HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-26; City Council; ; District 2 and District 4 Appointments of Two Members to the Planning CommissionMeeting Date: Jan. 26, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Tammy McMinn, Senior Deputy City Clerk Tammy.McMinn@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2953 Subject: District 2 and District 4 Appointments of Two Members to the Planning Commission Districts: All Recommended Action Adopt resolutions appointing two members to the Planning Commission. Executive v/Discussion Commissioner Linda Geldner was initially appointed in May 2018 to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner Rodman for a term ending in January 2021. Commissioner Geldner is eligible for reappointment. This term will expire in December 2024 to coincide with the term of the nominating City Council member from District 2. Commissioner Velyn Anderson was initially appointed to the Planning Commission in May 2013 to fill the expired term of Commissioner Montgomery for a term ending in April 2017. Commissioner Anderson was reappointed in March 2017. Commissioner Anderson is not eligible for reappointment. This term will also expire in December 2024 to coincide with the term of the nominating City Council member from District 4. The City Clerk’s Office received 24 applications from residents wishing to serve on the Planning Commission. In accordance with City Council Policy No. 88, Mayor Pro Tem Blackburn and Council Member Acosta have recommended the following four residents to advance in the process and interview with the full City Council: District 2 recommendation •Bill Kamenjarin - District 2 •Diane Proulx - District 2 District 4 recommendation •Kevin Sabellico - District 4 •David Wine - District 4 Exhibit 3 contains applications for all four residents. Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 1 of 16 The Planning Commission, as defined in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.24.020, consists of seven members, and of three ex officio members who are the city engineer, city attorney and city planner. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.15.050(2), which covers the general functions, powers, and duties of boards and commissions, states, “Although each member of the City Council elected by a district shall use his or her best efforts to appoint individuals residing in that district to these commissions, members of the City Council may appoint individuals not residing in their districts in their discretion in order to assure that the most interested and qualified individuals serve on the commissions.” According to City Council Resolution No. 2018-178, nominees to these scheduled vacancies on the Planning Commission shall be appointed by the council members for District 2 and District 4 with the approval of the City Council. Other members of the Planning Commission are: Commission member District Alicia Lafferty 1 Carolyn Luna 2 Roy Meenes 3 Peter Merz 4 Joseph Stine 4 Members of the Planning Commission are subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act and must file statements of economic interest each year, and complete two hours of ethics training every two years. The Maddy Act, California Government Code Sections 54970-54974, requires that on or before December 31 of each year the legislative body shall prepare a local appointments list that contains the appointive terms of board and commission members that will expire in the next calendar year. The name of the incumbent appointee, the date of appointment and the term’s expiration date is also included on the list. Based on the prepared list, the City Clerk’s Office accepts applications for any upcoming vacancies. These applications are available on the city’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office. Fiscal Analysis This action has no financial impact. Next Steps Following the appointment of two members to the Planning Commission, the City Clerk’s Office will update the commission roster and coordinate the oaths of office and the filing of the appointees’ statements of economic interest and ethics training certificates. Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 2 of 16 Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) This action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Therefore, it does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Resolution appointing one member to the Planning Commission 2. Resolution appointing one member to the Planning Commission 3. Applications received from residents advancing to the interview process Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 3 of 16 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-037 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEREAS, Commissioner Linda Geldner was appointed to the Planning Commission in May 2018 to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner Rodman ending in January 2021; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Geldner is eligible for reappointment; and WHEREAS, a scheduled vacancy on the Planning Commission exists. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct 2.The following Carlsbad resident is appointed to serve on the Planning Commission, for a term ending in December 2024 to coincide with the term of the nominating council member for District 2. William Kamenjarin PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 26th day of January 2021, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Acosta, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor 60me 27 BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk Dep (SEAL) )eld Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 4 of 16 , / Cr )- 16/ BARBARA ENGLESON, Citly Clerk (SEAL) 6Pre RESOLUTION NO. 2021-038 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEREAS, Commissioner Velyn Anderson was appointed to the Planning Commission in May 2013 to fill the expired term of Commissioner Montgomery, and was reappointed in March 2017; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Anderson is not eligible for reappointment; and WHEREAS, a scheduled vacancy on the Planning Commission exists. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.The following Carlsbad resident is appointed to serve on the Planning Commission, for a term ending in December 2024 to coincide with the term of the nominating council member for District 4. Kevin Sabellico PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 26th day of January 2021, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Acosta, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, M yor II •tft C.,'1114 • Ea • Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 5 of 16 Exhibit 3 Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 6 of 16 Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment RECEIVED DEC O 2 2020 CITY OF CARLSW1.[1 f'ITV f'I l=J:lk''C:: ni::i:::··-,- Arts Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission v . Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees ✓ Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation ✓ Traffic Safety Commission Commission Tourism Business Improvement Golf Lodging Business Agricultural Mitigation Fee District Improvement District Committee Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Advisory Committee Personal Information If applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. 1Jvw &111,ta Vt L! 't Name I Date of Birth: Willaim Kamenjarin = Reauired for Voter Reaistration Verification Home Address I District Number 2 City Carlsbad ZIP 92010 Home Phone Mobile E-mail Occupation mediator, arbitrator, attorney, expert witness Employer self employed Employer Address City . Carlsbad ZIP 92018 Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. ✓ I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. ✓ Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, ✓ please explain below. Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please ✓ explain below. I am a Citizens Academy graduate. ✓ I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to ✓ serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at ✓ the request of an individual Council member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. ✓ I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. ✓ Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 7 of 16 Explanations I would like to speak with our mayor and city council members regarding my ability, dedication, experience and vision for the city and its boards and commissions. Please describe your educational background BA -Duke University Juris Doctor -Southern Methodist University School of Law Please describe relevant experience Proven experience for years of work with libraries and park and recreation facilities. Please describe your current or past community involvement Past chairperson and member, Car1Sb3d Ubrary Board of Trustees Mediator-City of Carlsbad Volunleer-Friends of lhe Carlsbad Ubrary sales on the green events Volunteer -community ciean up and beauUlicallon Sunday school teacher -local Cartsbad church Member-Board ofTruslees, Fel!owshtp, ChrlsUan education, Deac;on, Pasloral search,Planned Giving-local church Medlator-Ufellne, United Stales District Court-Expert \'Illness Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) Formtrpresk!emt, boml of drectors, assorted oormirtees, -bar 11ssoda~on Offic.er, executive committu andfoundng member-Ame:rican Inns of Court#303 Superior COurtAlbllratal Panel Superlcr Court Mediation P,nel Superla" Court SeUlemenl Panel Fee Olspu~ Artiltrator & Mediator St1teofCaifomi11ndFed.!lral HeeringOtficer Chlllrperson and preunttr-Altemellve Dispute RMOluHon Secticm for Mandatory COnllnL'ing Ler1al EdueaUon Editor, oontllbutor and cdllorial committee member -monthly bar mag,1tine Additional information or comments As a three decades resident and supporter of Carlsbad, I have the proven abilities, dedication and experience as a problem solver and consensus builder; these are especially valuable in these times. Everyone and every entity experience challenging and tough times, it is a measure of our determination and dedication how we deal with them and how we come through them. Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature ______________ Date 05/28/20 * Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 8 of 16 Law Office of Joseph L. Stine 2173 Salk Ave., Suite 250 Carlsbad1 CA 92008 www.jstinelaw.com Jan. 4, 2021 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Carlsbad Re: William Kamenjarin (760) 579-7694 fax: (760) 579-7695 j stine@jstinelaw.com Application for Appointment to Planning Commission Dear Mayor Hall & City Council: I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for William ("Bill") Kamenjarin in his application for appointment to the Planning Commission. Mr. Kamenjarin has been an outstanding member of the North County legal community for decades. He has distinguished himself though exemplary dedication to public service in a variety of leadership roles. He has been President of the 900 member North County Bar Association, chair on the Association's Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, and a member of the executive committee of the Lopardo Chapter of the American Inns of Court, an elite professional organization of local judges and attorneys. I have had the privilege of knowing and working with Bill for more than twenty-five years. He can be counted on for clear-headed, intelligent advice on persona] and professional matters. Bill is my "go to" resource when I need an astute, independent opinion in resolving issues without easy answers. He has an amazing ability to cut through sometimes conflicting principles and considerations to help me make difficult decisions in challenging situations. Moreover~ I have personally witnessed how Bill works well as a member of an organizational team. He is a superb listener during in-person as well as Zoom virtual meetings. He is well-prepared when the circumstances warrant making a "tough call" by taking the time to thoughtfully look at all relevant sides of a controversy. He collaborates to build consensus among colleagues where possible. When consensus is not possible, he disagrees with decency while showing respect to opposing views. Bill's professional and interpersonal skills make him unusually well-suited to participate in the quasi-judicial hearings of the Planning Commission. As a Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 9 of 16 seasoned arbitrator, he has had decades of experience examining evidence and applying facts to the applicable legal standards to arrive a fair, thoughtful decision. This experience would be put to good use in examining staff reports, considering oral statements, and making well-considered findings as a planning commissioner. For these reasons, I am confident that Bill would work exceptionally well with colleagues on the Planning Commission and add significant value to the deliberative process used in making decisions on land use permit applications. 