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ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 485 Corporate Drive, Suite B Escondido, CA 92029 Telephone: (619) 708-1649 Fax: (714) 409-3287 ORANGE AND L.A. COUNTIES INLAND EMPIRE SAN DIEGO AND IMPERIAL COUNTIES (714) 786-5661 (619) 708-1649 (619) 850-3980 Zephyr Partners December 20, 2016 700 2nd Street PW 1205-06 P/W 1005-01 Encinitas, CA 92024 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 Attention: Mr. Nic Cresci Subject: Final Project Grading Report, Building Pads 1 through 35, Ocean Street Residences, City of Carlsbad, California References: See Appendix A Gentlemen: In accordance with your request and authorization, Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. (AGS), presents herein our observations and tests results pertaining to the recently completed grading of the Building Pads 1 through 35 and site improvements at the Ocean Street Residences, Carlsbad, California. Based on the results of the testing and observations by representatives of AGS, the work described herein is considered to be in general conformance with City of Carlsbad grading ordinance and the recommendations presented in the referenced geotechnical reports. This report addresses grading operations aimed at attaining rough grades for the subject building pads and onsite improvements as reflected on the project grading plan. Rough grading for this portion of the site was conducted between September 2013 and January 2015. Site improvements were conducted between January 2013 and May 2015. Soil engineering observations collected during rough grading and onsite/offsite improvements are summarized in the text of this report and the developed data are presented in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively. The approximate locations of compaction tests and limits of fill under the purview of this report are shown on the accompanying Plates 1 and 2 – Geotechnical Plan taken from the 20-Scale Precise Grading Plan, Ocean Street Residences, prepared by RBF Consulting. 1.0 GEOLOGY A brief description of the earth materials encountered on this site is presented in the following sections. Based on our observations during the recent grading, site reconnaissance, subsurface excavations described in the referenced reports, and review of geologic maps, the site is underlain to the depths explored by Quaternary-aged Old Paralic Deposits which were locally overlain by pre-existing artificial fill soils and alluvium (undifferentiated). 1.1. Undocumented Artificial Fill / Alluvium (Undifferentiated) Undocumented artificial fill associated with the initial grading of the property was present across most of the site. The fill consisted of clayey to silty sands and sands in a slightly moist to saturated, loose to dense condition. In general, the undocumented fill was observed to overlay old paralic deposits in the upper/southerly portions of the site and alluvium in the lower/northerly portions of the site. A clear distinction between the undocumented fill and the alluvium was not differentiated by Geocon (GI) in their referenced study and was difficult to determine with CPT soundings. Accordingly, AGS December 20, 2016 Page 2 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. had grouped these deposits together in our previous geotechnical reports. During the recent site grading, when greater exposures were afforded, a better distinction between the two units could be made. In general, the alluvium was limited to the lower areas adjacent to the lagoon with localized areas of undocumented fill overlying the alluvium. The undocumented fill soils in these are were removed during remedial grading activities. The deeper portions of the saturated alluvium on the northern side of the project range from sands, silty sands to sandy silts and clays. 1.2. Old Paralic Deposits The site is underlain by two distinct subunits within the old paralic deposits; a coarse grained sub unit characterized by dense to medium dense silty sands to sands and a fine grained sub units characterized by medium firm to hard sandy silts and clays. 1.3. Groundwater Groundwater was encountered in Borings B-5 through B-8, and B-10 (GI, 2004) at elevations approximately one foot above sea level. Our test soundings CPT-1 through CPT-3 also encountered groundwater at elevations of approximately 1.0 to 2.0 MSL. Seepage was not observed in the GI borings at the coarse grained /fine grained contact in the old paralic deposits and was not observed during the recent site grading. Groundwater was encountered in the northerly portion of the site during remedial grading activities at approximate elevations of 1.0 MSL to 4.0 MSL. 2.0 GRADING Presented herein is a summary of observations collected during grading. The site previously supported an apartment complex consisting of three separate structures, two parking structures, parking areas, and associated driveways which were razed prior to commencement of grading. Onsite surface vegetation and debris piles were also removed from the site. Based on the recommendations presented in referenced geotechnical reports prepared by AGS, it was concluded that remediation of the upper surface soils would be required during site grading operations to provide suitable building pads. Presented herein is a summary of the remedial grading and fill placement operations. 2.1. Unsuitable Soil Removals Grading for the subject lots consisted of design cuts of up to 16 feet and fills up to 10 feet, to achieve the final grade elevations shown on the enclosed grading plans. Prior to placing fill on site, dry, loose, and/or compressible natural and unsuitable pre-existing artificial fill soils were removed to expose competent native materials (Old Paralic Deposits) where possible. Due to the presence of shallow groundwater in the northerly portion of the site, limited removals of unsuitable soils were performed in these areas. Removal depths within the limits of grading under the purview of this report were as much as 22 feet below the previously existing grades extending to approximate elevations between 3.0 MSL and 10.0 MSL. December 20, 2016 Page 3 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. The maximum depth of fill under the purview of this report is approximately 17 feet in the vicinity of Lots 28 to 31. 2.2. Ground Improvement As discussed in Section 2.1, complete removal of unsuitable soils was not possible in localized portions of the site due to the presence of shallow groundwater. In anticipation of this situation, ground improvement measures were proposed in these areas to reduce the potential for liquefaction induced dynamic settlement to acceptable levels as described in the referenced geotechnical report (AGS, 2013a). A specialty contractor, Hayward Baker, Inc. (HBI), was retained by the owner to install stone columns as a means to mitigate excessive liquefaction induced dynamic settlement. In areas to receive to stone column installation, unsuitable soil removals were initiated and extended to depths generally on the order of 2 feet above groundwater. These areas were subsequently capped with approximately 2 feet of compacted fill soils to provide a stable working platform for the installation of stone columns. HBI installed 602 stone columns at the project site having an average diameter of approximately 40 inches ranging in depth from 5 to 36 feet. Post-installation CPT testing was conducted with CPT soundings on several occasions as the work progressed. Based upon this data liquefaction analyses were performed to verify the reduction of potential liquefaction induced dynamic settlement to acceptable levels. As outlined in the referenced geotechnical report (AGS, 2013a) the liquefaction mitigation with the installation of the stone columns was to mitigate the potential for surface manifestation and reduce the potential for dynamically induced settlement to approximately 1.0 inch total and differential settlement of approximately ½ inch in 40 feet. Based upon our analysis and Hayward Bakers analysis these baseline dynamic settlement parameters were achieved. A more detailed description of the stone column installation including location, dimension, and subsequent testing and analyses are presented in the Stone Column As-Built Submittal prepared by HBI, included herewith in Appendix C. 2.3. Compaction Operations The excavation bottoms were observed by a representative of this firm after the completion of removals. The exposed bottoms were then scarified to an approximate depth of 6 to 8 inches, brought to above optimum moisture content, and compacted in- place to a minimum of 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM Test Method D-1557. Fill materials, consisting of the soil types summarized in Table I, were then placed in thin, loose, lifts (approximately 8 to 12 inches), brought to slightly above optimum moisture content, and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM Test Method D-1557. Compaction was achieved by equipment wheel rolling. Compaction tests were taken during the course of grading for every one to two feet of fill placed. A summary of compaction tests pertaining to grading of the building pad within December 20, 2016 Page 4 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. the subject site is presented in Table 1. The approximate locations of these tests are shown on the accompanying Geotechnical Plan (Plates 1 and 2). 3.0 MECHANICALLY STABILIZED EARTH (MSE) RETAINING WALL One MSE retaining wall was constructed onsite along the northern property boundary, northerly subjacent to the subject building pads. Representatives of this firm provided full-time observation and testing from November 2013 to December 2013. Observation and testing services provided are described in the following sections. 3.1. Footing Excavation Footing excavations for the MSE wall were observed by representatives of AGS. The footing excavations exposed compacted fill soils in firm and unyielding condition and considered suitable for placement of the segmental wall. In addition, a layer of Mirafi 600X geotextile fabric was placed at the base of the footing beneath the gravel base/leveling course. The geotextile fabric minimally extended 8 feet from the fore cut beneath the ‘reinforced’ soil zone of the MSE wall. 3.2. Wall Block and Geogrid Placement A representative of AGS observed the placement of block and placement of geogrid reinforcement. Specifically, representative of AGS observed the type of geogrid, the length of geogrid, the approximate location of the geogrid in relation to the design elevation, and the general placement of the block. Based upon our observations, the geogrid reinforced MSE wall was constructed in general conformance to the plans and specifications. 3.3. Backfill Material Specifications outlined in the approved Allan Block MSE wall plans required that the soil backfill in the retained and reinforced zones required relative compaction of 90% (per ASTM D 1557) with a minimum internal angle of friction of at least 32 degrees. The select onsite soils used to construct the wall consisted of locally derived silty to clayey sands with the following characteristics: Table A GEOTECHNICAL SOIL PARAMETERS KEYSTONE WALL Soil Type Soil Unit Weight at Optimum Moisture (pcf) Optimum Moisture Friction Angle (degrees) Cohesion (psf) C 123.5 10.0 32 200 December 20, 2016 Page 5 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Based upon the testing results provided by our laboratory, samples of the backfill material were found to meet or exceed the design parameters used in the design of the MSE wall. Accordingly, from a geotechnical perspective the soils used for the construction of the MSE wall system are in general conformance to the specifications. 3.4. Compaction Operations The backfill materials for the MSE wall were derived from onsite excavations. The materials were mixed and moisture conditioned to above optimum moisture content, placed in thin, loose lifts (approximately 8 inches), and compacted in place by mechanical means. Compaction behind the wall face was achieved by a vibratory sheepsfoot roller and equipment wheel rolling. Field density testing of the backfill soils indicates that the areas tested were compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density per ASTM D-1557. Results of this testing is summarized in Tables 1 and 2. 3.5. Backdrains A backdrain system was installed near the base of wall behind the gravel leveling course. The drain consisted of a 4-inch diameter perforated pipe, encased in gravel and wrapped filter fabric. It is our understanding that the drain will be outleted to an approved drain system. 3.6. Wall Movement As is the case with any MSE retaining wall, post construction movement of the wall may occur within the zone of influence of the wall. Improvements placed within the zone of influence of the wall (face of wall to a 1:1 projection from the tail of the geogrids to the ground surface) may move both horizontally and vertically. The magnitude of movement is dependent upon the height of the wall, the soils used to construct the walls, the wall type, and the time between wall construction and the construction of the superjacent improvements. The exact amount of movement is difficult to predict and ultimately should be provided by the wall designer. In an effort to minimize settlement potential in the area near the ‘tails’ of the geogrid reinforcement and soften the transition zone between the “reinforced” and “retained” soil zones, an additional layer of Mirafi 600X geotextile fabric was placed approximately 2 feet below finish grade extending a minimum of five feet on either side of the end of the geotextile MSE wall reinforcement. 4.0 SITE IMPROVMENTS 4.1. Utility Trench Backfill This section addresses backfill operations of wet utility (storm drain, sewer, reclaimed water and water) joint trenches within Ocean Street. Backfill operations observed by AGS for the subject utilities were conducted between October 2013 and May 2015. December 20, 2016 Page 6 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Geotechnical observation and testing services for this phase of work was provided on a part-time and full-time basis. Results of our testing and observations are summarized in the text of this report and the developed data are presented in Table 2. Compaction testing of utility trenches covered by this report was performed under AGS’s testing and observation. Accordingly, the work is considered to be in general compliance with the City of Carlsbad standards, Vallacitos Water District standards and the approved construction plans. Compaction and laboratory test results are presented in Table 2. The approximate locations of these tests are plotted on the Geotechnical Plans, Plates 1 and 2. 4.2. Surface Improvements This section addresses compaction operations for surface improvements (curb, gutter and asphalt paving) on Ocean Street. Compaction operations for the subject improvement were conducted between January 2013 and January 2015. Geotechnical observation and testing services for this phase of work was provided on a part-time basis. Results of our testing and observations are summarized in the text of this report and the developed data are presented in Table 2. Compaction testing of surface improvements covered by this report was performed under Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc.'s (AGS) testing and observation. Accordingly, the work is considered to be in general compliance with the City of Carlsbad standards, Vallacitos Water District standards and the approved construction plans. Compaction and laboratory test results are presented in Table 2. The approximate locations of these tests are plotted on the Geotechnical Plans, Plates 1 and 2. 5.0 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS Based on AGS's recent observations and review of the referenced report, the subject building pads are considered suitable for support of the proposed multi-family residential structures and associated improvements. From a geotechnical viewpoint, the proposed structures for the subject lots can be constructed at this time. The foundations for the subject lots should be constructed in general conformance with the recommendations presented in the referenced report and the following. 5.1. Expansion Potential Expansion Index (EI) testing in accordance with ASTM D 4829 was conducted on representative samples of the onsite soils. Test results indicate that the soil tested exhibited EI’s ranging from 14 to 45 which corresponds to a “Low” expansion potential per CBC 2010. 5.2. Foundation Design Criteria The multi-family residential structures can be supported on post-tensioned slab-on-grade foundation systems. The expansion potential of the underlying soils is classified as "Low". The following values may be used in the foundation design. December 20, 2016 Page 7 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Allowable Bearing: 2500 lbs./sq.ft. Lateral Bearing: 250 lbs./sq.ft. at a depth of 12 inches plus 250 lbs./sq.ft. for each additional foot of embedment and depth (respectively) to a maximum of 3,500 psf. Sliding Coefficient: 0.35 The above values may be increased as allowed by Code to resist transient loads such as wind or seismic. Building Code and structural design considerations may govern. Depth and reinforcement requirements should be evaluated by the Structural Engineer. Settlement and differential settlement of structures founded above and or within the “zone of influence” of MSE walls may be greater. 5.3. Settlement Potential Based upon the our recent observations during grading, analysis of the CPT soundings conducted after stone column installation, previous subsurface exploration and laboratory testing, and proposed ground modifications the subject residential structures and associated improvements may be subject to potential fill settlement (static and dynamic) as presented below: Total Settlement- 1 inch Differential-1/2 inch in 40 feet 5.4. Post-Tensioned foundation Design Parameters The following post-tensioned design parameters are presented in Table 4.4 5.5. Seismic Design Criteria The following seismic design parameters presented in Table 4.5 are intended to be code compliant to the California Building Code (2010). The subject lots have been identified to be site class "D" in accordance with CBC, 2010, Table 1613.5.3 (1). The lots are located at 33.1653oN Latitude and -117.3568oW Longitude. Utilizing this information, the computer program USGS Earthquake Ground Motion Parameters Version 5.1.0 and ASCE 7 criterion, the seismic design category for 0.20 seconds (SS) and 1.0 second (S1) TABLE 4.4 Post Tensioned Design Parameters Center Lift Edge Lift Em (ft) Ym (ft) Em (ft) Ym (ft) 7.5 0.51 3.9 1.26 I I I I I December 20, 2016 Page 8 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. period response accelerations can be determined (CBC, 2010 1613.5.5.1) along with the design spectral response acceleration (CBC, 2010 1613.5.4). TABLE 4.5 Seismic Design Criteria Mapped Spectral Acceleration (0.2 sec Period), SS 1.059g Mapped Spectral Acceleration (1.0 sec Period), S1 0.401g Site Coefficient, Fa 1.077 Site Coefficient, Fv 1.599 MCE Spectral Response Acceleration (0.2 sec Period), SMS 1.140g MCE Spectral Response Acceleration (1.0 sec Period), SM1 0.642g Design Spectral Response Acceleration (0.2 sec Period), SDS 0.760g Design Spectral Response Acceleration (1.0 sec Period), SD1 0.428g 5.6. Concrete Design The results of sulfate testing (conducted by others) indicate that the soil exhibits “low" sulfate concentrations when classified in accordance with ACI 318-05 Table 4.3.1 (per 2010 CBC). Resistivity and chloride testing indicates that onsite soils are “moderately” corrosive to metals. In the past on similar projects, corrosion protection typically consisted of non-metallic piping for water lines to and below the slabs or by installing above slab plumbing. 