HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-08-20; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; MinutesClean Energy Alliance - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes August 20, 2020, 2:00 p.m. City of Solana Beach I City Hall 635 S. Highway 101 I Solana Beach, CA 92075 Teleconference Locations per State of California Executive Order N-29-20. CALL TO ORDER: 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Haviland, Becker, Schumacher FLAG SALUTE: Board Member Becker led the Pledge of Allegiance. BOARD COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None Consent Calendar Item 1: Clean Energy Alliance Treasurer's Report RECOMMENDATION Receive and File Clean Energy Alliance Treasurer's Report. Motion by Board Member Schumacher, seconded by Vice Chair Becker to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 New Business Item 2: Clean Energy Alliance Interim Chief Executive Officer Report & Regulatory Affairs Update RECOMMENDATION 1)Receive and file Clean Energy Alliance Interim Chief Executive Officer Report. 2)Receive and file Clean Energy Alliance Regulatory Affairs Update Report. Barbara Boswell, Interim CEO (Chief Executive Officer), reviewed the report and presented a PowerPoint (on file) regarding the administrative and operational update including seeking clarification of non- complex by SDG&E, the results of 11 RFPs for the Communication Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy, and the recommendation of Tripepi Smith. Rider Smith, Tripepi Smith, introduced himself and other staff who would be working with CEA. Karen Villasenor, Tripepi Smith, mentioned other agencies they had worked with on CCA's. City of Carlsbad I City of Del Mar I City of Solana Beach Ty Tosdal, CEA regulatory Special Counsel, continued the PowerPoint (on file) reviewing regulatory developments including filing a joint protest regarding SDG&E's proposal to increase the PCIA (Public California Utilities Commission) rate increase based on SDG&E's application, methodology, amortization period, and the total amount that SDG&E is seeking to collect. He spoke about SDG&E's Energy Resource Recovery Account (ERRA) annual proceeding when the PCIA is set, the confidentiality agreement required to participate in procurement, and involving an outside firm to participate in this proceeding. Item 3: Clean Energy Alliance Integrated Resource Plan RECOMMENDATION Approve Clean Energy Alliance Integrated Resource Plan. Barbara Boswell, Interim CEO (Chief Executive Officer), presented a PowerPoint (on file). Kirby Dusel and Brian Goldstein, Pacific Energy Advisors, continued the PowerPoint (on file) reviewing the bi-annual process administered by the California Public Utilities Commission, the two portfolio constructs to be assembled to meet the planning requirements of this process, and the planning capacity resources of renewable technologies as well as existing resources. He said that new information provided last evening regarding incremental capacity procurement and the State's expected shortfall of 3,300 megawatts of capacity, due to cooling plants coming off-line in Southern California, and that SDG&E would be providing a list of resource information to use in the IRP (Integrated Resource Planning) to relfect the resouces that SDG&E had been procuring for customers in order to meet the 3,300 minutes megawatt mandates of incremental capacity. Boardmembers and Consultants dicussed the timeline for the IRP to be brought back, new wind resources within the State, and outreach to direct access customers. Motion by Board Member Schumacher, seconded by Vice Chair Becker to approve a Resolution that approved the Clean Energy Alliance lntergrated Resource Plan. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 Item 4: Clean Energy Alliance Credit Solution Update Barbara Boswell, Interim CEO (Chief Executive Officer), presented a PowerPoint (on file). RECOMMENDATION 1)Authorize Interim Chief Executive Officer to execute a Promissory Note with Ca!pine Energy Solutions for $400,000, to provide funding for the CEA FY 20/21 budget through February 2021; and Motion by Chair Haviland, seconded by Vice Chair Becker to approve execution of a Promissory Note with CaIpine Energy Solution and authorize funding for the CEA FY 20/21 through February 2021. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 2)Direct the Interim Chief Executive Officer to continue to work towards a credit solution for the remaining CEA start-up funding needs and to return with options at the November 19, 2020 CEA Regular Board Meeting. Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Minutes August 20, 2020 Page 2 of 4 Board Members discussed potential financing reconsideration by the City of Carlsbad and the split vote due to a current 4 seat Council, the priority to resolve financial uncertainties, and creative financial solutions. Motion by Chair Haviland, seconded by Vice Chair Becker to continue work on a credit solution for the remaining CEA startup funding needs and return with options. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 Item 5: Clean Energy Alliance Inclusive & Sustainable Workforce Policy RECOMMENDATION Review, Provide Input and Approve Clean Energy Alliance Inclusive & Sustainable Workforce Policy. Barbara Boswell, Interim CEO (Chief Executive Officer), prestented a PowerPoint (on file). Angela Ivey, Acting Board Secretary, read 7 comment submittals from the public (on file). Board Member Shumacker reviwed her suggested edits. Council, Staff, and Consultant discussed consensus edits and defining 'local' as San Diego County and any other area served by a CCA. Board Members discussed Board Member Schumacher's suggested edits for the three sections of the Workforce Policy, CEA Owned Generation Projects, CEA Feed-In Tariff Projects, and CEA Energy Efficiency Projects, the lack of support for the Project Labor Agreement (PLA) language of many jurisdictions, the language being too restrictive at this time before the launch of the CEA, that projects were several years down the road, and that other JPAs may join at a later date. Board Member Shumacker stated that the City of Carlsbad's August 18, 2020 Council meeting included discussion on the disagreement that all projects should be subject to the PLA requirement, that Ms. Shumacker's proposed language was in alignment with the the Carlsbad City Council's discussion, the language was intended to be supportive and inclusive of workers, and that SDG&E was a unionized body. Motion by Board Member Shumacker, seconded by Vice Chair Becker to approve the Schumacher draft of modifications to the Clean Energy Alliance Inclusive & Sustainable Workforce Policy, excluding CEA Owned Generation Projects, CEA Feed-In Tariff Projects, and CEA Energy Efficiency Projects sections, and adding in a definition of `localized'. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 Motion by Chair Haviland, seconded by Vice Chair Becker to approve the Staff recommendation of the three remaining sections of the Workforce Policy, CEA Owned Generation Projects, CEA Feed-In Tariff Projects, and CEA Energy Efficiency Projects. Motion carried. 2/1 (Noes: Schumacher) Item 6: Clean Energy Alliance Community Advisory Committee Workplan RECOMMENDATION Review, provide input, and approve Clean Energy Alliance Community Advisory Committee (CAC) initial scope of work and desired outcomes for the Workplan. Barbara Boswell, Interim CEO (Chief Executive Officer), presented a PowerPoint (on file). Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Minutes August 20, 2020 Page 3 of 4 Angela Ivey, Acting Board Secretary, read 2 comment submittals from the public (on file). Board Members discussed outreach to hard-to-reach communities, feedback on misinformation, addressing needs in marketing materials, keeping messaging on target, and a community advisory committee. Motion by Chair Haviland, seconded by Vice Chair Becker to approve the Clean Energy Alliance Community Advisory Committee (CAC) initial scope of work and desired outcomes for the Workplan. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 Item 7: Clean Energy Alliance Award Portfolio Manager Services RECOMMENDATION Authorize Interim Chief Executive Officer to execute an agreement with Pacific Energy Advisors to provide Portfolio Management Services through June 30, 2023, for an amount not to exceed $120,000 annually, subject to General Counsel approval. Motion by Chair Haviland, seconded by Vice Chair Becker to approve an agreement with Pacific Energy Advisors for Portfolio Management Services through June 30, 2023 for an amount not to exceed $120,000. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 Item 8: Clean Energy Alliance Interim Treasurer RECOMMENDATION Authorize Clean Energy Alliance Interim Chief Executive Officer to execute an agreement with Marie Berkuti for Interim Treasurer Services through June 30, 2021, for an amount not to exceed $10,000, subject to General Counsel approval. Barbara Boswell, Interim CEO (Chief Executive Officer), introduced the item and stated that the current Interim CEA Treasurer, Marie Berkuti, was retiring from the City of Solana Beach but would be available to continue under a contractual basis with the CEA. Motion by Chair Haviland, seconded by Vice Chair Becker to approve an agreement with Marie Berkuti for Interim Treasurer Services through June 30, 2021, for an amount not to exceed $10,000. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 BOARD MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Board Members discussed verifying the process to add items to the agendas and identifying how an alternate would be appointed to serve on the citizen advisory committee. ADJOURN: Chair Haviland adjourned the meeting at 4:18 p.m. Angela Ivey, City Clerk of Solana Beach Interim Acting Board Secretary Approved: Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Minutes cM C C e.A s10.; ( August 20, 2020 Page 4 of 4