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March 30, 2020 Grand Pacific Palisades Hotel LP. 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Subject: INTRODUCTION Mr. Houston Arnold As-Graded Report Hilton Tapestry Hotel 5803 Armada Drive Carlsbad, California MTGL Project No.: 1916A14 MTGL log No.: 20-1088 We are pleased to present this report summarizing the results of geotechnical observation and testing services provided for the construction of the subject project. The purpose of our services was to obtain information on which to base our professional opinions regarding the conformance of earthwork construction with the approved project plans and specifications. Our services were performed from April 9, 2019 through February 28, 2020. A soils technician was provided whenever requested or scheduled by your site representative. SUMMARY OF GRADING OPERATIONS In general, the project consisted of construction of a hotel in a site already sheet-graded with a building pad. Grading operations consisted of overexcavating the existing fill on the site down to formational material and replacing it as compacted structural fill. Excavations extended to depths of seven (7) to about eight and one-half (8-1/2) feet below ground surface; excavations included shallow foundations and underground utility trenches, and preparation of subgrades for slabs on grade and flatwork. Grading was performed by Trinity Excavating, Four Corners Concrete, and Remedy Plumbing using hydraulic excavators, backhoes, bulldozers, skip loaders, sheepsfoot wheel rollers, vibratory drum rollers and tamping foot compactors. FILL MATERIALS Fill soils placed during grading consisted of clayey sand (SC), derived from on-site excavation cuttings. Oversize materials, greater than 3 inches in size, were not placed with the fill materia Is. Representative soil samples were collected throughout grading operations. Laboratory testing included maximum dry density versus optimum moisture content. The results of the laboratory testing are presented in Table 1. FIELD DENSITY/MOISTURE TESTING In-place moisture and density tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM D 6938 for soils. The results of these tests are tabulated in Table 2. Field density testing was performed at random locations and elevations. The approximate locations of the field density tests are shown on the Test Location Plan, Figure 1. 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C I San Diego, California 92121 P: 858.537.3999 I F: 858.537.3990 I www.mtglinc.com GEOTECHNICAl E:NGINEERING I CONSTRUCTION INSPECrlON I MATERIALS TESTING I ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION AND CONCLUSIONS In our opinion, remedial grading and structural fill placement and utility trench backfill were performed in substantial conformance with the compaction criteria of 90 percent of the maximum dry density. Our conclusions are based on the observations and testing performed between April 9, 2019 and June 17, 2019. No representations are made as to the quality and extent of materials not observed. Our services were performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable soils engineers and geologists practicing in this or similar localities. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice included in this report. Our firm is not responsible for work not observed by us or for any changes that may occur outside of our purview, or after our inspections. The samples taken and used for testing, the observations made and the in-place field testing performed are believed representative of the project; however, soil and geologic conditions can vary significantly between tested or observed locations. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully submitted, MTGL, Inc. ---=-~ Appendix A -References Figure 1-Test Location Plan Table 1-Maximum Dry Density and Op 1mum Moisture Content Test Results Table 2 -Field Density Test Results 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C I San Diego, California 92121 ---P: 858.537.3999 IF: 858.537.3990 I www.mtgl1nc.com GEOTECHNICAL ENG I NEERING I CONSTRUCJ'ION INSPECTION I MATERIALS TESTING I ENVIRONMENTAL REFERENCES 6295 Ferris Square, Suite CI San Diego, California 92121 11: 858.537.3999 I F: 858.537.3990 \" www.mtglfnc.com GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING I CONSTRUCrtON INSPECTION I MATERIALS TESTING I ENVIRONMENTAL REFERENCES 1. MTGL, Inc., 2017, Geotechnical Investigation, Hilton Tapestry Resorts Expansion, 5803 Armada Drive, Carlsbad, California, 1916A12, dated November 20. 2. MTGL, Inc. 2019, Building Pad Certification-Hilton Tapestry Hotel, 5803 Armada Drive, Carlsbad, California, CA, dated May 15. 3. NOAA Group, 2018, Building Plans for Hilton Tapestry, 5803 Armada Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, dated July 16. 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C I San Diego, California 92121 P: SSlf.537:3999 I F: 858.537.3990 I www.mtgllnc.ccirn GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING I CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION I MATERIALS TESTING j ENVIRONMENTAL .. ,N ,;:.I wH66' CHfl/f'... w cc,rn;;p, "i'!ll/\'\f ~ f1TN ~, ---~"~-t. .,.. Ho. ovr ----:. ~Tt,1 '£ ~ •I' S-€0.<J.G,>,._ ~ 1 33 AJN~C$wT ~~-! <I -&--z__, 1Jkt'-1>/.-J(=, ~ -, •{ 34 , No/lnl or ~-;:_ >R.,,uw~1 ', ... 'v ' ·, / / .., .,. l\:; '-'-' ,,. .:-: ·""' i .. , / ....... ' •: , \ "i. ,.~-.. "'"·;~,,., ; ... ·, :i-.... #/ ,_ ' ""'\, &. ~;-",, '·, ·,;;::., ... -· , J/· :--~· • ", -,, •. l :.:. -~ .. ..,. ~> ,,~ --~~,. . <. ,, _-r1 :>, =--/ k .. ,,'' • '.<( ~ • ~-/ • 41 '-" -:, , . , l•· • "'-.. :: :I'( , " , ,• . f<> ,'": Si . '--¢,~ ~ A-1 -{ . ·. .~ . 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FIGURE TABLE 1 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST RESULTS Lab No. Description Dry Density Optimum PCF Moisture,% 081 Clayey Sand (SC} 127.3 9.8 082 Clayey Sand {SC) 126.3 10.0 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C I San Diego, California 92121 ------15: ... g~g-:~37~3999· I F:858753/.5990 I WwW.rfff{<linc.cOm GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING I CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION I MATERIALS TESTING I ENVIRONMENTAL Test Elevation/Depth No. Test Date Ft. 1 4/9/19 FG-5' 2 4/9/19 FG-5' 3 4/9/19 FG-3.5' 4 4/9/19 FG-3.5' 5 4/9/19 FG-1.5' 6 4/9/19 FG-1.5' 7 4/10/19 154.0 8 4/10/19 154.0 9 4/10/19 149.0 10 4/10/19 148.0 11 4/10/19 151.0 12 4/10/19 151.0 13 4/10/19 152.5 14 4/10/19 153.0 15 4/11/19 149.0 16 4/11/19 148.0 17 4/11/19 149.0 DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Soil Max. Dry Moisture Location/Station lype Density (pcf) Content 1%) Overex. @NE side of bldg. @ Line 14- 24/A-I 81 127.3 9.6 Overex. @NE side of bldg. @ Line 14- 24/A-I 81 127.3 8.8 Overex. @NE side of bldg. @ Line 14- 24/A-I 81 127.3 10.4 Overex. @NE side of bldg. @ Line 14- 24/A-I 81 127.3 9.9 Overex. @NE side of bldg. @ Line 14- 24/A-I 