO NODE 1002.10 IS CODE = 5 UPSTREAM NODE 1002.10 ELEVATION = 148.89 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE JUNCTION LOSSES: PIPE UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM LATERAL #1 LATERAL #2 Q5 FLOW (CFS) 87.50 87.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 = DIAMETER (INCHES) 36.00 36.00 1.00 0.00 ANGLE (DEGREES) 5. 00 - 0.00 0.00 FLOWLINE ELEVATION 148.89 148.57 0.00 0.00 CRITICAL DEPTH (FT. ) 2.83 2.83 0.00 0.00 VELOCITY (FT/SEC) 12.379 12.379 0.000 0.000 ==Q5 EQUALS BASIN INPUT=== LACFCD AND OCEMA FLOW JUNCTION FORMULAE USED: DY=(Q2*V2-Q1*V1*COS(DELTA1)-Q3*V3*COS(DELTA3)- Q4*V4*COS(DELTA4))/((A1+A2)*16.1)+FRICTION LOSSES UPSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.01721 DOWNSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.01721 83 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc AVERAGED FRICTION SLOPE IN JUNCTION ASSUMED AS 0.01721 '**»••' JUNCTION LENGTH = 4.00 FEET FRICTION LOSSES = 0.069 FEET ENTRANCE LOSSES = 0.000 FEET JUNCTION LOSSES = (DY+HV1-HV2)+(ENTRANCE LOSSES) JUNCTION LOSSES = ( 0.087)+( 0.000) = 0.087 NODE 1002.10 : HGL = < 156.789>;EGL= < 159.168>;FLOWLINE= < 148.890> *****************************************************j r********** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 1003.00 1002.10 TO NODE ELEVATION = 1003.00 IS CODE = 1 151.44 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW = 87.50 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 36.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH = 255.16 FEET MANNING'S N = 0.01300 SF=(Q/K)**2 = (( 87.50)/( 666.986))**2 = 0.01721 HF=L*SF = ( 255.16)* (0.01721) = 4.391 NODE 1003.00 : HGL = < 161.180>;EGL= < 163.560>;FLOWLINE= < 151.440> ****************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 1003.10 1003 .00 TO NODE ELEVATION = 1003.10 IS CODE = 5 151.77 {FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE JUNCTION LOSSES: PIPE UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM LATERAL #1 LATERAL #2 Q5 FLOW DIAMETER ANGLE FLOWLINE CRITICAL VELOCITY (CFS) (INCHES) (DEGREES) ELEVATION DEPTH(FT.) (FT/SEC) 87.50 36.00 0.00 151.77 2.83 87.50 36.00 - 151.44 2.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00===Q5 EQUALS BASIN INPUT=== 12.379 12 .379 0.000 0.000 LACFCD AND OCEMA FLOW JUNCTION FORMULAE USED: DY=(Q2*V2-Q1*V1*COS(DELTA1)-Q3*V3*COS(DELTAS)- Q4*V4*COS(DELTA4))/((A1+A2)*16.1)+FRICTION LOSSES UPSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0 DOWNSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0 AVERAGED FRICTION SLOPE IN JUNCTION ASSUMED AS 0.01721 JUNCTION LENGTH = 4.00 FEET FRICTION LOSSES = 0.069 FEET ENTRANCE LOSSES = JUNCTION LOSSES = (DY+HV1-HV2)+(ENTRANCE LOSSES) JUNCTION LOSSES = ( 0.069)+( 0.000) = 0.069 NODE 1003.10 : HGL = < 161.249>;EGL= < 163.628>;FLOWLINE= < 151.770> ****************************************************************************** 01721 01721 0.000 FEET FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 1004.00 1003 .10 TO NODE ELEVATION = 1004.00 IS CODE = 1 157.40 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW = 87.50 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 36.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH = 306.00 FEET MANNING'S N = 0.01300 SF=(Q/K)**2 = (( 87.50)/( 666.986))**2 = 0.01721 HF=L*SF = ( 306.00)* (0.01721) = 5.266 NODE 1004.00 : HGL = < 166.515>;EGL= < 168.895>;FLOWLINE= < 157.400> 84 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc *************^ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 1004.10 1004.00 TO NODE ELEVATION = (***************************** 1004.10 IS CODE = 5 157.73 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE JUNCTION LOSSES : PIPE UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM LATERAL #1 LATERAL #2 Q5 FLOW (CFS) 87.50 87.50 0.00 0.00 DIAMETER (INCHES) 36.00 36.00 0.00 0.00 ANGLE (DEGREES) 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 FLOWLINE ELEVATION 157.73 157.40 0.00 0.00 CRITICAL DEPTH (FT.) 2.83 2.83 0.00 0 . 00 VELOCITY (FT/SEC) 12.379 12.379 0.000 0 .000 0.00===Q5 EQUALS BASIN INPUT=== LACFCD AND OCEMA FLOW JUNCTION FORMULAE USED: DY=(Q2*V2-Q1*V1*COS(DELTA1)-Q3*V3*COS(DELTA3)- Q4*V4*COS(DELTA4))/((A1+A2)*16.1)+FRICTION LOSSES UPSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.01721 DOWNSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.01721 AVERAGED FRICTION SLOPE IN JUNCTION ASSUMED AS 0.01721 JUNCTION LENGTH = 4.00 FEET FRICTION LOSSES = 0.069 FEET ENTRANCE LOSSES = 0.000 FEET JUNCTION LOSSES = (DY+HV1-HV2)+(ENTRANCE LOSSES) JUNCTION LOSSES = ( 0.069)+( 0.000) = 0.069 NODE 1004.10 : HGL = < 166.584>;EGL= < 168.963>;FLOWLINE= < 157.730> ****************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 1005.00 1004.10 TO NODE ELEVATION = 1005.00 IS CODE = 1 164.60 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW = 87.50 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 36.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH = 161.27 FEET MANNING'S N = 0.01300 SF=(Q/K)**2 = (( 87.50)/( 666.984))**2 = 0.01721 HF=L*SF = ( 161.27)* (0 .01721) = 2.775 NODE 1005.00 : HGL = < 169.360>;EGL= < 171.739>;FLOWLINE= < 164.600> t********************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 1005.10 1005.00 TO NODE ELEVATION = 1005.10 IS CODE = 5 164.93 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE JUNCTION LOSSES: PIPE UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM LATERAL #1 LATERAL #2 Q5 FLOW (CFS) 87.50 87.50 0.00 0.00 DIAMETER (INCHES) 36 . 