5.7. Under Slab Prior to concrete placement the subgrade soils should be moisture conditioned to optimum moisture content. A moisture and vapor retarding system should be placed below the slabs-on-grade in portions of the structure considered to be moisture sensitive. The retarder should be of suitable composition, thickness, strength and low permeance to effectively prevent the migration of water and reduce the transmission of water vapor to acceptable levels. Historically, a 10-mil plastic membrane, such as Visqueen, placed between one to four inches of clean sand, has been used for this purpose. More recently Stego Wrap or similar underlayments have been used to lower permeance to effectively prevent the migration of water and reduce the transmission of water vapor to acceptable levels. The December 20, 2016 Page 9 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. use of this system or other systems, materials or techniques can be considered, at the discretion of the designer, provided the system reduces the vapor transmission rates to acceptable levels. 5.8. Deepened Footings and Structural Setbacks It is generally recognized that improvements constructed in proximity to natural slopes or properly constructed, manufactured slopes can, over a period of time, be affected by natural processes including gravity forces, weathering of surficial soils and long-term (secondary) settlement. Most building codes, including the California Building Code (CBC), require that structures be set back or footings deepened, where subject to the influence of these natural processes. For the subject site, where foundations for residential structures are to exist in proximity to slopes, the footings should be embedded to satisfy the requirements presented in Figure 1. FIGURE 1 H TOP OF SLOPE FACE OF FOOTING TOE OF SLOPE FACE OF STRUCTURE H/3 BUT NEED NOT EXCEED 40 FT. MAX. H/2 BUT NEED NOT EXCEED 15 FT. MAX. 5.9. Conventional Retaining Walls The following earth pressures are recommended for the design of conventional retaining walls onsite backfilled with select granular fill: Static Case Rankine Equivalent Fluid Level Backfill Coefficients Pressure (psf/lin.ft.) Coefficient of Active Pressure: Ka = 0.28 35 Coefficient of Passive Pressure: Kp = 3.54 442 Coefficient of at Rest Pressure: Ko = 0.47 55 j December 20, 2016 Page 10 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Rankine Equivalent Fluid 2 : 1 Backfill Coefficients Pressure (psf/lin.ft.) Coefficient of Active Pressure: Ka = 0.42 52 Coefficient of Passive Pressure: Descending Kp (-) = 1.34 167 Coefficient of At Rest Pressure: Ko = 0.65 81 Seismic Case In addition to the above static pressures, unrestrained retaining walls should be designed to resist seismic loading. In order to be considered unrestrained, retaining walls should be allowed to rotate a minimum of roughly 0.004 times the wall height. The seismic load can be modeled as a thrust load applied at a point 0.6H above the base of the wall, where H is equal to the height of the wall. This seismic load (in pounds per lineal foot of wall) is represented by the following equation: Pe = ⅜ *γ*H2 *kh Where: H = Height of the wall (feet) γ = soil density = 125 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) kh = seismic pseudostatic coefficient = 0.4* peak horizontal ground acceleration / g Walls should be designed to resist the combined effects of static pressures and the above seismic thrust load. The foundations for retaining walls of appurtenant structures structurally separated from the building structures, may bear on properly compacted fill. A bearing value of 2,000 psf may be used for design of retaining walls. Retaining wall footings should be designed to resist the lateral forces by passive soil resistance and/or base friction as recommended for foundation lateral resistance. To relieve the potential for hydrostatic pressure wall backfill should consist of a free draining backfill (sand equivalent “SE” >20) and a heel drain should be constructed. The heel drain should be place at the heel of the wall and should consist of a 4-inch diameter perforated pipe (SDR35 or SCHD 40) surrounded by 4 cubic feet of crushed rock (3/4-inch) per lineal foot, wrapped in filter fabric (Mirafi® 140N or equivalent). Proper drainage devices should be installed along the top of the wall backfill, which should be properly sloped to prevent surface water ponding adjacent to the wall. In addition to the wall drainage system, for building perimeter walls extending below the finished grade, the wall should be waterproofed and/or damp-proofed to effectively seal the wall from moisture infiltration through the wall section to the interior wall face. The wall should be backfilled with granular soils placed in loose lifts no greater than 8- inches thick, at or near optimum moisture content, and mechanically compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction as determined by ASTM Test Method D1557. Flooding or jetting of backfill materials generally do not result in the required degree and December 20, 2016 Page 11 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. uniformity of compaction and, therefore, is not recommended. The soils engineer or his representative should observe the retaining wall footings, backdrain installation and be present during placement of the wall backfill to confirm that the walls are properly backfilled and compacted. 5.10. Utility Trench Excavation All utility trenches should be shored or laid back in accordance with applicable Cal/OSHA standards. Excavations in bedrock areas should be made in consideration of underlying geologic structure. AGS should be consulted on these issues during construction. 5.11. Utility Trench Backfill Backfill operations for the subject wet utilities: sewer lines, water lines, storm drain, and reclaimed water lines were conducted between October 2013 and May 2015. Fill was placed in approximately 6 to 12 inch lifts and compaction effort was provided by excavator with sheepsfoot wheel and wheel rolling by a loader at the surface. Geotechnical observation and testing services for this phase of work was provided on a part-time and full-time basis. Compaction testing of wet utility trenches covered by this report was performed under AGS’s testing and observation. Field density test results obtained in the field indicate that the soil backfill at the locations tested were compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM Test Method D-1557 with above optimum moisture content. Accordingly, the work is considered to be in general compliance with the City of Carlsbad, and the H WATERPROOFI NG MEMBRANE (OPTIONAL) .- d · -~ .,, .,_ . -~ min. ,.r NATIVE BACKFILL (El<50) J! DRAIN (1) 1:1 (H:V) OR FLATTER .t10IES:. (1) OBllJ!tL 4.INCH PERFORATE DABS OR PVC PIPEOR APPROVED EQUIVALENT SUBSTITUl'"E l>I..ACED PERFORATIONS OOWNAND SURROUNDED SY A MINIMUM OF 1 OJBIC FEETOF314INCH ROCKORAPPROVEID EQUIVALENT SUBSTITUl'"EANO WRAPPED IN 1,IRAPI 140 Flt.TER FABRIC OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT SU BSlilTUTE December 20, 2016 Page 12 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. approved construction plans. Compaction and laboratory test results are presented in Table 2 along with the approximate locations of these tests described. 5.12. Exterior Slabs and Walkways 5.12.1. Subgrade Compaction The subgrade below exterior slabs, sidewalks, patios, etc. should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction as determined by ASTM Test Method: D 1557. 5.12.2. Subgrade Moisture The subgrade below exterior slabs, sidewalks, driveways, patios, etc. should be moisture conditioned to a minimum of 110 percent of optimum moisture content prior to concrete placement. 5.12.3. Slab Thickness Concrete flatwork and driveways should be designed utilizing four-inch minimum thickness. 5.12.4. Control Joints Weakened plane joints should be installed on walkways at intervals of approximately eight to ten feet. Exterior slabs should be designed to withstand shrinkage of the concrete. 5.12.5. Flatwork Reinforcement Consideration should be given to reinforcing any exterior flatwork with No. 3 rebar spaced at 18 inches on center, both ways. 5.12.6. Thickened Edge Consideration should be given to construct a thickened edge (scoop footing) at the perimeter of slabs and walkways adjacent to landscape areas to minimize moisture variation below these improvements. The thickened edge (scoop footing) should extend approximately eight inches below concrete slabs and should be a minimum of six inches wide. December 20, 2016 Page 13 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 6.0 LIMITATIONS This report presents information and data relative to onsite construction operations for the subject site. A representative(s) of this firm probed and tested at random locations in an effort to determine whether compliance with the project compaction, specifications, and applicable Building Code was being obtained. The presence of our personnel during testing operations does not involve any supervision or direction of the contractor or his work forces. The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Respectfully Submitted, Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. Prepared by: ___________________________________ SHANE P. SMITH Staff Engineer Reviewed by: ___________________________________ __________________________________ JEFFREY A. CHANEY, Vice President PAUL J. DERISI, Vice President RCE 46544, RGE 2314, Reg. Exp. 6-30-17 CEG 2536, Reg. Exp. 5-31-17 Distribution: (4) Addressee Attachments: Table 1 – Grading Compaction Test Tables Table 2 – Site Improvement Compaction Test Tables Plate 1 – Geotechnical Plan Plate 2 – Geotechnical Plan Appendix A – References Appendix B – Property Owner Maintenance & Improvement Considerations Appendix C – Stone Column As-Built Submittal by Hayward Baker, Inc. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-05 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TABLE 1 Page 1 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 SOIL TYPE DESCRIPTION OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT (%) MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (pcf) B Brown Silty Sand 10.0 128.0 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 1 (cont'd) Page 2 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 09/23/13 101 Lower Pad (Pre-Stone Column)10.0 B 10.0 13.6 128.0 111.6 87 90 N Fail 09/23/13 102 Lower Pad (Pre-Stone Column)11.0 B 10.0 12.8 128.0 114.4 89 90 N Fail 09/23/13 103 Lower Pad (Pre-Stone Column)10.5 B 10.0 11.3 128.0 115.2 90 90 N Pass 09/23/13 104 Lower Pad (Pre-Stone Column)11.5 B 10.0 11.7 128.0 114.8 89 90 N Fail 09/23/13 105 Lower Pad (Pre-Stone Column)11.0 B 10.0 10.8 128.0 116.5 91 90 N Pass 09/23/13 106 Lower Pad (Pre-Stone Column)10.5 B 10.0 11.0 128.0 116.2 90 90 N Pass 09/23/13 107 Lower Pad (Pre-Stone Column)11.5 B 10.0 10.4 128.0 117.3 91 90 N Pass 09/23/13 108 Lower Pad (Pre-Stone Column)10.0 B 10.0 13.4 128.0 116.0 90 90 N Pass 09/23/13 109 Lower Pad (Pre-Stone Column)11.0 B 10.0 12.1 128.0 117.0 91 90 N Pass 09/23/13 110 Lower Pad (Pre-Stone Column)11.0 B 10.0 10.7 128.0 116.2 90 90 N Pass 09/23/13 111 Lower Pad (Pre-Stone Column)10.5 B 10.0 12.6 128.0 115.7 90 90 N Pass 09/23/13 112 Lower Pad (Pre-Stone Column)9.0 B 10.0 13.1 128.0 116.4 90 90 N Pass 09/23/13 113 Lower Pad (Pre-Stone Column)11.0 B 10.0 12.3 128.0 115.9 90 90 N Pass 11/20/13 101-R Lower Pad (Post-Stone Column)10.0 B 10.0 12.4 128.0 116.2 90 90 N Pass 11/20/13 102-R Lower Pad (Post-Stone Column)11.0 B 10.0 11.7 128.0 115.5 90 90 N Pass 11/20/13 104-R Lower Pad (Post-Stone Column)11.5 B 10.0 10.8 128.0 117.7 91 90 N Pass 11/20/13 114 Lower (North) Pad 12.0 B 10.0 11.7 128.0 117.5 91 90 N Pass 11/20/13 115 Lower (North) Pad 13.0 B 10.0 10.8 128.0 117.2 91 90 N Pass 11/20/13 116 Lower (North) Pad 13.0 B 10.0 11.4 128.0 115.5 90 90 N Pass 11/20/13 117 Lower (North) Pad 13.0 B 10.0 10.8 128.0 122.4 95 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 1 (cont'd) Page 3 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 11/21/13 118 Lower (North) Pad 15.0 B 10.0 10.8 128.0 119.5 93 90 N Pass 11/21/13 119 Lower (North) Pad 15.0 B 10.0 10.0 128.0 115.6 90 90 N Pass 11/21/13 120 Lower (North) Pad 13.0 B 10.0 10.1 128.0 116.4 90 90 N Pass 11/21/13 121 Lower (North) Pad 14.0 B 10.0 10.7 128.0 118.3 92 90 N Pass 11/22/13 122 Lower (North) Pad 17.0 B 10.0 10.5 128.0 120.3 93 90 N Pass 11/22/13 123 Lower (North) Pad 16.0 B 10.0 11.3 128.0 117.8 92 90 N Pass 11/22/13 124 Lower (North) Pad 17.0 B 10.0 10.2 128.0 118.9 92 90 N Pass 11/25/13 125 Lower (North) Pad 18.0 B 10.0 11.7 128.0 116.8 91 90 N Pass 11/25/13 126 Lower (North) Pad 18.0 B 10.0 11.3 128.0 117.1 91 90 N Pass 12/04/13 127 Lower (North) Pad 13.0 B 10.0 10.7 128.0 118.6 92 90 N Pass 12/04/13 128 Lower (North) Pad 13.0 B 10.0 11.3 128.0 117.6 91 90 N Pass 12/04/13 129 Lower (North) Pad 13.0 B 10.0 11.4 128.0 119.9 93 90 N Pass 12/05/13 130 Lower (North) Pad 15.0 B 10.0 11.6 128.0 116.3 90 90 N Pass 12/05/13 131 Lower (North) Pad 15.0 B 10.0 12.8 128.0 118.4 92 90 N Pass 12/05/13 132 Lower (North) Pad 15.0 B 10.0 10.0 128.0 118.2 92 90 N Pass 12/05/13 133 Lower (North) Pad 17.0 B 10.0 10.4 128.0 119.6 93 90 N Pass 12/05/13 134 Lower (North) Pad 17.0 B 10.0 10.2 128.0 119.2 93 90 N Pass 12/09/13 135 Lower (North) Pad 18.0 B 10.0 10.7 128.0 118.1 92 90 N Pass 12/09/13 136 Lower (North) Pad 18.0 B 10.0 10.7 128.0 118.5 92 90 N Pass 12/11/13 137 Lower (North) Pad 19.0 B 10.0 10.2 128.0 118.9 92 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 1 (cont'd) Page 4 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 12/11/13 138 Lower (North) Pad 17.0 B 10.0 11.9 128.0 116.2 90 90 N Pass 12/11/13 139 Lower (North) Pad 19.0 B 10.0 11.7 128.0 116.7 91 90 N Pass 12/11/13 140 Lower (North) Pad 20.0 B 10.0 12.0 128.0 115.2 90 90 N Pass 12/11/13 141 Lower (North) Pad 20.0 B 10.0 11.4 128.0 116.0 90 90 N Pass 12/12/13 142 Lower (North) Pad 19.0 B 10.0 10.9 128.0 118.7 92 90 N Pass 12/12/13 143 Lower (North) Pad 19.0 B 10.0 12.4 128.0 118.5 92 90 N Pass 12/12/13 144 Lower (North) Pad 19.0 B 10.0 10.7 128.0 119.3 93 90 N Pass 12/12/13 145 Lower (North) Pad 20.0 B 10.0 10.5 128.0 119.8 93 90 N Pass 12/12/13 146 Lower (North) Pad 19.0 B 10.0 10.3 128.0 117.8 92 90 N Pass 12/13/13 147 Wall Footing Overexcavation 12.0 B 10.0 10.2 128.0 123.5 96 90 N Pass 12/13/13 148 Wall Footing Overexcavation 12.0 B 10.0 11.8 128.0 123.1 96 90 N Pass 12/13/13 149 Wall Footing Overexcavation 14.0 B 10.0 10.3 128.0 123.0 96 90 N Pass 12/13/13 150 Wall Footing Overexcavation 14.0 B 10.0 10.4 128.0 123.5 96 90 N Pass 12/16/13 151 Wall Footing Overexcavation 16.0 B 10.0 10.1 128.0 120.6 94 90 N Pass 12/16/13 152 Wall Footing Overexcavation 16.0 B 10.0 10.0 128.0 120.0 93 90 N Pass 12/16/13 153 Wall Footing Overexcavation 18.0 B 10.0 10.4 128.0 118.0 92 90 N Pass 12/16/13 154 Wall Footing Overexcavation 18.0 B 10.0 12.1 128.0 115.3 90 90 N Pass 12/17/13 155 Wall Footing Overexcavation 12.0 B 10.0 11.2 128.0 116.2 90 90 N Pass 12/17/13 156 Wall Footing Overexcavation 14.0 B 10.0 10.6 128.0 119.3 93 90 N Pass 12/17/13 157 Wall Footing Overexcavation 18.0 B 10.0 10.4 128.0 121.2 94 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 1 (cont'd) Page 5 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 12/17/13 158 Wall Footing Overexcavation 19.0 B 10.0 10.3 128.0 118.9 92 90 N Pass 12/17/13 159 Wall Footing Overexcavation 16.0 B 10.0 10.3 128.0 119.5 93 90 N Pass 12/18/13 160 Wall Footing Overexcavation 12.0 B 10.0 11.0 128.0 117.6 91 90 N Pass 12/18/13 161 Wall Footing Overexcavation 14.0 B 10.0 11.3 128.0 118.2 92 90 N Pass 12/18/13 162 Wall Footing Overexcavation 20.0 B 10.0 12.7 128.0 117.0 91 90 N Pass 12/18/13 163 Wall Footing Overexcavation 18.0 B 10.0 11.9 128.0 118.7 92 90 N Pass 12/18/13 164 Wall Footing Overexcavation 19.0 B 10.0 12.6 128.0 117.3 91 90 N Pass 12/18/13 165 Wall Footing Overexcavation 19.0 B 10.0 12.7 128.0 116.5 91 90 N Pass 12/18/13 166 Wall Footing Overexcavation 20.0 B 10.0 12.3 128.0 117.5 91 90 N Pass 12/18/13 167 Wall Footing Overexcavation 19.0 B 10.0 14.1 128.0 116.0 90 90 N Pass 12/18/13 168 Wall Footing Overexcavation 19.0 B 10.0 11.8 128.0 118.9 92 90 N Pass 12/18/13 169 Wall Footing Overexcavation 19.0 B 10.0 12.3 128.0 117.6 91 90 N Pass 12/18/13 170 Wall Footing Overexcavation 19.0 B 10.0 12.7 128.0 117.1 91 90 N Pass 12/18/13 171 Wall Footing Overexcavation 19.0 B 10.0 12.6 128.0 117.7 91 90 N Pass 12/20/13 172 Wall Footing Overexcavation 5.0 B 10.0 11.5 128.0 119.2 93 90 N Pass 12/20/13 173 Wall Footing Overexcavation 7.0 B 10.0 11.5 128.0 119.5 93 90 N Pass 12/20/13 174 Wall Footing Overexcavation 10.0 B 10.0 13.0 128.0 118.0 92 90 N Pass 12/20/13 175 Wall Footing Overexcavation 7.0 B 10.0 12.9 128.0 118.3 92 90 N Pass 12/20/13 176 Wall Footing Overexcavation 10.0 B 10.0 12.0 128.0 117.0 91 90 N Pass 12/23/13 177 Wall Footing Overexcavation 7.0 B 10.0 10.2 128.0 119.2 93 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 1 (cont'd) Page 6 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 12/23/13 178 Wall Footing Overexcavation 8.0 B 10.0 10.9 128.0 119.7 93 90 N Pass 12/23/13 179 Wall Footing Overexcavation 8.0 B 10.0 10.2 128.0 119.3 93 90 N Pass 12/23/13 180 Wall Footing Overexcavation 10.0 B 10.0 10.8 128.0 113.1 88 90 N Fail 12/23/13 180-R Wall Footing Overexcavation 10.0 B 10.0 13.9 128.0 115.5 90 90 N Pass 12/23/13 181 Wall Footing Overexcavation 7.0 B 10.0 14.8 128.0 116.6 91 90 N Pass 12/23/13 182 Wall Footing Overexcavation 8.0 B 10.0 14.1 128.0 116.9 91 90 N Pass 12/24/13 183 Wall Footing Overexcavation 7.0 B 10.0 12.6 128.0 117.5 91 90 N Pass 12/24/13 184 Wall Footing Overexcavation 9.0 B 10.0 12.8 128.0 117.7 91 90 N Pass 12/26/13 185 East Portion of Wall Footing 18.0 B 10.0 11.9 128.0 119.2 93 90 N Pass 12/26/13 186 East Portion of Wall Footing 19.0 B 10.0 12.2 128.0 118.9 92 90 N Pass 12/26/13 187 East Portion of Wall Footing 18.0 B 10.0 13.1 128.0 116.7 91 90 N Pass 12/26/13 188 East Portion of Wall Footing 15.0 B 10.0 12.8 128.0 117.5 91 90 N Pass 12/26/13 189 East Portion of Wall Footing 18.0 B 10.0 13.3 128.0 117.1 91 90 N Pass 12/26/13 190 North Access Road 13.0 B 10.0 12.7 128.0 118.3 92 90 N Pass 12/27/13 191 North Access Road 15.0 B 10.0 12.0 128.0 118.8 92 90 N Pass 12/27/13 192 North Access Road 17.0 B 10.0 11.8 128.0 119.3 93 90 N Pass 12/27/13 193 North Access Road 25.0 B 10.0 15.0 