HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-23; City Council; ; Results of Community Input Meetings Regarding Civilian Oversight of the Police Department Meeting Date: March 23, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Kristina Ray, Director of Communication & Engagement kristina.ray@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2957 Sheila Cobian, Assistant to the City Manager sheila.cobian@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2820 Subject: Results of Community Input Meetings Regarding Civilian Oversight of the Police Department District: All Recommended Action Receive a presentation regarding the results of the police community input meetings held in each City Council district and provide direction to staff as necessary. Executive Summary With issues related to policing gaining increased attention nationwide, the Carlsbad City Council directed staff on Oct. 20, 2020, to hold one public meeting in each City Council district to gather input from the public about citizen oversight of the Police Department. Staff held these meetings and conducted an online survey to better understand the differing perspectives on the value, need and key considerations of integrating civilian oversight into the Carlsbad Police Department. The public’s feedback about these issues has now been compiled and is ready for the City Council’s consideration. Discussion On Oct. 20, 2020, city staff presented an overview of the different options for citizen oversight of police departments. At that time, the City Council voted to direct staff to hold four public meetings, one in each of the four City Council districts, to obtain public input on the topic and bring back a report to the City Council by March 2021.1 1 Minute Motion by Council Member Bhat-Patel, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Blackburn, to hold four public meetings, one with each of the four different districts and the district representative, and bring back a report to City Council by March 2021, unless circumstances arise to shift the timeline. Motion carried unanimously, 4/0. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 1 of 224 City staff assembled a project team to assist with the public input process. The project was led by •Kristina Ray, Director of Communication & Engagement (project manager) •Sheila Cobian, Assistant to the City Manager Subject matter experts also participated on the project team: •Mickey Williams, Assistant Police Chief •Allegra Frost, Deputy City Attorney •James Willis, Police Sergeant (Representative of Carlsbad Police Officers Association) •Jesse Flores, Police Corporal (Representative of Carlsbad Police Officers Association) City staff engaged a professional facilitator to develop the public involvement process to fulfill the City Council’s direction, lead the discussions at the four meetings and compile the input into a report (Exhibit 1). Awareness of opportunity to provide input The public was encouraged to participate in the public input process through a variety of city communication channels, including: •City website (page viewed by 1,425 unique individuals) •City social media channels (posts resulted in a combined 42,474 impressions) •NextDoor (citywide post went to 52,061, in addition to neighborhood specific posts prior to each meeting) •News release: story ran in The San Diego Union-Tribune, the Coast News, KUSI and Fox San Diego sent reporters to meetings •Articles in the City Manager’s Update public newsletter (distributed to 9,950) •Neighborhood watch group email sent to 797 emails Participation Community members participated in one or more meetings and through the online survey. The percentages shown below are the total percentage of participation from each district, including the survey and virtual meetings. Individuals who attended more than one meeting or took the online survey in addition to participating in meetings are counted each time they participated. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 2 of 224 The community input meetings were held via Zoom on the following dates: District Date Registered Attended District 1 Monday, Feb. 8, 2021 118 69 District 2 Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021 73 32 District 3 Monday, Feb. 1, 2021 65 29 District 4 Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021 70 36 Participants were encouraged to attend the meeting in the district where they lived or had a business, but all meetings were open to the public. Some attended a meeting in a different district due to scheduling conflicts. Some attended multiple meetings: • A total of 281 people registered for one or more meetings • A total of 150 people attended at least one meeting • 2 people attended all 4 meetings • 1 person attended 3 meetings • 8 people attended 2 meetings To provide those unable to attend the public meetings an opportunity to provide input, city staff also created an online survey that was available Jan. 11 – Feb. 10. Questions in the online survey were similar to those discussed at the public meetings. A total of 512 people took the online survey. District Respondents Percentage District 1 206 40% District 2 108 21% District 3 101 20% District 4 73 14% Not from Carlsbad 21 4% Questions Community members were asked the following questions in the meetings and via the online survey: • What District of Carlsbad do you reside or have a business in? • How do you get most of your information or knowledge related to policing or policing services? • How would you describe your overall level of trust that the Carlsbad Police Department is serving the community? • Based on your own experiences, what is the level of need for adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? • What would be the value and/or need of adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? • What problems, issues or concerns would use of civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department solve or create? • What additional input or feedback would you like the City of Carlsbad and Police Department to consider? March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 3 of 224 Meeting format The meeting format was designed to enable participants to provide input in a manner most comfortable to them, including: • Poll questions • Responses in the chat box • Small group discussions • Open forum and Q&A The facilitator provided a tutorial for those unfamiliar with Zoom, including several warmup questions to allow participants to get accustomed to the format. Following breakout group discussions, the entire group heard a summary of each group’s discussion. Findings The input gathered through this process is considered qualitative. It describes a range of perspectives that exist in the community, but responses cannot be generalized to the entire population with a known margin of error. The data below represent all participants and all formats, the meetings and the online survey, and include some duplication, if a participant attended multiple meetings or took the survey and participated in the meetings. Trust in the Police Department When asked to describe their overall level of trust that the Carlsbad Police Department is serving the community well, the majority, 72%, of participants indicated they had a “high” or “very high” level of trust. However, a total of 9% of participants idicated they had a “low” to “very low” level of trust, while 19% of participants indicated “neutral/don’t know”. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 4 of 224 Need for civilian oversight Participants were asked to indicate, based on their own experiences, the level of need for adding civilian oversight for the Carlsbad Police Department. While 58% of participants indicated oversight had limited to no value or need, 42% of respondents indicated they found some degree of value and need based on their experiences. Participants were asked to identify and explain the value and/or needs of adding civilian oversight of the Police Department. While most participants indicated they did not believe there was a need nor value in adding civilian oversight, other themes emerged for those who would like to see civilian oversight in the City of Carlsbad: Could increase transparency, accountability and trust • Community oversight of police services, practices, and policies would be beneficial • Could improve communication, dialogue and diverse perspectives • Could improve understandings and relationships between police and community When asked to share concerns about civilian oversight of the police department, participants shared that it: • Could create bias, conflicting agendas and mistrust • Could reduce effectiveness of police • Could increase red tape and unnecessary costs • Does not achieve meaningful oversight • Could create an opportunity for political agendas infiltrating the oversight (e.g., political groups, police unions, etc.) • Would not have the proper functional frameworks or resources required to support effective oversight Finally, participants were asked to share any additional issues they think should be considered. Two main themes were: • Oversight needs to be fair, balanced and inclusive of different perspectives. It cannot be overrepresented by one interest group. • There must be a way to measure success. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 5 of 224 Options The next step in this process would be for the City Council to consider whether or not it would like to proceed with developing a civilian oversight body for the Police Department. Option 1: Create a civilian police oversight body If the City Council chooses to proceed with development of a civilian police oversight body, staff recommends that the City Council determine the model of oversight body desired: Investigation focused, review focused or auditor/monitor. Investigation-focused model This model provides independent investigations of incidents involving police personnel. It requires professional staff and is basically a duplicate internal affairs office of a police department, with highly skilled and trained investigators working within the agencies to investigate complaints. Some may recommend discipline. This sort of oversight agency is typically found in jurisdictions with large numbers of peace officers, or in cities confronting significant issues of police misconduct or long- standing problems in police-community issues. Review-focused model This model of police oversight generally involves a board of citizen volunteers that reviews already completed internal affairs investigations to determine if they were adequate and states their agreement or disagreement with the findings. It may also request further investigation be conducted and make recommendations to police executives. This model often includes public meetings for community members to comment on police conduct, practices and policies. The focus is on improving community-police relations. A commission can review and provide recommendations to the city and police department on police related issues such as policies, procedures, practices, community- police relations, use of force, and the priority and importance of services provided by the police department. Auditor/monitor model This model focuses on examining patterns in complaint investigations and discipline as well as policies, practices or training to make broad organization-level recommendations. Some of these bodies have independent experts who actively participate in open internal investigations. Under this model, the oversight body and its staff may be involved with every part of the police agency’s response when a community member complains about an officer. This can be a significant amount of work – classifying the complaint, investigating it, documenting the findings, analyzing the data – often done in duplicate or alongside police internal affairs investigators. However, it can reveal problems that might otherwise be missed. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 6 of 224 Once the City Council chooses the type of oversight, staff would then proceed with hiring an expert consultant with experience forming successful civilian police oversight bodies. The council-identified model and any specific council-identified goals of this civilian oversight body would then be provided to the consultant, who would advise staff on the body’s formation and management. Pros • Provides an independent review of police practices and policies to ensure they are or remain in sync with community values • Increases transparency, accountability and trust • Improves communication, dialogue and diverse perspectives • Improves understanding and relationships between police and community Cons • Could reduce effectiveness of police by decreasing trust, providing an opportunity for politicization of the Police Department • Would require significant staff time in the Police Department and City Attorney’s Office to establish an oversight body and the cost of a consultant. Would require ongoing staff resources to manage • It could be difficult to measure outcomes • Not consistent with the feedback and priorities of a majority of the participants in the recent public engagement Option 2: Continued operation of the Police Department under existing oversight, including enhanced community engagement With this option, Police Department staff would continue regular communication and consultation with stakeholder groups, residents and businesses to identify areas of concern and work collaboratively to address them. This may include hosting community meetings for the purpose of getting input, small group meetings with stakeholder groups, and one-on-one meetings with residents and businesses to discuss concerns or issues. The Police Department would also continue to make departmental policies, training materials and additional resources easily accessible on the city’s for review by the community. Pros • Enables those most interested in the issue to continue to provide feedback and make suggestions directly to the Police Department • Increased public engagement will help Police Department staff become more aware of community concerns as they develop so they can be addressed early • Provides a forum for interested community members to engage with the Police Department to discuss departmental policies, operations, and community concerns or issues • Most consistent with participant feedback March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 7 of 224 Cons • Does not provide ongoing, consistent community involvement and oversight of the Police Department • Does not establish a timeline or performance measures for suggested changes to policies or practices • Will not be satisfactory to community members who feel strongly that community oversight is needed Next steps Staff awaits the City Council’s directions on the next steps on this matter and will proceed according to the council’s directions. Fiscal Analysis Planning and carrying out this public engagement initiative required about 240 hours of city staff time over four months and $12,000 in consultant fees, which were covered by existing budget appropriations in the Communication & Engagement Department. Future costs would depend on City Council direction. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) In keeping with California Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Therefore, it does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. What We Heard Report – Your Police Department: A Conversation with Our Community 2. Oct. 20, 2020, staff report March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 8 of 224 What We Heard Report Your Police Department: A Conversation with Our Community City of Carlsbad Police Department March 2021 Exhibit 1 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 9 of 224 Background & Introduction Many situations, events and activities both inside and outside of Carlsbad are impacting public expectations and levels of trust of police and police departments. On Aug. 18, 2020, city staff presented information to City Council on the Police Officers Bill of Rights and citizen-review committees on police practices and procedure. After, City Council requested city staff to produce a report providing greater detail on three models of civilian oversight of police departments and a staff recommendation. On Oct. 20, 2020, city staff presented the overview of the different options for citizen oversight of police departments and the following recommendation: to obtain input from the community regarding law enforcement concerns and desired aspects of police oversight and hire an expert consultant to design a police oversight and review program that is tailored to the needs of the City of Carlsbad. City Council instead directed staff to seek input from Carlsbad community members on the need for and potential purposes of civilian oversight and return with that input by March 2021. How we engaged City of Carlsbad staff worked with Dialogue Partners to design and implement a public involvement strategy to engage City of Carlsbad community members to better understand their perspectives related to civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department. Due to the COVID-19 public health order, in-person meetings were not conducted. However, interested participants were provided with the opportunity to engage and share their perspectives and feedback through virtual online meetings and an online engagement survey. Virtual Community Meetings Virtual community meetings were supported by a team of City of Carlsbad staff, who engaged participants in a brief presentation, online polls and small, interactive group discussions. The following virtual community meetings sessions were hosted: ► District One: February 8, 2021 ► District Two: January 28, 2021 ► District Three: February 1, 2021 ► District Four: February 3, 2021 Online Engagement Survey To encourage broad participation, City of Carlsbad also invited community members to share their thoughts and input through an online survey. The survey was launch in January 2021 and was available for four weeks. ► Online Survey Jan. 10 – Feb. 4, 2021 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 10 of 224 What we asked Engagement participants were asked a series of questions to help better identify their perspectives on the issue of police oversight. ► What District of Carlsbad do you reside or have a business in? ► How do you get most of your information or knowledge related to policing or policing services? ► How would you describe your overall level of trust that the Carlsbad Police Department is serving the community? ► Based on your own experiences, what is the level of need for adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? ► What would be the value and/or need of adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? ► What problems, issues or concerns would use of civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department solve or create? ► What additional input or feedback would you like the City of Carlsbad and Police Department to consider? Participant feedback collected will help gain a better understanding of community needs and perspectives so that City Council can make more informed decisions about these issues. Who we engaged Carlsbad community members were invited to share their thoughts and perspectives on police oversight in the City of Carlsbad virtual community meetings and an online survey. ► 281 people registered for virtual community meetings; 150 participants attended at least one virtual community meeting. ► 509 participants completed the online engagement survey. Both online survey and virtual community meeting registrants were asked to identify what district they lived or owned a business in. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 11 of 224 Online survey participants were asked to share their age and the length of time they had lived or owned property in Carlsbad. About half of respondents indicated they were 55 years of age or older (this demographic makes up about 40% of the city’s population), while 26% of participants indicated they were age 45-54. Results indicated low participation of individuals under the age of 18 to 25-34. The majority of respondents indicated that they have been living in Carlsbad for over 10 years, while 4% of participants indicated they did not reside or own a business in Carlsbad. When asked how participants get most of their information or knowledge related to police or policing, the following results were reported: March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 12 of 224 What We Heard Driving needs and perceived value of civilian oversight in Carlsbad When asked to describe their overall level of trust that the Carlsbad Police Department is serving the community well, the majority (72%) of participants indicated they had a “high” or “very high” level of trust. However, a total of 9% of participants indicated they had a “low” to “very low” level of trust, while 19% of participants indicated “neutral/don’t know.” Participants were asked to indicate, based on their own experiences, the level of need for adding civilian oversight for the Carlsbad Police Department. While 58% of participants indicated oversight had limited to no value or need, 42% of respondents indicated they found some degree of value and need based on their experiences. Participants were asked to identify and explain the value and/or needs of adding civilian oversight of the police department. While most participants indicated they did not believe there was a need nor value in adding civilian oversight, other “It is about the national issue of understanding what policing works in the community. I want to understand what is going on in my community.” March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 13 of 224 themes emerged for those who would like to see civilian oversight in the City of Carlsbad. Transparency, accountability and trust Participants said transparency, accountability and trust are driving factors for civilian oversight, noting that much of the need has been influenced by increasing awareness of systemic issues within policing that negatively impact people of color. Comments noted that there is a need to ensure individuals' rights are being respected and that police are being transparent and accountable for their practices and operations. Participants believe increased transparency and accountability would help build greater community trust and confidence in the police department while also providing an opportunity to address and improve systemic issues of inequality. Community oversight of police services, practices and policies Some participants believe there is value in greater community oversight of the police department, services, policies and procedures. Comments indicated increased civilian oversight would allow the community to ensure policies and procedures are fair and provide for accountability. Of those who favor civilian oversight, participants noted they would like to see independent oversight of police misconduct to ensure police are held accountable when necessary, which would help to address and reduce potential issues such as excessive force, bias or racial profiling that negatively impacts people of color. Participants felt that civilian oversight could help to improve existing approaches used by police and the community to work with vulnerable populations (e.g., homeless, domestic violence victims, mental health illness, etc.). Comments indicated a desire to work with social services experts to support or provide police advice on how to best approach vulnerable people to mitigate harm and improve service responses. Further, participants noted they would like to improve police personnel training opportunities that would help officers improve their social competencies, such as diversity awareness and escalation and conflict tactics. Communication, dialogue and diverse perspectives Many respondents noted the need and value of the community being able to share feedback on community needs and concerns with police. Increased communication and opportunities to share input were seen as important. Comments indicated that civilian oversight would allow for a range of diverse community perspectives to guide the work of the police department while providing meaningful opportunities for community members to identify their needs and work with the department to shape change. Improved understandings and relationships between police and community Some comments indicated that civilian oversight could improve relationships between police and the community while helping civilians better understand police work and how it can contribute to a safer community. “To stay ahead of problems and establish a record that Carlsbad continues to achieve high degree of professionalism in the police department.” “The value is transparency, independent oversight, fresh approaches, communtiy trust building and improved policing, policies and procedures.” March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 14 of 224 Problems, issues or concerns civilian oversight might solve or create Participants were asked to identify problems, issues or concerns they believed civilian oversight might solve or create. Many respondents indicated that they felt that civilian oversight was not necessary. Some participants noted that oversight already exists (i.e., City Council), while others believed that in general, oversight would create more problems than it would solve. Below are themes that emerged from participant responses: Solve Improve transparency, accountability and trust As previously mentioned, many participants believe that civilian oversight would improve transparency and accountability, which are critical issues for participants. Communication, relationships and understanding Participants believe that civilian oversight will improve communication and dialogue between community members and the police department. Several participants' comments indicated that increased communication and dialogue would bring different and valuable perspectives forward to improve policing services and interaction in the community while helping the police department better identify and address community safety needs and concerns. Additionally, participants noted this might help community members better understand law enforcement procedures, practices and needs. Participants noted they believe this would strengthen relations between the community and the police department and provide further meaningful engagement opportunities. Effective solutions to policing and community needs Engagement participants noted that civilian oversight would improve police services by providing oversight and input on how to improve current services, practices and policies, such as improving hiring and training standards within the police department. Participants believed civilian oversight could provide effective oversight into police misconduct allegations. Participants also saw the value of working with the police department to improve awareness of and ways to address systemic inequality and provide alternative solutions and improved approaches to working with vulnerable populations. “More transparency. More accountability. More public faith in the police department.” March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 15 of 224 “My concern would be the civilian oversight board would become overly political instead of focused on monitoring and encouraging good police actions and policy.” Create Bias, conflicting agendas and mistrust Many participants indicated they believed that civilian oversight efforts are susceptible to personal biases and agendas, which may negatively impact law enforcement efforts. Others noted they felt civilians might bring personal or political agendas to an oversight committee to serve their interests rather than the community's best interests. Additionally, participants noted their concerns that a civilian oversight committee may create divisiveness and mistrust between police officers and the community. Reduced effectiveness of police Participants voiced concern that civilian oversight may negatively affect police personnel by impeding or interfering with their ability to do their jobs. Many comments noted that civilians might lack an understanding or knowledge of law enforcement practices and policies. Participants were concerned that this may result in increased misunderstandings or adversarial positions on how police should conduct their work, resulting in increased workplace pressures that could impact morale. Additional concerns were raised regarding how this may negatively impact safety in the community and the workplace for police personnel. Increased red tape and unnecessary costs Participants shared they felt civilian oversight would increase the amount of red tape or bureaucracy involved in police services, which may slow response efforts. Additional comments noted a concern that this work may not be cost- effective, suggesting that financial resources utilized for civilian oversight efforts may be better spent elsewhere. Additional Considerations A number of concerns and questions were raised by participants regarding the structure and processes that might be used to support civilian oversight in the future. The following key concerns and considerations emerged from feedback. Concerns: ► That civilian oversight does not achieve meaningful oversight. ► That political agendas infiltrate the oversight (e.g., political groups, police unions, etc.) ► That the oversight does not have the proper functional frameworks or resources required to support effective oversight. Considerations: ► Oversight needs to be fair, balanced and inclusive of different perspectives. It cannot be overrepresented by one interest group. ► There must be a way to measure success. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 16 of 224 “Would like to see new ideas to protect our communities where citizens can be better educated and help by providing more eyes and ears.” Additional Feedback and Input for Consideration Participants shared their appreciation for the work of the Police Department. Many survey participants shared that they found the department to be professional, helpful and friendly. Again, many participants noted that they did not feel that civilian oversight would be a positive effort. They shared concerns that police should feel supported in the community and feared that oversight would add more layers of unnecessary bureaucracy, cost more and potentially reduce the effectiveness of police services. Others in support of civilian oversight noted that it would be a positive step toward accountability and transparency, which would help build positive relationships in the community and improve services. Other issues raised by participants included: ► Increase enforcement efforts to manage and address homelessness and drug-related crimes ► Improve police training in mental health and de-escalation ► Improve diversity hiring practices so that the police force is reflective of the diversity in the community ► Improve support and funding for mental health, homelessness and anti-racism efforts to address community needs ► Share information and provide more opportunities for the community to engage and learn about policing (e.g., more reporting, ‘ride-alongs,’ community presentations, community meetings) ► Include greater oversight of police misconduct and establish meaningful accountability standards ► Ensure that civilian oversight is provided to proper tools to be successful Appendices: A. Meeting chat transcripts B. Meeting and survey comparison C. Online survey results March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 17 of 224 1 Civilian Oversight of the Police Department Virtual Public Meetings District 1 meeting chat 17:31:09 From John Wellman : Good evening! 17:35:25 From Tracy Carmichael : Hi there! 17:35:46 From John Wellman : I think it is important to brief everybody about the chat function. In other Zoom meetings a large portion of participants new to Zoom were unaware of the ability to use chat 17:35:59 From Brent Turner : Thank you to Kristina and all good participants !! 17:42:19 From Margaret, Zoom Support : 442-200-8427 17:42:42 From Steven Koch : We do not walk in the shoes of our fine police officers and should not second guess their actions 17:42:45 From Jan Neff-Sinclair : Good evening all. 17:42:59 From Fire Tablet : Good.Evening 17:43:34 From Joshua Youngerman : District 1 17:44:34 From Lisa Rodman : the poll came up on my phone!! 17:44:38 From Shannon Williams : ha-already made a mistake...I am district 3 not 4!! 17:44:58 From Chris Hanson : I am on a phone and the poll worked 17:46:10 From Lisa Rodman : the topic interested me 17:46:24 From Cheri Mason : Curiosity. Hope to understand the community-police conflicts further 17:46:24 From Chris Hanson : I want to be better informed and more involved. 17:46:30 From Tim Stipe : The publicity of the topic. 17:46:32 From Jan Neff-Sinclair : Curiosity 17:46:40 From Michael, Jr. Zepeda To Kristina, City of Carlsbad(privately) : I am a 60 year, second generation, resident of Carlsbad 17:46:43 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : I am here to support the creation of a community review board to help the CPD establish best practices and better protect individuals living with disabilities and other minorities 17:46:43 From Paige DeCino : I’m interested to see if other residents see any policing problems. 17:46:45 From Anthony Bona : Lack of leadership in district 1. district 1 council member does not seem connected to district 1 17:46:50 From Ellie Arkans : I'm here to speak, and give council my opinion on Civilian Oversight in Carlsbad PD 17:46:53 From jeanette stroh : interested in district one affairs 17:46:53 From Kerry Sarris : Interested in what people want from this committee? 17:46:57 From Shannon Williams : to have average citizens providing raw feedback rather than professionals with an agenda 17:47:00 From Fire Tablet : Police discrimination and harassment of homeless citizens. Appendix A March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 18 of 224 2 17:47:06 From Tim Stipe : Here to show support to our PD. Hope they get to continue the good work 17:47:07 From Ellie Arkans : I do not support the Civilian oversight committee1 17:47:09 From John Wellman : I want to optimize the balance of police safety and citizen benefit 17:47:10 From Brent Turner : Interested in preserving the great character of the Village and support all best methods 17:47:11 From Angela Knappenberger : I feel police oversight is an important topic in today's world 17:47:12 From Becky Guenther : During the last year I became aware of the need to be more involved in my community rather than just focusing on national politics. I have a strong interest in racial equity and am here to listen and learn. 17:47:14 From Heather Bensen : Learn more the topic 17:47:20 From Steven Koch : To support our fine cities police department 17:47:21 From J Cannon : General interest in issues surrounding policing locally and nationally. 17:47:22 From Rosemary and David Eshelman : To be sure to be involved in my community and support the Police Department. 17:47:25 From Krisitna Foss : I’ve volunteered in domestic violence advocacy. I am hoping future conversations about policing incorporate awareness of sexual assault, domestic violence and mental illness 17:47:30 From Patrick Connolly : I'm always interested in Carlsbad matters, especially law enforcement related. Im very much interested in the residents views of the issues that require civilian oversight. 17:47:32 From Jeff Segall : Trying to understand what the issues are in Carlsbad that necessitates interest in having civilian oversight. 17:47:47 From Tracy Carmichael : Happy Monday :) Session attendance is to have conversation with neighbors and the expectation is to have listen and learn from neighbors 17:47:52 From Joshua Youngerman : What brought me to the session tonight is this radical idea of a Police Oversight Committee and to hope that people understand how this is an absolute waste of money. I have done extensive research into this and how it was brought up and as an African American this is really a radical push for something that is not needed 17:47:53 From Jessica Kramer : There is a deep need for Disability Rights and an ADA (American with Disabilities) Pathway in 911...ensuring people with disabilities are safe accessing 911 and interacting with law enforcement 17:47:54 From Luigi : to support our police.They are doing an outstanding job and do not need an oversight committee. 17:48:10 From robert sharp : what brought this meeting on.....I want to support the police dept 17:49:11 From Steven Koch : I hope we do not become Portland or Seattle 17:49:19 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Direct meetings with the department, scholarly articles, studies etc. 17:49:31 From Joshua Youngerman : Personal Research 17:49:41 From Paige DeCino : most of my information comes from public radio March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 19 of 224 3 17:49:48 From Jessica Kramer : Personal and professional experience 17:49:51 From Fire Tablet : Direct interactions with the police. 17:49:54 From John Wellman : Friends and family, local news, driving through the City 17:49:57 From Joshua Youngerman : Personal Experience and speaking to people 17:50:12 From Tiffani Czapinski : Our Carlsbad PD has proven that they are transparent and all parties involved in the process. I obtain my knowledge from experience as well as extensive research in studies. 17:50:17 From Sheryl Goto : I would like to find out more about how the police dept. works. I keep reading about unequal policing in communities of color around CA and I want to know what is going on in Carlsbad. 17:50:32 From Chris Hanson : I use the News Break app 17:51:19 From Sandy Ordille : yes thank you 17:51:35 From Michael, Jr. Zepeda : Actively involved in volunteering for police dept program. Juvenile Justice Panel 17:51:50 From Sandy Ordille : they are serving the community in the best way possible 17:52:05 From Steven Koch : I tust the police much more than Cori 17:52:13 From Michael, Jr. Zepeda : We have a tremendous police department 17:52:22 From John Wellman : CPD needs to be put in control of the Carlsbad NextDoor APP moderation duties 17:52:23 From Fire Tablet : Advocate for the Disenfranchised 17:52:31 From Sandy Ordille : I’m a former juvenile probation officer and CPD is awesome 17:54:15 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Many members of my coalition including myself experienced negative interactions with the CPD often beginning at young age. CRB's are so needed to add the perspective of the community. For example, the juvenile justice program that others are praising was offered to be conditionally as long as I didn't pursue my claim against an officer 17:54:35 From Tim Stipe : To monitor 17:54:41 From John Wellman : The City Manager, the Mayor, and the City Council already oversee the CPD 17:54:45 From Nikki Faddick : Oversight serves to ensure equitable law enforcement, accountability and citizen input into issues and/or policy 17:54:59 From Ellie Arkans : Micromanaging the police that keeps the dept. from performing their duties. 17:55:02 From Joshua Youngerman : It’s policing the police.... 17:55:06 From Anthony Bona : Civilian oversight should be lead by civilians and NOT BY COUNCOIL MEMBERS 17:55:06 From Chris Hanson : To keep the lines of communication open 17:55:07 From Paige DeCino : civilian oversight keeps an eye on police activities to ensure there are no or few abuses of power. 17:55:09 From Carina Veiga : Civilian oversight is an opportunity to weigh in on the decisions being made that impact the residents. An open dialog opportunity 17:55:09 From Diane Rivera : Want to learn more about the Oversight March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 20 of 224 4 17:55:11 From Jan Neff-Sinclair : Civilain oversight has members of the community overseeing police activities, particularly controvesial ones, to make sure the community's citizens and their goals are being followed. 17:55:12 From Michael, Jr. Zepeda : My impression is that it is allegedly design to provide some level of oversight, that some may feel is not already applied by police dept leadership 17:55:12 From jeanette stroh : making sure police operations are transparent and fair 17:55:15 From robert sharp : filling in gaps, adding another opinion on fairness 17:55:16 From Cheri Mason : Not sure what civilian oversight is. I imagine the purpose wouls be to support police in understanding the community needs/conflicts 17:55:17 From J Cannon : Police Dept transparency and accountability. 17:55:17 From Stephanie Wells : Increases transparency, and gains community trust by allowing people to understand policy and procedures 17:55:20 From Sheryl Goto : It shines a light on what is going on and keeps everyone honest. 17:55:20 From Griff Lewis : Civilian oversight has a very broad range of definitions. But all are for an increase in transparency. 17:55:23 From Aly Vredenburgh : one important reason is to make sure complaints actually get investigated instead of being put into an excel file and deleted every few years and not truly looked at 17:55:38 From Fire Tablet : Civilian. oversight ensures the police.department is following the laws and city policies. 17:55:41 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Community review boards serve in an advisory capacity to help police departments reach best practices. The CPD today is rolling out policies that the community has been asking for for many years. CRB's connect the community and police and build trust. 17:55:41 From Jessica Kramer : A way to build trust between the community and the police department 17:55:45 From Becky Guenther : It provides transparency, communication and facilitates greater trust so that both police and the community are safer. 17:55:45 From Aly Vredenburgh : also to build community trust with the police so everyone is heard. 17:55:46 From Michael, Jr. Zepeda : Frankly, I'm not sure it serves a tangible service to an already well-run department 17:55:47 From Krisitna Foss : There a three models presented by the city staff. Depending on it’s structure it can do independent review of incidence, provide review of policies through community volunteers or a duel investigator for monorning. 17:55:47 From Brent Turner : Glad to see this civil discussion 17:55:52 From Liz Phillips : Civilian oversight is tasked with reviewing and improving police officer conduct. 17:55:54 From Patrick Connolly : more involvement of residents in reviewing police actions to better ensure community engagement and policies and practices that are consistent with resident expectations. Many forms of "oversight" March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 21 of 224 5 17:55:57 From Tiffani Czapinski : An overreach to police our police. There has been proven failures across the nation of these programs to include lacking impartiality and excessive taxpayer costs. 17:56:04 From Angela Knappenberger : Provides independent source of transparency and analysis of how complaints or concerns are handled 17:56:08 From Luigi : Inexperienced civilians who are not trained as police officers evaluating the most experienced and dedicated officers. 17:56:32 From Jeff Adams : Typically, a police oversite committee is set up after there have been numerous perceived wrong doings in the police departments. Carlsbad does not have police department issues. CPD is a professional organization 17:56:51 From Shannon Williams : great questions- where are the issues requiring civilians to oversee policing? 17:56:53 From Lisa Rodman : a group that examines the processes and procedures of the police department. advising and reporting to the city. Serves as a layer of protection that I’m not sure we need in Carlsbad. to 17:57:41 From Jessica Kramer : If the police dept didn't have any issue of trust within the community, this conversation wouldn't be happening 17:58:39 From Joshua Youngerman : Good Question Shannon 17:58:40 From Stephanie Wells : Oversight also allows for blindspots to been seen. They can identify trends and patterns that are currently being overlooked. 17:58:56 From Brent Turner : Trust is ALWAYS an issue with EVERYTHING. Oversight does not infer a problem. Thanks to our great police dept for protecting us 17:59:07 From John Wellman : Do we actually have a statistically significant lack of public confidence in the CPD compared to other communities that have actual police corruption and problems? 17:59:12 From Jen Goswami : Brent 100% 17:59:32 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : 1. The CPD while better than other departments are not immune from the problems we see nationally. 2. What is the basis for saying there are no problems? African Americans in Carlsbad make up nearly 1000% of use of force incidents when adjusted for their share of the population. Latinos make up 200% 17:59:40 From Luigi : We do feel safe with CPD and would like to keep it that way. No need to waste time/money on oversight committee Who are the radicals promoting this? 18:00:27 From Sheryl Goto : It's not a waste of money to build trust. 18:00:35 From Joshua Youngerman : Keyrollos, I am and AA and that is a very false statement. it’s just an attempt to politicize race 18:00:39 From Cathleen Adler : Our poll is the equivalent of a random sample. According to that, It appears the community is quite pleased with CPD. 18:00:51 From Joshua Youngerman : *an 18:00:57 From John Wellman : We already have the highest level of trust in a community I have every seen 18:01:09 From Jan Neff-Sinclair : They don't have Valuable but not needed at this time 18:01:18 From Tiffani Czapinski : It is a waste of money when CPD conducted a survey proving that there is NO racial disparity in use of force across racial demographic. That is a false statement from the study. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 22 of 224 6 18:01:23 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Glad you haven't had that experience Josh but I am citing data not stories 18:01:25 From Shannon Williams : redundancy with more urgent matters needing immediate attention c 18:01:49 From Steven Koch : We live in this community because it is a wonderful place. Why do we want to second guess what has been working? 18:01:52 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : its the CPD's own data from there presentation 18:02:29 From John Wellman : It would be more effective to help the CPD address actual enforcement needs in the community such as excessive noise violations on the coast highway from cars and bikes 18:02:38 From Brent Turner : Over 50 % says it's needed 18:02:39 From Anthony Bona : Almost 2x people say not valuable 18:02:58 From Brent Turner : 53 % say it's needed 18:03:08 From Rosemary and David Eshelman : Isnt Carlsbad built on Transparency 18:03:31 From Krisitna Foss : I said I trust the police, but I have had multiple experience with them being inaccurate about disability I reported to the city and nothing happened. I think more community input can bring broader issues to the police community directly. 18:03:33 From John Wellman : Wants and needs are not the same thing. Many people want to tell authorities what to do. The same people have no need to do so 18:03:46 From Joshua Youngerman : Keyrollos, I encourage you to actually reach out to African Americans in the community instead of basing your research of a small percentage of African Americans BLM has managed to radicalize. I know this whole idea of Oversight is just an idea pushed by BLM 18:03:52 From Fire Tablet : This department needs oversight. you'd understand is you'd been abused.by CPD 18:04:14 From Shannon Williams : SJW’s with an agenda- and politically motivated 18:04:20 From Jeff Adams : Carlsbad has no need for a civilian oversight committee. This is a Cori pet project only 18:04:32 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Josh of the many African Americans in our organization you are the first I have ever met not to support oversight but I respect your opinion 18:04:36 From Shannon Williams : agreed Jeff A 18:04:40 From Patrick Connolly : 1. I don't see the need BUT am always looking for the perception of others that may reflect things I don't know. 18:04:59 From Jessica Kramer : I am an individual with a serious disability who has been harmed by police during a medical emergency - I'm not a radical, I'm just a normal little lady wanting to be able to call 911 in a medical emergency without facing harm or injury - and afraid to do so because the highest rates of harm and use of force statistics in a 911 interaction are against persons with disabilities 18:05:12 From Luigi : No need for civilian oversight. 18:05:24 From Michael, Jr. Zepeda To Kristina, City of Carlsbad(privately) : WOW. Some of these people are going to town on their comments! Are our comments being recorded, also?? 18:05:25 From Ellie Arkans : Agreed Luigi 18:05:31 From Anthony Bona : @Luigi - AGREED March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 23 of 224 7 18:05:32 From Nikki Faddick : Appreciate you sharing your experience, Jessica. 18:05:35 From Aly Vredenburgh : thank you for sharing Jessica! that’s very important!!! 18:05:43 From John Wellman : CPD needs to be given the ability to train our youth in our schools how to interact with officers of the law 18:05:45 From Tiffani Czapinski : Human trafficking is a major concern in our area and That is the true need in our area. As well as high cyber crimes on children. There is no need for this oversight committee. Mr. Ibrahim, you yourself have conceded in your public comments that you agree that they are transparent and have fostered your input. 18:05:58 From Katie Taylor : I am adamant the oversight committee is a very bad idea! The proposed oversight has a clear political agenda! It is not geared to help the residents or business owners - just to promote a political agenda! The group proposing does not have anything good to say about Carlsbad or the Carlsbad Police 18:06:04 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : I was 11 the first time I was stopped and searched for drugs for matching a description. These things should not happen to a child 18:06:52 From Fire Tablet : I am a disabled homeless veteran who was forced to leave shelter and go into.the rain, in contravention of a federal court ruling. 18:11:53 From Liz Phillips : It says I need to be assigned to a group 18:31:54 From Tracy Carmichael : We just cut off from our discussion….thank you for the conversations. 18:32:45 From Tom, City of Carlsbad : And what Tracy Carmichael said! 18:32:53 From Tim Stipe : I missed the review of our PD that shows the areas that needed oversight. Are we just lumping in with other cities that have PD troubles? 18:32:57 From Melba, City of Carlsbad : Thank you, J. I am adding your comments to our notes. 18:33:28 From Melanie Burkholder : Great discussion Break Out Room 6! 18:33:55 From John Wellman : Excellent discourse Break Out Room 4! 18:34:28 From Carina Veiga : Same John! Great discussion group 4! 18:34:30 From Katie Taylor : I resented the use of "white privilege" in the discussion. However, the use of that terms points out the political agenda that is driving the agenda for a Police Oversight Committee. 18:35:04 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Katie I was in your convo and no one said that 18:35:46 From Jan Neff-Sinclair To Kristina, City of Carlsbad(privately) : Hi Tina. Would it be possible to get a transcript of what went on in the chat. I'd like to see more of what people said but it scrolled by way too fast. 18:35:53 From Krisitna Foss : I was also in Katie’s convo an no one said those words and that was not even kind of the spirit of the discussion 18:36:17 From Tiffani Czapinski : Well someone just did….. 18:36:50 From Bill and Kris Sheffler : Aly had her own "spin" on group one. There was significant disagreement with her view. 18:36:54 From Shannon Williams : yep- as suspected 18:36:55 From Kristina, City of Carlsbad To Jan Neff-Sinclair(privately) : Hi Jan! Yes, we’ll provide all that. 18:37:09 From Jen Hemberger : White privilege is not a political agenda. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 24 of 224 8 18:37:29 From Katie Taylor : Allie is not reporting Group 1 discussion - she is voicing her opinion. She is a prime example of the political agenda by not voicing the opposition to the formation of an oversight committee. 18:37:32 From Angela Knappenberger : agree! 18:37:43 From Anthony Bona : What about group 1 - Many people disagree with the spin Aly put on it. 18:38:07 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Katie taylor you were in our group not Ali's 18:38:09 From Becky Guenther : I agree. 18:38:22 From Jan Neff-Sinclair To Kristina, City of Carlsbad(privately) : Thank you!!! 18:38:32 From Katie Taylor : This is Katie Taylor, Allie totally misrepresented the Group 1 discussion. 18:38:44 From Angela Knappenberger : agree that white privilege is not a political agenda 18:38:47 From Anthony Bona : I agree Katie!! 18:39:21 From Becky Guenther : While I agree with Aly’s position, I don’t think she fairly summarized the comments in our group that were mixed 50/50 on the need for a community oversight board 18:39:37 From Tim Stipe : I need to get a computer. This is hard to follow on a phone. 18:40:42 From Shannon Williams : WP is ABSOLUTELY a political agenda with a negative connotation 18:40:54 From Anthony Bona : TOTALLY MISSED 18:40:58 From Katie Taylor : This is Katie Taylor - I would like to set the record straight on the Group 1 discussion. 18:40:59 From Ellie Arkans : Ellie in Craddocks group 2. There doesn't need to be an oversight committee if there is no statistics showing a problem with our PD. I do not want our PD to be frightened of performing their jobs. Micromanaging never works out well!!! How much is this going to cost us? Why are we bringing what is not an issue up? Please look over the paperwork Mr. Williams made in previous meetings 18:41:00 From Anthony Bona : Let me speak pleasxe 18:41:01 From Jen Hemberger : It is not Shannon. 18:41:02 From Griff Lewis : Melba, great job summarizing group 3. Thank you. 18:41:32 From Liz Phillips : yeah, thanks Melba! great job! :) 18:41:54 From Shannon Williams : we will have to agree to disagree Jen 18:42:06 From Tiffani Czapinski : This happened last time. There were participants that did not have their voices heard on the opposition of the oversight committee. They get walked over by those with the agenda who are pushing it. 18:43:05 From Jen Hemberger : Yes. I don’t think it means what you think it does. But yes sadly, we’ll have to agree to disagree 18:43:48 From Jen Hemberger : Police are in schools now. 18:43:53 From Jessica Kramer : we just need to keep discussing our different views in a kind way and we can all have our needs met :) 18:44:00 From Rosemary and David Eshelman : We have School Resource Officers 18:44:15 From Kerry Sarris : Great point John in regards to police job and what it involves. 18:44:25 From Shannon Williams : yes indeed....Very Sad!, March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 25 of 224 9 18:44:38 From Jen Hemberger : Our School Resource Officers are amazing. At Valley they were extremely impactful when my son was there. 18:44:51 From Ellie Arkans : Jody Sedway is a wonderful advocate for the C'bad PD. She would organize "Meet your C'bad Police officers coffee opportunities. This is how trust is built!!! 18:45:01 From Katie Taylor : This is Katie Taylor - after this meeting - and the misrepresentation of the Group 1 discussion - I am more opposed than ever to the formation of an oversight committee. Investigate Carlsbad Equality Coalition - they are BLM advocates and they do not care about Carlsbad or the police - their agenda first. 18:45:11 From Rosemary and David Eshelman : They still are and it sometimes is the first encounter with the police. 18:45:47 From Jen Hemberger : Katie I don’t blame you for being upset. It’s certainly not BLM’s fault 18:45:48 From Rosemary and David Eshelman : How long have they been in operation first I am hearing of them. 18:46:23 From Jen Hemberger : My son graduated from Valley last year and they were there all 3 years. Quite frequently. 18:46:35 From Katie Taylor : Look at what Keyrollos is standing in front of - a BLM Fist - all you need to know. 18:46:38 From Tiffani Czapinski : Quotes from Carlsbad Equality Commission activist Keyrollos Ibrahim: • “All of us feel that our meetings with Assistant Chief of Police Williams have been very productive.” • “We are learning a lot about the department but at the same time have been given the opportunity to provide input in specific areas. “ • “CPD is committed to an open dialogue. “ • “the right players are already in place” • “we’ve had good faith discussions with the department” • “Credit where credit is due” • “Thank Chief Williams for Transparency and being “a real leader in the area of de- escalation.” • “Many times we have been prepared to critique the department only to enter into a meeting and find out that chief Williams beat us by a few months” • “Afforded opportunity to provide input into the dept practices and give our perspective” • “Meetings Cpd have been fruitfull.” • “Widespread agreement (with Carlsbad PD)“ 18:46:59 From Tiffani Czapinski : Then why do we need an oversight committee? 18:47:06 From Jen Hemberger : Black Lives DO matter actually 18:47:33 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Hi Tiffani thank yo for those very selective quotes 18:48:07 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : what you have indicated is that I am not a radical nor is my group and yet our meetings with the department have confirmed our own experiences 18:48:17 From Jen Goswami : Jen Hemberger, the police are in CUSD schools. It's on the agenda for tomorrow night. Many of us don't have kids in CUSD. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 26 of 224 10 18:48:50 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : there is a genuine need for oversight and having a boarf could do nothing but good. You can ignore it but disparities do exist and I would hope you would be concerned keeping all of us safe 18:48:51 From Michael, Jr. Zepeda To Kristina, City of Carlsbad(privately) : Maybe my parents were old-fashioned in that they taught me personal responsibility and a healthy respect for our police department. As a 60 year Carlsbad resident, raised in the "Barrio", I hold CPD in the highest regard! 18:48:58 From Rosemary and David Eshelman : Check with your schools they have school resource officers also. 18:49:29 From Katie Taylor : Excellent Tiffani! The answer - Keyrollos and Carlsbad Equality Coalition wants POWER. 18:49:33 From Michael, Jr. Zepeda : Maybe my parents were old-fashioned in that they taught me personal responsibility and a healthy respect for our police department. As a 60 year Carlsbad resident, raised in the "Barrio", I hold CPD in the highest regard! 18:50:00 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : None of us would serve on a CRB, no need for wild accusations katie 18:50:43 From John Wellman : The police interaction with the students at school should have live play acting demonstrating how police want/need involved parties to behave to de- escalate interactions. Make it a monthly or bi-monthly interaction. 18:50:49 From Tim Stipe : Well put Tiffani 18:51:35 From Lisa Rodman : thank you everyone for being passionate about Carlsbad. We are fortunate to have such involved citizenry. 18:51:48 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : I would like to make a general comment since I am being mentoned specifically 18:52:00 From Jessica Kramer : jeez - attacking others is not very classy 18:52:14 From Katie Taylor : Tiffani - thanks for pointing out our money is better spend elsewhere! 18:52:32 From Jen Hemberger : John, the officers are in schools already. The issue is not as simple as kids not responding to officers properly. There is also the issue of bias during arrests. 18:52:45 From Pamela Hildebrand : Thank you Tiffani! 18:53:13 From Kerry Sarris : Thank you Tiffani 18:54:09 From Ellie Arkans : Thank you for representing my opinions Tiffani! NO on this Civilian Oversight Committee. People need to do their reseach before pulling the trigger. Who are going to over see this oversight committee? More discussions need to be scheduled! 18:54:27 From Tim Stipe : Thanks Steven 18:54:31 From Katie Taylor : This is Katie - I am passionate x1000! Carlsbad is a wonderful City. We do not need people who do not value or love Carlsbad...tear it down. 18:55:00 From Melanie Burkholder : I’m sorry to have to leave the meeting. I have another meeting at 7pm. 18:55:15 From John Wellman : bye 18:55:17 From Melanie Burkholder : Thank you to the City of Carlsbad! 18:56:15 From Ellie Arkans : That young man needs to build trust with Police officers, or just stay out of trouble! March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 27 of 224 11 18:56:16 From Jen Goswami : Jen, agree 100%. Bias is real. An Oversight Committee/Advisorty Board is a great opportunity to increase dialogue between citizens (from all Districts) and our great CPD! Thanks Group 4....very interesting hearing your views! 18:57:33 From John Wellman : How do we put the police in the position to succeed? 18:57:38 From Katie Taylor : This is Katie - what a bad joke to use LA & Minneapolis as examples - both failed cities with increasing crime rates. However, it does point out the real agenda of Carlsbad Equality Coalition - DEFUND THE POLICE 18:57:44 From John Wellman : We do not need to force them to prove a negative 18:57:50 From Madison Shockley : The size of a city has nothing to do for the potential of racial bias within the police department. When an incident of police abuse occurs it is necessary to have a non-police perspective. It is a question of balance. 18:58:01 From Tim Stipe : TY Jeff and ty for your service 18:58:04 From John Wellman : such as having to defend themselves from spurious bias accusations 18:58:08 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : we never once said defund the police Katie, please stop spreading misinformation 18:58:09 From Tiffani Czapinski : CPD has proven through actions that they are transparent and have provided servitude and compliance. 8 cant wait has been adopted. They need support not scrutiny. 18:58:20 From Jessica Kramer : well said madison 18:58:28 From Ellie Arkans : More discussions are needed, or just put this topic on the back burner! 18:58:42 From Jen Hemberger : i’m not accusing them of bias Jeff. Actually if you check with multiple officers, they are often responding to calls based on our community member’s bias. 18:59:05 From John Wellman : so a citizen oversight committee is needed? 18:59:12 From Becky Guenther : Agreed Madison 18:59:24 From Tiffani Czapinski : Cato Institute’s project on criminal justice. “I think they have several weaknesses — they’re very vulnerable to local political manipulations.” 18:59:29 From Jan Neff-Sinclair : Make sure that citizens on the oversight group are open- minded and not biased one way or the other. 18:59:44 From Patrick Connolly : clear jurisdiction, clear remedies, application process by District for membership 18:59:45 From John Wellman : riiiiight 18:59:48 From Jeff Segall : What the Oversight Group would have authority over and that it cannot be political. 18:59:56 From Jen Hemberger : I’m saying it should be explored. And don’t just assume there are no problems because you wouldn’t be aware of bias 19:00:04 From Tiffani Czapinski : There needs to be an oversight board for the oversight board. 19:00:07 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : The process needs to be balanced to reflect the needs of marginalized communities and the needs of our PD. Structure is exceptionally important and impartiality needs to be its central theme 19:00:10 From John Wellman : I am aware of bias and deal with it frequetly March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 28 of 224 12 19:00:11 From Jan Neff-Sinclair : Yesm I agree with Jeff. Should not be political. 19:00:11 From Tim Stipe : Include the civilians (residents from each dist.) not contracting out 19:00:13 From Stephanie Wells : Must include structured to include investigative powers. transparency, independent, funding. 19:00:14 From Pamela Hildebrand : Sounds like the oversight committee would need oversight. 19:00:24 From Lisa Rodman : Protocols, bylaws would need to be established in order to guide the formation of said group 19:00:31 From Rosemary and David Eshelman : So no oversight is needed in my opinion. Where does this go, oversight for council? 19:00:38 From John Wellman : it is possible for individuals to push through bias without having to have the government do everything for them 19:00:40 From Jan Neff-Sinclair : I agree with Tim. It should be real citizens, not someone the city hires. 19:00:58 From Lisa Rodman : I agree that no over sight is needed 19:01:00 From Jen Goswami : A good facilitator is needed. Kim, you're doing a great job. There are too many extremists that do not want to even listen to others and try to find common ground. 19:01:04 From Cheri Mason : If moving forward, we would need to develop a group that is diverse with an attitude of collaboration and constructive ideal. 19:01:05 From Jessica Kramer : Disability Rights in 911 must be a priority 19:01:12 From Rosemary and David Eshelman : Transperency! 19:01:32 From Ellie Arkans : How can the police officer trust the oversight committee is looking to defund the PD? Carlsbad Equality Coalition works with the BLM movement! They are anti police! 19:01:45 From Jen Goswami : No one wants to defund the police 19:01:58 From Jen Hemberger : No the BLM is not anti police. 19:02:02 From Krisitna Foss : I think there is opportunity for communication with a community oversight committee 19:02:09 From John Wellman : no oversight is needed, but if the oversight can be achieved in a politically neutral manner that increases police safety and citizen confidence then I might be persuaded to give it a shot 19:02:24 From Bill and Kris Sheffler : Then CPD would have to be represented, unlike other as-hoc committees created by "reformers" 19:02:24 From Pamela Hildebrand : Our police dept doesn't need oversight. 19:02:25 From Jeff Segall : Read the annual Citizens’ Satisfaction Survey and see the high ratings given the police and fire departments. They are online and transparent. 19:02:29 From Becky Guenther : After the discussion tonight, I am even more strongly in favor of an oversight committee. Thank you for making this forum available to us. 19:02:30 From jeanette stroh : any CO commission would have to be formatted in a manner that would insure it to be apolitical and not become a sinecure. 19:02:44 From Tim Stipe : Is there somewhere I can find results to a review that has been done to find the areas needed oversight? March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 29 of 224 13 19:03:01 From Steven Koch : City council please see how beautiful our city is and support our police and as well as our local business. 19:03:15 From Katie Taylor : This is Katie Taylor - do not let Carlsbad Equality Coalition anywhere near an oversight committee. They are biased and cannot be trusted. Carlsbad residents will not accept a BLM agenda group. Anything like that would be a slap in the face to the police. 19:03:22 From Jessica Kramer : how are we going to include the disabled and otherwise vulnerable or marginalized in this conversation moving forward? This process has not been inclusive of persons with special needs... 19:03:37 From John Wellman : I am all about a city council oversight committee 19:03:38 From david caso : educate me on the current oversight process before I considerate an oversight group 19:03:38 From Tim Stipe : We need oversight on our council. 19:03:51 From Ellie Arkans : Nice job Rosemary! 19:04:07 From Madison Shockley : Only the police department has the power of life and death. That kind of power needs oversight above and beyond other civilian functions. 19:04:12 From Pamela Hildebrand : Agreed Rosemary! 19:04:17 From Tim Stipe : THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE 19:04:18 From Tracy Carmichael : Rosemary, Great job! 19:04:20 From Krisitna Foss : The city counsel will never arrest anyone. It’s a false moral equivalence 19:04:28 From Jessica Kramer : Agreed Madison 19:04:42 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Nice to see Captain Williams! 19:04:44 From John Wellman : The city council can shut down all of our businesses, they need oversight 19:04:46 From Patrick Connolly : Good job Mickey 19:04:49 From Tim Stipe : BTW....that was a bs stop....my breaklight was not out. 19:04:50 From Diane, Carlsbad : Oversight Committee must be independent. Transparent, 19:05:20 From Krisitna Foss : The county order businesses closed not the city 19:05:21 From Katie Taylor : Mickey - This is Katie Taylor - Thank You for your Service! 19:05:24 From Michael, Jr. Zepeda : Great point Jeff Segall. We have tremendous first responders in our community. They deserve our support and respect for the work they do in our ever growing community. 19:06:07 From Tim Stipe : Have we reviewed the pd to see what (if any) areas need oversight. Problem areas found? 19:06:33 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : ^yes but also crbs are preventative 19:06:35 From Tracy Carmichael : Thank you Captain Williams, we appreciate your service to our community! 19:06:37 From Ellie Arkans : Tim, big cities like Chicago, L.A., San Fran 19:06:47 From Shannon Williams : it’s very clear those in attendance that are professionals with an agenda. As just an average law abiding citizen, I am more convinced after participating we do not need an oversight committee . To say that everyone is 100% on board with police oversight committees with good intentions is a misnomer. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 30 of 224 14 19:06:51 From Jean Walker : This seems like something that could easily become highly politicized. I don't know that it could be done in a completely neutral manner. other civilian oversight committees in other cities have become very political. All peace officers have state level standards and training that most civilians are unaware of 19:07:08 From Rosemary and David Eshelman : Stop more Government 19:07:15 From Steven Koch : Thank you to our local police! 19:07:19 From John Wellman : agreed 19:07:33 From Tim Stipe : TY for the great moderation tonight Kim. 19:07:35 From Jessica Kramer : What happens when someone reaches out repeatedly to PD for clarity on policies and no one responds? Who do they call next? 19:07:35 From Michael, Jr. Zepeda : Thank you Captain Williams and your department for your service! 19:08:20 From Tiffani Czapinski : Mr Ibrihams website says specifically that they were spawned from the BLM movement 19:09:14 From Jen Hemberger : Tiffani the Black Lives Matter movement is important and needed. 19:09:32 From Ellie Arkans : We are not a BIG City! There is no problem with over use of force within our community. 19:09:40 From Steven Koch : Who do we call when we need help....the police 19:09:42 From Jeff Adams : Carlsbad does not have police issues. The civilian oversight committee is in place with the City Manager and City Council. Granted, they are all transient, but they are civilian and often include themselves in police issues. We are lucky here in Carlsbad as we have a very good and very professional police department. 19:09:50 From Diane, Carlsbad : Thank you Keyrollos Ibrahim. Excellent closing comments. 19:10:07 From Liz Phillips : Thank you Keyrollos! 19:10:16 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Steven Koch I don't, but I would like to 19:10:18 From Kerry Sarris : The data can be misinterpreted and not show the whole picture. 19:10:21 From jeanette stroh : good night, All. We enjoyed trading ideas. Keep it civil! 19:10:40 From Jen Hemberger : I agree about the police having input 19:10:58 From Becky Guenther : Well said, John 19:11:13 From Ellie Arkans : Thank you John for your service! 19:11:14 From Katie Taylor : Check out Keyrollos Ibrahim FB post & comments. He has a radical BLM agenda. He wants a problem where there is no problem. His agenda is power and control. Stand up and push back on this terrible proposal of a Police Oversight Committee - do not be fooled. 19:11:17 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : I agree John 19:11:19 From Steven Koch : Good comments John 19:11:25 From Liz Phillips : Thanks Keyrollos and John ! 19:11:45 From Jen Hemberger : Thank you for your service John, and I agree it needs to be apolitical with police input 19:11:47 From Stephanie Wells : Oversight builds trust in the community. Thank you for holding this conversation. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 31 of 224 15 19:11:51 From Jessica Kramer : How are we going to make the survey accessible to persons with varying disabilities...it currently is not 19:12:05 From Tim Stipe : When you see a CPD wave and smile. 19:12:06 From John Wellman : Thanks all! 19:12:16 From Rosemary and David Eshelman : Thanks PD 19:12:16 From Shannon Williams : thank you CPD 19:12:17 From Becky Guenther : Well done, Kim 19:12:18 From Liz Phillips : Thanks for hosting this conversation! 19:12:29 From Tim Stipe : GOod job kim 19:12:40 From Rosemary and David Eshelman : Thanks Kim well done 19:13:59 From Michael, Jr. Zepeda : As a 60 year Carlsbad resident, raised in the barrio, I and my family have always felt that the Carlsbad PD have our best interest at heart. District 2 meeting chat 16:59:34 From Margaret - Zoom Support to Everyone (in Waiting Room) : Hello; We will be starting in about 30 minutes 17:20:57 From Margaret - Zoom Support to Everyone (in Waiting Room) : Hello; We will be starting in about 10 minutes 17:24:12 From Margaret - Zoom Support to Everyone (in Waiting Room) : Hello Waiting room; We will be starting in about 7 minutes 17:29:33 From Margaret - Zoom Support to Everyone (in Waiting Room) : Hello again, We will be starting in 2 minutes 17:46:33 From Melanie Landers to Tina, City of Carlsbad(Direct Message) : Concerns regarding law enforcement involvement with students with disabilities in local schools as well as police interaction in the community with the intellectually disabled. Hoping to learn how to bring these concerns to those who can affect policy change. 17:54:32 From Melanie Landers to Tina, City of Carlsbad(Direct Message) : Officers are being asked to do social services. 17:55:02 From Tina, City of Carlsbad to Kim - Facilitator(Direct Message) : Someone sent this just to me by accident Officers are being asked to do social services. 18:18:55 From David, City of Carlsbad to Everyone : Try dialing *6 if you are calling in to unmute 18:19:53 From David, City of Carlsbad to Everyone : Try dialing *82 if you are calling from a blocked number 18:20:00 From David, City of Carlsbad to Everyone : to unmute 18:28:09 From Robbin Lynn to Tina, City of Carlsbad(Direct Message) : Thank you 18:28:19 From Robbin Lynn to Tina, City of Carlsbad(Direct Message) : lots of background noise 18:28:25 From Robbin Lynn to Tina, City of Carlsbad(Direct Message) : thank you 18:42:13 From David, City of Carlsbad to Everyone : If you have a muted phone. Please dial *82 before dialing the call-in number and then press *6 to unmute. This applies to blocked numbers. District 3 meeting chat March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 32 of 224 16 17:45:30 From Margaret - Zoom Support : 442-200-8427 17:46:27 From Shirley Anderson : The topic. 17:46:52 From Hannah Pechter : I just moved here with my Black husband. I am concerned about what the relationship is between the BIPOC community and the city of Carlsbad, and would like to get more involved in anti-racism here in our city! :) 17:46:55 From Tom Wellman : To get an idea what outside forces are trying to do with potential police reform for the police department. 17:46:58 From Aly Vredenburgh : hi all, I am hoping to see Carlsbad implement a civilian oversight model to hold police accountable for their actions. 17:46:58 From Diana Aguirre : I support a citizens review board. 17:47:00 From James Wellman : Concerns regarding the future of Carlsbad 17:47:01 From Kathleen Wellman : concern about supporting our police department 17:47:10 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : I am here to support the creation of a CRB for the protection of Carlsbad residents and our officers 17:47:11 From Lindsey Lupo : I would like to contribute to my community's conversation on how to see ensure racial equity. 