HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-16; Council Policy No. 15 (RESCINDED) - Traffic Safety Policies and WarrantsCITY OF CARLSBAD '~- COL'XCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Traffic Engineering Specific Subject: Traffic Safety Policies and Warrants Policy X0. 15 Date Issued January 16, Effective Date January 16, 1973 Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards,~Press, File PURPOSE: To standardize traffic safety installations within the City of Carlsbad, bring Carlsbad installations into line with prevailing traffic engineer- ing practice in San Diego County, and provide guidelines for handling citizen requests. STATEKENT OF POLICY: The following policies are adopted as the Traffic Safety Policies of the City of Carlsbad: , 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Through Highway Routes Pedestrian Crosswalks Speed Limit Regulations 2-May Stop Control e-Way Stop Control Centerline Striping Temporary Road Closures . _. PROPOSED TRAFFIC SAFETY POLICIES AND WARRANTS CITY OF CARLSBAD MAY 1972 . TABLE OF CONTENTS NUX3ER T,ITLE SOURCE PAGE NO. 1 2 3 4 5’ 6 7. THROUGH HIGHWAY ROUTES PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS SPEED LIMIT REGULATIONS 2-WAY STOP CONTROL 4-WAY STOP CONTROL CENTERLINE STRIPING TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURES .- County Road Policy City of San Diego County Road Policy City of San Diego City of San Diego County Road Policy County Road Policy I : .,. .~.’ .~t ,. :. :_ /: _: * 2 3 - 11 13 14 17 19 . , ~. ,.: _. . . ._’ _’ . . POLICY x0. 1 TKnOUGH HIGHWAY ROUTES Through Highways, MAY, 1972 as defined by Section 600 of the Cali- . '. fornia Vehicle Code, shall be established on arterial and major roads carrying.predominantly through-traffic, as evidenced by ..~ .' minimum average daily traffic volumes of 500 to 1000 vehicles, or on collector roads and streets carrying in excess‘of 1000 (.- ) vehicles per day, particularly where an analysis of reported accidents indicates a need for route control of crossing con- flicts. : .upon establishment and signing of an arterial Through Highway, all intersecting traffic is required by .~ ~. before enter'ing or crossing. _. ,' ..~'. ., law to stop . ‘, ._ POLICY X0. -2 . ‘. .. ?EDESTRIA?i dROSSWALKS -2.10 f2.u. . - . . k- . * ; : . . . . _ . . .- MAY, 197J2 _ -. :4 -. -., i - .---c -. . :. PLqme .'. . . 5-h pw.ccse cf a Edca CTO sm2lk is to inforn drivers of 2 high pedestri2.n flowor a~ u;lusczl crossing loczatioc, acd to guide pedestriacs by providing 9 mea area 2, vhich t3 cross. The rxrpcse of tkese warrants is to estzblish ziniswz criteria forthe installation of ear?& crossrr2lk.s so that they say provide the greatest possibie benefit to both drivers and pedcstria"s. i i Legs?. pefkitions ezd Ri&t of F:ap Control The fol.io:ritig cscerpts fro= the California Vehicle Code and the S& Diegq _ Nmicipal Code are pertinent to these Karr&s: .- . ;. .- C.V.C. c.2. "Cross~mlk" is either: ._ . . .._ ._ :- -. _ . . _ (a) !%at portion of a rc2d:z-y included within the prolongaticr: or comectioti of the bousdazy linps of side~&ks at intersectipas %!here the intek- setting roadzzys L -. zeet ar approhisately.ri&t angles, except tm, prckqa- tion of ruch lines fro- ar alley 2cr35s a street. . . .. . . . . . (b) Ar; portion of a ro2dm-y distinctly' indicated for pedestrians crossing‘ _,_ by lines or other czrktilSs on the s;urface. _~ ._ . _' : c:v.c. 2lg50. Right of iray at crossk-dlks:~ . :- " . . . ~: . . .