HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-24; Coronavirus Response Update 125; Harrison, David
Fire Department
Safety Center 2560 Orion Way | Carlsbad, CA 92010 | 760-931-2141
Memo ID# 2021049
Council Memorandum
Feb 24, 2021
To: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
From: David Harrison, Assistant Director of Emergency Services
Via: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Re: Coronavirus Response Update 125
This memorandum provides the City Council with an update on the city’s response actions
related to COVID-19. This memo focuses on actions and information that are new since the last
Emergency Operations Center
• Emergency Operations Center activated to support COVID-19 mitigation and
response operations and information sharing
• Carlsbad CERT volunteers continue to support Operation Collaboration at Carlsbad
vaccination site.
Regional status of outbreak (All data from Feb. 23)
California County
Confirmed cases 3,455,361 257,805
Increase since last memo 43,304 4,164
% increase since last memo 1.3% 1.6%
Deaths 49,877 3,218
Carlsbad status of outbreak (All data from Feb. 23)
Carlsbad 92008 92009 92010 92011
Confirmed cases 4,376 1,247 1,615 711 800
Increase since last memo 88 27 32 11 16
% increase since last memo 2.1% 2.2% 2.0% 1.6% 2.0%
Deaths >43 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Note: Total and ZIP code tallies come from different county reporting sources and do not always add up.
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Human Resources
• Status of employees with possible COVID-19 exposure:
As of
Feb. 24
since last
Cleared, no positive diagnosis 322 +6
Cleared after positive diagnosis 82 +2
Self-isolated due to positive diagnosis 4 -1
Self-quarantined due to exposure, not tested 0 -3
Self-quarantined due to symptoms, not tested 0 0
Self-quarantined while waiting for test results 1 -1
Self-quarantined due to high-risk exposure,
tested negative 1 -1
City-by-city comparison
• Carlsbad again has the lowest rates of confirmed cases of COVID-19 as a percent of
population in local cities with 50,000 or more residents. Carlsbad’s rate is 3.79%,
slightly lower than the 3.87% rate reported in Encinitas.
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Police Department
• Since the start of the pandemic in March, the department has responded to just over
16,000 calls for service related to COVID-19.
• Weekly update on calls for service:
All calls Crime COVID-19
12/28-1/3 1,908 162 371 10 4
1/4-1/10 2,080 143 403 10 6
1/11-1/17 2,198 156 268 9 8
1/18-1/24 1,868 144 285 4 8
1/25-1/31 2,056 163 285 9 11
2/1-2/7 2,203 167 281 7 9
2/8-2/14 2,128 176 316 12 7
2/15-2/21 2,044 150 278 15 10
COVID-19 calls 2/15-2/21
Health order
Contact Transient Other Medical Party
228 18 8 8 6 4 4
Community Development
• Weekly update on outdoor activation permits as of Feb. 23:
On private
On public
right of way
Total # of
# of
that applied*
Permits pending 3 1 4 4
Permits approved 83 21 104 97
Total 86 22 108 101
*Several businesses applied for multiple permits.
• Weekly update on building permit activity as of Feb. 23:
Last week
Weekly average
Dec. 2019-Jan 2020
Permits issued 79 86
Inspections 302 237
Video inspections 58 n/a
Permits finalized 47 82
*All inspections conducted with social distancing measures
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Parks & Recreation
• Resumed pre-COVID hours of operations at all city parks, trails and beaches, consistent
with the City Council memorandum issued Feb. 18. Change was based on general
compliance with COVID protocols, increased daylight and an anticipated update to state
guidance on sports. New hours are:
o City parks: 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. daily
o City trails and city beaches: 24 hours daily
• Received updated state guidance on outdoor and indoor youth and recreational adult
sports on Feb. 19:
o Allows for doubles pickleball to be played while a county is in the purple tier,
with an adjusted case rate equal to or less than 14 per 100,000 population,
under certain conditions, and no sooner than Feb. 26
o Poinsettia Community Park pickleball courts were closed on Feb. 10 because of
patrons’ continued unwillingness to play singles only, in compliance with the
state’s guidance, and the staff resources required in attempting to obtain that
compliance. Staff will reopen the courts, for singles play only, Feb. 26
o Allows for youth outdoor moderate and high contact outdoor sports to be played
competitively while in the purple tier, with an adjusted case rate equal to or less
than 14 per 100,000, under certain conditions, and no sooner than Feb. 26. (San
Diego County’s current adjusted case rate is 15 per 100,000 population.)
