HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 322-6L; CT 90-15; AVIARA PA 24 UNIT 2; 01-05~ ~\ ~ ,J\ [\\\\\\~ ~~ \ ~-~ ~ \I ~ ~ ' ~ ~\\\\' t~~ ~\\~'t,\ ~\ l\~l I\\\\\\~ ~\ l\\\\i ~\\\\\\\ ~ ~ ~ &,.\\\~ I\\\\\\~ ~\~'t,\ &1'\\\~ ~ ~ !\\\\, ~\ ~ l\\l ~ @\ ~~~ ~ \\~ \ ~~\1 \ J\\\\i ~ ~~\\\\~ \ ~ \ ~ ~~\\1 ~ ~ ~ \\~ ~-~ ~ ~~\' ,~\ ~"4' t'\\s\' ,J\ ~ ~ ,J\ ~~\\~ -~' ~ ~ [\\\\\~ ~\\~ ~ ~~\\\\\~ ~ )' ~~~-~ ~ ~ ~ l\\\\\~ ~ ~,ffe'' ~ \_\\~~ ~ ~ ~ ~\\\\\ ~ ~\\\\\\\ ,\~ ~~ !\\\~) ~~ [\\) ~ ~~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~~\\\~\ @~ !\\\\) t\\\\\\\ ~~ ~l t ~~\\, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\ 1\\\1 ~0,\\\\\-~\\\\\\\\\ ~~\\\~ ~ \ \~ , ~t ~\\\\\\~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \\\~~ ,~\\\\\~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~\\\, ~ ~\T"~ y--,~i ~ ~\'\~, ~ ~ I"""~ ,,.~, ~-~, N "l''' y,· \ l"'l ~,,,, ,~} ~ \N i~ ~ t ~ ~~\\\~ ~ ~ "') ~ i i\\\\~ ~ ~~-,~\ l\"1 lil ~ ; ~ ~\ i\"l I ~ i\\\~ ,~\ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\\\\\~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\\\\\\~ ~ [~\\~ \~\~ t"'"'' t\_ [") ~ t-"" r:1 t\_ r"' ~~%,'\; ~ ~~-,~\ ~""1 ~ ~ \\~~ ~"\~~ ' ~ ~ ~~-I\ I\\\\\\' \~\) ~\\\\! -~ ~ ~\\\\~ ~ ·<~ '>~cl. r---------------------- : I ' I ----~--::. =--=------=-=-=--=--~-=~--= PROJECT SITE CrTY OF OCEANSIDE .. ,cHWl\'i' 7s PACIFIC \ OCEAN I \ \ \ CITY OF WCINITAS YIC[NfiY MAP t !'/,!/1.1 !'.,\, #.'!-/ /.'.\'IT I ,,, IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION NOTES: L The cOlitractor &h!III notify the L.Bnd .. cape Arehltect and the 01ty lr,epector& a mlr,lmu:n of 4& hour& prior to &tart1n9 co11&truotloM_ 2. The de&l911 le d1a9rammat1c °"'!:I· All p1p1119, valve&,bac:l<.flow preventor, wlrln9, etc:. ehou,r, within paved area .. are for de&1911 c1a1ncat1011 =11:1, and eha\l be ln&t.!llled 111 pla11ter area& where ever poi,&ible. 3. Oo not w!llfull!:I ln&t,!11I the 1rr19at1on &~tem a .. &ho..., on ths&e draw11190 when It 1 .. obvlou& ln the field wt ob&truot!OM& . 9rado:o d!Fforei,oe& or dlfferoi,c.eo 11'1 area d!mei,•1011& ex!et that m19ht. 11ot have been c:Olio,ldered ln the ei,9111eer1119. ~ ob,otructlon& or difference& &hall be brousht to the att..5ntl= or the c1t1:1'• 11uthor1:sd rei:,re•ent11t1ve. In the evei,t thl& i,ot1f1cat1on I& i,ot performed In l.ll'ltlM9, the cOMtrac.tor a.hall a&&ume full re .. pon•lblllt!;I for din!;! rev:&Jon& nece&r.ar!:t ,4_ It I& the re&p0li&lbll1t,1 of the c:=tractor to f11m111ar1ze hlm .. elf wlth 1111 9rade difference., loc11t!Oli of ilxt1re& . ..rt.ltltle&. &1!31'1&, poe.to,, pole•, wall• a11d pav1n9. The c.ontractor ehall repair or replace all ltemo dama9ed b!:I hi., werl<. He &hllll coordinate hie worl<. with other e::ontrac:torr. (If lln!;IJ for the 1ooat1on and 1n1>tallat1on or pipe &leeve• a11d lateral& ti-rough wall& . under roadwa~ and under pav1n9, etc.. &_ All 1rr19at1011 equipment eh.all oe 111 .. talled o!I& per manuraturer' recommendatJOM& and &p<101f1'1cat1011&. lo?efer to &pec1ff1cat!Oli& for addlt1011al Information. ii!>. Ali lateral, mainline p1p1119 and control wire& under paving &hall b'"' lnetalled ,., •eparate e.leeve&_ Mainline &leeve &Ize &hall be a mlnlmcm of twice (2XJ the out&lds diameter or the pipe to be •leeved_ Co11trol wire eleevee ehall be of .. urf101em elze ror ths rec:iu1red number of wire& under p.!1v1n9. lo?efer to plan_ 7_ All &leeve& under roadwa~ &hall be ehcedul<I &O (Mew). Ex1 .. t1119 _i,ieevse &hall rsma111 ,., place, If extei,alon& are re9ulreci the plpe ehall be &he. as. 1-ateral line .. iseve& under pav1n9 &hall be r.Chedule 40_ All &1-ve& &h!III be p_v_c_or a& 11oted on plan&_ e,_ Pipe &lze& &hall ooi,form to thoee &he,..., on on the plai,e and detai\e. No e.be,tltutlo11e of ""'a lier pipe .. 1:e& &h!III be permitted, but ,o..i::,r,tltutlone of lar9er &Jzee m.!!!;1 be approv9d_ All dam119ed a11d reJected pipe &hall be removed fro!Ti the site at the tlme of &Bid reJeotlon. ~ The c.ontractor &h!III mal<.e ths final c0Mect10,, fro!Ti the electrlcal eo1rce to the comro\ler. 10. AOY (anti-drain valve) unit& a& &hou,r, In the detail& are for twical l11&tall11tlon onlt, and ma!:I 11ot be requ1r<1d on all he11d6. F'rlor to 1notallat1on the cor,tractor &hall verlf!;j with the on alte 9rade&. If thsre I& .!In elevat:o,, dlfferei,ce of 24" or more bet1.11esn the hlghe&t head and l01.11e&t head on ll &~tem, the APY'& &h!III be ln&talled per per the det.!111. IL All gprll'll<.ler head& &ha II be oet perpei,dJcular to flnl&h grade unlee& othsrw1ee gpec1f1ed. 12. The contractor &hall flU6h and adJu&t all r.prli'\k.ler hsade and valve& for optlm...,., cover.!19e, ellm1nat1119 overr.pra!:I oi,to w.!111<.&. &treste., walle,eto. 13. Pop-up &prt11:1 head• &hall be 1n .. tallsd ,., all turf area&, landecape area& adJacent to walk& and drive_ ln&t.!111 pop-up& to ths he19ht &peclfled In the 1rr19.!ltl0li legend ar,d detail&_ \4_ The 1rr19.!itlon &,JStetn &hall be full!j automatic. Control valve& &hall be lnetalled per detai\e. IE\. The L..and&cape Architect &h!III approve final !ooat!Oli of all drip emitter& .!Ind drip t..i::,1n9 after flnBI loc::atlon of ll11 plant material. It>. All •leevs& 6hall extei,d be!;!011d the edge or pavl"9 or bad<. or curb to I'. I MSREBY DE:CLARE ,MAT ' AN T!-'E L!CENe!=D ::>Ee.la.NSII< 01= u.JOll<K !=OR T,-1$ PROJECT. tHA'1' 1 HAYE E><;!eRCl&e!D lo?ESPON&IBLE CMARO<E 0'..'lafl< -HE DE!:>li:l,N O!= THS PROJECT A& Dl="NED IN e!=CTION 610.a 01= TM!= BU&IN!!&f> AI\.D >=ROl"E&&I ON& CODE, AND '!'HAT ,ME: DE:f> a,N If> CON& &TENT u.llTH CUl=<l=<ENT f>TANOAl=<Ol> I UNDER&TAND THAT THE CH5CK OF PROJE:CT PRAUilNGf> ANO e.PSCl!=ICATION!> BY ':'ME CITY OI" CARi-&eAt::> i& CONl=NED TO Rl!lY Eu.I ONL.,.. .. N::;, oose. NOT RELll:Yla MS, ,..e, ':'t-lE LICENei=D ::>E!>la.NER OF WORK, 01' "IY R5f>F'O&l6L TIEe, !=O"s PROJSCT DEf> a,N_ TH5ei= PLA"-ll> ..!AYE BEEN "'lo?l=PARE:D IN &uB&TANTIAL CON!=O<:!MANCE WITH TME ,..ppfl<OVEO L .. No~APS CONCE=>T PL.AN, WATE.a CONe.Ef:<YATION f>LAN, !=iRE "'ROTECTION !'>LAN, ANO A-L CONC TION!> OI" ,..l"PROVAL lo?ELATEO TO LANOSCAPIN4 ,#7 ~~7 6. J7:l,J;J - -~ ;----·· .. ····-· "'REPARS!o? C //3-~----:3 .. TE APP!-<OvE::> - _f~~; ~-::~ --- ENC.INEERINa, PLAN CMEC.::ER INDEX SHEET NO. L-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 L-S Si-lEET TITLE TITLE PAGE IRRIG:ATION PLANTING PLAN IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS PLANTING: SPECIFICATIONS IRRIG:ATION i PLANTING DETAILS 0 I AL. TOL.L. !=~EE 1-8(:Z)C,-42:2-4133 AT LSA$-TWO :,,:,, ye, 6E!"OR5 YOU :,1a, LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION NOTES: L The contractor mu,,t notlf!:j the L..andr.c11pe Architect,(~~) 131-1124, 4& hour& prior to &t.!lrt.1119 COlietructlol'l. 2_ ~on the complstlon of the roush 9rad1n9 the l<!lnci&c.ipe c=tr.!lctor &hall en9B9e '.he eo,1 and F'lllnt L..ab" to perform 6011& &ample& 4 te&te for a9r1cultur.il &ultal::>lllt!,j. Al I rer.ult& &ha II l::>e &ubmltted to the o....,.,r • Landecape Architect. eon amendment r.peclflc.!ltlo!'!& &hall be mod1f1ed to reflect the recommendatlOli e.et forth 111 the 6011& report_ ,. The contractor &hall be re&pOli&lble for obt.!lln1n9 building • plcmblng permit .. prior to commanc1n9 co11r.truct1on. 4. The c.o!'ltractor ehall recleve .!!II pl.!!ntl!'!9 areae roU9h 9raded wlthl11 °"" tsr,th of a root. E,_ The c=tr.!lctor &ha II not If(! the architect If dle,crapancle& ex1 .. t oetween ex1et1n9 6lte cond1t1one, and pla!'!&. t>. The c=tractor I• required to ri.111:1 ma111i..11n all 1a11d&C.!lped area& ror a period of(~! dB!,f> lifter 11ocsptance b!;j the "'""er'• rspre•e11tat1ve .!lfter which time the o...,er eh.!111 accept re&por,all::>lllt,1 of the c.or,tlnuoue mlllntei,ance of the proJect. ,_ No trse&, &n'ub& or 9roundcover ehall bs pla11ted unl.11 the t1n1&h 9rade 1,. •et and approved bl:/ ths la,.,d&c::ape arehlteot or o...,er'& repre&em.at1ve_ &. All ha11d planted 9roundc.over areae eha II J::,e top dre&&ed with 3" or med I cm 9rl11d wa 11<.-on barl<. muld'i, except for turf arsa .. _ ~ All 9rol.W1<:!cover area& llhall be pla11ted In a trla119le patteris unleu otherwles notad. td'. All groundc.over ..irea,. &hall be ripped to a depth of 12" and cleared of all etonee .!Ind rock.& or 9reater than l"_ 11. All 1.!ind&cape co,,&truot1011 &hall meet or exceed clt!j &ta11dard• a11d 9u1dellr,••· 12. The de&19n &ho'"" I& dla9ramm.itlc, the contractor ehall review the olte OOlidltlone prior to bidd1119_ ·····-------------------~ AFPROYE0 POR PL.ANTING ANO IRRIGATION ONL.'T' INCL.U01Nai PRECleE L.OCATION O!= PL.ANTINl:ai /l'f:__7s AREA~ OA'l'E 1---------------- OATE 1-------,-----------+--------------, ----·-... , ...... , ..... ,. e----+----+-.... ,. ------------~------~ ,.,..,,.,,.,. I ,l---1:lrr OIi CAfll..llB.!.0 ----1----+--------------+----I--~'----i __ _L__,_ ........ i "'" ,, .. ""' -····· 0 LANNI~ Der>Af.ittMEN"' 1----+----+-------------+---+----------_J .............. , _____________ _ -____ ,,_,, _____ , -·· . --------1 I LANOec.A.F'E IMF'ROV'EMSNT& IIOR: c---+·.. ·······---+----------··---·--·----+----+----'-' ---- : PL.ANNING ARIE.A. 2.4 /-21-p PAT , 3 <[ --l I-I ~ fl t l) 'I' I- I- cl > <[ <I) 1 r f)_ <[ ili I-I- I I-~ 0 I fl ~ I- I l) ~ Ir ~ 0 ~ --l ll Ill --' --l I: Di ll Ill x ~ t; i 0 ; £ Ill l Ill ~ Ill I <- • ill ~ Q) __, X cu (Q Olo?AWN BY, BAXTER (fl r- (fl 11) (fl -set- CHECKEO 6Y, BAXTER OATS PRSPA!o?S0 12-4-94 ~AU! CAOO NUMel!l'l e.MEET L = 1 ,OI= !;, ~HT6 ---------- f=!LAN'T' ING f=!LAN llilc!