HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 62; South Shores Development; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (2)* $Information to be type written. .-a- SUPWCTTED TO THE CARLSBAD /;Bee Page 3 of this form r requirements TY PLANNING COWIISSION Use Permit Application) Date of Hearing ci-/,?- 7.2 and restrictions for filing Conditional Date Received +/b -7& Filing Fee - $50.00 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR CONDITIONAL USE '* .. * .. TO THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION: South Shores Development - - .- .. .. The Applicant(s) Corporation is(are) the owner(s)/Lessee(s) - of the property situated at 6550 Ponto Drive between Southeast of La Costa ' Street and Ponto Drive Street. Exact legal description of said property being: Portions of Lot No. 1 of Section No. 29, Township 12 South, Range 4 West of SBB f M a map of which and Property Owners List are hereto attached and made a part of this application. (See detailed instructions on Page 3 of this blank.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Above described property was acquired by A licant(s) on the What original deed restrictions concerning type of improvements permitted, if any, were placed on the property involved? Give date said restrictions expire None . (You may attach copy of original printed restrictions in answer to this question after properly underscoring those features governing the type and class of uses permitted thereby.) - day of May ,. 19 rf . REQUEST: The Applicant(s) request(s) a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. to use the above described property for the following purpose: (Use this space ONLY to state exactly what is intended to be done on, or with, the property. If a building is involved, a sketch or plan, with photographic or other suitable description may accompany this application.) 146 Unit Mobile Home Park Describe the technological processes used, the materials used, transpor- tation required and buildings and equipment necessary. Existing Residential Mobile Home Park Explain in detail why this particular site is especially suited (if it is) for the intended purpose. Describe how the proposed use and improvements are to be designed and arranged to fit into the development of adjacent property and neighborhood. Furnish plot plan showing boundaries and dimensions of property, width of boundary streets, location and size of buildings on the site, roadways, walks, offstreet parking and loading space, landscaping and the like. Architect's sketches showing elevations of proposed buildings and complete plans are also desirable and, if available, should be filed with application. Attached What are the probable $&ts pertaining to the proposed project with reference to traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, dust, odor, mud, vibration and hazard? N/A N/A Existing #*a None - We, the undersigned OWNEF-OF ADJACENT PROPERTY as s''Pwn upon map attached to - the Application, hereby c.-itify that we have read th foregoing petition and agree that the facts stated correctly and completely present the conditions surrounding the property involved in the Application, and believe the Appli- cation SHOULD BE GRANTED. (Add additional sheets where necessary. These signatures are desirable but not required.) APPLICABLE 'u L I OWNERS AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF 1 ss CITY OF -- Ii I , OW J E. PrPe - being duly sworn, depose and say that I(We) am (are-wne e(s) of the property involved in this Application and that I(We) have -zed myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulations of the Planning Commission with respect or preparing and filing this Application, and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained, and the information on the attached Map and Property Owners List . thoroughly and completely to the best of my(our) ability present the argument in behalf of the Application herewith requested, and that the statements and information above referred to are in all respects true and correct to the best' of my (our) knowledge and belief. Phone No. 213 869-9413 Signed Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of a 19 Filing Clerk or Notary Public This is to certify that the foregoing Application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Commission governing the filing of such application. Receipt No. 3 34 7 Receive (Date -2- . \ PALOMAR AlRPORv f?bAD, I .- -i- f -- I -. . ZONE VIOLATION SUMMARY 77- // ADDRESS : Pd Bcrl. I d- PHONE : LOCATION: h+ ,+- 1 01, A.5 #f PA R . *-- A.P. No.: NATURE: OF VIOLATION: A p-/,/Lb CUP ACTION TAKEN: fi& & 4 / CODE No.:d/. /o. /)I& - DATE - 2-2 1 4-30 FINAL ACTION/RECOMMENDATION Form: Planning 3/12/79 KL .. .