HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-21; Planning Commission; Resolution 65251 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 6525 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 207(H) 4 TO ADD HOTEL AND ACCESSORY USES TO PLANNING 5 AREA 4 OF THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN, TO REVISE THE PARKING RATE FOR LEGOLAND AND GYMS 6 WITHIN THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN, AND CHANGE THE STREET NAME FROM HIDDEN VALLEY 7 ROAD TO THE CROSSINGS DRIVE ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT 8 ROAD, SOUTH OF CANNON ROAD, EAST OF PASEO DEL 9 NORTE AND WEST OF THE CROSSINGS DRIVE IN THE MELLO II SEGMENT OF THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM 10 AND IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 13. CASE NAME: LEGOLAND HOTEL CALIFORNIA 11 CASE NO.: SP 2Q7CH) 12 WHEREAS, Merlin Entertainment Group US Holdings, "Developer," and 13 "Owner," has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property described 14 as 15 16 Lots 18 and 19 of Carlsbad Tract Map 94-09 Units 2 and 3, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, 17 according to map thereof no. 13408, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, April 1, 1997 as file number 18 1997-147754 19 ("the Property"); and 20 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Specific Plan 21 amendment on file in the Carlsbad Planning Department, LEGOLAND HOTEL 22 CALIFORNIA - SP 207(H) as provided by SP 207(E) and Government Code Section 65453; 24 and 25 WHEREAS, the proposed "LEGOLAND HOTEL CALIFORNIA- SP 207(H)" 26 is set forth and attached in the draft City Council Ordinance, Exhibit "SP 207(H)" dated, 27 January 21, 2009, and attached hereto; and 28 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on January 21, 2009, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony 2 and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors 3 relating to the Specific Plan amendment; and4 5 WHEREAS, on June 24, 2008, the City Council approved SP 207(G), as 5 described and conditioned in Planning Commission Resolution No. 6414 and City Council 7 Resolution Ordinance No. NS 893. 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning 9 Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 10 A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 11 B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission 12 RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of LEGOLAND HOTEL CALIFORNIA- SP j 3 207(H) based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: 14 Findings; 15 1. The proposed development as described by the Specific Plan (SP 207(H)) is consistent . , with the provisions of the General Plan in that the General Plan Land Use designation for Planning Area Four (Legoland) of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan area is 17 Travel/Recreation Commercial (TR) and the TR designation allows uses such as visitor attractions and commercial uses that serve the travel and recreational needs 18 of tourists, residents, and employees of the business and industrial centers. Such uses are intended to be located near major transportation corridors or recreational and resort areas. Hotel and accessory restaurant and retail uses to hotels are 2Q appropriate in the location proposed as they will serve the Legoland theme park and are accessible from major circulation element roadways (Cannon Road and 21 Palomar Airport Road). 22 2. The proposed plan would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City in that the proposed hotel and accessory hotel uses are consistent with the existing Legoland theme park entertainment use and will not 24 impact the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City. 25 3. All necessary public facilities can be provided concurrent with need, and adequate provisions have been provided to implement those portions of the capital improvement 26 program applicable to the subject property in that the project is served by existing roads (Cannon Road, Palomar Airport Road, and The Crossings Drive) which operate at acceptable levels of service with the proposed mitigation measures and all 2g other public facilities are in place or will be conditioned to be implemented concurrent with the need for any future development of the site. PC RESO NO. 6525 -2- 4. The proposed Travel/Recreational uses will be appropriate in area, location, and overall 2 design to the purpose intended. The design and development standards are such as to create an environment of sustained desirability and stability. Such development will 3 meet performance standards established by this title in that development will be required to comply with the development standards of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan which is found to be consistent with the various elements of the General Plan. 5. In the case of institutional, recreational, and other similar nonresidential uses, such development will be proposed, and surrounding areas are protected from any adverse effects from such development in that adequate buffer standards in the form of 7 required setbacks, physical barriers and landscaping have been incorporated into the Specific Plan to accommodate the proposed hotel and accessory hotel uses. 8 6. The streets and thoroughfares proposed are suitable and adequate to carry the anticipated traffic thereon as there is not a present significant traffic increase associated with the proposed hotel and accessory hotel uses and any additional traffic would not exceed the capacities of the roadways utilized by the project. Cumulative traffic impacts 11 are associated with the proposed hotel project and the mitigation measures proposed would reduce the 2030 buildout traffic impacts to an acceptable level of 12 service. The project does add additional traffic through the Palomar Airport Road and Paseo del Norte intersection, which has been identified as impacted. Mitigation in the form of a new right turn lane from eastbound Palomar Airport Road onto 14 south Paseo Del Norte would increase the service level of the intersection to an acceptable level. 15 7. Any proposed commercial development can be justified economically at the location 16 proposed and will provide adequate commercial facilities of the types needed at such location proposed. ,o 8. The area surrounding the development is or can be planned and zoned in coordination and substantial compatibility with the development. 