00 36.00 0.00 0.00 ANGLE (DEGREES) 25.50 - 0.00 0.00 FLOWLINE ELEVATION 164.93 164.60 0.00 0.00 CRITICAL DEPTH (FT. ) 2.83 2.83 0.00 0.00 VELOCITY (FT/SEC) 12.379 12.379 0.000 0.000 0.00===Q5 EQUALS BASIN INPUT=== LACFCD AND OCEMA FLOW JUNCTION FORMULAE USED: DY=(Q2*V2-Q1*V1*COS(DELTA1)-Q3*V3*COS(DELTAS)- Q4*V4*COS(DELTA4))/((A1+A2)*16.1)+FRICTION LOSSES UPSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.01721 DOWNSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.01721 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc 85 AVERAGED FRICTION SLOPE IN JUNCTION ASSUMED AS 0.01721 JUNCTION LENGTH = 4.00 FEET FRICTION LOSSES = 0.069 FEET ENTRANCE LOSSES = 0.000 FEET JUNCTION LOSSES = (DY+HV1-HV2)+(ENTRANCE LOSSES) JUNCTION LOSSES = ( 0.532)+( 0.000) = 0.532 NODE 1005.10 : HGL = < 169.892>;EGL= < 172.271>;FLOWLINE= < 164.930> ******!t************************************l r********************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 1005.20 1005.10 TO NODE ELEVATION = 1005.20 IS CODE = 1 165.51 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW = 87.50 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 36.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH = 35.94 FEET MANNING'S N = 0.01300 SF=(Q/K)**2 = (( 87.50)/( 666.986))**2 = 0.01721 HF=L*SF = ( 35.94)*(0.01721) = 0.619 NODE 1005.20 : HGL = < 170.511>;EGL= < 172.890>;FLOWLINE= < 165.510> ***************************************************************c********** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 1005.30 1005 .20 TO NODE ELEVATION = 1005.30 IS CODE = 5 165.93 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE JUNCTION LOSSES: PIPE UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM LATERAL #1 LATERAL #2 Q5 FLOW (CFS) 70.80 87. 50 16.70 0.00 0.00 DIAMETER (INCHES) 36.00 36.00 36.00 0.00 ANGLE (DEGREES) 90 .00 - 0.00 0.00 FLOWLINE ELEVATION 165.93 165.51 165.93 0 .00 CRITICAL DEPTH (FT. ) 2.67 2.83 1.31 0.00 VELOCITY (FT/SEC) 10.016 12 .379 2.363 0 .000 ===Q5 EQUALS BASIN INPUT=== LACFCD AND OCEMA FLOW JUNCTION FORMULAE USED: DY=(Q2*V2-Q1*V1*COS(DELTA1)-Q3*V3*COS(DELTA3)- Q4*V4*COS(DELTA4))/((A1+A2)*16.1)+FRICTION LOSSES UPSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.01127 DOWNSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.01721 AVERAGED FRICTION SLOPE IN JUNCTION ASSUMED AS 0.01424 JUNCTION LENGTH = 5.00 FEET FRICTION LOSSES = 0.071 FEET ENTRANCE LOSSES = 0.000 FEET JUNCTION LOSSES = (DY+HV1-HV2)+(ENTRANCE LOSSES) JUNCTION LOSSES = ( 3.835)+( 0.000) = 3.835 NODE 1005.30 : HGL = < 175.167>;EGL= < 176.725>;FLOWLINE= < 165.930> ****************************************************************************** UPSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: NODE NUMBER = 1005.30 FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 165.93 ASSUMED UPSTREAM CONTROL HGL = 168.60 FOR DOWNSTREAM RUN ANALYSIS END OF GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS 86 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc ****************************************************************************** PIPE-FLOW HYDRAULICS COMPUTER PROGRAM PACKAGE (Reference: LACFCD,LACRD, AND OCEMA HYDRAULICS CRITERION) (c) Copyright 1982-2006 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 13.0 Release Date: 06/01/2006 License ID 1423 Analysis prepared by: O'Day Consultants 2710 Loker Ave. West Ste. 100 Carlsbad, CA 92010 (760) 931-7700 ************************** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY ************************** * HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR PORTION OF 36" SD BEFORE SCHOOL * * JN 081248 Revised By NF 3/17/09 * * G:\ACCTS\081248\AES3000.OUT * ************************************************************************** FILE NAME: AES3000.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 08:27 03/17/2009 ****************************************************************************** GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS FOR PIPE SYSTEM NODAL POINT STATUS TABLE (Note: "*" indicates nodal point data used.) UPSTREAM RUN DOWNSTREAM RUN NODE MODEL PRESSURE PRESSURE* FLOW PRESSURE+ NUMBER PROCESS HEAD(FT) MOMENTUM(POUNDS) DEPTH(FT) MOMENTUM(POUNDS) 1005.30- 9.24* 3663.67 0.86 1098.70 } FRICTION 1006.00- 4.42* 1535.91 1.78 DC 613.44 } JUNCTION 1006.10- 3.29* 550.40 1.42 DC 349.94 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ENERGY BALANCES USED IN EACH PROFILE = 25 NOTE: STEADY FLOW HYDRAULIC HEAD-LOSS COMPUTATIONS BASED ON THE MOST CONSERVATIVE FORMULAE FROM THE CURRENT LACRD,LACFCD, AND OCEMA DESIGN MANUALS. ****************************************************************************** DOWNSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: NODE NUMBER = 1005.30 FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 165.93 PIPE FLOW = 30.18 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 36.00 INCHES ASSUMED DOWNSTREAM CONTROL HGL = 175.170 FEET NODE 1005.30 : HGL = < 175.170>;EGL= < 175.453>;FLOWLINE= < 165.930> ****************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1005.30 TO NODE 1006.00 IS CODE = 1 UPSTREAM NODE 1006.00 ELEVATION = 170.83 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW = 30.18 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 36.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH = 37.13 FEET MANNING'S N = 0.01300 87 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc SF=(Q/K)**2 = (( 30.18)/( 666.991))**2 = 0.00205 HF=L*SF = ( 37.13)* (0.00205) = ' 0.076 NODE 1006.00 : HGL = < 175.246>;EGL= < 175.529>;FLOWLINE= < 170.830> ****************^ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 1006.10 1006.00 TO NODE ELEVATION = 1006.10 IS CODE = 5 172.33 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE JUNCTION LOSSES: PIPE UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM LATERAL #1 LATERAL #2 Q5 FLOW DIAMETER ANGLE FLOWLINE CRITICAL VELOCITY (CFS) (INCHES) (DEGREES) ELEVATION DEPTH(FT.) (FT/SEC) 15.70 18.00 53.70 172.33 1.42 30.18 36.00 - 170.83 1.78 14.48 18.00 90.00 172.33 1.