HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-09; City Council; ; Master Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development Permit and Site Development Plan to Allow for the Subdivision of a 7.2-Acre Parcel into Two Lots, O Meeting Date: Mar. 9, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Jason Goff, Senior Planner jason.goff@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-4346 Subject: Master Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development Permit and Site Development Plan to Allow for the Subdivision of a 7.2- Acre Parcel into Two Lots, One with 76 Townhomes and One with 19 Affordable Condominiums, on Property Generally Located North of the Intersection of Calle Timiteo and La Costa Avenue, Within the La Costa Master Plan, Neighborhood SE-13B Project: District: AMEND 2017-0012/CT 2017-0003/PUD 2017-0004/SDP 2018-0018 (DEV2017-0178) – La Costa Town Square Parcel 3 Residential 4 Recommended Action Hold a public hearing to: 1. Introduce an ordinance approving a master plan amendment (Exhibit 1) 2. Adopt a resolution approving a tentative tract map, planned development permit and site development plan to subdivide a 7.2-acre parcel into two lots, one with 76 townhomes and one with 19 affordable condominiums, including development standards modifications (Exhibit 2) Executive Summary La Costa Parcels, LLC is requesting approval to subdivide a 7.2-acre vacant parcel into two lots. Parcel 1 will contain 76 market-rate townhome condominiums while Parcel 2 will contain 19 affordable condominiums. Both developments are proposed on a previously graded site originally planned for the construction of a 55,000-square-foot office project approved as part of the La Costa Town Square project. The project also includes a request to amend the land use designations in the La Costa Master Plan (MP-149R) to allow the proposed residential development. A General Plan amendment and rezoning of the parcel are not required because the site was redesignated in 2015 from Office to R-23 Residential, as a part of the 2015 update of the General Plan. Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 1 of 35 The applicant is also requesting two modifications to the development standards of the Planned Development Ordinance, in keeping with Section 21.53.120.B.1 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. One would eliminate the requirement to provide five covered parking spaces at the affordable housing site called for under CMC Section 21.45.080. The second would allow for a 37% reduction in the total amount of active recreational amenities required by CMC Section 21.45.060. The project is being presented before the City Council because master plans are to be adopted by ordinance under CMC Section 21.38.080; and California Government Code Section 37100 dictates that only the legislative body, that is, the council, has the power to enact ordinances. Because the master plan amendment requires the consideration and approval of the City Council, all concurrently processed development permits must also be considered and approved by the City Council according to CMC Section 21.54.040.C(3). Discussion Project background The proposed project is located on a 7.2-acre lot identified as Parcel 3 of Minor Subdivision MS 04-08 and Neighborhood SE-13B of the La Costa Master Plan (MP-149R). The site is part of the La Costa Town Square project, which covers 83.07 acres and is currently developed with a 284,400-square-foot community shopping center, 64 detached single-family homes and 128 multiple-family residential units. The site was originally approved for a 55,000-square-foot office complex as part of the La Costa Town Square development project (EIR 01-02), but was not developed as initially planned. The project site has been previously graded. Access to the site is provided from La Costa Avenue at its intersection with Calle Timiteo. The La Costa Avenue street frontage is improved to its full road width and includes the project entrance driveway, curb, gutter, sidewalk, bike lanes and a bus stop. The graded site is situated approximately 41 feet below the elevation of the adjacent community shopping center and between 12-and-32-feet above the elevation of La Costa Avenue. The area between the project site and the back of the community shopping center consists of a large retaining wall ranging from 14 feet to 22 feet in height with an uphill perimeter slope rising above it. A 6-foot-high masonry wall runs along the top of the slope separating the commercial uses from the project site. All of the manufactured slopes on the site have been landscaped. With the approval of the city’s General Plan update in 2015, the General Plan Land Use designation on the project site was changed from Office, or O, to R-23 Residential, which allows for 15-23 dwelling units per acre. All public facilities were analyzed for the land use change with the General Plan update. In approving the land use designation change in 2015, in accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2015-243 (Exhibit 4) and Planning Commission Resolution No. 7114 (Exhibit 5), 120 dwelling units were allocated from the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank1 and applied to the site. 1 When individual projects build fewer housing units than are allocated to the site by the General Plan, these units are held on account in the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank, and later can be withdrawn and applied to other projects. Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 2 of 35 In addition, future development on the site is required to provide affordable housing that meets one of the following criteria: 1) A minimum of 20% of the total housing units on the site must be affordable to lower income households at 80% or below the San Diego County Area Median Income. Or, as an alternative to "1" above, at the sole discretion of the City of Carlsbad and following completion of an alternate public benefit analysis: 2) A minimum of 15% of the total housing units on the site must be affordable to lower income households at 80% or below the San Diego County Area Median Income and an additional 10% must be affordable to moderate income households at 100% or below of the San Diego County Area Median Income. Or: 3) A minimum of 15% of the total housing units on the site must be affordable to very low- income households at 50% or below the San Diego County Area Median Income. The developer of the proposed project complies with the affordable housing requirements by agreeing to enter into an affordable housing agreement that requires 19 housing units, 20% of the total that are being proposed, to be affordable to lower income households at 80 percent or below the San Diego County Area Median Income, which is consistent with affordable housing criteria No. 1, above. Project description La Costa Parcels, LLC is proposing to subdivide the 7.2-acre parcel into two lots with a total of 95 multi-family residential condominium units. A total of 18 three-story buildings are proposed. Parcel 1 contains 76 market-rate townhome condominiums ranging in size from 1,070 to 1,603 square feet, and Parcel 2 contains 19 affordable condominiums ranging in size from 563 to 1,005 square feet. The total of 19 onsite affordable units meets the minimum 20% inclusionary housing requirement for the site2 and the project’s density of 15.1 dwelling units per acre also conforms with the minimum required density for the R-23 Residential land use designation. The developer is also requesting two modifications to the development standards of the Planned Development Ordinance. One would eliminate the requirement to construct five covered parking spaces that would apply to the affordable housing site. The second would allow for a reduction in the total amount of active recreational amenities required by CMC Section 21.45.060, from the 10,688 square feet called for by the code to 6,738 square feet, a 3,950-square-foot, or 37% reduction. Under CMC Section 21.53.120.B.1, deviations to development standards are allowed for affordable housing projects, which include but are not limited to parking standards, active open space and on-site recreational facilities. Additionally, offsets to the cost of affordable housing development is permitted under CMC Section 21.85.100, which covers, but is not limited to, development standards modifications. The project is locating its affordable housing onsite and is also providing six three-bedroom affordable units, four more than the minimum required. The findings that support these standards modifications are provided in Planning Commission 2 Carlsbad's mandatory inclusionary housing program places requirements on developers to provide housing for affordable to low-income households. Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 3 of 35 Resolution 7391 (Exhibit 7). Conditions have been placed on the project requiring that the 19 affordable units must be constructed concurrently with the project’s 76 market-rate units unless both the final decision-making authority of the city and the developer approve an affordable housing agreement to an alternate schedule for development. Master plan amendment The master plan amendment is required to: • Change the master plan land use designation of the project site from Office (O) to the R- 23 Residential designation that allows for 15-23 dwelling units per acre to be consistent with the city’s General Plan Land Use designation and Housing Element • Change the underlying master plan zoning of the project site from Office (O) to Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) consistent with the master plan land use designation • Update the development permit processes of the master plan to require a permit process that is the same as that typically required for multiple-family residential projects throughout the city. The master plan amendment reorganizes and amends certain pages of the La Costa Master Plan (MP-149R), as shown in Exhibit 10. Planning Commission hearings The Planning Commission considered the proposed project at a public hearing on Nov. 18, 2020. At the hearing, two members of the public asked to have their comments read into the record. The discussion below summarizes the concerns raised. Park adequacy Concerns were raised regarding park adequacy. Citing the most recent annual Growth Management Report that was presented before the City Council on Oct. 20, 2020, staff stated that additional park demand was addressed with the General Plan Update in 2015 at the time the land use was changed on the site from Office to R-23 Residential. The proposed project was reviewed against the park standards and found to be in compliance with the Growth Management Plan. Open space Concerns were raised regarding an inconsistency involving open space acreage within the staff report to the Planning Commission. The staff report included a typo within Section F, Table F regarding growth management open space compliance, which reflected 0.95-acres of open space as having been provided by the project. Staff corrected the record clarifying that 9.5-acres of OS were provided as part of the La Costa Town Square project, for which the subject project is a part. No additional open space is required from the proposed residential project. The attached staff report (Exhibit 8) has since been corrected. Local Mobility Analysis Concerns were raised relating to potential traffic impacts caused by the proposed development. Staff stated that pursuant to a local transportation study that was prepared by the applicant, the project was found to be in conformance with the requirements of the city’s Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines. The study concluded that the transportation facilities met the performance requirements. Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 4 of 35 Additionally, a traffic control signal warrant study was prepared, and that study concluded that the project intersection did not warrant signalization. Transportation impacts for environmental review A question was raised about why an analysis of vehicle miles traveled was not prepared for the project for the environmental review required by the California Environmental Quality Act. Staff stated that a vehicle miles traveled analysis is not required because the residential project would result in a decrease in traffic compared to the originally planned office development, and because the project was deemed consistent with the transportation impact analysis in the original project’s environmental impact report. (See Environmental Evaluation section below for additional information). After questions and discussions, a motion was made to approve the project, but with only six Planning Commission members present, the vote resulted in a tie (3-3, Commissioner Merz absent). The item was continued to the following public hearing meeting date of Dec. 2, 2020. At that hearing, the Planning Commission reconvened with all seven members present. Commissioner Merz, said he had watched the Nov. 18, 2020, public hearing, read the staff report, reviewed the project plans and that he supported the project. The Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the project (5-2, Commissioners Lafferty and Geldner no). A full disclosure of the Planning Commission’s actions, and a complete description and staff analysis of the proposed project is included in the attached minutes (Exhibit 9) and Planning Commission staff report (Exhibit 8). The Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed legislative and discretionary actions. The City Council’s action on this project is final. Fiscal Analysis If approved, all required improvements needed to serve this project will be funded by the developer, so there is no cost to the city from this action. Next Steps Staff will ensure that all of the project’s conditions are satisfied and that it complies with all applicable regulations and laws prior to issuance of development permits. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The City Planner determined that the potential environmental effects of the project were adequately analyzed by the previously certified environmental impact report and mitigation monitoring and reporting program submitted for the construction of the La Costa Town Square (EIR 01-02) and approved by City Council Resolution No. 2009-213, dated Aug. 18, 2009. The project has no new significant environmental effect not analyzed as significant in the certified environmental impact report and mitigation monitoring and reporting program, none of the circumstances requiring further environmental compliance under California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Sections 15162 or 15163 exist and all feasible mitigation measures identified in the certified environmental impact report and mitigation monitoring and reporting program that are appropriate to this subsequent project will be incorporated. The Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 5 of 35 approved environmental impact report and mitigation monitoring and reporting program documents are on file for review at the Planning Division. It should be noted that the courts have found that the adoption of new regulations or guidelines, or a change in methodology for measuring an impact, do not constitute a changed circumstance under section 15162 as that is not a more severe environmental effect. It is adequate that the environmental effects were discussed and analyzed in the previous environmental impact report (Fund for Environmental Defense v. County of Orange (1988) 204 Cal App 1538, Concerned Dublin Citizens v. City of Dublin (2013) 214 Cal App 4th 1301). Public Notification and Outreach Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. The project is not subject to City Council Policy No. 84 – Development Project Public Involvement Policy, because the application for the project was filed prior to the effective date of the policy. Instead, the project complied with the early public noticing procedures that were in effect at the time of the application. Information regarding public notifications of this item such as mailings, and public hearing notices posted in the newspaper and on the city’s website are available in the Office of the City Clerk. Exhibits 1. City Council ordinance w/ Master Plan Amendment Exhibit “AMEND 2017-0012” 2. City Council resolution 3. Location map 4. City Council Resolution No. 2015-243 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7114 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) 6. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7390 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) 7. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7391 (CT et al) (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) 8. Planning Commission staff reports dated Nov. 18, 2020 and Dec. 2, 2020 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) 9. Planning Commission minutes dated Nov. 18, 2020 and Dec. 2, 2020 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) 10. Master Plan Amendment “AMEND 2017-0012” with revisions highlighted Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 6 of 35 ORDINANCE NO. CS-393 AN ORDINANCE OF, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LA COSTA MASTER PLAN (MP-149R) FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF LA COSTA AVENUE AND RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD, AND LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE CITY WITHIN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 11 CASE NAME: LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE PARCEL 3 RESIDENTIAL CASE NO.: AMEND 2017-0012 WHEREAS, the City Council approved the La Costa Master Plan MP-149 on September 5, 1972 by adopting Ordinance No. 9332, as amended from time to time; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has reviewed and considered Master Plan Amendment AMEND 2017-0012 for the La Costa Town Square Parcel 3 Residential project; and WHEREAS, after procedures in accordance with the requirements of law, the City Council has determined that the public interest indicates that said Master Plan Amendment AMEND 2016-0012 be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad ordains as follows that: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.That Master Plan Amendment AMEND 2017-0012 dated November 18, 2020, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference as "Attachment A", is approved. The Master Plan shall constitute the development plan for the property and all development within the plan area shall conform to the plan. 3.That Master Plan Amendment AMEND 2017-0012 reorganizes and amends certain pages of the La Costa Master Plan (MP-149R), as shown in "Attachment A". 4.That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7390 shall also constitute the findings and conditions of the City Council. Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 7 of 35 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 9th day of March, 2021, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2021, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 8 of 35 Attachment A LA COSTA MASTER PLAN Amendment AMEND 2017-0012 Prepared by Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 9 of 35 MP-149(R) La Costa Town Square Project An adjustment to the neighborhood boundaries separating the local shopping center and residential landuse in neighborhoods SE8, SE13 and SE14 (La Costa Town Square) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #6579 on July 15, 2009 City Council Ordinance #CS-051 on August 18, 2009 *** MP-149(S) An amendment to remove the La Costa Resort and Spa properties from the plan. The area removed will be subject to the La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan, MP 03-02. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 5701, August 4, 2004 City Council Ordinance # NS-721, September 21, 2004 *** MP-149(T) An amendment to change the underlying zoning of commercial neighborhoods (SE-13, SE-14, SE-15, and SE-17) from “C-1” (Neighborhood Commercial) and “C-2” (General Commercial) to the new zone “C-L” (Local Shopping Center) for those properties with the “L” (Local Shopping Center) general plan designation. This amendment changes Table III-2 and text in paragraph III.E.1 (Land Use and Development Standards). APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 5922, June 15, 2005 City Council Ordinance # NS-767, August 9, 2005 *** MP-149(U) An amendment to delete from the Master Plan (MP-149), a 0.5 acre vacant city owned site (Assessor Parcel 223-617-24) at 7201 Rancho Santa Fe Road approximately a half mile south of San Elijo Road in Local Facilities Management Zone 11. Subject site is proposed Fire Station No. 6. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution No. 6156, August 16, 2006 City Council Ordinance # NS-818 *** AMEND 2017-0012 An amendment to change the General Plan Land Use designation and underlying Zone for Neighborhood SE-13B of the Master Plan to reflect a land use change to the property approved as part of the city’s comprehensive General Plan Update (City Council Resolution 2015-243, dated Sept. 22, 2015). For Neighborhood SE-13B of the master plan, this amendment changes the General Plan Land Use designation from Office (O) to Residential (R-23, 15-23 du/ac) and the underlying Zone from Office (O) to Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M). This amendment changes Table III-2 and makes several text changes throughout to clarify and distinguish the development process for Neighborhood SE-13B versus SE-13A. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution No. ____________________, [DATE] City Council Ordinance No. ____________________, [DATE] *** Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 10 of 35 MP-149(M): Amendment was to change densities and land uses on property generally located in the southwest portion of the La Costa Master Plan. The Planning Commission recommended denial to the amendment to the City Council (Planning Commission Resolution #2277). The amendment was withdrawn before it was heard by the City Council. August 9, 1985 MP-149(N): Amendment was to request land use change from C to RM on property generally located on the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and future Camino de Los Coches. Withdrawn on August 9, 1985, with no formal action taken. September 4, 1990 MP-149(O): Elimination of any reference to the area previously known as Southwest (Arroyo La Costa), and stipulation that updated EIRs and new Master Plans be required prior to future development occurring in the Northwest and Southeast areas of La Costa. Approved by City Council Ordinance #NS-123. MP-149(P): Submitted for the La Costa Town Center Project on August 31, 1993. Withdrawn on January 12, 1996, with no formal action taken. MP-149(Q): An amendment to remove portions of the Northwest and Southeast areas (including the Rancheros) from the plan. The areas removed are subject to the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. Approved by City Council Ordinance #NS-604. MP-149(R): An amendment to adjust the neighborhood boundaries separating the Local Shopping Center and residential landuse in neighborhoods SE-8, SE-13 and SE-14 (La Costa Town Square). MP-149(S): An amendment to remove the La Costa Resort and Spa properties from the plan. The area removed will be subject to the La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan, MP 03-02. MP-149(T): A City-initiated amendment to change the underlying zoning of commercial neighborhoods (SE-13, SE-14, SE-15, and SE-17) from “C-1” (Neighborhood Commercial) and “C-2” (General Commercial) to the new zone “C- L” (Local Shopping Center) for those properties with the “L” (Local Shopping Center) general plan designation. Approved by City Council Ordinance #NS-767. MP-149-U: a City-initiated amendment removing a 0.5 acre parcel, identified as Assessor Parcel No. 223-617-24, from the La Costa Master Plan (MP-149) to allow for the approval of proposed Fire Station No. 6 approved by City Council Ordinance NS- 818. AMEND 2017-0012:An amendment to change the General Plan Land Use designation and underlying Zone for Neighborhood SE-13B of the Master Plan to reflect a land use change to the property approved as part of the city’s comprehensive General Plan Update (City Council Resolution 2015-243, dated Sept. 22, 2015). For Neighborhood SE-13B of the master plan, this amendment changes the General Plan Land Use designation from Office (O) to Residential (R- 23, 15-23 du/ac) and the underlying Zone from Office (O) to Residential Density-Multiple (RD- M). This amendment changes Table III-2 and makes several text changes throughout to clarify and distinguish the development process for Neighborhood SE-13B versus SE-13A. F.Existing and Approved Development (See note at end of Section F) I-6Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 11 of 35 The areas that previously have been developed or committed to development consist of the La Costa Plaza area, La Costa Resort and Recreation area, including golf course, La Costa Valley Condominiums, and developments of various types of living units, such as single family, duplexes, cluster developments, condominiums, and homes of all types from luxury to more modest homes. The area already developed within old La Costa can be generally defined as located from El Camino Real on the west, Alga Road on the north, Levante on the south and Rancho Santa Fe and Melrose Drive on the east. Outside of the Master Plan area, an industrial park has been constructed east of Rancho Santa Fe Road in the City of San Marcos. In the Southwest Area of the Master Plan, Neighborhoods previously designated SW 5 and SW 4 have been developed with single family homes. In the Southwest Area of the Master Plan Neighborhoods SE 20 and SE 21 have been developed with Single Family Homes. Neighborhoods SE 12 and SE 23 have been developed with apartments. Neighborhoods SE 10, SE 16, SE 18, SE 19 have been approved for development with single-family homes. Neighborhoods SE-13A, SE 15, and SE 17 have been developed as local shopping centers. No development has been approved in the Northwest portion of the Master Plan. Except as otherwise specifically indicated in this Plan or exhibits hereto, nothing in this Master Plan shall be deemed to regulate or prohibit the development, redevelopment or rehabilitation of any area in the Master Plan (see Exhibit I-2 [on file in the Planning Department], Existing Zoning). The following eleven areas are zoned P-C but have already been developed or are in the process of being developed and the documents governing such development are described in Section III, Land Use and Development Standards. 1. Existing 27-hole golf course and San Marcos Canyon 2. Estates North 3. Rancheros de la Costa 4. Vale 2 & 3 5.Vale 4 6. Corona La Costa 7. Spanish Village 8.Green Valley Knolls 9.Santa Fe Knolls 10.Santa Fe Glens 11.SMCWD Reservoir Other than the eleven areas listed above, there exist areas within the 3,200+ acres zoned other than P-C. The development of such areas (see Exhibit I-2, Existing Zoning [on file in the Planning Department]) shall be governed by the applicable zoning. Note: The above information for historical purposes only. See Map on Page I-8 for existing remaining areas of the La Costa Master Plan after the approval of MP 149(S) and adoption of the La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan MP 03-02. I - 7Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 12 of 35 i.Santa Fe Glens: SP-116, Ordinance #9409, 12/3/74 CT 73-2, Resolution #3547, 11/19/74 j.SMCWD Reservoir: PDP-3, Resolution #6080, 2/5/80 2. Areas of existing development (see Section I.E.) zoned other than P-C shall be governed by applicable zoning. B.Development Review Process 1. This Master Plan provides for two alternative processes that may be utilized in the submission and review of individual neighborhood development proposals: the Standard Review Process and the La Costa Development Plan Review Process, hereinafter referred to as the Development Plan. Process selection shall be at the discretion of the applicant as provided herein. 