HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-21; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; AgendasCLEAN ENERGYALLIANCE AGENDA Board of Directors Meeting Action Agenda January 21, 2021, 2 p.m. City of Del Mar I Virtual Meeting Per State of California Executive Order N-29-20, and in interest of public health and safety, we are temporarily taking actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by holding Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Authority meetings electronically or by teleconferencing. All public meetings will comply with public noticing requirements in the Brown Act and will be made accessible electronically to all members of the public seeking to observe and address the Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors. Members of the public can watch the meeting live on the City of Del Mar's website at: https://delmar.12milesout.combideo/live-virtual You can participate in the meeting by e-mailing your comments to the Secretary at secretary@thecleanenergyalliance.org 1 hour prior to commencement of the meeting. If you desire to have your comment read into the record at the meeting, please indicate so in the first line of your e-mail and limit your e-mail to 500 words or less. These procedures shall remain in place during the period in which state or local health officials have imposed or recommended social distancing measures. SWEARING IN OF NEW BOARD MEMBERS: Interim Board Clerk Susan Caputo administered the Oath of Office to incoming Board Member Priya Bhat-Patel (Carlsbad), and Alternate Members Teresa Acosta (Carlsbad), and David Zito (Solana Beach). CALL TO ORDER: 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Member Druker, Member Bhat-Patel, Chair Becker FLAG SALUTE: Member Druker led the flag salute. BOARD COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: None Declare CEA Board Vice Chair Position Vacant and Elect Vice Chair: Chair Becker declared the Vice Chair position vacant. RECOMMENDATION Declare the vice chair position officially vacant and elect vice chair to fill term through June 30, 2021, pursuant to Section 5.2 of the Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Agreement. ACTION: Motion by Chair Becker, second by Member Druker, to nominate Member Bhat-Patel as Vice Chair. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. City of Carlsbad I City of Del Mar I City of Solana Beach CLEAN ENERGY ALLIANCE AGENDA PRESENTATIONS: Interim CEO Barbara Boswell indicated that due to technical issues the Financial Report Presentation will be given first. 1)San Diego Community Power (SDCP) Interim CEO Barbara Boswell introduced Bill Carnahan of San Diego Community Power, who gave an update of San Diego Community Power operations, and he and Cody Hooven answered questions of the Board. 2)Fiscal Year 2019/20 Annual Financial Report Presentation Interim CEO Barbara Boswell introduced Ryan Domino of Lance, Soil & Lunghard, LLP (LSL), who shared the results of the first annual financial audit of the CEA. 3)San Diego Gas & Electric Envision Project Update (SDG&E) Interim CEO Barbara Boswell introduced Scott Crider and Sabrina Butler of SDG&E. Scott gave an update of the status of SDG&E's new billing system. PUBLIC COMMENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 17, 2020, as amended. ACTION: Approved 3/0 Consent Calendar Item 1: Clean Energy Alliance Treasurer's Report RECOMMENDATION Receive and file Clean Energy Alliance Interim Treasurer's Report. Item 2: Adopt Resolution #2021-001 Approving Social Media Policy RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution #2021-001 approving Investment and Social Media Policies. Item 3: Adopt Resolution #2021-002 Approving Debt Policy RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution #2021-002 approving Debt Policy. Item 4: Adopt Resolution #2021-002 Approving Participation in San Diego Gas & Electric's Arrearage Management Program RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution #2021-003 approving participation in the San Diego Gas & Electric Arrearage Management Program. Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Agenda 2 January 21, 2021 CLEAN ENERGYALLIANCE AGENDA Item 5: Approve the 2021 Legislative and Regulatory Policy Platform RECOMMENDATION Approve the 2021 Legislative and Regulatory Policy Platform. ACTION: Motion by: Member Druker, second by Member Bhat-Patel, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. New Business Item 6: Clean Energy Alliance Interim Chief Executive Officer Operational, Administrative and Regulatory Affairs Update RECOMMENDATION 1)Receive and file Community Choice Aggregation Update Report from Interim CEO. 2)Receive and file Community Choice Aggregation Regulatory Affairs Report from Special Counsel. Interim CEO commented and Special Regulatory Counsel Ty Tosdal highlighted the following regulatory developments: 1) SDG&E's Energy Resource Recovery Account (ERRA) Forecast Application stating that the Alternate Proposed Decision (APD) was adopted, there will be no drastic reduction in SDG&E rates, the System Average Percent Change (SAPC) allocation method was adopted, and the advice letter to be issued prior to February 1, 2021, will provide additional details; 2) SDG&E's ERRA Trigger Application requesting a modest rate increase, joint protest submitted by San Diego CCA; SDG&E commitment to applying the energy requirements that include departing load; 3) Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) Procurement Plans noting that an annual RPS plan is required showing progress toward RPS requirement and goals due by February 15, 2021; and 4) and discussion of the Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP), noting the purpose of the program would be to assist the lowest income customers with a fixed, minimum bill based on income. Item 7: Adopt Resolution #2021-004 Approving Credit Agreement with JP Morgan for $6MM Start-Up and Cash Flow Line of Credit Member Druker and Alternate Member Worden recused themselves from participating on this item due each having a conflict of interest. Interim CEO Barbara Boswell gave the presentation noting that the Credit Agreement would provide the CEA start-up funding and cash flow needs, and a line of credit should the need arise. Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Agenda 3 January 21, 2021 1111111110-- CLEAN ENERGY ALLIANCE AGENDA RECOMMENTATION Adopt Resolution#2021-004 approving credit agreement with JP Morgan. ACTION: Motion by Member Bhat-Patel, second by Chair Becker to adopt Reso 2021- 004. Motion carried, 2/0. Item 8: Consideration of Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting in February 2021 Interim CEO Barbara Boswell gave the presentation noting that CAC Chair Worden is present and available for questions, and that due to a clerical error the CAC Member terms require updating to be consistent with CAC Policy. RECOMMENDATION 1)Reschedule March 2021 CAC Meeting to February 2021; or 2)Approve Special CAC Meeting in February 2021. ACTION: Motion by Member Druker, second by Vice Chair Bhat-Patel, to schedule a special meeting of the CAC in February and move the regularly scheduled meeting in June to March, and to approve the corrections to the terms of the CAC to be consistent with the policy. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. Item 9: Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget Planning — Review Consulting Services Agreements and Provide Direction Regarding Staffing and Consulting Services Interim CEO Barbara Boswell gave an overview of the budget plan. RECOMMENDATION Provide direction regarding fiscal year 2021/22 staffing and consulting services for purposes of budget development. ACTION: Motion by Member Druker, second by Vice Chair Bhat-Patel, to continue with current staffing contracts for fiscal year 2021/22 fiscal year and look at possibly adding customer service and procurement positions. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. Item 10: Review and Update Clean Energy Alliance Board Outreach Assignments Matrix Interim CEO Barbara Boswell gave shared the current Board Outreach Matrix and requested reevaluation and updating due to changes on the CEA Board. RECOMMENDATION Review and update the Clean Energy Alliance Board Outreach Matrix. ACTION: Motion by Member Druker, second by Vice Chair Bhat-Patel, to approve the CEA Board Outreach Matrix as updated. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Agenda 4 January 21, 2021 11111111100. CLEAN ENERGYALLIANCE AGENDA Item 11: Approve Clean Energy Alliance Default and Optional Power Supply Product Offerings to be Available at Launch Interim CEO Barbara Boswell Interim CEO Barbara Boswell gave the presentation highlighting product offerings available and input received from Member Agencies. RECOMMENDATION Approve Clean Energy Alliance Default and Optional Power Supply Product Offerings to be available at launch. Public comment was read into the record from Micah Mitrosky of IBEW 569 and Karl Aldinger of Sierra Club of San Diego. Chair Becker addressed comments of .IBEW 569. ACTION: Motion by Member Druker, second by Vice Chair Bhat-Patel, that the Pro Forma be based upon the the three products 1) Green Impact - 50% Renewable Energy Product, 2) 75% GHG-Free, 3) Clean Impact — 100% Renewable Energy Product, and 4) a program that provides rate relief for small business and low-income customers. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0. BOARD MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Vice Chair Bhat-Patel requested that consideration of moving the time of regularly scheduled CEA meetings, or moving to an alternate Thursday due to a conflict with North County Transit District meetings, be placed on the next CEA Agenda. ADJOURN: Chair Becker adjourned the meeting at 4:11 p.m. NEXT MEETING: February 18, 2021, 2 p.m., hosted by City of Solana Beach (Virtual Meeting Reasonable Accommodations Persons with a disability may request an agenda packet in appropriate alternative formats as require by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Reasonable accommodations and auxiliary aids will be provided to effectively allow participation in the meeting. Please contact the Carlsbad City Clerk's Office at 760-434-2808 (voice), 711 (free relay service for TTY users), 760-720-9461 (fax) or clerk@carlsbadca.gov by noon on the Monday before the Board meeting to make arrangements. Written Comments To submit written comments to the Board, please contact the Carlsbad City Clerk's office at secretarv@thecleanenergvalliance.org. Written materials related to the agenda that are received by 5:00 p.m. on the day before the meeting will be distributed to the Board in advance of the meeting and posted on the Authority webpage. To review these materials during the meeting, please contact the Board Secretary. Clean Energy Alliance Board Meeting Agenda 5 January 21, 2021