HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-26; City Council; ; Approval of Outline for 2021 City Council Goal Setting WorkshopCA Review CKM Meeting Date: Jan. 26, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Sheila Cobian, Assistant to the City Manager sheila.cobian@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2917 Jason Haber, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs jason.haber@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2958 Subject: Approval of Outline for 2021 City Council Goal Setting Workshop Recommended Action Consider and approve the outline for the 2021 City Council Goal Setting Workshop and provide direction to staff as necessary. Executive Summary/Discussion At the Dec. 15, 2020, City Council meeting, staff requested the council’s input on the goal setting process scheduled for February 2021. The council discussed the goal setting workshop process and directed staff to return to the council on Jan. 26, 2021, with an outline of the workshop sessions. The workshop outline in Exhibit 1 reflects the City Council’s input and is presented for the City Council’s approval and direction. Fiscal Analysis Work for the goal setting process is included in current budget appropriations. Next Steps Staff will proceed with planning goal setting workshop or workshops for February 2021 according to the City Council’s approval and direction. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Therefore, it does not require environmental review. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1.Outline of 2021 City Council Goal Setting Workshop Jan. 26, 2021 Item #9 Page 1 of 3 Day 1: Feb. 4, 2021 Goal: Demonstrate current work, issues, trends, allow City Council members ample opportunity to share all of their ideas about goals, priorities and projects, etc. Agenda Topic I.Welcome Pledge of Allegiance Opening comments (mayor and city manager) Public comment (limited to 15 minutes, remaining at end of the meeting) II.Facilitator self-introduction and agenda overview Review community vision and its role as a framework Review norms and decorum discussion from 2019 goal setting City Council member comments and expectations III.Staff presentations City manager City attorney Assistant city manager 30-minute break (12 p.m.) IV.Energizer activity V.Staff presentations (continued) Deputy city manager – Administrative Services Deputy city manager – Community Services VI.Council discussions on what we covered, captured, what else comes to mind. Preliminary ideas on next week. VII.Remaining public comments Closing comments Exhibit 1 Jan. 26, 2021 Item #9 Page 2 of 3 City Council Goals Workshop Agenda Page 2 Day 2: Feb. 11, 2021 Goal: Narrow focus, determine immediate priorities vs. long term goals. Define goals (SMART goals) and provide clear priorities to staff Agenda Topic I. Welcome Pledge of Allegiance Opening comments (mayor) Public comment (first 15 minutes, rest at the end) II. Facilitator recaps work done Feb. 4 Reminder of norms and decorum Council member comments and reflections on work to date III. Staff presentations (continued) Deputy city manager – Public Works Police chief Fire chief IV. Council discussions what we covered, captured, what else comes to mind. 30-minute break (12 p.m.) V. Energizer activity VI. Reminder and connection of how strategic goals are tied to city’s vision, mission and nine core values VII. City Council-facilitated discussion Council member comments and expectations Long term strategic goals and priorities – what have we uncovered, what’s missing? Short term strategic goals and priorities – how do we make it happen? VIII. Council discussions what we covered, captured, what else comes to mind. Plan for next week (if necessary). IX. Remaining public comments Closing comments Jan. 26, 2021 Item #9 Page 3 of 3 February 4 and 11, 2021 Facilitated: David Agran M.Ed BCC Strategic Goal Setting Sessions Suggested Agenda Agenda Day 1: Feb. 4 Goal:Demonstrate current work, issues, trends, allow City Council members ample opportunity to share and discuss their ideas, goals, priorities, projects, etc. 1.Welcome & Opening comments (Mayor & City Manager) Public comment (15 min.) 2. Introduction & overview Review community vision, norms & decorum for success City Council expectations 3. Staff presentations with engaged discussion (30 min+/-) -City Manager -City Attorney -Assistant City Manager Agenda Day 1: Feb. 4 Goal:Demonstrate current work, issues, trends, allow City Council members ample opportunity to share and discuss their ideas, goals, priorities, projects, etc. 3.Lunch & Energizer 4.Staff presentations with engaged discussion (30 min+/-) -DCM –Administrative Services -DCM –Community Services 5.Council Discussions & synthesis 6.Remaining Public Comments & close Agenda Day 2: Feb. 11 Goal:Narrow focus, determine immediate priorities vs long term goals. Define goals (SMART goals) and provide clear priorities to staff 1.Welcome & Open (Mayor & City Manager) Public comment 2.Introduction and Review from Last week 3. Staff presentations with engaged discussion (30 min+/-) -DCM –Public Works -Police Chief -Fire Chief 4.Council Discussions & synthesis considering Strategic Goals Agenda Day 2: Feb. 11 Goal:Narrow focus, determine immediate priorities vs long term goals. Define goals (SMART goals) and provide clear priorities to staff 4.Lunch & Energizer 5.Council Discussions & synthesis considering Strategic Goals 6.Facilitated discussion: -Long term strategic goals/priorities –Big Picture Policy. -Short term strategic –goals/priorities 7. What is missing? What else is needed? 8.Continued discussions on 17th or not? 9.Public Comment & Close Continued Discussion?Goal:Other topics mentioned for discussion 1.Priorities: -What is needed over next 18 months –tactical initiatives -What is needed over the next 2-3 years –Big Picture Policy & Strategy 2.Roles and Responsibilities of Council vs. staff -What does the council need from staff -What do the staff need from the Council 3.Accountability -Action and accomplishment -Dashboard for visibility (Athena-esque) -The role of minute motions in effective governance -A desire to finish the process with consensus 4.Growth Management 2050 (or 2.0) 5.Next Steps: Fall Strategic Planning Process (community involved) Thank You I look forward to the conversation Thank you Option B Goal:The Goals are the same, the agenda is different 1.A second option is consolidate 8 staff presentations into the first day, with little discussion 2.Day 2, a week later involves discussion and strategic planning process Why we propose Option A: By engaging in discussion with each presentation gain a fuller understanding of the immediate work, next steps, sense of priority and aspirations for future. This approach captures Council ideas and perspectives real time and more comprehensively gains a richer perspective. It also keeps energy up and engaged.