2. The Standard Review Process shall utilize the requirements as set forth in Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and any other applicable zone and development type for neighborhoods developed under this process are set forth in Tables III-1 and III-2 of this Master Plan. The Standard Review Process may include the utilization of Chapter 21.45 Planned Development Ordinance at the discretion of the applicant. The Standard Review Process shall not be applicable to Neighborhoods SE-10, SE-12, SE-14,SE-16 or SE 23, identified in this Master Plan as the Community Core, or to SE-13A, SE-15 and SE-17, designated as a Local Shopping Center. 3.The La Costa Development Plan Review Process shall require the submission of a Development Plan, which shall be subject to the general and special development standards, and regulations as set forth in this Master Plan. The processing procedures set forth in Chapter 21.06 Q Qualified Development Overlay Zone shall apply to the Development Plan Review Process of this Master Plan except that: a.A tentative subdivision map, if required by the Subdivision Map Act, shall be submitted in conjunction with the Development Plan. b.The Development Plan shall be acted on by the same decision- making body that acts on the tentative subdivision map. If the City Engineer approves the map for a project, then the Planning Commission shall approve the Development Plan. c.The Planning Director shall be authorized to approve minor amendments to approved Development Plans providing such amendment shall not increase the approved densities or boundaries of the site development plan, permit a new use or group of uses not III - 2 Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 13 of 35 be reduced up to but not to exceed ten (10) percent and such reductions shall be considered consistent with this Master Plan. 5.There shall be permitted as part of a tentative subdivision map approval for any residential neighborhood, a model home area containing up to four (4) product types subject to the provisions of Section 21.60.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Planning Director may approve more than four units subject to adequate agreements guaranteeing the removal of said units if the subdivision map does not record within the time period allowed by law. 6. The Planning Director may accept neighborhood development applications below the required minimum densities in neighborhoods SE- 10 and SE-16 and where significant environmental impacts which cannot be reasonably mitigated would otherwise result. D.Special Neighborhood Development Standards Neighborhood development applications utilizing the Development Plan Review Process alternative provided by this Master Plan shall be subject to the following special standards in addition to the Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations of Section III-L and all other applicable requirements of this Master Plan: 1. There shall be permitted in all RL and RLM neighborhoods: single family attached and detached housing including condominiums; accessory structures and buildings incidental to permitted uses; maximum building heights not to exceed thirty five (35) feet; a minimum of two (2) off-street parking not less than one (1) space per dwelling unit. 2. A Development Plan shall be submitted for all L and TS neighborhoods designated on Table and III-2. 3. Development standards, other than those identified in this Master Plan, may be modified by the Development Plan if such modification is found to be consistent with this Master Plan, the General Plan, protection of the environment and the public welfare. All uses, and development standards not addressed in the Development Plan, shall be established per the applicable zoning standards identified for each neighborhood in Table III- 2. Note: Table III-1 is no longer applicable and has been deleted. E.Community Core and Neighborhood Commercial 1. Neighborhoods SE-10, SE-11, SE-13A, SE-14, SE-15,and SE-16, are designated in this Master Plan as the Community Core. Prior to development of these neighborhoods, a Site Development Plan shall be III - 4 Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 14 of 35 approved. Subsequent development shall be subject to said plan. For neighborhoods SE-10, SE-11, SE-14 and SE-16, the Site Development Plan shall be developed and approved pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 21.06, Q Qualified Development Overlay Zone, and for neighborhoods SE-13A and SE-15 it shall be developed and approved pursuant to Chapter 21.31, Local Shopping Center Zone of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. For neighborhood SE-13B, it shall be developed and approved pursuant to Chapter 21.24, the Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) Zone of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2.Preparation of all neighborhood development plans within the Community Core shall insure compatibility with adjacent neighborhoods particularly regarding the placement of open spaces, selection and location of landscaping material, continuity of pedestrian and bike paths, siting of structures for view opportunities and architectural harmony. 3. The Development Plan for neighborhoods SE-13A and SE-15 shall set forth designated land uses pursuant to Table III-2, external and internal traffic circulation, a landscaping plan, building bulk, height and location, exterior architectural style and signing, in addition to other standards of this Master Plan. Also refer to the Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations of Section III.L. 4. The preparation of Development Plans for neighborhoods SE-10, SE-11, SE-12, SE-14, SE-16 and SE-23 shall be governed by the Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations of Section III.L in addition to other standards of this Master Plan. III - 5 Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 15 of 35 Note: The area described in Table III-1 below is for reference only and is removed MP 149(S) and by inclusion in MP 03-032. TABLE III-1 General Neighborhood Development Standards LA COSTA NORTHWEST Note: This chart does not comply with current City Policies and Growth Control Points. It is for illustrative purposes only. TABLE III-2 General Neighborhood Development Standards LA COSTA SOUTHEAST *Dwelling unit count shown on this table represents the potential maximum number of dwelling units under ideal planning conditions. Refer to Sections III.C, III.D., and III.L. **See Sections III.B., III.D. and III.E. III - 6 Neighborhood General Plan Neighborhood General Plan 2.a. (p. III-11) 2.a. (p. III-11) SE-10 RM RD-M**Clustered Multi-Family 100 10 -2.b. (p. III-11) SE-11 OS (STA) SE-14 RM (STA) RD-M**Single Family Detached 47 9.96 1.9 2.f. (p. III-11) C-L** Local Shopping Center - 6 -2.g. (p. III-11) RD-M**Clustered Multi-Family 270 27 -2.h. (p. III-11) SE-17 L C-L Local Shopping Center -6 1.6 2.i. (p. III-12) SE-18 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached Single Family 116 29 -2.l. (p. III-12) RD-M**Clustered Multi-Family 140 7 -2.o. (p. III-12) Totals 2,530 549.7 90.2 Zone Zone and Development Type for Standard Review Process Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations NW-14 OS O-S Golf Course - 85.0 85.0 1.a. (p.III-13) Max. * D.U. Open Space Gross Acres Open Space Gross Acres Zone and Development Type for Standard Review Process Max. * D.U. Gross Acres Open Space Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations Zone Gross Acres Open Space Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations Zone SE-8 SE-8A RLM RLM Standard; Detached Single Family R-1 R-1 484 64 113 24 34 3.4 O-S**Public Park - 28 28.0 2.c. (p. III-11)O-S**Public Park - 28 28.0 2.c. (p. III-11) RD-M** Clustered Multi-Family 540 27 -2.d. (p. III-11)SE-12 RMH (STA) SE-13 A SE 13B Local Shopping Center Clustered Multi-Family - 41.58 7.14 CL** RD-M 3.7 2.e. (p.III-11) 2.e.(p.III-11) L R-23 SE-15 (L) (STA) SE-16 RM (STA) 204 51 3.2 2.j. (p. III-12)204 51 3.2 2.j. (p. III-12) SE-19 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached Single Family 172 43 2.3 2.k. (p. III-12) SE-20 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached Single Family 212 53 10.2 2.m. (p. III-12) SE-22 RL R-E Rural Estate S.F. 100 67 1.9 2.n. (p. III-12) SE-23 RM (STA) SE-21 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached Single Family Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 16 of 35 L.Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations The following individual neighborhood development regulations shall apply when neighborhood development proposals utilize the Development Plan Review Process alternative provided by this Master Plan. 1. Individual Regulations for the Northwest Area (See La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan (MP 03-02). 2. Individual Regulations for the Southeast Area a.(SE-8) Development should: utilize standard detached single family housing oriented to maximize eastward and westward views; minimize grading due to underlying rock conditions; utilize step pads above and below the streets with turn-in driveways or other techniques to minimize grading. A Site Development Plan shall be processed pursuant to Chapter 21.06 (Qualified Development Overlay Zone). b. (SE-10) Development should: utilize multiple dwelling unit development in two cluster; provide access to adjacent Stage Coach Park and open spaces; provide neighborhood entrance/exit from Camino de Los Coches. This area is suitable for low and moderate-income housing. Minimum number of dwelling units for this neighborhood shall be 40. Also see Section III.E. c.(SE-11) Previously developed. d. (SE-12) Previously developed. e.(SE-13 A & B) See Section III.E. above. f.(SE-14) Development shall: utilize single family detached development. See Section III. E. g. (SE-15) See Section III.E. above. h.(SE-16) Development should: utilize careful grading due to potential archaeological sites; provide dense landscaping and berms for noise attenuation from Rancho Santa Fe Road; utilize view orientation eastward into open space area; provide open space links to Stage Coach Park. This area is suitable for low and moderate-income housing. Minimum number of dwelling units for this neighborhood shall be 108. Also see Section III.E. III - 11 Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 17 of 35 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-052 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO SUBDIVIDE A 7.2 ACRE PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS, ONE WITH 76 TOWNHOMES AND ONE WITH 19 AFFORDABLE CONDOMINIUMS, INCLUDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS MODIFICATIONS, ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF CALLE TIMITEO AND LA COSTA AVENUE, WITHIN THE LA COSTA MASTER PLAN, NEIGHBORHOOD SE-13B, IN THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE CITY AND LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 11 CASE NAME: LA COSTA TOWNSQUARE PARCEL 3 RESIDENTIAL CASE NO.: CT 2017-0003/PUD 2017-0004/SDP 2018-0018 (DEV2017-0178) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did, on Nov. 18, 2020, and Dec. 2, 2020, hold duly noticed public hearings as prescribed by law to consider Tentative Tract Map CT 2017- 0003, Planned Development Permit 2017-0004 and Site Development Plan SDP 2018-0018, as referenced in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7391 recommending to the City Council that they be approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held a duly noticed public hearing to consider said Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development Permit and Site Development Plan; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the City Council considered all factors relating to the Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development Permit and Site Development Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the recommendation of the Planning Commission for the approval of Tentative Tract Map CT 2017-0003, Planned Development Permit 2017-0004 and Site Development Plan SDP 2018-0018, is approved, and that the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7391 on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, are the findings and conditions of the City Council. Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 18 of 35 3. This action is final the date this resolution is adopted by the City Council. The Provisions of Chapter 1.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, "Time Limits for Judicial Review" shall apply: "NOTICE" The time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1094.6, which has been made applicable in the City of Carlsbad by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.16. Any petition or other paper seeking review must be filed in the appropriate court not later than the ninetieth day following the date on which this decision becomes final; however, if within ten days after the decision becomes final a request for the record is filed with a deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost or preparation of such record, the time within which such petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than the thirtieth day following the date on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed to the party, or his attorney of record, if he has one. A written request for the preparation of the record of the proceedings shall be filed with the City Clerk, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 9th day of March, 2021, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Acosta, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor 4VVV5M,DeAUWW -41Pr BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 19 of 35 LA COSTA AVVIA MONTE B E L L O CALLECANCUNA CAMINITOSIERRACALLECARACASCALLETIMI TEOC A MIN IT O P U E R T O CA MINIT O TIN G O AMEND 2017-0012 / CT 2017-0003 / PUD 2017-0004 / SDP 2018-0018 LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE PARCEL 3 RESIDENTIAL SITE MAP J SITE E L C AMINO R E ALLA COSTA AVCARLSBAD BLMELROSE DR POINSETT I A L N EXHIBIT 3 Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 20 of 35 EXHIBIT 4 City Council Resolution No. 2015-243 (on file in the office of the City Clerk) Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 21 of 35 EXHIBIT 5 Planning Commission Resolution No. 7114 (on file in the office of the City Clerk) Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 22 of 35 EXHIBIT 6 Planning Commission Resolution No. 7390 (on file in the office of the City Clerk) Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 23 of 35 EXHIBIT 7 Planning Commission Resolution No. 7391 (on file in the office of the City Clerk) Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 24 of 35 EXHIBIT 8 Planning Commission staff reports dated Nov. 18, 2020 and Dec. 2, 2020 (on file in the office of the City Clerk) Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 25 of 35 EXHIBIT 9 Planning Commission minutes dated Nov. 18, 2020 and Dec. 2, 2020 (on file in the office of the City Clerk) Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 26 of 35 LA COSTA MASTER PLAN Amendment MP 149(R)AMEND 2017-0012 Prepared by Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 EXHIBIT 10 Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 27 of 35 MP-149(R) La Costa Town Square Project An adjustment to the neighborhood boundaries separating the local shopping center and residential landuse in neighborhoods SE8, SE13 and SE14 (La Costa Town Square) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #6579 on July 15, 2009 City Council Ordinance #CS-051 on August 18, 2009 *** MP-149(S) An amendment to remove the La Costa Resort and Spa properties from the plan. The area removed will be subject to the La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan, MP 03-02. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 5701, August 4, 2004 City Council Ordinance # NS-721, September 21, 2004 *** MP-149(T) An amendment to change the underlying zoning of commercial neighborhoods (SE-13, SE-14, SE-15, and SE-17) from “C-1” (Neighborhood Commercial) and “C-2” (General Commercial) to the new zone “C-L” (Local Shopping Center) for those properties with the “L” (Local Shopping Center) general plan designation. This amendment changes Table III-2 and text in paragraph III.E.1 (Land Use and Development Standards). APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # 5922, June 15, 2005 City Council Ordinance # NS-767, August 9, 2005 *** MP-149(U) An amendment to delete from the Master Plan (MP-149), a 0.5 acre vacant city owned site (Assessor Parcel 223-617-24) at 7201 Rancho Santa Fe Road approximately a half mile south of San Elijo Road in Local Facilities Management Zone 11. Subject site is proposed Fire Station No. 6. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution No. 6156, August 16, 2006 City Council Ordinance # NS-818 *** AMEND 2017-0012 An amendment to change the General Plan Land Use designation and underlying Zone for Neighborhood SE-13B of the Master Plan to reflect a land use change to the property approved as part of the city’s comprehensive General Plan Update (City Council Resolution 2015-243, dated Sept. 22, 2015). For Neighborhood SE-13B of the master plan, this amendment changes the General Plan Land Use designation from Office (O) to Residential (R-23, 15-23 du/ac) and the underlying Zone from Office (O) to Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M). This amendment changes Table III-2 and makes several text changes throughout to clarify and distinguish the development process for Neighborhood SE-13B versus SE-13A. APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution No. ____________________, [DATE] City Council Ordinance No. ____________________, [DATE] *** Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 28 of 35 MP-149(M): Amendment was to change densities and land uses on property generally located in the southwest portion of the La Costa Master Plan. The Planning Commission recommended denial to the amendment to the City Council (Planning Commission Resolution #2277). The amendment was withdrawn before it was heard by the City Council. August 9, 1985 MP-149(N): Amendment was to request land use change from C to RM on property generally located on the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and future Camino de Los Coches. Withdrawn on August 9, 1985, with no formal action taken. September 4, 1990 MP-149(O): Elimination of any reference to the area previously known as Southwest (Arroyo La Costa), and stipulation that updated EIRs and new Master Plans be required prior to future development occurring in the Northwest and Southeast areas of La Costa. Approved by City Council Ordinance #NS-123. MP-149(P): Submitted for the La Costa Town Center Project on August 31, 1993. Withdrawn on January 12, 1996, with no formal action taken. MP-149(Q): An amendment to remove portions of the Northwest and Southeast areas (including the Rancheros) from the plan. The areas removed are subject to the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. Approved by City Council Ordinance #NS-604. MP-149(R): An amendment to adjust the neighborhood boundaries separating the Local Shopping Center and residential landuse in neighborhoods SE-8, SE-13 and SE-14 (La Costa Town Square). MP-149(S): An amendment to remove the La Costa Resort and Spa properties from the plan. The area removed will be subject to the La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan, MP 03-02. MP-149(T): A City-initiated amendment to change the underlying zoning of commercial neighborhoods (SE-13, SE-14, SE-15, and SE-17) from “C-1” (Neighborhood Commercial) and “C-2” (General Commercial) to the new zone “C- L” (Local Shopping Center) for those properties with the “L” (Local Shopping Center) general plan designation. Approved by City Council Ordinance #NS-767. MP-149-U: a City-initiated amendment removing a 0.5 acre parcel, identified as Assessor Parcel No. 223-617-24, from the La Costa Master Plan (MP-149) to allow for the approval of proposed Fire Station No. 6 approved by City Council Ordinance NS- 818. AMEND 2017-0012:An amendment to change the General Plan Land Use designation and underlying Zone for Neighborhood SE-13B of the Master Plan to reflect a land use change to the property approved as part of the city’s comprehensive General Plan Update (City Council Resolution 2015-243, dated Sept. 22, 2015). For Neighborhood SE-13B of the master plan, this amendment changes the General Plan Land Use designation from Office (O) to Residential (R- 23, 15-23 du/ac) and the underlying Zone from Office (O) to Residential Density-Multiple (RD- M). This amendment changes Table III-2 and makes several text changes throughout to clarify and distinguish the development process for Neighborhood SE-13B versus SE-13A. F. Existing and Approved Development (See note at end of Section F) I-6Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 29 of 35 The areas that previously have been developed or committed to development consist of the La Costa Plaza area, La Costa Resort and Recreation area, including golf course, La Costa Valley Condominiums, and developments of various types of living units, such as single family, duplexes, cluster developments, condominiums, and homes of all types from luxury to more modest homes. The area already developed within old La Costa can be generally defined as located from El Camino Real on the west, Alga Road on the north, Levante on the south and Rancho Santa Fe and Melrose Drive on the east. Outside of the Master Plan area, an industrial park has been constructed east of Rancho Santa Fe Road in the City of San Marcos. In the Southwest Area of the Master Plan, Neighborhoods previously designated SW 5 and SW 4 have been developed with single family homes. In the Southwest Area of the Master Plan Neighborhoods SE 20 and SE 21 have been developed with Single Family Homes. Neighborhoods SE 12 and SE 23 have been developed with apartments. Neighborhoods SE 10, SE 16, SE 18, SE 19 have been approved for development with single-family homes.Neighborhood SE 15 has been approved for development as a local shopping center.Neighborhoods SE-13A, SE 15, and SE 17 have been developed as local shopping centers. No development has been approved in the Northwest portion of the Master Plan. Except as otherwise specifically indicated in this Plan or exhibits hereto, nothing in this Master Plan shall be deemed to regulate or prohibit the development, redevelopment or rehabilitation of any area in the Master Plan (see Exhibit I-2 [on file in the Planning Department], Existing Zoning). The following eleven areas are zoned P-C but have already been developed or are in the process of being developed and the documents governing such development are described in Section III, Land Use and Development Standards. 1. Existing 27-hole golf course and San Marcos Canyon 2. Estates North 3. Rancheros de la Costa 4. Vale 2 & 3 5. Vale 4 6. Corona La Costa 7. Spanish Village 8. Green Valley Knolls 9. Santa Fe Knolls 10. Santa Fe Glens 11. SMCWD Reservoir Other than the eleven areas listed above, there exist areas within the 3,200+ acres zoned other than P-C. The development of such areas (see Exhibit I-2, Existing Zoning [on file in the Planning Department]) shall be governed by the applicable zoning. Note: The above information for historical purposes only. See Map on Page I-8 for existing remaining areas of the La Costa Master Plan after the approval of MP 149(S) and adoption of the La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan MP 03-02. I - 7Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 30 of 35 i. Santa Fe Glens: SP-116, Ordinance #9409, 12/3/74 CT 73-2, Resolution #3547, 11/19/74 j. SMCWD Reservoir: PDP-3, Resolution #6080, 2/5/80 2. Areas of existing development (see Section I.E.) zoned other than P-C shall be governed by applicable zoning. B. Development Review Process 1. This Master Plan provides for two alternative processes that may be utilized in the submission and review of individual neighborhood development proposals: the Standard Review Process and the La Costa Development Plan Review Process, hereinafter referred to as the Development Plan. Process selection shall be at the discretion of the applicant as provided herein. 2. The Standard Review Process shall utilize the requirements as set forth in Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and any other applicable zone and development type for neighborhoods developed under this process are set forth in Tables III-1 and III-2 of this Master Plan. The Standard Review Process may include the utilization of Chapter 21.45 Planned Development Ordinance at the discretion of the applicant. The Standard Review Process shall not be applicable to Neighborhoods SE-10, SE-12, SE-13, SE-14,SE-15,SE-16 or SE 23, identified in this Master Plan as the Community Core, or to SE-13A, SE-15 and SE-17,designated as a Local Shopping Center. 3. The La Costa Development Plan Review Process shall require the submission of a Development Plan, which shall be subject to the general and special development standards, and regulations as set forth in this Master Plan. The processing procedures set forth in Chapter 21.06 Q Qualified Development Overlay Zone shall apply to the Development Plan Review Process of this Master Plan except that: a. A tentative subdivision map, if required by the Subdivision Map Act, shall be submitted in conjunction with the Development Plan. b. The Development Plan shall be acted on by the same decision- making body that acts on the tentative subdivision map. If the City Engineer approves the map for a project, then the Planning Commission shall approve the Development Plan. c. The Planning Director shall be authorized to approve minor amendments to approved Development Plans providing such amendment shall not increase the approved densities or boundaries of the site development plan, permit a new use or group of uses not III - 2 Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 31 of 35 be reduced up to but not to exceed ten (10) percent and such reductions shall be considered consistent with this Master Plan. 5. There shall be permitted as part of a tentative subdivision map approval for any residential neighborhood, a model home area containing up to four (4) product types subject to the provisions of Section 21.60.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Planning Director may approve more than four units subject to adequate agreements guaranteeing the removal of said units if the subdivision map does not record within the time period allowed by law. 6. The Planning Director may accept neighborhood development applications below the required minimum densities in neighborhoods SE- 10 and SE-16 and where significant environmental impacts which cannot be reasonably mitigated would otherwise result. D. Special Neighborhood Development Standards Neighborhood development applications utilizing the Development Plan Review Process alternative provided by this Master Plan shall be subject to the following special standards in addition to the Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations of Section III-L and all other applicable requirements of this Master Plan: 1. There shall be permitted in all RL and RLM neighborhoods: single family attached and detached housing including condominiums; accessory structures and buildings incidental to permitted uses; maximum building heights not to exceed thirty five (35) feet; a minimum of two (2) off-street parking not less than one (1) space per dwelling unit. 2. A Development Plan shall be submitted for all L and TS neighborhoods designated on Table and III-2. 3. Development standards, other than those identified in this Master Plan, may be modified by the Development Plan if such modification is found to be consistent with this Master Plan, the General Plan, protection of the environment and the public welfare. All uses, and development standards not addressed in the Development Plan, shall be established per the applicable zoning standards identified for each neighborhood in Table III- 2. Note: Table III-1 is no longer applicable and has been deleted. E. Community Core and Neighborhood Commercial 1. Neighborhoods SE-10, SE-11,SE-13SE-13A, SE-14, SE-15,and SE- 16, are designated in this Master Plan as the Community Core. Prior to development of these neighborhoods, a Site Development Plan shall be III - 4 Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 32 of 35 approved. Subsequent development shall be subject to said plan. For neighborhoods SE-10, SE-11, SE-14 and SE-16, the Site Development Plan shall be developed and approved pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 21.06, Q Qualified Development Overlay Zone, and for neighborhoods SE-13SE-13A and SE-15 it shall be developed and approved pursuant to Chapter 21.31, Local Shopping Center Zone of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. For neighborhood SE-13B, it shall be developed and approved pursuant to Chapter 21.24, the Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) Zone of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2. Preparation of all neighborhood development plans within the Community Core shall insure compatibility with adjacent neighborhoods particularly regarding the placement of open spaces, selection and location of landscaping material, continuity of pedestrian and bike paths, siting of structures for view opportunities and architectural harmony. 