- ._ . _. : .I.. _- . *. . . '(a) The Driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-r-ay.to a pedestrian . crossing t'ce rosdwy vithin any czrke?c,rossrial?c 3r within any umarked cross~ialk at an intersection, except as otherwise provided in this . . . . . --chapter. --chapter. . . . . . . '(b) No pedestrieu shall'suddenl~ leave a cub or other place ,of safe+$ am3 '(b) No pedestrieu shall'suddenl~ leave a cub or other place ,of safe+$ am3 . . walk'or run into thc,path walk'or run into thc,path o o f a vehicle w'kich is to close as to' f a vehicle w'kich is to close as to' . . constitute as imediate hazard. constitute as imediate hazard. .' ., .' ., . . C.V.C. ,J!lg5,4. Pcdest+ms outside croz3KLk.s: . .-I. . : " ia) Every pedestrian ~poc a road~3y at auy point other t&n within a &rked~’ . crosswalk or riit:?in an um2rked crossvalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-my to all vehicles‘qon the roackay. C.V.C. 21955. CrossinS bet&m controlled intersections: ,, Betueen nd jac,.. --t intcrscctions controlled by traffic control siCm1 device: or by.policc ol‘:Fccrs,, pedcstrisss shall not cross the r?dmy at any.place except in a cro:s;:allc. . -2- 2.12 2.13 General Police S. D. M. C. 83.03 Interfering with traffic: It shall be unlawful for any person to stand in any road- way, other than in a safety zone or in a crosswalk,, if-.such action interferes with the lawful movement of traffic. Generals When justified and properly located, a marked pedestrian cross- walk may achieve the following results.: A. Call the driver"s attention to a high pedestrian flow or an unusual crossing location. B. Point out to the pedestrian the safest crossing path. . C. Limit pedestrian crossings to specific locations.' . . Unjustified-or poorly located marked crosswalks may: A. Increase accident frequency by lulling both pedestrians. and drivers into a false sense of security. I B. Create general disrespect for s traffic control devices. C. Result in unnecessarily high painting and maintenance. costs to the City. By legal definition there are three or more unmarked crosswalks, at every intersection. The City does not normally. install a marked crosswalk across an intersection approach where more re- strictive traffic control devices, other than traffic signals, axe in use. Such devices include stop signs,and yield'signs. However, a crosswalk may be marked at a controlled intersection if an unmarked crosswalk would not be clearly discernable due to peculiar geometries or other unusual physical conditions. ,. " 1 A marked midblock' crosswalk ma, be in&alled when.warr'anted on.". the basis of sound enginee'ring judgment. The length of the block between intersections should be no less than 1,000 feet. There must be a reasonable demand by pedestrians to cross within a conccntr,ated area no less than 400 feet from the nearest inter- section. There must be a high pedestrianvolume generator' nearby. I -. . . . . . ._ . . . . .- * .2.14 &+?.i;r, pi . ,< -:;3. . ., . : . . .: ., : . . - . . : . . Tne fo*ll*,::$ng mrr,nts are based on a point system eva.l.uation incorpora- tin- "7 ticz 0 d-1 , gcdestrian volzes, vehicle approach spxd, and gecerzl. conditiocs. Accident kistorJ and tke.investigxting engixcr's ooiniol have been subordinated to afford zaxi3m objectgvity in dete?z.in& cross- walk ne'eds. 'i2.15 Point 3Jste.n . : . . * . . . . . __ . . _. : Gap Tim \?arrant 'Haximum 10 points : . Pe&strian Volme Uarrant II . Approabh Spezd t:arrant - It General Conditions Yamant It ; .I: .I -._. 5 " : *_ 7 . . . : .’ . . T+al points 25 . .: . . . . . . . _ . ,. -. .-. - .~ : . Point Yvaluztion ,. -. . . .. . . : . . - 2.16 (- .. ” . . . . _’ . * . : _ . . - The mini+z r:arrant.for the installation of a mrked cross,r.alk is satisf%d --.- uheqa locatig,,rates-$6 ~r.core,poirts,~_or.e,of whic>,-n~.t be for ': pedestrian vol~es. ., . . ---- --.. . . -. .e’ . ._ . ._ .~ . . . . . . . : . . ., . . . . . . _ . : t .’ . .- . . i’ . -.~ : . + . . . .~ : ‘. : a-.. _‘. . * .__ -7 . . . . . . _. ” . . -. ‘.. . _’ .~. * . . : *. , ._. ,. ~. . .1: ..; * . . . . . -~ . .