HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-27; Library Board of Trustees; ; Library Reports for November and December 2020ITEM # 5 Meeting Date: January 27, 2021 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Sheila Crosby, Deputy Library Director Katie Nye, Deputy Library Director Staff Contact: Sheila Crosby, sheila.crosby@carlsbadca.gov Katie Nye, katie.nye@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Library Reports for November and December 2020 District: All Recommended Action Receive reports. No action needed. Executive Summary/Discussion The board will review the monthly library narrative and statistical reports for November and December 2020. These reports provide a summary of work completed across all Carlsbad City Library divisions and locations as well as services and programs presented for the community. Next Steps None. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits • Narrative report for November 2020 • Statistical report for November 2020 • Narrative report for December 2020 • Statistical report for December 2020 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES ITEM #5 Monthly LIBRARY Report for November 2020 Systemwide … The library continues its short video series on Facebook to introduce patrons to books in the library’s collection. On Nov. 12, Library Assistant Angelica Mejia hosted a video highlighting several children’s books about thankfulness and gratitude for Thanksgiving: https://www.facebook.com/carlsbadcitylibrary/videos/1048476079001732 And on Nov. 14, Librarian Liza Blue shared book club favorites: https://www.facebook.com/carlsbadcitylibrary/videos/379795076406571 The videos received more than 400 combined views. The library continued its virtual concert series on Nov. 15 with a Live From My Living Room concert featuring the trio The Salty Suites playing bluegrass, folk and Americana music. This popular group’s concert was streamed via the library’s Facebook Live, where it received more than 4,290 views. In November, the library released its fifth on-demand video concert filmed in the Schulman Auditorium without an audience. The 30-minute classical concert features Peter Dayeah on clarinet with Nicolas Reveles on piano performing original compositions by Reveles and classics by Claude Debussy and Maria von Weber. The video has been viewed on the City of Carlsbad YouTube channel nearly 150 times and will also run on the city’s cable channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8xPTfrAaSk While we usually support Mail Ballot Drop Off (MBDO) for one week and in-person voting for one day, this year we had four weeks of MBDO. All full-time staff members (and many part- time staff) helped in the final days of the Mail Ballot Drop Off effort, especially with traffic management. More than 2,600 vehicles drove through the three library MBDO stations on Election Day between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. Children’s and Teens … The annual In-N-Out Burger Cover-to-Cover Club reading program launched on Oct. 3 and ran through Nov. 14. Children ages 4-12 earned a certificate for a free hamburger or cheeseburger for every five books read, up to a total of three certificates. 630 people registered, 949 certificates were earned (patrons earned certificates for 3 different levels of completion). Virtual Tween Scene, a weekly program for grades 4-6, offered four popular programs: Monthly Library Report for November 2020 On Nov. 2, tweens celebrated a Mexican holiday, Dia de los Muertos, by decorating a mini plaster skull distributed by the Children’s Department that they could pick up from Curbside Service. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, plaster skulls were supplied rather than sugar skulls. Librarian Missy Shaw demonstrated how to make Papel Picado which are paper banners that are hung around the Day of the Dead alters. On Nov. 16, tweens participated in a riotous virtual scavenger hunt for common household objects by challenging them to solve a riddle first. One of the most entertaining riddles was, I smash scissors and paper covers me. (Answer: rock) On Nov. 23, tweens discussed how important food is in literature. Authors use food to drive a plot and or embellish the description of a character or setting. There was a food quote quiz, a demonstration and a recipe list for tweens to try at home. The tweens had to guess the title of the book from the quote, “A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside.” (Answer: Winnie-the- Pooh by A.A. Milne). One of the tweens sent a picture of her creation of a Fizzy Lifting Drink from Charlie and Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, which she said was delicious. On Nov. 30, the tweens played Among Us, which is a popular online multiplayer social game developed and published by American game studio InnerSloth. The game is free to download from most mobile device app stores for mobile devices or tablets. It is a game where eight crewmembers try to complete tasks before two imposters sabotage the team. Participants must use their deductive skills to guess the imposters’ identity. Adults … A Seed Distribution Program was launched in November. The Reference Division continued an ongoing partnership with Carlsbad Community Gardens by providing free seeds to patrons through our curbside delivery service. Patrons can pick up mixed lettuce and/or Red Russian Kale seeds from any of the three library locations. Distribution will run through the end of the year. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society (NSDCGS) held four live webinar programs in November using the society’s GoToWebinar subscription. On Nov. 10, 82 people attended an Intermediate Genealogy Class covering state libraries and archives. The Nov. 21 DIG: DNA Interest Group featured a case study and had 80 attendees. The Nov. 24 program focused on voting records, with 90 attendees. There were 20 attendees at the Nov. 28 Beginning & Refresher Genealogy Class. Monthly Library Report for November 2020 Accomplishments… The city and Library & Cultural Arts staff continue work on the Unified Communications System, a citywide project to upgrade the city’s very old phone system. Children’s Library Technician Angelica Mejia, created a video featuring Dove Children’s Division staff members promoting children’s titles on Facebook using Exploration HUB tools. • https://www.facebook.com/carlsbadcitylibrary/videos/406167570527684 Cataloging, Acquisitions and Technical Services presented a special project to transfer the classification of Foreign Film Collection to International Film Collection. There was great interest from staff and the change will be implemented next month. Senior Librarian Erin Peak graduated from LEAD Advance 2020 after being selected by the City of Carlsbad to participate. Virtual Programs •Storytimes •Living Room Concerts •Author Talks •Book clubs •Workshops 21 Programs Introduced in November New Online Library Accounts eBooks/eAudiobooks 163 New Users 15,101 Downloads 373 Added downloadable titles & extra copies 92 Project Gutenberg titles selected CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY 358 in November 3,869 April to Nov. 30 Curbside Service – Launched June 1 Service November June 1 to Nov. 30 Holds Placed 24,257 117,826 Items Checked Out 18,576 115,646 Items Returned 21,770 130,023 12,252 20,797 20,583 21,892 21,546 18,576 19,402 23,830 19,381 23,708 21,932 21,770 5000 7000 9000 11000 13000 15000 17000 19000 21000 23000 25000 June July August September October November Items Checked Out vs. Items Returned Items Checked Out Items Returned Library Website Library@Home 512 Visits in November Biblioteca en Casa Digital services Adult eBookrecommends Children’s eBookrecommends Youth resources 33,130 Webpage Views in November November 2020 Homebound Services 44 Items delivered to 5 Patrons in November ITEM #5 ~ ITEM #5 Monthly LIBRARY Report for December 2020 Systemwide … Library & Cultural Arts transitioned to Call In Curbside at the beginning of December. Rather than waiting for staff to approach a vehicle, patrons now call in to the library once they arrive, using the phone number assigned to each Call In Curbside parking spot. Staff will answer the call, retrieve the available items and deliver the materials to the patron’s vehicle. The library continues its short video series on Facebook to introduce patrons to books in the library’s collection. On Dec. 3, Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden hosted a video recommending several young adult books and promoting teen services: https://www.facebook.com/carlsbadcitylibrary/videos/664835664185070 The library continued its virtual concert series on Dec. 3 with a Live From My Living Room concert featuring violinist, vocalist and composer Valerie Vigoda accompanied by Ryan O’Connell on keyboards and vocals. The concert was streamed via the library’s Facebook Live. Two additional December virtual events included a Good Life Lecture on Meditation and Mindfulness for Managing Stress and Anxiety with yoga therapist and teacher Shazia Gogia on Dec. 2, which was attended by 40 people on Zoom and is still available on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carlsbadcitylibrary/videos/410529749988270 The second event was a Dec. 5 author event featuring three acclaimed authors, Gregg Hurwitz, Caroline Leavitt and Nicole Meier, and their respective audiobook narrators Scott Brick, Julia Whelan and Teri Schnaubelt. The Dec. 5 event was hosted via Zoom and attended by 75 people, many of whom requested more author/audiobook narrator events. In December, the library released its sixth on-demand video concert filmed in the Schulman Auditorium without an audience. The 30-minute concert featured Diego de Jesus Mondragon performing his original compositions as well as classics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp- XrqF6S4Q All library locations supported A Very Ukulele Holiday with Jazzy Ash by distributing ukuleles via curbside service to support this Cultural Arts program. This was provided as a partnership with the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation which provided funding for the program. Following are some participant comments: I thought the ukulele program was amazing! I absolutely