HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-12-09; Library Board of Trustees; ; Library Reports for October 2020ITEM # 5 Meeting Date: December 9, 2020 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Sheila Crosby, Deputy Library Director Sarah Dana, Interim Deputy Library Director Staff Contact: Sheila Crosby, sheila.crosby@carlsbadca.gov Sarah Dana, sarah.dana@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Library Reports for October 2020 Recommended Action Receive reports. No action needed. Executive Summary/Discussion The board will review the monthly library narrative and statistical reports for October 2020. These reports provide a summary of work completed across all Carlsbad City Library divisions and locations as well as services and programs presented for the community. Next Steps None. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits •Narrative report for October 2020 •Statistical report for October 2020 Page 6 of 16 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES ITEM #5 Monthly LIBRARY Report for October 2020 Systemwide … All three Carlsbad City Library locations served as mail ballot drop-off locations with drive-thru service in the parking lots from Oct. 6 through Nov. 3. Registrar of Voters staff was on-site during the library’s curbside service hours, Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. The service proved very popular, with 2,400 ballots dropped off in the first five days. The Police Department helped library staff with traffic management and specifically assisted at Dove Library to reconfigure the parking lot to alleviate traffic through the Plaza Paseo Real shopping center and along El Camino Real. County Registrar of Voters Michael Vu visited the Dove Library on Oct. 14, greeted voters and complimented staff on the efficiency of the layout. The library has added Job Now/Vet Now™ to its online offerings. This online service supports job seekers, veterans and their families with all stages of job searching, employment transition assistance, navigating the VA, preparing for standardized tests and building marketable academic skills. Job Now/Vet Now is free for Carlsbad City Library cardholders on the library’s website under “College and eLearning”: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/library/services/eresources.asp The service quietly launched Oct. 29, to allow staff time to become more familiar with this new service, and additional publicity is planned to tie into the Veterans Day holiday. On Oct. 17, the library launched a new short video series on Facebook to introduce patrons to books in the library’s collection, in response to patron feedback that community members miss browsing the library’s stacks. Librarian Joe Burch served as the first host in a five-minute video highlighting several science fiction/fantasy novels: https://www.facebook.com/carlsbadcitylibrary/videos/387456879101373 The library continued its virtual concert series on Oct. 15 with a Live From My Living Room concert featuring the duo Pipe Dream, with jazz vocalist and guitarist Cobby Brezeki and flutist Andrew Bustamante. The concert was streamed via the library’s Facebook Live, where it received more than 450 views: https://www.facebook.com/carlsbadcitylibrary/videos/2739252326342896. Two additional October virtual events included a Good Life Lecture on Breath Work for Stress Management with yoga therapist and teacher Shazia Gogia on Oct. 7, which was attended by 33 people on Zoom and is still available on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carlsbadcitylibrary/videos/3320005201429479 The second event was a Virtual Hispanic Heritage Month Dance Performance on Oct. 8 streamed via Facebook Live and viewed by more than 1,700 people: https://www.facebook.com/carlsbadcitylibrary/videos/776763359564220 In October, the library released its fourth on-demand video concert filmed in the Schulman Auditorium without an audience. The 30-minute jazz concert features Leonard Patton on vocals Page 7 of 16 Monthly Library Report for October 2020 and percussion accompanied by Ed Kornhauser on piano. The video has been viewed on the City of Carlsbad YouTube channel more than 150 times and will also run on the city’s cable channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqRiTCkBwo8 Children’s and Teens The virtual teen book club met Oct. 20 on Zoom, and four teens attended to discuss the young adult title Scream All Night by Derek Milman. The teens also chose selections to read between January and June 2021. The teen book club participants receive a free copy of the monthly book selection to keep if they sign up to attend the virtual meetings. Children’s Librarian Allyson Goodwin and Library Assistant Christina Lorenzo hosted the first meeting of the Book Explorers children’s book club on Oct. 13 with six children. Children had the opportunity to introduce themselves to the group and learn the group will be reading Efren Divided by Ernesto Cisneros. Copies of the book were made available to book club members via curbside service and the library’s eBook service Libby. To support local schools during the pandemic, the Library & Cultural Arts Department has entered into an agreement allowing local Carlsbad Unified School District students access to digital library materials via a special platform acquired by the district called Sora by OverDrive. Students will have access to more than 3,300 titles from the library’s youth eBooks and eAudiobooks collections by checking out these materials using their student identification number. The department’s agreement also includes Pacific Ridge and will extend to other local schools and districts that acquire Sora in the future. The annual In-N-Out Burger Cover-to-Cover Club reading program launched on Oct. 3 and runs through Nov. 14. Children ages 4-12 can earn a certificate for a free hamburger or cheeseburger for every five books read, up to a total of three certificates. This is the third year the program has been offered in Beanstack, the library’s web-based reading tracker. As