HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-26; City Council; ; Approval of Revisions to the City of Carlsbad Part-Time Salary Schedule and Management Salary Schedule, and Authorization of Pay Increases for Part-Time Employees and ManMeeting Date: January 26, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Drew Cook, Senior Management Analyst drew.cook@carlsbadca.gov, 442-303-3658 Judy von Kalinowski, Human Resources Director judy.vonkalinowski@carlsbadca.gov, 760-473-4670 Subject: Approval of Revisions to the City of Carlsbad Part-Time Salary Schedule and Management Salary Schedule, and Authorization of Pay Increases for Part-Time Employees and Management Employees District: All Recommended Action Adopt a resolution approving revisions to the City of Carlsbad Part-Time Salary Schedule and Management Salary Schedule effective Jan. 26, 2021, and authorizing pay increases for part- time employees and management employees effective Feb. 1, 2021. Executive Summary / Discussion In accordance with the City Council’s desire to maintain competitive levels of compensation and benefits, and to maintain compliance with state minimum wage laws, staff recommends updating the Part-Time Salary Schedule and Management Salary Schedule. Staff have reviewed changes to recent memorandums of understanding between the City of Carlsbad and represented employee groups as well as market survey data and state labor laws and have determined that changes to the Part-Time Salary Schedule and Management Salary Schedule are necessary to keep part-time and management employees competitively compensated. Under Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.44.020, the City Council’s approval is required to make changes to such documents. Additionally, California Labor Code Section 515 requires employees who are exempt from overtime pay to be paid at least twice the minimum wage. Staff recommends making the following revision: Compensation adjustments: Effective Feb. 1, 2021, all management and part-time employee salaries will be increased by 2%. As a result, all management and part-time salary ranges will be adjusted to reflect this increase. An employee’s salary may not exceed the maximum of the pay range for the employee’s classification. Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 1 of 13 Section 2.44.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code states that all revisions to compensation plans will become effective upon approval of the City Council. Staff will continue to monitor the market and recommend adjusting salary range maximums as necessary to remain competitive in the market. Fiscal Analysis No additional appropriations are requested to fund the proposed adjustments. The fiscal year 2020-21 adopted budget included salary increases of 3% beginning in July 2020 for part-time employees and increases of 3% for management beginning in Jan. 2021. Adjusting the compensation in Feb.1, 2021 will result in additional cost for the remainder of fiscal year 2020- 21 of is $71,500 for part-time employees and $244,000 for management employees, including salary and salary-related benefits. Next Steps Staff will revise the Part-Time Salary Schedule and Management Salary Schedule and implement approved salary increases. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) This action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Therefore, this action does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution 2. Revisions to the City of Carlsbad Part-Time Salary Schedule 3. Revisions to the City of Carlsbad Management Salary Schedule Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 2 of 13 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-035 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REVISIONS TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PART-TIME SALARY SCHEDULE AND MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE, AND AUTHORIZING PAY INCREASES FOR PART-TIME EMPLOYEES AND MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined the need to revise the Part- Time and Management Salary Schedules; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad desires to authorize 2% pay increases for part- time and management employees effective Feb. 1, 2021. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.The Part-Time Salary Schedule in Attachment A is adopted. 3.The Management Salary Schedule in Attachment B is adopted. 4.The Human Resources Director is authorized to increase the pay of all part-time and management employees by 2% effective Feb. 1, 2021. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 26th day of January 2021, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Acosta, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. IVIATT HALL, Mayor TI ,,e.c4O( 6-orne2/ BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk pep ti c)efa- 8"Irli9"1:4; 0 (SEAL) Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 3 of 13 City of Carlsbad Part-Time Salary Ranges Effective January 26, 2021 Attachment A Classification Categories Minimum Maximum Office Office Aide $ 14.00 $16.29 Office Assistant $ 14.00 $21.54 Accounting Assistant $ 16.58 $23.11 Graphic Artist $ 20.15 $26.27 Technical/Paraprofessional Technical Aide $ 14.00 $14.97 Technical Assistant $ 15.81 $23.11 Service Custodian Aide $ 14.00 $14.71 Grounds Aide $ 14.00 $14.71 Maintenance Assistant $ 14.00 $19.44 Senior Maintenance Assistant $ 18.62 $23.64 Administrative Administrative Aide/Intern $ 14.00 $17.86 Administrative Assistant $ 14.00 $28.37 Legal Intern $ 15.30 $26.27 Library Library Page $ 14.00 $14.28 Library Clerk $ 14.54 $19.43 Library Technician $ 16.83 $22.85 Reference Librarian $ 22.95 $30.73 Arts Aide $ 14.00 $18.65 Arts Instructor $ 22.95 $32.83 Recreation Recreation Aide $ 14.00 $14.28 Recreation Leader $ 14.00 $16.81 Senior Recreation Leader $ 14.00 $19.44 Recreation Program/Services Coordinator $ 17.09 $22.06 Lifeguard $ 14.00 $16.29 Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 4 of 13 Attachment A Aquatics Instructor Senior Aquatics Instructor/Lifeguard Aquatics Program Instructor Preschool Instructor Bus Driver Kitchen Aide Kitchen Assistant Concessions Aide Concessions Leader Safety Open Water Lifeguard I Open Water Lifeguard II Retired Annuitant Police Officer Hourly Professional $ 14.00 $ 16.07 $ 19.13 $ 14.79 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $17.34 $19.96 $27.32 $20.75 $14.28 $14.28 $14.28 $14.28 $18.39 $ 14.00 $18.39 $ 18.87 $23.64 Equal to top step pay rate of Police Officer classification as reflected on current Carlsbad Police Officers' Association salary schedule Hourly rate determined by Human Resources Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 5 of 13 2/1/2021 JOB TITLE GRADE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM Assistant City Manager 8B 161,082$ 197,364$ 233,644$ Fire Chief 8B Police Chief 8B Assistant Fire Chief 8A 151,822$ 186,016$ 220,212$ Assistant Police Chief 8A Deputy City Manager 8A Senior Assistant City Attorney 8A Assistant City Attorney 7B 137,970$ 169,081$ 200,192$ Chief Innovation Officer 7B Community Development Director 7B Finance Director 7B Parks and Recreation Director 7B Utilities Director 7B Communication & Engagement Director 7A 127,257$ 154,581$ 181,905$ Fire Division Chief 7A Human Resources Director 7A Information Technology Director 7A Library and Cultural Arts Director 7A Transportation Director 7A Utilities Manager 7A Asst. Director of Emergency Services 6 108,429$ 132,776$ 157,124$ Assistant Finance Director 6 Assistant to the City Manager 6 Building & Code Enforcement Manager 6 Business Intelligence & Analytics Manager 6 City Traffic Engineer 6 City Planner 6 Deputy City Attorney 6 Deputy Library Director 6 Economic Development Manager 6 Environmental Manager 6 Engineering Manager 6 Fire Battalion Chief 6 Fire Marshal 6 Geographic Info. Systems Manager 6 Information Technology Manager 6 Intergovernmental Affairs Director 6 Municipal Property Manager 6 Parks Services Manager 6 Project Portfolio Manager 6 Public Works Manager 6 Management Salary Schedule (Base Pay) Page 1 Attachment B Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 6 of 13 Recreation Services Manager 6 Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager 6 City Clerk Services Manager 5 99,447$ 118,222$ 136,996$ Development Services