3. The Development Plan for neighborhoods SE-13SE-13A and SE-15 shall set forth designated land uses pursuant to Table III-2, external and internal traffic circulation, a landscaping plan, building bulk, height and location, exterior architectural style and signing, in addition to other standards of this Master Plan. Also refer to the Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations of Section III.L. 4. The preparation of Development Plans for neighborhoods SE-10, SE-11, SE-12, SE-14, SE-16 and SE-23 shall be governed by the Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations of Section III.L in addition to other standards of this Master Plan. III - 5 Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 33 of 35 Note: The area described in Table III-1 below is for reference only and is removed MP 149(S) and by inclusion in MP 03-032. TABLE III-1 General Neighborhood Development Standards LA COSTA NORTHWEST Note: This chart does not comply with current City Policies and Growth Control Points. It is for illustrative purposes only. TABLE III-2 General Neighborhood Development Standards LA COSTA SOUTHEAST *Dwelling unit count shown on this table represents the potential maximum number of dwelling units under ideal planning conditions. Refer to Sections III.C, III.D., and III.L. **See Sections III.B., III.D. and III.E. III - 6 Neighborhood General Plan Neighborhood General Plan 2.a. (p. III-11) 2.a. (p. III-11) SE-10 RM RD-M**Clustered Multi-Family 100 10 -2.b. (p. III-11) SE-11 OS (STA) SE-14 RM (STA) RD-M** Single Family Detached 47 9.96 1.9 2.f. (p. III-11) C-L** Local Shopping Center - 6 - 2.g. (p. III-11) RD-M** Clustered Multi-Family 270 27 - 2.h. (p. III-11) SE-17 L C-L Local Shopping Center -6 1.6 2.i. (p. III-12) SE-18 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached Single Family 116 29 - 2.l. (p. III-12) RD-M** Clustered Multi-Family 140 7 - 2.o. (p. III-12) Totals 2,530 549.7 90.2 Zone Zone and Development Type for Standard Review Process Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations NW-14 OS O-S Golf Course - 85.0 85.0 1.a. (p.III-13) Max. * D.U. Open Space Gross Acres Open Space Gross Acres Zone and Development Type for Standard Review Process Max. * D.U. Gross Acres Open Space Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations Zone Gross Acres Open Space Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations Zone SE-8 SE-8A RLM RLM Standard; Detached Single Family R-1 R-1 484 64 113 24 34 3.4 O-S** Public Park - 28 28.0 2.c. (p. III-11)O-S** Public Park - 28 28.0 2.c. (p. III-11) RD-M** Clustered Multi-Family 540 27 - 2.d. (p. III-11)SE-12 RMH (STA) SE-13 A SE 13B Local Shopping Center Office Clustered Multi-Family- 41.58 7.14 CL** 0 RD-M 3.7 2.e. (p.III-11) 2.f.2.e.(p.III-11) L 0 R-23 SE-15 (L) (STA) SE-16 RM (STA) 204 51 3.2 2.j. (p. III-12)204 51 3.2 2.j. (p. III-12) SE-19 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached Single Family 172 43 2.3 2.k. (p. III-12) SE-20 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached Single Family 212 53 10.2 2.m. (p. III-12) SE-22 RL R-E Rural Estate S.F. 100 67 1.9 2.n. (p. III-12) SE-23 RM (STA) SE-21 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached Single Family Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 34 of 35 L. Individual Neighborhood Development Regulations The following individual neighborhood development regulations shall apply when neighborhood development proposals utilize the Development Plan Review Process alternative provided by this Master Plan. 1. Individual Regulations for the Northwest Area (See La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan (MP 03-02). 2. Individual Regulations for the Southeast Area a. (SE-8) Development should: utilize standard detached single family housing oriented to maximize eastward and westward views; minimize grading due to underlying rock conditions; utilize step pads above and below the streets with turn-in driveways or other techniques to minimize grading. A Site Development Plan shall be processed pursuant to Chapter 21.06 (Qualified Development Overlay Zone). b. (SE-10) Development should: utilize multiple dwelling unit development in two cluster; provide access to adjacent Stage Coach Park and open spaces; provide neighborhood entrance/exit from Camino de Los Coches. This area is suitable for low and moderate-income housing. Minimum number of dwelling units for this neighborhood shall be 40. Also see Section III.E. c. (SE-11) Previously developed. d. (SE-12) Previously developed. e. (SE-13 A & B) See Section III.E. above.The site development plan for SE-13A shall be processed concurrent with Neighborhood SE-13B. The square footage reserved for office use shall not be less than 15% of the total square footage of structures in SE-13A and SE13B. f. (SE-14) Development shall: utilize single family detached development. See Section III. E. g. (SE-15) See Section III.E. above. h. (SE-16) Development should: utilize careful grading due to potential archaeological sites; provide dense landscaping and berms for noise attenuation from Rancho Santa Fe Road; utilize view orientation eastward into open space area; provide open space links to Stage Coach Park. This area is suitable for low and moderate-income housing. Minimum number of dwelling units for this neighborhood shall be 108. Also see Section III.E. III - 11 Mar. 9, 2021 Item #3 Page 35 of 35 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you, because your interest may be affected, that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 3:00 p.m. on Tues., March 9, 2021, to consider approving a Master Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development Permit and Site Development Plan to allow for the subdivision of a 7.2 acre parcel into two lots, one with 76 townhomes and one with 19 affordable condominiums, including development standards modifications, on property generally located north of the intersection of Calle Timiteo and La Costa Avenue, within the La Costa Master Plan, Neighborhood SE-13B, in the Southeast Quadrant of the city and Local Facilities Management Zone 11, and more particularly described as: Parcel 3 of City of Carlsbad Minor Subdivision No. 04-08 recorded by the County Recorder of the County of San Diego on July 11, 2012 as Parcel Map No. 20982 Whereas, on Dec. 2, 2020 the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission voted 5/2 to recommend approval of a Master Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development Permit and Site Development Plan to allow for the subdivision of a 7.2 acre parcel into two lots, one-with 76 town homes and one with 19 affordable condominiums, including development standards modifications, on property generally located north of the intersection of Calle Timiteo and La Costa Avenue, within the La Costa Master Plan, Neighborhood SE-13B, in the Southeast Quadrant of the city and Local Facilities Management Zone 11. The City Planner has determined that tbe.potential environmental effects of the project were adequately analyzed by the previously certified Environmental Impact Report (FIR) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the construction of La Costa Town Square (EIR 01-02). Copies of the staff report will be available on and after March 5, 2021. If you have any questions, please contact Jason Goff in the Planning Division at (760) 602-4643 or Jason.Goff@carlsbadca.gov. Per California Executive Order N-29-20, and in the interest of public health and safety, we are temporarily taking actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by holding City Council and other public meetings online only. All public meetings will comply with public noticing requirements in the Brown Act and will be made accessible electronically to all members of the public seeking to observe and address the City Council. You may participate by phone or in writing. Participation by phone: sign up at https://www.carlsbadca.gov/cityhall/clerk/meetings/defaultasp by 2 p.m. the day of the meeting to provide comments live by phone. You will receive a confirmation email with instructions about how to call in. Participation in writing: email comments to clerk@carlsbadca.gov. Comments received by 2 p.m. the day of the meeting will be shared with the City Council prior to the meeting. When e-mailing comments, please identify in the subject line the agenda item to which your comments relate. All comments received will be included as part of the official record. Written comments will not be read out loud. If you challenge the Master Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development Permit and Site Development Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: AMEND 2017-0012/CT 2017-0003/PUD 2017-0004/SDP 2018-0018 (DEV2017-0178) CASE NAME: LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE PARCEL 3 RESIDENTIAL PUBLISH: Feb. 26, 2021 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL 0 NOT TO SCALE SITE MAP LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE PARCEL 3 RESIDENTIAL AMEND 2017-0012 / CT 2017-0003 / PUD 2017-0004 / SDP 2018-0018 LA COSTA PARCELS LLC P 0 BOX 847 CARLSBAD CA 92018 ZOBROD RICHARD R AND SHARRY 7329 CALLE PERA ' CARLSBAD CA 92009 ARTERRO MAINTENANCE CORPORATION 1302 CAMINO DEL MAR DEL MAR CA 92014 ROHR BRYAN AND JENNIFER R 7325 CALLE PERA ' CARLSBAD CA 92009 TIMONY GREGG A AND THERESA C TRUST 12-23-99 7333 CALLE PERA CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROTH SCOTT A AND ERISELDA 3427 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009. ' SPIRE AMY S 1203 CREST RD DEL MAR CA 92014 ' °SULLIVAN OWEN J AND ANGODUNG NICOLE M C 3411 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 ELJAMAL SALEH AND SUSAN 9 OLD ROUTE 208 ! NEW PALTZ NY 12561 KALARIYA-BHAKTA 2006 FAMILY ' TRUST 08-29-06 3430 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 COHN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 08-26-13 3442 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 LA COSTA TOWN CENTER LLC 5973 AVENIDA ENCINAS STE 300 CARLSBAD CA 92008 SANTA FE RANCH L L C 2235 FARADAY AVE STE 0 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ' TORCHIN LARRY AND KRISTINA REVOCABLE TRUST 05-23-18 . 1 3419 SITIO SANDIA , CARLSBAD CA 92009 BOGASKI JOSEPH P AND KIMBERLY N TRUST 05-26-15 3410 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 SIEFFERT REVOCABLE TRUST 06- 19-14 3422 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 ! IMPARATO THOMAS AND LAURA 3446 SITIO SANDIA 1 CARLSBAD CA 92009 AMERICAN DRUG STORES :NC ' 5330 CARROLL CANYON RD STE 200 SAN DIEGO CA 92121 •. PUCK 1995 TRUST 02-15-95 1762 AVENIDA LA POSTA •ENCINITAS CA 92024 KOEHNEN TRUST 01-27-06 3415 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 WANG YANFENG AND FANG JEIYIN 3414 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 GOEL PREM K AND VEENA 3426 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 .; I LA COSTA TOWN CENTER LLC P 0 BOX 847 CARLSBAD CA 92018 , CORP OF PRESIDING BISHOP CHURCH JESUS CHRIST LATTER- . 50 E NORTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY UT 84150 •ARIAZAND SHAADI C AND MOVAFAGH HOUTAN 6841 URUBU ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 SHAPIRO FAMILY TRUST 11-27-12. KOREN LIVING TRUST 12-09-15 3434 SITIO SANDIA 3438 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 • CARLSBAD CA 92009 BELSER BOBBIE REVOCABLE TRUST' 10-23-14 7753 CAMINITO ENCANTO UNIT 202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 BART FAMILY TRUST 10-15-09 P 0 BOX 130700 CARLSBAD CA 92013 YON JOANNA FAMILY TRUST 03-28-11 613 N CAMDEN DR BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 FABBRO LAURA D M 7753 CAMINITO ENCANTO UNIT 303 •CARLSBAD CA 92009 AZZAM PAUL 7757 CAMINITO ENCANTO UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 WICKENBERG PROPERTIES LLC 3177 WILDFLOWER SMT ENCINITAS CA 92024 . DEGRAW JULIE : 7757 CAMINITO ENCANTO UNIT 301 ' CARLSBAD CA 92009 ESTRADA FAMILY TRUST 03-05-18. 310 AMPARO DR ESCONDIDO CA 92025 ZHANG-DUAN FAMILY TRUST 05-07-18 3537 ALANDER CT •CARLSBAD CA 92010 . GADULA CHRISTOPHER AND MARIE 52 WENDOVER RD ETOBICOKE ON M8X 2L3 ; CANADA GARRISON AMY L 16263 E OTERO AVE ENGLEWOOD CO 80112 ALEXANDER JODI L LIVING TRUST 12-22-04 4412 PROMESA-CIR SAN DIEGO CA 92124 . TIBBETTS JESSICA 7757 CAMINITO ENCANTO UNIT 303 CARLSBAD CA 92009 HOLMES ZENIA B TRUST 07-15-05 FEINSTEIN ALEX M P 0 BOX 1164 1 1 3455 CAMINITO SIERRA CARDIFF BY THE SE CA 92007 UNIT T101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 KENNEDY KYLE AND GRIFFIN MELANIE : 3455 CAMINITO SIERRA ' UNIT 202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 REEVE CATHERINE L ! 3455 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 303 i CARLSBAD CA 92009 f FESTA LISA S 3459 CAMINITO SIERRA : UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 SUKSUMRIT DAVID . 3459 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT S304 1 CARLSBAD CA 92009 HINTON JOSEPH •3459 CAMINITO SIERRA •UNIT 301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 SALMON TIM AND LEAH •3455 CAMINITO SIERRA . : UNIT 201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 GOUGIS DAVID A AND CARMELITE 13609 GREENOAK CT LA MIRADA CA 90638 I VONPLATEN FAMILY 1 TRUST 11-26-93 P 0 BOX 130545 CARLSBAD CA 92013 DESANTI FRANK R i 3459 CAMINITO SIERRA , UNIT 302 : CARLSBAD CA 92009. SEWALT ALANNA 3463 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 . SHAMIEH HUNAIDA S ' TRUST 05-01-19 3798 MYKONOS LN •UNIT 33 SAN DIEGO CA 92130 •OSTROW STEPHEN I •! 