81 127.3 10.2 Overex. @NE side of bldg. @ Line 14- 24/A-I 81 127.3 9.5 Overex. @ Line 14- 24/A-I 81 127.3 10.2 Overex. @ Line 14- 24/A-I 81 127.3 10.1 Overex. @ Line 14 24/1-P 81 127.3 11.2 Overex. @ Line 14- 24/1-P 81 127.3 10.4 Overex. @ Line 14 24/1-P 81 127.3 9.9 Overex. @ Line 14 24/1-P 81 127.3 10.5 Overex. @ Line 14 24/1-P 81 127.3 11.8 Overex. @ Line 14- 24/1-P 81 127.3 10.4 Bldg. overex.; bottom formational 9.3 Bldg. overex.; bottom formation al 11.3 Bldg. overex.; bottom formational 10.3 Ory Density (pcf) 118.2 117.6 117.5 116.0 116.7 117.8 123.3 119.6 116.0 117.9 116.3 118.1 117.4 118.1 115.4 113.5 119.4 MTGL Project No. 1916A14 Log No. 20-1088 l"e,anve "equ,red Compaction Com'1action (%) (%) 93 90 92 90 92 90 91 90 92 90 93 90 97 90 94 90 91 90 93 90 91 90 93 90 92 90 93 90 Form- ational mater'lal Form- ational material Form- ational material Test Elevation/Depth No. Test Date Ft. Location/Station Bldg. overex.; bottom 18 4/11/19 149.5 formational 19 4/11/19 155.0 Bldg overex. fill 20 4/11/19 155.5 Bldg overex. fill 21 4/11/19 150.5 Bldg overex. fill 22 4/11/19 151.0 Bldg overex. fill 23 4/11/19 149.5 Bldg overex. fill 24 4/11/19 149.5 Bldg overex. fill 25 4/11/19 152.5 Bldg overex. fill 26 4/11/19 152.S Bldg overex. fill 27 4/11/19 152.S Bldg overex. fill Slot overex.@ side of existing 28 4/12/19 550.0 hotel Slot overex. @ side of existing 29 4/12/19 552.0 hotel Slot overex. @ side of existing 30 4/12/19 554.0 hotel Slot overex. @ side of existing 31 4/12/19 552.0 hotel Slot overex. @ side of existing 32 4/12/19 552.0 hotel Slot overex. @ side of existing 33 4/12/19 552.0 hotel 34 4/12/19 550.5 Overex. @ Line 4 35 4/12/19 550.0 Overex. @ Line 4 36 4/12/19 552.0 Overex. @ Line 4 37 4/12/19 552.0 Overex. @ Line 4 Storm drain 38 4/12/19 552.5 trench Storm drain 39 4/12/19 554.0 trench 12" Storm drain @ 40 4/17/19 150.0 E side of bldg. 12" Storm drain @ 41 4/17/19 152.0 E side of bldg. Test Elevation/Depth No. Test Date Ft. Location/Station DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Soil Max. Ory Moisture Type Dens lty ( pcf) Content(%) 12.7 81 127.3 10.0 81 127.3 10.6 81 127.3 11.9 81 127.3 8.7 81 127.3 11.2 82 126.3 9.1 82 126.3 10.2 82 126.3 11.1 81 127.3 9.2 81 127.3 10.8 81 127.3 9.2 81 127.3 11.0 81 127.3 10.4 81 127.3 11.7 81 127.3 11.5 81 127.3 9.9 81 127.3 10.4 81 127.3 10.2 81 127.3 10.0 81 127.3 9.8 81 127.3 9.7 81 127.3 11.6 81 127.3 10.7 Soll Max. Dry Moisture Type Density (pcf) Content(%) Dry Density (pd) 111.7 118.0 121.8 116.1 116.6 115.5 113.7 115.0 113.8 117.6 122.8 117.1 119.0 118.4 120.8 123.9 117.1 117.0 118.3 117.6 119.4 117.5 118.1 116.2 MTGL Project No. 1916A14 Log No. 20-1088 .. e,auve Ir.equ1reo Compaction Compaction (%) (%) Form- ational material 93 90 96 90 91 90 92 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 90 90 92 90 96 90 92 90 93 90 93 90 95 90 97 90 92 90 92 90 93 90 92 90 94 90 92 90 93 90 91 90 1Ke1a11ve 1Kequrred Ory Density Compaction Compaction (pcf) (%) (%) Test Elevatlo n/Oe pth No. Test Date Ft. 42 4/17/19 154.0 43 4/17/19 155.5 44 4/18/19 152.0 45 4/18/19 152.0 46 4/18/19 154.0 47 4/18/19 150.0 48 4/22/19 FG-4' 49 4/22/19 FG-2' so 4/22/19 Existing grade Existing 51 4/22/19 grade 32* 4/25/19 Subgrade 33* 4/25/19 Subgrade 34* 4/25/19 Subgrade 52 5/8/19 FG-5' 53 5/8/19 FG-4' 54 5/8/19 FG-4' 55 5/8/19 FG-3' 56 5/8/19 FG-3' 57 5/10/19 FG-2' 58 5/10/19 FG-2' 59 5/10/19 FG-2' 60 5/10/19 FG-2' 61 5/10/19 FG-2' 62 5/10/19 FG-2' 63 5/10/19 FG-2' 64 5/10/19 FG-2' 65 5/10/19 