HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 402-2N; PD 02-07; LA COSTA RESORT & SPA - ARRIVAL LOOP; 01-11CONSULTANTS OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE KSL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2100 COSTA DEL MAR ROAD CARLSBAD,CA 92009 TEL: {760)564-7146 FAX: (760)929-6310 CONTACT: CHEVIS HOSEA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FORREST K. HAAG, ASLA, INC. 1254 N. COAST HWY. LAGUNA BEACH, CA. 92651 TEL: {949) 376-9066 FAX: (949)376-9067 CONTACT: FORREST HAAG CIVIL ENGINE_ER RICK ENGINEERING 5620 FRIARS ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 TEL: (619) 688-1481 CONT ACT: RAUN CONNELY VICINITY HAP POINSETTIA LN \ A88RIEVIATIONS 4> DIMtETER (33.90) EXISTING SPOT El.EVATION FF FINISH Fl.OOR ELEVATION 33.60 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION Gf GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION HT HEIGHT PE PAO ELEVATION BCR BEGINNING OF CURB RADIUS TW TOP OF WALL ECR END OF CURB RADIUS TF TOP OF FOOTING ELEVATION TC TOP Of CURB BW BOTTOM OF WALL BC BOTTOM OF CURB TS TOP OF STEP EJ EXPANSION JOINT BS BOTTOM OF STEP SJ SCORE JOINT CB CATCH BASIN SC SAW CUT FG FINISH GRADE R RADIUS FS FINISH SURFACE RDWD REDWOOD HP HIGH POINT HOR HEADER LP LOW POINT LA LANDSCAPE ARCH111'CT FL FLOW LINE MIN MINIMUM oc ON CENTER MAX MAXIMUM CB CATCH BASIN MJ MASTIC JOINT TG TOP OF GRATE ELEVATION TYP TYPICAi. INV INVERT ELEVATION PA PLANTING ARE:A BB BOND BEAM ELEVATION F/C FACE Of CURB CG DECOMPOSED GRANl11' PA PLANTING ARE:A a'b ALIGN @ ATRIUM CRAIN 1.rnl Gl!ADIENT IN PERCENTMlE 0 DECK ORMN 4:1 RATIO: 4' HORIZONTAL DISTANCE m TURF' DRAIN PER 1' Of VERTICAL HEIGHT I! RIDGE .--JV PROPOSED CONTOUR 08 GRADE BREAK ,-JV EXISTING CONTOUR DIRECTION OF FLOW DRAIHNJE l'IPE MATCH LINK EQUESTRIAN TRML ----LIMIT OF WORK .. EDGING ; I I I ---1-r-/PROJECT LOCATION 11 NOT TO SCALE SIie/ET INOIEX LA COSTA R£SORT ¢ SPA ARRIVAL LOOP LA COSTA CARLSBAO,CA SHEET OESCRIPTION I COVE1' SHEET 2 3 4 PLANTING PLAN PLANTING PLAN PLANTING OETAILS PREPARED FOR l<Sl C>EVELC>PHENT CC>RPC>RATIC>N '50-90'5 AVENIC>A BERHUC>AS LA QUINTA, CA 9225'3 PLAN SIIIEIET l<EY I NOT ro "°"' DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I HEREBY DECLARE TH,'.T I AM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT or THE WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE O'-£R THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS OEFlNED IN SECTION 6703 Of THE BUSINESS PROFESSIONS CODE ANO THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS ANO AND SPECIFlCATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE SAN DIEOO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IS CONFINED TO A RE'IIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME. AS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBIUTIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE -ROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE SUPPRESSION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPING. 1bo$ LICENSE NO. l'OlfltEST I<. ,MAS, AKA, INC. l.ANDSCA~E AltC/IITECTIJlt;E UNP f#LANNINt; 12'14 N. COAST 1//SIIWAY lASUNA BEAC/1, CA '26'1 I l"dH,J '76-,066 FdH9) J17fr,067 ... ,, ' ,,·•~-J>-'\ X{t•i;J~~~· · '·.· ····r-r_,. . 5' PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 7 B <J IO l1'1'lt;ATION PLAN l1'RIGATIC>N PLAN IRRIGATION OcTAILS IR1'IGATION SPECIFICATIONS I I 1~1'IGATION SPECIFICATIONS APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS-BUILT" TITLE _______ _ DATE REVIE\,.IED BY• INSPECTOR DATE t----+--+-----------+--+----+--+----11 SH;ETI CITY OF CARLSBAD fsRms7 ~:=::=..::::=:=P::::L::AN=N::I::NG::::::D::E=P=AR=T=M=E=N::T==~L._J=='=::: COVER SHEET ARRIVAL LOOP LA COSTA RESORT & CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SPA ~A~~·~o~~--~'"------~~-OJ> ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA TE 1--,,D.,.,ATE=--1N"'lll""AL-+-----------------D-A_TE_'""IN_lll_A_L-+--0-,.TE-+-IN_lll_AL--I DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO . REVISION DESCRIPTION CHKD BY: ---PO 02-cn 402-2N ENGINEER OF WORK , OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RV\,.ID BY• ' \ ) / ' / / ' ' I I \ ' \ ---------" ~- ------- \ -/ // / ? /_/ ,/,/ I/ /,/,f 1/ ' \ . " // I I ' I / / / ' '' / / \ \ \ \_ I I 'I COURTYARO BU/LO/NG n ){:_'•,, /·_.,\ ;_\V " \ \ I'"\ \ \ ",(,. ;f~'\ \ I / , k / ,./, -,r· ----------:¥ ______ _ > rbl=J SCALE: I/ I'-"• l'-0" PLAN SHEET !<cY <~ ', ~~, I ~\~ "_.~ -XF,'"" ~ ~ ~ F'Ortl'8!,T /C., I/AM,. AJILA, !Nt:. t.ANo,t:Af'I! Mt.t:11/Tl!t:TIJ'/t;I! LANO l'LANNIN& /Z',4 N, t:CAST Hlr.llWAY f LAGUNA BE'4CH, CA ff2fo5' I 1'1 f•OJ 311,-91>6' fJHt} ,lfr,0'1 ::~•(~\(~ :::;f1'~r'~l~ ' ' TR££ L£G£Nt:J SYHBOL BOTANICAL NAHE CHAHAE1'0PS HUH/LIS 0 PHOENIX OACTYLIFE1'A E'ft.YTHF!.INA CAFFF!.A SHRUB AGAPANTHUS 01'/ENTALIS COLEONEHA PULCHA1t.UH CUPHEA HYSSOPIFOLIA HEHETtOCALLIS HYBTtlO 0 HIBISCUS SPP. 0 LANTANA HYBft/0 0 LANTANA HONTEVIOENSIS 0 JASHINUH HESYNYI @ ST1t.ELITZIA '/t.t;GINAE L'?'°'l ANNUALS VIN£ .. < OISTICTIS !IUCCINATC>RIA OISTICT/S 'F!.IVE1t.S' ffYPROS£cP HIX L£G£Nt:J LBS/ACRE SPECIES HE OITE1t.R ANE AN FAN PALH OATE PALH CO'ft.AL TF!.EE LILY OF THE NILE PINI< Bfi:EATH OF HAVEN FALSE HEATHEfi: t:>AYLILY SPfi:EAt:>ING SUNSHINE 'NEW GOLO' l'Ufi:PLE LANTANA Blfi:O OF PAfi:AOISE BLOOP 1t.l!:t:> Tfi:UHPET VINE ROYAL Tfi:UHPET VINE 15' ,0 2.0 ,f .(J ,.o 2.0 ,fp GAZANIA SPLENOENS HIX COL01t.S LINA1t.lA HA1t.C>CCANA NC>RTHERN LIGHTS l.¢8ULAF!.IA HARITIHA CARPET OF SNOW LOBULA1t.lA HARITIHA ROYAL CARPET ESCHSCDLZIA CALIFC>RNICA V!:RSENA TENUISECTA 2.0 OENDTHERA SPECIOSA NC>TE: I. APPLY HYOROSEEO HIX ON ALL PLANTING SLC>PE. 2. HYORC>SEEO HIXES AVAILA!ILE THROUGH s;s SEE OS, p,c,, SC>X 1275' CARPENTE1t.lA, CA 90301-f-1275', PHONE: (BO'J') ,s'f-043(, 3. APPLY PE1t. HANUFACTU1t.E1t.'S SPECIFICATIONS. SIZE 1'EHA1'!<S 3(," BOX STANOA'/t.O, 30' fl, T.H. WHITE WASHEO T'ft.UN!< 60" BOX HULT/-TftUN!< ,-GAL IB" O.C. ,,-GAL 3' O.C. ,-GAL IB" 0.C. ,-GAL !ti" o.c. l'J' GAL 3' OL. 5' GAL 2-f" o.c. 5' GAL 3' o.c. 5' GAL ,., o.c. 15' GAL 3' o.c. Hf GAL ATTACH TO WALL PLOT DATE) 3/19/03 "AS-BUILT" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. TITLE ________ _ REVIEw'ED BY1 INSPECTOR DATE DATE 1----1--1-----------1---+-~---1---I I SH;ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ~=::::::-=:=:::::::P:::LA:::N::::N::::l::::NG::::::D::::E=PA::::R=T::::M::::E::::NT===~L.'_j==:::::! OAlc: INITIAL DA le: INITIAL DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER or WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL ' ' ' PLANTINGPLAN ARRIVAL LOOP LA COSTA RESORT & SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR OWN BY: ---1 PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: ---po 02--07 RVw'D BY, L/--1£-0J DATE DRAWING NO. 'f02-2N \ \ \ \ I ,_; " (j) I \ \ \ \ I \ \ I \ \ \ \ / '·-\_! _j I \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ I I I \ \ I \ ' I \ \ I \ \ I \ \ \ \ I \ \ I \ I \ I I I I I I I I \ \ I I I I I I I \ \ \ \ ' \ \ I \ \ \ I \ I I \ ' \ \ \ . J \ ', ·, ,, '--., ',,, __ '',,-. ',, ., ·•,,, __ -...... ,. ',, / / / / / / ~ + ! / / I / + + + .. 1+·-,;-~_, ::i:wJ~i;,~~!f:f~" / / ' I ! \ \ I \ / / ----;,__,:::~.-----· I I \ scALe:t/ '"' .. r-o· PLAN SHEET l<EY / / \ I I / / i I I / / / / / l'ORREJ"I K. HAAG, A.flA, INC LAIOJCA!'E ARCHf1ro\!lE LAIO fl.ANNING 1254 N. COAIT HGH'WAY LAGUNA e.ACH, CA 92651 ' // .// / // ~ (9491376-9066 ~ (949) 376-'/0lil / / / I I I I I "1 \, \ \ ' \ \ \ ' \ \ ® / I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ' I I \ ' \ \ / ! \ i PLOT DATE, 3/19/03 "AS-BUILT" TITLE _______ _ DATE REVIEWED BY• INSPECTOR DATE I \ l----+---1-----------i---+----l----+----I I SH3EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ~==-==::::::P~L::AN::N::J~NG~D::E~P::AR:::T:::M:::E::::N::::T==~~===: PLANTING PLAN ARRIVAL LOOP LA COSTA RESORT & SPA CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA ~!::LL~L------~IS""--03 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE t--:D::-:Ac;TE~1--::-1N"'m"'ALo-lf-------------------+--DA-TE-+I-NI ... TI-AL-I-D-ATE-+I-N_ITI_AL-I ~D~WN~~B~Y~,== __ =_=_=_=_=_~l==~P~R==o=J~E~C~T=N=o==.==::;;:o=R=A='M=N=G=N~O. CHKD BY: ___ , P002-07 'f02-2N DTl£R APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RV'v/D BYt ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION H 0- J 1 -!tY .. Q. LEGIEND I. 1v2" X 14" EYI! eoLTS 2. 1/8" GALVANIZED CAeLES (TYi") ATTACI-I VINES TO cAeLES WITI-I TIE Wl!'<E. 3 WALLA"ENCE 4. AMENDED eACKl"ILL MIX TO eE OF NATIVE SOIL ONLY &. PLANT Dll'<ECTL Y ADJACENT TO VEfl<TICAL a.RADE 6. 5EE VINE !"LANTING. DETAIL ESPALIER ON J/IIALL DETAIL SECTION LEGEND I. !"ALM T~ 2. FILTER FAel'ltlC WITI-I 12 2X 12" DIA. X 3' DEEP SUMP MIN. FILLED WITI-I CLEAN NUl'ltSEFi:Y SAND. 3. ~°8;Ecl'<OWN AT ORIGINAL LINE OF &. l'tOOT !!!ALL '!I, EXISTING SOIL 4.3" DIA. SNAP CAP AT 2" A!!>OVE GAADE !.3" DIA. PVC PIPE. CONNECT TO 10. t~!~r&fi~r'ILL. SEE sue-SURFACE DRAINAGE, COORDINATE WI CIVIL ENGi. FLAN 11. ORIGINAL LINE OF SLOPE 6.WATER 5.ASIN 3" MIN. PEPTI-I AFTEl't INITIAL WATERING 6Y 1-!OSE. REMOVE eASIN IN LAl.l.N AREAS. 12. SLOPE, TYPICAL 1. 21 Gl'IIAM PLANT T AE!ILET. SEE SPECIFICATIONS PALM PLANTING DETAIL -ON SLOPE NOTE LEGIEND I. PALM T~NK 2, A6OVE GAADE l~IGATION eueeLEl't -l'tE:!=!!l't TO l~IGATION DE:TAILS FOR INSTALLATION OF eueeLER 3. 3" DIA. SNAP CAP AT 2" AeOVI! Gil'tAPE 4. 3" DIA. l"YC Pll"'E. CONNl!:CT TO 61.Je-SUl'<FACE DAAINAGE, COOl'ltDINATE W/ CIVIL ENGi. FLAN S. -4" eEl'o!M h. P'INISI-I Gl'lt.ADI! 1. !!IACKFILL MIX ~El't TO SPECS. 6. 16 FT. !!ITI-I ~ FL.ANT TAeLETS -SEE SPECIFICATIONS 10 FIL TEii< FA5RIC 11. COMPACTED SU~E 12. 12" DIA. X 3' DEEP SUMF MIN. FILLED WITI-I CLEAN NURSE:RY SAND. 13. l'tOOT eALL 14. SEE SFECIFICATIONS FOl'I! TYING. F'!l<ONP& AND !\KINNING. Tl'l!UNKS CONTAACTOl'lt SI-IALL FL.ACE FALM T~ IN EXACT CENTEl't OF Tl"EE WELL CONTAACTOR SI-IALL PLACE PALM Tl'l!UNK IN EXACT CENTE!I< OF Tl'<EE WELL ~FEl't TO l~IGIATION FLANS TO COO~INATE INSTALLATION AND NUMeER OF IRF,:IGATION eueeLERS LANDSCAPE: A~I-IITECT TO A~OVE 1-11:IC!il-lT AND LOCATION OF PALMS Pl'tlOR TO PLANTING FALM Tfi:EE ROOT BALLS VA,n' PEI" TY!"'E OF PALM AND SUPPLIE:R OF Tfl<EES. CONTAACTOR SI-IALL VE1"1FT Fi:OOT6ALL sizes AND PIT f!<EQUIREHENTS PRIOl't TO DAAINAGE: SYSTEM OR SUMP INSTALLATION. PALM PLANTING DETAIL NT6 .E NT& F NT& eECTION 3 X WIDTI-I OF ~ore.ALL LEGEND NOTE TAAIN VINE TO l'l!NCE I WALL I. IS <:,AL VINE AS INDICATED ON PLAN 2. WATER !!>ASIN 3" MIN. DEPTI-I 3. FINISI-I GIAADE. 4. AMENDED eACKFILL MIX TO eE OF NATIVE SOIL ONLY S. 21 GF<AM !"LANT TAeLET -SEE 51"ECIF1CATIONS 6. EXISTING, SOIL 1. ROOT eALL Y.INE PLANTING DETAIL ~VAILINGs WIND 0 0 11 FLAN N.T.S. SECTION LEG.END 1. (/{('3'1~~~Dcmi~lc'fK No. 2 ~1(ef~~~/lLtti l~ 3. ~g;Ecfi:OUN AT ORIGINAL LINE OF 4. ll!~1t: mtr~~:'..~~~M1''5~ e."A:e'iN ,ITT~'~AS. , !. ROOT 5ALL 3 X WIDTI-I •. i~c~l-~s T A!!!LET. SEE 1. ROOT !!!ALL 8, EXISTING. SOIL '!I. t~!/:!~r&fl~r'ILL. SEE kt>. Ol'ltlGINAL LINE OF SLOPE II. 2d SLOPE, TYPICAL TREE PLANTING DETAIL -ON SLOPE ... ~ ,_, 'x'., _;'; ' ; ,: . 4 + + ~ + + + + + + + + + + -++ f-1 I·++-+++++ + + -+ + + + + + + + + + + _j\ pi\ I, i\ 1,J ,~ii si eli 1 .. Ji ,_ti ~n di 1d di di &ECTION • • D D • D • • • • • FLAN LEGIEND I. FLANT MATEl'l!IAL 2, 2" DEEP MULCI-I 3. P'INISI-I Clil'lt.ADE 4. AMENDED eACKFILL MIX TO eE OF NATIVE SOIL ONL 'I' ~-EDGE: OF PAVING, UJALK, WALL 01"1 CUR6 h. 1/2 D, UNLESS OTI-IEl'WISE NOTED. NOTE LOCATE PLANTS SPACED EQUAL Dl&TANCE (D) F'Fi:OM EACI-I OTI-IER AS SI-IOUN. D -AS NOTED ON FLAN OR LEGEND GROUND COVER I SHRUB DETAIL NT& C NT& D NT& CANOl"Y Tll<!!:E L EG!!!ND I. l"ltOOT eAMIER, COl"OL YMER FOL YPROFYLENE, INJECTION MOLDED . 0/UJ TI-IICKNESS fli?OOT 6A~IER AS MANUFACTURED 6Y DEEP ROOT CORPORATION ((U)(l)) 4&8-1668. (SEE SPECIFICATIONS) SU6MIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOl't FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. INSTALLATION. ROOT BARRIER DETAIL " 3 X WIDTI-I 2 2. CONCl'tETE WALK, !!!UILDINGi WALL, G.ARDEN WALL, cuicae, OR OTI-IEl't I-IARDSCAl"E FEA TU!'<E . ---0 OF ROOTB L LEC:!END I. 1 Ollt e, G,AL Si-1~!!1 2. WATER eASIN 3" MIN. DEPTI-I 3. FINISI-I GRADE. 