HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-09; City Council; ; Status of Wastewater FundCA Review _ RMC__ Meeting Date: Feb. 9, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Vicki Quiram, Utilities Director vicki.quiram@carlsbadca.gov, 760-438-2722 Ryan Green, Finance Director ryan.green@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2414 Subject: Status of Wastewater Fund Districts: All Recommended Action Receive a report on the status of Wastewater Fund. Executive Summary On Nov. 19, 2019, the City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 2019-244, which approved rate increases for wastewater service. Wastewater rates had not increased for the previous four years. The resolutions approved 3% rate increases for calendar years 2020 and 2021. Wastewater rates for the City of Carlsbad continued to remain among the very lowest in the region. Given current fund balances and spending targets, Wastewater Fund balances may only support the City Council-adopted Wastewater Master Plan Capital Improvement Program goals with additional rate increases beginning in 2022. Staff estimates current rates must increase by 5%-10% each year to fund these goals, which may put the city’s rates closer to the mid-range when compared with other cities and districts in San Diego County. Sustained investment in the city's aging wastewater infrastructure is critically needed to prevent sewer spills, protect the health and safety of city residents and visitors and safeguard the natural environment, including parks and beaches. These critical goals may only be met with future rate increases. Discussion On Sept. 17, 2019, the Carlsbad City Council approved an updated Sewer Master Plan via Resolution No. 2019-183. Implementation of this plan added $63 million over the next 15 years for capital costs to maintain and upgrade the wastewater system throughout the city. These costs increased the wastewater capital budget from an average of $8 million to $12 million per year. These upgrades are needed to repair aging assets, extend the useful life of infrastructure, meet federal and state regulations and continue to provide environmentally compliant wastewater services to Carlsbad customers. Feb. 9, 2021 Item #4 Page 1 of 4 In 2019, staff also worked with a consultant on a cost-of-service study, which included a financial model and rate analysis. Wastewater rates had not increased for four years, from 2016 to 2019 and major repairs were deferred until the Sewer Master Plan was approved. The deferral of major repairs resulted in accumulated reserve funds. The updated cost-of-service study and Sewer Master Plan were necessary to determine the need for future rate increases. In its Nov. 19, 2019, approval of Resolution No. 2019-244, the City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors approved a 3% increase in wastewater rates beginning in January 2020 and an additional 3% increase beginning in January 2021. The accompanying staff report also summarized the plan to use approximately 42% of operating reserves and $18.3 million in capital reserves over the subsequent two years to fund capital improvements, draw reserves down to the city standard and smooth rate increases. The financial model that was included in the cost-of-service study showed that higher increases are needed in future years. While rates increased in 2020 and 2021, the city has maintained some of the very lowest rates in the region. If the rates in Carlsbad were adjusted to sustain the Capital Improvement Program plan, rates are estimated to increase by 5%-10% each year. This increase would move rates closer to the mid-range of other cities and districts’ rates in San Diego County. The table below further breaks down the fund balance by type as of June 30, 2020, with notes to explain the purpose and expectation of these balances: Wastewater Fund balances1 Fund type Balance as of 6/30/2020 Notes Operations $4.5 million unrestricted The operations reserves are slightly below the 40% target, which is about $7 million. This balance can be increased over the next five years with rate increases. Connection fees $5.2 million restricted Capital Improvement Program projects totaling $22 million (10 projects) are programmed over the next 15 years. Connection fees are paid by new development. A shortfall in revenue will necessitate project delays. 