128.0 115.2 90 90 N Pass 12/27/13 194 North Access Road 22.0 B 10.0 13.7 128.0 116.4 90 90 N Pass 12/27/13 195 North Access Road 25.0 B 10.0 13.9 128.0 116.2 90 90 N Pass 12/30/13 196 Upper Pad 15.0 B 10.0 14.3 128.0 116.1 90 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 1 (cont'd) Page 7 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 12/30/13 197 Upper Pad 20.0 B 10.0 14.1 128.0 117.0 91 90 N Pass 12/30/13 198 Upper Pad 25.0 B 10.0 12.8 128.0 117.9 92 90 N Pass 12/30/13 199 Upper Pad 26.0 B 10.0 11.9 128.0 118.6 92 90 N Pass 12/30/13 200 Upper Pad 25.0 B 10.0 12.3 128.0 117.5 91 90 N Pass 12/30/13 201 Upper Pad 27.0 B 10.0 11.2 128.0 119.5 93 90 N Pass 12/31/13 202 Pads 1/2 & 3/4 26.0 B 10.0 10.8 128.0 119.7 93 90 N Pass 12/31/13 203 Pads 1/2 & 3/4 25.0 B 10.0 11.5 128.0 118.9 92 90 N Pass 12/31/13 204 Pads 1/2 & 3/4 31.0 B 10.0 11.2 128.0 118.7 92 90 N Pass 12/31/13 205 Pads 1/2 & 3/4 29.0 B 10.0 11.2 128.0 118.9 92 90 N Pass 12/31/13 206 Pads 1/2 & 3/4 26.0 B 10.0 12.1 128.0 117.7 91 90 N Pass 12/31/13 207 Pads 1/2 & 3/4 27.0 B 10.0 11.9 128.0 118.4 92 90 N Pass 12/31/13 208 Pads 1/2 & 3/4 30.0 B 10.0 12.4 128.0 116.3 90 90 N Pass 01/02/14 209 Pads 3/4 & 5/6 32.0 B 10.0 13.3 128.0 117.2 91 90 N Pass 01/02/14 210 Pads 3/4 & 5/6 27.0 B 10.0 13.7 128.0 116.8 91 90 N Pass 01/02/14 211 Pads 3/4 & 5/6 28.0 B 10.0 12.8 128.0 117.9 92 90 N Pass 01/02/14 212 Pads 3/4 & 5/6 28.0 B 10.0 13.0 128.0 117.2 91 90 N Pass 01/02/14 213 Pads 3/4 & 5/6 28.0 B 10.0 13.5 128.0 116.7 91 90 N Pass 01/02/14 214 Pads 3/4 & 5/6 28.0 B 10.0 12.2 128.0 118.5 92 90 N Pass 01/03/14 215 Pads 5/6, 7/8 & 9/10 25.0 B 10.0 12.6 128.0 118.8 92 90 N Pass 01/03/14 216 Pads 5/6, 7/8 & 9/10 30.0 B 10.0 11.4 128.0 119.3 93 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 1 (cont'd) Page 8 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 01/03/14 217 Pads 5/6, 7/8 & 9/10 31.0 B 10.0 12.1 128.0 119.0 92 90 N Pass 01/03/14 218 Pads 5/6, 7/8 & 9/10 22.0 B 10.0 13.2 128.0 117.8 92 90 N Pass 01/03/14 219 Pads 5/6, 7/8 & 9/10 23.0 B 10.0 13.7 128.0 117.3 91 90 N Pass 01/03/14 220 Pads 5/6, 7/8 & 9/10 26.0 B 10.0 13.5 128.0 117.3 91 90 N Pass 01/03/14 221 Pads 5/6, 7/8 & 9/10 30.0 B 10.0 12.3 128.0 118.6 92 90 N Pass 01/03/14 222 Pads 5/6, 7/8 & 9/10 32.0 B 10.0 12.6 128.0 119.1 93 90 N Pass 01/06/14 223 Pads 7/8 30.0 B 10.0 10.1 128.0 119.7 93 90 N Pass 01/06/14 224 Pads 7/8 30.0 B 10.0 10.4 128.0 119.5 93 90 N Pass 01/06/14 225 Pads 9/10 31.0 B 10.0 13.7 128.0 116.6 91 90 N Pass 01/06/14 226 Pads 9/10 30.0 B 10.0 13.5 128.0 117.0 91 90 N Pass 01/07/14 227 Pads 9/10 & 11/12 30.0 B 10.0 14.3 128.0 118.2 92 90 N Pass 01/07/14 228 Pads 9/10 & 11/12 32.0 B 10.0 13.9 128.0 118.7 92 90 N Pass 01/07/14 229 Pads 9/10 & 11/12 30.0 B 10.0 11.9 128.0 120.1 93 90 N Pass 01/07/14 230 Pads 9/10 & 11/12 31.0 B 10.0 12.2 128.0 119.3 93 90 N Pass 01/07/14 231 Pads 9/10 & 11/12 31.0 B 10.0 10.7 128.0 120.3 93 90 N Pass 01/07/14 232 Pads 9/10 & 11/12 32.0 B 10.0 11.5 128.0 119.4 93 90 N Pass 01/08/14 233 Pads 11/12 & 13/14 33.0 B 10.0 10.8 128.0 120.4 94 90 N Pass 01/08/14 234 Pads 11/12 & 13/14 30.0 B 10.0 10.3 128.0 120.3 93 90 N Pass 01/08/14 235 Pads 11/12 & 13/14 31.0 B 10.0 12.1 128.0 118.8 92 90 N Pass 01/08/14 236 Pads 11/12 & 13/14 33.0 B 10.0 11.9 128.0 119.1 93 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 1 (cont'd) Page 9 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 01/08/14 237 Pads 11/12 & 13/14 31.0 B 10.0 12.0 128.0 118.4 92 90 N Pass 01/08/14 238 Pads 13/14 30.0 B 10.0 12.4 128.0 118.7 92 90 N Pass 01/08/14 239 Pads 13/14 32.0 B 10.0 13.0 128.0 117.1 91 90 N Pass 01/08/14 240 Pads 13/14 33.0 B 10.0 12.9 128.0 118.0 92 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-05 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TABLE 2 Page 1 of Table 2 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 SOIL TYPE DESCRIPTION OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT (%) MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (pcf) B Brown Silty Sand 10.0 128.0 C Brown Silty to Clayey Sand 10.0 123.5 AC Asphaltic Concrete - Plant Supplied Max -146.1 AB Crushed Mix Base 8.5 123.9 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Page 2 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 10/21/13 214 SS Sewer, Bldg 1/2 (-6.0)B 10.0 11.6 128.0 119.1 93 90 N Pass 10/21/13 215 SS Sewer, Bldg 1/2 (-2.0)B 10.0 12.9 128.0 117.9 92 90 N Pass 10/21/13 216 SD Storm Drain, Bldg 1/2 (-3.0)B 10.0 12.8 128.0 117.2 91 90 N Pass 10/21/13 217 SS Sewer, Bldg 11/12 (-5.0)B 10.0 11.7 128.0 118.8 92 90 N Pass 10/21/13 218 SS Sewer, Bldg 11/12 (-2.0)B 10.0 11.1 128.0 117.9 92 90 N Pass 10/30/13 219 SD Strom Drain, Bldg 1/2 (-2.0)B 10.0 11.6 128.0 123.1 96 90 N Pass 10/30/13 220 SD Strom Drain, Bldg 34/35 (-3.0)B 10.0 9.6 128.0 117.1 91 90 N Pass 10/30/13 221 SD Strom Drain, Bldg 1/2 (-1.0)B 10.0 13.1 128.0 116.2 90 90 N Pass 10/30/13 222 SD Strom Drain, Bldg 1/2 (-1.0)B 10.0 13.7 128.0 110.2 86 90 N Fail 10/30/13 R-222 SD Strom Drain, Bldg 1/2 (-1.0)B 10.0 13.9 128.0 123.6 96 90 N Pass 11/13/13 101 W Ocean St. Main Valves 14+80 SG B 10.0 11.6 128.0 118.2 92 90 N Pass 11/13/13 102 W Ocean St. Main Valves 14+80 SG B 10.0 12.2 128.0 117.5 91 90 N Pass 11/13/13 103 W Ocean St. Main Valves 14+80 SG B 10.0 11.3 128.0 118.6 92 90 N Pass 11/13/13 104 W Lateral @ 14+25 SG B 10.0 9.7 128.0 120.1 93 90 N Pass 11/13/13 105 W Lateral @ 13+60 SG B 10.0 10.5 128.0 120.4 94 90 N Pass 11/13/13 106 W Lateral @ 12+70 SG B 10.0 9.8 128.0 119.7 93 90 N Pass 11/22/13 101 SS MH #2 Riser @ 10+33 32.0 B 10.0 9.5 128.0 119.1 93 90 N Pass 11/22/13 102 SS MH #2 Riser @ 10+33 35.0 B 10.0 11.2 128.0 119.8 93 90 N Pass 11/22/13 103 SS MH #2 Riser @ 10+33 38.0 B 10.0 11.6 128.0 118.7 92 90 N Pass 11/25/13 104 SS MH #2 to MH #1 31.0 B 10.0 12.3 128.0 117.4 91 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Page 3 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 11/25/13 105 SS MH #2 to MH #1 37.0 B 10.0 12.6 128.0 117.3 91 90 N Pass 11/25/13 106 SS MH #1 @ 10+39 33.0 B 10.0 11.8 128.0 118.5 92 90 N Pass 11/25/13 107 SS MH #1 @ 10+39 37.0 B 10.0 12.0 128.0 117.7 91 90 N Pass 12/24/13 108 SS Sewer along N side 15.0 B 10.0 11.7 128.0 116.3 90 90 N Pass 12/24/13 109 SS Sewer along N side 16.0 B 10.0 11.2 128.0 117.0 91 90 N Pass 12/24/13 110 SS Sewer along N side 17.0 B 10.0 9.5 128.0 117.3 91 90 N Pass 12/24/13 111 SS Sewer to pad 19 18.0 B 10.0 11.3 128.0 116.7 91 90 N Pass 12/24/13 112 SS Sewer to pad 20/21 17.0 B 10.0 12.6 128.0 115.8 90 90 N Pass 12/24/13 113 SS Sewer to pad 22/23 17.0 B 10.0 12.4 128.0 115.5 90 90 N Pass 01/06/14 107 W Water, Lower N-W 18.0 B 10.0 10.6 128.0 117.0 91 90 N Pass 01/06/14 108 W Water, Lower N-W 15.0 B 10.0 9.5 128.0 116.2 90 90 N Pass 01/06/14 109 W Water, Lower N-W 15.0 B 10.0 9.5 128.0 116.8 91 90 N Pass 01/06/14 110 W Water, Lower N-W 16.0 B 10.0 11.2 128.0 117.3 91 90 N Pass 01/13/14 101 AC Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 10+50 to 12+50 FG AC -146.1 142.5 97 95 N Pass 01/13/14 102 AC Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 10+50 to 12+50 FG AC -146.1 140.8 96 95 N Pass 01/13/14 101 AB Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 10+50 to 12+50 SG AB 8.5 8.8 123.9 118.7 95 95 N Pass 01/13/14 102 AB Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 10+50 to 12+50 SG AB 8.5 7.8 123.9 117.5 95 95 N Pass 01/13/14 103 AB Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 10+50 to 12+50 SG AB 8.5 8.2 123.9 119.0 96 95 N Pass 01/13/14 101 SG Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 10+50 to 12+50 SG B 10.0 8.3 128.0 123.2 96 95 N Pass 01/13/14 102 SG Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 10+50 to 12+50 SG B 10.0 7.9 128.0 122.0 95 95 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Page 4 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 01/13/14 103 SG Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 10+50 to 12+50 SG B 10.0 8.8 128.0 123.7 96 95 N Pass 01/14/14 103 AC Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 12+50 to 15+00 FG AC -146.1 142.3 97 95 N Pass 01/14/14 104 AC Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 12+50 to 15+00 FG AC -146.1 140.6 96 95 N Pass 01/14/14 104 AB Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 12+50 to 15+00 SG AB 8.5 9.2 123.9 120.3 97 95 N Pass 01/14/14 105 AB Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 12+50 to 15+00 SG AB 8.5 9.4 123.9 121.0 97 95 N Pass 01/14/14 106 AB Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 12+50 to 15+00 SG AB 8.5 8.7 123.9 120.4 97 95 N Pass 01/14/14 104 SG Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 12+50 to 15+00 SG B 10.0 9.9 128.0 123.8 96 95 N Pass 01/14/14 105 SG Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 12+50 to 15+00 SG B 10.0 8.9 128.0 123.1 96 95 N Pass 01/14/14 106 SG Ocean St. Btw. Sta. 12+50 to 15+00 SG B 10.0 9.5 128.0 123.4 96 95 N Pass 01/15/14 105 AC Lateral trench x-ing Sta. 12+00 FG AC -146.1 141.7 96 95 N Pass 01/15/14 106 AC Lateral trench x-ing Sta. 10+60 FG AC -146.1 142.0 97 95 N Pass 01/15/14 107 AB Lateral trench x-ing Sta. 12+00 SG AB 8.5 9.5 123.9 119.3 96 95 N Pass 01/15/14 108 AB Lateral trench x-ing Sta. 10+60 SG AB 8.5 9.2 123.9 119.6 96 95 N Pass 01/15/14 107 SG Lateral trench x-ing Sta. 12+00 SG B 10.0 11.0 128.0 124.0 96 95 N Pass 01/15/14 108 SG Lateral trench x-ing Sta. 10+60 SG B 10.0 10.7 128.0 123.8 96 95 N Pass 04/04/14 101 RW Back of Bldgs 19-35 28.0 C 10.0 11.6 123.5 112.8 91 90 N Pass 04/04/14 102 RW Back of Bldgs 19-35 28.0 C 10.0 10.3 123.5 115.3 93 90 N Pass 04/04/14 103 RW Back of Bldgs 19-35 28.0 C 10.0 11.5 123.5 113.9 92 90 N Pass 04/04/14 104 RW Back of Bldgs 19-35 28.0 C 10.0 11.5 123.5 116.2 94 90 N Pass 04/05/14 105 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 30.0 C 10.0 11.0 123.5 113.3 91 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Page 5 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 04/05/14 106 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 30.0 C 10.0 11.3 123.5 112.9 91 90 N Pass 04/05/14 107 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 30.0 C 10.0 10.7 123.5 111.8 90 90 N Pass 04/05/14 108 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 31.0 C 10.0 10.6 123.5 112.3 90 90 N Pass 04/05/14 109 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 31.0 C 10.0 10.3 123.5 113.7 92 90 N Pass 04/07/14 114 SS Lower Driveway 3+38 12.0 B 10.0 9.7 128.0 122.3 95 90 N Pass 04/07/14 115 SS Lower Driveway 3+30 14.6 B 10.0 10.1 128.0 119.8 93 90 N Pass 04/07/14 110 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 32.0 C 10.0 11.4 123.5 112.9 91 90 N Pass 04/07/14 111 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 32.0 B 10.0 10.1 128.0 122.3 95 90 N Pass 04/07/14 112 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 32.0 C 10.0 12.2 123.5 114.1 92 90 N Pass 04/07/14 113 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 28.0 C 10.0 10.7 123.5 112.4 91 90 N Pass 04/07/14 114 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 29.0 C 10.0 10.3 123.5 112.9 91 90 N Pass 04/08/14 115 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 32.0 B 10.0 10.1 128.0 122.9 96 90 N Pass 04/08/14 116 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 32.0 B 10.0 10.2 128.0 122.6 95 90 N Pass 04/08/14 117 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 26.0 C 10.0 14.0 123.5 112.5 91 90 N Pass 04/08/14 118 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 26.0 C 10.0 11.3 123.5 113.9 92 90 N Pass 04/08/14 119 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 32.0 C 10.0 10.5 123.5 109.6 88 90 N Fail 04/08/14 R-119 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 32.0 C 10.0 10.3 123.5 112.8 91 90 N Pass 04/08/14 120 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 28.0 C 10.0 11.2 123.5 115.4 93 90 N Pass 04/08/14 121 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 28.0 C 10.0 11.1 123.5 113.6 91 90 N Pass 04/08/14 122 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 30.0 C 10.0 9.7 123.5 114.3 92 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Page 6 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 04/08/14 123 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 31.0 C 10.0 11.1 123.5 117.7 95 90 N Pass 04/09/14 116 SS Lower Driveway 3+97 13.0 B 10.0 11.1 128.0 115.7 90 90 N Pass 04/09/14 117 SS Lower Driveway 4+23 15.0 B 10.0 10.2 128.0 119.7 93 90 N Pass 04/09/14 118 SS Lower Driveway 2+83 12.0 B 10.0 10.4 128.0 121.2 94 90 N Pass 04/09/14 119 SS Lower Driveway 2+88 15.0 B 10.0 9.8 128.0 122.9 96 90 N Pass 04/09/14 124 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 32.0 C 10.0 10.6 123.5 115.5 93 90 N Pass 04/09/14 125 RW Btwn Upper and Lower Bldgs 33.0 C 10.0 13.1 123.5 112.9 91 90 N Pass 04/11/14 101 SD N side, upper pad 6" area drain 30.0 B 10.0 12.3 128.0 118.4 92 90 N Pass 04/11/14 102 SD N side, upper pad 6" area drain 30.0 B 10.0 11.2 128.0 119.6 93 90 N Pass 04/11/14 103 SD N side, upper pad 6" area drain 32.0 B 10.0 11.8 128.0 119.2 93 90 N Pass 04/14/14 120 SS Lower Driveway 4+98 14.0 B 10.0 9.6 128.0 116.3 90 90 N Pass 04/14/14 126 RW Podium Wall 32.6 C 10.0 10.3 123.5 115.4 93 90 N Pass 04/14/14 127 RW Podium Wall 33.0 B 10.0 10.7 128.0 122.3 95 90 N Pass 04/14/14 128 RW Podium Wall 32.8 B 10.0 9.4 128.0 120.5 94 90 N Pass 04/14/14 129 RW Podium Wall 33.3 C 10.0 9.6 123.5 112.3 90 90 N Pass 04/15/14 104 SD NE side, upper pad area drain 29.0 C 10.0 11.2 123.5 111.9 90 90 N Pass 04/15/14 105 SD NE side, upper pad area drain 31.0 C 10.0 11.6 123.5 112.8 91 90 N Pass 04/16/14 106 SD NE side, upper pad area drain 28.0 B 10.0 10.2 128.0 115.7 90 90 N Pass 04/16/14 107 SD NE side, upper pad area drain 30.0 B 10.0 11.2 128.0 114.9 90 90 N Pass 04/19/14 108 SD E lagoon wall area drain 29.0 C 10.0 11.8 123.5 110.8 90 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Page 7 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 04/19/14 109 SD E lagoon wall area drain 31.0 C 10.0 10.4 123.5 112.1 90 90 N Pass 04/22/14 110 SD Front bldg 13 17.5 B 10.0 10.7 128.0 117.5 91 90 N Pass 04/22/14 111 SD East side bldg 13 18.0 B 10.0 11.3 128.0 115.8 90 90 N Pass 04/23/14 130 RW near Bldg 10 19.6 B 10.0 10.3 128.0 119.3 93 90 N Pass 04/23/14 131 RW near Bldg 10 19.6 B 10.0 9.8 128.0 117.1 91 90 N Pass 04/23/14 132 RW near Bldg 10 20.5 C 10.0 11.3 123.5 112.7 91 90 N Pass 04/23/14 133 RW near Bldg 10 21.0 C 10.0 12.8 123.5 110.6 90 90 N Pass 04/24/14 134 RW near Bldg 11 19.0 C 10.0 11.8 123.5 112.2 90 90 N Pass 04/24/14 135 RW near Bldg 11 19.0 C 10.0 11.3 123.5 112.6 91 90 N Pass 04/24/14 136 RW near Bldg 11 20.0 C 10.0 12.2 123.5 113.3 91 90 N Pass 04/25/14 137 RW near Bldg 11 20.0 C 10.0 10.4 123.5 111.8 90 90 N Pass 04/25/14 138 RW near Bldg 12 19.0 C 10.0 10.9 123.5 112.4 91 90 N Pass 04/25/14 139 RW near Bldg 11 21.0 C 10.0 11.1 123.5 115.3 93 90 N Pass 04/25/14 140 RW near Bldg 12 21.5 C 10.0 12.3 123.5 111.8 90 90 N Pass 04/28/14 141 RW near Bldg 11 21.5 C 10.0 12.4 123.5 112.5 91 90 N Pass 05/08/14 142 RW Podium Wall near Bldg 13/14 31.6 B 10.0 10.1 128.0 116.3 90 90 N Pass 05/08/14 143 RW Podium Wall near Bldg 13/14 33.0 B 10.0 11.2 128.0 115.1 90 90 N Pass 05/08/14 144 RW Podium Wall near Bldg 13/14 34.6 B 10.0 10.1 128.0 116.9 91 90 N Pass 05/08/14 145 RW Podium Wall near Bldg 13/14 36.0 B 10.0 10.3 128.0 118.0 92 90 N Pass 05/08/14 146 RW Podium Wall near Bldg 13/14 38.0 B 10.0 12.3 128.0 119.1 93 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Page 8 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 05/08/14 147 RW Podium Wall near Bldg 13/14 34.0 B 10.0 11.7 128.0 116.5 91 90 N Pass 05/09/14 148 RW Wall C/Planter Wall 12.0 B 10.0 10.8 128.0 118.6 92 90 N Pass 05/09/14 149 RW Wall C/Planter Wall 14.0 B 10.0 11.1 128.0 118.3 92 90 N Pass 05/09/14 150 RW Wall C/Planter Wall 15.0 B 10.0 12.3 128.0 116.8 91 90 N Pass 05/09/14 151 RW Wall C/Planter Wall 16.0 B 10.0 12.9 128.0 117.7 91 90 N Pass 05/09/14 152 RW Wall C/Planter Wall 18.0 B 10.0 11.3 128.0 115.2 90 90 N Pass 05/12/14 111 W Main Ocean st. to lagoon 0+13 35.6 B 10.0 11.7 128.0 118.3 92 90 N Pass 05/12/14 112 W Main Ocean st. to lagoon 0+98 28.5 B 10.0 12.3 128.0 115.4 90 90 N Pass 05/12/14 113 W Main Ocean st. to lagoon 1+58 27.0 B 10.0 12.1 128.0 116.7 91 90 N Pass 05/12/14 153 RW Wall C/Planter Wall 16.0 B 10.0 10.1 128.0 117.3 91 90 N Pass 05/12/14 154 RW Wall C/Planter Wall 17.0 B 10.0 12.5 128.0 116.6 91 90 N Pass 05/12/14 155 RW Wall C/Planter Wall 13.0 B 10.0 10.9 128.0 115.7 90 90 N Pass 05/12/14 156 RW Wall C/Planter Wall 15.0 B 10.0 11.2 128.0 116.3 90 90 N Pass 05/13/14 121 SS West side 0+60 29.0 B 10.0 10.3 128.0 117.6 91 90 N Pass 05/13/14 122 SS West side 0+28 32.0 B 10.0 10.7 128.0 116.3 90 90 N Pass 05/13/14 123 SS West side 0+42 33.0 B 10.0 12.2 128.0 116.8 91 90 N Pass 05/14/14 124 SS West side 1+24 26.0 B 10.0 11.3 128.0 115.4 90 90 N Pass 05/14/14 125 SS West side 1+77 25.0 B 10.0 11.9 128.0 118.3 92 90 N Pass 05/14/14 114 W Main Ocean st. to lagoon 1+73 28.0 B 10.0 10.8 128.0 116.1 90 90 N Pass 05/14/14 115 W Main Ocean st. to lagoon 1+84 27.0 B 10.0 10.1 128.0 115.2 90 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Page 9 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 05/19/14 126 SS Lift Station MH 2+65 20.0 B 10.0 10.1 128.0 116.3 90 90 N Pass 05/19/14 127 SS Lift Station MH 2+82 20.5 B 10.0 9.3 128.0 119.7 93 90 N Pass 05/19/14 157 RW Podium Wall 34.0 B 10.0 11.1 128.0 118.4 92 90 N Pass 05/19/14 158 RW Podium Wall 34.0 B 10.0 9.8 128.0 117.8 92 90 N Pass 05/19/14 159 RW Podium Wall 34.0 B 10.0 10.3 128.0 116.7 91 90 N Pass 05/20/14 160 RW Podium Wall 35.0 B 10.0 13.3 128.0 115.6 90 90 N Pass 05/20/14 161 RW Podium Wall 35.0 B 10.0 12.6 128.0 116.1 90 90 N Pass 05/20/14 162 RW Podium Wall 35.0 B 10.0 11.7 128.0 118.2 92 90 N Pass 05/21/14 163 RW Podium Wall 36.6 B 10.0 13.2 128.0 115.4 90 90 N Pass 05/21/14 164 RW Podium Wall 36.0 B 10.0 11.2 128.0 117.6 91 90 N Pass 05/21/14 165 RW Podium Wall 36.0 B 10.0 9.9 128.0 124.3 97 90 N Pass 05/22/14 166 RW Podium Wall 38.0 B 10.0 11.0 128.0 120.4 94 90 N Pass 05/22/14 167 RW Podium Wall 38.6 B 10.0 10.6 128.0 118.9 92 90 N Pass 05/22/14 168 RW Podium Wall 35.0 B 10.0 12.6 128.0 117.6 91 90 N Pass 05/22/14 169 RW Podium Wall 38.0 B 10.0 12.3 128.0 115.5 90 90 N Pass 05/22/14 170 RW Podium Wall 37.0 B 10.0 11.4 128.0 116.4 90 90 N Pass 05/23/14 171 RW Podium Wall 39.0 B 10.0 10.1 128.0 118.3 92 90 N Pass 08/26/14 172 RW Podium Wall 42.0 B 10.0 11.5 128.0 120.6 94 90 N Pass 08/26/14 173 RW Podium Wall 42.0 B 10.0 12.0 128.0 119.8 93 90 N Pass 08/26/14 174 RW Podium Wall 39.0 B 10.0 11.8 128.0 120.9 94 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Page 10 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 08/27/14 175 RW Podium Wall 43.0 B 10.0 10.7 128.0 122.5 95 90 N Pass 08/27/14 176 RW Podium Wall 43.0 B 10.0 10.9 128.0 123.0 96 90 N Pass 08/27/14 177 RW Podium Wall 43.0 B 10.0 10.4 128.0 122.7 95 90 N Pass 09/05/14 128 SS Sewer main South Side 42.0 B 10.0 9.8 128.0 117.6 91 90 N Pass 09/05/14 129 SS Sewer main South Side 43.0 B 10.0 11.6 128.0 118.4 92 90 N Pass 09/06/14 130 SS Sewer main South Side 44.0 B 10.0 11.2 128.0 116.3 90 90 N Pass 09/06/14 131 SS Sewer main South Side 42.0 B 10.0 12.7 128.0 117.6 91 90 N Pass 09/06/14 132 SS