HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-19; City Council; ; Semiannual Transportation ReportCA Review __RMC__ Meeting Date: Jan. 19, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Tom Frank, Transportation Director Tom.Frank@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2766 Subject: District: Semiannual Transportation Report Citywide Recommended Action Receive a semiannual transportation report. Executive Summary The City Council asked staff in 2018 to provide a semiannual report on the progress of multimodal transportation initiatives. (Minute motion, March 20, 2018.) This is the fifth such report providing an update on the Transportation Department’s efforts in these initiatives. This report shows the accomplishments of each division of the Transportation Department of the past six months, as well as goals for the next six months. Discussion During the city’s goal setting on Feb. 14, 2020, the Carlsbad City Council confirmed that mobility is one of the top three priorities for the city, along with growth management and homelessness for the next fiscal year. In July 2020, the semiannual transportation report included information on reorganization of the department to include addition of the Streets and Storm Drain Maintenance Division. With this addition, the department is now focused on transportation projects and related assets throughout the asset lifecycle. This lifecycle includes the phases of planning, design, construction and operations and maintenance. The 2020 report also included impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the major rainstorm of April 10, 2020, which were two significant anomalies that affected the department’s work plan during the first six months of the year. The COVID-19 pandemic continued during the second half of 2020. Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 1 of 25 TRANSPORTATION ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS Streets & Storm Drain Maintenance Division Past six-month accomplishments include: • Successfully responded to COVID-19 street and parking-lot closures, traffic control and roadway restrictions, including beach street parking closure and traffic control and safety warnings • Continued replacing signs that were damaged in vehicle collisions. So far this fiscal year, 175 work orders were completed • Inspected the high-priority storm drain inlets, removing over 36 tons of storm drain sediment and debris for the year • Continued managing 1,800 lane miles of street sweeping per month, removing over 568 tons of debris from city roadways • Continued with streetlight locating services and electrical maintenance service requests, completing 1,054 work orders to date for the fiscal year • Continued with storm drain maintenance requests and storm drain emergency responses, completing 1,411 work orders to date for the fiscal year • Continued replacing sidewalks and asphalt within the city’s right-of-way, with approximately 13,000 square feet replaced for the fiscal year • Implemented new professional-service agreements for street sweeping, pressure washing, graffiti removal and miscellaneous maintenance service requests • Continued paint refreshing and zone inspections, completing 71 work orders to date for the fiscal year Six-month goals: • Safely maintain all levels of service during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery period • Complete the annual roadway restriping program • Continue with annual maintenance programs • Kick off the next phase of the Capital Improvement Program sign replacement program to replace aging signs • Continue implementation of the light-emitting diode light replacement (Phase 2) • Initiate the replacement process of the paint-striping vehicle Traffic Engineering Division Past six-month accomplishments include: • Completed design for traffic calming projects for nine residential streets • Completed design for hybrid pedestrian traffic signal at Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street • Started design of speed feedback signs on College Boulevard between Cannon Road and north city limits Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 2 of 25 • Started design of pedestrian and bicycle enhancements on Carlsbad Boulevard at the marked crosswalks at Army/Navy Academy, Oak Avenue, Sycamore Avenue, Maple Avenue, Cherry Avenue and Hemlock Avenue • Continued implementation of the adaptive traffic signal project on El Camino Real, Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road • Collaborated with the Information Technology Department to utilize the Crown Castle fiber-optic project to enhance the communications network • Implemented touch-free pedestrian signals at key locations in the Village and along the coast • Assisted with the FY 2018-19 annual Growth Management Plan circulation section monitoring report and presented six deficient street facilities for consideration by the Traffic and Mobility Commission and City Council • Completed an options analysis, including unintended consequences, of physical changes to College Boulevard from Cannon Road to the northern city border with Oceanside Six-month goals: • Prepare traffic studies associated with reported traffic concerns and identify proposed improvements • Continue updating the relevant engineering standards in accordance with the General Plan’s Mobility Element • Update the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program • Continue implementation of traffic-calming improvements on residential streets as outlined in the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program • Continue implementation and development of the coordinated traffic-signal program • Develop a plan to restripe southbound Carlsbad Boulevard south of Solamar Drive to near Island Way to better serve all roadway users • Support Capital Improvement Program project teams on traffic-related items • Continue coordinating with the Caltrans on restriping Palomar Airport Road and the Interstate-5 interchange area to address active transportation initiatives • Coordinate with Caltrans to implement coordinated signals at interchanges • Initiate development of the city’s Local Roadway Safety Plan including a citywide analysis of traffic safety and collision data Transportation Engineering & Asset Management Division Past six-month accomplishments include: • Completed engineering design and construction of the Merwin Drive outfall modification project • Completed engineering design and construction of the Frost Avenue drainage inlet project • Completed construction of the storm drain replacement and repair program project with the cured in place pipe lining of 840 linear feet of corrugated metal pipelines in various locations Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 3 of 25 • Completed construction of the City Hall exterior refurbishment and Northwest Quadrant storm drain improvements program projects • Completed construction of traffic signals at the intersections of Poinsettia Lane and Cassia Road, and Poinsettia Lane and Skimmer Court/Oriole Court • Completed engineering design of the surface drainage improvements project in various locations as part of the citywide drainage improvement program • Completed engineering design of the Carlsbad State Beach energy dissipater repair project • Completed engineering design of the Buena Vista Creek concrete channel maintenance project • Completed engineering designs of the Fire Station Nos. 1 and 5 drainage improvements project • Completed engineering design of the FY 2020-21 pavement overlay project and advertised for construction bids • Completed engineering design of the El Camino Real and College Boulevard intersection improvements project and awarded construction contract • Completed engineering design of the El Camino Real and Cannon Road improvements project Phase I and advertised for construction bids • Completed engineering design of the Barrio lighting project Phase I and advertised