1 Fund balances are presented on a consolidated level in the city’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Feb. 9, 2021 Item #4 Page 2 of 4 Fund type Balance as of 6/30/2020 Notes Replacement $28.7 million unrestricted Capital Improvement Program projects totaling $209 million, about half of which are Encina Wastewater Authority capital projects, are programmed over the next 15 years. Higher rate increases will be needed to support these projects. However, staff is revisiting the program to better schedule the work that can be accomplished each year. This revised timeline will be integrated into the next cost-of-service study rate model. Sewer benefit areas2 $6.5 million restricted Staff is analyzing projects that may be candidates for the use of these funds. The improvements identified in the 2019 Sewer Master Plan Update are required to maintain a fully functioning wastewater collection system and treatment facility. The city’s sustained investment in its aging wastewater infrastructure is essential to prevent sewer spills, protect the health and safety of its residents and visitors, and safeguard the natural environment, including Carlsbad’s parks and beaches. Based on this plan, and the cost-of-service study, rate increases will be required to fund these improvements. Additional factors impacting the cost of wastewater operations In addition to the planned Capital Improvement Program increases, the following realities and unexpected events are increasing the cost of providing wastewater service: • Aging infrastructure of both the city and Encina Wastewater Authority • Delayed project implementation resulting in higher construction costs • Decreasing wastewater volumes associated with water conservation causing higher treatment costs at Encina Wastewater Authority due to strength and volume reduction • Encina Wastewater Authority’s California Public Employee’s Retirement System retirement liability payoff • Encina Wastewater Authority’s $95 million of capital requirements for infrastructure over the next 10 years • Construction projects at Agua Hedionda and Foxes Lift Stations exceeding budget • Emergency repairs that are not accounted for in the budget 2 Sewer benefit areas designate additional fees charged above the general capacity fee to pay for planned facilities that serve more than one development project in a specific area. Feb. 9, 2021 Item #4 Page 3 of 4 •Expected sanitary sewer overflow fines associated with the April 2020 rains and caused by the City of Vista's trunk line backup into the City of Carlsbad's lateral sewer lines The COVID-19 pandemic has also caused a shift in wastewater generation and revenue as people use more water at home and some businesses remain closed, necessitating a reconsideration of how wastewater rates are structured. Fiscal Analysis This staff report does not authorize any changes to budget or appropriations, so there is no fiscal impact at this time. The longer-range fiscal impact will be explored in the future, as outlined in the section below. Next Steps Staff is reexamining the Capital Improvement Program plan and considering which projects may need to be delayed and which project budgets need to be revisited. Staff will also be updating the 2019 cost-of-service study in 2021, in preparation for the next round of rate increases in 2022. Any proposed changes in rates based on the 2021 cost-of-service study results will be brought before the City Council for its consideration and approval. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) This action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under Public Resources Code section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits None. Feb. 9, 2021 Item #4 Page 4 of 4 Vicki Quiram, Utilities Director Ryan Green, Finance Director Status of Wastewater Fund Feb. 9, 2021 Carlsbad’s wastewater rates •Wastewater rates for the City of Carlsbad continue to remain among the very lowest in the region •The Wastewater Master Plan Capital Improvement Program goals require additional rate increases, likely beginning in 2022 •Staff estimates rate increases of 5%-10%, in the near future, each year to fund these goals 2 History •Rates held flat for four years 2016 through 2019 •Sewer Master Plan Update was required before: •Capital projects could be added to the CIP (Master Plan) •Rate increases could be justified (Cost of Service Study) 3 History (cont.) •Sewer Master Plan Update approved on Sept. 17, 2019 •$63M additional over next 15 years was needed for repair and rehabilitation of the aging wastewater system •An average annual increase of $4.3 million to $12 million per year •This includes paying our share of the costs of Encina Wastewater Authority JPA 4 •Sewer operations –$4.5 million unrestricted -Generated when revenues exceed expenses and transfers out. Is used for day to day operations and to fund Sewer Replacement Fund •Sewer connection –$5.2 million restricted for capital assets -Fees collected for connection to the system to pay for use of initial infrastructure •Sewer benefit areas –$6.4 million restricted -Collected in specific development areas to pay for planned facilities (constructed by developers or the city) that serve more than one neighborhood in a specific area •Sewer replacement –$28.7 million unrestricted -Funds are transferred in from the Sewer Operations Fund to replace aged infrastructure built with Sewer Connection Fund and Sewer Benefit Area Fund funds (Balances are as of June 30, 2020)5 Sewer funds and fund balances 6 $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 Transfers to Sewer Replacement Fund •Cost of Service Study or Rate Analysis completed in 2019 •In order to properly operate and maintain the city’s wastewater system, 3% rate increases were approved to occur in Jan. 2020 and Jan. 2021, with a plan to use reserves to flatten the needed increase •Financial model suggested rates needed to increase significantly over the following years to meet projected cash flow needs 7 History (cont.) 8 Wastewater rate comparison 2019 Regional Monthly SFR Wastewater Bill $160 $140 iii $120 >-:E $100 E 0 ~ $80 $60 ------------- --- $40 01U111 11 1III $20 $- -Fixed Charge -Commodity Charge Wastewater Budget •30,000 connections •Collection System –288 miles, 11 lift stations, 6,000 access holes •Encina Wastewater Treatment Facility •Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility •Complying with all regulations to protect public health and the environment 24/7 9 $2.1 Billion in Aging Utilities Assets 10 Footage Percentage < 10 Years 24,362.90 1.73% 10-50 Years 1,119,265.00 79.66% 50-100 Years 261,455.00 18.61% > 100 Years 1,405,082.90 100.00% 11 FY2021 Budget Proposal Utilities Asset Management Goal –Manage the lifecycle of sewer assets in a way that minimizes costs while providing appropriate levels of service at acceptable levels of risk. 12 Asset Management Master Plan •Added to Master Plans for the first time •*Data-driven CIP Budget Forecast estimates •More accurate 15-year estimates •Transition to performance-based planning *Asset Mgmt program budgets include Sewer Condition Assessment (5513) and Sewer Line Refurbishments and Replacement (5503) 13 Capital Projects 14 Pipe Age FY22 FY23 Total Encina Capital Projects $5,383,095 $6,217,360 $11,600,455 Buena Interceptor Sewer Improvements $750,000 $4,486,296 $5,236,296 Orion Center $1,500,000 $2,202,975 $3,702,975 SCADA Improvements $1,198,200 $-$1,198,200 Sewer Line Capacity Improvements $870,000 $-$870,000 Sewer Line Refurbishments And Replacement $1,850,000 $1,850,000 $3,700,000 Terramar Area Coastal Improvements $500,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 Vista Carlsbad Intercepter -Rehabilitation (VC1 & VC2)$1,795,000 $-$1,795,000 Historical & Future Capital Investment $0 $10,000,000 $20,000,000 $30,000,000 $40,000,000 $50,000,000 $60,000,000 Capital Expenses Capital Expenses Adjusted for Inflation Capital Projection 8-29 16 Gravity Sewer and Access Hole Renewal Cost Forecast c 0 -n, 6.0 5.0 'E 4.0 00 C -0 ::::, u 3.0 X Q) C 0 ~ 2.0 -VI 0 u 1.0 ID ~ N "'$12 .9M difference between age-based