HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-18; Resuming Regular Operating Hours at City Parks, Trails and Beaches (Districts - All); Barberio, GaryTo the members of the: CITY COUNCIL Date_Jhs/-, CA_![_ cc ./ CM_ACM_L_DCM {3).:£_
Feb. 18, 2021
Council Memorandum
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director
{city ofCarlsbad
Memo ID #2021040
Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager (f;r'
Resuming Regular Operating Hours at 'trt� Parks, Trails and Beaches (Districts -All)
This memorandum provides information on the Director of Emergency Services' intent to
resume regular operating hours at city parks, trails and beaches, effective Feb. 22, 2021.
On March 16, 2020, the Director of Emergency Services issued a Proclamation declaring a Local
Emergency as a result of the spread of COVID-19, as authorized by Government Code Section
8630 and Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 6.04, which was ratified by the City Council on
March 17, 2020. On March 19, 2020, the Governor of the State of California issued Executive
Order N-33-20, which ordered all individuals living in the state to stay home or at their place of
residence except as needed to maintain continuity of operation of federal critical infrastructure
sectors. In response to that Executive Order, effective on March 23, 2020, the City of Carlsbad
temporarily closed city parks, trails and beaches to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
On April 24, 2020, the San Diego County Health Officer issued a Public Health Order, effective
April 27, 2020, which required the city to submit and implement Social Distancing and
Sanitation Protocols in order to open public parks and recreation areas. On April 30, 2020, the
San Diego County Health Officer issued an updated Public Health Order which included sections
pertinent to the City Council's consideration of allowing public access to the city's parks, trails
and beaches. On May 1, 2020, the City Council adopted resolutions directing and authorizing
the Director of Emergency Services to implement Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocols for
public access to (passive areas of) the city's parks, trails and beaches, in accordance with all
applicable orders from the San Diego County Department of Public Health and associated plans
(Attachment A).
Public access to the city's parks, trails and beaches went into effect on May 4, 2020, under the
modified operating hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for parks, and 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. for trails and
beaches. On June 2, 2020, the Director of Emergency Services instructed staff to further modify
operating hours for city beaches to 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., in unison with the State Parks
modification of the operating hours for state-owned beaches within the city limits.
Community Services Branch
Parks & Recreation Department
799 Pine Avenue, Suite 200 I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2826 t
Council Memo - Resuming Regular Operating Hours at City Parks, Trails and Beaches
Feb. 18,2021
Page 2
Since that date, the Director of Emergency Services has instructed staff to make several other
modifications to the COVID-19 related protocols and plans for access to city parks (including
active areas), trails and beaches, based on updated Public Health Orders from the State of
California and/or the County of San Diego, and the degree of patron compliance achieved.
Overall, the current degree of patron compliance with the Public Health Orders at city parks,
trails and beaches is significant. Monitoring of these city sites for compliance with the posted
hours and Public Health Orders has been, and continues to be, achieved through a combination
of staff from the Parks & Recreation Department and the Police Department. In instances when
non-compliance with the Public Health Orders is observed, an education-first approach is taken
in order to gain patron compliance. In most cases, that approach has been effective in
correcting patrons' unpermitted behavior. In rare cases, staff has needed to enact more
substantial measures to ensure patrons' compliance with the Public Health Orders.
With many patrons' ongoing desire to access the city's parks, trails and beaches, there has been
a recent interest expressed in resuming the regular operating hours at these sites. This interest
stems from factors such as the generally improving COVID-19 statistics within San Diego County
and the region; the gradually increasing amount of daylight (e.g., daylight savings time begins
March 14; 2021); and the routinely expanding requests for field reservations to conduct·
allowable youth sports practices and drills. Additionally, state officials have indicated the
Governor is nearing the release of additional guidance which will allow for greater activities for
youth sports.
Next Steps
Taken the above into consideration, the Director of Emergency Services will instruct staff to
resume regular operating hours at city parks, trails and beaches, effective Feb. 22, 2021.