=clGA'T'ION f=ll..AN [RRIG:ATfON LEGEND I H rl I I 6UILOING UNli i'YPE I RE'l'.l.lNING WAl..1..& -·· · TYP1c;,.:.,i. TO EI..IMIN.ATE ~OP!i <I $ICE YARC> ._J 4 / NOTE;, fer:. ~o=E L.l.1';D$C.l.PE AND l'"'lo!li:loATION t:>EYELOi='l"".ENT ~ _pJ46:, !'-IO, :'7.22 -2-L- stil=J'Z ~. ,4-.... L.DOf'-.pi]'V"Tf- /'e fr"611.l 1ff'.P · --i:,1-,0YEI..-CUT LAJ..N EOOINC,, TYP I C .:.L 7.2 48 w z _J w 0 ). ft. w d) ~/4 1:-i:=' r<) ·--t--··-&'1AI..I.. FINa.E~ &I..OPE TO ee i'r'PICAL &iREEi TREE LEGEND 0 MELALEUCA LEUCADENDRON -15 GALLON CAJf PUT iREE FICUS RU61GINO5A -15 GALLON RUSTY LEAF FIG PINU& CANARIEN&i& -1S GALLON CANARY' !&LANO PINE Sl-tRUB PLANT LEGEND 0 Abelia Grandlflora 'Edward S, Gallon -Glosses Abella '/0< A9apanthus Africanus 00(_ I Gallon L11S of the Nile Grevlllea Noellii S, Ga I Ion -Bush Grev! Ilea 0 Hemeroca Ills Hsbrids I Ga lion -Da~lrls Lrgustrum Japonicum S, Gallon -Wax leaf Prlvet M~rtue Communls 5 Ga lion -Msrtle Goucher' Distictis Buccinatoria -Espa !lier IS Gallon -Blood-red Trumpet Vine Eur::;ops Pectinatus S Gallon -Golden Shrub Dais::J FE.:. Ti-.Ei.!ED OUT Al!> A PA~T OIi Ti-.E =IN.l.L C,io!.l.::l NG OF L.:.UJN .l.lo!EA $!..OP~$ $HAL!.. a~ =LAi\.:7!:'.ZO ANO 11=:Rlt:::JAij;:D Ft;R Cli'Y :,1.1.1c.;, NO. ~22-2- A-k. TRl=I=& TO i...OCATE MIN, 2> OUi o= R.O.UJ. \JO TREE::ei $HALI.. SE! ~OCATSD .L,IN EA$Ml=Ni$ Nandlna Pomestlca 5 Gallon -1-!eavenls Bamboo GROUNDCOVER LEGEND Phormlum Tenax 5 Gallon -Flax Fhotinla Fraseri 5 Ga ! Ion -Fhot rna Ffttoeporum Toblra Wheelers Dwarf I Gallon -Dwarf Tablra Raphiolep1s lndlca 'Pink. Lad~' 5 Ga lion -India l-lawthorn □ 11J<f-DWA<f FESCUE SOD 5l-lRU6 !3ED OF MED. GR/ND BARK MULCJ-l 3" DEEP, DRIP IRRIGATED. ® .. 6UlLOING UNli i'YFE I ,;,/4" ,;,/4 II El.I.I LK. ® I l..JEREB'r" DECI..ARE THAT I AN THE LiCENSED PESIC.NER OF WORK f'OR THIS PROJECT. tHAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARC.E OVER Tl-'E PESIC,N OF T!--lE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN S::CTION 6103 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS COPE, AND THAT T;.-lE DE5iC.N 15 CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT S7 ANDARP5. I UNDERSTAND THAT Tl--lE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINC,5 AND 5PECIFICATION5 BY Tl-'i": CITY OF CARl..5BAD 15 CONFl'lED TO REVll=W ONLY AND D0:=5 NOT RELIEVE HE, AS THE i..lCENS,Ep D:::51C.NER OF UJORK, OF MY RE5F051BLITIE5 FO!-< PROJECT PESIC.N. 5~"1BOL MANUF TYPE MODEL C.PM RA::> PSI BODY TYPE 7 NE;_5oN FOP-UP 7281 8Q-FL T 4 8' 30 b304 , __ ,. ... \ 111 NEi..50N FOF-UF 7:282 8H,:=c. T .8 8' 30 <?:104 .. .... ,. ' ¢ NELSON FOP-UF 12li l0Q-LA .4 10' 30 b304 '.;I NELSON POF-UP 1212 l0H-LA .B 10' 30 0:,04 .,. ® NELSO"l END CAP MODEL • 4021 0 BOWSMIF-l SINGLE FORT EMITTER ~OPEL 5-20-250" 2 C.FH TOTAL " 20 PSI -.,_.,._ -- LA5CC CLASS 200 PVC LATERAL SIZE AS SHOWN : -- - LASCO 5Ch 40 ~vc MAIN I..INE SIZE AS SHOUN ffiao•~. /·.N i/2" DIA FOi.. Y TUBNC., ATTACH W/ COHFRE:5510N FIT-lt--GS. ~·" (~ RICHDE;_ MODEL 111 APR / SE:NNINC.ER 20 PSI Rice, ' RAINDRIF 3/4" WYE FIL "'."ER .. ••~•~M. ~ RICHPE;_ MODEi.. 111 AFR E-EC"'."RIC caNTRAOI.. VALVE LU/ ANTI SIPHO!-, DEVICE CD-, "'•" KINC. BROTHERS BALL VALVE ( TXT!~INE 51Zcc ·~~-~ WALL MOUNT IRRIC.ATION CONTROLLER \lELSON B420 &:=RIES r-[gi] . WA T::R METER 3;,;." SIZE MIN L~:U " TH:' BAC<FLOW FREVENTIOI\ FO"s THE IRRIC.ATIOI\ 5'rS-EMS SHALL BE FRGVIDED BY THE INTEGRAL ANTl-51PHOI\ DEVICES AT THE VALVES, REFER TO DETAIL (R) RANGUARD , RAINSWITC~ !3Y WC,S, F'~ESSU~E L...OSS Cl-lA~T VALVE#& """' Latsra I r-------Line 1,2 "'1.a lnl lne 1,0 ····-·-!=it t Inge, 0.2 valve J.5, --,-~ eaci<,.flow F'reventer ,4,b _______ ,, ·~---··· "•-= U..later Meter IG:l,O ----. !!!levatton Oiangl!I - Total Loe,e, IE>.S r-,-.... _..,,. ___ eta tic F'ree.e.\.lre @CI.O ______ ,,,_ Minimum Re9. P~ee.e.\.1/'e JO.Cl .. "" ,_ i=,TATIC PRSei=>URE ee..,.IM.l.TSO AT ao pe,1 PEii,! =ee,co S\iC, 11'.SSRi=, -2'T.l.TION NLIMBE;lo! jC,Al..i..ONe =sR :-lNi.. TE L i:.A1..1..0Ne PEio! Hou~ VAl-VE CALL-OUT ps,1 PBI PBI P;,I PS.I PBI PS.I pe,1 PS.I PS.I THESE: FLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN 5US5TANTIAI.. CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED L..'\ND5CAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION FLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAi.. RELATED TO LAND5CAPl~G. ---·-·-·····---.·-------- E:Ni:.IN5Elo! l!'JG, P:..A!¼ ci-.sc;i.::sJ.? .. ,. ---··--··------ O' APP~OV"SO l=O~ Pl..ANilNG AND l~~IGiATION ONL. Y INCl..UOING PRECI~ LOCA'1"10N OI= PLANilNG A~E5A6 2Cl' RC1!! ·-·-·-·--.. ·--···· REVIEWS::, S'r", --··1·· __ ...L_ ______ _ .>Arn . ·-·-·· I_._ -1 °"2S: _ __c [ CIT!lA~~~~~~5e~,4~t_~71:r~&J ~----;--·_:~_= CANO~~~Nl~~~:;~T .. 4. s, l=O~, --+-------··-· AV.l.lo!.l. PHA!,E II ---- . ---------i----- ::>A"E _INIT.!_~ .. -- i' ~~ d= ~ ,A ------·'· ...... -------,-------,-- ------,------·---... -· ........ ·········---~ ING t,~~~:~ ~~-~~~! I ~OJ~T '10. ·1 l··· . ~i:2.AW1",J6 '\JO, -s?f -94---09 ~22-bl.. ------···· e.,.,. fi<!SY1e10Ne Cl.ATE L, L, L, L, I L, • I I L.._ Q) •-r ,,!) "' • ~ w ~ \J ""Cl 11 "' L.._ ii & ~ Q) ~ ~ GI --+-> X 8._ ,:: j <l ~ "' cu ,,, ' <: ""Cl W G a) <: -~ "' ~ 3 . J .... A D ~ [_ _J DATE F'Rl:FARl:D 1:2-,4-~,4 SCALE l"•ICI' GADD NUMeER I . ·····- .... ~ ' r- "' r 1 . I ,. I IRRIGATION SYSTEM Q!i:l!,JfJ!J"'!. • A. SCOPE OF WORK Provide all labor. material$, equipment. and se<Vices necessary to furnish and install lnigation System as shown on the drawings and described herein, 8. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND RECUIREIIIIENTS 1 -Permits and Fees The Contractor shall obtah and pay tor any and all penn~s and all inspections as req.,ired. 2. Manufac1t1re:(s Pirecti9os Manutacture(s directions and detailed drawings shall be tolloWed in all cases where lhe manufacturers or articles used in this contract furnish directions covering points not shewing the drawings and specifications. 3. Ordinances and Rernilations All local. municipal and state iaws. and rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part or these specttications and their provisions shall be carred out by the Contractor. Anything containe<J in mese specrr.:at1ons shall nol be construed to con11ict with any of the above rules and regulations ot the same. However. when these specttications and drawings call lor or describe materials. workmanship, or construct10n ol a better quamy, higher standard, or larger si:ie than is required by the above rules and regula!IOns. the provisions of these specifications and drawings shall take precedence. 4. Exoianation of Drawings Contractor is responsible for all offsets. fittings. sleeves, etc-, whieh may be required but ~re not indicated. Contractor will carefully inves1igate the s1ructural and finishe<J conditions affecting all of the work a.nd plan the work accordingly, tumishing such 1ittings; etc., as may be requir~ to meet such conditions. Drawings are generalty diagrammatic and indicative of th'! ~ork to be installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid c:onmcts between 1mgat1on systems, planting, and arcMectural features. The contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system as shown on the drawings when it is , obvious in the field that unknown obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies 1n area dimensions exist that might nor have been considered in engineenng. Such obsl11Jc~ions or differences should be brought to the attention of the ONne(s authorized representative. In the event this notification is not perlormed, the Contractor shall assume full respons1b1lity for any ; revision necessary. C. SUBMITTALS 1 . 2. 3 4 Material List Furnish the articles. equipment. matenals, or processes specdied by name in the drawings and specifications_ No substitution will be alloWed wrt:hout prior wrrtten approval by the Archi1ect. Complete material list shall be submitte<J prior to pertorming any work_ Matenal liSI shall include the , manufacturer. rmdel nurmer and description of all material and equipment lo be used , Equipment or materials ins1alled or furnished without prior approval ot the_ ArcMect may be rejected and lhe Contractor re-quir'ed to remove such materials from the srte at his own e,r;pense. Approval of any item. alternate or substitute indicates only lha.t the product or product~ apparently meet the requirements of the drawings and specifications on the basis of the 1ntarmat1on or samples submitted. Record Drawings a. Refer to Division 1, Section O, 700 b-The contractor shall dimension 1rom two permanent points o1 reference, building cotnerS, sidewalk., or road intersections: etc., the locat;ons of the foUowing items: 11) 12) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Connection to e:r:isting water tines. Connection to e;w:1sting electrical power Gate va.,es. Routing of s~tinkler pres:;ure lines (dfrriension max. 1 oo· along routing) Sprinkler control valves. Routing of control wiring. Ouick coupling valves Other related equ,pment as directed by the Architect c. On or before the date of the final inspect,on, lhe Contractor shall deliver the corrected and completed sepias to :he Arctlitect. Delivery of the sepias will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of fumistling