HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-18; Village and Barrio Master Plan Amendment Follow Up (District 1); Barberio, GaryTo the members of the:
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Council Memorandum
March 18, 2021
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Branch
Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director
Don Neu, City Planner
Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Managerf'N
Village and Barrio Master Plan Amen'a-;,~nt Follow Up (District 1}
{city of
Memo ID #2021064
In response to the City Council's Goal Session meeting on March 11, 2021, this memorandum
prnvides an update to the Dec. 10, 2019, City Council direction to bring back for City Council
consideration eight action items involving the Village and Barrio Master Plan.
• On Aug. 20, 2019, the City Council adopted the California Coastal Commission's suggested
modifications to the previously adopted Village and Barrio Master Plan (Master Plan)
comprehensive update. Following adoption, the City Council directed staff to return with a
timeline and work program to address a series of potential additional amendments to the Master
Plan, which are reflected below:
1. Decision-making authority for the entire Master Plan area to City Council
2. Permitted uses vital to a live, work and play community
3. Parking In-Lieu fees to be directed to a specific area for parking and the potential for
public/private partnerships for a specific zoned parking structure
4. Traffic impact analysis and mitigation fees specific to the Master Plan area and roadway
conditions outside of the Coastal Zone
5. Objective architectural, historical and design standards within the Master Plan area
6. Solutions and options to avoid Housing In-Lieu fee payments in the Master Plan area
7. A specific inclusionary policy for the Master Plan area
8. Allow for a general conversation regarding all potential amendments to the Master Plan for
City Council consideration
On Dec. 10, 2019, City Council reviewed the work program and provided direction to complete
the eight tasks.
Community Services Branch
Community Development Department
' 165 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4600 t
Council Memo -Village and Barrio Master Plan Amendment Follow Up (District 1)
March 18, 2021 .
Page 2
Attachment A provides an update on the status of the aforementioned tasks along with an
estimate on when the eight tasks will be ready for City Council consideration.
Next Steps
For most of the listed tasks, staff is currently researching options, evaluating additional
comments received, coordinating with related departments and agencies and preparing the Staff
Report. Targeted City Council hearing dates are specified in Attachment A.
Attachment: A. Summary of Potential Amendments
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Celia A. Brewer, City Attorney
Ron Kemp, Assistant City Attorney
Eric Lardy, Principal Planner
Jennifer Jesser, Senior Planner
Shelley Glennon, Associate Planner
Kyle Lancaster, Parks &Recreation Director
Suzanne Smithson, Library and Cultural Arts Director
Matt Sanford, Economic Development Manager
Fred Gaines Jr., Management Analyst
Attachment A
Village and Barrio Master Plan Amendment Follow Up
1. Decision-making authority
for the entire master plan
area to City Council
2. Permitted uses vital to a
live, work and play
3. Parking In-Lieu fees to be
directed to a specific area
for parking and the
potential for public/private
partnerships for a specific
zoned parking structure
4. Traffic impact analysis and
mitigation fees specific to
the master plan area and
roadway conditions outside
of the Coastal Zone
5. Objective architectural,
historical and design
standards within the
master plan area
On Feb. 16, 2021, the City Council approved changing the decision-making authority for the entire
master plan area to the City Council. For areas outside the coastal zone, the changes go into effect
March 23, 2021. Amendments inside the Coastal Zone will become effective when the California
Coastal Commission approves the amendment. The amendment will be submitted to the Coastal
Commission in April 2021.
On Nov. 4, 2020, the Planning Commission held a meeting to solicit input on this item. The comments
included a mix of requests; such as asking for daily "vital" uses to be permitted in the Village
Commercial areas including: Grocery Store, Post Office, Hardware Store, Pharmacy and Farmers Market.
While these uses are permitted in the Village commercial areas, some of these uses currently do not
exist in the Village. Planning Commission provided recommendations on how to best facilitate a market
demand to allow these uses to be built in the Village commercial areas. Following this input, staff is
developing potential options for City Council consideration.
On Nov. 4, 2020, the Planning Commission held a meeting to solicit input on this item. There were
mixed opinions provided from the community regarding the development of a public parking structure.
Planning Commission was supportive of the development of a structure using parking in-lieu fees
and/or public/private partnerships. Following this input, staff is developing potential options for City
Council consideration.
On Nov. 4, 2020, the Planning Commission held a meeting to solicit input on this item. There were
comments from the community requesting circulation improvements in the Village and Barrio to
address safety concerns. The Planning Commission was supportive of using traffic impact fees to fund
circulation projects in the Village and Barrio. Following this input, staff is developing potential options
for City Council consideration.
After subsequent City Council hearings to award a contract for the SB-2 grant, on Jan. 19, 2021, City
Council authorized the submittal of the Local Early Action Planning (LEAP} grants program application, a
separate grant from the SB2 grant, but used for similar purposes. Once awarded this funding will be
used to hire a consultant to create objective design standards and conduct public outreach with an Ad
Projected City
Council Hearing
Feb. 16,2021
June 2021
June 2021
June 2021
Attachment A
Village and Barrio Master Plan Amendment Follow Up
6. Solutions and options to
avoid Housing In-Lieu fee
payments in the master
plan area
7. A specific inclusionary
policy for the master plan
8. Allow for a general
conversation regarding all
potential amendments to
the master plan for the City
Council to consider
Hoc Design Review Committee for the Village and Barrio Master Plan Area . The creation of the review
committee will be brought back to City Council once staff is informed that the state grant is awarded.
On May 5, 2020, the City Council authorized funding for the preparation of a gap analysis of the city's
inclusionary housing in-lieu fee. Following the city's procurement process for consulting services,
Keyser-Marston Associates was awarded the contract to perform the requested analysis, which is
expected to be ready in February/March. In addition to the gap analysis, KMA will also develop an in-
lieu fee based on CPI adjustments to give the City Council two fee options to consider. To also help
address the City Council direction, staff intends to develop a Council Policy Statement to memorialize
how the ordinance will be implemented, inside and outside the Village and Barrio Master Plan area. This
will help improve transparency and accountability in program implementation. As part of the draft
policy, staff will provide varying implementation options for the City Council to consider. The policy
statement and in-lieu fees will be_presented before the Housing Commission in May and Planning
Commission in June for recommendation and to the City Council in August for direction.
See #6 above.
On Nov. 4, 2020, the Planning Commission held a meeting to solicit input on this item. Multiple
comments were received by the community on other potential amendments including: developing the
Grand Promenade, public art, homelessness/litter, a street tree program, service vehicle parking,
historic preservation regulations, lighting improvements and revising Village District's permitted uses.
Planning Commission provided comments on a few of the topics mentioned. Some commissioners
shared their support for developing specific plans for a grand promenade, developing a street tree
program and for historic preservation regulations. Following this input, staff is developing potential
options for City Council consideration.
Projected City
Council Hearing
August 2021
August 2021
June 2021