Sewer main South Side 43.0 B 10.0 11.4 128.0 116.8 91 90 N Pass 09/06/14 133 SS Sewer main South Side 44.0 B 10.0 12.0 128.0 117.7 91 90 N Pass 09/06/14 134 SS Sewer main South Side 44.0 B 10.0 11.7 128.0 118.5 92 90 N Pass 10/07/14 178 RW Wall, N side Bldg 16/18 17.0 B 10.0 9.8 128.0 121.5 94 90 N Pass 10/07/14 179 RW Wall, N side Bldg 16/18 19.0 B 10.0 11.7 128.0 123.1 96 90 N Pass 10/07/14 180 RW Wall, N side Bldg 16/18 20.0 B 10.0 10.4 128.0 123.3 96 90 N Pass 10/08/14 181 RW Wall, N side Bldg 16/18 20.0 B 10.0 10.3 128.0 122.7 95 90 N Pass 10/08/14 182 RW Wall, N side of pool 16.0 B 10.0 11.0 128.0 122.1 95 90 N Pass 10/08/14 183 RW Wall, N side of pool 16.0 B 10.0 12.6 128.0 121.6 95 90 N Pass 10/08/14 184 RW Wall, N side of pool 18.0 B 10.0 10.4 128.0 123.0 96 90 N Pass 10/09/14 185 RW Wall, N side of pool 19.0 B 10.0 13.0 128.0 121.4 94 90 N Pass 10/09/14 186 RW Wall, N side of pool 19.0 B 10.0 10.8 128.0 122.0 95 90 N Pass 11/25/14 187 RW Wall E side of project 37.0 B 10.0 9.5 128.0 117.9 92 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Page 11 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 11/25/14 188 RW Wall E side of project 34.0 B 10.0 11.7 128.0 120.1 93 90 N Pass 11/26/14 189 RW Wall E side of project 33.0 B 10.0 11.9 128.0 119.6 93 90 N Pass 11/26/14 190 RW Wall E side of project 30.0 B 10.0 10.8 128.0 121.2 94 90 N Pass 12/01/14 191 RW Wall E side of project 29.0 B 10.0 11.4 128.0 119.0 92 90 N Pass 12/01/14 192 RW Wall E side of project 21.0 B 10.0 11.3 128.0 120.4 94 90 N Pass 12/01/14 193 RW Wall E side of project 20.0 B 10.0 11.6 128.0 118.3 92 90 N Pass 12/24/14 194 RW NW Bldg, W wall 24.0 B 10.0 13.4 128.0 117.4 91 90 N Pass 12/24/14 195 RW NW Bldg, W wall 27.0 B 10.0 14.0 128.0 116.9 91 90 N Pass 12/24/14 196 RW NW Bldg, W wall 26.0 B 10.0 12.7 128.0 119.3 93 90 N Pass 12/29/14 197 RW NW Bldg, W wall 23.0 B 10.0 10.9 128.0 120.2 93 90 N Pass 12/29/14 198 RW NW Bldg, W wall 27.0 B 10.0 12.5 128.0 119.4 93 90 N Pass 12/29/14 199 RW NW Bldg, W wall 28.0 B 10.0 13.1 128.0 118.8 92 90 N Pass 12/29/14 200 RW NW Bldg, W wall 28.0 B 10.0 12.8 128.0 119.1 93 90 N Pass 01/05/15 101 CG Along Ocean St. SG B 10.0 13.3 128.0 116.2 90 90 N Pass 01/05/15 102 CG Along Ocean St. SG B 10.0 12.9 128.0 117.7 91 90 N Pass 01/05/15 103 CG Along Ocean St. SG B 10.0 13.1 128.0 116.0 90 90 N Pass 01/05/15 104 CG Along Ocean St. SG B 10.0 13.5 128.0 115.9 90 90 N Pass 01/09/15 101 SW Sidewalk along Ocean St.SG B 10.0 14.7 128.0 115.2 90 90 N Pass 01/09/15 102 SW Sidewalk along Ocean St.SG B 10.0 14.9 128.0 115.6 90 90 N Pass 01/09/15 103 SW Sidewalk along Ocean St.SG B 10.0 13.7 128.0 116.3 90 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Page 12 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 02/11/15 116 W East entry (-1.0)C 10.0 13.4 123.5 114.3 92 90 N Pass 02/11/15 117 W East entry past (-1.0)C 10.0 12.6 123.5 110.6 90 90 N Pass 03/19/15 100 JT East Entry (-1.0)C 10.0 13.7 123.5 112.3 90 90 N Pass 03/19/15 101 JT East Entry (-1.0)C 10.0 15.8 123.5 110.8 90 90 N Pass 03/19/15 102 JT Ocean St. near east entry (-1.5)B 10.0 10.5 128.0 124.0 96 90 N Pass 03/20/15 103 JT East entry driveway crossing (-1.0)B 10.0 11.2 128.0 117.7 91 90 N Pass 03/20/15 104 JT East entry driveway crossing (-1.5)C 10.0 13.3 123.5 113.1 91 90 N Pass 04/15/15 118 W Bldg 11 - rear SG B 10.0 10.8 128.0 121.3 94 90 N Pass 04/15/15 119 W Bldg 10 SG B 10.0 10.3 128.0 119.1 93 90 N Pass 04/15/15 120 W Bldg 9 SG C 10.0 11.7 123.5 113.7 92 90 N Pass 04/15/15 121 W Bldg 12 SG C 10.0 12.2 123.5 112.4 91 90 N Pass 04/23/15 105 JT Bldg 11/12 Patio 11 (-1.5)C 10.0 13.7 123.5 112.2 90 90 N Pass 04/23/15 122 W Bldg 11/12 rear, near wall (-1.0)C 10.0 12.6 123.5 111.8 90 90 N Pass 05/04/15 100 G Bldg 11/12 Back Patio SG C 10.0 11.7 123.5 113.4 91 90 N Pass 05/05/15 104 SW Bldg 8 Patio, E side SG B 10.0 10.3 128.0 116.1 90 90 N Pass 05/05/15 105 SW Bldg 8 Patio, E side, SW ramp SG B 10.0 11.7 128.0 114.8 90 90 N Pass 05/05/15 101 G Bldg 9/10 Back Patio (-1.0)C 10.0 10.3 123.5 111.7 90 90 N Pass 05/05/15 102 G Bldg 9/10 Back Patio (-1.0)C 10.0 10.8 123.5 107.3 86 90 N Fail 05/05/15 R-102 G Bldg 9/10 Back Patio (-1.0)C 10.0 10.6 123.5 112.2 90 90 N Pass 05/05/15 103 G Bldg 9/10 Back Patio SG C 10.0 11.2 123.5 114.2 92 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Page 13 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 05/05/15 105 G Bldg 10/11 Back Patio (-1.0)C 10.0 12.1 123.5 105.6 85 90 N Fail 05/05/15 R-105 G Bldg 10/11 Back Patio (-1.0)C 10.0 11.3 123.5 112.9 91 90 N Pass 05/05/15 106 G Bldg 10/11 Back Patio SG C 10.0 10.1 123.5 117.2 94 90 N Pass 11/26/13 101RTW North MSE Property Wall 11.0 C 10.0 6.0 123.5 109.4 88 90 N Fail 11/26/13 101RTW-R North MSE Property Wall 11.0 C 10.0 10.0 123.5 114.2 92 90 N Pass 11/26/13 102RTW North MSE Property Wall 11.0 C 10.0 10.0 123.5 113.2 91 90 N Pass 11/26/13 103RTW North MSE Property Wall 11.0 C 10.0 10.3 123.5 114.8 92 90 N Pass 11/26/13 104RTW North MSE Property Wall 12.8 C 10.0 11.6 123.5 115.2 93 90 N Pass 11/26/13 105RTW North MSE Property Wall 12.8 C 10.0 10.8 123.5 115.1 93 90 N Pass 11/27/13 106RTW North MSE Property Wall 12.8 C 10.0 11.1 123.5 116.7 94 90 N Pass 11/27/13 107RTW North MSE Property Wall 12.8 C 10.0 10.4 123.5 114.1 92 90 N Pass 12/02/13 108RTW North MSE Property Wall 14.0 C 10.0 10.0 123.5 119.7 96 90 N Pass 12/02/13 109RTW North MSE Property Wall 14.0 C 10.0 10.1 123.5 113.8 92 90 N Pass 12/02/13 110RTW North MSE Property Wall 14.0 C 10.0 11.9 123.5 117.7 95 90 N Pass 12/03/13 111RTW North MSE Property Wall 15.0 C 10.0 11.8 123.5 120.2 97 90 N Pass 12/03/13 112RTW North MSE Property Wall 15.4 C 10.0 11.8 123.5 115.6 93 90 N Pass 12/03/13 113RTW North MSE Property Wall 15.4 C 10.0 10.2 123.5 118.1 95 90 N Pass 12/03/13 114RTW North MSE Property Wall 15.0 C 10.0 11.2 123.5 114.0 92 90 N Pass 12/04/13 115RTW North MSE Property Wall 16.0 C 10.0 11.4 123.5 118.0 95 90 N Pass 12/04/13 116RTW North MSE Property Wall 16.0 C 10.0 11.6 123.5 119.3 96 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 20, 2016 P/W 1205-06 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TABLE 2 Page 14 of Table 1 Report No. 1205-06-C-19 TEST NUMBER/LOCATION/ELEVATION KEY S - Sewer Trench I - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain Trench E - Electrical Trench JT - Joint Utility Trench W - Water Trench RTW - Retaining Wall FTG - Footing FG - Finish Grade SG - Subgrade CG - Curb and Gutter Subgrade B - Base AC - Asphalt Concrete Finish Grade BC - Asphalt Concrete Base Course CC - Asphalt Concrete Cap Course -R,R1,R2 - Indicates Retest * Rock Correction- Estimated Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (Method A) or 3/4 inch (Method C), Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content adjusted per ASTM D 4718 Depth Moisture Dry Density Rel.Proj.Test Pass Test or Soil Rock (%)(pcf)Comp.Spec.Type or Date Number Location Elev.Type Corr.*Opt.Field Max.Field (%)(%)(S/N)Fail 12/04/13 117RTW North MSE Property Wall 16.0 C 10.0 11.3 123.5 118.9 96 90 N Pass 12/05/13 118RTW North MSE Property Wall 17.0 C 10.0 11.5 123.5 115.1 93 90 N Pass 12/05/13 119RTW North MSE Property Wall 17.0 C 10.0 11.1 123.5 114.8 92 90 N Pass 12/09/13 120RTW North MSE Property Wall 15.0 C 10.0 10.1 123.5 117.3 94 90 N Pass 12/09/13 121RTW North MSE Property Wall 15.0 C 10.0 11.7 123.5 117.9 95 90 N Pass 12/09/13 122RTW North MSE Property Wall 15.0 C 10.0 10.6 123.5 116.6 94 90 N Pass 12/10/13 123RTW North MSE Property Wall 17.0 C 10.0 10.3 123.5 117.4 95 90 N Pass 12/10/13 124RTW North MSE Property Wall 17.0 C 10.0 10.9 123.5 118.1 95 90 N Pass 12/11/13 125RTW North MSE Property Wall 15.0 C 10.0 12.2 123.5 114.8 92 90 N Pass 12/11/13 126RTW North MSE Property Wall 16.0 C 10.0 12.4 123.5 114.1 92 90 N Pass 12/11/13 127RTW North MSE Property Wall 18.0 C 10.0 11.9 123.5 115.5 93 90 N Pass 12/12/13 128RTW North MSE Property Wall 17.7 C 10.0 10.8 123.5 117.4 95 90 N Pass 12/12/13 129RTW North MSE Property Wall 17.7 C 10.0 10.7 123.5 117.1 94 90 N Pass 12/12/13 130RTW North MSE Property Wall 18.2 C 10.0 10.2 123.5 116.9 94 90 N Pass 12/12/13 131RTW North MSE Property Wall 21.0 C 10.0 10.0 123.5 117.5 95 90 N Pass ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. CONSULTING afc (Qal)afc (Qal)afc (Qal) afc (Qal) afc (Qop) afc (Qop) afc (Qop) 7 4 3 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 9 8 8 5 6 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 7 10 10 10 9 9 10 5 3 10 10 7 8 5 LEGEND: 10 Approximate location of field density test (R suffix indicates re-test) Approximate elevation of removal bottom Approximate location of geologic contact (dotted where buried, queried where unknown) 101 afc Qal Qop Artificial Fill - Compacted Alluvium (Bracketed where buried) Old Paralic Deposits (Bracketed where buried) Approximate limits of removal bottom stabilized with rock and geotextile fabric Report:P/W 1205-06 1205-06-C-19Project: PLATE 1 Geotechnical Plan Approximate location of retaining wall field density test (R suffix indicates re-test)101RTW 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 140 139 138137 136 135 134 133 132 131 150 148 146 145 144 143 142 141 160 159 158 156 155 154 153 151 170 168 167 165 164 163 162 161 180 180-R 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 250 249 248 247 246 245 113SD 114SD 109 122-RTW1 130-RTW 128-RTW 127-RTW 131-RTW 126-RTW 125-RTW 120-RTW 129-RTW 121-RTW 124-RTW 107-RTW 106-RTW 119-RTW 105-RTW 117-RTW 110-RTW 103-RTW 114-RTW 123-RTW 112-RTW 109-RTW 102-RTW 116-RTW 113-RTW 111-RTW 101-RTW 115-RTW 108-RTW 104-RTW 118-RTW 101-RTW-R 138RW 140RW 135RW 139RW 136RW 137RW 134RW 133RW 131RW132RW 130RW 186RW 183RW 184RW 185RW182RW 181RW 180RW 179RW 178RW 197RW 198RW 199RW 200RW 196RW 195RW 194RW 141RW 193RW 192RW 125SS 124SS 120SS 119SS 118SS 117SS116SS 115SS 114SS 111SS 108SS 112SS 109SS 113SS 110SS 108W 107W 109W 110W 115W 113W 114W 101RW Approximate location of reclaimed water density test (R suffix indicates re-test) 101SS Approximate location of sanitary sewer density test (R suffix indicates re-test) 101SD Approximate location of storm drain density test (R suffix indicates re-test) 101W Approximate location of water main density test (R suffix indicates re-test) 101SG Approximate location of sub-grade density test (R suffix indicates re-test) 101AB Approximate location of aggregate base density test (R suffix indicates re-test) 101AC Approximate location of asphalt density test (R suffix indicates re-test) 101CG Approximate location of curb and gutter density test (R suffix indicates re-test)• • • • • • • • • 12 )-------.__ C::::r _.. -111--17.00 TW -....,.-::i --...-- ~11.00 BW T '--- DRIVEWAY 'A' SEE Sl£ETS 7 t 8 • D CJ "' n ~ ---------DRIVEWAY 'A' ~ '-JL✓s ~ SEE Sl£ETS 7 t 8 / --~ ~.... -.... \-~ .... r--.-~.... -·~ ~ • -------\ _,....-/_---=----- • J 19.40 FS <I ~ 19,40FS • 19.40 FS • FF=21. 66 SF=33,0 • • • 0 FF=21.66 SF=33.0 15 {i_£'j ~ FF=21.66 SF=33.0 • • {iij \2) FF=21.66 SF=33.0 FF=21.66 SF=33.0 / ' ' • LlLi ~ • ~ ~· 5050 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE 26D • ® 9 FF=21.66 SF=33.0 CONSTRUCTION NOTES CD CONSTRUCT 6" CURB PER SDRSD G-1 . @ CONSTRUCT 5" CURB & GUTTER PER SDRSD G-2 TYPE 'G' . (!} CONCRETE HARDSCAPE PER SDRSD G-7. FINISH PER LANDSCAPE! PLANS. ~---~~ CD PERVIOUS PAVERS PER DETAIL 1 ON SHEET 3.1™ ® GRASS PAVERS PER DETAIL 2 ON SHEET 3.1~ ® BIORETENTION AREA PER DETAIL 3 ON SHEET 3 WITH OUTLET I~ STRUCTURE PER DETAIL 4 ON SHEET 3. CD FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER AREA PER LANDSCAPE PLANS AND DETAIL 5 I ON SHEET 3. ~----~ ® PERIMETER RETAINING WALL PER SHEETS 15-17 . ® WATER FEATURE PER SEPARATE PLANS. @ WALL PER SEPARATE PLANS . ® ELEVATOR PER ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. @ PERVIOUS PAVER SIDEWALK/HARDSCAPE PER LANDSCAPE PLANS AND I™ DETAIL 1 ON SHEET 3. FF=21,66 SF=33.0 • • • ® • FF=21.66 SF=33.0 • • • • D FF=21.66 e QD SF=33,0 Qv • ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. •AS BUILT' P.E. EXP. DATE 20 10 0 20 40 60 I ~ I I I REVIEWED BY: SCALE: 1"=20' INSPECTOR DATE I ~6TI CITY OF CARl.SBAD WJ ENGINEERING DEPARlMENT 5 PRECISE GRADING PLAN FOR: OCEAN STREET RESIDENCES APPROVED: GLEN K. VAN PESKI SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER PE 41204 EXPIRES 3/31/13 DATE A !lllllcompany CARLSBAD,CALIFORNIA92008-4386 f-7DA~TE~-1N=1r~IAL,---+----------------+--DA-TE-+-IN-ITI-AL---t-DA-TE-+-IN-ITI-AL----I 760A76.9193 ■ FAx:760.476.9198 ■ www.RBF.com ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CT 05-12 476-9A CONSULTING 129RW 102CG 103CG 104CG 101SW 102SW 103SW 108RW 101CG 128RW 127RW 126RW 168RW 170RW 173RW 157RW 162RW 176RW 165RW 169RW 161RW 175RW167RW 158RW 172RW 164RW171RW 177RW 160RW166RW 174RW 157RW 163RW 144RW 146RW145RW 143RW 147RW 142RW 187RW 188RW 189RW 190RW 191RW 101RW 110RW 105RW 109RW 102RW 106RW 111RW 103RW 112RW107RW 116RW 104RW 113RW 114RW 125RW 115RW 119RW R-119RW 122RW 120RW 118RW 124RW 121RW 123RW 117RW 240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192191 190 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 25 23 23 23 23 23 18 13 23 12 10 10 10 19 19 26 28 26 5 5 5 149 147 157 152 169 166 112W 111W 106W 105W 104W 103W 102W 101W 108SG 107SG 106SG 106AB 104SG 103SG 102SG 101SG 108AB 106AC 105AC 104AC 102AC 101AC 103AC 107AB 105SG 105AB 104AB 103AB 102AB101AB 218SS 217SS 215SS 214SS 134SS 133SS 132SS 131SS 130SS 129SS 128SS 123SS 122SS 121SS 107SS 106SS 105SS 104SS 103SS 102SS 101SS 222SD,R-222SD 221SD 220SD 219SD 216SD Plate 1 for Legend Report:P/W 1205-06 1205-06-C-19Project: PLATE 2 Geotechnical Plan / / / / / .,,, 20 I ---.,,, GF=33.5 FF=45.0 --- • • @ 2 GF-33.5 FF=45.0 • ,J "\ , .... \...\\ i n ,.1 D @ • • I GF=33.5 I . FF=45.0 . ---·- ,., ,., ,~'-' ; ,..'.I ., - '·, I • EB I GF=33.5 I FF=45.0 GF-33.5 FF=45.0 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS PER DWG 4,,,,7..,.6_9----,,-....,..,,...,,. EB GF-33.5 FF=45.0 • I GF=33.51-...i.,.-~; . FF=45.0. • ---............ • '\I 0 ., CONSTRUCTION NOTES G) CONSTRUCT 6" CURB PER SDRSD G-1. to\ CONSTRUCT 6" CURB & GUTTER PER SDRSD G-2 1.-V TYPE 'G'. 0 CONCRETE HARDSCAPE PER SDRSD G-7. FINISH f ' I PER LANDSCAPE PLANS. ~-~-~ © PERVIOUS RAVERS PER DETAIL 1 ON SHEET 3. ~ 0 FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER AREA PER LANDSCAPE I PLANS AND DETAIL 5 ON SHEET 3. . © TRASH ENCLOSURE PER CSD GS-16. © PATIO PER ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. ® PERIMETER RETAINING WALL PER SHEETS 15-17. @ PEDESTRIAN RAMP WITH PROTECTIVE RAILING PER SDRSD M-24. @ WALL PER SEPARATE PLANS. @ PERVIOUS PAVER SIDEWALK/HARDSCAPE PER LANDSCAPE PLANS AND DETAIL 1 ON SHEET 3. ADVAfllCED GEOTECHflllCAL SOLUTIOfllS, lfllC. E Q_ O'. w z w "' 0 (') .------------------t~ •AS BU/Lr Cl Q_ I ITT 0 I °' ITT P.E. ___ EXP. ____ DAlE ;:;, 1---------------------~ REVIEWED BY: 0 <( O'. ~ ,-----,,-----r----------------,---,-,--,--,r:===~l:_:NS:::P~E~C;;"TO~R==;;:;;;;;=;;=;:;;;;;--;-~~-;;;:~D:;A;;;lE;;.~1 ~ 1----+----l------------t------t--.-----t---------i I SH5EET I CITY OF CARISBAD ~5 :<( ENGINEERING DEPARlMENT L__l.2_J ::===="---'==============-'==== ? PRECISE GRADING PLAN FOR: o 0 <( ~----------------t===i===t=======================t===t==~~==~~==~ ~==O=C~EA~N==S~TR~E=;E~T~R:c=E=S=ID=E=N=C=E=S=====: APPROVED: GLEN K. VAN PESKI u / °' ITT DJ 0 0 A!lllllcompany 5050 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE 260 '-~=+=,,....j~----------------j---;;:;;;;--+=.,--r;;.,;:---t.;;:..,i CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-4386 DAlE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL 760.476.9193 • FAX760.476.9196 • www.RBF.com ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL SENIOR CI\IIL ENGINEER OWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: ITT ITT PE 41204 EXPIRES 3/31/13 DATE ~ f---cr0osT!12 I D476~ gJ.· ! I December 20, 2016 Page 14 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. APPENDIX A Hayward Baker Geotechnical Construction, Inc. (HB 2013b). Stone Column Construction Submittal- Monitoring Program, Soil Improvement at Ocean Street Residences, Carlsbad, California, July 30, 2013. Hayward Baker Geotechnical Construction, Inc. (HB 2013a). Stone Column Construction Submittal Soil Improvement at Ocean Street Residences, Carlsbad, California, July 15, 2013. Esgil Corporation, Plan Check Review Comments, Multi Family Condominium Complex and Parking Garage, 2303Ocean Street, Carlsbad California, July 3, 2013. Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. (2013f). Response to City of Carlsbad Retaining Wall Review Comments (Carlsbad PC13-0030), City of Carlsbad, California, P/W 1205-06, Report P/W1205-06-B-8, September 24, 2013. Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. (2013e). Geotechnical Review of Proposed Ocean Street Residences Liquefaction Mitigation and Response to Esgil Review Comments (Carlsbad PC13-0030), City of Carlsbad, California, P/W 1205-06, Report P/W1205-06-B-8, July 16, 2013. Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. (2013d). Geotechnical Review of Structural Plans Ocean Street Residences (CD 12-09), City of Carlsbad, California, P/W 1205-06, Report P/W1205-06-B-7, June 19, 2013. Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. (2013c). Supplemental Geotechnical Recommendations Ocean Street Residences (CD 12-09), City of Carlsbad, California, P/W 1205-06, Report P/W1205-06-B-6, May 22, 2013. Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. (2013b). Preliminary Geotechnical Recommendations for Permeable Pavers and “Grass Pave”, Ocean Street Residences (CD 12-09), City of Carlsbad, California, P/W 1205-06, Report P/W1205-06-B-5, April 12, 2013. Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. (2013a). Grading Plan Review, Ocean Street Residences (CD 12- 09), City of Carlsbad, California (CD 12-09), City of Carlsbad, California, P/W 1205-06, Report P/W1205-06-B-3, March 19, 2013. Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. (2012). Response to Cycle Review Comments Ocean Street Residences (CD 12-09), City of Carlsbad, California, P/W 1205-06, Report No. 1205-06-B-2, October 30, 2012. Geocon Inc., Geotechnical Investigation, Ocean Street Condominiums, Ocean Street and Mountain View Drive, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 07353-22-01, September 3, 2004. RBF Consulting, A Baker Company, Ocean Street Residences, Tentative Tract Map, dated October 8, 2012, Sheets 1 through 8. City of Carlsbad, Memorandum CD12-09-Ocean Street Residences 2nd Review, dated October 25, 2012. December 20, 2016 Page 15 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. APPENDIX B PROPERTY OWNER MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Homeowners are accustomed to maintaining their homes. They expect to paint their houses periodically, replace wiring, clean out clogged plumbing, and repair roofs. Maintenance of the home site, particularly on hillsides, should be considered on the same basis or even on a more serious basis because neglect can result in serious consequences. In most cases, lot and site maintenance can be taken care of along with landscaping, and can be carried out more economically than repair after neglect. Most slope and hillside lot problems are associated with water. Uncontrolled water from a broken pipe, cesspool, or wet weather causes most damage. Wet weather is the largest cause of slope problems, particularly in California where rain is intermittent, but may be torrential. Therefore, drainage and erosion control are the most important aspects of site stability; these provisions must not be altered without competent professional advice. Further, maintenance must be carried out to assure their continued operation. As geotechnical engineers concerned with the problems of building sites in hillside developments, we offer the following list of recommended site protection measures as a guide to property owners. Expansive Soils Some of the earth materials on site have been identified as being expansive in nature. As such, these materials are susceptible to volume changes with variations in their moisture content. These soils will swell upon the introduction of water and shrink upon drying. The forces associated with these volume changes can have significant negative impacts (in the form of differential movement) on foundations, walkways, patios, and other lot improvements. Property owners in areas containing expansive soils must assume a certain degree of responsibility for site improvements as well as for maintaining conditions around their property. Provisions should be incorporated into the design and construction of site improvements to account for the expansive nature of the onsite soils material. Lot maintenance and landscaping should also be conducted in consideration of the expansive soil characteristics. Of primary importance is minimizing the moisture variation below all lot improvements. Such design, construction and owner maintenance provisions should include: Employing contractors for site improvements who design and build in recognition of local building code and site specific soils conditions. Establishing and maintaining positive drainage away from all foundations, walkways, driveways, patios, and other hardscape improvements. Avoiding the construction of planters adjacent to structural improvements. Alternatively, planter sides/bottoms can be sealed with an impermeable membrane and drained away from the improvements via subdrains into approved disposal areas. Sealing and maintaining construction/control joints within concrete slabs and walkways to reduce the potential for moisture infiltration into the subgrade soils. December 20, 2016 Page 16 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Utilizing landscaping schemes with vegetation that requires minimal watering. Alternatively, watering should be done in a uniform manner as equally as possible on all sides of the foundation, keeping the soil "moist" but not allowing the soil to become saturated. Maintaining positive drainage away from structures and providing roof gutters on all structures with downspouts installed to carry roof runoff directly into area drains or discharged well away from the structures. Avoiding the placement of trees closer to the proposed structures than a distance of one-half the mature height of the tree. Observation of the soil conditions around the perimeter of the structure during extremely hot/dry or unusually wet weather conditions so that modifications can be made in irrigation programs to maintain relatively constant moisture conditions. Sulfates Owners should be cautioned against the import and use of certain fertilizers, soil amendments, and/or other soils from offsite sources in the absence of specific information relating to their chemical composition. Some fertilizers have been known to introduce sulfate compounds into soils otherwise containing "negligible" sulfate concentrations and increase the sulfate concentrations in near-surface soils to "moderate" or "severe" levels. In some cases, concrete improvements constructed in soils containing high levels of soluble sulfates may be affected by deterioration and loss of strength. Water - Natural and Man Induced Water in concert with the reaction of various natural and man-made elements, can cause detrimental effects to your structure and surrounding property. Rain water and flowing water erodes and saturates the ground and changes the engineering characteristics of the underlying earth materials upon saturation. Excessive irrigation in concert with a rainy period is commonly associated with shallow slope failures and deep seated landslides, saturation of near structure soils, local ponding of water, and transportation of water soluble substances that are deleterious to building materials including concrete, steel, wood, and stucco. Water interacting with the near surface and subsurface soils can initiate several other potentially detrimental phenomena other than slope stability issues. These may include expansion/contraction cycles, liquefaction potential increase, hydro-collapse of soils, ground surface settlement, earth material consolidation, and introduction of deleterious substances. The property owner(s) should be made aware of the potential problems which may develop when drainage is altered through construction of retaining walls, swimming pools, paved walkways and patios. Ponded water, drainage over the slope face, leaking irrigation systems, over-watering or other conditions which could lead to ground saturation must be avoided. Before the rainy season arrives, check and clear roof drains, gutters and down spouts of all accumulated debris. Roof gutters are an important element in your arsenal against rain damage. If you do not have roof gutters and down spouts, you may elect to install them. Roofs, with their, wide, flat area can shed tremendous quantities of water. Without gutters or other adequate drainage, water falling from the eaves collects against foundation and basement walls. Make sure to clear surface and terrace drainage ditches, and check them frequently during the rainy season. This task is a community responsibility. December 20, 2016 Page 17 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Test all drainage ditches for functioning outlet drains. This should be tested with a hose and done before the rainy season. All blockages should be removed. Check all drains at top of slopes to be sure they are clear and that water will not overflow the slope itself, causing erosion. Keep subsurface drain openings (weep-holes) clear of debris and other material which could block them in a storm. Check for loose fill above and below your property if you live on a slope or terrace. Monitor hoses and sprinklers. During the rainy season, little, if any, irrigation is required. Oversaturation of the ground is unnecessary, increases watering costs, and can cause subsurface drainage. Watch for water backup of drains inside the house and toilets during the rainy season, as this may indicate drain or sewer blockage. Never block terrace drains and brow ditches on slopes or at the tops of cut or fill slopes. These are designed to carry away runoff to a place where it can be safely distributed. Maintain the ground surface upslope of lined ditches to ensure that surface water is collected in the ditch and is not permitted to be trapped behind or under the lining. Do not permit water to collect or pond on your home site. Water gathering here will tend to either seep into the ground (loosening or expanding fill or natural ground), or will overflow into the slope and begin erosion. Once erosion is started, it is difficult to control and severe damage may result rather quickly. Never connect roof drains, gutters, or down spouts to subsurface drains. Rather, arrange them so that water either flows off your property in a specially designed pipe or flows out into a paved driveway or street. The water then may be dissipated over a wide surface or, preferably, may be carried away in a paved gutter or storm drain. Subdrains are constructed to take care of ordinary subsurface water and cannot handle the overload from roofs during a heavy rain. Never permit water to spill over slopes, even where this may seem to be a good way to prevent ponding. This tends to cause erosion and, in the case of fill slopes, can eat away carefully designed and constructed sites. Do not cast loose soil or debris over slopes. Loose soil soaks up water more readily than compacted fill. It is not compacted to the same strength as the slope itself and will tend to slide when laden with water; this may even affect the soil beneath the loose soil. The sliding may clog terrace drains below or may cause additional damage in weakening the slope. If you live below a slope, try to be sure that loose fill is not dumped above your property. Never discharge water into subsurface blanket drains close to slopes. Trench drains are sometimes used to get rid of excess water when other means of disposing of water are not readily available. Overloading these drains saturates the ground and, if located close to slopes, may cause slope failure in their vicinity. Do not discharge surface water into septic tanks or leaching fields. Not only are septic tanks constructed for a different purpose, but they will tend, because of their construction, to naturally accumulate additional water from the ground during a heavy rain. Overloading them artificially during the rainy season is bad for the same reason as subsurface subdrains, and is doubly dangerous since their overflow can pose a serious health hazard. In many areas, the use of septic tanks should be discontinued as soon as sewers are made available. Practice responsible irrigation practices and do not over-irrigate slopes. Naturally, ground cover of ice plant and other vegetation will require some moisture during the hot summer months, but during the wet season, irrigation can cause ice plant and other heavy ground cover to pull loose. This not only destroys the cover, but also starts serious erosion. In some areas, ice plant and other heavy cover can cause surface sloughing when saturated due to the increase in weight and weakening of the near-surface soil. Planted slopes should be planned where possible to acquire sufficient moisture when it rains. December 20, 2016 Page 18 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Do not let water gather against foundations, retaining walls, and basement walls. These walls are built to withstand the ordinary moisture in the ground and are, where necessary, accompanied by subdrains to carry off the excess. If water is permitted to pond against them, it may seep through the wall, causing dampness and leakage inside the basement. Further, it may cause the foundation to swell up, or the water pressure could cause structural damage to walls. Do not try to compact soil behind walls or in trenches by flooding with water. Not only is flooding the least efficient way of compacting fine-grained soil, but it could damage the wall foundation or saturate the subsoil. Never leave a hose or sprinkler running on or near a slope, particularly during the rainy season. This will enhance ground saturation which may cause damage. Never block ditches which have been graded around your house or the lot pad. These shallow ditches have been put there for the purpose of quickly removing water toward the driveway, street or other positive outlet. By all means, do not let water become ponded above slopes by blocked ditches. Seeding and planting of the slopes should be planned to achieve, as rapidly as possible, a well- established and deep-rooted vegetal cover requiring minimal watering. It should be the responsibility of the landscape architect to provide such plants initially and of the residents to maintain such planting. Alteration of such a planting scheme is at the resident's risk. The resident is responsible for proper irrigation and for maintenance and repair of properly installed irrigation systems. Leaks should be fixed immediately. Residents must undertake a program to eliminate burrowing animals. This must be an ongoing program in order to promote slope stability. The burrowing animal control program should be conducted by a licensed exterminator and/or landscape professional with expertise in hill side maintenance. Geotechnical Review Due to the fact that soil types may vary with depth, it is recommended that plans for the construction of site improvements (swimming pools, spas, barbecue pits, patios, etc.), be reviewed by a geotechnical engineer who is familiar with local conditions and the current standard of practice in the vicinity of your home. In conclusion, your neighbor’s slope, above or below your property, is as important to you as the slope that is within your property lines. For this reason, it is desirable to develop a cooperative attitude regarding hillside maintenance, and we recommend developing a “good neighbor” policy. Should conditions develop off your property, which are undesirable from indications given above, necessary action should be taken by you to insure that prompt remedial measures are taken. Landscaping of your property is important to enhance slope and foundation stability and to prevent erosion of the near surface soils. In addition, landscape improvements should provide for efficient drainage to a controlled discharge location downhill of residential improvements and soil slopes. Additionally, recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study report apply to all future residential site improvements, and we advise that you include consultation with a qualified professional in planning, design, and construction of any improvements. Such improvements include patios, swimming pools, decks, etc., as well as building structures and all changes in the site configuration requiring earth cut or fill construction. December 20, 2016 Page 19 P/W 1205-06 Report No.1205-06-C-19 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. APPENDIX C STONE COLUMN AS-BUILT SUBMITTAL BY HAYWARD BAKER, INC. Hayward Baker Inc. I 0303 C hannel Road Lakeside, CA 92040 Tel: 619-956-0850 Fax: 619-956-0863 Mr. Dewey Davis Crane Development 9605 Kearny Villa Rd, STE. A San Diego, CA 92126 Ph: (858) 549-3920 Fax: (858) 549-3994 Subject: Stone Column Post Installation AS-BUILT Supplemental Letter Ocean Street Residences Carlsbad, CA Dear Mr. Davis: HAYWARD BAKER Geotechnical Construction KfLLER November 25, 2013 Hayward Baker Inc. (HBI) is pleased to submit the as-built drawing and post CPT analyses for the above project. HBI has successfully completed the job meeting the specification requirements. Post CPTs were independently evaluated by both Advance Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. (AGS) and HBI. Summary of Stone Column Quantities: 1. Total number of stone columns Installed= 602 2. Total linear footage of installed stone columns= 13,164 LF 3. Average diameter of stone columns= 40.4 inches BACKGROUND INFORMATION: HBI is contracted to perform a ground improvement program by means of stone columns at Ocean Street Residence project located in Carlsbad, California. The objective of the ground improvement is to mitigate the site liquefaction induced settlement. The treatment acceptance criterion within the improved zone is to achieve less than 1 inch liquefaction induced settlement. To date, except for a portion on the northwest portion of the site, HBI has completed the ground improvement program at the subjected project site. Stone column installation at the northwest portion of the site was limited due to existing power lines. Following the completion of the ground improvement program, HBI and the Geotechnical Engineer of Record AGS, have completed a total of 8 post treatment CPTs liquefaction analyses to determine the effectiveness THIN-4SAFE California • Colorado • Florida • Geo1-gia • Illinois • Maryland • Minnesota • Missouri New Jersey • New York • North Carolina • Pennsylvania • Rhode Island Tennessee • Texas • Utah • Washington • Alberta • B1·itish Colu,nbia • Ontario www.HaywardBaker.com Equal Oppo,1unity Employer Appendix A Appendix B Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crn11e Develop111cnt Genernl : Crnne Development Job Nnme : Ocean View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnicnl Engineel': Hnyward Baker Site Superintendent: Som Co1·saro Time Complete Length or Location Total 'frentruent Stn,·t Stoo Min. Ft I D9 8:68 9:28 0:25 12.U 2 co 9:24 9:41 0:17 15.0 3 A9 9;43 9:59 0:16 19.0 4 D11 10:01 10:21 0:20 IG.O 5 Cll 10:22 10:37 0:15 "17.0 (l All 10:38 10:58 0:20 21.0 7 D13 11:00 11:29 0:29 17.0 8 Cl3 11:30 11:54 0:24 19.0 9 Al3 12:24 12:49 0:25 20.0 10 Dl5 12:50 13:11 0:21 19.0 11 B10 13:14 13:27 0:13 19.0 12 B12 13:28 13:42 0:14 19.0 13 Cl5 13:4•1 13:56 0:12 19.0 14 Al5 13:67 14:13 0:16 23.0 15 ll14 l•l:J,L 14:29 0:15 21.0 16 El7 14:31 14:51 0:20 19.0 17 Dl7 14:62 16:08 0:16 17.0 18 ll16 15:09 15:30 0:21 20.0 19 C17 15:81 15:48 0:12 20.0 20 Al7 15:44 16:01 0:17 22.0 21 E19 Hl:03 lG:17 0:14 17.0 22 D19 16:18 .16:28 0:10 16.0 23 Ct9 16:29 16:41 0:12 19.0 24 B18 16:45 16:66 0:11 21.0 25 Al9 16:57 17:11 0:14 28.0 Totnl Page 1 469 Daily pl'oduction, Columns Complete.: Pl·ev. p1•oductlon, Columns Complete,: Total, Columns Complete.: Hayward Baker : ________ _ Depth Pre-drill Ft, 4 4 4 4 ,1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of 1 Date: 9/30/13 Rll!-1 Day Stone Avg. Avg. Added Diameter Amp. Tons of Buckets Cu. Yards. 3 6.0 •I 8.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 3 6.0 3 6,0 3 6.0 4 8.0 8 6.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 3 6.0 4 8,0 86 172.0 Inches 49.75 295 51.88 300 39,5'1 312 51.38 300 41.80 300 43.43 300 41.80 300 45.65 800 38.54 800 45.65 300 39.64 800 89.54 800 39.64 300 41.60 300 43.43 300 45.65 800 41.80 300 38,64 800 38.5-1 800 42.43 300 41.80 300 43.09 300 46.65 800 37.61 300 41,60 300 Dnily Lu, Ft. Completed Pl'0V, Ln. Ft. Completed Totnl Ln. Ft. Com1>leted Rock 7.2 9.6 7.2 9.6 7.2 9.6 7.2 9.6 7.2 9.6 7.2 7.2 7.2 9.6 9.6 9.6 7.2 7.2 7.2 9.6 7.2 7.2 9.6 7.2 9.6 200.4 Unit# l Report# 1 REMARICS Ronairnd Blown Hose Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crane Development General : Crane Development Job Nnmc: Ocean View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnicnl Engineer : Hnywnl'd Bnker Site Superintendent: Sam Col'sal'O Time Complete Length or Location Total Trentment Start Ston Min. Ft, l Il20 7:30 7:40 0:10 20.0 2 F21 7:41 7:58 0:17 15.0 3 E21 7:59 8:15 0:16 16.0 •l D21 8:16 8:81 0:15 18.0 6 C21 8:32 8:44 0:12 20.0 6 A21 8:45 9:00 0:15 20.0 7 B22 9:01 9:!G 0:15 2,1.0 8 A23 9:17 9:3•1 0:17 22.0 9 B24 9:35 9:60 0:16 22,0 IO A26 9:51 10:08 0:17 23.0 11 C23 10:10 10:33 0:23 20.0 12 D23 10:85 10:50 0:16 18.0 13 E23 10:61 11:04 0:13 15.0 14 F23 11:05 11;18 0:13 15.0 16 C25 11:20 11:85 0:16 20.0 16 G26 11:36 11:60 0:14 12.0 17 D25 12:26 12:44 0:19 20.0 18 E25 12:45 13:02 0:17 18.0 ID F25 13:03 18:15 0:12 14.0 20 B26 13:16 13:32 0:16 25.0 21 A27 13:33 13:48 0:15 25.0 22 C27 13:49 14:03 0:l•l 22.0 28 1328 14:04 14:18 0:14 25.0 24 A29 14:19 14:88 0:19 28.0 26 H27 14:39 14:52 0:13 12.0 Total P1111e 1 405 Daily production, Columns Complete.: Prev. p1·od11ction, Columns Complete.: Totnl, Columns Complete.: Hnywa,·d Baker Depth Pre-drill l•'t, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ,j 4 4 4 4 4 •l 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of 2 Dato: 10/1/13 Stone Avg. Avg. Added Dlamctel' Amp. Tons of Buckets Cu. Yards. 