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00===Q5 EQUALS BASIN INPUT=== 8.884 4.270 8 .194 0.000 LACFCD AND OCEMA FLOW JUNCTION FORMULAE USED: DY=(Q2*V2-Q1*V1*COS(DELTA1)-Q3*V3*COS(DELTAS)- Q4*V4*COS(DELTA4))/((A1+A2)*16.1)+FRICTION LOSSES UPSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.02234 DOWNSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.00205 AVERAGED FRICTION SLOPE IN JUNCTION ASSUMED AS 0.01219 JUNCTION LENGTH = 4.00 FEET FRICTION LOSSES = 0.049 FEET ENTRANCE LOSSES = 0.000 FEET JUNCTION LOSSES = (DY+HV1-HV2)+(ENTRANCE LOSSES) JUNCTION LOSSES = ( 1.317)+( 0.000) = 1.317 NODE 1006.10 : HGL = < 175.620>;EGL= < 176.846>;FLOWLINE= < 172.330> ****************************************************************************** UPSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: NODE NUMBER = 1006.10 FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 172.33 ASSUMED UPSTREAM CONTROL HGL = 173.75 FOR DOWNSTREAM RUN ANALYSIS END OF GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc ****************************************************************************** PIPE-FLOW HYDRAULICS COMPUTER PROGRAM PACKAGE (Reference: LACFCD,LACRD, AND OCEMA HYDRAULICS CRITERION) (c) Copyright 1982-2006 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 13.0 Release Date: 06/01/2006 License ID 1423 Analysis prepared by: O'Day Consultants 2710 Loker Ave. West Ste. 100 Carlsbad, CA 92010 (760) 931-7700 ************************** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY ************************** * HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR 18" STORM DRAIN TO SOUTH INLET * * JN 081248 Revised By NF 3/17/09 * * G:\ACCTS\081248\AES4000.0UT * ************************************************************************** FILE NAME: AES4000.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 08:37 03/17/2009 ****************************************************************************** GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS FOR PIPE SYSTEM NODAL POINT STATUS TABLE (Note: "*" indicates nodal point data used.) UPSTREAM RUN DOWNSTREAM RUN NODE MODEL PRESSURE PRESSURE* FLOW PRESSURE* NUMBER PROCESS HEAD(FT) MOMENTUM(POUNDS) DEPTH(FT) MOMENTUM(POUNDS) 1006.10- 3.29* 550.39 1.35 351.61 } FRICTION 4000.00- 3.39* 561.45 1.42 DC 349.94 } CATCH BASIN 4000.10- 3.36* 287.92 1.42 DC 73.88 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ENERGY BALANCES USED IN EACH PROFILE = 25 NOTE: STEADY FLOW HYDRAULIC HEAD-LOSS COMPUTATIONS BASED ON THE MOST CONSERVATIVE FORMULAE FROM THE CURRENT LACRD,LACFCD, AND OCEMA DESIGN MANUALS. ****************************************************************************** DOWNSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: NODE NUMBER = 1006.10 FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 172.33 PIPE FLOW = 15.70 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 18.00 INCHES ASSUMED DOWNSTREAM CONTROL HGL = 175.620 FEET NODE 1006.10 : HGL = < 175.620>;EGL= < 176.846>;FLOWLINE= < 172.330> ****************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1006.10 TO NODE 4000.00 IS CODE = 1 UPSTREAM NODE 4000.00 ELEVATION = 173.14 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW = 15.70 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 18.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH = 40.75 FEET MANNING'S N = 0.01300 89 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc SF=(Q/K)**2 = (( 15.70)/( 105.043))**2 = 0.02234 HF=L*SF = ( 40.75)* (0.02234) = ' 0.910 NODE 4000.00 : HGL = < 176.530>;EGL= < 177.756>;FLOWLINE= < 173.140> ****************************** ************************************************ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 4000.00 TO NODE 4000.10 IS CODE = 8 UPSTREAM NODE 4000.10 ELEVATION = 174.64 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE CATCH BASIN ENTRANCE LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW = 15.70 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 18.00 INCHES FLOW VELOCITY = 8.88 FEET/SEC. VELOCITY HEAD = 1.226 FEET CATCH BASIN ENERGY LOSS = .2*(VELOCITY HEAD) = .2*( 1.226) = 0.245 NODE 4000.10 : HGL = < 178.001>;EGL= < 178.001>;FLOWLINE= < 174.640> ****************************************************************************** UPSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: NODE NUMBER = 4000.10 FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 174.64 ASSUMED UPSTREAM CONTROL HGL = 176.06 FOR DOWNSTREAM RUN ANALYSIS END OF GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS 90 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc ********************************************************************* PIPE-FLOW HYDRAULICS COMPUTER PROGRAM PACKAGE (Reference: LACFCD,LACRD, AND OCEMA HYDRAULICS CRITERION) (c) Copyright 1982-2006 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 13.0 Release Date: 06/01/2006 License ID 1423 Analysis prepared by: O'Day Consultants 2710 Loker Ave. West Ste. 100 Carlsbad, CA 92010 (760) 931-7700 ************************** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY ************************** * HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR 18" SD TO NORTH INLET * * JN 081248 Revised By NF 3/17/09 * * G:\ACCTS\081248\AES5000.OUT * ************************************************************************** FILE NAME: AES5000.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 08:39 03/17/2009 ****************************************************************************** GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS FOR PIPE SYSTEM NODAL POINT STATUS TABLE (Note: "*" indicates nodal point data used.) UPSTREAM RUN DOWNSTREAM RUN NODE MODEL PRESSURE PRESSURE+ FLOW PRESSURE+ NUMBER PROCESS HEAD(FT) MOMENTUM(POUNDS) DEPTH(FT) MOMENTUM(POUNDS) 1006.10 5000.00 5000.10 MAXIMUM 3 } FRICTION 2 } CATCH BASIN 2 NUMBER OF .29* .48* .43* ENERGY BALANCES 546 457 185 USED IN .96 .49 .33 EACH 1. 1. 1. PROFILE 00 42 42 = DC DC 25 412 346 73 .00 .43 .68 NOTE: STEADY FLOW HYDRAULIC HEAD-LOSS COMPUTATIONS BASED ON THE MOST CONSERVATIVE FORMULAE FROM THE CURRENT LACRD,LACFCD, AND OCEMA DESIGN MANUALS. **********************************************************************^ DOWNSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: NODE NUMBER = 1006.10 FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 172.33 PIPE FLOW = 15.60 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 18.00 INCHES ASSUMED DOWNSTREAM CONTROL HGL = 175.620 FEET NODE 1006.10 : HGL = < 175.620>;EGL= < 176.830>;FLOWLINE= < 172.330> ****************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1006.10 TO NODE 5000.00 IS CODE = 1 UPSTREAM NODE 5000.00 ELEVATION = 173.38 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW = 15.60 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 18.