Manager 5 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Manager 5 Facilities Manager 5 Finance Manager 5 Finance Payroll Information Technology Mgr 5 Human Resources Manager 5 Information Technology Project Manager 5 Information Technology Security Manager 5 Municipal Projects Manager 5 Police Communications Manager 5 Principal Planner 5 Public Safety Info. Technology Manager 5 Parks Superintendent 5 Public Works Superintendent 5 Real Estate Manager 5 Risk Manager 5 Senior Engineer 5 Utilities Asset Manager 5 Utilities Supervisor 5 Cultural Arts Manager 4 84,947$ 100,854$ 116,761$ Park Planning Manager 4 Public Information Officer 4 SCADA Supervisor 4 Senior Accountant 4 Senior Program Manager 4 Senior Management Analyst 4 Special Projects Manager 4 Video Production Manager 4 Community Relations Manager 3 69,798$ 82,782$ 95,768$ Executive Assistant 3 Management Analyst 3 Meter Services Supervisor 3 Parks/Trees Supervisor 3 Principal Librarian 3 Program Manager 3 Public Works Supervisor 3 Recreation Area Manager 3 Senior Crime Intelligence Analyst 3 Utilities Maintenance Planner 3 Aquatic Supervisor 2 59,949$ 71,204$ 82,458$ Associate Analyst 2 Page 2Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 7 of 13 Crime Intelligence Analyst 2 Programs and Venues Coordinator 2 Communications Coordinator 1 58,240$ 64,711$ 74,883$ Community Arts Coordinator 1 Community Volunteer Coordinator 1 Graphic Production Supervisor 1 Management Assistant 1 Page 3Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 8 of 13 City of Carlsbad Part-Time Salary Ranges Effective February 1, 2021 Exhibit 2 Classification Categories Minimum Maximum Office Office A!,cle $ 14.00 $16.29 Office Assistant $ 14.00 $21.54 Accounting Assistant $16.58 $23.11 Graphic Artist $20.15 $26.27 Technical/Paraprofessional Technical Aide $ 14.00 $14.97 Technical Assistant $15.81 $23.11 Service Custodian Aide $ 14.00 $14.71 Grounds Aide $ 14.00 $14.71 Maintenance Assistant $ 14.00 $19.44 Senior Maintenance Assistant $18.62 $23.64 Administrative Administrative Aide/Intern $ 14.00 $17.86 Administrative Assistant $ 14.00 $28.37 Legal Intern $15.30 $26.27 Library Library Page $ 14.00 $14.28 Library Clerk $14.54 $19.43 Library Technician $16.83 $22.85 Reference Librarian $22.95 $30.73 Arts Aide $ 14.00 $18.65 Arts Instructor $22.95 $32.83 Recreation Recreation Aide $ 14.00 $14.28 Recreation Leader $ 14.00 $16.81 Senior Recreation Leader $ 14.00 $19.44 Recreation Program/Services Coordinator $17.09 $22.06 Lifeguard $ 14.00 $16.29 Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 9 of 13 Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 9 of 13 Exhibit 2 Aquatics Instructor Senior Aquatics Instructor/Lifeguard Aquatics Program Instructor Preschool Instructor Bus Driver Kitchen Aide Kitchen Assistant Concessions Aide Concessions Leader Safety Open Water Lifeguard I Open Water Lifeguard II Retired Annuitant Police Officer Hourly Professional $ 14.00 $16.07 $19.13 $14.79 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $17.34 $19.96 $27.32 $20.75 $14.28 $14.28 $14.28 $14.28 $18.39 $ 14.00 18.39 $ 18.87 23.64 Equal to top step pay rate of Police Officer classification as reflected on current Carlsbad Police Officers' Association salary schedule Hourly rate determined by Human Resources Jan. 26, 2021 Item 4t7 Page 10 of 13 Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 10 of 13 2/1/2021 JOB TITLE GRADE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM Assistant City Manager 8B 161,082$ 197,364$ 233,644$ Fire Chief 8B 157,924$ 193,494$ 229,063$ Police Chief 8B Assistant Fire Chief 8A 151,822$ 186,016$ 220,212$ Assistant Police Chief 8A 148,845$ 182,369$ 215,894$ Deputy City Manager 8A Senior Assistant City Attorney 8A Assistant City Attorney 7B 137,970$ 169,081$ 200,192$ Chief Innovation Officer 7B 135,265$ 165,766$ 196,267$ Community Development Director 7B Finance Director 7B Parks and Recreation Director 7B Utilities Director 7B Communication & Engagement Director 7A 127,257$ 154,581$ 181,905$ Fire Division Chief 7A 124,762$ 151,550$ 178,338$ Human Resources Director 7A Information Technology Director 7A Library and Cultural Arts Director 7A