for construction bids • Completed assessment and repair of the subgrade void on Palomar Airport Road west of Avenida Encinas • Advertised request for qualifications for design and environmental services in support of the El Camino Real widening between Arenal Road and La Costa Avenue project, selected consultant and started project design • Implemented an improved process and procedure for easement processing and approval • Completed the annual Agua Hedionda Creek maintenance work, which included removal of half an acre of vegetation in the Agua Hedionda channel between the bridges of Cannon Road and El Camino Real in preparation for the FY 2020-21 winter season • Completed quarterly vegetation maintenance of the Lake Calavera Dam • Completed annual vegetation removal as part of the Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance Assessment District, which included removal of one acre of vegetation from the northern half of Buena Vista Creek between the bridges of Jefferson Street and South Vista Way • Completed vegetation maintenance and monitoring of the La Costa Avenue storm drain project under the requirements of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife right- of-entry permit • Completed vegetation maintenance and monitoring of the 2018 Kelly Channel emergency repair project as part of requirements of Regional General Permit 63 – Emergency Authorization, which was issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • Prepared and processed a variety of annual reports to various transportation agencies including San Diego Association of Governments, Caltrans and California Transportation Commission to secure funding for transportation Capital Improvement Program projects Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 4 of 25 • Created, edited and added asset inventory data associated with transportation, drainage, facilities and parks assets • Produced a variety of atlas books, mapping products and data analysis for use by design, maintenance and operations staff Six-month goals: • Continue with designs of the projects included in the Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program Project Status Update provided in Exhibit 1 • Continue completing a variety of annual reports to various transportation agencies including San Diego Association of Governments, Caltrans and California Transportation Commission to secure funding for transportation Capital Improvement Program projects • Continue adding asset inventory data associated with transportation, drainage, facilities and parks assets • Continue producing a variety of atlas books, mapping products and data analysis for use by design, maintenance and operations staff Planning & Mobility Division Past six-month accomplishments include: • Acted as the staff liaison to the Traffic and Mobility Commission • City Council adopted the FY 2020-21 Work Plan for the Traffic and Mobility Commission • Continued to lead the Transportation Demand Management program, which was previously led by the Community Development Department • Led and reassessed development of the Sustainable Mobility Plan in collaboration with the Traffic and Mobility Commission and conducted a survey for public input on the plan • Managed the Carlsbad Connector on-demand shuttle service pilot program and worked with our partners at San Diego Association of Governments and North County Transit District to suspend services due to COVID-19 • City Council approved the National U.S. Bicycle Route 95 designation on Carlsbad Boulevard to promote bicycle use and tourism in Carlsbad • Finalized the FY 2018-19 annual Growth Management Plan monitoring report and presented the draft multimodal level of service methodology to the Traffic and Mobility Commission for the first time Six-month goals: • City Council adoption of the Sustainable Mobility Plan and initiate key program recommendations regarding project feasibility analysis, Safe Routes to School, active transportation monitoring and/or cycling safety and training • Continue to develop Traffic and Mobility Commission program and create communitywide awareness to inspire change in commuter travel behavior • Incorporate data-driven metrics to create both qualitative and quantitative updates • Work zone road management to include Transportation Demand Management solution messaging Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 5 of 25 • Finalize the FY 2019-20 annual Growth Management Plan monitoring report and initiate analysis for the FY 2020-21 monitoring report • Update the city’s multimodal level of service methodology in collaboration with the Traffic and Mobility Commission • Review the city’s Traffic Impact Fee program and initiate a task to conduct a comprehensive update of the city’s fee program • Develop a program or new city ordinance to address companies that provide electric scooters and other “micromobility” travel options in the city • Initiate planning work on development of the Coastal Rail Trail segment on Avenida Encinas between Carlsbad Boulevard and Palomar Airport Road • Initiate review of the Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines Traffic and Mobility Commission review The Transportation Department is focused on implementing projects in a timely, well-vetted and cost-effective manner. Staff look forward to continuing to work with the Traffic and Mobility Commission to optimize the public input process and publicly vet projects to help produce the best projects possible. This item was presented to the Traffic and Mobility Commission on Jan. 4, 2021. Attached as Exhibit 2 are the draft minutes of that meeting. A representative of the Traffic and Mobility Commission will provide their comments following staff’s presentation. Fiscal Analysis There is no financial impact related to this item. Next Steps Staff expects to present the next semiannual transportation report in July 2021. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) This action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under Public Resources Code section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program Project status update 2. Draft minutes of the Jan. 4, 2021, Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 6 of 25 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update • College Boulevard Reach A Extension – CIP Project No. 3636 o On May 5, 2020, City Council directed staff to pursue a city-led financing program, planning, and environmental review for construction of the College Boulevard extension, which would include the city undertaking a preliminary design and engineering assessment o On Nov. 2, 2020, staff presented the scope of work to the Traffic and Mobility Commission and solicited the commission’s input and feedback on the project o Currently soliciting consultant qualifications for preliminary design and environmental services o Target schedule – Select consultant (spring 2021) and initiate preliminary engineering design phase (mid-2021) • Pavement Management Program – CIP Project No. 6001 o 2020-21 Pavement Overlay - Project will resurface El Camino Real between Cannon Road and College Boulevard, El Camino Real between Arenal Road and Levante Street, and Batiquitos Drive between Poinsettia Lane and Camino De Las Ondas  Plans and specifications were approved in 2020  Currently in construction contract procurement and award phase o 2020-21 Slurry/Fog Seal - Project will resurface streets throughout the city using slurry seal and fog seal treatments (Attachment A provides a list of streets included in 2020-21 Slurry/Fog Seal Project)  Currently in engineering design phase o Target schedule:  2020-21 Pavement Overlay - Award of construction contract (early 2021)  2020-21 Slurry/Fog Seal - Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early 2021), award of construction contract (mid-2021) • Beach Access Repairs from Pine Avenue to Tamarack Avenue – CIP Project No. 3896 o Project will repair