required intom,ation that may be omitted from the prints_ Corrtro/ler Charts a. Record drawings shall be approved by lhe Architect before controller charts are prepared. b. c. d. e. f. g. Provide one controller c:hart for each controller supplied. The chart shall show t!le area controlled by the automatic controller and shall be the maximum size wtiich the cortrolfer door will allow. The chart ,s to be a reduced drawing of the actual as•built system. However, in the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a size that will be readable when reduced. The chart shall be a blackline or blueline osalid print and a different color shall be used to I indicate the area of coverage for each station. Wilen ccmpleted and approved. the chart shall be hermetically sealed between lwo pieces of plastic, each piece being a mlnlrn.Jm 10 mils thtek_ These charts shall be COfll)leted and appl'Oved prior to final inspection o1 lhe irrigation system. O□erntkm and Main1enance Mam,al5 Prepare and deliver opel'ation and mairitenance manuals as specified in Division 1 and as follows: a.. Catalog and parts sheets on every material and equipment installed undet this Contract. b. Guarantee statement. c. Complete operating and maintenance instructions on all major equipment. d. In addition to the above-mentioned maintenance manuals. provide the ONne(s maintenance personnel with instructions for major equiJ;Jment and show evidence m writing 10 the Archttect at the conclusion of the project that this service has been rendered. s -Eauiomeot ro Be Fu mi shed Supply as a part of this Contract the following tools: a. Two sets of special tools required for removing, disassembling and adjusting each type ol sprinkler and va"e supplied on this project. b_ Two five•fool valve keys for operation of gate valves. c. Two keys for each automatic controller. d. Six quick coupler keys and matching hose swivels for each type of qu1c1< coupJ;ng valve installed. I The above•mentioned eQuipment sMII be turned over to the ONner at the conclusion of the project. Before final 1nspect10n can occur. evidence that the Owner has received material must be shewn to the Arcbilect. D. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Handli~g of PVC Pipe and Fitti_ngs: Th? ~ontractor is cautioned to exercise care in handling, loading, unioad1ng, and storing of PC p,pe and fitt,ngs. All PVC pipe shall be transported in a vehicle which allows the length of pipe to lie flat so as not to subject It to undue bending or concentrated extemal load at any point. Any section of pipe that has been dented or damaged will be discarded and, ~ inslalled, shall be replaced with new piping. E. GUARANTEE The guarantee for the sprinkler irrigation shaB be made in accordance wtth the fonn shown below. A copy ot the guarantee fom, shall be included in the operations and maintenance manual. The guarantee torm shall be re-typed onto lhe Contracto(s letterhead and contain the following information: '.!. A. GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM we hereby guarantee that the sprinkler irrigation system we have furnished and installed is fr':" lrom defects in materials and workmanship, and the work has been completed 1n accordance with ,he drawings and specifications, ordinary wear and tear and unusual aoose or neglect expected. We agree to repair or replace any defects in material or workmanship which may de~elop during the period of one year from date of acceptance and also to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repa,nng or replacing of such defects at no addttional CCSI to the ONner. We shall make such repairs or replacements wrthin a reasonable time, as determined by the ONner, alter receipt of written notice. In the ev~nt of our failure to make such repairs or replacements within a reasonable time after receipt of wrrtten m;itice from the Ow11e,r, we authorize the Owner to proceed to have said repairs or replacements made at our expense and we w,11 pay the costs and charges therefor upon demand. PROJECT: LOCATION'_: ___ _ SIGNED: Contractor ADDRESS: PHONE: DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: J'J110~a!C'l"3 MATERIALS 1 . 2. 3. 4 5. General: Use only new materials of braods and types ooted on drawings, speci1led herein. or approved equals. pvc Pressure Malo Line pipe; and Eit1i09S a. Pressure main line piping for all siies shall be PVC -:='"<.;. f--j -4 .~ b Pipe shall be made from NSF approved Type 1, Grade 1 PVC compound conforming to c. d. e f. ASTM resin specification 1785. All pipe shall meet requirements as set forth In Feder.al Specttication PS-21-70. (Solvent-weld pipe). PVC solvent•weld littings shall be Schedule 40, 1·2. 11-1 NSF approved conforming to ASTM lest procedure D2468. _ , , Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent-wek! p,pe and fittings shall be of type and installation methods pl'escnbed by the manufacturer. All PVC pipe shall bear the following markings: (1) Manufacturers name. (2) Nominal pipe size. (3) Schedule or class. (4) Pressure rating in PSI. (5) NSF INat10nal SaMation Foundation) approval. All fittings :;ha.II bear the manufacturer's name or trademari< material designation, size. applicable I P.S. schedule and NSF seal ol approval. PVC Non-Pressure Lateral Line Piping a. Non-pressure buried lateral line piping shall be PVC class 200 wrth solvent weld 101nts. b, Pipe shall be made from NSF approved, Type 1, Grade It PVC compound conform,ng to ASTM resin specification D1784. All pipe shall meet requirements set forth 1n Federal Spectticat,on PS·22•70, with an appropriate standard dimension ratio. , _ c_ Except as noted in SectiOn 11-A,a & b, all requirements far non-pressure lateral line pipe and fittings shall be the same a..s fer solvent-weld pressure main line p,pe and fittings as set forth in Section 11-A-2 of these specttications. Brass Pioe and Frttings a. Where indicated on the drawings, use red brass screwed pipe confom,ing to Federal Spectt.cat,on #WW•P·351. b_ Fittings shall be red brass conforming to Federal Specrtication #WW-P-460. Galvanized Pioe Fif1inas a. Where indicated on the drawings, use galvanized steel pipe ASA Schedule 40 m,ld steel ' ; ' I screwed pipe. . . . b. Fittings shall be medium galvinized screwed beaded malleable iron, Galvanized couplings may be merchant coupling. 6. 7 c . AU ga.,arnzed pipe fittings installed below grace shall be painted wrth two 121 coa,s pl Koppers "#50 Brtumastic.- Gate Valves a. Gate valves 3· and smaller Shall be \":O lb 1·>1(,. .tc'Ai.-1.... valve with screw-,n oonret. non-rising stem and solid wedge disc. b. c. d. Gate valves 3· and smaller shall be threaded ends and shall be equipped wrth a bronze hand wheel Gate valves 3" and smaller shall be-similar 10 those manu1~res by Nibco Of' approved equal. All gate valves shall be installed per installation detail. Quick Coup1jng Valves _ _ Quick coupling valves shall have a br'ass ti.vo-piece body des19ned for woM,;1ng pressur~ of 150 P.S.I. operable with quick coupler.Key size and type shall be as shown on plans. ....... -=---,,:;------;c----,:c-,--;--;-:·~ ·-·-··. a Backflow Prevention Untts 9. 1 a_ 11 . 12. 13, a. Back1low ptevention units shall be of size and type ind_icat_ed on the irr~ation dr~ings, Install backflow prevention units in accordance wrth 1mgat10n constructions detail~. b. Wye Strainers at backflow prevention units shall have a bronzed screwed body with 30 mesh monel screen and shall be similar to Bailey .. 1008" or approved equaL Check valves - Anti·drain valves shall be of heavy •duty virgin PVC construction with F.I.P. thread inlet ano outlet. fntemal parts shall be stainless steel and neoprene. Anti-<lrain valve shall be field adjustable against dra.wout from 5 to 40 fee1 of head_The anti-drain valve shall be similar to the Valcon ~ADV or approved equal. Control Wfrina a. Connections between the automatic controllers and the e_lectric conlrol vales shall be made with direct OOrial copper wire AWG-U.F. 600 volt. Pilot wires shall be a d1tteren1 color wire torm each automatic controller. Comm:,,n wires sha.11 be white wrth a different color stripe for each automatic controller. Install in a~rd~e with valve manufacturer's specifications aro wire chart. In oo case shall wire size be less than #14 b. C. d. e. t. Wiring shall occupy lhe same trench and shall be inslalled along the same route as pressure suppjy or lateral lines wherever possible_ Where rmre than one (1) wire is placed in a trench, wiring shall be Japed together at inlervals of ten(10) feet. An expansion curl shall be provided wtthin three {3) feet of each wire connection. _ Expansion curl shall be ot sufficient length ar each splice conriectK>n at each electnc control, so that in case of repair. the 'JaJve bonnet may be brought to the surtace _w,thout disconnection of the control wires. Control wires shall be laid loosely in trench without stress or stretching of control wire conductors. All splices shall be made w~h SCOtch•LOk #3576 Connect~>r Sealing Packs, Rainbird snaP"t~e wire connector, or approved equal. Use one spl,ce per connector sealing pad<. Fiald splices between the automatic controller and electrical control valves will nol be allowed wah our prior approval of the Architect. Automatki Controllers 1 a. Automatic controllers shall be ol si:ie and type shown on the