HomeMy WebLinkAbout1006 SAGEBRUSH RD; ; CB062067; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 07-19-2006 Plumbing Permit Permit No: CB062067 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: 1006 SAGEBRUSH RD CBAD PLUM 2146433600 Lot#: Construction Type: 0 NEW Status: Applied: Entered By: Reference #: Plan Approved: Project Title: LARK RES GAS/ELEC TO BBQ Applicant: PRO EARTH LANDSCAPE INC STER 2210 ENCINITAS BLVD ENCINITAS CA 92024 760 633-3120 Plumbing Issue Fee Fixture or Trap Building Sewer Roof Drain Install/Repair Water Line Water Heater and/or Vent Gas Piping System Vacuum Breaker Other Plumbing Fees Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES 0 a 0 0 a 1 0 Owner: LARKIN LISA 1006 SAGEBRUSH RD CARLSBAD CA 92011 Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 07/19/2006 KG 07/19/2006 07/19/2006 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.00 $0.00 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $47.00 Total Fees: $47.00 Total Payments To Date: $47.00 Balance Due: Inspector: Clearance: $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees. dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions.' You have 90 days from the date this pennit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required infonnation with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the spectfied fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or seivice fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any le i n f whi h v r vi I n iv n N Tl imil r hi r whi h h f limi i n h r vi I h i PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 16~5 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Legel o.«lptlon lot No. ElciatingU.. FOR OFFICE USE O,f,ll Y PLAN CHECK N((E{taW,7 EST. VAL. ----r'~---- Plan Ck. Deposit -.,.;.,,.u,'----------.- Validated By_-'--,,,,;c.-_.,.... ___ _ Date, ____ _,~_.......1..-4----1~--- Unit No. Ph ... No. Te>tal f of units Propo11d UH D~~~on of Work · . SO. FT. · · lot Storlu I of Bedroom■ I ot Bathrooms ~~t~-. N•' . . Adclra■ City . St■teJZlp Telephone , F■x , IEflUE?'i;tr . . J!91FMt::VY'MBBrsmmmrnrr,;~i N■me Addru■ City State/Zip . · Telephlllltl • •mr:··,_,,.,,,an~~'i:"'4':':JTJ1"-~ Name . Addren City S.t■te/Zlp Telephone I DulgnerName . Addteu City State/Zip Telephone State Ucen■■ •-------- W~e,■• Comp1111111tlon D■c:l■ratlon: I lweby affirm under panalty of l)tll'jury one of th■ following decl■ration■: 0 I. h■v■ and will maintain a certlflc■tl of mant to ■alf•ln■ure for workers' compensation 11 PfOvided by Section 3700 of th1 Labor Cod■, for the performance of the work for which thl■ permit i■ ia■u.CS. · · · O J h■v■ and wlll maint1in workera' compana■tlon, ■• required by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the p■rform■nc1 of th■ work for which thla permit i■ . iuued. My worker'■ c:ompan■:i: l':::,'ri■r ind poUcy number ■re: '-{-I 11 7~ 2a)/ · 4 _ /, O 7 Insurance Company '?Ja ~ f::1dl1(2[_ • PoHcy NG •. __ lP ________ >-_ Expiration D■te ______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT 1,1 COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS lt1001 OR LESSI 0 CERTIRCATE OF EXEMPTION: l certify th■t In tha p■rform■nc■ of thl work for wnld'I 1hi■ permit I■ i■■ued, I ■hall not 1mploy ■ny p■raon ln any manner ■o 11 to ~• ■ubject to the Work■ra' Compen■ation Law■ of CaUfomi■• . WARNING: Failure ta WGfk■n' ~ oov■n1g1 I■ unlawful, ■nd ihlll llilljNt 111 ■mplDJa tD _...... penaldl■ and ohl tine• up eo on■ huNhd thou■■nd t o 10 thl c:oet· of ~. damagN u provided for In Section 3708 of th■ l■llor code, lnt■rNt and attocn■r'• t■M. SIGNATURE · ----DATE ,-/ Cjr-0/,.. · 1 hei-ebv affirm th■t I 1R1 exempt from th■ Contractor'■ Ue■n■■ L■w for th■ following l'IIIOII:· D I, u owner of th■ proptRV or my ■,nployu■ with w1g11 u thalr Hie comp■nH1ion, wll Ila thl work ■nd th■ ltRICturl II not lrrt■ndad or offlfld for ul1 (Sac; 7044, Businua Ind. Prefeukln■ Cad■1 Tha C~• Uaal'IN law dou not 1pptv te 1n owner of PfQPll"ty who bulldll or lrnprov■a Uweon, and who doN ■uch work hlmHlf or through hul own ■mPID'f-, provided that ■uoh Improvements ■re not lrrtend9cl or offered for Hie, If, however, the building or imllf'OVlm■nt I■ ■old within on■ yur of completion, tha own■r.fluMd■r wiU h1v1 th■ burd■rrof