HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 2017-0018; POLZIN RESIDENCE; FINAL SOILS REPORT; 2020-11-03South Shore Testin & Environmental
23 811 Washington Ave, Suite C 110, # 112, Murrieta, CA 92562
Phone: (951) 239-3008 FAX: (951) 239-3122
November 3, 2020
Mr. Joe Polzin
P.O. Box268
Temecula, CA 92593
Proposed Single-Family Residence
4382 Adams Street
City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California
Work Order No. 3011601.22F
Dear Mr. Polzin:
E-mail: ss.testing@aol.com
In accordance with your authorization, South Shore Testing & Environmental has compiled this
Final Report of Compaction Testing presenting the results of our observation and testing during post
grading for site improvements for the above referenced single-family residence. All compaction
test results are included in this report in Appendix C, Table I. The subject residential development
was graded and improved in accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad and the 2019
California Building Code (CBC).
The 10-scale "Landscape Improvement Plan" prepared by Robert Taft & Associates of Temecula,
California, was utilized to plot the location of all field density tests conducted during the post
grading improvements. A reduced copy of the "Landscape Improvement Plan," was utilized as a
base map for our Compaction Test Location Map, Plate 1.
Proposed Development
A single-family residence has been constrncted on the central portion of the site with driveway
access from Adams Street (4382 Adams Street).
South Shore Testing & Environmental W.O. 3011601.22F
Mr. Joe Polzin
November 3, 2020
Page 2
Site Description
The subject residence and garage pads cover most of the central portion of a nearly rectangular-
shaped 0.38-acre parcel located along the northeasterly side of Adams Street ( 4382) in the City
of Carlsbad, westerly San Diego County, California. The site is bounded on the west, east and
north by residential development, and on the south by Adams Street and vacant land.
Site Improvements Included:
• Construction and compaction of water, sewer, and joint utility lines.
• Retaining wall backfill.
• Performance of a footing inspection.
Testing and Footing Excavation Inspection
Testing and inspection of the footing excavations, for the house took place on both Januaiy 7, 2019
(main house) and March 14, 2019 (casitas area). Footing excavations exposed medium dense to
dense engineered fill soils that consisted of medium brown silty Sand (Unified Soils Classification-
SM). The footing excavations for the residence were free of slough and debris. A minimum degree
of compaction of 90%, as determined by ASTM D1557 test method A, was required.
Reinforcement for both the slab and footings were constrncted in accordance with the referenced
geotechnical reports, the 2019 CBC and the City of Orange specifications.
Retaining Wall Backfill
Testing and observation of the retaining wall backfill took place between August 30, 2018 and
November 7, 2018. The materials used for backfilling consisted of medium brown silty Sand
(Unified Soils Classification-SM). Following placement and shading of the drainpipe, fill
placement and compaction was achieved utilizing a backhoe with compacting wheel, a hand
wacker, and a water hose as needed. Fill was placed in thin lifts and moisture conditioned, as
needed, to bring the material to neai· optimum moisture content, and was then properly compacted.
A minimum degree of compaction of 90%, as dete1mined by ASTM D1557 test method A, was
South Shore Testing & Environmental W.O.3011601.22F
Mr. Joe Polzin
November 3, 2020
Page 3
Joint Utility Trench Sewer and Water Trench Backfill
Testing and observation of the joint utility trench, sewer and water line backfill took place on March
21 and 26, 2018 and February 28, 2019, respectively. The materials used for backfilling consisted
of medium brown silty Sand (Unified Soils Classification-SM). Following placement and shading
of the drainpipe, fill placement and compaction was achieved utilizing a backhoe with compacting
wheel, a hand wacker, and a water hose as needed. Fill was placed in thin lifts and moisture
conditioned, as needed, to bring the material to near optimum moisture content, and was then
properly compacted. A minimum degree of compaction of 90%, as determined by ASTM D1557
test method A, was required.
Field Density Testing
Field density testing was performed in accordance with ASTM Test Method D 6938-06el (nuclear
gauge). Areas failing to meet the minimum compaction requirements were reworked and retested
until the specified degree of compaction were achieved. The elevations and the results of the field
density tests are presented in Appendix C, Results of Compaction Tests, Table I. The
approximate locations of the tests are shown on the Compaction Test Location Map, Plate 1.
Maximum Density Determinations
Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture dete1minations were performed in the laborat01y on
representative samples of onsite soils used in the fill operations. The tests were performed in
accordance with ASTM D1557, Test Method A. The test results, which were utilized in
determining the degree of compaction achieved during fill placement, are presented in Appendix B,
Table I.