4. AMENDED 6ACKFILL MIX TO !!IE OF NATIVE SOIL ONLY &. 21 GR.AM PLANT TA6LET -SEE Sl"'!CIP'lCATION& 6. E:XISTING SOIL 1. ~OT 6ALL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL F01t1t6ST I(. HA.+,, ASLA, fNC.. /..ANP$CAl"E AltC/1/TECTUltE LANP PLANNING l2S1 N. COAST 11/(N{WAY / LAGUNA BEACII, CA t24,g I / p,(91•J ""''°" Fd•oJ 376-'IOt,1 --m~ ... i:~itf--Y""(·~ NT& NT6 A 0 12 • FLAN LEGIEND I. !!>OX TRl!!E 2. REINFORCED ~eeER I-IOSE TIE WITI-I '!I <:,AUGIE WIRE 3. WATEI" E!IASIN 3" MIN. DEPTI-I AFTEl't INITIAL WATEFi:ING eY 1-!OSE. REMOVE eASIN IN LAllN AREAS 4. G,UY AS REQUIRED TO SUl"FOl'ltT Tl'tEE (;; MIN), ADDITIONAL GUYS AS Dlfi:ECTl!D e,y LANDSCAPE Al'ltel-llTECT S. 112" PVC SLEEVE 3 X WfDTI-I ,e,. FIN I SI-I Clil'tAD!!! 1. STEEL GUY ANCI-IOl'lt 3h" LONG MAXWELL Olli! EQUAL 8. 21 GAAM PLANT TAeLET. 51'!E SPECIFICATIONS '!I. EXISTING, SOIL l(l), AMENDED eACKFILL MIX TO ee OF NATIVE SOIL ONLY 11. ROOT eALL TREE PLANTING DETAIL -TRIPLE GUY (® 0 . i "'I: Q ' i- ,_Ill -I- LEC:;END I 111 ;11_1 11 111m ✓ 3XWIPT~ e ~ OI' l'<OOT!OALL I. IOl,Jeeel't f.lael!! ANC> 21D GAUGE GALY. WIRE. &TA!"LE Wll'l!I! TO T101EE &TAKE 2. 2"• X IID 1 L.ODG! fDOL.I! PINE 6T AKE. tc:l!EF CLl!Al't "" l'<OOT !SALL. eee &l"ECIFICATIONe ). WA Tl!l't eAelN 3" MIN. Dl!!l"TI-I ..,.Tl!rot INITIAL WATI!irotlNGo eY 1-ioel!!. -OVI!! l!IA&IN IN LAUN A~AS AND Ae DIRECTED eY L,ANDecAl"E Al'tCl-il'!l!C'I 4. f!NISI-I Cil'tADI! &. 21 <1oRAH !"LANT T Al!ILl!T. 11!!1! e!"ECIFICATIONe •• l'<OOT 9ALL i. AMl!NOED eACl<l'ILL. 91!1!! e!"ECIFICATION& A !!XISTING, SOIL e E PLANTING DETAIL -DOUBLE STAKE NT6 NT& PLOT DATE• 3/19/03 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS-BUILT" TITLE ________ _ REVIE'w'ED BY• INSPECTOR DATE DATE ~--1--+-----------+---+----+--+---l I SH;ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ :==='--===P::L:::AN=N:::I:::NG:::::D:::E=P=AR=T=M::E:::NT::::::=='...'.~==:::::: DA'TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPR□VAL CITY APPROVAL PLANTING PETA/LS ARRIVAL LOOP LA COSTA RESORT k SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RV'w'D BY• PROJECT NO. P'D 02-07 I DRAWING NO. . 402-2N PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PART l GENERAL 1. 01 Scope of Work: Contractor shall provide all materials, labor and equipment Incidental to and necessary for completing all work, as Indicated on the drawings, as reasonobly Implied, or as delineated In the Specifications as follows. 1.02 Standards: All work and materials shall comply with governing codes, safety orders, standards, and regulations, and meet the minimum requirements of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction ( Green Book) latest edition. 1.0.3 Quality Assurance: A. All Contractors performing Site Development work, must be licensed In accordance with the laws of the State of California. B. Contractor shall provide the Landscape Architect and the City with a list of Subcontractors and Material Suppliers expected to be employed during the course of construction. C. Contractor shall obtain and keep In farce Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, during entire course of the Construction Contract. The amount of Insurance shall be determined by Owner. D. Prior to start af site development work, the Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect and City to give starting and completion dates. Contractor shall also supply the Landscape Architect and City with the name and telephone number of the person in charge of the work. 1.04 Responslbllltles and Coordination: A. Permits: The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits and inspections required by governing authorities for the work to be performed. B. Existing Conditions: The Contractor shall verify all conditions and dimensions shown on the plans at the site prior to commencement of any work under this contract. The Contractor shall verify the location and depth of all underground utilities prior to start of work. C. Temporary Utilities: The Contractor shall apply for and pay all cost incurred for all temporary utllltles such as water, electrical power and gos as required by him for the construction of the project. Temporary services shall be coordinated with the Owner and other contractors on the job site. D. Survey, Reference Points, and Elevations: The Contractor Is responsible for establishing all surveys. reference points and elevations required by him, and shown on plans for proper execution of site construction. E. Traffic: The Contractor is responsible for all temporary traffic barriers and detours required by him for the construction of the project. All temporary traffic barriers and detours shall conform to all conditions required by the City or governing authorities. 1.05 Defective and Unauthorized Work: All work which is determined by Inspection to be defective In Its construction or deficient In any of the requirements of the plans and specifications, shall be remedied or removed, and replaced by the Contractor at his own expense In a manner acceptable to the Landscape Architect and Owner. 1.06 Inspections: The Contractor shall arrange for Inspections by notifying the Landscape Architect, City and governing authorities, 24 hours prior to time of inspection, unless otherwise noted. Inspections shall be as listed below, but not necessarlly In this order. Only the inspection pertaining to the project scope of work will apply: Rough Grading. Drain Lines and Catch Basins. Irrigations (main line pressure, coverage & system operations test). Soll Preparation and Finish Grading. Plant Material (delivery & placement). Substantial Completion Inspection (at completion of landscape improvements) -7 Days. Final Inspection (after maintenance period) -7 days. The contractor shall arrange a Preconstructlon job conference with the Landscape Architect and City a minimum of seven (7) days prior to the beginning work. 1.07 Guaranties: A. Plant Materials: All trees, shrubs, ground cover; bedding plants and lawn shall be guaranteed from dote of final acceptance of landscape construction for periods as follows: Trees 24" box & larger' • 1 year Trees 15 gal. & smal:ler - 1 year Shrubs All sizes = 120 days Ground Cover = 120 days Bedding Plant • 120 days Lawn (sod) • 120 days Lawn ( seed) • 120 days from first mowing Guarantees begin after the project acceptance by City and at the end of the 1B0-doy maintenance period. Landscape Contractor shall replace and plant all materials which have died within the time span stated above, at no cost and within 5 days from receiving written notice from the Landscape Architect or City. If dead material Is not replaced and planted within the 5 day period, Owner may replace dead material with new material and charge the Landscape Contractor for all expenses Incurred. B. Construction Materials: The contractor shall guarantee all workmanship and materials for all site development, for a period of one year from date of final acceptance of project. 1.08 Material and Labor Releases: Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall present to the Owner, signed copies of all labor and materials releases for all work performed under Site Development. 1.09 Disposal and Clean-up: Remove all waste materials (Including excavated material classified as unacceptable soil material), trash and debris generated or encountered during the course of landscape construction, and legal! y dispose of It. During the course of the work, remove surplus materials from the site and leave premises In a neat and clean condition. Clean up and remove oil remaining debris and surplus materials upon completion of work, leaving the premises neat and clean. The site shall be cleaned upon the request of the Owner. PART 2 EXECUTION 2.01 Protection: Keep all plant material delivered to site In a healthy condition for planting. Plants shall not be allowed to dry out. Bare root stock shall be separated and heeled-In, In most earth or other suitable material until planting. Bolled and burlapped plants shall have root ball covered with moist sawdust, wood chips or other suitable material until planting. 2.02 Installation: Detailed layout of plants within the planting areas shall be performed by Contractor and approved by the Landscape Architect and City prior to planting. Soll excavated from planting holes shall be amended to backfill around trees and shrubs using the following mixture: Native, On-Site Soll with rock no greater than 1• ·In· diameter Gro Power Plus, 5-3-1 0 15 lbs/cy Iron Sulfate O 2 lbs/cy (To be used for bidding purposes only, verify with Agronomic Soll s Test.) After backfilling, construct a .3" e(lrthen berm to form watering basin around each plant, to allow thorough water-In and establishment. Prior to Installation of turf and ground cover, remove water basins from around trees and shrubs. Berms In turf areas to be removed prior to City acceptance. PART 3 -SOIL PREPARATION AND fJNISH GRADING 3.01 Scope of Work: A. Provide oil materials and equipment, and perform all work necessary for and Incidental to the soil preparation and finish grading of all planting and lawn areas as shown on plans, as reosonably Implied, or as delineated In the specifications. B. Furnishing, placement and grading, of topsoil for backfilling of planters If required. C. Cleaning and finish grading of planters areas and planting areas. .3.02 Topsoil: A. Existing on-site soils listed as 'acceptable' under 'Site Grading' specification. B. Topsoil Imported to slte for use as fill, backfill In planters and mounding, shall be sandy textured. Silt plus clay content of this soil shall be no greater than 15,r; by weight. The boron content of this soil shall be no greater than 1 part per million as measured on the saturation extract. The sodium absorption ratio (SAR) shall not exceed 3.0 mllllmohos per centimeter at 25 C. In order to ensure conformance, samples of the Imported soil shall be submitted to an agronomic soils testing laboratory, approved by the project Landscape Architect for analysis prior to use. Result of testing to be delivered to City for approval. Soll test to Include analysis and recommendations. 3. 0.3 Soll Amendments: All soil amendments shall be as specified In the Agronomic Suitability/Fertlllty soils report furnished by the Contractor 3.04 Soll Preparation: All work on Irrigation system shall be complete and Inspected for recommended approval and, fine grading completed, prior to rototilling and prior to soil amendment work. After rough grades have been established, prepare all lawn and planting areas by tilling or cross ripping to a depth of 12". All rock and debris more than 2" in diameter shall be removed from the site, except for areas that are to be sodded, In which all rock and debris more than 1 • In diameter shall be removed. Apply , spread, and rototll In all soil amendments as recommended to a depth of 6". Water area thoroughly after rototllllng is complete. Incorporate evenly Into the top 4" to 6" the following for each 1,000 square feet of planting area: 4 cubic yards of nltrollzed Redwood or Fir shaving or equal. 200 lbs. of Gro-Power or approved equal. The above soil conditioning are minimal qualities only and should be used only for bidding purpose, because soil conditions may change drastically from the time these specifications were developed to the time the actual soil conditioning take place. Therefore, the Contractor shall obtain his own soils analysis at a rate of one per every 25,000 square feet of planted area. These soil tests shall be conducted by an approved Agronomic soils testing laboratory approved by the project Landscape Architect and City. Coples of the soil test to be provided during the Pre- construction job conference. .3.05 F'lnlsh Grading: After rototllllng operations are complete, grade areas to establish finish grades for planting. All flow lines shall be maintained and proper tolerances shall be met ofter settlement at the end of the project maintenance period. Finish grading shall leave surface of the ground uniformly smooth and free of abrupt grade change. .3.06 Coordination: Weed abatement work shall be coordinated with the Installation of the Irrigation system rototllling and soil amendment work, and planting. (See Weed Abatement section). PART 4 -TREES AND SHRUBS 4.01 Scope of Work: Provide all material, equipment, and labor necessary to Install all trees and shrubs as shown on plans, as reasonably implied and as delineated in the speclflcatlons. 