19 9. Appropriate measures are proposed to mitigate any adverse environmental impact as 20 noted in the mitigated negative declaration and monitoring and reporting program for the project.21 10. The Planning Commission has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed 23 to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project. 24 Conditions: 25 If any of the following conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terms, to be 2" implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so implemented and maintained according to their terms, the City shall have the right to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance of all 28 future building permits; deny, revoke, or further condition all certificates of occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; record a notice of violation on the property title; institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said PC RESO NO. 6525 -3- conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer 2 or a successor in interest by the City's approval of this Specific Plan Amendment. 3 2. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require Developer to make, all corrections and modifications to the Specific Plan Amendment document(s) necessary to make 4 them internally consistent and in conformity with final action on the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown in the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development, different from this approval, shall require an amendment to this approval. 3. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required 7 as part'of the Zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. 8 4. This approval is granted subject to the approval of LCPA 08-01 and is subject to all ° conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6526 for the other , „ approval incorporated herein by reference. 5. Prior to the issuance of building permits for the project, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Director a digital copy and a camera-ready master copy of the 12 LEGOLAND HOTEL CALIFORNIA- SP 207(H) Plan, in addition to 10 bound copies. 13 6. Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 7. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this Project are challenged, this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code 17 Section 66020. .If any such condition is determined to be invalid, this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project without the condition complies ' ° with all requirements of law. 19 8. Developer shall implement, or cause the implementation of, the LEGOLAND HOTEL 20 CALIFORNIA - SP 207(H) Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. 21 Developer/Operator shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, officers, employees, agents, and representatives, from 22 and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs and attorney's fees incurred by the City arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) City's approval and issuance of this Specific Plan Amendment, (b) City's approval or issuance of any 24 permit or action, whether discretionary or nondiscretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, and (c) Developer/Operator's installation and operation of the facility 25 permitted hereby, including without limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves or emissions. This obligation survives until all legal proceedings have been concluded and continues even if the City's approval is not validated. 28 PC RESO NO. 6525 -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to for convenience as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from date of final approval to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedure set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges, nor planning, zoning, grading, or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project; NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on January 21, 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: Commissioners Baker, Cardosa, Douglas, Whitton, and Chairperson Montgomery ABSENT: Commissioners Boddy and Dominguez ABSTAIN: MARTEnTB. MONTG CARLSBAD PLANNI ATTEST: erson ION DON NEU Planning Director PC RESO NO. 6525 -5- Exhibit "SP 207(H)" January 21, 2009 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO 3 THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN (SP 207(G)) TO ADD HOTEL AND ACCESSORY USES TO PLANNING AREA 4 OF 4 THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AND TO REVISE THE PARKING RATE FOR LEGOLAND AND GYMS WITHIN 5 THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT 6 ROAD, SOUTH OF CANNON ROAD, EAST OF PASEO DEL NORTE AND WEST OF THE CROSSINGS DRIVE IN THE 7 . MELLO II SEGMENT OF THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AND IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 13. 8 CASE NAME: LEGOLAND HOTEL CALIFORNIA CASE NO.: SP 207(H) 9 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: 10 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan was originally adopted by City Council Ordinance No. NS-277 on March 16, 1993 and has been amended several times and12 contains the uses, development standards and design guidelines for the development of the subject property; and 14 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has reviewed and 15 y considered a Specific Plan Amendment (SP 207(H)) for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan; and16 WHEREAS, after procedures in accordance with requirements of law, the City Council has determined that the public interest indicates that said Specific Plan Amendment (SP18 207(H)) be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as 21 follows: 22 SECTION 1: That Specific Plan SP 207(H), on file in the Planning Department, 2^ and incorporated herein by reference, is adopted. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan (SP 24 207(H)) shall constitute the development plan for the property and all development within the 25 plan area shall conform to the plan. 26 SECTION 2: That the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan (SP 207), as amended to 27 date, and further amended by Specific Plan Amendment 207(H), dated January 21, 2009, is 2g approved. 1 SECTION 3: That Specific Plan Amendment SP 207(1-1) replaces text in the 2 Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, as shown on Attachment SP 207(H). 3 SECTION 4: That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission in 4 Planning Commission Resolution No. 6525 shall constitute the findings and conditions of the 5 City Council. 