Transportation Director 7A Utilities Manager 7A Asst. Director of Emergency Services 6 108,429$ 132,776$ 157,124$ Assistant Finance Director 6 106,303$ 130,173$ 154,043$ Assistant to the City Manager 6 Building & Code Enforcement Manager 6 Business Intelligence & Analytics Manager 6 City Traffic Engineer 6 City Planner 6 Deputy City Attorney 6 Deputy Library Director 6 Economic Development Manager 6 Environmental Manager 6 Engineering Manager 6 Fire Battalion Chief 6 Fire Marshal 6 Geographic Info. Systems Manager 6 Information Technology Manager 6 Intergovernmental Affairs Director 6 Municipal Property Manager 6 Parks Services Manager 6 Project Portfolio Manager 6 Public Works Manager 6 Management Salary Schedule (Base Pay) Page 1 Exhibit 3 Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 11 of 13 Recreation Services Manager 6 Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager 6 City Clerk Services Manager 5 99,447$ 118,222$ 136,996$ Development Services Manager 5 97,497$ 115,904$ 134,310$ Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Manager 5 Facilities Manager 5 Finance Manager 5 Finance Payroll Information Technology Mgr 5 Human Resources Manager 5 Information Technology Project Manager 5 Information Technology Security Manager 5 Municipal Projects Manager 5 Police Communications Manager 5 Principal Planner 5 Public Safety Info. Technology Manager 5 Parks Superintendent 5 Public Works Superintendent 5 Real Estate Manager 5 Risk Manager 5 Senior Engineer 5 Utilities Asset Manager 5 Utilities Supervisor 5 Cultural Arts Manager 4 84,947$ 100,854$ 116,761$ Park Planning Manager 4 83,281$ 98,876$ 114,472$ Public Information Officer 4 SCADA Supervisor 4 Senior Accountant 4 Senior Program Manager 4 Senior Management Analyst 4 Special Projects Manager 4 Video Production Manager 4 Community Relations Manager 3 69,798$ 82,782$ 95,768$ Executive Assistant 3 68,429$ 81,159$ 93,890$ Management Analyst 3 Meter Services Supervisor 3 Parks/Trees Supervisor 3 Principal Librarian 3 Program Manager 3 Public Works Supervisor 3 Recreation Area Manager 3 Senior Crime Intelligence Analyst 3 Utilities Maintenance Planner 3 Aquatic Supervisor 2 59,949$ 71,204$ 82,458$ Associate Analyst 2 58,774$ 69,808$ 80,841$ Page 2Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 12 of 13 Crime Intelligence Analyst 2 Programs and Venues Coordinator 2 Communications Coordinator 1 58,240$ 64,711$ 74,883$ Community Arts Coordinator 1 53,470$ 63,442$ 73,415$ Community Volunteer Coordinator 1 Graphic Production Supervisor 1 Management Assistant 1 Page 3Jan. 26, 2021 Item #7 Page 13 of 13 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: . Subject: Dear Council, All Receive -Agenda Item # 1_ For the Information of the: PIX CPI IMP! Date/~ CA ./cc _::::: Pamela Yonker CM /4CM ~CM (3) ..::::::-- Tuesday, January 26, 2021 11 :45 AM City Clerk 7 .. APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PART-TIME SALARY SCHEDULE While I appreciate that this is being addressed -I would respectfully ask that you consider increasing the part-time compensation from 2% to 3%. We have not been given a raise since July 2019 and many of us must pay for our own medical/dental/life insurance etc. Thank you for your consideration, Pamela Yonker ( City of Carlsbad Pamela Yonker Administrative Services Finance Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear City Council Members, Robert Borland <bobbcb@aol.com> Tuesday, January 26, 2021 1 :48 PM City Clerk Agenda Item #8 Part -Time Employees Wages All Receive -Agenda Item # __g For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date 1/a tp/ 2/CA ~C .-- CM __:::::p;cM _-DCM (3) __. In July 2020 the City Council did not allow an already approved 3% raise to all part-time employees. 3% is the cost of living. I would hope you reconsider your decision. I'm a concerned citizen who uses the City pools and facilities and think the employees have earned a pay increase. I see the Lifeguards cleaning, saniitzing, keeping the patrons physical distancing.Because of their efforts we have had the opportunity of leaving our homes, exercising, in a safe environment I'm very grateful for all they do on my behalf .Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Bob CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please post. Madeleine Szabo <mbszabo@snet.net> Monday, January 25, 2021 2:48 PM City Clerk; Matthew Hall; Council Internet Email; cori.schumacher@councilca.gov judy.kalinowski@carsbadca.gov Article 7 in City Council Meeting Agenda All Receive -Agenda Item# !1_ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date//t2.///JJ CA ._,.,---CC ~ CM .,....--ACM -=:-DCM (3) _ _.- Re: City Council Meeting January 26, 2021 7. APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PART-TIME SALARY SCHEDULE AND MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE Dear City Council Members: The City of Carlsbad residents are in lockdown. Many residents have lost their jobs. Businesses have had to lay off employees, cut salaries to remain solvent, or close their doors completely. People can't resume most of their activities. They are told to stay home unless necessary. Consequently, the demand for City Services is way down since people are told to leave their homes only for essential things. Many City Services are not even available or are significantly limited (such as locker rooms, gyms, pool access, libraries, etc.). In this environment, do you think it justified that City employees get a salary increase? I spoke to Judy von Kalinowski in Human Resources who told me that a salary increase was "needed to stay competitive". With the unemployment rate so higli, why would you possibly have to raise salaries to attract people? At a time like this, just having a job is a luxury. Tax revenues are lower than normal due to all the closed businesses and decreased purchases and services (i.e. hotel attendance is way down; many activities and businesses are closed; people aren't going out). As stewards of our tax dollars, you are obligated to manage responsibly at all times, especially now. It is not right that the public sector get preferential treatment over the private sector. People are suffering and government employees get a salary increase!? Not fair; not responsible; not democratic. Madeleine Szabo Carlsbad, CA bee: Citizens for Accountable Government CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Management & Part-Time Compensation Adjustments Management Compensation History Last compensation study in 2017-2018 3% range and salary adjustment on 1/1/2019 3% range and salary adjustment on 1/1/2020 Consistent with CCEA range and salary adjustments (2% 2021) Part-Time Compensation History Last compensation study in 2017 3% range and salary adjustment on 7/1/2018 3% range and salary adjustment on 7/1/2019 3% salary adjustment not approved in July 2020 Salary Adjustment History Group Jan. 2017 Jan. 2018 Jan. 2019 Jan. 2020 Jan. 2021 Jan. 2022 Jan. 2023 POLICE MGT. (CPMA)1.5% + new Education Incentive $8,242 (~3.1%) 2%3.75% or 5.25% 3.75% or 5.25% 3.75% or 5.25% POLICE (CPOA)3.8%3.8%4.2%, 5.5% or (2% + 2.5% stipend) 4.5% or (2% + 2.5% stipend) 4.5% or (2% + 2.5% stipend) FIRE (CFA)2.25% or 3.45%2% or 3.3%2%4.5%4.5%4% GENERAL (CCEA)4%4%3%3%2%2.5% MANAGEMENT (unrepresented)4%4%3%3%TBD PART-TIME (unrepresented)2.5% July 3% July 3% July 0% July TBD California Unemployment History Month Carlsbad San Diego County California January 3.1%3.3%3.9% February 2.9%3.2%3.9% March 3.9%4.2%5.5% April 13.8%15%16.4% May 13.8%15.2%16.4% June 12.7%13.8%14.9% July 11.2%12.4%13.5% August 8.8%9.9%11.4% September 7.8%8.9%10.7% October 6.1%7.5%8.7% November 5.4%6.6%7.9% 2020 West Urban Consumer Price Index Month CPI January 2.9% February 3.1% March 2.5% April 1.3% May 0.8% June 1.2% July 1.7% August 1.9% September 1.6% October 1.2% November 1.4% December 1.5% Percentage of Employees at Carlsbad 171, 14%156, 12% 330, 27% 80.75, 6% 10, 1% 494, 40% Management (unrep.) Police (CPOA) General (CCEA) Fire (CFA) Police Mgt (CPMA) Part-Time (unrep.) Proposed Salary & Range Increases Management Part Time Total Budgeted FY20/21: $536,000 Total Proposed FY 20/21: $315,500 Total Savings: $220,500 Budgeted Proposed 3% (Jan 2021)2% (Feb 2021) $348,000 $244,000 Savings $104,000 Budgeted Proposed 3% (July 2020)2% (Feb 2021) $188,000 $71,500 Savings $116,500