HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-11; City Council; ; City Council Goals Workshop – Day 3CA Review CB Meeting Date: March 11, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Sheila Cobian, Assistant to the City Manager sheila.cobian@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2917 Jason Haber, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs jason.haber@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2958 Kristina Ray, Director of Communication & Engagement kristina.ray@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2957 Subject: City Council Goals Workshop – Day 3 District: All Recommended Action Review, discuss and define City Council goals for fiscal year 2021-22. Discussion At the City Council Goals Workshop held on Feb. 11, 2021, City Council voted by motion to approve three Core Value priority areas it wishes to focus on in fiscal year 2021-22 (Exhibit 1). The City Council will next further define and prioritize its goals, including an opportunity to discuss short- and long-term objectives. Staff will facilitate a goal prioritization discussion and exercise utilizing the draft table found in Exhibit 2. In addition, City Council will review the topics identified at the Feb. 4 and Feb. 11 goal workshop as needing discussion. Those topics are identified on a “bike rack” list attached as Exhibit 3. Fiscal Analysis The cost of the work entailed in the goal setting process is included in current budget appropriations. Next Steps 1.Once the City Council approves its goals and objectives, staff will bring back at a future meeting a resolution for City Council consideration to memorialize those goals. 2.Staff will then generate work plans for each goal for City Council review and approval as part of the fiscal year 2021-22 budget process. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) In keeping with California Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Therefore, it does not require environmental review. March 11, 2021 Item #1 Page 1 of 6 Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Priority core values and goal ideas 2. Draft table for goal discussion and prioritization 3. Draft “bike rack” topics for further discussion March 11, 2021 Item #1 Page 2 of 6 Community Values Small town feel, beach community character and connectedness Neighborhood revitalization, community design & livability The local economy, business diversity & tourism Sustainability Open space and the natural environment Suggested goals and objectives to support the priority values Growth management 2.0 Homelessness Village & Barrio master plan* Ensure healthy and safe neighborhoods Ensure adequate housing supply Infrastructure and public safety Improve mobility and connectivity for all COVID response and recovery for business sector Engaging and revitalizing our business sector Maintain fiscal responsibility and stability Maintain prosperous community Ethics ordinance Bluff and beach erosion Clean Energy Alliance GHG reduction Comprehensive coastal plan (Sea Level Rise adaptation strategy, Local Coastal Program, Sea Level Rise exclusion zone) Environmental security/ community security Promote sustainability and natural resources Parks Sustainable Mobility Plan These principles were identified as applying to all core values: •Diversity, Equity & Inclusion •Meaningful & Early Public Engagement •Technology Infrastructure (tools) Exhibit 1 March 11, 2021 Item #1 Page 3 of 6 DRAFT FOR CITY COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND PRIORITIZATION Priority Community Values Small town feel, beach community character and connectedness Neighborhood revitalization, community design & livability The local economy, business diversity & tourism Sustainability Open space and the natural environment Goals to support the priority values Create a new plan to manage growth in Carlsbad in a way that maintains an excellent quality of life. Ensure adequate housing supply Ensure healthy and safe neighborhoods Infrastructure and public safety Maintain the city’s fiscal responsibility and stability Homelessness Village & Barrio master plan. * * Mayor Matt Hall recused Maintain a prosperous community. COVID response and recovery for business sector Engaging and revitalizing our business sector Provide superior public service. Ethics ordinance City Council communication Create a comprehensive coastal plan. Local Coastal Plan changes Bluff and beach erosion Sea level rise adaptation strategy Sea level rise exclusion zone Promote sustainability and natural resources. Clean Energy Alliance Sustainable Mobility Plan/ Improve mobility and connectivity for all GHG reduction Parks Create environmental security/ community security plan. FOUNDATIONAL TO ALL GOALS: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Meaningful & Early Public Engagement, Technology Infrastructure (tools)Sticker exercise Exhibit 2March 11, 2021Item #1 Page 4 of 6 Color Key: Addressed Needs Discussion Carlsbad City Council Strategic Goal Setting Process “Bike Rack:” Items for further discussion Topic (listed based on the order the topics came up in the discussion) Status/how to address Prioritization / timing and timelines AND balanced workloads City Council will have an opportunity to review staff workloads and make adjustments as desired based on priorities. Be aware of staff workload – consider what to take off their plates (permanently or temporarily) to free up capacity for new priorities Same as above. Gain greater clarity on what staff capacity truly is: is there a natural segmentation of: work they must do legislatively and in running the City; work that is special project based, and a segment where changing priorities can redeploy their focus Staff will provide workload list showing projects/work that can be eliminated or reprioritized. As we discuss and decide - we must keep our Core Values connected and part of the conversation Done. Consider affinitizing the bike rack list into three categories: process, current projects and priorities, goals To be discussed. How does Council develop more effective working relationships with staff and with each other? To be discussed. How do we work together as a council, collaborate and have a united front WITHOUT it being a conversation around power and control? To be discussed. Discuss how to use minute motions more efficiently in prioritizing action -- balanced w/ staff capacity and workload To be discussed. Address our changing finance revenue model Addressed as part of growth management goal. Barrio and Village masterplan Addressed as part of Village and Barrio Plan goal. Comprehensive Coastal Plan update Addressed as part of coastal plan goal. Parks and open space must continue to be an important part of the conversation Addressed by prioritizing sustainability and open