HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-23; City Council; ; Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report Meeting Date: Feb. 23, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Kasia Trojanowska, Park Planning Manager kasia.trojanowska@carlsbadca.gov, 760-268-4726 Subject: District: Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report All Recommended Action Adopt a resolution approving the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report in concept and directing staff to proceed with processing the necessary environmental permitting and entitlements. Executive Summary The recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report (Exhibit 2) documents the park planning considerations, criteria, analysis and process that culminated in the development of the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Concept plans (Exhibit 3), which include the conceptual site plan, circulation and fencing diagram, planting plan and the bike park schematic design (Exhibit 4). The recommended report provides a summary of the site conditions, public outreach process and design process through which the master plan was created. The City Council’s approval of the recommended master plan will provide a basis for further development of the plans needed for environmental permitting and entitlements. Discussion Background There are four park districts within the City of Carlsbad, corresponding to the city’s quadrants. The city’s parks performance standard, as set forth in the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, calls for three acres of community parks or special use areas for every 1,000 residents in each park district. If the standard is not met because of population increase within a given quadrant, the city is required to schedule a park for construction within five years, beginning at the time the need is identified, but beginning no sooner than Aug. 22, 2017 (City Council Resolution No. 2017-170). The phrase “scheduled for construction” is defined as: • The park site has been selected and has been or is being acquired by the city • A financing plan for construction of the park has been approved by the City Council • The improvements for the park site have been designed Currently, the inventory of parks acreage is below the parks performance standard by 4.3 acres in the northeast quadrant, 6.8 acres in the southwest quadrant and 2.3 acres in the southeast Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 1 of 72 quadrant. However, the three quadrants are currently compliant with the parks performance standard, because the five-year period noted above doesn’t expire until Aug. 21, 2022. As outlined in the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, Veterans Memorial Park will count equally toward satisfying the parks performance need in all city quadrants with 22.875 acres applied to each city quadrant. Parks acreage Park district Performance standard Current parks Surplus or deficit NW 91 105.2 14.2 NE 49.6 45.3 -4.3 SW 77 70.2 -6.8 SE 117.7 114.9 -2.3 Total 334.8 335.6 0.8 The Veterans Memorial Park site has been selected (Macario Canyon Park, Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, City Council Resolution No. 8797) and a financing plan for construction of the park has been approved by the City Council (Capital Improvement Program Project No. 4609). Adoption of the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan, which is anticipated to be ready for the City Council’s consideration in fall 2021, would address the third element of “scheduled for construction,” the design of the improvements for the park. The landscape architecture firm RJM Design Group was retained by the city In November 2018 to develop the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. One of the tasks in the firm’s scope of work included public workshops designed to gather community input and to incorporate that input into the master plan. The recommended master plan then becomes the basis of design for entitlements and construction documents. Overview The Veterans Memorial Park site is located southeast of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. It is bordered on the west and south by Faraday Avenue, to the north by Whitman Way, and includes the Macario Canyon and Veterans Memorial Park Open Space preserves. Over half of the land, 48 of the 91.5 acres, is developable parkland. The rest of the land is protected habitat. The design intent of the master plan includes a family-oriented park with a variety of multi- generational and inclusive amenities that are incorporated into active and passive recreational elements. Honoring veterans for their service, minimizing environmental impacts, and celebrating the site’s natural beauty and views are also integral components of the master plan. The following objectives further informed the design: • Avoidance of sensitive habitat area • Maximization of storm water retention • Emphasis on safety and visibility Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 2 of 72 Public outreach Staff from the Communications & Community Engagement and the Parks & Recreation departments worked closely to prepare the format for the master plan’s public outreach and involvement process. The goal of the process was to identify the community’s needs, values and priorities related to the potential uses of the Veterans Memorial Park site. Staff held the first public workshop on March 9, 2019, at the Faraday Administration Building, followed by a walking tour of the park site. An online survey was then made available from March 9-23, 2019. The input gathered in this process was summarized in a report (Appendix A of the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report ). The input from both the workshop and survey was categorized for the purpose of identifying key themes. Themes that resonated with the community included experiencing nature, active recreation and honoring veterans. The design team was directed to incorporate the community input received from the workshop and survey into the concept plans. Other important sources of information, including the physical characteristics and location of the site, the core values of the Carlsbad community and the city’s parks and recreation needs were also used to develop two park design concepts. On Sept. 21, 2019, the city held a second public workshop at the Faraday Administration Building to share the two design concepts and to give the community the opportunity to provide comments. Again, an online survey was then made available from Sept. 21 - Oct. 6, 2019. The concepts were specifically designed to portray different configurations for the active recreation, passive recreation, kids’ play areas, places to gather and memorial elements. Workshop participants shared their thoughts on what was working well, what was missing and other suggestions for each of the design concepts. Those comments were used to refine the online survey, with the goal of understanding the communities’ preferences for the various elements in each of the two design concepts. Their input was summarized in a report (Appendix B of the recommended report). Its key findings indicate a desire for a multi-generational and inclusive design that included: • Active recreation areas for fitness and biking on the south side of the park, separated from passive uses and represented by a family bike pump track, fitness areas and an obstacle course • Passive recreation areas such as gardens, open turf, trails, viewpoints and picnic areas on the north side of the park, optimizing the spectacular view to the lagoon and the ocean • An accessible path along the natural hillside of the park with a mixture of picnic areas and native gardens that connect the recreation and picnic areas • Robust kids’ play area, comprised of nature inspired playground equipment for all ages Throughout the first two community input opportunities, it became evident that there was a strong desire for a family-oriented bike park. To properly address this feature with the biking community, a focus group meeting was held on March 5, 2020, at the Pine Avenue Community Center. It was attended by individuals who expressed a desire for a bike park during the workshops or in the surveys. Participants reviewed, analyzed and provided feedback on two conceptual plans for an approximately 4-acre bike park in the south section of the park site. Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 3 of 72 Their input was then summarized in a report (Appendix C of the report). The revised Bike Park Schematic Design includes interconnected features such as dual slalom, long flowing paths with jumps and a variety of features and configurations to accommodate all skill levels. In addition to the public outreach efforts, staff arranged for several interdepartmental meetings, Parks & Recreation Department meetings, and a meeting with the wildlife agencies and California Coastal Commission to obtain input on the proposed design concept for the park. The input received so far has been synthesized and used to develop the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. Recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan The recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan was developed by using the input and ideas provided by the community and key staff members with consideration for the physical characteristics and location of the site, the core values of the Carlsbad community and the city’s parks and recreation needs. The park is physically separated into two distinct areas, north and south, which transition through passive uses and open space to a prominent memorial element at the high point of the site. The design intent is to provide a place where visitors of all ages and abilities can experience a variety of active and passive recreational amenities in a setting with flowing natural forms that blend into the natural environment. The north side of the park, accessed via the primary park entrance on Faraday Avenue and trail on Whitman Way, includes: • A veterans’ memorial plaza and pubic art element • A community gathering area • A building with restrooms, catering support room and a large shaded pavilion that evokes an organic design aesthetic • An inclusive playground with nature-inspired play equipment and play experiences that will meet the needs and interests of children of all levels of ability • A parking lot with standard and Americans with Disabilities Act parking spaces, electric vehicle charging stations and a drop-off area (the number of required parking spaces depends upon the extent of the amenities constructed) • Family and group picnic spots • Open grass areas for unstructured play The south side of the park, accessed from Faraday Avenue near the trail underpass, includes: • A 4-acre family-oriented bike park with a variety of interwoven loop paths and jumps, incorporating military-themed elements and nature inspired features • Strategically located spectator seating and rest areas area for viewing bike park activities • A large, shaded plaza at the bike park entrance with areas for group picnicking, recreation programs and social interaction • A playground for younger children • A multi-generational outdoor fitness area with an obstacle course and exercise stations • An outdoor education area Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 4 of 72 • A parking lot with standard and ADA parking spaces, electric vehicle charging stations and a roundabout drop-off area (the number of required parking spaces is dependent upon the extent of the amenities constructed) • A centrally located restroom and storage building designed to complement the building within the northern park area. The upper plateau and memorial element can be accessed from the north and south sides of the park via an accessible, winding path. This feature will address the needs of patrons in wheelchairs, using walkers or strollers, or otherwise desiring to reach the top terrace. The meandering path connects amenities along the way, including: • A rustic, nature-inspired playground • Group and family picnic areas tucked into different levels • Various passive use areas for meditation, reflection and relaxation Visitors that prefer more vigorous exercise can hike up and down a more challenging rocky path on the north slope. The climb intersects the accessible pathways in several areas, allowing patrons with different levels of mobility to meet up and socialize. On the steeper south slope, a fitness run provides another challenging workout to reach the upper plateau. This top terrace will remain largely natural and open, with trails, accessible pathways and strategically-placed seating areas to take advantage of the views of the lagoon, ocean and golf course. Patrons may choose to stay on the perimeter loop trail that surrounds the park. The multi-use trail, which is part of the citywide trail network, is separated from park amenities, allowing for typical trails’ recreation including hiking, jogging, biking and walking dogs on leash. This trail links with other city trails and connects to Twain Avenue. The need for off-street parking was based on the estimated average weekday use of the park facilities shown in the master plan. Heavier use is anticipated on the weekends or holidays, and staff recommends allowing the existing on-street parking along Faraday Avenue to satisfy any additional parking needs. The exact number of required parking stalls, both standard and accessible, depends on the extend of the amenities to be constructed and will be determined in a future parking study. Additionally, some traffic improvements may be needed on Faraday Avenue to ensure safe access in and out of the park. Parking, access, and traffic will be evaluated in detail during the environmental permitting and entitlements phase of the project. Public art Staff has included an embedded artist in the early stages of the Veterans Memorial Park project. This artist will serve as a resource to the park design team to offer insights and suggestions for incorporating public art within the park’s amenities and structures. This approach recognizes that collaborative, thoughtful design can create a unique space that honors veterans, respects local history, enhances the city’s image and successfully integrates art into the lives of Carlsbad residents. The specific design for any public art will be developed in partnership with the Cultural Arts Division, which is tasked with preparing a comprehensive plan for selecting artists and conducting public outreach for this significant art piece. Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 5 of 72 Parks & Recreation Commission recommendation The Parks & Recreation Commission reviewed the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report on Jan. 25, 2021, and recommended its approval by the City Council. The commission meeting’s draft minutes contain the comments received on the report (Exhibit 5). Fiscal Analysis There is no direct fiscal impact associated with the approval of the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report. Community Facilities District No. 1, established in 1991, created a special tax lien on vacant properties throughout the city to finance the construction of specifically identified public facilities of citywide obligation and benefit, including Veterans Memorial Park. The funds from this district cannot be used for facilities other than those specified at the time the district was formed. The City Council has appropriated $1,837,200 for the Veterans Memorial Park Project, in Capital Improvement Program Project No. 4609. That funding is sufficient to cover the three phases of the project after master planning, which includes design development, construction documents and public bidding. Additionally, $22,085,000 is budgeted for the project in fiscal year 2025-26. Next Steps Any modifications to the master plan report requested by the City Council will be addressed, and staff will next pursue the environmental permitting and entitlements phase of the project. Provided any modification requests received are not substantial, staff anticipates submitting entitlement applications to the Planning Division in Spring 2021, and then returning to the City Council in fall 2021 to request adoption of the final master plan and approval of the environmental document and entitlements. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The city planner has determined that approval of the recommended Veterans Memorial Master Plan Report in concept is exempt from environmental review at this stage of the park planning process under Section 15262 - Feasibility and Planning Studies of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, which cover a project involving only feasibility or planning studies for possible future actions which the agency, board, or commission has not approved, adopted, or funded and does not require the preparation of an environmental impact report or negative declaration but does require consideration of environmental factors. The local agency’s environmental review of this project will occur concurrently with the Planning Commission’s review and action on the required conditional use permit and other applicable entitlements. That review and action is expected to occur within the next eight to 10 months. Public Notification and Outreach Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution 2. Recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 3. Recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan concept plans, dated January 2021 4. Bike Park schematic design, dated April 8, 2020 5. Jan. 25, 2021, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting draft minutes Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 6 of 72 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-050 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE RECOMMENDED VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK MASTER PLAN REPORT IN CONCEPT AND DIRECTING STAFF TO PROCEED WITH THE NECESSARY ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING AND ENTITLEMENTS WHEREAS, in November 2018, the landscape architecture firm RJM Design Group was retained by the city to develop the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the recommended master plan becomes the basis of design for entitlements and construction documents; and WHEREAS, RIM Design Group and staff conducted a public outreach and involvement process for Veterans Memorial Park; and WHEREAS, staff arranged for several inter-departmental meetings, Parks & Recreation Department meetings, and a meeting with the wildlife agencies and California Coastal Commission to obtain additional input on the design of the park; and WHEREAS, the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan was developed by using the input and ideas provided by the community and key staff members, as well as other sources of information including the physical characteristics and location of the site; the core values of the Carlsbad community; and the city's parks and recreation needs; and WHEREAS, staff has included an embedded artist in the early stages of the Veterans Memorial Park project, who will serve as a resource to the park design team to offer insights and suggestions for incorporating public art; and WHEREAS, on Jan. 25, 2021, the Parks & Recreation Commission reviewed the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report and recommended its approval by the City Council; and Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 7 of 72 NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor „DK- City BARBARA ENGLESON, Clerk (SEAL) 0 011111/iiii/NO C 4/ ...... ••S • WHEREAS, the City Planner has determined that approval of the recommended Veterans Memorial Master Plan in concept is exempt from environmental review at this stage of the park planning process per Section 15262 - Feasibility and Planning Studies of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan is necessary, desirable and in the public interest. 3.That the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report is hereby approved in concept and staff is directed to proceed with the environmental permitting and entitlements phase of the project PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 23rd day of February, 2021, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Acosta, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 8 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 1 Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report City of Carlsbad January 2021 Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 9 of 72 2 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report City of Carlsbad Council Members Mayor Matt Hall Mayor Pro Tem Keith Blackburn Council Member Teresa Acosta Council Member Priya Bhat-Patel Council Member Cori Schumacher City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Commission Chairperson Michael Luna Vice-Chairperson Jengi Martinez Commissioner Amy Allemann Commissioner Michael Sebahar Commissioner Matt Simons Commissioner Marissa Steketee Commissioner Brad Thorp City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department Parks & Recreation Director Kyle Lancaster Parks Services Manager Timothy Selke Parks Planning Manager Kasia Trojanowska Parks Planner Barbara Kennedy Project Lead Consultant (RJM Design Group, Inc.) Principal-in-Charge Larry P. Ryan Principal Landscape Architect Eric Chastain Project Subconsultants Dahlin Group Architecture Johnathan Shapero PSOMAS Sarah Curran PSOMAS Ann Johnson Newline Skate Park Kanten Russell Newline Skate Park Chris Long FBA Engineering William Zaversnick So Cal Geotechnical Greg Mitchell Glasir Design Chris Curry SCS Engineers Luke Montague Moran Utility Services, Inc. Johnathan Pyles Acknowledgements Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 10 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 3 1. Executive Summary | 5 2. Policy Documents | 8 2.1. General Plan 2.2. Growth Management Plan 2.3. Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan 2.4. Park Program Elements 3. Existing Conditions & Site Analysis | 10 3.1. Location 3.2. Site Description 3.3. Existing Topography & Slope Analysis 3.4. Biological Resources 3.5. Habitat Management Plan 3.6. Utilities 3.7. Opportunities & Constraints 4. Public Outreach & Engagement | 16 4.1. Public Outreach #1 4.2. Concept Plans 4.3. Public Outreach #2 4.4. Terrace Concept 4.5. Hillside Concept 4.6. Bike Park Focus Group 5. Master Plan | 22 5.1. Design Concept Narrative 5.2. Site Plan 5.3. Individual Element Vignettes 5.4. Circulation and fencinf Diagram 5.5. Planting Plan 5.6. Bike Park Schematic Design Table of Contents 6. Architectural Concepts | 40 7. Engineering Concepts | 42 7.1. Preliminary Grading Plan 7.2. Hydrology 8. Public Art | 44 9. Project Budget & Schedule | 46 9.1. Capital Improvement Program & Funding 9.2. Project Schedule 10. Regulatory Framework | 48 10.1. CEQA Review 10.2. Entitlement Permits 10.3. Use of the Master Plan Appendicies A. Public Input Report & Survey - First Workshop B. Public Input Report & Survey - Second Workshop C. Public Input Report & Survey - Bike Park Focus Group Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 11 of 72 4 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report A Note of Special Thanks - The Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan was developed in partnership with our local community who provided valuable input at various stages of the project. Thank you to the hundreds of community members, veterans and open space enthusiasts who shared their input and ideas at workshops and through several online surveys. It is with your help that the design team was able to prepare this master plan that reflects the needs, values and priorities of the Carlsbad community. Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 12 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 5 The Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report documents the park planning considerations, criteria, analysis and process that culminated in the development of the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. The report is intended to: • Provide a brief background of the policy documents that influence park development • Describe the existing conditions and site analysis that led to a physical understanding of the site • Summarize the public outreach process and the feedback obtained through that effort • Describe how this information was synthesized to develop the master plan The City’s Facilities and Improvements Plan and the Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element of the city’s General Plan identify four quadrants within the city which correspond with the four park districts. Because of its size and relatively centralized location, the Veterans Memorial Park is intended to count equally towards satisfying the park needs in each of these quadrants. 1. Executive Summary Vicinity Map Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 13 of 72 6 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report In November 2018, the landscape architecture firm RJM Design Group was retained by the city to develop the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. The firm’s scope of work included a public outreach process designed to gather community input and synthesize that input into a master plan. Additionally, objectives that informed the basis of design include an emphasis on avoidance of sensitive habitat areas, maximization of stormwater retention, and safety and visibility. This report captures the design process and contains the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan which is the basis of design for entitlements and construction documents and reflects the community’s recreational desires while balancing park development in a way that is sensitive to the surrounding natural habitat. The Veterans Memorial Park site is located southeast of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. It’s bordered on the west and south by Faraday Avenue, to the north by Whitman Way, and to the southeast by the Macario Canyon and Veterans Memorial Park Open Space Preserves. The site is 91.5 acres of which 48 acreas are developable. The reminder of the site is protected habitat. The topography of the site is characterized by gentle south to southwest facing slopes. The design intent is a family-oriented park with a variety of multi-generational and inclusive amenities that are incorporated into active and passive recreational elements. Honoring veterans for their service, minimizing environmental impacts, and celebrating the site’s natural beauty and views are also integral components. Park facilities and trails are interwoven with open space and the variety of recreational activities and park elements in the master plan are designed to encourage educational benefits and active or passive participation by users of all ages and interests. The park is physically separated into two distinct areas (north and south) which transition through passive uses and natural open space to a prominent memorial element at the high point of the site. The plaza on the north side opens into the large community gathering area, with shaded pavilions framed by seat walls. The building at the plaza entrance includes a catering support room, small office, restrooms, storage and maintenance closet. An inclusive, universally accessible playground and family and group picnic areas are proximal to the main gathering area, allowing for convenient access from the parking lot. Further up the slope, a nature inspired playground provides a more challenging play experience. Site Visit on 1/23/19 Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 14 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 7 Site Visit on 1/23/19 Access to the south side of the park is located near the underpass at Faraday Avenue. A small building in the center of the plaza contains restrooms and storage. The primary amenity on the south side is a 4-acre family-oriented bike park. The intent is to develop the bike park with a military theme to further celebrate veterans. It is anticipated that sustainable and nature inspired features, such as rock outcroppings, boulders and wood will be used to reinforce the overall theme of the park. Other elements within this section of the park include a restroom, tot lot, outdoor exercise area and outdoor education area. Accessible pathways lead from both sides of the park to the top of the hill where a prominent memorial art feature will be located. The specific design will be developed in partnership with the City’s Cultural Arts team, which is tasked with preparing a comprehensive plan for selecting artists and conducting public outreach for this significant art piece. The upper plateau remains largely natural and open, with trails, an accessible pathway and individual seating areas - strategically placed to maximize views to the lagoon, ocean and golf course. Patrons will experience various passive use areas for meditation, reflection and relaxation. Interpretive gardens will allow visitors to feel a sense of peace with the collection of indigenous and drought tolerant plants, which is harmonious with the surrounding protected habitat. The circulation routing provides a variety of options for exploring the park. In addition to accessible pathways, there is a fitness run and rock climb to the upper plateau to challenge park visitors, as well as hiking routes that are less steep. A multi-use trail that allows bikes and dogs on-leash loops around the perimeter of the park site and connects to adjacent trails and neighborhoods. The City Council’s approval of the master plan will provide a basis for further development of plans in the next phase of park development - the CEQA review and entitlement process. Although the recommended master plan was designed within the framework of site-specific environmental and technical reports, the CEQA review and entitlement process may result in some modifications to the specific configuration of design elements to avoid or minimize potential environmental impacts. However, the general configuration and intensity of uses are not expected to deviate significantly from the master plan as presented. Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 15 of 72 8 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 2.1. General Plan The City of Carlsbad General Plan’s Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element identifies the Veterans Memorial Park site as a future Community Park. Community parks are typically 20-50 acres in size and designed to serve the recreational needs of several neighborhoods, with a focus on serving families from the vicinity with daily frequency. Community parks generally provide active and passive use amenities; however, they are not limited to the exclusive use of either. Special use facilities may be located within these parks if appropriate to the interests and needs of the community in which the park is located. Because of its size, relatively centralized location and significance, the city intends this site to fulfill future citywide park needs. The Veterans Memorial Park has also been identified as a regional open space park by the San Diego Association of Governments. Although this future park has been identified as part of the regional park system, it will function pursuant to its primary park classification as a Community Park. The identification of a city park as a regional open space park denotes that the park is serving a regional need. 2.2. Growth Management Plan The parks performance standard is three acres of community parks or special use areas per 1,000 population within the park district. There are four park districts within Carlsbad, which correspond to the city’s quadrants. If the service level is not met due to population increase within a given quadrant, the city is required to schedule a park for construction within five years, beginning at the time the need is identified, but beginning no sooner than August 22, 2017 (City Council Resolution No. 2017-170). The phrase “scheduled for construction” means: • The park site has been selected and has been or is being acquired by the City, • The improvements for the park site have been designed, and • A financing plan for construction of the park has been approved by the City Council (City Council Resolution No. 97-435). Per FY 2018-19 Growth Management Plan Monitoring Report, the inventory of parks acreage is below the parks performance standard needed by 4.3 acres in the northeast quadrant, by 6.8 acres in the southwest quadrant, and by 2.3 acres in the southeast quadrant. These three quadrants, however, are currently compliant with the parks performance standard, as the five year period noted above does not conclude until August 21, 2022. The scheduling of Veterans Memorial Park for construction will address the park’s performance need in all city quadrants. Pursuant to the Carlsbad Facilities and Improvements Plan, Veterans Memorial Park site will equally count toward satisfying the parks performance need in all city quadrants (i.e., 22.875 acres applied to each city quadrant). 2. Policy Documents Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 16 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 9 2.3. Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan The key goals established by the Parks & Recreation Department for parks and recreation facilities are to: • Meet the underserved needs of the community • Build an entrepreneurial focus that supplements city contribution • Provide opportunities that promote health and wellness and active lifestyles • Develop a departmental culture that embraces change and promotes continuous improvement • Provide programs for active adults and seniors, outdoor programs, educational programs, and nontraditional programs 2.4. Park Program Elements Generally, facilities in community parks include family-oriented picnic areas, group picnic areas, turfed open space areas for free play, multi-purpose playfield(s), tot lots, buffer areas, and structures (for meetings, instructions, etc.) However, there are a number of restrictions to developing certain park program elements on the site due to sensitive habitat and terrain. The City’s Habitat Management Plan (HMP) Adjacency Standards limit uses and features that could impact wildlife and/or habitat areas, such as high mast sports field lighting, non-native plant pallets, continuous solid fencing restricting wildlife movement, and uses that could create excessive noise (such as a dog park, a skate park, and a basketball court). Likewise, the site’s hilly terrain precludes incorporating recreational elements that require significant grading operations to create large flat pads for development such as sport fields, large footprint buildings and other structures (such as a community center, an amphitheater), and swimming pools. The program for the Veterans Memorial Park was developed from the public outreach process and will include active and passive recreation amenities, open space interpretive areas, public art, trails, utilities, parking, restrooms, and maintenance facilities. Elements identified for consideration included the following passive and active recreational uses, structures and utilities. Passive Recreation • Trails with trailheads • Picnic areas • Passive open turf • Multi-use plaza • Benches & seating • Walking and multi-use accessible paths • Native garden • Nature demonstration area • Veterans memorial • Public art • Interpretive signage Active Recreation • Outdoor fitness • Climbing walls • Obstacle course • Adventure/outdoor skills facility • Bike pump track/agility course • Playgrounds • Exercise/parkour stations Structures and Utilities • Restrooms & maintenance • Concessions • Shade structures • Small performance stage • Parking lot and drop-off • Storm water quality treatment areas • Low intensity lighting Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 17 of 72 10 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 3.1. Location The Veterans Memorial Park site is located southeast of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. It’s bordered on the west and south by Faraday Avenue and to the north by Whitman Way. Just over half of the total land, 48 of 91.5 acres, can be developed into a park; the rest of the land is protected habitat that is undevelopable. 3.2. Site Description The topography of the site is characterized by gentle south to southwest facing slopes. An approximate one-acre portion of the site bordering Faraday Avenue is used as a receiver pit for the Carlsbad Desalination Project Pipeline within a permanently fenced area. Immediately north of the pump station is a concrete stormwater culvert that crosses under Faraday Avenue. On the south end of the site, a pedestrian tunnel that passes beneath Faraday Avenue connects the Veterans Memorial Park site to The Crossings at Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course trail. Earthen trails meander across the site in a generally north-south orientation. Bus stops are located at the corner of Faraday Avenue and Whitman Way and Faraday Avenue and Cannon Road. Multi-family residential development is located generally north of the site on the east and west sides of Whitman Way. Single family homes on the ridgeline north of the site look out over the future park and open space areas. 3. Existing Conditions & Site Analysis Park Development Area Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 18 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 11 Existing Topography and Slope Analysis Map 3.3. Existing Topography & Slope Analysis The site topography is characterized by a combination of gentle and steep hills throughout the site. Results from the slope analysis show that portions of the site contain slopes of 15-25% and higher. Drainage patters show flows to the southwest. Overall, development will need contour grading in order to blend into the natural terrain. Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 19 of 72 12 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report Biological Resources 3.4. Biological Resources The Veterans Memorial Park site contains non-native grassland, Diegan coastal sage scrub, coastal sage scrub–chaparral scrub, southern maritime chaparral, oak woodland, Eucalyptus woodland, riparian scrub, and disturbed/developed areas. The majority of these areas provide habitat for a variety of wildlife species. Some of the most common species known or expected to occur on- site include the western fence lizard, side-blotched lizard, California quail, greater roadrunner, Allen’s hummingbird, red-tailed hawk, California ground squirrel, and desert cottontail. In addition, a variety of special status plant and wildlife species have been documented on the park site including California adolphia, summer holly, Nuttall’s scrub oak, loggerhead shrike, and coastal California gnatcatcher. Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 20 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 13 Veterans Park Habitat Management Plan (HMP) ±0 600Feet Path: \\shares\GIS_App\RequestsMarch2015\Parks\RITM0020115_20\RITM0020115_20.aprx Veterans Memorial ParkVeterans Memorial Park HMP Preserve AreaHMP Preserve Area Legend HMP Current Conditions: Existing Hardline Proposed Hardline Standards Area Habitat Management Plan (HMP) 3.5. Habitat Management Plan A portion of the Veterans Memorial Park site has native vegetation present. The city has implemented a Habitat Management Plan, which exists to preserve open space, and to mitigate impacts to native vegetation and threatened and endangered species. Where park development occurs adjacent to existing preserves, guidelines in the Habitat Management Plan concerning adjacency standards will be required to be followed. Habitat mitigation may also be required. Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 21 of 72 14 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 3.6. Utilities Electric – San Diego Gas and Electric There is an existing SDG&E underground system on the same side as the project near and under the sidewalk. There are SDG&E vaults available to Faraday Avenue to serve as the point of connection for the new project. SDG&E doesn’t appear to have any restraints or conflicts to the on-site project. Spectrum CATV Only Spectrum has a source for pickup, either on Whitman Way near the residential area, or on Faraday Avenue near the businesses. The restraint with Spectrum is that it doesn’t have a conduit system underground in the front of the project area. If television service is needed, a new trench will need to be dug, offset at least 1 foot from the original existing joint trench to add additional conduits for television. AT&T – Telephone The AT&T manholes and pedestals are all along Faraday Avenue from Whitman Way to the businesses. The pickup point for the project site would come from either one of the manholes or pedestals. Depending on the project, some new structures may need to be placed but most likely, just on-site for the new project. The restraint for AT&T is an existing direct buried cable running through the frontage of the project. Gas – San Diego Gas and Electric There is an existing 3” gas main running along Faraday Avenue. If gas service is needed at the new development, a work order will need to be processed. There are no constraints or conflicts with gas for the project area. If gas service is needed for the on-site project, a gas pit will be needed to connect to the mainline and bring into the project from Faraday Avenue. Utilities Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 22 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 15 3.7. Opportunities & Constraints The purpose of the opportunities and constraints analysis is to illustrate how the site’s physical characteristics encourage or limit park development. Opportunities are favorable elements, constraints are limiting or restricting factors on use. Often, there are inherent conflicts between opportunities and constraints. The goal is to maximize opportunities while minimizing environmental impacts and development on constrained lands. Site features that were viewed as positive characteristics or elements that could enhance park development include the following: • Views - West to Agua Hedionda Lagoon and ocean, southeast to golf course, canyons and airport, and north to mountains • Upper plateau allows for wide range of activities • Major utilities in place along Faraday Avenue • Pedestrian undercrossing to golf course trail • Large habitat areas to be preserved in perpetuity • Expansion of trails with varied degree of difficulty • Proximity to golf course, lagoon discovery center, and Legoland Site features that were viewed as the primary limitations to development include the following: • Accessibility/mobility/reduced accessibility due to terrain • Preserve areas / trails related amenities only • Areas adjacent to habitat/limited development • Steep slopes / limited recreation opportunities • Housing to the north; future housing to the southeast • Limited level access to the site • Vehicle access limited Opportunities & Constraints Analysis Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 23 of 72 16 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report Workshop #1 The goal of the Public Outreach & Engagement was to identify the community’s needs, values and priorities related to the potential uses of the Veterans Memorial Park site. 4.1. Public Outreach # 1 The first public workshop was held March 9, 2019 with a follow-up online survey from March 9 to 23, 2019. The input obtained from those opportunities was then summarized in a report titled “Veterans Memorial Park Public Input Report”. The input from both the workshop and survey was categorized for the purpose of identifying key themes. Participants desired park visit experiences that included a fun adventure and which incorporated a peaceful, tranquil, relaxing feeling, allowing the visitors to pursue either a quest for fitness or a leisurely walk in the park enjoying views and the natural surroundings of the existing park features, while paying homage and respect to our military veterans. 4. Public Outreach & Engagement Experiencing nature Walking/hiking Accessibility Peace/tranquility Active recreation Dogs Event venue Places to gather Honoring veterans Art Maximize views Children areas Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 24 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 17 4.2. Concept Plans The design team incorporated the community input received from the workshop and survey into the basis of design to develop two distinctly different park concepts. The two design concepts are shown on the following page. Other important sources of information, including the Carlsbad Community Vision Core Values, the City of Carlsbad General Plan, Growth Management Plan, and Parks & Recreation Master Plan were also used in developing the two park design concepts. Input from the public helped shape the design of the concept plans. Desired elements included the following: • Incorporate areas for seating, picnicking, open grass areas (possible place for yoga) and areas for social gathering. • Where views are spectacular, enhance the sight lines for the park users’ experience. • Incorporate education, public art, and native gardens. • Include an active recreation area, away from passive park features, for bikes that incorporates bike trails, pump tracks and skills courses. • Disc golf should be in a dedicated area. • Locate play areas closer to active areas of the park. • Intersperse less active recreation features like fitness stations, obstacle courses, climbing walls throughout the park. • Desired built elements include restrooms, shade structures, small stage/ amphitheater with possible concession/food truck area for special events. • Place a veteran’s memorial in an area that is easily accessible. • On street parking may need to be supplemented by an area in the park, perhaps overflow parking area that functions as park space during non-peak hours. • Based on the public’s other considerations for the park the design should be sensitive to access, noise and safety. • Some areas should be multi-use and flexible. • Preserve and enhance the site’s natural beauty. 4.3. Public Outreach #2 The city held a second public workshop on Sept. 21, 2019 with a follow-up online survey from Sept. 21 to Oct. 6, 2019, to present the two design concepts and to give the community the opportunity to share their comments. The two concepts were designed to portray distinctly different configurations for the active recreation, passive recreation, kids’ play areas, places to gather, and memorial elements. Workshop participants shared their thoughts on what was working well, what was missing, and other suggestions for each of the design concepts. The input obtained from that public engagement was then summarized in a report titled “Veterans Memorial Park Concepts Public Input Report.” The goal of the second public outreach effort was to understand the community’s preferences for the various elements in each of the design concepts. Workshop #2 Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 25 of 72 18 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report Designed with a series of usable flat areas linked together with a long easily traversed pathway, the Terrace Concept provides many contemplative areas and outdoor rooms for a variety of uses. Anchored by a memorial element and large gathering area, a natural looking trail with rock formations climbs up the hillside to a prominent memorial element creating a significant focal point. Nature oriented and inclusive play areas are spread throughout the site in a series of smaller spaces alternated with passive areas and family picnic spots. Active areas - which could include a family-oriented bike park, obstacle/fitness course and parkour - are concentrated in the south end of the park and supported by group picnic areas. The Terrace concept provides a series of usable flat areas and links them together with a long easily traversed pathway. A natural looking trail with rock formations etc. is the focal point as you view the site coming from north. Many contemplative areas and outdoor rooms for a variety of uses are located throughout the park. 4.4. Terrace Concept Terrace ConceptVeterans Memorial Park City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 19 With its focus on fitness and physical activity, the Hillside Concept incorporates contour grading to blend in naturally with the existing topography, creating larger areas of activity. The north end of the park is dedicated to areas for more vigorous and challenging active recreation features such as a family-oriented bike park, obstacle/fitness course and parkour; a large children’s play area for adventure play, inclusive play, climbing walls and rock formations, and areas for nature play and discovery; and an open grassy area for free unstructured play. There are two large gathering areas at the north & south ends of the park and memorial elements are spread throughout the park. Larger picnic areas are concentrated in three to four main areas. The Hillside concept incorporates contour grading to blend in naturally with the existing topography. A large natural children’s play area is the focal point as you view the site coming from the north. The park will be bustling with lots of activity. 