2533 S HIGHWAY 101 STE 280 CARDIFF BY THE SE CA 92007 • •COOPER RICHARD M 71 TRANBY AVE 1 1 TORONTO ON M5R 1N4 : 1 CANADA . ADAMUCCI FAMILY TRUST 05-17-08 •38140 CALLE CAMPO TEMECULA CA 92592 AUGUSTINE JASON R : 3463 CAMINITO SIERRA I UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 1 •BUTLER GAIL F ANSOLABEHERE LAUREN ASHRAF OVAIS AND OVAIS •.3463 CAMINITO SIERRA • 3463 CAMINITO SIERRA FAREEHA I ! UNIT 202 • UNIT 201 3435 CIRCULO ADORN° ! CARLSBAD CA 92009 ! ! CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 KATMARIAN MICHELLE L 3463 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 302 . CARLSBAD CA 92009 SIGAUD DANIELA 7758 CAMINITO ENCANTO UNIT 102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 LUCA MARGARETA 7758 CAMINITO ENCANTO ' UNIT 202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 DAVIES FAMILY 2011 TRUST 05-07-02 P 0 BOX 160 EASTPORT ID 83826 ' SESTI TRUST 06-20-13 7812 GAVIOTA CIR •CARLSBAD CA 92009 LUVIN LIVING TRUST 02-13-20 7753 CAMINITO BONANZA .UNIT 203 :CARLSBAD CA 92009 ;GARRISON STEVEN AND SRAHBAZ 1 SHELIA 1 7757 CAMINITO BONANZA 'UNIT 202 iCARLSBAD CA 92009 MEEKER DON R P 0 BOX 231125 ENCINITAS CA 92023 CAREY DAVID J 7758 CAMINITO ENCANTO UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ' EASTON ANTHONY R LIVING TRUST 10-14-11 P 0 BOX 166 ' SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 BARRETT ELIZABETH J , 7754 CAMINITO ENCANTO : UNIT 202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 CLARK LISA B 7753 CAMINITO BONANZA UNIT 204 CARLSBAD CA 92Q09 WELCH KATHLEEN S LIVING TRUST 05-19-03 3327 FOSCA ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ONBIRBAK BRUCE AND MONIQUE 1 FAMILY TRUST 02-27-C2 I 976 MONTE MIRA DR ENCINITAS CA 92024 REED RICHARD A 3463 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ' ALEM IVONE ' 7758 CAMINITO ENCANTO UNIT 204 CARLSBAD CA 92009 CHIBA ATSURO • 7758 CAMINITO ENCANTO UNIT 201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 KAKADELAS CHRISTOPHER P REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 7754 CAMINITO ENCANTO ' UNIT 201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 I RASKIN RENTAL PROPERTIES II LLC : 401 N COAST HWY ! UNIT 404 1 OCEANSIDE CA 92054 PIROZHENKO LIVING TRUST 01-24-10 P 0 BOX 675433 RCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 CHEE PECK S 16516 BERNARDO CENTER DR STE 200 SAN DIEGO CA 92128 COHEN ANDREW I 3467 CAMINITO SIERRA ! UNIT 102 •CARLSBAD CA 92009 !THOMPSON RICHARD M ! 3467 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 302 CARLSBAD CA 92009 FLETCHER DIANNE REVOCABLE TRUST 05-24-06 3467 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 LAVERON I LESLIE L ! 3467 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 304 CARLSBAD CA 92009 •TOWNSEND FAMILY . TRUST 05-15-02 1860 WALES RD CAMBRIA CA 93428 M V P PROPERTIES-CAMINITO SIERRA L L C 7935 AVENIDA DIESTRO CARLSBAD CA 92009 RAO MEDURI TRUST : 11407 FAIRWIND CT .SAN DIEGO CA 92130 RENDLER THOMAS M 3471 CAMINITO SIERRA ' UNIT P201 ; CARLSBAD CA 92009 LOARIE JOAN A REVOCABLE TRUST 11-02-12 3471 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 202 . CARLSBAD CA 92009 DAYAN DAVID S AND ANDREA J 359 UNION ST ENCINITAS CA 92024 MORGAN JILL L SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 08-03-99 16450 BRIDLEWOOD RD POWAY CA 92064 TYLER JEFFREY ROBERT 7754 CAMINITO BONANZA UNIT 204 CARLSBAD CA 92009 CANDELA TRUST 0.3-23-10 1825 VERANO VISTA SAN MARCOS CA 92078 BARROWS CYNTHIA S 7703 CAMINITO PUERTO UNIT 204 CARLSBAD CA 92009 .FOWLER LEE TR 1116 DIAMOND ST !SAN DIEGO CA 92109 :GARZA MICHAEL A AND KARLEY B 7702 CAMINITO PUERTO UNIT 203 :CARLSBAD CA 92009 •MINOOEE DAVOOD B : 7932 AVENIDA DIESTRO : CARLSBAD CA 92009 PATTERSON PATRICIA 7701 CAMINITO LEON UNIT 201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 'WANNER SUSAN E 1992 :TRUST 03-31-92 11441 BIG CANYON TER CARDIFF CA 92007 FALETTE ANTHONY P LIVING TRUST 02-27-19 3471 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 304 CARLSBAD CA 92009 . C F MERFELD L L C P 0 BOX 910473 SAN DIEGO CA 92191 CLARK JOANN 7754 CAMINITO BONANZA UNIT 202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 PATTERSON DAVID R 7703 CAMINITO PUERTO UNIT A102 : CARLSBAD CA 92009 ' GORMAN BRITTANY R , 6831 BATIQUITOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92011 INOUYE MICHAEL J ; 7702 CAMINITO PUERTO UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ! TORILEX DEFINED BENEFIT ! PENSION PLAN 10-01-01 I P 0 BOX 232031. ENCINITAS CA 92023 COHEN ROBERT AND SUZANNE •LIVING TRUST 05-18-19 7946 CALLE POSADA CARLSBAD CA 92009 1 1 KVASHNY RONNIE L3320 CAMINITO EASTBLUFF 1 UNIT 138 1 LA JOLLA CA 92037 ! SHE-DENG FAMILY TRUST 04-21-17 : 2192 DICKINSON DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MEHRAN MARYAM REVOCABLE TRUST 06-29-07 2609 COLIBRI LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 HERNANDEZ ARTURO •7754 CAMINITO BONANZA UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ' BRIGHT DONALD L 7754 CAMINITO BONANZA UNIT 203 1 •CARLSBAD CA 92009 ANDREONE FAMILY ' TRUST 10-13-98 •8607 ECHO DR ' LA MESA CA 91941 , BARNES MAURICE REVOCABLE ' LIVING TRUST ! 7703 CAMINITO PUERTO ! UNIT 201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 : SAYERS ROBERT W JR AND : LOUGHLIN LYNN M REVOCABLE TRUST 3180 LAKESIDE VILLAGE DR PASO ROBLES CA 93446 ' BRENNAN TIMOTHY G AND COOPER-' : BRENNAN CAROL 7701 CAMINITO LEON UNIT 102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 LO VICKY . 7701 CAMINITO LEON ! UNIT 203 CARLSBAD CA 92009 : DAVIS RYAN ' 7706 CAMINITO PUERTO UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 1 ' TRUJILLO CRISTINA M : 7706 CAMINITO PUEkTO UNIT 203 ' CARLSBAD CA 92009 1 EMERT FAMILY TRUST 09-26-08 126 BROOKDALE PL SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 AKROUSH NANSI 6519 ONDA PL . CARLSBAD CA 92009 DAVIS TRUST 03-30-18 3503 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 201 ' CARLSBAD CA 92009 SCHWIMMER LIVING TRUST 05-29-01 1116 DIAMOND ST i SAN DIEGO CA 92109 KNIGHT RONALD W ! 1415 BERNITA WAY !EL CAJON CA 92020 VELAZQUEZ BERNARDO N 7707 CAMINITO LEON - UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 MILDBRANDT KIRSTEN TRUST 03-18-05 3503 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 101 : CARLSBAD CA 92009 ' : ALEXANDER JEANNE W FAMILY . TRUST 01-10-06 ; 831 CAMINITO VERDE ! CARLSBAD CA 92011 MCKEON MAILE E J . 3503 CAMINITO SIERRA ! UNIT 301 ! CARLSBAD CA 92009 SPURZEM JAKE 3507 CAMINITO SIERRA : UNIT 102 i CARLSBAD CA 92009 SEPERACK ADAM. AND MEGHAN 7707 CAMINITO. LEON UNIT 202 •CARLSBAD CA 92009 RODKEY SEAN j AND L TEGAN 7254 SITIO LIMA CARLSBAD CA 92009 . LI XUEMEI AND LUO HAOBIN 1102 DOWITCHER CT CARLSBAD CA 92011 MACPHERSON STEVEN K 1277 FOREST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 : KNOX REVOCABLE LIVING : TRUST 05-29-07 2411 S SUMMIT CIRCLE GLN ESCONDIDO CA 92026 JOHNSON ALVIN CYRUS REVOCABLE TRUST 01-04-07 1 2707 SACRAMENTO ST 'APT 7 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94115 1SALAS CHELSEA 3507 CAMINITO SIERRA i.11\TIT 301 iCARLSBAD CA 92009 BLACKWOOD STACY M 2304 N SPURGEON ST :SANTA ANA CA 92706 GHIO LESLIE L TRUST .11-10-97 P 0 BOX 675447 RCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 GUYER MICHAEL D 3.507 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 303 CARLSBAD CA 92009 •BEARDEN JENNIFER . TRUST 04-07-09 : 2848 LUCIERNAGA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARTIN FAMILY 1993 TRUST 12-13-93 1061 DOUBLE LL RANCH RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 VELASCO PIEDAD F TRUST 05-15-19 3513 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 103 CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARQUEZ MICHELLE R 3513 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 'LONGOBARDI FAMILY RUHE LAUREN N TORRES ALICIA G TRUST 07-01-99 3513 CAMINITO SIERRA 3513 CAMINITO SIERRA 3309 SAGE RD UNIT 301 UNIT 303 'FALLBROOK CA 92028 CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 'GRAY STANLEY C III AND PENNY :BUTLER KELLY N FOWLER FAMILY TRUST 10-21-13 ,P REVOCABLE TRUST • 7702 CAMINITO LEON 260 SPRINGCREEK RD 31755 COAST HWY UNIT 101 SAN MARCOS CA 92069 LAGUNA BEACH CA 92651 i CARLSBAD CA 92009 •QUIMING ANDREW 7702 CAMINITO LEON UNIT 203 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROSS FAMILY TRUST 03-09-05 1964 LAHOUD DR CARDIFF CA 92007 DUNNE ADEN AND BRANIZZA . DARINKA P ! 3517 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 102 •CARLSBAD CA 92009 DUNHAM LIVING TRUST 11-16-15 3517 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 304 . CARLSBAD CA 92009 ' CARE? FAMILY LIVING TRUST 09-15-04 I P 0 BOX 3235 ! RCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 ' HERMAN LORRAINE G 3523 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 202 . . CARLSBAD CA 92009 ; SPECTER ANDREA . ; 3523 CAMINITO SIERRA ; UNIT 301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ! SEEKER JEFFREY AND JAMIE 3527 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 102 ! CARLSBAD CA 92009 • . CRELLIN JENNA 7702 CAMINITO LEON UNIT 201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 BOWDEN KERRY L 7704 CAMINITO LEON UNIT 201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 PRESS JOAN 3517 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ALLRED CYNTHIA Y i TRUST 03-27-10 3517 CAMINITO SIERRA I UNIT 301 . CARLSBAD CA 92009 PRIEBE GARY G AND BETTY C TRS' ' 1437 TZENA WAY ENCINITAS CA 92024 •SHARIFRAZI NADER AND FARNAZ : 6360 DECANTURE ST , SAN DIEGO CA 92120 BUI RICHARD P 0 BOX 8148 FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA 92728 ; LEE MICHAEL 230 RIDGE RD N BOX 730 RIDGEWAY ON LOS 1NO CANADA HAMEDI-HAGH SOTOUDEH AND •MINOOEE AREZOU 7702 CAMINITO LEON . UNIT 202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 CALSBEEK JONATHAN AND . FERGUSON ERIN B 7704 CAMINITO LEON UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 FOURNIER MARCIA 3517 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 PARKER' BRIAN AND MICHELLE : 69047 RIVERBEND DR i COVINGTON LA 70433 STUDER MICHAEL A 3517 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 303 CARLSBAD CA 92009 .ARGOLLO JOAO:D T E AND SUSE S S I 3523 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT K201 !CARLSBAD CA 92009 PRIETO/ROJAS FAMILY LIVING TRUST 05-06-11 921 CALLE SANTA CRUZ ENCINITAS CA 92024 MIRA SONIA 7952 CALLE POSADA :CARLSBAD CA 92009 ' LEITCH HARVEY . PO BOX 264 ERIN, ON NOB ITO •CANADA ' BARTLETT ALISSA D I 7704 CAMINITO TINGO , UNIT 102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 KNIGHT LARRY D 3527 CAMINITO SIERRA UNIT 301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ! LATONIO CHAD A . 7704 CAMINITO TINGO UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 PERERA RAMESH LIVING ! TRUST 03-02-06 3527 CAMINITO SIERRA i UNIT 202 'CARLSBAD CA 92009 MORAN LIVING TRUST 06-28-06 739 NARDO RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 NOTARSTEFANO MICHAEL AND KAIHLA 7704 CAMINITO TINGO UNIT 202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 TUCK ROBIN L TRUST 02-27-10 7702 CAMINITO TINGO UNIT H102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 BENNETT CHAD H . 7702 CAMINITO TINGO UNIT 201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 PATTERSON BRENT M AND ALESSANDRA.R 3542 SITIO BAYA CARLSBAD CA 92009 SCHUSSLER ANN M P 0 BOX 79135 PHOENIX AZ 85062 HILL FAMILY TRUST 27865 AMBERWOODLN VALENCIA CA 91354 GUINN TONY AND KRISTEN 7710 BLUE LAKE DR SAN DIEGO CA 92119 CANNATELLI LEONARD A JR AND JUDITH D FAMILY TRUST ' 1963 PORT EDWARD PL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 MINNICK MICHAEL AND CHRISTINE . 3544 SITIO BAYA CARLSBAD GA 92009 STOWE MARTIN D AND MARY J 3.550 SITIO BAYA CARLSBAD CA 92009 VALLES jURGEN R 7704 CAMINITO TINGO UNIT 201. CARLSBAD CA 92009 LARRABEE FAMILY _ TRUST 07-28-15 14112 FRAME RD POWAY CA 92064 AGNEW FAMILY TRUST 12-27-00 3540 SITIO BAYA CARLSBAD CA 92009 HERBERT GARRICK AND AMY 3546 SITIO BAYA CARLSBAD CA 92009 MCAMIS FAMILY TRUST 03-09-92 3552 SITIO BAYA CARLSBAD CA 92009 ZAMIR MICHAEL 0 AND KIMBERLY A JOINT LIVING TRUST 7700 CORTE PROMENADE CARLSBAD CA 92009 BLEE JEFFREY W AND DUCEY CHERYL L ! -7716 CORTE PROMENADE CARLSBAD CA 92009 CENTER FOR NATURAL LANDS . MANAGEMENT INC 27258 VIA INDUSTRIA STE B TEMECULA CA 92590 • EVENSKAAS JASON AND COURTNEY , 7704 CORTE PROMENADE CARLSBAD CA 92009 ON THE PARK MAINTENANCE CORP P 0 BOX 1186 CARLSBAD CA 92018 LA COSTA OAKS COMMUNITY •'ASSOCIATION 9665 CHESAPEAKE DR STE 200 SAN DIEGO CA 92123 HUTCHISON DAVID C AND LISA A 1 7708 CORTE PROMENADE •CARLSBAD CA 92009 ON THE PARK MAIWITNANCE CORP 495 E RINCON ST STE 115 CORONA CA 92879 - 203 PRINTED - * DUPLICATE OWNERS REMOVED PLEASE NOTE: THERE ARE 4 INTERNATIONAL LABELS FOUND ON' PAGES 2 & 6 City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 March 7, 2021 All Receive -Agenda Item # 3 For the Information of the: ,ffil COUNCIL Dat~ CA .....-CC __. CM_ACM_ CM(3)?:;- Re: March 9, 2021 City Council Item #3-La Costa Town Square Parcel 3 Residential Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: There is lofty language in the General Plan, the Carlsbad Active Transportation Strategy (CATS}, the Sustainable Mobility Plan (SMP), and many other documents that claim the City is dedicated to improving mobility for all transportation modes, and that developers will be compelled to pay their fair shares toward such improvements. However, this project is yet another example of the City's failure to implement/enforce these provisions and demonstrates that these plans largely just sit in a drawer collecting dust, despite the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on consultants and staff time to create them .. Vehicle traffic summary (details follow) Nearly all of the vehicle traffic to be generated by the proposed project will go through the La Costa Avenue/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection and adjacent street facilities. That intersection is already very congested and lacks dedicated right-turn lanes on all legs (Figure 1}, leading to significant backups during peak hours. Staff relies on the original La Costa Town Square environmental impact report (EIR} to make the claim that this project will have no significant traffic impact and, thus, requires no improvements. However, among many other problems, the traffic counts for that EIR were largely collected over 15 years ago (January 2006}, while the TIA Guidelines indicate that traffic counts should be no more than two years old. And traffic counts collected for recent Growth Management Plan (GMP} monitoring far exceed the projections in the very old EIR. In addition, level of service (LOS) was assessed in the EIR using the old, fatally flawed (and now abandoned} Carlsbad methods that vastly under-reported congestion (Figure 2). Further, if the newer vehicle miles traveled (VMT) approach had been used; a mitigation plan requiring over 20% VMT reduction would have been required. Staff and the developer are seeking an amendment to the La Costa Town Square Master Plan to change the land use from office to residential, which also changes the traffic patterns of the project. Before approving the amendment, a proper transportation impact analysis (TIA) should be conducted using current methodologies and traffic conditions to explore potential improvements to the La Costa Avenue/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection and/or alternative mitigation measures. Pedestrian/bicycle safety summary (details follow) Staff and the developer also are seeking special permission to include 37% less active recreational space at the project site than is required by the Carlsbad Municipal Code. There was discussion at the Planning Commission meeting that residents could just use the 24-Hour Fitness at La Costa Town Square, but they seemed unaware that it had gone out of business several weeks prior. 