LOVE my instrument (and my children were astonished that I got it from the city). I followed all the YouTube lessons with Jazzy Ash. I'm very grateful to the generosity of the Cultural Arts department and the opportunity to participate. This was a positive and enriching program to offer the public during the pandemic. Monthly Library Report for December 2020 The Ukulele program was able to teach my 7-year-old nephew how to play the instrument while on his holiday school break. It was a fun way to keep him entertained while on break and he was also very excited to be able to keep the ukulele after finishing streaming the ukulele lessons. My daughter really enjoyed participating in the ukulele program. She appreciates that she was able to receive a ukulele because prior to Covid-19 she had been attending the teen ukulele classes at Dove. It was a great opportunity for her to continue to practice and receive more lessons. Thanks! Children’s and Teens … Virtual Paws to Read or Howliday Winter Celebration: On Dec. 16, Librarians Ally Goodwin and Missy Shaw teamed with the volunteer group “Love on a Leash” to create a virtual “Paws to Read” program using Zoom and the breakout rooms. Six children attended the program. A note of appreciation was received from a patron that afternoon: Hi! What a great program! Thank you for the opportunity. I would like to be sure I am on the list for future communications for the PAWS to Read program. :) Adults… Library Assistant Susan Burke, who oversees Homebound Services, sent personal holiday cards to every homebound patron and received a card, email and telephone messages of thanks in return. The Southern California Writer to Writer Challenge deadline was Dec. 31. The Writer to Writer Challenge encourages adult learners to read a book of their choice and write a letter to the author about the impact the book had on their life. Although participation was considerably lower than non-pandemic years, there was still a strong showing of 38 letters from 15 libraries, including two from Carlsbad learners. The letters will be judged by local literacy coordinators and learners, and winners and runners-up will be recognized at a virtual event in the spring. Accomplishments… Training Coordinator Emily Bruce, Librarian Maile McKeon, Senior Office Specialist Jennifer Davidson and Librarian Madelyn Horton graduated from Statewide Supervisors Academy presented by the Centre for Organization Effectiveness in December. This eleven-session professional development series is designed for first and second line supervisors, and those who lead frontline employees. The program is interactive, combining lecturettes and best practices models, group discussion, goal setting, and critical thinking exercises. Lead Librarians Monthly Library Report for December 2020 Darin Williamson, Senior Librarian Erin Peak and Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson were all present at the virtual graduation, lending a celebratory air to the professional achievement. Four staff completed their Masters of Library and Information Science degrees including Library Technician Marin Fantino, Training Coordinator Emily Bruce, Circulation Supervisor Maricela St. Jean and Library Technician Jennifer Benson. Other… Library Assistant Angelica Mejia participated in several meetings of the Seguimos Creando Enlaces Committee. Seguimos Creando Enlaces (Creating Connections) is a free conference that fosters community connections and cultural diversity in public, academic, and special libraries. This event brings together libraries from the US, Mexico, and across the globe to share best practices and build more inclusive library spaces. The conference will be virtual this year on March 25 and 26. Barbara Chung participated in the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Volunteer Recognition Reception on Dec. 9, at which time she informed the Education Committee chairperson that she will be retiring in February. New Online Library Accounts eBooks/eAudiobooks 220 New Users 15,798 Downloads 387 Added downloadable titles & extra copies 95 Project Gutenberg titles selected CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY 345 in December 3,856 April to Dec. 31 Curbside Service – Launched June 1 Service December June 1 to Dec. 31 Holds Placed 20,977 165,741* Items Checked Out 19,964 135,610 Items Returned 25,082 155,105 12,252 20,797 20,583 21,892 21,546 18,576 19,964 19,402 23,830 19,381 23,708 21,932 21,770 25,082 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 June July August September October November December Items Checked Out vs. Items Returned Items Checked Out Items Returned Library Website Library@Home 422 Visits in December Biblioteca en Casa Digital services Adult eBookrecommends Children’s eBook recommends Youth resources 32,316 Webpage Views in December December 2020 Virtual Programs •Storytimes •Living Room Concerts •Author Talks •Book clubs •Workshops 18 Programs Introduced in December New service available to Patrons beginning Dec. 1: Online Payment of Library Fines & Fees via PayPal Homebound Services 31 Items delivered to 5 Patrons in December ITEM #5 -- -