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CT 90-23; Fairways; Hydrology Study; 1991-02-28
HYDROLOGY ` STUDY FAIRWAYS CT ENGINEERING DEPT. LIBRARY City of Carlsbad 2075 las Palmas Drive Carisbad, CA 92009-4859 49 ~~ MAPS I72 .- " .. 2 EXISTING CONDITIO^ 3 73 40 . 5 CONSUiTAfNTS INLET AREA 5 CONSULTA/NTS AREA = 0.3 Ac. AP cor VDlrION) 9 L li I 0.7 . .. - .- CONSLlLTAfNTS BU? MATER CAN BE COAf7AlNED IN STREET 722UAven1da Encinus CIvd Engmecring Second Floor Plunnmg Cdrlshod. Culifornzo 92009 Processing 619-931-7700 Surwi7ng Fax: 619-931-8680 I OVERLAND FLOW L= 105' ". 2.89 " 17 0.7 j 9ft. TYPE "6" INLET WILL ~ NOT ACCOMMODATE BUD BUT WAT€R CAN 6E CDNTLIIMEG IN ST,€ET. 7220;lv~nlda Encinas Ciwl Engineering .S'rcond Floor Planning Curlsbad. Culiiornia 92009 Processing i,lY-Y31-7700 Sur>-er-ing Fux: 619-931-8680 INlEf No. 9 - INLET No. 9 7ft. TYPE 'A-I"INLEJ WIlL ~ACCOMMODATE 0100 22 23 24 CONSULTAfNTS 25 INLET No. i2 3.51 cfs 0. K 27 20 INLET No. 13 31 COluSiiLTA/NTS 5.98 c fs 32 INLEf SIZING @OhlT) USE IO ft TYPE "6-/"/NLET FOR INLET NO. 15 BY SO 33 BUT WATER CAN BE~COrJTAlNED Id STREET. ~ 35 .~ 7220Avenidu Encinus Civil Engmeeriq Second Floor ~ Plunning Culsbuirl, Cdiiurnia 92009 ~ Processing 619-931-7700 Smve;e.lng FUX: 619-931-8650 37 39 INLET do. I? Cl . ~. CONSLJLTAfNTS 42 .. 43 4-4 45 CATCH 0PSlN No. I AREA= 0.3/ Ac. ~ C = 0.45 FOR UA 46 CATCH BAS!M No. ? 47 ". 49 tnn*nnt*n***tnn*tt****~*xxx**~*nnnt****n**nn*tnntnnnnnn****n**n*******~ n 1. - O'DAY CONSULTANTS * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 n * Carlsbad, California, 92009 * t (619) 931-7700 * Inside Diameter ( 24.~30 in.) n t t Circular Channel Section ""~""""~""""" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Nannings 'n' .............. Hin. Fric. Slope, 24 in. Pipe Flowing Full.. ..... Oe- 28.860 15.268 24.000 13.926 1.161 0.580 1.846 4.000 1.890 3.464 0.(613 1.262 1.628 CFS fPS inches inches feet feet 'a sq. ft. feet 'a 52 Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) * * * * * I I * * I ( 11.49 in.) Circular Channel Section """""""""""" @la L/E/E !'A'' Flowrate .................. @SO "23.470 CFS Velocity .................. 15.801 fps Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow 24.000 inches .............. 11.488 inches Depth of Flow .............. 0.957 feet Critical Depth ............ Depth/Dianeter (D/d) 1.722 feet ..... 0.479 Slope of Pipe ............. 5.000 % Wetted Perimeter X-Sectional Area 1.486 sq. ft. .......... 3.056 feet ARA(2/3) .................. 0.918 Hannings 'n' .............. 0.013 Min. Fric. Slope, 24 in. .......... Pipe Flowing Full ....... 1.077 % Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) n n n n n Water n I I n n I I n ( 10.71 in.) ( 0.893 ft.) * * n * I I """" v- Circular Channel Section @ Ll/vE "A" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Degth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... AR"(2/3) .................. Hannings 'n' .............. Hin. Fric. Slope, 24 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... ........... .............. Q50 = 20.570 15.157 24.000 10.715 0.893 0.446 1.628 4.900 1.357 2.927 0.813 0.013 0.827 CFS fps inches inches feet feet I feet sq. ft. I 0 'DAY CONSULTANTS 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 Carlsbad, California, 92004 (619) 931-7700 Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) n n Circular Channel Section """""""""""" 01 UA/€ "A If Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Hannings 'n' .............. Hin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... @c0 = 8.080 9.763 18.000 8.551 0.713 0.475 1.098 2.820 0.827 0.421 2.281 0.013 0.592 '6 CFS fps inches inches feet feet a sq. ft. feet Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * lAllllllllllllAlllllA "" * A Water * I I I I * n n ( 6.22 in.) * ( 0.518 ft.) * * I I * """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" m Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Depth of Flow. ............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... AR"(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... ........... .............. 450 = 5.390 CFS 9.953 fps 18.000 inches 6.218 inches 0.518 feet 0.893 feet 0.345 4.000 % 0.541 sq. ft. 1.885 feet 0.236 0.013 0.263 's .-, tfttttt.tttt.f*..f..t~t~~~,**~~*tt***t**~t*tt~~*~~t*~tttt*ttt~~~*** - O'DAY ConsuLTAnrs t r 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 t Carlshad, California, 92009 t t FAX (619) 931-8680 . - (619) 931-7700 ................................................................... Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) t t I I t ( 5.39 in.) t t t t ( 0.449 ft.) I I """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow...... ........ Depth of Flow.............. Critical Depth ............ DepthlDiameter (Dld) ..... X-Sectional Area Slope of Pipe Wetted Perineter .......... Hannings 'n' .............. Hin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... ............. .......... AR"(Zl3) .................. Qgo= 2.900 6.518 18.000 0.449 5.391 0.644 0.300 0.445 2.000 0.179 1.737 0.013 0.076 CFS fps inches inches feet feet z sq. ft. feet ................................................................... - f O'DAY ConsuLrAnrs t t 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 Carlshad, California, 92009 * - (619) 931-7700 FAX (619) 931-8680 ................................................................... Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) t t t Circular Channel Section """""""""""" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Depth of Plov Diameter of Pipe Depth of Flow .............. DepthlDiameter (Dld) Critical Depth X-Sectional Area Slope of Pipe Wetted Perimeter .......... AR"(2l3) .................. Nannings 'n' .............. Nin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full....... ........... .............. ............ ..... ............. .......... QjP= 4.330 7.293 18.000 0.555 6.660 0.795 0.370 2.000 0.594 1.962 0.268 0.013 0.170 CFS fPS inches inches feet feet I feet sq. ft. I ................................................................... - O'DAY CO1SIJLfAlfS f 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 t f Carlshad, California, 92009 t t (619) 931-7700 t FAX (619) 931-8680 t - ................................................................... Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) t t t Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LINE "0" Plowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow..... ......... Depth of Plow.. ............ Critical Depth ............ DepthlDiameter (Dld) ..... X-Sectional Area Slope of Pipe Wetted Perimeter .......... AR"(2/3) .................. Hannings 'n' .............. Hin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full. ...... ............. .......... 05,s 3.750 7.008 18.000 0.514 6.169 0.739 0.343 2.000 0.536 1.876 0.232 0.013 0.128 CFS fPS inches feet inches feet t sq. ft. feet t tnnnnnnnnnnnnn*nnnn~*~*..*t**nnn**knn*nnnnnnnn*n*nnnn*n***nn*nnnn**nnnn n - * O'DAY CONSULTANTS t 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * n Carlsbad, California, 92009 n (619) 931-7700 x n n ~nfnnnnnnnnn*nn*n*n**nnnnn*nnnn*nnn*n*nnnnn**n****n~nn*nnnnnn~nnnn* - FAX (619) 931-8686 - Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) I n n n n AAAA~AAAAAAA~AAAAAAAA "" A n Water n I n I I n I I I n ( 16.95 in.) ( 0.913 ft.) n * n n n """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LINE "E" Flowrate .................. Qco = 12.490 CFS Velocity .................. 11.093 fps Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow 18.000 inches .............. 10.954 inches Depth of Flow .............. 0.913 feet Critical Depth ............ 1.333 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... 0.609 Slope of Pipe ............. 3.006 % X-Sectional Area .......... 1.126 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter .......... 2.684 feet ARA(2/3) .................. 0.631 Nannings 'n' .............. C3.013 Nin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 1.414 % ................................................................... - O'DAY CORSULTAITS t t 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 t t Carlshad, California, 92009 t t - (619) 931-7700 Inside Diameter ( 18.80 in.) t t t t I 1 t I I I ( 5.68 in.) ( 0.473 ft.) t t t t """" 9- Circnlar Channel Section """""""""""" ma LINE ''E " Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow.... .......... Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (Did) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Hanninqs 'n' .............. Kin. Pric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Ploving Full ....... &= 6.980 14.614 18.800 0.473 5.678 0.315 1.023 9.500 8.478 0.198 1.789 0.013 0.442 CFS fps inches inches feet feet % sq. ft feet Inside Diameter ( 18.0M in.) I I * I I I * * ( 5.85 in.) * [ 0.487 ft.) * * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" L/N& E" Q, Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... AR^(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 450s 6.980 14.025 18.000 5.846 0.487 0.325 1.022 8.480 0. 49.8 1.819 0.210 0.013 0.441 CFS fPS inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. ................................................................... - O'DAY COASULPAITS 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 Carlshad, California, 92009 t * t t - (619) 931-7700 t FAX (619) 931-8680 t ................................................................... Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) t f t r r t t I I t I [ 10.72 in. 1 ( 0.893 ft.) I t 1 t """" 0- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" Plowrate .................. Velocity .................. DiaDeter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flov. ............. Depth of Flov .............. DepthlDianeter (Did) Critical Depth X-Sectional Area Slope of Pipe Wetted Perineter .......... AR"(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Pric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Plowing Pull. ...... ............ ..... ............. .......... &= 6.980 CFS 6.358 fps 18.000 inches 10.720 inches 0.893 feet 0.596 1.023 feet 1.000 I 1.097 sq. ft 2.645 feet 0.610 0.013 0.441 I Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * * * * I I * ( 5156 in.) ( 0.464 ft.) * * * * * I I """" v- Circular Channel Section _"""""""""""- a LfNE "F" Flowrate .................. qs9 = 3.080 CFS Velocity .................. 6.633 fps Diameter of Pipe ........... 18.000 inches Depth of Flow .............. 5.563 inches Depth of Flow .............. 0.464 feet Critical Depth ............ 0.669 feet Depth/Diameter (Dld) ..... 0.309 Slope of Pipe ............. 2.000 % X-Sectional Area .......... 0.465 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter .......... 1.769 feet AR"(2/3) .................. 0.191 Hannings 'n' .............. 0.013 Hin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full.. ..... 0.086 % Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) n n * n n I I t I n ( 4.92 in.) * ( 0.410 ft.) n I I n * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LINE "Fit Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. ........... Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe .............. - Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. Wetted Perimeter X-Sectional Area Mannings 'n' ARA(2/3) Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. .......... .......... .................. .............. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Qs0 "2.430 6.199 18.000 4.925 0.410 0.595 0.274 2.000 0.392 1.651 0.158 0.013 0.054 CFS fPS feet feet % feet sq. ft. " .. ttf.ftff,.f.f..f.t~tttt~~Y~~*~*~*t*t*t*tttt*t*tt~*~~~~~*~~*~~~~tt f O'DAY COBSULTAATS t Carlshad, California, 92009 PAX (619) 931-8680 t 7220 Avenida Encinas. Suite 204 t t - (619) 931-7700 ................................................................... - Inside Dianeter ( 18.00 in.) t t t I I t I ( 6.21 in.) t ( 0.518 ft.) t I I t t t """" 0- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LINE "G" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Di'aneter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow.. ............ Depth of Flow .............. DepthlDianeter (old) Critical Depth X-Sectional Area Slope of Pipe Yetted Perineter .......... AR"(2l3) .................. Uannings 'n' .............. Uin. Pric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... ............ ..... ............. .......... 050- 3.886 7.032 18.000 0.518 6.210 0.743 0.345 2.000 0.540 1.883 0.235 0.013 0.131 I CPS inches fPS inches feet feet t feet sq. ft. ................................................................... - O'DAY ConsuLrAnrs t t 7226 Avenida Encinas, Suite 264 f f Carlsbad, California, 92669 t (619) 931-7706 t ~ f ................................................................... FAX (619) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 18.66 in.) t i I ( 6.79 in.) 1 ( 6.566 ft.) I Circular Channel Section """""""""""" Flowrate .................. Q*= 3.1 Velocity .................. 5.2 Dianeter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow. ............. Depth of Flow .............. DepthlDiameter (old) Critical Depth Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Yetted Perineter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Hin. Pric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Pull ....... ............ ..... 80 68 18. 666 6.791 0.676 0.566 0.377 6.616 1. 666 1.984 6. 278 6.613 6.692 CPS fps inches inches feet feet z sq. ft. feet 1 Inside Diameter ( 18.08 in.) * * * * AAAA~AAAA~AAAAAAAAAA~ "" * A Water * I I I I * * * * ( 6.84 in.) * ! 0.570 ft.) I I * """" "- Circular Channel Section Sff€i JU Flowrate .................. 0$>=4.850 CFS Velocity .................. 7.875 fps Diameter of Pipe ........... 18.000 inches Depth of Flow .............. 6.840 inches Depth of Flow .............. 0.510 feet Critical Depth ............ 6.845 feet Depth/Dianeter (D/d) ..... 0.380 Slope of Pipe ............. 2.270 % X-Sectional Area .......... 0.616 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter .......... 1.993 feet ARA(2/3) .................. 0.282 Mannings 'n' .............. Q. 013 Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 0.213 2 Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * AAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ "" A * Water I I I I I I * * ( 5.65 in.) * ( 0.471 ft.) * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a sI4ri-T 14 LINE "H' Flowrate .................. Q50: 4.850 Velocity .................. 10.200 Diameter of Pipe ........... 18.000 Depth of Flow..... ......... 5.653 Depth of Flow .............. 0.471 Critical Depth ............ 0.846 Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... 0.314 Slope of Pipe ............. 4.650 X-Sectional Area .......... 0.475 Wetted Perimeter .......... 1.785 ARA(2/3) .................. 0.197 Mannings 'n' .............. 0.013 Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 0.213 CFS fps inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. - - ................................................................... * - O'DAY CONSULTANTS * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * Carlsbad, California, 92009 * * (619) 931-7700 * 9 FAX (619) 931-8680 9 - ................................................................... Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * 9 * 9 9 AAAAA~AAAAAAAA,,AAAAAA "" A * Water * I I I I I I * * 9 * ( 11.49 in.) * ( 0.958 ft.) * * * 9 """" v- Circular Channel Section """"~""~""""" (;R LINE "H" SW 14 Flowrate .................. Qga= 10.980 Velocity .................. 9.217 Diameter of Pipe ........... 18.000 Depth of Flow .............. 11.494 Depth of Flow .............. 0.958 Critical Depth ............ 1.268 Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... 0.639 Slope of Pipe ............. 2.010 X-Sectional Area .......... 1.191 Wetted Perimeter .......... 2.777 ARA(2/3) .................. 0.678 Hannings 'n' .............. 0.013 Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 1.093 CFS fps inches inches feet feet % sq. ft. feet % 71) Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) n * n n n n n AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "" n A Water n I * n I I I * ( 10.45 in.) * ( 0.871 ft.) t n * * I I """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" sngu 14 L/N€ .................. Velocity Flowrate Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Critical Depth Depth of Flow Slope of Pipe ............. Wetted Perimeter X-Sectional Area Nannings 'n' ARA(2/3) Hin. Fric. Slope, 24 in. .................. ........... .............. .............. ............ Depth/Diameter [D/d) ..... .......... .......... .................. .............. Pipe Flowing Full ....... ' w Qgo= 12.750 9.705 24.000 10.452 0.871 0.436 1.286 2.056 1.314 8.778 2.883 0.013 0.318 CFS fPS inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. % Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) * * * * I * * i I Y * ( 12.89 in.) * * * * ( 1.074 ft.) I I """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" aa 5,4FET 15 LIME I'M" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow.. ............. Depth of Flow.. ............ Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 24 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... @&= 12.750 7.415 24.000 12.890 1.074 0.537 1.284 1.000 3.290 1.719 0.013 1.115 0.311 % CFS inches inches feet feet % feet fPS sq. ft. 72 tt~t~t.t.~.t,.f.*.ttt,~tt***~tt~~t*ttt~**~~ttt*ttt~~~*~*Yt*~*t~ttt~ - 9 O'DAY CONSULTARTS t 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 t t Carlshad, California, 92009 t (619) 931-7700 PAX (619) 931-8680 t - ................................................................... Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) 1 I I t I I I ( 11.45 in.) t t t t ( 0.954 ft.) """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" Plowrate .................. Diameter of Pipe Velocity Depth of Plow...... ........ Depth of Plow .............. DepthlDiameter (Did) Critical Depth X-Sectional Area Slope of Pipe Netted Periaeter .......... Mannings 'n' .............. LLin. Pric. Slope, 24 in. Pipe Plowing Pull ....... .................. ........... ............ ..... ............. .......... ARA(2/3) .................. 13%- 14.770 24.000 11.453 0.954 0.417 2.000 3.050 0.913 0.013 0.426 9.980 I. 384 I. 480 CPS fPs inches feet inches feet z feet sq. ft. z ............................................................ x x - 0 'DAY CONSULTANTS * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 '* Cdrlsbad, California, 92869 * * (619) 931-7700 * * F.3X (619) 931-8680 t - ................................................................... Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) * * * * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "" A * Water I I I I I I * * * * ( 11.45 in.) * ( 0.954 ft.) * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LJ2 'WH" 5HtT J5 Flowrate .................. Q5-.=14.770 Velocity .................. 9.980 Diameter of Pipe ........... 24.000 Depth of Flow .............. 11.453 Depth of Flow .............. 0.954 Critical Depth ............ 1.384 Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... 0.477 Slope of Pipe ............. 2.000 X-Sectional Area .......... 1.480 Wetted Perimeter .......... 3.050 ARA(2/3) .................. 0.913 Wannings 'n' .............. 0.013 Win. Fric. Slope, 24 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 0.426 CFS fps inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. % 74 Inside Diameter ( 24.0~3 in.) * n * n 11111~111111111A1AAA1 "" A n Hater n I I I I n n * ( 6.33 in.) * n ( 0.528 ft.) n * I I * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" @ LIN€ W' .%€ET 15 Flowrate .................. Q~=23.890 CFS Velocitv .................. 36.047 fvs - Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. . Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Dianeter !D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... Hannings 'n' ARA(2/3) Hin. Fric. Slope, 24 in. .................. .............. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 24.000 inches 6.333 inches 0.528 feet 1.733 feet 48.000 S 0.264 0.663 sq. ft 0.302 2.158 feet 0.013 1.115 S 75 t *************t*********.*t**t*****t************t**********t*t**t***ttt * - O'DAY CONSULTANTS t 1220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * Carlabad, California, 92009 * * (619) 931-7700 1 * FAX j619) 931-8680 * - ***********t***tt*****t*tt*******t***t*tttt***t**************t~*t** Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) * t * " * * AAAAAAA~AAAAAAAAAIAAA "" * A Water * I I I I I I t * t * ( 10.21 in.) ( 0.856 ft.) t * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LIME 'Wn SffEET 15 Flowrate .................. @~,=23.890 CFS Velocity .................. 18.623 fps Diameter of Pipe ........... 24.000 inches Depth of Flow.. ............ 10.266 inches Depth of Flow.. ............ 0.856 feet Critical Depth ............ 1.731 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d} ..... 0.428 Slope of Pipe ............. 1.100 % X-Sectional Area .......... 1.283 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter .......... 2.852 feet ARA(2/3) .................. 0.153 Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 24 in. 0.013 Pipe Flowing Full ....... 1.115 % 76 ***.~***~******ttt**fft***tt**rtt***~*t********~***t****t*t~nnt*****n**n * - O'DAY CONSULTANTS * * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * * Carlsbad, California, 92@109 * * (619) 931-7700 t FAX (619) 931-8680 t - ****************************t**tr*****~*******e****r~rr**** Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) x * t t * I I * I * ( 5.78 in.) t * """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LfNE "I" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 05, = 3.400 6.940 18.000 5.784 0.482 0.101 0.321 2.100 0.490 1.808 0.205 0.013 0.105 % CFS fps inches inches feet feet 0 feet sq. ft. 77 ................................................................... - O'DAY CORSULTARTS 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 Carlshad, California, 92009 (619) 931-7700 PAX (619) 931-8680 f - ..f*f*t*t.*t.tt..tt*tt..tttt..f..tttt.).~~~**~~**~~~*~t~~t****t**~~ Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) t t I I I I I ( 3.80 in.) ( 0.317 ft.) t """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" Plowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Plow......... ..... Depth of Flow.......... .... Critical Depth ............ DepthlDiameter (Dld) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... AR"(Zl3) .................. Hannings 'n' .............. Hin. Pric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Plowing Pull....... 13ijoz 1.450 5.342 18.000 0.317 3.803 0.467 0.211 2.000 0.272 1.433 0.013 0.019 ~1.090 CPS fps inches inches feet feet 1 sq. ft. feet 1 -s Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * n * AAAAAAAAAAAnAAAAAAAAA "" * A Water * I I I I I I * * * ( 3.39 in.) ( 0.283 ft.) * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow. ............. Depth of Flow. ............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diaaeter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Wannings 'n' .............. Hin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... QSD = 3.630 15.684 18.000 3.394 0.723 0.283 19.740 0.189 0.231 1.348 0.071 0.013 0.119 % CFS fps inches inches feet feet 5 sq. ft. feet Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * n Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LINE "J" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Hannings 'n' .............. Hin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full. ...... QSo= 2.500 5.636 18.000 0.448 5.375 0.598 0.299 0.443 1.500 1.734 0.178 0.013 0.057 % CFS fps inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) n * i * I " i * ( 3.64 in.) ( 0.303 ft.) * * * n * I I """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" GI L/N€ "K" Flowrate .................. 1.170 Velocity .................. 6.945 Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow 18.000 .............. 3.640 Depth of Flow .............. 0.303 Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.508 ..... 0.202 Slope of Pipe ............. 3.560 X-Sectional Area .......... 0.256 Wetted Perimeter .......... 1.399 ARA(2/3) .................. 0.082 Hannings 'n' .............. 0.013 Hin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 0.029 CFS fps inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. 81 Inside Diameter ( 18.88 in.) t t lAAAAl11A11lllllA~ll1 "" A t Water t I I I I t t t ( 2.79 in.) t ( 9.232 ft.) t I I t t t """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LINE "K" Flosrate .................. a5*= e. 178 Velocity .................. 4.432 Diaueter of Pipe ........... Depth of Plow......... 18.888 ..... 2.788 - Depth of Flow.............. Critical Depth ............ DepthlDiaueter (llld) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... Mannings 'n' ARA(2/3) Hin. Pric. Slope, 18 in. .................. .............. Pipe Floslnq Full....... 8.232 8.387 8.155 2.898 8.174 1.214 B.813 e. 848 8.885 CPS fPS inches Inches feet feet t sq. ft. feet t - - ............................................................. * * O'DAY CONSULTANTS - 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * Carlsbad, California, 92009 * * (619) 931-7700 * * FAX (619) 931-8680 * - ***.***t******t*************t**t******************~a*n*********u******* - Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * * * AAA~AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "" * A Water * I I I I * * * ( 8.29 in.) * * * * * ( 0.691 ft.) I I """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""-- a LINE "1" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Nannings 'n' .............. Nin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Qg0= 9.120 11.470 18.000 8.293 0.691 0.461 1.171 0.795 4.000 0.399 2.238 0.013 6.754 % CFS inches inches feet feet % sq. ft. feet fps 83 ................................................................... t t t t t t ................................................................... - O'DAY CONSULPANTS 7220 Avenida Enciuas, Suite 204 Carlshad, California, 92009 (619) 931-7700 FAX (619) 931-8680 - Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) t t t t t i t I I I ( 3.18 in.) ( 0.265 ft.) t t t """" v- Circular Channel Section """""_""""_"" LINE "M" Plowrate .................. Qw= 1.010 CFS Velocity .................. 4.803 fps Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow 18.000 inches .............. 3.181 inches Depth of Flow....... ....... 0.265 feet Critical Depth ............ 0.340 feet DepthlDiameter (Dld) ..... 0.177 Slope of Pipe ............. 2.000 t X-Sectional Area .......... 0.211 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter .......... 1.302 feet ARA(2/3) .................. 0.063 Haunings 'u' .............. 0.013 Uin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full....... 0.009 t ****.t****f****.***.****t********t***t***tt**t*t*******t*********** - O'DAY COPSULTAPTS t 7220 Avenlda Enclnas, Suite 204 * (619) 931-7780 Carlsbad, California, 92009 t - f *************t***t***********************t*t*,**tt*t***~****t*~*t*t FAX (619) 931-8680 s Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) t t t Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a9 Plourate .................. 050' 2.020 Velocity .................. 10.798 Diameter of Pipe ........... 18. 800 Depth of Flop.............. 2.928 Depth of Plow. ............. 0.244 DepthlDlameter (Dld) ..... 0.163 Critical Depth ............ B. 544 PS PS nches nches eet eet Slope of Pipe ............. 11.190 Z X-Sectional Area .......... 8.187 sq. ft. Wetted Perllreter .......... 1.245 feet ARA(2/3) .................. 0.053 Llannings 'n' .............. 0.813 Hin. Pric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowin3 Full....... 0.837 Z tttttttt*.tttttttttttttt*t=~t~ttttattttrttt*stttttttttt~t*~*t*~~~*~ t t t ................................................................... - O'DAY ConsuLrAnrs 7220 Avenida Kncinas. Suite 204 Carlsbad, California, 92009 (619) 931-7700 t - FAX (619) 931-8680 *. Inside Diameter ( 30.00 in.) t t t i t I t I I I ( 23.10 in.) ( 1.925 ft.) t t t """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a Plowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ DepthlDiameter (Did) ..... X-Sectional Area Slope of Pipe Netted Perimeter .......... Nannings 'n' .............. Pipe Flowing Full. ...... ............. .