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH = 10.82 FEET MANNING'S N = 0.01300 91 G:\Accts\081248\Hyclrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc SF=(Q/K)**2 = (( 15.60)/( 105.041)}**2 = 0.02206 '*<*»«' HF=L*SF = ( 10.82) * (0.02206) = ' 0.239 NODE 5000.00 : HGL = < 175.859>;EGL= < 177.069>;FLOWLINE= < 173.380> ********************************************************* FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 5000.10 TO NODE 5000.10 IS CODE = 8 UPSTREAM NODE 5000.10 ELEVATION = 174.88 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE CATCH BASIN ENTRANCE LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW = 15.60 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 18.00 INCHES FLOW VELOCITY = 8.83 FEET/SEC. VELOCITY HEAD = 1.210 FEET CATCH BASIN ENERGY LOSS = .2*(VELOCITY HEAD) = . 2*( 1.210) = 0.242 NODE 5000.10 : HGL = < 177.311>;EGL= < 177.311>;FLOWLINE= < 174.880> ***************************************************************************** UPSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: NODE NUMBER = 5000.10 FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 174.88 ASSUMED UPSTREAM CONTROL HGL = 176.30 FOR DOWNSTREAM RUN ANALYSIS END OF GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS 92 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc APPENDIX 3 Hydraulic Calculations for Storm Drain on James Drive See Exhibit 'Q' for Hydraulic Map 93 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc ****************************************************************************** PIPE-FLOW HYDRAULICS COMPUTER PROGRAM PACKAGE (Reference: LACFCD,LACRD, AND OCEMA HYDRAULICS CRITERION) (c) Copyright 1982-2006 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 13.0 Release Date: 06/01/2006 License ID 1423 Analysis prepared by: 0'Day Consultants 2710 Loker Ave. West Ste. 100 Carlsbad, CA 92010 (760) 931-7700 ************************** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY ************************** * HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR EXIST. 36" SD * * CHESTNUT AVE. SD JN 081248 * * Revised Calcs By NF 3/17/09 * ************************************************************************** FILE NAME: AES6000.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 08:41 03/17/2009 ****************************************************************************** GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS FOR PIPE SYSTEM NODAL POINT STATUS TABLE (Note: "*" indicates nodal point data used.) UPSTREAM RUN DOWNSTREAM RUN NODE MODEL PRESSURE PRESSURE* FLOW PRESSURE* NUMBER PROCESS HEAD(FT) MOMENTUM(POUNDS) DEPTH(FT) MOMENTUM(POUNDS) 1001 6000 6000 6001 6001 6002 6002 6003 .30 .00 .10 .00 .10 .00 .10 .00 MAXIMUM - } FRICTION - } JUNCTION - } FRICTION - } JUNCTION - } FRICTION - } JUNCTION - } FRICTION - NUMBER OF 7. 7 . 7 . 5. 5. 4 . 4 . 3. 33* 10* 29* 94* 94* 86* 86* 63* ENERGY BALANCES 2721 2621 2633 2037 2033 1557 1559 1017 USED IN .61 .17 .41 .14 .84 .97 .09 .45 EACH 1. 1 . 0 . 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 . PROFILE 32 56 DC 87 10 06 11 06 31 DC = 25 457 439 360 300 307 297 305 286 .35 .65 .70 .30 .01 .97 .85 .29 NOTE: STEADY FLOW HYDRAULIC HEAD-LOSS COMPUTATIONS BASED ON THE MOST CONSERVATIVE FORMULAE FROM THE CURRENT LACRD,LACFCD, AND OCEMA DESIGN MANUALS. k***************************************************J DOWNSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: NODE NUMBER = 1001.30 FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 148.22 PIPE FLOW = 23.40 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 36.00 INCHES ASSUMED DOWNSTREAM CONTROL HGL = 155.550 FEET 94 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc NODE 1001.30 : HGL = < 155.550>;EGL= < 155.720>;FLOWLINE= < 148.220> *****************************************************************! FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 6000.00 1001.30 TO NODE ELEVATION = 6000.00 IS CODE = 1 148.48 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW PIPE LENGTH = SF=(Q/K)**2 = HF=L*SF = ( 23.40 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 36.00 INCHES 26.22 FEET MANNING'S N = 0.01300 ( 23.40)/( 666.986))**2 = 0.00123 26.22)* (0.00123) = 0.032 NODE 6000.00 HGL = < 155.582>;EGL= < 155.752>;FLOWLINE= < 148.480> c******************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 6000.10 6000.00 TO NODE ELEVATION = 6000.10 IS CODE = 5 148.49 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE JUNCTION LOSSES: PIPE UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM LATERAL #1 LATERAL #2 Q5 FLOW DIAMETER ANGLE FLOWLINE CRITICAL VELOCITY (CFS) (INCHES) (DEGREES) ELEVATION DEPTH(FT.) (FT/SEC) 16.80 36.00 0.00 148.49 1.31 2.377 23.40 36.00 - 148.48 1.56 3.310 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 6.60===Q5 EQUALS BASIN INPUT=== LACFCD AND OCEMA FLOW JUNCTION FORMULAE USED: DY= (Q2*V2-Q1*V1*COS (DELTA1) -Q3*V3*COS (DELTAS) - Q4*V4*COS(DELTA4) )/ ( (A1+A2) *16 . 1) +FRICTION LOSSES UPSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0. DOWNSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0. AVERAGED FRICTION SLOPE IN JUNCTION ASSUMED AS 0.00093 JUNCTION LENGTH = 4.00 FEET FRICTION LOSSES = 0.004 FEET ENTRANCE LOSSES = JUNCTION LOSSES = (DY+HV1-HV2) + (ENTRANCE LOSSES) JUNCTION LOSSES = ( 0.086)+( 0.034) = 0.120 00063 00123 0.034 FEET NODE 6000.10 : HGL = < 155 . 785> ; EGL= < 155 . 