~’ * . . . . *. . . ._ . . . . -_ . .- .:. ~ ‘. .- . -. . . . . . . : : : ; - . ..* .* . . . a. . - - * : . . . -. * . . -4- : . . . * . . . . . . . . . . :’ . . : ‘L. ‘.’ ‘: (,I ‘. -. . . . . . . Varnnts PEDESTRLU Cz?E~r&~ . Gsp Time Varrclnt . . C&t&on : . . .- . . * . , . . ‘HAY, 1972 . I ~2. . . .~*.. . 1. . . . !Che.nw.aber of *mimpeded vehicle *. time gaps epal. to or exceeding the. required pedestrian crossing time in an average five minute period duril:g~tiiS peak vehicle hour. : _' Pojnt kssipment Average wmber Points . 0.f gaps per 5 minute period . 10: 1":;; lki ,: 3" r ;:g .._ 46 : -_ 4 - 4.99 .: 2 ~. : : .. ~5’or over 0'. .-.. .* - . . (-~ 1 . . . . . . . conputatio?.s : . . . . Maximum 10 -. -. . . f ,* - . _ . . .y (1) p d t e es rian Crossing Time =‘ St.reet width curb to curb LO feet pex second : '. '- (2) +v,erage >:umber.of Gaps' per Five Kinut& Period ... . ._ . Provisions = To&l &able gap tke ir. s&on& . Pedestrian Cr0ssir.g .Tl‘l?-e x.12 . . ‘. : : -: . . .“... . . ., . : .. (Aj The above criterion is based on k one-hour,field sun& consisting of 12 five-minute samples. .~ . . . . (B) Ali i-oadiays having a raised median or.a painted median ,(I& foot minimu width) will be considered as two separate . xoadkys. . . '( ,I C See A_opendix One for survey methods and uarrant fi&d,form. ,,, : - . . . . .~ 1. .- . . . . - . . . . . - *. . . -, _. *. * - .* . . . . _’ . ‘, -. . . . . . . . . . . ‘.f. ‘. ._ _ _ . r . .: :. ._. . . . -**. . . -L Pedestria? Volwe I-kzant Criterion Point'Assiancent ~'. Pedestrian Tots1 Poic;s The'total nmber of pedestrians crossing the street wader studjj . - during t!xe peak vehicle hoj.xr. This : includes gmkstrizns in both.cross- waJ.hs at an interse.ctionT : ; Approach &eed Drr2nt ' Criterion . . -. . . . ._ . The vehicular approach speed.fron both directions ~of travel as detetined by t:-.e investigating engineer thrcuglz sgieeti study _~ c- techniques. . . . . . . ,. I. General Conditions Varrznt '- . . - . Q_ . . Criterion' . Those conditiors affectins the movement of cedestrian traffic other than ga? ti!ze, pedestrian volu!3cs ) and vehicular approach speed. Consideration should be given to intersection Layout, O-10 0 . XL-30 . 1 31-60 ~. . . 2 61-90 91-120 2. *. . Over 100 .5 . K2ximua .5. : ..' . . . . . *- ,‘dpproach Speed - Pofnts - *. -. Under 23 X?H 0 20 0r 25 1’ 30 or 35’ ‘I 4U'or 45 'I. .-; .‘; 50 or 55 .'I~ 3 I~ 1. 60 or over 0. - - pedestrian accident hisl;opJ, vehicle turning Covezhtsz adjac'eat grounds and buildings, and pedestrian generators. . - . (s- . Bfaximum 5 . -. _: .. ‘. . . : . General Points . . *Conditions . . Values'assigned - O-5 . . accor6ing tc . . ‘kngineermg :. .~ .__~’ &u&pent.’ ._ c . *’ . . . . . .’ . -c- ,. Maximum ‘5 :. : . . . . . . . . ‘.. . . . . .-’ . . .: . _‘, .{‘- .I. . . f-2 . II. . . : . . . , . ApPBtiIX OiE Survey Wthcds and Field Form survey I.lethods .' A. B. c. D. -. ‘. .: i . . .I. ..-: Per,ron~~l~reauire-ents:' One mn. .: . ,.. . . 2 ._ . . ._ . Durztioz of su_rrey: 0r.e hour during the norning or evening peak p&r&d of vehicle tr?vcl. . . Enuipznt:. Stop lratch (in sekonds) and ~ramnt'field foms. !@pe of Swvey: : . . . . 1. lOO'$ pedestrian co-m-t within the crosslralk area under study during the &I ninute peridd. . . . - . 2. lOC$ r&cordi?g of unimpeded vehicle gags during the sa'sIe 60 minute period. : . . . a. Each ga:a_o that is equal to or exceeds the calculk~ed pedest.$i& .crossing tile is defizzd as a "Lkable Ga' Tiz", and is, . ..entered on the warrant field for= as such. 3. Speed study using the'floattig car teChZique, or radar speed study. Use of the Crossmlk Varraot F503.5 Fern . ,. : . . A. 33. . C. Begin the gay, tine recording by en&%-zrins on the fieLd (in seconds) of those gap tizes equal to or exceeding pedestrian crossing tile. :, '. . . . . . ., __ .' Total the Usable Cap Tine in seconds; and Eotu@e the gaps per five uiinute period. .