4.5. Hillside Concept Terrace ConceptVeterans Memorial Park 20 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 4.6. Bike Park Focus Group Based on information and comments received from the public, a refined bike park schematic plan was formulated to incorporate the public’s input. Throughout the community engagement process, it became evident that there was a strong desire to include a family-oriented bike park. To properly address this feature with the biking community, a focus group meeting was held on March 5, 2020. It was attended by individuals who expressed a desire for a bike park during the workshops and/or in the on-line surveys. Two draft bike park design concepts - with interconnected features such as dual slalom, flow/jump paths and a pump track with various configurations to accommodate skill level progression – were presented to the focus group. Input obtained from that outreach was summarized in a report titled “City Of Carlsbad, Veterans Memorial Park, Family-Oriented Bike Park Skills/Pump Track Focus Group Meeting Summary Report”. Bike Park Focus Group Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 28 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 21 Concept 1 Overview: Includes a good variety of amenities and progression throughout the site. Spectating and rest areas are spread through the site near each amenity. Pump Track: This pump track design maximizes track length with long straight sections and a variety of direction changing berms. Skills: The skills features in Concept 1 are spread throughout the site in multiple locations making it easy to hit obstacles close to whichever amenity you are using. Flow Trails: The Concept 1 flow trails focus more on straight lines of rollers and jumps that traverse the hillside. Lane splits (with signage) allow for lines with varying levels of difficulty. Jump Trails: Dirt jump lines with varying levels of difficulty allows progression to comfortably improve jumping skills. A - Bike Park Entrances B - Internal Spectator or User Staging / Rest Area C - External Spectator Area D - Beginner Pump Track E - Intermediate Pump Track F - Beginner Flow / Jump Trail Concept 2 Overview: A progression based layout with beginner friendly amenities on the east side and intermediate to advanced amenities on the west. Spectating and rest areas are concentrated near the park entrances to provide space to enjoy away from the action. Pump Track: This pump track design shows adjacent flow in the same direction which provides a variety of line choices and allows for safe lane transfers. Skills: Concept 2 focuses on the skills features in one area of the park. Also, the “skills loop” provides an interesting course to hit multiple features in a line. Flow Trails: Flow trails focus on cornering with many berms as the trail traverses down the slope. Jump Trails: Lines of progression jumps with varying levels of difficulty. Some features including wood takeoffs. Feature Legend Bike Park Layout Concept 1 Bike Park Layout Concept 2 G - Intermediate Flow Trail with Optional Advanced Features H - Beginner and Intermediate Jump Lines I - Internal Circulation Access Trail J - Skills Trail / Zone K - Stormwater Detention Pond Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 29 of 72 22 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 5. Master Plan 5.1. Design Concept Narrative The recommended master plan was refined based on the public’s input through the second workshop, emails, and the website. Passive park uses were clustered primarily in the north section of the park and the active uses were placed in the southern section. This results in a greater separation between noisier activities and the surrounding residences, habitat areas, and the proposed memorial sites which are more noise sensitive. Concerns about the impact of park uses on the adjacent habitat were addressed by creating larger buffers from the edge of picnic areas and the bike park to the preserve areas. Additionally, activities which could unintentionally intrude into adjacent habitat areas (i.e., frisbee golf ) were eliminated. Also, a multi-use trail was added around the perimeter of the site to enhance the biking experience. This trail also creates a more defined separation between the more traditional park uses and the adjacent habitat. The recommended master plan for Veterans Memorial Park physically separates the park into two distinct areas (north and south) which transition through passive uses and open space to a prominent memorial element in the middle of the park which is also the high point of the site. The north side is accessed via the primary park entrance off of Faraday Avenue, adjacent to the desalination plant receiver pit, and also via a neighborhood trail on Whitman Way. A parking lot includes ADA parking spaces, EV charging stations and a drop-off area. Additional on-street parking is available along Faraday Avenue and Whitman Way. Vista point Labyrinth group activities Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 30 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 23 The main plaza opens into the large community gathering area with shaded pavilions framed by seat walls. The building at the plaza entrance includes a catering support room, small office, restrooms, storage and maintenance closet. Its location provides for close proximity to the restroom facilities from several different parts of the park. A tall wall extends further to the north creating an entry to the memorial plaza, the future public art commemorating our veterans will be placed there. A large courtyard is surrounded by low walls and sprawling open turf area designated for picnic, and passive recreation and informal seating. A large inclusive playground is located on the south side of the building, tucked away from the memorial plaza. Family and group picnic areas are proximal to the main gathering area, allowing for convenient access from the parking lot. Access to the south side of the park is located near the existing underpass along Faraday Avenue. A short driveway opens into a roundabout with a parking lot and a drop-off area. A small building Pump Track Inclusive Playground Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 31 of 72 24 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report in the center of the plaza contains restrooms and storage. This facility serves the active recreation amenities, including a playground for younger children, outdoor fitness areas for all ages with an obstacle course and exercise stations along a circuit, as well as a separate outdoor education area. The primary amenity for the south side is an approximately four acre family-oriented bike park. The draft plan contains an ample number of flow paths, jumps, and skill courses. Spectator seating and rest areas are strategically located to allow for great views to each amenity. The design intent is to develop the bike park with a military theme to further celebrate veterans. It is anticipated that sustainable and nature inspired features, such as rock outcroppings, boulders and wood will be used to reinforce the overall theme of the park. The entry to the bike park is located along the south side of the parking lot and is accentuated by a large, shaded plaza allowing for group picnicking, recreation programs, and social interaction. Accessible pathways lead the visitor from both sides of the park to the top of the hill where the memorial art feature will be located. The specific design will be developed in partnership with the Cultural Arts team, which is tasked with preparing a comprehensive plan for selecting artists and conducting public outreach for this significant art piece. The upper plateau remains largely natural and open, with trails, an accessible pathway and individual seating areas strategically placed to maximize views to the lagoon, ocean and golf course. Patrons will experience various passive use areas for meditation, reflection and relaxation. Interpretive gardens will allow visitors to feel a sense of peace with the collection of indigenous and drought tolerant plants, harmonious with the surrounding protected habitat. An accessible, winding path from the hilltop terrace to the main parking lot will address the needs of patrons in wheelchairs, using walkers or strollers, or otherwise desiring to reach the top terrace. The meandering path connects amenities along the way, including a rustic, nature-inspired playground, Outdoor education PlaygroundFeb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 32 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 25 group and family picnic areas tucked into different levels, and group exercise areas. There is also an option for a vigorous hike up or down the rock steps. The rock climb intersects the accessible pathways in many places allowing patrons with different mobility needs to meet up and socialize as they use their preferred path of travel. Patrons may also choose to stay on the perimeter trail outside the park and enjoy a hike. The multi-use trail, which is part of the citywide trail network connecting to other city trails and to Twain Avenue, is separated from park amenities, allowing for typical trails’ recreation, including hiking, jogging, biking and dogs on leash. The entire site is graded with rolling topography, mounds, and many shade trees. Hiking Trails Meadows Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 33 of 72 26 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 5.2. Site Plan Concept Plan The park is physically separated into two distinct areas (north and south) which transition through passive uses and open space to a prominent memorial element at the high point of the site. The design intent is to provide a place where visitors of all ages and abilities can experience a variety of active and passive recreational amenities in a setting with flowing natural forms that blend into the natural environment. Honoring veterans for their service, minimizing environmental impacts, and celebrating the site’s natural beauty/views are also integral components. Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 34 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 27 Intentionally blank page Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 35 of 72 28 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 1 - NORTH AREA Future planning may include elements such as: • Parking lot, number of stalls depending on the extent of amenities • Restroom/storage building (approximately 2,000 sf) • Large plaza with enhanced paving and tree wells • Gathering area for small outdoor events • Veterans memorial plaza • Inclusive playground • Stormwater treatment area 5.3. Individual Element Vignettes 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 36 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 29 2 - NORTH SLOPE AREA Future planning may include elements such as: • Rock climb • Accessible path to top of hill • Large and small group picnic areas • Rustic themed playground • Benches and seating areas oriented towards views • Meditative/reflective spaces 3 - HILL TOP AREA Future planning may include elements such as: • Veterans memorial plaza at top of hill • Memorial interpretive garden • Interpretive/native garden • Open meadows • Preserved existing habitat Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 37 of 72 30 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 5 - BIKE PARK Future planning may include elements such as: • Beginner pump track • Internal/external spectator areas • Skill loop zone • Flow trails of different levels of abilities • Jump trails • Pump track • Shaded entry • Perimeter fencing 4 - SOUTH AREA Future planning may include elements such as: • Parking lot, number of stalls depending on the extent of amenities • ADA path connecting to north area • Seating at viewing areas • Restroom/storage (approximately 1,200 sf) • Stormwater treatment area • Trail connections to north and east • Tot playground Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 38 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 31 6 - OUTDOOR EXERCISE AREA Future planning may include elements such as: • Workout equipment • Obstacle course • Circuit training • Looped path • Shaded rest areas 7 - OUTDOOR EDUCATION Future planning may include elements such as: • Outdoor seating • Group activity area • Flexibe play equipment Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 39 of 72 32 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 5.4. Circulation & Fencing Diagram Circulation Plan The Veterans Memorial Park circulation routing combines a variety of options for exploring the park. The accessible paths are all under a 5% slope and provide linkages to all elements of the park. There are several fitness runs to challenge the park visitor as well as hiking routes that are less steep. A multi-use trail, that allows bikes and dogs on-leash, loops around the perimeter of the park site and connects to adjacent trails and neighborhoods. The dual trail/ADA path along Faraday Avenue, which is separated from traffic by a substantial landscape buffer, provides a link between the north and south park segments. Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 40 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 33 Intentionally blank page Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 41 of 72 34 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 5.5. Planting Plan Planting Plan The aesthetic landscape of Veterans Memorial Park blends seamlessly with the native environment. The installed plant material will not only be California friendly and water-wise, but also extremely hardy while still pleasing to the eye. The colorful and fragrant blooms will draw in hummingbirds and butterflies, while restoring the habitat of the indigenous wildlife. Each area of the park will feel like a unique “room” where the vegetation will provide a sense of enclosure and yet freedom. Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 42 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 35 Intentionally blank page Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 43 of 72 36 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 5.6. Bike Plan Schematic Design Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 44 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 37 Intentionally blank page Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 45 of 72 38 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan ReportFeb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 46 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 39 Intentionally blank page Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 47 of 72 40 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report North Building South Restroom Building 6. Architectural Concepts Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 48 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 41 North Building (Approximately 1,970 sf.) South Restroom Building (Approximately 960 sf.) The design concept for the architecture at Veterans Memorial Park is based on integrating the structures into the overall park design. Each structure has been carefully designed and coordinated with the surrounding landscape and site design features. Organic forms and natural materials have been selected to further link the buildings to the site. The buildings consist of natural stone walls with wood and metal accents with an overall color palette of natural earth tones. Where possible, slatted wood walls have been integrated into the design for natural ventilation and clerestory windows have been added to provide natural light. The structure to be located at the gathering area at the north side of the Park will feature a covered shade pavilion with a small outdoor stage, catering facilities, public art, storage and restrooms. The arc-shaped structure serves as an inviting portal to the Park and frames the view out to the public gathering area and to the park land beyond. The smaller structure to be located at the south side of the Park includes restrooms, public art and storage and is similar in design, materials and palette as the pavilion to the north.LOW SEATING WALLSTAGE AREA ELEC.TRASHAVOFFICESTGCATERINGSUPPORTROOMGOLFCART &EQUIP.STORAGE25' - 4"15' - 0"55' - 11"PARITAL HEIGHTFRAME / LOGO WALLLOW SEATING WALLWOMENSMENSGENDERNEUTRUAL27' - 4"14 816SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"TRUENORTHPROJECTNORTHJOB NO.DATE501 West Broadway, Suite 1080San Diego, California 92101858-350-0544NORTH BLDG - OPT 2VETERANS MEMORIAL PARKXXX.XXX04/21/20A1.2LOW SEATING WALLSTAGE AREA ELEC.TRASHAVOFFICESTGCATERINGSUPPORTROOMGOLFCART &EQUIP.STORAGE25' - 4"15' - 0"55' - 11"PARITAL HEIGHTFRAME / LOGO WALLLOW SEATING WALLWOMENSMENSGENDERNEUTRUAL27' - 4"14 816SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"TRUENORTHPROJECTNORTHJOB NO.DATE501 West Broadway, Suite 1080San Diego, California 92101858-350-0544NORTH BLDG - OPT 2VETERANS MEMORIAL PARKXXX.XXX04/21/20A1.2ME N S WO M E N S ST O R A G E GE N D E R NE U T R U A L EL E C .27' - 4"FE A T U R E W A L L FA C I N G B I K E P A R K EN T R Y 35' - 0" BIK E P A R K I N G E N T R Y LO W W A L L LO W W A L L LO W W A L L 1 4 8 16 SCA L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " TR U E NO R T H JO B N O . DA T E 58 6 5 O w e n s D r i v e Ple a s a n t o n , C A 9 4 5 8 8 925 - 2 5 1 - 7 2 0 0 S O U T H B L D G VE T E R A N S M E M O R I A L P A R K XX X . X X X 04/ 2 1 / 2 0 A2 Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 49 of 72 42 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 7.1. Preliminary Grading Plan The below exhibit depicts the preliminary grading design solution and balanced earthwork condition for Veterans Memorial Park. The Preliminary Grading Exhibit implements retaining walls, natural slopes and mounding, and accessible routes as required to support the concept site plan and program. The grading concept accomplishes applicable Hillside Development guidelines by incorporating contour grading into manufactured slopes so as to represent the aesthetic qualities of natural hillsides. The concept minimizes grading activities within protected habitats and assures that alteration of natural hillsides is sensitive to and reflective of the surrounding environment. Preliminary Grading Plan 7. Engineering Concepts Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 50 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 43 7.2. Hydrology Existing Hydrology The project is located in the Agua Hedionda Hydrologic Area, within the Carlsbad Watershed, delineated by the Carlsbad Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP). Existing site drainage conditions consist of natural terrain and grasslands that drain towards the south west. Drainage is intercepted by concrete swales that run parallel to Faraday Avenue, directing runoff towards 5 public storm drain culverts. All 5 culverts convey flow beneath Faraday Avenue and outlet to The Crossings at Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. A natural channel conveys stormwater north to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Soil type is identified as Type D (due to the presence of bedrock and clay soils, the soil infiltration rate is quite low). Preliminary testing results indicate that the infiltration rate is 0 in/hr. Existing slopes vary from 4% to 50%, elevations range from 43 feet to 245 feet above sea level. Proposed Hydrology Development of the site will maintain a similar topography to the existing site, as well as the existing drainage pattern. Proposed development will have slopes ranging from 1% to 50% and will have a very similar range in elevation to the existing conditions. In general, stormwater