873> ; FLOWLINE= < 148.490> it**************************************!r*************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 6000.10 TO NODE 6001.00 IS CODE = 1 UPSTREAM NODE 6001.00 ELEVATION = 149.88 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES(LACFCD): PIPE FLOW = 16.80 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 36.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH = 60.12 FEET MANNING'S N = 0.01300 SF=(Q/K)**2 = (( 16.80)/( 666.943))**2 = 0.00063 HF=L*SF = ( 60.12)*(0.00063) = 0.038 NODE 6001.00 : HGL = < 155.823>;EGL= < 155.911>;FLOWLINE= < 149.880> FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 6001.00 TO NODE 6001.10 IS CODE = 5 UPSTREAM NODE 6001.10 ELEVATION = 149.89 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE JUNCTION LOSSES : 95 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc PIPE FLOW DIAMETER ANGLE FLOWLINE (CFS) (INCHES) (DEGREES) ELEVATION UPSTREAM 16.80 36.00 0.00 149.89 DOWNSTREAM 16.80 36.00 - 149.88 LATERAL #1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LATERAL #2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Q5 0.00===Q5 EQUALS BASIN INPUT=== LACFCD AND OCEMA FLOW JUNCTION FORMULAE USED: DY=(Q2*V2-Q1*V1*COS(DELTA1) -Q3*V3*COS (DELTA3 ) - Q4*V4*COS (DELTA4) ) / ( (A1+A2) *16 .1) +FRICTION LOSSES UPSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = DOWNSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = AVERAGED FRICTION SLOPE IN JUNCTION ASSUMED AS 0.00063 JUNCTION LENGTH = 4.00 FEET FRICTION LOSSES = 0.003 FEET ENTRANCE LOSSES JUNCTION LOSSES = (DY+HV1-HV2) + (ENTRANCE LOSSES) JUNCTION LOSSES = ( 0.003)+( 0.000) = 0.003 CRITICAL DEPTH (FT. 1.31 1.31 0.00 0.00 0.00063 0 .00063 = 0.000 VELOCITY ) (FT/SEC) 2.377 2.377 0.000 0.000 FEET NODE 6001.10 : HGL = < 155.826>;EGL= < 155.913>;FLOWLINE= < 149.890> ****************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 6002.00 6001.10 TO NODE ELEVATION = 6002.00 IS CODE = 1 151.05 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES (LACFCD) : PIPE FLOW = 16.80 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = PIPE LENGTH = 127.86 FEET MANNING'S SF=(Q/K)**2 = (( 16.80)/( 666.997))**2 = 0 HF=L*SF = ( 127.86) * (0.00063) = 0.081 36.00 INCHES N = 0.01300 .00063 NODE 6002.00 : HGL = < 155.907>;EGL= < 155.994>;FLOWLINE= < 151.050> ****************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 6002.10 6002.00 TO NODE ELEVATION = 6002.10 IS CODE = 5 151.05 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE JUNCTION LOSSES: PIPE UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM LATERAL #1 LATERAL #2 Q5 FLOW (CFS) 16.80 16.80 0 .00 0.00 0.00== DIAMETER ANGLE FLOWLINE CRITICAL VELOCITY (INCHES) (DEGREES) ELEVATION DEPTH(FT.) (FT/SEC) 36.00 0.00 151.05 1.31 36.00 - 151.05 1.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 00 0 .00 0 .00 :=Q5 EQUALS BASIN INPUT=== 2.377 2.377 0 .000 0.000 LACFCD AND OCEMA FLOW JUNCTION FORMULAE USED: DY=(Q2*V2-Q1*V1*COS(DELTA1)-Q3*V3*COS(DELTAS)- Q4*V4*COS(DELTA4))/((A1+A2)*16.1)+FRICTION LOSSES UPSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.00063 DOWNSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.00063 AVERAGED FRICTION SLOPE IN JUNCTION ASSUMED AS 0.00063 JUNCTION LENGTH = 4.00 FEET FRICTION LOSSES = 0.003 FEET ENTRANCE LOSSES = 0.000 FEET JUNCTION LOSSES = (DY+HV1-HV2)+(ENTRANCE LOSSES) JUNCTION LOSSES = ( 0.003)+( 0.000) = 0.003 96 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc NODE 6002.10 : HGL = < 155 . 909> ; EGL= < 155 . 997> ; FLOWLINE= < 151.050> ***************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 6002.10 TO NODE 6003.00 IS CODE = 1 UPSTREAM NODE 6003.00 ELEVATION = 152.37 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES (LACFCD) : PIPE FLOW = 16.80 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 36.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH = 145.02 FEET MANNING'S N = 0.01300 SF=(Q/K)**2 = (( 16.80)/( 666.967))**2 = 0.00063 HF=L*SF = ( 145.02) * (0.00063) = 0.092 NODE 6003.00 : HGL = < 156 . 001> ; EGL= < 156 . 089> ; FLOWLINE= < 152.370> ******************************************************************* UPSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: NODE NUMBER = 6003.00 FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 152.37 ASSUMED UPSTREAM CONTROL HGL = 153.68 FOR DOWNSTREAM RUN ANALYSIS END OF GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS 97 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc APPENDIX 4 Calculations for Sizing Inlets 98 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Curb Inlet Calculations For Curb Inlets on Grade, per the City of Carlsbad Drainage and Storm Drain Standards, Q/L=0.7(a+y)A(3/2) Where Q= Flowrate Interception Capacity L= Length of clear opening of the Inlet a= depth of depression of curb at inlet (ft.) (0.33 is allowed when parking lane separates traffic lanes) y= depth of flow approaching the curb inlet (ft.) See Appendix 1. Proposed Curb Inlets Node #107 y=0.49 per Appendix 1 and the maximum curb inlet length per City of Carlsbad Standards is 30'. Solve for the Maximum Flowrate Q= (0.70)*(0.33+0.49)A(3/2) = 15.6 CFS Qt=24.9 CFS (Appendix 1) During the 100 year storm event, 9.3 cfs (24.9-15.6) will by-pass the curb inlet at Node #107 and enter the existing inlet further downstream at Node #119.3. Node #115.0 y=0.48 per Appendix 1 and the maximum curb inlet length per City of Carlsbad Standards is 30'. Solve for the Maximum Flowrate Q= (0.70)*(0.33+0.48)A(3/2) = 15.7 CFS Qt=21.1 CFS (Appendix 1) During the 100 year storm event 5.4 cfs (21.1-15.7) will by-pass the curb inlet at Node #115 and enter the existing inlet further downstream at Node #121. 