Specifically, the operating hours will be returned to 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. for parks, and 24 hours a
day for trails and beaches. Pursuant to Section 11.32.030, Subsection 9, of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code, the regulatory signs at entrances to each of the city's parks, trails and beaches
will first be changed to reflect the above operating hours. Ongoing monitoring of these city
sites for compliance with the posted hours and Public Health Orders will continue to be
achieved through staff from the Parks & Recreation Department and the Police Department.
Attachment: A. City Council Staff Report, dated May 1, 2020 (sans Exhibits)
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Neil Gallucci, Police Chief
Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief
Mickey Williams, Assistant Police Chief
Nick .Ordille, Assistant Fire Chief
Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director
Allegra Frost, Deputy City Attorney
I •
Staff Report
Meeting Date:
Staff Contact:
May 1, 2020
Mayor and City Council
Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director
kyle.lancaster@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2822
Access to the City of Carlsbad's Beaches, Parks, Trails and Golf Course
Recommended Action
Attachment A
Receive a report on access to the City of Carlsbad's beaches, parks, trails and golf course, and
should the City Council desire to allow access to the city's beaches, parks and trails, adopt the ·
corresponding resolution(s).
Executive Summary
The City Manager called a Special Meeting of the City Council on Saturday, April 25, 2020, to
seek direction on access to beaches, parks and trails. At that meeting, after a presentation
from staff and the reading of comments from the public, the City Council voted to continue the
discussion to May 1, 2020.
On April 28, 2020, the County of San Diego provided cities with a draft of the forthcoming
update to the County Public Health Order [Exhibit 4), to be effective May 1, 2020 and continue
until further notice. As of the time of the writing of this staff report, the final County Public
Health Order had not been released. The County may have made changes to the final Public ,
Health Order before it was issued, which would not be reflected in this staff report. The
updates in the draft order include several sections which are pertinent to the City Council's
consideration of access to the city's beaches, parks, trails and golf course. Staff has prepared
plans for review and resolutions for adoption, should the City Council desire to allow access to
these sites.
On Tuesday, April 21, 2020, the City Council gave direction to the City Manager to place an item
on the May 5, 2020 agenda to discuss plans to ease restrictions on city parks and trails. At that
time, the City Council desired to delay any discussion of easing restrictions on beaches.
On Friday, April 24, 2020, the County of San Diego unexpectedly announced it would ease
restrictions contained in the County Public Health Order in order to facilitate local jurisdictions
ability to determine when and how to ease restrictions on water recreation and beach access.
May 1, 2020 Item #1 Page 1 of 182
In light of the prior discussions related to a desire to see consistency throughout the region so
large crowds were not attracted to a few spaces, the City Manager called a Special Meeting of .
the City Council on Saturday, April 25, 2020, to seek direction on access to beaches, parks and
trails. At that meeting, after a presentation from staff and the reading of comments from the
public, the City Council voted to continue the discussion to May 1, 2020.
On April 28, 2020, the County of San Diego provided cities with a draft of the forthcoming
update to the County Public Health Order, to be effective May 1, 2020 and continue until
further notice. The updated sections to the draft order which are pertinent to the City Council's
consideration of access to the city's beaches, parks, trails and golf course are provided below. .
9. All persons two years old or older who are present in the county shall have possession of
a face covering described in California Department of Public Health Face Covering
Guidance issued on April 1, 2020, · ( available at:
https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Proqrams/CID/DCDC/Paqes/Face-Coverinqs-Guidance.aspx ),
when they leave their home or place of residence and shall wear the face covering
whenever they are in a business or within six feet of another person who is not a
member of their family or household. Persons with a medical condition that prevents
wearing a face covering shall be exempt.
13. For Parks Only -Each public park and recreation area, shall operate in compliance with
the Protocol found at:
covid19/parf<s-beaches-social-distancing-protocol.pdf created and implemented by the
operator of the park. The public shall not congregate or participate in active sport
activities at a park with the exception of members of a single family or household if
authorized pursuant to the Protocol applicable. to the park. Any park at which the
Protocol requirements cannot be effectively implemented shall close. Recreational
boating shall be allowed provided all occupants of a boat are from the same family or
14. For Beaches Only -All parking lots at public beaches shall be closed. Beaches shall be
used solely for walking, running, hiking, equestrian or bicycle riding (where allowed). The
public shall not congregate or participate in active sport activities at.said facilities.