4.02 Products A. Nomenclature -Plant names Indicated on the drawings conform the "Standard Plant Names" established by the American Joint Committee on Horticulture. Except for names covered therein, the established custom of the nursery is followed. B. Condition -Plants shall be symmetrical, typical for variety and species, sound, healthy, vigorous, free from plant disease, insect pests, or their eggs, and shall have healthy, normal root systems, well-filling their container, buy not to the point of being root bound. Plants shall not be pruned at anytime, and in no case shall trees be topped. C. Trees and shrubs shall be growing at a recognized nursery In accordance with good horticulture practices and shall be of the size and caliper normally associated with the container size specified on plans. Removal of all tags, labels, nursery stokes and ties from all plant material prohibited untU .the. approval of the Landscape Architect or City. 0. All plant material delivered to the site showing signs of damage or disease or is insufficient in size to carry out the Intent of the planting plan will not accepted and will be replaced at Contractors expense. E. Sizes of Plants -Shall be as stated on the Plan. Container stock (1-gallon, 5-gallon, and 15-gallon) shall have been grown in containers for at least one (1) year, but not over two (2) years. F. Substitutions -Substitutions for Indicated plant material wlll be permitted provided the substitute materials are approved In advance by the Owner and City Inspector, and are made at no oddltronal cast to the Owner. Except for authorized variations, all substitute plant materials shall conform to the requirements of these specifications. G. Plants Not Approved -Plants not approved are to be removed from site Immediately and replaced with suitable plants. The Owner reserves the right to reject entire lots of plants represented by defected samples. H. Stoke all trees, as per details immediately after planting to prevent wind damage. I. Plant trees that are to be located In lawn or ground cover areas after finish grades ore first established and allow at least 7 calendar days prior to installation of said lawns or ground cover to-provide for thorough watering of trees. All planting holes shall be excavated as defined on appropriate details. 4.0.3 Soll Amendments: Soil amendments shall be as recommended In the Agronomic soils report 4.04 Trees Stokes: 4.05 4.06 '4.07 4.08 Tree stakes shall be lodge pole pine tree stakes. See tree staking detail on plans for further Information. Health and vigor: palms shall have straight trunks and possess dark green foliage, showing signs of continued growth and development. Polms shall be free of insects or disease and shall be sprayed and monitored for all pests and dfse(lse prior to delivery to the site. Palm size determination: palm trees shall be ordered according to the brown trunk heights (BTH} shown on plans. Brown trunk heights shall be determined by the following criteria. No other criteria will be accepted as a basis for determination of 8TH. It is the contractor's responsibility to convey the intent of thla specification to nurseries when ordering palm to insure that they meet this criteria. A. Woshingtonio robusta: Brown trunk height shall be consldered the distance from the top of the root boll to the base of the first living frond. B. Woshlngtonlo flllfera: Brown trunk height shall be considered the distance from the top of the root ball to the base of the first living frond. C. Phoenix doctylifero Brown trunk height shall be considered the distance from the top of the root ball to the apical meristem. D. Phoenix canoriensis: Brown trunk height shall be considered the distance from the top of the root boll to the top of the pineapple. E. Chamaerops humllls: ~ulti-trunked per plant legend and In container specified. Root ball minimum dimensions for Palm Trees shall be o• follows: A. B. C. D. E. Digging A. B. Washingtonla robusta: 20 ft. BTH-2.5 ft cubed Woshlngtonla flllfera: 20 ft. BTH-3.5 ft. cubed Phoenix dactylifera: 20 ft. BTH-4 ft. X 4 ft. X 5 ft. deep Phoenix conariensis: no Chomoerops humllls: Container specified. requirements: Polms shall be dug by equipment limited to the following: backhoe -trencher -hand dug excavation. While excavating, root bolls shall be intact and in a relatively moist condition. Anti-desiccants sueh as aerosol pruning point or "wilt proof" shall be applied generously to root hairs and severed roots 3/4" or larger throughout the excavation process. Burlapplng of the root mass is required during transport on hauls greater than 10 miles or on any palm procured from a sandy soil condition. Shade cloth, 70% screen-grade or better, shall be wrapped around the crown and fronds of all palm trees, for loads traveling greater than 10 miles. 4.09 4.10 '4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 Pruning procedure: With the use of hand loppers and hand pruning sows, 35,i: or 40% of palm fronds shall be removed from all palms during the excavation period. Palm fronds shall be tied In on upright position with 2 ply all natural binder twine. Twine shall be tied perpendicular to the palm fronds. Twine is to be applied tight enough to remain tied during all transporting, "healing In" and planting phases of work. Disease control: Palm trees may require pesticide applications per the recommendation• of the San Diego County Agriculture Deportment. All pesticides shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations as well as all local, state and federal requirements for licensing and application. Loading of Palms: Palms 1hall be loaded with hydraulic or conventional cranes. Rigging shall consist of the highest quality nylon slings. When rigging is to be in contact with the trunk surface of palms, 2"x6" number 3 grade or better lumber shall be placed between rigging and tree surface. Boards shall be situated between the tree and rigging to avoid any possible scars or unsightly abrasions that may be caused by the loading and unloading phase of work. Consideration shall be given in the selection of an adequately large crane to facilitate loading, unloading and setting. This consideration shall vary based on any given site situation and is solely the liability and responsibility of the controtor and his subcontractors. Transporting of Palms: Trucks hauling palms shall meet all li.censlng requirement• and abide by regulations governing any particular region where work is being performed, including, but not limited to, overload permits, over length permits and wide load permits. "Triple stacking" of any load of palm trees ls not acceptable. Truck loads shall conform to the highest standards and shall be acceptable to the the office of Forrest K. Hoag, ASLA, Inc. and the Owner's representative. Storage, "Healing in" and protection of Palms: If it is deemed necessary to harvest palms and delay their immediate lnstollation, palms shall be harvested, loaded, transported, and protected at a storage site approved by the office of Forrest K. Haag, ASL.A, Inc. and the Owner's representative. Palms shall be stored in an area with a similar microcllmote to that of the project site where palms ore to be planted. Palms shall be "healed In" with 100% clean and washed sand backfill. Sand shall be washed concrete or plaster sand. No beach sand or unapproved type of backfill material shall be considered. Palms shall be unloaded and "healed in" at the storage site within 8 hours of excavation. A. After palms are backfilled in a 1 00% washed plaster or concrete sand backfill, they shall remain "healed in" until planted. B. Palms shall be maintained by the contractor at the storage site and shall include the following fertilization schedule If unplanted for more than 60 consecutive days: apply to each tree well three pounds of 16-6-8 n.p.k. granular fertilizer, supplement with iron chelate (sequestrene 138) at the rate of 1 gallons per 100 gallons of water applied as a drench to each tree well. Fertillzer shall be applied sixty day• ofter palms are "healed In.• Fertilizers shall only be applied to palms between March 1st and September 1st of any given year. Loading, transporting and unloading practices shall be adhered to as outlined in this specification when handling palms en route to the La Costa project destination and shall be loaded only once prior to arrival at the job-site in La Costa. Planting requirements: Planting pits for palm trees shall be a minimum of two feet wider than any side of the root ball. 100% washed concrete sand shall be used as backfill. Trees shall be planted near-vertical and plumbed with the opportunity given for approval by the representative from the office of Forrest K. Haag, ASL.A, Inc. and/or the Owner's representative after positioning of each tree and palm planting. Sand backfill shall be applied in layers and watered in to allow for settling. High pressure hose and nozzles shall be uoed to obtain at least 80% compaction In the planting pits of all palm trees. SOX compaction may be achieved with the assistance of water and pneumatic tampers. Any adjustments necessary to stroighten palms due to any site condition shall be made by the contractor within 12 months after final acceptance of the project at no charge to the Owner. PART 5 -GROUND COVER AND BEDDING PLANTS 5.01 Scope of Work: Provide all materials and equipment and perform all work necessary for and Incidental to Installing all ground cover and bedding plants, as shown on plans, as reasonably Implied, or delineated In the specifications. 5.02 Bedding Plants: Perennials and Annuals: Provide healthy container grown plants from a recognized nursery, and of the species and variety shown on plans. 5.0.3 Ground Cover: Ground Cover: Provide ground cover of the species shown on plans. Ground cover shall be established and well rooted In flats or similar containers. 5.04 Mulch: Mulch: Shall be of compacted wood chip fiber. Submit sample to City Inspector for approval prior to planting. 5.05 Coordination: A. Do not have plants delivered to the job site until site conditions ore ready for planting. If planting ls delayed, keep plant roots moist ond place In a sheltered location protected from the sun, wind and other damaging elements. B. Soll preparation and fine grading shall be completed and trees and shrubs Installed prior to bedding plants and ground cover planting. 1"011/11/1!$T K. I/Alt&. A!ll.A, INC. /.ANPSCA/1'/! Ar(t:I/ITl!t:T!l/1!.1! LANI) PU.NNINr. 5.06 Installation: Plant ground cover and bedding plants in moist soil and apace as indicated on plans. Each plant shall be planted with Its proportionate amount of soil so as to minimize root disturbance. Soil moisture shall be such that soil does not crumble when removing plants from container. Regrade planter areas after planting, to restore smooth finish grade and to Insure proper surface drainage. A 4" layer of mulch material shall be spread over the entire planter area ofter grade Is established. Watering shall begin Immediately after mulching. (Grading shall accommodate the mulch) 5.07 Protection: Erect temporary fencing or barriers to protect planted areas from damage prior to final acceptance. PART § -\',£ED ABATEMENT 5.01 Scope of Work: Provide all material, equipment, and labor necessary to perform oil work as indicated on plans, as reasonably implied, and as delineated In the specifications. 6.02 Quality Assurance: A. The Applicator of all weed control materials shall be licensed by the State of California as a Pest Control Operator and o Pest Control Advisor In addition to any subcontractor licenses that are required. B. All materials and methods must conform to Federal, State, and Local Regulations. 