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SOILS COMP ACTION REPORT Carlsbad Ranch PAS (Event Garden) 5480 Grand Pacific Drive Carlsbad, California Prepared For: Grand Pacific Resorts 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 200 Carlsbad, California 92008 Prepared By: MTGL, Inc. 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Project No. 1916Cll Log No. 17-509 April 20, 2017 Carlsbad Ranch PAS (Event Garden) Carlsbad, California ProjectNo.1916Cll Log No. 17-509 Prior to placing of impo1ted soils, the existing site was cleared and grubbed. The upper one foot of existing subgrade was then scarified, moisture conditioned, and compacted. Areas of soft, pumping soils were mitigated by removing additional soils that were soft and wet to exposed firm sub-grade. Soils were then moisture conditioned, placed, and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. Utilities for the Event Garden included area drains and storm drains. For utility construction trenches were excavated, utilities were installed, and the excavations were backfilled with on-site soils. Fill Materials Fill soils used during consh·uction consisted of on-site and impmted silty sand. Representative soil samples were collected and laboratory testing consisting of maximum dry density and optimum moi~ture content was performed in general accordance with the test procedures outlined in ASTM D1557. The results of the laboratory testing are presented on Table 1. Field Density/Moisture Testing In-place moisture and density tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM D 6938 for soils. The results of these tests are tabulated in Tables 2.1 and 2.2. Field density testing was performed at random locations and elevations. The approximate locations of the field density test are shown on Test Location Plan (Figure 1 ). Foundation Excavations Foundation excavations were observed for the site walls and retaining walls on February 16, March 1, and March 2, 2017. The walls were designed and constructed using the San Diego Regional Standard Drawings. The conditions exposed in the foundation excavations are consistent with the anticipated soil conditions outlined in the Regional Standard Drawings and are considered suitable for the support of the proposed structures. Page2 APPENDIX A REFERENCES Excel Engineering (2016). Grading Plans For: Carlsbad Ranch PAS (Event Garden), Project No. CT 03-02, Drawing No. 428-91, 6 Sheets, September 1. Mtgl, Inc. (2016). Subswface Investigation, Marbrisa Resorts -Event Garden, Grand Pacific Resorts, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 1916B11, Log No. 16-616, June 20. Carlsbad Ranch PAS (Event Garden) Carlsbad, California TABLE1 LABORATORY COMP ACTION TEST RESULTS (ASTM D 1557) Project No. 1916Cll Log No. 17-509 Lab No. Description Dry Density Optimum PCF Moisture,% 121 Silty Sand (SM) -Brown 126.6 10.4 124 Silty Sand (SM) -Brown 129.3 9.3 125 Silty Sand (SM) -Brown 125.8 8.9 MTGL Project No. 1916C 11 ' DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 17-509 TABLE 2.1 Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number [in] [pcf] [%] [pcf] [%] [%] 2/2/2017 225 Grading 121 126.6 11.4 116.9 92 90 2 2/2/2017 225 Grading 121 126.6 12.3 118.1 93 90 3 2/2/2017 226 Grading 121 126.6 12.9 117.4 93 90 4 2/2/2017 226 Grading 121 126.6 12.5 117.3 93 90 5 2/3/2017 227 Grading 125 125.8 9.9 117.7 94 90 -6 2/3/2017 224 Grading 124 129.3 10.8 122.6 95 90 7 2/3/2017 224 Grading 124 129.3 11 .6 120.7 93 90 8 2/3/2017 224 Grading 124 129.3 11 .9 120.7 93 90 9 2/3/2017 224 Grading 121 126.6 11 .9 115.6 91 90 10 2/3/2017 225 Grading 121 126.6 12.7 116.0 92 90 11 2/3/2017 225 Grading 125 125.8 11.1 114.9 91 90 12 2/3/2017 226 Grading 125 125.8 1r4 115.7 92 90 13 2/3/2017 226 Grading 124 129.3 11 .0 119.5 92 90 14 2/4/2017 225 SD Trench 125 125.8 10.9 114.6 91 90 15 2/4/2017 227 SD Trench 125 125.8 11 .2 117.5 93 90 16 2/4/2017 226 Grading 125 125.8 10.1 115.3 92 90 17 2/4/2017 226 Grading 125 125.8 10.6 116.2 92 90 18 2/4/2017 227 Grading 124 129.3 10.7 121.1 94 90 19 2/4/2017 227 Grading 124 129.3 11 .0 120.8 93 90 20 2/4/2017 227 Grading 124 129.3 11.3 121.7 94 90 21 2/4/2017 227 Grading 124 129.3 10.5 122.3 95 90 22 2/4/2017 228. Grading 124 129.3 11 .0 123.5 96 90 23 2/4/2017 228 Grading 124 129.3 11.7 122.3 95 90 24 2/4/2017 228 Grading 121 126.6 12.0 115.1 91 90 25 2/4/2017 229 Grading 121 126.6 11 .9 115.5 91 90 26 2/4/2017 229 Grading 124 129.3 10.6 122.7 95 90 27 2/4/2017 229 Grading 124 129.3 10.8 121.9 94 90 28 2/4/2017 225 Grading 124 129.3 10.3 123.5 96 90 29 2/4/2017 226 Grading 124 129.3 9.9 123.6 96 90 30 2/4/2017 228 Grading 124 129.3 10.4 119.0 92 90 31 2/8/2017 228 Grading 124 129.3 10.6 121 .8 94 90 32 2/8/2017 227 Grading 121 126.6 11 .9 119.6 94 90 33 2/8/2017 228 Grading 121 126.6 11.4 120.7 95 90 34 2/8/2017 229 Grading 121 126.6 12.2 121 .3 96 90 35 2/8/2017 230 Grading 121 126.6 12.1 120.1 95 90 36 2/8/2017 231 Grading 124 129.3 11.6 121 .1 94 90 37 2/8/2017 228 Grading 121 126.6 12.1 120.3 95 90 38 2/8/2017 229 Grading 121 126.6 12.;3 121 .1 96 90 39 2/9/2017 230 Grading 125 125.8 10.8 115.7 92 90 40 2/9/2017 230 Grading 121 126.6 11.7 118.1 93 90 41 2/9/2017 231 Grading 121 126.6 11.3 119.0 94 90 42 2/9/2017 230 Grading 124 129.3 10.8 123.5 96 90 43 2/9/2017 230 Grading 121 126.6 12.5 117.2 93 90 44 2/9/2017 229 Grading 121 126.6 11.7 119.6 94 90 45 2/9/2017 232.5 Grading 121 126.6 11 .. 