17:47:16 From Tom Wellman : And support of the C.P.D. 17:47:17 From Robert Stonebrook : To better understand civilian oversight 17:47:18 From Kurt Watson : I want to hear a plan to provide excellent oversight to the PD as it seems we have none. 17:47:24 From Alarcón Gabriela : I want to learn more about civilian oversight of the police department 17:47:33 From Jeff Segall : Would like to better understand the various options that the council will be examining. And what are the needs for civilian oversight. 17:47:37 From Denise Ford : Crime in Carlsbad, how many patrol officers are 17:47:51 From Athena Runner : I want to ensure that our police department is supported. I want to learn more about what may be proposed. 17:48:07 From Kathleen Wellman : why is there a presumption for Vivian oversight when we have the city council 17:48:16 From Denise Ford : on patrol on a regular day? Not sure we need civilian 17:48:16 From Linda : I am concerned about how our money is spent 17:48:25 From Kathleen Wellman : civilian 17:49:17 From Alison Vredenburgh : I am hoping to see Carlsbad implement a civilian oversight model to enhance relationships between police and community . 17:50:47 From Hannah Pechter : I have a question on language 17:51:21 From Tom Wellman : I get my information from all the above options. 17:51:33 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : direct research on the department, studies and scholarly articles 17:51:36 From Nikki Faddick : Same, plus national news media. 17:51:44 From Athena Runner : I answered social media, but I get information from all of those sources and the city council meetings too. 17:51:47 From Linda : I volunteer for an organization who works with Carlsbad police department and other first responders March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 33 of 224 17 17:51:56 From Alarcón Gabriela : National news media, academic research 17:52:07 From Shirley Anderson : North County Civil Liberties. 17:52:21 From Kathleen Wellman : from newspaper, from city of carlsbad, tv news 17:53:53 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Welcome to Carlsbad 17:55:41 From Alarcón Gabriela : Thank you, Hannah. I agree. 17:55:51 From Aly Vredenburgh : thank you Hannah! 17:56:07 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : well said 17:56:23 From Hannah Pechter : Thank you so much. Grateful to be a part of the conversation. 17:56:30 From Nikki Faddick : Agreed, Hannah, many thanks. 17:57:40 From Kathleen Wellman : I disagree with your opinion 17:58:22 From Lindsey Lupo : Hannah, thank you for your wonderful point. Welcome to Carlsbad! 17:58:51 From Tom Wellman : Citizen input of the police department on how the government agency should be run. 17:59:02 From Tom Wellman : And accountability 17:59:14 From Hannah Pechter : From what I understand, it’s about more transparency 17:59:15 From Shirley Anderson : To have public input to what is working and what is not working. 17:59:15 From Robert Stonebrook : help add accountability to the community 17:59:26 From Diana Aguirre : To ensure policies are updated, changed and adhered to so as to our community members feel safe 17:59:32 From Kathleen Wellman : it’s an Agenda to curtail policing and to defund the police 17:59:38 From Alarcón Gabriela : An additional means of accountability for police department 17:59:47 From Jolene Hamilton : The police serve the community. So logically the community should be able to provide oversight and feedback. Right? 17:59:49 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : No two oversight boards are alike but primariy oversight boards serve to provide community input into police practices and promote healthy understanding between the police and the policed. Additionally, they can serve investigative functions and be an independent auditor of use of force incidents 17:59:50 From Nikki Faddick : It is the opportunity for citizens to weigh in on uses of force incidents and overall transparency and accountability. 18:00:05 From Linda : a civilian oversight committee would work similar as insurance companies have given oversight to Drs 18:00:36 From Jeff Segall : To ensure the highest level of service is provided to the community. 18:01:10 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : That is simply not true James, we welcome you to look at the data published by the department 18:12:45 From Aly Vredenburgh : hi all, I wrote an article about why civilian oversight would be positive for our community. take a look after this meeting! https://carlsbadequalitycoalition.blogspot.com/2021/01/carlsbad-equality-coalitions.html?m=1 18:13:01 From Diana Aguirre : Thanks Aly for sharing!! March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 34 of 224 18 18:41:40 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : I would like to make a general comment if possible 18:47:58 From Kurt Watson : good summary! 18:52:26 From Hannah Pechter : Do the demographics of the PD reflect the population demographics of Carlsbad? 18:52:58 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Does the police force analyze use of force incidents and proportionality with respect to demographics of Carlsbad? 18:53:25 From Kurt Watson : how many of the police officers live in Carlsbad? 18:54:53 From Kurt Watson : understandable. thanks for info. 18:56:52 From Kristina, CIty of Carlsbad : Here is a link to the August report https://www.carlsbadca.gov/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=46505 18:58:15 From Shirley Anderson : Committee should report to the Council and have a presentation at intervals at the Council Meeting. 18:58:17 From Nikki Faddick : We would need to consider best practices of successful oversight boards as well as input from the department, the city council, and community members. 18:58:30 From Tom Wellman : That should a committee be formed that they are unbiased until all the facts have been laid out. 18:58:39 From Diana Aguirre : Having an application process; consider people’s relevant experience, ensure it’s people from diverse backgrounds 18:59:13 From Jolene Hamilton : Transparency around how people are selected for the civilian oversight committee 18:59:15 From Robert Stonebrook : The most important consideration is what measurements/statistics/performance indicators are going to be used to determine if the oversight committee is, first of all necessary, then is being effective. Who will measure that data and report it to the community. 19:00:08 From Athena Runner : I agree with what Robert Stonebrook just wrote. 19:00:20 From Alison Vredenburgh : I think that it is important to have members on the oversight committee that are calm, able to listen to different views, have a background in conflict resolution, so basically the right aptitude and demeanor to work with the committee members, the police, and the civilians to bring positive change to all these different stakeholders 19:01:00 From Linda : Educated and informed members who understand what police department challenges and strengths are and will work in a collaborative manner not adversarial 19:01:04 From Jessica Kramer : How are you going to make this conversation and every conversation moving forward - open to persons of varying disabilities? 19:01:16 From Lindsey Lupo : Re the question of what is needed: Seek out empirical data from comparator cities that have implemented a committee. 19:01:18 From Diana Aguirre : Keyrollos - well said !! 19:01:26 From Hannah Pechter : Thank you, Keyrollos! 19:01:51 From Jessica Kramer : Thank you Keyrollos 19:01:51 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : How about the cost of litigation James? 19:01:58 From Hannah Pechter : Let’s think about the costs of NOT doing this, though! Humanity is at cost. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 35 of 224 19 19:02:01 From Joseph Vredenburgh : Research other cities and see what has been successful and what has not worked. 19:03:00 From Tom Wellman : What about the cost of litigation if an alleged criminal is let go due to reform? 19:03:03 From Hannah Pechter : Thank you everyone! Great discussion. I appreciate it. 19:03:16 From Athena Runner : Thank you for being here too, Council Member Bhat- Patel. Best wishes for the rest of your pregnancy and your baby. 19:03:17 From Diana Aguirre : If the community is asking for this then is part of doing “business” in terms of the costs 19:03:29 From Hannah Pechter : Thank you, Kim! 19:03:37 From Robert Stonebrook : Well done, thank you, 19:04:44 From David, City of Carlsbad : Thank you all!!! District 4 meeting chat 17:52:39 From Jessica Kramer : I didn't have time to answer the poll question 17:54:41 From Robert Oytun : Tranparency 17:55:12 From Scott Silk : provides a mechanism for independent accountability 17:55:13 From Diane Rivera : This is a very broad term. I want to see how we define this. 17:55:18 From Melissa Sterrett Baron : To provide independent community oversight of policing and police policies to be sure they are aligned with the needs of the community 17:55:18 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Transparency between a community and their police department 17:55:18 From Jerry Miller : I don't know the correct definition. 17:55:19 From Carol Campagna : locals have more of a role in seeing what the police do so there is transparency and accountability 17:55:25 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : A Civilian review board is a means of providing community input into the process of policing and create a vehicle for collaboration between citizens and law enforcement. This allows law enforcement to be more responsive to the needs of the community they serve but also to disseminate their needs into the broader public. CRB's can also have investigative functions that allow for independent eyes to review incidents of use of force and build public confidence that they are being handled properly. My own experience with police brutality in Carlsbad informs my decision to support review boards 17:55:26 From John Biethan : Based on what I know now, what is civilian oversight and what does it service? I don't know. Not sure of its purpose. I'm not sure "oversight" is what we need "first." 17:55:29 From Jonathan Chan : oversight to me is an opportunity to communicate, collaborate, and hold accountable the public servants that operate in our community. The purpose is so that people are not policing themselves 17:55:32 From Chih-Wu Chang : accountability and transparency 17:55:53 From Greg Armstrong : People outside the police dept can review police actions to ensure transparency and proper treatment of individuals. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 36 of 224 20 17:55:55 From Peter Ragsdale : Review of training protocols and scope plus review of "incidents" where police conduct might be questionable -- needs to be a SERIOUS incident to be considered. 17:55:57 From Diana Aguirre : holding policing accountable to the people 17:56:02 From Diana Aguirre : Build community trust 17:56:03 From Julia Darling : a group of citizens outside the police dept that oversees how the police force functions in the community. It can hold police officers accountable when there are incidents that harm someone in the community. 17:56:04 From Kelly McCormick : Ideally, transparency and accountability, independent panel 17:56:06 From Ana Reyes : a body of people from the community (so not from the police department) that have some sort of responsibility to review incidents for the purpose of having accountability of police in order to build more trust between the community and the police department 17:56:07 From Tom Applegate : Some sort of civilian committee charged with a specific review action regarding police activity; such as review of officer involved shooting, discipline action or citizen complaints with varying authority. 17:56:09 From Scott Silk : trust building 17:56:22 From Diana Aguirre : ensure policies are reviewed, revised and implemented that also protect our communities are safe 18:02:05 From Tom Applegate : This is just a gut reaction; would prefer to have information? Where did this action originate? Do we have many citizen complaints of misconduct, police abuse, police shootings? 18:02:52 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : short answer is yes, happy to discuss Tom 18:03:01 From Robert Oytun : I agree with Tom Applegate 18:03:01 From Melissa Sterrett Baron : It's hard to imagine other than cost and effort any negative consequences to citizen oversight 18:03:20 From Jessica Kramer : i agree, I asked for information prior to the meeting and I was not respectfully responded to by the contacts provided for this meeting 18:03:43 From Holly Hamel : I agree with Tom also 18:03:59 From Peter Ragsdale : This is an overblown reaction to an incident that was caught on camera --- person wouldn't cooperate with police and struggled while trying to be restrain. I was PROUD of the way Carlsbad police acted (based on the video). 18:04:07 From Kelly McCormick : The biggest reason is to emphasize transparancy 18:04:45 From Melissa Sterrett Baron : I can clearly state that my position is not an overblown reaction to any one incidenrt 18:05:01 From Diana Aguirre : I agree with you Melissa 18:05:01 From Jessica Kramer : same as melissa 18:05:02 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : it is the result of citizens forming groups to lobby the council based on their own experiences in Carlsbad 18:05:05 From Melissa Sterrett Baron : Transparency benefits everyone even if you think the force is great as is 18:05:05 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : not one incident March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 37 of 224 21 18:05:34 From Chih-Wu Chang : An independent citizen oversight of police department could prevent police abuse of power and ensure accountability. 18:30:33 From Jonathan Chan : thank you for facilitating Karen! 18:32:32 From Greg Armstrong : Insightful to hear about other people's experiences. 18:40:37 From Ana Reyes : Another thing mentioned in our group that was echoed by many in the group is to make sure that the City get input from Black communities in Carlsbad. That the city should be intentional about going to these communities and meeting them where they are at in order to get their input. 18:41:43 From Jessica Kramer : smart ...taking pictures 18:46:31 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Well said Avneet 18:47:24 From Tom Applegate : Melba and Tiffani, thank you for your leadership tonight. 18:48:32 From Melissa Sterrett Baron : Oversight of budgets is important 18:49:00 From Melissa Sterrett Baron : Points were made that transparency could benefit Carlsbad in many ways 18:49:34 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : 45 mil budget for CPD, nominal costs of review boards help avoid law suits 18:50:03 From Melissa Sterrett Baron : Tom mentioned that the police chief communicates statistics about the police department to his rotary group but many average citizens such as myself do not get this info 18:51:39 From Jonathan Chan : Hi Chief Williams, what's your personal opinion about having a civilian review board? 18:52:46 From sue allard : does pd ever do community town hall meetings? this would be great on zoom 18:53:37 From Monica Pawlak : Hi Chief Williams, do you think that a community review board could reduce the number of recruits entering the force? 18:54:04 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : When the CEC took the CPD data on use of force and plotted it proportionally with Carlsbad's population demographics we found that minorities experienced vastly disproportionate use of force (still better than many cities). Is that consistent with your findings? how is this disparity explained? 18:54:04 From Jonathan Chan : thank you for answering my question! 18:54:12 From Stephen Puterski : What about the role of Lexipol being the source of police policy? Should the CRB, along with PD, have a say in some of those and bring more specific policies to Carlsbad? 18:55:16 From Jonathan Chan : I know Representative Acosta said that she's primarily here to listen, but I'd be interested in hearing her opinion on this topic as well, if that's ok. 18:55:39 From sue allard : nixie was used to notify residents of problems, incidences in Manhattan beach. residents need more communication 19:00:05 From Peter Ragsdale : Question: Based on various internet videos practically all incidents are the result of uncooperative individuals - my belief is that if people cooperated then most incidents would not have occurred. In our group we discussed that hiring Carlsbad residents who grew up in the community would be extremely beneficial. How can you encourage local recruits? (which would build trust) March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 38 of 224 22 19:01:41 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Peter I was 17 when I went to the CPD to report a crime with my hands up, still was abused. Compliance doesn't mean we will be treated fairly. I encourage you to hear out some of your fellow community members. 19:02:09 From Celestina Sachs : Where can we get this data re CPS? 19:02:26 From Jen Goswami : I would like to see more of you in D4....the Town Center is a mess but officer at the non-emergency line said that you don't patrol it because there is security on site. Having more coffees would promote trust. 19:02:59 From Jessica Kramer : Peter, people have varying levels of ability to "comply" based on disabilities such as medical conditions 19:03:07 From Jen Goswami : So many good things can come from an oversight or review board! 19:03:07 From Chih-Wu Chang : Questions: I would like to understand the purpose and scope of the Citizen Oversight/Review Board, the Board structure, and the timeline for implementing the Board. 19:03:11 From Ana Reyes : Thank you! 19:03:13 From Peter Ragsdale : Yes, but if you did fight back / resist what would you expect them to do? Granted, any force should within reason and based on the situation. 19:03:17 From Robert Oytun : Thank you. 19:03:26 From Jen Goswami : Thank you!!!! Go Teresa! 19:03:34 From Chih-Wu Chang : Thank you! 19:03:34 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Thank you!!! 19:03:44 From Peter Ragsdale : Thanks Teresa 19:03:50 From Jonathan Chan : thank you for organizing and facilitating this event, it was very helpful 19:04:08 From Avneet Sidhu : Thank you Teresa, City staff, and Officer Williams! 19:04:12 From Jessica Kramer : Thank you for continuing to improve the format 19:04:13 From Chih-Wu Chang : Please invite the Black community. 19:04:16 From Keyrollos Ibrahim : Thank you so much for organizing this meeting - it’s greatly appreciated! 19:04:17 From Ana Reyes : This was well facilitated. Thank you city reps and staff and community members! 19:04:26 From Diane Rivera : Thank you March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 39 of 224 Survey and meeting responses compared Question 1: What District of Carlsbad do you reside in or have a business in? Online Survey Virtual Community Meeting Appendix BMarch 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 40 of 224 Question 2: How do you get most of your information or knowledge related to police or policing services? March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 41 of 224 Question 3: How would you describe your overall level of trust that the Carlsbad Police Department is serving the community well? March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 42 of 224 Question 4: Based on your own experience, what is the level of need for adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 43 of 224 Civilian Oversight of the Police Department Online Survey Results Jan. 11 –Feb. 10, 2021 Appendix C March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 44 of 224 District Number of respondents Percentage District 1 206 40% District 2 108 21% District 3 101 20% District 4 73 14% Not from Carlsbad 21 4% Introduction With issues related to policing gaining increased attention nationwide, the Carlsbad City Council directed staff on Oct. 20, 2020, to hold one public meeting in each City Council district to gather input from the public about citizen oversight of the Police Department. To provide those unable to attend the public meetings an opportunity to provide input, city staff also created an online survey that was available Jan. 11 –Feb. 10. Questions in the online survey were similar to those discussed at the public meetings. About the findings The input gathered through this process is considered qualitative. It describes a range of perspectives that exist in the community, but responses cannot be generalized to the entire population with a known margin of error. The data below represent all participants and all formats (meetings and online survey), including some duplication, if a participant attended multiple meetings or took the survey and participated in the meetings. Participation A total of 512 people took the online survey. Results The results presented on the following pages are organized into the following sections: •District comparison of trust in the Police Department •District comparison of need for civilian oversight •Summary of all responses citywide •District by district summary of all responses March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 45 of 224 District 3 District 4 District 1 District 2 Trust in the Police Department March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 46 of 224 District 3 District 4 District 1 District 2 Need for police oversight March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 47 of 224 Summary of all responses March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 48 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 1 / 59 40.47%206 21.22%108 19.84%101 14.34%73 4.13%21 Q1 What District of Carlsbad do you reside in or have a business in? (If you're not sure you, click here) Answered: 509 Skipped: 3 TOTAL 509 District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 I do not have a residence ... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 I do not have a residence or business in Carlsbad March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 49 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 2 / 59 36.54%186 31.63%161 7.86%40 10.81%55 13.16%67 Q2 How do you get most of your information or knowledge related to police or policing services? Answered: 509 Skipped: 3 TOTAL 509 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE 1 Combination of news and friends/some social media 2/9/2021 12:29 PM 2 All of the above 2/9/2021 11:33 AM 3 Public radio 2/8/2021 9:30 PM 4 Observations of officers in our community, news reports 2/8/2021 6:16 PM 5 Next Door and Coast News 2/8/2021 5:35 PM 6 All of those.2/7/2021 9:32 AM 7 Unhoused community and local news 2/6/2021 7:03 PM 8 Newspaper and email 2/6/2021 6:52 PM 9 City emails 2/6/2021 9:29 AM 10 National news 2/6/2021 8:56 AM 11 News, SM, and friends/family 2/5/2021 7:15 PM Local news Social Media Community Groups Friends, Family Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Local news Social Media Community Groups Friends, Family Other (please specify) March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 50 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 3 / 59 12 Email 2/5/2021 6:18 PM 13 Social/Nextdoor or Neighbors. I really don't hear much about the CPD.2/5/2021 5:22 PM 14 KUSI or KFMB 2/4/2021 4:07 PM 15 experience with mental health organizations 2/4/2021 9:26 AM 16 All of the above; I am well connected 2/2/2021 5:04 PM 17 City Manager Emails and personal experience through my job 1/31/2021 6:51 PM 18 There is not a readily available source of policing information in Carlsbad. This is working as intended. 1/30/2021 9:33 PM 19 Council meetings 1/30/2021 3:03 PM 20 City of Carlsbad News Update emails / City Manager 1/30/2021 2:40 PM 21 city council meetings and news 1/29/2021 7:46 PM 22 Deal with the police daily.1/29/2021 9:44 AM 23 City website 1/29/2021 8:03 AM 24 We Read it 1/28/2021 3:47 PM 25 Pulse point 1/28/2021 7:55 AM 26 Apps 1/27/2021 9:48 PM 27 Mixture of various sources to filter out the fake news and bias.1/27/2021 8:30 PM 28 Various news outlets with verified reporting 1/27/2021 10:16 AM 29 City manager 1/26/2021 8:19 PM 30 emails from Jodee Reyes which are informative 1/26/2021 7:27 PM 31 Watching City Council meetings 1/26/2021 7:17 PM 32 New amalgamation apps and national news outlets 1/26/2021 10:55 AM 33 From signing up with updates from Jodee.1/26/2021 5:48 AM 34 I never hear much of anything 1/24/2021 7:26 PM 35 Speak directly with officers 1/24/2021 12:18 PM 36 Local news. Community groups 1/24/2021 11:50 AM 37 Family and friends 1/22/2021 5:44 PM 38 Next door app 1/22/2021 4:25 PM 39 City Manager and CPD 1/22/2021 11:02 AM 40 Carlsbad PD Twitter & local news 1/22/2021 11:01 AM 41 I've volunteered with YWCA, WRC and SDVLP. I'm also a pro tem traffic judge.1/20/2021 8:43 AM 42 City email & TV news.1/19/2021 4:21 PM 43 This would have been better as a multiple choice or 'rank in order of' question. Personal experience and studying the laws 1/19/2021 12:28 PM 44 Specific news outlets online 1/19/2021 11:25 AM 45 Fox 1/19/2021 10:51 AM 46 experience with working within Carlsbad and police interaction. Am a fan of police department. 1/19/2021 10:45 AM 47 local news, friends, family 1/19/2021 7:28 AM 48 Family in law enforcement 1/18/2021 11:42 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 51 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 4 / 59 49 Books, Newspapers 1/18/2021 11:12 PM 50 City of Carlsbad Newsletter emails.1/18/2021 4:33 PM 51 City Web site and news media 1/18/2021 3:56 PM 52 Friends/Neighbors of CPD 1/18/2021 1:52 PM 53 all of the above 1/18/2021 12:44 PM 54 I do my own homework.1/18/2021 12:18 PM 55 San Diego Union-Tribune Sunday ed.1/18/2021 12:02 PM 56 national news network 1/17/2021 4:59 PM 57 I spend hours looking at several different news sources from both political sides and avoid the fear they both use. 1/17/2021 7:32 AM 58 Nextdoor and Local News 1/16/2021 2:40 PM 59 Carlsbad Council meetings 1/16/2021 1:50 PM 60 I have no good source for this, Carlsbad policing activities are not east to find. It is very rare that i see police patrolling my neighborhood in Calaveras Hills 1/16/2021 12:54 PM 61 All of the above 1/15/2021 10:47 PM 62 Jodee Reyes' posts 1/15/2021 7:21 PM 63 Carlsbad Twitter 1/15/2021 4:27 PM 64 Really don't and cannot believe the news 1/15/2021 4:21 PM 65 City emails 1/15/2021 4:10 PM 66 social media and emails from CPD 1/15/2021 3:37 PM 67 Test comment to make sure this works and how much I can include.1/15/2021 10:32 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 52 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 5 / 59 3.72%19 5.48%28 16.44%84 32.68%167 41.68%213 Q3 How would you describe your overall level of trust that the Carlsbad Police Department is serving the community well? Answered: 511 Skipped: 1 TOTAL 511 Very Low Low Neutral, Don't Know High Very High 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Very Low Low Neutral, Don't Know High Very High March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 53 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 6 / 59 44.60%227 17.09%87 12.38%63 13.95%71 11.98%61 Q4 Based on your own experience, what is the level of need for adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? Answered: 509 Skipped: 3 TOTAL 509 Not Valuable, Not Needed Limited Value, Limited Need Somewhat Valuable,... Valuable, Needed Very Valuable, Very Needed 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Not Valuable, Not Needed Limited Value, Limited Need Somewhat Valuable, Somewhat Needed Valuable, Needed Very Valuable, Very Needed March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 54 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 7 / 59 Q5 What would be the value and/or need of adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? Answered: 388 Skipped: 124 #RESPONSES DATE 1 NONE 2/11/2021 4:59 AM 2 Not needed. We’re fortunate to have an excellent police dept.2/9/2021 5:05 PM 3 While the CPD has a good reputation, we are recognizing systemic issues nationally that leave certain groups under-represented and at risk for disparate treatment. It was clear from some of the comments at the community forum last night that Carlsbad is not immune to that reality. At the same time, our police deserve respect for the important job they do and a safe work environment. A civilian oversight board would facilitate greater transparency, communication and community trust, which makes policing safer for everyone. 2/9/2021 4:36 PM 4 I think all police/sheriff departments should have some sort of oversight from the community at large. It is good to be transparent and make sure these officers and their supervisors fully understand their impact and relationship with community members. This could show white community members (not just police) how to work with ethnic groups who deserve equal treatment when being pulled over in their car, arrested, approached, etc. I am not saying that any of our police officers have ever done anything wrong, but times are changing and every citizen with city officials and police should work together to make sure our officers are never on the national news for shooting an unarmed black man or woman. I would hate to ever see that happen. 2/9/2021 3:26 PM 5 De-escalation, more oversight of drug addicts and homeless 2/9/2021 1:30 PM 6 To provide feedback and a new perspective to the Police managers and the rank & file.2/9/2021 12:29 PM 7 It would ensure better transparency and trust between the community and the PD. Address issues of inequity in the application of force, incarceration, racial profiling, and unnecessary brutality. More public conversations about things that matter for those most affected by police actions. 2/9/2021 11:33 AM 8 Greater transparency ; with properly selected panel for oversight, perhaps increased awareness of systemic problems 2/9/2021 10:57 AM 9 As a long time resident, including a number of interactions with Carlsbad police over the years, I see no need for civilian oversight. These particular community meetings seem like a waste of funds. If there were to be some sort of citizens' police committee, it would require legitimate statistical input from the majority of the community before implementation. These town hall meetings with a few residents supplying anecdotal accounts about their own perspectives regarding police is not terribly instructive. I would guess that the residents who responded have little to no experience with the duties and procedures of the CPD. 2/9/2021 10:29 AM 10 It might help to curb unnecessary police violence in rare instances where it occurs 2/9/2021 10:02 AM 11 No need. We have oversight. It's called the District Attorneys Office.2/9/2021 8:49 AM 12 Accountability.2/9/2021 12:08 AM 13 Please do not add more police to the city 2/8/2021 10:27 PM 14 To ensure all community voices are heard and respected.2/8/2021 9:30 PM 15 Solutions must be informed by the communities impacted by policing and a civilian oversight would provide diverse perspectives, bring in new ideas, different ways of operating. 2/8/2021 7:58 PM 16 There is no need for civilian oversight of our police department. We need to leave it to the experts, who are the police. There is enough oversight with the levels of command (rank) as well as legal regulations. Civilian oversight is not needed. Civilians do not understand all the 2/8/2021 6:16 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 55 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 8 / 59 factors involved with these officers performing their duties and they do not need to be second- guessed or reprimanded by those who do not understand the complexities of their duties. 17 To be eyes on the ground..2/8/2021 5:35 PM 18 None. It would unnecessarily complicate policing and allow people with zero qualifications input. 2/8/2021 5:34 PM 19 None.2/8/2021 5:23 PM 20 None 2/8/2021 5:14 PM 21 No Value! The oversight committee as pushed by Carlsbad Equity Coalition will have a political agenda. It will not be in the best interest of Carlsbad residents and business owners as their priority. Their Political agenda will come first! 2/8/2021 4:32 PM 22 I’m not sure there is adequate need for a civilian oversight committee. The Carlsbad PDs use of force policies appear more than adequate—requiring supervisors on scene and documentation. I would prefer to see more friendly policing culture in which officers are given time to meet, communicate interact with residents. If officers have strong relationships in the community it’s a natural deterrent to abuse of power and crime! 2/8/2021 3:47 PM 23 Being kept up to date on policy and happenings within the city.2/8/2021 3:07 PM 24 It's always good to have checks and balances to ensure that the overall safety and well being of the entire community is being met. 2/8/2021 2:26 PM 25 Make sure they are providing the services that we are paying for 2/7/2021 9:02 PM 26 I think it might put more trust into the police from the citizens.2/7/2021 6:35 PM 27 It would negatively impact the way law enforcement is able to enforce the law.2/7/2021 1:06 PM 28 I don't see much value.2/7/2021 9:32 AM 29 none 2/6/2021 9:30 PM 30 Less unfortunate people bothering the wealthy, it’s petty really.2/6/2021 9:17 PM 31 Transparency and to inform the community about situations 2/6/2021 7:03 PM 32 I think it has the possibility of putting unnecessary or unfair roadblocks and to be costly . Some people don’t have an eye for a fair balance. It might empower the wrong person or people and add to any problem we might have. 2/6/2021 6:52 PM 33 Removing tasks that are not policing tasks. Improve citizen confidence and trust.2/6/2021 3:05 PM 34 None- I only see a negative impact and creating more distrust for an already frazzled and demoralized police department. 2/6/2021 9:31 AM 35 Simply more communication with community 2/6/2021 9:29 AM 36 So there is someone watching 2/6/2021 8:16 AM 37 Community involvement 2/6/2021 6:57 AM 38 I have personally witnessed the Chief violate the law and abuse the power of his office to obfuscate his blame. 2/6/2021 5:33 AM 39 None - it would be stupid 2/5/2021 7:15 PM 40 There is no need. The Carlsbad Police Department is very transparent and is overseen by the City. 2/5/2021 6:48 PM 41 No need in Carlsbad much to political 2/5/2021 6:24 PM 42 In this day and age we don’t need “people” policing “people”. I don’t trust the politics to stay out of civilian “policing”. This Covid mask situation is a perfect example of what we don’t need in Carlsbad. People given too much power is not a good thing for our community. 2/5/2021 6:18 PM 43 As with civilian control of the military, having civilian oversight (whether controlling or simply in a non-binding review capacity) provides an additional perspective to review of law enforcement policy and implementation decisions. 2/5/2021 6:11 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 56 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 9 / 59 44 To help keep the City Police Officers accountable. To provide transparency and promote community involvement. 2/5/2021 6:05 PM 45 I think having an input into the CPD mission is important. Crime is about out of control. Vandalism, thefts, homeless problems all seem to be a problem with no apparent solution. 2/5/2021 5:22 PM 46 Keep them in check 2/5/2021 4:59 PM 47 Trust but verify model 2/5/2021 9:46 AM 48 Better representation as they live in the community and may see and hear concerns of everyday people who may not contact police knowing they wont respond to an incident that maybe important to that person but not to CPD overall.. ie homeless, theft, trespassing, loitering 2/5/2021 9:13 AM 49 All police need civilian oversight to ensure accountability and representation. Carlsbad is no exception. 2/5/2021 9:12 AM 50 while I am pleased with the controls and running by the CPD a very limited review could be of some value to only to bring inputs from the public. It should not use tax dollars for anything and should be well rounded with people that want to help 2/5/2021 12:19 AM 51 There is no need, nor is there any value, of adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department. 2/4/2021 4:07 PM 52 Community awareness and confidence could be enhanced.2/4/2021 2:08 PM 53 I think the police dept in carlsbad is doing an excellent job and I do not want to see and oversight or other situation that will in any way ties their hands from completing their duties. 2/4/2021 9:43 AM 54 Accountability and education when working with disabled mentally ill individuals 2/4/2021 9:26 AM 55 Accountability 2/3/2021 11:35 AM 56 An impartial civilian body would be able to spot needs, both those of areas for improvement and areas in which the police need support, more factually than when the police are doing self- evaluation. 2/3/2021 10:50 AM 57 not needed; added layer of uninformed input 2/3/2021 10:12 AM 58 Hold everyone involved accountable.2/3/2021 9:39 AM 59 None 2/3/2021 5:15 AM 60 none, I trust and respect CPD 2/3/2021 5:09 AM 61 Minimal, other than a few isolated circumstances. I believe our Police Department has done a great job for 45+ years I have lived here. 2/2/2021 5:04 PM 62 Ensure greater enforcement of the laws and less interference by plaintiffs lawyers.2/2/2021 3:32 PM 63 The only reason I can fathom the creation of this committee is for the police force to have an opportunity to interact with the residents they’re protecting; however, my concern is that the committee will be overly critical of law enforcement and fail to maximize the opportunity to support law enforcement 2/2/2021 3:24 PM 64 Added community involvement could lead to trust and transparency 2/2/2021 2:51 AM 65 uniform standards of enforcement 2/1/2021 12:44 PM 66 Carlsbad is a city of greet pride. The police are doing a fantastic job and we should not create oversite for involvement. We live in the best City around! Our City is unique and a special place to live. Our police officers are a a part of our community and treat everyone fairly. Let's not take the control out of their hands. 2/1/2021 11:55 AM 67 greater transparency increases trust and faith by community members 2/1/2021 11:30 AM 68 Personally, I do not support the idea of civilian "oversight," but would favor something on a very limited basis that would allow citizen collaboration to support the Carlsbad Police Department and offer opportunities for citizens to get involved with things such as Neighborhood Watch, educational opportunities, assistance with crime prevention and crime 2/1/2021 10:04 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 57 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 10 / 59 solving, etc., vs. anything that would imply "oversight" which, in my opinion, should come through the City Manager and/or Mayor and City Council, as appropriate. 69 Transparency. In general, most city departments report doing very well and I am sure they are. Hoiwever, there is a need for citizens to be able to have a voice about what is NOT going well for them or their neighborhoods. 2/1/2021 6:14 AM 70 Policing is essentially about protecting the community, having civilian oversight by the community served is essential 1/31/2021 9:12 PM 71 To ensure the community has a say in policing and review of training and policies 1/31/2021 8:50 PM 72 Independent civilian oversight will be able to provide unbiased review of potential police misconducts. 1/31/2021 8:48 PM 73 Community input, hopefully it’s helpful 1/31/2021 7:31 PM 74 extra set of eyes 1/31/2021 7:05 PM 75 I don't agree with the current movement to add that, I don't feel it is needed and have faith that if there are needed changes in employees or policies the police can handle their own issues and needed changes 1/31/2021 6:51 PM 76 To calm some residents’ anger issues.1/31/2021 3:44 PM 77 There is no value to it. Our police do an outstanding job. The last thing we need is interference from those attempting social experiments (like trying to redefine violence to now exclude damage to property). Leave the police alone! They are OUTSTANDING! 1/31/2021 11:01 AM 78 Civilian oversight is needed because no public agency can police itself. Police departments have the authority and power to affect our daily lives. Without civilian oversight, abuses can and do occur. 1/31/2021 5:47 AM 79 We need accountability. This will breed trust. This will increase the effectiveness of the police force and build bond with the community. 1/30/2021 9:33 PM 80 It would significantly increase the level of trust between police officers and the general public, hopefully preventing any further or worsening disputes between the two larger communities. 1/30/2021 8:32 PM 81 None. Civilians need to stay out of police matters and let our highly paid, highly trained officers do their job. 1/30/2021 7:39 PM 82 Not much of a need for civilian oversight of our Police Department. "On paper" it would prove that we are adhering to the current narrative coming from elsewhere. 1/30/2021 5:39 PM 83 The police department works for the people of the city. Oversight will provide transparency to residents and confidence that the Police are acting in the community's best interest. 1/30/2021 5:27 PM 84 The Carlsbad Police Department is known for being heavy-handed. My adult mentally ill son was completely beat up by them unnecessarily a number of years ago. They need better communication skills and descalating skills, especially for use with the mentally ill. 1/30/2021 5:13 PM 85 Increase trust between the community and police department.1/30/2021 3:15 PM 86 It adds transparency. It shows a willingness to consider other viewpoints and adapt.1/30/2021 3:03 PM 87 civilian oversight would only be valuable to our Police Department if the police department identifies areas of need for this type of assistance. 1/30/2021 2:40 PM 88 Little or none needed 1/30/2021 12:57 PM 89 Trust for police is lower than I have ever seen it. People are not happy with the response "We have investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong." With qualified immunity should come public oversite. 1/30/2021 7:47 AM 90 Ensuring the integrity of the department. Transparency will dealing with issues related to officers behavior and attitudes with the public, especially with persons of color. 1/29/2021 8:53 PM 91 The Carlsbad PD is doing an excellent job without negative incidents. Their handling of the homeless is innovative and compassionate. Micromanagement by a third party group is not warranted or needed. 1/29/2021 8:00 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 58 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 11 / 59 92 no need 1/29/2021 7:46 PM 93 I think civilian engagement increases communication.1/29/2021 6:45 PM 94 The ability of an outside view of the inside actions of the police.1/29/2021 3:17 PM 95 None. Zero. Civilian oversight is an answer in search of a problem which does not exist. 1/29/2021 12:45 PM 96 N/A 1/29/2021 11:36 AM 97 Monitoring the increase of homelessness, crimes from transient people, and overall increases in crimes from these populations. 1/29/2021 11:21 AM 98 Police do not police themselves. Like asking the fox to watch the hen house 1/29/2021 10:55 AM 99 It could help in resolving disputes that might arise involving accusations of improper police conduct by providing a neutral observant voice. 1/29/2021 10:55 AM 100 We need to police the officers. Some of these officers need to go back to school on the law of our government law as well as the rules of the local law. 1/29/2021 9:44 AM 101 No need. CPD is one of the very best around!1/29/2021 8:03 AM 102 This is important so that people on the ground, people they know like their neighbors and friends can help supervise police officers 1/28/2021 7:13 PM 103 Believe getting more involvement is important in getting to better understand the problems the police deal with on a daily basis. Increases empathy for their work and makes us feel like a community. 1/28/2021 4:44 PM 104 Ultimate transparency when it comes to communicating with community members- a police department doing nothing wrong has nothing to hide. 1/28/2021 4:08 PM 105 As I live on the border of Carlsbad vista I drive thru and work in Carlsbad, law enforcement as been quite normal and I feel more comfortable to see more of the them in the community. Just having there presence feels good. 1/28/2021 3:47 PM 106 civilian oversight can only be beneficial. Law Enforcement has been tasked with many services that are not related to criminal activity but social service challenges. School Resource Officers are completely unnecessary and instead of preventing drug crime or gun violence officers are being exploited by school staff and used to manage behavior problems of students, predominantly disabled students and students of color. Districts use the threat of law enforcement involvement to intimidate special needs parents into giving up their rights or removing their kids from school all together. Police are frequently managing issues related to homelessness and mental health crisis. They are not training to work with these populations. Because if the current structure there are many incidents that become violent due to police involvement when other services could have avoided those outcomes. The public needs to be better informed as to know what is going on and to be involved in more responsible policing. 1/28/2021 3:35 PM 107 The value in civilian oversight is that community members have a chance to truly understand the work, nature and culture of their police department. 1/28/2021 3:17 PM 108 The need for the abolishment of the police system is clear, and begins with our community. The police overall are a racist, classist and outdated group. They are overwhelmed and overworked, and allowing civilians to step in to say “you are doing more than your job should require” and redirecting this energy to help our community excel is vital. 1/28/2021 1:03 PM 109 ‘Oversight’ is the wrong word. I think there should be more emphasis from city leaders, officials to introduce the police to the public, so that communities get to know them better. It’s not about the public ‘checking up’ on the police, but to have a collaboration between police, community and leadership to promote safety and security for everyone. 1/28/2021 12:41 PM 110 Civilian oversight is not necessary. Civilians do not perform police work and therefore they may and will alter policies that will hurt the public. 1/28/2021 12:32 PM 111 In these times of eroded trust of police in our nation, it would serve as a buffer in the event of future altercations. Help ensure police are properly trained and sensitized in de-escalation procedures. 1/28/2021 10:51 AM 112 This would do nothing but interfere with the Police force. This would disrupt the Police. It’s easy to be a civilian and say “why didn’t the police officer do this or that.” 1/28/2021 3:26 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 59 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 12 / 59 113 diversity of voices, equity, fairness, transparency 1/27/2021 11:29 PM 114 Zero need. Police Department has a Chief and he is accountable to City Manager and council 1/27/2021 9:48 PM 115 No value, it’s ridiculous. Who are we to tell them how to do their job???1/27/2021 9:22 PM 116 Why would you lock out the people you serve? That is the opposite of service 1/27/2021 9:04 PM 117 This could be detrimental considering the committee would be filled with people who have no idea what its like to be a first responder. Then in turn make decisions that would hurt not only the community but our officers that serve as well. 1/27/2021 8:30 PM 118 I am not familiar with the proposal for civilian oversight to be able to comment on the subject. 1/27/2021 6:38 PM 119 To protect the senior folks 1/27/2021 5:19 PM 120 N/A 1/27/2021 5:05 PM 121 Officers would continue to be available for crimes 1/27/2021 12:03 PM 122 There isn’t any. The CBD police department is outstanding. Putting “activists” in any position of authority over our cops will only have negative effects. 1/27/2021 11:37 AM 123 For police accountability and to prevent police abuse of power.1/27/2021 11:35 AM 124 To prevent blacks and POC from being profiled and unfairly and unjustly arrested and/or harassed. 1/27/2021 10:16 AM 125 Transparency regarding policing.1/27/2021 9:51 AM 126 Accountability. I feel the police often times take advantage of everyone giving them the benefit of every doubt. 1/27/2021 8:47 AM 127 Nothing 1/27/2021 6:23 AM 128 Civilian oversight adds a valuable non-self policing aspect and an alternate perspsctive. 1/26/2021 11:34 PM 129 Ensure best LE practices/equipment are accessible and to ensure adequate funding of same. Ensure injection of innovative ideas for assessment. 1/26/2021 10:48 PM 130 Transparency within the community, enforcement of county rules and making sure our council is working for the community and not for themselves. 1/26/2021 9:53 PM 131 None. Our city council is trying to force our police department into enforcing a health mandate not a law and they need to stop immediately. 1/26/2021 8:42 PM 132 maybe more aware of problems within the community in that the civilian may see a lot of the wrongs being committed. 1/26/2021 8:24 PM 133 None 1/26/2021 8:21 PM 134 To ensure accountability 1/26/2021 8:20 PM 135 Enforce mask wearing 1/26/2021 8:19 PM 136 Citizens could get involved and provide transparency.1/26/2021 7:17 PM 137 Transparency and accountability. Oversight is needed. Occupations that can have an affect on others should have oversight. Excuses to allow no oversight are contributing to unsafe communities and unnecessary harassment and loss of life. When there is not police oversight, cities have to pay out when civil suits happen following police abuse. Carlsbad police are no different. 1/26/2021 7:16 PM 138 Just a check to ensure that our police officers keep a healthy perspective of the full demographics of the people they please to serve. 1/26/2021 6:50 PM 139 Adding civilian oversight would connect police to the community adding needed communication and rapport. 1/26/2021 6:33 PM 140 The value is transparency, independent oversight, fresh approaches, community trust building, improved policing/policies/procedures. 1/26/2021 6:18 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 60 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 13 / 59 141 Encourage a process to deal with unnecessarily abusive treatment of mentally ill, homeless and other incapacitated individuals. 1/26/2021 5:47 PM 142 At this time, I see no need 1/26/2021 5:08 PM 143 Police departments cannot be relied on to address overreach and abuse of power by officers. Civilian oversight is one way to address it. 1/26/2021 3:45 PM 144 None 1/26/2021 3:41 PM 145 Police knowing someone is watching - good behavior 1/26/2021 3:05 PM 146 There is no value or need to add a civilian oversight committee.1/26/2021 2:15 PM 147 Calming concerns of some of the public.1/26/2021 2:14 PM 148 To add an element of input from the citizens viewpoint and insight.1/26/2021 2:09 PM 149 Civilian oversight could add a layer of transparency to help avoid corruption.1/26/2021 1:22 PM 150 I don't think it is needed.1/26/2021 1:07 PM 151 To stay ahead of problems and establish a record that Carlsbad continues to achieve high degree of professionalism in PD 1/26/2021 12:29 PM 152 improves transparency and demands accountability 1/26/2021 11:33 AM 153 The value in adding civilian oversight is adding trust between the police and citizens, ensuring citizens have a role in investigating any complaints, and in holding officers accountable for wrongdoing. 1/26/2021 10:55 AM 154 Electric Scooters Rules: 18+ Allowed on the road. 17- Bike Lane 1/26/2021 10:46 AM 155 None 1/26/2021 10:46 AM 156 No need 1/26/2021 10:00 AM 157 None needed 1/26/2021 9:48 AM 158 Residents need to be heard. When I needed Carlsbad police the most, they failed me. I spent 7 years being tortured endlessly by a violent, mentally ill neighbor. Carlsbad PD catered to this man and disregarded me completely. It was only when I went to the sheriff for help did I get support. I will never forget that. I have a great deal of respect for law enforcement. I just wish they respected us back. 1/26/2021 5:48 AM 159 This counters the inherent bias among law enforcement.1/25/2021 11:25 PM 160 Another NJ person at Cafe Elysa took a few hundred dollars from me and used the police to force me to move out of town when I did nothing wrong a few months ago. Some override if they abuse their authority is needed. 1/25/2021 8:57 PM 161 Taking steps to add civilian oversight to any police department is valuable because it builds trust between the community and the PD. It also allows the community to have some voice into PD policies and to me, that seems reasonable, as the police are policing the community and should be able to get feedback from the people they watch over. Lastly, any proactive steps to avoiding situations like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor are worth the investment, rather than being reactive to negative situations that occur. 1/25/2021 8:25 PM 162 Police Accountability - and input from the community on practices and training.1/25/2021 6:26 PM 163 I feel that knowing what is happening in our Police System, and having transparency there, is very important to enabling trust between officers and the public. 1/25/2021 3:23 PM 164 Not sure. Convince me.1/25/2021 7:36 AM 165 If there was a history and series of complaints that were not managed by current oversight methods 1/25/2021 7:07 AM 166 Making sure minority and LGBTQ populations and their rights are protected 1/24/2021 10:54 PM 167 Perceived trust 1/24/2021 10:06 PM 168 Ensure sustainment of current practices 1/24/2021 6:55 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 61 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 14 / 59 169 Could create better community to department rapport.1/24/2021 5:45 PM 170 To ensure impartiality and to foster equitable application of justice.1/24/2021 3:14 PM 171 Occasional review of trends and statistical data within the dept could be a logical way to enhance partnership and trust with people. Its important to Release data on the frequency of using the license plate readers to catch bad guys, but when that practice ends up in a high speed chase causing more damage or injury than the original infraction - a risk vs reward assessment is vital. Catching a suspected car thief, by totaling the car or making the thief crash into innocent drivers or structures is not a balanced tradeoff. 1/24/2021 2:15 PM 172 The value of adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department is to increase trust. The residents should trust that the Department is holding itself to a standard that is fair and just to the people its serves as well as to its officers that do the job to serve and protect. Adding civilian oversight also adds to the Department’s accountability to the City's residents and increase transparency with residents that the Police Department does expect its officers to police without deference to the color of a person’s skin. Officers should use de-escalating and disengagement techniques to the fullest and force when necessary and appropriate to do so. Should the Department/City Council decide to add civilian oversight it would show that the Council/Department trusts its residents to be a part of a proactive process for the security and safety of all (all-the residents and the officers). 1/24/2021 1:32 PM 173 It would help if ever in the future an event would occur that the public had doubts about the way a difficult situation was handled by the police department and could be thought of as having been possibly covered up by said department or not handled justly. 1/24/2021 1:19 PM 174 The Police force has been militarized and their approach to policing can be biased according to race and socioeconomic status. Civilian oversight would address these disparities in treatment and ensure the community feels safe with their police force by addressing community relations, getting rid of the bad apples, and ensuring the police work for the community and not against it. Also, police right now deal with issues such as mental illness and they need regular check-ins with the communities they serve to ensure fair practices. 1/24/2021 12:22 PM 175 Accountability 1/24/2021 12:18 PM 176 I don’t see any. Let the police do their job 1/24/2021 12:02 PM 177 Every PD needs civilian oversight to ensure ongoing accountability to the community it serves. 1/24/2021 11:56 AM 178 For diversity of opinions of what is needed in community. Accountability to residents.1/24/2021 11:50 AM 179 I don’t see a need for it.1/24/2021 11:50 AM 180 Oversight and keeping the department honest.1/24/2021 11:45 AM 181 Transparency and meeting civilian needs 1/24/2021 11:41 AM 182 None 1/24/2021 11:39 AM 183 Removing homelessness and nuisances 1/23/2021 7:13 PM 184 Any incident that involved officer shootings.1/23/2021 5:29 PM 185 could be informative to community 1/23/2021 2:12 PM 186 Nothing, waste of money and time and will interfere with police doing their job 1/23/2021 1:45 PM 187 This seems obvious, but if the question is being asked I guess it needs to be said plainly: Police serve the community, so it follows that they are accountable to the community. 1/23/2021 11:08 AM 188 Helping the police with job that need more of a human conversation vs safety issues danger emergency where we really need a police officer. 1/23/2021 10:35 AM 189 Police officers typically have an unwarranted arrogance regarding what actions they can and cannot perform while patrolling. It would be a great value to the City for them to be held accountable for any loose or aggressive interactions in order to weed out any bad seeds early on. 1/23/2021 9:20 AM 190 Accountability, objectivity 1/23/2021 2:42 AM 191 extra people watching over our town will help ensure we are alerted to issues soon 1/22/2021 8:07 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 62 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 15 / 59 192 Community contact Walking neighborhoods Defusing not aggressive behavior Hire more locals Make contacts in high schools by visiting and coaching 1/22/2021 5:44 PM 193 I don’t believe this is necessary 1/22/2021 4:25 PM 194 Just to check in.1/22/2021 3:53 PM 195 Perspective, relevance to community 1/22/2021 2:30 PM 196 Transparency 1/22/2021 1:28 PM 197 A huge waist of money. The money would be better served having the police investigate local break in's and drug dealing issues. 1/22/2021 12:34 PM 198 As long as the civilians are independent of the force then is always good to have an outside set of eyes. Having more than one perspective is a good thing. 1/22/2021 11:34 AM 199 It is critical that the oversight committee be racially and socioeconomically diverse. We should have significant representation from the Hispanic and Black communities in Carlsbad. If that means reaching out with civic engagement strategies, then that should be an integral part of the process. It doesn’t make sense for the oversight committee to be made up mostly or entirely of middle & upper socioeconomic groups or lacking racial diversity. The value would be to create a PD that works for all of its citizens, not just the ones who pay the most taxes. 1/22/2021 11:05 AM 200 Push you to actually do your job and get these businesses in the village to comply with the public health order. 1/22/2021 11:02 AM 201 I think it depends on if the civilian oversight is a political position or not. A CO that acts as a liaison to communicate between citizens and police, and follow up on police actions that may not be approved within the scope of duties would a value add. A political appointee working to push ideologies would not. 1/22/2021 11:01 AM 202 none 1/22/2021 10:54 AM 203 Surprised to hear that there isn't civilian oversight of the police department. Seems like something that should have been here all along. 1/22/2021 10:47 AM 204 Always keeping a civilian perspective or even just a different perspective on events that occur. 1/22/2021 10:39 AM 205 None 1/22/2021 9:54 AM 206 Lowering the temptation to cover things up when they go wrong. Officers are human and make mistakes. But they need to be accountable when they aren’t behaving in a manner fitting of the uniform and in the public’s best interest. 1/22/2021 9:36 AM 207 Optics. It’ll look good for the police department.1/22/2021 9:33 AM 208 None.1/22/2021 9:25 AM 209 To have a non-law enforcement perspective add further objectivity to police matters.1/22/2021 9:25 AM 210 To find out how to best help officers in our community.1/21/2021 5:54 PM 211 Ensure police objectivity (fairness) is not biased or partially based on residents' age, political affiliation, marital status, means of transportation, health insurance, sexual orientation, wealth, color/ethnicity, language(s) spoken, heritage/origin, level of education, religious faith (or atheism), physical or mental disability or health, reliance on government assistance or charity, length of time as local residency, or a host of other factors that make us all different in some way -- but still humans deserving of respect and dignity. 1/21/2021 12:42 PM 212 There is no value! Civilians have no idea why police do what they do! It’s a dangerous idea that will end up getting officers hurt! 1/21/2021 10:37 AM 213 I really don’t think it’s necessary for cbad 1/21/2021 5:56 AM 214 Nothing- everyone has an agenda. Unless the person was selected randomly like jury duty then examined for bias it would only make things worse. 1/20/2021 10:05 PM 215 I don’t see any added value.1/20/2021 6:18 PM 216 Since the police report to the city council, we need to be sure that politics are a driving fact 1/20/2021 2:54 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 63 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 16 / 59 Need to understand the policy of applying the different levels of force in dealing with situations Especially when the there is noncompliance by the 217 I have no concerns about the policies or behavior of CPD. I think civilian oversight is not a good use of resources. 1/20/2021 10:11 AM 218 Stop wasting Taxes payers Money !1/20/2021 9:50 AM 219 I would like to have sexual assault and domestic violence procedures reviewed and updated. I am interested in efforts to have both de-escalation training and diversity hiring. 1/20/2021 8:43 AM 220 Do not see the need for Civilian oversight, would just add another layer to Police being able to enforce the community. 1/20/2021 8:13 AM 221 No 1/20/2021 6:44 AM 222 Not much and civilians should not be telling them how to do their job.1/19/2021 9:40 PM 223 Only for a liaison for community input and communications 1/19/2021 9:34 PM 224 Enhance the connection to the community - more transparency & trust building 1/19/2021 8:22 PM 225 None 1/19/2021 6:28 PM 226 It might give our elected officials some political cover so that they can say they are addressing the "social justice issues" which seem to be the issue du jour. 1/19/2021 5:54 PM 227 None 1/19/2021 4:37 PM 228 Zero 1/19/2021 4:21 PM 229 If you are trying to solve a problem. I am unaware of the current Carlsbad problem that you are trying to solve. Is this a response to problems elsewhere? What is motivating this change? 1/19/2021 3:32 PM 230 Our Carlsbad PD has been doing a great job. I see no value in adding this layer of oversight that could impede the great work they have been doing. 1/19/2021 2:47 PM 231 No value.1/19/2021 1:52 PM 232 N/A 1/19/2021 1:27 PM 233 To ensure rights of individuals are being held up with integrity.1/19/2021 1:26 PM 234 NOTHING 1/19/2021 1:06 PM 235 Oversight is needed to assure that all residents are treated with respect and fairness. There may be a need to revise police policies in light of the 8 can't wait guidelines. Community involvement strengthens the trust that citizens feel towards police which could lead to more cooperation when crimes are being investigated. 1/19/2021 12:56 PM 236 Break the Blue Wall of Silence. Provide methods for Police Accountability. Reduce opportunities for cover ups. Reduce incidents of Police abuse. If set up properly, it would help develop and implement efficient and inclusive channels that encourage the community to share their police experiences honestly, and result in the ability of unbiased overseers to swiftly respond to those concerns in a meaningful way. 1/19/2021 12:28 PM 237 to my knowledge, there is no need 1/19/2021 11:45 AM 238 We do not need oversight!1/19/2021 11:29 AM 239 I believe very little value, in today’s world we have more civilians divided looking out for their beliefs more than what is best for the city 1/19/2021 11:05 AM 240 None 1/19/2021 10:51 AM 241 n/a 1/19/2021 10:48 AM 242 there is no need it's insulting 1/19/2021 10:45 AM 243 It is not needed.1/19/2021 10:36 AM 244 carlsbad is a peaceful, family based community. We do not need people with extra free time on their hands turning our community against each other. 1/19/2021 10:27 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 64 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 17 / 59 245 We do not need to pay more in tax dollars for added civilian oversight. Carlsbad PD is doing a great job! 1/19/2021 10:18 AM 246 None 1/19/2021 10:17 AM 247 none - our police department is outstanding!1/19/2021 9:31 AM 248 To make sure cops, like the one that punched the lady on the ground, will get proper discipline. Vetting the department for right wing extremism and sedition. 1/19/2021 9:20 AM 249 No need 1/19/2021 9:12 AM 250 Just watching the homeless, getting them help or move along Night patrols of neighborhoods for car theft 1/19/2021 6:15 AM 251 There is no value attributed to adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department 1/19/2021 5:29 AM 252 Waste of time and money 1/19/2021 5:26 AM 253 A clearer understanding of the actions taken by officers, why they do what they do, their limits as determined by law and department procedures. Some oversight will offer clarity to the public perspective of police interaction . 1/19/2021 5:14 AM 254 None other than to forward certain individual's agendas.1/19/2021 5:11 AM 255 None, they do great job 1/19/2021 5:03 AM 256 It would give busybodies something to do.1/19/2021 3:25 AM 257 The value may be just in showing the City is progressive enough to have a civilian oversight team to review complaints/issues. 1/19/2021 2:52 AM 258 None.1/18/2021 11:42 PM 259 No value, civilians do not have experience or knowledge in situations Police are confronted with. Monday morning quarterbacking and criticism based off of our "feelings and opinion" makes their job unnecessarily harder. 1/18/2021 11:12 PM 260 There is no need.1/18/2021 10:48 PM 261 Balance, fairness.1/18/2021 9:58 PM 262 Not sure what value civilian oversight would bring.1/18/2021 9:13 PM 263 Check on power, check on unions 1/18/2021 8:57 PM 264 NONE 1/18/2021 8:41 PM 265 No value whatsoever 1/18/2021 8:23 PM 266 Ensure external accountability.1/18/2021 7:58 PM 267 Outside accountability.1/18/2021 7:46 PM 268 To make sure Cori Schumacher doesn’t make our police force enforce things that are ridiculous. 1/18/2021 7:32 PM 269 None 1/18/2021 7:29 PM 270 Objective outsiders may help in assessing levels of police response to different activities and raising the issue if police activities are questionable. 1/18/2021 7:19 PM 271 Not needed 1/18/2021 7:14 PM 272 Positively no value / no need. Please don't waste our resources. This survey itself shouldn't even be happening. I'm glad I caught it before this one slip through our fingers. Sneaky! 1/18/2021 7:13 PM 273 Ensuring that there are outside parties who can ensure the voice of the community and views of non law enforcement are present before a crisis occurs. 1/18/2021 6:54 PM 274 Nothing 1/18/2021 6:34 PM 275 Not needed 1/18/2021 5:47 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 65 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 18 / 59 276 No value that I see.1/18/2021 5:46 PM 277 Add trust for residents that Carlsbad is reaching out on this issue as it does on many other issues. 1/18/2021 5:40 PM 278 We do not need this.1/18/2021 5:29 PM 279 None. Just get in the way. Not needed at this time as they are doing a great job.1/18/2021 5:27 PM 280 Waste of time and resources.1/18/2021 5:23 PM 281 Oversight of Union/overtime use etc Politcs being a NO NO 1/18/2021 5:21 PM 282 no value/no need.1/18/2021 5:02 PM 283 Continuing to keep the citizens safe at a time where people are at their worst.1/18/2021 5:01 PM 284 I dislike the word oversight. I would prefer to have occasional, scheduled community forums to talk about specific issues, like the meeting to discuss homelessness a couple of years that I attended at the Community Center in Carlsbad. 1/18/2021 4:50 PM 285 Not needed 1/18/2021 4:43 PM 286 None 1/18/2021 4:43 PM 287 political agenda 1/18/2021 4:41 PM 288 There is absolutely no value or need of adding civilian oversight for residents or businesses owners. 1/18/2021 4:33 PM 289 At this point, I'm not sure I see the need.1/18/2021 4:15 PM 290 None is needed 1/18/2021 4:05 PM 291 Ensure PD has the resources, tools and training needed to do job. Serve as an independent group to hear controversial issues involving the PD that occur in the community. 1/18/2021 3:56 PM 292 To make sure the high standards expected from Carlsbad PD continue for a long time. To make sure that new recruits are aware of this oversight and "bad apples" are detected and weeded out immediately. Oversight is always helpful. Diversity education is always helpful. 1/18/2021 3:55 PM 293 Help the community have more confidence in the Police Department and provide more transparency 1/18/2021 3:55 PM 294 Having an outside and broader perspective can bring unique insights and solutions that may be otherwise missed 1/18/2021 3:50 PM 295 None!1/18/2021 3:35 PM 296 Personally, I haven’t seen the need for Civilian oversight to be added to the CPD.1/18/2021 3:30 PM 297 no value at all; leave them alone to do their jobs ! We do not need civilians, who bring their own agenda to the table hindering the police department 1/18/2021 3:11 PM 298 none 1/18/2021 3:00 PM 299 As long as it is not Cori Schumacher!!1/18/2021 2:46 PM 300 Zero 1/18/2021 2:42 PM 301 Oversight 1/18/2021 2:23 PM 302 Nome 1/18/2021 1:58 PM 303 None 1/18/2021 1:58 PM 304 Nothing if laws can’t be enforced 1/18/2021 1:53 PM 305 We should let the expert run its own department.1/18/2021 1:49 PM 306 No need. They must be independent. No political issues must not be involved to police job. 1/18/2021 1:48 PM 307 I do not see any value.1/18/2021 1:46 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 66 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 19 / 59 308 No need 1/18/2021 1:45 PM 309 not needed 1/18/2021 1:22 PM 310 None 1/18/2021 1:19 PM 311 What is the meaning of this? Have people iphone recording every interaction with the police? 1/18/2021 1:17 PM 312 There is no obvious benefit from having civilian oversight. The police do their job and do it well. It is a waste of the city’s time and money to consider this and keep running around in circles to get power and authority over the community. 1/18/2021 1:07 PM 313 It would be terrible, no value at all.1/18/2021 1:05 PM 314 I do not believe it is a good idea for the police is oversighted by a civilians.1/18/2021 1:03 PM 315 Additional set of eyes representing civilians.1/18/2021 12:49 PM 316 The mission is clearly intrusive micromanagement by people who simply want power and control. CPD has a difficult enough job as it is. 1/18/2021 12:44 PM 317 none 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 318 none 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 319 No value and waste of Police departments time 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 320 Other than a neighborhood watch program I do not want the general public with oversight with our Police Department. Their job is already hard enough without bringing in people with some “Review” board that will limit the capability for them to protect the taxpayers in Carlsbad. 1/18/2021 12:31 PM 321 None.1/18/2021 12:28 PM 322 There would be zero value to have entitled snitched roaming the streets. In fact, it would create extreme animosity between neighbors. 1/18/2021 12:25 PM 323 No need! They are doing a fine job!!! I’ve lived in Carlsbad since 1959, raised my family here and trust our police. 1/18/2021 12:18 PM 324 None. The police don't need civilian oversight.1/18/2021 12:18 PM 325 Not needed 1/18/2021 12:12 PM 326 None 1/18/2021 12:07 PM 327 Your idea is stupid Corey, nice workaround after getting shot down last week 1/18/2021 12:05 PM 328 So members of the public know what the police are doing. Watching the police on the news across the nation this last year has shaken my trust in the police. How does the CPD measure up? 1/18/2021 12:02 PM 329 NONE!!! - Another overreach of government. Leave our wonderful police alone!1/18/2021 11:30 AM 330 Hopefully after the inauguration and Covid vaccines things will return to "normal", but there is currently a sense of rebellion and lawlessness that make our city feel less safe. 1/18/2021 11:17 AM 331 None. It's a waste of money, they have done nothing wrong.1/18/2021 10:37 AM 332 A third party that would ideally dispassionately review police actions.1/18/2021 9:57 AM 333 None 1/18/2021 8:49 AM 334 This is an opportunity to leverage our Carlsbad PD strengths and to lead other PD in the state with a CRB. This will ensure that policies and procedures are updated accordingly and adhered to by the PD. In addition, involving community members in this effort would help the CRB succeed and engage provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to engage in the process. Also our community needs to ensure that the PD is adhering to the rules. Carlsbad PD is already above the bench mark and a CRB will also place them even higher and make them a leader. 1/17/2021 8:13 PM 335 A sense of responsibility for both parties 1/17/2021 7:39 PM 336 No oversight needed. They are CDs ping an excellent job!1/17/2021 5:23 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 67 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 20 / 59 337 If there were corruption in the department.1/17/2021 4:59 PM 338 Minimal at this point in time. Community is stable, civically driven, and great pride in their homes and area. No civil unrest or controversy beyond hopeful Covid restriction relief soon 1/17/2021 12:43 PM 339 Although I have not had any negative experiences with Carlsbad police, and work with them as a CERT team member, other people have. They seem to be predominantly minorities such as black and Hispanic people. There was also that horrible video of that officer beating up Cindy Hahn that has stuck in my mind even though it happened years ago. I guess I am of the opinion that the police work for us and if they are doing everything on the up-and-up, they should not mind having the additional oversight and assistance that such a board could bring to the table. 1/17/2021 11:31 AM 340 The only value would be to waste time and money instead of spending it where it is needed. 1/17/2021 7:32 AM 341 Different perspective to help Carlsbad police make decisions and understand community opinions. 1/17/2021 6:02 AM 342 None 1/16/2021 11:34 PM 343 One word - ACCOUNTABILITY. Today there is little to none.1/16/2021 9:09 PM 344 To increase trust among the community.1/16/2021 8:26 PM 345 Outside perspective, community engagement, shared responsibility and cooperation 1/16/2021 4:10 PM 346 No additional value. Please just let the officers do their jobs without interference.1/16/2021 2:40 PM 347 Reassure the community 1/16/2021 2:21 PM 348 None.1/16/2021 1:50 PM 349 I personally don't see the need to add civilian oversight.1/16/2021 1:35 PM 350 All government organizations should have public oversight to keep them honest and representative of the communities they work for. This is especially true during covid 19. 1/16/2021 12:54 PM 351 Checks on appropriateness of enforcements by police. Ex: Did the police overstep bounds or disregard citizen’s rights? 1/16/2021 12:46 PM 352 Any government agency can benefit from input from the community.1/16/2021 10:58 AM 353 Our police department is the number one expense of the city's budget (general fund) which is funded mostly by city residents through property taxes. There should be more transparency and oversight into how this money is spent and what outcomes are expected. Also, the majority of cities in the U.S. have civilian oversight of their police departments and Carlsbad should have the same. 1/16/2021 10:57 AM 354 To make sure police department is aware of community concerns 1/16/2021 9:44 AM 355 I thinks it’s always helpful for law enforcement to receive feedback on their impact on the community 1/16/2021 9:16 AM 356 Making sure that it’s providing respectful service to all 1/16/2021 8:44 AM 357 To maintain peace; to reduce petty crime; to show a presence so those thinking about committing a crime may re-think it. 1/16/2021 7:04 AM 358 CPD needs to be aware of the feelings of the people it is serving. We need open communication 1/16/2021 5:39 AM 359 I suggest experts in certain fields like domestic violence....to help educate officers how to properly handle calls when non violent yet threatening.... 