6.0.3 Submittal: Prior to the Installation of any weed control materials, the Landscape Contractor shall submit to the Landscape Architect/City o list of the weed control materials and quantities per acre. Intended for use In controlling the weed types prevalent and expected on the site, as supplied by the Pest Control Advisor. Pest Control Advisor shall furnish the Landscape Contractor and Landscape Architect and City data to demonstrate the compatibility of the weed control materials and methods with the Intended planting and seed varieties present. 6.04 Responslblllty and Coordination: A. Landscape Contractor Is responsible for the erection of all signs and barriers required to prevent Intrusion Into the treated areas and to notify the public. B. No material or methods shall affect the landscape planting or hydroseed germination. No material or method shall render the jab site unusable for more than 10 days from date of application. 6.05 Non-Selective Herbicides: Non-selective contact herbicide and/or non-selective systemic herbicides (as recommended by the Pest Control Advisor) 6.06 Selective Herbicides: Selective pre-emergent herbicides compatible with seed mixtures (as recommended by the Pest Control Advisor) 6.07 Weed Eradication: If In the opinion of the Pest Control Advisor, perennial grosses and weeds existing In the planting areas will ·require control prior to removal, spray these areas per Pest Control Advisor's recommendations. A. Prior to the Installation of the Irrigation system remove and clear all weeds and deleterious materials from planting areas. Allow herbicide to kill all weeds. Rake or hoe off all dead weeds to a depth of 1" -2" below the surface of the soil. Physically remove all weeds from the site. "AS-BUILT" 12'$1 N. COAST 1/1111/WAY • LA&.UN,4 ll~ACII, CA f2f.g I /I', (t1t) 37~90U F, (f1f) 176-'1()67 .,_,.l_t,_',_];j~_t""' g~·'f! / ni APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. TITLE ________ _ DATE , f,>:-:;,:,,lfip-J~"fl ~ .. r"""'·r OF I REVIEWED BY• INSPECTOR DATE t-----t--+-----------4----1---4---+----11 SH~ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ~==-'==:::::P:::L:::AN:::N:::I:::::NG:::::D::E::P::::AR:::T:::::M:::E:::N::::T==~~==:::: DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF -K RE'v1S10N DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL PLANTIN(; SPECIFICATIONS ARRIVAL LOOP LA COSTA RESORT & SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA A ROVEEhA /u, .. ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RV\vD BY• P002-07 l./-ts""-D3 DATE I DRAWING NO. _ 402-2N PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PART 7 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 7.01 Scope of Work: Provide all materials, labor and equipment necessary for, or lncldentol to, performing all maintenance requirements as reosonably implied or as delineated In the specifications including, but not limited to the following: Maintain ail plants and planted areas. Keep planted areas free of weeds and debris. Prune trees and shrubs. Fertilized all plants and planted areas. Irrigation. Insecticide spraying. 7.01 Palms: A. Strings should be left tied for approximately 45 days. In windy weather they should be left longer and in hot dry weather they con sometimes be untied sooner. The primary Indicator is when the palms starts pushing new growth, It should be ready. On Conarlensls only untie the tight strings (usually 2) leaving the loose string for approximately 1 month longer. B. All tools used to trim must be submerged in 50,C ohlorox bleach for a minimum of 20 min. prior to use and between every palm. Chainsaws should not be used, due to difficulty In sterllzatlon. C. It is absolutely imperative to the re-establishment and therefore health of palms that within the first several years ofter transplanting they are trimmed very little. D. Remove only the dead, dying, and broken fronds, fruiting structures and associated fruit. Do Not remove any live fronds above the first frond that is parallel wlth the horizon. 7.02 Fertilizers: 7.03 A. Commercial fertlllzeni with an onolysi• of 5-3-1-Gro-Power Plus, and 12-8-8 Gro-Power Controlled Release Nitrogen, as designated herein, or approved substitute as required br the Agronomic soils report. Available from Gro Power (909) 393- 3744. B. Ammonium Sulfate: Granular form containing not less than 21 ll: nitrogen and 24% sulfur and shall be registered os on agricultural miner, with the State Department of A9riculture in compliance with Article 2 -"Fertfllzer Materials, Section 1030 of the Agrlcultural Code. C. Plantlng tablets o. Ground cover: 5 grams with a minimum grade 20-10-5. b. Shrubs ond trees: 21 grams with o minimum grade 20-10-5. BACKFILL MIX: A. Standard bockffll ml.: use import top soil, stockpile topsoil, or an site based on the soils report. Backfill shall include 1 /3 nitrolized redwood, 2/3 native soil w/ 1 year "BestPak" fertilizer packets. Application rate to be per manufacturers recommendation/specification (or obtain soils test and follow recommendations). B. Acid loving plant mix: use import top soil, stockpile topsoil, or on site soil based an the soils report. This mix is for bidding only. See pion for indication of acid loving plant material blend per cubic yard: Topsoil/import sail -1 · port by volume · Nitrolizing organic amendment -5 parts by volume Composted leaf mold -4 parts by volume 7.04 ACCESSORIES: (Where opplleoble) A. Tree ties: Commercially manufactured ties from black tire caelngs, cut to a minimum ten-inch (10") length and held in ploce by 9 gauge galvanized wire or split plastic hose shall be "cinch tie" or approved equal. B. Tree stoke•: Reddy Stoke System (585)333-3090 install per manufacturer's recommendations, or approved equal. C. Guy wires: 6-9 gauge galvanized wire; not to be spliced. D. Guy wire hose: 3/8" or 5/16" • .062" wt polyethylene tubing by Word Monufocturlng (714) 631-5055. E. Steel guy anchor: 36" long Maxwell or approved equal. Install per manufacturer's recommendation,. F. Root barrier: Copolymer polypropylene. injection molded, .050 thickness root barrier 01 manufactured by Deep Root Corporation (800)458-7668. Use model no. UB 24-2 adjacent to curbs and paved surfaces. Use model no. UB 36-2 adjacent to garden walls or wrought iron fences. Use model no. UB 48-2 adjacent to retaining walls or building footings. See plans and details for locations. Install per manufacturer's recommendations. Deeproat or approved barriers are to be Installed per detail provided. All tree species planted within 3' -o• of paving or wall shall require Deeproot borriere. G. Polyethylene edging: Trex 1" black or approved equal. (To be installed per detail provided.) Installed per manufacturer's specifications. 7.05 General: Maintenance shall start Immediately after landscape irrigation and planting. Maintain oil plants and planted areas on a continuous basis as they are installed during the progress of the work, and continue to maintain them until final acceptance of total project. Replace any dead or dying plants as directed by the Landscape Architect and City representative. A. Irrigation: Operate Irrigation system on on established program to maintain all plants and planted areas in a healthy condition. Irrigation system run-off shall be kept to a minimum. Damage to Irrigation system resulting from maintenance and equipment and/or maintenance personnel, shall be restored to its original condition ot no cost to the Owner. Failure of any port of the irrigation system shall be brought to the attention of the Owner. No repairs other than emergency repairs shall be accomplished without written permission from the Owner. B. Weed Control: Keep oil planted areas free of weeds and debris by cultlvotlng areas at Intervals not to e•ceed 10 calendar days. The Contractor may elect to remove such concentrations of weeds manually or by an approved herbicide program. C. Pest Control: Spray all plants and planted areas at beginning of maintenance program and as may become necessary thereafter by an approved method of pest control, to keep all plants and planted areas free of insects and disease. Method shall be reviewed by the Owner prior to any opplicotlons. Pest Control shall include Gopher control. D. Pruning: Prune all plants os designated and directed by Landscape Architect, at start of maintenance program and continue to prune plants as directed or as may become necessary untfl the end of the maintenance program. Remove trash weekly. Edge ground cover to keep In bounds and trim top growth os necessary to achieve and overall even appearance. Exterminate gophers and moles; repair damage. PART 8 -ACCEPTANCE Of PROJECT 8.01 General: Upon completion of Installation, a maintenance period of o minimum of 180 days for all landscaped areas 11 required prior to final acceptance of the work by the Owner. The Commencement ·date for the maintenance period shall commence upon written approval for all phases of planting lnstallotlon by the Owner. Maintenance period shall be adequate to verify plant characteristics and establishment. A. Two Inspections shall be mode that affect the establishment period: The first after all plantings have been completely Installed in order to opprow the beginning of the establishment period, and the second ot the end of the establlshment period. If plantings are not acceptable at the end of the 180 day period, due to defective maintenance, then continue establishment until all work meets with the Specifications and con be approved. B. At termination of establishment period all plont material shall be live, healthy, undamaged, and free of Infestation. Inferior plantings shall be replaced and brought to a satisfactory condition before final acceptance of work wlll be made. All areas shall be neatly raked and free of weeds. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS-BUILT" TITLE _______ _ REVIEIJED BY, INSPECTOR DATE DATE i-------i----;-----------t--+------t-----+----t I SH;ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ::==:::::..:::==P:::LA=N=N::IN::G::::::D::E=PA=R=T=M::E=NT===~~==::::::! PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS ARRIVAL LOOP LA COSTA RESORT & SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AP ROVE~..,,._ ________ _ -----------------1---------~ Lf~s--a3 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA TE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL □TI-IER Afl'R□VAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWNG NO. CHKD BY: pp 02-01 402-2N RVIJD BY1 • I / 314" /I ; I _/ / ll """'-·-•! , ,. I I ! I /I WATE~ USE CALCULATIONS: TOT AL WATl!!Ft U&E, l!AWU • !-li-DJIIOZONE "I 6!-IIIIU15 4~.2 X Alt> X 1,&82 >< lt>.62/ .1lt>• 162,-4,6,1 GAL/YEAR 116 ,lt),4-4 a.ALIYl!A" 3/ ······· -,l ' " N " "' .-,H,r ofr'l'-~tt:t:---------+----------'t 1--9;,Cf(. POINT OF CONNECTION - CONNECT TO EXl&TING POT AeL.E MAINLINE WAT!llt &OUlltC! T!-IAT UTILIZE& 2" EXl&TING WATER METEFt "12.:l!)b242, <VERIFY LOCATION IN FIELD FRIOJlt TO IN&TAL.L.ATION) TI-IROUG!-I NEW LINE &!ZED GATE .AND MA&TEFt VALVE A&&~. LOCATE GATE VAL.VE, REMOTE CONTl"OL VALVE AND QUICK COUl"L.EFt IN P"LANTel'I! AFt!A, PLAN 61-!0WN !"OI" CLAl'ltlrr ONLY. IN&T AL.L l'tEDUCED 1"1'tE&6URE 15ACl<l'LOW l"l'tEVl!NTOJlt IP ONE 16 NOT EXISTING. VERIFY IN !"!ELD P"!l!IOJlt TO IN&T AL.L.ATION. U&E MODEL-P:Eeco &28YA l'tEDUCED Fl'itEeetll'tE eACKFLOW-I½" LAND&cAl"E CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY &TATIC WATEFt FRE:&&ul'o!E AND LOCATION OF WATEFt METER AND 16 TO NOTIFY LAND&cAFE AFtC!-IITECT OF ANY Dl&cl't!P"ENCIES P"!l!IOJlt TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. FAILURE TO DO 60 MAY Ft!&uL T IN C!-IANl:iJE& TO IFtRIGATION SYSTEM. CO&T FOFt T!-IE&E C!-IANGE& WILL 15E Tl-IE l'ltE&P"ON&ll!llLITY OF Tl-IE CONTFitACTOR CONTROLLER INFORMATION- CONTl'tACTOl'lt TO INTl!'-"Al1! NEW l'lt!MOTE CONTROL VAL.VI! STATION INTO l!!Xl&TINl:i, l'itAINello!P CONTROLLER. IP: CONTROLLl:R &TATION& ARE FULL A DOUl5LE1't &!-IALL !!IE U&ED· MADE l!lY TflitAN&ITIONAL &YSTEM& MANUFACnJl'tlNGo CO. (916) 1&1-231.z>. IN&TALL. FER MANUFACnJl'o!ER'S l'ltECOMENDATION&. NUMeEFt NEW VAL.YE &EQUENCE ON CONTFtOLLEFt ACCOl"DINGL Y. NOTIFY LAND&cAl"E AFtC!