3 6.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 3 G.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 3 G.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 6 10.0 4 8.0 r, 10.0 4 8.0 3 s:o 86 170.0 Inches 38.54 800 44.60 300 43.09 300 40,62 300 38.64 300 39.03 300 40.62 300 36.74 300 86.74 300 85.94 300 38.M 300 40.62 800 4•1.60 300 44.50 300 38.64 300 49.76 800 38.54 800 46.91 300 46.06 300 39.80 800 ,U.50 800 42.43 300 44,50 300 37.Gl 300 49.75 800 Dnily Ln. Ft. Completed P.-cv. l,n. Ft. Completed Total Ln. Ft. Completed Rock 7.3 7.8 7.3 7.8 7.3 9.8 9.8 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.8 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 9.8 7.3 9.8 12.2 9.8 12.2 9.8 7.3 207.4 Unit# I Report# 2 REMARICS Hole in Fin Black Mud Hayward Baker Inc. Owner : Crane Development General : Crane Development ,Job Name: Ocean View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnlcal Engineer: Hayward Bakel' Site Supol'intendent : Sam Corsaro Time Complete J.cngth or Location Total Tl'etttment Start Ston Min. 26 G27 14:53 15:07 0:14 27 D27 15:10 16:34 0:24 28 E27 15:36 16:08 0:32 29 F27 16:09 16:22 0:18 30 C29 16:24 16:41 0:17 31 D29 16:44 17:02 0:18 32 A31 17:03 17:21 0:18 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 •16 47 48 49 50 Total Pal!e 2 Dallv Total Daily production, Columns Complete,: Pl'Ov, pl'Oduction, Columns Complete.: 'l'otnl, Columns Complelo.: Hnywnl'd Bnkel' F't. 12.0 20.0 20.0 15.0 26.0 22.0 2'1.0 188 633 Popth l',·e-dl'lll ~·t. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32 25 67 Vibro: Daily Report Pg. 2 of 2 Dntc: 10/1/13 Stono Avg, Avg. Addud Dinmete1· Amp. Tons of lluckets Cu. Yn1·ds. 3 6.0 5 10.0 4 8.0 3 G.O 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 27 64.0 112 224 Inches 49.75 300 49.76 300 44,50 300 44.50 800 39.80 300 42.43 300 40.62 800 Daily Ln. Ft. Completed Pt·ev. Lu. Ft. Completed Totnl Ln. Ft. Completed Rock 7.2 12.0 9.6 7.2 9.6 9.6 9,6 64.8 272.2 Unit# I Re1>ort# 2 REMARnS Ait compressor not making air 633.00 469.00 1102.00 I I Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crane Development Gene.-al : Crnno Development Job Name : Ocean View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnical Engineer: HnywRrd Bnker Site Superintendent: Sam Corsaro Timo Com11lcto Length Of Location Tot11l Trentment Start Stop !\Un. 1"1. 1 E29 10:04 10:17 0:18 20.0 2 F29 10:18 10:31 0:13 16.0 8 G29 10:32 10:40 0:08 14.0 •I H29 10:41 10:58 0:12 13.0 6 nso 10:54 11:17 0:23 28.0 6 C31 11:18 11:38 0:20 2M 7 DSI 11:40 12:00 0:20 26.0 8 832 12:30 12:68 0:23 28.0 9 A33 12:64 18:12 0:18 29.0 10 B34 13:13 18:35 0:22 28.0 11 A85 13:36 14:01 0:26 28.0 12 D83 l•l:02 l<J:2G 0:2•1 25.0 13 J27 14:30 14:38 0:08 12.0 14 J29 14:40 14:47 0:07 12.0 16 J81 14:49 15:02 0:13 12.0 lG H31 15:23 15:31 0:08 12.0 17 J33 15:32 10:42 0:10 12.0 18 G31 15:43 15:50 0:07 15.0 19 F3l 15:51 15:59 0:08 18.0 20 E31 16:00 16:12 0:12 20.0 21 C33 16:18 16:30 0:17 26.0 22 C35 16:31 16:61 0:20 28.0 23 E33 16:53 17:07 0:1,J 23.0 24 F33 17:08 17:18 0:10 20.0 25 Total Pal!e l 489.0 Daily production, Columns Complete.: Prev. production, Columus Complete.: Total, Columns Complete.: Hayward Baker ; ________ _ Depth Pre-drill Ft. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 57 81 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of I D11te: 10/2/13 Stone Avg. Avg. Added DlnmutoL' Amp. Tons of Duekets Cu. Yards. 3 6.0 8 6.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 6 10.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 6 10.0 6 10.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 •I 8.0 2 4.0 2 ,1.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 3 6.0 3.fi 7.0 4 8.0 6 10.0 4 8.0 3 6.0 81.5 103.0 Inches 38.64 300 48.09 300 37.61 300 39.03 300 42.06 300 39.80 300 89.80 800 42.or:; 800 41.82 300 42.05 300 42.05 300 39.80 300 40.G2 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 800 36.33 300 40.62 300 ,11.62 800 39.08 300 42.05 800 41.50 300 88.5d 300 Dnily Lu, Ft, Compfotod Prev. Ln. li't. Completed Total Ln. Ft. Completed Rock 7.2 7.2 4.8 4.8 12.0 9.6 9.6 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 9.6 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 7.2 8.4 9.6 12.0 9.6 7.2 195.0 489.00 1102.00 1691,00 Unit# 1 Report# 3 REMARICS Swap Compressor Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crane Development Gonornl : Crnne Development Job Name: Ocean View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnicnl Englneo1·: Hnywnrd Ilnkor Site Superlntendont : Sam Corsaro Time Complete Length or Locntlon Totul Trcntruont Stnd. Sto1> Min, Ft. I G33 7:21 7:30 0:09 l5.0 2 H33 7:31 7:40 0:09 14.0 3 JS5 7:41 7:49 0:08 rn.o 4 H36 7:68 8:10 0:12 18.0 6 G35 8:11 8:23 0:12 22.0 6 B36 8:24 8:48 0:24 29.0 7 A37 8:49 9:12 0:23 29.0 8 B88 9:13 9:31 0:18 30.0 9 C37 9:32 9:53 0:21 28.0 10 D35 9:64 10:19 0:25 24.0 11 E35 10:20 10:39 0:19 22.0 12 F86 10:40 10:49 0:09 20.0 13 D37 10:50 11:16 0:26 28.0 l<I C39 11:17 11:36 0:19 28.0 Hi A39 11:37 12:06 0:29 31.0 1G E37 12:38 12:58 0:20 25.0 17 F37 13:00 13:13 0:13 22.0 18 D39 13:14 13:34 0:20 26.0 19 G37 13:35 13:47 0:12 18.0 20 H37 18:48 13:58 0:10 17.0 21 J37 13:69 14:06 0;07 14.0 22 J39 14:07 14:15 0:08 16.0 23 H39 l•l:17 1,1:26 0:09 18.0 24 G39 14:27 14:41 0:14 19.0 26 F39 14:42 14:54 0:12 22.0 Total Pa~e 1 548.0 Daily p,·oduction, Columns Complete.: Prev. production, Columns Complete.: Total, Columns Complete,: Hayward Bake,· Dopth I'ro-dl'ill Ft. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of 2 Dnte: 1013113 Stone Avg. Avg, Adtlcd Dinmotcr Amp. Tons of Bucket• Cu. Yards. 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 3 0.0 3 6.0 5 10,0 5 10.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 3 6.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 •1 8.0 4 8.0 6 10.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 2 4.0 8 6.0 3 0.0 3 6,0 4 8.0 92 184.0 Inches 36.33 300 87.61 300 39.03 300 40.62 300 36.7'1 300 41.32 300 41.32 300 40.62 300 42.05 300 40.62 300 ,12.43 300 38.64 SOD 42.05 300 42.05 300 39.96 300 39.80 300 42.43 300 48.68 800 40.62 300 41,80 300 37.61 300 •13.09 800 40.62 300 39.54 300 42.43 300 Dnily Ln. Ft. Completed Prev. Ln. Ft. Completed Totnl Ln. Ft. Com1>lotcd Rock 4.9 4.9 4.9 7.3 7.3 12.2 12.2 12,2 12.2 9.7 0.7 7.3 12.2 12.2 12.2 9.7 9.7 12.2 7.3 7.3 4.9 7.3 7.3 7.3 9.7 223.6 Unit# 1 Report# 4 REMARI<S Hayward Baker Inc. Owner : Crane Developn1ent General : Crnne Development Job Name : Ocean View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnicnl Engineer: Hnywnrd B11ke1· Site Supednleudent : Sam Corsaro Tlmo Complete Length Of Location Total 'l't'ontment St•rt Stop Min. Ft, 26 R89 14:65 15:13 0:18 26.0 27 J41 11):14 16:23 0:00 16.0 28 H41 15:26 16:36 0:10 17.0 29 G41 15:37 15:51 0:14 22.0 80 F41 15:52 16:09 0:17 22.0 31 B40 16:10 16:32 0:22 29.0 32 C41 16:33 16:50 0:17 28.0 38 D41 16:53 17:07 0:14 25.0 34 85 3G 87 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 GO Total P11.-e 2 184 Dnilv Totnl 782 Daily prod11ctiou, Columns Complete,: Prnv. prnduction, Columns Complete.: Total, Columns Complete.: Hayward Baker Depth Pl'e-dl'ill Ft. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 33 81 114 Vib1·0 : Daily Report Pg. 2 of 2 Date: 10/8/13 Stone Avg. Avg. Added Dlnweter Amp. To11s of Buckets Cu, Ynrds. 4 8,0 l! 4,0 3 G.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 5 10.0 6 10,0 4 8.0 31 62.0 123 246 Inches 89.03 800 36,33 301 41.80 802 42.48 303 42.43 804 41.32 305 42.05 300 39,80 307 Daily Lu. Ft. Completed Prev, Ln. Ft, Completed Tot.I Ln, Ft, Completed Rock 9,7 4.9 7.3 9.7 9.7 12.2 12.2 0,7 76.3 208.0 782.00 1691.00 2823.00 Unit# 1 Report# 4 REMARKS Hayward Baker Inc. Ownor : Cmnc Dovclopmcut General : Crane Dovolopment Job Name: Ocean View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotecbnicol Eugillee•·: Hayward Bnl<er Site Superintendent : Saw Co,·sato Time Complete Length Of Location 'l'otal 'l'l'catmcnt Start Stoa Min. Ft. 1 A41 7:31 7:58 0:27 33.0 2 B42 7:59 8:20 0:21 30.0 3 A43 8:21 8:57 0:36 33.0 4 B44 8:59 9:27 0:28 32.0 5 A46 9:29 9:56 0:27 33.0 6 C43 9:58 10:22 0:24 27.0 1 E41 10:24 10:46 0:22 26.0 8 D43 10:47 11:05 0:18 26.0 9 A47 11:06 11:35 0:29 34.0 10 C45 11:37 12:00 0:23 28.0 II B46 12:28 13:02 0:34 83.0 12 E43 13:03 13:24 0:21 26.0 13 F43 18:25 13:42 0:17 23.0 14 G43 13:43 14:08 0:25 23.0 15 H43 HOG H :21 0:15 18.0 16 J43 14:22 14:35 0:13 17.0 l'/ D•l6 14:36 14:56 0:19 26.0 18 E45 l•l:56 15:13 0:17 22.0 19 F45 15:14 15:27 0:18 22.0 20 <.145 15:28 15:40 0:12 20.0 21 H46 15:41 15:52 0:11 20.0 22 J45 15:53 16:05 0:12 18.0 23 0,17 16:06 lG:26 0:20 27.0 2•1 C47 16:27 17:01 0:84 32.0 25 ,!47 17:02 17:13 0:11 18.0 Total Pal!e l 647.0 Daily Jll'oduction, Columns Complete,: Pl'ev. production, Colunms Complete.: Totnl, Colunuts Complete,: Hnyw1\l'd Bal<el' Depth Pre-drill Ft. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ,1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ,1 1 4 4 20 11-1 139 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of I Date: 10/4/13 Stone Avg. Avg, Added Dinmctor Amp. Tousof Buckets Cu. Ynrd9, 5 10.0 5 10.0 G 12.0 5 ID.0 6 12.0 ,j 8.0 4 8.0 ,J 8.0 6 12.0 6 LO.0 6 12.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 ,j 8.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 3 6,0 3 6.0 a 6.0 4 8.0 5 10.0 3 6.0 107 214.0 IDchm, 38.73 300 ,I0.62 300 42.43 300 39.33 300 42.43 300 38.30 300 39.03 800 39.03 300 41.80 300 42.05 300 42.43 300 39.03 300 41.50 300 41.60 300 40.62 300 41.80 300 39.03 300 42.43 300 •12.'!3 300 38.64 300 38.64 300 •10.62 300 38.30 300 39.33 aoo 40.62 aoo Daily Ln. Ft. Completed P1·ev. Ln. Ft. Completed Total Ln. Ft. Complutod Rocl.t 12.2 12.2 14.6 12.2 14.6 0.7 9.7 0.7 14.6 12.2 14.6 9.7 9.7 9.7 7.3 7.3 9.7 9.7 9.7 7.3 7.3 7.3 9.7 12.2 7.3 260.0 647.00 2323.00 2070.00 Unit# 1 Report# 5 REMARlCS Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crane Development Go11ol'nl : Crane Development Job Name: Ocean View Residence Job No,: 820049 Geotechulcal Engineer: Hnyw1wd Bnltel' Site S11pel'i11teude11t: Snm Corsal'O Time Complete Lcugt~ Of Locntlon Total T1·cntment StnrL Stou Min. Ft, 1 B48 7:46 8:16 0:31 31.0 2 049 8:18 8:41 0:28 28,0 3 E49 8:42 8:59 0:17 26.0 4 E47 9:00 9:21 0:21 26,0 6 ~',J7 9:22 9:39 0:17 21.0 6 G47 9:40 0:58 0:18 21.0 7 H47 9:59 10:14 0:15 21.0 8 J49 13:16 13:29 0:13 18,0 9 849 13:SO ta:41 0:11 19.0 10 G49 13:42 13:55 0:13 23.0 11 F49 13:56 14:10 0:14 23.0 12 C49 14:11 14:38 0:27 33.0 13 A49 14:39 10:13 0:34 35.0 14 1350 16:16 15:36 0:21 36.0 15 A51 15:37 16:01 0:24 35.0 16 J51 16:39 16:62 0:13 19.0 17 H61 16:53 17:04 0:11 21.U 18 Gill 17:05 17:19 0:14 23.0 HJ 20 21 22 23 24 25 Totnl Pnito 1 468.0 Dnily pl'oduction, Columns Complete.: Prev. IJl'oiluction, Columns Com11lctc.: Totnl, Columns Complete.: Hayward Bnker : _________ _ Depth Pre-<h-ill Ft. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ,j 4 4 •I 4 4 4 ol 18 130 157 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of 1 Dnte: 10/7/18 Stone Added lluckot.s Cu. Ynl'ds. 5 10,0 5 10.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 8 6,0 3 6.0 3 6.0 8 6.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 5 10.0 6 12,0 6 12.0 6 12.0 8 6.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 75 150.0 Avg, Avg. Dlaructer Amp, Tons of Inches Rocle 39.96 800 42.05 300 39.03 300 39.03 300 43.48 800 87.61 300 87.61 300 40.G2 300 39.M 300 41.50 300 41.50 300 38.73 800 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 30.M 300 37.61 300 41.50 300 Dnily L11. Ft. Completed Pl'ev. Ln. Ft. Comploted Totnl Ln. Ft. ComJ>lotod 12.2 12.2 9.7 9.7 9.7 7.3 7.8 7.3 7.3 9.7 9.7 12.2 14.6 14.6 14.6 7.3 7.3 9.7 182,S Unit# 1 Report# 6 REMARl{S Replace Coupler and Bells Cap on pressure vessel Leaking Tighten cap on pressurn vessel Re-weld coupler for small air leak 458.00 2970.00 3428,00 Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crane Devolupment, Geneml : Cl'ane Development Job Name: Ocean View Residence Job No,: 620049 Gootcchnicnl Engineer : Hnywnt'd B11ko1· Sito Snporintondeut: Sam Corsaro Time Complete Length Of Location Totnl Ti-entment Stn,·t Sto" Min. Ft. l F<A51 7:17 7:31 0:14 22.0 2 E61 7:32 7:54 0:22 28.0 3 D51 7:55 8:27 0:32 32.0 4 C61 8:28 9:02 0:84 34,0 5 A53 9:03 o:aa 0:30 36.0 G D52 9:34 10:03 0:29 35.0 7 J53 10:05 10:19 0:14 20.0 8 H53 10:20 10:36 0:16 22.0 9 G53 10:37 10:54 0:17 24.0 10 1;53 10:55 11:19 0:24 28.0 11 E53 11:20 11:53 0:38 30.0 12 D53 11:64 13:0G 1:12 86.0 13 C53 13:07 13:35 0:28 35.0 t,J A55 13:36 14:01 0:25 35.0 u; BM 14:02 14:24 0:22 28.0 16 JM 14:26 14:40 0:14 18.0 17 H65 14:41 14:69 0:18 22.0 18 G55 15:00 15:16 0:16 2,1.0 19 F55 15:17 15:38 0:21 29.0 20 E55 15:39 16:0G 0:27 33.0 21 D56 16:07 lG:31 0:24 35.0 22 C55 16:32 16:•19 0:17 80.0 23 B56 16:50 17:18 0:28 35.0 2•1 25 Totnl Pnl!e 1 660.0 Daily production, Columns Complete.: Prev. prod11ction, Columns Complote.: Total, Columns Complete.: Hnywnrd Baker Depth l're.<fdll 1''1, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ,, 4 4 4 4 4 4 23 157 180 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of 1 Dnte: 10/8/13 Stono Avg, Avg, Addod Dlnructcr Amp, 'l'ons or Buckets Cu. Yards. 4 8.0 5 10.0 5 ·10.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 5 10.0 6 10.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 G 10.0 3 6.0 4 s.o 4 8.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 6 12.0 5 10.0 G 12.0 114 228.0 Inches 42,•13 300 42.06 800 39.33 300 41.80 300 ,Jl.20 300 41.20 300 38.64 300 42.43 300 40.62 300 42.05 800 40.62 300 41.20 300 ,11.20 300 41.20 800 42.05 300 40.62 300 42.48 300 40.62 300 41.32 300 88.73 300 41.20 800 40.62 300 41.20 300 Daily Ln, Ft, Com1>leted Prev. Ln. Ft. Com1>leted Total Ln. Fl, Completed Rock 9.7 12.2 12.2 14.6 14.6 14.6 7.3 9.7 9.7 12.2 12.2 14.6 14.6 14.6 12.2 7.8 9.7 9.7 12.2 12.2 14.6 12,2 14.6 277.0 660.00 84Z8.00 4097.00 Unit# 1 Report# 7 REMARKS I . Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crane Development Gouoml : Cr11110 Dovolopmont Job Nome : Oceou View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnlcnl Engineer : Hnywo1·d Boker Site Superintendent: Sam Co,·saro Time Complete Length 0£ Location Total Tre11twent St,irt Stoo Jilin. Ft, l J67 7:18 7:88 0:15 18.0 2 H57 7:34 7:47 0:18 lu.O 8 G67 7:48 8:09 0:21 22.0 4 F57 8:10 8:31 0:21 28,0 6 E57 8:32 9:07 0:85 88.0 6 D57 9:08 9:89 0:81 86.0 7 C57 9:40 10:08 0:28 35.0 8 M,7 10:09 10:37 0:28 85.0 9 B58 10:40 11:05 0:25 35.0 10 J59 11:07 11:25 0:18 18.0 11 H59 11:26 11:46 0:20 21.0 12 069 11:57 12:00 0:12 24.0 13 F59 12:39 13:05 0:26 26,0 t,I E69 13:06 13:35 0:29 34.0 15 D69 13:86 14:07 0:31 85.0 16 C69 14:10 14:37 0:27 85.0 17 A59 14:38 16:10 0:32 86.0 18 B60 15:12 15:42 0:30 35.0 19 J6I 16:46 16:02 0:17 18.0 20 HG! 16:03 16:20 0:17 18,0 21 G61 16:21 16:46 0:25 22.0 22 F61 16:47 17:13 0:26 26.0 28 24 25 'l'otal l'Al!e 1 601.0 Daily 11rod11ction, Columns Complete,: Prev. production, Columns Complete.: Total Columns Completo.: Hnywnrd Boker : ________ _ Depth Pre-,Mll Ft. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 22 180 202 Vibro : Daily Rep01·t Pg. 1 of 1 Dnte: 10/9/13 Stone Added Buckets Cu. Ynrds. 3 6.0 2 4,0 4 8.0 6 10.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 3 0.0 3 6.0 •I 8.0 4 8.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 0 12.0 G 12.0 3 6.0 8 6.0 4 8.0 5 10,0 103 206.0 Avg. Avg. Dinmctor Amp, Tons of Iuchos Rook 40,62 300 86.38 800 42.43 300 42.01> 300 42.48 800 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 40,62 800 87.61 800 40.62 800 39.80 800 41.80 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 42.43 300 44.50 300 Dally Ln. Ft. Completed Prev. Ln. Ft. Completed Totnl Lu. Ft. Completed 7,3 4.9 9.7 12.2 14.6 14.6 14.6 H .6 14.6 7.3 7.3 9.7 9.7 14.6 14.6 14,6 14.6 14.6 7.3 7.3 9.7 12.2 250,a 601.00 4097.00 4098.00 Unit# 1 Report# 7 · REMARICS Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crnne Develo11meut Gonol'Rl : Crnuo Dovelopmont Job Name : Occnn View Residence Job No,; 820040 Geotechuicnl Engineer: Heyward Bnker Site Superinte ndent: Sam Corsaro Time Complete Length Of Location Totnl 'freo.tmcnt. Stnl't Ston Min. Ft. I F63 7:40 8:08 0:28 25.0 2 EGI 8:09 8:36 0:26 30.0 s D61 8:36 8:66 0:20 36.0 4 CGI 8:67 9:16 0:19 26.0 6 Alli 9:17 0:40 0:23 26.0 6 JG3 9:46 9:69 0:13 18.0 7 H63 10:00 10:11 0:11 20.0 8 G63 10:12 10:23 0:11 21.0 !) E63 10:24 10:42 0:18 26.0 10 D63 10:43 11:03 0:20 26.0 11 C63 11:04 11:22 0:18 26.0 12 B62 11:23 U:42 0:19 26.0 13 A63 11:43 12:02 0:19 26.0 l•l J65 1,1:16 14:19 0:04 6.0 16 H65 14:20 14:31 0:11 19.0 16 G65 14:32 14:46 0:13 21.0 17 F65 14:46 15:00 0:H 25.0 18 E66 16:01 16:14 0:13 26.0 19 D65 16:10 16:31 0:16 25.0 20 C65 16:32 16:60 0:18 25.0 21 B64 16:51 16:02 0:11 25.0 22 A65 16:03 16:30 0:27 26.0 23 D66 16:31 16:46 0:115 25.0 24 J67 16:46 17:05 0:19 19.0 25 Total Pnl!e 1 663.0 D11ily p,·oduction, Columns Complete.: Prev. production, Columns Com11lete.: Totnl Columns Complete.: Hayward Bnker Depth l'rc-ddll Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 202 226 Vib1·0 : Daily Repol't Pg. 1 of 1 D11tc: 10/11/13 Stone Avg. Avg. Added Dinruotot· Amp. 'fons of Buokots Cu. Yn,·ds. 4 8.0 6 10.0 6 12.0 4 8.0 •1 8.0 8 6.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 5 10.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 6 10.0 1 2.0 3 G.O 3 6.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 ,1 8.0 4 8.0 •I 8.0 6 10.0 4 8.0 3 6.0 93 186.0 lnchos 89.80 300 40.62 300 41.20 300 39.80 300 39.80 300 40.62 300 38.64 300 37.61 300 39.80 300 44.50 300 39.80 300 30.80 300 44.60 300 44.60 300 39.64 300 37,61 300 89.80 300 39.80 300 30.80 300 39.80 300 39.80 300 44.00 300 39.80 301 39.64 302 Dnily Ln. Ft. Completed Prev. Ln. Ft. Completed Totnl Ln, Ft, Completed Rock 9.7 12.2 14.6 9.7 9.7 7.8 7.3 7.3 9.7 12.2 9.7 9.7 12.2 2.4 7.3 7.3 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 12.2 9.7 7.8 226.0 Unit# 1 Report# 8 REMAR«s Dump Valve stuck, replaced air switch box (1232-14:16) Lay Down fo1• mnintcnnnco 1103.00 4698.00 6261.00 Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crane Dovelopmeut Genot·al: Cr11110 Dovolopmont Job Name : Oce1111 View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotochnicnl Engineer: Hnywnrd Baker Sito Supo1·luto11do11t : Sam Corsaro Time Com1>lcte Length or Location Total Treatment Start Stop Min, Ft, 26 H73 lG:13 16:26 0:13 21.0 27 G73 16:27 16:44 0:17 25.0 28 F73 16:45 17:03 0:18 26.0 29 E73 17:04 17:20 0:16 25.0 80 31 32 33 34 85 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 16 47 48 49 50 Totnl Pae:c 2 96 Dnilv Totnl 706 Dally productlou, Columns Complete.: Prov, production, Columns Complete.: Total, Columns Complete.: H11yw1wd Boker Dopth Pro-drill Ft, 4 4 4 4 29 226 255 Vihro : Daily Report Pg, 2 of 2 Dnto: 10/15/13 Stone Avg, Avg, Added Dlnmeter Amp. Tons of Buckob Cu, Ynrds, 8 6.0 4 8.0 4 8,0 4 8.0 16 30.0 113 226 Inches 37.61 300 39.80 301 39.80 302 39.80 303 Doily Ln. Ft. Completed Prcv. Lu. Ft. Completed Total Lu, Ft. Com1>leted Ilock 7.3 9.7 9.7 9.7 86.G 27•1.6 705.00 6261,00 5960,00 Unit # 1 Report# 10 REMARl(S Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crane Development General : Crane Development Job Nnmc : Occnn View Residence Job No.: 8200•10 Gcotcchnlcnl Englnoo1·: Hnywnrd Bnlcer Sito Snporlntondont: Sam Corsarn Time Complete Length Of Locntlou Total T1·ent,ment Shu•t Ston Min. Ft. 1 D73 7:57 8:15 0:18 25.0 2 C73 8:16 8:33 0:17 25.0 3 A71 8:35 8:M 0:19 25.0 4 B72 8:55 9:16 0:21 25.0 5 A73 9:17 9:41 0:24 25.0 6 J75 9:42 9:52 0:10 16.0 7 H75 9:53 10:08 0:15 20.0 8 G75 10:09 10:28 0:19 23.0 9 F'75 10:29 10:48 0:19 25.0 ID E75 10:49 11:16 0:27 25.0 11 D75 11:11 11:30 0:19 25.0 12 C75 11:31 11:49 0:18 25.0 13 B74 12:29 12:li l 0:22 25.0 14 A7G 12:57 18:09 0:12 25.0 15 B76 13:10 13:26 0:16 25.0 16 J77 13:28 13:41 0:13 16.0 17 H77 13:42 18:58 0:10 18.0 18 G77 13:09 14:24 0:25 23.0 19 F77 1<1:26 14:43 0:18 25.0 20 E77 14:•l4 15:08 0:19 25.0 21 D77 16:04 15:26 0:22 2~.o 22 C77 15:27 15:46 0:19 25.0 23 A77 15:47 16:05 0:18 25.0 24 B78 16:06 16:23 0:17 25.0 25 A79 16:24 16:41 0:17 26.0 Toto! Pn,re I 690.0 Daily production, Columns Complete.: Prev. p1·odnction, Columns Complete.: Totnl Columns ComJJlete.: Hayward Ilalcel' : ________ _ Uopth Pre-ddll Ft. 4 •l 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of2 Dnte: 10/16/13 Stano Avg. Avg. Added Dlaweter Amp. Tons of Buckets Cu, Yards. 