1/16/2021 1:52 AM 360 Would help the police focus on concerns of their citizens. And trust level 1/15/2021 11:15 PM 361 Input regarding homeless, theft in neighborhoods, identifying at risk people ie having a program for kids with ASD or other behavioral health issues. 1/15/2021 10:55 PM 362 Police departments need another perspective then the one they have been using for centuries. 1/15/2021 10:47 PM 363 Keeping Karens happy.1/15/2021 10:43 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 68 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 21 / 59 364 None 1/15/2021 10:38 PM 365 No value 1/15/2021 9:36 PM 366 Just more and different eyes.1/15/2021 9:00 PM 367 Nothing,not needed 1/15/2021 7:23 PM 368 none that I can see except maybe make the politicians feel more powerful - which we do not need. 1/15/2021 7:21 PM 369 It is important that the community be able to share it own priorities and to be heard.1/15/2021 6:44 PM 370 Not convinced there is a need, have not witnessed or heard of issues. The hope would be there isn't (much of) an issue, but we also have to keep a lookout for any that crop up. 1/15/2021 6:02 PM 371 None 1/15/2021 5:50 PM 372 None 1/15/2021 5:45 PM 373 Always best to have a neutral third party.1/15/2021 5:39 PM 374 There is no need. We have a fine police dept. let them do their job.1/15/2021 5:33 PM 375 There is not a need in my opinion.1/15/2021 5:05 PM 376 Accountability.1/15/2021 4:49 PM 377 Oversight of diversity training protocols, use of force training, measuring unconscious bias. 1/15/2021 4:45 PM 378 Adding civilian oversight would help earn trust with community members. Especially community members of color. 1/15/2021 4:29 PM 379 builds trust and respect between law enforcement and citizens 1/15/2021 4:26 PM 380 Probably zero value unless it fits the democratic narrative.1/15/2021 4:21 PM 381 I do not see a need in Carlsbad. Possible exception is more enforcement of COVID related orders (downtown restaurants in particular), but I realize that issue had been discussed by the City Council. The police in Carlsbad do an exceptional job 1/15/2021 4:17 PM 382 Wasted resources 1/15/2021 4:12 PM 383 I see no value in this, why fix something that is not broken?1/15/2021 4:10 PM 384 Checks and balance. Throttle back some of the overbearing police attitude found on the street. 1/15/2021 4:02 PM 385 Oversight 1/15/2021 4:00 PM 386 None 1/15/2021 3:57 PM 387 An oversight board may help improve community relations during this troubled time by increasing the public’s trust in transparency and in understanding CPD policies and procedures. 1/15/2021 3:37 PM 388 Test comment 1/15/2021 10:32 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 69 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 22 / 59 Q6 What problems, issues or concerns would use of civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department solve or create? Answered: 390 Skipped: 122 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Political influence, corruption, wasted tax payer money. Let the law enforcement professionals do their jobs to protect and to serve our community. 2/11/2021 4:59 AM 2 There is no known issue with our Police. It is a a waste of resources to look for problems where there are none. 2/9/2021 8:52 PM 3 Police Dept. needs to be supported by the community and local politicians. Police dept. has their hands tied due to passage of poorly written laws regarding homelessness (homeless problems are increasing); misdemeanors vs felonies (stealing is stealing); etc. 2/9/2021 5:05 PM 4 I believe civilian oversight would facilitate greater discussion/awareness of blindspots and areas where policing could be targeted to address more serious crime while lower level (e.g. traffic) could be handled as more of an administrative issue. More constructive treatment of mental health issues could also be addressed. 2/9/2021 4:36 PM 5 We have a very large homeless/ drug addict / petty criminal element in district 1. Police are apparently not able to do anything about it so perhaps civilian oversight could help. 2/9/2021 1:30 PM 6 It gives staff and civilians a meeting place to express their concerns and gain greater insight and unity of purpose for ALL. 2/9/2021 12:29 PM 7 Why is PD responding to mental health crises? Bully mentality in the PD PDs use of force - Differences in use among racial/ethnic groups, address inequities. Add social workers to the PD for appropriate/non-violent response with people with disabilities, psychiatric emergencies, non-crime related calls to 911. Eliminating the use of police cars/handcuffs on people who are having a mental health crisis. The militarization of PD. We need a caring/trustworthy force, not militia with an US vs. THEM mentality. The PD works for the community and we need to create a consistent dialogue that includes those who are disenfranchised. Understanding the culture of the CPD and adapt to changing times. 2/9/2021 11:33 AM 8 We are all hopefully becoming aware of how differently people of color are sometimes treated and that white privilege is an undeniable aspect of our society and institutions. Civilian, independent oversight may help identify practices that need modification. 2/9/2021 10:57 AM 9 There is no need for civilian oversight, especially if civilians have little knowledge of police procedures, policies,etc. If residents want a place to register their concerns or complaints against the police, there could be a city police committee responsible for receiving and assessing complaints. I note that one participant in the police oversight meeting last night used the opportunity to display his logo, "Carlsbad Equality Coalition", in the background behind him. This should never happen. He was also allowed more time to speak than anyone else. He clearly has a political axe to grind. We don't need this kind of politicization of our police and our city. 2/9/2021 10:29 AM 10 It could 'tie the hands' of police just trying to to their job without being overly scrutinized, so it's a tricky situation 2/9/2021 10:02 AM 11 Unless those that are choosen for oversight have walked in law enforcement shoes, and understand what protect and serve really means, the committee would be adversarial and would create more danger for the lives that the police department protects and for the police themselves. 2/9/2021 8:49 AM 12 Would create more problems 2/8/2021 10:27 PM 13 Perhaps not the best use of resources, an appearance that our police are not trusted.2/8/2021 9:30 PM 14 To ensure that when there is a problem, that the department recognizes the problem. With independent civilian oversight, the mechanism for accountability is no longer internal, 2/8/2021 7:58 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 70 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 23 / 59 becoming more transparent to the community, which would foster more trust. 15 NONE Having a conversations with Members of the community is one thing, but oversight is ridiculous. 2/8/2021 6:16 PM 16 eyes on the ground.2/8/2021 5:35 PM 17 When a small minority of people with differing opinions and a loud voice gets involved in processes that are working fine, it can create problems for the vast majority of folks who are completely satisfied with the way things are. 2/8/2021 5:34 PM 18 Oversight will stifle police from being proactive in their jobs and protecting Carlsbad citizens and property 2/8/2021 5:25 PM 19 It would make cops question their decisions when dealing with minority individuals as opposed to them relying on their training. 2/8/2021 5:23 PM 20 Let the police do their jobs.2/8/2021 5:14 PM 21 I think a civilian oversight committee will create more problems and hinder the Police. Who decides on the members of an oversight committee? What qualifications will be required to be on any oversight committee? What exactly can the Carlsbad Equity Coalition point to that requires oversight? There is no benefit to the residents and business owners in Carlsbad. The whole idea is from a group of people with a political agenda looking for a problem, If the committee is ever formed, I expect they will immediately justify their existence by "finding" problems. These type of actions will be demoralizing to our Police Officers who have a good track record. This is a slap in the face to our Carlsbad Police Department. I have lived in or operated a business in Carlsbad for most of the last 70 years. My family members are currently Carlsbad Residents. We Love Carlsbad! 2/8/2021 4:32 PM 22 It could help keep errant officers stay honest and identify trends that otherwise go unnoticed. But civilian oversight could also be used to unnecessarily harass officers/CPD. 2/8/2021 3:47 PM 23 Too much input and requests for regulation/monitoring fueled by personal opinion not by the policing needs to keep the city safe and secure. 2/8/2021 3:07 PM 24 Civilians don't always understand the complexities and restrictions of police work. Conversely, some police depts can hide behind those complexities and ignore public input which leads to catastrophic failures in trust. I would hope that local elected leaders would hold Police Dept leadership accountable but that doesn't always happen so limited civilian oversight may be a good idea. 2/8/2021 2:26 PM 25 Could possibly compromise police being able to do their jobs properly. Also, potential and unnecessary additional costs. 2/8/2021 8:55 AM 26 Help remove waste of taxpayer dollars 2/7/2021 9:02 PM 27 It would create a less meaningful law enforcement in the City. a civilian oversight would impede the police from doing their jobs properly. 2/7/2021 1:06 PM 28 A politicized, "woke" group taking up residence in our city and changing our community for the worse. 2/7/2021 9:32 AM 29 Civilian oversight will impede the effectiveness of our outstanding Carlsbad Police 2/6/2021 9:30 PM 30 Carlsbad police seem to have just gotten their drivers license, pair that with the need to lock up the homeless and unfortunate while not doing anything about mask mandates or punishing those breaking them, bars are literally open all throughout the fucking village with people not wearing masks and spreading this damn virus. You are KILLING our people by doing nothing. Shame. 2/6/2021 9:17 PM 31 Homeless rumors could be dispelled. Police might lose a certain amount of policing authority. 2/6/2021 7:03 PM 32 Adds to the red tape. We just need to spend our dollars on training for unconscious bias and such to the police directly. 2/6/2021 6:52 PM 33 move special events and homeless outreach to other departments.2/6/2021 3:05 PM 34 Separating and causing mistrust between civilians and law enforcement.2/6/2021 9:31 AM 35 Problems would be created. The CPD is excellent already.2/6/2021 9:29 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 71 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 24 / 59 36 It wouldn’t 2/6/2021 8:16 AM 37 Transparency of internal functions and directives 2/6/2021 6:57 AM 38 Hopefully, it would help create some accountability to the citizenry.2/6/2021 5:33 AM 39 Having additional civilian oversight is lame and would cause decreased police morale as well as weaker responsiveness. 2/5/2021 7:15 PM 40 None 2/5/2021 6:48 PM 41 Have civilian would scare me to death stay out of their business and let them do their job 2/5/2021 6:24 PM 42 I see people taking advantage and I see it causing division in our community. It’s already this way on the Next Door app. Let’s just let the police do the policing in our city. 2/5/2021 6:18 PM 43 Benefits could include civilian community members with a better understanding of law enforcement practices; regular civilian feedback from trusted partners to law enforcement on perception and impact of practices in the community; an "outside" perspective on contentious events during reviews; and the stronger perception by the public that law enforcement is subject to review by an "outside" entity, reassuring people that LEOs are not operating in a vacuum with respect to community impact. Issues could include extended or more-frequent- than-necessary review of practices, policies, and actions on calls; impacts to morale if the oversight process is (or is perceived to be) less cooperatively focused on developing improvements than punitive; civilian perception that the oversight board is "too close" to law enforcement to objectively evaluate issues or represent the interests of the public; and perception that the board is "driving a wedge" between law enforcement personnel and the rest of the community, either by law enforcement or non-LE community members. 2/5/2021 6:11 PM 44 Expensive, inadequate investigations. Political manipulation.2/5/2021 6:05 PM 45 Patrol in other than high crime areas. Affluent neighborhoods are just as prone if not more so than other neighborhoods. 2/5/2021 5:22 PM 46 CPD would be more aware of & hopefully target certain problems civilians are concerned with if there were civilian oversight rather than overall problems. 2/5/2021 4:59 PM 47 Perhaps the ability to leverage additional resources for homelessness and tourist issues 2/5/2021 9:46 AM 48 May show the resident concern level is higher than CPD gives credit too 2/5/2021 9:13 AM 49 The problems are inherent to a police force and not necessarily apparent in Carlsbad, but could some day be more relevant. So civilian oversight would be more of a proactive measure. 2/5/2021 9:12 AM 50 I am very concerned that we have unfairly gone after ALL police because they have become a victim of many radicals. No one will every excuse some of the terrible action of a very few but to paint all police with the same brush is not factual. I strongly believe the CPD wants the best people on the street and I see little evidence if an outside group would fix something that is already working well. I see no data nationwide that our police are out of control and any person if they review the FBI data with an open mind comparing % will see this. Sadly it has been a plus to spit on police, take over streets, hurt and kill police by a very few. But even worse some stand by and let it happen.Shame on you What do you think will happen if many leave CPD who will you call GOOD LUCK 2/5/2021 12:19 AM 51 Civilian oversight would interfere with allowing the officers to do the job they were highly trained to do - enforce our laws in order to protect lives and property, among many other duties. We should support and trust our police officers who put their lives on the line every day for our law abiding citizens. It's the non-law abiding citizens who need the oversight, as our liberal society has destroyed our morals, values, and incentives to follow rules and laws. 2/4/2021 4:07 PM 52 This could politicize the policies and processes that are already in place.2/4/2021 2:08 PM 53 As has been already proven in other major cities when oversight/control of police depts exists murder and violent crime escalates. Statistics from 2020 show murders up 95% in Milwakee, 78% in Louisville, Ky, 74% in Seattle, 72% in Minneapolis, 62% in New Orleans and 58% in Atlanta according to data compiled by crime analyst Jeff Asher. " Police officers believe that they face a political and legal environment that is eager to sacrifice them in the name of racial justice." quoting from a WSJ article from January 25, 2021. 2/4/2021 9:43 AM 54 We need more PERT trained officers 2/4/2021 9:26 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 72 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 25 / 59 55 Adds an additional layer to further influence carlsbad police to sustain proper behavior and adherence to law enforcement improving the standards of ethics. 2/3/2021 11:35 AM 56 It could become politicized.2/3/2021 10:50 AM 57 could interfere with the orderly conduct of their duties and compromise morale 2/3/2021 10:12 AM 58 Potential that civilians with ZERO law enforcement experience could sway sweeping changes to something that is very very difficult and takes on the job experience to know. 2/3/2021 9:39 AM 59 It would hamper the ability of police officers to effectively perform their duties 2/3/2021 5:15 AM 60 It would only create problems, no need what-so-ever 2/3/2021 5:09 AM 61 let the police department do their job without civilian oversight, however accept civilian input for areas that need attention in our community 2/2/2021 5:04 PM 62 Zero. This is a waste of time.2/2/2021 3:32 PM 63 The creation of a committee creates additional usage of city resources that would be better spent elsewhere. 2/2/2021 3:24 PM 64 I’m worried about more red tape for the police to go through with added community involvement 2/2/2021 2:51 AM 65 In truth NONE if established equitably.2/1/2021 12:44 PM 66 Second guessing our officers will lead to an unsafe city. We have more of a problem with our city council not representing the citizens. Very Few people were in favor of closing our restaurants, yet Cory led her own program without backing of the community. Who elected these representatives... The citizens! 2/1/2021 11:55 AM 67 rejecting racism and systemic issues that only outsider oversight might recognize 2/1/2021 11:30 AM 68 Great questions! I think by creating an "oversight" committee, who may or may not have a background or context for law enforcement issues, a number of problems could be created, just by virtue of it having been set up to look for them. 2/1/2021 10:04 AM 69 More police presence. Change in attitude towards interactions with citizens Be community partners 2/1/2021 6:14 AM 70 Civilian oversight would ensure that the Carlsbad police department serves the communities need and ultimately answers to the community 1/31/2021 9:12 PM 71 It would resolve issues with Inappropriate approaches to mentally handicapped people, ensure that there are not unfair policies for homeless, people of color etc. 1/31/2021 8:50 PM 72 Potential police misconducts against civilians and potential misconceptions of civilians about the Carlsbad Police Department 1/31/2021 8:48 PM 73 Better transparency. Good PR for PD if they are doing a good job. Build trust with the community 1/31/2021 7:31 PM 74 I am not sure but I believe why try fix something that doesn't appeared broken. Some isolated incidents that happened elsewhere don't insure it is happening everywhere. 1/31/2021 6:51 PM 75 It might create more issues than it solves. See problems where there are none.1/31/2021 3:44 PM 76 Civilian oversight means becoming a social experiment where those of us who cannot afford our own private security will suffer the most. Look at the disaster that Portland and Seattle have become. We need to let the police do their jobs, which is primarily to protect the tax paying citizens of Carlsbad. 1/31/2021 11:01 AM 77 Hopefully, civilian oversight would make public and dole out consequences for all issues of unfair treatment and unreasonable use of force upon people of different races, ethnicity, religion, homelessness, and mental problems. Hopefully a civilian oversight committee can suggest implementation of new practices which put citizens safety first. 1/31/2021 5:47 AM 78 It would foster trust and accountability which are of paramount importance. I have been in so many countries and few agencies regard themselves as superior and/or in opposition to the people they ostensibly serve than the police in the USA. This can change and I would love to see it happen here. This being said I have seen a great amount of progress in the Carlsbad 1/30/2021 9:33 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 73 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 26 / 59 police department over the years I have been here, I recognize that they face a great challenge and do great work largely unrecognized among the community, and I applaud them overall. 79 It would only solve the many issues arriving from a lack of trust and a lack of communication. I see no downside to this. 1/30/2021 8:32 PM 80 Our officers shouldn't need to walk on egg shells while doing their job. Civilians don't know the first thing about policing. There's no need to include them. Our CPD is great. 1/30/2021 7:39 PM 81 That's the point - I don't believe there are problems or issues that need resolution. Our police force does a great job! 1/30/2021 5:39 PM 82 Hopefully it will solve a perception problem that the Police are a clique of enforcers who are biased against minorities. 1/30/2021 5:27 PM 83 They need more training in nonviolent communication.1/30/2021 5:13 PM 84 Police misconduct Racial profiling Unnecessary force 1/30/2021 3:15 PM 85 It can help reduce racial bias and profiling, unequal penalties or excessive force concerns, and help the department communicate with citizens. 1/30/2021 3:03 PM 86 The Carlsbad police may need to pass some responsibility of responding to homeless issues to other agencies. 1/30/2021 2:40 PM 87 Political adgenda issues could contribute to straying from the main focus of the police dept, that is to protect the public and enforce the law. 1/30/2021 12:57 PM 88 The police already have their hands tied by laws that protect criminals, not honest citizens. Motivation to oversee the police is political in nature, by those who seek to defund the police department as a punishment to our local law enforcement for actions taken in the past few years by a few "bad apples" in police departments outside our county and state. 1/30/2021 8:38 AM 89 The primary one is increased transparency. If an officer did nothing wrong then a review by a civilian board would add credibility to that decision. In addition, sometimes the officer followed policy, but policy needs to be reviewed. Just like the board of directors for a corporation, it's always beneficial to have outside perspective and input. 1/30/2021 7:47 AM 90 Issues that could be of benefit could include training of officers to de-esculate situations; Educate to stop profiling; Take pride in being an honest officer and not cover for coworkers with bad behavior or break police policy. Any staff that would have concern with civilian oversight could give the impression they have something to hide or think they can do no wrong. Also as times change so should policies improve. 1/29/2021 8:53 PM 91 None that I'm aware of.1/29/2021 8:00 PM 92 creates doubt and confusion about police actions 1/29/2021 7:46 PM 93 I would not support any political interference of civilian oversight...ie activist groups whose primary goal is to defund or weaken police law enforcement. This leads to deterioration of the community with increased crime and overall deterioration of trust. 1/29/2021 6:45 PM 94 With every conflict comes division. An oversight MAY help resolve conflicts.1/29/2021 3:17 PM 95 We do not need woke crybabies second guessing loyal hard working well meaning police officers trying to do their job to protect us. The couple times i have needed the Carlsbad police, they responded almost immediately and were tremendously professional. Leave them alone so they can continue to serve our residents in that manner. 1/29/2021 12:45 PM 96 Solely for the purpose of focusing on the increasing crime issues that they are being addressed in a priority manner. 1/29/2021 11:21 AM 97 Hopefully an unbiased evaluation of any given situation.1/29/2021 10:55 AM 98 Will only work if the overseer(s) are neutral and don't have a personal axe to grind. Selecting such people might be difficult in today's hyper-political environment. 1/29/2021 10:55 AM 99 Not responding to calls that are upmost importance. I've been living indoors for three years. I'm still seeing the police department choosing what calls they want to go to. I've a restraining order on a gentleman that is not from here. The police department refuses to do their job. It takes anywhere from an hour to five hours to respond. 1/29/2021 9:44 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 74 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 27 / 59 100 A civilian oversight entity will send a message that our PD is not trusted. CBD PD is an honorable agency whose employees maintain a high level of professionalism and ethical behavior who are committed to public service. There are internal mechanisms in place to ensure accountability and quality assurance without the need of an oversight entity. An oversight entity will operate and react with emotion and little knowledge of Law Enforcement work. The oversight entity will be susceptible to attempt to impose capricious political agendas that do little to advance public safety. 1/29/2021 8:32 AM 101 I think it would help create a community so that we work together to solve problems. not an us vs them narrative like it is currently. 1/28/2021 7:13 PM 102 Important to look at issue of mental illness and how police are trained to deal with various situations. 1/28/2021 4:44 PM 103 It could create longer case-processing times, however civilian oversight is a case-by-case issue. Again a problem it would solve is lack of civilian confidence in the police department. 1/28/2021 4:08 PM 104 One thing that stands out in PD's vs Sheriffs. Is that the PD are influenced more by political issues vs general law enforcement activities, we are here to serve. Not as much their (PD) fault as is the city leaders that set the agenda. And the PD is obligated to follow them. 1/28/2021 3:47 PM 105 The only problem civilian oversight can create is uncovering a problem with the police department. Discovering this problem is also the means to the beginning of a solution. 1/28/2021 3:17 PM 106 Civilian oversight will help to aid in the gap between the use of power of police officers and the citizens being policed. More transparency will help to eliminate the systemic problems surrounding police brutality, neglect, and abuse within the justice system. Civilian oversight provides more checks to help the communities being taken advantage of by those in power. The officers truly serving the public should have no problem with these checks in place, and I personally will feel safer when an officer drives by instead of clutching the wheel hard as I wait until they are gone. I would feel safer in my city with the use of civilian oversight. 1/28/2021 1:03 PM 107 I think it could get way too political, divisive, and stymying for the police.1/28/2021 12:41 PM 108 Right now the climate is to go easy on crime. We need to be rough on crime so we don’t have the same issues that other cities have right now. 1/28/2021 12:32 PM 109 Contribute in rebuilding trust. Increase awareness to prevent future questionable altercations. 1/28/2021 10:51 AM 110 See above. While I personally believe that police officers should get more training, not less; they don’t need to be policed by individuals who don’t know how to do their job. It’s a stressful and dangerous job where you’re life is on the line. 1/28/2021 3:26 AM 111 it increases transparency in our local government 1/27/2021 11:29 PM 112 Civilian are just what they are citizens. We need to trust the police to do their jobs. The chief is responsible for the actions of their Staff. The BIGGEST PROBLEMS IS SACRAMENTO LAWS THAT HAVE TIED THE OFFICERS HANDS AND PREVENTS THEM FROM DOING THEIR JOBS! 1/27/2021 9:48 PM 113 Annoying idiots on the committee are possible. Perhaps an elected board? Randos bad. Oversight good. 1/27/2021 9:04 PM 114 Likely create issues around second-guessing police dept decisions and divert time and energy away from police actually doing their job. 1/27/2021 8:57 PM 115 I am of firm belief that an oversight committee is being created out of an emotional response rather an informed and strategic response. Our LEO are educated and professionals that are the experts in the field. There should NOT be a committee telling them what to do just like there are no oversight committees telling other expert professionals how to do their job better. 1/27/2021 8:30 PM 116 Lack of follow up after a small crime 1/27/2021 5:19 PM 117 N/A 1/27/2021 5:05 PM 118 They are unarmed and trained to de-escalate situations 1/27/2021 12:03 PM 119 It would create useless red tape and levels of bureaucracy hampering and discouraging our police from doing their jobs. Let’s let the professionals do it and keep the amateurs to whine to the media. 1/27/2021 11:37 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 75 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 28 / 59 120 It would be a group for the citizens to go to to air their grievances with the police.1/27/2021 11:35 AM 121 See above. Racism is a systemic problem in our country and needs to be eradicated.1/27/2021 10:16 AM 122 Better data to track and share information.1/27/2021 9:51 AM 123 Equal treatment of people in their interactions with police. Quicker feedback on poor police behaviour. 1/27/2021 8:47 AM 124 No e 1/27/2021 6:23 AM 125 Change might be difficult for the Department to adjust to.1/26/2021 11:34 PM 126 Hijacking of civilian oversight by malevolent, anti community entities.1/26/2021 10:48 PM 127 Those who don't believe in science. Those leaders on the council and other city leaders who have been able to do as they choose and benefit themselves for years. 1/26/2021 9:53 PM 128 They don’t know what the laws are. Carlsbad PD is taking care of the laws perfectly. The city council members Cori is trying to over reach her power. 1/26/2021 8:42 PM 129 I think the civilian oversight could be a problem in that their lack of experience in police matters could hinder police methods. 1/26/2021 8:24 PM 130 It would insert politics into police, noonpartisanship 1/26/2021 8:21 PM 131 It would help address systemic racism; it would not create any problems or concerns.1/26/2021 8:20 PM 132 Enforce Covid mandates 1/26/2021 8:19 PM 133 Questions about restraint of people and operations.1/26/2021 7:17 PM 134 https://abcnews.go.com/US/millions-lawsuit-settlements-hidden-cost-police-misconduct- legal/story?id=70999540 https://www.npr.org/2020/09/19/914170214/police-settlements-how- the-cost-of-misconduct-impacts-cities-and-taxpayers 1/26/2021 7:16 PM 135 Avoidance of racial profiling, and a consistent application of de-escalation practices and the use of force towards all citizens. 1/26/2021 6:50 PM 136 A concern that could result from community oversight of the police is that recommendations could be ignored. How will this civilian oversight be different? How will results be measured when recommendations are made? What methods are being used to determine who serves on such a committee? 1/26/2021 6:33 PM 137 If the civilian oversight is truly independent, then I believe this group will help solve problems. If the oversight is tied too closely to the police department, then it will be less useful. In other words, this group must have substance, it cannot be in name-only. 1/26/2021 6:18 PM 138 Understanding of the required and needed environment in dealing with legitimately threatening situations while protecting our officers. 1/26/2021 5:47 PM 139 Civilians are not professionally trained 1/26/2021 4:09 PM 140 None. It would be a positive step. If police dept has issues with Civilian oversight that would be concerning. 1/26/2021 3:45 PM 141 The City Council is there to exercise oversight with respect to the Carlsbad Police Department. Additional layers of oversight would only serve to make the difficult job of police officers that much harder. So-called civilian review boards frequently and understandably create morale problems amongst police officers. 1/26/2021 3:41 PM 142 Civilians don't know how to police the police.1/26/2021 3:05 PM 143 The idea of having a citizen oversight committee for this city is clearly a political idea based on current leftist ideology. There have been zero issues identified in the Carlsbad PD relating to race relations. I have read about anecdotal stories, but these are different than actual data. Therefore, the conversations in the committee would be futile and not based on data. Additionally, citizens are not typically trained in police procedures and do not have this specific knowledge to share in these meetings. 1/26/2021 2:15 PM 144 Pressure to not apply enforcement equally to all or too leniently.1/26/2021 2:14 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 76 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 29 / 59 145 Might give rise to new ideas or increased options for policing a community.1/26/2021 2:09 PM 146 Civilians are not immune to corruption so oversight could be extorted. Civilians may not have an understanding of how officers are trained and this can not appreciate the nuances of the decisions that’s an officer may face. More meetings and paperwork. 1/26/2021 1:22 PM 147 I don't see any 1/26/2021 1:07 PM 148 Over politicizing law enforcement 1/26/2021 12:38 PM 149 Maybe better balance of police presence throughout the whole City. District 4 is somewhat out of sight, out of mind and gets less patrol service that say the Village. 1/26/2021 12:29 PM 150 NO value with a civilian oversight! No one can understand true policing! Civilian oversight Would endanger our officers and limit their ability to do their job which is protecting our citizens from criminals and keeping law and order 1/26/2021 11:52 AM 151 requiring increased reporting, extensive examination of performance 1/26/2021 11:33 AM 152 This is similar to the answer above: civilian review would allow citizen input into investigations and ideally policy creation to build better collaboration and relationships between the police and community. The two entities would need to work together to create an ideal makeup of such a board and to delineate its authority. 1/26/2021 10:55 AM 153 Believing me when I say that if you are 18+ Electric scooters are allowed to be on the road! 1/26/2021 10:46 AM 154 The problem I see if that if something turns violent they do not have the training or equipment to deal with it as civilians 1/26/2021 10:46 AM 155 Too much power from civian side. Agendas to defend the police 1/26/2021 10:00 AM 156 Self serving politics 1/26/2021 9:58 AM 157 No concerns 1/26/2021 9:48 AM 158 Giving residents too much power in law enforcement is an issue. Residents aren’t cops. Civilians aren’t cops. They don’t know the inner workings of police departments. 1/26/2021 5:48 AM 159 Equal protection, oversight would help address concerns about racial equity in policing.1/25/2021 11:25 PM 160 If the police do things like ticketing protestor's cars the way they did last summer, hassling homeless or forcing me to quit my job and move because I got cheated on and ripped off, they should be checked and held responsible. 1/25/2021 8:57 PM 161 I think that it would help civilians understand the unique challenges, issues, and situations that police officers go through. Often times, we don't know what its like to deal with criminals, angry citizens, etc. There can be a building of mutual trust. I felt much more comfortable talking to a police officer after I went on a ridealong with CPD officer. When a police department is really integrated with a community, there is a greater desire for cooperation and coordination. The police department also benefits from better understanding of what a community needs or doesn't need. 1/25/2021 8:25 PM 162 Solve - solutions to bad practices - working with Police to provide options for proper training and for funding of mental health professionals to assist in certain cases. 1/25/2021 6:26 PM 163 If there were citizens who overstepped their authority, or used the Police as a weapon to fire, not as a shield to protect. 1/25/2021 3:23 PM 164 Politicize policing.1/25/2021 7:36 AM 165 To my knowledge, there is good leadership in place to address any issues. Civilian oversight seems to add additional beauracracy and costs when issues are currently managed appropriately. A hybrid model could be an independent representative that works with leadership to assure governance. 1/25/2021 7:07 AM 166 I am not aware of any 1/24/2021 6:55 PM 167 Civilians who don’t comprehend the issues police face, having oversight of them.1/24/2021 5:48 PM 168 Generally, civilians do not understand how emergency services realistically works. Many do not have the life experience to be able to relate to officers. 1/24/2021 5:45 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 77 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 30 / 59 169 I would like them to help the department develop a more diverse workforce that can communicate with all citizens, not just the ones just like them. 1/24/2021 3:14 PM 170 If you get a crazy Karen nitpicking and reading into data and forming inaccurate hypothesis on statistics to claim racial/age/sexist prejudice by PD where it didn't exist - could erode public trust. Choose oversight people carefully for prior agenda leanings. 1/24/2021 2:15 PM 171 Based on the data provided during the recent City council meetings, the number of use of force incidents is low (0.08 percent). Although this data supports the conclusion that the Department doesn’t have a rampant problem (which is good), a civilian oversight committee could be used in a way to proactively work with the Department and the City Council to reduce the number even further. I can’t recall if the 0.08 percent number represented any cases that were investigated and the officer was found to have inappropriately used use of force or not, but regardless, through the use of a civilian oversight committee the community could work with the Department to proactively address future matters. Use of civilian oversight can connect residents to their Police Department. Creation of such a committee is an acknowledgment by the Department and City leadership that residents can contribute a perspective to the issue that neither the Department itself nor the City Council can. Residents can bring different and valuable perspectives to the matter. Creation of the committee also demonstrates to City residents that the Police Department seeks to be its best and serve its residents and businesses in a transparent way. On the other hand, use of a civilian oversight committee should be done with some structure to it. Committees can become ineffective if they are comprised by individuals with very strong narrow opinions. The committee needs to be filled with individuals from a balanced background, going through a vetting process, and serve for distinct periods of time to avoid one or two or three citizens driving the change affected by the many. 1/24/2021 1:32 PM 172 It could cause too much interference by people that do not fully understand police work and policy 1/24/2021 1:19 PM 173 The Police ultimately responds to the residents of the places they serve. These communities are sometimes treated differently according to where they live or the color of their skin. They also need an external auditor to find areas where, because of the police structure, they might not be willing to change but where change would actually benefit the community as a whole. Racial discrimination and profiling, excessive use of violence, statistical information that identifies patterns of regular misbehavior, better handling of mental crisis situations. 1/24/2021 12:22 PM 174 Equality 1/24/2021 12:18 PM 175 I believe it would add additional layers to policing that are not necessary. This is just a political tool to try and win some votes from people who believe policing is the problem when we should be addressing why people resort to crime. 1/24/2021 12:02 PM 176 Solve for: Reviewing level of force in enforcement Resourcing and use of all available non- violent response tools PD-Community connectedness Review of bias in policing to ensure equitable service to Carlsbad citizenry 1/24/2021 11:56 AM 177 Less lockdown restrictions 1/24/2021 11:50 AM 178 Spending funding that could be allocated elsewhere.1/24/2021 11:50 AM 179 It would create trust.1/24/2021 11:45 AM 180 Show the force is meeting the community needs 1/24/2021 11:41 AM 181 Your imposing a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist .1/24/2021 11:39 AM 182 Petty crimes and homelessness has increased dramatically since Covid began. Subsequently, there needs to be more policing to keep citizens safe. If civilian oversight can help with that I am all for it. 1/23/2021 7:13 PM 183 Body cams should be mandatory 1/23/2021 5:29 PM 184 could be ineffective. undermines trust in our police. could impair their ability to do their job. 1/23/2021 2:12 PM 185 None 1/23/2021 1:45 PM 186 It matters who is part of the civilian oversight team: must represent marginalized voices as well, not just those who are loudest or most visible in the community. It would be problematic if the oversight team became an echo chamber of white, middle/upper class concerns. 1/23/2021 11:08 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 78 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 31 / 59 187 Could establishe discussion and trust with the Homeless population 1/23/2021 10:35 AM 188 Obviously the cost. However I believe that the City could reduce the amount of money provided to elected officials and/or the amount that goes into unneeded “beautification” projects. 1/23/2021 9:20 AM 189 Advisory role only Input from folks 1/23/2021 2:42 AM 190 Bias/prejudice of civilians may be a problem, especially if they feel they are an 'authority' over others 1/22/2021 8:07 PM 191 See above 1/22/2021 5:44 PM 192 It might interfere with the police department being able to do their job 1/22/2021 4:25 PM 193 We don’t want to make the police department jobs more difficult with unnecessary added requirements or restrictions. They have been doing a great job. 1/22/2021 3:53 PM 194 Insuring equity , focus 1/22/2021 2:30 PM 195 Most civilians don't have insight into all of the different situations that Police Officers have to deal with on a daily basis. I am concerned they would have input into policy decisions that could jeopardize the safety of the city and/or the Police Officers. 1/22/2021 2:14 PM 196 Assisting in holding the PD in being accountable.1/22/2021 1:28 PM 197 They would create a bigger divide than some current members on our city council have already started and seem to want to continue. 1/22/2021 12:34 PM 198 Making it political would not be good and end up creating more problems than it solves.1/22/2021 11:34 AM 199 The civilian oversight committee could create problems if the Carlsbad Police Department, from the top down, do not take the recommendations seriously, or refuse to take action based on recommendations. As stated above, failing to include diverse committee members would make the committee essentially pointless. I think committee members would need to be committed to having civil discussions, and respect each other despite disagreeing on issues. Railing against each other or the PD, or the process on social media should disqualify members. 1/22/2021 11:05 AM 200 It wouldn't be pleasant to hear the public criticize you, I'm sure.1/22/2021 11:02 AM 201 I think follow up and communication with the community on concerning actions would be a benefit, and carry more weight than a police press statement. For example, a tasing incident that is or isn't justified or is perceived as such. A CO could act as the follow up to make sure enforcement details are released and draw awareness to both negative and positive actions in hopes of creating a more balanced relationship between PD and Civilians. 1/22/2021 11:01 AM 202 none 1/22/2021 10:54 AM 203 I would like a review of how much the city pays to defend or settle lawsuits against the police along with complaints filed against each officer and the removal of officers who are not meeting the needs of all Carlsbad citizens and visitors. In other words, if there are "bad apples" I would hope the city would want them removed and if that hasn't been happening I think civilian oversight will help. 1/22/2021 10:47 AM 204 A problem in either circumstance would be the lack of understanding between groups and the need to be the “right” group. 1/22/2021 10:39 AM 205 More cost - people engaged without the appropriate background 1/22/2021 9:54 AM 206 More transparency. More accountability. More public faith in the police department. More understanding of how hard the job is. You can make this a positive or a negative. I chose to believe that the police force is inherently a good organization that needs to show the public and especially minorities they care and will do the right thing. Even when it’s hard. 1/22/2021 9:36 AM 207 What knowledge of city issues, policing, etc would a committee have. Sounds like it’ll be a bunch of people spouting opinions on things they don’t know much about. 1/22/2021 9:33 AM 208 Increases bureaucracy 1/22/2021 9:25 AM 209 I am not familiar with problems, issues or concerns specific to the Carlsbad PD.1/22/2021 9:25 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 79 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 32 / 59 210 Review of body camera usage. Make sure license plate reader data is not being sold or used in inappropriate ways. 1/21/2021 5:54 PM 211 Additional costs, training, monitoring, and transparency.1/21/2021 12:42 PM 212 They would create more work for cops. I want officers on the street! Oversight will add more paperwork and more stress for officers. 1/21/2021 10:37 AM 213 All depends on what sort of people are on the committee. People who don’t understand what it’s like to be a police officer can’t provide reasonable input. I see it could lead to hostility towards our fine police force 1/21/2021 5:56 AM 214 Without more details of the position I can only imagine it creating more problems, paperwork and laws/regulations- Barriers to actual police duty and adding yet another thing to their plate. Additionally, the civilian could be put in unsafe conditions and unable to protect themselves. 1/20/2021 10:05 PM 215 Expense? Creating additional work for the force. What qualifications would persons on the committee have? Adding more bureaucracy. 1/20/2021 7:27 PM 216 That we’d end up with social workers coming to situations they can can’t handle.1/20/2021 6:18 PM 217 I think there are more informal ways for CPD to solicit input from citizens. Oversight implies an adversarial relationship. 1/20/2021 10:11 AM 218 None 1/20/2021 9:50 AM 219 Assuming the civilian oversight committee is volunteers, then finding people to competently participate and creating an organization that has institutional knowledge would be necessary, which is a cost. I think an oversight committee would allow insight and new perspective to be promoted to law enforcement. It would create a formal space for law enforcement and the community to communicate. 1/20/2021 8:43 AM 220 Civilians not understanding the nature of Police enforcement and training involved with enforcement could cause issues with Police being able to protect and serve the community 1/20/2021 8:13 AM 221 None 1/20/2021 6:44 AM 222 It will handcuff the police and might even say the wrong thing to incite the public.1/19/2021 9:40 PM 223 Solve: any transparency concerns Create problem: not letting the police force run their operations as they see fit 1/19/2021 9:34 PM 224 The oversight should be from an individual that has experience with the challenges of social work, homelessness and/or mental health issues. Policing is a complex job that needs to be overseen by individuals that understand and respect that complexity. Problems can arise when complex challenges are oversimplified into simple choices - and that can erode trust rather than build it. 1/19/2021 8:22 PM 225 More of doing nothing about the homeless issue tourists/non residents coming in town and not respecting the residents of Carlsbad 1/19/2021 6:28 PM 226 I am concerned they might interfere with and/or intimidate our fine officers from doing the quiet, professional work they do each and every day. 1/19/2021 5:54 PM 227 Taking away time for our police force to be out protecting our community.1/19/2021 5:14 PM 228 There are too many different opinions already on this issue and adding civilian oversight would make things worse IMO. 1/19/2021 4:37 PM 229 Nothing.1/19/2021 4:21 PM 230 Not sure what it would solve as I am unaware of the problems the recommendation is trying to solve. Before starting something new, there should be a mission to solve a problem or make something better? What is that mission. The downside could be the slowing of emergency service response due to the endless layers of management. Management 101 - thin layers of management, don't add endlessly. 1/19/2021 3:32 PM 231 I do not think it would solve any problems and see it only adding problems that would be a distraction to the work they are doing. We are a small, tight knit community that is vocal about about our needs. 1/19/2021 2:47 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 80 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 33 / 59 232 In my opinion, civilians are not trained properly. I equate it to a hospital financial administrator making medical decisions instead of doctors. 1/19/2021 1:27 PM 233 More red tape issues. Extra cost to city.1/19/2021 1:26 PM 234 Create lots of issues . . .that would entail too many "KAREN's" running around our community NOT minding their own business~! 1/19/2021 1:06 PM 235 If police officers are not following de-escalation protocol or have an excessive use of force, a body outside the police force should investigate this. Many police depts have a culture of "protect your own" which may lead to an allowance of practices that disregard the needs and rights of citizens. There has recently been national attention on the politics of police officers. I would like to know if current police officers are allowed to be members and supporters of white supremacist groups. This would definitely indicate bias in the way they respond to calls to "serve and protect" our whole community. 1/19/2021 12:56 PM 236 Pardon my frankness...This question is a bad question. It's loaded and complicated, and poorly worded. The concern I have about Civilian Oversight is that it will be set up for failure by our City leaders in that it won't be effective. I want to see the most intensive unbiased third party oversight of 911 ever created, but I want it to be done in a way that is supportive of Police Officers as well. They are asked to wear too many hats and to handle too many pressures without adequate training or support. I don't want our police to be hated and I don't want them to hate their jobs. I don't want them to have more reasons NOT to respond. I want them to feel enthusiastic, and be able to respond to the communities needs in a more informed, more sensitive, and less abusive manner. I fear that poor decisions made now and as we move forward, could easily result in the development of a mediocre CRB, where the appointees will be beholden to the PD and nothing will improve. I'm not comfortable with the sole solution being a CRB. There should be multiple avenues of accountability, multiple checks and balances. I'm also concerned that fiery and brash political movements are resulting in rampant anti-police sentiment, and these pressures are causing our Police to choose NOT to respond, when what we need is more, faster and safer 911 responsivity. I have personally, more than once, been threatened by a violent and dangerous felon and desperately feared for my life, and due to my disability was unable to run away from my attacker. I called 911 and experienced the horror and terror of them not responding in time or in a manner reasonable for my disability challenges. Naturally, this has devastated my trust in 911. I learned from Mickey Williams about the "liabilities of engaging". This is when the Dept or Officer weighs the risk/benefit of responding to a situation. They ask themselves, "If we respond, are we likely to face criticism or get bad press or get sued? well then, maybe it would be better if we didn't respond." This scares me! I don't wan't the PD to EVER decide not to help me!!! So the question - How can we hold police to the highest standard of conduct and accountability, and have them still want to show up and do the job??? This is a question we need to be asking. Its not as easy as defunding the police or taking the police out of the mental health, crisis or homeless response - as many protesters are demanding. It's not a simple matter of criminal response v crisis response either. I've heard the PD try to compartmentalize the current community police mistrust situation as being in large part due to Officers not being adequately set up for deescalating crises, and I believe this to be true. However, I don't believe the solution to be police responding separately - either as criminal OR crisis, when in fact it is oftentimes both combined. We don't need to take the police out of the community, we need to give them a better set of diverse skills to effectively respond. Adding more Victim Support and more Mental Health First Aiders to the scene of a call will help but its not a replacement for a strong, disability friendly police response. Many interactions between our police and our homeless are a combination of a criminal act and a mental health crisis. Even more so, it's often times a poor police response that turns a calm 911 interaction into a mental health crisis, especially when the persons involved suffer from various disabilities and/or disabling trauma conditions. We need to reduce the trauma which results from negative 911 responses. In our homeless community there are two primary populations, the criminal side - people who are recycled in and out of jail system, and the disability side - people who are recycled in and out of the hospital system. sometimes however, and this is where things get really complicated...the homeless person is cycled in and out of both systems, criminal and hospital. Most of the homeless community, if not all, is suffering from a serious disability. Yet, they are not recognized or treated accordingly by 911 with regards to extending them their legal rights and disability protections. "Special Consideration and special protections under the law". This is a major source of bad policing, and causes numerous allegations of police abuse in our Homeless Community. When & How are we going to begin to respond to persons with disabilities in accordance with their rights by law? How are we going to set up a future of better Police responses within the homeless community? Let me emphatically say that a Monday- 1/19/2021 12:28 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 81 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 34 / 59 Friday 8AM-5PM Homeless Outreach Team IS NOT THE ANSWER AND IS NOT WORKING. First off, there is a profound misconception that HOT responds to every call involving a homeless person. This is FALSE. HOT isn't adequately staffed to respond to all of the homeless calls. Nor is there any official mandate that HOT has to be the ones to respond to homeless calls. To make matters worse, during off hours and weekends there is no HOT response at all - only traditional patrol, and traditional patrol Officers do not have extra training in trauma, crisis, or disability response. To make matters worse, they are not mandated to pass any info regarding a Homeless interaction to the HOT team for HOT to follow up during HOT's Designated Hours. If we really want to entrust the PD to be the sole responders to the needs of the homeless community, which is a cluster f*#! of criminal, crisis and disability mayhem, they MUST BE 24/7 and they must be exceptionally trained in Trauma Response and ADA Disability Rights in 911 interactions, and more. Currently, if I find a sick and unable to self care, disabled and homeless person, under a building or in the bushes during the cold winter rains, and they are in dire need, in distress, begging me to help them, asking if I have a blanket or socks or know of a nearby shelter thy can get into...and my response to help them is to call HOT and ask HOT to get this person help, the answer is "WE DON'T DO THAT". I have tested this ad nauseum to the point of becoming a very concerned citizen and an outspoken advocate for our disabled homeless. If our City isn't even able to respond to that type of cry for help we have some serious work to do. I think our PD is the best in the County but I want our PD to be even better because it's not even close to perfect. Abuse of power is still rampant, especially with "Rookies", but also with some superiors - and the PD's knowledge/training of Disability Law, Disabilities Rights, and trauma informed response is SHIT. All be it MUCH better than OPD or the SD Sheriff! 237 it would create low morale bc it would ride the coattails of the Defund the Police leftist mob movement 1/19/2021 11:45 AM 238 Many problems come to mind. Decreased Freedom comes to mind. Accidental injury/death due to misunderstandings. This sounds like NAZI-ism. 1/19/2021 11:29 AM 239 Hidden agendas, false reporting.1/19/2021 11:05 AM 240 Bone 1/19/2021 10:51 AM 241 Division among community.1/19/2021 10:48 AM 242 n/a 1/19/2021 10:45 AM 243 This would cause a false sense of security for the community and more turmoil for small business. 1/19/2021 10:36 AM 244 too many cooks in the kitchen. We would see small disputes being exceptionally blown out of proportion. 1/19/2021 10:27 AM 245 N/A 1/19/2021 10:18 AM 246 My concern is that we are wasting time and resources on civilian oversight when they should be used to address other *actual* important issues. 1/19/2021 10:17 AM 247 If anything as more people are unemployed due to shutting down small businesses there will be increased crime and homeless population. 1/19/2021 9:33 AM 248 none 1/19/2021 9:31 AM 249 Community control while adding another layer of needed oversight. The police like to say, if you don't have anything to hide you don't have anything to worry about. The police department and police union should practice what they preach. Trust but verify. 1/19/2021 9:20 AM 250 None 1/19/2021 9:12 AM 251 I’d they reported immediately to police none but if they confront individuals then problems will arise. They should not be spying on people not masked or restaurants, or watering too much and tattletaling, Too Nazi like but actually eyes on theft areas, lurking individuals at schools and drug sales. 1/19/2021 6:15 AM 252 This would add a level of bureaucracy and distraction from uninformed citizens.1/19/2021 5:29 AM 253 None that I can think of 1/19/2021 5:26 AM 254 Civilian oversight could help the residents gain understanding to the multi level interaction 1/19/2021 5:14 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 82 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 35 / 59 police go through on a daily bases with people. 255 CPD is doing a wonderful job. In my estimation they are one of the best PDs in the county. Leave them alone to do their job. 1/19/2021 5:11 AM 256 It would be a waste of time snd money to have civilian oversight 1/19/2021 5:03 AM 257 It would create mistrust and put power in the wrong hands. The job of policing our neighborhoods belongs to the men and women who signed up to give their lives to serve their communities. They have knowledge and training that civilians simply don’t have. 1/19/2021 3:25 AM 258 Having the oversight team may help bolster public confidence in CPD. However, it will also create civilians telling law enforcement how to do their job to some degree. 1/19/2021 2:52 AM 259 Create problems due to lack of knowledge.1/18/2021 11:42 PM 260 Their oversight could cause policy changes and pass judgement that make Police Officer's jobs more difficult and jeopardize their safety. The results of this could lead to mass exodus of quality police officers and make it more difficult for the city to recruit higher quality police officers. 1/18/2021 11:12 PM 261 Make Carlsbad less safe for its citizens 1/18/2021 11:06 PM 262 Carlsbad police Department do an impeccable job of protecting our city and community. They always communicate with the community and the local businesses. I have never doubted them or the job they are doing. I feel safe and taken care of. 1/18/2021 10:48 PM 263 Meeting community expectations. Alignment of goals, priorities. Enhanced relations and appreciation. 1/18/2021 9:58 PM 264 N/A 1/18/2021 9:13 PM 265 Improve accountability 1/18/2021 8:57 PM 266 WASTE the time of CPD. that could be better used 1/18/2021 8:41 PM 267 It would create a poor taste in the mouths of our dedicated police force....they do a great job and would not appreciate “civilian oversight” in any way. Special interests then become an issue... 1/18/2021 8:23 PM 268 Racial biased stops, tickets, and arrest. Racism and claims of racism. Fairness in treatment of the homeless. 1/18/2021 7:46 PM 269 The civilians shouldn’t really be involved in this. What is the purpose of the city council if we start doing this? 1/18/2021 7:32 PM 270 Not trained, unnecessary 1/18/2021 7:29 PM 271 My one concern is that the civilian oversight would be 100% supportive of police and would not perform the oversight activities required. 1/18/2021 7:19 PM 272 None 1/18/2021 7:14 PM 273 Allowing small group of people who are connected to certain politicians the power to tell us (police, residents, business-owners of Carlsbad) what to do. We don't need it. 1/18/2021 7:13 PM 274 Could allow groups with alternative ideology that would not be good for Carlsbad.1/18/2021 7:01 PM 275 Create: It will cost time and money. Solve: It will provide checks and balance for law enforcement. 1/18/2021 6:54 PM 276 It would create shutdown interests getting involved in police business which is not necessary 1/18/2021 6:34 PM 277 It would create problems because civilians don’t understand the nature of the job and could never really understand the challenges they face on a daily basis 1/18/2021 5:47 PM 278 This is not needed and could be a liability for the city.1/18/2021 5:46 PM 279 It may create a bogged down system and tie the hands of the police. I put is gone but the police must be the decision makers. There lives are at risk and we shouldn’t second guess every situation. 1/18/2021 5:40 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 83 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 36 / 59 280 We need to get a handle on restaurants that clearly go against Covid closures. I was in Bressi Ranch yesterday and all of the restaurants were serving people on their patios with lines waiting outside...nobody wearing masks. My husband and I picked up our food, tipped 20%, and did a little picnic at the park. People can still support restaurants but not risk peoples lives. My son won’t be able to go to school until numbers go down, my business suffers, and surrounding hospitals are inundated. The fact that people and demanding to be waited on wreaks of privilege and a clear lack of empathy for others in our community. 1/18/2021 5:31 PM 281 Lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits 1/18/2021 5:29 PM 282 None.1/18/2021 5:27 PM 283 none.1/18/2021 5:23 PM 284 Many stations (elsewhere) have political trinkets in cubicles and offensive gear etc hanging up showing political prefence. Police should have to be neutral at work 1/18/2021 5:21 PM 285 wouldn't solve anything, just use up more tax money.1/18/2021 5:02 PM 286 Assist with identifying potential problems 1/18/2021 5:01 PM 287 I think it could cause more problems than solve anything. It can cause a "we" vs "They" mentality rather than working collaboratively. 1/18/2021 4:50 PM 288 Not needed 1/18/2021 4:43 PM 289 None 1/18/2021 4:43 PM 290 political agenda and people who have ZERO knowledge of business and law enforcement chiming in. Would damage the speed and effectiveness of our police 1/18/2021 4:41 PM 291 Adding another oversight group will only hamper the police department in doing their job. 1/18/2021 4:33 PM 292 Perhaps a disconnect of police with citizens. Oversight may cause police officers to simply just dot i's and cross t's and stop engaging with citizens. 1/18/2021 4:15 PM 293 None 1/18/2021 4:05 PM 294 Politics in policing - not a good mix.1/18/2021 3:59 PM 295 All cases of shootings, excessive use of force, abuse of authority and inappropriate behavior on part of departmental personal. 1/18/2021 3:56 PM 296 Oversight wouldn't create problems. It should help solve potential problems. I think it would help make sure there's not even an attempt to abuse this position of power. 1/18/2021 3:55 PM 297 Solve a problem of people who are worried about transparency and cover up Could create a problem of interference with important police matters 1/18/2021 3:55 PM 298 This should be determined by a group that is brought together to identify these issues. The group should include police officers, police leadership, community members, and community leaders to co-identify problems or issues and co-develop solutions. Having multiple perspectives can lead to more creative and innovative change, and also foster relationships between the police and the community in a new way 1/18/2021 3:50 PM 299 Further politicization is toxic 1/18/2021 3:48 PM 300 It could interrupt and or interfere with the police officers job/duty.1/18/2021 3:35 PM 301 Potential problems might arise from the Civilian Oversight group feeling that they have a greater authority over the CPD. 1/18/2021 3:30 PM 302 civilian oversight would create more problems than it would be worth !!!!!1/18/2021 3:11 PM 303 if there was civilian oversight there would alway be political bias, the CPD does not need this. 1/18/2021 3:00 PM 304 Homeless control 1/18/2021 2:46 PM 305 Our police do a really great job when they are focused on solving actual crime.1/18/2021 2:42 PM 306 I don’t know. Police might not want oversight. They may actually reduce their response to needed actions 1/18/2021 2:23 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 84 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 37 / 59 307 Leave the police alone 1/18/2021 1:58 PM 308 Creates a lack of trust in CPD overall.1/18/2021 1:58 PM 309 It would create too many cooks in the kitchen which our state already has 1/18/2021 1:53 PM 310 Personal political views can involve in public safety, which I do not believe it is a good idea. 1/18/2021 1:49 PM 311 Police department must be independent and fare, not to be affected by politicians. They are good 1/18/2021 1:48 PM 312 It can implement personal values rather than the public's concerns.1/18/2021 1:46 PM 313 Uninvited political police can be involved 1/18/2021 1:45 PM 314 not needed 1/18/2021 1:22 PM 315 None 1/18/2021 1:19 PM 316 Police officers are trained professionals, what are you trying to accomplish here?1/18/2021 1:17 PM 317 It is a complete waste of money and headache to push this effort. It will cause even more tensions to rise between city council and the civilians. We need a limited government that will give the people of Carlsbad some control over their lives in this time of despair. 1/18/2021 1:07 PM 318 It would create problems, it would add unwanted bureaucracy and allow political issues to enter the job scope and thereby having the police enforcing the political views of city officials or of an "oversight" group. 1/18/2021 1:05 PM 319 I do not think it is a good idea.1/18/2021 1:03 PM 320 NONE. It would only create more.1/18/2021 12:44 PM 321 The Police need the authority to do their job, not have a civilian team telling them what to do. 1/18/2021 12:36 PM 322 businesses closing 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 323 none 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 324 Focus on something more important 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 325 Read above!!1/18/2021 12:31 PM 326 Police adhere to and enforce the law. Civilians are the law and can have bias opinions or beliefs that may conflict with how law enforcement does their job 1/18/2021 12:28 PM 327 See 5 1/18/2021 12:25 PM 328 None 1/18/2021 12:18 PM 329 It would make more of a political issue. If things are going well we don’t need oversight. Are things not going well in CPD? 1/18/2021 12:18 PM 330 It will create problems and hinder police officers ability to do their jobs.1/18/2021 12:18 PM 331 Civilian oversight allows opinions to rule, not the actual law.1/18/2021 12:12 PM 332 None 1/18/2021 12:07 PM 333 I think corey needs oversight 1/18/2021 12:05 PM 334 Do the police serve BIPOC in the same manner as White people? How often are de-escalation techniques used in interactions with police? Do we have police officers who are repeat offenders who use violence against members of the public? How accountable is our police force? 1/18/2021 12:02 PM 335 Problems? let me count the ways... getting in the middle of how to handle an issue? regulating how the police work, sticking gov't noses where they don't belong 1/18/2021 11:30 AM 336 Oversight would help solve the issue of people in the city who feel like they can do whatever whenever they want: not wear masks, eat at restaurants during a shutdown,... 1/18/2021 11:17 AM 337 None 1/18/2021 10:37 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 85 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 38 / 59 338 My concern would be the civilian oversight board would become overly political instead of focused on monitoring and encouraging good police actions and policy. 1/18/2021 9:57 AM 339 It would create a divide between the CPD and civilians that want to overrule the decisions of CPD. 1/18/2021 8:49 AM 340 It would solve the unclarity of a choke hold vs carotid hold. Would ensure that the homeless people are treated appropriately (address their mental health); it would show what the community values in terms of policing. It would create further collaboration between the PD and community members. It would solve any future issues that may occur due to police brutality. 1/17/2021 8:13 PM 341 Unconscious bias. Lack of hands on experience with outside perspective for civilians.1/17/2021 7:39 PM 342 Create Plenty of issues! as this new woke generation thinks police are a problem! They’re awesome, they’re doing a great job and civilians will just cause more problems since they don’t have the legal authority to help in crisis situations. they’ll just get in the way and get hurt which will cause more legal issues for the police. 1/17/2021 5:23 PM 343 Having opinions that are not substantiated by facts or based on evidence.1/17/2021 4:59 PM 344 Community barometer on local crime and conditions 1/17/2021 12:43 PM 345 Shutting down and fining small businesses that Newscum said are to remain closed is a problem! 1/17/2021 12:15 PM 346 See my prior response. But sometimes there is a false image of police that could be improved just by having civilian oversight. Some people will never be convinced and some people will always support the police no matter what they do. But for all the people inbetween, it might make them feel more comfortable that at least their police department doesn't go overboard or take the law into their own hands. 1/17/2021 11:31 AM 347 It would create more government regulations and waste time and money.1/17/2021 7:32 AM 348 How to handle protests How to handle homeless and/or mentally ill 1/17/2021 6:02 AM 349 Untrained civilians thinking they are overseeing trained law enforcement officers is a total joke (in Carlsbad). Do not do it. 1/16/2021 11:34 PM 350 Holding the Dept accountable to CIVILIAN oversight, not to union contracts, City Staff, or elected officials. 1/16/2021 9:09 PM 351 While I do not have any first hand knowledge of dissatisfaction with law enforcement in our area, it may mitigate issues within the community if residents felt like they had a voice. 1/16/2021 8:26 PM 352 Slow down the process, could cause defensiveness on both sides, mistrust 1/16/2021 4:10 PM 353 I would just create an extra layer of bureaucracy and diminish the focus on preventing crime. 1/16/2021 2:40 PM 354 Homelessness is a big issue 1/16/2021 2:21 PM 355 It would help civilians stay on top of issues, could help with community reporting, would make police aware that their words and actions matter abd therefore would produce more thoughtful dialog when trying to keep the peace. 1/16/2021 12:54 PM 356 All kinds of problems if there is not a 3 rd party to review police behaviors that might be disregarding citizen’s rights. 1/16/2021 12:46 PM 357 Civilian oversight can address misconduct, use of force and disparate impact and suggest policy proposals. 1/16/2021 10:57 AM 358 To focus on importance of relevant issues and concerns of community members so they may be better addressed by the department 1/16/2021 9:44 AM 359 It may tend to be selfish in nature where people are attacking the police department for doing their job. 1/16/2021 9:16 AM 360 Lowering the possibility of a situation like those across the US against minorities 1/16/2021 8:44 AM 361 Overstepping their authority 1/16/2021 7:04 AM 362 Any community issues , Covid enforcement 1/16/2021 5:39 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 86 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 39 / 59 363 Civilians tend to interject and make things worse, take matters into own hands, Nextdoor is a prime example of over sharing and self proclaimed competencies that could be more damaging. 1/16/2021 1:52 AM 364 White privilege, following the health laws, neighborhood watch groups neighborhood policing so neighbors know police officers 1/15/2021 11:15 PM 365 Asking questions about needs of weaponry, appropriateness of using non lethal means, crisis intervention training, employing and deploying social workers with officers 1/15/2021 10:55 PM 366 It would be putting two sets If egos together that may have a hard time letting go of their belief that they are right. I am not sure if the lines of communication could stay open. But I truly think the time has come for all PD’s to accept change and help to make that change happen. 1/15/2021 10:47 PM 367 It would prove that the men and women of the CPD are doing an outstanding job.1/15/2021 10:43 PM 368 None 1/15/2021 10:38 PM 369 Create a trust problem with an oversight group that is not aware of LE policies and practices 1/15/2021 9:36 PM 370 Maybe too much white noise from worry warts?1/15/2021 9:00 PM 371 Create a problem with allowing the police department to do there job without having to keep looking over there shoulder 1/15/2021 7:23 PM 372 non-professionals intruding where they don't know what they are talking about.1/15/2021 7:21 PM 373 More focus on arrest for burglary, and for violations by the homeless.1/15/2021 6:44 PM 374 (See #5)1/15/2021 6:02 PM 375 None 1/15/2021 5:50 PM 376 None 1/15/2021 5:45 PM 377 None 1/15/2021 5:39 PM 378 I believe that civilian oversight would only add or create division to our city. I think the job of police is poorly understood by the general public. I think continuing to use social media platforms to engage and send a positive message to the community is great and should continue. Instead of a civilian oversight committee, I would rather see a diverse oversight committee of former officers that have knowledge of police procedures and can help determine when inappropriate actions were taken. 1/15/2021 5:05 PM 379 It would hopefully help weed out cops not up to standard.1/15/2021 4:49 PM 380 Could be a problem if too much oversight is implemented given most of us have never stepped into police shoes. Safety forces live completely different lives. 1/15/2021 4:45 PM 381 Racial profiling. Racial injustice. Racism in the police department. Priorities and fairness in the department. 1/15/2021 4:27 PM 382 Consistency. If you make a public mandate, you need to either educate the public and then enforce it, or cancel it and focus efforts elsewhere. 1/15/2021 4:26 PM 383 Many because we all know it will be democrats pushing there views on policing.1/15/2021 4:21 PM 384 My concern is too much politics/ micromanagement injected into policing if too much community oversight. think we need to attract more excellent officers, train them well, pay them well (better than other surrounding cities) and trust them to do a good job, as they do now. 1/15/2021 4:17 PM 385 More bureaucracy 1/15/2021 4:12 PM 386 While I support the Blue, CPD seems to have the attitude of zero tolerance is every situation without much use of discretion. 1/15/2021 4:02 PM 387 Addressing systemic problems with racism in policing and police brutality.1/15/2021 4:00 PM 388 Let’s trust the police do their job. Exceptions can be managed legally . Civilian oversight is already in place via our elected officials. If current supervisor is unable to do this then we need to vote in a new supervisor 1/15/2021 3:57 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 87 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 40 / 59 389 I think that oversight might help lessen any anger towards the dept should anything come up, but I imagine civilian oversight may be resisted by the department as no one likes someone looking over their shoulder. 