- sheet the length ,, the calculated ;. '.. : _, "'.: average number'of "D. Record kho one hour pedestrian volume, the agproach.speed, and existing general cocditions, including the three year pedestrian accident bistoly. E. msed on each warrant, assign the number of points allowable. . Compute the P&e~trian.Crossing Tiw ar?d enter the figure (in secords) in the appropriate space. . * . . .’ * . . . . . . . -7- . - - . :: l-r i I . . l-1 2 . 0 ‘CL. 2 . o- : ? 0 3 r! .z ‘5 F II ” . - - -01 -0g 2: .5. -- z - m n - . . I i,XATION: . DTE: DAY! WEATHER: RECO.?OED BY: i- FIELD DATA i?EMARKS: i?EMARKS: . . jr Ilf - “SA3CE GA? T I!.!? TIME (SEC. 1 TOTAL PEDESTRIAN COUNT ‘OTAL -- . - - i : MAY, 1972 t, POLICY NO. 3 SPEED LIEJIT K%UIATIONS The Traffic Engineer may post prima-facie 25 mph speed limits as specified under California Vehicle Code Section 22352 (b) in.valid Business and Residence Districts on identification of speed related problems, except on,established through highways carrying in excess of 2000 vehicles per day. On such through highways, including arterial roads, major roads, and collector streets, realistic speed . limits shall be established by action of the.City Council on the basis of an Engineering and Traffic Surveys as provided for ia Section . 22357 of the California Vehicle Code. (2 On City roads and highways carrying in excess of 2000 vehicles per day. and which d.o not qualify as valid residence or business dis'tricts, the City Council shall establish realistic prima-facie limits. Such limits shall be determined by the Traffic Engineer on the basis of an Engineering and Traffic Survey as provided in Sec- tions 22358 and 22358.5 of the California Vehicle Code. ... Where such ..," .prima-facie limits are established, "Reduce Speed Ahead" and/or "End Speed Zone!' signs may,be used to identify the posted limit. The Engineering and Traffic Survey shall follow a method estab- listed by'the State of California, Department of Public Works and _ shall be subject to the provisions of the California Vehicle Code: , The Survey includes a review of roadway characteristics such as alignment, grade, and roadside development: an inventory of existing. ‘. l- traffic controls: a review of prevailing vehicle speeds, pedestrian movements, and traffic volumes; 'and an analysis of the roadway's accident history. :. . -lo-- '. : ‘i, i,POLICY NO. 4 2-WAY STOP CO:?i'RGr, 4.1 4.2 c-- ,, 4.3 i.4 4.5, 4.6 . Purpose . .- .- MAY, 1972 -_ '- . . ~-.i . *-. -~~.. L. . _.. -. - The purpose of,stop signs is to control the right-of-kzy~assignnent at an inter, section. Stop signs areplaced at entrances to desqnated t~zougk.hi&rays op at any intirscction designated by resolution ~'a stop intersection. In the latter case, these locations are comonly referred to as Iatersection Stops, If such a locntion fieets the following -arrants, the signs are located on the street carrying the minor volume of entering traffic. -. Properly installed stop signs facilitate traffic mwenent and pronote traffic safety. . . General .. . In order for & intersection to receive consideration for t;-o-way stop control, certain factvel data must be obtzir,ed. These include eccident records, visibility conditions, traffic and pedestrien volumes, end UZU.SC.Z~ conditions such as proxinitji of schools, fire stations, etc. Points are assigned to each of these wrrants. T"e total possible points is 30. ~.The installation of a two- my sto? control is justified with a total of 1.8 points. Accident Warrant : Three points are essigned for each accident susceptible to correction by stop signs during one full year prior to the investi&ion. Naximum 9 points. . Visibility Warrant . . . .. Wh.ere the critical appro&h speed to the intersecti6n is less than 17 &;PH, 1 .