99 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc Curb Inlet Calculations (Cont.) For Curb Inlets in Sag Condition, the Carlsbad standards indicate that each lineal foot of opening will intercept 2 cfs: Node #119.3 3.03 cfs and 10.95 cfs enter the existing curb inlet from the west and east, respectively per Appendix 1. A confluence of these flowrates, using the time of concentration and the intensity yields a flowrate of 12.20 cfs. Length =12.207 2 = 7' The existing inlet is 24' long with a 23' long opening. OK Node #121.0 1.40 cfs and 7.88 cfs enter the existing curb inlet from the west and east, respectively per Appendix 1. A confluence of these flowrates, using the time of concentration and the intensity yields a flowrate of 8.80 cfs. Length = 8.8 / 2 = 5' The existing inlet is 8' long with a 7' long opening OK Node #118.4 Per City of Carlsbad Dwg. 278-3, the existing inlets on James Drive are 8' long with 7' long openings. The curb inlet capacity = 7*2 = 14.0 cfs. During a 100 year storm event 22.6 cfs will pond at this inlet. A PCC lined cross-gutter allows additional storm water to enter the existing curb inlet on the west side of the road at Node # 118.7. Node #118.7 The curb inlet capacity= 7*2=14.0 cfs. During a 100 year storm 4.6 cfs enters the inlet (See Appendix 1) and 8.6 cfs will flow in from Node #118.4 (22.6-14.0). 13.2 cfs is the total flowrate that will enter Node #118.7. OK 100 G:\Accts\081248\Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study.doc A HIGHLAND DRIVE SITE cnYOF VISTA CITY OF OCEANSIDE UELROSEDR CITY OF SAN MARCOS PACIFIC OCEAN CITY OF ENCINITAS VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE NO SCALE PACIFIC OCEAN LEGEND DRAINAGE BASINSFREEWAY IWSJOR ROADS BODY OF WATER I 1 ' OfflSAINAGE BASINS STORM DRAIN STRUCTURES STORM DRAIN JJ-.UI r^' Jfl5'0-COUMTV \ ENC1NITAS N FIGURE 1 - 3 BASIN B AGUA HEOIONDA CREEK PROJECT LOCATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE FEB 2007 I PROJECT NUMBE 128290 BROWN AND CALDWELL SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Scuih Oceans ide .CARLSBAD 660000 FEET R. J W. I R. 4 W. :A CAUTION NOTES: | 1. User is urged to |fer to Corresponding SUP- San Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 Section: Page: 3 6 of 26 Table 3-1 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS Land Use NRCS Elements Undisturbed Natural Terrain (Natural) Low Density Residential (LDR) Low Density Residential (LDR) Low Density Residential (LDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) High Density Residential (HDR) High Density Residential (HDR) Commercial/Industrial (N. Com) Commercial/Industrial (G. Com) Commercial/Industrial (O.P. Com) Commercial/Industrial (Limited I.) Commercial/Industrial (General I.) County Elements Permanent Open Space Residential, 1 .0 DU/A or less Residential, 2.0 DU/A or less Residential, 2.9 DU/A or less Residential, 4.3 DU/A or less Residential, 7.3 DU/A or less Residential, 10.9 DU/A or less Residential, 14.5 DU/A or less Residential, 24.0 DU/A or less Residential, 43.0 DU/A or less Neighborhood Commercial General Commercial Office Professional/Commercial Limited Industrial General Industrial Runoff Coefficient "C" Soil Type % IMPER. 0* 10 20 25 30 40 45 50 65 80 80 85 90 90 95 A 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.38 0.41 0.48 0.52 0.55 0.66 0.76 0.76 0.80 0.83 0.83 0.87 B 0.25 0.32 0.38 0.41 0.45 0.51 0.54 0.58 0.67 0.77 0.77 0.80 0.84 0.84 0.87 C 0.30 0.36 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.54 0.57 0.60 0.69 0.78 0.78 0.81 0.84 0.84 0.87 D 0.35 0.41 0.46 0.49 0.52 0.57 0.60 0.63 0.71 0.79 0.79 0.82 0.85 0.85 0.87 *The values associated with 0% impervious may be used for direct calculation of the runoff coefficient as described in Section 3.1.2 (representing the pervious runoff coefficient, Cp, for the soil type), or for areas that will remain undisturbed in perpetuity. Justification must be given that the area will remain natural forever (e.g the area is located in Cleveland National Forest). ' ____ DU/A = dwelling units per acre ;£. NRCS = National Resources Conservation Service >. 3-6 •I <^ $-\ ; Y - 10X) 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 H1 O foa 0.6 04 0.3 07 S ^ S ^ s, s Si •s s 4 s ^ s "^ s, ^ > ^ s, ^^ . ^ ^ s Ss V S, S S S % s, S s. k s S ^ ^ s s ^*v*» ^"s*'*'',s^ ^i'','''!1 ss'**x '': ' l*3.2in/hr^V ' '',, s^s X, > s, ^ ^ ^ , ' ,s **•» '''',, s 'X, /'''•, ^•» ' '. Ns • •«•••• •••••••••! IIIIIIHIJa•••••••••••iiiiiiiuuiuni — iiiiyo1]^ EQ 1 =7.44^ P6<= 6-Hou *' ' HHIIilllll 1 1*' ' «!' !''' '' '!' '! ' s^ > ' ' > ^ 1 1 ''i S '< I "S x , s '''" ''%iff • ••lllllllllllItHfllllilllBMaBliB •••II1IIIIMIIU1MI1I1I1IIHHHI JATtON 6D-0.645 ity{in/hr) r Precipitation i on (min) ij f >' ^f'>sk "" , !«i>,, , Xa 'S "*j" \ '? s S ' i , s | ] '> 56789 10 15 20 3040501 2 Z ' Minutes Hours Duration -/' _ (Directions for Application: (DFror fort Cou intt (2)Adjt '"> £ mrr (3^ Ptot tA\ Dra (5) This beir 1 (a)Sek BUMUM.60* <«>** ! ... 5-5 1 M\t - '',, ' j 5.0 1 <d><X- 14.5 3= .j j e * U 69 ~ Note: 1 12,5 P6 Duraaon2.0 5 1 10• 13 1* 20 35 3d 4 n 40-1.0 -jj 86 90 126 ISO 1M e 6 84°5 6 300 380 n precipitation maps determine 6 hr and 24 hr amounts he selected frequency. These maps are included in the nty Hydrology Manual (10, 50, and 100 yr maps inducted IB Design and Procedure Manual), jst 6 hr precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr precipitation (not Itcaple to Desert). 6 hr precipitation on the right side of the chart w a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. t line is the intensity-duration curve for the location ig analyzed. rtionFomt: acted frequency 50 year - 3 in..P2<(= 5.5 jstedP6<2>* 3 in. -'P24 =-54.5_%ei) 20 min. 3.2 in "his chart urvesuse ii 233 2.12 1.68 130 1.08 093 033 039 0.60 033 TDST 0.29 026 022 0.19 O.t7 Jhr. repla dsir 3.95 3.18 233 1.62 1.40 1«3 030 0.80 0.51 0.44 039 033 OJ28 OJ25 2 6.2> 44M 3.37 239 2.15 137 1.66 1.38 1.19 1.06 032 038 0.59 032 0.43 0.38 0.33 ices the Intensity-Duration-Frequency ice 1965. 23 1 8.59 5.30 4.21 3JM 2.33 2.07 1.72 1.49 1.33 t-02. 0.85 0.73 0350.54 0.47 0.42 3 I"1 ^.90 638 5.05 339 3JB 230 2.49 2.07 179 1762 038 0.78 0.66 0.58 030 : S 33 4 t 43iI 9.22! 10.54 "77421 &4l &Mi 6.74 4341 6.19" 3.77 3J27 2.90 2.41 2.09 1.43 Tt.19 1.03 031 d76 0.66 0.58 4.31 3.73 332 2.76 •2.39" 2.12 1.63 1.36 1.18 1.0* ___ "067" 1 11.86 9.54 7.58 534 4.8Si 4J20 J.73_ £68 2.39 1.53 1.32 1.18, 0.98 0.85 0.75 nrtsrh-T-f-p-l 13.1? 