Swimming, body surfing, boogie boarding, surfing, kite surfing, paddle boarding,
kayaking, snorkeling and scuba diving from the shore may be allowed in the ocean and
bays connected thereto. Beaches where social distancing requirements cannot be
effectively implemented shall close. All other restrictions applicable to beaches pursuant
to other sections of this Order shall remain in effect.
May 1, 2020 Item #1 Page 2 of 182
15. To enhance recreational opportunities in the county, private and public golf courses may
be open for limited use provided the owner or operator of the golf course has completed
and fully implements a Golf Course Physical Distancing & Safety Plan for San Diego
County and submitted a copy of the competed form to the Public Health Officer at least
two days prior to opening. Golf courses shall comply with the temperature screening
requirements in sections 12 and 20e.
Access to the City's Beaches
Should the City Council desire to allow access to the city's beaches, staff·has prepared the
County of San Diego's requisite forms for 'Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol-Parks &
Beaches' [Exhibit 1, Attachm~nt AJ. Specifically, the forms have been completed for the
following city controlled sites:
I Agua Hedionda Lagoon I North Beach
The Human Resources and Parks & Recreation Departments have prepared a COVID-19
Pandemic Response Beach/Park/Trail Monitor: Health Screening and Site Procedure Plan'
[Exhibit 1, Attachment BJ, and developed a site monitor work schedule. Redeployed Parks &
Recreation Department staff from currently closed community centers and aquatic centers
would fill these site monitor positions. The monitors would be scheduled for coverage of the
proposed modified operating hours for these sites, i.e., 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Staff has also drafted 'COVID-19 Mandatory Precautions' signage/flyers for the sites [Exhibit SJ
and can arrange for further public education through city media releases, ebla_sts, web pages
and social media. Additionally, staff can secure supplemental sanitization services of the
common areas of these sites for enhanced public protection.
The Police Department has also prepared a 'COVID-19 Pandemic Response Beaches/Parks/Trails
Reopening Plan' [Exhibit 1, Attachment C], and the Fire Department has prepared a 'COVID-19
Response Two Phase Proposal for the North Beach Opening' [Exhibit 1, Attachment DJ.
Staff has also consulted with the State of California Parks & Recreation Department (State
Parks) on the proposed modified operating hours and the potential implementation date. State
Parks is currently awaiting direction from its headquarters on when access may be allowed on
state beaches. Staff recommends only allowing access to the city's beaches in unison with
State Parks decision to allow access to state beaches within Carlsbad. Staff has prepared a
corresponding resolution [Exhibit 1], should the City Council desire to allow access to the city's
bea_ches in unison with state beaches within Carlsbad.
Access to the City's Parks
Should the City Council desire to allow access to the city's parks, staff has prepared the County
of San Diego's requisite forms for 'Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol -Parks & Beaches'
May 1, 2020 Item #1 Page 3 of 182
[Exhibit 2, Attachment A]. Specifically, the forms have been completed for the following city
owned or controlled sites:
Alga Norte Community Park Aviara Community Park .
Cadencia Park Calavera Hills Community Park
Cannon Park Frazee/Tamarack Upper Picnic Areas
Hidden Canyon Community Park Holiday Park
Hosp Grove Park La (:osta Canyon Park
Laguna Riviera Park Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park
Maxton Brown Park Magee Park
Pine Avenue Community Park Poinsettia Community Park
Stagecoach Community Park
The 9ccess to these parks would be limited to the passive areas only. All community centers,
aquatic centers, athletic fields, sports courts, playgrounds, dog parks, skate parks and similar
active areas would remain closed. In like manner, all other park sites (and school sites under
joint use agreements) containing only active areas, such as those described above, would
remain closed .. This planned action is more restrictive than the county's protocol for parks,
which states "All active sports areas, such tennis and basketball courts, shall be limited to use
by members of a single family/household." The parks' parking lots would comply with the
county's protocol for parks, which states "Parking limitation -reduce number of available
spaces by 50%."