1/15/2021 3:37 PM 390 Test comment 1/15/2021 10:32 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 88 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 41 / 59 Q7 Please share any additional input or feedback you would like the City of Carlsbad and the Police Department to consider. Answered: 308 Skipped: 204 #RESPONSES DATE 1 As per usual, this knee jerk reaction to events in other parts of the country from last year, have reached Carlsbad which has NO reported or known cases of law enforcement officers acting in a racist way towards anyone. If people's feelings get involved you get "oversight" committees. If facts overwhelmingly point towards Cbad Police doing things right, people ignore it in favor of projecting their beliefs and ideals. Leave the police alone. Do not spend my money on such a program. Every interaction my family has had with Cbad Policie over the past year (Community officers, traffic control, officers called out to our area) have been 100% positive. Each interaction the officers had with individuals trespassing on private property has ended peacefully and positively. They are always quick to respond and they ARE the front line of defense for the public. DO NOT MUCK THIS UP. 2/11/2021 4:59 AM 2 Our police dept. has done a wonderful job of protecting and serving our city. I feel safe here. 2/9/2021 5:05 PM 3 I was surprised to see that the "community meeting" for District 1 last night included non- residents of the community. I believe the conversation should have been limited to residents. 2/9/2021 4:36 PM 4 I am an asian woman who has lived in Carlsbad for 5 years now. I love this city and appreciate everything our police force does for us. But, I think oversight is actually helpful for people who are not white. I do not know if I or my relatives are safe from unconscious bias from officers. I am aware that the City works hard to hire the best officers who are trained well and taught to not to racial profile or make assumptions. But, this could help people like me see a change in Carlsbad as a whole. This could start a bigger conversation about police brutality and make sure our wonderful officers never find themselves in a situation like George Floyd. 2/9/2021 3:26 PM 5 My interactions with the CPD have only been very positive. My family had an emergency involving a mental health crisis to which the PERT team responded. I remain thankful for this wonderful service and know it made the difference in how my son's psychotic episode was handled and resolved. Thank you CPD! 2/9/2021 10:57 AM 6 No need for inexperienced residents to oversee Carlsbad police. Unnecessary expense. There is no legitimate or verifiable evidence to suggest a review board is needed. If people want a place to complain about police, perhaps there could be a volunteer committee to receive complaints and comments. Maybe also, CPD could create and/or publicize community instruction and interaction about policing. I believe that a very few individuals are trying to create a problem where none exists for their own purposes. 2/9/2021 10:29 AM 7 None at this time 2/9/2021 10:02 AM 8 Start or enhance peer review programs. Nothing would help more than real peer review and evaluation of an officer from other officers of equal position. 2/9/2021 8:49 AM 9 Invest in more resources to help our police to protect our neighborhoods. Crime is on the rise 2/8/2021 10:27 PM 10 I would hope this is discussion is an opportunity for the community to feel our police department is doing an excellent job without need of excessive oversight and that residents don’t see this process as being politically motivated but a chance to speak openly about all concerns. 2/8/2021 9:30 PM 11 If a civilian review board or oversight board is created, it is important that the board be established with the following guidelines to succeed. 1) Must be independent from the police, compromised of people from the community; 2) Scope of investigations should include both serious and lower level complaints; 3) There must be transparency to the public; 4) the board needs investigative powers including subpoena powers and power to call witnesses; 5) the board must have disciplinary power with agreed upon guidelines for those in authority who impose the discipline to follow; 6) Adequate funding to ensure success (5-10% of police budget) and not controlled by the police department 2/8/2021 7:58 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 89 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 42 / 59 12 Our Police Department does an amazing job. Often, they need to keep things to themselves, such as investigations, until their research is completed and having civilians involved in managing that would keep crimes from being solved, and lead to poluce officers leaving Carlsbad because they don’t want to deal with this type of political climate. 2/8/2021 6:16 PM 13 Not in favor of political groups, like BLM, that want to impose their belief system onto the police and our community. 2/8/2021 5:35 PM 14 Carlsbad Police department is doing a great job right now without any oversight. We don’t need to fix what isn’t broken. 2/8/2021 5:34 PM 15 CPD does a good job as is.2/8/2021 5:23 PM 16 The Carlsbad Equity Coalition has a Facebook page with nothing good to stay about Carlsbad or the Carlsbad Police Department. The whole focus of the website is their one sided opinion on "racial justice." How can any City have a partisan group like this be permitted to have oversight of their Police Department. Their agenda is clear - the police can do nothing right and Carlsbad is a racist community...which is a lie. Carlsbad Equity Coalition will create social unrest and injustice by their prejudice. Read their web page and posts - their agenda and message is clear. 2/8/2021 4:32 PM 17 I have lived here for almost 20 yrs with my wife and four daughters. My wife has lived her entire life here. The police in our area need no oversight. They are doing an outstanding job. I have come in contact with them when we had a 50th birthday party and they were very professional and sensitive to the situation. I was pulled over for a traffic violation and the officer was also extremely professional. Having an oversight committee will just mess up a system that already works in our part of the country. This may be needed in areas of high crime, but it is not needed here. Concentrate on what is important like getting our children back in school and opening business. 2/8/2021 4:02 PM 18 More troubling to me than the need for civilian oversight with regard to use of force is 1) the alarming increase in crime perpetrated by homeless/transient individuals and 2) also unenforced drug abuse/distribution and theft in my neighborhood! Over the last year a drug house has operated on Amberwood with little to no repercussions (COVID-19 is an unacceptable excuse for lawlessness). The Park fire was started directly across from my family and numerous assaults and a couple well documented murders have occurred nearby. Please enforce our laws! 2/8/2021 3:47 PM 19 Instead of continuing to remove the tools our fine PD need to keep Carlsbad safe, find ways to not only let them to continue to the great job they are know for but to step up and add more tools as our city is changing. 2/8/2021 3:07 PM 20 Need proactive traffic enforcement. Hidden radar traps are of limited use. If speed is a factor get in the flow. Want to sit and wait. do it at a stop light or stop sign. 2/8/2021 1:43 PM 21 Removal of threatening individuals that keep citizens from going to parks and downtown. If police were present, we would feel safer. 2/7/2021 9:02 PM 22 I have lived in Carlsbad 5+ years now and North County my entire life. Please let law and order prevail and let police do their jobs. We do not want a deescalation of law enforcement in our communities. Prop 47 already did enough. Thank you! 2/7/2021 1:06 PM 23 I do not want a civilian oversight committee over the police.2/7/2021 9:32 AM 24 Consider some empathy for everyone, not just your friends. Focus on the pandemic and safety, not this Bull shi. 2/6/2021 9:17 PM 25 We just need to spend our dollars on training for unconscious bias and such to the police directly. 2/6/2021 6:52 PM 26 Move homeless outreach and special events to toher departments.2/6/2021 3:05 PM 27 Policing the police is a non issue- we should be focusing on bigger issues as a community like drug/human trafficking, sexual and domestic violence, and protecting local businesses to restart our economy. 2/6/2021 9:31 AM 28 Progress of Homeless Outreach program. What is the measure of success?2/5/2021 9:52 PM 29 Do t waste anymore time or money on this thought. Use taxpayer funds more wisely.2/5/2021 7:15 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 90 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 43 / 59 30 I trust our city mayor, council and police Cheif to ensure Carlsbad has a quality police department. We do not need a civilian oversight committee. 2/5/2021 6:48 PM 31 I would really like the City of Carlsbad to due their job in enforcing their own the rules and regulations on the books that where I feel we need help 2/5/2021 6:24 PM 32 The Homeless situation is not getting any better, it’s worse. I see we have these nice trucks around the city but the problem is worse. It would be nice to give the people some dignity by getting them off of the streets. 2/5/2021 6:18 PM 33 I appreciate the commitment that our officers and non-sworn staff make to the safety of our community, and the risks that they take on on our behalf. I hope that, whatever the outcome of the process regarding civilian oversight, the relationship between law enforcement and our community is strong and supportive as we move forward. 2/5/2021 6:11 PM 34 The City of Carlsbad Police are doing a great job at what they do and the value of civilian oversight for this area is most likely not worth the issues it would bring and cause. 2/5/2021 6:05 PM 35 As far as I know, marijuana is the only legal drug. Other narcotics are illegal and users and traffickers should be incarcerated to the maximum. Right now there's no apparent penalty. Catch and release seems to be the norm. Get 'em out of here!!! 2/5/2021 5:22 PM 36 I would like the CPD to make their presence more known.2/5/2021 4:59 PM 37 Really like the concept of community policing. Would like to know of or to be acquainted with those in my district 2/5/2021 9:46 AM 38 Clean up our streets and parks of trash, camps, loitering harassment...2/5/2021 9:13 AM 39 I hhave spoken to many police officers and sadly they feel demotivated and disrespected. While in real life not everyone is perfect and to be a police officer today is a terrible job I highly respect what they do and I am worried that this nonsense about defunding and worse will put my family in danger. I have looking into the training that they go thru but we expect them to be robots. I ask everyone would you want a cop to turn away and let people go if you were being attacked or your children, wife, mother. Becareful what you wish for. We need more police and I believe CPD is best equip to police their own. I have seen no valid evidence they are abusing their power nor have I lost any faith in them 2/5/2021 12:19 AM 40 Please consider how effective the existing oversight committees have been in other cities. The "peaceful protests/riots" are still going on in Portland and Seattle. As our newly elected VP has openly encouraged the protests to continue, I would expect our police force to receive more support . 2/4/2021 4:07 PM 41 There is so much division in our country. I feel Carlsbad is safe and the Police Department does a good job. This shouldn't be driven by a political agenda to defund or lessen our Police Department. 2/4/2021 2:08 PM 42 Those who advocate oversight or whatever you want to call it claim we need this to establish racial equality. The problem is that this is not a racial problem it is a crime problem. When 52% of the murders in this country are committed by a particular group of people, of course, law enforcement is going to be wary/suspicious when approaching members of that group. Police offices are well aware of the crime statistics. I am not in favor of any measures that would hamper the ability of the Carlsbad Police Dept. to carry out their assigned duty which is to protect the citizens of the city. Any form of oversite etc. would do that no matter what the motivation. 2/4/2021 9:43 AM 43 This issue is a problem in all of San Diego.2/4/2021 9:26 AM 44 Overall, our police do good work but there are some officers, not many, that can make improvements ethically and in the behavioral area. 2/3/2021 11:35 AM 45 Re: District 1- I would like the rules/laws/municipal codes regarding activities on the beach and streets along the beach to be better policed/controlled. 2/3/2021 10:50 AM 46 duty, honor, service as public servants!2/3/2021 10:12 AM 47 Leave the restaurants and small business alone.2/3/2021 5:15 AM 48 CPD are highly professional, caring officers. Never anything but the best performance from them for 20 years we have lived in Carlsbad, 2/3/2021 5:09 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 91 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 44 / 59 49 police oversight of the use of E-bikes in the village to avoid possible accidents and injury; recommend a program on proper road safety and etiquette 2/2/2021 5:04 PM 50 I hope Carlsbad does not vilify the police like many other cities are attempting to do. The police are critical civil servants that risk their lives to protect all citizens. They deserve support and respect, not some ridiculous oversight committee that second-guesses their actions. 2/2/2021 3:32 PM 51 Law enforcement officers have a tough job and are constantly criticized by the media, residents, etc. the amount of training that law officers already receive should be shared with the community in an effort to accentuate the existing requirements that are in place. 2/2/2021 3:24 PM 52 .2/2/2021 2:51 AM 53 Speed limit too high on parts of Poinsettia for example ...changes in speed limits vary by too much resulting in MUCH unnecessary gunning or braking & EXTRA engine NOISE. Many motorcyclists seem to enjoy gunning it. Custom engine & exhaust noise seem popular? 2/1/2021 12:44 PM 54 Our community is proud of our police officers. The HOT team is fair with the homeless and compassionate. Do we feel the citizens have a better understanding of the atmosphere of a police officer? We should "back the blue" for a safe city. we do not have the problems other cities do. 2/1/2021 11:55 AM 55 I had the opportunity to attend the Carlsbad Citizens' Academy, part of which involved tours of both police and fire functions in the City of Carlsbad. Perhaps more outreach and edulation could be helpful as I came away feeling much more knowledgable as a result of that experience. Perhaps there is an opportunity to create a Police/Fire Outreach Committee made up of civilians who could coordinate with schools, Scout troops, Senior centers, or any other groups within Carlsbad to allow more connection with both law enforcement and other First Responders. (I may even be persuaded to help with that kind of a "Civilian" group.) We are very fortunate to live in the City of Carlsbad and while we have crime, like everywhere else, we have not had the same large city beauracratic issues as some of our neighbors. I hope it can stay that way. 2/1/2021 10:04 AM 56 Speeding everywhere listen with an open mind to the urgency when people are reporting a problem Stop educating about what is the law when at the same time, people are breaking the law and nothing is being done about it. Increased Social Services training for the CPD 2/1/2021 6:14 AM 57 It can be in the best interest of the Carlsbad Police Department to add civilian oversight. 1/31/2021 8:48 PM 58 Thank you 1/31/2021 7:31 PM 59 All my interactions with CPD has been positive, they are professional and timely and offer great service. I appreciate ALL they do for us. I have lived here for almost 2 years and I manage two apartment communities, one a senior community that has had the need for volunteer and professional CPD assistance. I have had many experiences with the local PD, once more - thanks for all YOU DO 1/31/2021 6:51 PM 60 We have been very happy with Carlsbad’s Police Department whenever there has been an issue. They have been professional, efficient and kind! 1/31/2021 3:44 PM 61 I would like to acknowledge our outstanding police department and the City for its reasonable and responsible approach to city governance. We don't want people with an agenda taking over our city and turning into a place where conditions become unsanitary with human waste flowing freely on our sidewalks. We don't want people with drug addictions taking over our parks and public spaces. We want to feel safe and we trust our police department to continue doing an excellent job in insuring our safety. 1/31/2021 11:01 AM 62 When I clicked the link to determine what district I belong to I was unable to determine my district. You should really make that part of your website / survey as function and user friendly as possible, because I assure you I am tech friendly and you site needs improvement. 1/30/2021 9:33 PM 63 Let the officers do their jobs, protect our city, protect my family and still get to go home safely at the end of their shift. Political groups are attacking our officers and the job itself. Enough is enough. 1/30/2021 7:39 PM 64 We have been North County residents for five decades, living in Encinitas.1/30/2021 5:13 PM 65 All of my contacts with our officers have been positive. It is evident that they are well trained and follow procedures. 1/30/2021 2:40 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 92 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 45 / 59 66 I am deeply saddened by the frustration that our friends in the police department feel, as they try to implement justice for law abiding residents. The justice system has eroded to the point that crimes that used to be serious are now classified as misdemeanors, and punishable by the equivalent of a traffic ticket. We need to let our police do their jobs as they know best, and not be their Nannies. 1/30/2021 8:38 AM 67 Police represent the single largest expenditure in the budget. How they treat the citizenry should not operate in a vacuum, it should come with public oversite. Especially since lawsuits are paid by the taxpayers, not the police. Times change and so should behavior. 1/30/2021 7:47 AM 68 Hire more officers of color. I do not feel it is beneficial to hire persons with only military training. Police are to serve and protect - not fight and arrest. That should be only will all else fails to control a situation. 1/29/2021 8:53 PM 69 I have had a few interactions with the Carlsbad PD, a car accident and home burglary and the officers were very professional, helpful, and caring. 1/29/2021 8:00 PM 70 Think the Police Department has done a wonderful job for the 40 years that I have lived here. Think they are having a tougher time now as our city has grown with a larger population. We are having more crime with transients and homeless. It is sad to see our little town with all these issues and the police having their hands tied. Our police and fire department don't get the credit they deserve for keeping us all safe. 1/29/2021 7:17 PM 71 I have had a truly wonderful experience in interfacing with our professional police force since 1987 when my family first moved to Carlsbad. 1/29/2021 6:45 PM 72 With the greater population of Carlsbad being white, the incidences of negative behavior is unknown. 1/29/2021 3:17 PM 73 If certain civilian residents of Carlsbad think our police need more oversight, then they should move to a community which has such oversight (which is also a lot less safe and less well served.) 1/29/2021 12:45 PM 74 Fast and immediate response for homeless, mentally ill/handicapped transients initiating crimes, pollution (garbage, encampments and health hazards), and seeking required care for medical conditions to help them. Establish community volunteers to donate time, meals, clothing, counseling and money for well-managed shelters. 1/29/2021 11:21 AM 75 Experience with Carlsbad police has been as expected for a resident. The sheriffs department covering the same geography has been somewhat less than pointy. 1/29/2021 10:55 AM 76 My only and very slight interactions with the police department have been positive. I am not aware that there is a current problem that oversight would address, but these days it certainly seems issues could come up. 1/29/2021 10:55 AM 77 What City of Carlsbad needs to do is put the police department on time out and hold them responsible for their actions. For the Police Department Chief of Police needs to know that he's officers have been writing bogus reports. And the Homeless Outreach Team needs to be better trained on the homeless community. Also I have not seen any PERT officers traveling with any H. O. T. People need to understand that a hole lot of the problems with the homeless community some of the people who are homeless do have mental issues. If they are crying out for help and go unanswered. The police are stalking and choosing who would go to jail. The people who are asking for help for example if the person who is asking to go to rehab the department says ok they go to jail this is adding more of problems to the community. I lived on the streets of this town. A lot of people out here I've known for years. They have been stalked, ticketed and thrown in jail for sleeping and trying to servive from day to day. Others who are really giving problems are going unchecked. I'm doing what I can to help out. Retrain the H. O. T. and add H O. T. for the night shift. A few of the officers do have my phone number. I'll be more than happy to help train them to help the homeless community. 1/29/2021 9:44 AM 78 If it ain't broke...don't (attempt to) fix it.1/29/2021 8:32 AM 79 would it be too much to ask for more funding towards mental health and anti racist help here! 1/28/2021 7:13 PM 80 I am a retired nurse and retired social worker. My daughter lives in Carlsbad.1/28/2021 4:44 PM 81 Please keep up the good work and please remember that when there is no one else, we the common citizen must have your back to render you aide when there is no one else. What good are we if cant protect the ones that protect us full time rain or shine. And thank you for not 1/28/2021 3:47 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 93 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 46 / 59 being the boot on the businesses necks during this plandemic. Your quality really showed well during this challenging time. Please stay safe and may God protect each and everyone of you so you can go home and be with the ones you care about most. Yours Edmond 82 I would like them stop arresting disabled children at school because administrators can get around the law in providing services or limit their liability from restraining and injuring special needs children. 1/28/2021 3:35 PM 83 Civilian oversight must be purposeful and powerful. If the oversight group has no investigative powers and no authority, there is no purpose in having it and it provides no benefit but the illusion of oversight, which will sow distrust in government. If it is powerful, purposeful and transparent, it can be a great step towards ensuring accountability. 1/28/2021 3:17 PM 84 Laws based around fines are only laws that exist for the poor. Carlsbad houses such a variety of residents in many different classes and many different backgrounds. It is what makes our city great! However, those in our population who are BIPOC or LGBTQ+ unhoused or neurodivergent are terrified to interact with the police, especially with the rising tensions. These policies are to bring safety and assistance to everyone in our community, and shift the hoarding of power. Funding to police must be redirected into the community through our educational and social problems immediately. We are suffering and we need help; I plead with you listen to how we are asking for help instead of offering more iron fists. 1/28/2021 1:03 PM 85 I would like to have community gathering where we are introduced to the police, their departments and public support for the police to do their very best as they serve their community. 1/28/2021 12:41 PM 86 Please stay vigilant! This city is wonderful. Have more cops visible on our streets. Keep crime down and keep homeless out. 1/28/2021 12:32 PM 87 I’ve had a good experience overall with the CBD police; I think the issues lie elsewhere in Carlsbad and believe we need more officers, rather than less. 1/28/2021 3:26 AM 88 We are blessed to have the police Officers that we do! Change the laws of 47/57 and we need a zero tolerance on homeless, drugs and alcohol abuse! Mental health issues are a mental problem and anyone living on the street is not well. 1/27/2021 9:48 PM 89 I highly consider the PD utilize a community education approach to help others realize the gravity of the decisions that have to be made in emergency and acute situations. The oversight committee could be detrimental, dangerous and potentially deadly considering the potential power of dictating a profession from left field. 1/27/2021 8:30 PM 90 I do not want to see a reduction of police officers or presence in our community. It is a safe community now, however defunding the police department in any way would have a negative effect on our community. 1/27/2021 6:38 PM 91 The police appear to be more complacent then need we are not political some of the kids need help not a blind eye 1/27/2021 5:19 PM 92 The Carlsbad Police Department is the best. It is one of the major advantages to living in Carlsbad. Let’s not try to join San Francisco and Seattle and Portland. 1/27/2021 11:37 AM 93 The police primary responsibility should always be to prevent a person from inflicting harm on another. Any laws that are broken should be enforced. Mask wearing is not a law; it is a suggested guideline. I should be allowed to not wear a mask when out walking if I am keeping my distance from others ( I walk 2 hours every morning at 5am and don't wear a mask as I get dizzy and don't want to breathe my own carbon dioxide; I cross the street or go in the bike lane to keep my distance from anyone). In a democracy, it is important to maintain the values of freedom. I am free to take the risks I am willing to take, as long as I am not harming anyone else. I have a right to suffer the consequences of my own actions. The police have no right to tell me to wear a mask if I keep my distance from others. 1/27/2021 11:35 AM 94 Monthly oversight meetings.1/27/2021 9:51 AM 95 Waste of time and money. This is not a problem in Carlsbad.1/27/2021 6:23 AM 96 Invest in your people and hold the force to the highest of standards.1/26/2021 10:48 PM 97 Thank you.1/26/2021 9:53 PM 98 Let our community make the decisions that you are supposed to enforce (city council)1/26/2021 8:42 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 94 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 47 / 59 99 i would like to see where tickets are being issued...i.e. littering, speeding, etc.....1/26/2021 8:24 PM 100 It is well past time that we make all our police departments accountable for addressing issues of equity and excessive use of force. 1/26/2021 8:20 PM 101 a small police sub-station next to/ or in, one of the fire stations, fire station 2 or 6, zip 92009, would be nice. 1/26/2021 7:27 PM 102 Carlsbad police are great. Like any organization, it would be best to have more transparency. 1/26/2021 7:17 PM 103 Refusal to have oversight contributes to racism in policing. https://www.brennancenter.org/our- work/research-reports/hidden-plain-sight-racism-white-supremacy-and-far-right-militancy-law https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/opinions/systemic-racism-police-evidence- criminal-justice-system/ https://theconversation.com/the-racist-roots-of-american-policing-from- slave-patrols-to-traffic-stops-112816 https://spsp.org/news-center/blog/pelham-police-officers- racist https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01846-z 1/26/2021 7:16 PM 104 I have personally seen instances of officers not obeying driving laws from time to time. They were not in pursuit of someone or responding to a call, based on their behavior. Officers need to remember that they are always visible and that they need to set good law abiding behavior examples, especially for young people in the areas. 1/26/2021 6:50 PM 105 Jefferson Elementary School experienced several deportations when Carlsbad Police routinely stopped parents for minor traffic infractions while dropping off students. Because officers did not speak Spanish, the Border Patrol would be called in to translate. The school community was devastated by this action as several families were separated from their children. After many months of this practice, the Jefferson community joined with St. Patrick Catholic Church to invite the Carlsbad Police to a meeting where concerns were openly discussed and ideas for change were carefully considered. Eventually the deportations slowed. This was a first step to show how community oversight and discussion worked to create better relationships between the police and neighbors. Continued involvement of Carlsbad’s police with the YES program (Youth Enrichment Services - Carlsbad Unified School District), is an another example of community collaboration that could/should be expanded. 1/26/2021 6:33 PM 106 Although I am not a resident, I live very near Carlsbad, and spend time and money in Carlsbad. I have had a few interactions with the police, and all have been positive. I believe there is always room for growth, and civilian oversight is a good next-step. 1/26/2021 6:18 PM 107 We’re on your side. We just want to know that all of you are on our side too. I’m horrified that my mixed race granddaughter is experiencing racial profiling and is afraid of the very people that supposed to protect and defend her. Where is she supposed to go it she needs your help? This is an internal problem that has not been resolved. Fix it! I’ll do anything I can to help, like working with families that are affected by alcoholism and drug abuse. 1/26/2021 5:47 PM 108 I have been very pleased with the job the police appreciated doing 1/26/2021 5:08 PM 109 Embrace the oversight...if you fight it concerns from the community will only increase.1/26/2021 3:45 PM 110 In my contacts with Carlsbad police officers, they have always treated me and my family members with professionalism and respect. Fast response times in Carlsbad are an important factor in keeping our community safe. Any diversion of funds away from the police department would inevitably compromise the department's ability to respond so quickly when called upon. 1/26/2021 3:41 PM 111 Our police department does a great job and I have never hear of them needing oversight. 1/26/2021 3:05 PM 112 I have lived in Carlsbad for over six years now and am a homeowner. I feel safe in my neighborhood and have found the PD to be very friendly and non-evasive. Carlsbad is a unique city in that we have an interstate, lots of industry, as well as a nice downtown. Carlsbad is a safe city and I believe that a citizen oversight committee will jeopardize that as officers' tools will be removed in order to avoid any trouble with the arbitrary committee. 1/26/2021 2:15 PM 113 Please add a local liaison office in La Costa Town Center in a vacant storefront.1/26/2021 2:14 PM 114 Perhaps citizens could volunteer to do some of the more mundane and clerical type tasks in order to 'free up' uniformed officers in the field. 1/26/2021 2:09 PM 115 If we did add civilian oversight to the CPD, I am concerned that it would display a lack of trust in CDP. It is one thing to BE OF SERVICE to the CDP by reporting anything we see that does 1/26/2021 1:36 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 95 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 48 / 59 not seem right. But to "oversee" the CDP doing their job....I think that is what CDP management is for...like in any organization. 116 I trust our police to protect the residents they serve. If the dept decides to go with oversight, I hope they will choose Carlsbad residents who have the best interest of our community in mind. 1/26/2021 1:22 PM 117 The Carlsbad Police Department is doing an outstanding job; no oversight needed.1/26/2021 1:18 PM 118 I think the police department has enough checks and balances already.1/26/2021 1:07 PM 119 As with almost all City services there is a big imbalance between the Village and the rest of the City. Carlsbad is much more than just the Village. The City was fast to add development in the SE quadrant for the tax revenue, but slow to recognize the increased traffic from Rancho Santa Fe speedway through CBD. 1/26/2021 12:29 PM 120 Our police department has been transparent and has some level of goodwill in our community. However, the perspective of people of color in our community differs from that of the larger community and needs to be taken into consideration. To address any issues that inevitable arise, it is important that the community have a vehicle for weighing in. The department and our city have a great opportunity to create a model for how to make this work. Thank you for your consideration of these important conversations. 1/26/2021 10:55 AM 121 Believing me when I say that if you are 18+ Electric scooters are allowed to be on the road! 1/26/2021 10:46 AM 122 I have the highest respect for our police force. Are they perfect? No, but no one is. In my experience they’ve been kind and professional ...here in North county especially, we are a tight knit community ... and they are “one of us” 1/26/2021 10:28 AM 123 We trust our police. They do a wonderful job! Thank you for your service!1/26/2021 10:00 AM 124 All my experiences with police are positive. If anything they are too nice 1/26/2021 9:48 AM 125 I just wish you had supported me. My husband had a meeting with supervisors at Carlsbad PD and still, we were ignored. My neighbor threatened physical harm to me and the lieutenant that responded said to my face “he really didn’t mean it” mind you, this man was out on bail for multiple counts of domestic violence. You failed me. 1/26/2021 5:48 AM 126 Civilian oversight is not a silver bullet but Carlsbad should be a leader in civilian oversight rather than lagging. 1/25/2021 11:25 PM 127 Drop your legal threats towards me about Erin Pilsbury and let me go back to my home and job. All I did was pay her family's bills and complain about the other guy. You have bigger problems. 1/25/2021 8:57 PM 128 Civilian input and/or oversight seems to be something that a lot of other police departments already have implemented or are implementing. It seems like a productive and valuable idea to be proactive in investing in policies/committees/dialogue like this. I believe it would be worth the effort. 1/25/2021 8:25 PM 129 I have contacts with professionals that can assist in putting a review board together.1/25/2021 6:26 PM 130 Please stay ahead of the homeless problem. Murder, arson... what more do we need? I don’t want this to become LA or San Francisco. 1/25/2021 7:36 AM 131 Homeless population in the Village 1/24/2021 7:53 PM 132 Prioritizing is the key of our police resources based on today’s needs and risks 1/24/2021 6:55 PM 133 Carlsbad is a wonderful city to live in. Thank you for asking for input!1/24/2021 3:14 PM 134 Our residents are proud of our officers, they overwhelmingly behave in a manner that is respectful to law abiding citizens, and compassionate to law breakers alike. I would not trust a neighboring city's pd as much as ours. 1/24/2021 2:15 PM 135 The police department needs to address and enforce the no overnight camping on city streets. Avenida Encinas (between Poinsettia and Palomar Airport Rd) has many rundown RV’s parked overnight. 1/24/2021 1:51 PM 136 I would encourage the Department to evaluate its hiring procedures to see if they have been adapted to account for the changing times, culture, awareness, the City's growth, and the types of crime that occur in our city, as seen by our statistics. Hiring criteria should include 1/24/2021 1:32 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 96 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 49 / 59 soft skills needed to handle the diverse people/incidents most often encountered in Carlsbad. I would like to see the Department continue its pursuit of training our existing officers in de- escalating and disengagement techniques (as discussed during the City Council Meeting). Officers get alot of firearms training and tactical training, however if a use of force situation can be avoided using de-escalating or disengagement that is better for the officer and the public. Having said this, I fully recognize the need for officer’s safety and support officers being able to use all their tools, training, and skills to serve and protect. The soft skills needed to exercise de-escalation and disengagement need to be practiced and officers should get this training regularly so they can practice these skills too. I believe the Department should also evaluate if they are collecting the right type of data pertaining to use of force, the incidents, etc. What data is collected and how that data is used to communicate to the public can go a long way to best represent the officer’s actions taken during all types of interactions with the public. Communicating such information to the public on a regular basis could likely increase the communities understanding of the Department’s culture and increase its trust in the Department’s fair and respectful handling of situations. 137 Certainly Carlsbad has not (yet) had many of the problems seen in some other cities but I believe checks and balances for all public institutions is probably not a bad idea. 1/24/2021 1:19 PM 138 More policing. Listen to the needs of officers. Adding social,mental health dept. To deal with homeless & mental issues. 1/24/2021 12:18 PM 139 The city should focus more on preventing crime than policing the police.1/24/2021 12:02 PM 140 Expectations from the community are that the Carlsbad PD will be kept transparently accountable to community and practice equitable, bias-free, and force-appropriate policing. 1/24/2021 11:56 AM 141 Please allow restaurants to use their constitutionally given right to peacefully protest and operate safely. There is no evidence outside dining is a major contributor to the spread of covid. 1/24/2021 11:50 AM 142 N/a 1/24/2021 11:45 AM 143 I would like to see focus on the homeless issue.1/24/2021 11:43 AM 144 Get the homeless off the streets. If they are intoxicated or under the influence . Put them in jail. If they didn’t grow up here of have permanent residence in Carlsbad before they moved here, send them back to the original city/county/state. 1/24/2021 11:39 AM 145 Civilian oversight should absolutely not be used to enforce Covid lockdowns or to threaten or shut down restaurants that are staying open in order to keep themselves alive by staying in business. That would be a terrible miss use of resources. 1/23/2021 7:13 PM 146 Body Cams should be mandatory and any citizen should be able to request access to footage via a digital archive - don’t need a committee to oversee police operations Any capital purchase like swat tanks etc need fuel council vote - not just be a line item in a budget 1/23/2021 5:29 PM 147 get rid of homeless, drug addicts, crime, junk cars, beggars, pan handlers, car robberies, home robberies have increased way too much. 1/23/2021 2:12 PM 148 Take care of the homeless problem 1/23/2021 1:45 PM 149 I have had only one bad interaction out of many. But that interaction involved an officer unholstering his weapon because my (Black) husband was looking for our registration and it “made him nervous”. The incident happened during the day with our windows rolled down and my teenage son in the backseat. The officers partner had to mediate and thankfully it didn’t escalate. However I could see a similar scenario accidentally being lethal and that is not okay. 1/23/2021 9:20 AM 150 Thanks for all you do, I know your job isn't easy 1/22/2021 8:07 PM 151 If budget allows, would like more officers who would be out and about in the community, to provide a mix of community involvement as well as visible crime deterrent 1/22/2021 4:25 PM 152 Feel the CPD has acted with integrity in some difficult times 1/22/2021 2:30 PM 153 Our local police enforcement are doing a great job and do not need civilians to tell them how to do it. 1/22/2021 12:57 PM 154 I am tired of hearing about local car break in's, open use of smoking marijuana and overall degrading in neighborhoods especially in the area by the low income housing by the Dove 1/22/2021 12:34 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 97 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 50 / 59 Library. 155 I respect our Police Department and want them to know that the majority of our residents support them. At the same time, we ask so much of our police officers: mental health counseling, homeless issues, fighting crime, youth services, and so much more. I think it isn’t reasonable to expect one person to be able to be an expert in all of those areas. I think we should consider innovative ways to involve mental health or drug addiction specialists, for example, to help the PD respond to certain issues. 1/22/2021 11:05 AM 156 Get you act together on enforcing the health order against these noncompliant business. I'm so embarrassed by the police department and city council's nonresponse to this pandemic. 1/22/2021 11:02 AM 157 I think, in general, most citizens, myself included have a high appreciation for the work of the PD. When there are concerning incidents or bad actors or policies within the PD the immediate impacts of that negative relationship flare up and draw attention away from the good things that are done or the work being made to further improve the PD efforts at equality and creating an improved quality of life. A well run, non-partisan CO could allow for a more comprehensive citizen visual of the PD, while also chipping into the perception that the (few) bad actors in the system aren't allowed to continue their negative efforts while using their shield as a forcefield against repercussion. 1/22/2021 11:01 AM 158 Do not enforce or police those businesses trying to survive during this shut down. Our money should not be spent harassing and ticketing people who are trying to stay afloat by operating their businesses. 1/22/2021 9:33 AM 159 Let them do their jobs 1/22/2021 9:25 AM 160 Create a better partnership with civilians to better understand procedures. Sometimes I have felt dismissed when asking questions of local police. 1/21/2021 5:54 PM 161 Ensure your officers reflect the greater community. Do you represent our diversity?1/21/2021 12:42 PM 162 Do not add a civilian oversight board! If you want input the surveys like this are useful, but again civilians don’t understand the world of policing! 1/21/2021 10:37 AM 163 The officers and staff at CPD that I’ve interacted with have been nothing but respectful and knowledgeable 1/21/2021 5:56 AM 164 What’s the ultimate goal of this civilian oversight for the officers? Personally I believe the CPD is exceptional and we are happy to live in a town where the police have managed to bridge the gap with civilians through social media, community outreach and overall kind, friendly demeanors. A civilian overseeing daily police operations and having case management input seems ridiculous and a waste of resources. 1/20/2021 10:05 PM 165 Our Police Officers are amazing. There is no need for them to have to answer to a citizens review board. 1/20/2021 7:27 PM 166 C.P.D. does a great job addressing the needs of the community of the citizens and visitors. Change isn’t needed. 1/20/2021 6:18 PM 167 More opportunities for ride along and/or personal observations by community leaders and / or concern citizens 1/20/2021 2:54 PM 168 My experience is that CPD is very responsive to requests for service. Feel more comfortable/confident with policing in Carlsbad than some neighboring jurisdictions. 1/20/2021 10:11 AM 169 I would like to know if they have tried to coordinate with programs like a domestic violence response team or a sexual assault response team. I'd also like to know if they have support for situations that include the mentally ill like PERT 1/20/2021 8:43 AM 170 Cori Schumacher's push to enforce these Stay at Home Mandates and shut local small businesses down are unconstituational and completely arbitrary, just shows that based on 98% of callers comments being against these enforcement's during the meeting that she demanded, that she is blatantly disregarding the constituents voices that she was voted in by, she should be ashamed and pulling the victim card shows her true colors! 1/20/2021 8:13 AM 171 Pay them more for the great service they deliver to the city of Carlsbad.1/19/2021 9:40 PM 172 There's always room for improvement, for everyone in any job or on a personal level. I think our police department is fantastic and I'm sure they recognize where they can improve without 1/19/2021 9:34 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 98 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 51 / 59 too much input from the public. 173 I think you guys do a good job of keeping our beautiful city safe. I'd love to see you guys get more support and funding for helping what feels like a growing homelessness and mental health problem. 1/19/2021 8:22 PM 174 Start helping the residents of Carlsbad in stead of always being on the side of tourists or out of towners. Our great little community has been ruined because no one wants to hurt the tourist $ 1/19/2021 6:28 PM 175 Leave the cops alone. They do a fine job. Instead of micro managing them think of ways to protect them from groups that would tear them down. I think each member of the city council should ride with a patrol officer for a 12 shift so they might have a better understanding of the job. 1/19/2021 5:54 PM 176 Waste of time. Police needs to focus on real crimes. Let’s use police’s own / existing city guidelines to check the work instead of creating a layer. 1/19/2021 4:21 PM 177 My biggest questions is why? Are we doing this for political gain or for the health and welfare of Carlsbad. What is happening in Carlsbad that would motivate this? What local problem are we trying to solve or how will this make community policing better? 1/19/2021 3:32 PM 178 I think it's important to consider there history and the issues that they have dealt with that have had very productive, positive outcomes. If it's not broken, don't fix it! 1/19/2021 2:47 PM 179 You guys rock. Thank you for keeping us safe.1/19/2021 1:27 PM 180 Stop using cbad police to issue Restaurant bar health orders. Solve the robberies and vandalism. 1/19/2021 1:26 PM 181 I am interested in the idea of separating calls for a welfare check, mental health issue or homelessness from routine police dispatch. Since these are not crimes, I would like to work with the county that has approved crisis mobile response teams to build an infrastructure that supports rather than demeans our community. Several other groups are working on this in north county so we could partner with others to make such changes. The Homeless Outreach Team could be separated from the police dept and continue to be a service of the city. Obviously, there would be much work to do to make these changes. The Cahoots Program in Oregon could be used as a template to work from. 1/19/2021 12:56 PM 182 I strongly believe that intensively training our PD in better, more wholesome, Disability Recognition & Response will yield greater community trust, especially with our more vulnerable populations - like the Disabled Community, the Homeless Community, as well as with Persons of Color. Improving Disability Response could single-handedly eradicate a significantly large number of real (or perceived) police abuse incidents. It is now well known that Statistically, the greatest risk of harm in a 911 or police interaction falls upon persons with disabilities, esp. mental health disabilities. The second highest rate of harm is persons of color with disabilities. What this means to me, is that we as a City could significantly reduce not only Police Abuse incidents but also Racial Injustices, simply by improving our Police Disability Response. The whole Police Manual doesn't have to be rewritten for real change to happen. Real change can come from simply training our PD in how to properly apply the practices, policies and laws that already exist which support the vulnerable. The law says that "persons with Disabilities should get special protection and special consideration under the law", yet how is this even possible if our PD doesn't have a functional 911 system in place for recognizing a person with a disability and properly responding. As we know, not all disabilities are in your face visible and identifiable. How has our PD risen to this challenge and successfully developed/implemented practices & policies which make interaction with Law Enforcement safe for Persons with Disabilities? As of today, they really haven't and this must change. I've heard a new 911 dispatch system is in the works, and due for rollout in a year or so. Supposedly, this system will have ways to recognize and respond to special needs individuals. I hope this actualizes, as it is needed beyond words. I don't think our City leaders know that Our 911 system, CPD and CFD, currently does not have any real training in the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) or relevant Service Dog Law. Most Officers don't even know what that is or how it relates to 911 calls. Very few have any understanding of Disability Law or the unique circumstances surrounding crimes that involve elders or persons with disabilities. I can't tell you how many times I've heard the following statements from Police: "WE DON"T HAVE THE ABILITY TO PRIORITIZE SPECIAL NEEDS" "WE DON"T TAKE PEOPLE WHO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AS DISABLED AT FACE VALUE BECAUSE PEOPLE LIE TO US ALL THE TIME" or "IF A PERSON IS BABBLING AND NOT MAKING SENSE, WE AREN'T GOING TO SPEND THE 1/19/2021 12:28 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 99 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 52 / 59 TIME TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THEY'RE SAYING. These statements are many things including offensive AND illegal. They violate the legal rights of Persons with Disabilities and the result is trauma. I find this to be EXTREMELY DISTURBING. Our 911 system, CPD and CFD need to be extensively trained and retrained and retrained again in the following: *How to recognize and respond to a Person with a Disability *The ADA in 911, Law Enforcement & Paramedic Response *Service Dog Law *Trauma Informed Care *The WIC Elder Abuse AND Dependent Adult Civil Protections Act *PC 368 Abuse of Elders, Dependent Adults and Persons with Disabilities, including abuse resulting in significant mental or emotional distress *The Olmstead Decision *The DA's Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Blueprint *Invisible Illness *Disability Hate Crimes *Rape or DV against a person with a disability, especially if they're homeless. I also feel very strongly that our Police and Fire need way more mental health treatment and services themselves. Trauma and PTSD are a root issue in many of the problematic police/fire interactions we are looking at with this discussion, both in the public and within the PD/FD. When trauma meets trauma it's bad news. How are we going to get a grip on this tidal wave of unbridled trauma?? That question is absolutely essential to this conversation and will have to be seriously addressed for any real positive changes to occur. I have much more to say but I'll stop here. Please take the time to really read what I've written. I put an incredible amount of time and energy into preparing this - as I suffer from significant disabilities myself, and these expressions do not come easily to me. Thank You! 183 I oppose requiring police officers to go around looking for people without masks 1/19/2021 11:45 AM 184 Continue doing a great job while letting local businesses operate 1/19/2021 11:25 AM 185 Less Parking on crowded streets especially during soccer events at park.1/19/2021 10:51 AM 186 I lived in Carlsbad for 7-8 year. I no longer live there, but work and have worked in downtown Carlsbad since 2004. Please consider being on the same side as the community rather than against them. 1/19/2021 10:48 AM 187 policing the parks at night 1/19/2021 10:45 AM 188 Small business need their chance to operate with safety in mind.1/19/2021 10:36 AM 189 N/A 1/19/2021 10:18 AM 190 Restaurants remaining open is not a threat to society. What is a threat is our government that expects us to fend for ourselves, which is exactly what we must do just to have food on our tables. $600 is a slap in the face, and if what this country wants is for me to fend for myself, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do and citing small business when everyone is already struggling, and has been for almost a YEAR is disgusting and cruel. No one deserves to be punished for simply trying to survive!!! 1/19/2021 10:17 AM 191 none 1/19/2021 9:31 AM 192 Carlsbad has one of the best police departments in the county. There is no need for an oversight committee. 1/19/2021 9:12 AM 193 It is wrong for one city council member, i.e. Cori, to try to back door the will of the council, and the people, for her political agenda. Businesses have to open up!! Enough is enough!! To have the police going around ticketing and strong arming businesses is not what America is about!! 1/19/2021 7:28 AM 194 Just a thank you for being there when we need you. Thanks for allowing peaceful protests and I will be protesting if there is any talk of defunding. I would never want your job and appreciate your patience with all of the scary people you deal with. 1/19/2021 6:15 AM 195 Stop creating new issues and focus on the plethora of real ones we already have related to recovery . Today, we have the power of voting f we are dissatisfied with The performance of our elected officials and that includes the police department. 1/19/2021 5:29 AM 196 I don’t understand why people with mental health problems can illegally camp and leave trash and start fires. This is not an oversight issue. 1/19/2021 5:26 AM 197 If police could get out of their cars, and interact with people on a one to one human relationship it could change the civilian perception . Police become friends. 1/19/2021 5:14 AM 198 That’s all. Thanks for considering my comments.1/19/2021 3:25 AM 199 All efforts to personalize CPD, their officers, K-9, senior volunteers and adminisration I believe have been helpful in reminding the community that you are not the enemy, that you are our 1/19/2021 2:52 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 100 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 53 / 59 neighbors helping to protect all of us and our City. Fostering respect for our law enforcement I have to believe helps people make better choices to do right. 200 No changes.1/18/2021 11:12 PM 201 Hire more police to patrol neighborhoods and respond to stop crime 1/18/2021 11:06 PM 202 I feel that civilian oversight may interfere and cause more work for the Carlsbad Police Department. I feel that they do an excellent job and do not need a group of people telling them how to do their job. 1/18/2021 10:48 PM 203 Na 1/18/2021 8:57 PM 204 Funds that would pay for this “civilian oversight” could be far better utilized by hiring additional police, vehicles, training, etc. 1/18/2021 8:23 PM 205 I was racially profiled a few years ago when turning into a shopping center. Questions about racism should be standard during lie detector tests prior to hiring. 1/18/2021 7:46 PM 206 You’re doing a great job. Don’t listen to Cori. Don’t police over covid. And help the homeless situation. Just my two cents. :) 1/18/2021 7:32 PM 207 I would be interested in more real time information about police activities and to know that situations have been resolved. There was a large police activity in back of my house a few weeks ago and I have no idea what it was about or if the situation was safely resolved. 1/18/2021 7:14 PM 208 Keep our beautiful city safe and clean. Please do now allow homeless people to live in public spaces and use side-walk as their toilets. They need care in proper shelters. 1/18/2021 7:13 PM 209 CPD is doing a great job!1/18/2021 7:01 PM 210 The city of carlsbad and police department need to work on getting the homeless situation under control. Many of these individuals are using illegal drugs and I am afraid to let my teenage daughter go into village even with friends because of the overwhelming safety concerns. Most of these people were not carlsbad residents prior to becoming homeless in our community. I would hate to see citizens taking the law into their own hands if the city can’t control it. 1/18/2021 5:47 PM 211 They are doing a great job!1/18/2021 5:29 PM 212 Do not try and fix something that is not broken.1/18/2021 5:27 PM 213 Protect and serve.1/18/2021 5:23 PM 214 Be more neutral with politics 1/18/2021 5:21 PM 215 using tax payers money to help shut down more businesses is not what your city wants. Help us save the small businesses and help with the homeless problem we have currently. 1/18/2021 5:02 PM 216 I've loved attending the Coffee with a Cop sessions, although I recognize we can't do it now. As mentioned above, Community meetings on specific topics can be helpful. I'd use the one on Homelessness as a great model; all were involved and mostly good discussions; everyone had to take ownership. 1/18/2021 4:50 PM 217 Not needed 1/18/2021 4:43 PM 218 I’m a firm believer in The Blue...but the chief of police needs to grow a pair and do the right thing. I’ll help...The Constitution 1/18/2021 4:43 PM 219 i wish Cori would listen to her constituents and just stop using political means to achieve her unpopular goals 1/18/2021 4:41 PM 220 We have homeless issues in District 1. We see drug dealing, intoxicated people wondering around in our street, station, bus-stops, parks, benches, fountain, front yards, and store fronts. Police is not even allowed to take care of these issues. Our I am disgusted that District 1 council-person continues to ignore these real crisis and pursuing their political agenda, instead of listen to us and solve real problems. Please allow me to remind you that your job is to serve and work for the residents. 1/18/2021 4:33 PM 221 While our family had been fortunate to have not been the victims of any devastating crimes, we have had contact with the police in various ways over the years - from a sexual preditor 1/18/2021 4:15 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 101 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 54 / 59 accosting my young teen daughter to vandalism of our vehicle to community outreach at various events around town. The police have always been professional, courteous, helpful and friendly. I'd like to keep it that way. 222 Overall, I believe the CPD exhibits excellent customer service, officers and personal exhibit professional behavior. We moved to Carlsbad because of the excellent service and response times. 1/18/2021 3:56 PM 223 More engagement with businesses in partnership with the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. 1/18/2021 3:55 PM 224 I live in Oceanside, but frequently shop and eat out in Carlsbad, as it seems safer. I am upset by the overwhelming homeless population in South Oceanside. I feel unsafe, even in my home at times, as the homeless walk through my yard all the time or try to set up camps next to my house. 1/18/2021 3:53 PM 225 I value and respect the police and appreciate the very difficult work that they do. I also think it is important to name and address problems that are affecting police and the communities they serve. This isn't just good for the community, it's good for the police, too, as they are often in untenable situations they are not always equipped or trained to handle, such as mental health crises, housing and/or food insecurity, substance use, or cries for social justice. All of these things are complex issues that need well thought out solutions that are designed with police and the community, rather than just higher ups, administrators, or 'experts'. The people most affected by programs and policies, in this instance the police officers themselves and the people they serve who live here, ought to have a say. 1/18/2021 3:50 PM 226 Status Quo.1/18/2021 3:35 PM 227 Our entire family has resided in Carlsbad for our entire lives and have had many many interactions with the police department over the years 1/18/2021 3:11 PM 228 I am a Carlsbad Grad., I have owned a few properties in Carlsbad over the years and feel that the CPD has always been well run. 1/18/2021 3:00 PM 229 No to Cori Shumacher being a part of the department!1/18/2021 2:46 PM 230 Try and get the crazy and dangerous homeless off the streets 1/18/2021 1:53 PM 231 As a board member of Carlsbad Youth Baseball, additional oversight at the parks to ensure our kids have a safe place to play. 1/18/2021 1:52 PM 232 Police department has been doing a great job.1/18/2021 1:49 PM 233 They do their jb well.1/18/2021 1:48 PM 234 City and police department have done a great job during this pandemic sofar.1/18/2021 1:46 PM 235 They do their job very well I hope focus 1/18/2021 1:45 PM 236 stop making criminals out of our local businesses, let people safely open!1/18/2021 1:22 PM 237 COD is trustworthy 1/18/2021 1:19 PM 238 Keep up the good work. Be kind, be understanding, be strong. Don't be intimidated by left wing nutcases. 1/18/2021 1:17 PM 239 Carlsbad police is doing a great job. Keep the peace and let people live their lives.1/18/2021 1:07 PM 240 Leave the police department alone to do their jobs which is enforcing the laws NOT enforcing political views of city officials or an "oversight" board. 1/18/2021 1:05 PM 241 I have very positive experiences with the Police Department at Carlsbad.1/18/2021 1:03 PM 242 I am truly wondering why we are paying our taxes to support city council women who are obviously trying to subvert their own city? Get out and do something else with your life. 1/18/2021 12:44 PM 243 City of Carlsbad needs to support and give the police the authority they should have to do their jobs the best they can. 1/18/2021 12:36 PM 244 none 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 245 Pay them more and recruit the best people. Add to the force.1/18/2021 12:31 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 102 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 55 / 59 246 Keep doing a great job. Thank you.1/18/2021 12:28 PM 247 Removing Cori Shumacher 1/18/2021 12:25 PM 248 Focus on crime and keeping us safe!!1/18/2021 12:18 PM 249 Leave our police alone and let them do there job. The narrative across the country that the police are the problem is wrong. Crime and criminals are the problem. 1/18/2021 12:18 PM 250 Keep it as is.1/18/2021 12:12 PM 251 None 1/18/2021 12:07 PM 252 We are voting you out Corey so be prepared.1/18/2021 12:05 PM 253 I saw a video of the Carlsbad Police arresting a Black man some time ago. I found it very disturbing that even though paramedics were on the scene to transport the man, several officers crowded the man, frightened him, distracted him so an officer could get behind him and taser him and then strapped him to a gurney, put on a spit hood and loaded him into a vehicle. No attempt was made to de-escalate. He was never told what he did wrong or why they were treating with such disregard. 1/18/2021 12:02 PM 254 Leave our wonderful police dept. alone. They are capable of managing themselves.1/18/2021 11:30 AM 255 Thank you for keeping our city safe!1/18/2021 11:17 AM 256 Need to address the homeless, mental illness individual's need to go. Not safe for our children 1/18/2021 10:37 AM 257 Good ideas can go wrong if they are not set up with proper boundaries.1/18/2021 9:57 AM 258 This is a back handed effort to get her way by Cory Schumacher who was shot down a few weeks ago for enhanced enforcement against restaurants staying open. The CPD doesn’t need civilian oversight at the expense of Carlsbad tax payers. 1/18/2021 8:49 AM 259 Please allow small businesses to peacefully protest in order to safely remain open and provide for their families. 1/18/2021 7:59 AM 260 CRB is important to involve community members with investigative responsibility. This is also helpful to continue with the strong public trust with Carlsbad PD. 1/17/2021 8:13 PM 261 Clearer communication with the community, potential non emergency helpline/forum 1/17/2021 7:39 PM 262 I think I’ve made my point. Don’t get sucked into this political nonsense that is seeking to defund the police and rip them of their ability to serve and save lives. 1/17/2021 5:23 PM 263 I would like Carlsbad Police to continue to serve the community we love so much. It would be nice to have a reduction in the homeless population and I am concerned about the outreach program at the church on Oak and CVD. 1/17/2021 4:59 PM 264 More neighborhood patrol less traffic enforcement given resources growing neighborhood crime 1/17/2021 12:43 PM 265 Let people make covid 19 decisions for themselves. You close them down, they go out of business, and you'll end up with a ghost town! 1/17/2021 12:15 PM 266 Don't do it. Avoid more government rules and regulations. And don't listen to the media as they push fear. The proof is in the failure of the city to manage the current homeless problem of allowing people to live in public parks. I am surprised that the extremely mentally I'll man eas finally removed from the streets after he shit on the sidewalk. But nothing was done prior to that to remove him and it took an email to the mayor and city council to make it happen. 1/17/2021 7:32 AM 267 Would like to see new ideas to protect our communities where citizens can be better educated and help by providing more eyes and ears 1/17/2021 6:02 AM 268 I think the police and fire departments in Carlsbad are doing a fine job. They only need support from the city and community. Other than that, we should stay out of their way. 1/16/2021 11:34 PM 269 After more than 50 years of observation of the PD in Carlsbad, the evolution has not been what Department management tries to sell to residents. Considerable improvement is needed and it CANNOT come about without meaningful and empowered civilian oversight. 1/16/2021 9:09 PM 270 Oversight and community engagement are both high risk and high reward. Look to the future not the past 1/16/2021 4:10 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 103 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 56 / 59 271 Thank you Carlsbad City Police for keeping us safe.1/16/2021 2:40 PM 272 I have completed the Carlsbad Academy and was greatly impressed by the police and fire personnel that I met. 1/16/2021 2:21 PM 273 I am NOT in favor of more enforcement. People need to keep businesses operating. This state has gotten crazy. Please do NOT use my tax payers money for this purpose. 1/16/2021 1:50 PM 274 Thank you for allowing our small businesses and restaurants to stay open.1/16/2021 1:35 PM 275 I would like the police abd City to report interaction with public on coronavirus related actions daily so we know how police are responding to noncompliance and what the results are. 1/16/2021 12:54 PM 276 I do not agree with any motions to “defund” the police. I support our police and thank them, but there are definitely some bad apples whose top priority is not to protect our citizens and laws. There must be a 3rd party who can provide checks/balances on questionable enforcements/behaviors or our police. 1/16/2021 12:46 PM 277 People with differing experiences, backgrounds and/or opinions can put a fresh slant on things. 1/16/2021 10:58 AM 278 Our Carlsbad police department should be actively and proactively collaborating with local FBI to identify right-wing extremists in our community who are the greatest domestic threat to our community and democracy. Also, Council should consider restructuring all public safety matters under one department of 'public safety.' Council and staff should research best practices in the future of policing and consider them for making changes to adapt to changing times and circumstances. I would also like to see much more diversity of hiring and staffing in our police department including more women and people of color and not just at the entry level but at the leadership levels. 1/16/2021 10:57 AM 279 Pls consider enforcing a fine for Carlsbad resident who do not wear a mask while out in the town. 1/16/2021 9:16 AM 280 The police force needs significantly more diversity 1/16/2021 8:44 AM 281 I enjoy staying connected through Instagram. I know much more about what the police force is doing now than any other time since I’ve lived in Carlsbad. (20 years) 1/16/2021 8:21 AM 282 Thank you, CPD, for your willingness to face danger every day. We appreciate all that you do and are horrified at the recent attacks on all police. 1/16/2021 7:04 AM 283 The more the officers become individuals and are avail the better. Nextdoor is a great example. Jodie does a good job of informing us. If the police are out and about and friendly that really helps create a good example as well. 1/16/2021 5:39 AM 284 The police needs to pay attention, get speed under control in residential areas....very nice work with school threats (perceived in 2017/2018) , enforce Covid laws and put community first. 1/16/2021 1:52 AM 285 The homeless situation is out of control. They don’t need handouts. They need a hand up and off the street. 1/15/2021 11:04 PM 286 I am proud and honored to live in Carlsbad and from my point of view, which is really very limited since I have only had a couple experiences that were both good, the CPD does a pretty good job. 1/15/2021 10:47 PM 287 Homeless people are taking over!1/15/2021 10:38 PM 288 No need got for a civilian oversight group 1/15/2021 9:36 PM 289 Keep up the good work!1/15/2021 9:00 PM 290 You are doing a spectacular job. Homeless issue, living in cars and crime related to the homeless is a bog concern. Less compassion, enforce the laws that are available to you. Something has to change or soon we to will be like San Francisco and LA 1/15/2021 7:23 PM 291 It''s not broken is it? So, who gains by this suggestion?? If the Carlsbad Police think they need oversight, and they ask the Council for help, I'd consider the idea. 1/15/2021 7:21 PM 292 (See #5)1/15/2021 6:02 PM 293 Civilian volunteers to handle graffiti clean up 1/15/2021 5:45 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 104 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 57 / 59 294 Why are we allowing people to live in rv’s along Encinas? Several of them have been parked alongside Waters End for over three years. Blaming this on the pandemic is nonsense. Ticket them then tow them away. Many of us have called the police department multiple times. Absolutely nothing happens. Maybe no parking 11pm - 6am would finally solve this problem. 1/15/2021 5:39 PM 295 I think the Carlsbad Police Dept does a great job and see no need for additional oversight measures. 1/15/2021 5:05 PM 296 I would like to see more meet and greets with local police, perhaps over a half sandwich somewhere like courtyard in the Ralph’s shopping center outside 1/15/2021 4:45 PM 297 Thank you!1/15/2021 4:26 PM 298 Support our police and stop thugs and criminals and don't police hard working americans just trying to work which I believe they have done a good job. 1/15/2021 4:21 PM 299 Keep being a great police force! Honestly one of the standout things about Carlsbad 1/15/2021 4:17 PM 300 The only interaction I have had with the Carlsbad PD was awful and I am extremely disappointed. 1/15/2021 4:10 PM 301 Either the peace officers in Carlsbad are fresh out of the academy and over anxious to flex their authority, or there is a top-down problem that is evident in the law enforcement in the city. I have been around law enforcement in OC and learned that CPD has a reputation for being “nazi like” much of the time. Not my description, but have an extreme enforcement where not needed. 1/15/2021 4:02 PM 302 The lack of diversity in Carlsbad calls for added diversity training.1/15/2021 4:00 PM 303 Do not enforce Gavin Newsoms Covid rules. Let businesses survive. Police the homeless issues we have in our city parks. Especially pine park and holiday park. I have found needles and many homeless sleep in the park while doing drugs. 1/15/2021 3:58 PM 304 Carlsbad PD is stellar don’t undermine them with this bureaucratic nonsense.1/15/2021 3:57 PM 305 There shouldn’t be any indoor dining. Not safe right now. You need to endure that. And masks. 1/15/2021 3:46 PM 306 I support restaurants and any other businesses staying open. People can make their own choices about going or not. 1/15/2021 3:39 PM 307 I was very pleased to see the development of the homeless outreach team and would like our CPD to be viewed as the type of law enforcement group that any of us can turn to if we are in need rather than fear. 1/15/2021 3:37 PM 308 Test comment 1/15/2021 10:32 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 105 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 58 / 59 3.52%18 7.62%39 17.38%89 67.19%344 4.30%22 Q8 How long have you been a resident or owned property in Carlsbad? Answered: 512 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 512 Less than 2 years (I jus... 3-5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years I do not own property or... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Less than 2 years (I just moved here) 3-5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years I do not own property or reside in Carlsbad March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 106 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 59 / 59 0.20%1 1.57%8 7.05%36 13.50%69 25.83%132 47.55%243 4.31%22 Q9 Please select your age. Answered: 511 Skipped: 1 TOTAL 511 Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and over I prefer not to say 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and over I prefer not to say March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 107 of 224 District 1 responses March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 108 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 1 / 31 100.00%206 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 Q1 What District of Carlsbad do you reside in or have a business in? (If you're not sure you, click here) Answered: 206 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 206 District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 I do not have a residence ... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 I do not have a residence or business in Carlsbad March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 109 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 2 / 31 34.63%71 25.85%53 6.83%14 16.59%34 16.10%33 Q2 How do you get most of your information or knowledge related to police or policing services? Answered: 205 Skipped: 1 TOTAL 205 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE 1 All of the above 2/9/2021 11:33 AM 2 Public radio 2/8/2021 9:30 PM 3 Newspaper and email 2/6/2021 6:52 PM 4 City emails 2/6/2021 9:29 AM 5 Email 2/5/2021 6:18 PM 6 Social/Nextdoor or Neighbors. I really don't hear much about the CPD.2/5/2021 5:22 PM 7 KUSI or KFMB 2/4/2021 4:07 PM 8 All of the above; I am well connected 2/2/2021 5:04 PM 9 City Manager Emails and personal experience through my job 1/31/2021 6:51 PM 10 There is not a readily available source of policing information in Carlsbad. This is working as intended. 