HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-09; City Council; MinutesCITY COUNCIL Minutes Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Feb. 9, 2021, 3 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: 3 p.m. ROLL CALL: Hall, Blackburn, Acosta, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONCURRENT MEETINGS: Mayor Hall announced that the City Council is serving as the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors on Consent Item No. 5. INVOCATION: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Special Meeting held Jan. 5, 2021 Motion by Mayor Pro-Tern Blackburn, seconded by Council Member Bhat-Patel, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. PRESENTATIONS: Retirement Proclamation for Senior Librarian Barbara Chung Mayor Hall read the proclamation. Senior Librarian Barbara Chung said a few words. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following individuals called into the City Council Meeting and voiced their comment for the record: Katie Taylor spoke regarding her opposition to a police oversight committee and expressed that the Carlsbad Police Department is not racist. Ellie Arkans expressed that her opinion was not represented at the civilian oversight meeting. She also expressed that the focus should be on COV1D-19 and that the Police Department does not need to be micromanaged. Mary Lucid spoke regarding an article about the Senior Center. Tiffani Czapinski expressed her concerns regarding citizen oversight committees across the nation. Diana Aguirre thanked Council Member Bhat-Patel for hosting a community conversation regarding civilian oversight. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, seconded by Council Member Bhat-Patel, to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos, 1, 2 and 5. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. Feb. 9, 2021 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 1.REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS AS OF DEC. 31, 2020 — Accept and file Report on City Investments as of Dec. 31, 2020. (Staff contact: Craig Lindholm and Laura Rocha, Administrative Services) 2.AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO THE RETAIL LEASE AGREEMENT WITH HOUSE MARTEL, LLC FOR RENT DEFERRAL FOR THE CHAPTERS CAFE —Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-039 approving a third amendment to the Retail Lease Agreement with House Martel, LLC to defer rent for up to six additional months due to the COVID-19 pandemic and authorizing the city manager to execute the third amendment for the Chapters Café located at the Carlsbad City Library at 1775 Dove Lane. (Staff contact: Curtis Jackson, Real Estate) Council Member Schumacher pulled this item for discussion. 3.ENDING THE JAN. 21, 2021 DECLARATION OF LOCAL EMERGENCY FOR HILLSIDE REMEDIATION — Adoption of a resolution terminating the Declaration of Local Emergency that was issued on Jan. 21, 2021, and ratified by City Council on Jan. 26, 2021 related to the brushfire incident that occurred on the northeast side of the 4600 block of Park Drive. (Staff contact: Tom Frank and Michael O'Brien, Public Works) Staff requested that this item be moved to Departmental and City Manager Reports. 4.STATUS OF WASTEWATER FUND — Receive a report on the status of the Wastewater Fund. (Staff contact: Vicki Quiram, Public Works and Ryan Green, Finance) 5.ACCEPT $15,000 IN METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT MEMBER AGENCY ADMINISTERED PROGRAM FY 2021-22 GRANT FUNDING — Adoption of Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors Resolution No. 1649 authorizing the executive manager to accept the Metropolitan Water District Member Agency Administered Program Fiscal Year 2021-22 Grant Funding. (Staff Contact: Mika Imoto and Vickie Quiram, Public Works) CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM PULLED FOR DISCUSSION: This item was pulled for discussion by Council Member Schumacher. 3. ENDING THE JAN. 21, 2021 DECLARATION OF LOCAL EMERGENCY FOR HILLSIDE REMEDIATION — Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-040 terminating the Declaration of Local Emergency that was issued on Jan. 21, 2021, and ratified by City Council on Jan. 26, 2021 related to the brushfire incident that occurred on the northeast side of the 4600 block of Park Drive. (Staff contact: Tom Frank and Michael O'Brien, Public Works) Council Member Schumacher thanked staff on behalf of District 1 residents for the swift response in coordination with regional agencies regarding the brushfire that occurred on Park Drive. City Manager Scott Chadwick responded by thanking several members of the Public Works staff for securing the hillside before a rain event. Deputy City Manager of Public Works Paz Gomez also responded by thanking Kyle Lancaster and the Parks & Recreation department for their assistance. Feb. 9, 2021 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 Transportation Director Tom Frank thanked the group for coming together as a team. Motion by Council Member Schumacher, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 3. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: None. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION: 6. ORDINANCE NO. CS — 390 — ANNUAL CITY COUNCIL COMPENSATION REVIEW — Adoption of Ordinance No. CS-390 permanently waiving City Council compensation adjustments for 2021. •(Staff contact: Faviola Medina, City Clerk Department) City Manager's Recommendation: Adopt Ordinance No. CS-390. City Attorney Celia Brewer titled the ordinance. Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, seconded by Council Member Bhat-Patel, to adopt Ordinance No. CS-390. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Staff requested that this item be moved from the Consent Calendar to Departmental and City Manager Reports. 