sidewalks, handrails, stairways, retaining walls and sea wall o Currently in environmental phase and 50% engineering design o Target schedule - Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (mid-2021), award of construction contract (late 2021) • Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Pedestrian Improvements – CIP Project No. 6058 o Project will widen sidewalk, add crosswalks, improve ADA access and improve traffic flow and transit stop o Currently in preliminary engineering and environmental phase o Project requires right-of-way coordination/resolution with State Parks o Target schedule - Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (mid/late 2021), award of construction contract (early 2022) • El Camino Real Widening from Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue – CIP Project No. 6051 o Widen southbound El Camino Real from Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue to prime arterial standards, add sidewalk and widen bridge Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 7 of 25 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update o Awarded design contract and started project design and environmental o Target schedule - Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (mid-2022), award of construction contract (late 2022) • El Camino Real (ECR) and Cannon Road Improvements – CIP Project No. 6042 o Construct a new bridge for pedestrian connectivity over the Agua Hedionda Creek along ECR and widen the sidewalk on the southside of the ECR bridge, and add additional northbound through lane o Project presented to Traffic and Mobility Commission o Project approved by Planning Commission o Target schedule:  Phase I: Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early 2021), award of construction contract (spring 2021)  Phase II: Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (mid-2021), award of construction contract (late 2021) • El Camino Real and College Boulevard Improvements – CIP Project No. 6071 o Enhance intersection for pedestrian safety and Americans with Disability (ADA) improvements o Plans are complete and presented to Traffic and Mobility Commission o Target schedule - Award of construction contract (early 2021), Notice to Proceed for construction (early 2021) • Kelly Drive and Park Drive Complete Street Improvements – CIP Project No. 6075 o Provide traffic calming on Kelly Drive and Park Drive, enhance biking with dedicated bike path, and add trails and improvement pedestrian access o Construction plans are near final stage o Supplemental public outreach program (early 2021) o Finalize environmental documents (Initial Study (IS)/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND)) for public review (mid-2021) o Traffic and Mobility Commission presentation is scheduled for the February 2021 meeting o Next steps are to submit the project to resource agencies for permitting process, then Planning Commission o Target schedule - Planning Commission approval (July 2021), approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (fall 2021), award of construction contract (spring 2022) • El Camino Real (ECR) Widening from Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble – CIP Project No. 6072 o Federally funded project to widen ECR to the city standards and provide an additional northbound through lane from Cinnabar Way to Camino Vida Roble to increase capacity. The project also adds new sidewalks and medians o Plans are at 100% and permitting is under review o Presented to Traffic and Mobility Commission Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 8 of 25 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update o Next steps are to get Caltrans approval on the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) due to federal funding requirement, determine California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process, conduct property appraisal for acquisition o Target schedule - Planning Commission approval (mid-2021), approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (mid-2021), award of construction contract (late 2021) • Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard Improvements – CIP Project No. 6028 o Provide operational improvements to vehicles by adding an additional southbound through lane and improvement bike lanes o Construction plans are at 50% design o Presented to Traffic and Mobility Commission o Currently finalizing plans and preparing environmental/CEQA documents o Target schedule - Planning Commission approval (summer 2021), approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (fall 2021), award of construction contract (spring 2022) • Palomar Airport Road and Melrose Drive Improvements – CIP Project No. 6034 o Provide operational improvements to vehicles by adding an additional southbound through lane and improvement to bike lanes o Presented to Traffic and Mobility Commission o Project design at 100% with no environmental impacts o Target schedule - Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (spring 2021), award of construction contract (summer 2021) • El Camino Real Widening from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive – CIP Project No. 6094 o Project will widen ECR to the city standards and provide an additional northbound through lane to increase capacity. The project also adds new sidewalks o Currently in initial design phase, hiring design consultant o Target schedule - engineering design begins (early 2021) • Avenida Encinas Widening South of Palomar Airport Road – CIP Project No. 6004 o Provide new bike lanes and sidewalks o Project funding will be addressed in the upcoming FY 2021-22 budget. Staff is working with Caltrans staff to rescope a $1.7 million active transportation project grant o Target schedule - engineering design initiation (summer 2021) • Village and Barrio Traffic Circles – CIP Project No. 4015 o Construct six traffic circles in the Barrio area to calm traffic as shown in the Village and Barrio Master Plan o Project is in engineering design and environmental review process o Presented to Traffic and Mobility Commission o Public outreach newsletter mailed out in November 2020 Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 9 of 25 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update o Target schedule - Additional public outreach (early 2021), approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (mid-2021), award of construction contract (late 2021) • Terramar Area Coastal Improvement Project – CIP Project No. 6054 o Construct roundabout at intersection of Cannon Road and Carlsbad Boulevard, sidewalks, crosswalks, increased parking and bluff improvements o Project is in environmental review process. Updating traffic analysis and preparing CEQA documents o Target schedule - Planning Commission approval (late 2021), Coastal Development Permit from California Coastal Commission (mid-2022), approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early 2023), award of construction contract (mid-2023) • Valley Drive and Magnolia Avenue Complete Streets – CIP Project No. 6019 o Construct sidewalks, bike paths, green street features and underground overhead utilities along Valley Drive and Magnolia Avenue o Currently in engineering design phase o Presented to Traffic and Mobility Commission in December 2020 o Target schedule – Additional public outreach (early 2021), coordination with utilities for undergrounding and gas relocation (through late 2021), approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early 2022), award of construction contract (mid-2022) • Barrio Lighting Project – CIP Project No. 4013 o Phase 1 of the project, which will install 14 streetlights to dark areas in the Barrio, is currently in the bidding phase o Phase 2 of the project, which will install pedestrian lighting to the Barrio, is in the design phase o Public outreach newsletter mailed out in November 2020 o Target schedule:  Phase 1 - Award of construction contract (early 2021)  Phase 2 - Additional public outreach (early 2021), approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (mid-2021), award of construction contract (late 2021) • Palomar Airport Road Widening at Paseo Del Norte – CIP Project Nos. 6043/6044 o Extend the existing dual left-turn lane pocket by 150 feet from eastbound Palomar Airport Road onto northbound Paseo Del Norte o Construct a new 250-foot long right-turn lane pocket from eastbound Palomar Airport Road onto southbound Paseo Del Norte o Signal improvements to create two additional left/right turn overlap movements to improvement intersection efficiency o Target schedule - construction completion (early 2021) Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 10 of 25 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update • Drainage Master Plan Project BCB – Magnolia Avenue Drainage Improvements – CIP Project No. 6608 o Proposed 30-inch diameter storm drain pipeline on Magnolia Avenue from Brady Circle to Monroe Street o Preliminary design proposed four curb inlets to improve drainage conditions of the corridor to achieve compliance with city drainage standards o Associated street improvements include street resurfacing from curb to curb, sidewalk replacement, ADA curb ramp upgrades and potential traffic calming improvements o Professional services agreement for final design awarded to O’Day Consultants in December 2020 o Target schedule - Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early 2022), award of construction contract (early 2022), target start of construction (summer 2022 during academic summer session of Carlsbad Unified School District due to nearby schools) • Fire Station Nos. 1 and 5 Drainage Improvements – CIP Project No. 6616 o Proposed Best Management Practices (BMPs) soil filtration facilities to capture and treat fire truck wash water prior to entering the drainage system, per the regional municipal storm water permit o Design completed in November 2020 and construction is expected to start in early 2021 • Buena Vista Creek Concrete Channel Maintenance Project – CIP Project No. 6619 o Proposed dredging of debris and clearing of vegetation within the concrete-lined portion of Buena Vista Creek between the bridges of South Vista Way to approximately 200 feet upstream of the El Camino Real bridge o Associated repair to concrete lining anticipated as part of project o Engineering design completed in November 2020. Extensive environmental review in the interim is expected o Applications for Special Use and Habitat Mitigation city-issued permits will be submitted in January 2021. Resource agency permits will be pursued upon issuance of city permits o Target schedule - Award of construction contract (fall 2022) • Park Drive Street and Drainage Improvements – CIP Project No. 6611 o Remove and replace 500 feet of existing retaining wall and repair back slope with 2,000 cubic yards of imported fill. Project also includes brow ditch and storm drain improvements, and sidewalk replacement o 0.75 acre of compensatory habitat mitigation required offsite due to impacts to coastal sage scrub. Five-year maintenance and monitoring required upon completion of initial planning and six-month plant establishment period o Target schedule – Design completion (early 2021), Hillside Development and Habitat Mitigation Plan permit applications will be submitted to the city’s Planning Division upon design completion (early 2021), application for a Coastal Development Permit issued by the California Coastal Commission will be submitted upon issuance of city permits (mid/late 2021), award of construction contract (mid-2022) Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 11 of 25 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update • Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) Replacement North of Encinas Creek – CIP Project No. 6607 o Removal of 200 feet of CMP and replacement with reinforced concrete pipe storm drain within Carlsbad Boulevard north of Encinas Creek. Project includes installation of two standard curb inlets, slope repair and outlet improvements o Design and environmental contracts executed in December 2020 for creation of final plan and environmental studies o Target schedule – Design completion (mid-2021), award of construction contract (late 2021) • Surface Drainage Improvements Project – CIP Project No. 6608 o Project will improve surface drainage conditions on several streets within the Northwest Quadrant area of the city. Improvements include installation of concrete curbs, gutters and swales o Final design completed in October 2020 o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (December 2020), award of construction contract (spring 2021) • Drainage Master Plan Update – CIP Project No. 6623 o Update to the city 2008 Drainage Master Plan (DMP). Effort will update the list of master planned projects, create a new fee schedule and amend existing Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) document o Geographic Information System (GIS) updates to entire city drainage inventory completed in fall 2020. Drainage modeling supported by the GIS update, providing an updated analysis of proposed projects from the 2008 DMP and a recommended list of new projects to be added to the plan o Currently reviewing drainage modeling of the existing and proposed projects o Target schedule – preliminary approval of projects to be included in the plan update (early 2021), fiscal analysis will follow approval of project list to determine modifications to the current fee schedule (mid-2021), amendment to the program EIR will also follow approval of the project list (mid-2021), Council approval of the Drainage Master Plan update (late 2021) • Calavera Dam Vegetation Maintenance – CIP Project No. 5049 o Vegetation removal from the embankment, spillway and outlet of the Lake Calavera Dam o Last clearing occurred Sept. 15, 2020 o Currently vegetation being monitored for next clearing event. Vegetation will also be cleared in advance of the contractor mobilizing for the Lake Calavera Outlet Replacement Project (CIP Project No. 5054) so that a work area can be established o Annual report will be created in January 2021 and submitted to California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) for review o Associated compensatory mitigation site in year 4 of 5 of mitigation. Annual report will be created and submitted to CDFW in January 2021. Approval of mitigation site expected in spring 2022 • Agua Hedionda Creek Vegetation Maintenance – CIP Project No. 6629 Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 12 of 25 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update o Half-acre section of Agua Hedionda Creek between the bridges of Cannon Road and El Camino Real cleared of vegetation in November 2020 to improve creek conveyance capacity o Annual report to be created in January 2021 and submitted to CDFW for review o CDFW-issued 1600 permit only allows for stream clearing once a year. At the request of the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association, staff has submitted inquiry to CDFW asking to clear section multiple times a year. Budget will need to be updated in FY 2021-22 should CDFW approve • Buena Vista Creek Assessment District – Operation Project 1636312 o In November 2020, one acre of vegetation was removed from the northern half of Buena Vista Creek immediately upstream of Jefferson Street bridge (year 1 of 5). Vegetation also cleared around the areas of three storm drain outfalls. Trash removal and non-native treatment of the entire 11.2-acre site occurred in September and November 2020 o Annual report being drafted and will be submitted to CDFW in January 2021 for review per permit conditions o Next upstream acre, year 2 of 5, to be cleared in November 2021. Trash removal and non- native treatment scheduled for September 2021 • Romeria Street Drainage Channel Replacement – CIP Project No. 6604 o