1/30/2021 9:33 PM Local news Social Media Community Groups Friends, Family Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Local news Social Media Community Groups Friends, Family Other (please specify) March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 110 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 3 / 31 11 City of Carlsbad News Update emails / City Manager 1/30/2021 2:40 PM 12 Deal with the police daily.1/29/2021 9:44 AM 13 Pulse point 1/28/2021 7:55 AM 14 Apps 1/27/2021 9:48 PM 15 Speak directly with officers 1/24/2021 12:18 PM 16 Local news. Community groups 1/24/2021 11:50 AM 17 Family and friends 1/22/2021 5:44 PM 18 Carlsbad PD Twitter & local news 1/22/2021 11:01 AM 19 I've volunteered with YWCA, WRC and SDVLP. I'm also a pro tem traffic judge.1/20/2021 8:43 AM 20 City email & TV news.1/19/2021 4:21 PM 21 This would have been better as a multiple choice or 'rank in order of' question. Personal experience and studying the laws 1/19/2021 12:28 PM 22 Specific news outlets online 1/19/2021 11:25 AM 23 local news, friends, family 1/19/2021 7:28 AM 24 Books, Newspapers 1/18/2021 11:12 PM 25 City of Carlsbad Newsletter emails.1/18/2021 4:33 PM 26 I do my own homework.1/18/2021 12:18 PM 27 San Diego Union-Tribune Sunday ed.1/18/2021 12:02 PM 28 national news network 1/17/2021 4:59 PM 29 I spend hours looking at several different news sources from both political sides and avoid the fear they both use. 1/17/2021 7:32 AM 30 All of the above 1/15/2021 10:47 PM 31 Jodee Reyes' posts 1/15/2021 7:21 PM 32 Carlsbad Twitter 1/15/2021 4:27 PM 33 Really don't and cannot believe the news 1/15/2021 4:21 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 111 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 4 / 31 4.88%10 3.90%8 16.59%34 31.71%65 42.93%88 Q3 How would you describe your overall level of trust that the Carlsbad Police Department is serving the community well? Answered: 205 Skipped: 1 TOTAL 205 Very Low Low Neutral, Don't Know High Very High 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Very Low Low Neutral, Don't Know High Very High March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 112 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 5 / 31 57.07%117 12.20%25 9.76%20 13.66%28 7.32%15 Q4 Based on your own experience, what is the level of need for adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? Answered: 205 Skipped: 1 TOTAL 205 Not Valuable, Not Needed Limited Value, Limited Need Somewhat Valuable,... Valuable, Needed Very Valuable, Very Needed 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Not Valuable, Not Needed Limited Value, Limited Need Somewhat Valuable, Somewhat Needed Valuable, Needed Very Valuable, Very Needed March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 113 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 6 / 31 Q5 What would be the value and/or need of adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? Answered: 163 Skipped: 43 #RESPONSES DATE 1 While the CPD has a good reputation, we are recognizing systemic issues nationally that leave certain groups under-represented and at risk for disparate treatment. It was clear from some of the comments at the community forum last night that Carlsbad is not immune to that reality. At the same time, our police deserve respect for the important job they do and a safe work environment. A civilian oversight board would facilitate greater transparency, communication and community trust, which makes policing safer for everyone. 2/9/2021 4:36 PM 2 De-escalation, more oversight of drug addicts and homeless 2/9/2021 1:30 PM 3 It would ensure better transparency and trust between the community and the PD. Address issues of inequity in the application of force, incarceration, racial profiling, and unnecessary brutality. More public conversations about things that matter for those most affected by police actions. 2/9/2021 11:33 AM 4 Greater transparency ; with properly selected panel for oversight, perhaps increased awareness of systemic problems 2/9/2021 10:57 AM 5 As a long time resident, including a number of interactions with Carlsbad police over the years, I see no need for civilian oversight. These particular community meetings seem like a waste of funds. If there were to be some sort of citizens' police committee, it would require legitimate statistical input from the majority of the community before implementation. These town hall meetings with a few residents supplying anecdotal accounts about their own perspectives regarding police is not terribly instructive. I would guess that the residents who responded have little to no experience with the duties and procedures of the CPD. 2/9/2021 10:29 AM 6 To ensure all community voices are heard and respected.2/8/2021 9:30 PM 7 Solutions must be informed by the communities impacted by policing and a civilian oversight would provide diverse perspectives, bring in new ideas, different ways of operating. 2/8/2021 7:58 PM 8 None. It would unnecessarily complicate policing and allow people with zero qualifications input. 2/8/2021 5:34 PM 9 None 2/8/2021 5:14 PM 10 No Value! The oversight committee as pushed by Carlsbad Equity Coalition will have a political agenda. It will not be in the best interest of Carlsbad residents and business owners as their priority. Their Political agenda will come first! 2/8/2021 4:32 PM 11 Being kept up to date on policy and happenings within the city.2/8/2021 3:07 PM 12 It's always good to have checks and balances to ensure that the overall safety and well being of the entire community is being met. 2/8/2021 2:26 PM 13 Make sure they are providing the services that we are paying for 2/7/2021 9:02 PM 14 Less unfortunate people bothering the wealthy, it’s petty really.2/6/2021 9:17 PM 15 I think it has the possibility of putting unnecessary or unfair roadblocks and to be costly . Some people don’t have an eye for a fair balance. It might empower the wrong person or people and add to any problem we might have. 2/6/2021 6:52 PM 16 Removing tasks that are not policing tasks. Improve citizen confidence and trust.2/6/2021 3:05 PM 17 Simply more communication with community 2/6/2021 9:29 AM 18 I have personally witnessed the Chief violate the law and abuse the power of his office to obfuscate his blame. 2/6/2021 5:33 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 114 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 7 / 31 19 In this day and age we don’t need “people” policing “people”. I don’t trust the politics to stay out of civilian “policing”. This Covid mask situation is a perfect example of what we don’t need in Carlsbad. People given too much power is not a good thing for our community. 2/5/2021 6:18 PM 20 To help keep the City Police Officers accountable. To provide transparency and promote community involvement. 2/5/2021 6:05 PM 21 I think having an input into the CPD mission is important. Crime is about out of control. Vandalism, thefts, homeless problems all seem to be a problem with no apparent solution. 2/5/2021 5:22 PM 22 Keep them in check 2/5/2021 4:59 PM 23 Trust but verify model 2/5/2021 9:46 AM 24 Better representation as they live in the community and may see and hear concerns of everyday people who may not contact police knowing they wont respond to an incident that maybe important to that person but not to CPD overall.. ie homeless, theft, trespassing, loitering 2/5/2021 9:13 AM 25 There is no need, nor is there any value, of adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department. 2/4/2021 4:07 PM 26 An impartial civilian body would be able to spot needs, both those of areas for improvement and areas in which the police need support, more factually than when the police are doing self- evaluation. 2/3/2021 10:50 AM 27 Minimal, other than a few isolated circumstances. I believe our Police Department has done a great job for 45+ years I have lived here. 2/2/2021 5:04 PM 28 Added community involvement could lead to trust and transparency 2/2/2021 2:51 AM 29 Carlsbad is a city of greet pride. The police are doing a fantastic job and we should not create oversite for involvement. We live in the best City around! Our City is unique and a special place to live. Our police officers are a a part of our community and treat everyone fairly. Let's not take the control out of their hands. 2/1/2021 11:55 AM 30 Transparency. In general, most city departments report doing very well and I am sure they are. Hoiwever, there is a need for citizens to be able to have a voice about what is NOT going well for them or their neighborhoods. 2/1/2021 6:14 AM 31 I don't agree with the current movement to add that, I don't feel it is needed and have faith that if there are needed changes in employees or policies the police can handle their own issues and needed changes 1/31/2021 6:51 PM 32 We need accountability. This will breed trust. This will increase the effectiveness of the police force and build bond with the community. 1/30/2021 9:33 PM 33 It would significantly increase the level of trust between police officers and the general public, hopefully preventing any further or worsening disputes between the two larger communities. 1/30/2021 8:32 PM 34 Increase trust between the community and police department.1/30/2021 3:15 PM 35 civilian oversight would only be valuable to our Police Department if the police department identifies areas of need for this type of assistance. 1/30/2021 2:40 PM 36 Ensuring the integrity of the department. Transparency will dealing with issues related to officers behavior and attitudes with the public, especially with persons of color. 1/29/2021 8:53 PM 37 N/A 1/29/2021 11:36 AM 38 We need to police the officers. Some of these officers need to go back to school on the law of our government law as well as the rules of the local law. 1/29/2021 9:44 AM 39 Ultimate transparency when it comes to communicating with community members- a police department doing nothing wrong has nothing to hide. 1/28/2021 4:08 PM 40 Zero need. Police Department has a Chief and he is accountable to City Manager and council 1/27/2021 9:48 PM 41 No value, it’s ridiculous. Who are we to tell them how to do their job???1/27/2021 9:22 PM 42 Officers would continue to be available for crimes 1/27/2021 12:03 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 115 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 8 / 31 43 None. Our city council is trying to force our police department into enforcing a health mandate not a law and they need to stop immediately. 1/26/2021 8:42 PM 44 maybe more aware of problems within the community in that the civilian may see a lot of the wrongs being committed. 1/26/2021 8:24 PM 45 None 1/26/2021 8:21 PM 46 Adding civilian oversight would connect police to the community adding needed communication and rapport. 1/26/2021 6:33 PM 47 At this time, I see no need 1/26/2021 5:08 PM 48 improves transparency and demands accountability 1/26/2021 11:33 AM 49 None 1/26/2021 10:46 AM 50 This counters the inherent bias among law enforcement.1/25/2021 11:25 PM 51 I feel that knowing what is happening in our Police System, and having transparency there, is very important to enabling trust between officers and the public. 1/25/2021 3:23 PM 52 Occasional review of trends and statistical data within the dept could be a logical way to enhance partnership and trust with people. Its important to Release data on the frequency of using the license plate readers to catch bad guys, but when that practice ends up in a high speed chase causing more damage or injury than the original infraction - a risk vs reward assessment is vital. Catching a suspected car thief, by totaling the car or making the thief crash into innocent drivers or structures is not a balanced tradeoff. 1/24/2021 2:15 PM 53 The Police force has been militarized and their approach to policing can be biased according to race and socioeconomic status. Civilian oversight would address these disparities in treatment and ensure the community feels safe with their police force by addressing community relations, getting rid of the bad apples, and ensuring the police work for the community and not against it. Also, police right now deal with issues such as mental illness and they need regular check-ins with the communities they serve to ensure fair practices. 1/24/2021 12:22 PM 54 Accountability 1/24/2021 12:18 PM 55 I don’t see a need for it.1/24/2021 11:50 AM 56 Nothing, waste of money and time and will interfere with police doing their job 1/23/2021 1:45 PM 57 Police officers typically have an unwarranted arrogance regarding what actions they can and cannot perform while patrolling. It would be a great value to the City for them to be held accountable for any loose or aggressive interactions in order to weed out any bad seeds early on. 1/23/2021 9:20 AM 58 Community contact Walking neighborhoods Defusing not aggressive behavior Hire more locals Make contacts in high schools by visiting and coaching 1/22/2021 5:44 PM 59 Perspective, relevance to community 1/22/2021 2:30 PM 60 It is critical that the oversight committee be racially and socioeconomically diverse. We should have significant representation from the Hispanic and Black communities in Carlsbad. If that means reaching out with civic engagement strategies, then that should be an integral part of the process. It doesn’t make sense for the oversight committee to be made up mostly or entirely of middle & upper socioeconomic groups or lacking racial diversity. The value would be to create a PD that works for all of its citizens, not just the ones who pay the most taxes. 1/22/2021 11:05 AM 61 I think it depends on if the civilian oversight is a political position or not. A CO that acts as a liaison to communicate between citizens and police, and follow up on police actions that may not be approved within the scope of duties would a value add. A political appointee working to push ideologies would not. 1/22/2021 11:01 AM 62 Surprised to hear that there isn't civilian oversight of the police department. Seems like something that should have been here all along. 1/22/2021 10:47 AM 63 Always keeping a civilian perspective or even just a different perspective on events that occur. 1/22/2021 10:39 AM 64 There is no value! Civilians have no idea why police do what they do! It’s a dangerous idea that will end up getting officers hurt! 1/21/2021 10:37 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 116 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 9 / 31 65 Nothing- everyone has an agenda. Unless the person was selected randomly like jury duty then examined for bias it would only make things worse. 1/20/2021 10:05 PM 66 I would like to have sexual assault and domestic violence procedures reviewed and updated. I am interested in efforts to have both de-escalation training and diversity hiring. 1/20/2021 8:43 AM 67 Do not see the need for Civilian oversight, would just add another layer to Police being able to enforce the community. 1/20/2021 8:13 AM 68 Enhance the connection to the community - more transparency & trust building 1/19/2021 8:22 PM 69 None 1/19/2021 6:28 PM 70 None 1/19/2021 4:37 PM 71 Zero 1/19/2021 4:21 PM 72 Our Carlsbad PD has been doing a great job. I see no value in adding this layer of oversight that could impede the great work they have been doing. 1/19/2021 2:47 PM 73 No value.1/19/2021 1:52 PM 74 N/A 1/19/2021 1:27 PM 75 To ensure rights of individuals are being held up with integrity.1/19/2021 1:26 PM 76 NOTHING 1/19/2021 1:06 PM 77 Break the Blue Wall of Silence. Provide methods for Police Accountability. Reduce opportunities for cover ups. Reduce incidents of Police abuse. If set up properly, it would help develop and implement efficient and inclusive channels that encourage the community to share their police experiences honestly, and result in the ability of unbiased overseers to swiftly respond to those concerns in a meaningful way. 1/19/2021 12:28 PM 78 to my knowledge, there is no need 1/19/2021 11:45 AM 79 We do not need oversight!1/19/2021 11:29 AM 80 I believe very little value, in today’s world we have more civilians divided looking out for their beliefs more than what is best for the city 1/19/2021 11:05 AM 81 n/a 1/19/2021 10:48 AM 82 It is not needed.1/19/2021 10:36 AM 83 We do not need to pay more in tax dollars for added civilian oversight. Carlsbad PD is doing a great job! 1/19/2021 10:18 AM 84 None 1/19/2021 10:17 AM 85 No need 1/19/2021 9:12 AM 86 Just watching the homeless, getting them help or move along Night patrols of neighborhoods for car theft 1/19/2021 6:15 AM 87 Waste of time and money 1/19/2021 5:26 AM 88 None other than to forward certain individual's agendas.1/19/2021 5:11 AM 89 None, they do great job 1/19/2021 5:03 AM 90 No value, civilians do not have experience or knowledge in situations Police are confronted with. Monday morning quarterbacking and criticism based off of our "feelings and opinion" makes their job unnecessarily harder. 1/18/2021 11:12 PM 91 There is no need.1/18/2021 10:48 PM 92 Not sure what value civilian oversight would bring.1/18/2021 9:13 PM 93 Check on power, check on unions 1/18/2021 8:57 PM 94 NONE 1/18/2021 8:41 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 117 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 10 / 31 95 No value whatsoever 1/18/2021 8:23 PM 96 Outside accountability.1/18/2021 7:46 PM 97 To make sure Cori Schumacher doesn’t make our police force enforce things that are ridiculous. 1/18/2021 7:32 PM 98 Objective outsiders may help in assessing levels of police response to different activities and raising the issue if police activities are questionable. 1/18/2021 7:19 PM 99 Not needed 1/18/2021 7:14 PM 100 Positively no value / no need. Please don't waste our resources. This survey itself shouldn't even be happening. I'm glad I caught it before this one slip through our fingers. Sneaky! 1/18/2021 7:13 PM 101 Nothing 1/18/2021 6:34 PM 102 Not needed 1/18/2021 5:47 PM 103 No value that I see.1/18/2021 5:46 PM 104 Add trust for residents that Carlsbad is reaching out on this issue as it does on many other issues. 1/18/2021 5:40 PM 105 We do not need this.1/18/2021 5:29 PM 106 None. Just get in the way. Not needed at this time as they are doing a great job.1/18/2021 5:27 PM 107 Waste of time and resources.1/18/2021 5:23 PM 108 no value/no need.1/18/2021 5:02 PM 109 Not needed 1/18/2021 4:43 PM 110 None 1/18/2021 4:43 PM 111 political agenda 1/18/2021 4:41 PM 112 There is absolutely no value or need of adding civilian oversight for residents or businesses owners. 1/18/2021 4:33 PM 113 At this point, I'm not sure I see the need.1/18/2021 4:15 PM 114 To make sure the high standards expected from Carlsbad PD continue for a long time. To make sure that new recruits are aware of this oversight and "bad apples" are detected and weeded out immediately. Oversight is always helpful. Diversity education is always helpful. 1/18/2021 3:55 PM 115 Help the community have more confidence in the Police Department and provide more transparency 1/18/2021 3:55 PM 116 Having an outside and broader perspective can bring unique insights and solutions that may be otherwise missed 1/18/2021 3:50 PM 117 None!1/18/2021 3:35 PM 118 Personally, I haven’t seen the need for Civilian oversight to be added to the CPD.1/18/2021 3:30 PM 119 no value at all; leave them alone to do their jobs ! We do not need civilians, who bring their own agenda to the table hindering the police department 1/18/2021 3:11 PM 120 Zero 1/18/2021 2:42 PM 121 Oversight 1/18/2021 2:23 PM 122 Nome 1/18/2021 1:58 PM 123 None 1/18/2021 1:58 PM 124 Nothing if laws can’t be enforced 1/18/2021 1:53 PM 125 We should let the expert run its own department.1/18/2021 1:49 PM 126 No need. They must be independent. No political issues must not be involved to police job. 1/18/2021 1:48 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 118 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 11 / 31 127 I do not see any value.1/18/2021 1:46 PM 128 No need 1/18/2021 1:45 PM 129 not needed 1/18/2021 1:22 PM 130 None 1/18/2021 1:19 PM 131 There is no obvious benefit from having civilian oversight. The police do their job and do it well. It is a waste of the city’s time and money to consider this and keep running around in circles to get power and authority over the community. 1/18/2021 1:07 PM 132 It would be terrible, no value at all.1/18/2021 1:05 PM 133 I do not believe it is a good idea for the police is oversighted by a civilians.1/18/2021 1:03 PM 134 none 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 135 No value and waste of Police departments time 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 136 Other than a neighborhood watch program I do not want the general public with oversight with our Police Department. Their job is already hard enough without bringing in people with some “Review” board that will limit the capability for them to protect the taxpayers in Carlsbad. 1/18/2021 12:31 PM 137 None.1/18/2021 12:28 PM 138 No need! They are doing a fine job!!! I’ve lived in Carlsbad since 1959, raised my family here and trust our police. 1/18/2021 12:18 PM 139 Not needed 1/18/2021 12:12 PM 140 Your idea is stupid Corey, nice workaround after getting shot down last week 1/18/2021 12:05 PM 141 So members of the public know what the police are doing. Watching the police on the news across the nation this last year has shaken my trust in the police. How does the CPD measure up? 1/18/2021 12:02 PM 142 None. It's a waste of money, they have done nothing wrong.1/18/2021 10:37 AM 143 No oversight needed. They are CDs ping an excellent job!1/17/2021 5:23 PM 144 If there were corruption in the department.1/17/2021 4:59 PM 145 Although I have not had any negative experiences with Carlsbad police, and work with them as a CERT team member, other people have. They seem to be predominantly minorities such as black and Hispanic people. There was also that horrible video of that officer beating up Cindy Hahn that has stuck in my mind even though it happened years ago. I guess I am of the opinion that the police work for us and if they are doing everything on the up-and-up, they should not mind having the additional oversight and assistance that such a board could bring to the table. 1/17/2021 11:31 AM 146 The only value would be to waste time and money instead of spending it where it is needed. 1/17/2021 7:32 AM 147 Different perspective to help Carlsbad police make decisions and understand community opinions. 1/17/2021 6:02 AM 148 One word - ACCOUNTABILITY. Today there is little to none.1/16/2021 9:09 PM 149 Reassure the community 1/16/2021 2:21 PM 150 Any government agency can benefit from input from the community.1/16/2021 10:58 AM 151 To make sure police department is aware of community concerns 1/16/2021 9:44 AM 152 Would help the police focus on concerns of their citizens. And trust level 1/15/2021 11:15 PM 153 Police departments need another perspective then the one they have been using for centuries. 1/15/2021 10:47 PM 154 None 1/15/2021 10:38 PM 155 Nothing,not needed 1/15/2021 7:23 PM 156 none that I can see except maybe make the politicians feel more powerful - which we do not 1/15/2021 7:21 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 119 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 12 / 31 need. 157 It is important that the community be able to share it own priorities and to be heard.1/15/2021 6:44 PM 158 None 1/15/2021 5:50 PM 159 There is no need. We have a fine police dept. let them do their job.1/15/2021 5:33 PM 160 There is not a need in my opinion.1/15/2021 5:05 PM 161 builds trust and respect between law enforcement and citizens 1/15/2021 4:26 PM 162 Probably zero value unless it fits the democratic narrative.1/15/2021 4:21 PM 163 Oversight 1/15/2021 4:00 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 120 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 13 / 31 Q6 What problems, issues or concerns would use of civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department solve or create? Answered: 165 Skipped: 41 #RESPONSES DATE 1 There is no known issue with our Police. It is a a waste of resources to look for problems where there are none. 2/9/2021 8:52 PM 2 I believe civilian oversight would facilitate greater discussion/awareness of blindspots and areas where policing could be targeted to address more serious crime while lower level (e.g. traffic) could be handled as more of an administrative issue. More constructive treatment of mental health issues could also be addressed. 2/9/2021 4:36 PM 3 We have a very large homeless/ drug addict / petty criminal element in district 1. Police are apparently not able to do anything about it so perhaps civilian oversight could help. 2/9/2021 1:30 PM 4 Why is PD responding to mental health crises? Bully mentality in the PD PDs use of force - Differences in use among racial/ethnic groups, address inequities. Add social workers to the PD for appropriate/non-violent response with people with disabilities, psychiatric emergencies, non-crime related calls to 911. Eliminating the use of police cars/handcuffs on people who are having a mental health crisis. The militarization of PD. We need a caring/trustworthy force, not militia with an US vs. THEM mentality. The PD works for the community and we need to create a consistent dialogue that includes those who are disenfranchised. Understanding the culture of the CPD and adapt to changing times. 2/9/2021 11:33 AM 5 We are all hopefully becoming aware of how differently people of color are sometimes treated and that white privilege is an undeniable aspect of our society and institutions. Civilian, independent oversight may help identify practices that need modification. 2/9/2021 10:57 AM 6 There is no need for civilian oversight, especially if civilians have little knowledge of police procedures, policies,etc. If residents want a place to register their concerns or complaints against the police, there could be a city police committee responsible for receiving and assessing complaints. I note that one participant in the police oversight meeting last night used the opportunity to display his logo, "Carlsbad Equality Coalition", in the background behind him. This should never happen. He was also allowed more time to speak than anyone else. He clearly has a political axe to grind. We don't need this kind of politicization of our police and our city. 2/9/2021 10:29 AM 7 Perhaps not the best use of resources, an appearance that our police are not trusted.2/8/2021 9:30 PM 8 To ensure that when there is a problem, that the department recognizes the problem. With independent civilian oversight, the mechanism for accountability is no longer internal, becoming more transparent to the community, which would foster more trust. 2/8/2021 7:58 PM 9 When a small minority of people with differing opinions and a loud voice gets involved in processes that are working fine, it can create problems for the vast majority of folks who are completely satisfied with the way things are. 2/8/2021 5:34 PM 10 Let the police do their jobs.2/8/2021 5:14 PM 11 I think a civilian oversight committee will create more problems and hinder the Police. Who decides on the members of an oversight committee? What qualifications will be required to be on any oversight committee? What exactly can the Carlsbad Equity Coalition point to that requires oversight? There is no benefit to the residents and business owners in Carlsbad. The whole idea is from a group of people with a political agenda looking for a problem, If the committee is ever formed, I expect they will immediately justify their existence by "finding" problems. These type of actions will be demoralizing to our Police Officers who have a good track record. This is a slap in the face to our Carlsbad Police Department. I have lived in or operated a business in Carlsbad for most of the last 70 years. My family members are currently Carlsbad Residents. We Love Carlsbad! 2/8/2021 4:32 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 121 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 14 / 31 12 Too much input and requests for regulation/monitoring fueled by personal opinion not by the policing needs to keep the city safe and secure. 2/8/2021 3:07 PM 13 Civilians don't always understand the complexities and restrictions of police work. Conversely, some police depts can hide behind those complexities and ignore public input which leads to catastrophic failures in trust. I would hope that local elected leaders would hold Police Dept leadership accountable but that doesn't always happen so limited civilian oversight may be a good idea. 2/8/2021 2:26 PM 14 Help remove waste of taxpayer dollars 2/7/2021 9:02 PM 15 Carlsbad police seem to have just gotten their drivers license, pair that with the need to lock up the homeless and unfortunate while not doing anything about mask mandates or punishing those breaking them, bars are literally open all throughout the fucking village with people not wearing masks and spreading this damn virus. You are KILLING our people by doing nothing. Shame. 2/6/2021 9:17 PM 16 Adds to the red tape. We just need to spend our dollars on training for unconscious bias and such to the police directly. 2/6/2021 6:52 PM 17 move special events and homeless outreach to other departments.2/6/2021 3:05 PM 18 Problems would be created. The CPD is excellent already.2/6/2021 9:29 AM 19 Hopefully, it would help create some accountability to the citizenry.2/6/2021 5:33 AM 20 I see people taking advantage and I see it causing division in our community. It’s already this way on the Next Door app. Let’s just let the police do the policing in our city. 2/5/2021 6:18 PM 21 Expensive, inadequate investigations. Political manipulation.2/5/2021 6:05 PM 22 Patrol in other than high crime areas. Affluent neighborhoods are just as prone if not more so than other neighborhoods. 2/5/2021 5:22 PM 23 CPD would be more aware of & hopefully target certain problems civilians are concerned with if there were civilian oversight rather than overall problems. 2/5/2021 4:59 PM 24 Perhaps the ability to leverage additional resources for homelessness and tourist issues 2/5/2021 9:46 AM 25 May show the resident concern level is higher than CPD gives credit too 2/5/2021 9:13 AM 26 Civilian oversight would interfere with allowing the officers to do the job they were highly trained to do - enforce our laws in order to protect lives and property, among many other duties. We should support and trust our police officers who put their lives on the line every day for our law abiding citizens. It's the non-law abiding citizens who need the oversight, as our liberal society has destroyed our morals, values, and incentives to follow rules and laws. 2/4/2021 4:07 PM 27 It could become politicized.2/3/2021 10:50 AM 28 let the police department do their job without civilian oversight, however accept civilian input for areas that need attention in our community 2/2/2021 5:04 PM 29 I’m worried about more red tape for the police to go through with added community involvement 2/2/2021 2:51 AM 30 Second guessing our officers will lead to an unsafe city. We have more of a problem with our city council not representing the citizens. Very Few people were in favor of closing our restaurants, yet Cory led her own program without backing of the community. Who elected these representatives... The citizens! 2/1/2021 11:55 AM 31 More police presence. Change in attitude towards interactions with citizens Be community partners 2/1/2021 6:14 AM 32 I am not sure but I believe why try fix something that doesn't appeared broken. Some isolated incidents that happened elsewhere don't insure it is happening everywhere. 1/31/2021 6:51 PM 33 It would foster trust and accountability which are of paramount importance. I have been in so many countries and few agencies regard themselves as superior and/or in opposition to the people they ostensibly serve than the police in the USA. This can change and I would love to see it happen here. This being said I have seen a great amount of progress in the Carlsbad police department over the years I have been here, I recognize that they face a great challenge and do great work largely unrecognized among the community, and I applaud them overall. 1/30/2021 9:33 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 122 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 15 / 31 34 It would only solve the many issues arriving from a lack of trust and a lack of communication. I see no downside to this. 1/30/2021 8:32 PM 35 Police misconduct Racial profiling Unnecessary force 1/30/2021 3:15 PM 36 The Carlsbad police may need to pass some responsibility of responding to homeless issues to other agencies. 1/30/2021 2:40 PM 37 The police already have their hands tied by laws that protect criminals, not honest citizens. Motivation to oversee the police is political in nature, by those who seek to defund the police department as a punishment to our local law enforcement for actions taken in the past few years by a few "bad apples" in police departments outside our county and state. 1/30/2021 8:38 AM 38 Issues that could be of benefit could include training of officers to de-esculate situations; Educate to stop profiling; Take pride in being an honest officer and not cover for coworkers with bad behavior or break police policy. Any staff that would have concern with civilian oversight could give the impression they have something to hide or think they can do no wrong. Also as times change so should policies improve. 1/29/2021 8:53 PM 39 Not responding to calls that are upmost importance. I've been living indoors for three years. I'm still seeing the police department choosing what calls they want to go to. I've a restraining order on a gentleman that is not from here. The police department refuses to do their job. It takes anywhere from an hour to five hours to respond. 1/29/2021 9:44 AM 40 It could create longer case-processing times, however civilian oversight is a case-by-case issue. Again a problem it would solve is lack of civilian confidence in the police department. 1/28/2021 4:08 PM 41 Civilian are just what they are citizens. We need to trust the police to do their jobs. The chief is responsible for the actions of their Staff. The BIGGEST PROBLEMS IS SACRAMENTO LAWS THAT HAVE TIED THE OFFICERS HANDS AND PREVENTS THEM FROM DOING THEIR JOBS! 1/27/2021 9:48 PM 42 They are unarmed and trained to de-escalate situations 1/27/2021 12:03 PM 43 They don’t know what the laws are. Carlsbad PD is taking care of the laws perfectly. The city council members Cori is trying to over reach her power. 1/26/2021 8:42 PM 44 I think the civilian oversight could be a problem in that their lack of experience in police matters could hinder police methods. 1/26/2021 8:24 PM 45 It would insert politics into police, noonpartisanship 1/26/2021 8:21 PM 46 A concern that could result from community oversight of the police is that recommendations could be ignored. How will this civilian oversight be different? How will results be measured when recommendations are made? What methods are being used to determine who serves on such a committee? 1/26/2021 6:33 PM 47 requiring increased reporting, extensive examination of performance 1/26/2021 11:33 AM 48 The problem I see if that if something turns violent they do not have the training or equipment to deal with it as civilians 1/26/2021 10:46 AM 49 Equal protection, oversight would help address concerns about racial equity in policing.1/25/2021 11:25 PM 50 If there were citizens who overstepped their authority, or used the Police as a weapon to fire, not as a shield to protect. 1/25/2021 3:23 PM 51 If you get a crazy Karen nitpicking and reading into data and forming inaccurate hypothesis on statistics to claim racial/age/sexist prejudice by PD where it didn't exist - could erode public trust. Choose oversight people carefully for prior agenda leanings. 1/24/2021 2:15 PM 52 The Police ultimately responds to the residents of the places they serve. These communities are sometimes treated differently according to where they live or the color of their skin. They also need an external auditor to find areas where, because of the police structure, they might not be willing to change but where change would actually benefit the community as a whole. Racial discrimination and profiling, excessive use of violence, statistical information that identifies patterns of regular misbehavior, better handling of mental crisis situations. 1/24/2021 12:22 PM 53 Equality 1/24/2021 12:18 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 123 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 16 / 31 54 Spending funding that could be allocated elsewhere.1/24/2021 11:50 AM 55 None 1/23/2021 1:45 PM 56 Obviously the cost. However I believe that the City could reduce the amount of money provided to elected officials and/or the amount that goes into unneeded “beautification” projects. 1/23/2021 9:20 AM 57 See above 1/22/2021 5:44 PM 58 Insuring equity , focus 1/22/2021 2:30 PM 59 The civilian oversight committee could create problems if the Carlsbad Police Department, from the top down, do not take the recommendations seriously, or refuse to take action based on recommendations. As stated above, failing to include diverse committee members would make the committee essentially pointless. I think committee members would need to be committed to having civil discussions, and respect each other despite disagreeing on issues. Railing against each other or the PD, or the process on social media should disqualify members. 1/22/2021 11:05 AM 60 I think follow up and communication with the community on concerning actions would be a benefit, and carry more weight than a police press statement. For example, a tasing incident that is or isn't justified or is perceived as such. A CO could act as the follow up to make sure enforcement details are released and draw awareness to both negative and positive actions in hopes of creating a more balanced relationship between PD and Civilians. 1/22/2021 11:01 AM 61 I would like a review of how much the city pays to defend or settle lawsuits against the police along with complaints filed against each officer and the removal of officers who are not meeting the needs of all Carlsbad citizens and visitors. In other words, if there are "bad apples" I would hope the city would want them removed and if that hasn't been happening I think civilian oversight will help. 1/22/2021 10:47 AM 62 A problem in either circumstance would be the lack of understanding between groups and the need to be the “right” group. 1/22/2021 10:39 AM 63 They would create more work for cops. I want officers on the street! Oversight will add more paperwork and more stress for officers. 1/21/2021 10:37 AM 64 Without more details of the position I can only imagine it creating more problems, paperwork and laws/regulations- Barriers to actual police duty and adding yet another thing to their plate. Additionally, the civilian could be put in unsafe conditions and unable to protect themselves. 1/20/2021 10:05 PM 65 Expense? Creating additional work for the force. What qualifications would persons on the committee have? Adding more bureaucracy. 1/20/2021 7:27 PM 66 Assuming the civilian oversight committee is volunteers, then finding people to competently participate and creating an organization that has institutional knowledge would be necessary, which is a cost. I think an oversight committee would allow insight and new perspective to be promoted to law enforcement. It would create a formal space for law enforcement and the community to communicate. 1/20/2021 8:43 AM 67 Civilians not understanding the nature of Police enforcement and training involved with enforcement could cause issues with Police being able to protect and serve the community 1/20/2021 8:13 AM 68 The oversight should be from an individual that has experience with the challenges of social work, homelessness and/or mental health issues. Policing is a complex job that needs to be overseen by individuals that understand and respect that complexity. Problems can arise when complex challenges are oversimplified into simple choices - and that can erode trust rather than build it. 1/19/2021 8:22 PM 69 More of doing nothing about the homeless issue tourists/non residents coming in town and not respecting the residents of Carlsbad 1/19/2021 6:28 PM 70 There are too many different opinions already on this issue and adding civilian oversight would make things worse IMO. 1/19/2021 4:37 PM 71 Nothing.1/19/2021 4:21 PM 72 I do not think it would solve any problems and see it only adding problems that would be a distraction to the work they are doing. We are a small, tight knit community that is vocal about 1/19/2021 2:47 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 124 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 17 / 31 about our needs. 73 In my opinion, civilians are not trained properly. I equate it to a hospital financial administrator making medical decisions instead of doctors. 1/19/2021 1:27 PM 74 More red tape issues. Extra cost to city.1/19/2021 1:26 PM 75 Create lots of issues . . .that would entail too many "KAREN's" running around our community NOT minding their own business~! 1/19/2021 1:06 PM 76 Pardon my frankness...This question is a bad question. It's loaded and complicated, and poorly worded. The concern I have about Civilian Oversight is that it will be set up for failure by our City leaders in that it won't be effective. I want to see the most intensive unbiased third party oversight of 911 ever created, but I want it to be done in a way that is supportive of Police Officers as well. They are asked to wear too many hats and to handle too many pressures without adequate training or support. I don't want our police to be hated and I don't want them to hate their jobs. I don't want them to have more reasons NOT to respond. I want them to feel enthusiastic, and be able to respond to the communities needs in a more informed, more sensitive, and less abusive manner. I fear that poor decisions made now and as we move forward, could easily result in the development of a mediocre CRB, where the appointees will be beholden to the PD and nothing will improve. I'm not comfortable with the sole solution being a CRB. There should be multiple avenues of accountability, multiple checks and balances. I'm also concerned that fiery and brash political movements are resulting in rampant anti-police sentiment, and these pressures are causing our Police to choose NOT to respond, when what we need is more, faster and safer 911 responsivity. I have personally, more than once, been threatened by a violent and dangerous felon and desperately feared for my life, and due to my disability was unable to run away from my attacker. I called 911 and experienced the horror and terror of them not responding in time or in a manner reasonable for my disability challenges. Naturally, this has devastated my trust in 911. I learned from Mickey Williams about the "liabilities of engaging". This is when the Dept or Officer weighs the risk/benefit of responding to a situation. They ask themselves, "If we respond, are we likely to face criticism or get bad press or get sued? well then, maybe it would be better if we didn't respond." This scares me! I don't wan't the PD to EVER decide not to help me!!! So the question - How can we hold police to the highest standard of conduct and accountability, and have them still want to show up and do the job??? This is a question we need to be asking. Its not as easy as defunding the police or taking the police out of the mental health, crisis or homeless response - as many protesters are demanding. It's not a simple matter of criminal response v crisis response either. I've heard the PD try to compartmentalize the current community police mistrust situation as being in large part due to Officers not being adequately set up for deescalating crises, and I believe this to be true. However, I don't believe the solution to be police responding separately - either as criminal OR crisis, when in fact it is oftentimes both combined. We don't need to take the police out of the community, we need to give them a better set of diverse skills to effectively respond. Adding more Victim Support and more Mental Health First Aiders to the scene of a call will help but its not a replacement for a strong, disability friendly police response. Many interactions between our police and our homeless are a combination of a criminal act and a mental health crisis. Even more so, it's often times a poor police response that turns a calm 911 interaction into a mental health crisis, especially when the persons involved suffer from various disabilities and/or disabling trauma conditions. We need to reduce the trauma which results from negative 911 responses. In our homeless community there are two primary populations, the criminal side - people who are recycled in and out of jail system, and the disability side - people who are recycled in and out of the hospital system. sometimes however, and this is where things get really complicated...the homeless person is cycled in and out of both systems, criminal and hospital. Most of the homeless community, if not all, is suffering from a serious disability. Yet, they are not recognized or treated accordingly by 911 with regards to extending them their legal rights and disability protections. "Special Consideration and special protections under the law". This is a major source of bad policing, and causes numerous allegations of police abuse in our Homeless Community. When & How are we going to begin to respond to persons with disabilities in accordance with their rights by law? How are we going to set up a future of better Police responses within the homeless community? Let me emphatically say that a Monday- Friday 8AM-5PM Homeless Outreach Team IS NOT THE ANSWER AND IS NOT WORKING. First off, there is a profound misconception that HOT responds to every call involving a homeless person. This is FALSE. HOT isn't adequately staffed to respond to all of the homeless calls. Nor is there any official mandate that HOT has to be the ones to respond to homeless calls. To make matters worse, during off hours and weekends there is no HOT response at all - only traditional patrol, and traditional patrol Officers do not have extra training 1/19/2021 12:28 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 125 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 18 / 31 in trauma, crisis, or disability response. To make matters worse, they are not mandated to pass any info regarding a Homeless interaction to the HOT team for HOT to follow up during HOT's Designated Hours. If we really want to entrust the PD to be the sole responders to the needs of the homeless community, which is a cluster f*#! of criminal, crisis and disability mayhem, they MUST BE 24/7 and they must be exceptionally trained in Trauma Response and ADA Disability Rights in 911 interactions, and more. Currently, if I find a sick and unable to self care, disabled and homeless person, under a building or in the bushes during the cold winter rains, and they are in dire need, in distress, begging me to help them, asking if I have a blanket or socks or know of a nearby shelter thy can get into...and my response to help them is to call HOT and ask HOT to get this person help, the answer is "WE DON'T DO THAT". I have tested this ad nauseum to the point of becoming a very concerned citizen and an outspoken advocate for our disabled homeless. If our City isn't even able to respond to that type of cry for help we have some serious work to do. I think our PD is the best in the County but I want our PD to be even better because it's not even close to perfect. Abuse of power is still rampant, especially with "Rookies", but also with some superiors - and the PD's knowledge/training of Disability Law, Disabilities Rights, and trauma informed response is SHIT. All be it MUCH better than OPD or the SD Sheriff! 77 it would create low morale bc it would ride the coattails of the Defund the Police leftist mob movement 1/19/2021 11:45 AM 78 Many problems come to mind. Decreased Freedom comes to mind. Accidental injury/death due to misunderstandings. This sounds like NAZI-ism. 1/19/2021 11:29 AM 79 Hidden agendas, false reporting.1/19/2021 11:05 AM 80 Division among community.1/19/2021 10:48 AM 81 This would cause a false sense of security for the community and more turmoil for small business. 1/19/2021 10:36 AM 82 N/A 1/19/2021 10:18 AM 83 My concern is that we are wasting time and resources on civilian oversight when they should be used to address other *actual* important issues. 1/19/2021 10:17 AM 84 If anything as more people are unemployed due to shutting down small businesses there will be increased crime and homeless population. 1/19/2021 9:33 AM 85 None 1/19/2021 9:12 AM 86 I’d they reported immediately to police none but if they confront individuals then problems will arise. They should not be spying on people not masked or restaurants, or watering too much and tattletaling, Too Nazi like but actually eyes on theft areas, lurking individuals at schools and drug sales. 1/19/2021 6:15 AM 87 None that I can think of 1/19/2021 5:26 AM 88 CPD is doing a wonderful job. In my estimation they are one of the best PDs in the county. Leave them alone to do their job. 1/19/2021 5:11 AM 89 It would be a waste of time snd money to have civilian oversight 1/19/2021 5:03 AM 90 Their oversight could cause policy changes and pass judgement that make Police Officer's jobs more difficult and jeopardize their safety. The results of this could lead to mass exodus of quality police officers and make it more difficult for the city to recruit higher quality police officers. 1/18/2021 11:12 PM 91 Carlsbad police Department do an impeccable job of protecting our city and community. They always communicate with the community and the local businesses. I have never doubted them or the job they are doing. I feel safe and taken care of. 1/18/2021 10:48 PM 92 N/A 1/18/2021 9:13 PM 93 Improve accountability 1/18/2021 8:57 PM 94 WASTE the time of CPD. that could be better used 1/18/2021 8:41 PM 95 It would create a poor taste in the mouths of our dedicated police force....they do a great job and would not appreciate “civilian oversight” in any way. Special interests then become an 1/18/2021 8:23 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 126 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 19 / 31 issue... 96 Racial biased stops, tickets, and arrest. Racism and claims of racism. Fairness in treatment of the homeless. 1/18/2021 7:46 PM 97 The civilians shouldn’t really be involved in this. What is the purpose of the city council if we start doing this? 1/18/2021 7:32 PM 98 My one concern is that the civilian oversight would be 100% supportive of police and would not perform the oversight activities required. 1/18/2021 7:19 PM 99 None 1/18/2021 7:14 PM 100 Allowing small group of people who are connected to certain politicians the power to tell us (police, residents, business-owners of Carlsbad) what to do. We don't need it. 1/18/2021 7:13 PM 101 It would create shutdown interests getting involved in police business which is not necessary 1/18/2021 6:34 PM 102 It would create problems because civilians don’t understand the nature of the job and could never really understand the challenges they face on a daily basis 1/18/2021 5:47 PM 103 This is not needed and could be a liability for the city.1/18/2021 5:46 PM 104 It may create a bogged down system and tie the hands of the police. I put is gone but the police must be the decision makers. There lives are at risk and we shouldn’t second guess every situation. 1/18/2021 5:40 PM 105 Lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits 1/18/2021 5:29 PM 106 None.1/18/2021 5:27 PM 107 none.1/18/2021 5:23 PM 108 wouldn't solve anything, just use up more tax money.1/18/2021 5:02 PM 109 Not needed 1/18/2021 4:43 PM 110 None 1/18/2021 4:43 PM 111 political agenda and people who have ZERO knowledge of business and law enforcement chiming in. Would damage the speed and effectiveness of our police 1/18/2021 4:41 PM 112 Adding another oversight group will only hamper the police department in doing their job. 1/18/2021 4:33 PM 113 Perhaps a disconnect of police with citizens. Oversight may cause police officers to simply just dot i's and cross t's and stop engaging with citizens. 1/18/2021 4:15 PM 114 Oversight wouldn't create problems. It should help solve potential problems. I think it would help make sure there's not even an attempt to abuse this position of power. 1/18/2021 3:55 PM 115 Solve a problem of people who are worried about transparency and cover up Could create a problem of interference with important police matters 1/18/2021 3:55 PM 116 This should be determined by a group that is brought together to identify these issues. The group should include police officers, police leadership, community members, and community leaders to co-identify problems or issues and co-develop solutions. Having multiple perspectives can lead to more creative and innovative change, and also foster relationships between the police and the community in a new way 1/18/2021 3:50 PM 117 It could interrupt and or interfere with the police officers job/duty.1/18/2021 3:35 PM 118 Potential problems might arise from the Civilian Oversight group feeling that they have a greater authority over the CPD. 1/18/2021 3:30 PM 119 civilian oversight would create more problems than it would be worth !!!!!1/18/2021 3:11 PM 120 Our police do a really great job when they are focused on solving actual crime.1/18/2021 2:42 PM 121 I don’t know. Police might not want oversight. They may actually reduce their response to needed actions 1/18/2021 2:23 PM 122 Leave the police alone 1/18/2021 1:58 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 127 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 20 / 31 123 Creates a lack of trust in CPD overall.1/18/2021 1:58 PM 124 It would create too many cooks in the kitchen which our state already has 1/18/2021 1:53 PM 125 Personal political views can involve in public safety, which I do not believe it is a good idea. 1/18/2021 1:49 PM 126 Police department must be independent and fare, not to be affected by politicians. They are good 1/18/2021 1:48 PM 127 It can implement personal values rather than the public's concerns.1/18/2021 1:46 PM 128 Uninvited political police can be involved 1/18/2021 1:45 PM 129 not needed 1/18/2021 1:22 PM 130 None 1/18/2021 1:19 PM 131 It is a complete waste of money and headache to push this effort. It will cause even more tensions to rise between city council and the civilians. We need a limited government that will give the people of Carlsbad some control over their lives in this time of despair. 1/18/2021 1:07 PM 132 It would create problems, it would add unwanted bureaucracy and allow political issues to enter the job scope and thereby having the police enforcing the political views of city officials or of an "oversight" group. 1/18/2021 1:05 PM 133 I do not think it is a good idea.1/18/2021 1:03 PM 134 The Police need the authority to do their job, not have a civilian team telling them what to do. 1/18/2021 12:36 PM 135 none 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 136 Focus on something more important 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 137 Read above!!1/18/2021 12:31 PM 138 Police adhere to and enforce the law. Civilians are the law and can have bias opinions or beliefs that may conflict with how law enforcement does their job 1/18/2021 12:28 PM 139 None 1/18/2021 12:18 PM 140 It would make more of a political issue. If things are going well we don’t need oversight. Are things not going well in CPD? 1/18/2021 12:18 PM 141 Civilian oversight allows opinions to rule, not the actual law.1/18/2021 12:12 PM 142 I think corey needs oversight 1/18/2021 12:05 PM 143 Do the police serve BIPOC in the same manner as White people? How often are de-escalation techniques used in interactions with police? Do we have police officers who are repeat offenders who use violence against members of the public? How accountable is our police force? 1/18/2021 12:02 PM 144 None 1/18/2021 10:37 AM 145 Create Plenty of issues! as this new woke generation thinks police are a problem! They’re awesome, they’re doing a great job and civilians will just cause more problems since they don’t have the legal authority to help in crisis situations. they’ll just get in the way and get hurt which will cause more legal issues for the police. 1/17/2021 5:23 PM 146 Having opinions that are not substantiated by facts or based on evidence.1/17/2021 4:59 PM 147 Shutting down and fining small businesses that Newscum said are to remain closed is a problem! 1/17/2021 12:15 PM 148 See my prior response. But sometimes there is a false image of police that could be improved just by having civilian oversight. Some people will never be convinced and some people will always support the police no matter what they do. But for all the people inbetween, it might make them feel more comfortable that at least their police department doesn't go overboard or take the law into their own hands. 1/17/2021 11:31 AM 149 It would create more government regulations and waste time and money.1/17/2021 7:32 AM 150 How to handle protests How to handle homeless and/or mentally ill 1/17/2021 6:02 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 128 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 21 / 31 151 Holding the Dept accountable to CIVILIAN oversight, not to union contracts, City Staff, or elected officials. 1/16/2021 9:09 PM 152 Homelessness is a big issue 1/16/2021 2:21 PM 153 To focus on importance of relevant issues and concerns of community members so they may be better addressed by the department 1/16/2021 9:44 AM 154 White privilege, following the health laws, neighborhood watch groups neighborhood policing so neighbors know police officers 1/15/2021 11:15 PM 155 It would be putting two sets If egos together that may have a hard time letting go of their belief that they are right. I am not sure if the lines of communication could stay open. But I truly think the time has come for all PD’s to accept change and help to make that change happen. 1/15/2021 10:47 PM 156 None 1/15/2021 10:38 PM 157 Create a problem with allowing the police department to do there job without having to keep looking over there shoulder 1/15/2021 7:23 PM 158 non-professionals intruding where they don't know what they are talking about.1/15/2021 7:21 PM 159 More focus on arrest for burglary, and for violations by the homeless.1/15/2021 6:44 PM 160 None 1/15/2021 5:50 PM 161 I believe that civilian oversight would only add or create division to our city. I think the job of police is poorly understood by the general public. I think continuing to use social media platforms to engage and send a positive message to the community is great and should continue. Instead of a civilian oversight committee, I would rather see a diverse oversight committee of former officers that have knowledge of police procedures and can help determine when inappropriate actions were taken. 1/15/2021 5:05 PM 162 Racial profiling. Racial injustice. Racism in the police department. Priorities and fairness in the department. 1/15/2021 4:27 PM 163 Consistency. If you make a public mandate, you need to either educate the public and then enforce it, or cancel it and focus efforts elsewhere. 1/15/2021 4:26 PM 164 Many because we all know it will be democrats pushing there views on policing.1/15/2021 4:21 PM 165 Addressing systemic problems with racism in policing and police brutality.1/15/2021 4:00 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 129 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 22 / 31 Q7 Please share any additional input or feedback you would like the City of Carlsbad and the Police Department to consider. Answered: 131 Skipped: 75 #RESPONSES DATE 1 I was surprised to see that the "community meeting" for District 1 last night included non- residents of the community. I believe the conversation should have been limited to residents. 2/9/2021 4:36 PM 2 My interactions with the CPD have only been very positive. My family had an emergency involving a mental health crisis to which the PERT team responded. I remain thankful for this wonderful service and know it made the difference in how my son's psychotic episode was handled and resolved. Thank you CPD! 2/9/2021 10:57 AM 3 No need for inexperienced residents to oversee Carlsbad police. Unnecessary expense. There is no legitimate or verifiable evidence to suggest a review board is needed. If people want a place to complain about police, perhaps there could be a volunteer committee to receive complaints and comments. Maybe also, CPD could create and/or publicize community instruction and interaction about policing. I believe that a very few individuals are trying to create a problem where none exists for their own purposes. 2/9/2021 10:29 AM 4 I would hope this is discussion is an opportunity for the community to feel our police department is doing an excellent job without need of excessive oversight and that residents don’t see this process as being politically motivated but a chance to speak openly about all concerns. 2/8/2021 9:30 PM 5 If a civilian review board or oversight board is created, it is important that the board be established with the following guidelines to succeed. 1) Must be independent from the police, compromised of people from the community; 2) Scope of investigations should include both serious and lower level complaints; 3) There must be transparency to the public; 4) the board needs investigative powers including subpoena powers and power to call witnesses; 5) the board must have disciplinary power with agreed upon guidelines for those in authority who impose the discipline to follow; 6) Adequate funding to ensure success (5-10% of police budget) and not controlled by the police department 2/8/2021 7:58 PM 6 Carlsbad Police department is doing a great job right now without any oversight. We don’t need to fix what isn’t broken. 2/8/2021 5:34 PM 7 The Carlsbad Equity Coalition has a Facebook page with nothing good to stay about Carlsbad or the Carlsbad Police Department. The whole focus of the website is their one sided opinion on "racial justice." How can any City have a partisan group like this be permitted to have oversight of their Police Department. Their agenda is clear - the police can do nothing right and Carlsbad is a racist community...which is a lie. Carlsbad Equity Coalition will create social unrest and injustice by their prejudice. Read their web page and posts - their agenda and message is clear. 2/8/2021 4:32 PM 8 I have lived here for almost 20 yrs with my wife and four daughters. My wife has lived her entire life here. The police in our area need no oversight. They are doing an outstanding job. I have come in contact with them when we had a 50th birthday party and they were very professional and sensitive to the situation. I was pulled over for a traffic violation and the officer was also extremely professional. Having an oversight committee will just mess up a system that already works in our part of the country. This may be needed in areas of high crime, but it is not needed here. Concentrate on what is important like getting our children back in school and opening business. 2/8/2021 4:02 PM 9 Instead of continuing to remove the tools our fine PD need to keep Carlsbad safe, find ways to not only let them to continue to the great job they are know for but to step up and add more tools as our city is changing. 2/8/2021 3:07 PM 10 Need proactive traffic enforcement. Hidden radar traps are of limited use. If speed is a factor get in the flow. Want to sit and wait. do it at a stop light or stop sign. 2/8/2021 1:43 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 130 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 23 / 31 11 Removal of threatening individuals that keep citizens from going to parks and downtown. If police were present, we would feel safer. 2/7/2021 9:02 PM 12 Consider some empathy for everyone, not just your friends. Focus on the pandemic and safety, not this Bull shi. 2/6/2021 9:17 PM 13 We just need to spend our dollars on training for unconscious bias and such to the police directly. 2/6/2021 6:52 PM 14 Move homeless outreach and special events to toher departments.2/6/2021 3:05 PM 15 The Homeless situation is not getting any better, it’s worse. I see we have these nice trucks around the city but the problem is worse. It would be nice to give the people some dignity by getting them off of the streets. 2/5/2021 6:18 PM 16 The City of Carlsbad Police are doing a great job at what they do and the value of civilian oversight for this area is most likely not worth the issues it would bring and cause. 2/5/2021 6:05 PM 17 As far as I know, marijuana is the only legal drug. Other narcotics are illegal and users and traffickers should be incarcerated to the maximum. Right now there's no apparent penalty. Catch and release seems to be the norm. Get 'em out of here!!! 2/5/2021 5:22 PM 18 I would like the CPD to make their presence more known.2/5/2021 4:59 PM 19 Really like the concept of community policing. Would like to know of or to be acquainted with those in my district 2/5/2021 9:46 AM 20 Clean up our streets and parks of trash, camps, loitering harassment...2/5/2021 9:13 AM 21 Please consider how effective the existing oversight committees have been in other cities. The "peaceful protests/riots" are still going on in Portland and Seattle. As our newly elected VP has openly encouraged the protests to continue, I would expect our police force to receive more support . 2/4/2021 4:07 PM 22 Re: District 1- I would like the rules/laws/municipal codes regarding activities on the beach and streets along the beach to be better policed/controlled. 2/3/2021 10:50 AM 23 police oversight of the use of E-bikes in the village to avoid possible accidents and injury; recommend a program on proper road safety and etiquette 2/2/2021 5:04 PM 24 .2/2/2021 2:51 AM 25 Our community is proud of our police officers. The HOT team is fair with the homeless and compassionate. Do we feel the citizens have a better understanding of the atmosphere of a police officer? We should "back the blue" for a safe city. we do not have the problems other cities do. 2/1/2021 11:55 AM 26 Speeding everywhere listen with an open mind to the urgency when people are reporting a problem Stop educating about what is the law when at the same time, people are breaking the law and nothing is being done about it. Increased Social Services training for the CPD 2/1/2021 6:14 AM 27 All my interactions with CPD has been positive, they are professional and timely and offer great service. I appreciate ALL they do for us. I have lived here for almost 2 years and I manage two apartment communities, one a senior community that has had the need for volunteer and professional CPD assistance. I have had many experiences with the local PD, once more - thanks for all YOU DO 1/31/2021 6:51 PM 28 When I clicked the link to determine what district I belong to I was unable to determine my district. You should really make that part of your website / survey as function and user friendly as possible, because I assure you I am tech friendly and you site needs improvement. 1/30/2021 9:33 PM 29 All of my contacts with our officers have been positive. It is evident that they are well trained and follow procedures. 1/30/2021 2:40 PM 30 I am deeply saddened by the frustration that our friends in the police department feel, as they try to implement justice for law abiding residents. The justice system has eroded to the point that crimes that used to be serious are now classified as misdemeanors, and punishable by the equivalent of a traffic ticket. We need to let our police do their jobs as they know best, and not be their Nannies. 1/30/2021 8:38 AM 31 Hire more officers of color. I do not feel it is beneficial to hire persons with only military 1/29/2021 8:53 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 131 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 24 / 31 training. Police are to serve and protect - not fight and arrest. That should be only will all else fails to control a situation. 32 What City of Carlsbad needs to do is put the police department on time out and hold them responsible for their actions. For the Police Department Chief of Police needs to know that he's officers have been writing bogus reports. And the Homeless Outreach Team needs to be better trained on the homeless community. Also I have not seen any PERT officers traveling with any H. O. T. People need to understand that a hole lot of the problems with the homeless community some of the people who are homeless do have mental issues. If they are crying out for help and go unanswered. The police are stalking and choosing who would go to jail. The people who are asking for help for example if the person who is asking to go to rehab the department says ok they go to jail this is adding more of problems to the community. I lived on the streets of this town. A lot of people out here I've known for years. They have been stalked, ticketed and thrown in jail for sleeping and trying to servive from day to day. Others who are really giving problems are going unchecked. I'm doing what I can to help out. Retrain the H. O. T. and add H O. T. for the night shift. A few of the officers do have my phone number. I'll be more than happy to help train them to help the homeless community. 1/29/2021 9:44 AM 33 We are blessed to have the police Officers that we do! Change the laws of 47/57 and we need a zero tolerance on homeless, drugs and alcohol abuse! Mental health issues are a mental problem and anyone living on the street is not well. 1/27/2021 9:48 PM 34 Let our community make the decisions that you are supposed to enforce (city council)1/26/2021 8:42 PM 35 i would like to see where tickets are being issued...i.e. littering, speeding, etc.....1/26/2021 8:24 PM 36 Jefferson Elementary School experienced several deportations when Carlsbad Police routinely stopped parents for minor traffic infractions while dropping off students. Because officers did not speak Spanish, the Border Patrol would be called in to translate. The school community was devastated by this action as several families were separated from their children. After many months of this practice, the Jefferson community joined with St. Patrick Catholic Church to invite the Carlsbad Police to a meeting where concerns were openly discussed and ideas for change were carefully considered. Eventually the deportations slowed. This was a first step to show how community oversight and discussion worked to create better relationships between the police and neighbors. Continued involvement of Carlsbad’s police with the YES program (Youth Enrichment Services - Carlsbad Unified School District), is an another example of community collaboration that could/should be expanded. 1/26/2021 6:33 PM 37 I have been very pleased with the job the police appreciated doing 1/26/2021 5:08 PM 38 Civilian oversight is not a silver bullet but Carlsbad should be a leader in civilian oversight rather than lagging. 1/25/2021 11:25 PM 39 Homeless population in the Village 1/24/2021 7:53 PM 40 Our residents are proud of our officers, they overwhelmingly behave in a manner that is respectful to law abiding citizens, and compassionate to law breakers alike. I would not trust a neighboring city's pd as much as ours. 1/24/2021 2:15 PM 41 More policing. Listen to the needs of officers. Adding social,mental health dept. To deal with homeless & mental issues. 1/24/2021 12:18 PM 42 Please allow restaurants to use their constitutionally given right to peacefully protest and operate safely. There is no evidence outside dining is a major contributor to the spread of covid. 1/24/2021 11:50 AM 43 I would like to see focus on the homeless issue.1/24/2021 11:43 AM 44 Take care of the homeless problem 1/23/2021 1:45 PM 45 I have had only one bad interaction out of many. But that interaction involved an officer unholstering his weapon because my (Black) husband was looking for our registration and it “made him nervous”. The incident happened during the day with our windows rolled down and my teenage son in the backseat. The officers partner had to mediate and thankfully it didn’t escalate. However I could see a similar scenario accidentally being lethal and that is not okay. 1/23/2021 9:20 AM 46 Feel the CPD has acted with integrity in some difficult times 1/22/2021 2:30 PM 47 Our local police enforcement are doing a great job and do not need civilians to tell them how to 1/22/2021 12:57 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 132 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 25 / 31 do it. 48 I respect our Police Department and want them to know that the majority of our residents support them. At the same time, we ask so much of our police officers: mental health counseling, homeless issues, fighting crime, youth services, and so much more. I think it isn’t reasonable to expect one person to be able to be an expert in all of those areas. I think we should consider innovative ways to involve mental health or drug addiction specialists, for example, to help the PD respond to certain issues. 1/22/2021 11:05 AM 49 I think, in general, most citizens, myself included have a high appreciation for the work of the PD. When there are concerning incidents or bad actors or policies within the PD the immediate impacts of that negative relationship flare up and draw attention away from the good things that are done or the work being made to further improve the PD efforts at equality and creating an improved quality of life. A well run, non-partisan CO could allow for a more comprehensive citizen visual of the PD, while also chipping into the perception that the (few) bad actors in the system aren't allowed to continue their negative efforts while using their shield as a forcefield against repercussion. 1/22/2021 11:01 AM 50 Do not add a civilian oversight board! If you want input the surveys like this are useful, but again civilians don’t understand the world of policing! 1/21/2021 10:37 AM 51 What’s the ultimate goal of this civilian oversight for the officers? Personally I believe the CPD is exceptional and we are happy to live in a town where the police have managed to bridge the gap with civilians through social media, community outreach and overall kind, friendly demeanors. A civilian overseeing daily police operations and having case management input seems ridiculous and a waste of resources. 1/20/2021 10:05 PM 52 Our Police Officers are amazing. There is no need for them to have to answer to a citizens review board. 1/20/2021 7:27 PM 53 I would like to know if they have tried to coordinate with programs like a domestic violence response team or a sexual assault response team. I'd also like to know if they have support for situations that include the mentally ill like PERT 1/20/2021 8:43 AM 54 Cori Schumacher's push to enforce these Stay at Home Mandates and shut local small businesses down are unconstituational and completely arbitrary, just shows that based on 98% of callers comments being against these enforcement's during the meeting that she demanded, that she is blatantly disregarding the constituents voices that she was voted in by, she should be ashamed and pulling the victim card shows her true colors! 1/20/2021 8:13 AM 55 I think you guys do a good job of keeping our beautiful city safe. I'd love to see you guys get more support and funding for helping what feels like a growing homelessness and mental health problem. 1/19/2021 8:22 PM 56 Start helping the residents of Carlsbad in stead of always being on the side of tourists or out of towners. Our great little community has been ruined because no one wants to hurt the tourist $ 1/19/2021 6:28 PM 57 Waste of time. Police needs to focus on real crimes. Let’s use police’s own / existing city guidelines to check the work instead of creating a layer. 1/19/2021 4:21 PM 58 I think it's important to consider there history and the issues that they have dealt with that have had very productive, positive outcomes. If it's not broken, don't fix it! 1/19/2021 2:47 PM 59 You guys rock. Thank you for keeping us safe.1/19/2021 1:27 PM 60 Stop using cbad police to issue Restaurant bar health orders. Solve the robberies and vandalism. 