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Hin. Fric. Slope, 30 in. Qw= 111.000 27.369 30.000 23.098 Greater than 1.925 0.770 8.300 4.056 3.371 5.353 0.013 7.323 CPS fps inches inches feet Pipe Diameter z sq. ft. feet n n n n " 0 ' DAY CONSULTANTS 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 Carlsbad, California, 92009 (619) 931-7700 Inside Diameter ( 30.00 in.) n n n Circular Channel Section """""""""""" 0 LINE 'IN" .................. Velocity ........'.......... Flowrate Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Depth of Flow .............. ........... .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. Wetted Perimeter X-Sectional Area Mannings 'n' ARA(2/3) Min. Fric. Slope, 30 in. .......... .......... .................. .............. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Q50= 111.000 CFS 41.185 fps 30.000 inches 16.157 inches Greater than Pipe Diameter 1.346 feet 22.860 % 0.539 2.695 sq. ft. 4.120 feet 2.031 0.@13 7.323 2 87 Inside Diameter ( 30.00 in.) * I * * * * "" *AAAA**AAAA*A*A**AAAA * * Water * I I I I I I * * * ( 21.20 in.) * * * * ( 1.766 ft.) """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LINE "N" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diamet.er of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter !D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 30 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Q50= 115.290 CFS 31.094 fps 30.000 inches 21.197 inches Greater than Pipe Diameter . 1.766 feet 11.000 'a 0.707 3.708 sq. ft. 4.992 feet 0.013 3.041 7.900 % - - ***ftt************t*k****tt***k**t****~~****~****k************ * * - O'DAY CONSULTANTS * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * * Carlsbad, California, 92069 * * (619) 931-7700 * - * FAX (619) 931-8680 ***********~X****.****************************************k*k****** * Inside Diameter ( 30.00 in.) * * * * * AAAA*AAAAAAAAAAAAIAAA "" * A Water * I I I I I I * * ( 21.20 in.) ( 1.766 ft.) * * * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a 1 /NE "N ' Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Hannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 30 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... QsO= 115.290 CFS 31.894 fps 21.197 inches 30.000 inches Greater than Pipe DiameRer 1.766 feet 0.707 11.000 % 3.108 sq. ft. 4.992 feet 0.013 3.041 7.900 % Inside Diameter ( 30.00 in.) * * * I I * I * * ( 21.20 in.) n ( 1.766 ft.) * I I * * * """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a [/NE "AI" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Nannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 30 in. Pipe Flowing Full.. ..... ........... .............. Qs0= 117.470 CFS 31.682 fps 21.197 inches 30.000 inches Greater than Pipe Diameter 1.766 feet 11.420 2 0.707 3.708 sq. ft. 4.992 feet 0.813 3.041 8.202 % ! I !- ................................................................... * * O'DAY CONSULTANTS * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 I * k Carlsbad, California, 92@09 * (619) 931-7700 ******t********t*n*****tt*tfttt*****************~************************* FAX (619) 931-8680 * Inside Diameter ( 48.00 in.) * * * * * * * I I I I * ( 23.93 in.) ( 1.995 ft.) * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" Ga Flowrate .................. Q,=117.470 Velocity .................. 18.761 Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow 48.000 .............. 23.935 Depth of Flow.. ............ 1.995 Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) 3.268 ..... 0.499 Slope of Pipe ............. 2.700 X-Sectional Area .......... 6.261 Wetted Perimeter .......... 6.272 AR"(2/3) .................. 6.254 Wannings 'n' .............. 0.013 Hin. Fric. Slope, 48 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 0.669 CFS fPS inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. % 9/ Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * * * I I n I ( 6.49 in.) (. 0.541 ft.! I Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LING "0 " Flowrate .................. Qsa=2.480 Velocity .................. 4.317 Diameter of Pipe ........... 18.000 Depth of Flow .............. 6.488 Depth of Flow .............. 0.541 Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.596 ..... 0.360 Slope of Pipe ............. 0.720 X-Sectional Area .......... 0.574 Wetted Perimeter .......... 1.932 ARA(2/3) .................. 0.255 Mannings 'n' .............. 0.M13 Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full.. ..... 0.056 CFS fPS inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. % 92 - - ................................................................... * * - * * * * 0 'DAY CONSULTANTS 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 t Carlsbad, California, 92009 I * - (619) 931-7700 FAX (619) 931-8680 * ***t******n***t*********t*.****tt**t***t*************************** Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A "" * Water " I I I I * * * * ( 8.80 in.) * * * * ( 0.733 ft.) I I """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a L/N& "0" Flowrate .................. Qso=4.290 CFS Velocity .................. 4.994 fps Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow.. 18.000 inches ............ 8.797 inches Depth of Flow. ............. Critical Depth 0.733 feet ............ 8.793 feet Depth/Diameter (D/dj ..... 0.489 Slope of Pipe ............. 0.720 % .......... Wetted Perimeter X-Sectional Area 0.858 sq. ft. .......... 2.322 feet ARA(2/3) .................. 0.442 Mannings 'n' .............. 0.013 Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 0.166 % 97 ................................................................... - t O'DAY CORSULTARTS t 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 t Carlsbad, California, 92009 - (619) 931-7700 t ................................................................... FAX (619) 931-8688 Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) t t Circular Channel Section """""""""""~~ LINE "P" Flowrate .................. Qw* 1.690 Velocity .................. 7.130 Diameter of Pipe ........... 18.000 Depth of Flow .............. 3.452 Depth of Flow... ........... 0.288 DepthlDiameter (old) 0.493 ..... 0.192 X-Sectional Area .......... 0.237 Wetted Perimeter .......... I. 360 AR"(Zl3) .................. 0.074 Min. Pric. Slope, 18 in. 0.013 Critical Depth ............ Slope of Pipe ............. 4.000 Hannings 'n' .............. Pipe Plowing Pull... .... 0.026 CFS fps inches feet inches feet t feet sq. ft. 5 Inside Diameter ( 18.08 in.) * * * * I I I * * I I I ( 3.01 in.) ( 0.251 ft.) * * * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... @%= 1.350 6.947 18.000 3.009 0.446 0.251 0.167 4.480 0.194 1.264 0.013 0.056 0.017 8 CFS fps inches inches feet feet 8 sq. ft. feet 95 " .. ~~~ 619-931-7700 ~~ Surveving Fax: 619-931-8680 96 " f .. .'.~. .- . : ., . ,. . .. Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) m m " m I I * I [ 15.56 in.) m * m * I """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LINE ",4 'I Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Depth of Flow. ............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. ........... .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 24 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 9/&34.110 15.822 24.000 15.564 1.297 0.648 1.912 4.008 2.156 3.745 0.013 1.492 2.273 CFS fPS lnches inches feet feet % sq. ft. feet % Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) * * * * I I * I I I * ( 11.99 in.) ( 0.999 ft.) * * * """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" am LINE '!4" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Dianeter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Nannings 'n' .............. Nin. Fric. Slope, 24 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Q,+J,,= 25.260 24.000 16.097 11.991 0.999 0.500 1.764 5.000 1.569 0.988 3.140 0.013 1.247 % CFS inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. fps 99 - - nn**hnnnna**nnn*nannXI******X***lt*t****a**nnnnan**n******nnn*nn*na * k - O'DAY CONSULTANTS * * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 a n n n*nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn*nnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnn*nn~~n*nnnaan*nnnnnn*nnn* Carlsbad, California, 92009 * FAX (619) 931-8680 n - (619) 931-7700 n Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) n n * * n n ..................... "" n * I?ater * I n n I I I ( 11.06 in.) ( 0.922 ft.) n n I I n n n """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LINE 'XA" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Slope of Pipe ............. Hannings 'n' .............. Nin. Fric. Slope, 24 in. Pipe Flowing Full.. ..... Q/cb=21.760 24.000 11.962 0.922 1.667 0.461 4.980 1.415 1s. 3.80 2.985 0. a60 B.