The Human Resources and Parks & Recreation Departments have prepared a COVID-19
Pandemic Response Beach/Park/Trail Monitor: Health Screening and Site Procedure Plan'
. [Exhibit 2, Attachment Bl, and developed a site monitor work schedule. Redeployed Parks &
Recreation Department staff from currently closed community centers and aquatic centers
would fill these site monitor positions. The monitors would be scheduled for coverage of the
proposed modified operating hours for these sites, i.e., 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Staff has also drafted 'COVID-19 Mandatory Precautions' signage/flyers for the sites [Exhibit 6]
and can arrange for further public education through city media releases, eblasts, web pages
and social media. Additionally, staff can secure supplemental sanitization services for the
restrooms and common areas of these sites for enhanced public protection.
The Police Department has also prepared a 'COVID-19 Pandemic Response Beaches/Parks/Trails
Reopening Plan' [Exhibit 2, Attachment C].
Staff could be ready to implement the above referenced plans as early as Monday, May 4, at
2:00 p.m. Staff has prepared a corresponding resolution [Exhibit 2], should the City Council
desire to allow access to the city's listed parks.
May 1, 2020 Item #1 Page 4 of 182
Access to the City's Trails
Should the City Council desire to allow access to the city's trails, staff has prepared the County
of San Diego's requisite forms for 1Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol -Parks & Beaches'
[Exhibit 3, Attachment A]. Specifically, the forms have been completed for the following city
owned sites:
Lake Calavera Preserve Macario Canyon Preserve
Veterans.Park Preserve Village H Preserve
Preserves are often considered natural 'parkland'. These four preserves each also contain trails
and Lake Calavera Preserve also contains a small restroom. Some of the trails within these
preserves are considered 'nature trails' and can be less than 6' wide. Based on these factors,
staff believes it's appropriate to submit the protocol form for these four preserve areas.
Accordingly, the monitoring protocol will be met at each site and the sanitation protocol will be
met at Lake Calavera Preserve. All other city trailheads (not within the above preserve areas)
will be posted with the applicable 'COVID-19 Mandatory Precautions' and will all preserve areas
and trail heads will receive patrolling by the Police Department.
The Human Resources and Parks & Recreation Departments have prepared a COVID-19
Pandemic Response Beach/Park/Trail Monitor: Health Screening and Site Procedure Plan'
[Exhibit 3, Attachment B], and developed a site monitor work schedule. Redeployed Parks &
Recreation Department staff from currently closed community centers and aquatic centers
would fill these site monitor positions. The monitors would be scheduled for coverage of the
proposed modified operating hours for these four preserve areas, i.e., 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Staff has also drafted 'COVID-19 Mandatory Precautions' signage/flyers for the sites [Exhibit 6]
and can arrange for further public education through city media releases, eblasts, web pages
and social media. Additionally, staff can secure supplemental sanitization services of the
restroom and common areas of these sites for enhanced public protection.
The Police Department has also prepared a 'COVID-19 Pandemic Response Beaches/Parks/Trails
Reopening Plan' [Exhibit 3, Attachment C].
Staff could be ready to implement the above referenced plans as early as Monday, May 4, at
2:00 p.m. Staff has prepared a corresponding resolution [Exhibit 3], should the City Council
desire to allow access to the city's trails.
Access to the City's Golf Course
The City Council requested a discussion nn the ability of golf courses to resume operations.
Unlike City parks, trails, and beaches, no action is required by the City Council for golf courses
to open in accordance with the newly revised May 1 County Health Order. This is because the
May 1, 2020 Item #1 Page 5 of 182
City does not have the authority to allow a nonessential business to resume. operations.
Instead, the City is bound by the County Health Order and the Governor's Executive Orders.