1030 8.42 6^9 4.67 4.15 3.45 Z98 2.66 2.04 1.70 1.47 Oil 1.08 0.94 034 14.48 11.66 9JZ7 7.13 &93 5.13 436 3.79 3.28 2.92 2^5 137 1.62 1.44 1.19 1.03 032 _,_ __.., 12.72 7.78 8.46 J30. 4,13 338 fl.lB 2.46 234 1.76 137 T30 1.13 130 F 1 CURE intensity-Duration Design Chart - Example 3-2 Ill 100 LULUu. z LU o LU I LU I EXAMPLE: Given: Watercourse Distance (0) = 70 Feet Stope(s)=1.3% Runoff Coefficient (C) = 0.41 Overland Flow Time (T) = 9.5 Minutes SOURCE: Airport Drainage, Federal Aviation Administration, 1965 T_ 1.6 (1.1-C) VET Rational Formula - Overland Time of Flow Nomograph FIGURE 3-3 H -n County of San Diego Hydrology Manual ,''t~t : i r'-i. i >J ' ]-.] i ••. MS: I'-: X* :'j4^^^^MTR^i:J:rR\:f-i;!a-4-^w--"--i4-^.N/nr~ \-4 • v -i -J - '••: N i o?iM344.U.j. hLJ4.4fc--4^-A..4.-,.....:vK | -to Rainfall Isopluvials 100 Year Rainfall Event - 6 Hours TE. ! _ _ +_»__*__» _ i * ^-4. County of San Diego Hydrology Manual ^Riverside County Rainfall Isopluvials 100 Year Rainfall Event - 24 Hours ,,:,,&.! I . i- , , -i-j . (-i »- i. 3* is*u 0(-t-.^Nu NSA ? 3S Uo'M.-'Cfl'- •J?*3.36 0*«(iat.5fc tottjVtfltrrttA Z ID (-„« SM.SI* KA^WH^wr^^^SA V.*«< ;rahi*>KS* n» I*M ~«— <**»• «w *-*•*" »••*,«<**-*»*o»s« «*—••**•••llfctfo* M*W Ml H. **••»•»*«» --,t--''Tr ' fVi*'**St';1 -I JSfcrl ^.ir^g&M irz' '" ; V i-* '££& '5 ^ „ "" % ^/^"^i^f3:s& "" ' * *- • f>-1^ jJl ""^-i - .-I'X^r^r^f^>-.- v^w*-*-" •-»4>-HS—-«34iS»ijs>^<ahsrri~Td. 4« •-. x --K --** • *••-:. t f : ;,-/ > ,-,-1-. T •;~ .' i ,,.K f 3 " ^" •'••'' ; M-aiV *^iij % N A,.I I 0 N A I-^S!^T^J •-. v ^ !NA-4-f. -I-.J-WLJ^.i-4-';;-W-4}-™fe 1.. 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April I9»B <> .-?-r•"%«*. - ~- I <•,'•>&• ' ^ 4.L/4-i-'-i'>-"."/ - i**'-' •- ,•--. r- ,»»• tiV^-iii.- .i<-y—••<-™'"<r~ - ;T'>*'v vJKV^r^/^i-'i^^-^^SH-^r^-',.L.."j^"^ / •'V'r-;-,-r.^-.Jf#V4;CJr ;-i , •• - '• - \iifc/fcj-j—-. : «>-"--:-f , i : •,,, j> -.'V',-• - ' "'~.a--^"^'- ' '.fj' •''••. .JM*™ L-J*BI n< '• A I^-'V^, ' j. j; .~».-..yjl ' ' v.^:^4^¥^^-^r^ -^- l-:^N te ^'.jfa£, X"tA->v^^^^;V..^i^^ "n "I: ^-V— tit ': ? 1fe^:i|fcr^-^*1"^ / ^-:,J--fi-Mf :,>f-^-n^|l', i- --t-y-.-N* =. || irriCL-, ^utH^'-i--^" jM^V;' '/ -- M«"IT"*1 ' : •••":•' --'•''•v. -•^•^.'-.-•^i^v^'^ > ;-^^rv .; - ti- : v; State of California X,4jS^fiil REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD San Diego Region (9) SAN DIEGO HYDROLOGIC BASIN PLANNING AREA (SD) iJC.**&$** y~ *-•*• -i. -..<',„ ..,' r,;>c;t-';v7*>.-j ^1,-r-U.\. ^a-o,,!^•-r-v-Wt ,:.t-TJ °1 "- '• T •••- , '!«„„*/'-•• V'--^f -%.-,-:— , . :-•.,! '"",,, |. f,- ^^••-•-•4 v,: ,, :>.^.J it Seal* I '260,000 '•V. r.'^'-",. "i----. n •6.43 AC ' •* 64.7 CFS ". 39"RCP (24"RCP/5.6%) '. 39"RCP (27-RCP/2.3*)26.98 AC 48MRCP/1.0% . • 4.81 AC 6.6 CFS 31.34 AC 84.9 CFS 57.5 CFS . 11.60 AC 54"RCP 16.28 AC 229.7 CFS TtiM P° o CP,t°(S>^'% % 174 #r3? x,\ I' -<*,::%! *° -> ^> o <g %rf* ;%-k T* -fe-C7 cP \*>6 C^ ^ •». 4^;v»^>0 \ y ^P ^ '^o 4 '* ^^v5 * '°v ^ i •*<^ m& trf .«3t 3 is/*v^""\ \(5>\vf>*\$i\^ % ^ %, > (5> A&'% \* - % Hto ^ % *<€> •^to> oooo m' Ii $ .<§,.. 9^ ^.:. tiffl PPfiltf TO &CO Of LEGEND fl JUNCTIONS GUTTER FLOW CONTOURS CONDUITS SUBCATCHMENTS ROADS PROJECT BCC PROJECT LOCATION CHESTNUT AVENUE PROJECT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE NOV 2007 PROJECT NUMBER 128290 BROWN AND CALDWELL CENTERLINE DATA DaTA/BEARING RADIUS LENGTH 867.8$' STORM DRAIN DATA ®i 2 J 4 5 DELTA/BEARING H iroo'4r w N1S?f02'E &=3r3?irH ersfto" EHstsrro'f RADIUS 45.00' LENGTH ts.se' 15.02' fs.se' 2SS.IS' 133.W REMARKS 42- RCP - 1350-D •Jf/Xf ~ 1350-0 * Jf/KP~ 1350-D"*3S" RCP ~ 1350-D'• ' • INSTALL WATER TIGHT JOINTS •' FOR 45' RADIUS. INSTALL 4 FOOT LENGTHS OF PIPE. BEVELED AT ONE END. POTHOLE DATA PH# 1 UTIUTY S" WATER ELEVATION 154.05 W COVER (FT.) 4.0 POTHOLE PeRFORUED ON HARCH tt-IJ, 200> APN 205-130-74 OHNBt SARKIS/AN FAUIL Y TRUST PAR I APN 205-130-75 OWNER: WE ESTATE OF PATRICK E. PHEOHEN TRENCH K-SUfAONG PBI CITY OF CARLSBADSTD. CS-25 4S3LF* SEE SECTION ON SHT. 2fOR SAIKUT. WHO ANDOVERLAY UMTS APN 205-130-21 OWER: DAKOTA WEST PROPERTIES. LLC APN 205-130-22 OWNCX: BUCKLEYAPN 205-130-77 OmiEK ROLAND PAR 3 APN 205-130-76 OWNER: TIM WANG PAR 1 RESTMPE eeo Lf± or 6' HH/TE flW LANE PER CALTRANS DETAIL 3»EXIST. HttTER SERVICE (TYPJ EXIST. SEWER SERVICE (TYP.) ~Ea, T. e" CURS ftum—' EXIST. 1.5" HP eASLi e=j = EXIST, e" CUSS i! WTTER •REPLACE cum BY CONSTRUCTION EXIST. 42 ' RCP : 1 PER DIK. 273-7 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO~THE~aTY OF CARLSBAD NOTES; 1. S&- SHEET I TVR SKNINC AND SmP/HH tOTCS. 2. SEE SHEET 5-11 FOR TKAFflC CONTROL PUNS. J. PROVIDE SUHTREE TECHNOLOGIES STORM DRAIN CURB INLET BASKET. OK 128-1 (TYP.) APN 205-220-04 EXISme I.? HISH PRESSURE GAS UHE COmWOK TO VBVFY THE EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING UOJKS IN THE neu> HUM ro coHsmucnoHi AtM 205-220-03 FOR. TRACT 246 THUM LANDS MAPREC. 7/S/74 F/N 74-17S77] PLAN - STORM DRAIN BCC SCALE r = CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UIP/K>m<£NT PUHS FOR: CHESTNUT AVENUE STORM DRAIN BCC"AS-BUILT BENCHMARK;NOJFti CLCCTRON/C DATA FILES ARC FOR REFERENCE ONLY ANO ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SURVEY CONTROL HATE DRAWN BY: M.P. SCALE: PROJECT MCH.! M.C. JOB NO.! 08-1246 DESCRIPTION: 2.5' OSC IN HEST CURB OF VALLEY STREET UfD LS. 1215 CLSB-120 WEST CURB OF VALLEY STREET 85 FT. SOUTH Of UAGNOLU AVE. IN FRONT OF VALLEY JR. HIGH APPROVED: DAVID A. HAUSER DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER PE 33061 EXP. 6/30/10Civil EngineeringPlanning Processing Surveying 2710 loker Avenue WestSuite 1 00 Carlsbad. California 92010760-931 -7700 Fax: 760-931-8680 PROJECT NO. PD 08-06RECORD FROM: RECORD OF SURVEY 17271 ELEVATION: 116.554 REVISION DESCRIPTION©2009 O'Day Consultants, Inc. Xrefs; 08481; OB487ut1; 0848MAP; 0848tp; OB48utl; 0348PRF . CONTACT BIO-CLEAN EmRONMENTAL AT (760) 433-7640 FOR AOimONAL SKOFKXTIONS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE ANY EXISTWS IMPROVEMENTS DAMGED BY CONSTRUCTION. 