and condition-based forecasts Condition assessment over the next 5-10 years wi ll provide long- term condition-based forecast 00 N C> N C> N V \D 00 a ~ tS ~ a N N N N N • Condition-Based C> N V \D g g g g N N N N ---Age-Based 00 g N .,_,. I.I') C> N 00 ~ N Projects •Current/Recent Sewer Line Refurbishment Projects: –Condition assessments on wet wells at sewer lift stations –Performed condition assessments on Batiquitos and VC trunk lines –Palomar Airport Rd at Yarrow/Airport intersection break repair –Terramar Improvement Area sewer main replacement (replacing two lines with defects and relocating manholes/mains b/c of roundabout) –Highland and Chinquapin sewer main replacement collapsed sewer mains progress –Forcemain improvement at Poinsettia LS add surge tank 17 Next Steps •Continue to prepare CIP Budget with special attention to project needs and timing •Complete Cost of Service Study •Return to Council with CIP Budget and Recommended Rates 18 Questions 19 Summary of Capital Expenses FY2021 Budget Proposal Capital Summary FY2020Budget 2020 Projectionof FY2021 FY2021Proposed $Change %Change EWPCF – Capital Improvements $17,594,480 $20,374,951 $16,921,000 ($3,453,951) -17.0% EWPCF – Planned Asset Rehabilitation & Replacement $969,600 $989,000 $989,500 $500 0.1% EWPCF – Capital Acquisitions $341,100 $348,000 $346,700 ($1,300)-0.4% Remotes Facilities – Acquisitions & Rehabilitation $920,300 $939,000 $3,176,500 $2,237,500 238.3% Subtotal $19,825,480 $22,650,951 $21,433,700 ($1,217,251) -5.4% Salaries & Benefits $2,665,096 $2,718,000 $2,815,323 $97,323 3.6% Total Capital Expense $22,490,576 $25,368,951 $24,249,023 ($1,119,928) -4.4% 8-10 FY2021 Proposed Budget FY2021 Budget Proposal8-18 FY21 Liquid -Primary ($6.4M) Primary Area Improvements $6.4M (Constr.) FY2021 Budget Proposal8-19 FY21 Liquid -Secondary ($500k) Sec. Clarifiers & Strainers $500k (Constr.) FY2021 Budget Proposal8-20 --------.,. Digester Nos. 4, 5, 6 Improvements $500k (Const.) FY21 Solids -Digestion ($500k) FY2021 Budget Proposal8-21 FY21 Solids -Biosolids($310k) Solids Thickening Improvements$210k Heat Dryer 1 Rehab. $100k FY2021 Budget Proposal8-22 Cogen Engine Full Overhaul$900K FY21 Energy Management ($900K) FY2021 Budget Proposal8-23 As Needed Contractor $1.0M Professional Services $1.28M FY21 General Plant Assets ($4.8M) Plant-Wide Painting and Coating $55k Flow EQ Settlement $600k Other Misc. $460k Climate Control and HVAC Improvements $1.0M ORF Carbon Replacement $100k FY2021 Budget Proposal8-24 Cogen Wall Repair$1.5M FY21 Unanticipated Projects ($3.25M) Biosolids Mgmt. Plan$350k Dryer Safety $500k Network Improvements Phase 1&2 $900k South Parcel Ag. Mitigation Fee $284k FY2021 Budget Proposal8-25 FY20/21 Capital Improvement Program 15-year CIP Overview: •Sewer Connection -New developments for increased capacity projects •$22 M programed (10 projects) •Current balance 5.2M New development connection fees? •Sewer Replacement -transfers from the operating fund •$255M ($209M remaining) programed •23 city pipeline repair rehab and replacement projects •Encina Capital Project: $135 million (53%) •Should be moving approx. $12M/year from the operating fund into the replacement fund. Currently $5M (depreciation only) •Started 2 years ago -raised rates and used reserves began analysis 29 Rate history •Wastewater rates have been held flat for the past four years, as the utility experienced lower than anticipated expenditures for several years in a row that increased the reserves. The recommended revenue increase is 3% effective for one year beginning Jan. 1, 2020, and 3% for one year beginning Jan. 1, 2021. A portion of wastewater operating reserves will be used to offset the rate increases. •The proposed rate increases are needed primarily for: –EWPCF's three-year 100% CalPERS retirement liability payoff –Increased energy and chemical costs –Capital budget for EWPCF infrastructure of $95 million over the next 10 years –Approximately $63 million over 15 years in the city's approved FY 2019-20 CIP for assessment, repair and rehabilitation of the wastewater system to extend the useful life of the system assets –Basic increases in the city's