FG-2' 66 5/13/19 FSG 67 5/13/19 FSG 68 5/13/19 FSG 69 5/13/19 FSG 70 5/13/19 FSG Test Elevation/Depth No. Test Date Ft. DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Soil Max. Dry Moisture location/Station Type Density (ptf) Content(%) 12" Storm drain @ E side of bldg. 81 127.3 11.4 12" Storm drain @ E side of bldg. 81 127.3 9.5 Storm drain trench 81 127.3 10.1 Storm drain trench 81 127.3 10.2 Storm drain trench 81 127.3 11.1 Storm drain trench 81 127.3 10.5 Storm drain manhole 81 127.3 10.8 Storm drain manhole 81 127.3 9.8 Storm drain manhole 81 127.3 11.0 Storm drain manhole 81 127.3 9.5 Ramp 81 127.3 10.0 Ramp 81 127.3 10.1 Ramp 81 127.3 9.5 Overex. 82 126.3 8.8 Overex. 82 126.3 9.1 Overex. 82 126.3 8.1 Pad Fill 82 126.3 7.9 Pad Fill 81 127.3 9.1 Pad Fill 82 126.3 8.7 Pad Fill 81 127.3 10.1 Pad Fill 82 126.3 10.5 Pad Fill 81 127.3 9.0 Btw/MH-1 82 126.3 9.3 Pad Fill 82 126.3 11.3 Int. wall 81 127.3 10.1 Hole #1 82 126.3 11.1 Hole #2 82 126.3 8.5 Pad Fill 81 127.3 11.0 Pad Fill 81 127.3 11.1 Pad Fill 81 127.3 10.1 Pad Fill 81 127.3 10.8 Pad Fill 81 12/ . .3 11.4 Dry Density (pd) 117.2 117.9 119.9 118.3 119.2 117.1 116.1 115.2 116.2 115.6 121.3 120.7 121.2 114.2 114.8 113.8 114.7 115.1 115.2 121.4 116.7 120.0 114.6 113.7 117.4 113.1 113.6 122.5 121.3 116.3 121.8 120.1 MTGL Project No. 1916A14 Log No. 20-1088 I1<e1a~1ve I1<equ1rea Compaction Compaction [%) (%) 92 90 93 90 94 90 93 90 94 90 92 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 91 90 95 90 95 90 95 90 90 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 90 90 91 90 95 90 92 90 94 90 91 90 90 90 92 90 90 90 90 90 96 90 95 90 91 90 96 90 94 90 I1<e1auve I"equ1rea Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Density Compaction Compaction Location/Station Type Density (pcf) Content(%) (pcf) {%) (%) Test Elevation/Depth No. Test Date Ft. Location/Station 71 5/13/19 FSG Pad Fill 1* 5/15/19 FG-1' 6" Storm drain 2* 5/15/19 FG-1' 6" Storm drain 72 5/21/19 FSG-2' Water line 73 5/21/19 FSG Water line 74 5/21/19 FSG-2' Water line 75 5/21/19 FSG-2' Water line 76 5/21/19 FSG Water line 77 5/21/19 FSG-4' Elevator pit 78 5/23/19 FSG 6" Storm drain 79 5/23/19 FSG 6" Storm drain 80 5/23/19 FSG 6" Storm drain 81 5/23/19 FSG 4" Storm drain 82 5/23/19 FSG-2' 4" Storm drain 83 5/23/19 FSG 4" Storm drain 84 6/3/19 58.0 Elevator pit 85 6/3/19 59.0 Elevator pit 86 6/3/19 60.0 Elevator pit 87 6/3/19 57.0 Elevator pit 88 6/3/19 60.0 Elevator pit 89 6/3/19 58.0 Elevator pit Interior plumbing, W. 90 6/17/19 FSG end of bldg. Interior plumbing, W. 91 6/17/19 FSG end of bldg. Interior plumbing, W. 92 6/17/19 FSG-0.5' end of bldg. * Denotes test number out of sequence DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Soil Max. Ory Moisture Type Density (pcf) Content(%) 81 127.3 10.9 82 126.3 12.4 82 126.3 11.3 81 127.3 10.3 81 127.3 11.2 81 127.3 10.3 81 127.3 9.9 81 127.3 9.8 81 127.3 9.0 81 127.3 8.7 81 127.3 9.9 81 127.3 9.8 81 127.3 9.2 81 127.3 10.6 81 127.3 9.5 81 127.3 13.9 81 127.3 13.8 81 127.3 11.5 81 127.3 11.7 81 127.3 11.4 81 127.3 10.2 81 127.3 10.2 81 127.3 10.4 81 127.3 11.2 Dry Density (pcl} 119.3 113.2 115.7 125.7 118.4 115.8 122.6 121.7 122.4 115.0 118.4 117.5 116.6 120.8 120.1 114.7 115.9 120.9 117.9 115.5 121.2 116.4 117.2 116.4 MTGL Project No. 1916A14 Log No. 20-1088 11teIauve 1tequIrea Compaction Compaction (%) (%) 94 90 90 90 92 90 99 90 93 90 91 90 96 90 96 90 96 90 90 90 93 90 92 90 92 90 95 90 94 90 90 90 91 90 95 90 93 90 91 90 95 90 91 90 92 90 91 90