will be conveyed on the surface to mimic natural conditions, and encourage retention and evapotranspiration. Proposed hydrology assumes proposed improvements will incorporate a mix of impermeable and permeable hardscape to maintain a maximum of 25% imperviousness. Development of the site will increase the flow rate for a 100-year storm by roughly 36%. The project will be subject to hydromodification and water quality controls designed in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Best Management Practice Design Manual. The drainage design will incorporate permanent Best Management Practices (BMPs) designed to treat and control storm water discharge from the site. BMP’s implemented on site may include a system of vegetated swales which will convey runoff to numerous biofiltration basins. Due to the inability of the soil below to infiltrate, perforated underdrains and impervious liners may be required below the basins. The site may also include permeable pavement to be used for pollution control and retention. The BMPs will provide treatment and serve as volume control for hydromodification, retaining the increased flows on site. Existing Hydrology Proposed Hydrology Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 51 of 72 44 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 8. Public Art The City of Carlsbad’s Public Art Program is administered by the Cultural Arts Office. A key component of Carlsbad’s program is an emphasis on public participation throughout the process, ensuring that the artworks are integrated into the physical and social environment of the city and reflect the broad range and interests of the community. A focus on community dialogue will be incorporated throughout the development of the Veterans Memorial Park public art components to allow for the community to give input and be involved in sharing their viewpoints. The city is including an embedded artist in the early stages of the Veterans Memorial Park project. The embedded artist will serve as a resource to the park design team to offer insights and suggestions for incorporating public art within the park’s amenities and structures. This approach recognizes that collaborative, thoughtful design can create a unique space that honors veterans, respects local history, enhances the city’s image, and successfully integrates art into the lives of Carlsbad’s residents. Honoring the History and Location Veterans Memorial Park represents an intersection of park and memorial as a space that holds multiple histories. The elegance of the natural landscape is amplified, not interrupted by the man-made forms and structures. This site’s memorial will not be assigned to one perspective, but rather to individuals, histories and nature. It will be a place where every visitor becomes a participant, not an observer. In community input workshops and surveys, many commented that Veterans Memorial Park could be linked by a common desire for a space that addresses physical, emotional and environmental health. Veterans Memorial Park will become that critical connection point between land and people, self and others, young and old, seekers and wanderers, and history and present day. It will truly be a public space that embraces overlapping needs and desires. This new community resource becomes a memorial, one that can be discovered over time, resulting in: • A place where veterans are honored for their sacrifice and pursuit of hope and happiness. • A space where we see ourselves and recognize each other. • A physical and psychological environment that allows us to see the world in a new way. • A space for expression and understanding, as well as physical and mental health. About the Public Art Process The city’s public art program has a long history. Some processes have changed over time, like the recent addition of an artist early in the project—but the goals have stayed the same. The city’s Art in Public Places Program works to integrate art and the ideas of artists into the development of public settings by collaborating with local, regional and nationally known artists to include the values and history of our community into their work. Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 52 of 72 Creating thoughtful relationships between public space and art, while preserving Carlsbad’s distinct heritage and cultural identity is an ongoing priority. Art in public spaces can create exciting aesthetic experiences that engage the community and give people a welcoming sense of place and space to be contemplative. Veterans Memorial Park will provide those spaces for people to reflect, energize and imagine. Public Art At-A-Glance The city’s public art process will combine the natural environment with strategic aesthetics in response to community input resulting in distinctive, site-specific works of art. That process includes the following steps: • Launch conversations about public art • Organize a public art selection committee representing all stakeholders • Initiate artist selection process • Design public forums for community dialogue and respond with specific designs • Install new public art Recognition of the Opportunity A place with elegant, slow and natural walkways, Veterans Memorial Park aims to be an unfolding experience joining the multitude of histories of the land and bridging people together. A place that honors veterans who hold different histories of service. A place that honors the indigenous people who once gathered here and offer insight to that history. A place that celebrates the native plants and animals that define the habitats. A place offering a connection point between land and water, where sunsets and ocean breezes, walking paths and gathering spaces enhance physical, emotional and mental well-being. A place of inclusiveness that a diverse group of all ages and of cultural backgrounds can enjoy. A place that supports expression, understanding, rest and contemplation. A place to activate your wellness. Veterans Memorial Park is being designed as a connection point between our past, our present and our future. Provide by the Library and Cultural Arts Team Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 53 of 72 46 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report 9. Project Budget and Schedule 9.1. Capital Improvement Program and Funding The Capital Improvement Program is a long-range planning document to ensure that the city meets its standards. The program is updated each year, and specific projects are included in the city’s annual budget. Community Facilities District No. 1 was established in 1991, creating a special tax lien on vacant properties throughout the city. The purpose of this CFD was to finance the construction of specific public facilities of citywide obligation and benefit, including Veterans Memorial Park. The funds from the district cannot be used for facilities other than those specified at the time the district was formed. In addition to the city’s acquisition of the Veterans Memorial Park site, approximately $23,000,000 has been set aside to date in the CIP Budget for planning, design, and development of the park. Multi-use trail Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 54 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 47 9.2 Project Schedule Project Milestone Schedule for Veterans Memorial Park (VMP) NOTE: 1. The public art process is extensive and runs parallel with the project. 2. Milestone dates may be adjusted if needed to facilitate city meetings, reviews, and coordination with various city departments, agencies or other factors. MASTER PLAN MILESTONE DATE Parks & Recreation Commission Acceptance of VMP Master Plan January 2021 City Council Adoption of Recommended VMP Master Plan February 2021 ENTITLEMENT & PERMITTING Submit Applications to Planning Division: • Coastal Development Permit • Conditional Use Permit • Hillside Development Permit • Habitat Management Plan Consistency Determination • Environmental Impact Assessment – Initial Study (MND) Spring 2021 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) 30-day Public Review Summer 2021 Planning Commission Recommendation to Approve Entitlement Permits and Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the VMP Master Plan Fall 2021 Parks & Recreation Commission Recommendation to Adopt VMP Master Plan Fall 2021 City Council Adoption of the Final VMP Master Plan and Approval of Entitlement Permits and MND Fall 2021 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Construction documents (50% completion)Summer 2022 Construction documents (100% completion)Summer 2023 BIDDING & AWARD OF CONTRACT City Council Authorization to Bid Summer 2023 Invitation to Bid Summer 2023 Bid Opening Fall 2023 City Council Award of Contract Fall 2023 CONSTRUCTION General Contract - Notice to Proceed Fall 2023 Substantial Completion of Construction Spring 2025 Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 55 of 72 48 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report The recommended master plan contained in this report will become the basis of design for entitlements and construction documents. Although the master plan was designed within the context of preliminary site-specific environmental and technical reports, the CEQA review and entitlement process may result in some modifications to the specific configuration of design elements to avoid or minimize potential environmental impacts. However, the general configuration and intensity of uses are not expected to deviate significantly from the master plan as presented. 10.1. CEQA Review The project’s environmental impacts will be assessed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) during the entitlement phase. 10.2. Entitlement Permits The city has the primary responsibility for carrying out or approving the project. The following identifies the discretionary actions and approvals required by the city to secure entitlements for development of Veterans Memorial Park. • Conditional Use Permit (CUP) – The project is located in the Open Space Zone which allows public parks subject to approval of a CUP. The purpose of a CUP is to ensure that a proposed development is suitable and harmonious with its surrounding environs and certain restrictions may be may imposed to ensure that compatibility. The CUP evaluates such items as building placement and size, traffic generation, noise, hours of operation, adequacy of parking, and overall compatibility of use with adjoining properties and other related development impacts. • Hillside Development Permit (HDP) – The project is subject to the city’s Hillside Development Ordinance and requires approval of a HDP. The purpose of this permit is to evaluate and assure that development or grading on hillsides (if allowed) relates to the slope of the land in order to preserve the integrity and appearance of natural hillsides and other landforms wherever possible. • Coastal Development Permit (CDP) – The project is located within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). The CDP is required to evaluate consistency of the proposed project with the codes and polices of the LCP and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone. • Habitat Management Plan Permit (HMP Permit) – A HMP Permit is required for any development project which indirectly or directly impacts natural habitat. In addition, a modification to the existing hardline is proposed which requires 10. Regulatory Framework Accessible paths Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 56 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 49 the processing of a minor HMP amendment and Consistency Findings, which are also generally referred to as “HMP Findings.” Concurrence from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (i.e., Wildlife Agencies) is required for the consistency determination. 10.3. Use of the Master Plan The Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Chapter 21.42.140(B)(100) includes special standards and regulations relating to public parks, including the need to include a master park site plan exhibit. The Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan exhibit includes the general location of and maximum anticipated site area and building area of proposed major and accessory park uses. Although the discretionary actions and approvals required for development of the park will be based on the most intensive uses, the park could potentially be developed with scaled-down plans in some areas, depending on the available budget or other considerations. Upon approval of the entitlement permits, the development of the specific uses that are identified on the master park site plan will not require an additional conditional use permit or an amendment to the existing master park site plan conditional use permit. Additionally, park improvements that do not add a new land use or increase the maximum anticipated site area or building area for a use by more than 20% of that shown on the master park site plan may be approved administratively by the city planner. Interpretive signage at vista point Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 57 of 72 50 | City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report Appendicies Appendix A - Public Input Report & SurveyrFirst Workhopt Appendix B - Public Input Report & Survey Second Workshop Appendix C - Public Input Report & Survey Bike Park Focus Group Pa Focus Group Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 58 of 72 City of Carlsbad • Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report | 51 RJM Design Group, Inc. 31591 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 rjm@rjmdesigngroup.com www.RJMdesigngroup.com [949] 493-2690 fax [949] 493-2600 phone Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 59 of 72 I I -..---, � ' : /,' I I I / / / lriJ /I@ / / 7 / I / / // PARK AREAS LEGEND A.VETER.A.NS MEMORI AL PLAZA 8.COMMUNITY GATHERING AREA C.BUILDING (2,000sf) wi-th PAVILION, RESTROOM, $ CATERING SUPPORT ROOM D. PLAY AREAS D1. INCLUSIVE PLAYGROUND D2. RUSTIC, NATURE-INSPIRED PLAYGROUND D3. YOUNG KIDS PLAYGROUND E.VISTA TERR.A.CES E1. SENSORY GARDENS E2. YOGA$ PASSIVE RELAXATION AREAS E3. MEDITATION $ REFLECTIVE AREAS F.NATIVE GARDENS G.OPEN LAWN D H.PICNIC AREAS I.ACTIVITY WALK / TR.A.IL J.NORTH PARKING AREA K.WATER QUALITY TREATMENT AREAS L.REFLECTIVE VETER.A.NS MEMORIAL M.INTERPRETIVE GARDEN N.RESTROOM (1,200sf) 0.FAMILY-ORIENTED BIKE PARK P.MULTI-GENER.A.TIONAL OUTDOOR FITNESS AREA Q.OUTDOOR EDUCATION AREA R.SOUTH PARKING AREA S. T.MEADOWS □ROCK CLIMB U.OVERLOOK V.FITNESS RUN I I I I I I , _________ _,,,,..,, .,, .,, .,, \ \ 0 '°o o �Jo Concept Plan The park is physically separated into two distinct areas (north and south) which transition through passive uses and open space to a prominent memorial element at the high point of the site. The design intent is to provide a place where visitors of all ages and abilities can experience a variety of active and passive recreational amenities in a setting with flowing natural forms that blend into the natural environment. Honoring veterans for their service, minimizing environmental impacts, and celebrating the site's natural beauty/views are also integral components. H�I=? PRESERVE BOUNDARY. "' ., Q :;: o?"' 0 JANUARY 2021 SITE PLANI R 1 1 0 50' 100' 200' CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA� Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 60 of 72 I I / / / / / / /! .. ti) .... -.I/ " I I /4 0 � � I I II @1 I I // I / / TAAi __......,. / PEl<IMET_E_I< -FE__.N_.._\���=:-+f-..!..!.1�', *� @ I o o PARK AREAS LEGEND A.VETERA.NS MEMORIAL PLAZA 8.COMMUNITY GATHERING AREA C.BUILDING (2,000sf) wi-th PAVILION, l<ESTl<OOM, $ CATERING SUP PORT ROOM D. PLAY AREAS D1. INCLUSIVE PLAYGROUND D2. RUSTIC, NATURE-INSP IRED PLAYGROUND D3. YOUNG KIDS PLAYGROUND E.VISTA TEl<RA.CES E1. SENSORY GARDENS E2. YOGA $ PASSIVE RELAXATION AREAS E3. MEDITAT ION $ REFLECTIVE AREAS F.NATIVE GARDENS G.OPEN LAWN H.PICNIC AREAS I. ACTIVITY WALK / TRA.IL J.NORTH PARKING AREA K.WATER QUALITY TREATMENT AREAS L.REFLECTIVE VETERA.NS MEMORIAL M.INTERPRETIVE GARDEN N.RESTROOM (1,200sf) 0.FAMILY-ORIENTED BIKE PARK P.MULTI-GENERA.TIONAL OUTDOOR FITNESS AREA Q.OUTDOOR EDUCATION AREA I<. SOUTH PARKING AREA S.ROCK CLIMB T.MEADOWS U.OVERLOOK V.FITNESS !<UN 0 (8) o og � 0-°'o- � '=2< SOUTH VEHICULAR ACCESS FAMILY-ORIENTED BIKE PARK ACCESS�� UNDERPASS TO �RAIi! AT THE Cl<OSSINGS�P'· GOLF COURSE ACCESS TO \ '-----�'., ,,,,,, ,,, \ > r---------_,,,,,,. I I I I I �-................ ---- .--.-�;,,.,1 Circulation Pian The Veterans Memorial Park circulation routing combines a variety of options for exploring the park. The accessible paths are under a 5°/o slope and provide linkages to all elements of the park. There are several fitness runs to challenge the park visitor as well as hiking routes that are less steep. A multi-use trail, that allows bikes and dogs on-leash, and loops around the perimeter of the park site, connects to adjacent trails and neighborhoods. The dual trail/ ADA path along Faraday Avenue, which is separated from traffic by a substantial landscape buffer, provides a link between the north and south park segments. PERIMETER FENCE .