HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-11; Carlsbad Municipal Water District's Water Conservation Programs (Districts-All); Gomez, PazTo the members of the:
Date ~1/')J CA v CC ✓
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March 11, 2021
CMWD Board Memorandum
To: istrict Board of Directors
From: Paz Gomez, Deputy City Public Works
Vicki Quiram, General Man::IIIW'>r-r-r
Via: Scott Chadwick, Executiv Ma r
Municipal Water District
Memo ID #2021056
Re: Carlsbad Municipal Wat 1strict's Water Conservation Programs (Dist~icts -All)
This memorandum provides information on the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's (CMWD)
water conservation programs.
With other agency partners, CMWD has worked for years to ensure that information and
resources are available to water customers to a.ssist them in eliminating unnecessary use of
potable water. CMWD has taken significant steps to conserve both water and electricity.
Reducing the use of potable water and developing sustainable clean and healthy water sources
for the community are extremely important to the future of the city.
Current CMWD potable water demand is 14,219 acre-feet per year, which has decreased from an
estimate of 21,400 acre-feet in the 2012 Master Plan. With an estimated population growth of
approximately 8,000 to 10,000 people by 2040, the demand for potable water is expected to
reach 16,447 acre-feet per year, which is significantly lower than what has been estimated in the
These reductions are due to many factors; one of which is water conservation by CMWD
customers. Between fiscal years 2015-16 and 2018-19, CMWD spent approximately $1,256,000
on conservation efforts, including staff time and implementation of WaterSmart software.
Additionally, since 2012, CMWD customer total turf and device rebates have valued $3,605,000.
Attachment A describes many incentive and rebate programs as well as a summary of other
CMWD water conservation programs, new legislation and regulations regarding water
conservation and information on a conceptual North County One Water Program.
Next steps
Staff will continue to work on existing water conservation programs and add others as they are
available. Staff will continue to work with state agencies on compliance with the Make Water
Conservation a Way of Life executive order and related legislation and regulations that will affect
water in the future.
Carlsbad Municipal Water District
5950 El Camino Real I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-438-2722 t
Board Memo -CMWD Water Conservation Programs (Districts -All)
March 11, 2021
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Attachment: A. CMWD Water Conservation Programs Summary
cc: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant Executive Manager
Celia Brewer, General Counsel
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Robby Contreras, Assistant General Counsel
Eric Sanders, Utilities Manager
Mario Remillard, Meter Services Supervisor
Shoshana Aguilar, Senior Management Analyst
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March 11, 2021
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CMWD, a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad, serves about 85% of the city. The south and
southeastern portions of the city are served by the Oliven ha in Municipal Water District
(Olivenhain) and Vallecitos Water District (Vallecitos). CMWD, along with Olivenhain and
Vallecitos, in partnership with the San Diego County Water Authority {Water Authority) and the
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), offer programs to the residents of our
city to encourage the reduction of water use. All these programs can be accessed through the
Water Authority's WaterSmart website (www.watersmartsd.org//).
CMWD is also active in other various water conservation organizations that share information .
and partner on programs as described below:
• Joint Public Information Council (JPIC) is a county-wide organization, which meets once a
month to discuss local water conservation issues and legislation. This organization is
sponsored by the Water Authority.
• California Water Efficiency Partnership is an organization made of water agencies
throughout California, which meets quarterly to discuss state conservation issues, current
and new water legislation.
• Alliance for Water Efficiency is a nationwide organization, which assists water agencies
with current and new water conservation issues on the federal level.
Incentive and Rebate Programs
• High-Efficiency Clothes Washer Rebates -Residents may qualify for rebates through
WaterSmart and/or San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), which can save over 3,000 gallons
of water per year.
o https://socalwatersmart.com/en/residential/rebates/available-rebates/clothes-
o https://www.sdge.com/residential/savings-center/rebates/rebates-your-home
• Premium High Efficiency Toilet Replacement Rebates -Residents may qualify for rebates
and can save over $800 on their annual water bill.
o https://socalwatersmart.com/en/commercial/rebates/available-
• Rain Barrel Rebates and Discounts -The SoCal WaterSmart program provides financial
incentives to encourage customers to collect and re-use rainwater by purchasing rain
barrels or a cistern homeowners can get partial rebates on residential rain barrels (up to
two per home) or a cistern. The Solana Center for Environmental Innovation offers
discounted rain barrels that are also eligible for rebates.