Plans. _ b Final 1ocat10n ol automatic ccntrollers shall be approved by the Owne(s authonzed representative_ . _ c. Unless otherwise noted on the plans, the 120 volt electncal power to lhe automabet,ch i:ontroner location to be furnished by others. The final electrical hook-up shall t e responsibility of the irrigation contractor. d. Automatic Controllers shall be installed in a vandal-proof enclosure. Electric control va1ves a AD electric control valves sMII be the same manufacturer as the aulomatic controllers. b. All electric ccntrol valves shall have a manual flow adjustment. c. Provide and install one conlrol valve box tor each electric control valve Control Valve BoiR'.eS a Use 9 by 24 inch round box for all :'?bl.Lvalves. Brooks #9 or approved equal. b·. Use 9·1/2 b/ 16-by 11•inch rectangular box for all electrical control va.,es. Carson Industries 1419-128 or approved equal. : 14. sonnk!er Hen a. Al sprili<ler heads shall be of the same si:ie, type, and deliver tl;le same rate of prec,pitation with tile diameter (or radius) of throw, pressure, and discharge as shown on the plans and/or spec~ied on these special provisions. b. Spray heads shaU have a screw adjustment c. Riser unrts shall be fabncated in accordance with the details. d. Riser nipples for all sprinkler heads shall be the same size as the riser opening in the sprinkle , All sprinkler heads A. INSPECTION 1 . S~e Conctttions a. All scaled dimensions are approximale. The Contractor shall check and vertty all so:e dimensions and receive Archttect's approval prior to proceeding wrth work under this Section. b. Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near existing urril~ies. Contractor shall be responsible lor damages to utilities which are caused by his operation or neglect. Check existing utilities drawings lor existing ulility locations. c. Coordinate installation o1 $prinkler irrigation materials. inc/udlng pipe, so there shall be no interference with util~ies or other construction or difficulty in planting trees. shrubs, and ground covers. d. The Contractor shall carefully check all grades to satisfy h,msen that he may safely proceed before starting worx on the sprinkler irrigation system_ 8. PREPARATION ,_ 2, 3. Phvsical t avout a Prior to installation, the Contractor shall stake out all pi-essure supply lines, routing and loca1ion of sprinkler heads. b. All layout shall be approved by Archnect prior to ins1allation. Water Suoolv a. Sprinkler irrigation system shall be connected lo water supply points ot connection as indicated on the drawings b. Connections shall be made at approximate loeatioos as shown on drawings. Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. Eledricat StJPQly a. Electrical connections for automatic controller shall be made to electrical points of connection as indicated on the drawings. b Connections shall be made at approximate localions as shown on drawings. Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual srte condrtions. C. INSTALLATION 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8, 9 10. Trenching a. Dig lrenches straight and support pipe continuously on sand bedding at bottom of trench. Lay pipe 10 an even grade.Trenching excavation shall lollow layou1 indicated on drawings and as noted. b. Provide for a minimum of eighleen (18") inches cover lor au pressure supply lines. c. Provide ror a minimum cover of twelve ( 12") inche,; for all non-pressure lines. d. ProtJide for minimum cover ot eighte~~ .:~J1"} _inct: ..-s_for __ alf control wiring. l eacldil!ina f a_ The trenches shaR not be backfill.,,. antil all req.,_ired tests are preformed Tre_nches shall / be carefully backfilled wrth the excavated rnatenal approved by lhe Soils Eng,neer for back-filling consisting or earth, loam, sandy clay, sand, or other approved materials, tree from large clods of earth or stones Backfill shall be mecMn.cally compacted in landscaped areas to a dry densrty equal to adjacent undisturb...-1 soil in planting areas. Backfill will conform to adjacent grades wrthout dips, sunken areas, humps or other surtace b. C. d. irregularities. A line granular material backfill will be inrtiaUy placed on all lines. ~o foreign matter larger I than one-hatt (112) inch ,n size will be pennitted ,n the ,M,al backfill. Flooding of trenches will be pennitted only wrth the approval ol the Soils Engineer. If settlement occurs and subsequent a.djustrnents in pipe, valves, sorinkler heads, lawn or planting, or other construction are necessary, the Contractor shall make all required adjustments without cost to the Owner. Irenchion aod Backfill Under Paving a. Trenches located under areas where paving, asphaltic concrete or concrete shall be backfilled wrth sand (a layer six inches below the pipe and three inches above the pipe) and compacted in layers to 90% Trenches 1or piping shall be inspected by the Soils Engineer prior to installing ttle pipes. A.ii trenches shall be left flush with the adjoining grade. The-sprinkler inigation Contractor shall set in place, cap ard pressure leSI all p,p,ngf under paving prior to the paving work. I b. Generally, piping under existing walks is done by jacking.boring or hydraulic driving, but where any cuning or breaking o1 sktewalks and /or concrete is necessary, It shall be done and replaced by the Contractor as pa11 of the Contract cost. Peim,ssion to cut or break sidewalks and/or concrete shall be obtained from the Archi'tect No hydraulic driving will be pennitted under concrete paving. c. Provide for a minimum cover of twenty-four inches between the top of the pipe and the bottom of the aggregate base 1or all pressure and non-pressure piping installed under asphaltic concrete paving. Assemblies a Routing of sprinkler irrigation lines as indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic. lns1all lines and variOus assemblies to conform with the details shown on drawings. b. Install no fTIJltiple assemblies on plastic lines. Provide each assembly with its own outlet. 1 c. Install all asserrblies spe-citicied herein in ac.cordance wrth respective detail. In absence of' detail drawings or specif,cations pertaining lo spec~ic items required to complete work.perform such work in accordance with best standard practice wrth prior approval of Architect d. PVC pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. dust and moisture before installation. Installation and so"ent•welding methods shall be as recommenced by the pipe and finings manufacturer. e. On PVC to metal connections. the Contractor shall work lhe metal connections 1irst. Te11on tape or approved equal shall be used on all threaded PVC to PVC, and on all lhreaded PVC to metal joints Light wrench pressure is all that is required.Where threaded PVC connections are required use threaded PVC adapters into which the pipe may be welded. Line ClearaCKie All lines shall have a minirrum clearance of six inches from each other and from lines ot other trades. Parallel lines shall nol be installed directly over one another. Awomatk; Controller a Install controller in a vandal proof enclosure. b Install as per manufacture(s ,nstructions. Remote control valves shall be connected to controller in numerical sequence as shown on the drawings. High Voltage Wldng for Automatic Controller a. t 20-volt power connection to the automatic controller shall be provided by the Irrigation Contractor. b. All electrical work shall conform to local codes, ordinances.and union authorities having jurisdittion_ _ _ Rerrintti-Contiei Yatves Install where shown on drawings and details. When grouped togelher, allow at least twelve inches between valves. Install each remote control valve in a separale vaJve box., Flushing of System a. Atter all new sprinkler pipe lines and risers are in place and connected, all necessary diversion work has been cornpleted,a.nd prior to installation of sprinkler heads the con1r01 valves shall be opened and a full head of water used to flush out the system. b Sprinkler heads shall be installed only after flUshing of the system has been accomplished, to the complete sati,;faction of the ArcMect. f Sorinkler Heads a. Install the sprinkler heads as designated on the drawings.Sprinkler heads to be installed in this work shall be equivalent in all respects to those itemi2ed. b. Spacing of heads shall not exceed the maximum indicated on he drawings. In no case shall the spacing exceed the maximum recommended by the manufacturer. D. TEMPORARY REPAIRS The Owner reserves the right lo make temporary repairs as necessary ta keep the sprinkler system eQUipment in operating cond~ion. The exe,dse of this right by the Builder·Developer shall not relieve the Contractor ol his responsibilities under the terms ot the guarantee as herein specttied. I E. F, EXISTING TREES Where rt iS necessa,y to excavate adjacent to existing trees. the Contractor shaU use all possible care to avoid injury lo trees and tree roots. Excavation in areas where !W<).inch and larger roots occur shall be done by hand. All roots rwo inches and larger in diameter, except directly in the path of pipe or condun, shall be tunneled under and shall be heavily wrapped with burlap lo prevent scarrng or excessive d,ying, Where a ditching machine is run close to trees having roots smaller than two inches in diameter. the wall of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be hand•trimme<J, making clean cuts through. Roots one-inch and larger in diameter shall be painted with rwo coats of Tree Seal or equal. Trenches adjacent lo lrees should be closed wrthin lwenty•four hours, and where this is not possible, the side of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be kept shaded wrth burlap or canvas. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL t . Adiustment of the System a. The Contractor shaU flush arr:! adjust all sprinkler heads for optimum performance and to prevent overspray onto walks, roadWays, and buik!ings as rrtJCh as possible b. If it is determined that adjustments in the irrigat10n equipment will provide proper and more adequate coverage, the Contractor shall make such adjus1ments prior to planting. Adjustments may also include Changes in nozzle sizes and degrees of arc as required. c. Lowering raised sprinkler heads by the Contractor shall be accomplished wnhin ten days after notffication by ONner. d. All sprinkler head shall be set perpendicular to finished grades unless otherwise designated on the plans. 2. TestiOQ of irrloauon Svstem a. b. C d. e I, The Contractor shall request the presence of lhe Architect in writing at least 4a hours in advance of Jesting. TeSI all pressure lines under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square ,nch and prove watertight. NOTE: Testing ot pressure ma,n lines shan occur prior to installation of electric control valves. All piping under paved areas shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure ol 150 pounds per square ,nch and proved watertight prior lo paving Sustain pressure In lines for not fess than two hours for laterals and 24 hours for mainlines. If lea.ks devek)p, replace joints and repeat test until entire system is pmven wa1er-tight. All hydrostatic tests shall be made only in tbe presence ol the Archrtect or other duly authoriZed representatNe of the O..Vner, No pipe shall be backfilled untu it ha.s been inspected, tested and approved in writing and shall be re-tested after bacldill operations are complete. FumisB necessary force pump and all other test equipment. t-- __J ct ; ~ t-rrt-t-t-t-HHHH--+--+-.. - Ill ,-. -<( (\ Ile ~ Ill, :r lJ z -<I ][ ~ I". .. 'le Cl t, t-t-H--t----J-,,-r---i--ri-t-'-,-j g ~ fll ~ II £ H-1·-t--t---t-rH-----t---t--t---t-ti "' '" ~ ~~ ~ 3~ rn z 0 5 I.L u w a. (/) z 0 !;i: !:2 a: a: CF REVISICNB BV ,B"_AWN Ir.I CHEC:l<l!D ,).. . _, / CATE . ■CALe" ,-,vr~ JOB NC. BHEET -----·· --··-" . ·- L-3 RMel!Tll!I I. LA'IDSCAPE PLANTING GDIERAL A. SCOPE OF WORK ~umish all 13bor, material. O<l!Jipmenl and services n8Cessa,y 1D provk!e aB ta......te.-.. _.. plam......, CO""'"'lete "'place, as sriown and $1)8C#ied. ,__. • ..,, ··~ 1. Wnds Specified In thi:;; Sedion a Soil preparation b_ Planting e_ Stteding d. $taking e. Clean-up 2. Belated Work SPflciDed In mher Sectiomr a. ltriQ.ilion S~stern... b_ EarthwQric, irctuding rough grading l...andscapo Maintenance. B • Quality Assuranc• 1, Souu:e Q ralitv Cooto>f· a. Submll dc"X':l..lr'nl!tntatlon to Architect :Jt least live (5} Cays prior to stan ot work under this Sect~n t~1 a.II p~nr matariat has been ordered. Arral"IQe procedu(e tor inspectio of plant material with A,r.hitec:1 at ti~ ot submissioo. b. Pla,nts shaH be subj~ to ins~~n ~nd approval of An::hitecr at plaa, of growth of upon ~elive~ for confo~•r to $peci1,cat10ns, Such appr'Oval shall not impair' th@ right of !nsp~_10n anel re1ect10~ 01Jrino progress of the work_ Submit written request tor tnSped.lOll of plant rrui(ena1 at plac;e o1 orowth lo An:hitect.. Written requ~st sllall sta1e the place Of grQWth and quantity of plants 10 be inspected. The Alchitect J'eserves right 10 tefuse inspection at this time it ITT hi.s judgment a sufficient quantity of plants is not available for inspectkm. • ' C. SUBMITTALS Certificate ol lMSpection of runt material by State or Federal Authortry. D. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 1 . De1wrv· a. Denver fet1ilrzer_ to si1e in o,iginal unopen~ containers bearing manufacturers guaranteed chemicm 2matysis, name, trademark, and conformance to Stale Law. b. Deliver plants with legible identification label& (1) Label tfee~, evergrnens, bundle::; of contaznenJi of likf: shrubs. ('Ir groundcov~, plants. (2) State correct ~ant name anti siZe indicated on plant list .. (3) Use durable wate(l)f"Ool labels with water--4"esist.3.nt ink; which will remalfl legible lot at least 60 days. c. Protect malenaJ during: delivery to prevent d~e to rootball or desk;:caiion of leaves. d. The Contractof $hall notify the Landscapt1 Architect forty-eiQnt (4S) hOur'S in advance of delivery at all pl.ui materials and sliall submit an i1:errJzeQ list ot trie plants in each delivery 2. ~- a. S(Qre plant material in sn.ade and pfotect from weath~r- b. Maintain and pro1ea: Pl~ material not to bf!' plantecJ within tour tY;>utS. 3 H:mdlina: a. Do no1 dmp plant mat~. b_ Do not pick up container ptant material by stems or trunk$ E. JOB CONDITIONS 1. Pla011ng Perform actual plantiOQ only when wea1ner and soil condilions are :suitabl11t in accordance with loca.lly accepted practice. L _ _ 2. Sched1 dlog lnSlaff trees, .shrl.Jbs. and liner stock plant m,;lferiaj t>efan.t hydraulic seeded lawn areas are installed. F. SAMPLES A'ID TESTS The ~~nd~ape Archit~ r11tsen,es the right la take and analyze samples ot m;;iferials. far contonnity to sp~cff1cah□ns a1 any hme. Contr.ai;:tor stlatl furn.iSh samples upon ret"1uest by Landscape Architect ReJe-~ed mat~rial:s_ shall b8 immediately removed from the srte at Contractors e:xpense. Cast of testing o1 matenals not ~ettn;J specifications shall be paid by contractor. G. GUARA'ITEE AND REPLACEMENTS 1. Guaumtee '."'II plant mater~! in.stalled und11tr the Contract shall_ be guaranteed 219,i_inst any .=ind all poor, inadequate or 1nlenor materials and/or WQl"Kmansh1p for a penod ol one year atter date of acceptance by Owner. Any pl.am: found to be dead or in poor condition due to faulty materials or w_orlu-nanship, as determined by the Lanc!scape Archrlect. shall be replaced by the Contfactor a, his e:xpense. 2_ Beofacemern Any ma1erials found to be dead, missing or in poor condil;ion dUfing th& estab!ishn"lent period shall be rep,.=icetd immediately. The Landscape Architect Sh.ill be the sole judge as to 1he condition 01 m_aten.al. Malena.I to ~ replaced within the guarantee period stia!I be reptttced by the Contractor wt1h10 15 days ot writt1m notification by the Owner. !"lllllll!HJCTS A, GENERAL 'l'he following organic a~d SQil a~~nd~nts and fertilizer are to be used for bid price basis only_ Specific amendments and fenihzer spec1fteat10ns will be made aft~r grading operations are complele and soil samples are testeo by Owner. ~II materials shall be of standan:t, approved .and 1irst-grade quality an(I shall be in prime condition when 1nstalle:d and accepted_ Any cammerc1alty processed or packaged material Sl'lall be delive(ed to the site in the original unop~ned C?ntaintJr bearing lhe manufacturer's guaranteed analysi.s.Ccntr~or s.ha.!I Sul}Pl'f Landsapce ArehrtRci with a sample Of all SUPDlied marnrials accompanied by analytical data from an approved laboratory source illuS1ra1ing compliance or ~aring the manufacturer's gua,anteed analysis. ~ -Omanic Amendmem Nitmgen Stabilized'. 0.56 to 0.84% N based on dry weight for fir sawm..ist 2. Particle Sk,r 95%-1 00% passing 6.35mm standard sleva_ 80%-100"'/4 passing ~.3:3mm standan.1 siev~. 3. llalinitl' ----'----- the saturation axtract conductivity shall nol exceed 3.5 millimr"lo$.cenlimeter at 25 degrees centigrade as ttalennined by saturalion extract method. 4_ Iron Content: ~iO.rrum 0.08% dltute acid sob.rable Iron on dryweignt basis. 5. Am: O • 6-0% (dry weight). &. SoH Anl":odmem Gypoum: ,'lgricultural grade p,oduce ""11aining 98% mlnllTllm calcium sulphate. 7. Eertm;;;:er 8. Planting fertfflzer: Shall consist Of the following peroents by weight as mant.d..dured by: 6% oltrogen. 20% phosphoric acid. 20% polash Southern Calilcmla Organic Fo,t;lizo, Ca. ll"ll PO Box 4907 El Moma Cal!omta 917:34--0907 (213) 245--6849 Too Press Eenmznc Shall conSist ot u1e following percent by weight and shall be mixed by a commefcial fertilizer supplier. 12% nitR>QOn 12'll, phosphori<: acid 12% potash PRINTED OM CLEA.MPRIN11000H Ill. 9. 10. Plamloo TiIDl@t3" a. To be sbw-release type, containing the following percantages of l"l.ltrient• by weigflt: 20%. nilrogen 1 0% pi,,.,,,,1ionc a.:;d 5% polash b. To be 21 orarn tablets as ~red by Agnlorm or approY8d equal, applied per rrumtacrurer& ~ Top So~ Top soil, as requ#'ed, $l"ial b8 olXan:td tmm on-d:e planling excavations:. 11. Plant Matecial 12. 13. 14. 