Compensatory mitigation consists of one plot within the Romeria Preserve and two plots within the Lake Calavera preserve. All plots are in mitigation year 4 of 5 and are on track for agency approval in spring 2022. Annual report will be drafted in March 2021 and submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) for review o USACE approved proposed restrictive covenant which protects the mitigation sites from future development in perpetuity. Council approval of Restrictive Covenant anticipated in early 2021. Document will be recorded at County Recorder Office upon authorization • Drainage Master Plan Project BFB-Upper – CIP Project No. 6622 o Proposed project includes drainage improvements to an existing city-owned earthen drainage channel on the east side of El Camino Real from just south of Chestnut Avenue to Tamarack Avenue o The objective of the project is to restore the channel by stabilizing slopes to mitigate against erosion during storm events and help reduce sediment transport to Agua Hedionda Lagoon o Request for Qualifications for design services of DMP Project BFB-U is scheduled for release in mid-2021 • Storm Drain Maintenance and Repair Program FY 2021-22 – CIP Project No. 6607 o Removal of six CMP pipe drainage pipe systems throughout the city and replacement with reinforced concrete pipe systems o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (spring 2021), award of construction contract (fall 2021) • Storm Drain Condition Assessment Program – CIP Project No. 6620 Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 13 of 25 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update o 32,000 feet of storm drain pipeline to be inspected with closed circuit technology by mid- 2021 o Inspection results will create list of repair and maintenance projects to be executed by CIP Project No. 6607 o Program is also used on an as-needed basis to inspect drainage systems requiring immediate inspection • Sidewalks Improvement Program – CIP Project No. 6002 o Program to design and construct missing links of sidewalk throughout the city o Currently in design phase for FY 2020-21 project. The FY 2020-21 project locations are:  Garfield St (east side) between Redwood Ave and Tamarack Ave  Monroe St (east side) between Marron Rd and southern mall driveway entrance (near bus stops)  Tamarack Ave (north side) between Kirkwall Ave and Edinburgh Dr o Target schedule - Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (March 2021), award of construction contract (June 2021) Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 14 of 25 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update • Concrete Repairs Program - CIP 6013 o Miscellaneous concrete repairs to sidewalks, curb and gutter, pedestrian ramps, driveway approaches and cross gutters o Currently finalizing citywide locations for FY 2020-21 project, o Target schedule - Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid (March 2021), Award of Construction Contract (June 2021) • ADA Ramp Improvement Program - CIP 6049 o ADA improvements throughout the city o Currently in design phase for FY 2020-21 ADA Ramp Project and for Parking Lots ADA Compliance Project o Target schedule:  FY 2020-21 ADA Ramp Project - Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid (April 2021), Award of Construction Contract (July 2021)  Parking Lots ADA Compliance Project - Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid (July 2021), Award of Construction Contract (Oct. 2021) • Segovia Way Pavement Distress Project – CIP 6081 o Construct drainage improvements and pavement overlay in distressed area o Currently in engineering design phase for project o Target schedule - Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid (March 2021), Award of Construction Contract (June 2021) Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 15 of 25 2020‐21 SLURRY SEAL AND FOG SEAL STREET LIST TABLE* STREET NAME FROM STREET TO STREET COUNCIL DISTRICT ABANTO ABEDUL ST UNICORNIO ST 3 ABEDUL ABANTO ST ABEDUL PL 3 ABEDUL ABEDUL PL GRULLA ST 3 ABEDUL GRULLA ST CAZADERO DR 3 ABEDUL CAZADERO DR PERSA ST 3 ABEDUL PERSA ST BASALTO ST 3 ABEDUL BASALTO ST END OF STREET 3 ABEDUL END OF STREET ABEDUL ST 3 ABERDEEN EDINBURGH DR END OF STREET 2 ALICANTE GATEWAY RD TOWN GARDEN RD 4 ALICANTE TOWN GARDEN RD PYRITE AV 4 ALICANTE PYRITE AV POINSETTIA LN 4 ALICANTE POINSETTIA LN LAPIS RD N4 ALICANTE LAPIS RD NTANZANITE DR 4 ALICANTE TANZANITE DR LAPIS RD S4 ALICANTE LAPIS RD CITRINE DR 4 ALICANTE CITRINE DR GOLDSTONE RD 4 ALICANTE GOLDSTONE RD GALENA AV 4 ALICANTE GALENA AV ALGA RD 4 ALICANTE ALGA RD PASEO CANDELERO 4 ALMADEN ALGA RD PAMPLONA WY 3 ALMADEN PAMPLONA WY GREENVIEW DR 3 ALMADEN GREENVIEW DR ZAMORA WY 3 ASTON COLLEGE BL END OF STREET 2 ASTON COLLEGE BL PASTEUR CT 2 ASTON PASTEUR CT DARWIN CT 2 ASTON DARWIN CT RUTHERFORD RD 2 AUBURN LAREDO ST HAVERHILL ST 1 AUBURN HAVERHILL ST KINGSTON ST 1 AVENIDA DEL PARAISO END OF STREET UNICORNIO ST 3 AVENIDA ENCINAS POINSETTIA LN SAN CARLOS 4 AVENIDA ENCINAS SAN CARLOS SAN BARTOLO 4 AVENIDA ENCINAS SAN BARTOLO POINSETTIA VILLAGE DY 4 AVENIDA ENCINAS POINSETTIA VILLAGE DY WINDROSE CR 4 AVENIDA ENCINAS WINDROSE CR PORTAGE WY 4 AVENIDA ENCINAS MARLIN LN DORY LN 4 AVENIDA ENCINAS MERIDIAN WY AT & SF RR 4 AVENIDA ENCINAS AT & SF RR PONTO DR 4 AVENIDA ENCINAS PONTO DR CARLSBAD BL 4 BALDWIN CHINQUAPIN AV END OF STREET 1 BALFOUR RUTHERFORD RD END OF STREET 2 BANBURY END OF STREET BRIGHTON RD 2 BANFF END OF STREET GLASGOW DR 2 BASALTO ABEDUL ST UNICORNIO ST 3 BRIGHTON BANBURY CT PONTIAC DR 2 BRIGHTON SALISBURY DR BANBURY CT 2 *This target list may be adjusted following the project bid and as needed to stay within the project budget 1 Attachment A 1Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 16 of 25 2020‐21 SLURRY SEAL AND FOG SEAL STREET LIST TABLE* STREET NAME FROM STREET TO STREET COUNCIL DISTRICT BROOKWOOD EDINBURGH DR END OF STREET 2 BUCKINGHAM TRAFALGAR LN END OF STREET 2 BUCKINGHAM TRAFALGAR LN END OF STREET 2 BUTTERS END OF STREET HIGHLAND DR 1 BUTTERS HIGHLAND DR END OF STREET 1 CAMINO DEL SOL ADAMS ST END OF STREET 1 CANNON FROST AV EL CAMINO REAL 2 CANNON HEMINGWAY DR FROST AV 2 CANNON FARADAY AV HEMINGWAY DR 2 CARNABY SOUTHAMPTON RD END OF STREET 2 CARPA END OF STREET CADENCIA ST 4 CAZADERO ABEDUL ST ALGA RD 3 CHANCERY END OF STREET SOUTHAMPTON RD 2 CHELSEA END OF STREET SOUTHAMPTON RD 2 CIPRIANO END OF STREET FOREST AV 1 COLLEGE SUNNY CREEK RD EL CAMINO REAL 2 COLLEGE EL CAMINO REAL SALK AV 2 COLLEGE SALK AV FARADAY AV 2 COLLEGE FARADAY AV ASTON AV 2 COLLEGE ASTON AV PALOMAR POINT WY 2 COLLEGE PALOMAR POINT WY PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2 CORINTIA SOCORRO LN UNICORNIO ST 3 DARWIN ASTON AV END OF STREET 2 DORCHESTER END OF STREET SOUTHAMPTON RD 2 DUNDEE END OF STREET GLASGOW DR 2 EDGEWARE CLIFF CR END OF STREET 2 EDGEWARE CLIFF CR HARWICH DR 2 EDINBURGH TAMARACK AV GLASGOW DR 2 EDINBURGH GLASGOW DR INVERNESS CT 2 EDINBURGH INVERNESS CT ABERDEEN CT 2 EDINBURGH ABERDEEN CT BROOKWOOD CT 2 EDINBURGH BROOKWOOD CT GATESHEAD RD 2 EDINBURGH GATESHEAD RD END OF STREET 2 EL CAMINO REAL COLLEGE BL COUGAR DR 2 EL CAMINO REAL COUGAR DR PRIVATE ST 2 EL CAMINO REAL PRIVATE ST FARADAY AV 2 EL CAMINO REAL FARADAY AV ORION WY 2 EL CAMINO REAL ORION WY PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2 FARADAY CANNON RD WHITMAN WY 2 FARNSWORTH RUTHERFORD RD END OF STREET 2 FLAMENCO COLIBRI LN UNICORNIO ST 3 FLAMENCO UNICORNIO ST END OF STREET 3 FOREST PIO PICO DR CIPRIANO LN 1 FOREST CIPRIANO LN SPRUCE ST 1 FOREST SPRUCE ST HIGHLAND DR 1 *This target list may be adjusted following the project bid and as needed to stay within the project budget 2 Attachment A 2Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 17 of 25 2020‐21 SLURRY SEAL AND FOG SEAL STREET LIST TABLE* STREET NAME FROM STREET TO STREET COUNCIL DISTRICT GATESHEAD GLASGOW DR INVERNESS DR 2 GATESHEAD INVERNESS DR EDINBURGH DR 2 GATESHEAD EDINBURGH DR END OF STREET 2 GEIGER RUTHERFORD