o https://socalwatersmart.com/en/residential/rebates/available-rebates/rain-
o https://www.solanacenter.org/purchase-rain-barrel
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• Water Smart Irrigation Checkup -A certified landscape irrigation auditor will survey and
provide written site-specific water-saving recommendations for qualifying non-residential
properties within the Water Authority's service area at no cost. Eligible landscapes
include commercial and industrial sites, homeowner association common areas and
institutional sites such as schools, parks and government facilities.
o https://www.watersmartcheckup.org/
• Home Water Use Evaluations -A certified landscape irrigation auditor will survey and
provide written site-specific water-saving recommendations for qualifying residential
properties. The auditor will evaluate how the homeowner uses water both indoors and
outdoors. The auditor will also adjust the customers irrigation controller if needed.
o https://www.watersmartsd.org/residential/incentives/
• Smart Irrigation Devices Rebates -A soil moisture sensor measures soil moisture content
in the active root zone on private properties. SoCal WaterSmart eligible soil moisture
sensor systems can receive significant rebates for large residential sites. "Smart" or
weather-based irrigation controllers can reduce water use outdoors. Unlike standard
timers that turn on sprinklers at set intervals, smart controllers use weather data and site
information such as plant type and sprinkler system output to adjust watering times.
Incentives start for residential sites with less than one acre of landscaping and with
landscapes of one acre or larger.
o https://socalwatersmart.com/en/residential(rebates/available-rebates/irrigation-
• Turf Replacement Program -This program rewards landscape designs that incorporate
water-saving plants, technology, irrigation systems and hardware. The result is a beautiful
bee-butterfly-and-bird attracting landscape that is sustainable and can save a significant
amount of water. Turf replacement rebates of $3 per square foot are available for
residents in the Water Authority service area. The rebates include $2 per square foot
from the MWD, with an additional $1 per square foot from the Water Authority, for up to
5,000 square feet of lawn converted in front or back yard.
o https://socalwatersmart.com/en/residential/rebates/available-rebates/turf-
• Contractor Program
The WaterSmart Contractor Incentive Program offers several incentivized water-efficient
devices that when installed in combination, are among the irrigation industry's best
management practices. This program may be available for a limited time. Program
requirements, qualifying irrigation devices and rebate amounts are available.
o https://www.sdwatersmartcip.com/
Landscape Education
• WaterSmart Landscaping in San Diego County is an on line plant finder. This interactive
gardening tool has thousands of pictures of plants and garden designs that are well-suited .
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March 11, 2021
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to the southern California climate. You can take visual tours of beautiful, water-efficient
landscapes through photographs with links to plant information screens.
o http://www.watersmartsdlandscaping.org/
Educational Programs
• Splash Science Mobile Lab is a mobile lab that goes to schools to educate students in
grades four through eight. The students investigate through hands-on science
experiments how water pollution affects the environment and wildlife, while learning
why it is important to use water wisely.
o https://www.sdcwa.org/in-the-community/schools-students/?q=/assemblies-
• Virtual Assemblies are for grammar school students. The assemblies are designed to
teach students about how water is imported and how to use it wisely.
o https://www.sdcwa .org/in-the-community/schools-students/?q=/assemblies-
• Annual Calendar Art Contest. Fourth graders from schools within the water district's
· territory get an opportunity to win prizes by drawing water conservation themed picture
which may be on a yearly calendar provided by north county water agencies.
• Water Use Calculator -Calculate water use/water footprint tool is available. Home water
conservation is easy once you understand how and where you can use less. This handy
calculator takes individualized input by homeowners and shows which of their water uses
are efficient and which are not. It also· offers_tips that save water and energy. The
calculator quickly estimates how much water homes use indoors and outdoors, then
compares consumption to average and highly efficient homes in the same area with same
number of residents. It also suggests where to begin water-use efficiency improvements.
o https://www.watercalculator.org/
• WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Program Workshops are free classes and coaching from
professionals that teach the basics on how to do a landscape makeover. Topics include
soil, design, turf removal, plant selection, planning, irrigation, rainwater catchment and
implementation, which are all the elements needed to convert high-water-use turf to a
beautiful, water-efficient landscape.
o https://landscapemakeover.watersmartsd.org/
• Quality Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) -On the WaterSmart website, people can
register for free local training courses that will result in Quality Water Efficient
Landscaper (QWEL) certification. Providing landscape professionals with 20 hours of
education on principles of proper plant selection for the local climate, irrigation system
design and maintenance, and irrigation system programming and operation.