• Received a ruling on a California court case on Feb. 19 indicating that youth moderate
and high contact outdoor sports can be played competitively immediately, regardless of
tier or case rate status, so long as the COVID protocols for collegiate athletics are
• Developed plans for Alga Norte Aquatics Center to make accommodations for a limited
number of spectators through the front gate, and for dry land training on the synthetic
turf within the center, effective March 1. Also developed plans to expand Sunday
morning hours of operations at the center to allow for 68 more lane periods for
recreational lap swimming, effective March 6. Youth and adult capacity within each of
the lanes is currently at the COVID protocol distancing limit.
• Coordinated with volunteers from AARP to offer drop-off and pick-up service for tax
return preparation of Carlsbad seniors at the Pine Avenue Community Center plaza,
immediately adjacent to the Senior Center. Service will be available Tuesdays and
Thursdays, between 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., March 2 – April 15. This information will be
available in the Seaside Insider newsletter and the Senior Center voicemail.
• Update on senior meal program:
o During the past week, provided 685 meals to Carlsbad residents 60 or older
▪ 392 meals were delivered to residents’ homes by staff
▪ 293 meals were picked-up at the Senior Center by residents
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▪ Total number of meals provided represents a 22% increase in the average
total number of meals provided before the pandemic, taking into account
one holiday.
o Picked up boxes of donated fresh produce from the Carlsbad Strawberry
Company and re-distributed the produce through the senior meal program
• Provided the following virtual recreation programs:
o Lunch at the Culinary Lab – Featured blueberry lemon scones and bananas foster
in a Sweets & Treats lunch lab
o UCSD Osher Lifelong Learning - Lecture titled “Reach for the Stars: Opera Greats”
o Backyard Winter Olympics - Families were invited to follow a step-by-step
instructional video to assemble 10 winter-themed activities using common
household items along with a downloadable score card and prizes.
o Successful Aging in Place: Straight Talk About Home Safety - This month’s
interactive workshop helped participants identify barriers to safety in one’s own
home and solutions to overcome those barriers.
o Carlsbad Unmuted - A free creative virtual program that allowed teens to test
drive their talents in music, dance, comedy, poetry and the other arts
o Music Mondays - Chicago Tony & Tan performed on their guitars to a virtual
Library & Cultural Arts
• From-home access to one of the library’s most popular research tools, Ancestry.com,
has been extended by the provider until June 30 at no extra cost to the city.
• Cultural Arts presented its inaugural Virtual Family Open Studio Saturday. In celebrating
Cannon Art Gallery’s current exhibit, Four Visions: A Celebration of the Year of the
Woman, this two-hour interactive art experience focused on the abstract wire artwork
of local, Anne Mudge, and a brief history of wire art featuring work by notable
artists. The program concluded with a live art demonstration encouraging viewers to
create their own wire art. Nearly 70 participants viewed the live online event and all 250
art kits were distributed through the Library’s curbside service.
• Provided additional Black History Month virtual programs:
o A performance by the Leonard Patton Trio, filmed in the Schulman Auditorium
earlier this month, is available for streaming Feb. 24 – 28.
o Tommy Terrific performs baseball-themed magic tricks and celebrates the life
and accomplishments of National Baseball Hall of Fame inductee and Negro
league baseball star Satchel Paige. This program, for grades K-5, is pre-recorded
and is available for Carlsbad Library viewers on YouTube.
Communication & Engagement
• Communicated via city communication channels about the following topics related to the
COVID-19 public health emergency:
o Daily case data and update on county and state triggers
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o Vaccine updates:
▪ Number of vaccines given in San Diego County
▪ Vaccine supply
▪ How and where to make appointments
▪ Next eligible group
▪ Fire chief video explaining vaccination process
o Timeline and conditions for reopening pickleball courts
o New guidance for outdoor sports
o Reminder of all the public health guidelines
o Carlsbad’s comparison of confirmed cases by city
o Flags flying at half-staff in remembrance of the more than 500,000 Americans
who lost their lives to COVID-19
o Mental health resources
o Livestreams of state and county news conferences
o Community connection profile on how a local community member has adjusted
and coped during COVID-19
o Virtual city programs:
▪ Public meetings and input opportunities
▪ Backyard winter Olympics
▪ Bilingual family storytime
▪ Family open studios
▪ Virtually artful
▪ Creative writing
▪ Baseball magic show
▪ Family yoga
▪ Jazz concert
• Designed and printed “Mask up” banner for installation along the sea wall.
c: Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief
Neil Gallucci, Police Chief
Maria Callander, Information Technology Director
David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer
Judy von Kalinowski, Human Resources Director
Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director
Nick Ordille, Assistant Fire Chief
Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director