was done with the Summer Reading Program, patrons may pick up their rewards through the curbside library service. As of Oct. 31, 486 people had registered, and 470 certificates had been picked up across the three library locations. Carlsbad City Library made Halloween a little brighter for children and teens by handing out Halloween trinket bags at all three libraries to curbside patrons who have children and/or teens. Items included Halloween-themed pencils, erasers, stampers and stickers for children and a book light or coin purse for teens. Five hundred children’s and 76 teen trinket bags were handed out the days leading up to, and including, Halloween. A team of Library & Cultural Arts staff collaborated to create free art kits for teens on how to create a graphic novel. The art kits were distributed in October to tie in with TeenTober, a month-long celebration suggested by the Young Adult Library Services Association to recognize teens in libraries. Distribution began on Oct. 21, and 36 teen art kits were distributed via curbside service at all three libraries in October. Page 8 of 16 Monthly Library Report for October 2020 Library staff collaborated on three TweenScene virtual programs for students in grades 4-6. Tweens learned how to create tie-dye masks on Oct. 5, solved an engineering problem together on Oct. 19 and experienced a creepy Escape Room featuring cryptids and scary legends from around the world on Oct. 26, just in time for Halloween! Attendance at these programs averaged seven participants per program. Georgina Cole … The North San Diego County Genealogical Society (NSDCGS) held two live webinar programs in October using the society’s GoToWebinar subscription. On Oct. 13, 75 people attended an Intermediate Genealogy Class taught by NSDCGS President Tom Cousineau covering finding military records online. One hundred and five people attended the Oct. 27 Genealogy Program meeting, taught by Ted Gostin on finding vital records online using tools beyond Ancestry and FamilySearch. Learning Center … On Oct. 1, the Evening Spanish Book Club launched on Zoom for the first time with an enthusiastic group of 17 people in attendance. Community Outreach Supervisor Mayra Turchiano went over the book club book selection list, the meeting dates and group discussion rules. The Daytime Spanish Book Club met on Oct. 20 via Zoom to discuss Patria by Fernando Aramburu. Retired Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson moderated the group’s discussion with five attendees. Joanne B. graduated from Career Online High School in less than five months, a true accomplishment since the program usually takes 18 months. Joanne entered and completed the program during the pandemic. Six students are currently enrolled in Career Online High School, and two additional students are currently on a leave of absence. Literacy staff continue to find ways to keep tutors and learners connected through check-in calls, emails with links to resources and virtual program development. The priority is to provide learners with resources and activities focused on the top three learner goals: read a book, write a letter, develop digital literacy skills. Seventy-six volunteer hours were logged by Literacy Services tutors who have worked with their learners remotely. Library Assistant Sandra Riggins facilitated four virtual News Crew groups where learners practiced reading skills by reading about and discussing current events using the News for You newspaper, which is aimed at helping people improve their reading, writing and comprehension of English. Literacy Services continued to distribute books to learners in the “Build Your Home Library” program funded by the state grant. More than 100 fiction and biography books have been mailed to 29 adult learners so far (nearly half of the program’s enrolled learners). Page 9 of 16 Monthly Library Report for October 2020 Outreach and Community Connections … In October, staff coordinated deliveries of 42 items to five of the patrons in the library’s homebound program. Two new community members signed up to receive library materials from the program. On Oct. 13, Community Outreach Supervisor Mayra Turchiano presented to 12 MAAC Head Start parents via Zoom on the library’s mail ballot drop-off, open hours for computer use and account service, online resources for families and the In-N-Out Reading program. On Oct. 19, three library staff members presented via Google Meets to a Calavera Middle School class of 16 sixth graders, their teacher and the school’s library media technician. Library staff presented about curbside service, how to get reading recommendations, how to access online services such as Tutor.com and more. The presentation was also recorded by school staff to be replayed at a later date for other groups of students. Page 10 of 16 New Online Library Accounts eBooks/eAudiobooks 225 New Users 16,259 Downloads 294 Added downloadable titles & extra copies 106 Project Gutenberg titles selected CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY 444 in October 3,511 April to Oct. 31 Curbside Service – Launched June 1 Service October June 1 to Oct. 31 Holds Placed 25,501 93,299 Items Checked Out 21,546 97,070 Items Returned 21,932 108,253 # of Patrons Using Service 3,285 13,552 12,252 20,797 20,583 21,892 21,54619,402 23,830 19,381 23,708 21,932 5,000 7,000 9,000 11,000 13,000 15,000 17,000 19,000 21,000 23,000 25,000 June July August September October Items Checked Out vs. Items Returned Items Checked Out Items Returned Library Website Library@Home Biblioteca en Casa Digital services Adult eBook recommends Children’s eBookrecommends Youth resources 402 Visits in October 39,366 Webpage Views in October October 2020 Virtual Programs •Storytimes •Living Room Concerts •Author Talks •Summer Reading Adventure Events •Book clubs •Workshops 27 Programs Introduced in October New eResources introduced in October JobNow & VetNow (courtesy of California State Library) Homebound Services Launched June 8 42 Items to 5 Patrons in October ITEM #5 Page 11 of 16 ~- -