HomeMy WebLinkAbout1560 REGATTA RD; ; CBR2018-2772; RecycleCarlsbad CBR2018-2772 10/23/18 ( City of Carlsbad WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 8-59 Development Services Building Division 1635 F.aradily Avenue 760·602 2719 www.carlsbadca.gO\I Owooc f'l.a(O o,,J ~ ~ Coot,0<10" Jac¥son 0.-..urn and-~~ lobAdd,e,sc 1-s,o 12.ci,altq 12.cl. Corl~, l'hon-',mDel [<411\ 4-f~-c:il-::2.'!. 'lWII Pennlt :,, C l!,J2. --:lOle, -'27 ]').. Estlmatea cost ot f,oj,ots 41 l]~ I 00 0 Type of Project: □ New Construction )t1Rm11odd or T.I. l(Rcside11lial □ Comrmm:ial □ Dcnmlilior1 (check all that apply) D Other Non hazardous construction waste generated during the course of this pro1ect shall be recycled and/or salvaged for re use at u minimum o! 50'Yi per CALGrccn Sec. 5.406.1. ri.lili.HQ Lo comply rnuy rcsu!l in u pcn.Jll.y Ice up to $1,000. For llrOJCCLs wt1ich consist of rnuinly cQuipmcnt und/or ruckmg. lhul tiuvc u combined wciKtll ol new construction disposul lhul docs not c."Xc<:<:d 2 lb~ pP.r ~quRre foot of building ;m!R RffectP.d hy thl!'i permit. may he deemed tn m~t the 50% minimum rP-f!ulrement upon <lpprmml of B11ildi1tg Dupmlmenl. ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF COMPLIANCE: (If selected, do not complete Tables 1 & 2 below) D Con:;:Lruclion wu:;:tc Shi.Ill nol cxcccU 2 lbs. pcrsr. of urcu. All receipts sholl IJc provklcd Lo lhc auihJing Ollicii.ll prior to fl mil. (ThLC\ option not Rppllc:able for mo.en c:onstruction projects.) Squilru hmt nr coi1slruclim1 mo.J X 2 lbs. ee Ills. of illlow;iblc wilsle. )( I plun on using u WASTE MANAGEMEt,;T roll-Off bin. All recl.'iJJlS ::itlUII be provided lo lhc Buildir1g Offic:1ul prior lo linul. Table 1-Estimated Waste (TO be filled out pnorto permit tssuance refer to example on Page 2.J MATERIALS lbs. of wast11 to b!ltak1m to lhF;. Of wastA to he waste HauiinRCompanyor Re-use Method L,_NDrlLL R[-USED or R[CYCLCD Aaphult /2 7?Cj wa.= ,_ 11crc .. Bnck / Masonr;· • Curdboord lOO Drywall t.11'111 Landsc-.ap1t Dehris - Lumber/ Wood l,.fOO Metals -,,()0 Mixed Waste I .ru'JO ' J TraSh / Gart:,aa.e A.r><::) Other: TOTAL lb:i; 11,,. q--,n Estimated Percentage to be Re-Used or Recycled, ______ %. Contractor Official Use Only D Plan Approyed C Plan Denied D Pro1ect Valuation Approved Reviewed/ Approved by: _________________ _ Page 1 of? \ \ · Carlsbad CBR2018-2772 10/23/18 Table 2 -Actual Waste (To be completed after construction.) MATERIALS lbs. of waste taken to lbs. of waste LANDFILL RE-USED or RECYCLED Asphalt / Concrete Brick / Masonry Cardboard Drywall Landscape Debris Lumber/ Wood Metals Mixed Waste Trash / Garball:e Other: TOTAL lbs.: Actual Percentage Re-Used or Recycled ______ % Official Use Only Waste Hauling Company or Re-Use Method (complete only if different than Table 1) O 50% Goal Achieved O 50% Goal Not Achieved D Alternative Compliance Achieved Penalty Paid $ _______ _ Reviewed/ Approved by: ___________________ _ EXAMPLE: Use the following example as a guide to completing this form. MATERIALS lbs. of woste to be token to lbs. of waste to be Waste Hauling Cornpony or Re-Use Method LANDFILL RE-USED or RECYCLED Asphalt / Concrete r. :): ~:/ '\ °f',(' H ?K~W,,' C,r:. Brick / Masonry 1rr _i;c:;') \l\'M ' ~e· l--l~~d. 'F>n,~i~ c,.,V\.,-.s~ :~ Cardboard r, ~ r,r A\:',C H?v.'.u,v,' Cr>. Drywall -:. ,,, ,n:.c f-l~c•,tv,O (''. Land,cnpe Debi i< , , , .. .,,i.,{~·:.(::' t~ r..:.e-.. ,.s:J. (..i!/",..· S.'. ~= Lumber Wood :St/", , VV?S.~.e "l\;I l.•J.Clr.W. ell\.'. ~lernls :: : C ,,,,. V./tv1 ,, 4. T',C. ~ lt<~L'.,,,,, -·' ~Jixe<l \\"asre !. ',()( ,; WM Trash I Ga1bnge ''!,(( r ' WM Other: Pt"l c·,~,,.v ... ~--t :: orr J .,,,. !.,{.,;ed. cu; Cru:;11!~( t~a:;~ Otl\r~~i:e TOTAL lb~.: :::,·c:.r,-:, '3"=''i[· Percentage to be Re-Used or Recycled 59 % Formula: Total Re-used or Recycled X 100 = % Re-Used or Recycled (Total Combined Waste) 3870 X 100 = 59% Re-Used or Recycled (2700 + 3870) Since 59% exceeds tile minimum requirement of 50%, this plan complies. Page 2 of 2