- point stall be assigned for.each M?H under 17 IGX. Kaxinum 9 points. Volume ~I?arx-arit a. B~jo; Street: 1 point for every 100'vehicles per day in excess ~of 500. M@.mum 5 points. . . b. Minor Street: 1 point for eve& 25 vehicles and pedestrians* on minor street during the peak ho&. Haximti 4 points. * Pedestrians crossing the minor street. ~ UnuXa.l' Condition m-rent . . . Where unusual conditions exist, such as a school, f;ie station, playground, steep hill, etc., points txc nssigne~,on tt>e basis of eqgfneering jtigzcntr Mnxi(3m 3 points. . Resolution 172323, 9-27-62 counc11 polic; 200-8 /,- : . . ..- i ‘. -;r POLICY~ KOI' 5 4-KAY.STOP COFI'ROL ; 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 tirccse KAY,, ;‘972 -. _, -’ ; -: . . ‘.. -. A fully-justified, prcperl] installed four-way stow can effectively assign right-of-way, reduce vehicle delay and decrease zccidezts. Ceaerdly, a fou:r-w2y &op is reserved for use at the intersection of txo throu;r;h-.highwys, and only as gn interim traffic cmtrol measure prior to signalization. General . . The postinS of an intersec+Aon for four-way stop. control should beg based on fzctuzl data. Included are: Through street conditions, accident rrcords, traEic and pedestrian volumes, and uxxsual conditions such as proximity of sc~oo13, fire stations, etc. Points are ass&led to e2ch.of these criteria. The total possible points is= The installation of four-way scap control is justified -65th~ a total ofzpoints. Primary v;irxnt One of the streets at an intersectionr& be a through highway before.the i&ersection can be considered,ior four-way stop control. k, If street is a'through b&my '- 0 points. B. If both streets are thrcugh hi&a& - appoints.'. ~. : . - Accident !k-rz~t . Tm points are as&ned for each accident susceptible to correction : by four-way stop control eking one full year prior to the investi: g&ion. Naximm 20 points. . dnusual Condition ?!ar7rrant Where unusual comEtions mist, euch as a school, fire station, Pl~pOLE7d, steep bill; etc;, @nts are assizned on the basis of eqinccrin~ judgment. A_schoot. location in Ftsclf, is not sufficient justification for a four-way stop installation. E3xirr.m 5 points. ._ ..: .I i, . : . t 5.6 volume %mm-- .,... A. Total enterins ve!$cle'vo!.~me cust eqzl2,COO vehicles for four highest hollrs in average day. B. Zinimm side street volurre must equal 6C0 vehicles during sme four-hour pried. ,Points shall be assigned in accordance :;',th the fol.lo:;ing tables: Major kmmadi -- lb-Hour xiOLme Points . . . 0 .l1400 0 boo- 800 -1 1401 1700 - 1 801-XXX3 2- . l.701- 2x0 .2 lco~-1230 3 (‘- - .\ zml 2200 3 1201-UC0 4 _'. 2x1- 2600 4 3.401~-l& -. 5 2601 - ‘AGO 5 %~’ 1601 1800 - .6 . . i . ZyOl-3x0 4 .A, ~l!zxll-~mo 7 . . 3zn - 35co 3 2301- 22x 8’. 3501 - 36G3 2 2261 -2+co 9 3801 -‘woo. 1 .~ 2401 - &er Id.’ : : 4101 - over 0 :r- . -13- ~. 5.7 Volcme Split 't?x-r2n$ t’- . - : . . ;, . Four-way stops operete best s;!xrcthc minor epproach vqlu~e EZKI the major approach wlme are nearly equz2.. Folnts shall be aisignd in accordmce with the follosi5.ni: table: Hajor Less Hinor kotiroach Lez Yolune Difference . o'- 3co 301- @o . &a- $03 901-1x0 12x- 15co 1501 - over Points ,- .: .5 4 3' 2 . . : . . . . . . . I . . ;;’ i, MAY, 1972 POLICY NO. 6 CENTERLIXTZ STRIPING Centerline striping will be installed and maintained at City expense on the following categories of streets and roads in the City maintained system; subject to the availability of manpower and funds: 1. All streets having four or more driving lanes. 2.. ~11 2-lane collector roads with pavements narrower than 20 feet but wider than 16 feet carrying an average d&y traffic volume of 500 ~vehicles. 