HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-10; Coronavirus Response Update 127; Harrison, David
Fire Department
Safety Center 2560 Orion Way | Carlsbad, CA 92010 | 760-931-2141
Memo ID# 2021055
Council Memorandum
March 10, 2021
To: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
From: David Harrison, Assistant Director of Emergency Services
Via: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Re: Coronavirus Response Update 127
This memorandum provides the City Council with an update on the city’s response actions
related to COVID-19. This memo focuses on actions and information that are new since the last
Emergency Operations Center
• Emergency Operations Center activated to support COVID-19 mitigation and
response operations and information sharing.
• Carlsbad CERT volunteers continue to support Operation Collaboration at the Carlsbad
vaccination site.
Regional status of outbreak (Updated data from Mar. 9)
California County
Confirmed cases 3,513,678 263,748
Increase since last memo 32,067 2,747
Percentage increase since last memo .9% 1.1%
Deaths 54,621 3,405
Carlsbad status of outbreak (Updated data from Mar. 9)
Carlsbad 92008 92009 92010 92011
Confirmed cases 4,491 1,227 1,661 731 819
Increase since last memo 49 15 15 10 9
Percentage increase 1.1% 1.2% .9% 1.4% 1.1%
Deaths >49 n/a n/a n/a n/a
*Note: Total and ZIP code tallies come from different county reporting sources and do not always add up.
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Human Resources
• Status of employees with possible COVID-19 exposure:
As of
Mar. 10
since last
Cleared, no positive diagnosis 326 +1
Cleared after positive diagnosis 86 +3
Self-isolated due to positive diagnosis 1 -3
Self-quarantined due to exposure, not tested 0 0
Self-quarantined due to symptoms, not tested 1 +1
Self-quarantined while waiting for test results 0 0
Self-quarantined due to high-risk exposure,
tested negative 1 +1
City-by-city comparison
• Carlsbad again has the lowest rates of confirmed cases of COVID-19 as a percent of
population in local cities with 50,000 or more residents. Carlsbad’s rate is 3.89%,
slightly lower than the 4.05% rate reported in Encinitas.
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Police Department
• Weekly update on calls for service:
All calls Crime COVID-19
1/11-1/17 2,198 156 268 9 8
1/18-1/24 1,868 144 285 4 8
1/25-1/31 2,056 163 285 9 11
2/1-2/7 2,203 167 281 7 9
2/8-2/14 2,128 176 316 12 7
2/15-2/21 2,044 150 278 15 10
2/22-2/28 2,164 162 383 9 7
3/1-3/7 1,996 154 253 15 7
COVID-19 calls 3/1-3/7
Extra patrols Transient Other Health order
violation Party Educational
contact Medical
218 16 6 5 5 2 1
Community Development
• Weekly update on outdoor activation permits as of March 8:
On private
On public
right of way
Total # of
Permits pending 4 0 4 4
Permits approved 83 22 105 99
Total 87 22 109 102
*Several businesses applied for multiple permits.
• Weekly update on building permit activity as of March 8:
Last week
Weekly average
Jan. 2020-Feb. 2020
Permits issued 98 87
Inspections 303 452
Video inspections 72 n/a
Permits finalized 83 95
*All inspections conducted with social distancing measures
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Parks & Recreation
• Based on the state’s guidance on outdoor and indoor youth and recreational adult
sports, updated March 4, and San Diego County’s adjusted case rate dropping below 14
per 100,000 population as of March 2, staff permitted the following:
o Doubles pickleball play on the outdoor courts at Poinsettia Community Park
o Youth and adult outdoor moderate and high contact outdoor sports – including
soccer, lacrosse, football, baseball and basketball – on the athletic fields or
courts at our community parks
• At the Alga Norte Aquatic Center, staff has recently accommodated the following:
o A limited number of spectators on the deck and bleachers within the center
o Dry land training on the synthetic turf adjacent to the competitive pool within
the center
o Two additional hours of recreational lap swimming, from 8 a.m.-10 a.m. on
Sundays, in the competition pool and the instructional pool, providing for a total
of 68 more reservable lane periods
• Staff recently completed a survey of patrons of all of the city’s aquatics services and,
based on the results, plan to make the following modifications to the electronic
reservation system, effective March 22, in anticipation of increased spring usage:
o Allowing for reservations to be accepted beginning at 5 a.m. each day
o Providing Carlsbad residents a one-day lead time over non-residents in making a
o Accommodating cancelation of a reservation, with a credit being applied to the
patron’s account, and the vacated lane or area becoming available for
reservation by another patron
• Staff started a program with volunteers from AARP to offer drop-off and pick-up service
for tax return preparation of Carlsbad seniors, at the Pine Avenue Community Center
plaza, immediately adjacent to the Senior Center, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, between
9 a.m. and 12 p.m. through April 15.
