HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-02-27; Acceptance of RoadsCITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: ACCEPTANCE OF ROADS Policy No. 63 Date Issued 2&‘-a/ Effective Date a ‘X7-01 Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Specific Subject: PROCEDURE FOR ACCEPTANCE OR CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE OF CIRCULATION ELEMENT ROADWAYS OR PORTIONS OF SUCH ROADWAYS INTO THE CITY STREET SYSTEM Copies to: City COUnCil, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE: To establish a policy on the acceptance or conditional acceptance of Circulation Element roadways or portions of such roadways into the City street system. The City of Carlsbad is strategically situated in North San Diego County such that its location requires facilities to accommodate local and regional traffic. In recognition of this requirement, the City Council has adopted the Circulation Element of the General Plan as a way to ensure a comprehensive manner and method for the circulation of people, goods, energy, water, sewage, storm waters, communications and services. The primary focus of that element is to provide for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods within the City of Carlsbad and to provide for public access to all existing and future land uses identified in the General Plan. It also identifies how transportation systems will link with surrounding jurisdictions and be coordinated with regional transportation plans. That element ensures that circulation facilities are provided concurrent with their need under the Growth Management Program and the numerous policies, programs and ordinances related thereto. The Circulation Plan was developed utilizing computerized traffic modeling and analysis of projected land uses contained in the General Plan as well as the land use plans of surrounding communities. It has been developed using computerized modeling techniques conducted by the San Diego Association of Governments. This element is designed to address the various components of the circulation system and to provide the basic policies and guidelines for the development of a safe, efficient and aesthetically pleasing transportation network. The Circulation Element recognizes that the Growth Management Program establishes minimum performance standards for the provision of basic public infrastructure and that, for the most part, roads and their related public utilities will be constructed as a condition of ,-. ^.. development activity guided by the policies in the General Plan and the standards of the Growth Management Plan. The timing of construction of missing Circulation Element roadways or links is, for the most part, a function of development activity and, financed by facility impact fees or other funding sources, subject to the City’s Capital Improvement Program. The Capital Improvement Program must balance the availability of revenues with the various competing needs for public facility construction. The Council by means of these policies and standards ensures that the Circulation Elements will be timely completed and opened as needed by the residents of Carlsbad and surrounding communities. Therefore, in recognition of this background the City Council adopts this Policy. STATEMENT OF POLICY: 1. Council recognizes that it has delegated authority to the City Manager the power to accept streets and roads of a subdivision into the street system pursuant to Cadsbad Municipal Code section 11.04.050. However, when those streets or roads are shown on the Circulation Element of the General Plan, the City Manager shall refer them to the City Council for acceptance or conditional acceptance. 2. The City Council shall formally accept the improvements and shall exercise its discretion as to whether and when to accept such road or street into the City street system by resolution as required under Streets and Highways Code section 1806. In exercising its discretion, the City Council shall consider the policies of the General Plan, the standards of the Growth Management Plan, the safety and needs of the traveling public including the impacts on existing roadways and intersections and the anticipated level of service, the anticipated traffic volumes, and the impacts on existing residential neighborhoods, public facilities, commercial districts, pedestrian and other needs which in the opinion of the City Council are necessary and appropriate for the orderly, safe and efficient development of the circulation system . If the Council conditionally accepts a road into the City street system, it may specify the events or timing prior to the opening to through traffic including, but not limited to, the construction of other links of the circulation system and other mitigation measures. I I - 3