1/19/2021 1:26 PM 61 I strongly believe that intensively training our PD in better, more wholesome, Disability Recognition & Response will yield greater community trust, especially with our more vulnerable populations - like the Disabled Community, the Homeless Community, as well as with Persons of Color. Improving Disability Response could single-handedly eradicate a significantly large number of real (or perceived) police abuse incidents. It is now well known that Statistically, the greatest risk of harm in a 911 or police interaction falls upon persons with disabilities, esp. mental health disabilities. The second highest rate of harm is persons of color with disabilities. What this means to me, is that we as a City could significantly reduce not only Police Abuse incidents but also Racial Injustices, simply by improving our Police Disability Response. The whole Police Manual doesn't have to be rewritten for real change to happen. Real change can come from simply training our PD in how to properly apply the practices, policies and laws that 1/19/2021 12:28 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 133 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 26 / 31 already exist which support the vulnerable. The law says that "persons with Disabilities should get special protection and special consideration under the law", yet how is this even possible if our PD doesn't have a functional 911 system in place for recognizing a person with a disability and properly responding. As we know, not all disabilities are in your face visible and identifiable. How has our PD risen to this challenge and successfully developed/implemented practices & policies which make interaction with Law Enforcement safe for Persons with Disabilities? As of today, they really haven't and this must change. I've heard a new 911 dispatch system is in the works, and due for rollout in a year or so. Supposedly, this system will have ways to recognize and respond to special needs individuals. I hope this actualizes, as it is needed beyond words. I don't think our City leaders know that Our 911 system, CPD and CFD, currently does not have any real training in the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) or relevant Service Dog Law. Most Officers don't even know what that is or how it relates to 911 calls. Very few have any understanding of Disability Law or the unique circumstances surrounding crimes that involve elders or persons with disabilities. I can't tell you how many times I've heard the following statements from Police: "WE DON"T HAVE THE ABILITY TO PRIORITIZE SPECIAL NEEDS" "WE DON"T TAKE PEOPLE WHO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AS DISABLED AT FACE VALUE BECAUSE PEOPLE LIE TO US ALL THE TIME" or "IF A PERSON IS BABBLING AND NOT MAKING SENSE, WE AREN'T GOING TO SPEND THE TIME TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THEY'RE SAYING. These statements are many things including offensive AND illegal. They violate the legal rights of Persons with Disabilities and the result is trauma. I find this to be EXTREMELY DISTURBING. Our 911 system, CPD and CFD need to be extensively trained and retrained and retrained again in the following: *How to recognize and respond to a Person with a Disability *The ADA in 911, Law Enforcement & Paramedic Response *Service Dog Law *Trauma Informed Care *The WIC Elder Abuse AND Dependent Adult Civil Protections Act *PC 368 Abuse of Elders, Dependent Adults and Persons with Disabilities, including abuse resulting in significant mental or emotional distress *The Olmstead Decision *The DA's Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Blueprint *Invisible Illness *Disability Hate Crimes *Rape or DV against a person with a disability, especially if they're homeless. I also feel very strongly that our Police and Fire need way more mental health treatment and services themselves. Trauma and PTSD are a root issue in many of the problematic police/fire interactions we are looking at with this discussion, both in the public and within the PD/FD. When trauma meets trauma it's bad news. How are we going to get a grip on this tidal wave of unbridled trauma?? That question is absolutely essential to this conversation and will have to be seriously addressed for any real positive changes to occur. I have much more to say but I'll stop here. Please take the time to really read what I've written. I put an incredible amount of time and energy into preparing this - as I suffer from significant disabilities myself, and these expressions do not come easily to me. Thank You! 62 I oppose requiring police officers to go around looking for people without masks 1/19/2021 11:45 AM 63 Continue doing a great job while letting local businesses operate 1/19/2021 11:25 AM 64 I lived in Carlsbad for 7-8 year. I no longer live there, but work and have worked in downtown Carlsbad since 2004. Please consider being on the same side as the community rather than against them. 1/19/2021 10:48 AM 65 Small business need their chance to operate with safety in mind.1/19/2021 10:36 AM 66 N/A 1/19/2021 10:18 AM 67 Restaurants remaining open is not a threat to society. What is a threat is our government that expects us to fend for ourselves, which is exactly what we must do just to have food on our tables. $600 is a slap in the face, and if what this country wants is for me to fend for myself, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do and citing small business when everyone is already struggling, and has been for almost a YEAR is disgusting and cruel. No one deserves to be punished for simply trying to survive!!! 1/19/2021 10:17 AM 68 Carlsbad has one of the best police departments in the county. There is no need for an oversight committee. 1/19/2021 9:12 AM 69 It is wrong for one city council member, i.e. Cori, to try to back door the will of the council, and the people, for her political agenda. Businesses have to open up!! Enough is enough!! To have the police going around ticketing and strong arming businesses is not what America is about!! 1/19/2021 7:28 AM 70 Just a thank you for being there when we need you. Thanks for allowing peaceful protests and I will be protesting if there is any talk of defunding. I would never want your job and appreciate your patience with all of the scary people you deal with. 1/19/2021 6:15 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 134 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 27 / 31 71 I don’t understand why people with mental health problems can illegally camp and leave trash and start fires. This is not an oversight issue. 1/19/2021 5:26 AM 72 No changes.1/18/2021 11:12 PM 73 I feel that civilian oversight may interfere and cause more work for the Carlsbad Police Department. I feel that they do an excellent job and do not need a group of people telling them how to do their job. 1/18/2021 10:48 PM 74 Na 1/18/2021 8:57 PM 75 Funds that would pay for this “civilian oversight” could be far better utilized by hiring additional police, vehicles, training, etc. 1/18/2021 8:23 PM 76 I was racially profiled a few years ago when turning into a shopping center. Questions about racism should be standard during lie detector tests prior to hiring. 1/18/2021 7:46 PM 77 You’re doing a great job. Don’t listen to Cori. Don’t police over covid. And help the homeless situation. Just my two cents. :) 1/18/2021 7:32 PM 78 I would be interested in more real time information about police activities and to know that situations have been resolved. There was a large police activity in back of my house a few weeks ago and I have no idea what it was about or if the situation was safely resolved. 1/18/2021 7:14 PM 79 Keep our beautiful city safe and clean. Please do now allow homeless people to live in public spaces and use side-walk as their toilets. They need care in proper shelters. 1/18/2021 7:13 PM 80 The city of carlsbad and police department need to work on getting the homeless situation under control. Many of these individuals are using illegal drugs and I am afraid to let my teenage daughter go into village even with friends because of the overwhelming safety concerns. Most of these people were not carlsbad residents prior to becoming homeless in our community. I would hate to see citizens taking the law into their own hands if the city can’t control it. 1/18/2021 5:47 PM 81 They are doing a great job!1/18/2021 5:29 PM 82 Do not try and fix something that is not broken.1/18/2021 5:27 PM 83 Protect and serve.1/18/2021 5:23 PM 84 using tax payers money to help shut down more businesses is not what your city wants. Help us save the small businesses and help with the homeless problem we have currently. 1/18/2021 5:02 PM 85 Not needed 1/18/2021 4:43 PM 86 I’m a firm believer in The Blue...but the chief of police needs to grow a pair and do the right thing. I’ll help...The Constitution 1/18/2021 4:43 PM 87 i wish Cori would listen to her constituents and just stop using political means to achieve her unpopular goals 1/18/2021 4:41 PM 88 We have homeless issues in District 1. We see drug dealing, intoxicated people wondering around in our street, station, bus-stops, parks, benches, fountain, front yards, and store fronts. Police is not even allowed to take care of these issues. Our I am disgusted that District 1 council-person continues to ignore these real crisis and pursuing their political agenda, instead of listen to us and solve real problems. Please allow me to remind you that your job is to serve and work for the residents. 1/18/2021 4:33 PM 89 While our family had been fortunate to have not been the victims of any devastating crimes, we have had contact with the police in various ways over the years - from a sexual preditor accosting my young teen daughter to vandalism of our vehicle to community outreach at various events around town. The police have always been professional, courteous, helpful and friendly. I'd like to keep it that way. 1/18/2021 4:15 PM 90 More engagement with businesses in partnership with the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. 1/18/2021 3:55 PM 91 I value and respect the police and appreciate the very difficult work that they do. I also think it is important to name and address problems that are affecting police and the communities they serve. This isn't just good for the community, it's good for the police, too, as they are often in untenable situations they are not always equipped or trained to handle, such as mental health crises, housing and/or food insecurity, substance use, or cries for social justice. All of these 1/18/2021 3:50 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 135 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 28 / 31 things are complex issues that need well thought out solutions that are designed with police and the community, rather than just higher ups, administrators, or 'experts'. The people most affected by programs and policies, in this instance the police officers themselves and the people they serve who live here, ought to have a say. 92 Status Quo.1/18/2021 3:35 PM 93 Our entire family has resided in Carlsbad for our entire lives and have had many many interactions with the police department over the years 1/18/2021 3:11 PM 94 Try and get the crazy and dangerous homeless off the streets 1/18/2021 1:53 PM 95 Police department has been doing a great job.1/18/2021 1:49 PM 96 They do their jb well.1/18/2021 1:48 PM 97 City and police department have done a great job during this pandemic sofar.1/18/2021 1:46 PM 98 They do their job very well I hope focus 1/18/2021 1:45 PM 99 stop making criminals out of our local businesses, let people safely open!1/18/2021 1:22 PM 100 COD is trustworthy 1/18/2021 1:19 PM 101 Carlsbad police is doing a great job. Keep the peace and let people live their lives.1/18/2021 1:07 PM 102 Leave the police department alone to do their jobs which is enforcing the laws NOT enforcing political views of city officials or an "oversight" board. 1/18/2021 1:05 PM 103 I have very positive experiences with the Police Department at Carlsbad.1/18/2021 1:03 PM 104 City of Carlsbad needs to support and give the police the authority they should have to do their jobs the best they can. 1/18/2021 12:36 PM 105 none 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 106 Pay them more and recruit the best people. Add to the force.1/18/2021 12:31 PM 107 Keep doing a great job. Thank you.1/18/2021 12:28 PM 108 Focus on crime and keeping us safe!!1/18/2021 12:18 PM 109 Leave our police alone and let them do there job. The narrative across the country that the police are the problem is wrong. Crime and criminals are the problem. 1/18/2021 12:18 PM 110 Keep it as is.1/18/2021 12:12 PM 111 We are voting you out Corey so be prepared.1/18/2021 12:05 PM 112 I saw a video of the Carlsbad Police arresting a Black man some time ago. I found it very disturbing that even though paramedics were on the scene to transport the man, several officers crowded the man, frightened him, distracted him so an officer could get behind him and taser him and then strapped him to a gurney, put on a spit hood and loaded him into a vehicle. No attempt was made to de-escalate. He was never told what he did wrong or why they were treating with such disregard. 1/18/2021 12:02 PM 113 Need to address the homeless, mental illness individual's need to go. Not safe for our children 1/18/2021 10:37 AM 114 Please allow small businesses to peacefully protest in order to safely remain open and provide for their families. 1/18/2021 7:59 AM 115 I think I’ve made my point. Don’t get sucked into this political nonsense that is seeking to defund the police and rip them of their ability to serve and save lives. 1/17/2021 5:23 PM 116 I would like Carlsbad Police to continue to serve the community we love so much. It would be nice to have a reduction in the homeless population and I am concerned about the outreach program at the church on Oak and CVD. 1/17/2021 4:59 PM 117 Let people make covid 19 decisions for themselves. You close them down, they go out of business, and you'll end up with a ghost town! 1/17/2021 12:15 PM 118 Don't do it. Avoid more government rules and regulations. And don't listen to the media as they push fear. The proof is in the failure of the city to manage the current homeless problem of 1/17/2021 7:32 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 136 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 29 / 31 allowing people to live in public parks. I am surprised that the extremely mentally I'll man eas finally removed from the streets after he shit on the sidewalk. But nothing was done prior to that to remove him and it took an email to the mayor and city council to make it happen. 119 Would like to see new ideas to protect our communities where citizens can be better educated and help by providing more eyes and ears 1/17/2021 6:02 AM 120 After more than 50 years of observation of the PD in Carlsbad, the evolution has not been what Department management tries to sell to residents. Considerable improvement is needed and it CANNOT come about without meaningful and empowered civilian oversight. 1/16/2021 9:09 PM 121 I have completed the Carlsbad Academy and was greatly impressed by the police and fire personnel that I met. 1/16/2021 2:21 PM 122 People with differing experiences, backgrounds and/or opinions can put a fresh slant on things. 1/16/2021 10:58 AM 123 I am proud and honored to live in Carlsbad and from my point of view, which is really very limited since I have only had a couple experiences that were both good, the CPD does a pretty good job. 1/15/2021 10:47 PM 124 Homeless people are taking over!1/15/2021 10:38 PM 125 You are doing a spectacular job. Homeless issue, living in cars and crime related to the homeless is a bog concern. Less compassion, enforce the laws that are available to you. Something has to change or soon we to will be like San Francisco and LA 1/15/2021 7:23 PM 126 It''s not broken is it? So, who gains by this suggestion?? If the Carlsbad Police think they need oversight, and they ask the Council for help, I'd consider the idea. 1/15/2021 7:21 PM 127 I think the Carlsbad Police Dept does a great job and see no need for additional oversight measures. 1/15/2021 5:05 PM 128 Thank you!1/15/2021 4:26 PM 129 Support our police and stop thugs and criminals and don't police hard working americans just trying to work which I believe they have done a good job. 1/15/2021 4:21 PM 130 The lack of diversity in Carlsbad calls for added diversity training.1/15/2021 4:00 PM 131 I support restaurants and any other businesses staying open. People can make their own choices about going or not. 1/15/2021 3:39 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 137 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 30 / 31 4.85%10 6.31%13 15.05%31 72.33%149 1.46%3 Q8 How long have you been a resident or owned property in Carlsbad? Answered: 206 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 206 Less than 2 years (I jus... 3-5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years I do not own property or... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Less than 2 years (I just moved here) 3-5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years I do not own property or reside in Carlsbad March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 138 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 31 / 31 0.49%1 0.97%2 8.25%17 16.50%34 24.76%51 45.15%93 3.88%8 Q9 Please select your age. Answered: 206 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 206 Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and over I prefer not to say 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and over I prefer not to say March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 139 of 224 District 2 responses March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 140 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 1 / 17 0.00%0 100.00%108 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 Q1 What District of Carlsbad do you reside in or have a business in? (If you're not sure you, click here) Answered: 108 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 108 District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 I do not have a residence ... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 I do not have a residence or business in Carlsbad March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 141 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 2 / 17 32.71%35 43.93%47 9.35%10 5.61%6 8.41%9 Q2 How do you get most of your information or knowledge related to police or policing services? Answered: 107 Skipped: 1 TOTAL 107 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE 1 Observations of officers in our community, news reports 2/8/2021 6:16 PM 2 Unhoused community and local news 2/6/2021 7:03 PM 3 News, SM, and friends/family 2/5/2021 7:15 PM 4 Various news outlets with verified reporting 1/27/2021 10:16 AM 5 Watching City Council meetings 1/26/2021 7:17 PM 6 I never hear much of anything 1/24/2021 7:26 PM 7 City Manager and CPD 1/22/2021 11:02 AM 8 Friends/Neighbors of CPD 1/18/2021 1:52 PM 9 I have no good source for this, Carlsbad policing activities are not east to find. It is very rare that i see police patrolling my neighborhood in Calaveras Hills 1/16/2021 12:54 PM Local news Social Media Community Groups Friends, Family Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Local news Social Media Community Groups Friends, Family Other (please specify) March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 142 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 3 / 17 1.85%2 9.26%10 18.52%20 32.41%35 37.96%41 Q3 How would you describe your overall level of trust that the Carlsbad Police Department is serving the community well? Answered: 108 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 108 Very Low Low Neutral, Don't Know High Very High 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Very Low Low Neutral, Don't Know High Very High March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 143 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 4 / 17 28.04%30 21.50%23 20.56%22 17.76%19 12.15%13 Q4 Based on your own experience, what is the level of need for adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? Answered: 107 Skipped: 1 TOTAL 107 Not Valuable, Not Needed Limited Value, Limited Need Somewhat Valuable,... Valuable, Needed Very Valuable, Very Needed 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Not Valuable, Not Needed Limited Value, Limited Need Somewhat Valuable, Somewhat Needed Valuable, Needed Very Valuable, Very Needed March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 144 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 5 / 17 Q5 What would be the value and/or need of adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? Answered: 68 Skipped: 40 #RESPONSES DATE 1 NONE 2/11/2021 4:59 AM 2 Accountability.2/9/2021 12:08 AM 3 There is no need for civilian oversight of our police department. We need to leave it to the experts, who are the police. There is enough oversight with the levels of command (rank) as well as legal regulations. Civilian oversight is not needed. Civilians do not understand all the factors involved with these officers performing their duties and they do not need to be second- guessed or reprimanded by those who do not understand the complexities of their duties. 2/8/2021 6:16 PM 4 I’m not sure there is adequate need for a civilian oversight committee. The Carlsbad PDs use of force policies appear more than adequate—requiring supervisors on scene and documentation. I would prefer to see more friendly policing culture in which officers are given time to meet, communicate interact with residents. If officers have strong relationships in the community it’s a natural deterrent to abuse of power and crime! 2/8/2021 3:47 PM 5 I think it might put more trust into the police from the citizens.2/7/2021 6:35 PM 6 It would negatively impact the way law enforcement is able to enforce the law.2/7/2021 1:06 PM 7 Transparency and to inform the community about situations 2/6/2021 7:03 PM 8 None - it would be stupid 2/5/2021 7:15 PM 9 All police need civilian oversight to ensure accountability and representation. Carlsbad is no exception. 2/5/2021 9:12 AM 10 Accountability 2/3/2021 11:35 AM 11 Ensure greater enforcement of the laws and less interference by plaintiffs lawyers.2/2/2021 3:32 PM 12 Independent civilian oversight will be able to provide unbiased review of potential police misconducts. 1/31/2021 8:48 PM 13 extra set of eyes 1/31/2021 7:05 PM 14 None. Civilians need to stay out of police matters and let our highly paid, highly trained officers do their job. 1/30/2021 7:39 PM 15 The Carlsbad PD is doing an excellent job without negative incidents. Their handling of the homeless is innovative and compassionate. Micromanagement by a third party group is not warranted or needed. 1/29/2021 8:00 PM 16 This is important so that people on the ground, people they know like their neighbors and friends can help supervise police officers 1/28/2021 7:13 PM 17 civilian oversight can only be beneficial. Law Enforcement has been tasked with many services that are not related to criminal activity but social service challenges. School Resource Officers are completely unnecessary and instead of preventing drug crime or gun violence officers are being exploited by school staff and used to manage behavior problems of students, predominantly disabled students and students of color. Districts use the threat of law enforcement involvement to intimidate special needs parents into giving up their rights or removing their kids from school all together. Police are frequently managing issues related to homelessness and mental health crisis. They are not training to work with these populations. Because if the current structure there are many incidents that become violent due to police involvement when other services could have avoided those outcomes. The public needs to be better informed as to know what is going on and to be involved in more responsible policing. 1/28/2021 3:35 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 145 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 6 / 17 18 diversity of voices, equity, fairness, transparency 1/27/2021 11:29 PM 19 For police accountability and to prevent police abuse of power.1/27/2021 11:35 AM 20 To prevent blacks and POC from being profiled and unfairly and unjustly arrested and/or harassed. 1/27/2021 10:16 AM 21 Civilian oversight adds a valuable non-self policing aspect and an alternate perspsctive. 1/26/2021 11:34 PM 22 Ensure best LE practices/equipment are accessible and to ensure adequate funding of same. Ensure injection of innovative ideas for assessment. 1/26/2021 10:48 PM 23 Citizens could get involved and provide transparency.1/26/2021 7:17 PM 24 Just a check to ensure that our police officers keep a healthy perspective of the full demographics of the people they please to serve. 1/26/2021 6:50 PM 25 Encourage a process to deal with unnecessarily abusive treatment of mentally ill, homeless and other incapacitated individuals. 1/26/2021 5:47 PM 26 There is no value or need to add a civilian oversight committee.1/26/2021 2:15 PM 27 None needed 1/26/2021 9:48 AM 28 Ensure sustainment of current practices 1/24/2021 6:55 PM 29 Could create better community to department rapport.1/24/2021 5:45 PM 30 The value of adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department is to increase trust. The residents should trust that the Department is holding itself to a standard that is fair and just to the people its serves as well as to its officers that do the job to serve and protect. Adding civilian oversight also adds to the Department’s accountability to the City's residents and increase transparency with residents that the Police Department does expect its officers to police without deference to the color of a person’s skin. Officers should use de-escalating and disengagement techniques to the fullest and force when necessary and appropriate to do so. Should the Department/City Council decide to add civilian oversight it would show that the Council/Department trusts its residents to be a part of a proactive process for the security and safety of all (all-the residents and the officers). 1/24/2021 1:32 PM 31 It would help if ever in the future an event would occur that the public had doubts about the way a difficult situation was handled by the police department and could be thought of as having been possibly covered up by said department or not handled justly. 1/24/2021 1:19 PM 32 Oversight and keeping the department honest.1/24/2021 11:45 AM 33 Transparency and meeting civilian needs 1/24/2021 11:41 AM 34 Removing homelessness and nuisances 1/23/2021 7:13 PM 35 Helping the police with job that need more of a human conversation vs safety issues danger emergency where we really need a police officer. 1/23/2021 10:35 AM 36 Accountability, objectivity 1/23/2021 2:42 AM 37 extra people watching over our town will help ensure we are alerted to issues soon 1/22/2021 8:07 PM 38 Just to check in.1/22/2021 3:53 PM 39 Push you to actually do your job and get these businesses in the village to comply with the public health order. 1/22/2021 11:02 AM 40 Lowering the temptation to cover things up when they go wrong. Officers are human and make mistakes. But they need to be accountable when they aren’t behaving in a manner fitting of the uniform and in the public’s best interest. 1/22/2021 9:36 AM 41 Optics. It’ll look good for the police department.1/22/2021 9:33 AM 42 To have a non-law enforcement perspective add further objectivity to police matters.1/22/2021 9:25 AM 43 I really don’t think it’s necessary for cbad 1/21/2021 5:56 AM 44 I have no concerns about the policies or behavior of CPD. I think civilian oversight is not a 1/20/2021 10:11 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 146 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 7 / 17 good use of resources. 45 Not much and civilians should not be telling them how to do their job.1/19/2021 9:40 PM 46 Only for a liaison for community input and communications 1/19/2021 9:34 PM 47 If you are trying to solve a problem. I am unaware of the current Carlsbad problem that you are trying to solve. Is this a response to problems elsewhere? What is motivating this change? 1/19/2021 3:32 PM 48 carlsbad is a peaceful, family based community. We do not need people with extra free time on their hands turning our community against each other. 1/19/2021 10:27 AM 49 A clearer understanding of the actions taken by officers, why they do what they do, their limits as determined by law and department procedures. Some oversight will offer clarity to the public perspective of police interaction . 1/19/2021 5:14 AM 50 The value may be just in showing the City is progressive enough to have a civilian oversight team to review complaints/issues. 1/19/2021 2:52 AM 51 Ensure external accountability.1/18/2021 7:58 PM 52 Ensuring that there are outside parties who can ensure the voice of the community and views of non law enforcement are present before a crisis occurs. 1/18/2021 6:54 PM 53 Continuing to keep the citizens safe at a time where people are at their worst.1/18/2021 5:01 PM 54 I dislike the word oversight. I would prefer to have occasional, scheduled community forums to talk about specific issues, like the meeting to discuss homelessness a couple of years that I attended at the Community Center in Carlsbad. 1/18/2021 4:50 PM 55 None. The police don't need civilian oversight.1/18/2021 12:18 PM 56 Hopefully after the inauguration and Covid vaccines things will return to "normal", but there is currently a sense of rebellion and lawlessness that make our city feel less safe. 1/18/2021 11:17 AM 57 A third party that would ideally dispassionately review police actions.1/18/2021 9:57 AM 58 A sense of responsibility for both parties 1/17/2021 7:39 PM 59 None 1/16/2021 11:34 PM 60 I personally don't see the need to add civilian oversight.1/16/2021 1:35 PM 61 All government organizations should have public oversight to keep them honest and representative of the communities they work for. This is especially true during covid 19. 1/16/2021 12:54 PM 62 Our police department is the number one expense of the city's budget (general fund) which is funded mostly by city residents through property taxes. There should be more transparency and oversight into how this money is spent and what outcomes are expected. Also, the majority of cities in the U.S. have civilian oversight of their police departments and Carlsbad should have the same. 1/16/2021 10:57 AM 63 I thinks it’s always helpful for law enforcement to receive feedback on their impact on the community 1/16/2021 9:16 AM 64 CPD needs to be aware of the feelings of the people it is serving. We need open communication 1/16/2021 5:39 AM 65 I suggest experts in certain fields like domestic violence....to help educate officers how to properly handle calls when non violent yet threatening.... 1/16/2021 1:52 AM 66 Input regarding homeless, theft in neighborhoods, identifying at risk people ie having a program for kids with ASD or other behavioral health issues. 1/15/2021 10:55 PM 67 Keeping Karens happy.1/15/2021 10:43 PM 68 Accountability.1/15/2021 4:49 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 147 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 8 / 17 Q6 What problems, issues or concerns would use of civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department solve or create? Answered: 69 Skipped: 39 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Political influence, corruption, wasted tax payer money. Let the law enforcement professionals do their jobs to protect and to serve our community. 2/11/2021 4:59 AM 2 NONE Having a conversations with Members of the community is one thing, but oversight is ridiculous. 2/8/2021 6:16 PM 3 Oversight will stifle police from being proactive in their jobs and protecting Carlsbad citizens and property 2/8/2021 5:25 PM 4 It could help keep errant officers stay honest and identify trends that otherwise go unnoticed. But civilian oversight could also be used to unnecessarily harass officers/CPD. 2/8/2021 3:47 PM 5 It would create a less meaningful law enforcement in the City. a civilian oversight would impede the police from doing their jobs properly. 2/7/2021 1:06 PM 6 Homeless rumors could be dispelled. Police might lose a certain amount of policing authority. 2/6/2021 7:03 PM 7 Having additional civilian oversight is lame and would cause decreased police morale as well as weaker responsiveness. 2/5/2021 7:15 PM 8 The problems are inherent to a police force and not necessarily apparent in Carlsbad, but could some day be more relevant. So civilian oversight would be more of a proactive measure. 2/5/2021 9:12 AM 9 Adds an additional layer to further influence carlsbad police to sustain proper behavior and adherence to law enforcement improving the standards of ethics. 2/3/2021 11:35 AM 10 Zero. This is a waste of time.2/2/2021 3:32 PM 11 Potential police misconducts against civilians and potential misconceptions of civilians about the Carlsbad Police Department 1/31/2021 8:48 PM 12 Our officers shouldn't need to walk on egg shells while doing their job. Civilians don't know the first thing about policing. There's no need to include them. Our CPD is great. 1/30/2021 7:39 PM 13 None that I'm aware of.1/29/2021 8:00 PM 14 A civilian oversight entity will send a message that our PD is not trusted. CBD PD is an honorable agency whose employees maintain a high level of professionalism and ethical behavior who are committed to public service. There are internal mechanisms in place to ensure accountability and quality assurance without the need of an oversight entity. An oversight entity will operate and react with emotion and little knowledge of Law Enforcement work. The oversight entity will be susceptible to attempt to impose capricious political agendas that do little to advance public safety. 1/29/2021 8:32 AM 15 I think it would help create a community so that we work together to solve problems. not an us vs them narrative like it is currently. 1/28/2021 7:13 PM 16 it increases transparency in our local government 1/27/2021 11:29 PM 17 It would be a group for the citizens to go to to air their grievances with the police.1/27/2021 11:35 AM 18 See above. Racism is a systemic problem in our country and needs to be eradicated.1/27/2021 10:16 AM 19 Change might be difficult for the Department to adjust to.1/26/2021 11:34 PM 20 Hijacking of civilian oversight by malevolent, anti community entities.1/26/2021 10:48 PM 21 Questions about restraint of people and operations.1/26/2021 7:17 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 148 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 9 / 17 22 Avoidance of racial profiling, and a consistent application of de-escalation practices and the use of force towards all citizens. 1/26/2021 6:50 PM 23 Understanding of the required and needed environment in dealing with legitimately threatening situations while protecting our officers. 1/26/2021 5:47 PM 24 The idea of having a citizen oversight committee for this city is clearly a political idea based on current leftist ideology. There have been zero issues identified in the Carlsbad PD relating to race relations. I have read about anecdotal stories, but these are different than actual data. Therefore, the conversations in the committee would be futile and not based on data. Additionally, citizens are not typically trained in police procedures and do not have this specific knowledge to share in these meetings. 1/26/2021 2:15 PM 25 Over politicizing law enforcement 1/26/2021 12:38 PM 26 NO value with a civilian oversight! No one can understand true policing! Civilian oversight Would endanger our officers and limit their ability to do their job which is protecting our citizens from criminals and keeping law and order 1/26/2021 11:52 AM 27 No concerns 1/26/2021 9:48 AM 28 I am not aware of any 1/24/2021 6:55 PM 29 Civilians who don’t comprehend the issues police face, having oversight of them.1/24/2021 5:48 PM 30 Generally, civilians do not understand how emergency services realistically works. Many do not have the life experience to be able to relate to officers. 1/24/2021 5:45 PM 31 Based on the data provided during the recent City council meetings, the number of use of force incidents is low (0.08 percent). Although this data supports the conclusion that the Department doesn’t have a rampant problem (which is good), a civilian oversight committee could be used in a way to proactively work with the Department and the City Council to reduce the number even further. I can’t recall if the 0.08 percent number represented any cases that were investigated and the officer was found to have inappropriately used use of force or not, but regardless, through the use of a civilian oversight committee the community could work with the Department to proactively address future matters. Use of civilian oversight can connect residents to their Police Department. Creation of such a committee is an acknowledgment by the Department and City leadership that residents can contribute a perspective to the issue that neither the Department itself nor the City Council can. Residents can bring different and valuable perspectives to the matter. Creation of the committee also demonstrates to City residents that the Police Department seeks to be its best and serve its residents and businesses in a transparent way. On the other hand, use of a civilian oversight committee should be done with some structure to it. Committees can become ineffective if they are comprised by individuals with very strong narrow opinions. The committee needs to be filled with individuals from a balanced background, going through a vetting process, and serve for distinct periods of time to avoid one or two or three citizens driving the change affected by the many. 1/24/2021 1:32 PM 32 It could cause too much interference by people that do not fully understand police work and policy 1/24/2021 1:19 PM 33 It would create trust.1/24/2021 11:45 AM 34 Show the force is meeting the community needs 1/24/2021 11:41 AM 35 Petty crimes and homelessness has increased dramatically since Covid began. Subsequently, there needs to be more policing to keep citizens safe. If civilian oversight can help with that I am all for it. 1/23/2021 7:13 PM 36 Could establishe discussion and trust with the Homeless population 1/23/2021 10:35 AM 37 Advisory role only Input from folks 1/23/2021 2:42 AM 38 Bias/prejudice of civilians may be a problem, especially if they feel they are an 'authority' over others 1/22/2021 8:07 PM 39 We don’t want to make the police department jobs more difficult with unnecessary added requirements or restrictions. They have been doing a great job. 1/22/2021 3:53 PM 40 Most civilians don't have insight into all of the different situations that Police Officers have to 1/22/2021 2:14 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 149 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 10 / 17 deal with on a daily basis. I am concerned they would have input into policy decisions that could jeopardize the safety of the city and/or the Police Officers. 41 It wouldn't be pleasant to hear the public criticize you, I'm sure.1/22/2021 11:02 AM 42 More transparency. More accountability. More public faith in the police department. More understanding of how hard the job is. You can make this a positive or a negative. I chose to believe that the police force is inherently a good organization that needs to show the public and especially minorities they care and will do the right thing. Even when it’s hard. 1/22/2021 9:36 AM 43 What knowledge of city issues, policing, etc would a committee have. Sounds like it’ll be a bunch of people spouting opinions on things they don’t know much about. 1/22/2021 9:33 AM 44 I am not familiar with problems, issues or concerns specific to the Carlsbad PD.1/22/2021 9:25 AM 45 All depends on what sort of people are on the committee. People who don’t understand what it’s like to be a police officer can’t provide reasonable input. I see it could lead to hostility towards our fine police force 1/21/2021 5:56 AM 46 I think there are more informal ways for CPD to solicit input from citizens. Oversight implies an adversarial relationship. 1/20/2021 10:11 AM 47 It will handcuff the police and might even say the wrong thing to incite the public.1/19/2021 9:40 PM 48 Solve: any transparency concerns Create problem: not letting the police force run their operations as they see fit 1/19/2021 9:34 PM 49 Not sure what it would solve as I am unaware of the problems the recommendation is trying to solve. Before starting something new, there should be a mission to solve a problem or make something better? What is that mission. The downside could be the slowing of emergency service response due to the endless layers of management. Management 101 - thin layers of management, don't add endlessly. 1/19/2021 3:32 PM 50 too many cooks in the kitchen. We would see small disputes being exceptionally blown out of proportion. 1/19/2021 10:27 AM 51 Civilian oversight could help the residents gain understanding to the multi level interaction police go through on a daily bases with people. 1/19/2021 5:14 AM 52 Having the oversight team may help bolster public confidence in CPD. However, it will also create civilians telling law enforcement how to do their job to some degree. 1/19/2021 2:52 AM 53 Could allow groups with alternative ideology that would not be good for Carlsbad.1/18/2021 7:01 PM 54 Create: It will cost time and money. Solve: It will provide checks and balance for law enforcement. 1/18/2021 6:54 PM 55 Assist with identifying potential problems 1/18/2021 5:01 PM 56 I think it could cause more problems than solve anything. It can cause a "we" vs "They" mentality rather than working collaboratively. 1/18/2021 4:50 PM 57 It will create problems and hinder police officers ability to do their jobs.1/18/2021 12:18 PM 58 Oversight would help solve the issue of people in the city who feel like they can do whatever whenever they want: not wear masks, eat at restaurants during a shutdown,... 1/18/2021 11:17 AM 59 My concern would be the civilian oversight board would become overly political instead of focused on monitoring and encouraging good police actions and policy. 1/18/2021 9:57 AM 60 Unconscious bias. Lack of hands on experience with outside perspective for civilians.1/17/2021 7:39 PM 61 Untrained civilians thinking they are overseeing trained law enforcement officers is a total joke (in Carlsbad). Do not do it. 1/16/2021 11:34 PM 62 It would help civilians stay on top of issues, could help with community reporting, would make police aware that their words and actions matter abd therefore would produce more thoughtful dialog when trying to keep the peace. 1/16/2021 12:54 PM 63 Civilian oversight can address misconduct, use of force and disparate impact and suggest policy proposals. 1/16/2021 10:57 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 150 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 11 / 17 64 It may tend to be selfish in nature where people are attacking the police department for doing their job. 1/16/2021 9:16 AM 65 Any community issues , Covid enforcement 1/16/2021 5:39 AM 66 Civilians tend to interject and make things worse, take matters into own hands, Nextdoor is a prime example of over sharing and self proclaimed competencies that could be more damaging. 1/16/2021 1:52 AM 67 Asking questions about needs of weaponry, appropriateness of using non lethal means, crisis intervention training, employing and deploying social workers with officers 1/15/2021 10:55 PM 68 It would prove that the men and women of the CPD are doing an outstanding job.1/15/2021 10:43 PM 69 It would hopefully help weed out cops not up to standard.1/15/2021 4:49 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 151 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 12 / 17 Q7 Please share any additional input or feedback you would like the City of Carlsbad and the Police Department to consider. Answered: 53 Skipped: 55 #RESPONSES DATE 1 As per usual, this knee jerk reaction to events in other parts of the country from last year, have reached Carlsbad which has NO reported or known cases of law enforcement officers acting in a racist way towards anyone. If people's feelings get involved you get "oversight" committees. If facts overwhelmingly point towards Cbad Police doing things right, people ignore it in favor of projecting their beliefs and ideals. Leave the police alone. Do not spend my money on such a program. Every interaction my family has had with Cbad Policie over the past year (Community officers, traffic control, officers called out to our area) have been 100% positive. Each interaction the officers had with individuals trespassing on private property has ended peacefully and positively. They are always quick to respond and they ARE the front line of defense for the public. DO NOT MUCK THIS UP. 2/11/2021 4:59 AM 2 Our Police Department does an amazing job. Often, they need to keep things to themselves, such as investigations, until their research is completed and having civilians involved in managing that would keep crimes from being solved, and lead to poluce officers leaving Carlsbad because they don’t want to deal with this type of political climate. 2/8/2021 6:16 PM 3 More troubling to me than the need for civilian oversight with regard to use of force is 1) the alarming increase in crime perpetrated by homeless/transient individuals and 2) also unenforced drug abuse/distribution and theft in my neighborhood! Over the last year a drug house has operated on Amberwood with little to no repercussions (COVID-19 is an unacceptable excuse for lawlessness). The Park fire was started directly across from my family and numerous assaults and a couple well documented murders have occurred nearby. Please enforce our laws! 2/8/2021 3:47 PM 4 I have lived in Carlsbad 5+ years now and North County my entire life. Please let law and order prevail and let police do their jobs. We do not want a deescalation of law enforcement in our communities. Prop 47 already did enough. Thank you! 2/7/2021 1:06 PM 5 Progress of Homeless Outreach program. What is the measure of success?2/5/2021 9:52 PM 6 Do t waste anymore time or money on this thought. Use taxpayer funds more wisely.2/5/2021 7:15 PM 7 Overall, our police do good work but there are some officers, not many, that can make improvements ethically and in the behavioral area. 2/3/2021 11:35 AM 8 I hope Carlsbad does not vilify the police like many other cities are attempting to do. The police are critical civil servants that risk their lives to protect all citizens. They deserve support and respect, not some ridiculous oversight committee that second-guesses their actions. 2/2/2021 3:32 PM 9 It can be in the best interest of the Carlsbad Police Department to add civilian oversight. 1/31/2021 8:48 PM 10 Let the officers do their jobs, protect our city, protect my family and still get to go home safely at the end of their shift. Political groups are attacking our officers and the job itself. Enough is enough. 1/30/2021 7:39 PM 11 I have had a few interactions with the Carlsbad PD, a car accident and home burglary and the officers were very professional, helpful, and caring. 1/29/2021 8:00 PM 12 If it ain't broke...don't (attempt to) fix it.1/29/2021 8:32 AM 13 would it be too much to ask for more funding towards mental health and anti racist help here! 1/28/2021 7:13 PM 14 I would like them stop arresting disabled children at school because administrators can get around the law in providing services or limit their liability from restraining and injuring special needs children. 1/28/2021 3:35 PM 15 The police primary responsibility should always be to prevent a person from inflicting harm on 1/27/2021 11:35 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 152 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 13 / 17 another. Any laws that are broken should be enforced. Mask wearing is not a law; it is a suggested guideline. I should be allowed to not wear a mask when out walking if I am keeping my distance from others ( I walk 2 hours every morning at 5am and don't wear a mask as I get dizzy and don't want to breathe my own carbon dioxide; I cross the street or go in the bike lane to keep my distance from anyone). In a democracy, it is important to maintain the values of freedom. I am free to take the risks I am willing to take, as long as I am not harming anyone else. I have a right to suffer the consequences of my own actions. The police have no right to tell me to wear a mask if I keep my distance from others. 16 Invest in your people and hold the force to the highest of standards.1/26/2021 10:48 PM 17 Carlsbad police are great. Like any organization, it would be best to have more transparency. 1/26/2021 7:17 PM 18 I have personally seen instances of officers not obeying driving laws from time to time. They were not in pursuit of someone or responding to a call, based on their behavior. Officers need to remember that they are always visible and that they need to set good law abiding behavior examples, especially for young people in the areas. 1/26/2021 6:50 PM 19 We’re on your side. We just want to know that all of you are on our side too. I’m horrified that my mixed race granddaughter is experiencing racial profiling and is afraid of the very people that supposed to protect and defend her. Where is she supposed to go it she needs your help? This is an internal problem that has not been resolved. Fix it! I’ll do anything I can to help, like working with families that are affected by alcoholism and drug abuse. 1/26/2021 5:47 PM 20 I have lived in Carlsbad for over six years now and am a homeowner. I feel safe in my neighborhood and have found the PD to be very friendly and non-evasive. Carlsbad is a unique city in that we have an interstate, lots of industry, as well as a nice downtown. Carlsbad is a safe city and I believe that a citizen oversight committee will jeopardize that as officers' tools will be removed in order to avoid any trouble with the arbitrary committee. 1/26/2021 2:15 PM 21 I have the highest respect for our police force. Are they perfect? No, but no one is. In my experience they’ve been kind and professional ...here in North county especially, we are a tight knit community ... and they are “one of us” 1/26/2021 10:28 AM 22 All my experiences with police are positive. If anything they are too nice 1/26/2021 9:48 AM 23 Prioritizing is the key of our police resources based on today’s needs and risks 1/24/2021 6:55 PM 24 I would encourage the Department to evaluate its hiring procedures to see if they have been adapted to account for the changing times, culture, awareness, the City's growth, and the types of crime that occur in our city, as seen by our statistics. Hiring criteria should include soft skills needed to handle the diverse people/incidents most often encountered in Carlsbad. I would like to see the Department continue its pursuit of training our existing officers in de- escalating and disengagement techniques (as discussed during the City Council Meeting). Officers get alot of firearms training and tactical training, however if a use of force situation can be avoided using de-escalating or disengagement that is better for the officer and the public. Having said this, I fully recognize the need for officer’s safety and support officers being able to use all their tools, training, and skills to serve and protect. The soft skills needed to exercise de-escalation and disengagement need to be practiced and officers should get this training regularly so they can practice these skills too. I believe the Department should also evaluate if they are collecting the right type of data pertaining to use of force, the incidents, etc. What data is collected and how that data is used to communicate to the public can go a long way to best represent the officer’s actions taken during all types of interactions with the public. Communicating such information to the public on a regular basis could likely increase the communities understanding of the Department’s culture and increase its trust in the Department’s fair and respectful handling of situations. 1/24/2021 1:32 PM 25 Certainly Carlsbad has not (yet) had many of the problems seen in some other cities but I believe checks and balances for all public institutions is probably not a bad idea. 1/24/2021 1:19 PM 26 N/a 1/24/2021 11:45 AM 27 Civilian oversight should absolutely not be used to enforce Covid lockdowns or to threaten or shut down restaurants that are staying open in order to keep themselves alive by staying in business. That would be a terrible miss use of resources. 1/23/2021 7:13 PM 28 Thanks for all you do, I know your job isn't easy 1/22/2021 8:07 PM 29 Get you act together on enforcing the health order against these noncompliant business. I'm so 1/22/2021 11:02 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 153 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 14 / 17 embarrassed by the police department and city council's nonresponse to this pandemic. 30 Do not enforce or police those businesses trying to survive during this shut down. Our money should not be spent harassing and ticketing people who are trying to stay afloat by operating their businesses. 1/22/2021 9:33 AM 31 The officers and staff at CPD that I’ve interacted with have been nothing but respectful and knowledgeable 1/21/2021 5:56 AM 32 My experience is that CPD is very responsive to requests for service. Feel more comfortable/confident with policing in Carlsbad than some neighboring jurisdictions. 1/20/2021 10:11 AM 33 Pay them more for the great service they deliver to the city of Carlsbad.1/19/2021 9:40 PM 34 There's always room for improvement, for everyone in any job or on a personal level. I think our police department is fantastic and I'm sure they recognize where they can improve without too much input from the public. 1/19/2021 9:34 PM 35 My biggest questions is why? Are we doing this for political gain or for the health and welfare of Carlsbad. What is happening in Carlsbad that would motivate this? What local problem are we trying to solve or how will this make community policing better? 1/19/2021 3:32 PM 36 If police could get out of their cars, and interact with people on a one to one human relationship it could change the civilian perception . Police become friends. 1/19/2021 5:14 AM 37 All efforts to personalize CPD, their officers, K-9, senior volunteers and adminisration I believe have been helpful in reminding the community that you are not the enemy, that you are our neighbors helping to protect all of us and our City. Fostering respect for our law enforcement I have to believe helps people make better choices to do right. 1/19/2021 2:52 AM 38 CPD is doing a great job!1/18/2021 7:01 PM 39 I've loved attending the Coffee with a Cop sessions, although I recognize we can't do it now. As mentioned above, Community meetings on specific topics can be helpful. I'd use the one on Homelessness as a great model; all were involved and mostly good discussions; everyone had to take ownership. 1/18/2021 4:50 PM 40 As a board member of Carlsbad Youth Baseball, additional oversight at the parks to ensure our kids have a safe place to play. 1/18/2021 1:52 PM 41 Thank you for keeping our city safe!1/18/2021 11:17 AM 42 Good ideas can go wrong if they are not set up with proper boundaries.1/18/2021 9:57 AM 43 Clearer communication with the community, potential non emergency helpline/forum 1/17/2021 7:39 PM 44 I think the police and fire departments in Carlsbad are doing a fine job. They only need support from the city and community. Other than that, we should stay out of their way. 1/16/2021 11:34 PM 45 Thank you for allowing our small businesses and restaurants to stay open.1/16/2021 1:35 PM 46 I would like the police abd City to report interaction with public on coronavirus related actions daily so we know how police are responding to noncompliance and what the results are. 1/16/2021 12:54 PM 47 Our Carlsbad police department should be actively and proactively collaborating with local FBI to identify right-wing extremists in our community who are the greatest domestic threat to our community and democracy. Also, Council should consider restructuring all public safety matters under one department of 'public safety.' Council and staff should research best practices in the future of policing and consider them for making changes to adapt to changing times and circumstances. I would also like to see much more diversity of hiring and staffing in our police department including more women and people of color and not just at the entry level but at the leadership levels. 1/16/2021 10:57 AM 48 Pls consider enforcing a fine for Carlsbad resident who do not wear a mask while out in the town. 1/16/2021 9:16 AM 49 The more the officers become individuals and are avail the better. Nextdoor is a great example. Jodie does a good job of informing us. If the police are out and about and friendly that really helps create a good example as well. 1/16/2021 5:39 AM 50 The police needs to pay attention, get speed under control in residential areas....very nice work 1/16/2021 1:52 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 154 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 15 / 17 with school threats (perceived in 2017/2018) , enforce Covid laws and put community first. 51 The homeless situation is out of control. They don’t need handouts. They need a hand up and off the street. 1/15/2021 11:04 PM 52 Do not enforce Gavin Newsoms Covid rules. Let businesses survive. Police the homeless issues we have in our city parks. Especially pine park and holiday park. I have found needles and many homeless sleep in the park while doing drugs. 1/15/2021 3:58 PM 53 There shouldn’t be any indoor dining. Not safe right now. You need to endure that. And masks. 1/15/2021 3:46 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 155 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 16 / 17 2.78%3 12.96%14 20.37%22 63.89%69 0.00%0 Q8 How long have you been a resident or owned property in Carlsbad? Answered: 108 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 108 Less than 2 years (I jus... 3-5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years I do not own property or... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Less than 2 years (I just moved here) 3-5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years I do not own property or reside in Carlsbad March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 156 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 17 / 17 0.00%0 2.78%3 5.56%6 15.74%17 28.70%31 44.44%48 2.78%3 Q9 Please select your age. Answered: 108 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 108 Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and over I prefer not to say 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and over I prefer not to say March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 157 of 224 District 3 responses March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 158 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 1 / 18 0.00%0 0.00%0 100.00%101 0.00%0 0.00%0 Q1 What District of Carlsbad do you reside in or have a business in? (If you're not sure you, click here) Answered: 101 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 101 District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 I do not have a residence ... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 I do not have a residence or business in Carlsbad March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 159 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 2 / 18 41.00%41 40.00%40 4.00%4 7.00%7 8.00%8 Q2 How do you get most of your information or knowledge related to police or policing services? Answered: 100 Skipped: 1 TOTAL 100 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE 1 Next Door and Coast News 2/8/2021 5:35 PM 2 All of those.2/7/2021 9:32 AM 3 city council meetings and news 1/29/2021 7:46 PM 4 New amalgamation apps and national news outlets 1/26/2021 10:55 AM 5 Fox 1/19/2021 10:51 AM 6 experience with working within Carlsbad and police interaction. Am a fan of police department. 1/19/2021 10:45 AM 7 City Web site and news media 1/18/2021 3:56 PM 8 Nextdoor and Local News 1/16/2021 2:40 PM Local news Social Media Community Groups Friends, Family Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Local news Social Media Community Groups Friends, Family Other (please specify) March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 160 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 3 / 18 1.98%2 4.95%5 12.87%13 36.63%37 43.56%44 Q3 How would you describe your overall level of trust that the Carlsbad Police Department is serving the community well? Answered: 101 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 101 Very Low Low Neutral, Don't Know High Very High 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Very Low Low Neutral, Don't Know High Very High March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 161 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 4 / 18 36.63%37 21.78%22 10.89%11 13.86%14 16.83%17 Q4 Based on your own experience, what is the level of need for adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? Answered: 101 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 101 Not Valuable, Not Needed Limited Value, Limited Need Somewhat Valuable,... Valuable, Needed Very Valuable, Very Needed 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Not Valuable, Not Needed Limited Value, Limited Need Somewhat Valuable, Somewhat Needed Valuable, Needed Very Valuable, Very Needed March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 162 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 5 / 18 Q5 What would be the value and/or need of adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? Answered: 80 Skipped: 21 #RESPONSES DATE 1 It might help to curb unnecessary police violence in rare instances where it occurs 2/9/2021 10:02 AM 2 Please do not add more police to the city 2/8/2021 10:27 PM 3 To be eyes on the ground..2/8/2021 5:35 PM 4 None.2/8/2021 5:23 PM 5 I don't see much value.2/7/2021 9:32 AM 6 None- I only see a negative impact and creating more distrust for an already frazzled and demoralized police department. 2/6/2021 9:31 AM 7 Community involvement 2/6/2021 6:57 AM 8 As with civilian control of the military, having civilian oversight (whether controlling or simply in a non-binding review capacity) provides an additional perspective to review of law enforcement policy and implementation decisions. 2/5/2021 6:11 PM 9 Community awareness and confidence could be enhanced.2/4/2021 2:08 PM 10 I think the police dept in carlsbad is doing an excellent job and I do not want to see and oversight or other situation that will in any way ties their hands from completing their duties. 2/4/2021 9:43 AM 11 Hold everyone involved accountable.2/3/2021 9:39 AM 12 None 2/3/2021 5:15 AM 13 none, I trust and respect CPD 2/3/2021 5:09 AM 14 uniform standards of enforcement 2/1/2021 12:44 PM 15 greater transparency increases trust and faith by community members 2/1/2021 11:30 AM 16 Personally, I do not support the idea of civilian "oversight," but would favor something on a very limited basis that would allow citizen collaboration to support the Carlsbad Police Department and offer opportunities for citizens to get involved with things such as Neighborhood Watch, educational opportunities, assistance with crime prevention and crime solving, etc., vs. anything that would imply "oversight" which, in my opinion, should come through the City Manager and/or Mayor and City Council, as appropriate. 2/1/2021 10:04 AM 17 Policing is essentially about protecting the community, having civilian oversight by the community served is essential 1/31/2021 9:12 PM 18 Not much of a need for civilian oversight of our Police Department. "On paper" it would prove that we are adhering to the current narrative coming from elsewhere. 1/30/2021 5:39 PM 19 Little or none needed 1/30/2021 12:57 PM 20 Trust for police is lower than I have ever seen it. People are not happy with the response "We have investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong." With qualified immunity should come public oversite. 1/30/2021 7:47 AM 21 no need 1/29/2021 7:46 PM 22 None. Zero. Civilian oversight is an answer in search of a problem which does not exist. 1/29/2021 12:45 PM 23 Monitoring the increase of homelessness, crimes from transient people, and overall increases in crimes from these populations. 1/29/2021 11:21 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 163 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 6 / 18 24 Police do not police themselves. Like asking the fox to watch the hen house 1/29/2021 10:55 AM 25 It could help in resolving disputes that might arise involving accusations of improper police conduct by providing a neutral observant voice. 1/29/2021 10:55 AM 26 The need for the abolishment of the police system is clear, and begins with our community. The police overall are a racist, classist and outdated group. They are overwhelmed and overworked, and allowing civilians to step in to say “you are doing more than your job should require” and redirecting this energy to help our community excel is vital. 1/28/2021 1:03 PM 27 ‘Oversight’ is the wrong word. I think there should be more emphasis from city leaders, officials to introduce the police to the public, so that communities get to know them better. It’s not about the public ‘checking up’ on the police, but to have a collaboration between police, community and leadership to promote safety and security for everyone. 1/28/2021 12:41 PM 28 In these times of eroded trust of police in our nation, it would serve as a buffer in the event of future altercations. Help ensure police are properly trained and sensitized in de-escalation procedures. 1/28/2021 10:51 AM 29 I am not familiar with the proposal for civilian oversight to be able to comment on the subject. 1/27/2021 6:38 PM 30 To protect the senior folks 1/27/2021 5:19 PM 31 N/A 1/27/2021 5:05 PM 32 There isn’t any. The CBD police department is outstanding. Putting “activists” in any position of authority over our cops will only have negative effects. 1/27/2021 11:37 AM 33 Transparency regarding policing.1/27/2021 9:51 AM 34 Accountability. I feel the police often times take advantage of everyone giving them the benefit of every doubt. 1/27/2021 8:47 AM 35 Transparency within the community, enforcement of county rules and making sure our council is working for the community and not for themselves. 1/26/2021 9:53 PM 36 None 1/26/2021 3:41 PM 37 Civilian oversight could add a layer of transparency to help avoid corruption.1/26/2021 1:22 PM 38 The value in adding civilian oversight is adding trust between the police and citizens, ensuring citizens have a role in investigating any complaints, and in holding officers accountable for wrongdoing. 1/26/2021 10:55 AM 39 Electric Scooters Rules: 18+ Allowed on the road. 17- Bike Lane 1/26/2021 10:46 AM 40 No need 1/26/2021 10:00 AM 41 Taking steps to add civilian oversight to any police department is valuable because it builds trust between the community and the PD. It also allows the community to have some voice into PD policies and to me, that seems reasonable, as the police are policing the community and should be able to get feedback from the people they watch over. Lastly, any proactive steps to avoiding situations like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor are worth the investment, rather than being reactive to negative situations that occur. 1/25/2021 8:25 PM 42 Making sure minority and LGBTQ populations and their rights are protected 1/24/2021 10:54 PM 43 To ensure impartiality and to foster equitable application of justice.1/24/2021 3:14 PM 44 I don’t see any. Let the police do their job 1/24/2021 12:02 PM 45 For diversity of opinions of what is needed in community. Accountability to residents.1/24/2021 11:50 AM 46 None 1/24/2021 11:39 AM 47 Any incident that involved officer shootings.1/23/2021 5:29 PM 48 could be informative to community 1/23/2021 2:12 PM 49 This seems obvious, but if the question is being asked I guess it needs to be said plainly: Police serve the community, so it follows that they are accountable to the community. 1/23/2021 11:08 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 164 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 7 / 18 50 As long as the civilians are independent of the force then is always good to have an outside set of eyes. Having more than one perspective is a good thing. 1/22/2021 11:34 AM 51 none 1/22/2021 10:54 AM 52 To find out how to best help officers in our community.1/21/2021 5:54 PM 53 I don’t see any added value.1/20/2021 6:18 PM 54 Since the police report to the city council, we need to be sure that politics are a driving fact Need to understand the policy of applying the different levels of force in dealing with situations Especially when the there is noncompliance by the 1/20/2021 2:54 PM 55 None 1/19/2021 10:51 AM 56 there is no need it's insulting 1/19/2021 10:45 AM 57 none - our police department is outstanding!1/19/2021 9:31 AM 58 To make sure cops, like the one that punched the lady on the ground, will get proper discipline. Vetting the department for right wing extremism and sedition. 1/19/2021 9:20 AM 59 There is no value attributed to adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department 1/19/2021 5:29 AM 60 Oversight of Union/overtime use etc Politcs being a NO NO 1/18/2021 5:21 PM 61 None is needed 1/18/2021 4:05 PM 62 Ensure PD has the resources, tools and training needed to do job. Serve as an independent group to hear controversial issues involving the PD that occur in the community. 1/18/2021 3:56 PM 63 As long as it is not Cori Schumacher!!1/18/2021 2:46 PM 64 Additional set of eyes representing civilians.1/18/2021 12:49 PM 65 none 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 66 This is an opportunity to leverage our Carlsbad PD strengths and to lead other PD in the state with a CRB. This will ensure that policies and procedures are updated accordingly and adhered to by the PD. In addition, involving community members in this effort would help the CRB succeed and engage provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to engage in the process. Also our community needs to ensure that the PD is adhering to the rules. Carlsbad PD is already above the bench mark and a CRB will also place them even higher and make them a leader. 1/17/2021 8:13 PM 67 Minimal at this point in time. Community is stable, civically driven, and great pride in their homes and area. No civil unrest or controversy beyond hopeful Covid restriction relief soon 1/17/2021 12:43 PM 68 To increase trust among the community.1/16/2021 8:26 PM 69 Outside perspective, community engagement, shared responsibility and cooperation 1/16/2021 4:10 PM 70 No additional value. Please just let the officers do their jobs without interference.1/16/2021 2:40 PM 71 Checks on appropriateness of enforcements by police. Ex: Did the police overstep bounds or disregard citizen’s rights? 1/16/2021 12:46 PM 72 Making sure that it’s providing respectful service to all 1/16/2021 8:44 AM 73 To maintain peace; to reduce petty crime; to show a presence so those thinking about committing a crime may re-think it. 1/16/2021 7:04 AM 74 Just more and different eyes.1/15/2021 9:00 PM 75 Not convinced there is a need, have not witnessed or heard of issues. The hope would be there isn't (much of) an issue, but we also have to keep a lookout for any that crop up. 1/15/2021 6:02 PM 76 None 1/15/2021 5:45 PM 77 Adding civilian oversight would help earn trust with community members. Especially community members of color. 1/15/2021 4:29 PM 78 I do not see a need in Carlsbad. Possible exception is more enforcement of COVID related orders (downtown restaurants in particular), but I realize that issue had been discussed by the 1/15/2021 4:17 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 165 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 8 / 18 City Council. The police in Carlsbad do an exceptional job 79 Checks and balance. Throttle back some of the overbearing police attitude found on the street. 1/15/2021 4:02 PM 80 None 1/15/2021 3:57 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 166 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 9 / 18 Q6 What problems, issues or concerns would use of civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department solve or create? Answered: 83 Skipped: 18 #RESPONSES DATE 1 It could 'tie the hands' of police just trying to to their job without being overly scrutinized, so it's a tricky situation 2/9/2021 10:02 AM 2 Would create more problems 2/8/2021 10:27 PM 3 eyes on the ground.2/8/2021 5:35 PM 4 It would make cops question their decisions when dealing with minority individuals as opposed to them relying on their training. 2/8/2021 5:23 PM 5 Could possibly compromise police being able to do their jobs properly. Also, potential and unnecessary additional costs. 2/8/2021 8:55 AM 6 A politicized, "woke" group taking up residence in our city and changing our community for the worse. 2/7/2021 9:32 AM 7 Separating and causing mistrust between civilians and law enforcement.2/6/2021 9:31 AM 8 Transparency of internal functions and directives 2/6/2021 6:57 AM 9 Benefits could include civilian community members with a better understanding of law enforcement practices; regular civilian feedback from trusted partners to law enforcement on perception and impact of practices in the community; an "outside" perspective on contentious events during reviews; and the stronger perception by the public that law enforcement is subject to review by an "outside" entity, reassuring people that LEOs are not operating in a vacuum with respect to community impact. Issues could include extended or more-frequent- than-necessary review of practices, policies, and actions on calls; impacts to morale if the oversight process is (or is perceived to be) less cooperatively focused on developing improvements than punitive; civilian perception that the oversight board is "too close" to law enforcement to objectively evaluate issues or represent the interests of the public; and perception that the board is "driving a wedge" between law enforcement personnel and the rest of the community, either by law enforcement or non-LE community members. 2/5/2021 6:11 PM 10 This could politicize the policies and processes that are already in place.2/4/2021 2:08 PM 11 As has been already proven in other major cities when oversight/control of police depts exists murder and violent crime escalates. Statistics from 2020 show murders up 95% in Milwakee, 78% in Louisville, Ky, 74% in Seattle, 72% in Minneapolis, 62% in New Orleans and 58% in Atlanta according to data compiled by crime analyst Jeff Asher. " Police officers believe that they face a political and legal environment that is eager to sacrifice them in the name of racial justice." quoting from a WSJ article from January 25, 2021. 2/4/2021 9:43 AM 12 Potential that civilians with ZERO law enforcement experience could sway sweeping changes to something that is very very difficult and takes on the job experience to know. 2/3/2021 9:39 AM 13 It would hamper the ability of police officers to effectively perform their duties 2/3/2021 5:15 AM 14 It would only create problems, no need what-so-ever 2/3/2021 5:09 AM 15 In truth NONE if established equitably.2/1/2021 12:44 PM 16 rejecting racism and systemic issues that only outsider oversight might recognize 2/1/2021 11:30 AM 17 Great questions! I think by creating an "oversight" committee, who may or may not have a background or context for law enforcement issues, a number of problems could be created, just by virtue of it having been set up to look for them. 2/1/2021 10:04 AM 18 Civilian oversight would ensure that the Carlsbad police department serves the communities 1/31/2021 9:12 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 167 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 10 / 18 need and ultimately answers to the community 19 That's the point - I don't believe there are problems or issues that need resolution. Our police force does a great job! 1/30/2021 5:39 PM 20 Political adgenda issues could contribute to straying from the main focus of the police dept, that is to protect the public and enforce the law. 1/30/2021 12:57 PM 21 The primary one is increased transparency. If an officer did nothing wrong then a review by a civilian board would add credibility to that decision. In addition, sometimes the officer followed policy, but policy needs to be reviewed. Just like the board of directors for a corporation, it's always beneficial to have outside perspective and input. 1/30/2021 7:47 AM 22 creates doubt and confusion about police actions 1/29/2021 7:46 PM 23 We do not need woke crybabies second guessing loyal hard working well meaning police officers trying to do their job to protect us. The couple times i have needed the Carlsbad police, they responded almost immediately and were tremendously professional. Leave them alone so they can continue to serve our residents in that manner. 1/29/2021 12:45 PM 24 Solely for the purpose of focusing on the increasing crime issues that they are being addressed in a priority manner. 1/29/2021 11:21 AM 25 Hopefully an unbiased evaluation of any given situation.1/29/2021 10:55 AM 26 Will only work if the overseer(s) are neutral and don't have a personal axe to grind. Selecting such people might be difficult in today's hyper-political environment. 