HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-24; Library Board of Trustees; ; Library Reports for January 2021ITEM #5 Meeting Date: February 24, 2021 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Sheila Crosby, Deputy Library Director Katie Nye, Deputy Library Director Staff Contact: Sheila Crosby, sheila.crosby@carlsbadca.gov Katie Nye, katie.nye@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Library Reports for January 2021 District: All Recommended Action Receive reports. No action needed. Executive Summary/Discussion The board will review the monthly library reports for January 2021. These reports provide a summary of work completed across all Carlsbad City Library divisions and locations as well as services and programs presented for the community. Next Steps None. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits x Narrative report for January 2021 x Statistical report for January 2021 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES ITEM #5 Monthly LIBRARY Report January 2021 Programs: x Carlsbad City Library challenged the Carlsbad community to read for at least 75,000 minutes during the month of January as part of its annual Winter Reading Challenge. Participants who logged at least four hours of reading earned a Subway coupon good toward a free 6-inch sub or a free kids meal. The Carlsbad community read for 91,217 minutes, beating the reading goal by 21.6%! x On Jan. 13, Senior Librarian Barbara Chung and her trusty sidekick Cinnamon were guest stars on Library Assistant Angelica Mejia’s Virtual Bilingual Storytime. x School Outreach: Librarian Missy Shaw held two virtual story times in January. One for 18 kindergartners from St. Patrick Catholic School and another for 20 third graders from Jefferson Elementary School. She read This Book Just Ate My Dog by Richard Byrne and A Boy and a Jaguar by Alan Rabinowitz respectively. Rabinowitz’ title is about a zoologist, dedicated to protecting wild cat species who also advocates for stutterers. Teacher responses: x Thank you for the zoom meeting. It was fun to see the inside of the library, I liked how you compared it to the grocery store. Are you interested in doing this again?! It was nice to see you! Thank you! Sandy (St. Patrick Catholic School) x Thank you so much for connecting with my class yesterday. They loved the story and seeing how much the library has to offer. Thank you also for the beautiful bags and information the kids need to get started using the resources. I'm going to forward your contact information with my secretary so other teachers can reach out to you also! Let's connect again soon for another read aloud! Sincerely, Karen S. (Jefferson Elementary School) Projects: x Implemented in early January, staff created a “new children’s books” section to the library’s catalog. This addition will make it easier for parents to find books for their children, which has been a challenge during the pandemic. x Reference and Administrative staff worked to finalize the contract allowing us to continue our online chat function. x In Genealogy and Carlsbad History, staff pulled together documents related to the history and status of the Culver-Myers-Capp House to be used in a memo for City Council. This is a historic house and the owner has recently passed away. Accomplishments: x Librarian Ally Goodwin in Dove Children’s is now serving as Interim Senior Librarian of Children’s Services due to the retirement of Senior Librarian Barbara Chung. x Library Technician Danielle Julian in Cole Children’s accepted a full-time position as a Library Media Technician at Hope Elementary School. Danielle will be able to work as a substitute on Saturdays. x Library Technician Rosa Rojas in Bilingual Services has accepted a full-time position with Children’s Paradise Preschool and Infant Centers. She will continue with Bilingual Services in a reduced capacity. x Linsey Brizuela joined the Bilingual Services division as a Library Technician on Jan. 6. Highlights: x Eight staff members attended the virtual American Library Association’s Midwinter conference on Jan. 22 – 26 (both part-time and full-time). Attendees will report out on key takeaways, innovative ideas and inspirations at upcoming staff trainings. x Cataloger Ruben Valenzuela created patron interest lists to promote the discovery of eBooks in the Overdrive app. This was to assist Collection Development in the promotion of items currently on holds lists. Other: x MAAC Head Start, a local school readiness center located behind the Library Learning Center, was broken into and their car stolen sometime over the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day weekend, Jan. 15-18. The Carlsbad Police Department responded and is investigating. The Library Learning Center’s facility and operations were not directly affected. Winter Reading Challenge 347 Registrants 91,217 Minutes Read New Online Library Accounts eBooks/eAudiobooks 281 New Users 16,608 Downloads 98 Added titles & extra copies 113 Project Gutenberg title downloads CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY 481 in January **4,214 April to Dec. 31 (data correction) 4,695 April to Jan. 31 Curbside Service – Launched June 1 Service January June 1 to Jan. 31 Holds Placed 26,435 165,238 Items Checked Out 21,300 156,910 Items Returned 20,674 175,779 12,252 20,797 20,583 21,892 21,546 18,576 19,964 21,30019,402 23,830 19,381 23,708 21,932 21,770 25,082 20,674 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Items Checked Out vs. Items Returned Items Checked Out Items Returned January 2021 Library Website Library@Home 363 Visits in January ƒBiblioteca en Casa ƒDigital services ƒAdult eBook recommendations ƒChildren’s eBook recommendations ƒYouth resources 35,766 Webpage Views in January Virtual Programs x Storytimes x Living Room Concerts x Author Talks x Book Clubs x School Outreach x Workshops 28 Programs Introduced in January Homebound Service 46 Items delivered to 6 Patrons in January 1 In-Person Services 278 Computer Sessions 78 Account Services Transactions in January /dDηϱ Winter Reading Challenge 347 Registrants 91,217 Minutes Read New Online Library Accounts eBooks/eAudiobooks 281 New Users 16,608 Downloads 98 Added titles & extra copies 113 Project Gutenberg title downloads CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY 481 in January **4,214 April to Dec. 31 (data correction) 4,695 April to Jan. 31 Curbside Service – Launched June 1 Service January June 1 to Jan. 31 Holds Placed 26,435 ʈɷ1ɿɸʍɷɽɼ Items Checked Out 21,300 156,910 Items Returned 20,674 175,779 12,252 20,797 20,583 21,892 21,546 18,576 19,964 21,30019,402 23,830 19,381 23,708 21,932 21,770 25,082 20,674 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Items Checked Out vs. Items Returned Items Checked Out Items Returned January 2021 Library Website Library@Home 363 Visits in January ƒBiblioteca en Casa ƒDigital services ƒAdult eBook recommendations ƒChildren’s eBook recommendations ƒYouth resources 35,766 Webpage Views in January Virtual Programs x Storytimes x Living Room Concerts x Author Talks x Book Clubs x School Outreach x Workshops 28 Programs Introduced in January Homebound Service 46 Items delivered to 6 Patrons in January 1 In-Person Services 278 Computer Sessions 78 Account Services Transactions in January /dDηϱƌĞǀ͘ϮͬϮϰͬϮϭ