operating costs due to inflation 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 000000 Co 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> -00 0 ~ 0 0 <> % 0 <2 oo O ooo 0 0 32 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MULTI-YEAR PROJECTS Actual FY20H Bud,g:et Fi'2-Q2-0 Rl!commended Ff2.02:1 liquid Process $ 6,545,058 $ 7,602,220 $ 7,500,00() Outfall $ 28,406 $ 567,000 $ ll6,000 5'1/ids Process $ 2,368,524 $ 3,611,5.60 $ 1,66D,OOO E.11ergy .M'a11ageme11t $ 913,686 $ 450,000 $ 900,000 General $ 161,491 $ 4,178,700 $ 3,966,000 Technokilgy $ $ $ 1,385,000 Profess.ionol Services $ 2,066,46.1 $ 1,175,000 $ 1,284,000 Total EWPCF -Capital lm,provement:s $ U .083,616 $ 17,594,480 $ 16,921,000 EWPCF-Planned As.sl!t Rl!habilit:ltion. & Replacement s 772,090 s 969,600 s 9&9.500 EWPCf -Ca,pital Acquisillions s 4,10,240 $, 341,100 $ 346,700 Remote Fadlioes -Acquisitions & Rehabilitatiion $ 48&,305 $ 920,300 s 3,176.900 Perwnnl!I $ 2,,417,309 $ 2,665,096 s 1,815,323 T,otal Capit3'I 1Expensl! $ 16,171.51'0 $, 22,4,!lOiS,76 $ 24;2A!l,023 33 ENCi NA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY Budget I Fiscal Y,eair 2.021 EWPCF -CAP ITAL IMPROVEMENTS Org Objert !Project Description Amount Totals. 912101 8300 11005 ~imary Area Improvements s 6,400,000 9'H02 8300 13007 Secondary Olarifiers and Strainers Improvements $ 500,000 912102 8300 13022 Secondary Flow Equalization Basin Settlement s 600,000 Total liquid Process $ 7,500,000 92101 8300 21006 Ocean Outfal I -Integrity Assessment s 226,000 Total Out/ull $ 226,000 9'2101 8300 31002 Solids Thickening Improvements s 210,000 9'2102 8300 32013 Di~ester Rellabilitation and Improvements s 500,000 92101 8300 3.3025 Heat Dryer 1 Rellab s 100,000 92102 8300 3.30-26 Heat Dryer Safety Phase 3 1[from HAZOP) $ 500,000 92102 8300 3.3027 Biosolid:s Mana~ement Plan Upd<ate s 3.S0,000 Total Solids Process $ 1,6'60,000 92102 8300 41007 Cogen Engine FuD Overhaul 900,000 34 911.101 .8.300 51r002 OJtF Carbon Med:ia Replacement s 101,000 912.102 .8300 5~0-21 Climate Cammi at MCCs andl Cogen Suildin,g s 400,000 9'2.101 .8.300 53:004 Adm in Building ChiJler R-eplacement s 610,000 9'2.101 .8.300 51032 Plant-Wide Asse,t Paintiin.g andl Protective Coating s 55,000 !U101 .8.300 53016 Cogen Wall Repair s 1,500,000 912102 .8300 54005 Im pleme nt Minor C.oru:liticm Assessment Rernmmeru:lations s 15-D,000 911.101 .8.300 5A006 As-Needed Contractor Services s 1,000,000 9,1.101 .8.300 5A007 Miscellaneous. Buildin,g Rehabilitaliion s 150,000 Total G!!"1era1 s 3,966,000 912101 8300 6.2708 Docum ent Management S','sltem Up:grade s 160~000 91.102 .8.300 61205 Network Im prove men ts Phase 1 & 2 s 900,000 912101 8.300 61514 As-Needed SCAOA ln~liation Ser\Aices s 325,000 T,otal Tedma!c,gr s 1,3.85,000 911.101 .8300 B.l!0:16 Asset Conditio n Assessmenms -EWPCF s 11.00,00CJ 912101 .8.300 B.3001 E-CAMP Update s 150,000 911.101 8.300 84001 Exite111Sion of Staff E°'gineering Services. s 650,000 912.10.2 .8300 84002 Research and Develapmen.t Projects Servkes s 100,000 9!2.102 .8300 B.5009 South Parcel Agricultural Mitigation F-ee s 284,000 Total Professiano, SeNices $ 1,284,000 Total EWPClr -Ca;pital lmpmvements: $ 16,9121,000 FY 2019-20 results •Reduced usable fund balance (excludes non-SBA and capital assets) by $0.8 million -Revenues exceeded expenses by $1.3 million •COVID-19 resulted decrease in commercial and industrial revenue •These wastewater rates are based on water consumption -$0.5 million in net additions to capital (additions less depreciation) •Finished year better than COS study plan, largely due to lower than expected CIP execution 35 Capital Improvement Program 36 Sewer Fund FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 Connection $6.7M $9.2M $17.6M $6.7M Replacement $6.1M $24.7M $24.9M $10.8M Beginning fund balances: Higher than average CIP expenditures post-2019. Capital Improvement Program Encina Capital Projects: •FY 2012 through FY 2020 average annual budget: $3.5 million •Forecast 15-year CIP average annual budget: $7.0 million City 15-year CIP average annual budget: •Connection: $1.2 million •Replacement: $10.8 million (includes $7.0 million for Encina) 37