-IITECT OF ANY Dl&cl'tEl'"ANCIE& WIT!-1 CONTl"OL.LEl'lt 1'"1'tl0Ft TO IN&TALLATION. B An I ill l~IGATION LEGEND (f">OT Al!L!> &YM!!IOL. MFG,MODEL NO. FATTEl'l!N D!:&clltfFTION Fe.I G1"M il!AD • l'tAIN!!lll'tD 1912-14'!'2 l"L.OOD 6" FOP·UI" &!-ll'W15 13U1515L.EFt 312' ,Z,_!;,Z, a l'tAINell'tP 1912-&C&T &TREAM 6" FOF-UF &!-ll'<Ul5 15U1515LEllt 3<2) ,Z,!!,,z) ./ 9 y 0 l'tAIN!!IIRD 19'M>-9 Q)-1,f' 6" FOF·UI" &!-ll'W15 &l""l'A Y 312' .26, _!;2, 14)4 8' * ~ ® l'tAINl!IIRD 1-·111' Q)-1,f' 6" FOl"-UP" &f.llli!Je &l"ll!AY 312' A, .I!,, 1.6 ltt>' ~~· '¢' ... ~ l'tAINl!lllo!P 19'M>-12 Q,T )-1 6" FOF•UI'" &i-ll'Ue &Fl'tA Y 312' .6&. 1.12', I~ 12' ·,'/ y l'tAIN!!lll"D 19'M>-8VAN Q 6" FOP-UP &!-ll'Wl5 &Fl'tAY 30 .z>.14 8' y' l'tAIN!!lll"D 19'M>-12V AN Q 6" l"OF·UP" &Ml'W15 &l""l'AY 312' 1.32 12' --l"'N!le6U!ltl! MAINLINE IN l"'L.ANTEl't AREA, 3/4" TO 1-112", FVC 6CM ~. 2" AND LA11161!:Ft UH / [BJ Ft:>1'/t:l!!!JT K, 1/AAQ, A!JLA, INC. /..ANO!Jt:APIE A1'CI/ITECTU1'E !.ANO Pl-ANNIN~ l'ZSf N, COAST Hlf.H'W' AY t..AGtJNA BEACH, CA f266 I Pd•oJ .,.,.,,.. Fd•oJ '$1'""'°'7 i\\:'!\.'.;I;"({,;.~ ·.·,,y,t>•·r~ FVC CL.A&& 31&, !5U"'1' &LEEVED FVC MIN. 19" 13ELOUJ GRADE FOJle FEDE&TFtlAN, .!le" FOJle Vl!!!-IICULAl't NON-l"l'tE&&uRE LATEl'tAL. FVC &cl-I~ WIT!-1 l"VC 6CM 40 FITTING&. 13URY &L.EEVED PVC MIN. 12" 15ELOUJ Gil!ADE FOJlt FEDE6TFitlAN, 3.z>" FOR VE!-IICUL.AR SIZE NOTED. l"IFE &LEEYINl:s l"VC &Cl-I elZi FOR MAINLINE AND Wll'tl:6 UNDEFt VE!-IICUL.AR l"AVING,, &Cl-I ale l"01't MAINLINE, WIFitE:6 AND LATEFtAL& UNDEl'it FEDE&TflitlAN FAYING. EXTEND 12" eEYOND FAYING. WIii'! &Ll!l!VINl:s l"VC 6CM 81f). l5IJ1't'T' MIN. 24" 15ELOW GRADE, EXTEND MIN. 12" 151!:YOND !DGI!. l'tAINeflo!P FEl5 &l!lltll!!& l'tl!!MOTE CONTl'tOL VAL VI!. 61%1! NOTED. Nfl5CO LINE &IZED l!IALL. VALV!: Nl!!L.&oN 1643 QUICK COI.PLING VALY!· 314" GFtl&WOLD "223<2> 1"1'tE9el.ll'tE ~• ATINGr MA&TEl't VAL.VI!. (NOl'e:'1ALLY CLO&ED> • 2". &l!T AT MANUFACnJReFt'& FtECOMMENDATION&-VERIFY &IZE WIT!-1 Ml!!TEFt AND FflitE&&UI'! FFtfOl'lt AFl"t'tOXIMATE L.OCATION OF EXl&TINGr l"OT AeL.E WATEllt METEllt-2", "12<2>h242 VEFtlFY LOCATION ANP &IZE IN FIELD FRIOFt TO IN&TAL.LATION Y AL VI! NUMl!l!!Ft ~ PLOW IN 4PM. 0:::. VAL.VI! &IZE NOT!& I. U&E P"OF-UI" !-IEAD& WIT!-1 '&AM' l!IUILT-IN C!-IECK VALVE& TO P"!l!!!Yl!NT LOW 1-ll!!AD Dl'tAINAGI!!. 2. IN&T ALL l'tAINl5IRD FC6 &CREEN& A& NECEe.&Al'tY IN Olo!PEllt TO ~-Fl'<EvENT OVER&Fl'itAY ONTO WALK, WALL&, COL.UMN&, ETC. 's. ALL LATEl'tAL LINE ANP MAINLINI!! IN&TALL151:> UNOE!R FAYING TO )eE FROYIDED WIT!-1 FIPE SLEEVING. (2 TIMI!!& LINE &IZE). IN&TAL.L / PEFt CITY OF CARL&eAD &FECIFICATION&. /-4, INSTALL l"Ot""·UI"& WIT!-1 IN ltt>' OF ALL P"EDE&TRIAN U&E AREA&. / P"!Ft ctn-OF CAFtL615AD LAND&cAFE MANUAL. ',, 8. NOTIFY LANO&eAPE AFtC!-IITECT FFtlOJlt TO IN&T ALLATION IF ANY '• Dl&cFt!FANCIE& OCCUR. ', ' / / F'LAN SHEET l<EY ~ ~ SCALE: I/ l'1' • /'--0" ~~~ PL.□T DATE• 2/l'Jl/03 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS-BUILT" TITLE _______ _ REVIE\IED BY• INSPECTOR DATE DATE t-----+--+------------1----+--+--f----llSH~ETI CITY OF CARLSBAD~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ ;==:..:::==========-===; DA1E INITIAL DA1E INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF YK>RK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL IRRIGATION PLAN ARRIVAL LOOP LA COSTA RESORT & SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RV\ID BY• PROJECT NO. PO CIZ--07 I ORA WING NO. . "I02-2N \\ I I I \ \ I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \\\ ' '," ''•·-,-c,.__ " ,,,_.,,,.,,. ---------, I ---. ....._ __ -... ___________ n-----11 -II~ ----~------- ~~~ ... -- , ! I ! / , 1111 1 i;,::i, ------ / \ \ / , I J ;;; a! Ml ' ' 3 -------~ -...J---- / / / / / / __ ,. --\-~----_..;·--·-ti·· -·;" __ ... -_, , ',__,.•, __ .._.....____..._._ _ _._ ___ _._ ____ .._ _ ___._...._ _________ ---'-.l....-'----------.L l~IGATION LEGENP 6YMeOL MFG/MODEL NO, ■ lotAINell'tD 1812-WlY.! '.;t AAINell'<D 18'2)6-& ,.-V 0 !'tAIN!lll'<D IH'6-8 • V • !'tAINell'<D lu,f,-id') (, ♦ ❖ PltAINell'tD le.N>-12 I \ ! / I I I PATTEl'IN PLOOD 1-1 T,I-IJ" T,I-I_F Q,T,1-1,P' 1-1 AAINell'tD l""A&S 10 1-1 lotAINell'tD l""A85 12 1-1 !'tAINell'<D l""A&S 16&LA 1-1 \ \ I ----, ' I I / I I / I I I DE&cl•lll'"TION 1"'61 E>" l'"Ol'"-Ui"" eul"I "'I '!UeeLEl't !e 6" !'"OP-UP~ ~y 34' 6" !'"OP-UP~ ~y 34' 6" POP-UP &l-fflolJe Sf'RAY !e 6" l"Of"-UP ~ ~y 34' 6" POP-UP &l-l!IIJe &l"tltAY 6" POP-UI"' eul'l'I'\ ~y 6" l'"OP•UI"' &l-l!IIJe ~ y 6" i'>OP-IJl9 &l-ll'tUe &l"tltAY Gol"M l'tAD .14 9,1 .!6, .&2' 1-""4 e.1 .&2, .8, 1.6 le1 .6&, IA!l, 1.3, 2.6 12' 0.&2 0JJ(f) 1.30 1.60 8' l,Z,' 12' 16' --1"1'1tE&6UlltE MAINLINE IN !"LANTl!flt AlltEA, 314" TO 1-112", l"YC &cl-I 40, 2" AND LAIIIGEflt uee l"VC CL.A&& 31!;, euFtY SLEEVED l"VC MIN. I&' el!LOUJ C!sl'tADE ~ l"'EDESTl'tlAN, 30" ~ Yl!l-llaJLAl't NON-l"'l"E5&UlltE LATE!'tAL l"YC !Cl-I 40 WITI-I l"YC &cl-I 40 PITTINC!,6. ~ &Ll!EYl!D l"YC MIN. 12" eaow Gl'tADI!! l"Ol't l"'EDl!!5Tl't1AN, W" FOl't Yl!I-IICULAl'l &IZE NOTED. Pll"'I! SLEEVING l"VC &cl-I t4) l"Ol't MAINLINE AND Wll't!!!6 UNPE!lt Yl!I-IICULAl't ,-.AVING, &cl-I 4" FOl't MAINLINE, W!Fll:6 AND LATE~& UNDEflt l"'EDE5Tl'tlAN PAVING. EXTEND 12" ~OND PAVING. Wll'ltE SLEEVING l"YC 6CI-I eit>. eul't'Y MIN. 24" eELOUJ Gl'tADE, EXTEND MIN. 12" eEYOND !OGE. l'tAINell'<D !'"Ee eEl'tl1!!6 fltEMOTE CONTl'tOL VAL VI!. &IZI!! NOTED. Nleco LINE &IZED eALL VALVE NEL&ON 1643 QUICK COUPLING VALYI!· 314" Cl-lAMPION-FAl!'WAY ATMO&l'"I-IEl'tlC VACUUM e!'tl!!Al<:!!l't, LINE-&IZED l'tAINell'<D 1!!&1"'-LX-12, 12 &TATION AUTOMATIC FOUl't 1""AOGl'tAM MYefltlO CONT""'1.LEflt IN&TALLED WITI-I ~INCl-lECK' AUTOMATIC l'ltAIN el-lUT-OFF DEVICE AND IN A "eTl'tONC!seOX" VANDAL fltE515TANT ENCLO~. VAL YE NUMeEl't ~ FLOW IN GJDM. ~ VALVE! &!ZEE NOTI!& I. U6E POP-UP" I-IEAD& WITI-I '5AM' eulLT•IN Cl-ll!CK VALY!!& TO l"'l"EYl!!NT LOW I-IEAD DAAINAGE. 2. IN5T ALL l'ltAINel~ PC& &cfltEEN& AS Nl!!CEe&AfltY IN Ol'tDEflt TO FfltEYENT OYEl'tel"RAY ONTO WALK, WAI.Le, COLUMNS, ETC. 3. ALL LATEfltAL LINI! AND MAINLINI!! IN&TALLED UNDl!flt AC f"'AVING TO eE ~VIDED WITI-I PIPE SLEEVING (2 TIME& LINE 51ZE). IN6TALL l"'El't CITY OF CAR5eAD 61"'ECIFICATION6. 4. IN&T ALL. l'"OP-Ul96 WITI-I IN 10' OF ALL ie!!Dl!&TfltlAN U&E A!lil!A&. PEl't CITY OF CAl'tL5eAD el"'ECIPICATION6. &. NOTIFY LAND!CAl"'E Al'tCl-llTECT P!'tlOl't TO IN&TALLATION Ill ANY Dl6Cl't!!!PANCIE6 OCCUR. I I I I I I ,I \I 11 I \ \ POINT OF CONNECTION - I \ \ I I CONNECT TO EXl&TING l"'OTAeLE MAINLINE WATl!!flt &oUfltCI!!, &UPPLIED ~ LA C05TA Fll:eOl'tT AND &PA ~IVAL LOOP MAINLINE, TI-IAT UTILIZE6 2" E><16TING, WATER METEl't "12"6242, Tl-lfltOUGsl-l NEW Nleco LINE 51ZED GATE VALVE! A& &I-IOUJN. LOCATE GATE VALVE!, REMOTE CONTROL VALVE! AND QUICK COUPJ..Eflt IN PLANTEF! AF!EA, Pl.AN 51-iOUN FOR Cl..AfltlTY ONLY. (V!RIFY LOCATION IN PIELD l"RIOl't TO INSTALLATION) lltEFEl't TO LA COSTA l'tE60l'tT AND &PA AfltfltlVAL LOOP PACKAGE FfltEPAFll=D E5Y POl'<l'<E6T K I-IAAG, A5LA. LANDSCAPE CONTl'tACTOflt TO YEl'tlPY 5TATIC WATE!l't l"'l'tE!e&ul'tE AND LOCATION OF WATl!!l't METl!!!lt AND 15 TO NOTIFY LAND5CAl"'I! Alotel-llTECT OF ANY Ol5CF!El"'ENC1Ee l"l'tlOF! to coMMENCEMENT CIF-CONeTl'tUCTION. FAILUl'tE TO DO SO MAY fltE5UL T IN CI-IANGE6 TO IRRIGATION SYSTEM. COST FOl't Ti-lE6E Cl-lANa.Ee WILL ee Ti-IE 1"!5PON61!11L ITY CIF-Ti-IE CONTl'tACTOl't. CONTROLLER LOCATION- 11, VOLT 2 AMP 60 CYCLE ~ !"!ltOVIDE!D i,y OILNE"- ~IGATION CONTRACTOR TO MAKE PINAL I-IOOK-UI"'. WALi.. MOUNT IN ACC!!66AeJ..!! AfltEA ONC!! FINAL LOCATION I& Af'>l'"fltOVED eY OUNEP'i:'5 lltEFfltE:51:NTATIYE/ LANDSCAPE ARCI-IITECT. SCALE:// 16"•1'-0" PlAN SHEET l<EY / / / / / / / / I \ \ \ ---- f'(>lt,lt,1!,T I(. /MA~, A,t.A, IN&, l.ANO!J,CAl"E AICCIIITE&TUTtl! UNI> /f"LANN!Nt; l2#J4 N. COAST lll~HWAY LA&VNA flEACN, CA '2f,~ I ,-J,~t) '76--,0•• f'JH•) 11(.-90,1 ,,.-,""~"'''~' .r{{~fe~r!:. --1--(... . ' -, ~----- \ \ UJATEic;? U5E CALCULATIONS: TOT Al-WATE!lt U&E, MAWA, EAIW • l-l"rDl"OZONE "I &l-ll'tUe 4-3-2 X .-4,z, )< &•eit) X t'J.62/ .11Z'• APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. / / I I PL□T DATE, ;1/l'J/03 "AS-BUILT" TITLE---------DATE REVIE'JED BY• INSPECTOR DATE 1----+--+----------+----+--+--+---l I SH.EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ~=::::'..'.:::::=::::::::P:::LA::N::N::::IN::G::::D:::E=PA=R=T::M:::E::NT::::::=='..:~=== DAlE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL IRRIGATION PLAN ARRIVAL LOOP LA COSTA RESORT & SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DWN BY: ___ , CHKD BY: ---I RV'w'D BY• PROJECT NO. PO 02--07 I DRAWING NO. _ .rf02-2N D E F L fllN.161-l Clllt.601 2. Ir DIA -VAi.Vi -llffll LOGl(ll;(Jo LID '9111> H-l!IYCAMON rr;c,u&Tiltll&, H.A1'IICIC> 'QC.' ON~ I. QJICI< ~INiff VAL VI 4. l"VC ICM NJ 111111!111 9'. /2l l"VC ITMET 1!LL6 6. l"VC ICM l/0 Nlf"l'U ,. l"VC9 e. l"VCecM~ILL I. l"YC HA,IN LINII 111>. ON! CUl!IIC Ft. OF ~• Cllll.5l!P lilOCI( MO'IW, IN&TAI.L6'1'1110M"8- .AC>J-'CIN1' P'A,111!C) -· QUICK COUPLING VALVE Ll!Gl!!NC> I. ~-ACIE. 2. CLl!AN 9,6GICl'ILL A6 !111!!(:IJl!lll!!D. TO 1H 91!'1" IN 6' Lll'TI>. tl:efElit TO &P'!Cll'ICATION& l'Olt &P'IICFIC M.4'1VVAL AND COHPACTION l'll!G.JIM!I ll!NT&. I. CLEAN &AND. 4. I I 1!98' !I'll!! MAIN LINI! W1T1-I eLa\/11. 9'. LATl!l'tAL LIMI! WITl-1 er..l!l!!Ylt 6. ~L W-• CClMP'UTIIN --6Ll!!ME. SLEEVING r-- 1 I NOTl!6, •• -· AI.L eLl!l!VI& TO Ill! P'YC. tcM. l/0 ilN:> TWO .,._., ON! M.A1.F /?I-,) TIMI!& TMI! DIA OI' Tl4I! IIJOlll<JN<I P'f1"IL CLl!AN l!ACICl'ILL H.4Y el! eu!&TITUTl!C> l'Olt 6ANC> IJNDl!!1't WALK& AND C>l'VYI!&. 1 PINl9M-..c>II 2 -Dll!Ylc:e -~ l'Olt &P'l!CPICATION ! l!ll'lt4M i,,4LL VAL.YI! TYP'. 4 el'IA66 NIP'!"LI!& MIN. -4' TYP'. & l!ll'ltA66 ILL. -4 !111!!(:IJll'll!!D • e.<Cl<l'LOW l!NCL°"""" 1 ---ATO!t II' -Cll'IIIC> & e-l't•M IJNION, 2 l'll!!QJll'tl!D '!I -•e& l'Vel!N Ll!NGTM A6 l'll!!Q. 1,0 P'VC M.AltLINII! TO MA&Tl!!N YALVI! 11 &Cl-I 81111 P'VC Pl!MALI! A,e>Ai"'l'eR 12 6CM 81111 P'VC Nll"P'l.11! 6' MIN. r, P'YC MAINLINI!! • l!!IACl<l'l..alU eMALL Ill! Tl!&Tl!C> l!Y A Cl!NTll'll!!C> Tl!!&Tll!N AND Nill. T1I MU&T el! GIVl!N TO TI-IE Oll.NEl'li AND TI-IE W,4~ Dl&TJlllCT P'l!!!lli CITY eP'l!!Cll'tCATIONe. • JDlf'I!! IHTU.l!!l!!N TI-IE ME!T1!1' ANC> IMO<l'I.OW eMALL el! "60EDULI! K M.6.ND COl"!"l!lt" P'l!!N CITY &P'!Cil'ICATIONe. • IN&T.ALL P'1!!N Cl'I.IW:>. &TAND.APIO DIIIAWINl:I • W-21!1 BACKFLOW PREVENTOR A B C II 4" MIN. lr ~__,f 1 . ~. 4 L ~INl9MGIOtAC>II! 2. CU.-e. WALK Olt P'OUNC>.4TION ll. l"CP'-UP' -y MEA,e> ,4. P'VC ec:w 81111 r.!lll!llt 1-. P'YC llCW 81111 Nll"l"Ll!l ~"Clllffill 11illll 1i 11 11i 111JJJn _Ill I~! •· P'YC LA-LINII 1. TWO P'YC &-l!LL6 .. P'VC 60,I -44' l!LL I. P'YCTD POP-UP SPRAY HEAD ---- ITT-ITT ITT-I 1. PINl9M-..c>II 2. P'LA&TIC VALYI! l!IO)( W1T1-I LOCXINa, LIP MA!lll<EC> "G,.V.' I. G.ATI!! VAL YI! -4. OHi! CLl9IC FT. C1f't ¼ • O'll.lel l8C ~ 9'. P'VC MAIN L!Nm •. ·-""''°" 1. P'VC MALI! AC>.4P"TO!t (2 l'll!!QJll'tl!D) ._ P'YC 9MC -'IC> Nll"l"Ll!l GATE VALVE L PINleM- 2. P'LMTIC YAL"11 IIO)( WITM LOCKING COv1!fll M~ 0~.c.v.• AND &T.ATION NO. ON~ LOCATI!! DI 9111'1111!1 IHC>. S. tOIAP'• TITI!! l!L!!C~CAL coi+ecTO!te -4. P'YC MALI! ADAl"TO!t (2 l'll!!GlUll'll!!D/ 9'. P'VC 6CM 81111 NI&!~ NOT!, 1. IN&TALL VAi.Yi! l!IO>< eucM T1-l.4T T!-11!! TOI" Cl' Tl41! COVl!!N 16 2' .490YI! PINl9M ~C>E IN ~ ~ AIOEM 2. ALL <iATI! VALYI!& 0~ 2' IN &IZI! eMALL l!!E ec:>X 1-1.ANC>LI! GATI! YALYI!& , •• P'YC Tl!!I!! 1. P'VC MAIN LIME ._ ONII! cue,c ,.,._ ~ "4' ~c, ""'°'- CONTROL VALVE F01'1'.l!,T I(. HM•. A:N.A, IN&, lANOSCAfi'E Alt&HITl!&TU/tl! LANI> (', 1'LANN/N,; l21!i4 N. Ct>AST Hft:#WAY LA&CJNA BEACH, CA 926-~ I PL□T DATE• )/I '3/03 "AS-BUILT" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND p,(,.,} 176-"7•• FJH•) 37(.