@13, 0.925 % CPS fPS inches inches feet feet % sq. ft. feet Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.! * * n * * * * I I * I ( 8.77 in.) Circular Channel Section -"""""""""""- a LINE '%" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Hannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... QIm= 8.440 9.873 18.606 0.731 8.772 0.487 1.126 2.820 0.855 2.318 0.440 0.013 0.646 % CFS fps inches inches feet feet 0 feet sq. ft. " ...,. .. .. . L " *******l****tf*******ftt**n*****~**************~********************* " - O'DAY CONSULTANTS 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suit.e 204 * x Carlsbad, California, 920~39 * * * - (619) 931-7700 * ................................................................... FAX (619) 931-8680 * Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * I I * * I * { 8.15 in.) { 0.679 ft.) * * * * * I I """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" aD Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ ........... .............. Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Wannings 'n' .............. Win. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... (&, = 8 .8 50 11.378 18.000 8.150 0.679 1.149 4.000 0.453 0.771 2.214 0.387 0.013 0.109 % CFS fps inches inches feet feet % sq. ft. feet .. .... . .. ...., . . Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * I * * * * AAA~~A~AnAAAA~~AAAAAA A "" * Water I I I I I I * * * ( 5.95 in.) ( 0.496 ft.) * * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """~""""""""- Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 6.815 = 3.500 18.000 5.948 0.711 0.496 0.330 2.000 0.510 1.837 0.013 0.211 0.111 '6 CFS fps inches inches feet feet '6 sq. ft. feet .. .. - .- i T. . " I - ................................................................... - O'DAY CONSULTANTS * Carlsbacl, California, 9206)9 * (619j 931-7700 * FAX (619) 931-8680 t ................................................................... ~* * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * * * - * Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) t * * * * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~AAAA A "" Water * I I I I I I * * * * ( 6.72 in.) ( 0.560 ft.) * x * * """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" G3 UAJE "D I' Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) .__.. Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Nin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... q,oo = 4.400 7.325 18.000 6.718 0.566 0.805 0.373 0.601 2.000 1.972 0.272 0.013 0.176 % CFS fps inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft IO 7 * * * * " **********f*******u****t*~***************t*****t*******t*****n*~*n* - O'DAY CONSULTANTS * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * Carlsbacl, California, 92009 * t * (619) 931-7700 FAX (619) 931-8680 - *****t*****t**t**tnt******~**t*************~**n***************~**t*** Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) n n t n * "" AAAAnAAlAAAAAAAAAAAAA A Water * I I I I n t * * ( 6.41 in.) ( 0.535 ft.) * * t * n I I """" v- Circular Channel Section ""~"""""""""- a LINE "D" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow. ............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Nannings In' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full.. ..... q,do = 4.040 7.153 18.000 6.415 0.770 0.535 0.356 0.565 2.000 1.919 0.013 0.250 0.148 % CFS fps inches inches feet feet 2 sq. ft. feet * O'DAY CONSULTANTS * Carlsbad, California, 92009 * * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 264 * * * - (619) 931-7700 FAX (619) 931-8680 * f ................................................................... - Inside Diameter ( 18.90 in.) * * * * * I I * a I I I * ( 11.44 in.) ( 0.953 ft.) * * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow. ............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-SectionaLArea .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Mannings 'n' .............. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Qlod= 13.320 11.245 18.000 11.441 0.953 0.636 1.358 3.000 1.185 2.768 0.673 0.013 1.609 % CFS inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. fPS - *XI******L*****t***************ttt*******~*******t*****t******t**t****** * * * - t * O'DAY CONSULTANTS 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * Carlsbad, California, 92009 * (619) 931-7700 * *ttttt*t*tt***t*~t***~**~lttl.***tt***a~**~***unn*t**tt*n******t~~~***** FAX (619) 931-8680 - Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) t * * * t i I * t I I I * ( 5.94 in.) ( 0.495 ft.) t * * * """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" aa LIK "E" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 9 - 7.620 '*-14.977 18.000 0.495 5.944 1.070 0.330 9.500 0.509 0.216 1.837 0.013 0.527 % CFS fPS inches inches feet feet % sq. ft. feet Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * R * * nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnhn~hnn n "" R Water * I I I I I I * R * * ( 6.12 in.) ( 0.510 ft.) * * R * """" v- Circular Channel Section ~"""""""""""~ a L/M IKf1 Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Depth of Flow. Diameter of Pipe Depth of Flow. ............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Nannings 'n' .............. Nin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... ........... ............. Q,oo= 1.620 14.311 18.000 6.124 0.510 0.340 1.070 8.480 0.530 1.868 0.229 0.013 0.521 % CFS fps inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * I * AA*A*AAA~AAAAAAAAAAAA "" A * Water * I I I I I I * R * ( 11.37 in.) ( 0.947 ft.) * * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... Nannings 'n' .............. Pipe Flowing Full.. ..... ARA(2/3) .................. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. 'IGQ= 6.480 fps 7.620 CFS 18.000 inches 11.367 inches 0.947 feet 0.631 1.072 feet 1.000 's 1.176 sq. ft. 2.755 feet 0.667 0.013 0.526 % " Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) t * * t * nnnnnnnnnnn~nnnnnnnnn "" n n Water * I I I I I I * * ( 5.70 in.) ( 0.475 ft.) n * n * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" GD L/N€ "F" Flowrate ................... Velocity .................. Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Critical Depth Depth of Flow Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. Wetted Perimeter X-Sectional Area ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... ........... .............. .............. ............ .......... .......... q,, = 3.230 6.722 18.000 0.475 5.703 0.680 0.317 0.481 2.000 1.794 0.200 0.013 Cl.095 % CFS fps inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) n * * * AAAAAAAAAAn~AAAAAAAAA "" A * Water * I I I * n * I * ( 4.97 in.) ( 0.414 ft.) n I I * ""-" v- Circular Channel Section """""-""""""- CD LIME "F" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Qloo = 2.470 6.228 18.000 4.966 0.414 0.599 0.276 2. B00 0.397 1.659 0.013 0.153 0.055 % CFS fPS inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. ..... ._. . ..... i .. - I T ir r - ." ~. - *******t****t**t*l**t****.t****t*tl**ttt**~******~**n~~************ * O'DAY CONSULTANTS * * 1226 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 t * Carlsbad, California, 92009 * * (619) 931-7700 * * FAX (619) 931-8680 * - ..................................................................... Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * * ..................... "" * * Water I I I I * * * * ( 6.41 in.) ( 0.535 ft.) * I I * * * """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""~~ a LINE "G If Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... AR*(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. ........... .............. Depth of Flow .............. Pipe Flowing Full ....... &= 4.040 7.153 18.000 6.415 0.535 0.110 0.356 2.000 0.565 1.919 0.250 0.013 CFS fps inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. 0.148 % Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) t * Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Depth/Diameter (D/d) Critical Depth Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Nannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full. ...... ............ ..... (?,o/oo= 3. 580 5.378 18.000 7.241 0.723 0.603 0.402 0.665 1. MOO 2.061 0.313 0.013 0.116 CFS fPS . inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. % ., .... - .. .. .. . .. ..... . . , .. .. \ " - .................................................................... * O'DAY CONSULTANTS 7226 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 t * Carlsbad, California, 92@09 * - * (619) 931-7700 * * FAX (619) 931-8680 ttt*****t.t*l*****t***.~***.tttt************************************~****n* - Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * f AAAAAhAA~hhAnAhAAAhAA n "" * Water t I I I I I I * * I * ( 7.24 in.) * ( 0.603 ft.) * * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Nannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full.. ..... Q,oD= 5.390 8.103 18.000 7.241 0.603 0.893 0.402 2.270 0.665 2.061 0.313 0.013 0.263 % CFS fPS inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * I I 9 I 9 * ( 5.98 in.) I ( 0.498 ft.) I I I * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" 01 1 IN€ '?/" SH€FT I4 Flowrate .................. q,@= 5.390 CFS Velocity .................. 10.509 fps Diameter of Pipe ........... 18.000 inches Depth of Flow. ............. 5.977 inches Depth of Flow .............. 0.498 feet Critical Depth ............ 0.893 feet Depth/Dianeter (D/d) ..... 0.332 Slope of Pipe ............. 4.650 % X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... 1.842 feet ARA(2/3) .................. 8.219 Nannings 'n' .............. 8.013 Hin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. 0.513 sq. ft.. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 0.263 % - * ................................................................... O'DAY CONSULTANTS * * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * Carlsbad, California, 92009 * FAX (619) 931-8680 * t * - (619) 931-7700 ..................................................................... Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * I * *********~*h**n*****~ A "" * Wat.er I I I I I I I * * * * ( 12.36 in.) * ( 1.030 ft.) * * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section "~""""""""""- a 1IK 'W" S#€ET /4 Flowrate .................. &,= 12.150 CFS Velocity .................. 9.396 fps Diameter of Pipe ........... 18.000 inches Depth of Flow .............. 12.357 inches Depth of Flow .............. 1.630 feet Critical Depth ............ 1.320 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... .0.687 Slope of Pipe ............. 2.010 % X-Sectional Area .......... 1.293 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter .......... 2.930 feet ARA(2/3) .................. 0.750 Mannings 'n' .............. 0.013 Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 1.338 2 O'DAY CONSULTANTS 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 Carlsbad, California, 92009 (619) 931-7700 t * .................................................................... FAX (619) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 24.@0 in.) " * * t * Water I I * * I i * ( 11:04 in.) ( 0.920 ft.) * * * t * I I """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""-""- cs'> 5ffEET 14 a WEFT 15 LINE "U" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... AR"(2/3! .................. Nannings 'n' .............. Min. Pric. Slope, 24 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Q,m- 14.040 CFS 9.952 fps 24.000 inches 11.037 inches 0.920 feet 0. 460 1.350 feet 2.056 2 1.411 sq. ft.. 2.981 feet. 0.856 0.013 0.385 % ********.****t**t*******t****f*t********~***********************"******* - 1 O'DAY CONSULTANTS * * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * * Carlsbad, California, 92009 * * (619) 931-7700 * * FAX (619) 931-8680 * - ...................................................................... - Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) * * * m * I I I * * ( 13.68 in.) ( 1.140 ft.) * * * * I I * """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" aa Ll/E '!vi SffE&T /5 Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/J) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Nannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 24 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... dm= 14.040 24.000 7.585 13.683 1.140 0.578 1.345 1.000 3.423 0.013 1.228 1. a50 0.385 's CFS fps inches inches feet feet 's sq. ft. feet Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) * * * 1 I * ( 12.09 in.) I ( 1.007 ft.) * * * I """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" @ LINE "Hi' %.ET I5 Flowrate .................. Qla= 16.200 Velocity .................. 10.216 Diameter of Pipe ........... 24.000 Depth of Flow .............. 12.090 Depth of Flow .............. 1.007 Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ._._. 1.452 0.504 Slope of Pipe ............. 2.000 X-Sectional Area .......... 1.586 Wetted Perimeter .......... 3.157 ARA(2/3) .................. 1.002 Mannings 'n' .............. 0.013 Hin. Fric. Slope, 24 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 0.513 CFS fP s inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. ....................................................................... * * * t - @'DAY CONSULTANTS 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * Carlsbad, California, 92009 * - (619) 931-7700 * * FAX (619) 931-8680 * * .......................................................................... - Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) * * * * I I * I * * ( 9.34 in.) * * * * ( 0.778 ft.) I I * """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" rn /Jz ly/* SHEET I5 Flowrate .................. Q,@ =16.200 CFS Velocity .................. 14.327 fps Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow 24.000 inches .............. 9.337 inches Depth of Flow .............. 0.178 feet Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter !D/d) ..... 0.389 1.453 feet Slope of Pipe ............. 5.900 's X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... 2.694 feet ARA(2/3) .................. 0.634 Hannings 'n' .............. 0.013 Min. Fric. Slope, 24 in. 1.131 sq. ft. Pipe Flowing Full ....... 0.513 % ...................................................................... - * O'DAY CONSULTANTS * * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 Carlsbad, California, 92009 * * * * - (619) 931-7700 FAX (619) 931-8680 ~t********t*t***t*a***tf**~***************************~**************** - Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) * * * LI A~hhAAAA~AAAAAAAAA~AA "" * A Water I I I I I I * * * ( 6.99 in.) * ( 0.583 ft.) * t * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" @ LIME '9" s#m /5 Flowrate .................. 9/61 ~28.990 CFS Velocity .................. 38.100 fps Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow 24.000 inches Depth of Flow .............. 0.583 feet Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) 1.848 feet ..... 0.291 Slope of Pipe ............. 48.000 ?, Wetted Perimeter X-Sectional Area 0.761 sq. ft. .......... 2.281 feet ARA(2/3) .................. 0.366 Mannings 'n' .............. 0.013 Min. Fric. Slope, 24 in. .............. 6.992 inches .......... Pipe Flowing Full ....... 1.643 % " *********l*******~~*********+**X*t*******~**~**************** - * @'DAY CONSULTANTS * I 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * * Carlsbad, California, 92009 * FAX (619) 931-8680 * * - (619) 931-7700 ...................................................................... Inside Diameter ( 24.00 in.) * * * * * * Water I I * i I * * ( 11-46 in.) * * * ( 0.955 ft.) I I * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""--""-"- 0. smr 15 LINE ''H " Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 24 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Q,m = 28.990 CFS 19.585 fps 24.000 inches 11.457 inches 0.955 feet 0.471 1.850 feet 7.700 % 1.480 sq. ft. 3.051 feet 0.514 0.613 1.642 % Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * I * * AAAAAAAA,,AAAAAAAA*AAA n "" * Water * I I I I I I * * * * ( 6.16 in.) ( 0.513 ft.) * * t * """" v- Circular Channel Section Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Nannings 'n' .............. Hin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Q,oo = 3.840 7.176 18. B00 6.161 0.753 0.513 0.342 0.535 1.875 0.232 0.013 0.133 % 2.100 CFS inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. fps *tt**************.**************lYYY***Y**Y***Y**YYYYYY**Y** - Y O'DAY CONSULTANTS Y t 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 f * Carlsbad, California, 92009 Y - (619) 931-7700 t FAX (619) 931-8680 Y ~************~*~*******Y~*YY*************YYY*****YYY**YYY*Y**YYYYY* - Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) Y 1 Y I * * * AAAAAAAAAAA~AAAAAAAAA "" Y A Water Y I I I I * Y * ( 3.93 in.) * * * x ( 0.327 ft.) I I """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" LINE I @?< I, Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Depth of Flow. ............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. ........... .............. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Q,JO = 1.550 5.443 18.000 3.926 0.327 0.471 0.218 2.000 0.285 1.458 0.096 Q.013 0.022 's CFS fPS inches inches feet feet 2 feet sq. ft. " " " " " .. . ... .. .. . ... .. ...- . . .. . . . ................................................................... " * - O'DAY CONSULTANTS 7220 hvenida Encinas, Suite 204 * Carlsbad, California, 92009 * * FAX (619) 931-8680 * * .I - (619) 931-7700 *****t*****************..*t******************************************* - Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) I * t t - - * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnAA "" A * Water * I * I I * I I I * * ( 3.57 in.) * ( 0.298 ft.) * * * """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a UN& "J" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Q/m * 4.030 16.174 18.000 3.574 0.768 0.298 19.740 0.199 0.249 1.386 0.079 0.013 0.147 % CFS fps inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. - - ................................................................... * t * * * * ................................................................... - 0 'DAY CDNSIJLTANTS * Carlsbad, California, 92009 * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * - (619) 931-7700 * FAX (619) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "" A * Water I I I I * ( 5.63 in.) ( 0.469 ft.) * * I I """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" CD LINE "J" Flowrate .................. QlOa = 2.730 CFS Velocity .................. 5.781 fps Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow 18.000 inches .............. 5.629 inches Depth of Flow .............. 0.469 feet Critical Depth ............ 0.624 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... 0.313 Slope of Pipe ............. 1.500 % Wetted Perimeter X-Sectional Area 0.472 sq. ft. .......... 1.780 feet ARA(2/3) .................. 0.195 Mannings 'n' .............. 0.013 Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. .......... Pipe Flowing Full ....... 