HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-19; City Government Channel PolicyPolicy No.
Date of Issue:
Effective Date
Cancellation Date
DATED: October 5, 2010
Subject: City Government Channel Policy
Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division
Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File
Supersedes No.
1 of 3
75 dated
This policy is to define the purpose, goals, objectives and programming priorities for the
city government channel (currently Time Warner 24/126, collectively "channel" and future
channels provided by AT&T and future video service providers), CBTV. This policy
includes guidelines for accepting content from other government agencies and the
allocation of channel time. The proposed City Council policy will grant authority to the City
Manager or his/her designee for overall operations, programming activities and program
In 2006 the passage of the state franchise law Digital Infrastructure and Video
Competition Act of 2006 (DIVCA) changed some requirements for local cable companies,
such as Time Warner Cable. On January 1, 2008, DIVCA became effective and created a
statewide franchising process for the delivery of video services, shifted customer service
to local entities, and changed public education and government (PEG) access
requirements and support. Effective January 1, 2009, Time Warner Cable's duty to
support PEG channel facilities shifted to local PEG channel operation. This meant the city
took over responsibility for producing City Council meetings. Additionally the city is also
responsible for programming a city government channel, currently designated on the Time
Warner system as 24/126. AT&T and future video service providers are also required to
make the necessary technical arrangements to carry the city's government channel and to
abide by the channel policy.
It shall be the policy of the city's channel to provide government programming of interest to
the residents of Carlsbad concerning the functions, activities, programs and issues of the
city and to facilitate the community's ability to learn about and participate in city
government. Live and recorded programming will be used when available for playback.
Candidates' forums or debates may be allowed for the purpose of informing residents
about declared candidates for City of Carlsbad elective office.
Policy No.
Date of Issue:
Effective Date
Cancellation Date
DATED: October 5, 2010
Subject: City Government Channel Policy
Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and
Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File
Supersedes No.
2 of 3
75 dated
The objectives of the city's government channel are as follows:
• To inform the Carlsbad community about city issues, programs and services.
• To explain the opportunities for and encourage community participation in city
decision making.
• To provide other governmental agency programming relating to city issues or city
residents, produced in accordance with City of Carlsbad guidelines.
• To playback candidate forums/debates consistent with this policy.
Programming viewed on the city's government channel must fall into one or more of the
following programming categories. The programming categories are listed in order of
1. Emergency - Live, taped, or text and graphics programming shown at any time, as
emergency dictates, to disseminate emergency instructions and critical safety information
to the public and to provide accurate and complete information regarding emergency
incident cause, size, status, impact and resource commitments. The City Manager or
his/her designee shall approve the content and scheduling of any emergency
programming. In the case of an emergency, regularly scheduled programming maybe
interrupted or canceled.
2. Government Meetings/Hearings/Events - City Council meetings are intended, to the
extent possible, to be aired gavel-to-gavel without editing or editorial comment. Some
public meetings, city functions and special events will be recorded and edited for length for
airing at times convenient to the viewing public.
3. City Services and Community Benefits - Programming that provides information
about city government services and projects.
4. Other Government Agency Programming - Other government agency programming
relating to city issues or city residents, produced in accordance with these guidelines,
including special districts, county, state and federal agencies, relating to non-partisan
programs or information concerning government services or activities regarding their
respective level of government's response to community issues of local concern.
DATED: October 5, 2010
Policy No.
Date of Issue:
Effective Date
Cancellation Date
Supersedes No.
3 of 3
75 dated
Subject: City Government Channel Policy
Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and
Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File
5. Candidates Forums or Debates - Playback of a candidate forum/debate may be allowed if
the organization sponsoring the forum/debate complies with the following conditions:
a. The sponsoring organization shall request playback on the city government channel of a
candidates' forum/debate in writing to the City Manager no fewer than 60 days prior to the
election. The request shall include a statement that the organization will comply with the
provisions in this policy.
b. The forum/debate shall not exceed two hours.
c. All legally declared candidates for the office(s) included in the forum/debate shall be invited.
d. The sponsoring organization shall be nonpartisan and shall not endorse any candidate(s)
during the election period that starts with the filing deadline and ends the day after Election Day.
e. Equal time shall be scheduled for each candidate during the forum/debate.
f. Forums shall be held at a time that does not conflict with regularly scheduled meetings of
the Carlsbad City Council or its boards and commissions.
g. The sponsoring organizations requesting playback must produce the forum/debate according
to the technical specifications for the City of Carlsbad government channel, cover all costs
associated with producing the forum/debate, and ensure all candidates can be seen and heard
h. Only pre-recorded programs will be considered. Live coverage will not be allowed.
i. The content of the forum/debate must be informational in nature and may not include
advocacy for or against a particular candidate or advocacy for or against a particular ballot
j. The forum/debate must be open to the public, free of charge.
k. A maximum of two candidate forums/debates shall be played on the City of Carlsbad
government channel for each election. In the event that there are more than two qualifying
requests to playback candidate forums, the two requests to be selected shall be drawn by
lot by the City Manager at a City Council meeting.
I. When scheduling the playback of candidate forurns/debates, the City Manager or his/her
designee will do her/his best to provide playback on a similar day, at a similar time and under
similar conditions, but with no guarantee of being able to match playback conditions exactly.
A fee will be charged to cover all costs associated with preparation and scheduling of
programming for playback.
This policy delegates to the City Manager the authority to adopt an administrative order to
implement and carry out the provisions of this policy.
This policy is effective immediately upon adoption. Since the date of this policy is fewer
than 60 days from the next election (November 2, 2010), for the November 2, 2010,
election only, the City of Carlsbad will accept requests for playback of candidate
forums/debates up to 25 days prior to the election.
All Receive
r A m CD A r> F°r the Informati°n of the:CAKLbDAU CITY COUNCIL
ACM DCM _ CA CC www.carlsbadca.gov
Datelhf'f- City Managei^^"
October 4, 2010
To: Lisa Hildabrand, City Manager
From: Kristina Ray, Communications Manager
Re: Errata for Agenda Bill Item No. 6 - Revise Council Policy #75 - City Government
Channel Policy
To corrects typographic error on page 3 of the proposed revisions to Council Policy #75, staff
recommends that the effective date of the Policy be modified as follows:
This policy is effective immediately upon adoption. Since the date of this policy is fewer
than 60 days from the next election (November 2, 2010), for the November 2, 2010, election
only, the City of Carlsbad will accept requests for playback of candidate forums/debates up to 25
days prior to the election.
Thankyou- -.Date:
City Clerk
Asst. City Clerk
Attachment Deputy Clerk
City Hall
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2820 I 760-720-9461 fax