Our professional services were performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised,
under similar circumstances, by reputable Geotechnical Engineers and Geologists practicing in
this or similar localities. No other wananty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions
and professional advice included in this rep01i.
South Shore Testing & Environmental W.O. 3011601.22F
Mr. Joe Polzin
November 3, 2020
This rep01t is issued with the understanding that it is used only by the owner and it is the sole
responsibility of the owner or their representative to ensure that the information and
recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the architect, engineer, and
appropriate jurisdictional agency for the project and incorporated into the plans; and the
necessary steps are taken to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such
recommendations contained herein during construction and in the field.
The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions
of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether due to natural processes or the works
of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards
may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly,
the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or prutially by changes outside our control.
Therefore, this repo11 is subject to review and revision as changed conditions are identified.
The firm that performed the geotechnical investigation for this project should be retained to
provide testing observation services during construction to maintain continuity of geotechnical
interpretation and to check that the recommendations presented herein are implemented during
site grading, excavation of foundations and construction of improvements.
If another geotechnical firm is selected to perform the testing and observation services during
construction operations, that film should prepare a letter indicating their intent to assume the
responsibilities of project geotechnical engineer of record. Selection of another firm to perfo1m
any of the recommended activities or failure to retain the undersigned to perform the
recommended activities wholly absolves South Shore Testing & Environmental, the
undersigned, and its assigns from any and all liability ru·ising directly or indirectly from any
aspects of this project.
South Shore Testing & Environmental W.O. 3011601.22F
South Shore Testing & Environmental W.O. 3011601.22F
California Building Standards Commission, 2019, "2019 California Building Code", California
Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volumes 1 and 2 of 2.
Civil Consulting, Febrnary 5, 2018, "Proposed Grading Plan, P01tion of Lot 78 of Tract 918, 10422
Orange Park Blvd, Orange County, CA", Scale: 1" = 10', Sheet GP 2, GB 170080.
Department of Water Resources Website, 2018, "Groundwater Data Section".
Orange County Public Works-Grading/Geotechnical Unit, October 10, 2017, "Geotechnical Report
Review Sheet, 10422 Orange Park Blvd., Orange, CA 92869", Building Permit No:
Robe1t Taft & Associates, September 25, 2019, "Landscape Improvement Plans for Polzin
Residence, 4 3 90 Adams Street, Constrnction Plan", Sheets 1 thrn 12 of 12, Scale 1" = 10', Project
No. LPC2017-0050/ CDP2017-2018.
South Shore Testing & Environmental, 2018a, "Rep01t of Precise Grade Compaction Testing,
Proposed House and Garage Pads, 4382 Adams Street, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County,
California", Work Order No. 3011601.22, Dated December 17, 2018.
South Shore Testing & Environmental, 2018b, "Stability of Existing Backcuts for Retaining Walls,
Proposed Retaining Wall, 4382 Adams Street, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California",
Work Order No. 3011601.00F, Dated July 27, 2018.
South Shore Testing & Environmental, 2018c, "Response to the City of Carlsbad Constrnction
Change Resubmittal Checklist, Proposed Retaining Wall, 4382 Adams Street, City of Carlsbad,
San Diego County, California", Work Order No. 3011601.00R, Dated June 11, 2018.
South Shore Testing & Environmental, 2018d, "Backcut Slope Evaluation, Proposed Retaining
Wall, 4382 Adams Street, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California", Work Order No.
3011601.00B, Dated May 17, 2018.
South Shore Testing & Environmental, 2017, "Updated Preliminruy Geotechnical Investigation,
Proposed Single-Family Residence, 4382 Adams Street, City of Cru·lsbad, San Diego County,
California", Work Order No. 3011601.00AR, Dated October 3, 2017.
Spear & Associates, Inc., 2017, "Precise Grading Plan for: Polzin Residence, 4382 Adams Street,
Carlsbad, CA 92008", Sheet 1 thrn 6 of 6, Scale: 1" = 10'. Project No. CDP 2017-0018.