15. a Pl.mis shall be ri accordanc:., wi11i the California State Department of Agriculture·~ regu.laoon for nurS1:try inspections, rules and r.iling. An plar1S shall have a nonnaJ habil of growth and shall be sound, healthy, vigorous. and 1,ea 01 insect intest.;ttions, plant diseases. sunscalds, fresh bras)Ons of the bark. excessive abrasions. Of other object- ion.able disfigurements. Tfee tn.inks shall be sturdy and wed 'hardened' otf. All µJants shall Ii.ave normally well-devEtloped btanch sy5tems and vigorous and fibl"ous mot systems Whi<;:h are nm mot Qr pot-bound. In the event ot disagreement as to condi1ion Of root System. the root conditions of the plants ft.imishad by the Contractor in containers will be determined by rerrovaJ of earth tmm the roof=I; of not leS$ than two Plants or more than two percent of Uut total numoe, of plants of species or vatiety. wne"' container1;Jrown plants are fmm sever-at sources. the roots of not less than two plants 01 eactl species or variety fromeach SQ.Jn;e will be inspected. ln case the sample plants inspecied a.re found to ~ delectiv8, the Landscape Architect reserves the right to reject the enlire kit or lots of plants fepresenced by the defective samples. The Landscape Architect is the sole judge as to acceptability. Any plants rendered unsuitable lot pl.anting becau~e ot this inspection will be considered as samples and will be provided at the e:Kpenss ot the contractor. b. C. d. •• The s~e of t~e Pl.afU: wm cortesponct y,,ith that nr:mnaUy expectW 1or speciBO and variety or commercrally available nursery stock or as specified in the: Special ConcHtion.s or dra.winQS. Tne minimum acceptabk, size of all planls measured betoro p,uning wrtn the branches in nonna, position, shaU conlonn with Ute measurements. if any, specified an the arawinqs in the liSl Of plants to be tumisl"led. Attnts larger in 5ize than specified may be used with the approval or tho Landscape Archit!!!Cl, but the use at lafqer plants is approved, lhe ball 01 earth Of spread of roots la, each plant will be increased proportk,nau,ty All Plants not contorming to the requlremttnts herein specitied, shall be t;l'.msidered derecu~e and such plants, \IJhethe_r in place or oot, shall oe marked as rejected and 1mmed1atefy rem:ivl:td from th1:t site of wol'k an(I replaced with new plan1s at the COnt~~ctl"K"s e~pens.e. The plants shaU be of 1he species. variety. si.:i::e and condition sp~if_1ed_ ~r~1i, Of as ~n on ~he drawings. Under no conditions will thers-by any substi1ullon of plant$ or srzes listed on the accompanying p(an$, except with the l!!xpressed consent of 108 lalldscape Afchiled.. Al no time ~naJI lrees _OI' plant rm.teriaJ be pruni:wJ, trimmlild or topped prior ro delivery and anv alterau~n of ttte1r Sl"lape shall be oonc1uct8d only with tne approval and when in ptesence o1 lhe L~ Atchil:~ and as noted on tho Planting Specifications. Plant ~erial sha:11 be tNe to botanical and common name and vttri~ as specified in ·A Ch~&ll~ of W~ady-Oma.mental Plants in California·. Manuttl 32, publi$hed by the Unwe~ ol Calilcm,a School or Agricu~uro (1963). Nwserv Grown and CollftrtPd St@· a Grown uiider climatic: oondii_ions similar to tl10se SI .localrty of project. b. COnta1net----orown stoek in vigorous, hea!thy condition, no root-bound o, with root sytem hardened off. C. Substirute pl.ant material will not tie permitted unlessspecifically approved in writing by the Al-chited. Tree Stqkfm Material a. Staket. for Tree Support: (1) Lod9e pale pine slaktt~ full-length treated with coppemaphthanare. {2) Mirumum Nominal sizir,: 2-in diameter x: 12' long and pointed at one erid (adfusted length to 1i1 treir,)_ b , Hose and Wira Ties SW! ( t) Galvinized wire with cynch tie. (2) Wire shall be zinr;-:roatect iron, 10 gage minimum, and SOild core_ Wire C'OVRring at tree shall be 1_12 inch diameter mini~m. new 1Wo-ply garden hose (reinforced rubber or plasncl, (3) All guys ~re lo ~ Hagged, Ninety petcent wire length is to be covered. Whi'!e PVC 1/4 inch d.ameter tube cavering SM.JI be used. Install p8r Standard Oeta~ #21 0,, All sew used tor lawn planting _or e~sion control pl.anting 01 for any oth11:tr reasons specified in the plans shaU be labeled and furnished in seaJed stani;1ard containers wi1h duplic~le signed copies of a $1a:tement lr?m the ve~r~-ce/'tifying l~t each containet of seed delivered is tully \a.be!~ in accor~ance with thE: C.i.hfom1.a State AgrlCUltural Code. Seed which has becom11:t we1. tnoldy or other-side damaged tn transrt or storage will riot be accepted. . Hvdrom,,lchioo a Woi"X't Cellulose Mul(:h -Mulch shall be clean, natural, wood cellulose fiber'_ Natural wood cellulose_ fibe~ ~~JI be pn.'.>cessed in such a manner that it will co.nt21.in nQ growth or gen-rnnahon inhibiting f~ctors ano shall be dyed green to facilitate metering ol materials. It ~hall bt1 manola<=:1u~d 1_~ such a manner that after that after each ::iddition,and agitatinion ,n slurry t3:nks wnh fen1ll:zer, seed. water and other approved additrles. thtJ fibers in the m~eri.aJ will become unilormfy suspended to form a homogen~us slurry; and &hat when hy~raulicaUy s~ayed on the grou~ cover impfegnated uniformly with seed; ana which after appl~n. wiU allow U-.e abSorpti()n of moisture and will aUow ralntaa to preco!a.te to · the underlying soil. b. FenUi.2::er shall consist OI organic mater'ials comprised of decomposed animal and ve-gtable mane, and oomposted to suppon McteriaJ cuttufes_ Fertili.2::er shall be ·Gm-Powe,.. or apptovecl equal, c. Soil Birrler • Tetra: Tadt Ill Of appruvl!!d ~ 1 s. Eauipment Hydra~lic equipm~ u.se<:f for the appl~ation at :silurry sha.U have a built-in agitalion system with an operating capacity sufficient to ag11a1e. suspend and homoi:,eneousl~ mix .al:x:,ve slurry. Dis\fibution lines shall be larg11:t enough 10 pr11tvent stoppage and to provide even di$tribution ot 1he slurry over th8 grounc:t. In order to facilitate proper coverage, the pump must be capable or exerting up to 150 psi at the noule_ Tha slurry tanJc:; Shall have a minimum capacity ot 1500 gallons and shall be mounled on a travelitg unit which will pls1ee the slurry tanl< and spray nozzle$ v,11thin sufficient -protn:llmity 1o the ate21s to be seeded so as to provide 1,miform distribution without wa:sta. , 1, Miscenane0\1s Material, 11!>:IECIJVIOI! a b. c. Pos1 emergent weed ki11er-~Raund-up". tree 1NOUnd paint-as approved. Balk rn.ileh-MedilJm grind shredded tree trimminrp, tree ot tr.;ish and debri.$. A. INSPECTION Verity that final grad" have bean established prior to begiMln9 planting operations. lnspecl 1rees, shrub:s;, and material for injury,_ insect infestation and trees and shrubs tor il'l"4'roper p,uning. Do not begin planting of trees until d&1icitJnc;es are corrected ot ptanls replaced. B. PREPARATION Stake our locarion:J for ptam:s and outline ot planting beds on omun:t. Do not begin excavation until plant locations and pt.ant beds are acceptable to Archited. The lmgatktn system shaD have been installed aM appmvod prior to soil p,~ra:1kln. C. INSTALLATION 1. f!ravation of Planting a. Shapa: (1) (2) Vert,oal sides and flat botto.n Plant pm, to be """"".,,. box ma1enal, cin:ular forcanned maienal. b. Size: AD ...... shaU have plamlng pits dug -ti.t dlameler and -the deplO of the mot bait. BacldiU around the mollial with prepared badd~ ITi><. o. 5. 2. 3. Preparation of PJantioa Arm,s a. After approximate fini$hed grades have been established. soi shall be oond"itioned arx:I fer1ili.:i::ed ln the to~ng manner. Nitrogen stabili:z:ed otgani:: amemment am a,m,onium pnosphata -al dle roHOWing ...... be unilormally Spread and oullJv.abod tnorooghly by means Of mecmnical tiller illlo the top 6" of soil: Application Rates: (1) (2) (3) Nttrogen stabilized of!JMIC -.,,.,_ -4 OU. yds. per 1.000 $qUillV feet. Amlmnium pmsphale 6-20·20-15 lbs P"' 1,000 sq. IL 150 lbs. Agro.Jltural Gyp,um b. ~I soil areas !lhatl be ~d:ad and S8"1ed by apPiicatlon t"lf heavy irrigatiQn 10 a minlrnJm deplh OI twelve (121 lncl1es. c. At time Of planting, the 1op two lncnes of turf areas to be-sodded or s8ffl;led shaa be free ol stone$, stt..nnps,_or other dsletanous matter 1· in diamete.-or largef. In ground covet area~•~ top two inches shall be free Of !'.itones. stumps, Of Olher deleterious matter 2 1/r rn dsameter or larger. All planting ate.u shall ba free from au win;! p~er or similar obje<:ts. ' ' final GradflS a Atte~ the toregoing specifiet1 de~ wa"\erlng. minimum rrnodlf,:::ations. to grade may be required to estaolish the final grade. These areas shall not be worked until 1t1e moistUre content has been rea.iced lo a point where working it will rot destroy soil :s:tJUC11.Jl'e b.. Finish grading shall insure proper drainage of ttie sita. - c. ~U areas Shall be graded so that the 1in.!tl grades will be 1~ below adjacent paved areas.. ~idewalk:s. valves boxesheadel'S, clean-outs, drains. manhole~: e1c. in turt areas,2" below 111 grounc:i areas. d. Surface drai1)3(18 Shad be awo.y from aJI building tourdations. e. Elimi~e ah ernoon scatS. Dimosat 01 Excess SPif Oispcse of unacceptable or unused excns soil PLANTING INSTALt.ATION 1. ~ J. 4. a Actual planting sttaU be performed during those perms when weather and soil a;mditions are suitable and in accordance with locaJly accepted p,adice, as approved by tnB Landscape Archilect. b. ~nty as i:nanv Plams as can be planted and v,atered on that same aay shaU be disl:nbuted 1n a planung area c. COntainers shall be opened and plants shaU be renw)ved in suc:h a manner that the baJl ot eal"th sunouncling the mot.Si5 not broken and 1hey shall be planted and wate,ed as herein specified immediately alter removal from the containers. Containers shall not be opened pnor tcJ placing 1™' plants in ttie plan:ta"lg area. We:ect Cootml :4~er soil pre--paration and establi$hmen1 OI final grades prior to any planting, the Contractor snan 1rnga~e thoroughly tor a period ot time, two to three week$, or until the weed seeds riave (Jermmated. When tllere. !