HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-03-19; (RESCINDED) - Solid Waste ManagementCllY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Policv No. 46 (paqe 1 of 4 pages) Date Issued 3/19/91 Effective Date 3/19/91 Cancellatidn Date N IA Supersedes No. N/A Specific Subject: Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File BACKGROUNDz The California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 adopted as AB 939 (the “Act”), requires Carlsbad and the other cities of San Diego County to assume major new responsibilities for solid waste. Under the “Act”, cities and the County are required to develop and approve their own “solid waste plans”, known as Source Reduction and Recycling Elements. All cities and the County are required to cooperate in finding mutually acceptable, environmentally safe and Snancially feasible programs and facilities to meet the solid waste disposal needs of the region. Landfill capacity in San Diego County has been depleted. Carlsbad has supported expansion of the San Marcos landfill and agreed to consider accepting a transfer station. The City also has supported the Count$s efforts to site new landfills and is committed to citywide recycling. However, Carlsbad, Escondido, Oceanside and Encinitas have opposed incineration of solid waste on environmental, land use compatibility and economic grounds. The City is responsible for managing solid waste within Carlsbad and for participation in mutually acceptable regional solutions. The City Council has therefore, determined to state its policy for solid waste management. PURPOSE: This Policy is intended to implement the “Act” and provide guidance for the Citys involvement in regional solid waste management issues. The Policy will provide guidance to staff in developing the City’s source reduction, recycling element and direction for the programs of source reduction, recycling and recovery necessary to meet the 25 percent and 50 percent diversion requirements of the Act. Achievement of these diversion goals requires important changes in the ways that residents, businesses, institutions, haulers and the City itself create, handle, process and dispose of solid waste. The City will actively promote these changes with cost effective and environmentally safe programs. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Policv No. 46 (DSSS 2 of 4 DCWSS\ Date Issued 3119191 Effective Date 3 ! 19 / 9 1 Cancellatidn Date N/A SuDersedes No. N/A Specific Subject: Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File This Policy also expresses the City’s preference for a regional solid waste management system, controlled by responsible public agencies. 1. Intearated Waste Management: A. Source reduction, recycling, reuse and composting are the most appropriate strategies to accomplish reduction in the amount of solid waste to be disposed of in environmentally safe sanitary landfills. This hierarchy of strategies is in accordance with the requirements of the “Act”. B. A publicly controlled solid waste management system, which protects the environment and the rate payer, is preferred. However, if a publicly controlled system coot meet the needs of the City, private sector alternatives will be considered. C. A regional joint powers agency (JPA) should be formed to cooperatively implement the Integrated Waste Management Plan created under the “Act”. The JPA should have the power to conduct source reduction activities and site, acquire, develop, permit and operate solid waste facilities provided for in the Integrated Waste Management Plan for San Diego County. All agencies are invited to join the JPA, however, it is believed that a JPA can be effective with less than 100 percent membership. D. Ownership and control of the waste stream will be retained so that Carlsbad’s waste can be directed toward the most cost effective and enviromnentally safe solid waste management strategies. All contracts for refuse collection in the City will provide that the City retains ownership of refuse set out for collection. . . Cl-W OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Policv No. 46 (~aee 3 of 4 naoes> Date Issued 3/19/91 Effective Date 3/19/91 Cancellatidn Date N/A Suoersedes No. N/A Specific Subject: Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, press. File 2. Enviromnental Protection and Resource Conservation: Disposal of refuse in properly constructed landfills is acceptable, while incineration of refuse is unacceptable. Adequate landfill sites are available. The factors that cause other agencies to accept incineration of refuse (landfill unavailability and ground water pollution from landfill leachate), do not exist in this region. Moreover, incineration does not appear to be a cost effective strategy compared to comprehensive materials recovery facilities and landfills. 3. Maximum Source Reduction and Materials Recovers: Waste reduction programs and materials reuse, recycling and composting programs must be used to the fullest extent feasible. A region-wide source reduction program should be promptly implemented. 4. Recvcling: A. City wide collection of recyclables from residences and businesses will be provided. B. Private and public sector markets for recycled materials will be actively promoted. The City will purchase recyclable materials and goods made from recycled materials whenever possible. C. Private and public sector waste reduction and recycling efforts will be actively promoted. Carlsbad will accord priority consideration to existing private sector, volunteer and non-profit programs and operations in the development of municipal waste reduction and recycling activities. . i -- . ,.,- CITYOFCARLSBAD POliCy NO.46 fDaae 4 of 4) COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 6/4/91* Effective Date 614191 General Subject: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Cancellation Date N/A Supersedes No. 46 dated 3/19/Y] Specific Subject: * Page 4 of Council Policy iI46 was revise by minute motion on 614191 to correct a typographical error. No changes were made to the rest of the document which was approved on 3/19/91. Copies to: City Council,CityManager,City Attorney,Departmentand Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File 5. Financina of Solid Waste Manaaement Proarams and Facilities: A. Fees, grants and service fees should find the City's Solid Waste Program. Waste disposal, in particular, should not be subsidized. Facilities and services should be as cost effective as possible. Major disposal facilities should be constructed by governmental agencies only after a fair and honest public bidding request for proposal or equivalent process. In evaluating solid waste management alternatives, priority will be given to a regional system under public control which protects the ratepayer. B. Acquisition, construction and operation of solid waste facilities requires an assured, stable source of funds. It is recognized that the City must pledge revenues to assure stable capital and operating funds for the solid waste management Yacilities used by the City. Carlsbad will oppose the so called "two-tier fee II for the disposal of solid waste. C. Fees to mitigate impacts of solid waste facilities should be imposed through the CEQA process. Carlsbad opposes "host fees" as a means to generate revenues for general purposes. Such fees establish an expectation that land use decision are for sale. Solid waste facilities. should be sited as the public interest requires: based on environmental review and good, objective land use, zoning and planning consideration. Possible adverse environmental effects from a facilities should be identified during the environmental process and fully mitigated, as required by CEQA. Mitigation measures might require the payment of fees to mitigate ongoing impacts. Such fees must meet the AB 1600 nexus. Carlsbad has accepted its share of regional facilities through the environmental process and fully expects others to do the same for solid waste facilities.