South Shore Testing & Environmental W.O. 3011601.22F
Laboratory Test Results
South Shore Testing & Environmental W.O. 3011601.22F
Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture
Description Lbs/Ft3 Moisture
1 Medium Brown Silty Sand (SM) 127.6 7.7
South Shore Testing & Environmental W.O. 3011601.22F
Results of Compaction Tests
South Shore Testing & Environmental W.O. 301160l.22F
Job No.: 3011601.22F Name: Joe Polzin -10422 Orange Park Blvd Date: Nov. 2020
Test Test Elevation Moisture Unit Dry Relative Soil Test Location
No. Date Depth Content Density Compaction Type See Plate 1 (Feet) (%) (PCF) (%)
1 03/21/18 FG 8.6 122.6 96N 1 Joint Utility
2 II FG 8.3 123.1 96N 1 II
3** II FG 7.0 106.3 83N 1 II
4 03/26/18 FG 7.7 123.1 96N 1 II
5 II FG 8.1 122.7 96N 1 II
3A II FG 8.4 122.0 96N 1 II
6 08/30/18 +4 10.3 119.8 94N 1 Retaining Wall
7 II +6 10.6 118.7 93N 1 II
8 II +6 10.0 120.1 94N 1 II
9 09/27/18 +3 8.6 121.9 96N 1 II
10 II +4 9.0 121.6 95N 1 II
11 II +6 7.5 122.1 96N 1 II
12 II +4 7.0 123.7 97N 1 II
13 II +6 7.3 123.6 96N 1 II
14 II +8 7.5 124.5 98N 1 II
15 10/10/18 +10 10.3 121.3 95N 1 II
16 II +8 10.0 121.5 95N 1 II
17 II +10 8.9 123.1 97N 1 II
18 II +10 9.3 122.6 96N 1 II
19 10/30/18 +2 8.9 121.6 95N 1 II
SC -Sand Cone ASTM D1556-64; DC-Drive Cylinder ASTM D2937-71; N-Nuclear ASTM 3017;
NG-Natural Ground+ 85% = Passing Test; SG-Subgrade; FG-Finish Grade; **Test Failed, See Retest
South Shore Testing & Environmental W.O. 3011601.22F
Job No.: 3011601.22F Name: Joe Polzin -10422 Orange Park Blvd Date: Nov. 2020
Test Test Elevation Moisture Unit Dry Relative Soil Test Location
No. Date Depth Content Density Compaction Type See Plate 1 (Feet) (%) (PCF) (%)
20 10/30/18 +3 9.3 120.9 95N 1 Retaining Wall
21 II +4 9.5 119.8 94N 1 II
22 II +5 7.6 122.3 96N 1 II
23 10/31/18 +7 11.3 119.0 93N 1 II
24 II +8 11.8 118.8 93N 1 II
25 II +10 10.3 120.3 94N 1 "
26 " +12 10.0 121.0 95N 1 II
27 11/07/18 +3 7.9 115.2 90N 1 "
28 " +4 8.3 115.9 91N 1 II
29 II +5 8.6 121.9 96N 1 II
30 II +4 9.0 121.6 95N 1 II
31 11/20/18 FG 7.5 122.1 96N 1 "
32 II FG 7.0 123.7 97N 1 II
33 II FG 7.3 123.6 96N 1 II
34 II FG 7.5 124.5 98N 1 Upper Pad
35 " FG 10.3 121.3 95N 1 II
36 " FG 10.0 121.5 95N 1 II
37 II FG 8.9 123.1 97N 1 II
38 02/28/19 +2 8.7 118.5 93N 1 Sewer Line
39 II +3 9.0 117.7 92N 1
40 II FG 9.3 119.0 93N 1
SC -Sand Cone ASTM D1556-64; DC-Drive Cylinder ASTM D2937-71; N-Nuclear ASTM 3017;
NG-Natural Ground+ 85% = Passing Test; SG-Subgrade; FG-Finish Grade; **Test Failed, See Retest
South Shore Testing & Environmental W.O. 3011601.22F
Job No.: 3011601.22F Name: Joe Polzin -10422 Orange Park Blvd Date: Nov. 2020
Test Test Elevation Moisture Unit Dry Relative Soil Test Location
No. Date Depth Content Density Compaction Type See Plate 1 (Feet) (%) (PCF) (%)
41 02/28/19 +1 9.3 114.9 90N 1 Water Line
42 II +2 9.5 115.2 90N 1 II
43 II FG 7.6 115.5 91N 1 II
SC -Sand Cone ASTM Dl556-64; DC-Drive Cylinder ASTM D2937-71; N-Nuclear ASTM 3017;
NG-Natural Ground+ 85% = Passing Test SG-Subgrade; FG-Finish Grade; **Test Failed, See Retest
South Shore Testing & Environmental W.O. 3011601.22F