o https://qwel.watersmartsd.org/
o https://www.qwel.net/
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• City of Carlsbad's Website -The City of Carlsbad's website (www.carlsbadca.gov)
provides information and education about water and conservation . "How To" articles and
videos provide information on subjects like how to read your water meter, how to detect
leaks in your home. Recycled water use is covered on the site, particularly how it is
produced and that it is a reliable source of water even in drought times. The site
encourages users of this water to use as much recycled water as they like, but conserve as
much potable water as they can. The site also gives information about current water
conservation rules and news about water issues and projects. Links to and from other
web sites make it easy to access other agencies programs.
Recycled Water Program
CMWD began its recycled water program in 1990 and is now a leader in the region with over 977
recycled water connections, more than any other water district in San Diego County. In 2020,
27% of CMWD's water supply was recycled water, which was wastewater treated at the Carlsbad
Water Recycling Facility or Meadowlark Water Reclamation Facility.
Each drop of recycled water used for irrigation and industrial uses saves the use of potable water
in the community. The city also buys 13% of the district's water supply as desalinated water
produced at the Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant, which is considered local
Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation (AHLF) Demonstration Garden
In the City of Carlsbad, the AHLF hosts the premiere native plant garden in North San Diego
County. Visitors can browse through the extensive California Native Plant Garden and
accompanying colorful and informative interpretive signage. The landscaping includes 800 native
plants featuring over 60 different species. Visitors are welcome to roam through the grounds and
learn about California's beautiful low water use native flora.
Use of Technology for Customer Service
CMWD takes specific actions to assure that the distribution system is free of leaks and water
waste and utilizes new technology combined with excellent customer service to assist our
customers with conserving water. In addition, staff also maintains active memberships with other
groups that assist in water conservation efforts across the state and nation. Below is a synopsis
of CMWD' s use of technology for conservation efforts.
• Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) -Among many other advantages of
using the SCADA system, it also allows staff to monitor the tanks and distribution system
and optimize the functioning of the system to ensure that no water is wasted and CMWD
purchases as little water as possible to meet the needs of the customers.
• Meter Replacement Program -CMWD has an asset management program to ensure that
meters are changed out when they have problems or are close to reaching their useful
life, which is approximately 20 years. When they are replaced, the new meters use
updated technology to ensure accuracy and recording of very low water flows. This works
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in conjunction with our advanced meter technology and notification system, which is
described below.
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and WaterSmart Technology-In 2012, CMWD
began replacing traditional water meters with "smart meters" that enabled collection of
water usage information to be automated. Prior to that, CMWD staff needed to manually
read all 29,000 water meters each month to record usage for billing purposes. CMWD has
now completed the final stage of an AMI project. CMWD has also installed a data
analytics system called WaterSmart which provides an early warning of potential water
leaks at homes and businesses.
CMWD is the first water district in the region to fully deploy this AMI and WaterSmart
technology and received the 2019 Project of the Year Award from the American Public
Works Association. The initial phase of the project allowed CMWD staff to collect water
use information by simply driving by each meter instead of manually inspecting and
reading each device. With installation of collectors and repeaters at strategic locations
throughout the city, water usage data can now be sent back to the CMWD office
wirelessly. The City of Carlsbad's hilly terrain sometimes limits the distance that the data
can travel so it is necessary to still read some meters with the drive-by meter reading
WaterSmart works with the AMI system in that it extracts the read and water usage data,
then through the use of algorithms, presents leak and burst alarm data. The system will
also break down customer water usage between irrigation, clothes washing, faucets,
toilets and showers. Staff analyze the data daily and send emails to customers that are
shown to have high water usage, leaks or bursts so that they can be fixed before any
significant loss of water occurs.
Oftentimes, customers realize there could be a leak problem many days, weeks or
months after a leak has started, which usually occurs when they notice an increase in
their water bills. The new system gives real-time information to CMWD staff so they can
get in touch with the customer by email or phone and provide tips to help identify a
potential leak. Staff usually visit the property to make sure it is not a leak on CMWD's
side, contact the customer and assist them to find the leak if they are interested.