4. STATUS OF WASTEWATER FUND — Receive a report on the status of the Wastewater Fund. (Staff contact: Vicki Quiram, Public Works and Ryan Green, Finance) Deputy City Manager of Public Works Director Paz Gomez, Utilities Director Vicki Quiram, and Finance Director Ryan Green presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). The Mayor and Council Members thanked staff for the report and for their diligence in maintaining the wastewater infrastructure. Council received the report. 7. COVID-19 ACTIONS AND EXPENDITURES REPORT — Receive a report on recent actions and expenditures related to the city's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and provide direction as appropriate. (Staff contact: Geoff Patnoe, City Manager Department) City Manager's Recommendation: Receive the report and provide direction as appropriate. City Manager Scott Chadwick introduced the item. Assistant Director of Emergency Services David Harrison, Deputy City Manager of Community Services Gary Barberio, Parks & Recreation Director Kyle Lancaster, Community & Economic Development Director Jeff Murphy, Police Chief Neil Gallucci, Senior Program Manager Holly Nelson, Fire Chief Michael Feb. 9, 2021 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 4 Calderwood, Chief Innovation Officer David Graham, and Deputy City Manager of Administrative Services Laura Rocha presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). City Manager Scott Chadwick explained that Parks & Recreation will be closing the pickleball courts if compliance cannot be gained by Wed., Feb. 10, 2021, in the afternoon. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Blackburn, Chief Calderwood explained that the Fire Department mobilized teams to visit long-term care facilities in order to distribute COVID-19 vaccinations. In response to Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn's inquiry regarding visiting mobile home parks to distribute vaccines to the elderly, Chief Calderwood explained that the mobile teams are assigned by the County of San Diego and that currently they are not authorized to do so, but that there has been discussion regarding adding the mobile home parks to the assignment list in the future. In response to Mayor Hall, Chief Calderwood confirmed the 211 website is 211sandiego.org, and that residents may call 211 if they do not have access to a computer in order to access COVID-19 resources. In response to Mayor Hall's inquiry, Parks & Recreation Director Kyle Lancaster confirmed that the city is meeting the needs of seniors who are requesting meals. Director Lancaster briefly explained the reservation system and weekend supplements given out. He added that to date over $45,000 meals had been served. Deputy City Manager of Community Services Gary Barberio also added that meals are given through either drive-thru or delivery to senior's homes who are not able to travel. In response to Mayor Hall's request, Director Lancaster gave instructions to the city's website for people who want to sign up for the meal service. He explained that there is a link on the Parks & Recreation webpage to the Senior Center and Meals Program that also includes a phone number where individuals can make reservations for seniors 60 and older. Mayor Hall requested staff to check with the state to see how many confirmed COVID-19 cases came from pickleball courts. In response to Council Member Schumacher, Senior Program Manager Holly Nelson gave a brief report on what is being done on the collaboration with North County Transit District in relation to the Rail Trail. Council Member Schumacher asked for residents to help each other with obtaining vaccine appointments. Mayor Hall thanked City Manager Chadwick and the Communications team for a job well done on the phenomenal COVID-19 information sent out on a daily basis. Council received the report. Feb. 9, 2021 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 5 Mayor Hall declared a recess at 4:45 p.m. Mayor Hall reconvened the meeting at 4:54 p.m. 8. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM — Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-041 approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Unified School District for the School Resource Officer (SRO) Program for the 2020-21 school year. (Staff contact: Cindy Anderson, Police Department) City Manager's Recommendation: Adopt a resolution. Police Sergeant Reid Shipley and Deputy City Attorney Allegra Frost presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). The following individuals called into the City Council Meeting and voiced their comment for the record: Superintendent of the Carlsbad Unified School District Ben Churchill spoke in support of the MOU explaining that it provides a mechanism through a cost sharing program for the District to reimburse the city for half of the cost of the SRO program. Mr. Churchill also thanked the city for their support and collaboration. Keyrollos Ibrahim, co-founder of the Carlsbad Equality Coalition, expressed his disagreement and opposition to the adoption of the item. Jennifer Goswami expressed her concern about the city charging a school district for police services. She added that all schools should receive the same services. In response to Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, Sergeant Shipley explained that the Memorandum of Understanding accounts for three out of the five school resource officers, and that all of the School Resource Officers are available to respond citywide. He added that one of those school resource officers spends the vast majority of her time at La Costa Canyon High School. In response to Council Member Acosta, Sergeant Shipley explained that during the pandemic and the summer months when students are not on campus, the School Resource Officers are assigned to other activities. In response to Council Member Acosta, Sergeant Shipley explained that the need for school resource officers vary. He explained that the number of incidents a school incurs, education and collaborative approaches to student safety, or specific calls for service from the schools are a few examples. Chief Gallucci explained that the school resources officers know the campuses logistics, which