1 They also discussed the fact that residents could use Stagecoach Park as an alternative. The intersections of La Costa Avenue with Calle Timiteo and Camino De Los. Coches, which are directly adjacent to the proposed project, are.the main routes to access the park and many other amenities to the south, including schools, a church, shopping, bus stops, etc. (Figure 3}. However, there are no pedestrian amenities or controls beyond a stop sign at either intersection, and La Costa Avenue is a 45- mph, five-lane street there (Figures 4 and 5). Notably, this area is designated in the Sustainable Mobility Plan (SMP} as "high-stress" for both pedestrians and bicyclists, and as a "Priority Corridor for Enhanced Pedestrian Treatment." The area also appears in the CATS-a 2015 predecessor to the SMP (Figure 6}. The Planning Commission staff report claimed that the project was consistent with the "livable streets" and "multimodal" goals/policies of the General Plan, even though no improvements will be done to any existing streets, as encouraged by the General Plan, CATS, and SMP. The La Costa Town Square Master Plan/EIR calls for developer funding of traffic signals at both intersections and traffic signal interconnection in the Rancho Santa Fe Road/La Costa Avenue corridor, but that is all now being waived by staff, because signals allegedly are not warranted by current traffic projections. However, traffic signal warrant studies should be re-done after the project is fully occupied, and the developer should fund them if they become warranted. Alternatively, the funding could be redirected to improvements such as high-visibility crosswalks, rectangular rapid flashing beacons, pedestrian hybrid beacons, and/or other treatments. If traffic is truly not heavy in the area, consideration also could be made to have the developer help fund a reduction of La Costa Avenue to one travel lane in each direction-potentially with roundabouts.at Calle Timiteo and/or Camino De Los Coches. A connection certainly can be made between such projects, which would enhance safety and comfort to access Stagecoach Park (and other amenities), and the special permission to allow 37% reduced active recreational space on the project site. Vehicle traffic details Defective TIA in original La Costa Town Square EIR In the Planning Commission staff report, it was claimed that " ... the street systems serving the proposed development or use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use ... " In support of that claim, staff stated that the 760 average daily trips (ADT) forecasted to be generated by this residential project is iess than the 1,100 ADT previously forecasted to be generated when it was originally approved as an office project. And it was further stated in the staff report: "The City Planner has determined that the potential environmental effects of the project were adequately analyzed by the previously certified · Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the 2 construction of La Costa Town Square (EIR 01-02)," and "[t]he project has no new significant environmental effect not [previously] analyzed as significant ... " However, the original La Costa Town Square EIR, which forms the foundation of these statements, is not sufficient to assess the traffic impacts of this project now for the following reasons: 1. The traffic counts used in the December 2008 traffic study1 for the March 2009 La Costa Town Square EIR were largely collected in January 2006-over 15 years ago. Carlsbad's TIA Guidelines indicate: "The vehicle traffic data used in the TIA sbould generally not be more than 2 years old ... " 2. In the El R's Mitigation Plan (Table 5.2-26), it is stated that the street segments were forecasted to operate at acceptable vehicle LOS consistent with Carlsbad's GMP standard with no improvements necessary. However, that was based on the old Carlsbad LOS methods, which have since been discredited and abandoned, because they significantly under-reported congestion levels (see Figure 1 for an example). A recent city report acknowledged that those methods "did not adequately reflect actual roadway-conditions," and that "the new methodology captures a more realistic analysis of LOS" and "better reflect[s] field conditions."2 3. The 2008 traffic study used the SAN DAG "Series 10" travel forecast model, while the current SAN DAG model is "Series 14," reflecting many significant changes in regional travel modeling/traffic patterns since Series 10. 4. Street configuration/capacity changes have occurred since 2008, including the elimination of vehicle lanes on La Costa Avenue west of Rancho Santa Fe Road. 5. The traffic impacts of multiple development projects in Carlsbad began to be evaluated based on VMT in late 2019, and VMT (or equivalent) analysis became a state requirement beginning in July 2020. The current project is in a relatively high VMT area, and, if a VMT analysis were to be done, it would require a 20.4% VMT reduction. 3 Unfortunately, staff consistently allowed developers to choose the least costly mechanism of review (LOS vs. VMT), rather than the most relevant one, and this is yet another case. 6. The latest GMP Monitoring Report (FY 2018-19) showed that northbound Rancho Santa Fe Road from Calle Barcelona to La Costa Avenue had 2,443 vehicles in the peak hour4 That is around 500 more vehicles than the 2030 projection contained in the 2009 EIR, and it indicates that the facility is on the verge of GMP deficiency-being only 37 vehicles short of the 2,480 threshold to degrade to LOS "F." This project could push that street facility into deficiency, requiring mitigation, which would be revealed by a TIA. 1 Traffic Impact Analysis for La Costa Town Square, Urban Systems Associates Inc., December 23, 2008 2 Kimley Horn's City of Carlsbad Roadway Level of Service Analysis, 2/2020 and Fehr & Peers' LOS Assessment of the City of Carlsbad's Traffic Monitoring Program Study Intersections memorandum, 9/9/2015 3 Based on Carlsbad's VMT Analysis Guidelines, the project is located in Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) 1401, which has a mean VMT per capita of 23.06, while the mean for the entire city is 22.53. To mitigate below the "85% of city mean" significance threshold, the project would have to reduce its VMT by 20.4%: (23.06 - [22.53)[0.85))/(22.53)(0.85). 4 The Rancho Santa Fe Road street facilities between .Calle Barcelona and La Costa Avenue transition from LOS "D" to LOS "E" when the 2,480 vehicle threshold is exceeded, and there were 2,443 vehicles northbound in the PM in FY 2018-19 monitoring. 3 Given the potential to induce deficiency of Rancho Santa Fe Road, Parcel 3 should be required to conduct more detailed traffic analyses of the potentially impacted facilities, including a Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) LOS analysis ofthe Rancho Santa Fe Road/La Costa Avenue intersection to determine whether there are projects that could improve traffic flow there, such as creation of dedicated right-turn lanes (Figure 2). Parcel 3 should pay its fair shares for such projects, and the city should pay the remainder, if any. Figure 1: Example of defective data included in the La Costa Town Square EIR. The following table is just one example of the use of the old, discredited Carlsbad LOS methods that were designed to never fail. The table falsely suggests that nearly every street will operate at LOS "A" during peak t raffic periods after the project is built (LOS "A" is supposed to indicate virtually no traffic). The adjacent grades in red text are based on Carlsbad's new, validated service volume table-based LOS method. Table 5.2-18 Year 2030 With Project Street Segment Peak Hour Levels of Service (Segments Within Carlsbad) AM Peal< Hour 1 PM Peak Hour .Segment La nes• Cap. Volume Dir. V/C LOS :1Volum Dir. V/C LOS z i ~ RC1nc:ho Sc:mfa Fe Road .. .. . Melrme Dr. -Son El•io Rd. 3 . 5.400 1.972 NB 0.37 AB 2.493 SB 0.46 Sa n Eliio Rd.· La Costa l•,ve. 3 5.400 2.446 NB 0.46 ,A..C:I 2.517 SB 0.41 Lo Cmto Ave. -Olivenhoin Rd. 3 5,400 2,003 NB 0.39 A CI 1,9 17 SB 0.36 Ollvenhofn Rd. -Colle Acervo 2 3.600 l.209 NB 0.33 A 1,044 NB 0.29 EICamino Real Avior□ F'kvvy/Afgo Rd . -la Cosio 3 5.400 3.519 NB 0.65 8 F! 3.051 SB 0.57 Ave. 'I Lo Co~fo Ave. • Leuca dto 3 5.400 I 2.284 NB 0.42 ADl 2.469 SB 0.46 Blvd ./Olivenhain Rd. l Melrose Drive P'alomor Airporl Rd . -Rancho 3 5.400 2.189 NB 0.40 AF. 1.723 $8 0.32 Santo Fe Rd. La Costa Avenue 1·5 SB Ram ps • Piraeus St 2 3.6()(1 l.974 EB 0.55 A ' l ,505 EB 0.43 Piraeus St. -El Camirio Real 2 3,600 • 1,829 EB 0.51 AF 1,5!0 EB 0.42 ~ ~ El Camino Real -Rornerio St. 2 ,J,600 1,063 WB 0.30 AF 1.0l2 EB 02 8 Romeria St. -Ro ncho Santa Fe I 1.800 859 EB 0.47 ADj 953 W•B 0.53 Rd. Ranc ho Santo Fe Rd . -Colle i Tim iteo 2 3.600 684 ws 0.1 9 ADj 748 EB 0.21 Calle Trrnrle o -Ca mino de 1los ' Coches 2 3.600 44:5 EB 0.1 2 AC' 416 EB 0.12 Camino d e los-Caches -c r,culo I 1.800 216 WB 0.12 A 227 EB 0.1 3 Seat;o io Celle Barcelona El Com1no Real -Rancho Santo 2 3.600 387 we 0.1 l AC 299 WS 0.09 Fe Rd. 1 Lones in One Direction. 2 High es! Volume by Direc tion in Peck Hour [See Figure 5.2-23.a through Figure 5.2-23f for peok hour volumes). VIC = Volume to Capoc1ty Ratio LOS.: Leve l of Service AB .A.C AC A AF AD AD .A AC AF AD AD AC ;,., AC Nole: Significonl lrnpod occu!s only at LOS E or f; LOS A, B, C , or Dare oc:c:eplcble pet City of Co rhbod Growth Monogement Progrom . 4 Figure 2: La Costa Avenue/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection (no dedicat'ed right-turn lanes). Comparisons with old planned uses: You may hear from staff that the current residential project is projected to generate less traffic than the originally planned office use , However, that does not change the fact that the original traffic study on the office use is a useless piece of rubbish, or the fact that traffic is much higher now than was originally anticipated in the EIR and is pushing Rancho Santa Fe Road near deficiency (as described above). The project will be generating all new traffic to the area-do not be tricked into thinking this project wiU somehow reduce traffic. TIA Guidelines and "Levels" of analysis: Staff may claim that, under Carlsbad's TIA Guidelines, Parcel 3 only requires a so-called "Level I" analysis. Level I does not include any vehicle analysis and virtually guarantees that no mitigation is ever required. However, the TIA Guidelines indicate that Level I only applies if the project conforms with an approved specific or master plan. Given the substantial changes to the Parcel 3 project, including a. land use change and some variances from the Municipal Code, as well as the defective nature of the TIA in the original EIR, it is more appropriate to conduct a "Level Ill" analysis given the project's predicted ADT. Housing Accountability Act: Note that Section 65589.S(f)(3) of the Housing Accountability Act (the law that limits rejections of affordable housing projects) states: "This section does not prohibit a local agency from imposing fees and other exactions otherwise authorized by law that are essential to provide necessary public services and facilities to the housing development project..." 5 Pedestrian/bicycle safety details Figure 3: Numbered intersections and amenities south of the proposed project (red area). Figure 4: La Costa Avenue/Calle Timiteo intersection (#1) looking west. The speed limit on La Costa Avenue is 45 mph, and there are five vehicle lanes to cross. The nearest crosswalk/traffic signal is about 1,000 feet west on La Costa Avenue at Via Montebello (#3), which is well beyond the 300-foot limit typically considered reasonable. IH@ij=■ II 6 Figure 5: La Costa Avenue/Camino De Los Coches intersection (#2) looking west. The sidewalk on the north side of La Costa Avenue to the east of Parcel 3 intersects with a pedestrian path (connecting sidewalk) coming from the shopping area of La Costa Town Square about 600 feet east of Parcel 3. Figure 6: Figures from the SMP. Pedestrian and bicycle stress levels on the right (red is highest stress) and designation of area streets and intersections as "Priority Corridors/Intersections for Enhanced Pedestrian Treatment" on the left. Prio rity Corridors for E nhanced Pedestrian Tre:ttment· • Priority Intersections for E nhanced Pcdestrinn Trcntment 7 Traffic signal warrants A traffic signal warrant study was conducted in 2018 based on traffic counts taken on the three existing legs of the intersection and the predicted traffic from the fourth leg serving as the entrance to Parcel 3. The study suggested that a traffic signal was not warranted. 5 However, one of the most relevant traffic signal warrants for this intersection is "Warrant 1" (Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume) was nearly satisfied, as shown in the following table: Street Minimum 7-8 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 Volume6 AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM La Costa 336 672 410 310 631. 