The state and county have categorized businesses as either essential or non-essential. If a
business is categorized as essential by the state and county, it may remain open for business,
subject to compliance with the county's social distancing and sanitation protocols and other
state and county requirements. If a business is not categorized as "essential" by the state and
county, the business is "non-essential" and must close, unless the business can provide services
from home wifhout direct contact with the public.
Golf courses have been categorized as non-essential businesses and prohibited from opening;
however, the draft update to the County Public Health Order effectively rec;:ategorizes golf
courses as a recreational facility, similar to parks and trails. The draft Order allows a private or
public golf course to open for limited use if the owner or operator completes and complies with
a County-required physical distancing safety plan and conducts temperature screenings of
employees. Unlike with parks or trails, the draft Order does not authorize local closures of golf
courses that cannot effectively implement social distancing and safety measures. Rather, it
leaves this determination to the County Public Health Officer.
JC Management, the city's contractual operator of The Crossings at Carlsbad Municipal Golf
Course, has prepared and submitted the County of San Diego's requisite form for a 'Golf Course
Physical Distancing & Safety Plan [Exhibit 7]. JC Management also prepared and submitted to
the county a golf operations 'Employee Health & Safety Standard Operating Procedures' plan
[Exhibit 8], and a corollary golf course maintenance 'Employee Health & Safety Standard
Operating Procedures' Plan [Exhibit 9].·
JC Management also drafted 'COVID-19 Mandatory Precautions' signage/flyers for the site ·
[Exhibit 10] and has arranged for further public education through its eblasts, web pages and
social media. Additionally, JC Management has secured supplemental sanitization services of
the common areas of the site for enhanced public protection.
JC Management submitted the 'Golf Course Physical Distancing & Safety Plan' (and the
supporting documents) on April 28, 2020. Per Section 15 of the updated County Public Health
Order, public golf courses must submit a completed form to the Public Health Officer at least
two days prior to opening. JC Management is intending to provide access to the city's golf
course on Saturday, May 2, 2020.
Fiscal Analysis ·
There are no fiscal impacts associated with receiving this report and discussing the item. There
would, however, be fiscal impacts associated with City Council adopting one or more of the
corresponding resolutions. The following tables identify the anticipated additional one-time
and ongoing costs associated with adopting all three resolutions. These costs would initially be
expended from the respective department's operating budget.
May 1, 2020 Item #1 Page 6 of 182
Parks & Rec Action One-Time Cost Ongoing Cost/Wk.
Additional Signage at All Sites $ 3,500
Misc. Posting Materials at All Sites $ 1,500
Sanitation Services -Restrooms & Common Areas $7,000
Rental Fencing for Closure of Active Areas $ 500
. Part-nme Staff to Replace Signs and Closures $500
Total One-Time $5,000
Total Per Week $ 8,000
Police Position/Rank # Hours Total Hours Benefitted OT Ongoing Cost/Wk.
CSO/Ranger 2 20 40 $ 76 $ 3,040
Officer/Corporal 8 20 160 $ 110 $ 17,600
Officer/Cpl./Sgt. 2 20 40 $ 118 $ 4,720
*Rates are based on fully benefitted costs and average of the ranks that would be working the position
Environmental Evaluation (CEQA)
Emergency projects are statutorily exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sec. 15269.
Public Notification and Outreach
This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act requirements related to
special meetings and was posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
1. City Council Resolution for Access to the City's Beaches
2. City Council Resolution for Access to the City's Parks
3. City Council Resolution for Access to the City's Trails
4. Updated San Diego County Public Health Order, Effective May 1, 2020
5. COVID-19 Mandatory Precautions Sign/Flyer for the City's Beaches
6. COVID-19 Mandatory Precautions Sign/Flyer for the City's Parks and Trails
7. County of San Diego Golf Course Physical Distancing & Safety Plan Form
8. Golf Operations Employee Health & Safety Standard Operating Procedures Plan
9. Golf Course Maintenance Employee Health & Safety Standard Operating Procedures Plan
10. JC Management Decrease Coronavirus Risk Sign for the City's Golf Course
11. JC Management Your Health & Safety is Our Top Priority Flyer for the City's Golf Course
12. Correspondence Received .
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