0.068 % / 3.6- .. .. . .. ". ; .. . .~. . .. . ....I .. " P; d h 4 z Inside Diameter ( 18.0@ in.) * t * * * I AAAAAAAAAAAAAn*AAAAA* "" * A Wat.er *. I * I I t I * I 3.75 in. * * i 0.313 ft.i I * * * I """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" @ L/N€ "'I Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Depth/Diameter (D/d) Critical Depth Wetted Perimeter X-Sectional Area ARA(2/3) .................. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. ............ ..... Slope of Pipe ............. .......... .......... Mannings 'n' .............. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Q - 1.890 7.071 18.000 3.754 0.528 0.313 0.209 0.261 3.560 1.423 0.013 0.088 0. M32 CFS inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. fPS % Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * R * * **A***A*AlA*****A*A*A "" A * Water I t * * I I I I I * ( 2.85 in.) ( 0.238 ft.) * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" 01 L/N& "K" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slqpe of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Nannings 'n' .............. Nin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... ........... .............. 9/00 * 0.810 4.497 18.000 2.854 0.238 0.313 0.159 0.180 2. e00 1.229 8.050 0.013 8.006 % CFS fps inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * * * * * I I ( 16.27 in.) ( '3.856 ft.) * I * t * I """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a L/Nt- "L" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Hin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flnwing Full ....... Qlo0 = 13.060 12.529 18.060 10.274 0.856 0.571 1.356 4.000 1.042 2.569 0.571 0.013 1.546 % CFS fPS inches inches feet feet 0 sq. ft. feet I ..._ .. ..... .. .. .. . .. .1. ___ . ..... .. " Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) t * * * * I 1 * * I I I * ( 3.03 in.) * t I) * * ( 0.252 ft.) """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" @I LINE '%I4 Flowrate .................. 2.160 CFS Velocity .................. Q/oO= 11.015 fps Diameter of Pipe ........... 18.000 inches Depth of Flow .............. 3.026 inches Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ 0.552 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... 0.168 Slope of Pipe ..... 0.252 feet X-Sectional Area . Wetted Perimeter . ARA(2/3) ......... Hannings 'n' ..... Min. Fric. Slope, Pipe Flowing Fu ........ 11.190 % ........ 0.196 sq. ft. ........ 1.267 feet ........ 0.656 ........ 0.013 18 in. 1 ....... 0.1342 % 1 ***t*t*t*tn*tt*t*********.*t*******t********~*~~~~~~~~~,******* O'DAY CONSULTANTS * * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 Carlsbad, California, 92009 * * * *' ................................................................... (619) 931-7700 FAX (619) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * . * Water * I I I I I I * * ( 2.85 in.) ( 0.238 ft.) * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area ........... Wetted Perimeter .......... Hannings 'n' ARA(2/3) Hin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. .................. .............. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Q/as 1.080 4.497 18.000 0.238 2.854 0.313 0.159 2.04)0 0.180 0.050 1.229 0.013 0.006 k CFS fps inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. .. .. x. . .. . ... : . ._..:I .. ... ................................................................... " * * * * - O'DAY CONSULTANTS 1220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 Carlsbad, California, 92009 * t * * ................................................................... - * (619) 931-7700 FAX (619) 931-8680 - Inside Diameter ( 48.00 in.) * * * * * * AA~A~~AAAAAAAA~AAA~~~ A "" Water I I I I * R * ( 26.43 in.) ( 2.203 ft.) R * 1 * I I """" v- Circular Channel Section """"-"""""""- @ L/NE Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Depth of Flow .............. ........... .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Dianeter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 48 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Qlm= 138.520 19.530 26.432 48.000 2.203 0.551 3.496 2.700 1.093 6.689 0.013 7.375 0.930 % CFS fps inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. Inside Diameter { 30.00 in.) f * * * * * n*nnn*nn_nnAAA~~*nAAn "" A Water * I I I I I I * * * * ( 24.57 in.) { 2.048 ft.) * * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section ""~"""""""""- CD LINE 'N" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... AR"(2/3) .................. Nannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 30 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Qm = 138.520 CFS 32.190 fps 30.000 inches 24.571 inches 2.048 feet Greater than Pipe Diameter 0.819 11.42@ % 4.303 sq. ft. 5.657 feet 0.013 3.586 11.405 % *.********************t*l**t*.*tl*******~~****************R~*************** - L O'DAY CONSULTANTS I " 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * Carlsbad, California, 92009 * " * * ................................................................... * -. (619) 931-7700 FAX (619) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 30.00 in.) * * * * * I I * I I I * ( 24.56 in.) ( 2.047 ft.) * * * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LIN€ ''MI1 Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow. ............. Critical Depth ............ DepthfDiameter (Dfd) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA!2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Hin. Fric. Slope, 30 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... @,m = 135.910 CFS 31.592 fps 24.562 inches 30.000 inches Greater than Pipe Diameter 2.047 feet 11.000 % 0.819 4.302 sq. ft. 5.655 feet 3.585 0.013 10.979 '6 ***t**t.********l***~**********88~8*~**8*888***88**8*8********8**8* * 0 'DAY CONSULTANTS * * 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 * Carlsbad, California, 92009 8 8 (619) 931-7700 t 8 8 **********8******8********8*8******8*88~*888*88*8888***8"*88***8**8 FAX (619) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 30.00 in.) 8 * 8 8 * * I hhhhhhhA~hhAhhAhhhhhh h "" 8 Uater * I I I I I I * 8 8 * ( 24.56 in.) ( 2.047 ft.) * * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a UM€ 'WU" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Depth of Flow... ........... Depth/Diameter (D/d) Critical Depth Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 30 in. ........... .............. ............ ..... Pipe Flowing Full ....... Q'mo" 31.592 fps 135.910 CFS 24.562 inches 30.000 inches 2.047 feet Greater than Pipe Diameter 0.819 11.000 % 4.302 sq. ft. 5.655 feet 3.585 0.013 10.979 % Inside Diameter ( 30.00 in.) * * * * * * Water * I I * * I I * * ( 17.93 in.) ( 1.494 ft.) * I I * * """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. - Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 30 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... qloo = 131.000 CFS 42.791 fps 30.000 inches 17.933 inches Greater than Pipe Diameter 1.494 feet 0.598 22.860 9 4.419 feet 3.061 sq. ft. 0.013 2.397 10.200 % ttt.tt.t.ttttttt~.f.~~t*~r~t~rt~ttt~~*t*t~~~***~~ttt~t~~*~~rt~~~rra O'DAY ConsuLrAnrs t 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 Carlshad, California, 92009 t t (619) 931-7700 t t FAX (619) 931-8680 t ....... tttttt..ttttt.....~t.....tf.tt...*t~*trtt .................... a LINE "N" Calculated Data for Circular Pipe, Flowing FULL: Florrrate ................ 131.000 CFS Pipe Diameter ........... 30.000 inches Pipe Cross-section Area.. 4.909 SF Wetted Periaeter... ...... 7.854 feet Hannings ............... 0.0130 Vel. at Hin. Pric. Slp. = 26.687 PtlSec Hiniaua Friction Slope - 10.200 z - Calculated Data for Circular Pipe, Flowrate ................ Pipe Cross-section Area.. Pipe Diameter Wetted Perimeter ......... Wannings 'n' ............ Minimum Friction Slope = Vel. at Hin. Fric. Slp. = ........... - - Flowing FULL: 127.680 CFS 30.000 inches 4.909 SF 7.854 feet 0.0130 26.011 Ft/Sec 9.690 % Inside Diameter ( 30.00 in.) * t " * * * I I t I I I * ( 18.11 in.) * * * * t ( 1.509 ft.) """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" nllS% UA/E Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ DepthjDiameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 30 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Qlo0= 127.680 CFS 41.225 fps 30.000 inches 18.108 inches Greater than Pipe Diameter 1.509 feet 21.080 % 0.604 3.097 sq. ft. 4.449 feet 0.013 2.433 9.690 % " Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * 1 * I " AAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,AAA~AA "" A f Water I * I I * I * ( 9.53 in.) * * * * I """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" GD L/dE ''0" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow.. ............ Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Pipe Flowing Full.. ..... Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. o,m= 4.910 5.165 18.000 9.533 0.849 0.794 0.530 0.120 0.950 0.566 2.445 0.013 0.218 % CFS fPS inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. ................................................................... - * * * * t * x * ................................................................... * O'DAY CONSULTANTS 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 Carlsbad, California, 92009 * - (619) 931-7700 FAX (619) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) " t * * i I * I ( 6.81 in.) ( 0.567 ft.) * * * I I * * """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LINE 'b" Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow .............. Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Hin. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Q,,=2.710 4.425 18.000 6.808 0.567 0.622 0.378 0.720 0.612 1.987 0.013 0.279 0.067 % CFS inches inches feet feet % feet sq. ft. fps .. .I ..._ ., 5.. .. .. .. ...I ._ . . .. .. " "_ . . -. - - Inside Diameter ( 18.00 in.) * * * * * *****A~****~********* "" * * Water * I I I I I I * * * ( 3.61 in.) * ( 0.301 ft.) * * * * """" "- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" a LINE 'PI' Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Diameter of Pipe ........... Depth of Flon.. ............ Depth of Flow. ............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... AR*(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. Pipe Flowing Full ....... Q,o,, = 1.850 7.320 18.000 3.607 0.301 0.516 0.200 0.252 4. e00 1.392 0.013 0.081 0.031 's CFS fPS inches inches feet feet % sq. ft. feet Inside Diametex ( 18.00 in.) t * t * * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "" * A Water * I I I I * * " ( 3.13 in.) * * * * * ( 0.261 ft.) I I """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" GD Flowrate .................. Velocity .................. Depth of Flow Diameter of Pipe Depth of Flow .............. Critical Depth ............ Depth/Diameter (D/d) ..... Slope of Pipe ............. X-Sectional Area .......... Wetted Perimeter .......... ARA(2/3) .................. Mannings 'n' .............. Min. Fric. Slope, 18 in. ........... .............. Pipe Flowing Full ....... (?loo = 1.470 7.121 18.000 3.132 0.261 0.466 0.174 4.480 0.206 1.291 0.061 0.013 0.020 % CFS inches inches feet feet % sq. ft. feet fPS .............................................................. - +...*, f t O'DAY COUSULTABTS 7228 Avenida Encinas, Suite 284 Carlsbad, California, 92889 t - (619) 931-7708 t PAX (619) 931-8688 ................................................................... - Inside Diameter ( 8.88 in.) ~ 't I I t """" v- Circular Channel Section """""""""""" 8" PUC USED FOR PEDESTRIAN TRAILS arcu 8451~1 SEE GRA Dl NC PLAN FOR PROFILE Plovrate .................. Quo-- 8.638 CPS Velocitp .................. 13.919 fps Dianeter of Pipe ........... 8.888 inches Depth of Plop.... .......... 1.497 inches Depth of Plov.......... .... 8.125 feet DepthlDiameter (old) Critical Depth 8.258 feet ..... e. 187 Slope of Pipe ............. 46.288 t I-Sectional Area .......... 8.845 sq. ft. Hetted Perimeter .......... 8.597 feet ARA( 21'3) ................... e. em Hannings 'n' .............. 8.813 Bin. Pric. Slope, 8 in. ............ Pipe Ploving Pall....... 8.271 t . r ., ................................................................... . O'DAY CousuLTanTs t 7228 Avenida Encinas, Suite 284 t Carlshad, California, 92889 (619) 931-7788 t ................................................................... FAX (619) 931-8688 Inside Diameter ( 8.88 in.) t t t t t I I I ( 3.47 in.) ( 8.289 ft.) t t """" v- Circular Channel Section FOR PKOFI& Floarate' .................. flID0 = 1. 9 18 Velocity' .................. 13.143 Diameter.of Pipe ........... Depth of Flow...... 8. eee ........ 3.466 Depth of Flow.............. e. 289 DepthlDiameter (Dld) Critical Depth e. 622 ..... 8.433 Slope of Pipe ............. 16. 488 X-Sectional Area .......... e. 145 Wetted Perimeter .......... 8.958 ARA(21~3) .................. 8.841 Kannings 'n' .............. 8.813 Hin. Pric. Slope, 8 in. Pipe Flowing Fall....... 2.485 . ............ CFS fps inches inches feet feet 3 feet sq. ft. t "- " - ......... RUSOFF COEFFICIENTS (R4TIONAL METHOD) - . LWD USE Undeveloped Residential: .purr1 Single. Family Xulti-Units Mobile Homes (2) Commercial (2) 90% Impervious IndustriaL (2) 90% Impervious Coefficient, C Soil Group !1) .40 . 45 .50 .45 . .iO .60 . 45 .50 . 55, .70 .7s .8C .so 185 .90 - D .15 . -2 .- XOTZS : (1) Obtah soil group from maps on file with the Deparcment of Sanitation and Flood Can-,rol. (2) 'Where actuai ccnditions deviate significantly from fnc tabulated C, may be revised by Wtiplying 80% or 9C% by t!!e atio of ac?al imcerviousness values of 80% or 90%. die values given Cor coefficiez shall L5e fina1,coefficient be less t..an 0.50. For example: Consi&z bporfiousness to ?!!e tabulated imperviousness. However, in no cssa ccmer=ial p'operty on D soil group. Actual imperviousness = 50% Tabulated impcdo&ess = SO$ Revised C = X 0.85 = 0.53 " - m .. .. .- EXHIBIT E? .WPESDIX IS ~ .. :, . ~ . r .. . 160 - " - -~-"---- --- -( Revised 1/85 z 0 - a E;. zs 01- 1- u ' EXHIBIT F - i -. .. d G I, c I I. -. . .a */ c E: 0 &Hour Precipitation (inches) VI U W S a I: c IT H : .. II. STORM DRAIN SYSTEMS A. Hydraulic Grade Lindontrol Criteria 1. The design of the main-line underground storm drain system is based on the laws of hy- draulics. After the hydrology is completed and the quantity of flow in each section of the conduit is known, the final conduit sizes are determined. 2. Generally speaking, the storm drain conduit will discharge into a channel or conduit where the hydraulic gradient or water surface is above the soffit of the cmduit. This will normally be the hint of control for the start of hydraulic computations. Taking count of all the losses, the conduit is sized to keep the hydraulic gradient below the ground surface so that inflow may be accepted from catch basin and laterals. Care must be ex- ercised that the construction slope of the conduit is such t!t the velocity will be at leas: . dition, steep construction slopes are to be avoided so that velocities are not excessive 4 fps when the conduit is half-full. This will allow a fair self-cleansing velocity. In ad- during part-full flow conditions. If a storm drain is designed to flow full during peak flow conditions, the conduit will be less than full during most of the storm and will flow part full for the entire storm period when the peak flow is lower than the design runoff for the conduit. 3. If part-full flow is supercritical, care must be exercised at transitions, bends, inlets, and other obsWuctions, that a hydraulic jump is not created. Hydraulic jump may raise the hydraulic grade above the street elevation, where water might discharge through catch basins rather than enter the main-line conduit. 4. The following head losses for pressure flow conduits are used by the City of Los Angeles. - 7 a. b. C. d. e. Head loss due to friction hf = LSf where Sf = friction slope (hydraulic grade be) L = length of conduit Bend loss due to curves where A = angle of curvature in degrees Bend loss due to angle point ha 0.0033A - V2 2g where A = deflection angle in degrees Transition loss - See Fig. II-1. If the rate of contraction or expansion is different for the side walk than for the top and floor slabs, the bend loss is based on the condition which produces the greater loss. Sudden expansion or contraction loss Conduits of uuequal sizes may have to be joirdar.+hut the use of transitions, bow- .. ever, a sudden conkaction without a transition should be avoided. .. : *. 9 i.. :. .. . .. .. : II-4 f. Junction losses The hydraulic analysis of junctions requires the evaluation of pressures and momen- Design, City of Los Angeles. has evolved a mathematical derivagn which has trims at various locations inthe junction. bfr. Donald Thompson, Chief Engineer of simplified these calculations (see Section Vn, Volume 2). The head loss at a jMc- . . tion, h., is computed as follows: I h. = AY + hvl - hv2 I .- where hvl = upstream velocitp head hv2 = downstream velocity head ' AY = change in hydraulic grade Line g. -le losses "" The following head losses at manholes for conduits under p&ssm-e are in addiiion to bnsition or junction^ head losses. (1) Manhole shaft on rectangulat conduit - head loss negligible. (2) Manhole shaft on circular or arch conduit: - ,+ hm = 0.05 hv2 1: where " ho2 = downstream velocity head (3) Rectangular structure with manhole shaft joining circular conduits with or ._ without shaped invert: ForD1 = D2 . hm = 0.12 hvz ; ! ForD1 f D2 hm * kmhpZ 1 where Dl and D2 are the diameters of the conduits entering and leaving the manhole respectively; is the head loss coefficient whose values are shown fn Fig. II-2. i For junctions h, = hj h. Flow separation Occasionally, such as with relief drains, there is need for the separation of flow. Altbough a great deal of experimentation has been done on this subject, attempts of experiments to arrive at general solutions have been few. Even less is known in the determination of head losses for flmv separations in storm drains. suitable for general use to determine the head losses. The recommendations, The recommendations of the ASCE Task Committee on Branching Conduits are presented in the ASCE .Journal of the Hy&aulic Division, EY5, May 1973; are based on results of the committee's investigations made on the dject of head losses for dividing flow with special reference to large bpanulie conduits. of the numerous experiments investigated, all were for pressure flow with the major- ity at low velocities and for various pipe sizes and branch angles. The recom-' II-5.were developed from the committee's recommended bead loss coefficients mendes'head loss coefficients are shown in Figs. II-3 lad E-6. Figures 11-4 and . and extrapolation from the experimental data wesented. !