+----HMP PRESERVE\ BOUNDARY \ \ ', /� ', / \ ' I ''-., \ \ \ \ \ \ Q QQ Q "' v, Q(; Q 1-,, ' ® ====== �����½ :2::.a1KE PARK TUNNEL �s�w�-MAINTENANCE ACCESS GATE ����BIKE PARK FENCING TRA.IL $ PARK--=��===��� MULTI-USE PERIMETER TRA.IL ON-SITE SENSITIVE HABITAT AREA ADA PATH / MAINTENANCE ROUTE OFF-SITE SENSITIVE HABITAT AREA ACCESS TO TRA.IL $ PARK "'.,Q :;: o? "-0 ;;;;;;;,= � JANUARY 2021 --CIRCULATION & FENCING DIAGRAMI CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA� 1 1 0 50' 1 00' 200' Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 61 of 72 Feb. 23, 2021Item #9 Page 62 of 72 WWW.NEWLINESKATEPARKS.COM VETERANS MEMORIAL BIKE PARK Draft Final Schematic Design APRIL 8, 2020 CARLSBAD, CA BIKE PARK LAYOUT AMENITY IMAGES PROPOSED PROPOSED PLAYGROUNDPLAYGROUND PEDESTRIAN PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATIONCIRCULATION PARK CONNECTIONPARK CONNECTION F A R A D A Y A V E N U E F A R A D A Y A V E N U E PROPOSED PROPOSED PARKINGPARKING FEATURE LEGEND A A - Bike Park Entrances BB - Internal Spectator/Photography Nodes C C - External Spectator Area D D - Beginner Pump Track E E - Intermediate Pump Track F F - Beginner Flow/Jump Trail G G - Intermediate Flow Trail with Op�����anced Features H H - Beginner and Intermediate Jump Lines I I - Internal Circula���rail / Return Trail w/ Skills Features J J - Dual Slalom Race Course K K - Stormwater Deten���ond AA BB BB BB KK JJ EE DD FF AA AA GG II II II II II II II HH CC CC CC Pump TrackPump Track Flow TrailsFlow Trails Skills FeaturesSkills Features Jump LinesJump Lines CONCEPT DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS: •Overall amount of trails increased •Improved overall connectivity/flow between amenities •Less Spectator Space/more room on starting platforms •Straighter flow trails with jumps •Sustainable features (wood lips, natural rocks) •Dual Slalom course •No dedicated skills zones, distributed throughout circulation •Return trails will have features on them to add loop interest •Naturalized and veterans theme •A/B/C Progression within line •Adaptive trial considerations DETAILS NOT YET SHOWN: •Skills features integrated into circulation paths •Features on flow trails and dirt jumps •Shade structure at starting platforms (pending city review) •Naturalized/themed features CONCEPT HIGHLIGHTS: •Flow Trails with Advanced Line Options •All Dirt Jump Trail •Pump Track with Longest Continuous Lines Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 63 of 72 WWW.NEWLINESKATEPARKS.COM VETERANS MEMORIAL BIKE PARK Draft Final Schematic Design Discussion Photos APRIL 8, 2020 CARLSBAD, CA FLOW FLOW TRAILSTRAILS JUMP JUMP TRAILSTRAILS DUAL DUAL SLALOMSLALOM PUMP PUMP TRACKTRACK BEGINNER BEGINNER FLOW TRAILSFLOW TRAILS TOT LOTTOT LOT Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 64 of 72 M I N U T E S Minutes of: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:30 P.M. Date of Meeting: Jan. 25, 2021 Place of Meeting: Zoom Meeting CALL TO ORDER Chair Luna called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Luna, Vice Chair Martinez, Commissioners Simons, Thorp, Alle-mann, Steketee and Sebahar Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ANNOUNCEMENTS None APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Simons and a second by Commissioner Thorp, the minutes of the Nov. 16, 2020 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting were approved. AYES: Chair Luna, Vice Chair Martinez and Commissioners Simons and Thorp. NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Allemann, Steketee, and Sebahar ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS Commissioner Steketee introduced herself to the commission The commissioner men-tioned that she was looking for a way to serve the city. She moved to Carlsbad a few years ago. Commissioner Sebahar introduced himself to the commission. The commissioner has lived in Carlsbad for 22 years and is passionate about the outdoors. He wants to be of service to his community. CONSENT CALENDAR: None PUBLIC COMMENT None Exhibit 5 Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 65 of 72 1.SR # 0121-1 ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chair Luna invited commissioners to express their interest in becoming chair and vice chair for the 2021 calendar year. Nominations were solicited for commission officers. ACTION: After nomination and a vote by the commission, Commissioner Martinez waselected as vice chair of the Parks & Recreation Commission for the 2021 calendar year. After nomination and a vote by the commission, Commissioner Luna was elected aschair of the Parks & Recreation Commission for the 2021 calendar year AYES: Chairman Luna, Vice Chairman Martinez, Commissioners Simons, Thorp, Al- lemann, Steketee and Sebahar.NOES: NoneABSTAIN: NoneABSENT: None 2.SR # 0121-2 VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK MASTER PLAN REPORTThe commission received a presentation of the Veterans Memorial Park Master PlanReport. Parks & Recreation Director Kyle Lancaster started the presentation and wentover the recommended action from staff, which was to review the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report and recommend its approval by the City Council. Mr. Lancaster presented the parks performance standards of three acres per 1,000 pop-ulation within each park district, our four park districts correspond to the city quadrants. This information is contained in the city’s 1986 community (Citywide) Facilities and Im-provements Plan. Park performance standard, if the service level is not met due to population increasewithin a quadrant, city is required to schedule a park for construction within five years, beginning at the time the need is identified, but no sooner than August 22, 2017. Thatdate is based on a legal settlement agreement tied to the general plan lawsuit. “Scheduled for construction” means: park site has been selected and has been or is be-ing acquired, financing for construction of park has been set aside, improvements for park site have been designed. In this case, the Veterans Memorial Park has been se-lected and the site has been acquired, the funding has been set aside, and adoption ofthe master plan will be the approval of the design of the improvements. Parks Services Manager Tim Selke presented that the scheduling of Veterans MemorialPark for construction will address the parks performance need in all quadrants. Pursuantto the Carlsbad (Citywide) Facilities and Improvements Plan, the 91.5 acre VeteransMemorial Park site will equally count toward satisfying the need in all city quadrants - i.e. 22.9 acres applied to each city quadrant. Because of its size and central location, the park is intended to serve as a regional recreation source. The calculation is included inthe 2015 update to General Plan. Construction of the park does not preclude the cityfrom pursuing land acquisitions and/or park development elsewhere. Mr. Selke ex-plained the development of the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report started in 2018 when the city contracted with RJM Design Group to be the design consultant forthe project. The master plan report documents the park planning considerations, the cri- Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 66 of 72 teria, the analysis and the process that culminated in the development of the recom- mended concept plans presented. The report also provides a summary of the site condi-tions, the public outreach process and the design process. The City Council’s approval of the master plan report will provide a basis for further development of the plans needed for entitlements and environmental permitting. The location of the Veterans Memorial Park site is located just southeast of the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon, is bordered by Faraday Ave to the south and Whitman Way to the north, and it includes the Macario Canyon and Veterans Memorial Park open area pre-serves. It consists of 91.5 acres - with 48 acres of developable parkland and 43.5 acres of protected habitat. The Communications Department, along with the Parks & Recreation Department, held two public outreach workshops, on March 9, 2019 and on Sept. 21, 2019, with two online surveys posted to the city website March 19 – March 23, 2019 and Sept. 21 – Oct. 6, 2019. At the beginning of March 2020, a bike-park focus group meeting was also held. Key finding from the public outreach: active recreation areas for fitness and biking sepa- rated from passive uses; passive recreation areas like gardens; open turf, trails, view-points and picnic areas; optimizing views to the lagoon and the ocean; accessible path along perimeter, with picnic areas and gardens; robust kids’ play area, comprised of na-ture inspired playground equipment for all ages. Parks Planning Manager Kasia Trojanowska presented an overview of the Veterans Me-morial Park design. The recommended plan was developed by using the input from the community, and Parks Division staff interviewed key staff members and gathered infor-mation from the location and physical characteristics of the site. The core values of the Carlsbad community and the needs of the Parks & Recreation department were incorpo-rated. The site itself is divided into two distinct areas, the north side and the south side. The north side is accessible through the main entrance on Faraday Avenue and form the trail on Whitman Way. The south side entrance is near the underpass on Faraday Avenue. The north side features are a veterans memorial plaza and public art; community gather-ing area; restrooms; catering support room and shaded pavilion. There will be an inclu- sive playground with nature-inspired play equipment, a parking lot with EV charging sta-tions and a drop-off area, family and group picnic spots and open grass area for un-structured play. The south side features a 4-acre family-oriented bike park with loop paths and jumps, spectator seating and rest areas for viewing, a shaded plaza at the bike park entrance, a tot lot, outdoor education area and a multi-gen fitness area, a parking lot with EV charg-ing stations and a drop off area with restrooms and storage. The higher area of the park, referred to as vista terraces/upper plateau, features an ac-cessible winding pathway, a rock climb to the upper plateau, and individual seating area Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 67 of 72 with a rustic, nature inspired playground. There will be group exercise areas, family pic- nic areas, native and interpretive gardens, with a prominent memorial art element and views of the lagoon, ocean and golf course. Additional park features are accessible pathways linking park elements, a fitness run, connections to city trails and the surrounding neighborhoods. There is a multi-use pe- rimeter loop trail for hiking, jogging, biking and dogs on leash. Parks Services Manager Tim Selke communicated the next steps: Feb. 23, 2021 – ap-proval of the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report by City Council; Spring 2021 – submittal of entitlement applications to the Planning Division, and in Fall 2021 – adop-tion of the final master plan and approval of entitlements/environmental documents by the City Council. Commissioner Simons shared his excitement about the plans for the park and the bike- park element. Commissioner Allemann appreciated the plans and is excited to utilize the bike-park element. Commissioner Thorp expressed his appreciation of the park master plan. Commission Sebahar asked what his vote of approval means for the commission; does his approval mean he agrees to take District Four’s deficit and move it to Veterans Me-morial Park? Mr. Lancaster explained that tonight’s action is specific to the approval of the master plan report. The issue that Commissioner Sebahar referred to was back- ground information, established in 1986, on how the Veterans Memorial Park site would be distributed to the four quadrants equally, in order to meet growth management stand-ards. The commissioner’s vote tonight would not be an acceptance of that decision from 1986. It would simply be an approval of the design of the master plan as presented. Commissioner Steketee liked the design of the park and asked about the bike trail and the positioning to the nature preserve area. Ms. Trojanowska shared that the city worked closely with the habitat management division to anticipate and create buffers around the entire perimeter of the site. Vice Chair Martinez congratulated the staff on their outreach and incorporating the com-munity input. As a 25-year veteran, she appreciated that this project reaches out to the veterans. Ms. Martinez mentioned a local organization called Combat Art as a resource. Chair Luna applauded the staff on the public outreach meetings and how staff listened to what was said by the community. ACTION: On motion to recommend approval by Vice Chair Martinez and a second by Commissioner Simons, the motion was approved. AYES: Chair Luna, Vice Chair Martinez, Commissioners Simons, Thorp, Alle-mann and Steketee. NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Sebahar ABSENT: None Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 68 of 72 3. SR # 0121-3 MONROE ST. POOL RENOVATION/REPLACEMENT PROJECT Commissioner Steketee recused herself from the project discussion. Parks & Recreation Director Kyle Lancaster explained the project background. Monroe St. Pool is an older facility constructed in 1982 and can stand to have some renovation and replacement work done. Basics would include items such as addressing degraded finishes, building code requirements and sound attenuation. The facility could also benefit from energy saving measures to the mechanical building, locker room as well as the re-configuration and expansion of the pool. We see some additional recreational opportuni-ties with the expansion of the pool and enlargement of the locker room building. The City Council has already approved a Capital Improvement Program project for improvements. In this case, the council has appropriated about 6.8 million dollars in funding, that is track-ing sufficiently to address Concept 1 - based on current estimates. With the assistance of LPA design firm, the project team came up with two other concepts which expand on Concept 1. Municipal Project Manager Steve Stewart presented the three concepts. After a conditions assessment study lead to the identification of existing deficiencies, a scope of work to address current needs was established at an estimated cost of about 4 million dollars ($3,900,000 Oct 2018). This scope would address the pool itself and some of the deck surrounding it, and some of the various compromised equipment in the pump room. After an RFP, we selected LPA as our designer. Concept 1 (basic pool & equipment renovation) Replace pool coping, tile, plaster and piping. Replace existing pool deck and drainage. Replace pool pump, filters and minor mechanical building repair of roof and electrical panel/upgrade. Construct additional backwash tank. Evaluate (only) existing passive solar system. New 8’ block wall and solid steel gates; replace pool control fencing. Estimated Construction Cost: +/- $4.2M - $4.9M (soft costs not included) Estimated life span, pool and deck: 12 – 15 years. Pool locker room building: un-changed. Site/parking: unchanged. Operational costs; slightly enhanced efficiency due to new higher-efficiency pumps. Concept 2 (recommended enhancements) Replace pool coping, tile, plaster and piping. Replace existing pool deck and drainage. Replace pool pump, filters and minor mechanical building repair of roof and electrical panel/upgrade. Construct additional backwash tank. New 8’ solid steel gates & block wall. Replace existing passive solar system and pool deck lockers. Renovate mechanical building with new equipment and renovate pool locker room building. Building expan-sion, rooftop photovoltaic solar harvesting panels. Enlargement of swimming pool shal- low zone. Exterior deck showers and replace shade structures. Estimated Construction Cost: +/- $11.2M – 11.9M (soft costs not included) Estimated life span: pool and deck: 12 – 15 years. Pool locker room building: 15 – 20 years. Site/parking: unchanged. Operational costs: overall net cost improved due to solar gain with new pv solar arrays plus slightly enhanced due to new, higher efficiency pumps and renovated building. Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 69 of 72 Concept 3 (pool expansion) Replace pool coping, tile, plaster and piping. Replace existing pool deck and drainage. Replace pool pump, filters and minor mechanical building repair of roof and electrical panel/upgrade. New 8’ solid block wall and solid steel gates. New shade structures with passive solar system. Entry plaza, pool deck lockers, full depth parking area replacement and relocated and replaced mechanical building with new equipment. Renovated pool locker room building, building expansion and rooftop photovoltaic solar harvesting panels. Enlargement of swimming pool shallow zone and widening of pool to 33-meters. Exterior deck showers, new trash enclosure and storage area under new solar panel structure. New +/- 6’ retaining wall, new ramp access to storage are and new service area. Estimated Construction Cost +/- $15.8M - $16.5M (soft costs not included) Estimated life span: pool and deck: 12 – 15 years, Pool locker room building: 15 – 20 years. Site/parking: 15 – 20 years. Operational costs: Slightly higher costs to operate due to increased water surface area, but decreased energy consumption due to solar gain with new passive and pv solar col-lectors and enhanced efficiency due to new higher efficiency pumps and renovated building systems. Parks & Recreation Director Kyle Lancaster shared the public input with the commis-sioners. Public input occurred via an online survey, posted from Aug. 31 – Sept. 30, 2020, promoted to aquatics patrons, as well as residents within approximately 600 feet of Monroe St. Pool. The survey was also marketed generally and made available to the public. Staff received input from 944 unique respondents. The survey results in detail are contained within the public input report/appendices. Generally speaking, staff re-ceived greater favor for Concept 3 than Concept 2, and received greater favor for Con-cept 2 than Concept 1. Each of the project concepts is consistent with the community values of: Access to recreation and active lifestyles; High-quality education and commu- nity services; Neighborhood revitalization, community design and livability. Regarding the Climate Action Plan, project Concept 2 and Concept 3 are consistent with: Measure F Action 1: Install energy efficiency retrofits for city-owned buildings; Measure G Action 2: Commission city facilities; Measure I Action: Replace incandescent and halogen light bulbs in city facilities. Concept 1 only meets the first of the measures. Each of the concepts is consistent with City Council Policy Statement No. 71, Energy Conservation and Management. The Objectives of Section A., City Operations, are ad- dressed in correspondingly ascending fashion with each concept. Total project costs including soft costs: estimated on current market conditions. Concept 1 $5.5M – $6.4M Concept 2 $14.6M - $15.5M Concept 3 $20.5M – $21.4M Proposition H was approved in 1982 and codified in Carlsbad Municipal Code – section 1.24.030 of the municipal code, as paraphrased: City shall not make property acquisi-tions or improvements to properties which exceed $1 million dollars, unless a proposed acquisition and/or improvement project and cost is first approved by voters. The Guide-lines for Proposition H were amended by the City Council on July 19, 2005. Guideline No. 6., Improvements to Real Property, as paraphrased: The intent is not to interfere with normal day-to-day administration of the city or with routine ongoing capital expendi-tures. “Improvements to real property” means the physical construction of improvements Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 70 of 72 on property owned, leased or controlled by city, or the modification, enlargement, or al- teration of past improvements. “Improvements to real property” shall not include replace-ment, repair, maintenance, routine refurbishment or upgrades of existing facilities as they are considered to be routine ongoing capital expenditures necessary to carry out normal and routine business. Staff’s assessment is only the scope of work associated with Concept 1 meets the intent of section 1.24.020(3) and is necessary to carry out nor- mal and routine business of city. The scope does not result in an appreciable increase in existing services or new services, therefore more than $1 million in funds could be ex-pended. Concept 2 and Concept 3 do not meet the intent of section 1.24.020(3) and are not necessary to carry out normal and routine business of the city. The scopes of work do result in an appreciable increase in existing services or new services and more than $1 million could not be expended. Should the City Council concur with this assessment and direct staff to pursue Concept 2 or Concept 3, staff would suspend administering LPA’s design services agreement, then coordinate with the City Clerk’s Office for preparation of a ballot measure on the selected project concept for an upcoming election. Staff’s recommendation is to pursue Concept 3, as it (in an equal or greater manner than Concept 1 and 2) achieves the 12 objectives detailed in the staff report. Commissioner Allemann liked Concept 3 and questioned the time frame for the project to begin. Chair Luna agreed the best option would be Concept 3. Commission Simons agreed with Concept 3 and the possibility for a 50% increase in pool lane capacity and the ability to bring water polo regulation games would be good. He questioned if staff would anticipate the fee structure changing at Monroe St. Pool. Commissioner Sebahar questioned if the parking changed in Concept 3; if the revenue projection included new events in Concept 3; and if the voters get a snap shot of the in- formation when they vote on the project? Vice Chair Martinez would like to go with Con-cept 3; the public outreach coincides with Concept 3 and it keeps up with our commit-ment to be innovative and a leader. Mr. Lancaster responded that the time frame would be approximately 3 years out to begin construction on Concept 3. Yes, Concept 3 would bring regulation water polo to the pool and increased swim meets. The cost comparison was based on current fee structure. Yes, the parking does increase in Concept 3; the parking area to the north is added. The voters would get a summary statement of the project that would contain rel- evant information. Mr. Pacheco explained that with the additional amenities in Concept 3, the revenues do increase; this is a conservative approach. ACTION: On motion to recommend approval of Concept 3 by Vice Chair Martinez and a second by Commissioner Simons, the motion was approved. AYES: Chair Luna, Vice Chair Martinez, Commissioners Simons, Thorp, Alle-mann and Sebahar. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 71 of 72 4. SR # 0121-4 DEPARTMENT REPORT Recreation Services Manager Mike Pacheco and Parks Services Manager Tim Selke re- ported on recently completed, ongoing and upcoming Parks & Recreation Department programs, events and park projects. Mr. Pacheco and Mr. Selke were available for clarifying questions from the Commission, of which there were none. COMMITTEE/CITY COUNCIL REPORTS None AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNMENT ACTION: On motion by Vice Chair Martinez and a second by Chair Luna, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Com- mission will be Feb. 22, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. AYES: Chair Luna, Vice Chair Martinez, Commissioners Simons, Thorp, Allemann, Steketee and Sebahar. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Respectfully submitted, Charlene Buckalew Minutes clerk Feb. 23, 2021 Item #9 Page 72 of 72 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: nanaemmy < nanaemmy@aol.com > Friday, February 19, 2021 4:49 PM City Clerk SO, SO EXCITED ABOUT THE VETERANS PARK GOING FORWARD!!!!! All Receive -Agenda Item # _9_ For the Information of the: J/~.~UNCIL Date A ~cc~ CM ~ACM ✓ocM {3) ✓ Hopefully in the near future, there will be opportunities for fundraising, dedication bricks (something like that) that veteran families may purchase to honor their family members. Sending my continuing support! Emmy Hafslund Scarano en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jan Ryan <janryan.consultant@gmail.com> Saturday, February 20, 2021 12:36 PM City Clerk Thank you for Vet Memorial Park Two features of Carlsbad attracted us to buy a condo and a house: libraries and parks. Can't wait for Vet Memorial Park! Thank you from all the Ryans. Jan Ryan janryan.consultant@gmail.com Carlsbad, CA 92008 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Good morning! . Jimmy Malget <jmalget@yahoo.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 7:08 AM City Clerk Carlsbad Bike Park. We need a bike park in Carlsbad. I'm a father of two and an avid mountain biker who lives in Avaira. My two kids would love something like this. It would help them stay active and out of trouble. It would bring the entire family lots of fun. Please bring a bike park to Carlsbad. Best, Jimmy Malget CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Carlsbad gov, Joe Hoffman <jmes2@hotmail.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 7:14 AM City Clerk Veteran's Memorial Park Bike Park I'm very excited about the prospect of Veteran's Memorial Park Bike Park. Being a Carlsbad resident for the last 25 years I feel this is a user group in desperate need for some unique dedicated infrastructure. Myself an avid mountain biker, I travel out of our city every weekend for better riding opportunities. I feel this is a great first step for Carlsbad to address loss of trail opportunities within our city. It also allows user skill building in a more controlled and safer environment. Let's get this project approved! Thanks and look forward to ground breaking this Bike Park in the near future. Joe Hoffman Carlsbad resident since 1995 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Derek Goodman <dgoodman@coastbiomed.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 9:46 AM City Clerk Veterans Memorial Park All Receive -Agenda Item # _9_ For the Information of the: ~ITY COUNCIL Datem3. CA ✓cc _::::: CM ,.,.,...-ACM ....--DCM {3) ~ As a 30 year resident of north county and current Carlsbad resident this park looks to be the perfect addition to Carlsbad to embody the outdoor active family friendly lifestyle that is Carlsbad . The concept drawing looks great with activities for every age and skill level creating a one "stop shop" for the whole family. I am most excited for the bike park which will be a great place to learn bike skills in a safe bike specific environment. This is something I f~el Carlsbad has been missing since the sharing of Calavera by bikes and hikers has had some issues in the past. Thank you, Dwe,k.,Ci~ O uke us on Facebook CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: ·Sent: To: Subject: Hello! James Heller <j@wrapify.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 10:22 AM City Clerk Please approve the Veteran's Memorial Park Master Plan Report and to begin necessary environmental permitting and entitlements. Please approve the Veteran's Memorial Park Master Plan Report and to begin necessary environmental permitting and entitlements. Thank you! James Heller coo •• Wrapify is a two-time Inc. 5000 company 2019 2020 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Pamela Day <pameladaydesigns'@gmail.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 10:35 AM City Clerk Carlsbad bike park I am excited for the city to approve the proposed bike park. I love to see investment in more Carlsbad parks, and appreciate that they are honoring our Veterans. Thank you! Pamela Day 1747 Sorrel Court Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Chad Flynn <chadflynn@gmail.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 10:57 AM City Clerk Bike Park Support Good morning. I wanted to write to you and voice our support of the proposed Bike Park in Veteran's Memorial Park. The Bike Park will be an amazing feature that my 2 kids will enjoy for many years to come. Thanks for your support. Chad Flynn CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Hector Gomez From: Sent: To: Subject: Amy Pike <amypike66@hotmail.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 11 :26 AM City Clerk Bike park -yes All Receive -Agenda Item# q For the Information of th;- CITY COUNCIL Date 'J/J:Je)cA ~ cc X CM x=_ AC £ DCM (3) .X:- Good morning -please add my family to the vote in favor of a bike park in the plan for our new Veterans' Park! This is greatly needed and a sport that will not wane in popularity in the coming decades. Thank you, Amy Pike en attachments or click on links unless 1 nize the sender and know the content i Hector Gomez From: Sent: To: Subject: Epottsi nteriorswest < epottsi nteriorswest@g ma i I.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 1:09 PM City Clerk Bike Park I have just learned that some parents are interested in having a bike park in Carlsbad. Given the events of this past year, and the fluctuating guidelines from the new administration, I think if there is an activity that would allow children tci be outside with an availability to safely social distance this would be very worthwhile to them mentally and physically. I fully support the efforts from these parents to better their children's lives. Sincerely, Mary Cicone Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Hector Gomez From: Sent: To: Subject: urswk@hotmail.com Monday, February 22, 2021 1 :03 PM City Clerk Bike Park Please install a bike park for the children ! Best Ursula and Kevin Kerns Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hector Gomez From: Sent: To: Subject: Jacob Sanchez <jacobrsanchez22@gmail.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 11 :46 AM City Clerk Carlsbad Bike Park Heard about the plans in talks to make the bike park. That would be amazing for the community to have some good fun and exercise outdoors. en attachments or click on links unless Hector Gomez From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Aaron Burela <burela699@gmail.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 11 :53 AM City Clerk Carlsbad vetran memorial bike park I am sending this message as a form of support for building a safe, fun, and socially responsible place for our community to ride bikes. There are great sanctioned trails all over this great city. However as we all know the building of unsafe features on legal trails cause accidents, injurie~, and Ultimately could close access to bike trails. Having a bike park built for riders that want more exciting features to ride would cut down of emergency helicopter to hospital trips, that cost the city so much. This is because the features that are illegal are usually hard to get to so park services don't find them that makes it extremely dangerous for riders that get hurt in the bottom of a canyon for instance. I hope the city approves thus bike park. There is a model bike park in thousand oaks that is an excellent example of how ours should be operated. Thank you, Aaron Burela en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i From: To: Subject: Date: Hello, Aaron Street City Clerk bike park Monday, February 22, 2021 2: 11:01 PM I just saw possible plans for the bike park in Carlsbad. I can absolutely say that the concept looks awesome. And since I just over the hills in Escondido I would love to bring my young kids frequently! Thanks, Aaron CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From: To: Subject: Date: Tom Esbeck ~ City Council Meeting & Veteran"s Memorial Park Monday, February 22, 2021 2:33:12 PM Dear City Council, All Receive -Agenda Item# 1 For the Information of the: COUNCIL Date lcA CC X CMJ(_ K DCM (3) X We are writing to support the approval of the plan for the Veteran's Memorial Park. Specifically we are excited about the bike park and features that will be perfect for us and our kids (ages 15-6), we encourage you to continue to look for opportunities to expand this area and build upon the initial designs for increased bike park acreage. As you know, during covid outdoor recreation has been critical and a large increase in biking has occurred across all age groups, many are in need of the proposed features and opportunities within this park -please consider maximizing this opportunity as we move into the next phase. Thanks, Tom & Andrea Esbeck Haley, Ashlyn, Connor Carlsbad Residents CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From: To: Subject: Date: Anna Araya Q1:y_Qfil!s Item 9 Veterans Memorial Park; 2/23 City planning meeting Monday, February 22, 2021 3:35:31 PM I am a Carlsbad resident with two young boys. I absolutely love that the City is finally putting in a bike park! Please definitely keep this in the plan and include different skill level concepts as proposed. This is exciting and fully support this plan! Anna Araya CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear City Clerk's Office Coleen Clementi <clementi.coleen@gmail.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 6:39 PM City Clerk Bike park All Receive -Agenda Item # ..3_ For the Information of the: _Cf~Y_ COUNCIL Date ~ CA v CC _::::::_ . CM .r ACM ......--ocM (3) ✓ My husband and I are long time residents of Carlsbad, Ca , It has come to our attention that the city is considering a bike park for the residents. Please know that we are in full support of this project. This bike park will be so beneficial for the children of our community. Our year round climate allows the children of Carlsbad to enjoy nature and participate in healthy outdoor activities. Sincerely Tom and Coleen Clementi CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: City Clerk Carlsbad CA, Ed Cicone <edcicone@me.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 7:32 PM City Clerk Veterans Memorial Bike Park · I fully support your vote to approve the Veterans Memorial Bike Parl<. An outdoor activity that benefits our children, families, and community while honoring our Veterans. I've lived in Carlsbad my whole life. Wish I had something like this as a child. Edgar Cicone Ill 92009 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: City Clerk Carlsbad, Ca Donna Cicone <dcicone@me.