3 120.6 95 90 46 2/9/2017 232.5 Grading 121 126.6 10.4 117.4 93 90 47 2/9/2017 231 .5 Grading 124 129.3 10.2 123.0 95 90 48 2/9/2017 230 Grading 121 126.6 11.6 119.7 95 90 49 2/9/2017 230 Grading 121 126.6 12.1 120.5 95 90 50 2/9/2017 231.5 Grading 121 126.6 11 .7 122.3 97 90 51 2/9/2017 232.5 Grading 124 129.3 11 .2 122.8 95 90 52 2/9/2017 232.5 Grading 124 129.3 10.6 121.1 94 90 53 2/9/2017 232.5 Grading 124 129.3 11 .1 121 .3 94 90 MTGL Project No. 1916C11 DENSITY TEST RESULTS Log No. 17-509 TABLE .2.2 Test Test Elevation/ Location/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest No. Date Depth Station Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number [in] [pen [%] [pen [%] [%] 54 2/9/2017 233.5 Grading 121 126.6 11.9 119.4 94 90 55 2/9/2017 234.5 Grading 121 126.6 11.8 119.6 94 90 56 2/13/2017 231 SD Trench 124 129.3 11.2 120.4 93 90 57 2/13/2017 232.5 SD Trench 124 129.3 11.1 119.6 92 90 58 2/13/2017 230 SD Trench 125 125.8 10.4 116.2 92 90 59 2/13/2017 232.5 SD Trench 125 125.8 11.0 117.6 93 90 60 2/13/2017 230.5 SD Trench 124 129.3 11 .7 121 .1 94 90 61 2/13/2017 232.5 SD Trench 124 129.3 11.6 120.3 93 90 62 2/13/2017 230.5 SD Trench 121 126.6 12.0 115.9 92 90 63 2/13/2017 232.5 SD Trench 124 129.3 11.7 120.3 93 90 64 2/13/2017 232.5 SD Trench 124 129.3 10.6 120.9 94 90 65 2/13/2017 232.5 SD Trench 125 125.8 9.9 118.2 94 90 66 2/13/2017 232.5 SD Trench 125 125.8 11 .8 118.2 94 90 67 2/13/2017 232.5 SD Trench 125 125.8 10.9 117.8 94 90 68 2/14/2017 232.5 SD Trench 124 129.3 11 .2 118.8 92 90 69 2/14/2017 232.5 SD Trench 124 129.3 10.3 120.6 93 90 70 2/14/2017 232.5 SD Trench 121 126.6 12.4 116.2 92 90 71 2/14/2017 232.5 SD Trench 121 126.6 11 .5 116.2 92 90 72 2/24/2017 231 SS Trench 125 125.8 9.4 117.4 93 90 73 2/24/2017 231 SS Trench 125 125.8 10.3 116.0 92 90 74 2/24/2017 229 SS Trench 125 125.8 10.8 114.4 91 90 75 2/24/2017 231 SS Trench 121 126.6 11 .7 115.8 91 90 76 2/24/2017 232.5 SS Trench 121 126.6 11 .5 115.5 91 90 77 2/24/2017 232.5 SS Trench 121 126.6 11 .1 116.3 92 90 78 3/16/2017 227 Ret Wall 124 129.3 10.6 120.6 93 90 79 3/16/2017 228 RetWall 124 129.3 11.6 121.0 94 90 80 3/16/2017 228 RetWall 121 126.6 13.1 116.6 92 90 81 3/16/2017 230 RetWall 121 126.6 13.0 117.3 93 90 82 3/16/2017 230 RetWall 121 126.6 11.0 117.0 92 90 83 3/16/2017 232 RetWall 124 129.3 10.2 125.6 97 90 84 3/17/2017 230 RetWall 124 129.3 10.0 121 .5 94 90 85 3/17/2017 232 RetWall 124 129.3 9.8 120.1 93 90 86 3/17/2017 228 RetWall 121 126.6 11 .0 117.5 93 90 87 3/17/2017 226 RetWall 124 129.3 10.1 121.8 94 90 88 3/17/2017 234 RetWall 121 126.6 10.5 117.2 93 90 89 3/17/2017 234 RetWall 121 126.6 10.9 116.1 92 90 90 3/17/2017 232 RetWall 121 126.6 10.3 116.4 92 90 91 3/21/2017 232 Grading 124 129.3 9.1 120.9 94 90 92 3/21/2017 232 Grading 124 129.3 9.5 124.6 96 90 93 3/21/2017 234 Grading 124 129.3 9.6 122.4 95 90 94 3/21/2017 234 Grading 124 129.3 9.6 121.5 94 90 95 3/21/2017 234 Grading 124 129.3 10.6 121.7 94 90 96 3/21/2017 234 Grading 124 129.3 9.3 123.1 95 90 97 3/21/2017 226.5 RetWall 121 126.6 11 .9 117.0 92 90 98 3/21/2017 227 RetWall 121 126.6 12.0 117.8 93 90 99 3/21/2017 232.25 DG Path 124 129.3 9.5 124.2 96 90 100 3/21/2017 223.25 DG Path 124 129.3 10.7 121.5 94 90 101 3/21/2017 232.52 DG Path 124 129.3 9.9 121.5 94 90 DG -Decomposed Granite Ret Wall -Retaining Wall SD -Storm Drain SS -Sanitary Sewer