space core values and parks goal. Ethics related ordinance (Considering the ILG process ) Addressed as part of ethics ordinance goal. Digital transformation Technology infrastructure added as a key consideration across all goals. Economic revitalization is a high priority Addressed by prioritizing the local economy, business diversity & tourism core value. Addressing the pandemic and vaccinations To be discussed Exhibit 3 March 11, 2021 Item #1 Page 5 of 6 Color Key: Addressed Needs Discussion Topic (listed based on the order the topics came up in the discussion) Status/how to address Homelessness Addressed as part of the homelessness goal. Growth management 2050: Addressed as part of the growth management goal. Part of the conversation must include equity and inclusion Diversity, equity and inclusion added as a key consideration across all goals. Must include discussion around changing legislation To be discussed. Must include discussion around climate change, sea level rise, and resiliency Addressed under the promote sustainability and natural resources priority value. Timing for fire inspection for construction To be discussed. March 11, 2021 Item #1 Page 6 of 6 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Gary Nessim <garynessim@att.net> Thursday, March 11, 2021 12:13 PM City Clerk Goal Setting workshop GRAND PROMENADE as a Goal forCarlsbad City Council.docx I am attaching a word document for Carlsbad City Council Goal Setting Workshop March 11, 2011 Gary Nessim Firsffeam Real Estate and Imagine Carlsbad Carlsbad, Ca 92008 1 Carlsbad City Council March 11, 2011 GOALS I request that the GRAND PROMENADE be pushed to the forefront as a current GOAL for this City Council. I have been working on this project to over 30 years. As a village business owner, real estate broker, Carlsbad Village Business Association member, board member and officer I worked with city staff and Council Member for so long that I retired before the bureaucracy made much of a move. I made a deal with the late Bud Lewis that I would work with the Carlsbad Village Business Association to improve their cooperation with the City and Make a plan to improve their financial capability so they could takeover Carlsbad Village management and maintenance in a fashion identical many other downtown Mainstreet associations. The GRAND PROMENADE is the first and critical component of that City/Mainstreet Partnership. Closing half of a d~ad end, oversize street allows for improved open space, better, safer, and more attractive pedestrian mobility and so much more. A return to twice weekly far more profitable Farmers Markets and other events, without closing streets, safer beach access for our youngest residents and their families and retention of that quaint village feel as tall buildings become more common. That open space is needed as the Village and Barrio density has been increased and will eventually be fulfilled with more residents but with no corresponding places to relax, look up or play. Just placing the GRAND PROMENADE in a Master Plan manual just makes it scribble on some paper without a majority of you instructing staff to move it forward. The GRAND PROMENADE was a goal before we wrote the VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN and is a vital early component to fund and demonstrate the livability of the plan the city is planning on implementing. Please move the GRAND PROMENADE forward today! Happy to do an in depth question and answer session on the GRAND PROMENADE and any other Village Area components brought forward by Imagine Carlsbad. Gary Nessim 2020-21 GOAL SETTING CHOOSING GOALS Ask questions, clarify Develop goal statements (and potentially some objectives) Prioritize V rhoods t:sibilitva!'ld gaging ourbusinesssecto a!'ldrevltal\zl!'li aa111an d natural Prornote sust "'''""" resaurce~ 1t.manc\\a!'I/ improve ~~::a1!::;e ~:~:\:~ ect,lvltv -=-~ --__ -·-,,.. --'" earr\ornaste V"t\\age & • avorNtattHanrecu {city of Carlsbad 2020-21 GOAL SETTING PRIORITIZING GOALS Sticker exercise Discussion Vote Goals Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 •••• ••• • • • 0 f.) e {city of Carlsbad Work plan & budget Work plans & budget Work plan & budget Strategic plan development Prelim budget &Budget adoption MARCH 11, 2021 APRIL 2021 MAY 2021 OCTOBER 2021 JUNE 2021 City Council check in Goals Prelim budget presented Budget adoption ~ -------------------- L------------_______ ..,. ALLOCATING RESOURCES CAPACITYCOVID 0 fl) ~ l{o Q oJI 0 lDM G) EXISTING GOALS 2020-21 GOAL SETTING By 2023, break ground on lowering the railroad tracks in a trench through the Village to improve safety, community connectivity, quality of life and economic value. Enhance the health and vitality of the Village and Barrio by obtaining all outside agency approvals needed to implement a Village and Barrio Master Plan by 2020. EXISTING GOALS 2020-21 GOAL SETTING Work with state legislators and California State Parks to execute a long-term coastline management agreement by October 2018. By April 2019, amend the duties of the Traffic Safety Commission to include advising the City Council on mobility and safety matters related to pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular modes of travel through and within Carlsbad. By 2023, break ground on a new city hall at a site designated for a future civic center complex. CHOOSING GOALS 2020-21 GOAL SETTING DRAFT FOR CITY COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND PRIORITIZATION 1±1 priority Community Values Small town feel, beach community The local economy, business diversity & Sustainability character and connectedness tourism Open space and the natural environment Neighborhood revitalization, community design & livability Goals to support the priority values Create a new plan to manage growth in Maintain a prosperous community. Provide superior public service. Carlsbad in a way that maintains an COVID response and recovery for business Ethics ordinance excellent quality of life. sector City Council communication Ensure adequate housing supply Engaging and revitalizing our business sector Ensure healthy and safe neighborhoods Create a comprehensive coastal plan. Infrastructure and public safety Local Coastal Plan changes Maintain the city's fiscal responsibility and Bluff and beach erosion stability Sea level rise adaptation strategy Sea level rise exclusion zone Homelessness Promote sustainability and natural Village & Barrio master plan. * resources. Clean Energy Alliance Sustainable Mobility Plan/ Improve mobility and connectivity for all GHG reduction Parks Create environmental security/ • Mayor Matt Hall recused community security plan. FOUNDATIONAL TO ALL GOALS: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Meaningful & Early Public Engagement, Technology Infrastructure (tools) D