6 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its 7 adoption, but not until Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 08-01 is approved by the 8 California Coastal Commission, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance 9 and cause it to be published at least once in a publication of general circulation in the City of 10 Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. 11 /// 12 /// 13 /// 14 /// 15 /// 16 /// 17 /// 18 /// 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 -2- 1 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City 2 Council on the day of 2009, and thereafter. 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of 4 Carlsbad on the day of 2009, by the following vote, to wit: 5 AYES: 6 NOES: 7 ABSENT: 8 ABSTAIN: 9 10 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 11 12 RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney 13 14 ii CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor 16 ATTEST: 17 18 LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk 19 (SEAL) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -3- Attachment Legoland Hotel California - SP 207(H) Much of the most visible west-facing slope will maintain agricultural use of the site as flower fields. Formal elements will heighten the sense of the hillside landscape and will reinforce the visual importance of the ridgeline extending through the site and creating a prominent brow at the southwest end. A transitional wall will create an edge to the flower fields that will become a promenade providing scenic vistas to the fields, the city and the ocean. Development will be concentrated within a limited area along the western-most ridge and areas to the east. A hotel/timeshare will occupy a prominent location at the southern end of the site. The hotel/timeshare will serve a role in Carlsbad much like the La Valencia Hotel in La Jolla and the Hotel Del Coronado in Coronado as a major landmark and social gathering place for the community. The use of courtyards, terraces, landscaping, sloping and tiled roofs, distinctive massing and many of the qualities characteristic of Mediterranean buildings are envisioned. The focus of development in the north and central portion of the specific plan will be on Biotech, research/corporate users and a vocational campus housing the Gemological Institute of America. The development will be a mix of one, two and three-story buildings. Design standards will continue to require architectural articulation on all buildings, incorporating a vocabulary, which is compatible with the overall Mediterranean character of the Carlsbad Ranch. LEGOLAND Carlsbad will be situated on the southeast quadrant of the Carlsbad Ranch. It will consist of parking-,- an inner park of active and passive clusters, a« euter pafk with a-service and administration area and an. outer park containing a hotel and Barking. All areas of the park will be heavily landscaped. The inner park will also contain water features. All areas of the park will be child and pedestrian oriented. All structures will be designed to blend in with the extensive landscaping in garden-like settings. LEGO models will be featured in LEGOLAND Carlsbad. A full-service destination resort, which may include up to 700 suites is proposed to be located on the northeast corner of the Ranch. The architecture will be compatible with the same Mediterranean vocabulary prevalent throughout the Ranch and features such as sloping tile roofs, terraces, arches, and elevated walkways connecting the various buildings should be encouraged. A golf course, open to the public, will be situated below the resort adding to the open space in the Ranch. The western-most portion of the Ranch below the flower fields and adjacent to Paseo Del Norte will be developed as a specialty retail center. Buildings will be designed and oriented to allow for views of the flower fields to the east. There will be a focus on food service at the end of the pedestrian access to the flower fields and ridge promenade. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 21 2.BUILDING COVERAGE For developments which utilize surface parking, all structures shall not cover more than fifty percent of the lot on which they are located. For developments which include a parking structure or parking is located within or under the building it serves, the total coverage of all structures shall not exceed seventy-five percent of the lot. This provision shall apply only if seventy-five percent of the required parking is located in the parking structure or within or under the building it serves. 3.PARKING STANDARDS Parking spaces for all permitted and ancillary uses shall be provided consistent with the parking standards and parking ratios set forth in this specific plan. Facilities for bicycle parking shall be provided within all planning areas. The parking requirements for LEGOLAND Carlsbad are provided in the development standards for Planning Area 4. If the parking standards or parking ratios are not specifically addressed in this specific plan then Chapter 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code shall be utilized. a. Parking Ratios Parking ratios shall conform with the following standards: Art Galleries/Museums Financial Institutions Gyms and Health Clubs Hotels Manufacturing Medical Offices Pre-schools/Daycare Facilities Professional Offices Research and Development Bio Industrial - Research and Development Restaurants - <4000 sq.ft. Restaurants - >4000 sq.ft. Retail 1 space per 500 GSF 1 space per 250 GSF 1 space per 35-200 GSF 1.2 spaces per room 1 space per 400 GSF plus 1 space for each vehicle used in conjunction with the use ' •'-- 1 space per 200 GSF 1 space per employee and 1 space per 10 students 1 space per 250 GSF 1 space per 250 GSF 1 space per 300. GSF 1 space per 100 GSF 40 spaces plus 1 space per 50 sq.ft. over 4000 sq.ft. 1 space per 200 GSF Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 64 e. HMdeft-Valie¥-RQa^ I he Crossings Drive i. Roadway Character Hidden Valley•RoaetThe Crossings Drive will provide emergency and service access to Planning Areas 4 & 5, LEGOLAND Carlsbad and the Resort. Hidden Vatiey-RoadThe Crossings Drive will end outside the northeastern boundary of the specific plan and may provide secondary access to the future Veteran's Memorial Park. From Palomar Airport Road to the entrance to LEGOLAND Carlsbad, Hid4enVatiey-RoadThe Crossings Drive will have a Right-of-Way width of 84', with a curb-to-curb width of 64'. From the LEGOLAND Carlsbad Entrance to its