Staff does not fix leaks on private property but can lead them in the right direction before
water is lost. By notifying customers early, water loss is prevented and the customer
could save money by not paying for water loss. In addition to streamlining the collection
of water usage data, the new system automates the analysis of usage trends and other
information, calling out unusual patterns that could be signs of a leak.
Ordinance Nos. 43, 44 and 45 each cover CMWD policies on providing potable water, recycled
water and water conservation rules. Some of the ongoing water conservation prohibitions
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o Irrigate only between 6 p.m. and 10 a.m.
o Runoff from irrigation is prohibited
o No watering during or within 48 hours after a rain event
o Watering is permitted any time with a hand-held hose with a shut-off valve
o Repair all leaks within 5 days
Leak Verification Program
Matchpoint Leak Surveying is a program that ensures that distribution pipes are not leaking. In
2018, the initial survey of the potable water distribution system was completed. Industry
protocols call for a follow-up survey every two years after the initial survey. The reason is that
when the initial identifiable leaks are repaired, the increased pressure on leaks that are not
detectable will worsen. This ongoing monitoring also ensures that CMWD is within the allowable
leak parameters set by the State of California's Department of Water Resources {DWR) for new
long-term water conservation use legislation.
New Water Conservation Legislation/Regulations
CMWD is involved in working with DWR and the State Water Resources Control Board {SWRCB)
on implementation of Governor Brown's Executive Order, Making Water Conservation a Way of
Life. The order calls for a Water Action Plan and a requirement that the state's water agencies
meet new water use targets that result from using water more wisely, eliminating water waste,
and improving agricultural water use efficiency. The DWR and SWRCB are working with
stakeholder agencies to develop the water efficiency use targets and regulations for
implementation of the order. Implementation may limit the amount of water that districts can
supply to their customers in the future.
Conceptual North County One Water Program
CMWD is also involved in preliminary discussions with the Encina Wastewater Authority {EWA)
Joint Powers Authority members on a potable water reuse project. The wastewater flows and
facilities from two coastal treatment facilities in North San Diego County (Encina Water Pollution
Control Facility {EWPCF) and the San Elijo Water Reclamation Facility {SEWRF)) represent a
unique opportunity for large-scale production of purified water.
The EWPCF located in the City of Carlsbad could accommodate an advanced water purification
facility as it has key assets available for production of purified water such as an ocean outfall,
available land for advanced treatment, treated secondary effluent and technically capable staff.
The EWA and San Elijo Joint Powers Authority {SEJPA) have been working with multiple local
water agencies to develop the North County One Water Program, building on over a decade of
collaborative efforts in the region by the North San Diego Water Reuse Coalition.
With the combined flows, the North County One Water Program could supply an estimated
18,000 to 25,000 acre-feet or more of purified water overall for potable reuse by 2035. When
additional information becomes available, staff will provide more information to the City Council
and CMWD Board. It is included in the draft 2020 CMWD Urban Water Management Plan
{UWMP) as a conceptual project; however, the proposed amount of reductions will not be
included in the UMWP future demand forecast until the project is solidified. For the June 8, 2021
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CMWD Board meeting, staff is planning to hold a public hearing to request CMWD Board
approval of the 2020 CMWD UWMP.
City Government Efforts
Carlsbad's city government serves as a good example in the region and implements water
conservation in the following ways:
• Uses recycled water at three golf courses and most of the city's community parks,
including the five largest parks, setting an example for the private sect.or and other
agencies including Legoland and schools
• Uses dozens of "smart controllers" and water efficient irrigation systems and is
continuing to upgrade its other irrigation controllers/systems .
• Has seven artificial turf athletic fields and one artificial turf event area at its parks
• Installed low-flow toilets in about three-fourths of city facilities with plans to replace 44
more with low-flow models and 106 with dual-flush valves
• Installed waterless urinals in restrooms where increased maintenance is not an issue with
plans to replace 35 additional urinals with waterless models
• Installed water-saving models in most ofthe faucets in city facilities
• Has a water-efficient landscape ordinance that establishes requirements for planning,
design, installation and maintenance of water-efficient landscapes in new construction
• Uses drought-tolerant plants routinely in new landscaping
• Uses natural mulch routinely in landscaped planters to retain moisture in the soil
• Replaced hundreds of broadcast spray irrigation heads with more water-efficient stream
rotor spray irrigation heads
• Replaced designated decorative grass that is not irrigated with recycled water with
drought-tolerant landscaping
• Stopped irrigating the property adjacent to the Cole Library which does not need it