• Cancelled the special event permit for the North Coast Calvary Chapel’s Sunrise Service,
which included a shuttle and traffic control plan, that was scheduled for April 4, 2021, at
the request of the event organizer.
• Update on staff’s actions related to the senior meal program:
o Provided 852 meals to Carlsbad residents 60 or older, during the past week
▪ 476 meals were delivered to residents’ homes by staff
▪ 376 meals were picked-up at the Senior Center by residents
▪ Total number of meals provided represents a 22% increase in the average
total number of meals provided before the pandemic
o Picked up boxes of donated fresh produce from the Carlsbad Strawberry
Company and re-distributed the produce through the senior meal program
• Staff provided the following virtual recreation programs:
o Virtual Bingo - Participants joined the Carlsbad Senior Center crew for a new
monthly session of virtual bingo
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o Teen Culinary Lab: Virtual Cooking Class, and Lunch at the Culinary Lab (Seniors) -
A virtual culinary trip to Jamaica. Next week’s labs will continue the participants’
world travels and as they prepare Indian cuisine.
o Music Mondays - Chicago Tony and Dan offered a live virtual performance
o UCSD Osher Lifelong Learning - This week’s Osher series lecture was “The
Emperor and the Spy: A Secret Alliance to Prevent WWII”
Library & Cultural Arts
• Due dates for library materials have been periodically extended during the past year to
allow patrons to stay home, avoid anxiety about returning materials and not accrue
fines. The current extended due date of March 31 will not be extended further. A one-
time notification will be sent next week to library patrons who have items checked out.
• The exhibit in the Cannon Gallery, “Four Visions: A Celebration of the Year of the
Woman,” closed Sunday. The video tour of this exhibit will continue to be available
online. The next Cannon Gallery exhibit, “Material Pulses,” is set to open April 6. This
nationally touring exhibit will also have a virtual tour available once it is installed.
• The gallery will be permitted to open to the public when the county moves to the red
Communication & Engagement
• Communicated via city communication channels about the following topics related to the
COVID-19 public health emergency:
o Daily case data and update on county and state triggers
o Vaccine updates:
▪ When someone is considered “fully vaccinated”
▪ New CDC guidance on safe activities once someone is fully vaccinated
▪ Arrival of Johnson & Johnson vaccine
▪ Distribution statistics
▪ Current eligibility and vaccination appointment tips
▪ Vaccine prioritization for certain zip codes and demographics
▪ Timeframe for second dose
▪ 2-1-1 support to make vaccine appointments
o Update regarding local school reopening plans
o Free shuttle service to Scripps’ Del Mar Fairgrounds vaccination site
o San Diego County’s current purple tier status
o Pathway to getting to the red tier and what businesses would be open
o New state rules about live entertainment and amusement parks
o Guidance on indoor sports
o Mental health resources for teens
o COVID-19 update to City Council
o County’s COVID-19 rental assistance program for residents
o Court upholds restaurant and gym restrictions
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o Decline of flu cases and deaths
o Reminder of all the public health guidelines
o Virtual city programs:
▪ Public meetings
▪ Esports tournament
▪ Teen culinary lab
▪ Carlsbad Reads Together
▪ Youth and family yoga
▪ Mental health resources
▪ Homebound library program
▪ Family pirate night
• Communicated new vaccine appointments available for eligible city employees in San
Marcos and Santee
• Sent employee email #73
o COVID update and employee case numbers
o Possibility of red tier and what businesses may reopen
o Vaccine updates for city employees, next eligibility groups and how Operation
Collaboration works
o New touchless thermometers at city facilities and FAQs
o Return of Inside Carlsbad employee newsletter
o Celebrating Women’s History Month and National Engineers Week
o Mandatory trainings and professional development opportunities
• Designed and printed new COVID-19 touchless thermometer screening instructions with
QR code
c: Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief
Neil Gallucci, Police Chief
Maria Callander, Information Technology Director
David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer
Judy von Kalinowski, Human Resources Director
Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director
Nick Ordille, Assistant Fire Chief
Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director