northern terminus it will have a 62' Right-of- Way with a curb-to-curb width of 40'. Sidewalks in conformance with City standards shall be constructed on both sides of Hidden Valley RoactThe Crossings Drive from Palomar Airport Road to the entrance to LEGOLAND Carlsbad. From the entrance to LEGOLAND Carlsbad to the northern edge of the specific plan, an 8' wide meandering trail in 14' landscaped area shall be provided along the western edge of Hidden Vatiey Roa4The Crossings Drive. This will accommodate Segment 28 of the City's Trail Plan. A standard 5.5' wide sidewalk shall be provided along the easterly side of this portion of Hidcte-n Valley RoadThe Crossings Drive. If the City of Carlsbad develops the property to the east of HI44efi Vatiey-RoadThe Crossings Drive as a public golf course, Segment 28 of the Citywide Trail System may be located along the eastern side of H44den Valley Roa4The Crossings Drive, subject to the approval of the City. ii. Landscaping/Street Trees Landscaping shall be installed concurrent with the development of the roadway in conformance with all applicable City standards. The Landscaping of 44i€t4ef*-Valte¥-RQa4The Crossings Drive shall be compatible with the landscaping of LEGOLAND Carlsbad. As a guideline, one tree should be provided for every 40 linear feet of road frontage, to comply with the City's minimum standards. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 80 LEGO Attraction Areas - Other attractions in LEGOLAND Carlsbad emphasize LEGO themes such as Town, Castle, and Pirates. Activities created for these areas will be designed to allow the child and his/her family to view and interact with the theme LEGO models and attractions. Passive Clusters will be located next to the Active Clusters within the Inner Park. The Passive Clusters are characterized by unobstructed park like plantings with occasional walkways and limited paving, site furnishings, garden features and landscape lighting. The key objective of the passive clusters is to allow families to picnic, relax, and enjoy the park atmosphere. Service and Administration The Service and Administration planning area is located on the eastern end of the project site. The service and administrative buildings will include storage, workshops, staff, educational and administrative facilities. External waste and storage facilities will be established in connection with the storage building. b. Outer Park The Outer Park contains landscape areas. LEGOLAND hotel and parking facilities for LEGOLAND Carlsbad. The actual boundaries of both the Inner Park and Outer Park as well as the acreage of the Planning Areas may vary and will be precisely determined at the time of the Site Development Plan review. LEGOLAND Hotel The hotel, accessory uses to the hotel and hotel quest parking are to be located in the Outer Park between-..the LEGOLAND entrance and administrative offices. Hotel parking will be separated from the general visitor parking for LEGOLAND Carlsbad and accessible from the main entrance and The Crossings Drive. Details of the hotel, accessory uses and hotel guest parking will be provided as part of the application for the Site Development. Plan. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 113 Parking and Circulation Proposed parking consists of areas for guest parking, bus parking, recreation vehicle., aft4-employee parking and hotel parkingr Guest parking includes provisions for handicap parking in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. In an effort to work with the existing topography of the site and maximize views within LEGOLAND Carlsbad, the parking area is designated for the southern portion of the LEGO site. Access to the guest parking will be taken from LEGO Drive by way of Cannon Road. All directional signage including freeway signs, signs on Palomar Airport Road and promotional advertisements shall direct motorists towards Cannon Road. Parking expansion space will be provided within the LEGO park site adjacent to the parking lot on the south. This will also provide space for parking overflow should it be needed during peak visitor days. — b«€»-ftarf4fMf~-4aeitt^ — Bus/RV ...parking will ..... be_ j3rovjdedmiatjhe southwestern... portion. of the site. The bus/RV parking ..... aj^ajAdlLbel double striped and available for use_as standard LEGOLAND visitor parking during periods in which bus demand is low, on ^ an_ag-neededj)asjs. Charter bus and school bus access to LEGOLAND theme park will be through the main entrance. Bus drop-off areas are provided in the parking lot along the pedestrian spine which leads into LEGOLAND. _ NCTD bus access will be provided via The Crossings Drive. Charter bus service to the hotel will be via The Crossings Drive. Employee parking facilities are provided at the southeastern portion of the site. Access to these areas will be from Palomar Airport Road via Vatiey-Rea4T_he ..... Crossings ..... .Drive- Emergency vehicle access is also provided via Midclett-Vatiey-ReadThe Crossings Drive. Details of the parking areas will be provided as a part of the application for the Site Development Plan. Hotel parking will be separated from the general visitor parking for LEGOLAND Carlsbad and accessible from the main entrance and The Crossings Drive. It is anticipated that upon initial arrival to the hotel, guests will enter from Cannon Road through the LEGOLAND main entrance. Once at the hotel, guests are likely to utilize the entrance via The Crossings Drive to avoid the general park traffic. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 114 a. Permitted uses within LEGOLAND Carlsbad are as follows: Entrance facility; Toll "plaza"; Retail shops, not including drive-up or drive-in services; Restaurants, not including drive-up or drive-in services; Service buildings associated with Park activities; Offices related to Park activities, business and administration; Ancillary uses related to LEGO park; - Hotel and accessory uses to the hotel including: Retail Restaurants, not including drive-up or drive-in services Health and Fitness Clubs Staged entertainment Recreationa! facilities for water play Rental car agency Childcare facilities Personal services, Barbers, Beauty shops, etc. Bars and Nightclubs Art Galleries/Museums Administrative and Business Offices Indoor and outdoor facilities for children related to entertainment and education including overnight uses, but not including high-speed thrill rides (those rides typically oriented towards the teenage and young adult audience); Water features, lakes; Picnic