$ sufficient W8ed seed gttnnination, theContractcr sn.au appty a post- emerger1 com.act weed killer according to the dirlfetions of the man1,1facturer. The Contractor ~~II then_ wait an additional twol2) weeks to .,.Jlow the weed kiUer to disipate, lhen p!ant as !ndiCated in the plans aM specifications. C0ntrac:lor shall remove a,ny,.residual roilaoe a.rrl/or roois. m'·lt::''e-P;:fff-ll-i>-.1pF =ttl\l.'... f'E LICE:t"'{,-E'.-17 P1 :ttt Layout A f f'la~nof>Uf'-:?f'," ,,;.._. Locloltions for plan1s arx:1 outlines ot areas to bllt planted shalt 00 mar11.ed on the ground by 1he Cont~actor before any Plam pits ate dug .. All SUCh .'?C3~io~ shaU be approved by the Landscape Arch~ect. n an underground can~t,uct10n or uttlrty hna 1s encountered in the excav.11.ion ot planting areas, other IOCalians for planting may be selected by lhv Landscape Architect. Planuno Pl Trees anct Shmbs a E:tcavation for planting shaU Include lhe stripping andst11cking ot all acceptable topsoil enco~ntered within tne areas to M excavated for lrenche~. tree Mies, plants ptts ~ planting beds, b. Excess $Oil geootated from lh& planting holes and not u$W as baekfill or in establi$hing the final grades C. d. •. '· g. h. j. k. I. m. "· 0. p. q. ,. Protect all_ areas fn:im exce$Si'le OOrncaction when truddng plants er other material to the planting site. . • Canter ploilll ii"I Pit" or trench.. Face plams with fullest Qmwlh into prevailu"l:J wind. Set plant plumD ancl hold rigidly in position until soil ruts been ta~d Tirmly around ball or roots. Containar pla~s shall bis baddilled with:a pans try volume on-site fopsoil.2 pans by volume organic amend~nt:.1 lb. 6·20-20 fenilizer mi,: per cu. yd. of mix 2 lbs. iron sulphate per cu. yd. of mrx_ Atl plants which Sl!lttle deeper than specified above shall be raised to th11:t couect 'eval. After tne plant has been ph1.ced, adc;litionaJ Dackfill snail be added 10 the hole to covef approximately one-,ti~H of the height of the root baD. At this sta9e. water shall be addei:;t 10 1he top Of the partly filled hole to thoroughly SM:urate the root ball and adjaceni soil. Can Removal; (1) Cut cans on two stdes with an acceptable can cutlf:r_ (2) Do nol injure root ball. (3) Oo noi rut cans wi1h spade or ax. 14) Carefully"'"""" plams w~hout injoty rn-damage to root "'111. (5} Aftef reimvino plant, SU?@r1v;ialty rut edge,-mots with kntte on lhffle side5_ Box Flemova.J: (1) Remove bottctn of plant bo:(es berore planting. (2) Remove sidt;,s or box without damage 10 mot ball alter positiontno plsffll and partially backtillirg. Dig planting holes to accomnll)date root balls pet lhe.se Spedficatio11$. Hand plaCtJ_plants whictl are in comainers less than one ~!loo in size. Hand ba;.idlll ancr hand ta~ leaving a sligtt. depression .!I.round basQS ol plant$. After the water has completely drained, planting tablets shall be plat:ed as indicatect below: One tablet per one-gallon container. rwo1ablets pet' tive--gaUon containe,. Three tablets p.,r 15-galk;m container, Four tablets pt:tr :2\J bax. Flve tablets pef 30· box. Sll tablets pet 36. box. Seven tablets J>8r 4.Z-box. Eight tablets per 45· and those box sizes which are larger-. nie remainder of 1he hole shall then b8 backtilled_ Pl_a~ting tablets s~ be set wj!h each plant oo the top of the root ball while 1he paants are suu _1n the_ir containers so the required nurnber of tablets to be used in each hole can be eas1ty verified. After backfilling, an earthen basin shall be c:onsi:ructed around eac:ti plant. Each basal S~I be ot a d~h. ~icient to hold at least two inche~ of wate(. Basim Shall be ot a sizl!f suttable 1of th~ ~uaJ plant. In no C3.$e shall the Dasin tot .=i titteen--gaflon plant be less th.an tour feet 111 dtameter. .a five-gal.Ion p1an1 lass than three teet in diametec ard a one- gallon ptant lass than twQ feet in diameter. The ba.Sins shaO be contructec.:I of amendEN:;1 bad<fll matorials. Pruning: Pruning shaft be limited IO the minimum necessa'Y to remova injured twH]s and branches and to compe_nsate tor los~ of roots during lransplanting, but never 10 exceed one-third of lhe btanchi~ strucrure. Upon appmva.l ot the l..imd~ ~iteel, ~Jlming may be done before ~ellv':'f of plant, but not befortJ plants have been inspecied and appl"Oved, Cuts over 3/4 in diameter shall be paimed with tree wourx::I pairj_ Slaking aoo Guying: (1) Sta.king of an 11'885 shall contemn to three staking a.nr:.t tn,e guyi119 detais. (2) Ttee stakes shall be straight grained lodge-pole pine. Stakes shall be fret:t from kno~. Clled<s, splits or disfigurements. {3) Guy as incHcated lmmediat~ty after planting, using three guys per 1ree. guy:'I placed as to five equal suJ)Ol1 to tree 1rom any direction. lnstaU a wamtng flag on each guy. Pn:itva baJK ot tr-w by conneeti~ IMm with "Cinch-ne-. Anchol' guy wires with "deadmen" buried ar least 2 feet below-1inish grade. Tighten guy 1ir1e, to a f11TT1 tens:iDn. ln:stal additional guys shOuld tree growth be socn. that thfee guy wirw do not give requited eq.ial support from d dited:ions. Pia mloo gf GCPI IDdGPYAffl a. Groundcover plants shall be grown Inf~, peat pot$, or-taken ss Cl.!ffings, as indlCaled on the plans. Aatgrown planl$ (rooted cutting9} shall re~in io thos8 flatl!I until transplanting. The tta.rs soil shall C"Dntaln sufficient moiWre so thal I will not fall apan when Idling the plants. It plants trom pea:1 pot5 are used, thir, pots shall be protectl;l(f al a.JI times prior to plamlng to p,event u-drying or the root balL b. G""-'odcover 5ha.l be planted In flttaigl1t rows and 8V8flly spaced, uni ... ""'8tw;se roted. and at imervals Called out in me drawings. -Triangular spacing shaJI bit used unless othelWise noted in the d""'1fngo. o. Each IOOled plarr t11ia1 be planted With Its p,,,portionato atrount or flat sol "' in a peal pot in a mannet U\al wil tnsu1111 ~m disl:umance o1 the root system, but" in l"Wl' case shai this d&pth be less than two nodes. To avoid drying out, plan1ings shaD be il'm'IMiately sprinklered after planting until the ,ntire area Is soaked to the full depl'h of eacn. hole, •nless othenme noted on the mawings. 6. d. Ca"' shall be exo,dsed al al times to protea the plant$ i!fler planting. Any damage to plants by trafl"l;>ing °' other operations or the Canlrll<:I shall be ropaifed lrrumdiatety. Hvdmseftdinq lnSlallatiQo a b. c. d. •- Equipment -Hydraulic equipment used for the apptlca:lion ol the fertifize,, seed and slurry of prepared wood pulp 6ha1I be of the -Supet' Hydroseecter"' type as approved by tile Land~pe Architvct. All Sited shaJI be delivered to site in sealed bags with guarameed ana!y$OS. ~ration ~ The slmy pr-eparation snail take plac,, at the site of walk and shal begin by actdmg w.uer to the tank when the iengine is at halt throttle. When the water le"lle-1 has re.l~hed ttte height ot the .;;igitator snatt, good re-cira.llatiOn shall be established and lhe ferUli2:er shall the-n be add~ to tha mixture wnen 1he tank is at least one-third filleid with water. lhe engine thmttte shaU be qpe:ned to full speed when the 1ank i$ hal1 tilled with wataf. All thA wood pulp mulch slla.ll ~ adeled by tne time the 1ank is two-thirds to three- quarters tun_ At this tirtllt the seed shall be ack;ted. Spray~ ~a.II commence lmrnediately when the lank is tua. A~licatKJn • Tlle OperatOf Sha.I spray thit planting :weas wan ..1 uniform, visable coat by using ~he gre!n ~JQr of the wood putp as a guide. The slurry shall be applied in a sw_eepmg mo1,on. 111 an atc.hed stream so as to f:;ill lik.e rain allowing the WOQC 1ibers to OU11d an each Other-until a good coat is adleived ~ the matefial is spread at the required rate per acre. Tune Umil -Afl slurry mixture which has not been applied to the sSapes within four hJurs after mixing will be fejed.ad and removed frotn the project at the Contrador's expense. F'rotection " Special ~ shouk::1 be e)l"Crcised _ by thn Cortractor in prev11tnting any of 1he ::.lu~ry to b~ ~prayed 1ns:ide any resetv\Or Dasin ot onto drainage ditches and channels which may mpede Iha fret.t flow Of rain or in'iga1ion vrater_ Any s!uny spilled into r"estricted areas shaU ba cleaned up at the Contractors. expense to the satisfael:ion of the owner cl City. AU arnas _de.sign2tir,d tor hydroseeding sh.all be thorooughly watef8d pior to the hyrodseeding. Thn Contractor ~hall note any discrepancy fot complete wats-r covefage can correct. The COntra.ctor shaU at this time nots wind and weather conditions and submit .a Watering program to the lA:ndscape A«:hitll!ICI tot ;approval pior to hydmseediog. f. Reseeding-All bare spots shall be res!!!eded by th4;1 ContraQor wrtl'lin 10 days. Toe Contractor w,,u be res~nsihle tor all r~seede\1 areas lor as lofl9 aner seeding as necessary until an accepl2lble stand of hydroseeded material is reali2ed anc1 approved by lhe City. Q. Walering (1) A balanced tuU--covvrage watering program shall be maintained to ensure proper gennination and until 1he 2cceptanc:e o, walk. (.::?) P!..i.nts whiell cannot be atered efticientty with thll existing wa.t9f 5yst~m shall be watered by means ot a hose. (3) Fenmzatkm (turf) Apply 25 lbs ~Gr't>•Power per 1000 square teal -45 days aner the fim rTIOWIOQ. continue every 90 dtl:ys. E. CLEANUP After_ all planling oper"ations have ~ oornplah1d, remove all trasli, excess soil. empty pJttnt conta:inef"5 or rubbish trom the-property. _All scan, ruts or othir,r marks in tho ground caused by 1his work shall be rept11red aod the grou~ left rn a_neat 300 Qrderly conc:litit;m throughoul 1h8 site, Clean--up contractor sMU pick-up all tra5h n~sultir'II) horn this wol1' no less frequemly than each Friday before leaving the sit8 once a week, and/or the la.st workir:>9 day each week. All trash shall be rerroved completely trom tne site. The Contracto~ shall le-ave _the sd1;r area broOm-clean and sh.all wa$h down all paved afeas within lhu Contract area, le.av~ thtt prern1-Ses in a clean collOition. F. INSPECTIONS Normal p~reS$ inspections shall tie requested by the Contr"ad:or from the Landscape Archilecl at least 48 ~un. •n adV~ of an anticipated inspecticn_ Inspections an:t required as follows: Completion of line gra_dmg Completion of Soil conditioning Priot to applicatkin of po5t emergern weed killers. Pre or post" delivery ot all plant tmaterial.