-9067 IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE-------DATE ::t;t\j~~r,~ ... Y"'r'7'71'--r LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVIEIIED BY, INSPECTOR DATE I SH;ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1---1--+---------------+---+-__,.l----+---l PLANNING DEPARTMENT L__j 1---1--+---------------+---+--1----+---l DA TE INl11AL DATE INl11AL DATE INl11AL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION □THER APPROVAL CITY i\PPROVAL IRRIGATION PcTAll-S ARRIVAL LOOP LA COSTA RESORT & SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ RV\ID BY• PROJECT NO. PO 02--07 DRAWING NO. 402-2N IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS PART l -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Scope of Worl<: Provide all labor, materials, transportation, and services necessary to furnish and install the Irrigation System as shown on the Drawings and described herein. B. Standards: All work and materials shall comply with governing codes, safety orders, standards, and regulations, and meet the minimum requirements of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction (Green Book) latest edition. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE & REQUIREMENTS A. Permits and Fees: The Contractor shall obtain and pay for any and all permits and all observations os required. B. Manufacturer's Directions: Manufacturer's directions and detailed drowings shall be followed in all cases where the manufacturers of articles used in this Contract furnish directions covering points not shown in the Drawings and Specifications. C. Ordinances and Regulations: All local, municipal and state laws, and rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these Specifications, and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contractor. Anything contained in these Specifications shall not be construed to conflict with any of the above rules, regulations, or requirements of the same. However, when these Specifications and Drawings coll for or describe materials, workmanship, or construction of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size than Is required by the above rules and regulations, the provisions of these Specifications and Drawings shall take precedence •. D. Explanation of Orowlnge: 1. Due to the Scale of the Drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fitting, sleeves, etc., which may be required. The Contractor shall carefully investigate the structural and finished conditions affecting all of his work and plan his work accordingly, furnished such fittings, etc., as may be required to meet such conditions. Drawings ore generally diagrammatic and indicative of the work to be installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to ovoid conflicts between the irrigation system, planting and architectural features. 2. All work called for on the Drawings by notes or details shall be furnished and installed whether or not specifically mentioned in the specifications. 3. The Contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system as shown on the Drawings when it is obvious in the field that obstructions, grade differences, or discrepancies in area dimensions exist that might not hove been considered in engineering. Such obstructions or differences shall be brought to the attention of the Landscape Architect. In the event this notification is not performed, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any revision necessary. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Material list: 1. The Contractor shall furnish the articles, equipment. materials, or processes specified by name in the Drawings and Specifications. Na substitution will be allowed without prior written approval by the City of Carlsbad. 2. Complete material list shall be submitted prior to performing any work. Material list shall include the manufacturer, model number, and description of all materials and equipment to be used. Although manufacturer and other information may be different, following is a guide to proper submittal format: the Item No, Deserio ti on Monufacluete Model No, 1 2 3 4 Backflow Preventer Febco 825Y Automatic Controller Calsense ETI-DTR2 IAaster Valve Clayval 136ACSKC-24V Etc. Etc. Etc. Irrigation submittal must be !lp<!cific and complete. All items must by listed and should include solvent, primer, wire, connectors, valve, boxes, etc. No copies of manufacturer's literature (catalog cuts) are required as submittal information. 3. The Contractor may submit substitutions for equipment and materials listed on the Drawings by following procedures as outlined in Section 1.05 of the Irrigation Specifications. 4. Equipment or materials installed or furnished without prior approval of the City of Carlsbad may be rejected and the Contractor may be required to remove such materials from the site at his own expense. 5. Approval of any item, alternative or substitute indicates only that the product or products apparently meet the requirements of the Drawings and Specifications on the basis of the information or samples submitted. 6. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability under the guarantee. warranties shall only supplement the guarantee. Such B. RECORD DRAWINGS: 1. The Contractor shall provide and keep up-to-date a complete record set of blueline diazo prints which shall be corrected daily, showing every change from the original Drawings and Specifications and the exact installed locations, sizes, and kinds of equipment. Prints for this purpose may be obtained from the City of Carlsbad at cost. This set of drawings shall be kept on the site and shall be used only as a record set. C. o. E. ' 2. The Contractor shall make neat and legible notation• on the record drawing progress sheets doily as the work proceeds, showing the work as actually installed. For example, should a piece of equipment be installed in a location that does not match the plan, the Contractor must indicate that equipment has been relocated in a graphic manner so as to match the original symbols as indicated in the irrigation legend. The relocated equipment and dimensions will then be transferred to the original record drawing plan at the proper time. 3. Before the date of the final observation, the Landscape Architect shall transfer all information from the "record drawing" prints to city mylar or a new CAO mylar base sheet. Arran~ements shall be made through the city for obtaining c,ty mylar. The dimensions shall be mode as to be easily readable even on the final controller chart (see Section C). The mylar "record drawing" pion shall be eubmitted to the Ci!)-of Carlsbad for approval prior to the completion of the controller chart. 4. The Contractor shall dimension from two (2) permanent points of reference, such as building corners, sidewalk edges, road intersections, etc., the locatlon of the following items: a. Connection to existing water lines. b. Connection ta existing electrical power. c. Gate valves. d. Routing of sprinkler pressure lines ( dimension max. 100' along routing) includlng all changes of direction. e. Sprinkler control valves. f. Routing of control wiring and locations of all splice boxes. g. Quick coupling valves. h. Stub-outs for future connection■. i. Other related equipment as directed by the City of Carlsbad. 5. On or before the date of the final field observation, the Landscape Architect shall deliver the revised city m)llars (or new m)llars) to the City of Carlsbad. Delivery of the m)llars will not relieve the Contractor of the responslblllty of furnishing required information that may be omitted from the prints. Controller Charts: 1. As-bullts drawings shall be approved by the Owner before controller charts are prepared. 2. Provide one controller chart for each controller sequence. 3. The chart shall show the area controlled by the automatic controller and shall be the maximum size which the controller door will ollow. 4. The chart Is to be a reduced drawing of the actual Installed system. However, In the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing Is reduced, It shall be enlarged to a size that will be readable when reduced. 5. The chart shall be a block line or bluellne ozalld print and a different color shall be used to indicate the area of coverage for each station. 6. When completed and approved, the chart shall be hermetically sealed betw-. two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 20 mils. 7. These charts shall be completed and approved prior to the final field observation of the irrigation system. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: 1. Prepare and deliver to the Owner within ten calendar days prior to completion of construction, two hard-cover, three ring binders containing the followlng Information: o. Index sheet which states Contractor's name, address, and telephone number, and which lists each installed equipment and material item including names and addresses of manufactures local representatives. b. Catalog and parts sheets on e-y material and equipment Item Installed under this Contract. c. Guarantee statement. d. Complete operating and maintenance Instructions on all major equipment. 2. In addition ta the above mentioned maintenance manuals, provide the Owner's maintenance personnel with Instructions for major equipment and shaw evidence In writing to the Owner al the conclusion of the project that this service hos been rendered. Equipment to be Furnished: 1. Supply as a port of this contract the following tools: a. b. c. d. Two (2) sets of special tools required for removing, disassembling and adjusting each type of sprinkler and valve supplied on this project. Two (2) four-foot valve keys for operation of gate valves. Two (2) keys for each automatic controller. One (1) quick coupler key and matching hose swivel for every five (5) or fraction thereof of each type of quick coupling valve installed. 2. The above mentioned equipment shall be turned over ta the Owner at the conclusion of the project. Before final observation can occur, evidence that the Owner has received material must be shown to the Owner. 1.04 1.05 1.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE ANO HANDLING A. Handling of PVC pipe and fittings: The Contractor Is cautioned to exercise core In handling, loading, unloading, and storing PVC pipe and fittings. All PVC pipe shall be transported In a vehicle which allows the length of pipe to lie flat so as not to sub Ject It to under bending or a concentrated external load at any point. Any section of pipe thot has been dented or damaged will be discarded, and if installed, shall be replaced with new piping. SUBSTITUTIONS A. If the Contractor wishes to substitute any equipment or materials for the equipment or materials listed on the Drawings and Specifications, he may do so t,y providing the following information to the City of Carlsbad for approval: 1. Provide a statement indicating the reason for making the substitution. Use a separate sheet of paper for each item to be submitted. 2. Provide descriptive catalog literature, performance charts and flow charts for each item to be substituted. 3. Provide the amount of cost savings If the substituted item is approved. B. The City of Carlsbad and the Owner shall have the responsibility In accepting or rejecting any submittal item as an approved equal to the equipment and materials llsted on the Drawings and Specifications. GUARANTEE A. The guarantee for the Irrigation system shall be' made In accordance with the attached form. The General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions of these Specifications shall be flied with the Owner prior to acceptance of the Irrigation system. B. A copy of the Guarantee form shall be Included In the operations and maintenance manual. C. The guarantee form shall be re-typed onto the Contractor's letterhead and shall contain the following information: GUARAINTEE FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the Irrigation system we have furnished and installed is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the work has been completed In accordance with the Drawings and Specfficotions, ordinary wear and tear, unusual abuse, or neglect excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defects in material or workmanship which may develop during the period of one Jl"Or from date of acceptance and also to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repairing or replacing of such defects at no additional costs to the Owner. We shall make such repairs or replacements within a reasonable time, as determined by the Owner, after receipt of written notice. In the event of our failure to make such repairs or replacements within a reasonable time after receipt of written notice from the Owner, we authorize the Owner to proceed to have said repairs or replacements made at our expense and we will poy the costs and charges therefore upon demand. PROJECT: __________________ _ LOCATION: __________________ _ SIGNED: ____________ ~----- ADDRESSEO: ________________ _ PHONE: ______ _ OATE OF ACCEPTANCE: ___ _ PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Use only new materials of brand• and types noted on drawings, specified herein, or approved equals. B. PVC Pressure Main Line Pipe and Fittings: 1. Pressure main llne piping for sizes 2• and larger shall be PVC Class 315. 