areas; Landscaped areas; Guest services and facilities; Accessory uses which are clearly incidental or necessary to principal permitted uses; , People moving systems; Signs related to Park activities;' Parking; Any other uses as determined by the Planning Director to be of the same general character as the uses listed above. b. Permitted temporary uses within LEGOLAND Carlsbad which are limited in duration, but occur from time to time, are as follows: Festivals; Craft fairs; Markets; Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 119 iii. J=tid^efvVaUe¥-Roa4The Crossings Drive (Area 3) Building Setbacks No building shall be closer than 20 feet from the right- of-way line. Landscape Setbacks Landscaping shall extend a minimum of 20 feet from the right-of-way line. Parking Setbacks No parking area shall be allowed closer than 20 feet from the right-of-way line. iv. Palomar Airport Road (Area 4) Building Setbacks No building shall be closer than 300 feet from the northern right-of-way line along Palomar Airport Road. Landscape Setbacks Landscaping shall extend a minimum of 140 feet from the northern right-of-way line along Palomar Airport Road (150 feet from the curb). Parking Area Setbacks - No parking area shall be allowed closer than 140 feet from the northern right-of-way line along Palomar Airport Road (150 feet from the curb). Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 121 e. Parking Standards- The reguired parking for LEGOLAND Carlsbad-is as foliows: following parking spaces will be provided on the opening day of LEGOLAND CarJsbad: Visitor Parking Automobiles 3410 spaces Handicapped 4§-spaces RV Parking • Parking Bus Parking §Q-s TOTAL 44^ LEGOLAND Park - Autos 3.103 spaces Park - RV's 20 spaces Employee 600 spaces Hotel 1.2 spaces per room Restaurant 1 space per 100 SF (if over 4.000 SF) 40 + 1 space per 50 SF Retail 1 space per 300 SF In addition, 60 bus spaces and an additional 26 RV spaces are provided as a convenience to touring bus companies and schools. During peak demand events however, this parking may be converted to visitor parking spaces. If additional uses not specifically listed above are developed, Chapter 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code shall be utilized for the parking standards or parking ratios. Gtfe64-Autornobile parking stall sizes shall be a minimum wjdthsee-of 8'6"-x-491with a minimum area of 170 sguare feet. All aisles shall be a minimum of 4ff-24' feet in-width {s4fwjte~€iifB€ti0FH^ efi6rrted-at-§Q-4e§fees)r-Employee parking stalls shall be a minimum of 9' x 20^ Recreation Vehicle parking stalls shall be 34' x 11'. Bus parking stalls shall be 40' x 12'. All bus aisles shall be a minimum of 75 feet in width. If tandem bus parking occurs, there shall be a minimum of 3 feet between buses. All handicapped parking stalls shall meet the requirements of the The City of Carlsbad does not have a specific parking standard for a theme park such as LEGO. The theme park standards are derived based on the justification and analysis contained in an addendum prepared by RBF.elated January 23, 2008.to the ADriLiSiiTrafncJ^y^^ by KAKU Associates, Inc. (fealife-44^y-JQ!--4h6-4^gfya844SGOLAfclD CofJsteee, egted Aj3fM4^H'page~-45M&42K -This report and addendum -frare available at the City of Carlsbad Planning Department and is incorporated herein by reference. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 124 Americans With Disabilities Act. The proposed parking concept shall meet or exceed the City of Carlsbad landscape requirements of 1 tree per 4 parking stalls. Bicycle access to the parking lot shall be provided at the trail connections off LEGO Drive and off Hidden Valley RoadThe Crossings Drive. Bicycle racks shall be provided within the parking area. Parking expansion will be provided -with in the LEGO site adjacent' to -the Palomar Airport Road buffer zone. This area will' be-iandscaped, and iti occu r iM^e'-Fa'Ss/^iMeftleRs-ef^t-is-af ea-wh ich-wJti-ateo-sefve as space as needed for parking overflow. The City may require the paving of the parking overflow area when warranted by traffic usage, but not before. This overflow parking aroa-wiU-accorrimodate an-additionaM-,450 parking spaces. The City will conduct traffic counts periodically to determine the adequacy of the-parking iot with respect to health and safety standard to determine if this ov&rfiow area needs to be paved. The City shall advise LEGO of any heaith and/or safety' problems and, at the 4lFeetion of -the City Engineer, may require any necessary remedies to correct the problems. The parking lot layout and design are shown on Figure 38 on page 125 and the parking lot geometries are illustrated in Figure 39 on page 126. These Figures are intended to show that it is feasible to design a parking layout to accommodate the required parking on the LEGO site. It is not intended to be a final design. The actual design may vary subject to the review of the Site Development Plan. The final parking lot layout shall be subject to City approval at the time of Site Development Plan review. Directed parking may be necessary during certain peak season days. A requirement for directed parking would be based on the final design of the parking lot and determined if necessary at the time of the Site Development Plan review. f. Circulation Plan The Circulation Plan is shown in 'Figure 40 on page 127. The Circulation Plan establishes the roadway network and the basic standards for safe automotive, bicycle and pedestrian movement within the LEGO site and as it relates to the proposed circulation system of the adjacent Carlsbad Ranch Planning Areas. Figure 40 on page 127 of this document illustrates the overall circulation plan for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan. In order to comply with the established performance standard for circulation facilities contained in the Local Facilities Management Plan, Zone 13, the only directional signing allowed on Palomar Airport Road will be a directional sign for west bound vehicles directing them to go north on Armada Drive to LEGO Drive. All directional signage located along the I-5 corridor shall direct visitors to the Cannon Road off ramps. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 1 25 All promotional material, television and radio advertising, shall direct visitors to access the Park using the 1-5 and Cannon Road interchange. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 126 Visitor traffic will approach the Park heading east on Cannon Road from the 1-5 interchange, then make a right turn at LEGO Drive. A roundabout will be located at the intersection of LEGO Drive and Armada Drive. This roundabout will guide visitors to LEGOLAND Carlsbad. LEGO Drive empties directly into the private driveway leading to the LEGO visitor parking lot. Access to the feysremployee parking. LEGOLAND Hotel and service areas eftly-shall be provided from Hi4€tefh¥attev-RoadThe Crossings Drive via Palomar Airport Road. Access to charter/school bus parking will be provided through the main LEGOLAND entrance. Drop-off areas for buses are provided along the pedestrian spine that leads from the parking lot into the LEGOLAND park. NCTD bus access shall be provided from The Crossings Drive via Palomar Airport Road. In the event of a chartered bus specifically for LEGOLAND Hotel guests, access will be provided via The Crossings Drive. The service road will be landscaped and screened to prevent public view from Park visitors. Vehicles shall be separated from the Active and Passive Clusters of the Park to avoid pedestrian contact. The service road shall be constructed to meet the City of Carlsbad standards to accommodate emergency vehicles. Pedestrian access is provided through a system of circulation which links a series of Active Clusters. This system provides a main circulation route with opportunity to return to clusters of particular interest. Trail links/connections to adjacent portions of the Carlsbad Ranch will be provided on the southwestern boundary of the park on LEGO Drive, adjacent to Armada Drive and on the eastern boundary of the Park off of H144sfi VatieyTne Crossings Drive at the entrance to the employee parking or service administration area. g. Operation and Safety LEGO Drive shall comply with the operation and safety standards and criteria as provided in the Standards for Design and Construction of Public Works Improvements in the City of Carlsbad. Lighting shall be provided that will conform with the City lighting standards. The LEGO parking concept allows for the maximization of landscape opportunities, while providing for the required amount of parking in a safe and efficient manner. If it is required that the parking area be lit, it will conform to the City lighting standards. The LEGO parking lot will be loaded Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 130 vi. Parking lot lighting shall be designed in conformance with City standards. vii. Lighting should provide a safe and desirable level of illumination for both pedestrians .and motorists without intruding into adjacent areas. viii. Project signage should be illuminated on the sign face only, in such a way as to minimize light overflow. ix. Search lights and lasers directed towards the sky should not be permitted. 3. DESIGN GUIDELINES The following are specific development and design guidelines applicable to this Planning Area. However, Section III.A. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES beginning on page 63 contains additional development standards and design guidelines that are applicable to all Planning Areas within this Specific Plan Amendment. The purpose of the following section is to provide sufficient design guidelines and descriptive text to give the City an idea of the appearance and feeling of LEGOLAND Carlsbad when it is developed. The exact details of LEGOLAND Carlsbad will be provided when the Site Development Plan is processed for this area. LEGOLAND Park a. General Building Orientation LEGOLAND Carlsbad Building Orientation The LEGOLAND Carlsbad entrance structures will be oriented toward the guest parking area. Other Park buildings and structures will be oriented, in general, toward a main pedestrian pathway system linking the various Activity Clusters. Entrance to the various buildings and structures should in general be from the main pathway system. Secondary entrances and service entrances will be from a secondary pathway system and the outer ring service road surrounding the Inner Park. Buildings and structures should be of various masses and orientation in a "village/town landscape" arrangement. Provisions for comfortable service and emergency vehicular access will be established park-wide and will link up with the service and emergency road system. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 135 Service and Administration Building Orientation LEGO service buildings shall be architecturally compatible with the administration building. Primary service building entrances shall be oriented to the access road area. Secondary building entrances will in general be oriented toward the Family Park. Building mass should be parallel or on axis with the access road. Provisions for comfortable pedestrian as well as vehicular linkages between the Park, access road, staff car parking and the service administration building shall be provided. b. Access LEGOLAND Carlsbad Buildings The main entrance for guests to LEGOLAND Carlsbad will be from the guest car parking via guest "car park islands" to an entrance plaza in front of the entrance structure. In connection with the entrance plaza, disabled parking, charter/school bus and taxi drop-off will be established. NCTD bus access is provided via The Crossings Drive. From the main entrance, a main pedestrian pathway will lead through the various Active and Passive Clusters. Access to the various attractions will be from the main pathway system as well as a secondary pathway system in each individual cluster. Entrance facilities to each individual attraction will include various setbacks and/or queuing facilities to secure sufficient flow on pathway systems. Pathway systems and access to attractions will satisfy all applicable requirements for disabled accessibility. A service road system will be established within the Outer Park area for easy accessibility for service vehicles to the various main facilities in the Park. An emergency and fire engine corridor system will be established acceptable to the Carlsbad Fire Department. Service and Administration Buildings Main access to the administration building and service building area will be from the secondary access road via Mteteefv-Vatiey--Rea4The Crossings Drive off Palomar Airport Road. Secondary access to administration and service buildings, including service gates to the service building, will be from a service yard between the administration and service building. A combined staff service road and pathway will connect the service yard with the service road around the Park. The service area will be screened from the surroundings by planting. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 136 Windows Windows may commonly appear recessed on general buildings. Detail treatments include the use of architectural accents. Shutters will be common where suitable. A variety of styles and sizes will typically be used together to form a random pattern. Balconies & Verandas Balconies and verandas will be used as strong ornamental elements, in order to add interest to the elevation and shade to the buildings and outdoor areas. Public Spaces Shaded areas will be established park-wide through the use of pergola structures, etc. A warm, relaxed atmosphere will be created to enhance the guest's comfort. d. Potential Building Materials Building materials utilized in the LEGOLAND Carlsbad buildings shall incorporate or be generally compatible with a theme architectural vocabulary and shall use durable, high quality building and roofing materials. The Inner Park will include a variety of architectural themes, which will delineate different activity areas of the Park. Exterior wall and roof colors shall be carefully selected. Stucco with accent materials are preferred. Roof colors shall be low intensity colors, which blend with the environmental setting of the project. e. Citvwide Trail Segment Trails within Planning Area 4 shall be designed to link into the Citywide Trail System along Hidden Valley Drive. Trail Segment 28 of the Citywide Trail System may be located on the east side of Midden-Valley RoadThe Crossings Drive if that area is developed as a public golf course by the City of Carlsbad and its relocation is approved by the City. LEGOLAND Hotel a. General Building Orientation The hotel will be set in an articulated form to help create an entrance pjaza for the Park on the North side. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 138 The service area will orient to the existing Park service area to the East of admissions. This area links to the outer ring service road. At the option of LEGOLAND, the hotel construction may be phased. A phasing concept will be provided and reviewed through the site development plan process. b. Access Guests Guests arriving by car will access the hotel through the main LEGOLAND entrance or via The Crossings Drive. Upon arrival, guests will be directed to the hotel entrance plaza where there will be a covered area for drop-off from cars and taxis. Parking for disabled people will be provided close to the entrance and there will be dedicated parking for other hotel guests. NCTD bus access will be provided via The Crossings and drop-off guests at the east end of the hotel. Service Area This will be accessed (as is the LEGOLAND administration building and service building area) from the secondary access road via The Crossings Drive off Palomar Airport Road. A combined staff service road and pathway will connect the service yard with the service road around the Park. The service area will be screened from the surroundings by planting. c. General Architectural Character Architectural features, such as well articulated and varied facades, roofs and courtyard plaza elements that provide building articulation, diversity and pedestrian amenity will be provided. Variations in design are anticipated and will incorporate some of the features described below. Building Form The LEGOLAND hotel will be articulated both in plan and section to reduce the appearance of bulk and to create an interesting building silhouette. The typical facade will incorporate some fantasy features to reinforce the LEGOLAND brand and these will be most intense at the entrance to the hotel. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 139 Jjoofs Roofs will be low pitch or flat. Roof materials will be of suitable roof sheet material or tiles. Roof planes will be varied for visual interest and to achieve intimate scale. Entrances Entrances to the hotei and ...public areas will be recessed and covered. They wQLbe compatible with thejhem Materials may include rendered facades and tiles. Windows The design.of windows.wjlLfollow the themes mentioned above. Balconies Balconies and frenchMI.con.ies may be used as strong ornamental ejejriejntsJn^ordteiLXo add interest toJheJbjuJMing and outdoor areas. Public Spaces Public:spac^^ cg.nriectjo.n._.of the hotel and LEGOLANDPark. A warm, relaxed atmosphere wiil enhance the guest's comfort, d, Potential BuildingMaterjals Building materials utilized in the LEGOLAND Hotei will incorporate or be generally compatible with a theme architectural vocabulary and shall use dura bje, quality._bujiding an,g! roofing materiaIs. Exterj_or wail and roof coiors will be carefully selected. Stucco with accent materials will be preferred. Roof colors will blend with the environmental setting of the project. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 140 • A 1 .5 MG steel tank reservoir located adjacent to the east boundary of the specific plan. Two pressure reducing stations, one at the 1 .5 MG steel tank, and the other at the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Armada Drive. A 16-inch and 12-inch pipeline from the 1.5 MG steel tank aligned southwesterly to Palomar Airport Road. A 10-inch pipeline in Palomar Airport Road from Armada Drive to Paseo Del Norte. A 12-inch pipeline in Paseo Del Norte and Car Country Drive. The existing water facilities for the 375 Pressure Zone include: One 8.5 MG steel tank reservoir (now under construction to replace 1 .25 MG). A 16-inch pipeline in Palomar Airport Road. A 16-inch pipeline form the existing 1 .5 MG reservoir to Palomar Airport Road. Removal of the existing 12-inch and 16-inch transmissions lines. The existing water facilities are shown on Figure 57 on page 183. To provide adequate water service, the following facilities are required in the 375 Pressure Zone only: A 16-inch pipeline in HJ4deB-Va4tey RoadThe Crossings Drive extending from Camino de Los Ondas north to the vicinity of the existing 1 .5 MG reservoir. This will enable the fire flow to be provided to the area from the 8.5 MG reservoir now under construction. A 12-inch pipeline extending in on easement across Parcel 1 1 from Hid4efhVailsy Crossings Drive to Cannon Road. A 16-inch pipeline in Armada Drive from Palomar Airport Road to Cannon Road. A 10-inch pipeline in LEGO Drive. A minimum 8-inch pipeline in "D" Street. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 184 C. RECLAIMED WATER On March 21, 1989 the City of Carlsbad adopted an interim Reclaimed Water Use Policy for new land development projects. The policy specified that all new development shall use reclaimed water when reasonably available and that the installation of dual irrigation systems may be required subject to the terms of the Water Reclamation Master Plan. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District operates and maintains two reclaimed water pipelines in the specific plan area. There is an existing 8-inch pipeline.in Palomar Airport Road. Another 8-inch pipeline is in -HM4en Vaiiey Roa4Jhe Crossings Drive extending from Palomar Airport Road north to the vicinity of an existing 1.5 MG steel tank. The water pressure in these pipelines is the same as the 375 Pressure Zone for domestic water. However, it is noted that the pipeline in Hid4eflA/alley-R0a4The Crossings Drive may need to be relocated based on proposed site grading plans. To utilize the reclaimed water supply will require the following: A 12-inch pipeline in HiddspAteltev Roa4The Crossings Drive and an easement from Palomar Airport Road to Cannon Road. (There is an existing temporary 8-inch water line in Hidden Va4le¥-Rea4The Crossings Drive from Palomar Airport Road to the reservoir.) A 20-inch pipeline in Cannon Road from Car Country Drive to the proposed 12-inch pipeline described above. An 8-inch pipeline in Armada Drive from Palomar Airport Road to Cannon Road (Carlsbad Ranch Unit No. 1 has been designed and approved as a part of CT 92-07 on December 23, 1993.) An 8-inch pipeline in LEGO Drive. An 8-inch pipeline in Paseo Del Norte from Palomar Airport Road to Car Country Drive. There also exists a 16" line located within and south of Palomar Airport Road belonging to the Vallecitos Water District. The City of Carlsbad has the rights to use reclaimed water from that line. That line has the capacity of two million gallons per day. As long as there is a surplus of reclaimed water available, development within this project could use this pipeline as a source of reclaimed water. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 188 g. Lego Drive/Cannon Road - Install traffic signal. Provide two left-turn lanes and an exclusive right-turn lane in the northbound direction; two through lanes and an exclusive right-turn lane in the eastbound direction; and two left-turn lanes and two through lanes in the westbound direction. Estimated Cost - $5,000 (signal cost included in LEGO Drive/Armada Drive cost estimate) Timing: , Prior to recordation of a final map, issuance of a grading or building permit, whichever occurs first for any project within subarea TR-1, TR- 2, TR-3, O/PI-1 or O/PI-2 of Zone 13, if the City Engineer determines that this improvement is necessary to maintain the Growth Management Circulation Performance Standard, the developer of that subarea shall financially guarantee its construction as set forth in the Finance section of the Zone 13 LFMP. h. Armada Drive/Palomar Airport Road - Install traffic signal modifications as necessary. Restripethe northbound approach for two left-turn lanes and a shared through/right-turn lane. In the southbound direction, provide two left-turn lanes, one shared through/right-turn lane, and an exclusive right-turn lane. Also, add an eastbound left-turn lane and a westbound exclusive right-turn lane. Estimated Cost: $205,000 Timing: Prior to reeordation of a final map, issuance of a grading or building permit, whichever occurs first for'any project within subarea O/PI-2, TR-3 or TR/C of Zone 13, if the City ^Engineer determines that this improvement is necessary to maintain the Growth Management Circulation Performance Standard, the developer of that subarea shall financially guarantee its construction as set forth in the Finance section of the Zone 13 LFMP. i. Hiddeft-Valtey-Rea4The Crossings Drive/Palomar Airport Road - Construction of intersection to include two through lanes, one shared right/through lane and one left turn lane in the eastbound and westbound directions. Provide one shared southbound left/right/through lane. Provide a shared right-turn/through land and one left-turn lane in the northbound direction. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 197 3. Planning Area 3 Any development of the property including hotels and/or commercial living units (timeshares) shall be subject to the approval of a Site Development Plan pursuant to Section 21.06 (Qualified Overlay Zone) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition, a hotel or commercial living unit (timeshare) project shall be subject to the requirements of Section 21.42.010(10) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition to the above requirements, the City Council shall make the final decision to approve or disapprove the Site Development Plan. Any other uses proposed for this site that is not specifically addressed herein shall be subject to all applicable processing requirements of the underlying zone and Title 21 (Zoning) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 4. Planning Area 4 (LEGOLAND Carlsbad) Planning Area 4 contains the entire LEGOLAND theme park. As shown on Exhibit 35, the park is divided into the inner park and the outer park. The inner park contains all of the existing attractions, food services and administrative services and areas for future expansion. The outer park is the area reserved for LEGQLAND thenne gark yisitor parking, LEGOLAND hotel and hotel guest parking and a large portion of the perimeter landscape buffer. This specific plan authorizes and approves a LEGOLAND family park as a permitted use subject the approval of a Site Development Plan. A Site Development Plan (SDP 96-14) and Coastal Development Permit (CDP 96-16) were approved for the entire park by City Council Resolution 97-670 on May 20,1997. This specific plan authorizes and approves a LEGOLAND family park as a permitted use of the Planning Area for zoning purposes and, therefore, a conditional use permit shall not be required pursuant to Section 21.42.010(5)(F) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Any development of the property shall be subject to the processes as described below. Outer Park Any development within the Outer Park shall be subject to the approval of a Site Development Plan pursuant to Section 21.06 (Qualified Overlay Zone) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Inner Park All future park projects within the Inner Park that comply with the development standards and design guidelines set forth in this Specific Plan shall be processed as a Minor Site Development Plan and Minor Coastal Development Permit subject to Planning Director approval. The Planning | Car/shod Ranch Specific Plan 206