2 Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 10 of 16 RECEIVED DEC 1 5 2020 Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Arts Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission v' Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Traffic & Mobility Commission Commission Tourism Business Improvement Golf Lodging Business Agricultural Mitigation Fee District Improvement District Committee Housing Element Advisory Committee ' If applying for more than one, please mdtcate order of preference. Personal Information Name I Date of Birth: ~ Diane Proulx Required for Voter Reqistration Verification Home Address I District Number 2 ✓ City Carlsbad ZIP 92010 Home Phone Mobile -. ----- E-mail Occupation Mgmt Employer Grand Pacific Resorts Employer Address 5900 Pasteur Court Ste. 200 City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. ti I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. v' Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, V please explain below. Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please V explain below. I am a Citizens Academy graduate. ti I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to V serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at V the request of an individual Council member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. v' I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. v' / ~ Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 11 of 16 IExplanatlons Please describe your educational background -----------------------~ BA-Information Management J Project Management Certification ---------·-------·-·------------------------------ Please describe relevant experience Over the last 15 years, I have been involved with the development and building of ·····-··--··· ~~~: multiple resort properties. I am familiar with entitlement processes,. land planning, EIR, Native American concerns, permitting, traffic and parking conerns, etc. •----------- Please describe your current or past community involvement I have just completed my term on the Housing Element Advisory Committee. I currently server on eth · Aqua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation board. I served on the EC3 Committee and am familiar with the Growth Management Plan and it's impo~ance in creating and maintaining a strong viable community for residents, families and businesses. I was also a two term Park and Recreation Commissioner. ---------------- Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) Housing Element Advisory Committee; Aqua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Board Member; City of Carlsbad EC3 Committee Member; City of Carlsbad Parl< and Recreation Commissioner; Carlsbad Charitable Foundation-Board Member; Residential HOA Board Member; Carlbad High School Site Council Member; Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Candidate Academy; SD Water District Academy; Carlsbad Citizen Academy; Carlsbad High School Touchdown Club -Co-founder and Vice Presdient; Pop Warner football, basketball and basebale coach. Additional information or comments I am interested in serving my community as I believe it is essential that citizens play an active role in their community. As well, I would like to serve lo: 1. Have a voice in the decision making process In our community 2. Serve our community 3. I have an inlerest in Planning, Land Use and our Local Governmenl 4. New learning opportunities Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad __ _ City Clerk's Office,:___ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 . .✓.:::::::=-~'--~~---· Signature --------+-______ Date 12/14/2020 * Only required to sign if suBrnitting~; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 12 of 16 Boards , Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment Arts Commission Housing Commission Beach Preservation Committee ✓ Library Board of Trustees ✓ Planning Commission ✓ ✓ Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation ✓ Traffic & Mobility ✓ Commission Commission Tourism Business Improvement ✓ Golf Lodging Business Agricultural Mitigation Fee District Improvement District Committee Housing Element Advisory ✓ Committee If applying for more than one, please indicate order of preference. Personal Information Name Date of Birth: q ~ Kevin Sabellico Required for Voter Reqistration Verification Home Address I District Number 4 City Carlsbad ZIP 92009 Home Phone NA Mobile E-mail Occupation Political Consultant Employer Self-employed Employer Address Same as residence City Carlsbad ZIP 92009 Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. ✓ I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. ✓ Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, ✓ please explain below. Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please ✓ explaifl below. I am a Citizens Academy graduate. ✓ I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to ✓ serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at ✓ the request of an individual Council member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if req uired. ✓ I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. ✓ Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 13 of 16 Please describe your educational background -UC Santa Barbara, B.A. in Political Science with an Emphasis in American Politics -Coursework in Public Lands, Environmental Politics, Comparative Environmental Politics, Sustainability, Climate Change, Legal Enviormnment of Business, and the Supreme Court Please describe relevant experience -Campaign Manager at Chris Duncan for San Clemente City Council, 2020 -Internships with the Board of Supervisors, state Senate, and University of California -Proven track record of being able to summarize relevant information, communicate effectively and decide on courses of action, and listen to the input of community members with diverse perspectives Please describe your current or past community involvement -Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation, Member since 2016 -Citizens Climate Lobby, Member since 2016 -Canyon Crest Academy Interact Club (youth wing of Rotary) and Science Olympiad Coach, 2015 -2016 -Encinitas National Little League Umpire -Alter Server at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) -Delegate, California Democratic Party, 2017 -Present (Executive Board, 2019 -Present) -President, San Rafael Hall Council at UCSB, 2017 -2018 -President, Canyon Crest Academy School Site Council, 2014 -2016 -Treasurer, Canyon Crest Academy Math Team, 2014 -2016 -Organazing Committee Member, TEDxYouth@San Diego, 2013 -2015 Additional information or comments -Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Candidate Academy graduate, 2015 -Resident of Carlsbad for over 20 years and supporter of environmental conservation - I am familar with FPPC regulations that pertain to appointed officials and have no conflicts of interest that would preclude me from serving on a Carlsbad City Commission Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature _____________ Date O 1/04/202 1 * Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 14 of 16 KRVTN SA RRT JI JJC,O EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with an Emphasis in American Politics PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CHRIS DUNCAN FOR SAN CLEMENTE CITY COUNCIL . Campaign Manager Santa Barbara, CA San Clemente, CA May -November 2020 • Managed the campaign of the first successful Democratic City Council candidate in San Clemente history • Planned and executed a fundraising plan that outraised every opponent and stayed within the $55,000 budget • Designed and wrote content for the campaign website, mailers, social n1edia graphics, emails, print ads, and more • Recruited volunteers to close the vote deficit in the campaign's field plan and maintained all data in PDI MIKE BLOOMBERG 2020, INC. Regional Organizing Director Akron, OH December 2019-March 2020 • Supervised, managed, and trained 6 organizers to knock 9k doors, make 29k calls, and build capacity in their turfs • Achieved 100% to goal in Canvass Attempts, MyCampaign Dials, MyVoters Dials, and Shifts Completed eve1y week • Bulit a crowd of 500 people to attend Mike Bloomberg's event in Akron as the sole staffer for the region • Created multiple saved searches and assisted the Data Department with creating data standards for the state KAMALA HARRIS FOR THE PEOPLE Field Organizer Myrtle Beach, SC October-December 2019 • Scheduled 115% of my canvassing shift goal for Weekend of Action, made 3k dials, and collected 90 commit cards • Grew paitnerships with NAACP leaders, teachers, and state patty officials while representing Senator Harris • Utilized digital tools such as MobilizeAmerica, Thrutext, and Team to hit organizing goals faster IOWA DEMOCRATIC PARTY Field Organizer Storm Lake, IA August-November 2018 • Scheduled 235 canvass shifts for GOTV across 6 counties and collected 250+ in-universe Absentee Ballot Requests • Trained IO Staging Location Directors to successfully manage operations and report for 2 SLs and 3 satellite SLs • Collected 150 signatures in two days to force the County Auditor to open a satellite early voting location on campus UCSB SUSTAINABILITY Policy Intern -UC Global Food Initiative • Advocated for students' basic needs to the university and local governmental bodies Santa Barbara, CA September 2017-June 2018 • Implemented an eBook reserve program that yielded an ROI of over 1,000% & wrote grant proposals for like programs MIKE LEVIN FOR CONGRESS Deputy Field Director Vista, CA June -September 2017 • Trained and managed 40 interns/volunteer temn leaders on candidate's messaging, effective canvassing, and data ent1y • Made one full pass of phones in the San Diego Co. portion of the District with 50% of Orange Co. portion completed VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC PARTY • Presidential Elector for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris • Executive Board Member and Credentials Committee Co-Chair • Assembly District Delegate and for the 76th District • National Convention Delegate for Hillmy Clinton NATIONAL SECURITY ACTION -Research Volunteer SAN DIEGO COUNTY SUPERVISOR DA VE ROBERTS -Legislative Intern KAMALA HARRIS FOR SENATE -Regional Ambassador STATE SENATOR RICHARD PAN, MD-Legislative Intern UCSB RESIDENTIAL HOUSING ASSOCATION-Hall Council Co-President CANYON CREST ACADEMY -School Site Council President December 2020 August 2019 -Present January 2017 -Present July2016 October 2018-Present January 2016-September 2016 December 2015 -February 2016 June 2015-August 2015 October 2017-April 2018 October 2014 -Jamw,y 2016 Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 15 of 16 RECEIVED JAN 21 2020 Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment CITY OF CARLSBA.D CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Arts Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission ✓ Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Traffic Safety Commission Commission Tourism Business Improvement Golf Lodging Business Agricultural Mitigation Fee District Improvement District Committee Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Advisory Committee If applymg for more than one, please md,cate order of preference. Personal Information Name I Date of Birth: ,§) David Wine Reauired for Voter Reaistration Verification Home Address 1 District Number 4 City Carl sbad ZIP 92011 Home Phone Mobile E-mail Occupation Financial Adviser Employer Self Employer Address City Carlsbad ZIP 92008 Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. ✓ I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. ✓ Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, ✓ please explain below. Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please ✓ explain below. I am a Citizens Academy graduate. ✓ I am familiar with the responsibilities of the boardlcommission/committee(s) on which I wish to ✓ serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at ✓ the request of an individual Council member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements; if required. ✓ I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. ✓ Jan. 26, 2021 Item #10 Page 16 of 16 !Explanations Please describe your educational background Biola University, Organizational Leadership Univesity of Washington, Cascade Public Executive Program Please describe relevant experience Worked many years with Amtrak in operations and planning which included work with federal, sate and local goverments Please describe your current or past community involvement Past president and board member of El Camino Real Rotary Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizati~ns) . El Camino Real Rotary, Board memeber and past president Additional information or comments I was the General Manager who organized the start up and implemtation of the Coaster Commuter Service in 1995. My love for Carlsbad led to to change careers in order to stay here. Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature David Wine Date 1 /17 /20 * Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement Clear form Print form Submit form Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Bill Kamenjarin <wck@wcklegal.com > Tuesday, January 26, 2021 12:46 PM City Clerk; Matthew Hall; Keith Blackburn; Cori Schumacher; Priya Bhat-Patel; Teresa Acosta Agenda Item# 10 for 1/26/21 -Planning Commission Appointment 010421 Recommendation Letter to Carlsbad re Planning Commission.pdf O All Receive -Agenda Item# 1.Q For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Mayor and City Council Members: Date J/J1-'1/J.l CA Y"""" CC ✓ CM ✓ACM_ -CM (3) _, As I explained to Keith Blackburn on Monday, I have a long time calendared hearing today, which may prevent me from participating in today's City Council meeting. Should I be unable to participate by telephone for agenda item #10 at the 1/26/21 City Council meeting, I am sending this brief email as a finalist for a position on the City's Planning Commission. As a thirty year plus resident of the city of Carlsbad, I share your love of our city, and a desire to serve it. I have applied for the Planning Commission at the suggestion of other Carlsbad residents. You may want to review the letter of recommendation regarding my relevant experience and abilities from a current Planning Commission member. (The recommendation letter is attached, for your convenience.) I am aware ofthe work of the Planning Commission, having followed their meetings. And I have blocked out time on my calendar to attend the future League of California Cities planning commissioners academy should it be held this spring. I have the experience, dedication and desire to serve. I look forward to working with you . Bill Kamenjarin CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Law Office of Joseph L. Stine 2173 Salk Ave.,. Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.jstinelaw.com Jan.4,2021 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Carlsbad Re: William Kamenjarin (760) 579-7694 fax: (760) 579-7695 j stine@jstinelaw.com Application for Appointment to Planning Commission Dear Mayor Hall & City Council: I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for William ("Bill") Kamenjarin in his application for appointment to the Planning Commission. Mr. Kamenjarin has been an outstanding member of the North County legal community for decades. He has distinguished himself though exemplary dedication to public service in a variety of leadership roles. He has been President of the 900 member North County Bar Association, chair on the Association's Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, and a member of the executive committee of the Lopardo Chapter of the American Inns of Court, an elite professional organization of local judges and attorneys. I have had the privilege of knowing and working with Bill for more than twenty-five years. He can be counted on for clear-headed, intelligent advice on personal and professional matters. Bill is my "go to" resource when I need an astute, independent opinion in resolving issues without easy answers. He has an amazing ability to cut through sometimes conflicting principles and considerations to help me make difficult decisions in challenging situations. · Moreover, I have personally witnessed how Bill works well as a member of an organizational team. He is a superb listener during in-person as well as Zoom virtual meetings. He is well-prepared when the circumstances warrant making a "tough call" by taking the time to thoughtfully look at all relevant sides of a controversy. He collaborates to build consensus among colleagues where possible. When consensus is not possible, he disagrees with decency while showing respect to opposing views. Bill's professional and interpersonal skills make him unusually well-suited to participate in the quasi-judicial hearings of the Planning Commission. As a seasoned arbitrator, he has had decades of experience examining evidence and applying facts to the applicable legal standards to arrive a fair, thoughtful decision. This experience would be put to good use in examining staff reports, considering oral statements, and making well-considered findings as a planning commissioner. For these reasons, I am confident that Bill would work exceptionally well with colleagues on the Planning Commission and add significant value to the deliberative process used in making decisions on land use permit applications. 2