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 2 4.0 3 6.0 4 8,0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 2 •I.O 8 6.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 94 188.0 Inches 39.80 800 39.80 300 39.80 800 89.80 800 89.80 300 35.18 300 38.54 300 41.50 800 89.80 800 39.80 300 89.80 300 39.80 300 39.80 300 39.80 300 39.80 800 36.83 800 40.62 300 41.50 300 39.80 800 89.80 800 39.80 300 39.80 300 39,80 301 89.80 302 39.80 303 Dnlly Lu. Ft. Completed Prev. Ln, Ft. Completed TotRI Ln. Ft. Completed Rock 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 4.9 7.3 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 ,to 7.3 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 Z28,4 Unlt # I Re1>ort # 11 REMARKS Tighten cap on pressure vessel; Replace keepers on dump arm Hayward Baker Inc. Owuo,· : Crane Dovolo(lmout Genel'lll : Crnne Development Job Name : Ocenu View Uesldence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnlcnl Engineer : Hnywnrd B11ke1· Site Supel'iutondont: Sam Corsal'O Tlmo Complete Longth Of Location •rota! Trcatrucnt Start Ston Min. Ft. 26 C79 16:43 16:59 0:16 25.0 27 D79 17:01 17:19 0:18 25.0 28 29 30 31 32 33 84 35 36 87 38 89 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 Totlll Pnf?e 2 60 Dnilv Totnl 6·IO Daily production, Columns Complete,: P1·ov. production, Columns Com11lete.: Total, Columns Complete.: Hayward Baker : _________ _ Dopth Pre-drill Ft. 4 4 27 255 282 Vibl'O : Daily Report Pg. 2 of 2 DRte: 10/10/13 Stone Avg. Avg. Added Dinructor Awp. 'l'ons of Buckets Cu. Yards. 4 8.0 4 8.0 8 10.0 102 204 Inches 39.80 300 39.80 301 Dally Lu. Ft. Completed Prev. Ln. Ft. Completed Total Ln. Ft. Completed Rock 9.7 9.7 19.4 247.9 640.00 a90l.OO 6641.00 Unit# 1 Report# 11 REMARICS Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crane Development General : Crane Development Job Name: Occnu View Resideuce Job No.: 820049 Geotcchnicnl Engineer: Hnywnt·d Bake,· Sito Superintendent: Sam Corsaro Time Complete Longth Of Locntiou Totnl 1.1-1.'ent-ment Start Ston Min. I E79 7:14 7:31 0:17 2 J79 7:32 7:50 0:18 8 F79 7:51 8:10 0:19 4 G70 8:11 8:39 0:28 6 H79 8:40 8:58 0:18 6 J81 8:59 9:14 0:15 7 H81 9:15 9:27 0:12 8 J83 0:28 9:41 0:13 9 H83 9:42 10:03 0:21 10 G81 10:04 10:28 0:19 11 FBI 10:24 10:40 0:16 12 E81 10:41 11:08 0:27 13 D81 11:09 11:36 0:27 14 B80 11:87 12:02 0:25 16 C81 12:37 12:58 0:21 16 A81 12:59 13:20 0:21 17 Ell5 16:07 16:27 0:20 18 Fll3 16:28 16:44 0:16 19 Dll5 16:50 17:14 0:24 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Pntte 1 Dally production, Colu,nns Complete,: Prnv. p1·odllction, Col11111ns Complete.: •rotnl Columns Complete.: Hayward Bake,· •'t. 20.0 15.0 25.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 18.0 11}.Q 22.0 26.0 26.0 32.0 36.0 86.0 86.0 36.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 478.0 Depth Pl'c-drlll n. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ·~ 4 •I 4 4 4 4 4 19 282 301 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. I of I Date: 10/17/13 Stone Added Duckot.s Cu. Yards. 4 8.0 3 6.0 •I 8.0 4 8.0 3 6.0 2 4.0 3 6.0 2 4.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 •I 8.0 6 10.0 6 12.0 G 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 4 8.0 ,t 8.0 4 8.0 78 166.0 Avg. Avg, Dlnmeter Amp, 1'ons of Inches Rock 89.80 300 44.50 800 39.80 300 ,J0.62 300 38.54 800 86.33 300 40.62 300 36.33 800 42.48 800 39.80 300 89.80 300 39.38 300 41.20 800 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 39.80 800 39.80 300 38.80 300 Daily Ln. Ft. Completod Pl'ev. Lu, Ft. Completed Total Ln. Ft. Completed 0.7 7.8 9.7 0.7 7.8 4.9 7.8 4,9 9.7 9.7 9.7 12.2 1<1.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 9.7 9.7 9.7 189.5 Unit# 1 Report# 12 REMARKS Change Skip Lines and Layout; Lampson on site lo fix GPS on Crane 478.00 6391.00 6869.00 Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crane Development General: Craue Development Job Nnme: Ocean View Residence Job No.: 82004!1 Geotechnlcnl Engiuee•·: Hayward Bnker Site Superintendent : Sam Corsaro Time Complete Length Of Location Total TrcA.tmont Stnrt Ston Min. 1 Cll5 7:50 8:09 0:19 2 A115 8:09 9:01 0:52 3 Al13 9:02 9:83 0:81 4 Bll4 9:34 10:53 1:19 5 El13 10:55 11:20 0:25 6 Dl18 11:21 12:00 0:39 7 Cll3 12:40 12:5G 0:16 8 B112 12:59 13:23 0:24 9 Alll 13:24 13:49 0:26 10 Gill 18:54 14:10 0:16 11 Fill 14:12 14:80 0:18 12 Elli 14:31 15:10 0:39 13 D111 15:12 15:33 0:21 14 CHI 16:84 15:58 0:24 15 Gl09 Ui:59 16:19 0:20 16 F109 16:20 lG:33 0:13 17 El09 16:31 17:05 0:84 18 19 20 21 22 23 2•1 25 Totnl Pae:o 1 Dnily production, Columns Complete.: l'l'ev. production, Columns Complete,: Totnl Columns Complete.: HAYWARD Ft. 33.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 28.0 36.0 85.0 86.0 36.0 21.0 28.0 82.0 85.0 35.0 21.0 10.0 33.0 621.0 l~'S,la'!ei. : ______ _ tcf',LEA Depth Pre-drlll Ft. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 17 301 318 Vibro : Daily Report Unit# 1 Pg. 1 of 1 Report# 13 Date: 10/18/13 Stone Added Buckets Cu. Ynrds. 5 10.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 5 10.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 3 6.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 8 6.0 1 2.0 6 12.0 87 174.0 Avg. Avg. Diameter Amp. Tons of Inches llock 88.73 300 41.20 800 41.20 300 41.20 300 42.05 300 41.20 800 41.20 800 41.20 300 41.20 300 87.61 800 42.05 800 39.33 300 41.20 300 41.20 800 87.61 800 31.47 300 42.43 800 Doily Lo. Ft. Completed Prev. Ln. Ft. Completed Totnl Ln. Ft. Completed 12.2 14.6 14.6 14.6 12.2 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 7.8 12.2 12.2 14.6 1'1.6 7.8 2.4 l<l.6 211.4 REMARIIB Completed form 10/17 621.00 63!11.00 6912.00 Repair ah· hose Tmcks to pass Fix air hose Obstruction Lay Down Hayward Baker Inc. Owne1·; Crnue Development Genernl : Crnne Development Job Nntne : Oce11n View Reeidence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnicnl Englnee•· : Hnywnrd Bnker Site Superintendent : Sam Corsaro Time Complete Length Of Locntion Totnl Tl'entment Stnrt Ston Min. l D109 8:03 8:15 0:12 2 C109 8:17 8:48 0:26 8 BllO 8:44 9:07 0:23 4 Al09 9:08 9:37 0:29 5 0107 9:39 10:03 0:24 6 Bl08 10:62 11:20 0:28 7 A107 11:21 11:46 0:25 8 C107 11:47 12:16 0:28 u Dl0G 12:46 13:20 0:34 10 A106 13:21 18:45 0:24 11 D107 13:•16 H:14 0:28 12 E107 14:16 14:41 0:26 13 C105 14:42 15:05 0:23 14 Bl01 16:06 15:29 0:28 16 Fl07 16:30 16:49 0:19 16 Dl05 15:60 16:16 0:26 17 E105 16:17 16:42 0:25 18 F105 16:48 17:06 0:23 19 Gl05 17:07 17:Z4 0:17 20 21 22 23 2•1 25 Total Pnl!e 1 Dally production, Columns Com11lete.; Prev. production, Columns Complete.: 'l'otal Columns Complete.: HAYWARD Ft, 10.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 21.0 85.0 36.0 85.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 34.0 80.0 35.0 27.0 36.0 34.0 27.0 24.0 597.0 U~'l~r , __ _ Kf'llR Depth Pro.drill Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 318 337 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of 1 Dnte: 10120113 Stone Avg. Avg. Added Dlnmeter Amp. Tons of Jluckets Cu. Ynrds. 1 2.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 4 8.0 6 10.0 5 10.0 6 10.0 6 10.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 6 10.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 4 8.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 90 180.0 Inches 31.47 300 41.20 800 41.20 800 41.20 300 43.43 300 87.61 800 87.61 800 37.61 300 87.61 800 87.61 300 87,61 800 38.16 300 37.61 800 87.61 800 38.30 300 37.61 300 88.16 300 38.30 300 40.62 300 Dnily Ln. Ft, Completed Prev. Ln. Ft. Completed Total Ln. Ft. Complete d Rock 2.4 14.6 14.6 14.6 9.7 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 9.7 12.2 12.2 9.7 U.7 218.7 Unit# 1 Report# 14 REMARIIB Obstruction Road blocked had to wait for ti-uck to get out 597.00 6912.00 7509.00 Hayward Baker Inc. Owner : Crane Development General : Crane Development Job Nnmo : Occnn View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotochnlcnl Engineer : Hnyw111·d Bnker Sito Suporlntondent: Sam Corsaro Time Complete Leugth or Location Total Treatment Start Stoo Min. I Dl09 8:03 8:16 0:12 2 Cl09 8:17 8:43 0:26 s B110 8:44 9:07 0:23 4 Al09 9:08 0:37 0:20 6 Gl07 9:39 10:08 0:24 6 BIOS 10:52 11:20 0:28 7 Al07 11:21 11:46 0:26 8 Cl07 11:47 12:15 0:28 9 Bl06 12:46 13:20 0:84 IO AI05 18:21 13:45 0:24 11 D107 13:46 14:14 0:28 12 El07 14:15 14:41 0:26 13 Cl06 14:42 15:05 0:28 14 B104 15:06 15:29 0:23 16 Fl07 16:30 lo:49 0:19 16 D105 15:60 16:16 0:26 17 E105 16:17 16:42 0:25 18 Fl05 16:43 17:06 0:23 JO Gl06. 17:07 17:24 0:17 20 21 22 23 24 26 Total Pal!e 1 Dally production, Columns Complete.: Prev. p1·od11ction, Columns Complete.: Total Columns Complete.: HAYWARD BAKER Ft. 10.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 21.0 35.0 35.0 86.0 36.0 36.0 35.0 84.0 85.0 35.0 27.0 85.0 34.0 27.0 2<1.0 607,0 !t111~m\£i!''IJ'/OO,r : _______ _ K~A Depth Pre-dl'III Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 318 337 Vibro : Daqy Report Pg.loft Date: 10/21/13 Stone Added Buckets Cu. Yards. I 2.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 4 8.0 6 10.0 5 10.0 6 l0.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 6 10.0 6 10.0 4 8.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 00 180.0 Avg. Avg. Din..moto1· Amp. Tons of luchos Rock 31.47 800 41.20 800 41.20 300 41.20 800 43.43 300 87.61 800 37.61 300 37.61 300 37.61 800 87.61 300 87.61 800 38.16 800 87.61 300 37.61 300 38.30 300 37.61 300 88.IG 300 38.30 300 40.62 300 Dolly Ln. Ft. Completed Prev, Ln, Ft. Com11lcteil Tot11l Ln. Ft, ComJ>leted 2.1 14.6 14.6 H.6 9.7 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 9.7 12.2 12.2 9.7 9.7 218.7. Unit# 1 Report# 14 REMARKS Obstruction Road blocked had to wait for tt'uck to get out 597.00 6912,00 7600.00 Hayward Baker Inc. Ow net': Crane Development General: Ct·ane Develo11ment Job Name : Ocenn View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnlcal Engineer: Hayward Boker Site Su11erlntendent: Sam Corsoro Time Complete Length Of Locution Total Treatment Start Ston Min. Ft, 1 H105 7:80 7:61 0:21 22.0 2 Hl03 7:52 8:16 0:28 21.0 3 AIDS 8:17 8:55 0:88 36.0 4 C108 8:66 9:27 0:31 35.0 6 Bl02 9:28 9:55 0:27 35.0 6 D103 9:56 10:28 0:82 85.0 7 E103 10:29 11:06 0:37 36.0 8 Fl03 11:09 11:44 0:35 82.0 9 GJ03 11:45 12:12 0:27 29.0 10 Al0l 12:44 13:18 0:34 35.0 11 ClOl 13:19 13:47 0:28 35.0 12 BlO0 13:48 14:14 0:26 85.0 13 D101 14:Ui 14:46 0:30 35.0 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 Total P111re l 419.0 Daily production, Columns Complete.: Prev. production, Colum11s Complete.: Totnl Columns Complete.: HAYWARD IA~ .. t<P,.ll:R Depth l',·e-d.-111 }'t. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 337 350 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of 1 Dnte: 10/:1.2/13 Stono Added Buckets Cu. Ya.-ds. 4 8.0 3 6.0 6 12,0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 5 10.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 72 144.0 Avg, Avg. Dinmctor Amp. Tons of Inches Rock 42.43 300 87.61 300 41.20 300 41,20 300 41.20 800 41.20 300 41.20 300 43.09 800 41.82 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 Dnily Lu. Ft. Com11leted Pt·ev. Lu. Ft. Completed Total Ln. Ft. Complt.ited 9.7 7.3 M.O 14,6 H.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 12.2 14.6 14.6 14.G 14.6 176.0 Unit# 1 Report# 15 REMARICS Out of Stone; replace rubbers 419.00 8202.00 8621.00 Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Cr1rno Dovnlopmont Geue,·111 : Cr11ne Development Job Name : Ocean View Resld011c0 ,Job No.: 820049 Geotechnic11l Euginee1· : H11yw11rd B11ke,· Sito Supednlendent : Sam C01·sa1·0 Time Complete Length or Loc11tion Total Tt·cntwcnt Start Ston Min. Fl. l HlOl 7:51 8:08 0:17 23.0 2 GlOl 8:11 8:43 0:32 29.0 3 FIOI 8:44 9:12 0:28 38.0 4 ElOl 9:13 9:44 0:31 35.0 5 J 99 9:46 10:06 0:20 18.0 6 A99 J0:07 10:44 0:37 35.0 7 C99 10:46 11:10 0:25 35.0 8 H99 11:11 11:29 0:18 25.0 9 J97 11:30 11:63 0:23 18.0 10 G99 11:5,1 12:49 0:55 81.0 II F99 12:50 18:18 0:28 33.0 12 E99 13:19 13:38 0:19 85.0 13 D99 13:39 13:57 0:18 35.0 14. B98 13:58 14:20 0:22 35.0 16 H97 14:21 14.:44 0:23 18.0 lG G97 14:45 15:05 0:20 26.0 17 J95 15:06 15:19 0:13 18.0 18 H95 15:20 15:36 0:16 20.0 19 F97 10:37 16:06 0:19 33.0 20 J93 16:67 16:17 0:20 18.0 21 E97 16:18 16:46 0:28 35.0 22 D97 16:47 17:15 0:28 35.0 23 24 26 Totnl Pal!e 1 623.0 Dnily 1>rod11ction, Col1trnns Complete.: Prev. production, Columns Complete.: Toto! Columns Complete.: HAYWARD IL~!il!!r , __ _ +.... Depth Prc-dl'IJI Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 360 372 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of 1 D11tc: 10/23113 Stone Avg. Avg. Added Dinmeter Amp. Tons of Buckets Cu. Ynrds. 4 8.0 5 10.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 3 6.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 4 8.0 8 6.0 6 10.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 3 6.0 4 8.0 3 0.0 4 8.0 6 12.0 3 6.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 107 214.0 Inches 4U0 300 41.32 300 42.43 800 41.20 800 40.62 300 41.20 300 41.20 800 39.80 300 40.62 300 39.96 300 42.43 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 40.62 800 39.08 300 40.62 800 44.50 300 42.43 300 40.62 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 D11lly Lu. Ft. Completed Prev. Ln. Ft. Completed Total Ln. Ft. Completed Ruck 9.7 12.2 14.6 14.0 7.3 14.6 14.6 9.7 7.3 12.2 14.6 14.0 14.6 14.6 7.3 9.7 7.8 9.7 14..6 7.3 14.G 14.6 260.0 628.00 8621.00 9244.00 Unit# I Report# 16 REMARICS Hayward Baker Inc. Ownor: Cr1111c Development Ge11ornl: Crnuo Development Job Nnme : Ocean View Residence Job No.: 820049 Oeotechnical Engineer : Hnywa,·d Baker Site S uperintendent: Sam Corna1·0 Time Complete Longth or Location Total Treatment Start Stou Min. Ft. I C97 7:23 7:61 0:28 35.0 2 A97 7:52 8:15 0:23 35.0 3 B96 8:16 8:40 0:24 35.0 4 G95 8:41 9:05 0:24 26.0 5 F95 9:0G 9:31 0:25 33.0 G E95 9:32 9:58 0:26 35.0 7 D95 9:59 10:27 0:28 35.0 8 C95 10:28 10:li? 0:29 35.0 9 A95 10:aa 11:26 0:28 85,0 10 BO•I 11:27 ll:55 0:28 85.0 11 H93 12:32 12:52 0:20 22.0 12 093 12:58 13:20 0:27 82.0 18 F93 13:21 13:49 0:28 33.0 t,I E93 13:50 14:32 0:42 86.0 15 D93 14:33 15:01 0:28 36.0 16 C93 15:02 115:26 0:24 86.0 17 A93 16:28 15:50 0:22 36.0 18 B92 16:61 16:15 0:24 31>.0 19 G91 lG:lG 16:41 0:2G 28.0 20 F91 16:42 17:14 0:32 34.0 21 22 23 24 25 Total Pal(e 1 663.0 Daily production, Columns Complete.: Prev. production, Columns Complete.: Total Columns Complete.: HAYWARD IA!m!.r : ____ _ Kp.uA Depth Prc-dl'lll Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 372 892 Vib1·0 : Daily Report Pg. 1 of 1 Date: 10/24/13 Stone Avg. Avg. Added Diameter Amp. Tons of Buckets Cu. Yards. 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 5 10.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 4 8,0 5 10.0 6 12.0 6 12,0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 G 12.0 6 10.0 6 12.0 116 230.0 Inches 41.20 300 41.20 300 •11.20 300 43.63 300 42,43 300 41,20 300 41.20 soo 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 •12.43 800 39.33 300 42.43 300 41.20 300 41.20 800 41.20 300 41,20 300 41.20 300 42.05 300 41.80 300 Daily Ln. Ft, Completed P1·ev. Ln. Ft. Completed Total L11. Ft. Completed Roel< 14.6 14.6 14.6 12.2 14.G 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 9.7 12.2 14.(l 14.6 14.6 14.G 14.6 1-1.6 12.2 14.0 279.5 663.00 9244.00 9907.00 Unit# 1 Report# 17 REMARTCS -I Hayward Baker Inc. Owner : Crane Development Genernl : Crane Development Job Name : Ocean View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnicnl Engineer: Hnywnrd Dnlcer Site Superintendent : Snm Co,·sn,·o Time Complete Length or Locntlon Totul Tr0:ntwont Start Stop Mlu. Ft. 1 E91 7:28 7:•18 0:20 36.0 2 D91 7:46 8:10 0:24 36.0 3 C91 8:11 8:46 0:35 30.0 4 A91 8:47 0:18 0:31 35.0 6 B90 9:20 !l:69 0:89 86.0 6 G89 10:00 10:34 0:34 33.0 7 F80 10:31> 11:07 0:32 36.0 8 EBO 11:82 12:01 0:29 35.0 9 D89 12:02 12:89 0:37 36.0 10 C89 12:40 13:02 0:22 35.0 11 A89 13:03 13:29 0:26 35.0 12 B88 13:30 13:68 0:28 35.0 13 G87 14:00 14:32 0:82 81.0 14 F87 14:33 14:53 0:20 34.0 15 E87 14:69 15:29 0:30 34.0 16 D87 15:30 16:04 0:34 35.0 17 C87 16:05 16:28 0:28 35.0 18 A87 16:30 16:66 0:26 35.0 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 Totnl Pnee 1 622.0 Daily production, Columns Coinplote.: Prov, p,·oduction, Columns Complete,: Total Columns Complete.: HAYWARD ,~~er : ________ _ ttP,u-R Depth Pru-drill Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 392 409 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of 1 Dato: 10/25/13 Stone Avg, Avg, Added Diameter Amp. Tons of Buckets Cu. Yard•• 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 5 10.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 G 12,0 G 12.0 6 12.0 107 214,0 lnchos 41.20 300 41.20 800 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 42.<18 300 41.20 800 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 39,96 300 •11.80 300 41.80 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 Duily Ln. Ft. Completed Prov. Lu. Ft, Complotod Totnl Lu. Ft. Completod Rocle 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 H.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 1,1.6 14.6 12,2 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 260.0 622.00 9907,00 10529,00 Unit# 1 Report# 18 REMARICS Hayward Baker Inc. Owner : C1·n11e D~velop1neut General : Crnne Development Job Name: Ocean View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnicnl Engluee,·: Hayw,u·d Bnker Site Superintendent : Sam Col'aal'O Time Complete Length Of Locntlou Total Treatment Stnrt Stop Min, Ft. 1 B86 7:46 8:09 0;24 86.0 2 A86 8:12 8:38 0:26 86,0 3 B84 8:39 9:18 0:34 35.0 4 C86 9:14 9:42 0:28 35.0 6 882 9:48 10:11 0:23 85.0 6 A83 10:12 10:36 0:24 85.0 7 C83 10:37 11:03 0:26 35.0 8 D85 11:04 11:35 0:31 35.0 9 E85 11:36 12:10 0:34 35,0 10 D83 12:51 13:10 0:19 35.0 11 E83 13:11 13:33 0:22 82.0 12 F85 13:34 14:00 0:26 36.0 13 G85 14:01 14:22 0:21 28.0 14 F83 14:28 14:36 0:13 32.0 15 083 14:37 14:57 0:20 25.0 16 0 41 15:11 15:14 0:03 10,0 17 P43 15:18 15:21 0:03 6.0 18 043 16:23 15:27 0:04 9.0 19 P45 15:28 16:36 0:08 6.0 20 046 15:37 16:48 0:06 9.0 21 P47 15:45 15:52 0:07 6.0 22 047 16:53 16:06 0:12 9.0 23 Q49 16:06 16:12 0:06 6.0 2,1 P49 16:13 16:20 0:07 7.0 26 049 16:21 16:26 0:06 6.0 Total Pagel ~70.0 Daily prnductlou, Columns Complete.: Prev. p1·oduction, Colu1nns Comr>1otc.: Totn.1 Columns Complete.: HAYWARD BAl(!Eltr , ____ _ k~;chnk~I Coowuction Depth Pre•drill Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vibl'o : Daily Repol't Pg. 1 ofZ Date: 10128/13 Stone Added Buckets Cu. Yards. 