HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-04; Traffic and Mobility Commission; Minutes Page 1 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Council Chambers 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Monday, Jan. 4, 2021, 3:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Gocan called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Gocan, Perez, Hunter, Penseyres, Fowler and Linke Absent: Wanamaker PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Vice-Chair Perez led the Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner Wanamaker joined the meeting at 3:06 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom due to the stay-at-home order for COVID-19. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Hunter seconded by Commissioner Linke, to approve the minutes for the Dec. 7, 2020 meeting as amended. Motion carried: 6/0/1 (Abstained: Wanamaker) PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: None CONSENT CALENDAR: This item was pulled for discussion by Chair Gocan 1. PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM – FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 SLURRY SEAL AND FOG SEAL, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 6001-21SS - Support staff’s recommendation to implement the Pavement Management Program - Fiscal Year (FY) 2020- 21 Slurry Seal and Fog Seal (Project), Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6001- 21SS. (Staff contact: Emad Elias and Hossein Ajideh, Public Works) COMMISSION DISCUSSION: Chair Gocan inquired about the procedure and scope of work on the maintenance slurry seal and fog seal project. Associate Engineer Elias explained that the slurry seal and fog seal project will address neighborhood streets and some arterial roads. It is a surface applied product and it is very thin layer. Areas identified with cracks they do a work called patching which is digging down the pavement, about 3”, then pave that area only and lastly apply the thin layer of slurry seal and fog seal to make the road uniform. Page 2 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Chair Gocan expressed her concern because of a slurry seal job that was done 2 years ago and in her opinion, did not address the vegetation growing in the cracks on the road and made the vegetation even stronger. Engineering Manager Ajideh explained that his department manages the design of the Pavement Overlay and the Construction Management & Inspection Department, oversees the project and conducts the inspection for quality control. He will be glad to contact the Construction Management & Inspection Department to see if there are notes and some information about the job Chair Gocan is referring to. Commissioner Linke had concerns about the striping after the slurry seal is done and if the T&MC will see the plans with the proposed striping. We welcome early feedback or concerns that the commissioners may have before we finalize the striping plans. Engineering Manager Ajideh explained that this project will be submitted to the Traffic Division for their comments and inputs and after that this project will be back to the T&MC for consideration and approval. Commissioner Perez inquired about if the city has a website where residents can express any concerns or questions about services. Transportation Director Frank explained that staff will send an email to the commissioners with the city website and app information to report concerns or questions regarding transportation infrastructure or mobility. Commissioner Penseyres stated that he would like to provide input in any changes proposed including widening of bike lanes and improving crosswalk visibility. Commissioner Linke cited as an example that 12-foot lane to 11-foot lane and if you have 3 lanes, you can add a 3-foot total buffer to the bike lane on the main arterial roads. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Linke, seconded by Commissioner Hunter, to approve Consent Calendar Item 1 Pavement Management Program – Fiscal Year 2020-21 Slurry Seal and Fog Seal, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6001-21SS Motion carried unanimously: 7/0 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 2.POLICE MONTHLY REPORT – CANCELLED 3.SEMIANNUAL TRANSPORTATION REPORT - (Staff Contact: Tom Frank, Public Works) Staff’s Recommendation: Receive report Transportation Director Frank presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). COMMISSION DISCUSSION: Commissioner Wanamaker thanked the Transportation team for the automated walk signal device specially in the village area. He also inquired about the storm event that caused the storm drains to fail two years ago. Transportation Director Frank explained that he didn’t have information at the meeting regarding the referenced storm event from 2 years ago, but staff could get back to the commissioner regarding the referenced storm event via email. Transportation Director Frank also explained that the detention base Page 3 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t and sedimentation basin adjacent to the neighborhood has an existing water table approximately two feet below the discharge elevation of the new discharge structure and staff is studying alternatives to address the long term flooding problem. Commissioner Wanamaker inquired about the storm drains on residential areas getting clogged up with debris/trash off the road and how staff is addressing the problem. Transportation Director Frank explained about the annually clean-up storm drains program that the city has in place and, a program to install more inlet filters. Commissioner Linke presented his comments and reviewed the PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Commissioner Linke inquired if there is a plan to take the TIA Guidelines; MMLOS Point System; TIF Program and TDM Program (Residential) to the T&MC in the next six months and in what format. Transportation Director Frank answered yes, we have a plan and the specifics of the time table is being developed internally but staff will bring the programs to you for your input and consideration. Commissioner Linke inquired if CIP 6051 and 6054 will be brought to the T&MC for comments and inputs and if the Valley Drive and Magnolia Avenue Complete Streets will be back to T&MC for final comments. Transportation Director Frank said that the CIP 6051 – Roadway widening to El Camino Real from Arenal Road to la Costa Avenue will return to the T&MC at a later date. Engineering Manager Ajideh answered that CIP 6054 - Carlsbad Boulevard from Cannon Road to Manzano Drive is still in the early stages of development and the design has not officially started but staff will bring this item to the T&MC for comments at a later date. Commissioner Penseyres presented his comments and reviewed the PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Commissioner Penseyres emphasized the importance of roundabouts and planning it correctly to serve the community well and keep all modes of transit safe. The Commission nominated Chair Gocan to represent the T&MC at City Council meeting on January 12, 2021. 