is critical during an active shooter incident as occurred at one of the schools in the past. Feb. 9, 2021 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 6 In response to Council Member Acosta, Chief Gallucci advised that there are no disproportionate arrests in the schools pertaining to race or ethnicity. Sergeant Shipley also explained that the school resource officers receive an extra 40 hours of specific training every two years that is designed for school resources including working with juveniles in a school environment. In response to Council Member Bhat-Patel, Sergeant Shipley explained that all school resource officers are fully functioning police officers, and that during summer months the school resource officers will be assigned to investigations, serving on the bike patrol units, or responding to any other incidents in the city where they are needed. He also explained that during the pandemic the school resource officers have been assigned to the trails and beaches to gain voluntary compliance regarding the use of masks and social distancing. Council Member Schumacher expressed her concerns regarding privacy issues when working with the special needs population on campus. In response, Deputy City Attorney Frost cited the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act that was passed in 1974, which prohibits school districts from releasing student records without written consent of parents including third parties, except under very specific circumstances. Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, seconded by Council Member Bhat-Patel, to adopt Resolution No. 2021-041. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. 9. FOOD ASSISTANCE IN CARLSBAD AND THE OCEANSIDE KITCHEN COLLECTIVE — 1) Receive an informational report on food assistance in Carlsbad and the Oceanside Kitchen Collaborative; and 2) Discuss and, if the City Council wishes, provide direction on addressing food insecurity. (Staff contact: Holly Nelson, Police Department and David Graham, Administrative Services) City Manager's Recommendation: Receive the report and provide staff with direction if any. Chief Innovation Officer David Graham and Senior Program Manager Holly Nelson presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Council Member Schumacher expressed her commitment to addressing food insecurity with all options brought forward and suggested that the Homelessness Subcommittee would be a good space for coming together to support this effort. Council Member Acosta expressed the disconnect between people's needs and their knowledge of how to obtain access to various programs which may be available to them. Council Member Bhat-Patel explained that she agreed with the options presented and emphasized that people experiencing homelessness, and some who are not homeless, are experiencing food insecurity. Minute Motion by Council Member Bhat-Patel, seconded by Mayor Hall (for the purpose of discussion), to refer to the Ad Hoc Committee on Economic Revitalization to make a Feb. 9, 2021 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 7 budgetary recommendation for next year's budget and to bring those recommendations back to council for further review. Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn expressed that no one in the City of Carlsbad should experience food insecurity. He explained that it is important to note that the community cares enough to feed those in need. In response to Council Member Acosta's inquiry, Council Member Bhat-Patel explained that she was undecided with which committee to assign food insecurity to. She added that the Homelessness Committee works with other jurisdictions, whereas the Economic Revitalization Committee is only within Carlsbad. Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn suggested it be assigned to Senior Program Manager Nelson for updates and reports. Council Member Schumacher agreed with Mayor Pro Tern's remarks. Council Member Schumacher added that the service providers understand that the food insecurity need crosses boundaries between cities. She also explained that there needs to be an additional conversation as to what the Homelessness Subcommittee's mission is. In response to Mayor Hall's inquiry, City Attorney Brewer explained that wherever Council assigns it, it will then be compared to the scope of the committees that Council previously approved and, if adjustments are needed, it will be brought back to Council. Minute Motion by Council Member Bhat-Patel, seconded by Mayor Hall, to refer to the Ad Hoc Committee on Economic Revitalization to make a budget recommendation for next year's budget and bring those recommendations back to council. Motion carried, 4/1 (Schumacher — No). Minute Motion by Council Member Schumacher, seconded by Council Member Acosta (for the purpose of discussion), to refer the four additional options to the Homelessness Subcommittee to work on with Ms. Nelson. In response to Council Member Acosta, Council Member Schumacher explained that she voted no on the previous motion because it did not seem right to refer something for a budget option without having a policy conversation. Minute Motion by Council Member Schumacher, seconded by Council Member Acosta, to refer the four additional options to the Homelessness Subcommittee to work on with Ms. Nelson. Motion failed, 2/3 (Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel — No). COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Mayor Hall and the City Council Members reported on activities and meetings of some committees and subcommittees of which they are members. Council Member Bhat-Patel responded to the public speaker comments made earlier regarding community oversight. Feb. 9, 2021 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 8 CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None. CITY CLERK COMMENTS: None. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Hall adjourned the duly noticed Meeting at 6:42 p.m. Tamara R. McMinn, CPMC, CMC Senior Deputy City Clerk