1 (,' I 3. All principal recreational access routes. 4. ‘All other locations where the reported accident records indicate an unmistakable problem susceptible to correction or alleviation by centerline striping. 5. All other locations subject to sporadic severe visibility reductions from ‘fog and: ~. a. The alignment of the roadway is winding. b. There is little or no roadway shoulder area. C. The area which the road traverses can generally be classified as hilly or mountainous. .~ 6. All other locations subject to sporadic severe visibility 5 . reductions from fog, and having an average daily traffic in excess of 500 vehicles per day. 7. 8. All specific spot locations such as approaches. to inter- sections, extreme vertical and horizontal curvature,. and crosswalks where.it is necessary to.alert the motorists of an unusual condition not readily apparent. Ml other locations where the reported accident records indicate a problem susceptible to correction or allevia- tion by centerline striping. Ccnterline striping shall not be installed and maintained eat . . county expense on streets failing to qualify under one or more of the above warrants: provided, however. the City'&11 pro- '. / ;&- vide such striping at local expense, based on fifty dollars i .($50.00) per mile of broken yellow centerline, when a respon- sible agency or association guarantees the payment for the : installation, maintenance and periodic replacement of such striping. ; (, ;. (' 3" NAY, 1372 POLICY x0. '7 TEW?OW'.RY ROAD CLOSURES 1. Public Events. A written request shall be submitted by the applica'nt to the Public Works Department for review and'recommendation to the Traffic Safety Commission and to the City Council, Department'and Commission recommendation for approval by the City Council shall be made provided that closure does not seriously disrupt through traffic, adequate signing for detours is provided and the duration is within a reasonable time limit, not generally to exceed.8 hours. _- .2. For Convenience of a Contractor. A written request shall be submitted to the City Engineer by ~the contractor doing work within a road traveled way, stating reasons.why it wotild be impossible or impracticaz for him to proceed without,cIosing the road, the length of I,, ,, time of such'proposed closure and hi& agreement to place . and adequately maintain all necessary barricades.and warning signs and lights for the designated detour:' .~ '. . _'- The.City Engineer shall review and approve or disapprove _... of such a request or.modify the same so that public interest, convenience and safety will be the paramount cbnsideration. ' . -l"I- : : ;;._ ..’ . . .:. ,.~ : I ! CITY OF CARLSBAD ( APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY ROAD CLOStiRE (construction, parade or special event) DATE TO: HUNTER T. COOK, Public Works Director 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 82008 FROM: (group, etc.) Address : Agent’s or Applicant’s Name Telephone No. It is requested that a permit be granted to close the following street or road: STREET: FROM TO Reason for closure .- am Date/Time of Closure: From To DETOUR: Pm am pm Date Date STREET FROM TO I(We) certify that this (parade)(special event) is not being held for the sole purpose of advertising any product, goods, wares, merchandise or event designe,d purely fdr private profit. Agent’s or Applicant’s Signature *?c***k*~<r”J;f” , ,. ,, ,, ,. ,. ,. ,. - , . ,. ,. “~~**“*~*~~*~tftfiQ~~~~~~~*~*~~~~~~~~~~*~** ,. ***X*-L**********- This request (is)(is not) approved. Application shall be submitted not less than ten (10) days before the HUNTER, T. COOK, Public !Jorks Dir. date on which it is proposed to By: conduct such parade or special event , 1 I,~‘~ :! _- I cc: Police Dept. Fire Depot.