~letion ot ma.for plant layout. T~e staking ex.aITl)l8 Prior to SOdcling. 1-- _J =s [l tl) <t -- Q I!; () (l'. a {)_ -q Ill 1--<{ [\ (l'. ~ 0 m :I u z <{ _J {)_ l'.l z fr' U! IU :?. *1 I REVISIONS BY ~ N < z ~ < ..J ~ p... << Cl P!I c., u ;;; z ... f-< z -Cl 0 z< P!I r... z~ ..J < <~ u ... ~ ~ p... i:: ~< µ;,l ,<U z ~ 0 f-< < .... z -;::i ~ "c1. .,. ~ R N :.f"c.JI ' ' § ~ :,, "' ~ °' -" -~I ,-::: (...-...,, (j "'. g" !~) -i,¢c' ,/[ ~j ~. ~u! ,I U"l <- I "'z 1'----'----': t;1 el@ ~J I~ :r: 0 ,-::..; "'u ~ z . ~ :9 l(~)J ,4!1(! \ "'~ ~c51 ,:-'., /;; - 'l!E oc::, ~ ""'.. , ___ j z ca::.,:; i I~ w t;; -< "' "' "' .... 2 i ~ l'l 'iillib\ DRAW ... ., 2 .,, CHECK.Cl • "' I ~ . ~ w Q. I -------r--,.,, ~ATS: . . -- IICAl.■ ;<.I~ Joa ND. en . t! C, z ;:; I!; -"' I-w z I"~ i:~1 < -1 Q. 8 .... 1!:ET L-4 . DF e;HEETB LEGENfo 1 PDP-UP HEflD, 2. f'"INISH GRADE 3, $CH '80 PVC NIPPLE;;-1._ENGTH AS NECESSARY. 4. SCH 40 PVG ;x1 90 DEGREE (LL. 5. MNT>DRAIN VALVE-ALL D□VN SLCP( HE:AD.S rr NOT RETROFI.,.rE:O IN HEADS. 6, N□N-PRESSU~E ~A-[~AL L~N~ AND FITTTNL, 7. MARU'.X 90 JEGREE STR::::ET ELL, 9 M~Rl.D 90 DEGREE STRE.ET fll_ 9. SCH ac PVC JIJ!PPLE (E'LD,\fG). lJ. l/2K ABOVE FJNI$H GRADE, [)--\ fo ' 1111111 1111! 1111111- 1111111 NOTE£, A. L!]CAT( HEAD 2' FROM VALK£, CURBS, HARDSCA?E:, MO\./ STRIF', H(ADER B□ARO ANI: EDGE or LA\r.'N, B, LOCC\TE :STREAM SPRAYS IS' FROM Al.l, SIRUcn..:RES, ANJ SPRAY H[ADS 12r tR□M All ~TRUCTUR~S 1r-; .SHRUB AREAS, BUT ~• fRDH ALL S7"RUCTUR[S IN GRDUNDCDV(~ AR:EAS, C, JS( TffLDN TAPE ON ALL MALE THREAJS, t, INSTALL -!EADS-1,// INl'ERNAL CH[CII: VAL 'IE.S AND/DR PRESSURE COMPENSATIONS FEAl'URES AS PER THE Il-:RH>ATION PLAN, 6" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD DETAIL 2' 12' LEGEND, ;-<D ;--® ,__.______,_ ________ +_ : ~ i@ 11111111111111 lllilll- 11111111 _,,[ 1 RAINBIRD cF·-l3 CDMPRE.S:SIJN FITT:NG 2. Fl.F.XHDSE 3, r:NI&"H GRA:JE 4, SCH 80 N:PP~.E 5, CLASS 200 PVC lA-ERAL $. STS ?Vt. 'rG: DRIP IRRIGATION 2 \ \ \--® DETAIL_ l. \JALL MOUN-IRRIGATION CDNTR □~".[R INSTALL P::R Mt,NUFACTJRES :NSrRLCT'ONS 2. 120 VAC PO\JER SUPPLY C □NDUH (N□N-SVHCHED POVERl 3, JUSCTIDN BOX 4. 2: l/c'.-" PVC C□NDIJ!T FOR '.:DNTR □l \./IRES 5. SVEEP ELL. 6, DlRC:CT BURIAL VlRES TD VALVES 7, FJNlSH GRADE 9 GARAGE FLOOR 9, BULD'.NG VALL 3. 4, flow control / Electric c--j body J\mcspheric ,../// vccuum breaker valve Codrol and ,, common \-.,·ires, tape to r·iser 1/2' ['s L1\VN AREAS, l' IN PLAl'<T 3fDS, 5, ROUND PLA.s-n: VAl_VE BOX VI LOCKING f, PLASTIC COVER NARKEJ:' "'BALL vr~L VE' (REFER TO SPlCIFICA T10NS rn, lYPEJ, 7, FJNISH GRADC. 8, KING BROS. IND, BALL V,~L VE DR APPRn\/El/, EQUAL SLIP f"[X ' r x r -N]P 0 LE ~80 SCH 40 P\'::: MALE--An1APTORS, SUP-PIX CONNECT!CN 2~x4rX8' CONCRETE :OLDCKS. 1' \./ASHED CRGSHED AGGRECiATF.:, SUPPLY UNF. 1 2" I r --Finish gro,de flow conlroi Control and \ common \. wires, lope to riser Sen SC riser ,,_ (1) DRIP LEGENL, NOTES, Electric H body atme>spheric vacuum breaker va ve -2" Pressure reducing valve Wye screen f Ile" w/ flush valve ® LEGEND, t, ""1ARDSCAPE. l 2, 4. s, 6, 7. 6, N[l.'.SllN lND CAP MDPEI 'It 402) VAL.VE 3CX \// ll'.JCKiN:3 COVER PF,R SP£CIF"ICA'rl□NS, F"H-.,'IS-H GRADL SALCP PVC AR" 075 F"LEXHOSE. S 1/2 MA 1/2' PVC PJPF:, ~/2~ Sl' PVC ELL. BACKFILl. \,// 1-" [II-' PEA GRAVEL .. NOTES, (J+. INSTALL f LUSH VAL Vf Al f:.O.CH END OF DRIP svSTEM I o'\T[RAL. FLUSH VALVE N[) f ES1 1. FINISH CiRAJJE- 2, CLEAN BACKFL.l 90~; CDMPACTICN A PIGTAil_ AND l□□P CONTROL \.!IRE .0.1 C CLE:'.AN BACKFILL 90% C:l.:MPACTIDN. A, AL_ S"L..(E\/[S TJ BE SCH 80 PVC, B, EXTEND AL.L Sl.(EV[S 2' BEYOND EDGE MANUAL BALL VALVE DETAIL L.EGEN~, 7. ROOT BAC,l. -DO "JOT COMPA:T ROOT BALL ,_ ' 4. S:JIL. P..LLOW ROOT BALL TO SETTL[ TO FIN/SH··- ED GRADE FIN!SHED ~/li:ADf J" SHREDD~J SARK MLJLC~t. 3'" AF.RM TlGHIL '( COMPACTED iN PLA·'.;;E -,-◊ fotS:M WATERING BASIN 5. NP,llVE.' S:::IL 6. GROW POWF;R PLA\IT P,BS PER MANUF"ACTURERS RfCOMME:NDAT:ONS. 7 F'a;:F::PARED SOIL MIX. PLANT PIT · .. o B!': 1 1/2 11MFS l'HE VVl)TII ~r rHt. RCOTBALl 8 .SHRUB TRUNK ALL 90 DEGREE ::HANGE:S lN DIREC"TJ□N 3, NON-PRES:SURE LAT(RAL LIN[, 4. f>RESSLRE SUPPLY L.I\JE. S\JlllkE PrPE :N TRENCH. 5. PROVIDE 2~ OF" CLEAN BACKFILL. 6. CDN"'."R:ll VIRES, f:ILNDLI:: AND TAPE AT 15' □.C. A.\ilJ I.\IS-ALL BELO\,/ PRESSUR:::: SUPPl Y LIN£, ~ TREE TOP ,:;,f ~OOT9ALL IS TO 8£ PLACED Ar 1 '/:r ABOVE F!NISH GRADE. THE .""INIS;.., G~;\()F.: IS TO BE l~/EL WITH /·op UF' CONC. CURB OR Sl~E\VALK. AR~OR GUARD IN 'i'Ulff "A-1KW,W r --1! 111111 I ~1111111~ 1111 " i ~ L _j,_ __ TRENCHING DETAIL Af'!"ER SITTLEMENT, THE TOP OF ROOTEIALl. & ROOT BARRIER BOX IS 10 BE: FW:5H W / flNISH~O GRADE RUBBER OR Vlr-.'YL CINCH H: 0~ AP"'ROV:ED ECUAL. NAILED TO !:.1AKE NO HD$i; AND WIRE LODGEPOLE PNC. Tl'(f.~ ST,'1.KE TP/\E.TED W/ COPPfF' NAP fl-!ANAE r biA. ey lj' LE~IG""H FCR 15 GAL... ~'Rf\"::. AN) BY 10' LENGTH c'"CR 24" BOX TR::':'i;:. __ BACKf'"ILL PER 3011. .-l~""t RF.SUL.rs ---------...'-.._____CNE ,a>)ECr: liOLDF:c' &: RIBSED ROOT BMRI:'.R U' TOP x 2," so·:-~N1 >< 18" HIG~I. FOP 15 GAL. T"{f.\::. BY DEf: P Roo-CORP. M Sl-:A'NTOWN IND. OR .'-PPRO'/':::.J EQUAi APPRD\/fD lNCo:NFER!NG ' f--., . ..... 1-----·- .. . - ---- I----· --!------- P:...AN , .. - -·-'"''•···-·- 3 SAND. 4 N□N-PRESSUR:C: LA";ERAl. LINE SLEEVE or HARDSCAPE 30TH SIDES. THE'. 2NDS" □ F ST<'.E" TI.JICE DIAMETER CF NON-PRES- SURF:: l_A1TRAL.. Ll\lE. THE SLE(VE.$ SHAU_ 3E ID~NTirIEll BY a, to• ]!AJvEff.R VALVE !l[X IN Tr-IE Plti.NTlNG AREAS, S CD'-l1'RDL \JJRf. SL..!::EVE SIZE PER Pl i,N C VAL ',;f BOX SHALL BE s-F.NCILED 1,// A lNSTAL'... ADJACrnr T[J PRfSSURE SUPPLY LII\JE. •s' ON Tf-if LIJJ 1,// 6' HIGH EY 1,' \/ID[ LETTERS, THF. PAINT SH.O.LL BE GREEN □:::L. E, PRf.S-SURE SUPPLY L:NF: S"LEEVE SIZE T',./lCE DlAME ;ER OF PRF:SSlJRE SJPP'... Y L:NC::. •-O· rlllll° illlll.- 1111111=, ~ ru BASED ENAMEl., AND HA~D PA]NTElJ, 0 111111 lll!ITT- ;;1millllll ---------(21 --✓ -----(-' ---5' _ .. --· _.., SLEEVING DETAIL I HERE6Y DECLARE THAT I AN ThE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR THl5 FROJEc-r, tHAT I HAVE EXERCiSED RE5FO"ISl!3LE CHARGE OVER Tl--lE PES16N OF T!--!E PROJECT AS ;:::EFINED IN SECTION 0103 OF THE 6USINE55 AND FROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT Ti-JE DESIGN 15 CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE Cl,Y OF CARL56AD 15 CONi"INED TO REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK, OF MT RE5F051BLITIES FOR FROJ=:CT DESIGN, THESE PLANS l--lAVE E\EEN PREPARED 11' SUBST-",NTIAL CONFORMANCE l:JIT'-l ~1,,1E APPROVED L,,.\.NDSCAPE CONCEPT FLAN, WATER CONSERVATION FLAN, -\'-1\ E. "' <'<!(,,,-z;;~~~ ')':,;:1# [J,1f(I, ~---(~'-\'\. ;.-,' f CAL\'t ,) 7 ...::::.:_-''"••,--:-":'.:-~- FIRE PROTECT,ON FLA", AND ALL CONDITIONS OF -~FFROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPl"6, E>Y ~~________:_~'-------. ---- PREPARER. Ci l!c:CKE -- - . -·· ·-- --··--- APPROVED FDR PLANTING AND IRRIGA TIDN □NL Y INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUILT" RCE E.:XP RE'/I[w'ED BY; CONTROLLER DETAIL (Q SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL Qi) TREE PLANTING DETAIL .,.,. t----····-·t-;' -------,-----, ------- I----,. -- DATE £NGIN££¥. □tBi~~---1 RC ✓I.S-10.'l ::l[SCRJf'"T !ON .. , --- ), <[ _J t--:r l.:J H Ck'. >-CL □ Ll w :r t-- LL □ z □ H t-- <C ..J 0 H > _J <C > □ "' CL CL <e z w f- f-H "' ), z □ H t--u :::) I=\ □ Ck'. CL w Ck'. (,,') t-- Ll w f-H :r Ll Ck'. <e w (L <e u (,,') I=\ z <J; _J Ck'. w _J _J H ::>: w "' w t--x 4'. "" L_ □ >-t-- "' w (L □ "' CL w ..J □ "' w :r t-- w Ck'. <[ (,,') t--z w ,,. ::) Ll □ I=\ w "' w :r f- z H :r t-- H ), Cl t,J t-- <J; "' t-- (/1 ::) _J ..J H (,,') t-- CL w u z □ u I=\ z <[ z □ H t-- <[ :,: "' 0 LL z H w :,: ,__ - REVISIONS 7 N c.n :z <:( ::s Luo.._ en r---- rn 0 C '-0 '+- 0 u BY DATE et::: <:( u - Cl z: ~--sf-et::: -en ~ _2-tj-c.n om (_') 1-W U I z :z ~ f") 0 0 L!) r----------;;,,-et::: I ~ 0,.J ..::::,_ LL ~ z w ,---.,. -l--.z_Q)m <I:' <t: o:+-' o __J U 1-=> en Q__ c.n c.n-,,_,,, Q_ ~ LJ c- et::: 0 I WO o Z: C -<I: 0 0:::: n::: 1--<I::: z: > =.J <C I,._ Q) ·-2 '° ,..--, • N Lu -~ '-' ., "" I,._ --<= c> Q) t-<( -+-' ., -0 0 0 a:: 0 --<= '-' " 0 X D._ a:: 0 (.) Lu 0 "' " co "' 0 N _J ... A D DRA\,/N BY, BAXTER CHECK[D BY, BAXTFP w en m tj- O"> I"- 0, -a: (_) 0 "' 0 t-0 (_) "7 DATE PREPARED 1 )-4--94 SCALE NT S CADD NUMBER SHEET L-5 ..- '"" _, I I"-,..--, I"- ~ L --,~ -- OF cc SHEETS ~