4.FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN MONITORING REPORT – CIRCULATION SECTION APPROACH – (Staff contact: Nathan Schmidt and Tom Frank, Public Works) Staff’s Recommendation: Receive a presentation and provide input on the approach for the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Growth Management Plan Monitoring Report Circulation Section Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt presented the report and reviewed the PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). COMMISSION DISCUSSION: Commissioner Linke said that the staff report provided to the Commission on Nov. 2, 2020 was more detailed than the report before the commission today. Is the report we are reviewing today adding to the Nov. 2 report or is this an update? Page 4 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that the report being reviewed by the commission today is intended to supplement the Nov. 2 staff report by providing a response to the commissions questions and comments from the first review. Commissioner Linke said that one of the items in our work plan is to review the Growth Management Program Annual Monitoring Report Manual. Is staff still working on a separate manual that outlines the methodologies specifically for GMP Monitoring? I bring this up because of the question on when recounts are required and I would like a set of rules to be established that provide clear direction on when recounts are needed. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that the elements of the GMP Annual Monitoring Report Manual would be included in the updated Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines and not a separate manual. This update is anticipated to occur over the course of the next year. Commissioner Linke stated that he thought it would be best if the GMP Report Manual was incorporated into the TIA guidelines and would like to request that the rules for recounts be included in the TIA guidelines so that they would apply to both the GMP Monitoring reports and TIA’s for development projects. Commissioner Linke suggested that traffic count data should be collected on the two facilities of Faraday Ave. and Poinsettia Ln. which are already included in the city’s service volume tables even though they are not required for monitoring per the city’s General Plan Mobility Element. The reason counts should be conducted here is because these roadways experience heavy vehicle traffic and it would be useful to monitor traffic volumes here. This should also apply to the area of Poinsettia Ln. near Melrose Dr., the six locations along Carlsbad Blvd., Tamarack, and La Costa Ave. because of the significant traffic and development projects going on in these areas. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that data will be collected at these locations even though they are not subject to vehicle monitoring as these locations are subject to multimodal LOS monitoring and will still require traffic counts to be collected at these locations. Commissioner Linke suggested that for future GMP Monitoring Reports, staff should consider removing exemptions based on a review of historical traffic data. The consequences of not removing exemptions is that private development projects will not be required to fund future roadway improvements. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that staff will take into consideration Commissioner Linke’s comments on removing exemptions for future monitoring reports. Transportation Director Frank added that staff will evaluate the appropriate process or criteria for removing exemptions in future GMP Monitoring report. Deputy City Manager Gomez added that City Council will be holding the city council’s goal setting meetings next month and this will present an opportunity for feedback on how we can re-evaluate the GMP Monitoring report program and how to address specific issues such as removing exemptions from previously exempt roadway facilities. 5. ESTABLISH TRAFFIC AND MOBILITY COMMISSION SCHEDULE FOR 2021 – (Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Public Works) Staff’s Recommendation: Provide guidance for establishing the Traffic and Mobility Commission schedule for 2021 with recommended special meetings to be held in July and September ACTION: Page 5 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Motion by Commissioner Hunter, seconded by Commissioner Linke, to approve a special meeting to be held on July 6, 2021 and a special meeting to be held on September 7, 2021. Motion carried unanimously: 7/0 CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER REPORT: City Traffic Engineer Comments: Attachment A City Traffic Engineer Kim asked Commissioner Wanamaker if his concerns about Jefferson Street were addressed and clarified by a staff member. Commissioner Wanamaker said that he received a call from the staff member and he planned on making a video to show the concerns that he has about Jefferson Street but he did not have time to get a video for staff. He added that for overall safety would be better for staff to look at the vegetation encroachment and the overgrown willow trees on the rising side of Jefferson Street. City Traffic Engineer Kim said that staff will investigate the areas of concern. TRAFFIC AND MOBILITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Chair Gocan expressed her concern on the westbound Carlsbad Village Drive near Pio Pico with two signal lights very close to each other and the visibility of the I-5 intersection light is obstructed by a tree. City Traffic Engineer Kim said that staff will investigate. Commissioner Perez inquired when the Poinsettia Lane extension will open to traffic. City Traffic Engineer Kim said that the latest he heard is that will open by the end of February. Commissioner Perez inquired if the signal lights on Cassia Rd and Poinsettia Ln. is installed and operational. Deputy City Manager Gomez answered the signal lights were installed but not operational yet. Commissioner Perez explained that the signal lights (not operational yet) and the stop sign at Poinsettia Ln. and Cassia Rd. is causing confusion to the drivers. Deputy City Manager Gomez said that staff will look into it and get back to the commission ADJOURNMENT: Chair Gocan adjourned the Traffic and Mobility Commission Meeting on Jan. 4, 2021 at 4:35 p.m. ___________________________ Eliane Paiva, Minutes Clerk Attachment A Meeting Date: Jan. 4, 2021 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: John Kim, City Traffic Engineer John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2757 Subject: City Traffic Engineer Report Past City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility NONE Upcoming City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility Jan. 12, 2021 • Determination of Five Deficient Street Facilities • Sustainable Mobility Plan Update • Appoint One Member to the Traffic & Mobility Commission Jan. 19, 2021 • Semi-Annual Transportation Report City Traffic Engineer Report Page 2 Non-Agenda Public Comments Item Action Request to remove 3-hour parking on State St Future agenda item Bike lane suggestions at various locations Met with requestor on 11/5/20 (Closed) Request to highlight bike lanes with bright paint and signs Request noted (Closed) Commissioner Comments Item Action Concerns on Jefferson Street between Las Flores Dr and Marron Rd Staff is investigating Questions about parking space markings Met with Commissioner Perez on 12/17/20 (Closed) Modifications to eastbound Poinsettia dual rights at Aviara Parkway when Poinsettia Gap Closure is completed Will evaluate after Poinsettia Gap Closure is completed (Closed)