1/29/2021 10:55 AM 27 Civilian oversight will help to aid in the gap between the use of power of police officers and the citizens being policed. More transparency will help to eliminate the systemic problems surrounding police brutality, neglect, and abuse within the justice system. Civilian oversight provides more checks to help the communities being taken advantage of by those in power. The officers truly serving the public should have no problem with these checks in place, and I personally will feel safer when an officer drives by instead of clutching the wheel hard as I wait until they are gone. I would feel safer in my city with the use of civilian oversight. 1/28/2021 1:03 PM 28 I think it could get way too political, divisive, and stymying for the police.1/28/2021 12:41 PM 29 Contribute in rebuilding trust. Increase awareness to prevent future questionable altercations. 1/28/2021 10:51 AM 30 Likely create issues around second-guessing police dept decisions and divert time and energy away from police actually doing their job. 1/27/2021 8:57 PM 31 Lack of follow up after a small crime 1/27/2021 5:19 PM 32 N/A 1/27/2021 5:05 PM 33 It would create useless red tape and levels of bureaucracy hampering and discouraging our police from doing their jobs. Let’s let the professionals do it and keep the amateurs to whine to the media. 1/27/2021 11:37 AM 34 Better data to track and share information.1/27/2021 9:51 AM 35 Equal treatment of people in their interactions with police. Quicker feedback on poor police behaviour. 1/27/2021 8:47 AM 36 Those who don't believe in science. Those leaders on the council and other city leaders who have been able to do as they choose and benefit themselves for years. 1/26/2021 9:53 PM 37 The City Council is there to exercise oversight with respect to the Carlsbad Police Department. Additional layers of oversight would only serve to make the difficult job of police officers that much harder. So-called civilian review boards frequently and understandably create morale problems amongst police officers. 1/26/2021 3:41 PM 38 Civilians are not immune to corruption so oversight could be extorted. Civilians may not have an understanding of how officers are trained and this can not appreciate the nuances of the decisions that’s an officer may face. More meetings and paperwork. 1/26/2021 1:22 PM 39 This is similar to the answer above: civilian review would allow citizen input into investigations and ideally policy creation to build better collaboration and relationships between the police and 1/26/2021 10:55 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 168 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 11 / 18 community. The two entities would need to work together to create an ideal makeup of such a board and to delineate its authority. 40 Believing me when I say that if you are 18+ Electric scooters are allowed to be on the road! 1/26/2021 10:46 AM 41 Too much power from civian side. Agendas to defend the police 1/26/2021 10:00 AM 42 Self serving politics 1/26/2021 9:58 AM 43 I think that it would help civilians understand the unique challenges, issues, and situations that police officers go through. Often times, we don't know what its like to deal with criminals, angry citizens, etc. There can be a building of mutual trust. I felt much more comfortable talking to a police officer after I went on a ridealong with CPD officer. When a police department is really integrated with a community, there is a greater desire for cooperation and coordination. The police department also benefits from better understanding of what a community needs or doesn't need. 1/25/2021 8:25 PM 44 I would like them to help the department develop a more diverse workforce that can communicate with all citizens, not just the ones just like them. 1/24/2021 3:14 PM 45 I believe it would add additional layers to policing that are not necessary. This is just a political tool to try and win some votes from people who believe policing is the problem when we should be addressing why people resort to crime. 1/24/2021 12:02 PM 46 Less lockdown restrictions 1/24/2021 11:50 AM 47 Your imposing a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist .1/24/2021 11:39 AM 48 Body cams should be mandatory 1/23/2021 5:29 PM 49 could be ineffective. undermines trust in our police. could impair their ability to do their job. 1/23/2021 2:12 PM 50 It matters who is part of the civilian oversight team: must represent marginalized voices as well, not just those who are loudest or most visible in the community. It would be problematic if the oversight team became an echo chamber of white, middle/upper class concerns. 1/23/2021 11:08 AM 51 Making it political would not be good and end up creating more problems than it solves.1/22/2021 11:34 AM 52 none 1/22/2021 10:54 AM 53 Review of body camera usage. Make sure license plate reader data is not being sold or used in inappropriate ways. 1/21/2021 5:54 PM 54 That we’d end up with social workers coming to situations they can can’t handle.1/20/2021 6:18 PM 55 Taking away time for our police force to be out protecting our community.1/19/2021 5:14 PM 56 Bone 1/19/2021 10:51 AM 57 n/a 1/19/2021 10:45 AM 58 none 1/19/2021 9:31 AM 59 Community control while adding another layer of needed oversight. The police like to say, if you don't have anything to hide you don't have anything to worry about. The police department and police union should practice what they preach. Trust but verify. 1/19/2021 9:20 AM 60 This would add a level of bureaucracy and distraction from uninformed citizens.1/19/2021 5:29 AM 61 Make Carlsbad less safe for its citizens 1/18/2021 11:06 PM 62 We need to get a handle on restaurants that clearly go against Covid closures. I was in Bressi Ranch yesterday and all of the restaurants were serving people on their patios with lines waiting outside...nobody wearing masks. My husband and I picked up our food, tipped 20%, and did a little picnic at the park. People can still support restaurants but not risk peoples lives. My son won’t be able to go to school until numbers go down, my business suffers, and surrounding hospitals are inundated. The fact that people and demanding to be waited on wreaks of privilege and a clear lack of empathy for others in our community. 1/18/2021 5:31 PM 63 Many stations (elsewhere) have political trinkets in cubicles and offensive gear etc hanging up showing political prefence. Police should have to be neutral at work 1/18/2021 5:21 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 169 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 12 / 18 64 None 1/18/2021 4:05 PM 65 Politics in policing - not a good mix.1/18/2021 3:59 PM 66 All cases of shootings, excessive use of force, abuse of authority and inappropriate behavior on part of departmental personal. 1/18/2021 3:56 PM 67 Further politicization is toxic 1/18/2021 3:48 PM 68 Homeless control 1/18/2021 2:46 PM 69 businesses closing 1/18/2021 12:33 PM 70 It would solve the unclarity of a choke hold vs carotid hold. Would ensure that the homeless people are treated appropriately (address their mental health); it would show what the community values in terms of policing. It would create further collaboration between the PD and community members. It would solve any future issues that may occur due to police brutality. 1/17/2021 8:13 PM 71 Community barometer on local crime and conditions 1/17/2021 12:43 PM 72 While I do not have any first hand knowledge of dissatisfaction with law enforcement in our area, it may mitigate issues within the community if residents felt like they had a voice. 1/16/2021 8:26 PM 73 Slow down the process, could cause defensiveness on both sides, mistrust 1/16/2021 4:10 PM 74 I would just create an extra layer of bureaucracy and diminish the focus on preventing crime. 1/16/2021 2:40 PM 75 All kinds of problems if there is not a 3 rd party to review police behaviors that might be disregarding citizen’s rights. 1/16/2021 12:46 PM 76 Lowering the possibility of a situation like those across the US against minorities 1/16/2021 8:44 AM 77 Overstepping their authority 1/16/2021 7:04 AM 78 Maybe too much white noise from worry warts?1/15/2021 9:00 PM 79 (See #5)1/15/2021 6:02 PM 80 None 1/15/2021 5:45 PM 81 My concern is too much politics/ micromanagement injected into policing if too much community oversight. think we need to attract more excellent officers, train them well, pay them well (better than other surrounding cities) and trust them to do a good job, as they do now. 1/15/2021 4:17 PM 82 While I support the Blue, CPD seems to have the attitude of zero tolerance is every situation without much use of discretion. 1/15/2021 4:02 PM 83 Let’s trust the police do their job. Exceptions can be managed legally . Civilian oversight is already in place via our elected officials. If current supervisor is unable to do this then we need to vote in a new supervisor 1/15/2021 3:57 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 170 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 13 / 18 Q7 Please share any additional input or feedback you would like the City of Carlsbad and the Police Department to consider. Answered: 63 Skipped: 38 #RESPONSES DATE 1 None at this time 2/9/2021 10:02 AM 2 Invest in more resources to help our police to protect our neighborhoods. Crime is on the rise 2/8/2021 10:27 PM 3 Not in favor of political groups, like BLM, that want to impose their belief system onto the police and our community. 2/8/2021 5:35 PM 4 CPD does a good job as is.2/8/2021 5:23 PM 5 I do not want a civilian oversight committee over the police.2/7/2021 9:32 AM 6 Policing the police is a non issue- we should be focusing on bigger issues as a community like drug/human trafficking, sexual and domestic violence, and protecting local businesses to restart our economy. 2/6/2021 9:31 AM 7 I appreciate the commitment that our officers and non-sworn staff make to the safety of our community, and the risks that they take on on our behalf. I hope that, whatever the outcome of the process regarding civilian oversight, the relationship between law enforcement and our community is strong and supportive as we move forward. 2/5/2021 6:11 PM 8 There is so much division in our country. I feel Carlsbad is safe and the Police Department does a good job. This shouldn't be driven by a political agenda to defund or lessen our Police Department. 2/4/2021 2:08 PM 9 Those who advocate oversight or whatever you want to call it claim we need this to establish racial equality. The problem is that this is not a racial problem it is a crime problem. When 52% of the murders in this country are committed by a particular group of people, of course, law enforcement is going to be wary/suspicious when approaching members of that group. Police offices are well aware of the crime statistics. I am not in favor of any measures that would hamper the ability of the Carlsbad Police Dept. to carry out their assigned duty which is to protect the citizens of the city. Any form of oversite etc. would do that no matter what the motivation. 2/4/2021 9:43 AM 10 Leave the restaurants and small business alone.2/3/2021 5:15 AM 11 CPD are highly professional, caring officers. Never anything but the best performance from them for 20 years we have lived in Carlsbad, 2/3/2021 5:09 AM 12 Speed limit too high on parts of Poinsettia for example ...changes in speed limits vary by too much resulting in MUCH unnecessary gunning or braking & EXTRA engine NOISE. Many motorcyclists seem to enjoy gunning it. Custom engine & exhaust noise seem popular? 2/1/2021 12:44 PM 13 I had the opportunity to attend the Carlsbad Citizens' Academy, part of which involved tours of both police and fire functions in the City of Carlsbad. Perhaps more outreach and edulation could be helpful as I came away feeling much more knowledgable as a result of that experience. Perhaps there is an opportunity to create a Police/Fire Outreach Committee made up of civilians who could coordinate with schools, Scout troops, Senior centers, or any other groups within Carlsbad to allow more connection with both law enforcement and other First Responders. (I may even be persuaded to help with that kind of a "Civilian" group.) We are very fortunate to live in the City of Carlsbad and while we have crime, like everywhere else, we have not had the same large city beauracratic issues as some of our neighbors. I hope it can stay that way. 2/1/2021 10:04 AM 14 Police represent the single largest expenditure in the budget. How they treat the citizenry should not operate in a vacuum, it should come with public oversite. Especially since lawsuits are paid by the taxpayers, not the police. Times change and so should behavior. 1/30/2021 7:47 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 171 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 14 / 18 15 Think the Police Department has done a wonderful job for the 40 years that I have lived here. Think they are having a tougher time now as our city has grown with a larger population. We are having more crime with transients and homeless. It is sad to see our little town with all these issues and the police having their hands tied. Our police and fire department don't get the credit they deserve for keeping us all safe. 1/29/2021 7:17 PM 16 If certain civilian residents of Carlsbad think our police need more oversight, then they should move to a community which has such oversight (which is also a lot less safe and less well served.) 1/29/2021 12:45 PM 17 Fast and immediate response for homeless, mentally ill/handicapped transients initiating crimes, pollution (garbage, encampments and health hazards), and seeking required care for medical conditions to help them. Establish community volunteers to donate time, meals, clothing, counseling and money for well-managed shelters. 1/29/2021 11:21 AM 18 Experience with Carlsbad police has been as expected for a resident. The sheriffs department covering the same geography has been somewhat less than pointy. 1/29/2021 10:55 AM 19 My only and very slight interactions with the police department have been positive. I am not aware that there is a current problem that oversight would address, but these days it certainly seems issues could come up. 1/29/2021 10:55 AM 20 Laws based around fines are only laws that exist for the poor. Carlsbad houses such a variety of residents in many different classes and many different backgrounds. It is what makes our city great! However, those in our population who are BIPOC or LGBTQ+ unhoused or neurodivergent are terrified to interact with the police, especially with the rising tensions. These policies are to bring safety and assistance to everyone in our community, and shift the hoarding of power. Funding to police must be redirected into the community through our educational and social problems immediately. We are suffering and we need help; I plead with you listen to how we are asking for help instead of offering more iron fists. 1/28/2021 1:03 PM 21 I would like to have community gathering where we are introduced to the police, their departments and public support for the police to do their very best as they serve their community. 1/28/2021 12:41 PM 22 I do not want to see a reduction of police officers or presence in our community. It is a safe community now, however defunding the police department in any way would have a negative effect on our community. 1/27/2021 6:38 PM 23 The police appear to be more complacent then need we are not political some of the kids need help not a blind eye 1/27/2021 5:19 PM 24 The Carlsbad Police Department is the best. It is one of the major advantages to living in Carlsbad. Let’s not try to join San Francisco and Seattle and Portland. 1/27/2021 11:37 AM 25 Monthly oversight meetings.1/27/2021 9:51 AM 26 Thank you.1/26/2021 9:53 PM 27 In my contacts with Carlsbad police officers, they have always treated me and my family members with professionalism and respect. Fast response times in Carlsbad are an important factor in keeping our community safe. Any diversion of funds away from the police department would inevitably compromise the department's ability to respond so quickly when called upon. 1/26/2021 3:41 PM 28 I trust our police to protect the residents they serve. If the dept decides to go with oversight, I hope they will choose Carlsbad residents who have the best interest of our community in mind. 1/26/2021 1:22 PM 29 Our police department has been transparent and has some level of goodwill in our community. However, the perspective of people of color in our community differs from that of the larger community and needs to be taken into consideration. To address any issues that inevitable arise, it is important that the community have a vehicle for weighing in. The department and our city have a great opportunity to create a model for how to make this work. Thank you for your consideration of these important conversations. 1/26/2021 10:55 AM 30 Believing me when I say that if you are 18+ Electric scooters are allowed to be on the road! 1/26/2021 10:46 AM 31 We trust our police. They do a wonderful job! Thank you for your service!1/26/2021 10:00 AM 32 Civilian input and/or oversight seems to be something that a lot of other police departments already have implemented or are implementing. It seems like a productive and valuable idea to 1/25/2021 8:25 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 172 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 15 / 18 be proactive in investing in policies/committees/dialogue like this. I believe it would be worth the effort. 33 Carlsbad is a wonderful city to live in. Thank you for asking for input!1/24/2021 3:14 PM 34 The police department needs to address and enforce the no overnight camping on city streets. Avenida Encinas (between Poinsettia and Palomar Airport Rd) has many rundown RV’s parked overnight. 1/24/2021 1:51 PM 35 The city should focus more on preventing crime than policing the police.1/24/2021 12:02 PM 36 Get the homeless off the streets. If they are intoxicated or under the influence . Put them in jail. If they didn’t grow up here of have permanent residence in Carlsbad before they moved here, send them back to the original city/county/state. 1/24/2021 11:39 AM 37 Body Cams should be mandatory and any citizen should be able to request access to footage via a digital archive - don’t need a committee to oversee police operations Any capital purchase like swat tanks etc need fuel council vote - not just be a line item in a budget 1/23/2021 5:29 PM 38 get rid of homeless, drug addicts, crime, junk cars, beggars, pan handlers, car robberies, home robberies have increased way too much. 1/23/2021 2:12 PM 39 Create a better partnership with civilians to better understand procedures. Sometimes I have felt dismissed when asking questions of local police. 1/21/2021 5:54 PM 40 C.P.D. does a great job addressing the needs of the community of the citizens and visitors. Change isn’t needed. 1/20/2021 6:18 PM 41 More opportunities for ride along and/or personal observations by community leaders and / or concern citizens 1/20/2021 2:54 PM 42 Less Parking on crowded streets especially during soccer events at park.1/19/2021 10:51 AM 43 policing the parks at night 1/19/2021 10:45 AM 44 none 1/19/2021 9:31 AM 45 Stop creating new issues and focus on the plethora of real ones we already have related to recovery . Today, we have the power of voting f we are dissatisfied with The performance of our elected officials and that includes the police department. 1/19/2021 5:29 AM 46 Hire more police to patrol neighborhoods and respond to stop crime 1/18/2021 11:06 PM 47 Be more neutral with politics 1/18/2021 5:21 PM 48 Overall, I believe the CPD exhibits excellent customer service, officers and personal exhibit professional behavior. We moved to Carlsbad because of the excellent service and response times. 1/18/2021 3:56 PM 49 No to Cori Shumacher being a part of the department!1/18/2021 2:46 PM 50 CRB is important to involve community members with investigative responsibility. This is also helpful to continue with the strong public trust with Carlsbad PD. 1/17/2021 8:13 PM 51 More neighborhood patrol less traffic enforcement given resources growing neighborhood crime 1/17/2021 12:43 PM 52 Oversight and community engagement are both high risk and high reward. Look to the future not the past 1/16/2021 4:10 PM 53 Thank you Carlsbad City Police for keeping us safe.1/16/2021 2:40 PM 54 I do not agree with any motions to “defund” the police. I support our police and thank them, but there are definitely some bad apples whose top priority is not to protect our citizens and laws. There must be a 3rd party who can provide checks/balances on questionable enforcements/behaviors or our police. 1/16/2021 12:46 PM 55 The police force needs significantly more diversity 1/16/2021 8:44 AM 56 Thank you, CPD, for your willingness to face danger every day. We appreciate all that you do and are horrified at the recent attacks on all police. 1/16/2021 7:04 AM 57 Keep up the good work!1/15/2021 9:00 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 173 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 16 / 18 58 (See #5)1/15/2021 6:02 PM 59 Civilian volunteers to handle graffiti clean up 1/15/2021 5:45 PM 60 Keep being a great police force! Honestly one of the standout things about Carlsbad 1/15/2021 4:17 PM 61 The only interaction I have had with the Carlsbad PD was awful and I am extremely disappointed. 1/15/2021 4:10 PM 62 Either the peace officers in Carlsbad are fresh out of the academy and over anxious to flex their authority, or there is a top-down problem that is evident in the law enforcement in the city. I have been around law enforcement in OC and learned that CPD has a reputation for being “nazi like” much of the time. Not my description, but have an extreme enforcement where not needed. 1/15/2021 4:02 PM 63 Carlsbad PD is stellar don’t undermine them with this bureaucratic nonsense.1/15/2021 3:57 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 174 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 17 / 18 3.96%4 8.91%9 13.86%14 73.27%74 0.00%0 Q8 How long have you been a resident or owned property in Carlsbad? Answered: 101 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 101 Less than 2 years (I jus... 3-5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years I do not own property or... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Less than 2 years (I just moved here) 3-5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years I do not own property or reside in Carlsbad March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 175 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 18 / 18 0.00%0 1.98%2 7.92%8 9.90%10 23.76%24 47.52%48 8.91%9 Q9 Please select your age. Answered: 101 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 101 Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and over I prefer not to say 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and over I prefer not to say March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 176 of 224 District 4 responses March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 177 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 1 / 16 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 100.00%73 0.00%0 Q1 What District of Carlsbad do you reside in or have a business in? (If you're not sure you, click here) Answered: 73 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 73 District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 I do not have a residence ... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 I do not have a residence or business in Carlsbad March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 178 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 2 / 16 42.47%31 23.29%17 9.59%7 6.85%5 17.81%13 Q2 How do you get most of your information or knowledge related to police or policing services? Answered: 73 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 73 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE 1 National news 2/6/2021 8:56 AM 2 Council meetings 1/30/2021 3:03 PM 3 City website 1/29/2021 8:03 AM 4 Mixture of various sources to filter out the fake news and bias.1/27/2021 8:30 PM 5 City manager 1/26/2021 8:19 PM 6 emails from Jodee Reyes which are informative 1/26/2021 7:27 PM 7 From signing up with updates from Jodee.1/26/2021 5:48 AM 8 Next door app 1/22/2021 4:25 PM 9 Family in law enforcement 1/18/2021 11:42 PM 10 all of the above 1/18/2021 12:44 PM 11 Carlsbad Council meetings 1/16/2021 1:50 PM Local news Social Media Community Groups Friends, Family Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Local news Social Media Community Groups Friends, Family Other (please specify) March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 179 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 3 / 16 12 City emails 1/15/2021 4:10 PM 13 social media and emails from CPD 1/15/2021 3:37 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 180 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 4 / 16 4.11%3 2.74%2 15.07%11 30.14%22 47.95%35 Q3 How would you describe your overall level of trust that the Carlsbad Police Department is serving the community well? Answered: 73 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 73 Very Low Low Neutral, Don't Know High Very High 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Very Low Low Neutral, Don't Know High Very High March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 181 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 5 / 16 45.21%33 20.55%15 13.70%10 8.22%6 12.33%9 Q4 Based on your own experience, what is the level of need for adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? Answered: 73 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 73 Not Valuable, Not Needed Limited Value, Limited Need Somewhat Valuable,... Valuable, Needed Very Valuable, Very Needed 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Not Valuable, Not Needed Limited Value, Limited Need Somewhat Valuable, Somewhat Needed Valuable, Needed Very Valuable, Very Needed March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 182 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 6 / 16 Q5 What would be the value and/or need of adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? Answered: 57 Skipped: 16 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Not needed. We’re fortunate to have an excellent police dept.2/9/2021 5:05 PM 2 I think all police/sheriff departments should have some sort of oversight from the community at large. It is good to be transparent and make sure these officers and their supervisors fully understand their impact and relationship with community members. This could show white community members (not just police) how to work with ethnic groups who deserve equal treatment when being pulled over in their car, arrested, approached, etc. I am not saying that any of our police officers have ever done anything wrong, but times are changing and every citizen with city officials and police should work together to make sure our officers are never on the national news for shooting an unarmed black man or woman. I would hate to ever see that happen. 2/9/2021 3:26 PM 3 No need. We have oversight. It's called the District Attorneys Office.2/9/2021 8:49 AM 4 none 2/6/2021 9:30 PM 5 So there is someone watching 2/6/2021 8:16 AM 6 There is no need. The Carlsbad Police Department is very transparent and is overseen by the City. 2/5/2021 6:48 PM 7 while I am pleased with the controls and running by the CPD a very limited review could be of some value to only to bring inputs from the public. It should not use tax dollars for anything and should be well rounded with people that want to help 2/5/2021 12:19 AM 8 not needed; added layer of uninformed input 2/3/2021 10:12 AM 9 The only reason I can fathom the creation of this committee is for the police force to have an opportunity to interact with the residents they’re protecting; however, my concern is that the committee will be overly critical of law enforcement and fail to maximize the opportunity to support law enforcement 2/2/2021 3:24 PM 10 To ensure the community has a say in policing and review of training and policies 1/31/2021 8:50 PM 11 Community input, hopefully it’s helpful 1/31/2021 7:31 PM 12 To calm some residents’ anger issues.1/31/2021 3:44 PM 13 There is no value to it. Our police do an outstanding job. The last thing we need is interference from those attempting social experiments (like trying to redefine violence to now exclude damage to property). Leave the police alone! They are OUTSTANDING! 1/31/2021 11:01 AM 14 The police department works for the people of the city. Oversight will provide transparency to residents and confidence that the Police are acting in the community's best interest. 1/30/2021 5:27 PM 15 It adds transparency. It shows a willingness to consider other viewpoints and adapt.1/30/2021 3:03 PM 16 I think civilian engagement increases communication.1/29/2021 6:45 PM 17 No need. CPD is one of the very best around!1/29/2021 8:03 AM 18 Civilian oversight is not necessary. Civilians do not perform police work and therefore they may and will alter policies that will hurt the public. 1/28/2021 12:32 PM 19 This would do nothing but interfere with the Police force. This would disrupt the Police. It’s easy to be a civilian and say “why didn’t the police officer do this or that.” 1/28/2021 3:26 AM 20 Why would you lock out the people you serve? That is the opposite of service 1/27/2021 9:04 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 183 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 7 / 16 21 This could be detrimental considering the committee would be filled with people who have no idea what its like to be a first responder. Then in turn make decisions that would hurt not only the community but our officers that serve as well. 1/27/2021 8:30 PM 22 Enforce mask wearing 1/26/2021 8:19 PM 23 Police departments cannot be relied on to address overreach and abuse of power by officers. Civilian oversight is one way to address it. 1/26/2021 3:45 PM 24 Police knowing someone is watching - good behavior 1/26/2021 3:05 PM 25 Calming concerns of some of the public.1/26/2021 2:14 PM 26 To add an element of input from the citizens viewpoint and insight.1/26/2021 2:09 PM 27 To stay ahead of problems and establish a record that Carlsbad continues to achieve high degree of professionalism in PD 1/26/2021 12:29 PM 28 Residents need to be heard. When I needed Carlsbad police the most, they failed me. I spent 7 years being tortured endlessly by a violent, mentally ill neighbor. Carlsbad PD catered to this man and disregarded me completely. It was only when I went to the sheriff for help did I get support. I will never forget that. I have a great deal of respect for law enforcement. I just wish they respected us back. 1/26/2021 5:48 AM 29 Another NJ person at Cafe Elysa took a few hundred dollars from me and used the police to force me to move out of town when I did nothing wrong a few months ago. Some override if they abuse their authority is needed. 1/25/2021 8:57 PM 30 Police Accountability - and input from the community on practices and training.1/25/2021 6:26 PM 31 Not sure. Convince me.1/25/2021 7:36 AM 32 If there was a history and series of complaints that were not managed by current oversight methods 1/25/2021 7:07 AM 33 Perceived trust 1/24/2021 10:06 PM 34 Every PD needs civilian oversight to ensure ongoing accountability to the community it serves. 1/24/2021 11:56 AM 35 I don’t believe this is necessary 1/22/2021 4:25 PM 36 Transparency 1/22/2021 1:28 PM 37 A huge waist of money. The money would be better served having the police investigate local break in's and drug dealing issues. 1/22/2021 12:34 PM 38 None 1/22/2021 9:54 AM 39 None.1/22/2021 9:25 AM 40 Ensure police objectivity (fairness) is not biased or partially based on residents' age, political affiliation, marital status, means of transportation, health insurance, sexual orientation, wealth, color/ethnicity, language(s) spoken, heritage/origin, level of education, religious faith (or atheism), physical or mental disability or health, reliance on government assistance or charity, length of time as local residency, or a host of other factors that make us all different in some way -- but still humans deserving of respect and dignity. 1/21/2021 12:42 PM 41 It might give our elected officials some political cover so that they can say they are addressing the "social justice issues" which seem to be the issue du jour. 1/19/2021 5:54 PM 42 Oversight is needed to assure that all residents are treated with respect and fairness. There may be a need to revise police policies in light of the 8 can't wait guidelines. Community involvement strengthens the trust that citizens feel towards police which could lead to more cooperation when crimes are being investigated. 1/19/2021 12:56 PM 43 It would give busybodies something to do.1/19/2021 3:25 AM 44 None.1/18/2021 11:42 PM 45 Balance, fairness.1/18/2021 9:58 PM 46 What is the meaning of this? Have people iphone recording every interaction with the police? 1/18/2021 1:17 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 184 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 8 / 16 47 The mission is clearly intrusive micromanagement by people who simply want power and control. CPD has a difficult enough job as it is. 1/18/2021 12:44 PM 48 There would be zero value to have entitled snitched roaming the streets. In fact, it would create extreme animosity between neighbors. 1/18/2021 12:25 PM 49 NONE!!! - Another overreach of government. Leave our wonderful police alone!1/18/2021 11:30 AM 50 None 1/18/2021 8:49 AM 51 None.1/16/2021 1:50 PM 52 No value 1/15/2021 9:36 PM 53 Always best to have a neutral third party.1/15/2021 5:39 PM 54 Oversight of diversity training protocols, use of force training, measuring unconscious bias. 1/15/2021 4:45 PM 55 Wasted resources 1/15/2021 4:12 PM 56 I see no value in this, why fix something that is not broken?1/15/2021 4:10 PM 57 An oversight board may help improve community relations during this troubled time by increasing the public’s trust in transparency and in understanding CPD policies and procedures. 1/15/2021 3:37 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 185 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 9 / 16 Q6 What problems, issues or concerns would use of civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department solve or create? Answered: 53 Skipped: 20 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Police Dept. needs to be supported by the community and local politicians. Police dept. has their hands tied due to passage of poorly written laws regarding homelessness (homeless problems are increasing); misdemeanors vs felonies (stealing is stealing); etc. 2/9/2021 5:05 PM 2 Unless those that are choosen for oversight have walked in law enforcement shoes, and understand what protect and serve really means, the committee would be adversarial and would create more danger for the lives that the police department protects and for the police themselves. 2/9/2021 8:49 AM 3 Civilian oversight will impede the effectiveness of our outstanding Carlsbad Police 2/6/2021 9:30 PM 4 It wouldn’t 2/6/2021 8:16 AM 5 None 2/5/2021 6:48 PM 6 I am very concerned that we have unfairly gone after ALL police because they have become a victim of many radicals. No one will every excuse some of the terrible action of a very few but to paint all police with the same brush is not factual. I strongly believe the CPD wants the best people on the street and I see little evidence if an outside group would fix something that is already working well. I see no data nationwide that our police are out of control and any person if they review the FBI data with an open mind comparing % will see this. Sadly it has been a plus to spit on police, take over streets, hurt and kill police by a very few. But even worse some stand by and let it happen.Shame on you What do you think will happen if many leave CPD who will you call GOOD LUCK 2/5/2021 12:19 AM 7 could interfere with the orderly conduct of their duties and compromise morale 2/3/2021 10:12 AM 8 The creation of a committee creates additional usage of city resources that would be better spent elsewhere. 2/2/2021 3:24 PM 9 It would resolve issues with Inappropriate approaches to mentally handicapped people, ensure that there are not unfair policies for homeless, people of color etc. 1/31/2021 8:50 PM 10 Better transparency. Good PR for PD if they are doing a good job. Build trust with the community 1/31/2021 7:31 PM 11 It might create more issues than it solves. See problems where there are none.1/31/2021 3:44 PM 12 Civilian oversight means becoming a social experiment where those of us who cannot afford our own private security will suffer the most. Look at the disaster that Portland and Seattle have become. We need to let the police do their jobs, which is primarily to protect the tax paying citizens of Carlsbad. 1/31/2021 11:01 AM 13 Hopefully it will solve a perception problem that the Police are a clique of enforcers who are biased against minorities. 1/30/2021 5:27 PM 14 It can help reduce racial bias and profiling, unequal penalties or excessive force concerns, and help the department communicate with citizens. 1/30/2021 3:03 PM 15 I would not support any political interference of civilian oversight...ie activist groups whose primary goal is to defund or weaken police law enforcement. This leads to deterioration of the community with increased crime and overall deterioration of trust. 1/29/2021 6:45 PM 16 Right now the climate is to go easy on crime. We need to be rough on crime so we don’t have the same issues that other cities have right now. 1/28/2021 12:32 PM 17 See above. While I personally believe that police officers should get more training, not less; they don’t need to be policed by individuals who don’t know how to do their job. It’s a stressful 1/28/2021 3:26 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 186 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 10 / 16 and dangerous job where you’re life is on the line. 18 Annoying idiots on the committee are possible. Perhaps an elected board? Randos bad. Oversight good. 1/27/2021 9:04 PM 19 I am of firm belief that an oversight committee is being created out of an emotional response rather an informed and strategic response. Our LEO are educated and professionals that are the experts in the field. There should NOT be a committee telling them what to do just like there are no oversight committees telling other expert professionals how to do their job better. 1/27/2021 8:30 PM 20 Enforce Covid mandates 1/26/2021 8:19 PM 21 Civilians are not professionally trained 1/26/2021 4:09 PM 22 None. It would be a positive step. If police dept has issues with Civilian oversight that would be concerning. 1/26/2021 3:45 PM 23 Civilians don't know how to police the police.1/26/2021 3:05 PM 24 Pressure to not apply enforcement equally to all or too leniently.1/26/2021 2:14 PM 25 Might give rise to new ideas or increased options for policing a community.1/26/2021 2:09 PM 26 Maybe better balance of police presence throughout the whole City. District 4 is somewhat out of sight, out of mind and gets less patrol service that say the Village. 1/26/2021 12:29 PM 27 Giving residents too much power in law enforcement is an issue. Residents aren’t cops. Civilians aren’t cops. They don’t know the inner workings of police departments. 1/26/2021 5:48 AM 28 If the police do things like ticketing protestor's cars the way they did last summer, hassling homeless or forcing me to quit my job and move because I got cheated on and ripped off, they should be checked and held responsible. 1/25/2021 8:57 PM 29 Solve - solutions to bad practices - working with Police to provide options for proper training and for funding of mental health professionals to assist in certain cases. 1/25/2021 6:26 PM 30 Politicize policing.1/25/2021 7:36 AM 31 To my knowledge, there is good leadership in place to address any issues. Civilian oversight seems to add additional beauracracy and costs when issues are currently managed appropriately. A hybrid model could be an independent representative that works with leadership to assure governance. 1/25/2021 7:07 AM 32 Solve for: Reviewing level of force in enforcement Resourcing and use of all available non- violent response tools PD-Community connectedness Review of bias in policing to ensure equitable service to Carlsbad citizenry 1/24/2021 11:56 AM 33 It might interfere with the police department being able to do their job 1/22/2021 4:25 PM 34 Assisting in holding the PD in being accountable.1/22/2021 1:28 PM 35 They would create a bigger divide than some current members on our city council have already started and seem to want to continue. 1/22/2021 12:34 PM 36 More cost - people engaged without the appropriate background 1/22/2021 9:54 AM 37 Increases bureaucracy 1/22/2021 9:25 AM 38 Additional costs, training, monitoring, and transparency.1/21/2021 12:42 PM 39 I am concerned they might interfere with and/or intimidate our fine officers from doing the quiet, professional work they do each and every day. 1/19/2021 5:54 PM 40 If police officers are not following de-escalation protocol or have an excessive use of force, a body outside the police force should investigate this. Many police depts have a culture of "protect your own" which may lead to an allowance of practices that disregard the needs and rights of citizens. There has recently been national attention on the politics of police officers. I would like to know if current police officers are allowed to be members and supporters of white supremacist groups. This would definitely indicate bias in the way they respond to calls to "serve and protect" our whole community. 1/19/2021 12:56 PM 41 It would create mistrust and put power in the wrong hands. The job of policing our 1/19/2021 3:25 AM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 187 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 11 / 16 neighborhoods belongs to the men and women who signed up to give their lives to serve their communities. They have knowledge and training that civilians simply don’t have. 42 Create problems due to lack of knowledge.1/18/2021 11:42 PM 43 Meeting community expectations. Alignment of goals, priorities. Enhanced relations and appreciation. 1/18/2021 9:58 PM 44 Police officers are trained professionals, what are you trying to accomplish here?1/18/2021 1:17 PM 45 NONE. It would only create more.1/18/2021 12:44 PM 46 See 5 1/18/2021 12:25 PM 47 Problems? let me count the ways... getting in the middle of how to handle an issue? regulating how the police work, sticking gov't noses where they don't belong 1/18/2021 11:30 AM 48 It would create a divide between the CPD and civilians that want to overrule the decisions of CPD. 1/18/2021 8:49 AM 49 Create a trust problem with an oversight group that is not aware of LE policies and practices 1/15/2021 9:36 PM 50 None 1/15/2021 5:39 PM 51 Could be a problem if too much oversight is implemented given most of us have never stepped into police shoes. Safety forces live completely different lives. 1/15/2021 4:45 PM 52 More bureaucracy 1/15/2021 4:12 PM 53 I think that oversight might help lessen any anger towards the dept should anything come up, but I imagine civilian oversight may be resisted by the department as no one likes someone looking over their shoulder. 1/15/2021 3:37 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 188 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 12 / 16 Q7 Please share any additional input or feedback you would like the City of Carlsbad and the Police Department to consider. Answered: 45 Skipped: 28 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Our police dept. has done a wonderful job of protecting and serving our city. I feel safe here. 2/9/2021 5:05 PM 2 I am an asian woman who has lived in Carlsbad for 5 years now. I love this city and appreciate everything our police force does for us. But, I think oversight is actually helpful for people who are not white. I do not know if I or my relatives are safe from unconscious bias from officers. I am aware that the City works hard to hire the best officers who are trained well and taught to not to racial profile or make assumptions. But, this could help people like me see a change in Carlsbad as a whole. This could start a bigger conversation about police brutality and make sure our wonderful officers never find themselves in a situation like George Floyd. 2/9/2021 3:26 PM 3 Start or enhance peer review programs. Nothing would help more than real peer review and evaluation of an officer from other officers of equal position. 2/9/2021 8:49 AM 4 I trust our city mayor, council and police Cheif to ensure Carlsbad has a quality police department. We do not need a civilian oversight committee. 2/5/2021 6:48 PM 5 I hhave spoken to many police officers and sadly they feel demotivated and disrespected. While in real life not everyone is perfect and to be a police officer today is a terrible job I highly respect what they do and I am worried that this nonsense about defunding and worse will put my family in danger. I have looking into the training that they go thru but we expect them to be robots. I ask everyone would you want a cop to turn away and let people go if you were being attacked or your children, wife, mother. Becareful what you wish for. We need more police and I believe CPD is best equip to police their own. I have seen no valid evidence they are abusing their power nor have I lost any faith in them 2/5/2021 12:19 AM 6 duty, honor, service as public servants!2/3/2021 10:12 AM 7 Law enforcement officers have a tough job and are constantly criticized by the media, residents, etc. the amount of training that law officers already receive should be shared with the community in an effort to accentuate the existing requirements that are in place. 2/2/2021 3:24 PM 8 Thank you 1/31/2021 7:31 PM 9 We have been very happy with Carlsbad’s Police Department whenever there has been an issue. They have been professional, efficient and kind! 1/31/2021 3:44 PM 10 I would like to acknowledge our outstanding police department and the City for its reasonable and responsible approach to city governance. We don't want people with an agenda taking over our city and turning into a place where conditions become unsanitary with human waste flowing freely on our sidewalks. We don't want people with drug addictions taking over our parks and public spaces. We want to feel safe and we trust our police department to continue doing an excellent job in insuring our safety. 1/31/2021 11:01 AM 11 I have had a truly wonderful experience in interfacing with our professional police force since 1987 when my family first moved to Carlsbad. 1/29/2021 6:45 PM 12 Please stay vigilant! This city is wonderful. Have more cops visible on our streets. Keep crime down and keep homeless out. 1/28/2021 12:32 PM 13 I’ve had a good experience overall with the CBD police; I think the issues lie elsewhere in Carlsbad and believe we need more officers, rather than less. 1/28/2021 3:26 AM 14 I highly consider the PD utilize a community education approach to help others realize the gravity of the decisions that have to be made in emergency and acute situations. The oversight committee could be detrimental, dangerous and potentially deadly considering the potential power of dictating a profession from left field. 1/27/2021 8:30 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 189 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 13 / 16 15 a small police sub-station next to/ or in, one of the fire stations, fire station 2 or 6, zip 92009, would be nice. 1/26/2021 7:27 PM 16 Embrace the oversight...if you fight it concerns from the community will only increase.1/26/2021 3:45 PM 17 Our police department does a great job and I have never hear of them needing oversight. 1/26/2021 3:05 PM 18 Please add a local liaison office in La Costa Town Center in a vacant storefront.1/26/2021 2:14 PM 19 Perhaps citizens could volunteer to do some of the more mundane and clerical type tasks in order to 'free up' uniformed officers in the field. 1/26/2021 2:09 PM 20 If we did add civilian oversight to the CPD, I am concerned that it would display a lack of trust in CDP. It is one thing to BE OF SERVICE to the CDP by reporting anything we see that does not seem right. But to "oversee" the CDP doing their job....I think that is what CDP management is for...like in any organization. 1/26/2021 1:36 PM 21 The Carlsbad Police Department is doing an outstanding job; no oversight needed.1/26/2021 1:18 PM 22 As with almost all City services there is a big imbalance between the Village and the rest of the City. Carlsbad is much more than just the Village. The City was fast to add development in the SE quadrant for the tax revenue, but slow to recognize the increased traffic from Rancho Santa Fe speedway through CBD. 1/26/2021 12:29 PM 23 I just wish you had supported me. My husband had a meeting with supervisors at Carlsbad PD and still, we were ignored. My neighbor threatened physical harm to me and the lieutenant that responded said to my face “he really didn’t mean it” mind you, this man was out on bail for multiple counts of domestic violence. You failed me. 1/26/2021 5:48 AM 24 Drop your legal threats towards me about Erin Pilsbury and let me go back to my home and job. All I did was pay her family's bills and complain about the other guy. You have bigger problems. 1/25/2021 8:57 PM 25 I have contacts with professionals that can assist in putting a review board together.1/25/2021 6:26 PM 26 Please stay ahead of the homeless problem. Murder, arson... what more do we need? I don’t want this to become LA or San Francisco. 1/25/2021 7:36 AM 27 Expectations from the community are that the Carlsbad PD will be kept transparently accountable to community and practice equitable, bias-free, and force-appropriate policing. 1/24/2021 11:56 AM 28 If budget allows, would like more officers who would be out and about in the community, to provide a mix of community involvement as well as visible crime deterrent 1/22/2021 4:25 PM 29 I am tired of hearing about local car break in's, open use of smoking marijuana and overall degrading in neighborhoods especially in the area by the low income housing by the Dove Library. 1/22/2021 12:34 PM 30 Let them do their jobs 1/22/2021 9:25 AM 31 Ensure your officers reflect the greater community. Do you represent our diversity?1/21/2021 12:42 PM 32 Leave the cops alone. They do a fine job. Instead of micro managing them think of ways to protect them from groups that would tear them down. I think each member of the city council should ride with a patrol officer for a 12 shift so they might have a better understanding of the job. 1/19/2021 5:54 PM 33 I am interested in the idea of separating calls for a welfare check, mental health issue or homelessness from routine police dispatch. Since these are not crimes, I would like to work with the county that has approved crisis mobile response teams to build an infrastructure that supports rather than demeans our community. Several other groups are working on this in north county so we could partner with others to make such changes. The Homeless Outreach Team could be separated from the police dept and continue to be a service of the city. Obviously, there would be much work to do to make these changes. The Cahoots Program in Oregon could be used as a template to work from. 1/19/2021 12:56 PM 34 That’s all. Thanks for considering my comments.1/19/2021 3:25 AM 35 Keep up the good work. Be kind, be understanding, be strong. Don't be intimidated by left wing nutcases. 1/18/2021 1:17 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 190 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 14 / 16 36 I am truly wondering why we are paying our taxes to support city council women who are obviously trying to subvert their own city? Get out and do something else with your life. 1/18/2021 12:44 PM 37 Removing Cori Shumacher 1/18/2021 12:25 PM 38 Leave our wonderful police dept. alone. They are capable of managing themselves.1/18/2021 11:30 AM 39 This is a back handed effort to get her way by Cory Schumacher who was shot down a few weeks ago for enhanced enforcement against restaurants staying open. The CPD doesn’t need civilian oversight at the expense of Carlsbad tax payers. 1/18/2021 8:49 AM 40 I am NOT in favor of more enforcement. People need to keep businesses operating. This state has gotten crazy. Please do NOT use my tax payers money for this purpose. 1/16/2021 1:50 PM 41 I enjoy staying connected through Instagram. I know much more about what the police force is doing now than any other time since I’ve lived in Carlsbad. (20 years) 1/16/2021 8:21 AM 42 No need got for a civilian oversight group 1/15/2021 9:36 PM 43 Why are we allowing people to live in rv’s along Encinas? Several of them have been parked alongside Waters End for over three years. Blaming this on the pandemic is nonsense. Ticket them then tow them away. Many of us have called the police department multiple times. Absolutely nothing happens. Maybe no parking 11pm - 6am would finally solve this problem. 1/15/2021 5:39 PM 44 I would like to see more meet and greets with local police, perhaps over a half sandwich somewhere like courtyard in the Ralph’s shopping center outside 1/15/2021 4:45 PM 45 I was very pleased to see the development of the homeless outreach team and would like our CPD to be viewed as the type of law enforcement group that any of us can turn to if we are in need rather than fear. 1/15/2021 3:37 PM March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 191 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 15 / 16 1.37%1 4.11%3 26.03%19 68.49%50 0.00%0 Q8 How long have you been a resident or owned property in Carlsbad? Answered: 73 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 73 Less than 2 years (I jus... 3-5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years I do not own property or... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Less than 2 years (I just moved here) 3-5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years I do not own property or reside in Carlsbad March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 192 of 224 Your Police Department: A Conversation With Our Community Survey 16 / 16 0.00%0 0.00%0 4.17%3 9.72%7 31.94%23 54.17%39 0.00%0 Q9 Please select your age. Answered: 72 Skipped: 1 TOTAL 72 Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and over I prefer not to say 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and over I prefer not to say March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 193 of 224 CA Review CB CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: Oct. 20, 2020 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Mickey Williams, Assistant Police Chief mickey.williams@carlsbadca.gov, 760-931-2260 Allegra Frost, Deputy City Attorney allegra.frost@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2891 Sheila Cobian, Assistant to the City Manager sheila.cobian@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2820 Subject: Presentation Regarding the Different Options for Civilian Oversight of the Police Department and Recommendation to Hire a Consultant and Seek Community Input on the Best Approach for the City of Carlsbad Recommended Action Receive a presentation on the different options for citizen oversight of police departments. Consider a staff recommendation to: • Obtain input from the community regarding law enforcement concerns and desired aspects of police oversight. • Hire an expert consultant to design a police oversight and review program that is tailored to the needs of the City of Carlsbad. Executive Summary This presentation comes in response to a minute motion approved by the City Council on Aug. 18, 2020, directing staff to return with a report that provided greater detail on the three models for civilian oversight of police departments and a staff recommendation on the option most suitable for the City of Carlsbad.' This report explains four police oversight and review options available to the council and provides a recommendation: 1. An auditor/monitor model 2. A review-focused model 3. An investigation-focused model Minute motion by Council Member Bhat-Patel, seconded by Council Member Schumacher, approved 3/1, Hall voting No. The minute motion was preceded by staff's report on the Police Department's use of force, the Police Officers Bill of Rights and citizens review committees on police practices and procedures, which included some of the information in this report. Oct. 20, 2020 Item #8 Page 1 of 7 Exhibit 2 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 194 of 224 4. Retain an expert consultant to make an independent recommendation about the best way for Carlsbad to address the community's concerns with respect to civilian oversight of law enforcement. Discussion Overview The purpose of civilian oversight of police includes: • Building trust between the community and its law enforcement agency • Eliminating bias, ensuring due process of law for all • Increasing transparency into police operations, particularly relating to allegations of misconduct and internal affairs investigations • Improving accountability • Engaging the community on law enforcement issues • Advising department leaders • Providing community members with a forum for airing grievances • Deterring misconduct Cities, counties and other agencies that provide law enforcement have taken a wide range of approaches to achieving these goals. Some large law enforcement agencies are overseen by independent panels with broad investigatory powers and professional investigators. Some cities have commissions involved in personnel matters. In smaller jurisdictions, police oversight agencies may be primarilyadvisory panels. The specific needs and demands of the community drove these choices. Some governments faced significant problems with police misconduct, public trust or both and needed to make major reforms. Others sought to improve police-community relations, or to foster a dialog with the community. While there is limited data on the effectiveness of police oversight agencies, studies have shown that a community that has confidence in its police department tends to be safer and have reduced crime, because more people come forward to report crimes and are willing to testify in criminal cases. The U.S. Department of Justice provides three basic models of police oversight, again, with many variations and many hybrid models. The following sections will detail the three basic models of police oversight, including the potential benefits and issues to consider, and a recommendation that the Council retain an expert to help the City define its goals and design an oversight or review model specific to Carlsbad.' 2 Information on the types of oversight agencies and other information in this presentation comes from the report Civilian Oversight of the Police in Major Cities. Stephens, Darrel W., Ellen Scrivner, and Josie F. Cambareri. Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of Justice. 2018 https://cops.usdoi.gov/RIC/Pu blications/cops-w0861-pub.pdf Oct. 20, 2020 Item #8 Page 2 of 7 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 195 of 224 Auditor/monitor model This model focuses on examining patterns in complaint investigations and discipline as well as policies, practices or training to make broad organization-level recommendations. Some of these bodies have independent experts who actively participate in open internal investigations. Under this model, the oversight body and its staff may be involved with every part of the police agency's response when a community member complains about an officer. This can be a significant amount of work — classifying the complaint, investigating it, documenting the findings, analyzing the data — often done in duplicate or alongside police internal affairs investigators. However, it can reveal problems that might otherwise be missed. Potential benefits: • Along with independent oversight, this model helps spot problems in how complaints are handled, flaws or bias in investigations and gaps in training, policy, supervision and discipline. • This model can provide a broad range of oversight, from analyzing policy to reexamining individual incidents. • As with the other models, this model can help build public trust. Issues to consider: • This is a complaint-driven model that analyzes data to identify trends, so it can take time for the process to show results. Cities with a low number of complaints do not have much data to analyze. • Audits may fail to spot systemic but underreported problems affecting population groups less likely to complain because of economic or legal status or other circumstances.3 They also may not track misconduct revealed when cases go to court. • This does not provide a public forum. Review-focused model This model of police oversight generally involves a board of citizen volunteers that reviews already completed internal affairs investigations to determine if they were adequate and states their agreement or disagreement with the findings. It may also request further investigation be conducted and make recommendations to police executives. This model often includes public meetings for community members to comment on police conduct, practices and policies. The focus is on improving community-police relations. A commission can review and provide recommendations to the city and police department on police related issues such as policies, procedures, practices, community-police relations, use of force, and the priority and importance of services provided by the police department. 3 This information and other material in this presentation comes from the report, "Oversight Models: Is one model better than another?" by the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement. That report notes, "Other groups such as individuals working in sex trades or involved in gangs are not likely to report even the most egregious police misconduct." https://www.nacole.org/oversight models Oct. 20, 2020 Item #8 Page 3 of 7 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 196 of 224 Potential benefits: • Because its meetings are generally in public, this model tends to provide greater transparency than the auditor/monitor model. • These commissions can provide a forum that fosters greater involvement by the community and serve as an advisory body to police. • A law enforcement agency may be more inclined to take action when the recommendation comes from an official panel. If the commission also reviews completed internal affairs investigations, this model would provide independent review of internal police investigations. Issues to consider: • Panelists need specialized training. Experts recommend this training come from outside the organization. • All public meeting requirements would apply. • Confidentiality issues may arise depending on the scope of the commission's work. • These boards may not be effective without adequate independence. Unlike the city's other commissions, a police oversight commission looking into complaints against police officers would need to do so behind closed doors due to the confidential nature of police officer personal files (California Penal Code 832.7) Records and findings of the commission would remain confidential and would be protected from disclosure. (Berkeley Police Assn. v. City of Berkeley (2008) 167 Cal.App.4th 385, 404-05.) The authorities that can be given to such a commission would also be limited by the city charter, which operates as Carlsbad's constitution. For example, giving the commission the power to recommend and impose discipline would conflict with the city charter because these actions are administrative actions that are within the city manager's purview under the council-manager form of government established by the city charter. (Brown v. City of Berkeley (1976) 57 Cal.App.3d 223, 233; Hubbard v. City of San Diego (1976) 55 Cal.App.3d 380, 388.) Investigation-focused model This model provides independent investigations of incidents involving police personnel. It requires professional staff and is basically a duplicate internal affairs office of the police department, with highly skilled and trained investigators working within the agencies to investigate complaints. Some may recommend discipline. This sort of oversight agency is typically found in jurisdictions with large numbers of peace officers, or in cities confronting significant issues of police misconduct or long-standing problems in police-community issues. Potential benefits: • Having an empowered independent watchdog office can increase public trust in a community lacking confidence in the police department's ability to investigate itself. • Using outside investigators avoids the inherent conflicts in many internal affairs units when departments rotate investigators in and out of the units. Oct. 20, 2020 Item #8 Page 4 of 7 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 197 of 224 Issues to consider: • While they provide the greatest level of scrutiny and accountability, an investigation- focused oversight agency requires a significant amount of professional staff, which makes this the costliest approach. • This type of commission will have to navigate legal issues including confidentiality of police officer personnel files and the Peace Officer's Bill of Rights. Staff's recommendation: An expert recommendation and community input Oversight of police departments and reviewing their policies and procedures is legally and procedurally complex, and politically sensitive, with a national urgency driven by events outside of Carlsbad. Due to the complexity, staff recommends that council retain an expert consultant with experience advising cities on this topic who could help the city define what goal it is trying to achieve in terms of police oversight or reform. The consultant would study the city, receive community input, analyze the options and provide a Carlsbad-specific recommendation for the council's consideration. Council may also want to consider: Establishing a community working group to receive community input about police policies, practices and potential oversight models in Carlsbad. The idea for a community working group was based on the success of meetings the Police Department has had with the Carlsbad Equality Coalition and the North County Civil Liberties Coalition to discuss police policies and practices. (See e-mail from Keyrollos Ibrahim, Carlsbad Equality Coalition, Exhibit 1) These discussions have built trust and collaboration between the police department and the involved groups. Local examples As staff reported to the City Council in its Aug. 18 presentation on this topic, several cities in San Diego County have adopted various models of police oversight panels: Jurisdiction Committee or commission Mission Chula Vista Community Advisory Committee Advises police chief on police-community relations and efforts to deter, prevent crime Oceanside Police and Fire Commission Advises City Council on policy matters relating to police, fire and public safety National City Community & Police Relations Commission Receives and reviews misconduct complaints, can recommend changes in policies and procedures Oct. 20, 2020 Item #8 Page 5 of 7 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 198 of 224 San Diego Community Review Board on Police Practices Reviews and evaluates complaints from public, administration of discipline, officer-involved shootings, in-custody deaths and all police actions that result in death County of San Diego* Citizens Law Enforcement Review Board Conducts independent investigations of citizen complaints of misconduct * Provides law enforcement for nine cities and county's unincorporated areas. The City of La Mesa decided last week to create a new police oversight board and retain an independent police auditor to investigate serious incidents and misconduct complaints against the city's officers. La Mesa's new Community Police Oversight Board is to make recommendations about policy decisions and officer discipline and direct the independent auditor to investigate all serious incidents involving police.' Fiscal Analysis This agenda item is for discussion only, so there are no fiscal impacts at this time. Next steps With the council's approval, staff will procure a contract with an expert consultant to help define the goals for the City of Carlsbad in terms of police oversight and review of police policies and determine the best approach to achieve those goals. Staff will also establish a community working group to receive community input about police oversight, policies and procedures in the City of Carlsbad. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) This action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach Public notice of this item was posted in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for viewing at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Sept. 19, 2020. E-mail from Keyrollos Ibrahim, Carlsbad Equality Coalition See: In split vote, La Mesa Council approves new police oversight board, sandiegouniontribune.corninews/public- safety/story/2020-10-13/in-split-vote-la-mesa-council-approves-new-police-oversight-board Oct. 20, 2020 Item #8 Page 6 of 7 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 199 of 224 Exhibit 1 Sheila Cobian Subject: FW: Creation of a working group on police reform From: keyrollos ibrahim Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2020 10:31 AM To: Scott Chadwick <Scott.Chadwick@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Creation of a working group on police reform Good afternoon, My name is Keyrollos Ibrahim and I am the co-founder of the Carlsbad Equality Coalition. I have spoken at several council meetings regarding our efforts to have an open dialogue regarding policing in Carlsbad. As you may know, the Carlsbad Equality Coalition, the North County Civil Liberties Union, and the North County NAACP have all separately been meeting with the Carlsbad Police Department to review their policies and provide recommendations on substantive changes that we believe will keep the community and its officers safe. The CEC, NCCLC and NAACP all recently met for the first time and have aligned their efforts into one review. All of us feel that our meetings with Assistant Chief of Police Williams have been very productive. We are learning a lot about the department but at the same time have been given the opportunity to provide input in specific areas. There is a problem however, the public is largely unaware of these efforts. In fact, public perception is to the contrary, many want to return to protesting because they believe that the department has done nothing in the wake of the three day protests to address the public's concerns. I am highly concerned that these productive conversations we are having will turn political and hinder any efforts we make on this very apolitical issue. I was hoping that we could form a working group or task force that recognizes the meetings already taking place with the department. In my opinion, this group should include the three groups I mentioned, Assistant Chief of Police Williams and members of the Carlsbad Peace Officers Association. It could also include members of the public who are similarly dedicated to the issue but not affiliated with any of these groups so as to keep this process open. This method would allow all of us to continue to meet in good faith while showing the public the CPD is committed to an open dialogue. It would also quell the fears of some by showing that all factions are fairly represented at the table. Lastly, it would give us an avenue to share with the council our findings at the conclusion of such a review. If a task force could give a report to council in writing or via a presentation it would allow the public to see the results of these efforts and give the council valuable perspective to consider as we move forward. Thank you in advance for your consideration and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. My number is and I am happy to take a call from you at anytime. I truly believe that Carlsbad can be a leader on this issue and that the right players are already in place, we just have to get the politics out of the way! In Friendship, Keyrollos Ibrahim "How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these." F... CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is Oct. 20, 2020 Item #8 Page 7 of 7 safe. March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 200 of 224 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear City Council, Jacqueline Penn <jacquelinepenn@g.ucla.edu > Tuesday, October 20, 2020 9:46 AM City Clerk 10/20 city council meeting, item 8 All Receive - Agenda Item # For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date/WO CA VCC i"----ACM i-15CM (3) ---- I grew up in Carlsbad. I graduated from Carlsbad High in 2018, and I am a current student at UCLA. I am proud to call this beautiful city my home, and I always look forward to coming home to Carlsbad during breaks from college. I am writing today in support of the Carlsbad Equality Coalition's effort to support the formation of a task force, to facilitate cohesion between the community and the Carlsbad Police Department. By creating a space for members of the community to work with the police and better understand their practices, Carlsbad can position itself as a model for other cities and a leader in community-police relations in San Diego County. Focusing on transparency is the first step that must be taken in order to build strong relations between the community and the police. This trust allows members of the community to rely on the police when they need to, and trust between the community and the police also helps the police to do their jobs effectively. Such trust keeps all of us safe - the police and the community will benefit from the creation of a task force. There are very few situations in life that are truly win-win. Yet, this is one of them. We must jump at this opportunity, and work together to build a safer, stronger community! Please contact me if you have any further questions regarding what I wrote in this email. My email is: jacquelinepenn@g.ucla.edu. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Jacqueline Penn (please let me know when this email has been received, thank you!) Jacqueline Penn University of California, Los Angeles Class of 2022 I Psychobiology, Bachelor of Science CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 201 of 224 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Carlsbad city council, Gillian Northway <ghnorthway0708@gmail Tuesday, October 20, 2020 10:29 AM City Clerk Item 8, 10/20/20 meeting All Receive - Agenda Item # For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date/(?O CA P----CC ,---ACM ,---DCM (3) My name is Gillian Northway, and I urge you to create this task force to facilitate communication between the Carlsbad community and police. Trust between the police and their communities is broken all over the nation, but this task force would be one way to start repairing it. Carlsbad could create a stronger, safer community by ensuring just and fair policing practices and giving a voice to caring and determimed members of the community. Please, to support a collaboration that benefits the city and residents immensely, advocate for item 8 and help establish this task force. Thank you, Gillian Northway CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 202 of 224 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Jonathan Chan <jonathan.chan1222@gmail.conn> Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2020 12:07 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Oct. 20, 2020 City Council Meeting Departmental Report Item #8 All Receive - Agenda Item # For the Information of the: Hello, CITY COUNCIL Date/OICATtC CM My name is Jonathan Chan. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I have been a resident of'--ASanCD M M (3 ie;fpoCr26y)e—ar-s and a Carlsbad resident for 5 years. Because I deeply care about our community, I am writing in regards to the Departmental and City Manager Report #8 (Presentation regarding Civilian Oversight). I believe that is essential to act proactively in forming a task force that is able to independently review and dialogue with the police force and community. By forming this committee, the council would be able to demonstrate that they are taking current issues seriously, build meaningful relationships between the community and our police force, and address any potential problems before any person might get seriously hurt. I recognize my ignorance of current CPD policing practices and their impact/benefit on civilians. I desire to learn more and understand what is beneficial and what is detrimental to those who engage with the police regularly. We have an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of different perspectives and I believe this task force could go a long way into doing so. I would much rather see our city government act proactively to bring great change and growth than have to deal with problems after they present themselves. It is my sincere hope that you would support this proposal. Thank you for your time. With appreciation, Jonathan Chan Sandpiper Place, Carlsbad, CA 92009 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 203 of 224 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ana Reyes <anaseyes.cristina@gmail.com > Tuesday, October 20, 2020 1:23 PM City Clerk Comment for Item 8 for 10/20 meeting All Receive - Agenda Item # For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date/0/20CA 1..