5. HE-STRIPE THERMOPLASTIC PAVEUENT LEGEND PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS IF DAMAGED BY CONSTRUCTION. APH 205-140-25 CARLSBAD UHIFIB) SCHOOL DISTRICT CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOLPOO. TRACT 244 APN 205-130-27 OHNER: DOLKASAPN 20S-I30-SI OmER: MULLIGAN APN 205-130-24 OHNER: ISMS VNSTAUL TYPE »-J CO HOP. SEE PLAN FOR LOCATON OF 5' DUEN APN 20S-I30-25 OHNER: SCHMIDT TRENCH RE-SURFACING PER CITY OF CARLSBAD STB, DWC. GS-25 478 LFt SEE SECTION ON SHEET 2 FOR SAHCUr* SOW t OVERUYLMTS 9>(s) APH 205-130-30 OHNER: SALESRCSTRK 5S4LfZ 6" WHITE BIKC IMC PER CALTIWIS DETAIL 39 EXIST. 4" KP SEWER LATERAL PCR OK 128-1 tTYP.) EXIST. WATER POTHOLE PERFORMED ON MARCH It-It 2003.EXIST, e cuwytGurjER**^\ REMOVE AND REPLACEI60± SF OF BUST. SIDEWALK TO NEAREST JO/NTS. MATCH EXST.' TAC WATffl. IEPERK 128-1 a iBK LANE STRHNG (BOTH ' SWthl) REMOVE 4B Lf± BUST.f cum it CUTTCK. HATCH EXIST. •INSTALL WATERTIGHT JOHWS ** FOR 50.00 FOOT ROWS, INSTALL 4.0 FOOT PIPE LENGTHS BEmaONONEENDEXIST. 6 C.I. tlATERUNE ABANDONED OBTINC HIGH PfiCSSURe SAS UHES CONTRACTOR W tBUFY THE EXACTLOCATION OF oaswiG unums n THEFOB POOH n coNsmucmm PROTECT EXSTm UTUTCSI 1. SEE SHEET I FOR SIGNING AND STRIPING NOTES. 2. SEC SHEET 5-tl FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. 3. PROVIDE SUNTREE TECHNOLOGIES STORM DRAIN CURB INLET BASKET. CONTACT OO-CLEAH ENVIRONMENTAL AT (7SO) 433-7640 FOR AODtnONAL SPEOFKOIONS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE ANY EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS DAMAGED BY CONSTRUCTION. 5. SAWCUT EXISTING A.C. FOR APRON INSTALLATION. PROVIDE 2-StlX SLURRY W/ 2'A.C. OVERLAY FOR TRANS/IKW TO EXISTING PAVEMENT AROUm NEW APRON. APN 205-220-09 FOR. TRACT 248 APH 205-220-10 THUM LANDS MAP 1881 REMOVE 48 LKt BUST. 6' CURB i CUTTER. MATCH EXISTING 3HB7M 9 24'fame LINE)REMOVE AND REPLACE I60± SF OF EXET. StDEWK TO NEAREST JOHTS. MATCH BOSmiG, REPLACE PAVEMENT LEGEND i! CROSSmLK STRfta DAMAtSEO BY CONSTRUCTON.PLAN - STORMNOTE tt SffllrW DATA FILES ARE FOR KFETWX ONLY AH) ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SURVEY CONTROL CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT lUPmVEHEHT PLANS FOR: CHESTNUT AVENUE STORM DRAIN BCCSTOW WIN BENCHMARK:DATE: DECEMBER 2006 SCALE: JOB NO.: 08-1248 DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: PROJECT MGR. DESCRIPTION: 2.5" DISC IN WST CURB OF VALLET STREET HO) LS. 6215 CLSB-120 HEST CURB OF WW STREET 85 FT. SOUTH OFMAGNOLM ME. IN FRONT OF HUH CONSULT//NTS DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER PE 33081 iffCivil Engineering PlanningProcessingSurveying 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100Carlsbad. California 9201076O-931 -7700 Fax: 760-931-8680 DRAWING NO. 462-8 PROJECT NO. PD 08-06RECORD FROM: RECORD OF SURVEY 17271 ELEVATION: 176.554 REVISION DESCRIPTIONO'Day Consultants, Inc. FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL MODERNIZATION 3557 MONROE STREET, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA GRADING PLAN DWG# 457-9B T FEBRUARY 2,2009 DISCHARGE- LDCATIDN DRAINAGE AREA #1 4.29 AC CARLSBAD HIGH SCHDDc%:4. PROPOSED CONDITIONS SCALE l'=200' DRAINAGE AREA *3 14,82 AC DISCHARGE LOCATION DRAINAGE AREA #4 6.94 AC Drainage Project BCC (Chestnut Avenue) Totals 2.600 0.000 0.000 1.439 1,175 0.452 Node Depth Summary Node Jl J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9 JlO Jll J12 J13 J14 J15 J16 OUT1 Average Maximum Depth Depth Feet Feet 0 . 0 . Q 0- 0, 0 . 0 . «n\j - Q. 0. 0. 0. Q. 0. 0. ^ 03 03 01 01 02 02 01 01 02 00 00 02 02 07 07 .18 .59 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 3 27 ,27 .17 ,16 ,27 .26 .21 .10 .20 .04 .06 .25 .25 .79 .79 .80 .00 Maximum Time of Max Total Total HGL Occurrence Flooding Minutes Feet days hr:min in/acre Flooded 324 312 288 246 233 230 229 228 213 306 273 264 256 218 216 176 151 .27 .27 .17 .16 .27 .26 .21 .80 .20 .04 .06 .25 .25 .79 .79 .30 .50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14: 14: 14: 14: 14: 14; 14: 14: 14: 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 12 45 45 45 .45 :45 :45 :45 :45 :45 :45 :45 :45 :45 :45 :45 :45 :15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Conduit Flow Summary Conduit Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CIO Cll C12 C13 CIS C14 C16 Maximum Time of Max Maximum Flow Occurrence Velocity CFS days hr:min ft/sec 2. 3. 8. 14. 1. 1. 1. 17. 0. 0. 4 4 11 41 11 82 12 44 25 37 13 12 ,12 ,74 ,71 .39 .71 .70 .44 .81 .37 .91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14:45 14:45 14:45 14:45 14:45 14:45 14:46 14:45 14:45 14:45 14:45 14:46 14:45 14:46 14:46 14:45 9. 6. 10. 5. 6. 2. 2. 5. 3. 3. 9 6 9 7 2 18 71 32 03 66 75 56 ,34 .93 .65 .19 .48 .84 .90 .09 .57 .78 Length Maximum Total Factor /Design Minutes Flow Surcharged 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 09 .17 .05 .15 .08 .07 .07 .02 .01 .13 .13 .33 .22 .14 .67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Routing Time Step Summary Minimum Time Step Average Time Step Maximum Time Step Percent in Steady State Average Iterations per Step 30.00 sec 30.00 sec 30.00 sec 0.00 1.04 Analysis begun on: Fri Jun 16 07=42:47 2006 Total elapsed time: < 1 sec SWMM5 Page 2 EXHIBIT 'P' HYDRAULIC MAP 30' 120' SCALE: 1" = 60' CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL11- AES6000 1 EXIST. 36°\RCP SD A= 21.58 AC Tc= 11.15 MIN. SEE NOTE 2 /5000.0 005.0 fl005.1 SEENOfCHESTNUT AVENUE AES4000 (145.76 FL) ASSUMED HGL= 148.8 PER DWG. 273-7 NOTES 1. FOR BY-PASS FLOmATES AND CURB INLET CALCULATIONS SEE APPENDIX J 2. FLOmATE, AREA, & Tc FROM CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL ARE PER REFERENCE 1. C:\Civil 3D Projects\081248\0848hyd.dwg Mar 19, 2009 8:46am Xrefs: 08487utl; 0848MAP; 0848tp; 0848utl SCALE: 1" = 60' EXHIBIT '<?' HYDRAULIC MAP rt.^'Ti OCCURS AT Ae<, TIME or C:\Civil 3D Projects\081248\0848hydE.dwg Mar 17, 2009 1:13pm Xrefs: 08487utl; 0848MAP; 0848tp; 0848utl