2. Class 315 pipe shall be made from on NSF approved Type 1, Garde1, PVC compound conforming to ASlM resin specification 01784. All pope must meet requirements as set forth in Federal Specification PS-22-70, with an appropriate standard dimension (S.D.R.) (Solvent-weld Pipe). . 3. Pressure main line piping for sizes 1-1 /2" and smaller shall be PVC Schedule 40 with solvent welded joints. 4. Schedule 40 pipe shall be made from NSF approved Type 1. Grade 1 PVC compound conforming to ASlM resin specification 01785. All pipe must meet requirements as set forth in F ederai Specification PS-21-70. 5. PVC solvent-weld fittings shall be Schedule 40, 11-1 NSF approved conforming to ASTM test procedure D2466. 6. Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent-weld pipe abd fittings shall be of type and Installation methods prescribed by the manufacturer. 7. All PVC pipe must bear the following markings: o. Manufacturer's name b. Nominal pipe size c. Schedule or class d. Pressure roting In P.S.I. e. NSF (Notional Sanitation Foundation) approval f. Date of extrusion 8. C. E. F. G. H. All fittings shall bear the manufacturer's name or trademark, material designation, size, applicable 1.P.S. schedule ond NSF seol of approval. PVC Non-Pressure Lateral Line Piping: 1. Non-pressure burled lateral line piping shall be PVC Schedule 40 with solvent-weld Joints when Installed In planting areas. 2. Non-pressure lateral line piping Installed under paved areas shall be PVC Schedule 40 with solvent welded Joints. 3. Pipe shall be mode from NSF approved, Type I, Grode II PVC compound conforming to ASlM resin specification D1784. All pipe must meet requirements set forth in Federal Specification PS-22-70 with an appropriate standard dimension ratio. 4. Except as noted In paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of this section (2.01B), all requirements for non-pressure lateral line pipe and fittings shall be the some as for solvent-weld pressure main line pipe and fittings as set forth in section 2.01B of the Specifications. Valves: 1. Ball Valves (1-1/2" and smaller) a. Ball valves shall be a 125 lb SWP bronze valve with screw-In bonnet, nonrlslng stem, and solld wedge disc. with o stainlesa steel handle. b. Boll valves shall be stmnar to those manufactured by Nlbco or approved equal. c. All Boll valves shall be Installed per detail. 2. Gate Valve (2" and larger) a. Reslllent Wedge Gate valves shall be epoxy coated cast Iron and equipped with a 2" operating nut. b. Resilient Wedge Gate valves shall be No. 403 RT-RW as supplied by Watts or approved equal. c. All Reslllent Wedge Gale valves shall be Installed per detail. Quick Coupling Valves: 1. Quick coupling valves shall have o braes, two-piece body designed for working pressure of 150 P .S.I. 2. Quick coupling valve shall be operable with o quick coupler key. Key size and type shall be as shown on the Drawings. Ch eek Valves: 1. Swing check valves 2• and smaller shall be 200 pound W.O.G. bronze construction with replaceable composition, neoprene, or rubber disc and shall meet or exceed Federal Specification WW-V--510, Class A, Type IV. 2. Anti-drain valves shall be of heavy duty virgin PVC construction with F.i.P. thread inlet and outlet. Internal parts shall be stainless steel and neoprene. Anti-drain valve shall be field adjustable against drawout from 5 to 40 feet of head. Anti-drain valve shall be similar to the Valcon "ADV' or approved equal. Control Wiring: 1. Except as noted otherwise, connections between the automatic controllers and the electric control valves shall be mode with direct burial copper wire AWG-U.F'. 600 volt. Control wiring Installed in control wire conduit within structure shall be mode with AWG-TW solid copper wire. Pilot wires shall be a different color wire for each automatic controller. Common wires shall be white with a different color stripe for each automotic controller. Install In accordance with valve manufacturer's specifications and wire chart. In no case shall wire size be less than #14. 2. Wiring shall occupy the same trench and shall be Installed along the same route as pressure supply or lateral lines wherever poesible. 3. Where more than one (1) wire Is placed In a trench, the wiring shall be toped together at intervals of fifteen (15) feet. 4. An expansion curl shall be provided within three (3) feet of each wire connection. Expansion curl shall be of sufficient length at each splice connection at each electric control valve, so that In case of repair, the valve bonnet may be brought to the surface without disconnecting the control wires. Control wires shall be laid loosely in trench without stress or stretching wire conductors. 5. All splices shall be made with Scotch-Lok #3576 Connector Sealing Packs, Rolnbird Snap-TIie wire connectors., or approved equal. Moke only one splice with each connector sealing pock. 6. Field splices between the automatic controller and electric control valves will not be allowed without prior approval of the City of Orange. I. Electric Control Valves: 1. All electric control valves shall be the game size and type shown on the Drawings. 2. All electric control valves shall hove a manual ffow adj.Jstment. 3. Provide and Install one control valve box for each electric control valve. J. Sprinkler Heade: 1. All sprinkler heads shall be of the same size, type, and dell-the same rate of precipitation with the diameter (or radius) of throw, pressure, and discharge as shown on the Drawings and/or specified in these speclol provisions. 2. Spray heads shall have a screw adjustment. 3. Riser units shall be fabricated in accordance with the details shown on the drawings. 4. Riser nlpplea for all sprinkler heads shall be the oame size as the riser opening in the sprinkler body. 5. All sprinkler heads of the some type shall be the same manufacturer. K. Sleeving: 1. Sleeving under vehicular hardscape or paved area• for mainline, laterals and control wiring shall be SCH 80 P. V.C and buried 30• below grade. 2. Sleeving under pedestrian hordscope or paved areas for lateral lines shall be SCH 40 P.V.C and burled 12" below grade. 3. Sleeving under pedestrian hardscope or paved areas for mainline and control wires shall be SCH 40 P.V.C and buried 18" below grade. L. Miscellaneous Irrigation Equipment: 1. Refer to the Irrigation Plans for sizes and types of miscellaneous Irrigation equipment. 2. All miscellaneous irrigation equipment shall t,e as specified or approved equal. M. Potable Control Valve Boxes: 1. Use 10" x 10-3/4" round box for all gate valves. Carson Industries #910-12B with green bolt-down cover or approved equal. Extension sleeve shall be PVC with minimum size of six (6) inches. 2. Use 9-1/2" x 16" x 11• rectangular box for all electric control valves. Corson Industries fl 1419-12B with green bolt-down cover or approved equal. 3. Use 6" diameter x 8-3/4" deep round plastic valve box for all quick coupling valves. Carson Industries fl 608-12 with green flex-lock cover or approved equal. 4. Use 9-1 /2" x 16" • 11 • rectangular box for all electric control valves Installed within on-grade landscaped areas. Corson Industries # 1419-12B with green bolt-down cover or approved equal. 5. Use 10• • 10-1/4" round box for all quick coupling valves Installed within on-structure landacaped areas. Carson Industries No. 910-12B with green bolt-down cover or approved equal. PLOT DATE, J/19/03 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS-BUILT" TITLE _______ _ REVIE'w'ED BY• INSPECTOR DATE DATE t----+--+-------------+--+--+--+----1 ~I =o=I =C=IT=1=L=AN=2=~=D~=PAR:::AR=T=~=~=TB=A=D=.::I ='~TI IRRIGATION PETA/LS DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL EN<l!NEER 01' WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPRDVill. CITY APPROVAL ARRIVAL LOOP LA COSTA RESORT & SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA A ~ROVE~.J_. ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR OWN BY: CHKO BY: ___ , RV'w'D BY1 PROJECT NO. f't:>02-07 Lf-/S--01 DATE DRAWING NO. 402-2N N. o. IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS (continued) Bockffow Prevention Units: 1. 2. 3. Bockflow prevention unit sholl be of size and type Indicated an the Irrigation drawings. Install bacl<fiaw prevention units In accordance with the Drawings. Wye strainers at backflow prevention units shall hove a bronzed screwed boy with 60 mesh monel screen ond shalt be similar to Balley #1008 or approved equal. All pressure main line piping between the point of connection and the bock/low preventer shalt be Installed as required by local code. The Contractor shalt verify with the local governing body as to material type and installation procedures prior to start of construction. Submit shop drawing for approval. Automatic Controller: 1. 2. 3. Automatic cantrotler{s) thatt be of size and type shown on the Drawings. Final location of automatic controller(s) shall be approved by the Landscape Architect and Owner. Unless otherwise noted on the Drawings, the 120 volt electrical power to each automatic controller location ls to be furnished by others. The final electrical hook-up shalt be the responsibility of the Contractor. P. Vandal Resistant Controller Enclosure: 1. 2. Controller enclosure shalt be of size and type shown on the Irrigation Drawings and Irrigation Detail sheet. A backboard sholl be secured to the controller enclosure housing to provide o base for mounting the automatic sprinkler controller ond terminal strip. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 A. 8. C. D. OBSERVATION OF SllE CONDITIONS All scaled dimensions are approximate. The Contractor shall check and verify an size dimensions and receive approval from the City of Carlsbad prior to proceeding with work under this Section. Exercise extreme core In excavating and wori<lng near existing utrlllies. The Contractor shall be responsible for damages to utllltles which ore caused by his operations or neglect. Check existin9 utHities drawings for existing utility locations. Coordinate Installation of sprinkler materials lncludlng pipe, eo there shall be no interference wlth utllftles or other construction or difficulty in planting trees, shrubs, and ground covers. The Contractor shall careful! y check oil grades to satisfy himself that he may safely proceed before starting work on the irrigation system. 3.02 PREPARATION A. B. C. 3.03 A. Physical layout: 1. 2. Prior to installation, the Controctar shall size stake out all pressure supply lines, routing and location of sprinkler heads. All layout shall be approved by the City of Corlsl>od. prior to lnstollotlon. Water Supply. 1. 2. The Irrigation system shall be connected to water supply polnt(s) of connection as Indicated on the Drawings. Connections shall be mode at the approximate locotion/s) shown on the Drawings. The Contractor Is responsible ~r minor changes caused by actual site conditions. Electrical Supply. 1. 