proving that hi did not build or lmprova fo, th■ purpoae of ul1J. 0 I, u owner of th■ property, am exclu■lv■lv contracting wid1 Ncen■ecfcomr~ to con■truct tha project CSac. 7044, s...i-Ind Prof ... lona Cod■: Tha ·contractor'■ Ucana■ law dou nat apply to an ownar of property who bulldll or improvu th■reon, and contract■ fo, ■uch project■ with contractorl■I licennd pur11,.1ent to th■ Contr■ctor'a Uc-■ L■wl. · · 0 I ■m ■-mpt under Sactlon _____ · lullnu■ Ind Profutlon■ Cod• for thll r■uon: 1. I 111rson■lly pl1n to provide th■ m■jor labof Ind mltlri■I■ for con■tNctlon of th■ propoa■d prgp■rty lrnpreve~t. 0 YES ONO 2, I lhlv• / have notl ■lgn■d an ■ppjlcation for I building p1rmlt for the propoud work. 3. I h■V■ contracted _with the following p■l'IOrl lflrml to provide the ptopoa■d cOl\ltfucmon linclull■ name / ■ckhll I phone number / contrlCtorl l!Clnl1 numb■ri: 4. I plan to provide poltlOOI of th■ work, but I h■v■ hired thl following per■on to coordinate, 1UplrVIH ■nd provide th1 fflljof work llncludl name I addf■N I phone number/ contractOfl He-■ nurnber):, _______________ ----'----------------------- 6. I wlU provide ■om■ of the work, .but I have contr■cted lhlredl lhl following pe.-.on■ 10 provide the work Indicated llnclud■ naR!e / addru■ / phone number/ type of work): · PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE ..,,...__,. ---r:Trcrsrrrm u: 11 ma 11 :nrrr ■n:n Trr:t I■ the 1ppllc1nt or tutur■ buUdlng occupant requlnld to submit a bulllneu plan, ■cutelv h■zatdou■ mat■rl■I■ ragiltntlon form o, risk m1nao■rn■nt and prevention PfQgram under Section■ 26606, 26633 or 25634 of the P.-11ley-T■nner H■zerdowi Sub■t■nc:. Account Act? D YES O NO •• th• ~ppllc■nt or future building ooc:vp■rrt required to obt■in ■ p■nnlt from the air pollution control district or air quality m1n■gem1nt dlstrict7 O YES D NO I■ the f■oillty to·be con■truoted within 1,000 ta■t of the out■r boundary of 11chool lllte7 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFJCE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ANO THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. -~S'!ftlff:jlfms~-~~ I harabv affirm that thare it a construction lending agency for the performance of the wotk for which this petmlt 11 IIIUld ISec. 3097(1) Civil Code!. LENDER'S NAME . LENDER'S ADDRESS ••W?iTWIIIIIWMffl mamrrwwnw111w:ruwvrn-n:rmnsa :a n ;;;; nrmsa I c■nlfy th■t I have r■■d th■ ■ppllc1tlon and st■ta th■t the abiw1 Information la colTIICt and th■t the Information on th■ pl■na II accurate. I 1g,H to complv with ■11 City ordlnancee and St1t1 lawa reJ■tl1111 to building conatructlon. J h■reov ■uthoriu repr111nt■tlv" of th■ Citt of Cllllebad ta 1nt1r upon th■ abovl mlntlanecl property for in■p■ctlon purpOHa, I AlSO AGREE TO SAVE. INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CAAL.SIAD AGAINST ALL LIA8UJTIES JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. ' OSHA: An OSHA 111rmit i1 required for exc■v■tlons over s•o• daep and demolition or conatructlon of structures over 3 1tori11 in haight. EXPIRATION: Every permit isaued by lhe buUdlng Offlclal under the provisions ol this Code shall expire by llmltallon and become null and void H lhe buldlng or wort authorized by such permit ls not commenced In 180 days from the dale of such pennit DI' H the building Of' work authorized by such pennll ls auspended or abandon8d . al any dme alter lhe work is Nl,..-r,;;;;;~ ri of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Bufldlng Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE -.P,,.""""-L.L/t.::.t===-------------DATE _7...._·_/_1.;......·.;;.lb~------ City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 09/06/2006 Permit# CB062067 Title: LARK RES GAS/ELEC TO BBQ Description: Type: PLUM Sub Type: Job Address: 1006 SAGEBRUSH RD Suite: Lot 0 Location: OWNER LARKIN LISA Owner: LARKIN MARCIA Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical i Comment Comments/Notices/Hold Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# Inspection History Date Description 07/20/2006 23 Gas/Test/Repairs 07/20/2006 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring Act lnsp Comments AP PD PER PLAN AP PD Inspector Assignment: PD Phone: 7~3120 lnspect~L Requested By: JULIE Entered By: CHRISTINE