--CC -- CM ._--ACM DCM (3) My name is Ana Reyes and I live in district 4 of Carlsbad. I am also a social worker who has worked with vulnerable populations that are overrepresented in use-of-force statistics and also in police engagement in general. I support the formation of a task force to guide communication between community and police. The unnecessary deaths of countless individuals and the lack of accountability we have seen in many of these cases is not anything I want to see in the City of Carlsbad. I believe that a task force is one step towards improving relationships between community members and police officers, and also a way to help improve the department and the welfare of vulnerable populations, such as those with mental health issues and those battling homelessness. I am happy to see that our city council is discussing this and I hope that my city government continues to pursue this proposal. Thank you. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 204 of 224 Mia De Marzo From: Nicholas Marsden <nickmarsden@sbcglobal.net> Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2020 2:00 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Item #8 - Civilian Oversight of Police Dept I support establishing a community-based task force to receive community input, analyze citizen oversight options and review Carlsbad police policies and practices. We do not need to pay for an outside consultant. Several reputable organizations including the NAACP have offered their knowledge and experience, and many of their members are experts on these topics. Self awareness is part of growth for a collective community, just like for us as individuals. Approving a community task force does not discredit our city's respected police department in any way. Rather, the community-based task force actually serves to be self-aware as a city, and build on the police's good reputation and strengths to continue shaping into a shining example for police-community relations for our country. Thank you, Nicholas Marsden CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 205 of 224 Review of police oversight models and a recommendation to retain a consultant and seek community input on the best approach for Carlsbad Mickey Williams, Assistant Police Chief Allegra Frost, Deputy City Attorney Oct. 20, 2020 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 206 of 224 Purpose of civilian oversight of police •Building trust •Eliminating bias, ensuring due process •Increasing transparency, particularly on misconduct, internal investigations 2 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 207 of 224 3 •Commissions with broad powers •Independent investigatory agencies •Advisory panels •Combinations, hybrids March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 208 of 224 4 Oversight choices driven by: •Incidents or patterns of misconduct •Calls for reform •Lack of public trust •Desire to foster a productive public dialog A community with confidence in its police department is a safer community March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 209 of 224 Police oversight options 1.Auditor/Monitor 2.Review-Focused 3.Investigation-focused 4.Retain expert to recommend best approach for Carlsbad 5 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 210 of 224 6 •Analyzes patterns in officer complaints, discipline, policies, practices and training •Makes broad organization-level recommendations March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 211 of 224 7 •Spot problems and bias in investigation, gaps in training policy, supervision and discipline •Provides broad range of oversight •Outside review can build public trust March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 212 of 224 8 •Review investigations, policies, practices and training •Provides feedback and recommendations to department leadership •Offers a forum for community discussion on police issues March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 213 of 224 9 •Transparency and public participation •Serves as advisory board for police leadership •Provide an independent review of police operations March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 214 of 224 10 •Conducts independent investigations •Some may recommend discipline •Most common in cities with large departments or police-community issues March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 215 of 224 11 •Independent watchdog may increase public trust •Independent investigators avoid inherent conflicts March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 216 of 224 Auditor/Monitor: Potential issues •Cities with few complaints have little data to analyze •Audits may miss underreported problems •Does not provide the transparency of a public forum 12 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 217 of 224 13 •Requires specialized training •Public meeting requirements would apply •Confidentiality •Boards may not be effective without adequate independence March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 218 of 224 Investigation-focused: Potential issues •Requires significant amount of professional staff, the costliest approach •Legal issues, including confidentiality and the Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights 14 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 219 of 224 Potential Legal Issues •All public meeting laws apply aside from discussions of confidential matters •Peace officer personnel confidentiality issues •Labor negotiations may be required •City’s charter gives city manager authority to recommend, impose discipline 15 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 220 of 224 Local examples 16 March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 221 of 224 Local examples 17 -Community Police Oversight Board -Independent police auditor March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 222 of 224 18 Police-community working group •Concept comes from meetings with Carlsbad Equality Coalition •Discussions have built trust and collaboration •Could make recommendations on police policies and practices March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 223 of 224 19 Retain experienced, expert consultant to: •Listen to community input •Study the city, assess its needs •Analyze the options •Recommend best approach for Carlsbad March 23, 2021 Item #8 Page 224 of 224 All Receive - Agenda Item # 8 For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 3/19/21 CA V CC V CM V ACM V DCM (3) Jeffre Segall Carlsbad, California 92011 jeffsegallAme.com Re: Police Oversight Community Conversation Date: March, 13, 2021 Dear Mayor Hall, Members of the City Council, City Manager Scott Chadwick, Chief Gallucci, and Assistant Chief Williams: I participated in two public Zoom meetings on Police Community Conversation, on February 1 and again on February 8. I joined the February 8th meeting because I was not prepared to thoughtfully discuss my opinions February 1 on the topic in the short amount of time allowed for in the meeting. I have also reviewed the August 18th and October 20th Staff Reports on the topic I provided the comments below at the February 8th meeting, a summary of which was documented in the record. I felt the issue was important enough to provide this document for the record to capture my entire thoughts on the topic. Coming from a business background, we make changes to programs and processes to improve them and make them more efficient....and to correct problems and inefficiencies we learn about. Further, as a Planning Commissioner for the City of Carlsbad for 14 years, I learned not to offer opinions and make decisions until I have heard all sides of the issues. As you know, Commissioners have access to a significant amount of information to consider an issue. As a member of the public, I have been asked to offer an opinion, as have others in the community, on what the appropriate options are for creating a police citizen oversight group. This process is much the same as what Planning Commissioners hear during public comment periods at hearings. The public's comments are generally emotional due to the impact a project has on their property, sometimes anecdotal, and sometimes not fact-based, as the public has not reviewed all of the detailed material available to them and the Commissioners material used to make an informed decision. I am not saying public comment is not important; it is critically important in the decision-making process. What I am saying is not all comments are based on fact. 1 What I believe is lacking is an understanding of what the issue is relative to the Carlsbad Police Department's oversight and management of issues that a citizen's oversight group would better address. True, many police departments throughout the country are experiencing issues....some significant ones. Size of departments....demographics and socio-economic issues in communities....training of police officers all account for many issues. But I have not seen nor heard of issues that are plaguing the Carlsbad Police Department today. So, unless I know that they currently exist, I cannot honestly recommend which option is best. Here's what 1 do know. My family and I moved from Los Angeles to Carlsbad 25 years ago for the quality of life that Carlsbad has....and that a major metropolis like LA severely lacks. I was not a bystander in trying to improve the quality of life in LA. I served as president of the Los Angeles Junior Chamber of Commerce and its major projects, the Nissan LA Open Golf Tournament, the Los Angeles-Watts Summer Games and the Los Angeles Area Special Olympics; as a Board Member of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; as a member the Los Angeles Police Department's Reserve Executive Board (advising the Police Chief on issues related to the Reserve Program); and many other organizations that worked to improve the quality of life in LA. Yet, my wife and I felt that LA was not the community to raise our children in. We focused on Carlsbad, as so many others...individuals and businesses...have done because of the proximity to the beach, the quality of schools, the low crime rates and the fast response of police and fire responders. I do know that when I look at Carlsbad's Citizen Satisfaction Surveys over the years that ninety percent and higher satisfaction ratings for police and fire services are common. I can understand these high ratings for the fire department because every call for service impacts life, property and/or the environment. But most interactions with cops are during traffic stops and on rare occasions may involve an arrest. As such, I would expect a significantly lower rating for the police department. But in 2015, 98% said local police and law enforcement were extremely important to citizens. And 92% were satisfied with the police department. Again, in 2016, the last year the survey asked about citizen satisfaction, over 9 of 10 were satisfied with the services provided by the police department. In 2019, the most recent year the community was surveyed, I found no citizen comments about issues with the police department. All surveys are online and anyone can review them. do know that last year Carlsbad had several major BLM protest marches in the City, necessitating the closure of streets, including Carlsbad Blvd, by the police department, but the police kept the peace, allowed peaceful protests, and protected and accommodated protestors. do know Carlsbad believed so strongly in the training of first responders, that the City opened a state-of-the-art safety training center in 2013. During the economic downturn of the late 2 2000's, while every other City in North County were cutting city services, Carlsbad was investing in the planning of this training facility, the envy of agencies throughout the nation. I do know that just because communities across the country are protesting because of police brutality and wanting to defund police that doesn't automatically mean our department has the same issues. One size does not fit all. I do know that every citizen who wants to opine on police oversight should arrange to go on a police ride-along to get first-hand knowledge of the work, conditions and issues our law enforcement officers go through every day. I have done this numerous times. And I encourage members of our community to do the same. You cannot review the quality of food and service of a restaurant if you have never eaten there, and only rely on Yelp reviews. So how can you comment of police oversight issues if you only rely on news reports, anecdotal information and issues in other communities? I do know that I have personally known every police chief since I moved to Carlsbad in 1995. I've known Jim Hawkes, Tom Zoll, Gary Morrison, current Chief Neil Gallucci and Assistant Chief Mickey Williams. I have worked with each professionally through my role as a member and Chairperson of the Board of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and a co-founder of the Ready Carlsbad Business Alliance. I have personally heard each talk about one of the highest priorities of the Carlsbad Police Department and that is providing a high level of customer service to their citizens. This comes from life-long cops....talking about customer service! Where have you ever heard of such a thing? From business. But not government. So, as an informed member of this community, I find it hard to fix or improve an issue that I don't know has a problem. I commend the City of seeking community input, but I also hope decision makers take into account the issues I have commented on above. Sincerely, Jeff Segall 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Jonathan Chan <jonathan.chan1222@gmail.com> Saturday, March 20, 2021 11:07 AM City Clerk City Council Meeting Agenda Item #8 Comment Letter regarding 23Mar2021 Carlsbad Council Agenda Item 8 JC.pdf A, —.J. It,. 0 For the Information of the: ITY COUNCIL Date 045/ACA CM .---ACM DCM (3) '7 Hello, I'd like to submit a comment regarding Agenda Item #8 for the Mar 23rd City Council meeting. Please see attached. Thanks, Jonathan Chan Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Heb 11:1 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Re: Police Oversight Community Conversation Date: March 20, 2021 Dear Mayor Hall, Members of the City Council, City Manager Scott Chadwick, Chief Gallucci, and Assistant Chief Williams: I am a 5 year resident of Carlsbad and attended the February 3rd District 4 Police Oversight Conversation hosted by the City Council. I appreciate the willingness of the City to engage with the community and especially for Council Member Acosta and Assistant Chief of Police Williams making the time to listen and engage with us. I learned a lot and felt that these types of meetings help to build trust and improve communication between community members and city leaders. I have reviewed all of the public documents provided by the City and really appreciate the City Council Staff Report provided by the City Manager. The data is well-put together and summarizes a lot of the information thoroughly. I'd like to share my thoughts about some of the points described in the report and reiterate why I think that a Police Community Review Board (CRB) would be valuable for the City of Carlsbad. One main point that I hear often in the discussion is that the there is a high level of satisfaction with the Carlsbad Police Department. That is great, and is obviously better than the opposite. Ignoring the narrow demographic of people who responded to polling and attended meetings (which I will address later), this feedback in and of itself should not be justification to reject the implementation of a CRB. Just because things are going well, doesn't mean that they cannot be improved upon. I would like to encourage the Council to consider ways that we can continue to improve, innovate and grow as a city. I believe that a CRB is part of making something that is already good, even better. As we continue to learn as individuals and as a city, we should continually think of ways that help Our city be better. One main opportunity that I believe a CRB will help is to address blind spots and provided meaningful feedback and accountability. I signed up for a CPD ridealong in 2017, which I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated. It opened my eyes to many different things, and gave me greater appreciation for the work that police officers do. It also helped me understand that we are all limited in our perspectives and can use feedback to help us grow. A short example is that the officer I was with pulled over a middle-aged Hispanic lady because she had a broken license plate light, but it was primarily to demonstrate the effectiveness of the police car's lights to me, not because he actually was going to write her a ticket. He was very professional, never threatening or aggressive, and let her go without any incident. However, I do not believe he understood the effect that this routine stop had on the woman. She seemed extremely anxious and everything in her body language told me that she was terrified. She offered food that she had in the car to the officer, which he took. Why did she offer him the food? I believe that she was nervous and wanted to do everything she could to be seen in a good light. I don't think that there was anything explicitly wrong with this situation but it was also really revealing to me. I tell this story not to say that the officer was in the wrong, but that often times people in positions of auihority either don't recognize the negative impact that they have on others, or willfully ignore it. Each of us has blind spots, bias and shortcomings. What I hope is that by having something like a CRB, we are able to address those blind spots on a higher level as part of making our city an even better place to live. Regarding the listed concerns about a potential CRB, please see my thoughts below. Decreasing trust between the police department and community members. From my understanding, people often said that a CRB would build trust and communication, not the other way around. With the assumption that both police officers and community members desire the best and safest possible community, increased conversation and accountability should only build trust. If I know that the police officers that serve this community are held accountable for their actions in the same way that they hold me accountable for following the law, I feel much safer. If I feel that there is a place to have a conversation about policing that will be heard by the CPD and can be acted upon, I feel much safer. Greater dialogue about the actions, priorities, and choices of the CPD can bring about a healthier relationship between police officers and community members. The reality is that all police officers wield a great amount of power, whether or not they realize/acknowledge it. A CRB helps to make sure that that power is used appropriately. Requires additional cost. Creating a CRB is a preventative measure and could help to avoid a lot of costs in the future if there are any significant incidents that occur. In America, we love to teat symptoms rather than address the root cause of issues. I hope that the Council will see that a CRB is a part of meaningful preventative measures that help avoid policing issues that can arise in the future. I hope that people against a CRB can understand that it is not a place to address trivial and petty issues,.but to address serious concerns as they arise. If the CPD truly is a great department, then theoretically the CRB will not be used often. However, if anything does come up, wouldn't it be valuable to have something in place ahead of time rather than be reactionary? Difficulty in measuring outcomes. I believe that any challenging problem that deals with multiple perspectives and opinions will always be hard to address satisfactorily. Large problems often times don't come with simple solutions. However, this should not be a justification to not do something. If the implementation of a solution was halted every time we noted that it would be difficult to measure the outcome, we probably wouldn't get much done at all. I really hope that the difficulty of a situation isn't a cited reason for why we shouldn't try to address it. I believe that Carlsbad is full of people who are able to acknowledge the difficulty of a problem and still implement a solution well. Creation of a CRB is against majority of feedback — A closer examination of the statistics that have been provided should show that 59% of respondents indicated that there is at least some limited benefit to form a CRB. That is a majority of people who responded to this poll. I think the Council should also acknowledge that the data is limited and therefore, we probably don't have a complete picture of what residents think. From my personal perspective, the people who attended the community discussion were primarily Caucasian, highly-educated, and most likely very well-off. Please don't get me wrong; their input and opinions are as valuable as anyone else's. I also recognize that during the pandemic, it is harder to get people who are technologically-challenged and/or don't have access to the internet or computers to participate. However, we should then acknowledge that we aren't hearing from everyone. I hope that we can acknowledge that, often times, the experiences of minorities and vulnerable populations (such as people with disabilities, unhoused individuals, etc.) with police officers can very different. If we are lacking the full range of voices and perspectives, we should either make a greater effort to hear them or at least acknowledge that we do not have a complete picture. Increased red tape/slow efficiency. I hope that people understand this is a review board, not a measure to stall or slow police action. When incidents occur, the board reviews the actions taken. This isn't an all-encompassing review of a police department and all of their actions, choices and priorities. While there might be an additional step after an incident occurs, ultimately, the benefits of increased accountability, greater transparency, and more dialogue between the community the CPD should outweigh the logistical costs of a CRB. There are many more things that could be said regarding this topic, and obviously there are many differing opinions out there. I am grateful if you took the time to read through this letter. We have the chance to make significant change in our community that will better the lives of those who live in it. Of course, this is not an all-encompassing solution to the challenges that we face as a city and as a society, but each step that we take in the right direction gets us closer. I hope that we don't settle for the status quo, but seek to continuously improve as a community. Thank you for your time! Sincerely, Jonathan Chan ionathan .chan1222(agmail.com Carlsbad, CA 92009 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: stonebrook@roadrunner.com Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2021 2:07 PM To: City Clerk; Priya Bhat-Patel Subject: Civilian Oversight of the Police Department Dear Councilmembers, The Community Input Meetings Regarding Civilian Oversight of the Police Department was an important step on a very important issue. Having attended, I can attest to the sincerity and professionalism that went into the meetings. Of course the community input, as could be expected for such an important issue, was highly emotional: many citizens are concerned about public safety, many citizens are concerned about fair treatment. Something that was missing, however, was any indication from City of Carlsbad on how they are monitoring our Police Department. Perhaps there was concern this may hinder the ability to get feedback. But now, having received input from the community, City Council should present how they and City Staff evaluate the performance our Police Department. What metrics are reviewed on a weekly, monthly, annual basis that tell us how the police are doing? And, in reviewing these metrics, does City Council see there are trends in certain metrics that may benefit from the implementation of Civilian Oversight (CO)? Certainly, if the point of CO is to improve policing in Carlsbad, we must have the data that suggests a) there is a problem, and b) CO is a reasonable approach to improve this problem. Should it be that no such scorecard is in place, then our new priority must be its creation. Consideration of CO is too important to rely on feeling the need "to do something" and on citizens' emotional input. Council should clearly state what metric is trending in the wrong direction and explain how CO will improve it. This is accountability to our citizens, this demonstrates that City Council is acting on facts and not pandering, and this continues a practical, common-sense approach that makes Carlsbad a great place to live. Thank you for your attention. Best regards, Robert Stonebrook CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Diana A <dra805@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, March 22, 2021 10:17 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Agenda item#8 I am writing in support of a citizen review oversight board for the City of Carlsbad Police Department and I am requesting the city council and mayor to support the citizen review oversight board. I attended 2 of the citizen input meetings as I wanted to learn more about what an oversight board would entail. In the year of 2021, we are all aware that there are great social injustices that are occurring in our country. Policing has changed across our country and it's important to implement a citizen review board. Carlsbad Police Department is considered a top notch organization and hence more of a reason why they should take a lead in adopting a citizen oversight board; to lead by example. The oversight board would serve as a tool to strengthen community relationships, ensure that all of our residents & community members are treated fairly, ensure our police department adheres to state and federal changes to the laws & ensure our police department avoids any future legal settlements (to name a few benefits). The oversight board is not the only means to engage our community members however it's a critical component. We must not take for granted that we do live in a beautiful city and that it's important that all of our community members feel that they are safe. Carlsbad should take the lead of our neighboring city of Oceanside. The newly hired Chief of Police, Chief Armijo, has publicly stated that he supports a citizen review board as part of building community trust. The City of Escondido and the City of San Diego have also adopted citizen review boards and have been active. Thank you, Diana Aguirre Carlsbad D3 Resident CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 All Receive - Agenda Itern # For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Tammy Cloud-McMinn Date..2iCA CC - CM ACM DCM (3) ------- From: Sam Ward <sam_m_ward@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, March 22, 2021 1:53 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Agenda Item Regarding Civilian oversight of Carlsbad Police Department Mr. Mayor and Members of the City Council: I write in favor of the creation and empowerment of a Civilian Oversight Board empowered to review the policies and practices of CPD. Carlsbad benefits from an exceptionally well-trained, professional police department, I suspect that most all residents will echo my support for their work on behalf of our community. I believe that the efficacy and professionalism of our police department can only be enhanced by the adoption of a review-focused civilian oversight board that provides regular reports and, when necessary, recommendations to the executive management of CPD, the City Manager, and the City Council. Thank you. Sam Ward Carlsbad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: NANCY MCDONALD <msnjmac@gmail.com> Monday, March 22, 2021 2:36 PM City Clerk CBPD All Receive - Agenda Item # For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL DateC4)-2)/ACA V CC -'- CM ,--ACM ,--DCM (3) I support a citizen review board to hold our Carlsbad police accountable. In this day and age, policing practices have evolved to ensure all community members feel safe. The oversight board would serve as a tool to strengthen community relationships, ensure that all of our residents & community members are treated fairly, ensure our police department adheres to state and federal changes to the laws & ensure our police department avoids any future legal settlements The oversight board is not the only means to engage our community members however it's a critical component. N. McDonald Nancy J. McDonald@ "MsNJMAC" CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content IA safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: hopen.51@att.net Monday, March 22, 2021 6:32 PM City Clerk In favor of a Carlsbad Citizen Review Board All Receive - Agenda Item For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date V-;2-V-2I CA CC CM ACM DCM (3) - We support a Citizen Review Board to hold our Carlsbad police accountable. Policing practices must evolve to ensure all community members feel safe. The oversight board would serve as a tool to strengthen community relationships, ensure that all of our residents & community members are treated fairly, ensure our police department adheres to state and federal changes to the laws & assist our police department to avoid future legal issues. The oversight board is not the only means to engage our community members however it's a critical component. No community agency of this size and responsibility should be self-policing. A Citizen Review Board would add credibility to the entire department. Thank you, Hope and Vince Nelson District 2 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Kathy Minton <kathyminton@aol.com> Sent: Monday, March 22, 2021 8:48 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Re: A Citizen review board To whom it may concern, I support a citizen review board to hold our Carlsbad police accountable. In this day and age, policing practices have evolved to ensure all community members feel safe. The oversight board would serve as a tool to strengthen community relationships, and ensure that all of our residents/ community members are treated fairly. It is essential that our police department adhere to state and federal changes to the law as this is necessary in ensuring protections for our police department and would therefore avoid any future legal settlements. The CRB is, of course, not the only means to engage our community members, however it is a critical component. Thank you, and many thanks to our police dept and the vital work they do. Sincerely, Kathy Minton CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Cindy In Encinitas <cindyinencinitas@gmail.com > Sent: Monday, March 22, 2021 9:38 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Public Comment on Agenda Item 8 for 3/23 agenda Dear Clerk: Please insert this comment into the Council's packet for the discussion of Item 8 if at all possible. Thank you. As a member of the North County Civil Liberties Coalition, I write today in support of a citizen review board to hold our Carlsbad police force accountable for its actions and attitudes toward all Carlsbad citizens. I am also writing to highlight for the Council issues of concern regarding the public input aspect of this process. I am concerned that the agency that is being considered for increased public scrutiny and accountability put itself in control of gathering public input, which unavoidably places the reports it has generated into question in my mind. It is noteworthy that the survey concluded that the vast majority of Carlsbad's citizens feel the police department is doing a job so well that it does not deserve to be subjected to scrutiny, as if review by citizens is a punishment. It would be inappropriate, according to many offended respondents. As distasteful as it may be, the public has every right to know how every citizen is being dealt with in crisis situations lest, God forbid, any one of us, or our loved ones, should ever find themselves in such a situation. It's true that citizens only encounter emergency services on their worst days, which makes it crucial that the highest and best levels of civility and compassion are delivered by emergency personnel with the best of intentions and training. Dominance and control are paradigms that are giving way to compassion and expertise all over the country, even in neighboring cities. It can happen in Carlsbad, as well. Law enforcement agencies nationwide are currently struggling with bias and the perception of bias and rethinking their policies and training. It is a statistical reality that in the city of Carlsbad, Black people have a 1,000% higher arrest rate than white people and Hispanic people have a 200% higher rate. It is therefore surprising that the Carlsbad police department does not appear to be eager to take this opportunity to retool its training and culture to root out bias and engage in a meaningful way with the public on its performance to increase trust and cooperation. Rather than engage in a meaningful way with affected populations, the results of the survey were comprised of the opinions of a city that is 80% white and middle class who do not typically ever interact with police in emergency situations. The questions were geared toward eliciting information that appears to be self-serving. The results did not address issues affecting the citizens who make up the majority of people with whom the police department • actually interacts in response to 911 calls. The survey questions reflected the attitude of a police department that resists change and the results reflected a population that is oblivious to the needs of non-white, under-represented, economically disadvantaged, mentally impaired, or otherwise vulnerable adults and children living among us. Unfortunately, the department can only progress if it allows everyone's truth into the conversation. None of the homeless people in this city were included. No mentally challenged people were included. No economically disadvantaged people were surveyed. No disabled people were surveyed. No addicts were surveyed. No recent immigrants responded. No matter how small the numbers in those populations are, the fact is that these are the people most likely to encounter law enforcement in a crisis situation where the training and values of a uniformed police officer are put on display, and sometimes put to the test. Those voices are not represented in the results of this survey at all. They are the ones who actually experience how effective the screening, hiring and training practices are. They are the ones who see how the City of Carlsbad's values, your values, translate into the face presented by its emergency services. These populations are the ones who would benefit the most from a change in the attitudes and training of the Carlsbad Police Department. This might be the reason why change has been so long in coming. But they are the voiceless, the powerless, the scorned and abandoned, fair game for every defect in character of every person they come into contact with. We can determine the course of events in Carlsbad if we choose to interject fairness into the process of bringing oversight and accountability to the police department. We can use the gut-wrenching events happening in this country as motivation to yield to progressive voices so that change can come to the Carlsbad police department. We can join our neighbors and breathe the fresh air of enlightened policies into the department that would seek only to control all its citizens, especially the vulnerable and powerless, and pretend that every officer on the force is representing the City with absolute rectitude and compassion at all times. We can work together to create a police force that protects and maintains the dignity and sovereignty of every citizen regardless of their outward appearance, the desperate circumstances they may find themselves in, or their temporary behavior on what could be their worst day. We can have a just Carlsbad. We need a new survey that provides the unvarnished truth to the Council so the Council can make an informed decision about police oversight. We need to stop pretending that the survey is meaningful because a certain number of people responded. The numbers are not telling you what you know that you need to know. Please consider taking more time to gather input from all sectors of your city's population. Thank you. Cindy Millican North County Civil Liberties Coalition CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Chih-Wu Chang <chihwu.chang@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, March 22, 2021 9:49 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Citizen Review Board Dear Carlsbad City Council Members, I want to state my unequivocal support of establishing a citizen review board to hold our Carlsbad police department accountable. I understand that the police department is doing its best to protect and serve the Carlsbad residents. The review board serves as a tool to strengthen community relationships and ensure that all of our residents and community members are treated fairly. The board ensures our police department adheres to state and federal laws and ensures our police department avoids any undesirable legal settlements in the future. The oversight board is not the only means to engage our community members; it's a critical component. Sincerely, Chih-Wu Chang Carlsbad, CA CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Written Comment for City Council Meeting Dated: 3/23/2021 Re: Agenda Item #8 (Police Oversight Body) Dear Mayor Hall, Members of the City Council, City Manager Scott Chadwick, Chief Gallucci, and Assistant Chief Williams: I am writing in support of a citizen review board for the Carlsbad Police Department. I appreciate all the time and effort the CPD has put into reviewing the need for this type of oversight. I also appreciate all the time our citizen-led groups have spent pushing for this change. I would like to address a few items: 1.A citizen review board will benefit everyone in the community. There is not a single group that stands to be the sole beneficiary of a review board — EVERYONE will benefit regardless of their demographic. Additionally, as shown by the data collected, a review board will place even more trust in our police department. 2.A clear majority of those who responded to the survey believe some form of oversight has value and need. Even limited value and limited need is still value and need. Only 41% of participants saw no value or need - a clear minority. I also want to say that a citizen review board in our city will have far reaching effects. The nation is changing, and people are demanding accountability around the world. Even in San Diego, cities are in the process of adopting and implementing police oversight boards. It is the duty of the Carlsbad City Council to make sure our community does not fall behind. Carlsbad is a leader in innovation/growth and is highly respected by our neighboring communities. We should strive to be a beacon of light and guide the way for others, regardless of our direct need. The most important and only question we need to ask is "should we move forward with creating a review board?" The clear answer is a resounding YES. The conversation cannot end here. As for how, and for best implementation, I leave that for the council to decide. Thank you, Rory Gallagher Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Maxwell Dana <maxwell.s.dana@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 8:22 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Agenda Item #8 (Police Oversight Body) Written Comment for City Council Meeting Dated: 3/23/2021 Re: Agenda Item #8 (Police Oversight Body) Dear Mayor Hall, Members of the City Council, City Manager Scott Chadwick, Chief Gallucci, and Assistant Chief Williams: lam writing in support of a citizen review board for the Carlsbad Police Department. I appreciate all the time and effort the CPD has put into reviewing the need for this type of oversight. I also appreciate all the time our citizen-led groups have spent pushing for this change. I would like to address a few items: 1.A citizen review board will benefit everyone in the community. There is not a single group that stands to be the sole beneficiary of a review board — EVERYONE will benefit regardless of their demographic. Additionally, as shown by the data collected, a review board will place even more trust in our police department. 2.A clear majority of those who responded to the survey believe some form of oversight has value and need. Even limited value and limited need is still value and need. Only 41% of participants saw no value or need - a clear minority. I also want to say that a citizen review board in our city will have far reaching effects. The nation is changing, and people are demanding accountability around the world. Even in San Diego, cities are in the process of adopting and implementing police oversight boards. It is the duty of the Carlsbad City Council to make sure our community does not fall behind. Carlsbad is a leader in innovation/growth and is highly respected by our neighboring communities. We should strive to be a beacon of light and guide the way for others, regardless of our direct need. The most important and only question we need to ask is "should we move forward with creating a review board?" The clear answer is a resounding YES. The conversation cannot end here. As for how, and for best implementation, I leave that for the council to decide. Thank you, 1 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Maxwell S Dana 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Deana Fisher <deanafisher4@gmail.com> Tuesday, March 23, 2021 10:13 AM City Clerk Agenda Item #8 (Police Oversight Body) All Receive - Agenda Item # For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Datejo73/31 CA CC CM ACM -- DCM (3) Written Comment for City Council Meeting Dated: 3/23/2021 Re: Agenda Item #8 (Police Oversight Body) Dear Mayor Hall, Members of the City Council, City Manager Scott Chadwick, Chief Gallucci, and Assistant Chief Williams: I am writing in support of a citizen review board for the Carlsbad Police Department. I appreciate all the time and effort the CPD has put into reviewing the need for this type of oversight. I also appreciate all the time our citizen-led groups have spent pushing for this change. I would like to address a few items: 1.A citizen review board will benefit everyone in the community. There is not a single group that stands to be the sole beneficiary of a review board — EVERYONE will benefit regardless of their demographic. Additionally, as shown by the data collected, a review board will place even more trust in our police department. 2.A clear majority of those who responded to the survey believe some form of oversight has value and need. Even limited value and limited need is still value and need. Only 41% of participants saw no value or need - a clear minority. I also want to say that a citizen review board in our city will have far reaching effects. The nation is changing, and people are demanding accountability around the world. Even in San Diego, cities are in the process of adopting and implementing police oversight boards. It is the duty of the Carlsbad City Council to make sure our community does not fall behind. Carlsbad is a leader in innovation/growth and is highly respected by our neighboring communities. We should strive to be a beacon of light and guide the way for others, regardless of our direct need. The most important and only question we need to ask is "should we move forward with creating a review board?" The clear answer is a resounding YES. The conversation cannot end here. As for how, and for best implementation, I leave that for the council to decide. Thank you, Deana Fisher (District 1 resident) CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: stoneyb <bstoneyj86@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 10:29 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Carlsbad Police Citizens' Oversight Committee My name is Bradford Jacobs and I am a resident of District 1 who greatly appreciates the job that our Carlsbad Police have done and continue to do for our city. It is obvious to me in reviewing the recent communications, letters and discussions that the current effort to establish a citizens' oversight committee is being generated by a small number of committed activist groups that typically have been very effective in amplifying their apparent numbers in order to push forward their common agenda. The Council will be receiving many letters from these operatives, most of which will be almost identical, using the same key words and rhetoric. In my opinion, Carlsbad already has a citizens' oversight committee. It is called the City Council, and it is the final authority on police matters, with or without a "citizens oversight committee." It makes no sense to add yet another layer of bureaucracy. Brad Jacobs CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content safe. is 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Tim and Misty O'Healy <ohealytim.misty@gmail.com> Sent Tuesday, March 23, 2021 10:37 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Citizen Review Board I support a citizen review board to hold our Carlsbad police accountable. In this day and age, policing practices have evolved to ensure all community members feel safe. The oversight board would serve as a tool to strengthen community relationships, ensure that all of our residents & community members are treated fairly, ensure our police department adheres to state and federal changes to the laws & ensure our police department avoids any future legal settlements The oversight board is not the only means to engage our community members however it's a critical component. Thank you, Timothy J O'Healy, District 2 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Jake Muller <mullerjakem@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 10:44 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Agenda Item #8 (Police Oversight Body) Dear Mayor Hall, Members of the City Council, City Manager Scott Chadwick, Chief Gallucci, and Assistant Chief Williams: I am writing in support of a citizen review board for the Carlsbad Police Department. I appreciate all the time and effort the CPD has put into reviewing the need for this type of oversight. A citizen review board will benefit everyone in the community. There is not a single group that stands to be the sole beneficiary of a review board — everyone will benefit regardless of their demographic. The nation is changing, and people are demanding accountability around the world. Even in San Diego, cities are in the process of adopting and implementing police oversight boards. It is the duty of the Carlsbad City Council to make sure our community does not fall behind. We ask you to listen to the voices of the oppressed and vulnerable. Please stand up and work towards growing and correcting our own views and opinions when confronted with facts. Please continue to push forward this powerful, this emotional, and this positive movement. Carlsbad is a leader in innovation/growth and is highly respected by our neighboring communities. We should strive to be a beacon of light and guide the way for others, regardless of our direct need. Thank you, Jake 1 Inequality Equity Justice ,141tilr "th CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Rob Howard <rphoward06@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 12:04 PM To: City Clerk Cc: Cori Schumacher; Teresa Acosta; Priya Bhat-Patel Subject: Agenda Item #8 (3/23/21) Written Comment for City Council Meeting Dated: 3/23/2021 Re: Agenda Item #8 (Police Oversight Body) Dear Mayor Hall, Members of the City Council, City Manager Scott Chadwick, Chief Gallucci, and Assistant Chief Williams: I am writing in support of a citizen review board for the Carlsbad Police Department. I appreciate all the time and effort the CPD has put into reviewing the need for this type of oversight. I also appreciate all the time our citizen-led groups have spent pushing for this change. I would like to address a few items: 1.A review board builds trust in a time when there is clearly not enough trust in the criminal justice system. 2.Anyone that has the ability to harm, injure or kill should have oversight. This is a common-sense approach. During my 30+ years as a nuclear operator, the nuclear industry had a system where if I were to commit a crime, get popped on a drug test, falsify my signature on a document or lie during an investigation, my name would be added to a national database where other nuclear facilities would know about it. That leads to more accountability. Oversight leads to more accountability. When you fight accountability, it comes off as if you have something to hide. Your support of oversight displays you agree with accountability. 3.A review board and the accountability it brings shows the community where you stand. Lack of police accountability cost communities millions as cities have to pay settlements as those found in the George Floyd and Brianna Taylor settlements. Those were on the news and were very large. Local settlements may not be as large but still drain city resources when oversight and accountability could have prevented it. 4.Additionally, as shown by the data collected, a review board will place even more trust in the Carlsbad police department. 5.A clear majority of those who responded to the survey believe some form of oversight has value and need. Even limited value and limited need is still value and need. Only 41% of participants saw no value or need - a clear minority. 1 I also want to say that a citizen review board in our area will have far reaching effects. The nation is changing, and people are demanding accountability around the world, It is the duty of the Carlsbad City Council to make sure our community does not fall behind. Carlsbad is a leader in innovation/growth and is highly respected by our neighboring communities. Carlsbad should strive to be a beacon of light and guide the way for others regardless of our direct need. The most important and only question we need to ask is "should we move forward with creating a review board?" The clear answer is a resounding YES. Let's continue the conversation about how to implement the review board. I look forward to the work ahead of us all. Thank you, Rob Howard, Oceanside Resident CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Misty O'Healy <mistyohealy@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 12:05 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Citizen's Review Board I support a citizen review board to hold our Carlsbad police accountable. In this day and age, policing practices have evolved to ensure all community members feel safe. The oversight board would serve as a tool to strengthen community relationships, ensure that all of our residents & community members are treated fairly, ensure our police department adheres to state and federal changes to the laws & ensure our police department avoids any future legal settlements The oversight board is not the only means to engage our community members however it's a critical component.Thank you, Misty O'Healy, District 2 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Jordan Daley <daleydoing@gmail.corn> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 12:07 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Agenda Item #8 (Police Oversight Body) Dear Mayor Hall, Members of the City Council, City Manager Scott Chadwick, Chief Gallucci, and Assistant Chief Williams: I am writing in support of a citizen review board for the Carlsbad Police Department. I appreciate all the time and effort the CPD has put into reviewing the need for this type of oversight. I also appreciate all the time our citizen-led groups have spent pushing for this change. I would like to address a few items: 1.A citizen review board will benefit everyone in the community. There is not a single group that stands to be the sole beneficiary of a review board — EVERYONE will benefit regardless of their demographic. Additionally, as shown by the data collected, a review board will place even more trust in our police department. 2.A clear majority of those who responded to the survey believe some form of oversight has value and need. Even limited value and limited need is still value and need. Only 41% of participants saw no value or need - a clear minority. I also want to say that a citizen review board in our city will have far reaching effects. The nation is changing, and people are demanding accountability around the world. Even in San Diego, cities are in the process of adopting and implementing police oversight boards. It is the duty of the Carlsbad City Council to make sure our community does not fall behind. Carlsbad is a leader in innovation/growth and is highly respected by our neighboring communities. We should strive to be a beacon of light and guide the way for others, regardless of our direct need. The most important and only question we need to ask is "should we move forward with creating a review board?" The clear answer is a resounding YES. The conversation cannot end here. As for how, and for best implementation, I leave that for the council to decide. Thank you, Jordan Daley CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Jacqueline Penn <jacquelinepenn@g.ucla.edu> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 12:09 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Agenda Item 8 - public comment Dear City Council Members, Thank you for your service to our community. My name is Jacqueline, and I grew up in Carlsbad and graduated from Carlsbad High a couple years ago. I am writing in support of the establishment of a Civilian Review Board to provide greater oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department. At a time when trust in the police is extremely low, it is important to take concrete steps to improve the relationship between the police and the community, and the best, most transparent way to do this is by providing Civilian Review Board. Too many police departments around the country allow for the department to investigate potential misconduct among their own officers. There is no other circumstance in which an individual accused of misconduct is able to have a friend or colleague investigate them, which has strong potential to bias the results of the investigation. This stands in the way of fairness and accountability. This is unfair to the citizens of Carlsbad, whose taxpayer dollars employ police officers. A civilian review board will not keep police from doing their jobs - rather, it will provide a greater degree of trust in the police, which is what allows them to do their jobs most effectively. Please vote yes to support the establishment of a CRB. This is the best way for Carlsbad to move forward, and become a leader in San Diego County. Respectfully, Jacqueline P. Jacqueline Penn University of California, Los Angeles Class of 20221 B.S. in Psychobiology, Spanish minor CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 All Receive - Agenda Item # Tammy Cloud-McMinn For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date:Y-4,3M CA LW' ••••• M'..1 V From: Tiffani Pearson <tiffgurene@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 12:45 PM To: City Clerk Cc: Cori Schumacher; Priya Bhat-Patel; Teresa Acosta; Keith Blackburn; Matthew Hall Subject: Agenda Item #8 3/23/2021 We REJCET the creation of a Citizen Oversight Committee. Adding additional layers of bureaucracy to our already stellar Carlsbad Police Department will not serve the city well. We need to keep in mind that every action has an equal and opposite reaction and with all the CONS listed on the various types of potential formations, we need to remember that those CONS will be adopted and accepted when not warranted. This is NOT acceptable. Researching other cities, these committes have been proven disastrous in several cities. "Police subjected to double jeopardy: In Philadelphia, the first city to try a Civilian Review Board, it was found that even after an officer had been cleared by the courts of an offense, the review board continued to harass the officer and threaten him with penalization" https://nccs.net/bloqs/articles/dancierous-trends-toward-civilian-police-review- boards This has proven true here in Carlsbad with the incident in June where police officers took proper action, provided complete transparency provided to the public, but yet the activist are still crying foul. This takes a toll on our community and especially the officers wellbeing, their moral, coworker morale and trickles down to their families. This also is NOT acceptable. I'm also extremely concerned at the survey and considering only a few hundred people were polled when our city serves over a hundred thousand and beyond including visitors. It was proven that there were manipulations to not only peoples voices of opposition, and on top of that the surveys were ripe for manipulation. A forensic audit should be conducted! The citizens overwhelmingly support our Carlsbad Police Dept. Do not create a problem when there is NOT one. I'm writing in behalf of my nearby LOCAL community that I have personally spoken with comprised of all demographics, not a national agenda. I can provide signatures of proof if needed. Sincerely, Tiffani Czapinski CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Jason Fackler <garageboy_3@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 12:47 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Review Board I support a citizen review board to hold our Carlsbad police accountable. In this day and age, policing practices have evolved to ensure all community members feel safe. The oversight board would serve as a tool to strengthen community relationships, ensure that all of our residents & community members are treated fairly, ensure our police department adheres to state and federal changes to the laws & ensure our police department avoids any future legal settlements The oversight board is not the only means to engage our community members however it's a critical component. Thank you, Jason CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Julia Darling <jvdarling@roadrunner.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 12:50 PM To: City Clerk Subject: comment for city council - agenda item #8 (police oversight) Dear Mayor Hall, City Council members, City Manager, Chief Gallucci, Asst. Chief Williams, I am writing to support the creation of a Citizen Oversight Committee for the Carlsbad Police Department. I appreciate your willingness to call for community input and do a careful evaluation of where our city stands. This must be in the context of both the national debate on ways to improve policing and community trust and the local actions of other north county cities. There are very real concerns about use of force practices, de-escalation policies and accountability when a vulnerable community member is harmed. Police culture is formed by actions, responses to misconduct and training. It is time to evaluate what the long standing militarized approach to law enforcement looks like in our city. I believe that a collaborative and transparent discussion with community members and law enforcement could be part of a review board's function and would be a way to improve how marginalized groups are treated in our community. Other local cities are willing to partner with community members to review such things as de-escalation policies and this would be a positive step for Carlsbad PD to take as well. This sort of oversight by a community board could prevent issues from occurring, reduce liability costs by reducing the number of mistakes made and increase the public's understanding of how law enforcement does abide by appropriate policies and procedures. There are new initiatives by the county and money from the state to increase crisis response teams that are called for when someone is experiencing a mental health or other social crisis. I would like to see Carlsbad take steps forward in integrating these new services and I believe community members outside of law enforcement should be part of this process. I live in district 4 and hope all the council members will take this under advisement as you make your decision. I would also call for greater accessibility and transparency by our police leadership as I have been part of several north county groups that have been working on this issue for at least the past 9 months. (NAACP, CEC and NCCLC) Thank you. Julia Darling CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Written Comment for City Council Meeting Dated: 3/23/2021 Re: Agenda Item #8 (Police Oversight Body) Dear Mayor Hall, Members of the City Council, City Manager Scott Chadwick, Chief Gallucci, and Assistant Chief Williams: I am writing in support of a citizen review board for the Carlsbad Police Department. I appreciate all the time and effort the CPD has put into reviewing the need for this type of oversight. I also appreciate all the time our citizen-led groups have spent pushing for this change. I would like to address a few items: 1.A citizen review board will benefit everyone in the community. There is not a single group that stands to be the sole beneficiary of a review board — EVERYONE will benefit regardless of their demographic. Additionally, as shown by the data collected, a review board will place even more trust in our police department. 2.A clear majority of those who responded to the survey believe some form of oversight has value and need. Even limited value and limited need is still value and need. Only 41% of participants saw no value or need - a clear minority. I also want to say that a citizen review board in our city will have far reaching effects. The nation is changing, and people are demanding accountability around the world. Even in San Diego, cities are in the process of adopting and implementing police oversight boards. It is the duty of the Carlsbad City Council to make sure our community does not fall behind. Carlsbad is a leader in innovation/growth and is highly respected by our neighboring communities. We should strive to be a beacon of light and guide the way for others, regardless of our direct need. The most important and only question we need to ask is "should we move forward with creating a review board?" The clear answer is a resounding YES. The conversation cannot end here. As for how, and for best implementation, I leave that for the council to decide. Thank you, Kristine Wilson Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Justin Joseph <jjoey388@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 1:12 PM To: City Clerk Subject: 3/23 Council Meeting Agenda Item #8 Public Comment Good Afternoon Clerk and City Council, I am not a Carlsbad resident, but I am a frequent visitor. I enjoy Carlsbad restaurants, beaches and other public spaces. I am also a member of Rise Up San Diego, a local group spreading advocacy for equity and racial justice. That Carlsbad does not yet have civilian oversight of its police department is unacceptable. I am glad to hear that the Council is considering this item, but we must move quickly past considering, to implementing. Our community of activists and advocates is growing, and we are watching. Implement a strong, diverse, fully funded civilian oversight board with true independence from law enforcement, and with unhindered ability to investigate and a mandate to report everything legally allowable about its investigations to the public. If the Carlsbad Police are doing great, then the new board will have a boring job and will return much of its funding to the City. Justin Joseph Rise Up San Diego, Co-founder I riseupsd2020@gmail.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Rita Dana <ritadana91@gmail.com> Tuesday, March 23, 2021 1:47 PM City Clerk Agenda Item #8 (Police Oversight Body) r-:1) All Receive - Agenda Item For the Information of the: ICITY COUNCIL Date:V.301 CA ----CC CM -- ACM ----DCM (3) Written Comment for City Council Meeting Dated: 3/23/2021 Re: Agenda Item #8 (Police Oversight Body) Dear Mayor Hall, Members of the City Council, City Manager Scott Chadwick, Chief Gallucci, and Assistant Chief Williams: I am writing in support of a citizen review board for the Carlsbad Police Department. I appreciate all the time and effort the CPD has put into reviewing the need for this type of oversight. I also appreciate all the time our citizen-led groups have spent pushing for this change. I would like to address a few items: 1.A citizen review board will benefit everyone in the community. There is not a single group that stands to be the sole beneficiary of a review board — EVERYONE will benefit regardless of their demographic. Additionally, as shown by the data collected, a review board will place even more trust in our police department. 2.A clear majority of those who responded to the survey believe some form of oversight has value and need. Even limited value and limited need is still value and need. Only 41% of participants saw no value or need - a clear minority. I also want to say that a citizen review board in our city will have far reaching effects. The nation is changing, and people are demanding accountability around the world. Even in San Diego, cities are in the process of adopting and implementing police oversight boards. It is the duty of the Carlsbad City Council to make sure our community does not fall behind. Carlsbad is a leader in innovation/growth and is highly respected by our neighboring communities. We should strive to be a beacon of light and guide the way for others, regardless of our direct need. The most important and only question we need to ask is "should we move forward with creating a review board?" The clear answer is a resounding YES. The conversation cannot end here. As for how, and for best implementation, I leave that for the council to decide. Thank you, 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: MaryAnn Fowler <mfowler19184@ymail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 1:50 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Police Oversight Board Item #8 Dear Mayor Hall, Members of City Council, City Manager Scott Chadwick, Chief Gallucci, and Assistant Chief Williams, As a resident of La Mesa (not Carlsbad), I believe I have some unique insight into the issue of Community Police Oversight Board. I am aware that a grand jury, in 2016, recommended the establishment of community oversight of police in cities across San Diego County. La Mesa City Council pushed through the La Mesa CPOB in a knee jerk reaction to the events of May 30, 2020, when two banks in downtown La Mesa were burned to the ground, vandalism and graffiti marred many businesses and looting was rampant after a day of "peaceful protesting." Prior to this incident, there was an incident in 2018, involving a female unlawfully on the grounds of Helix High Charter School, which was partially captured on video. The La Mesa Police have been working without a contract for more than nine months. Our police department is down nine officers, with three of our finest in blue moving to the Carlsbad Police Department. The objective of the La Mesa CPOB seems to be to relitigate incidents/cases from the past rather than focus on moving forward in a positive direction. If a citizen has a problem with the police, they should take it to the Chief of Police. If nothing is done to the satisfaction of the complainant, it should be brought to the attention of the city council, the county board of supervisors, and local media. If still no satisfaction in results, hire an attorney. The individuals serving, in a volunteer capacity, on the La Mesa CPOB have no training, no experience, and frankly no business overseeing the police department. That is the job of the Chief of Police in any city. Please reconsider implementing an oversight board. Carlsbad has an extremely high satisfaction rate with the police department. This is a waste of time and money, when there are other avenues already in existence for those feeling wronged may pursue. Cordially, MaryAnn Fowler Lifelong La Mesa resident CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Hispani 14% White 73% *Other is mostly Asian origin; some American Indian, Alask Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Nicholas Marsden <nickmarsden@sbcglobal.net> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 1:57 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Agenda Item #8 (Police Oversight Body) Dear City Councilmembers, I am writing in support of a citizen review board for Carlsbad PD. An institution that is paid for by tax payers and sworn by oath to serve the community, should have more transparency with the community they serve. I wanted to share a comparison of data provided by CPD with demographic data directly from census.gov. This simple analysis shows our BIPOC neighbors do receive an extremely disproportionate level of the Use of Force by CPD. So how do we know if that stems from bad training or "bad apples" or something else without an external body in place who's primary interest is to the citizens and not the city council nor the police department itself?! Please take a moment to review the below data comparison. In 2017-2019, CPD REPORTED 257 "Use of Forces". Below is based on Carlsbad's population in 2019 according to census.gov. RACE IN CARLSBAD Bl k Other* ac 8% With such a skewed population, it's key to examine the data in proper context 2017-2019 CPD Use of Force shown proportionally to each racial/ethnic group's own ratio of Carlsbad's total population- 1 2017-2019 CPD ARRESTS shown proportionally to each racial/ethnic group's own ratio of Carlsbad's total population- Improvements for Transparency & Accountability ESTABLISH •Oversight Citizen Review Board RELEASE •Public statements about conflict (Cindy Hahn, Jose Centeno) •Results of internal investigation after completed •Body cam footage related to officer public misconduct and complaints STOP •Erasing officer misconduct records or complaints •Taxpayers paying for misconduct lawsuits and insurance REQUIRE •Use of Force matrix/continuum •Reporting when officer points a gun at anyone •Exhaust *all" alternatives prior to force •Independent oversight for discipline, such as Use of Force special counsel & expert consulting. 2 SOURCES Demographics: census.gov https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/carlsbadcitycalifornia Use of Force and Arrests: CPD. (2020). Carlsbad Police presentation at City Council (Item 9): https://carlsbadca.swagit.com/play/08182020-885 Graphics generated by below data tables: CPD Use of Force as % of Race's Own Population in Carlsbad Race Use of Force Incident % % of Population Correlation White 55% 73% 75% Hispanic 28% 14% 200% Black 9% 0.9% 1000% Other 8% 8% 100% CPD Arrests as % of Race's Own Population in Carlsbad Race Arrests Incident % % of Population Correlation White 65% 73% 89% Hispanic 25% 14% 179% Black 8% 0.9% 889% Other 4% 8% 50% CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Hector Gomez From: Katie <katie@taylorplace.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 6:03 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Item 8 - Citizens Input on Police Oversight Committee Citizens input has been loud and clear! 72% support and trust the Carlsbad Police Department. There is an decisive element pushing for a Police Oversight Committee when there is no demand or need expressed by the community and business owners. What a slap in the face to the Carlsbad Police Department, if such a committee is formed! It is time to stand up and push back against the anti police movement that we see infecting CA and the Country. Katie Taylor Taylor Place Real Estate, Inc Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Results of Community Input Meetings Regarding Civilian Oversight of the Police Department March 23, 2021 MARCH 23, 2021 RECOMMENDED ACTION Receive a presentation regarding the results of the police community input meetings held in each City Council district and provide direction to staff as necessary. {city of Carlsbad BACKGROUND Oct. 20, 2020 City Council direction: Hold four public meetings, one with each of the four different districts and the district representative, and bring back a report to City Council by March 2021 MARCH 23, 2021 {city of Carlsbad Kim Hyshka, Principal MARCH 23, 2021 CC-ill DIALOGUE PARTNERS How we engaged & who we heard from •281 people registered for virtual community meetings •150 participants attended at least one virtual community meeting. •509 participants completed the online engagement survey 5 I do mo Ii e in oar1:sbad : 1 I on o . 6 ~ Dis ,ric 11; 38 6 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Objective of Involvement To engage in the community through a series of District level meetings to better understand the differing perspectives on the value, need and key considerations of integrating civilian oversight into Carlsbad Police Department Tools Used •Moved forward with Council’s direction and hosted 4 virtual meetings •To ensure additional access to participate, an online survey was also made available Considerations for understanding data and results •An interdepartmental team, including CPOA •Multiple communication tools were used to encourage diverse participation •The data include survey and meetings •NOT statistically valid or representative sample HOWEVER it DOES provide an understanding of the various community perspectives •This involvement process ALSO invited participants to articulate their point of view while also listening and considering others Level of Trust in Carlsbad Police Department What is your overall level of trust that the Carlsbad Police Department is serving the community well? 7 72%, of partic ipants indicated they trust that the Carlsbad Pol ice Department is ser ving th ,e community well. iNeutral/Don't Know: 19% Very High: 42% High: 30 % Need and value What would be the value and/or need of adding civilian oversight of the Carlsbad Police Department? 8 301%1 of' participants belie ved civ ili an o ersight of the Carlsbad Pol ice D1epartment _ as valuabl 1e, and needed based on their experiences - • Very Val · er . Needed Valuab Some · e. S I , ee<led 15\ .2% 17% Limited i milled • 0 :Val t Needed Value and considerations for adding civilian oversight Problems Solved? •Improve transparency, accountability and trust •Communication, relationships and understanding •Effective solutions to policing and community needs 9 Problems Created? •Bias, conflicting agendas and mistrust •Reduced effectiveness of police •Increase red tape and unnecessary costs Additional considerations 10 •Oversight needs to be fair, balanced and inclusive of different perspectives. •It cannot be overrepresented by one interest group. •There must be a way to measure success. 1. Create a civilian oversight body 2. Continue with existing oversight, with enhanced community outreach OPTIONS MARCH 23, 2021 {city of Carlsbad OPTION #1 MARCH 23, 2021 1.DETERMINE PURPOSE/MODEL •Investigation focused •Review focused •Auditor/monitor focused 2.HIRE CONSULTANT TO HELP DEVELOP 3.CREATE ORDINANCE / POTENTIAL REFERRAL TO MUNICIPAL CODE AND CITY COUNCIL POLICY UPDATE SUBCOMMITTEE 4.HOW TO APPOINT MEMBERS {city of Carlsbad OPTION #2 MARCH 23, 2021 1.CONTINUE OPERATING UNDER CURRENT OVERSIGHT WITH ENHANCED COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 2.WORK WITH STAKEHOLDER GROUPS •Identify areas of concern •Work collaboratively to address concerns 3.HOST COMMUNITY MEETINGS TO GATHER INPUT 4.ONE-ON-ONE MEETINGS WITH RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES {city of Carlsbad