2. Electrical connections for any and all automatic controllers shall be made to electrical polnt(s) of connection as Indicated on the Drawings. Connections sholl be mode at the approximate locatlon(s) shown on the Drawings. The Contractor Is responsible for minor changes cause by actual site conditions. INSTALLATION Trenching: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dig trenches straight and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Lay pipe to an even grade. Trenching excovatlon shall follow layout Indicated on the Drawings and as noted. Provide for a minimum of twenty-four (24) Inches cover for all irrigation lines Installed under paving or hardscoping. Provide for a minimum of twenty-four (24) Inches cover for all pressure supply lines of three ( 3) Inches or larger in diameter. Provide for a minimum of eighteen (18) Inches cover for all pressure supply lines of two and one half (2lf') inches or smaller Provide for a minimum of twelve (12) Inches for oil non- pressure lines. Provide for a minimum cover of eighteen (1 B) Inches for all control wiring. 0. E. B. Bockfllting: 1. The trenches shall not be backfilled until all required tests are performed. Trenches shall be carefully backfilled with the excavated materials approved for backfilling, consisting of earth, loom, sandy clay, sand, 2. 3. ,4.. or other approved materials, free from large clods of earth or stones. Backfill sholl be mechanically compacted In landscaped areas to a dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil In planting areas. Backfill will conform to adjacent grades without dips, sunken areas, humps or other surface irregularities. A fine granular material bocl<flll wDI be lnltlolly placed on oil lines. No foreign matter larger than one- half (1 /2) Inch in size wm be perrnitted In the inltlal backfill. Flooding of trenches will not be permitted. If settlement occurs and subsequent adjustments In pipe, valves, sprinkler heads, lawn, planting, or other construction are necessary, the Contractor shall make all required adjustments without cost to the Owner. C. Trenching and Bockfll Under Paving: 1. Trenches located under oreoa where paving, oaphaltlc concrete, or concrete will be Installed, shall be backfilled with sand ( a layer four ( 4) inches below the pipe and six (6) Inches above the pipe) and. compacted In layers to 95% cornpoctlon, usln9 monuol or mechonicol tamping devices. Trenches for piping shall be compacted to equal the compaction of the existing adjacent undisturbed soil and shall be left In a firm unyielding condition. All trench•• shall be left flush with the adjoining grade. The Contractor •hall set In place, cop and pressure test all piping under paving prior to the paving work. 2. Generally, piping under e•lsllng wolks is done by jacking, boring, or hydraulic driving, but where any cu ttlng or breoklng of sidewalks and/ or concrete is necessary, it shall be done and replaced by the Contractor as a port of the Contract cost. Permission to cut or break sidewalks and/or concrete shall be obtained from the Owner. No hydraulic driving wffl be permitted under concrete paving. Assemblie■: 1. 2. Routing of sprinkler Irrigation lines as Indicated on th• Drawings is diagrammatic. Install llnes ( and vorlous a1Sernblles) In such a manner as to conform with the details In the Drawings. Install NO multiple ossemblle1 In plastic lines. Provide each aesembly with Its own outlet. 3. Install oil aseemblleti ..,eelfled herein In oecordonce with reepectlve detail. In absence of detail drawings or Specifications pertaining to specific Items required to complete work, perform ouch work In accordance with best standard practice with prior approval of City of Carlsbad. 4. PVC pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust, and moisture before lnstollotlon. lnslollatlon and solvent welding methods shall be as recommended by the pipe and fitting manufocturer. 5; On PVC t<l metal connectl<lns. the Contractor shall work the metal connections first. Teflon tape or approved equal, shall be used on all threaded PVC to PVC, and on all threaded PVC to metal joints. Light wrench pressure Is oil that is required. Where threaded PVC connections ore required, use threaded PVC adopters Into which the pipe may be solvent welded. Line Clearance: F. G. H. I. 1. All lines shall hove a minimum clearance of six (6) Inches from each other and twelve (12) inches from lines of other trodes, with the exception of the control wire sleeve(s) which shall be Installed adjacent to pr.,..sure supply line. Parallel lines shall not be Installed directly over one another. Automatic Controller Assembly. Install as per manufacturer's Instructions. Remote control valve• aholl be connected to controller In numerical sequence as shown on the Drawings. High Voltage Wiring for Automatic Controller: 1. 2. 12D volt power connection to the automatic controller shall be provided by the Contractor. All electrical work shall conform to local codes, ordinances, and union authorities having )Jrlsdlctlon. Remote Control Valves: 1. Install where shown on the Drowln9s. Where grouped together, allow at least twelve (12) Inches between adjacent valve boxes. Install each remote control valve in a separate valve bo)(. Flushing of System: 1. After all new sprinkler pipe lines and risers are In place and connected, oil necessary diversion work has been completed, and prior to lnstallotlon of sprinkler heads, the control valves shall be opened and full head of water used to flush out the system. J. 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 2. Sprinkler heads shall be Installed only after flushing of the system hos been accomplished to the complete satisfaction of the City of Carlsbad. Sprinkler Heade: 1. Install the spr!nkler heads as designated on the Drawings. Sprinkler heads to be Installed In this work shall be equivalent In all respects to those Itemized. 2. Spacing of heads shall not exceed the maximum lndlcat~d on the Drawings. In no case shall the spacing exceed the maximum recommended by the monufocturer. TEMPORARY REPAIRS The Owner reserves the right to make temporary repairs 01 necessary ta keep the sprinkler system equipment In operating condition. The exercise of this right by the Owner shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under the terms of the guarontee as herein specified. EXISTING TREES Where It Is necessary to excavate adjacent to existing trees, the Contractor shall use all possible core to ovoid injury to trees and tree roots. Excavation In areas where two (2) Inch and larger roots occur shall be done by hand. All roots two (2) Inches and larger In diameter, except dlrectly In the path of pipe or conduit, shall be tunneled under ord shall be heavily wrapped with burlap to prevent scarring or excessive drying. Where a ditching machine la run close to trees having roots smaller than two (2) inches In diameter, the wall of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be hand trimmed, moking clean cuts through. Roots one (1) Inch and larger In diameter shall be pointed with two coots of Tree Seal, or equal. Trenches adjacent to tree should be closed within twenty-four (24) hours; and where this Is not possible, the side of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be kept shaded with burlap or canvas •. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Ad )Jstment of the System: e. 1. The Contractor shall flush and adjust all sprinkler heads for optimum performance and to prevent oversproy onto walks, roadways, and buildings as much as possible. 2. If II Is determined that adjustments In the Irrigation equipment will provide proper and more adequate coverage, the Controctor sholl make such adjustments prior to planting. Adjustments may also Include changes in nozzle sizes and degrees of ore as required. 3. Lowering raised sprinkler heads by the Contractor shall be accomplished within ten (10) days after notification by the Owner. >4-. All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to fln1shed grades unless otherwise designoted on the Drawings. 5. Rain Bird EFB-CP valves wlll be set per manufacturers speclflcotfon so that each lateral operates at design pressure. Testing of Irrigation System: 1. The Contractor shall request the presence of the City of Carlsbad in writing at least 48 hours In advance of testing. 2. Test all pressure lines under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pound■ per square Inch and prove watertight. Note: Testing of pressure main lines shall occur prior to Installation of the electric control valves. 3. All piping under paved areas shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square Inch and proven watertight prior to paving. ,4.. Sustain pressure In lines for not less than six (6) hours. If leaks develop, replace joints and repeat test until entire system Is proven watertight. 5. All hydrostatic tests shall be mode only In the presence of the General Contractor and the City. No pipe shall be backfilled until it hos been observed, tested, and approved In writing. 6. Furnish necessary force pump and all other test equipment. 7. When the Irrigation system Is completed, perform a coverage test in the presence of the City of Carlsbad to determine if the water coverage for plan ting areas is complete and adequate. Furnish all materials and perform oil work required to correct any Inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from the Drawings, or where the system has been willfully installed as indicated on the Drawings when it Is obviously inadequate, without bringing this to the attention of the City of Carlsbad. This test shall be accomplished before any ground cover Is planted. 6. Upon completion of each phase of work, the entire system shall be tested and adjusted to meet site requirements. MAINlENANCE A. The entire Irrigation system shall be under full automatic operation for a period of seven (7) days prior to any planting. B. The Owner reserves the right to waive or shorten the operation period. 3.08 3.09 3.10 CLEAN-UP Cleon-up shall be mode as each portion of work progresses. Refuse and excess dirt shall be rem<lved from the sit~. oil walks and paving shall be bloomed or washed down, and any damage sustained on the work of others shall be repaired to Its original condition. FINAL SITE OBSERVATION PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE A. The Contractor shall operate each system In Its entirety for the Owner at time of final observation. Any items deemed not acceptable by the Owner. shall be reworked to the complete satisfaction of theOwner. B. The Contractor shall show evidence ta the Owner that the Owner has received all accessories, charts, record drawings, and equipment as required before final site observation can occur. SllE OBSERVATION SCHEDULE A. The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the City of Corlsbod In advance for the foll<lwlng observatloo B. C. meetings, according to the time Indicated: 1. Pre-Job Conference -7 days 2. Pressure supply line Installation -24 hours 3. Lateral line and sprinkler lnstollatlon -24 h()Urs 4. Automatic controller lnstatlotlon -24 hours 5. Control wire installation -24 hours 6. Pressure supply line and lateral line testing -48 hours 7. Coverage test -48 hours 8. Final observation -7 days When observations hove been conducted other than the City of Carlsbad, show evidence in writing of when and by whom these obs<!rvations were mode. No site observations will commence without • As-Built" record drawing,. The contractor shall not call for a site visit without "As-Built" record drawings, without completing previously noted corrections, or without preparing the system for sold visit. FC/tlt.E!JT /<:. HAM,. Ast.A, INC. LM/&>SCAl'E A1':CHITECTtlltl! LAN&> PLANNIN(J; - 12~., N. COAST H//;1/'NAY ,',- L.AGVNA BEA&H, &A 92f,~ I Pd•nl ,..,._, FdH•J 3711-9067 ".'.$'.t,t"'t~,~. -:r·~ -tt\!~~1!#~ ~ · ''t· 'l "'. , ~ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. PL□T DATE• !!>119/03 "AS-BUILT" TITLE _______ _ DATE REVIEw'ED BY• INSPECTOR DATE 1-..:::·,·_:·4i ·....:..:...--1-------------+--+--t---+--1 ~ crTrAN£[ D~P1!$l~TBAD ~ ~===,R::;R::;=IG=A~T~IO~N=O~E~T A::;l::::;=L::::;S=...::====; DA 'IE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER Or WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LA ARRIVAL LOOP COSTA RESORT & SPA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA A!J)ROVE ,s__ ______ 4--IS--OJ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: CHKO BY: __ _ RVIJD BY• PROJECT NO. "'" 02-07 DRAWING NO. 402-2N