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 7:56 PM City Clerk Veterans Memorial Bike Park Please approve the master plan for the Veterans Memorial Bike Park. As our children continue to suffer at home with no in person school or sports, a vote to approve, is a message to all children of Carlsbad that there is hope for a better tomorrow. I can't think of better way to honor our Veterans than a beautiful park for generations of Carlsbad families . . Thank you, Donna Cicone Carlsbad, CA 92009 Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, The Rad Realtor <theradrealtor@yahoo.com> Monday, February 22, 2021 9:03 PM City Clerk Proposed bike park I have been a Carlsbad resident and home owner since around 2002. I have been a bicycle rider all my life. Over the course of several years I attended City Council meetings as an advocate of a bike park. I have seen pickle ball courts, dog parks, and even some kind of roller derby thing be constructed, but nothing for bike riders. If you look at the bike parks in other local communities, like Carmel Valley, Lake Elsinore or the Stillwater Bike Park, from 8:00 am till dark, there are rarely less than fifty people, most every day. Four pickle ball courts can accommodate about 8-12 people per hour. I have never seen more than five people using whatever that caged roller derby arena is at Poinsettia Park. Bike parks and pump tracks are always FILLED with families, fathers, mothers, kids, and adults. They get FAR more use than any other investment of space. It is time to give people that ride bikes a place to ride bikes! Thank you. Wheelies, Joel Tarquin Oh by the way, I'm never too busy for your referrals ... CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Good Morning City of Carlsbad, Colter Lee <co1ter.lee8@gmail.com> Tuesday, February 23, 2021 7:09 AM City Clerk Veterans Park Master Plan -Feedback Reaching out to voice my support of the master plan that is being voted on today for the Veterans park property. I've been a resident of this neighborhood for over 20 years and seen the need for this type of active recreation firsthand. I feel immensely prideful that City staff would take a bike park into consideration for this piece of property, and cannot think of a better way to bring our community together and activate this space. During my brief time away from Carlsbad, I was able to see the immediate impact a park of this kind had on Boulder, CO . From an underutilized plot of land (bordering a jail) to the most popular park in the area, it drew crowds from all over the state and far surpassed even the wildest estimations of its attendance. Today it hosts everything from children's first birthday parties, to Friday night races under the lights. It truly is one of the most dynamic and popular uses of space I've seen, and would be a landmark item to add to our City. Implementation of a bike park in this location would serve to round out amenities of this area (along with the lagoon, golf course, and legoland). Driving tourism and filling up the adjacent hotels for years to come. As well as bostering property values in the surrounding neighborhoods. I'll conclude by saying there are very few ways we could honor Veterans more than a park of this type. Mountain Biking is very popular for active and past military members, and will give them a place that not only honors them by name but . also provides a form of recreation they will be able to enjoy firsthand. Thank you, Colter Lee Carlsbad, CA 92010 . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Matt Bartelt <mattbartelt@gmail.com> Tuesday, February 23, 2021 8:20 AM City Clerk Veterans Bike Park Support I want to voice my enthusiastic support of the proposed bike park at Veterans Park in Carlsbad. As a rider, father of three bike riders, and President of San Diego Mountain Biking Association, I have seen the explosive growth of new riders during the pandemic due to the closing of gyms and other outlets. Outdoor recreation is a necessity of physical AND mental health. People are actively and continually looking for new opportunities to recreate. It is expected that the vast majority of new riders will continue riding bikes even as the pandemic starts to show signs of easing. Access to physical exercise is the crux of this desperately needed park. We have seen a number of social trails (unauthorized, built in private property without permission)appear in a higher rate in the last year due to the increase of riders. To date, few legal areas for riders to practice and perfect for their skills at the caliber of this bike park. Just last week, the San Diego Police used social media to promote the single SD City facility to reduce the building of features in private property. While I applaud the SDPD for it's support of an existing park, the actions of the individual creating unsanctioned trails speaks volumes to the lack of parks and insufficient amenities. It is this bike park that will help meet this goal. Please accept this email as a resounding approval of the bike park at Veterans Memorial Park iri Carlsbad. I urge the council to approve this proposal and keep the process moving forward. Thank you for your foresight, leadership, and understanding of your constituents requests and needs. Matt Bartelt CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Susie Murphy <susiemurphy63@gmail.com> Tuesday, February 23, 2021 11 :56 AM City Clerk All Receive -Agenda Item# Cf For the Information of the: C)TY COUNCIL . Date ~ CA ..,...---CC .,,-- CM ./ACM ...,.-DCM (3) ~ Subject: Comment: Feb. 23, 2021 Agenda Item #9 -Veteran's Memorial Park Carlsbad City Council members: On behalf of the San Diego Mountain Biking Association and our 1500 members, I want to urge the city council to approve agenda item #9 with the City Manager's recommendation to take Veteran's Memorial Park on to the permitting and environmental analysis phase of the project. We are very supportive of the bike park prea and the other progressive amenities provided for in this plan. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Susie Murphy Executive Director, San Diego Mountain Biking Association County of San Diego Parks Advisory Committee Member Susie Murphy (she/her) SDMBA Executive Director -CAMTB Secretary 619-316-1757 Join SDMBA today!. Ci) EAMTB MOUNTAIN BIKING COALITION CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless 1 Hector Gomez From: Deborah Pieratt <Debbie@wspinsurance.net> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 2:02 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Veterans Memorial Bike Park Dear City of Carlsbad Clerk's Office: I am sending this email to support the Bike Park in Carlsbad. I believe this would be a great park for older children to enjoy in our community. Carlsbad Parks and Recreation has always been a big part of the success for the City of Carlsbad and makes it one of the top cities in the state. We have been a resident of Carlsbad for 45 years and participated in volunteer work and active in the development of our Carlsbad Community. I strongly support this project for the residences of Carlsbad and future residences. Sincerely, Deborah Pieratt DEBORAH J PIERATT CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Hector Gomez From: Danielle Newton <daniellereneenewton@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 2:14 PM To: City Clerk Subject: comment for today's meeting Hi there, I would like my comment to be included in the meeting today. This is for the agenda item that is discussing the further development of the Veteran's Memorial Park. I am in favor of this park and especially the portion of the park that will serve bicycle riders of all ages and abilities. The bike park layout looks amazing and I cannot wait to ride it once it is complete. We are Carlsbad residents and my family (husband, 1 daughter, and myself) ride bike parks 2 times per week. We usually have to travel very far to get to these facilities. Pacific Highlands Ranch pump track in San Diego, or the Temecula Pump Track, or Serenity Park in Lake Elsinore. Each time we go, we are wasting gas, creating more traffic, and spending money in other jurisdictions. I hope that nothing will stop the building plans of this bike park in Carlsbad. I speak for other friends who live in Carlsbad and other North County areas, building this bike park will be a great thing for our community and city to do! thank you, --Danielle Newton resident of Carlsbad at , 92008 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Hector Gomez From: ML Ladinig <mladinig@icloud.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 2:19 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Please approve the Carlsbad Veteran's Memorial Park bike park Hello: Our family would be thrilled if you would approve the Carlsbad Veteran's Memorial Park bike park project. Tons of families in our area will enjoy using this space in a healthy and fun recreational way. We appreciate your support of the proposed project and look forward to volunteering if and when we can to assist project completion. Michael, Shanda, Nolan, Collin and Clyde Ladinig CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hector Gomez From: Josh Jose Williford <joshjose@me.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 5:10 PM To: City Clerk Subject: PLEASE - Carlsbad Family Bike Park Hello : ) PLEASE bring a family BIKE PARK to Carlsbad!! Currently, I need to drive my kids at least 20 minutes to other cities to access kid friendly bike trails (as well as some unsanctioned areas). Especially as half of Calaveras has been closed to trail use. Carlsbad is our spot and a bike park would only solidify our residency. Let me know how I can help make this happen. My best. /// josh williford CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Hector Gomez From: Jason Evangelista <evangelista:jason@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 5:16 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Veterans Memorial Bike Park I support the Veterans Memorial Park bike park and urge the council to vote in favor of the plan. Please move this forward and make it a reality for users of all ages. The plan looks great and my family of 4 love the idea of this park. Sent from Mail for Windows 10 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Feb. 23, 2021 Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Tim Selke, Parks Services Manager Kasia Trojanowska, Parks Planning Manager Recommended Action •Adopt a resolution approving the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report in concept and directing staff to proceed with processing the necessary environmental permitting and entitlements Parks Performance Standard •Three acres per 1,000 population within each park district –Four park districts correspond to the city quadrants –Est. in 1986 Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan Parks Performance Standard •If service level is not met due to population increase within a quadrant, city is required to schedule a park for construction within five years, beginning at the time the need is identified, but no sooner than August 22, 2017 Parks Performance Standard •Phrase “scheduled for construction” is defined as: •Park site selected and has been or is being acquired •Financing for construction of park has been set aside •Improvements for park site have been designed Veterans Memorial Park •Scheduling of Veterans Memorial Park for construction will address the parks performance need in all quadrants •91.5 acre Veterans Memorial Park site will equally count toward satisfying the need in all city quadrants Veterans Memorial Park •Because of its size and central location, the park is intended to serve as a regional recreation source –Acreage Distribution is in 2015 update to General Plan •Construction does not preclude city from pursuing land acquisitions and/or park development projects elsewhere Master Plan Report •Documents the park planning considerations, criteria, analysis and process that culminated in the development of the recommended concept plans •Provides a summary of the site conditions, public outreach process, and design process Master Plan Report •The City Council’s approval of the recommended master plan will provide a basis for further development of the plans needed for entitlements and environmental permitting Location Park Site •91.5 acres of park •48 acres developable parkland •43.5 acres protected habitat Design Objectives •Family-oriented park with a variety of multi- generational and inclusive amenities •Active and passive recreation •Honoring veterans for their service •Minimizing environmental impacts •Avoiding sensitive habitat area •Maximizing of storm water retention •Emphasizing safety and visibility •March 9, 2019: First public workshop •March 19 –March 23, 2019: On-line surveys •Sept. 21, 2019: Second public workshop •Sept. 21 -Oct. 6, 2019: On-line surveys •March 5, 2020: Bike-park focus group meeting Public Outreach Public Outreach Key Findings •Active recreation areas for fitness and biking separated from passive uses •Passive recreation areas like gardens, open turf, trails, viewpoints and picnic areas •Optimizing views to the lagoon and the ocean •Accessible path along with picnic areas and gardens •Robust kids’ play area, comprised of nature inspired playground equipment for all ages Site Plan PARK AREAS LEGEND A. VETEl<-\NS MEMOi<lAL Pl...AZA 6. COMMUNITY GA-THE~NG A~ C. BUILDING (2,000st') with PAVILJON, RESTI<.OOM, ! CATERING SUPPORT ROOM D. P!..AYAAEA.5 Cl1. INCl.USIVE P!..AYGROUND D2. RUSTIC, NATUl<E-INSPIRED P!..AYGROUND D3. YOUNG K!DS PLAYGl<OUND E. V1St-\.TE~ES El SENSORY G.<>J<.DENS E2. YOGA! PASSIVE REL.A.XAT!ON AAEAS E3. M:::DITATION .£ REfl-ECTlVE A:.::;;..s F. NATIVE GARCENS G. OPENLA.WNLJ H. PICNIC~ I. ACTM TY WAl.K / TRAJL J. NORTH PAAKING AAE.A K. WATER QUALITY TI<E.ATMENT A~ L. REFLECTIVE VETEAANS t-",EMORLAL M. INTERPRETIVE GA.r<DEN N. RESTROOM (7,2COsf) 0. F.AMl!.Y-ORENTED BIKE PAAK P. MULTI-GENEAATIONA!.. OUTDOOi< FITNESS AAE.A Q. OUTDOO;;a EDUCA.TION A~ R. SOUTI--t PAAKING ARE.A S. ROCK CLJMB T. M:=ADOWSC:J U. OVERLOOK V. FITNESS RUN VEGETATION BUFFER ,~ _/ HMP PR=.SERVE BOUNDARY /' \,/ Park Features North Side •Veterans’ memorial plaza and public art •Community gathering area •Restrooms, catering support room and shaded pavilion •Inclusive playground with nature-inspired play equipment •Parking lot and a drop-off area •Family and group picnic spots •Open grass areas for unstructured play Park Features Architecture Architecture Park FeaturesSouth Side •4-acre family-oriented bike park with loop paths and jumps •Spectator seating and rest areas area for viewing •Shaded plaza at bike park entrance •Tot lot •Multi-gen fitness area •Outdoor education area •Parking lot with EV charging stations and drop-off area •Restroom and storage Park Features Architecture Family-Oriented Bike Park Family-Oriented Bike Park Park FeaturesVista Terraces/Upper Plateau •Accessible winding pathway •Rocky pathway to upper plateau •Individual seating areas •Rustic, nature-inspired playground •Group exercise areas •Family picnic areas •Native and interpretive gardens •Prominent memorial art element •Views of the lagoon, ocean and golf course Park Features Park Features Circulation •Accessible pathways link all park elements •Fitness run •Connections to city trails and surrounding neighborhoods •Multi-use perimeter loop trail for hiking, jogging, biking and dogs on leash Park Features PARK AREAS LEGEND A. VETE~S MEMOR.!AL PLAZA B. COMMUNITY G<I-THERING ARE.A C. BUILDING (2.000sf) wiffl PAVlLION, RE.ST1200M, ! CATEf<ING SUPPORT ROOM Cl. INCLUSIVE Pl.AYGROUND 02. i<LJSTlC, NATUR.E-INSPiRED PLAYGiWUND D3. YOUNG KIDS Pl.,;l,,YGROUND E. VISTA TERAACES E1. SENSORY GARDENS E2. YOGA! PASSIVE l<ELAXATION AAE.A.S S. MEDITATION e REFLECTIVE AREAS F. NATiVE G,A.RDENS G. OPEN l.AW'N H. PICNIC Ai<EAS I. ACTIVITY WPILK / TRAJL J. NOl<TH PAAKING ARE..A. K. WATER GUAUTY TR~1MENT AAE.AS L. 1<::FLECTIVE VETER-1,NS MEMOR!AL M. INTERP12ETIVE GARDEJ\I N. l<ESTROOM (1,200sf) 0. F,a,.MILY-ORIENTED BIKE PARK P: MULTl-GEN:':AATIONAL OUTDOOR. FlTNESS ARE.A Q. OUTDOOR EDUCA.i tCN ARE.A R SOLJTH PAAKING ARE.A S. ROCK GUMB T. MEADOWS U. OVERt..OOK V. FITN:::SSl<UN D ON-sire s=Ns1r1VE HABITAT AAE.A D OFF-SITE SENSITIVE ~ITAT AA~ HMPPRES!:i<VE BOUNDAAY /~, Public Art •Embedded artist in early stages of project to offer insights for incorporating public art within the park •The specific design will be developed in partnership with the Cultural Arts Division team •Scope of work includes a comprehensive plan for selecting artists and conducting public outreach Parks & Recreation Commission •Reviewed the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report in concept on Jan. 25, 2021, and recommended its approval by the City Council •Provided several comments of support for the report Fiscal Analysis •No direct fiscal impact associated with the approval of the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan •Funding set aside in Community Facilities District No. 1 –Funds from district cannot be used for facilities other than those specified at the time district was formed Next Steps •Spring 2021 -Submittal of entitlement applications to the Planning Division •Fall 2021 -Adoption of final master plan and approval of entitlements/environmental documents by Council Recommended Action •Adopt a resolution approving the recommended Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Report in concept and directing staff to proceed with processing the necessary environmental permitting and entitlements Thank You Questions/Comments