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 Cl 12,0 6 12,0 6 12.0 (l 12.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 4 6.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 I 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 l 2.0 1 2.0 96 192.0 Avg. Avg. Diameter Alllp. Tons or lnohe5 Rock 41.20 800 41.20 800 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 300 41.20 800 4l.20 300 41.20 300 43.09 800 41.20 800 42.05 300 89.83 300 39.80 800 31.47 300 40.62 300 33.17 300 40.62 300 33.17 800 40.62 300 33.17 300 40,62 300 37.61 300 40.62 300 Dnlly Lu, Ft. Completed Prov. Lu. FL Completed Totnl Lu. Ft, Completed 14.6 14.6 14.G 14.6 14.6 HG 14.6 14,6 14,6 lol.6 14.6 14.6 12.2 12,2 9.7 2.4 2A 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 233.3 Unit# l Report# 19 REMARKS Hayward Baker Inc. Owner : Ct·nne Developrneut Gene1·al : Crane Dovolopment Job Name: Oceau View Resldeuce Job No.: 820049 Geotechuicol Euginee,· : Hayward Baker Site Superintendent: Sam Corsaro Timo Complotc Length Of Location Totol 1'1•entmeut Stael Slop Min. 26 Q5l 16:27 16:36 0:08 27 P5l 16:36 16:41 0:05 28 051 16:42 16:48 0:06 29 Q53 16:62 16:69 0:07 30 P63 17:00 17:04 0:04 31 053 17:05 17:14 0:09 82 R55 17:12 17:19 0:07 83 Q65 17:20 17:28 0:08 34 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Total Pal!e 2 DnllvTotnl Dally production, Coltnnus Com11lete.: Prev. p1·oductio11, Columns Complete.: Total, Columns Complete,: HAYWARD BAURi• Geotechn!cal Comtru,tion ~fA Ft. 6.0 6.0 9.0 6,0 6.0 9.0 5.0 7.0 64 680 Depth Pre-drill Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 409 442 Vibro: Daily Report Pg. 1 of2 Date: 10/28113 Stone Avg. Avg. Added Diamotor Amp. Tons of Buckets Cu. Ynrds. 1 2.0 I 2.0 1 2.0 l 2.0 1 2,0 I 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 8 16.0 104 208 Jnches 40.62 300 40.62 300 33.17 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 33.17 300 41.50 300 37.61 300 Daily Ln. Ft. Completed Prev. Lu, Ft. Completed Total Lu, Ft. Completed Roel, 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 19.4 262.7 630,00 10494.00 11124.00 Unit# 1 Report# 19 REMARKS Hayward Baker Inc. Owner : Crnue Develop1neut Gonol'nl : Cl'ano Dovclo11111oul Job Nnme: Ocean View Residence Job No.: 820049 Gcotcchnicnl Enginec.-: Hnywnl'd Ilnkel' Site Suporintmulent: Saw Corsaro 'l'hne Cmnplete Length Of Locution Total Tnmtmout Stm·t Stop Min. Ft. l P65 7:23 7:28 0:05 5.0 2 055 7:29 8:11 0:42 10.0 3 R57 8:12 8:16 0:04 6.0 4 057 8:17 8:25 0:08 6.0 5 P57 8:26 8:32 0:06 G.0 G \)57 8:33 8:42 0:09 10.0 7 R59 ll:4a 8:fi3 0:10 8.0 8 Q59 8:54 9:06 0:12 10.0 9 P59 9:07 9:12 0:05 7.0 10 059 9:13 0:18 0:05 7.0 II RGI 9:19 9:28 0:09 6.0 12 Q61 !l:29 !l:35 0:06 6.0 13 P61 9:36 9:41 0:05 6.0 14 OIJI 9:42 9:49 0:07 6.0 15 Q6:3 9:50 9:58 0:08 7.0 16 PG3 9:59 10:07 0:08 7.0 17 063 10:08 10:15 0:07 7.0 18 Q65 10:16 10:2•1 0:08 6.0 l!l P65 10:26 10:33 0:08 6.0 20 065 I0:3•1 10:42 0:08 6.0 21 G67 10:43 10:61 0:08 6.0 22 P67 10:52 10:59 0:07 6.0 23 067 11:00 11:07 0:07 6.0 2•1 P69 11:09 11:16 0:07 13.0 25 069 11:19 ll:25 0:06 6.0 Total Paiio 1 168.0 Dnily pl'oducllon, Colulllns Complete,: Prov. 1>roduction, Columns Comt>lctc.: Totnl Colum ns Complete.: HAYWARD lilAK<l!Rer : ------- Geotechnical Comtructloo ~ Ocpth P,·c-ddll Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 .o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of 3 Dnte: 10/20/13 Stone Addecl BuchctR Cu. Ya.nls. I 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 I 2.0 1 2.0 l 2.0 l 2.0 I 2.0 l 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 I 2.0 I 2.0 I 2.0 1 2.0 l 2.0 I 2.0 I 2.0 I 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 I 2.0 l 2.0 25 50.0 Avg. Avg. Diumcto.-Amp. 1'ons or luohcs Roch 4•1.50 300 31A7 300 40.62 300 •10.62 300 40.62 300 31.47 300 35.18 300 31.47 300 37.61 aoo 37.61 300 40.62 300 •10.62 800 •10.62 300 40.62 300 37.61 300 37.61 300 37.61 300 40.62 300 •10.62 300 40.62 300 •10.62 300 •10.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 Daily Lu. Ft. Completed Pl'ov. Lu. Ft, Completed Totnl Ln. Ft. Completed 2.4 2A 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2..t 2.4 2.4 2.'I 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.,1 2.4 2.4 2.<l 2..t 2..t 2.4 2.4 2.4 60.8 Unit# I Report# 20 REMARl{S Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crnue Devclopnrnnt General; Crane Develop1nent Joh Nnme: Ocenn View Residence ,Job No.: 820049 Geotechnlcnl Engluee.-: Hnywal'd Bnkel' Site 811pe1intendent: Sam Corsaro Time Com1>lete Length or Locntlon Total Treatment Start Stoa Min, Ft, 26 1'71 11:27 11:3•1 0:07 12.0 27 071 11:36 11:42 0:07 12.0 28 073 11:43 11:49 0:06 12,0 29 075 11:50 11:55 0:05 12.0 30 IC29 11:66 12:01 0:05 12.0 31 K31 12:33 12:40 0:07 12.0 32 L31 12:41 12:46 0:05 12.0 33 1{33 12:47 12:56 0:09 12.0 34 L33 12:57 13:04 0:07 12.0 35 1{35 13:05 13:13 0:08 12.0 36 L35 13:14 13:23 0:09 12.0 37 M36 13:24 13:31 0:07 12.0 38 li:37 13:32 13:43 0:11 12.0 39 L37 13:44 13:50 0:06 12.0 40 M37 13:51 14:08 0:15 12.0 41 N37 14.:07 14:14 0:07 12.0 42 1{39 14:15 14:24 0:09 12.0 ,ta L39 14:25 14:36 0:11 12.0 44 M 89 14:37 14:43 0:06 12.0 46 N39 14:41 H :56 0:11 12.0 46 1{41 14:67 16:06 0:09 12.0 47 L41 15:07 15:18 0:11 12.0 48 M41 16:19 15:29 0:10 12.0 49 N41 16:28 15:36 0:08 12.0 50 l{,13 15:38 15:50 0:12 12.0 Total Pal(e 2 300.0 Dally production, Columns Complete.: Prev. production, Columns Complete.: Total Columns Complete.: HAYWARD BAICliller : ______ _ Geottchniul Construction tcfl-UR Depth Prc-<.h-111 Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vibro : Daily Repo1·t Pg. Zof3 Dnte: 10/20/13 Stpuc Added Duckcls Cu. Yar,J.. 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 •l.O 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 •I.O 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 60 100.0 Avrt. Avrt. Dinmetur Amp. Tous of Inches Roch 40,62 aoo 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 4.0.02 300 40.62 300 •10.62 300 40.62 300 40.G2 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 Dally Ln. Ft. Completed P1·ev. Lu. Ft. Completed Total Ln. Ft. Co11111leted 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4,9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 •l.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 121.5 Unit# 1 Report# 20 REMARKS Hayward Baker Inc. Owne1· : Graue Develop111cnt Goncrnl : C,·nno Development Job Nnme: Ocean View Residence Job No.: 620049 Geotechnicnl Engincet· : Haywa,·d Bnlrn,· Site Supe1·intendent: Sam Coraaro Time Complete Length Of Locution Totnl Treatment Stn,·t Stou l\lin. 51 lA3 16:51 16:00 0:09 62 M43 16:01 lG:08 0:07 53 N43 16:09 16:19 0:10 54 l\45 16:20 lG:31 0:11 55 L4fi 16:33 16:40 0:07 56 M45 16:41 16:50 0:09 67 N45 16:51 16:59 0:08 58 K47 17:00 17:09 0:09 69 lA7 17:10 17:18 0:08 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 76 Total Pait'• 3 Daily Total Dally production, Columns Complete.: Prev. production, Columns Complete.: Total, Columns Complete.: HAYWARD B:AK<ER•• Geolechnin t ComtrtJction +,a Ft. 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 102 570 Depth Prc-drlll l!'t. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 442 501 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 3 of3 Dntc: 10/29/13 Stono Avg. Avg. Added DJamctcl' Amp. Tou, of Buckets Cu. Yards. 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 •l.O 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 l 2.0 2 ,J.O 2 4.0 17 34,0 92 184 Inches 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 Daily Ln. Ft. Completed Prev. Lu. Ft. Co111plete<l Total Lu, Ft, Completed Rock ,J.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 2.4 4.9 6 41.3 223.56 670.00 111Z4.00 11604.00 Unit# 1 Report# 20 REMARICS Hayward Baker Inc. Owner : Crnne Dcvelopmont Go110ml : Crane Development ,Job Nnme: Ocenn View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnlcnl Engineer: Hnywnrd Bnker Site S11perl11te11de11t: Snm Corsaro Time Complete Length Of Location Total 'l'n:,ntn1eut Stn,·t Stoll Min. 1 M47 7:23 7:36 0:12 2 N47 7:38 7:43 0:05 3 K49 7:44 7:56 0:12 4 L49 7:67 8:09 0:12 6 M49 8:10 8:18 0:08 6 N49 8:19 8:35 0:lG 7 K151 8:36 8:46 0:10 8 L51 8:47 8:57 0:10 9 M51 8:58 9:07 0:09 10 N51 9:08 9:20 0:12 11 K63 9:21 9:80 0:09 12 L53 9:81 9:40 0:09 18 M53 9:41 9:51 0:10 14 N53 9:52 10:03 0:11 115 K55 10:04 10:15 0:11 1G L55 10:16 10:29 0:13 17 M56 10:30 10:42 0:12 18 N55 10:43 10:52 0:09 19 K67 10:53 11:08 0:10 20 L57 11:04 11:19 0:lG 21 M57 11:20 11:32 0:12 22 N57 11:33 11:53 0:20 28 1{59 18:57 14:04 0:07 2,1 L59 14:or; 14:14 0:09 25 M69 14:15 14:22 0:07 Total Paire 1 Daily pl'Oductlon, Columns Complete.: P1·ev, production, Cohrnms Complete.: Totul Columns Complete,: HAYWARD BAKER Ft .. 12.0 11.0 12.0 12.0 12,0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12,0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 12.0 205.0 i:ffnS,waid>•&aker : ________ _ ~A Dopth P1·0-drlll Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of2 Dnte: 10/30/13 Stone Added Bucket• Cu. Ynrd,. 2 4.0 1 2.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4,0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4,0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 1 2.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 I 2.0 2 4.0 2 4,0 2 4.0 47 04.0 Avg. Avg. Diameter Amp. Tons of Incl,es Rock 40.62 800 30.00 800 40.62 800 40.62 300 40.62 800 40.62 800 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 800 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 ,J0.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 800 40.62 800 81.47 300 40.62 300 40,62 800 40.62 300 28.72 300 •14.60 300 40.62 800 40.62 300 Daily Ln. Ft, Completed Prcv. Ln. Ft. Completed Total Ln. Ft. Completed 4.9 2.4 4.9 4,9 <l.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 2.4 4,0 4.9 4.9 2.4 4.9 4.9 4.9 114.2 Unit# l Report# 20 REMARl<S Chnn"e l'Ubbet•s Hayward Baker Inc. Owue1·: Crone Development Genornl: Crnne Davolopment Joi> Nnmo : Ocean View Residence Job No,: 820049 Gootechnicnl Engineer : Hayward Balrnr Site Snperlntendeut ; Sam Cornaro Time Complete Length Of Location Tolnl 'freotment Start Stou Min. Ft. 26 N59 14:23 14:29 0:06 10.0 27 !{6) l<l:80 14:41 0:11 12.0 28 L(Jl 14:42 14:52 0:10 12.0 29 M61 14:(13 16:04 0:11 12,0 80 NGl 16:05 15:13 0:08 12.0 Sl l{GS 15:14 15:24 0:10 12.0 32 L63 15:25 15:31 0:09 12.0 83 84 86 86 37 38 89 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 Totnl Pn,rn 2 82 D11llv Total 877 Dnlly p1·oduction, Columns Complete.: Prev. production, Columns Complete.: Total, Columns Complete.: HAYWARD UA'i&r: __ _ +---· Depth Pre-drill Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 501 638 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 2 of2 Date: I 0/30/13 Stone Avg. Av!l, Adclccl Diometc1· Amp. 'l'ons of Buckets Cu, Yurds, l 2,0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4,0 2 ,J.O 2 4.0 2 4.0 1S 26.0 60 120 Inches 31.47 300 40.62 800 40.62 300 40,62 300 40,62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 Dnlly Lu, Ft, Completed Prev. Ln, Ft. Completed Total Ln, Ft. Completed Rock 2A 4.9 4.9 4,9 4.9 4.9 4.9 31.6 145.8 377.00 11604,00 12071.00 Unit# 1 Repo1·t# 20 REMARICS Hayward Baker Inc. Owner : Crnne Development Genernl: Crnne Development Job Name: Ocean View Resldeucc Job No.: 8200,i9 Geotechnlcnl Enginee1· : Hnywnrd Bnker Site Superintendent : Sam Corsaro Time Complete Length or Location Total Tl·en.tmcnt Slfll'l Stop Min. I MSS 7:58 8:05 0:07 2 N63 8:14 8:21 0:07 3 K65 8:22 8:36 0:14 4 N65 8:37 8:44 0:07 6 M65 8:•16 8:5'1 0:08 6 L65 • 8:55 9:06 0:11 7 N67 . 9:08 9:15 0:07 8 1{67 9:16 9:29 0:13 9 M67 .. 9:30 9:38 0:08 10 L67 9:39 9:51 0:12 11 NGO 9:52 9:56 0:04 12 M69 9:57 10:04 0:07 13 L69 10:07 10:17 0:10 14 K69 10:18 10:27 0:09 15 1(71 10:29 10:39 0:10 16 L71 10:40 10:52 0:12 17 K73 10:58 11:06 0:18 18 L73 I 1:07 11:20 0:13 19 M?l 11:21 11:33 0:12 20 N71 , 11:34 ll;,IO 0:06 21 M73 11:42 11:66 0:14 22 N73 12:32 12:40 0:08 23 N75 12:43 13:00 0:17 24 1<76 13:02 13:12 0:10 25 L76 13:13 13:24 0:11 Total Paae l Dally prn,luctlon, Columns Complete.: Prev, production, Columlls Complete.: Total Columns Complete.: HAYWARD BAKER Ft. 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 12.0 286.0 .~wn\!llnDnlt,er : ________ _ Depth Pre-drill Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. I of2 Date: 10/31/13 Stone Avg. Avg. Added Dirunete1· Amp. Tons of Buckets Cu. Ya,·ds. 2 4.0 l 2.0 2 4.0 1 2.0 l 2.0 2 4.0 1 2.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4,0 1 2.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 I 2.0 2 4.0 2 ,1.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 ,rn 44 68.0 Inches 40.62 300 31.47 300 •10.62 300 31.47 300 31.47 800 40.62 800 81.47 800 40.62 300 40.02 800 40.62 300 31.47 800 40.62 300 40.02 300 40.62 300 40.62 800 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 31.47 300 40.62 300 d0.62 300 44.60 300 40.62 300 40.62 800 Daily Ln. Ft. Completed Prov. Lu. Ft. Completed Totnl Ln. Ft . Completed Rock 4.9 2.4 4.9 2.4 2.4 4.9 2.4 4.9 4.9 4.9 2.4 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 2.4 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 106.9 Unit# 1 Report# 21 REMARI<S Hayward Baker Inc. Owner: Crane Development Genernl: Crnno Dovolopmont Job Name: Oconn Viow Residence Job No.: 820049 Geoteclrnlcal Engineer : Hayword Bake1· Site Supcl'luteudeut: Sam Cotsaro Time Complete Length Of Loootlon Total Ti-en.tment St11rt Stoa Min. 26 M75 18:26 18:39 0:18 27 N77 13:40 13:56 0:16 28 N79 13:67 14:10 0:13 29 M77 14:11 14:21 0:10 30 L77 M:22 14:85 0:13 31 K77 14:36 14:45 0:09 32 K79 14:46 14:62 0:06 83 M79 14:58 15:04 0:11 84 L79 15:05 15:15 0:10 35 M81 16:16 16:29 0:13 30 LB! 16:30 15:39 0:09 87 1{81 16:40 16:•19 0:09 88 M83 15:51 16:03 0:12 89 LBS 16:04 16:14 0:10 40 KB3 16:15 16:28 0:13 41 L85 16:29 16:45 0:16 42 K85 16:46 16:57 0:11 48 L87 16:58 17:11 0:13 ,1,1 45 46 47 48 49 60 'l'otal PaKe 2 Daily Total Dnily production, Columns Complote.: P,·ev. p1·od\lction, Col\lmns Complete,: Totnl, Colnmns Cornploto.: HAYWARD BAKER Ft. 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12,0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 216 602 ~l;d,Bad«,1· ; ---------.,.. .... Depth Pl'e-<l1·ill Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 533 576 Vibro : Daily Report Pg, 2 of2 Date: 10/31/13 Stone Added nuckets Cu. Ynl'ds. 1 2.0 2 ,1.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4,0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 •1.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 ,J.O 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 ,1.0 2 4.0 36 70.0 79 168 Avg. Avg, DJameter Amp. Tons of Inches Rock 28.72 300 40.62 800 40.62 300 40.62 800 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 40.62 801 40.62 302 40.62 808 40.62 804 40.62 805 40.62 306 •10.62 307 40.62 308 40.62 309 40.62 310 40.62 311 Daily Ln. Ft. Completed Prev, Ln. Ft. Completed Total Ln. Ft. Com11leted 2.4 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 •1.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4,9 4.9 4.9 4,9 85.1 192,0 602.00 l ll071,00 12573.00 Unit# I Report# 21 REMARICS Hayward Baker Inc. Owner : Crane Development Genel'Rl: Cl'Rne Development Job Nome : Ocean View Re•idence Job No.: 820040 Geotechnicnl Engineer: Hayward Baker Site Superintendent: Sam Corsaro Time Complete J.ength Of Location Total 'l',·entment Stnl't Ston Min. Ft. 1 H8u 7:40 7:56 0:16 22.0 2 J85 7:57 8:19 0:22 18.0 8 1{87 8:20 8:33 0:13 12.0 4 J87 8:44 8:52 0:08 19.0 5 H87 8:53 9:20 0:27 25.0 6 H89 9:21 9:46 0:25 26.0 7 J89 9:47 10:10 0:23 20.0 8 1{89 10:11 10:26 0:15 16.0 9 H91 10:27 10:01 0:24 23.0 10 J91 10:62 11:04 0:12 18.0 ll 1(91 11:05 11:12 0:07 16.0 12 K98 11:18 11:20 0:07 13.0 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 26 Total Pa11e 1 220.0 Daily prnduction, Columns Complete.: Prev. production, Columns Com11lete.: Total Columns Complete.: HAYWARD '1!~!Sl!t "F'llA Depth Pro-drlll Ft-. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 676 688 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of 1 Dato: 11/1/13 Stone Added Duclrel<i Cu. Ynl'ds. 4 8,0 8 6.0 2 4,0 3 G.O 4 8.0 4 8.0 3 6.0 3 0,0 4 8.0 3 6.0 2 4.0 2 4.0 37 74.0 Avg, Avg. Dlumotor Amp. Tons of Iuchos Rock 42.48 300 40.62 300 40.62 300 89.54 800 89.80 800 39.03 300 38.64 300 44.50 800 41.50 300 40.62 300 36.33 300 39.03 300 Dnlly Ln. Ft. Completed Prev. Ln, Ft, Completed Total Ln, Ft, Completed 9.7 7.8 4.9 7.8 9.7 9.7 7.3 7.8 9.7 7,8 4.9 4.9 89.9 226.00 12673.00 12709.00 Unit# 1 Report# 22 REMARKS Hayward Baker Inc. Owncl' : Craue Development General : C,·,me Development Joh Name : Ocean View Residence Job No.: 820049 Oeotechnical Enginee1·: Haywnrd Baker Site Superintendent : Sam Corsaro Time Complete l,ength or Location Totnl 'l'reatment Stn1-t Ston Min. Ft. 1 Gll3 10:37 11:26 0:49 22.0 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 26 Totul Pal!e 1 22.0 Daily production, Columns Complete.: Prov. pro1Luctlon, Columns Comploto.: Totnl Columns Complete.: HAYWARD UM&r , _ __,___ Kpu:A Depth Pre-d.-111 l't. 0 688 589 Vibro: Daily Report Pg. I oft Date: 11/8/13 Steno Added Duckets Cu, Y111·ds. 4 8.0 4 8.0 Avg. Avg. Dlameter Amp. Tons of Inches Rock 42.43 300 Dally Ln. Ft. Completed Prcv, Ln, Ft. Completed 1'otal Ln. Ft. Com11leted 9.7 9.7 22.00 12709,00 12821.00 Unit# 1 Report# 23 REMARICS Hayward Baker Inc. Owne1·: Crane Development General : Crane Development Job Nnmo : Occnn View Residence Job No.: 820049 Geotechnical Engineer : Haywmd Bnke1· Site Superintendent: Sam Corsaro Time Complete Length or Location Total Tl'ea.tment Stru:t Ston Min. Ft. .) GI 15 7:22 7:46 0:23 21.0 2 Fl17 7:46 8:10 0:24 19.0 3 Fl15 8:17 8:34 0:17 21.0 ,I El17 8:36 9:04 0:20 22.0 6 E.6/118 9:06 9:22 0:17 20.0 6 D.5/118 9:23 9:40 0:17 20.0 7 D117 0:41 10:06 0:25 26.0 8 C.5/118 10:13 10:33 0:20 27.0 9 Ill 18 10:84 11:0G 0:32 38.0 10 Cl17 11:07 11:27 0:20 33.0 11 BllG 11:28 11:54 0:26 33.0 12 Al17 11:55 12:16 0:20 83.0 14 16 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 Total P nire 1 808.0 Daily production, Columns Complete.: Prev. production, Columus Complete.: Total Columns Complete.: HAYWARD lenll&-: ___ _ tcp.t.ER Depth Pre-drill Ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 588 600 Vibro : Daily Report Pg. 1 of 1 Dnle: 11/12/13 Stone Avg. Avg. Added Dinmete,· Amp. Tons of Buckets Cu. Yards. 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 3 6.0 3 6.0 . 4 8.0 4 8.0 5 10.0 6 10.0 5 10.0 6 10.0 50 100.0 Inches 43.43 300 46.65 301 48.43 302 42.43 803 38.64 304 38.64 305 39.03 306 88.80 307 38.73 308 38.78 809 38.73 310 38.73 311 Daily Ln. Ft, Completed Prev. Ln. Ft. Completed 'l'otal Ln. Ft Completed Rock 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 7.3 7.3 9.7 9.7 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 121.6 308.00 12821.00 13120.00 Unit# 1 Report# 24 REMARI<S 12821