RD END OF STREET 2 GLASGOW CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR HARWICH DR 2 GLASGOW ARTESIAN WY CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR 2 GLASGOW ARTESIAN WY ESKER WY 2 GLASGOW ESKER WY MIDDLETON DR 2 GLASGOW WOODSTOCK ST MIDDLETON DR 2 GLASGOW EDINBURGH DR WOODSTOCK ST 2 GLASGOW DUNDEE CT EDINBURGH DR 2 GLASGOW KIRKWALL AV DUNDEE CT 2 GLASGOW BANFF CT KIRKWALL AV 2 GLASGOW STIRLING AV BANFF CT 2 GLASGOW GATESHEAD RD STIRLING AV 2 GLORIA JEANNE PL END OF STREET 1 GREENOCK INVERNESS DR END OF STREET 2 GRULLA UNICORNIO ST ABEDUL ST 3 GUEVARA HIGHLAND DR END OF STREET 1 HARWICH HARWICH DR EDGEWARE WY 2 HAVERHILL AUBURN AV VICTORIA AV 1 HIGHLAND BUTTERS RD FOREST AV 1 HIGHLAND YOURELL AV BUTTERS RD 1 HIGHLAND GUEVARA RD YOURELL AV 1 HIGHLAND RATCLIFF RD GUEVARA RD 1 HIGHLAND END OF STREET RATCLIFF RD 1 INVERNESS GATESHEAD RD GREENOCK CT 2 INVERNESS GREENOCK CT STIRLING CT 2 INVERNESS STIRLING CT INVERNESS CT 2 INVERNESS EDINBURGH DR END OF STREET 2 JAMES TAMARACK AV JEANNE PL 1 JAMES JEANNE PL TARA CT 1 JAMES TARA CT END OF STREET 1 JEANNE JAMES DR GLORIA LN 1 JEANNE GLORIA LN END OF STREET 1 KINGSTON AUBURN AV VICTORIA AV 1 KIRKWALL TAMARACK AV GLASGOW DR 2 LA PLACE PRIESTLY DR END OF STREET 2 LANDAU RUTHERFORD RD END OF STREET 2 LAREDO AUBURN AV VICTORIA AV 1 MAYFAIR END OF STREET PONTIAC DR 2 MIDDLETON GLASGOW DR HARTFORD PL 2 MIDDLETON HARTFORD PL CAMBRIDGE WY 2 MIDDLETON CAMBRIDGE WY NORWICH PL 2 MIDDLETON NORWICH PL NEW HAVEN PL 2 *This target list may be adjusted following the project bid and as needed to stay within the project budget 3 Attachment A 3Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 18 of 25 2020‐21 SLURRY SEAL AND FOG SEAL STREET LIST TABLE* STREET NAME FROM STREET TO STREET COUNCIL DISTRICT MIDDLETON NEW HAVEN PL BRANDON CR 2 MIDDLETON BRANDON CR BRANDON CR 2 MIDDLETON BRANDON CR WOODSTOCK ST 2 NEWTON FARADAY AV END OF STREET 2 ONDA END OF STREET UNICORNIO ST 3 PALOMAR POINT COLLEGE BL END OF STREET 2 PAMPLONA ALMADEN LN PLAZA DE LA COSTA 3 PAMPLONA PLAZA DE LA COSTA ALICANTE RD 3 PASCAL RUTHERFORD RD END OF STREET 2 PASTEUR ASTON AV END OF STREET 2 PERSA UNICORNIO ST ABEDUL ST 3 PICADILLY END OF STREET SOUTHAMPTON RD 2 POINSETTIA SKIMMER CT EL CAMINO REAL 3 PONTIAC BRIGHTON RD MAYFAIR CT 2 PONTIAC MAYFAIR CT SOUTHAMPTON RD 2 PONTIAC SOUTHAMPTON RD COVENTRY RD 2 PONTIAC COVENTRY RD SOUTHAMPTON RD 2 PONTIAC SOUTHAMPTON RD REGENT RD 2 PONTIAC REGENT RD TAMARACK AV 2 PRIESTLY FARADAY AV RUTHERFORD RD 2 PRIESTLY RUTHERFORD RD LA PLACE CT 2 QUEBRADA SEGOVIA WY QUEBRADA CT 4 QUEBRADA SEGOVIA WY QUEBRADA CT 4 QUEBRADA END OF STREET SEGOVIA WY 4 QUEBRADA CT QUEBRADA CR END OF STREET 4 RATCLIFF HIGHLAND DR END OF STREET 1 RUTHERFORD END OF STREET FARADAY AV 2 RUTHERFORD FARADAY AV ASTON AV 2 RUTHERFORD ASTON AV FARNSWORTH CT 2 RUTHERFORD FARNSWORTH CT BALFOUR CT 2 RUTHERFORD BALFOUR CT GEIGER CT 2 RUTHERFORD GEIGER CT LANDAU CT 2 RUTHERFORD LANDAU CT PASCAL CT 2 RUTHERFORD PASCAL CT PRIESTLY DR 2 SALISBURY END OF STREET BRIGHTON RD 2 SALISBURY BRIGHTON RD SOUTHAMPTON RD 2 SALISBURY SOUTHAMPTON RD END OF STREET 2 SOUTHAMPTON PONTIAC DR SALISBURY DR 2 SOUTHAMPTON ST GEORGE CT PONTIAC DR 2 SOUTHAMPTON CARNABY CT ST GEORGE CT 2 SOUTHAMPTON WINDSOR CT CARNABY CT 2 SOUTHAMPTON TRAFALGAR LN WINDSOR CT 2 SOUTHAMPTON PICADILLY CT TRAFALGAR LN 2 SOUTHAMPTON CHELSEA CT PICADILLY CT 2 SOUTHAMPTON CHANCERY CT CHELSEA CT 2 *This target list may be adjusted following the project bid and as needed to stay within the project budget 4 Attachment A 4Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 19 of 25 2020‐21 SLURRY SEAL AND FOG SEAL STREET LIST TABLE* STREET NAME FROM STREET TO STREET COUNCIL DISTRICT SOUTHAMPTON PONTIAC DR CHANCERY CT 2 SPRUCE YOURELL AV FOREST AV 1 SPRUCE END OF STREET YOURELL AV 1 ST GEORGE SOUTHAMPTON RD END OF STREET 2 STELLA MARIS END OF STREET CHINQUAPIN AV 1 STIRLING GLASGOW DR STIRLING CT 2 STIRLING INVERNESS DR END OF STREET 2 SUNNY CREEK COLLEGE BL BADGER LN 2 SYME END OF STREET CHINQUAPIN AV 1 TARA END OF STREET JAMES DR 1 TIERRA DEL ORO CARLSBAD BL TIERRA DEL ORO ST 2 TIERRA DEL ORO TIERRA DEL ORO ST END OF STREET 2 TIERRA DEL ORO TIERRA DEL ORO ST END OF STREET 2 TRAFALGAR SOUTHAMPTON RD BUCKINGHAM LN 2 UNICORNIO BASALTO ST CORINTIA ST 3 UNICORNIO FLAMENCO ST BASALTO ST 3 UNICORNIO PERSA ST FLAMENCO ST 3 UNICORNIO ONDA PL PERSA ST 3 UNICORNIO VISPERA PL ONDA PL 3 UNICORNIO AVENIDA DEL PARAISO VISPERA PL 3 UNICORNIO GRULLA ST AVENIDA DEL PARAISO 3 UNICORNIO ZODIAC ST GRULLA ST 3 UNICORNIO ABANTO ST ZODIAC ST 3 UNICORNIO VIANDA CT ABANTO ST 3 UNICORNIO END OF STREET VIANDA CT 3 VAN ALLEN END OF STREET FARADAY AV 2 VAN ALLEN FARADAY AV END OF STREET 2 VIANDA END OF STREET UNICORNIO ST 3 VICTORIA PONTIAC DR LAREDO ST 1 VICTORIA LAREDO ST HAVERHILL ST 1 VICTORIA HAVERHILL ST KINGSTON ST 1 VICTORIA KINGSTON ST CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR 1 VISPERA END OF STREET UNICORNIO ST 3 WINDSOR SOUTHAMPTON RD END OF STREET 2 WOODSTOCK GLASGOW DR DOVER WY 2 WOODSTOCK DOVER WY CAPE COD CR 2 WOODSTOCK CAPE COD CR MIDDLETON DR 2 WOODSTOCK MIDDLETON DR LEXINGTON CR 2 WOODSTOCK LEXINGTON CR LEXINGTON CR 2 WOODSTOCK LEXINGTON CR LANCASTER RD 2 YOURELL PIO PICO DR SPRUCE ST 1 YOURELL SPRUCE ST HIGHLAND DR 1 ZAMORA ALMADEN LN ALICANTE RD 3 ZODIAC AMBER LN UNICORNIO ST 3 *This target list may be adjusted following the project bid and as needed to stay within the project budget 5 Attachment A 5Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 20 of 25 Exhibit 2 Page 1 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Council Chambers 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Monday, Jan. 4, 2021, 3:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Gocan called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Gocan, Perez, Hunter, Penseyres, Fowler and Linke Absent: Wanamaker PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Vice-Chair Perez led the Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner Wanamaker joined the meeting at 3:06 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom due to the stay-at-home order for COVID-19. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Hunter seconded by Commissioner Linke, to approve the minutes for the Dec. 7, 2020 meeting as amended. Motion carried: 6/0/1 (Abstained: Wanamaker) PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: None CONSENT CALENDAR: This item was pulled for discussion by Chair Gocan 1. PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM – FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 SLURRY SEAL AND FOG SEAL, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 6001-21SS - Support staff’s recommendation to implement the Pavement Management Program - Fiscal Year (FY) 2020- 21 Slurry Seal and Fog Seal (Project), Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6001- 21SS. (Staff contact: Emad Elias and Hossein Ajideh, Public Works) COMMISSION DISCUSSION: Chair Gocan inquired about the procedure and scope of work on the maintenance slurry seal and fog seal project. Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 21 of 25 Exhibit 2 Page 2 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Associate Engineer Elias explained that the slurry seal and fog seal project will address neighborhood streets and some arterial roads. It is a surface applied product and it is very thin layer. Areas identified with cracks they do a work called patching which is digging down the pavement, about 3”, then pave that area only and lastly apply the thin layer of slurry seal and fog seal to make the road uniform. Chair Gocan expressed her concern because of a slurry seal job that was done 2 years ago and in her opinion, did not address the vegetation growing in the cracks on the road and made the vegetation even stronger. Engineer Manager Ajideh explained that his department manages the design of the Pavement Overlay and the Construction Management & Inspection Department, oversees the project and conducts the inspection for quality control. He will be glad to contact the Construction Management & Inspection Department to see if there are notes and some information about the job Chair Gocan is referring to. Commissioner Linke had concerns about the striping after the slurry seal is done and if the T&MC will see the plans with the proposed striping. We welcome early feedback or concerns that the commissioners may have before we finalize the striping plans. Engineer Manager Ajideh explained that this project will be submitted to the Traffic Division for their comments and inputs and after that this project will be back to the T&MC for consideration and approval. Commissioner Perez inquired about if the city has a website where residents can express any concerns or questions about services. Transportation Director Frank said that an email will go out to the commissioners with the city website and app information. Commissioner Penseyres stated that he would like to provide input in any changes proposed including widening of bike lanes and improving crosswalk visibility. Commissioner Linke cited as an example that 12-foot lane to 11-foot lane and if you have 3 lanes, you can add a 3-foot total buffer to the bike lane on the main arterial roads. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Linke, seconded by Commissioner Hunter, to approve Consent Calendar Item 1 Pavement Management Program – Fiscal Year 2020-21 Slurry Seal and Fog Seal, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6001-21SS Motion carried unanimously: 7/0 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 2. POLICE MONTHLY REPORT – CANCELLED 3. SEMIANNUAL TRANSPORTATION REPORT - (Staff Contact: Tom Frank, Public Works) Staff’s Recommendation: Receive report Transportation Director Frank presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). COMMISSION DISCUSSION: Commissioner Wanamaker thanked the Transportation team for the automated walk signal device specially in the village area. He also inquired about the storm event that caused the storm drains to fail two years ago. Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 22 of 25 Exhibit 2 Page 3 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Transportation Director Frank answered that for this subdivision the adjacent detention base and sedimentation base the existing water table is roughly two feet below the discharge elevation and staff is looking for the solutions to address the problem. Commissioner Wanamaker inquired about the storm drains on residential areas getting clogged up with debris/trash off the road and how staff is addressing the problem. Transportation Director Frank explained about the annually clean-up storm drains program that the city has in place and, a program to install more inlet filters. Commissioner Linke presented his comments and reviewed the PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Commissioner Linke inquired if there is a plan to take the TIA Guidelines; MMLOS Point System; TIF Program and TDM Program (Residential) to the T&MC in the next six months and in what format. Transportation Director Frank answered yes, we have a plan and the specifics of the time table is being developed internally but staff will bring the programs to you for your input and consideration. Commissioner Linke inquired if CIP 6051 and 6054 will be brought to the T&MC for comments and inputs and if the Valley Drive and Magnolia Avenue Complete Streets will be back to T&MC for final comments. Transportation Director Frank said that the CIP 6051 – Roadway widening to El Camino Real from Arenal Road to la Costa Avenue will return to the T&MC at a later date. Engineer Manager Ajideh answered that CIP 6054 - Carlsbad Boulevard from Cannon Road to Manzano Drive is still in the early stages of development and the design has not officially started but staff will bring this item to the T&MC for comments at a later date. Commissioner Penseyres presented his comments and reviewed the PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Commissioner Penseyres emphasized the importance of roundabouts and planning it correctly to serve the community well and keep all modes of transit safe. The Commission nominated Chair Gocan to represent the T&MC at City Council meeting on January 12, 2021. 4. FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN MONITORING REPORT – CIRCULATION SECTION APPROACH – (Staff contact: Nathan Schmidt and Tom Frank, Public Works) Staff’s Recommendation: Receive a presentation and provide input on the approach for the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Growth Management Plan Monitoring Report Circulation Section Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt presented the report and reviewed the PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). COMMISSION DISCUSSION: Commissioner Linke said that the staff report provided to the Commission on Nov. 2, 2020 was more detailed than the report before the commission today. Is the report we are reviewing today adding to the Nov. 2, report or is this an update? Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 23 of 25 Exhibit 2 Page 4 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that the report being reviewed by the commission today is intended to supplement the Nov. 2, staff report providing a response to the commissions questions and comments for the first review. Commissioner Linke said that one of the items in our work plan is to review the Growth Management Program Annual Monitoring Report Manual. Is staff still working on a separate manual that outlines the methodologies specifically for GMP Monitoring? I bring this up because of the question on when recounts are required and I would like a set of rules to be established that provide clear direction on when recounts are needed. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that the elements of the GMP Annual Monitoring Report Manual would be included in the updated Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines and not a separate manual. This update is anticipated to occur over the course of the next year. Commissioner Linke stated that he thought it would be best if the GMP Report Manual was incorporated into the TIA guidelines and would like to request that the rules for recounts be included in the TIA guidelines so that they would apply to both the GMP Monitoring reports and TIA’s for development projects. Commissioner Linke suggested that traffic count data should be collected on the two facilities of Faraday Ave. and Poinsettia Ln. which are already included in the city’s service volume tables even though they are not required for monitoring per the city’s General Plan Mobility Element. The reason counts should be conducted here is because these roadways experience heavy vehicle traffic and it would be useful to monitor traffic volumes here. This should also apply to the area of Poinsettia Ln. near Melrose Dr., the six locations along Carlsbad Blvd., Tamarack, and La Costa Ave. because of the significant traffic and development projects going on in these areas. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that data will be collected at these locations even though they are not subject to vehicle monitoring as these locations are subject to multimodal LOS monitoring and will still require traffic counts to be collected at these locations. Commissioner Linke suggested that for future GMP Monitoring Reports, staff should consider removing exemptions based on a review of historical traffic data. The consequences of not removing exemptions is that private development projects will not be required to fund future roadway improvements. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that staff will take into consideration Commissioner Linke’s comments on removing exemptions for future monitoring reports. Transportation Director Frank added that staff will evaluate the appropriate process or criteria for removing exemptions in future GMP Monitoring report. Deputy City Manager Gomez added that City Council will be holding the city council’s goal setting meetings next month and this will present an opportunity for feedback on how we can re-evaluate the GMP Monitoring report program and how to address specific issues such as removing exemptions from previously exempt roadway facilities. 5. ESTABLISH TRAFFIC AND MOBILITY COMMISSION SCHEDULE FOR 2021 – (Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Public Works) Staff’s Recommendation: Provide guidance for establishing the Traffic and Mobility Commission schedule for 2021 with recommended special meetings to be held in July and September ACTION: Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 24 of 25 Exhibit 2 Page 5 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Motion by Commissioner Hunter, seconded by Commissioner Linke, to approve a special meeting to be held on July 6, 2021 and a special meeting to be held on September 7, 2021. Motion carried unanimously: 7/0 CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER REPORT: City Traffic Engineer Comments: Attachment A City Traffic Engineer Kim asked Commissioner Wanamaker if his concerns about Jefferson Street were addressed and clarified by a staff member. Commissioner Wanamaker said that he received a call from the staff member and he planned on making a video to show the concerns that he has about Jefferson Street but he did not have time to get the video recordings for staff. He added that for overall safety would be better for staff to look at the vegetation encroachment and the overgrown willow trees on the rising side of Jefferson Street. City Traffic Engineer Kim said that staff will investigate the areas of concern. TRAFFIC AND MOBILITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Chair Gocan expressed her concern on the westbound Carlsbad Village Drive near Pio Pico with two signal lights very close to each other and the visibility of the traffic signal light at the intersection of Carlsbad Village Drive and I-5 intersection is obstructed by a tree. City Traffic Engineer Kim said that staff will investigate the visibility concerns at the intersection. Commissioner Perez inquired when the Poinsettia Lane extension will open to traffic. City Traffic Engineer Kim said that the latest he heard is that will open by the end of February. Commissioner Perez inquired if the signal lights on Cassia Rd and Poinsettia Ln. is installed and operational. Deputy City Manager Gomez answered the signal lights were installed but not operational yet. Commissioner Perez explained that the signal lights (not operational yet) and the stop sign at Poinsettia Ln. and Cassia Rd. is causing confusion to the drivers. Deputy City Manager Gomez said that staff will look into it and get back to the commission ADJOURNMENT: Chair Gocan adjourned the Traffic and Mobility Commission Meeting on Jan. 4, 2021 at 4:35 p.m. ___________________________ Eliane Paiva, Minutes Clerk Jan. 19, 2021 Item #7 Page 25 of 25 Semi-Annual Transportation Report Tom Frank, Transportation Director Jan. 19, 2021 Background •On March 20, 2018, City Council directed staff to report back twice per year on the progress of multi-modal transportation initiatives •Staff made the last presentation in July 2020 2 Focus of this report •Updates on six-month accomplishments and six-month goals 3 Department Organization 4 Public Works Branch Transportation Departme11t • TmfficDivisio11 • Plarming a11d Mobility Division • Tm 11sportatio11 E11gifleeri11g/Asset Management Divisio11 • Streets & St-0rm Dmin Ma-intenance Division rr==========n lAfficSirgnel Ope:r•tiofts Specialist Auociate E,.ine er Cly Traffic~-T"""""""'°f'l.nwvand Md>I.I'/~ Pa.rt Time Tn rupo,tnion Dit.m~nd M itlilp:ntt:nt Progam ,.hn;&er Tr.ansponaion Oft!C::tor -~-T--Erg. Anociate f.nsineer AnOCNte lrcineer EncinHrirc Techn.ician II As.soci■tti fftaineer Associate En.pt,e: er Encinttrina Ttthnician I Slrees & Stam Drain M.'lntenance Pvblc Wolh S11P-ri11t•rwhnt Senior Sloon Oran ~Wom, Staffl!DninMaintWIWU:r Stre«sMatWaterlll Slreas Marlt\'\brierll Exhibit 1 Senor Ol'5c<> Sj>e<ilj51 Strem M3i,ten.n,e l'lorl,.dl Stftctf~ Street and Storm Drain Maintenance Division 5 Street and Storm Drain Maintenance Division 6 Street and Storm Drain Maintenance Division 7 7 Traffic Engineering Division –Six-month accomplishments –Six-month goals 8 Traffic Engineering Division 9 In ProgressFuture Location of streets with traffic calming measures ..,_,\ f} l"' Q ~ S0111h Cclrlsb<ld €~~~%:,~ In Progress Future \ \ \ • I Mc:CfeU;,n.Palomar Mpon Q San Diego 801,ml<: • ...... J ) \ "";,~ rceflterQ' • WalmilrlSupe ® / Leo Carrillo Rtmch HiS10fiiC Park BRESSI RAt+CH Q ,,_,..,. AIQO N¢1tt Community Pork Traffic Engineering Division TRAFFIC CALMING PROJECTS STATUS STREET STATUS Amargosa Drive Bids received. Finalizing the contract for construction. Avenida Diestro Bids received. Finalizing the contract for construction. Cadencia Street (speed cushions)Bids received. Finalizing the contract for construction. Cadencia Street (Speed Feedback Signs and RRFB)Bids received. Finalizing the contract for construction. Estrella De Mar Road Bids received. Finalizing the contract for construction. Harwich Dr 60% Design Complete. Consultant addressing comments received. Hillside Drive Bids received. Finalizing the contract for construction. Oriole Ct/Mimosa/Moorhen & Dove Contract signed. Pending pre-construction meeting. Segovia Way 60% Design Complete. Consultant addressing comments received. 10 Traffic Signal Program 11 RSF: Installed ECR: A Cannon Road: B PAR: C •Highest priority is getting the TMC connected to the new fiber optic system •Three more adaptive signal corridors scheduled •Final report by spring 2021 11 CARLSBAD <$ .,.,,, ,1-•"" VILLAGE \ Carlsbad \ amarack~ urf Beach • \ l I • • . . . . . ~ The Flower Fields ~ p ........... pol\fl. Q South Carlsbad State Beach Campground South Ponto Beach ~ \ <J"""'.. • .. 9 ' •' ocean Hills sen,or Loving ~ / Green Oak Ranch Q i ,-~.!•Y◄..,. MCCieiian-Paiomar Aorport •• Batiqu,tos Lagoon State Marine () • • Leo Carrillo • • Ranch • •• BRESSI RANCHffis,orocPark : ~~ 0 A~a Norte •-"'~ ,_ C~munity \ • Park I! • • • • Traffic Engineering Division 12 •Conduct a citywide systemic collision analysis •Comprehensive data- driven safety plan •$80K total budget o $72K grant •Precursor to grants LOCAL ROAD SAFETY PLANS: Your Map lo Safer Roadways No matter what your resources, a Local Road Safety Plan will guide you to data-driven solutions and safer roads. https:/ /safety .Jhwo.dol .gov/piovencou ntermeostxes /local_road/ Identify Stakeholders 0 ~ @ ~ EmO:i:'ment ~~~:W, EMS 8~~~ Chevron signs reduce nighttime crashes by 25%. Choose Proven Solutions ~ ® ~ ~ Chev10ns Roundabouts EJ~~:~~nl Crosswol<s Use Safely Data ~~ ~ ti) ~ Croshes Mamlt~~rx:e l~;f;{ vJ:::~ns Implement Solutions ® ® ~ Education I. Capitol Momlenance Enforcement P101ects Work Transportation Engineering and Asset Management Division 13 •Six-month accomplishments •Transportation Capital Improvement Program –Project status update in Exhibit 1 •Update on College Boulevard extension •Request for Qualifications issued in December 2020 •Targeted for the City Council to award for preliminary engineering design in mid-2021 Transportation Planning and Mobility Division –Six-month accomplishments –Six-month goals 14 Transportation Planning and Mobility Division 15 Transportation Planning and Mobility Division •Multimodal level of service (MMLOS) •Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines •Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Program •Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program 16 Traffic and Mobility Commission 17 Recommended Actions •Receive report •Comments from Traffic and Mobility Commission Chair Mona Gocan 18 Comments from Traffic and Mobility Commission by: Chair Mona Gocan 19 Thank You 20