401 461 521 483 Ave Calle 84 126 77 66 73 87 103 116 126 Timiteo Traffic volume on La Costa Avenue only fell below the minimum for one of the eight hours, and traffic volume on Calle Timiteo only fell below the minimum for three of the eight hours-and none were very far below the minimums. The other relevant traffic signal warrant for this intersection is "Warrant 4" (Pedestrian Volume), but, for that warrant, the study only indicated that the " ... conditions were not met as no pedestrian volumes were obtained." Section 4C.01 of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) states: "An engineering study of traffic conditions, pedestriari characteristics, and physical characteristics of the location shall be performed to determine whether installation of a traffic control signal is justified at a particular location." Therefore, claiming that a traffic signal is not warranted based on a failure to collect the required data or predict future usage is unsatisfactory. Roundabouts If single vehicle lanes in each direction are sufficient to handle projected traffic, roundabouts can improve traffic flow by eliminating the need for traffic signals or stop signs, and they can improve safety for both pedestrians and bicyclists. Carlsbad's General Plan Mobility Element and TIA Guidelines encourage use of roundabouts in areas like this. In addition, Section 4C.0lb of the CA MUTCD indicates that roundabouts should be considered before traffic signals: "On local streets and highways, the traffic study should include consideration of a roundabout (yield control). If a roundabout is determined to provide a viable and practical solution, it should be studied in lieu of, or in addition to a traffic control signal." 5 Urban Systems Associates, Inc. La Costa Town Square Residential Traffic Signal Warrant Study Memo, 3/26/2018 6 Because the speed limit on La Costa Avenue is 45 MPH, the "80%" minimums are shown. · 8 Transit (bus stops) Both the original La Costa Town Square EIR and the Planning Commission staff report for the current residential project refer to the availability of transit as an alternative to vehicle usage by residents. However, the bus stops along La Costa Avenue directly adjacent to the project site have poor amenities and currently average less than one boarding per day {Figure 7), and the bus stops along Rancho Santa Fe Road average less than ten boardings per day, so transit usage has not materialized in this area to mitigate vehicle traffic. 7 The project should be conditioned to improve the amenities at the adjacent bus stops, including concrete pads away from traffic, benches, covers, trash cans, lighting, and bicycle lockers. Figure 7: Bus stop amenities and ridership. Eastbound La Costa Avenue near Calle Timiteo (0 _bOfil9,!.!Jfil/day) Sincerely, Steve Linke Carlsbad, CA Westbound La Costa Avenue near Calle,Il!n!!eo~ (1 boarding/day) Disclaimer: I am a member of the Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission, but our commission is not involved in the review of development applications, so I am commenting as an individual. 7 Based on data obtained from North County Transit District for July 2018 through June 2019. 9 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City Clerk: Steve Linke <splinke@gmail.com> Monday, March 8, 2021 5:51 PM City Clerk All Receive -Agenda Item # 3 For the lnformc;ition of the: _QT.Y COUNCIL Date:!:f1/JI CA ✓ CC .,,...- €111 ::z::.,,·1eM <oca 1 Pl { RE: Correspondence for 3/9/2021 council meeting (La Costa Town Square Parcel 3 Residential) 2021-03-09 CC LCTS Parcel 3 Linke comment-addendum.pdf I would like to submit the attached (very brief) addendum to the correspondence I submitted yesterday. Best regards, Steve Linke From: Steve Linke [mailto:splinke@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, March 7, 2021 6:54 PM To: 'City Clerk' Subject: Correspondence for 3/9/2021 council meeting (La Costa Town Square Parcel 3 Residential) City Clerk: Please distribute the attached correspondence to the City Council and make it a part of the public record for the above- referenced City Council matter. You need not include this cover email. Best regards, Steve Linke CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless safe. 1 March 8, 2021 Re: March 9, 2021 City Council Item #3-La Costa Town Square Parcel 3 Residential Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: After I submitted my letter yesterday, I became aware of a prQject (#6325) in the city's Capital Improvement Program {CIP) at the La Costa Avenue/Camino De Los Coches intersection for: Analysis and design of intersection control feature such as roundabout, traffic signal or other intersection control improvement ... [to] ... help assign the right-of-way for both mototists [sic], bicyclists and pedestrians entering and crossing at the intersection. The need is scored as "Critical," and $250,000 has been appropriated to the project, but it is not scheduled for the current 15-year window. This is an example of a currently planned mobility improvement project for which the La Costa Town Square residential project should be paying its fair share to help fund/expedite it. For reference, I have attached the current information page on the project from Carlsbad's Capital Projects Dashboard. Sincerely, Steve Linke Carlsbad, CA Disclaimer: I am a member of the Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission, but our commission is not involved in the review of development applications, so I am commenting as an individual. 1 {city of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Projects Traffic Signals Intersection Control -Camino De Los Coches And La Costa Avenue Classification: Capital Project Phase: Not Started Score: Critical Description: Analysis and design of intersection control feature such as roundabout, traffic signal or other intersection control improvement. Rationale: The installation of intersection control feature will help assign the right-of-way for both mototists, bicyclists and pedestrians entering and crossing at the intersection. Funding Source GAS TAX . Year 1 Pri~r . Appropriation Appropriation c2020_21) -250,000 Year 2 Planned (2021-22) Year3 Planned (2022-23) Year4 Planned (2023-24) Location: Intersection of Camino De Los Caches and La Costa Avenue lbEl'JCADIA ~ 1. Years Planned (2024-25) Year 6-10 Planned (2026-30) Year 11-15 Planned (2031-35) Total _250,000 0 0 0 0 Total Project Cost: $250,000 La Costa Town Square Parcel 3 Residential AMEND 2017-0012/CT 2017-0003/ PUD 2017-0004/SDP 2018-0018 1 Project Location 2 3 Parcel 1 Parcel 2 PROJECT SITE t a l"r<V.,tc\.,I "1"1"'-1'-"'IIVl~fl AMEND 2017--0012/CT 2017--0003/ PUD 2017--00 SOP 2018--0018 X (3'} / / I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OFCARLSBAO'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL ANO WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS, I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL ANO AGREE TO COMPLY WITH All REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I RTI T THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER Aerial Map 4 7.2 acres (gross) 6.3 acres (net) LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE PARCEL 3 RESIDENTIAL AMEND 2017-0012 / CT 2017-0003 I PUD 2017-0004 / SOP 2018-0018 8 0 155 310 Feet MF (R-15)MF (R-15) SF (R-4) SF (R-4) SF (R-8) Local Shopping Center (L) Required Permits 6 •Master Plan Amendment (AMEND 2017-0012) •Tentative Tract Map (CT 2017-0003) •Planned Development Permit (PUD 2017-0004) •Site Development Permit (SDP 2018-0018) 7 Parcel 1Parcel 1 /' /' AMEND 2017-0012/CT 2017-0003/ PUO 2017 SOP2018-0018 NGLE SHALL NOT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION Pl.ANS CONTAINED IN THE ceeo CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUA1.AND WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL ANO AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I Tl T THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER 916/18 5-PLEX W/ COLOR SCHEME 1 8 CEDAR CHEST DE61 l2 STAR GAZJNG OF'J\11" ~ COOL DECEMBER DEW383 ADDRESS SIGN AGE ,----------------SAND FINISHED PLASTER METAL ENTRY AWNING .------------VINYL WINDOW ,-------WOOD TRELLIS ,-----METAL HANDRAIL HARDY BOARD T&G SIDING .----WOOD FASCIA ASPHALT SHINGLE 9 Parcel 2 PROJECT SITE i ~ Parcel 2 TRIANGLE SHALL EXCEED 30" IN HEIG --V ENHANCED PAVING A 1 PRIVATE ST, A, TYP. ~10 ~ =~=r=F~_~-:"'~ ~----~t~ VE, STREET ?---::::: _,,,,,.- AGE IS 887 L.F. AT _,,,--V;D~6~E:~REET ?'-._ PROJECT APPLICATION#: AMEND 2017-0012 /CT 2017-0003/ PUO 2017 SDP2018--0018 TTO G EDGES BE APPROX. FEET(J') / / I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN IBE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS ANO THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL ANO AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I Tl TTHE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER, 9/6118 DATE AFFORDABLE W/ COLOR SCHEME 1 10 37’-⁷⁄₈” --~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I,~-~ I I I I SOUTH ELEVATION AFFORDABLE I I ■ NORTH ELEVATION AFFORDABLE Development Standards Modifications 11 Two Development Standard Modifications are proposed: 1.Elimination of five covered spaces on the affordable housing project site (Parcel 2); and 2.37% reduction (3,950 SF) in total amount of active recreation space required (10,688 SF) for the site. Common Recreational Space 12 Standard Required (sf)Provided (sf)Difference 150 sf per unit (95 units)14,250 14,655 +405 75% active 10,688 6,738 (63%)-3,950 (37%) 25% passive 3,563 7,917 +4,354 (222%) Project Consistency 13 •General Plan •La Costa Master Plan •Zoning •Inclusionary Housing •Subdivision Ordinance •Growth Management •California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Planning Commission Action Nov. 18, 2020 public hearing: •Staff presented the project, the applicant made their presentation and two members of the public asked to have their comments read into the record. •Staff addressed questions pertaining to park adequacy, open space and transportation impacts. 14 Park Adequacy •Additional park demand for the change in land use from office to residential was addressed with the 2015 General Plan Update and is reflected in the city’s annual Growth Management Report. 15 Open Space •A typo in the Planning Commission staff report reported 0.95-acres of open space was provided by the La Costa Town Square development project. •Instead, 9.5-acres of open space was provided by the La Costa Town Square development. •This project site is a part of La Costa Town Square. •No additional open space is required. 16 Local Mobility •A local transportation study was prepared on the project, which was found to be in conformance with requirements of the city’s Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines; and 17 Local Mobility (cont.) •An additional traffic control signal warrant study prepared for the project also concluded that the intersection at the project entrance does not warrant signalization. 18 Vehicle Miles Travelled •Vehicle miles traveled analysis was found not to be required because the residential project would result in a decrease in traffic compared to the originally planned office development, and because the project was deemed consistent with the transportation impact analysis in the original project’s environmental impact report. 19 Planning Commission Action •Nov. 18, 2020 hearing resulted in tie vote (3-3-0). •Project was continued to Dec. 2, 2020. 20 Planning Commission Action •Dec. 2, 2021 –continued public hearing. •All 7 Planning Commissioners present. •Planning Commission recommended approval (5-2-0). 21 Housing Accountability Act •GC §65589.5(j)(1) states cities shall not disapprove a project or impose a condition requiring lower density unless the city finds based on a preponderance of evidence that the project would have a specific, adverse impact on public health or safety, or there in no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid such adverse impact 22 Recommendation That the City Council: •INTRODUCE an Ordinance APPROVING Master Plan Amendment AMEND 2017-0012; and •ADOPT a Resolution APPROVING Tentative Tract Map CT 2017-0003, Planned Development Permit PUD 2017-0004 and Site Development Plan SDP 2018-0018, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. 23 Back-up Slides 24 25 Project Site Park Site 0.4 miles / 7:15 min 0.42 miles / 7:03 min Pedestrian Trail Connection 26 Amenity Space A 27 Amenity Space B 28 Building No. 2 29 Amenity Space CCONCEPT AMENITY SPACE C PLAYGROUND-5-12 YR. AGE RANGE 2,134 SF BENCH SEATING PLAY ELEMENT - 5-12YR.AGE 67....,._~l.. PLAY SffiUCTURE - 5-12 YR. AGE Amenity Space D 30 Amenity Space E & F 31 STABlllZED D.G. TRELLIS WITH ATTACHED LIGHTING ELEMENTS TABLE/ CHAIR SEATING -BBQ GRILLS WITH PREPARATION TABLE PASSIVE RECREATION TURF AREA 32 Amenity Space G fT CONCEPT AMENITY SPACE G PLAYGROUND-2-5 YR AGE RANGE 1,055SF - ~-;~·-.:-~_.-.- :::-· .,. BENCH SEATING I \ SDP 2018-0018 RUBBERIZED P1.AY SURFACING PASSIVE RECREATION TURF AREA 33 Amenity Spaces H, I, J BBQ GRILLS WITH PREPARATION TABLE TRELLIS WITH ATTACHED LIGHTING ELEMENTS TABLE/ CHAIR SEATING BENCH SEATING FIRE RING PEDESTRIAN LIGHT BOLLARD, TYP. DECORATIVE CONCRETE ART ELEMENT DECORATIVE CONCRETE BUILT-IN SEATING CONCEPT AMENITY SPACE H ART ELEMENT AND SEATING 1,050 SF CONCEPT AMENITY SPACE I OUTDOOR GATHERING SPACE 1,045 SF CONCEPT AMENITY SPACE J OUTDOOR EATING AND GATHERING SPACE 1,050 SF Amenity Space K 34 5-PLEX W/ COLOR SCHEME 1 35 CEDAR CHEST DE61 l2 STAR GAZJNG OF'J\11" ~ COOL DECEMBER DEW383 ADDRESS SIGN AGE ,----------------SAND FINISHED PLASTER METAL ENTRY AWNING .------------VINYL WINDOW ,-------WOOD TRELLIS ,-----METAL HANDRAIL HARDY BOARD T&G SIDING .----WOOD FASCIA ASPHALT SHINGLE 5-PLEX W/ COLOR SCHEME 1 36 I 5-PLEX W/ COLOR SCHEME 1 37 35’-9¾” I I REAR ELEVATION 5-PLEX 5-PLEX W/ COLOR SCHEME 2 38 D PIGEON GRAY DE6214 D OUGHT BEIGE E6211 ~ CORONADO CLASS1C4" TJERUSALEM IMBER OWL .---...J 5-PLEX W/ COLOR SCHEME 2 39 I] LEFT SIDE ELEV A TION 5-PLEX 5-PLEX W/ COLOR SCHEME 2 40 35’-9¾”I I 5-PLEX W/ COLOR SCHEME 3 41 D LACE VEIL DE6372 5-PLEX W/ COLOR SCHEME 3 42 5-PLEX W/ COLOR SCHEME 3 43 35’-9¾” =--t I I REARELEVATION 5-PLEX